#But Bat-Bitch threw it into the Portal
bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny is stuck in the DC Universe against his will. He is trying to build a Ghost Portal to try and get back home, but he needs to steal a bunch from the different High-Tech Companies in the DC Universe
So now Wayne-Tech, Lex-Corp, Palmer Industries, Star Labs, and everything else you can think of has been robbed by a Meta-Human Theif who can walk through walls, disappear, and fly
Eventually, Danny gets all the parts he needs for the Portal and starts to build it in some forest outside of Gotham.
At the same time, Constantine reports to the League that the small traces of magical green goo they found at each crime scene was Ectoplasm. Basically Death Energy in Liquid Form from a Dimension called the Infinite Realms. They figure out that all the parts put together could be used to build a Portal, and the Ectoplasm makes them suspect that he is trying to open a Portal the the Infinite Realms
Constantine says that the Ectoplasm has energy readings that suggest it is from the High King, but it is mixed in with a bunch of Human DNA. He suspects that Danny is a Thrall of Pariah Dark, created so he could open a Portal the the Infinite Realms and pave the way for his Invasion of their Dimension.
They find a way to track down the Portal, right when Danny is about to open it.
A final battle ensues as Danny desperately tries to defend his Portal, while the computer reads out the Countdown to the Portal Opening. When the timer reaches 1, Batman finds a Bomb near the Portal Opening and throws it into the tunnel, destroying the entire Portal in one go.
They all stand back, watching as Danny stops and collapses in front of the destroyed Portal. Constantine warns them to be careful, Pariah Dark is a being of pure hatred, and once they piss off his Thrall he will attack them with all his angered might. "This bloke is about to explode. Once he realizes what he's looking at, he's gonna-"
But he is cut off when they hear drops of water hiting the ground, coming from the direction of the Portal. Danny is silently crying, looking at all his hard work go to up in flames.
They are all stunned. Constantine warned them that the Thralls of Pariah Dark were incapable of any emotion other than Anger, that they were completely sadistic monsters who took pleasure in ripping Mortals apart piece by piece. But this wasn't anything like that.
This was a Child, crying on his knees while staring at his Portal he had worked so hard to build.
"Why?" He asks.
"You were going to open a Portal to the Infinite Realms. We know you are a Thrall of Pariah Dark, you would have let his army through to our dimension."
"But Pariah Dark is dead."
"If he was dead, then why did we find traces of the King's energy in your Ectoplasm?"
"I'm beat him a few months ago. I'm the new king."
"Wait, so why were you trying to open the Portal?"
"I just wanted to see my family again. It wasn't even going to be open for long, I had a bomb ready to destroy it behind me..."
The Justice League realizes they all fucked up.
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sekhisadventures · 1 year
The Witch of the Blackwald
Gilneas, The Village of Duskhaven, Approximately 100 years before the first Dark Portal opened
Camillei Theodore. That was a name to know in Gilneas. Always invited to the best parties, always the belle of the ball, a real heartbreaker… and pursebreaker… and… well… lets just say she was not the most popular person anymore.
As a young woman she had seduced and cajoled her way into the hearts, and more importantly the fortunes, of well to do Gilneans across the kingdom, able to blush and pout and simper her way out of most any threats.
However… she’d been at this for a while, and looks didn’t last forever. It was her fiftieth birthday now, and the chicken had come home to roost for Camillei.
Eleanor Armstead wasn’t the mayor, but her husband was… though he’d always been more preoccupied with his own thing than actually running Duskhaven, and after the last Winter’s Veil gala he was likely not going to be having any fun anymore. Eleanor, a stern woman in her forties, stood outside of Camillei’s house and banged her fist on the door, flanked by several watchmen and, behind her, a rather angry mob.
“Camillei! Come out here or we’re breaking down the door!” she shouted, “You bewitched my husband, spelled him in an attempt to steal the mayorship for yourself! Now come out here and face your fate!” she shouted as, behind her, the crowd shouted ‘witch!’ and ‘wicked sorceress!’ and ‘burn her!’
Inside the house Camillei was frantically shoving things into a knapsack, hoping like fel they didn’t know about the secret exit in her basement. She’d always known it’d come in handy. “Spelled… ya rotten bitch… no need ta use magic ta seduce yer bloody husband when a pair o’ tits will do th’ job.” she snarled. Camillei was once one of the most notable beauties of Duskhaven, an envious sight at any ball the royal family threw, but time had not been kind. Her face sported wrinkles now, her curves weren’t what they used to be, and her famously red hair had gone from bright scarlet to more of a grey mane than the bloody King.
In the old days all she had to do was thrown on the act, pretend she was just a silly girl who got so taken by such a fine young nobleman, but these days it didn’t work anymore. Thirty years ago she’d just pout and bat her eyelashes at the guards and by the end of it Eleanor would be the one hauled off in chains but now? Getting old was a terrible thing.
The woman gasped and looked up as the doorframe suddenly shook, a loud bang shaking the walls of her home. “SHIT!” she exclaimed, heading to the basement hatch and wrenching it open, then ducking downstairs. She felt around in the gloom for the false wall, pushed it open, then picked up a candle and the tinderbox from the shelf inside and carefully shut the door so that it’d seamlessly merge with the wall. They wanted to say she was a witch? Fine, let ‘em believe she’d vanished into bloody thin air!
A few false strikes and the tinder caught, the wick on the candle lighting up as she followed the tunnel. It’d come out a ways up the road outside of Duskhaven, in a small grove tucked out of the way. The woman grumbled and slid the pack over her shoulders, then hitched up her dress and got walking.
“Bugger and blast it all…” she grumbled, “That shitty woman Eleanor, not my fault yer husband can’t resist gettin’ his pole waxed. Almost had th’ little shite wrapped ‘round me finger ‘n you had ta come in ‘n spoil everythin’… fine then, ya can have ‘im.” she rambled, going on as she stomped her way through the tunnel. By the time she emerged she was in a foul mood… but she was alive.
Glancing back at the village she glared, seeing a bright glow through the trees as the wind blew a strong smoky smell towards her. They must’ve decided to smoke her out, set the house ablaze! Well let ‘em, not like she was coming back she thought as she turned her back to the village and began to walk. She had some provisions, a bit of gold… enough to get by… but without being able to get young men to… well… be young men she had to admit she was rather up shit creek.
She winced as a wind blew up, the candle suddenly blowing out… the woman grumbling in the gloom as she looked around, then snapped her fingers a few times and focused on the wick. It took several tries, but eventually it smoldered, then sprang into flame again. “Hmph, never could get th’ hang of that…” she grumped. She had magic, but only just… a few small tricks… just enough to impress the other girls when she was a kid, just too little for the questors from Dalaran to give a damn…
“Bah, I’ll manage… always ‘ave. I’ll head down ta Stormgate, or maybe inta th’ city… plenty o’ opportunities fer a lass who keeps an open mind… ‘n watches fer her chance…” she grinned.
Blackwald Forest, Thirty Years Later…
Camillei woke with a snort, the woman sitting up in bed with a loud protest from her back and knees, as she went to start her day. Water from the well, check the traps, if not she had some potatoes and roots…
She glanced in a mirror and glared at the withered old thing looking back. “What’re you lookin’ at ya rotten ol’ biddy?” she snorted, picking up her walking stick and hobbling outside of the cabin she’d called her home for three decades now. It was really just an old abandoned hunter’s hut she’d found, but she fixed it up as best she could.
Gilneas City hadn’t worked out, neither had Emberstone, or Stormglen, or any of the other villages. Apparently Eleanor, the rotten little shit, had put word around about a witch just incase she’d made it out of the fire. Fel creates no terror worse than a woman scorned as they say. Homeless and destitute she’d wound up finding the cabin in the Blackwald and, well, fuck it. It’d do.
She began the work of lifting the bucket out of the well, wincing as her hands ached from it and her back groaned in protest with each pull of the rope, then she hobbled along to the traps, finding the first several empty, but the last one held a fresh hare! “Hah! Rabbit stew then!” she grinned, half her teeth long since gone now as she reset the traps and removed the animal corpse, carrying it inside to prepare it…
As she got to the door however she paused, hearing something moving inside. “Wots dis?” she muttered, sitting the bucket and rabbit down carefully, then going to the door, lifting her walking stick like a club. Another rat? Little bastards were at her stores again probably… she barely made it through last winter thanks to the hairy little gits…
She growled, then shoved the door open as hard as her body would allow, then hobbled quickly in and waved the stick, “GET OUTTA MY KITCHEN YA HAIRY LITTLE THIEF! I OUGHT-..." she paused as she saw something squatting over her larder, a large root in it’s mouth as it turned… and she saw a human like face, but with a too long nose and big flappy ears, curved horns, and eyes that glowed like coals.
She screamed in shock at the sight and the creature screamed as well, the vegetable falling from it’s jaws to reveal two rows of sharp pointy teeth as it attempted to run to the far window, it’s claws scrabbling on the floor.
However, its fear provoked another reaction in Camillei, “Oh no you bleedin’ don’t!” she snarled, swinging with her stick and catching it around the head, smacking it prone. “I know what yez are… yer an imp ain’tcha?” she snapped. Demonology was a forbidden art, the power of the fel was something Dalaran fought hard to quash out, but… well… nobles always considered themselves above such petty things like ‘rules’ and ‘laws’ and they always had private collections, and she did enjoy a good book now and then.
“Nottellya!” it chattered, trying to flee as fast as it could, but she smacked it again and again.
“Hah! I may be old but I got enough fight in me ta break those little twigs ye call bones ya little shit! Come inta my house ‘n eat my food ‘n think I’ll just let yez leave? Demon or not I’ll beat ya black and blue!” she snarled, rage driving her on even with her body protesting until she raised it too far and her back finally decided it’d had enough. A sharp pain shot through her as she stumbled, her stick falling from her fingers.  “AUGH! My baaaaaaack!” she cried out, falling to her knees and yelping with pain as they hit the stone floor. “Nnngh… shit shit shiiiiiiiit…” she gasped as the demon grinned maliciously, then stood up and faced her.
“Wicked wicked old huuuuuuuman…” it hissed, raising its tiny hands, and suddenly it’s hands were full of fire… but Camillei glared at it and through the pain she raised her hand and made a gesture she’d remembered from one of those old tomes she’d seen as a young woman, and suddenly the imp cried out in pain as the flames vanished in a woosh of smoke, a set of glowing green chains suddenly materializing around it’s wrists.
“… this spell… is supposed ta be really nasty… supposed ta… use th’ caster’s life… if th’ book was roight… but bugger it, I got barely any left…” she winced, sitting up as much as her body would allow her. “Demon… I bind ye…” she glared at him, the chains tightening.
The demon gasped and struggled, “N-no! Too old! Too feeble! Withered old heart will pop first!” it shouted, straining against the bindings.
“Demon!” she shouted, “I. Bind. YE!” she retorted, the chains glowing brightly as the imp let out a cry of pain, wisps of smoke curling upwards from it’s fel-infused flesh. “I bind ye, I constrain ye.”
The demon glared, “G-go ahead! Bind me, wicked old human! Spend the last of human’s life to bully poor Quzgup and die! Nobody will remember, nobody will mourn!” he cackled at her, then grinned widely… too widely, as if the imp’s mouth stretched further than it’s head should have allowed, “Die alone… forgotten… unless…” it sneered.
Camillei paused but did not release him. “… unless?”
“I can help you… human need not die… Quzgup knows things yes, knows many many things… secret magicks that can make one live longer, stronger, possibly forever!” he nodded.
Camillei raised her eyebrows, a withered liver spotted hand stroking her chin, “Live forever? Go on…” she nodded.
The demon smirked and shrugged it’s shoulders in an exaggerated way, but the woman glared and gestured again, the chains throttling the imp and making it squeal even as she winced, a migraine building behind her eyes as blood began to trickle out of one of her nostrils.
“AUGH! T-the fel! Use the power of the fel! Take from others that which wicked old woman lacks!” it hissed, squirming in the binding.
“Hmm… the idea does have appeal… those rotten little toads threw me out th’ minute I stopped makin’ their dicks hard.” she chuckles.
The demon snickered at that as well, “A pact… wicked woman cuts her hand, Quzgup cuts his… we shake our hands, our blood… mingles… then the power is your’s…” he nodded, and an anchor to Azeroth would be his, though he didn’t say this.
“’n this’ll make me live forever?” she asks.
Quzgup grinned, nodding, “It will give wicked woman the power, if she can wield it…”
Camillei nodded slowly, then managed to wobble to her feet and walked to her kitchen, keeping one eye on the demon as she fished out an old and worn breadknife. “Hand.” she commanded.
The demon grinned, moving his hand as much as the spectral chains would allow, presenting his palm. She took the knife and cut his hand, the demon hissing like an angry snake as glowing poisonously green blood swelled from it’s palm… then the woman took her hand and with a loud gasp managed to cut her palm as well.
“Quzgup, wild imp of the Twisting Nether… binds to you wicked woman…” he smirked, holding his hand out.
She nodded, “… And I… hm…” she paused, she didn’t want to give him her real name, the book had warned about demons knowing one’s true name. She thought, then remembered an old fairy tale she was fond of as a girl, about a wicked queen who she always liked far better than the noble and good heroes who overthrew her. “… I, Disonnantia… bind meself ta you… demon.” she replied, grasping his hand as she cried out in shock, her veins glowing green through her thin, liver spotted hands and arms for a moment as she felt as if she was on fire!
When it faded she looked down, her hand was healed save for a livid scar on her palm that would never truly heal, and Quzgup stood infront of her. “Now, Mistress Dissonantia…” he grinned, “Quzgup will show Mistress how to live… forever…” he sneered.
One week later…
Dissonantia looked out the window, spotting a young child walking through the Blackwald. She’d seen him many times before, seemed quite the adventurous type… a young boy of about eight or nine summers. “Roight, that’ll do…” she grumbled, glancing over her shoulder at a rather ugly black tomcat curled up on her bed, with shining green eyes and a too big grin. A demon would be noticeable, but imps were good at going unnoticed.
She walked outside and took a breath, then smiled her best ‘innocent old lady’ smile. “Ho there little boy!” she called out, “I just baked some fresh tarts and dear me I have far too many to eat, would you care for some?” she said, projecting the image of someone’s doting but a bit not all there old granny.
The boy looked up, puzzled, and wandered over. “Uh… okay… what kind?” he asked, tilting his head.
“Why… apple tarts and plum, lovely ‘n filling child… come on in…” she grinned, giving him a nudge towards the door. “Wots yer name little boy?” she asked.
“Er… David. David Armstead.” he replied.
Dissonantia’s eyebrows went up, “Oh? Like them Armsteads wot live over in Duskhaven?” she asked, “Why I do believe I knew one o’ them back in th’ day… Yes, ol’ Eleanor…” she nodded. If she had any reservations about this, they had just vanished. This would be rather sweet revenge…
The boy nodded, “Oh yeah! Aunt Eleanor! You know her?” he asked, relaxing a bit as he walked into Dissonantia’s cabin.
“Why yes I do m’lad…” she grinned, closing the door… then latching it. “Yer auntie ‘n I go way back… like when she ran me outta town ‘n burnt down me house…” she cackled.
The boy froze then, “W-what? Wait, she told me about that! She said you was a witch!” he gasped.
“Oh that! Hah, just a misunderstandin’… I wasn’t no bleedin’ witch…” she cackled, then raised her hand and held it out at the boy as tendrils of shadow began to swirl around her finger tips, “… am now tho.” she grinned as the boy looked around, but Dissonantia was blocking the only door and the window as too high!
“I…” he tried to say something… but Dissonantia laughed and a burst of darkness shot out of her hand and latched onto the boy’s chest, a scream echoing through the cabin as she pulled back, her face contorted in a sneer.
“TOO LATE NOW BOYO! This is fer yer auntie drivin’ me ta live in this shitehole in th’ woods!” she laughed, pulling back sharply on her hand as her fingers closed around something hard, the boy’s body falling to the ground. “Huh, that was easier than I thought it’d be…” she muttered, looking at what she was holding.
A shining purple gemstone and, trapped inside, was a spectral form of the boy in miniature, smacking his hands against the gemstone frantically.
The cat grinned, then stretched and contorted until Quzgup had resumed his true form. “Now Mistress… consume it… his life shall become your life! His years, your years!” he nodded, watching her like a voyer watching a bedroom through a window, a leer on his face as Dissonantia tapped the tip of the gemstone to her lips, then inhaled as if pulling from a pipe.
Inside the crystal the spirit’s body slowly distorted, shifting and changing into featureless whisps of smoke as a faint cry of terror was heard. Dissonantia kept going, breathing in deeply as she pulled his soul into her, the fel energies in her blood turning the essence into fuel to empower her!
Finally, the crystal cracked, then crumbled to dust that vanished before it hit the ground. Dissonantia straightened up, then winced and bent again. “Oof! Wot… me back is still a bleedin’ wreck!” she shouted, hobbling to the mirror and looking at her reflection, “’n I still look like an old crone!” she turned on the imp and glared, “YOU ROTTEN LITTLE SHITE! YOU TOLD ME-“ she started, but the demon held up a finger.
“Quzgup told Mistress that eating soul make her ‘live forever.’ Quzgup never said they do anything else!” he cackled as Dissonantia snarled at him, the demon grinning at her fury. “Soul STOP aging! Soul not UNDO it! Mistress must choose now! Die, or live forever… AS WITHERED, WICKED, WITCH!” the imp chortled.
Dissonantia glared at him, then smacked him across the teeth with her stick as the demon went flying, then stood up and grinned, spitting out its teeth as new ones quickly regrew to replace them. “Go ahead! Beat Quzgup! Quzgup will heal, Quzgup not die until Mistress die now!” he laughed.
Dissonantia roared in fury, then glared at the body of the child. The boy’s parents might come looking, best bury him somewhere safe…
And thus, over the decades, stories would spread of Blackwald forest, of people going missing in the woods never to be seen again… Thus the legend of the Witch of Blackwald Forest began.
Next Story
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paintball169 · 3 years
Commissioner Gordon to the Rescue!
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Paris, Eiffel Tower, 4:34 AM
" Ladybug we can't keep this going! We need help! " a bee -striped heroine's voice is heard from a distance. Abeille .
" While that is true, who is going to help us? The justice league already called us a joke." someone says followed by a sharpening sound. Tatsu .
" Why don't don't we ask Batman? He's the most reasonable one" a calm voice reasons supporting his girlfriend's idea. Serpent .
" Yes, but how are we going to call Batman without ending up in asylum? Bailing ya outta there is hard work ya know?" the spotted armoured heroin asks. Ladybug.
" She's right guys" the quick witted fox hero chimes in. Reynard.
"Why don't we broadcast worldwide news that if Justice League doesn't show up in Paris within 24 hours we'll destroy the world" the usually quiet turtle cladded hero asks. Shellder.
"Yeah right! That way we'll have even more charges." Serpent says glaring at Shellder.
"Hey LB don't you know a police officer there? Afterall you are from there." Abeille asks the once street kid.
"Yes, Bug. You know the old guy. Maybe we can ask for his help." Tatsu asks her girlfriend.
"That's a nice idea. The Commissioner does have contact with Batman! Oooh then we might get to use the Bat Signal! Oh my Kwami, what if he doesn't recognise me?" Ladybug asks.
"He will recognise you Bug!" Shellder chimes in.
"The Bat Signal is real!" Reynard exclaims.
"That's out of the point. Don't get distracted!" Tatsu scolds.
"Ladybug, do you trust him enough to reveal your identity? Cause if you don't he won't believe you either." Serpent reasons.
"I guess. After all he saved my life multiple times." Ladybug answers unsurely.
"Ladybug there's no 'I guess' it's either Yes or No." Serpent says sternly.
"Then I do. I trust him." Ladybug answers firmly.
"Alright then, Yes it is." Abeille says.
"To Gotham we go!" and Reynard jumps off. Returns a minute later. "So, when exactly are we going and where?" he then asks.
"Now, Luks call Jagged and inform him. I'm sure he'll cover for us. Kalki if you may?" Ladybug asks.
"Of course Great guardian, but till Serpent finishes the call can you tell how and when have you been to Gotham?"
"Oh that, I was a street kid with my brother back then. We used to steal for a living. Jason took care of both of us. I was just three when we started living on the streets. Jay was eight. There were a few warehouses where all the street kids lived together. Commissioner Gordon came disguised as an old man and gave the kids blankets. He also anonymously left food for kids. When I figured out that was him I asked him why he didn't report us to the CPS. He answered Kid I know the CPS gives you Pipsqueaks shitty homes. Don't think about it. When I was seven I was kidnapped by Scarecrow. For testing some toxins. He threw me out saying I wasn't good enough. So somehow I found myself in Paris. Without my brother." Ladybug says with tears in her eyes.
"I called Dad and he said Okay because the Sandboy akuma was hard. Five hours particularly, all of your guardians think we're having a sleepover." Serpent says breaking everyone out of their stupor.
"LB, Can I use Kalki this time? Please?" Reynard asks.
"Fine, Here." She says giggling.
Gotham, Police station, 10:52 PM
Gordon POV
The shift is almost over yet I can't help but feel something interesting is about to happen.
Suddenly a blue portal appears. I take out my gun for defence.
"Woah, Woah no need for a gun. We come in peace." The one dressed like a fox answers.
"Who are you? Clarify your purpose!"
"We're heroes of Paris. We come to ask for your help." The one with a katana answers.
"Heroes? In Paris? Since when? I'd say it was a joke, But the portal proves it. Why wasn't the Justice league informed?"
"Slow down a bit, 3 years, Justice league laughed on us, to specify Green Lantern." Striped one? Answers.
"A...Alright, But how can I trust you, For all you could be joker's goons."
"You can trust us, If you don't, you know her you can trust us." The one with harp points to a spotted Ladybug?..
"Okaay, What're your names?"
"Official Introduction Time!" The flute one answers.
"The name's Reynard, Paris's Residential Fox Hero! Fox to meet you!"
"Or Nathaniel Kutzberg"
"The name's Abeille, Bow down Peasants!"
"AKA Chloe Bourgeois"
"I am Serpent, The most Responsible one."
"Or Luka Stone."
"I'm Shellder, Pleasure to meet you."
"Or Marc Anciel"
"Tatsu, Nice to meet you Commissioner, Kagami Trusugi"
"I... I'm Marinette Todd, Hi Commissioner"
"Dear Lord Mari is that really you? What do need my help for?"
"We need to come in Contact with the bats, And can you help me find my brother?"
"Sure Mari, But about your brother you see, He's a Bat too..."
"What?! Seriously?"
Bat Signal, Gotham, 11:13 PM
Red Hood's POV
"Alright we're here Gordon, What's the problem?" Big B asks in his Batman voice.
"We have visitors Batman, They're looking for you." Commiss says. Who in the world would look for Batman?
One by one Teens dressed as animals come out from dark. Drat everyone's just as confused as me.
"Alright who're you playing dress up? Ya know that's dangerous." I ask voicing everyone's curiosity. Suddenly a blue blob attaches to me and starts Giggling.
"Jay-Jay it's me" My eyes start to sting. Only one person calls me that.
"P-Pixie?" I ask unsurely. Pixie nods her head.
"Pixie-Pop it's really you!" I say once i register what's going on.
"I'm never leaving you again Squirt. You're alright! Remind me not to let you alone on streets again, Leave it to Mari for a recipe for trouble!" I tighten my hold on her.
"Hood who's this? Why are they all dressed up?" B. Yeah I forgot he was there as well.
"B, This is Marinette, my little sister. Although I do not know why she and those kids are dressed up."
"Allow me to explain, There's been a super villian in Paris for three years now. These kids are the Heroes there. They came to me First cause they didn't want to get arrested. Green Lantern called them a joke. I know you'd shoo them off, but Bats I saw a Portal open. They came through it. And Jason, Your sister's the team leader!" Gordon explains.
"What! That bitch let me at him! troubling my sister for no good !I, Jason Todd will Skin him"
"Hood! No names at the Field!" Demon Spawn says.
"Relax, She knows."
"Elaborate" B says.
Batcave, Gotham, 8:56 AM
"Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth!" Red robin exclaims.
"Ha! Take that Chat! I was right!" Ladybug says.
"Red robin can you do research on one Lila Rossi? She's probably working for him." Abeille says.
Batcave, Gotham, 11:12 AM
"Guys! Emergency meeting!" Red Robin Shouts.
"Lila Rossi wanted psycopath in 3 different countries!"
College Dupont, Paris, 11: 34 AM (Next Day)
"You bitch why did you file a fake report against Lila!" Alya barks out at Marinette.
"My daughter did no such thing." That wasn't Tom Dupain. There stood in all Glory Bruce Wayne himself.
"Yo-Your Daughter?" Alya asks
"Yes, my adoptive daughter, Jason todd-wayne's biological sister."
"Hey Alya don't shoot the messenger, I filed the evidence on behalf of ladybug and her team!"
"What do you mean? Multimouse isn't supposed to be active!" Agreste says.
"Oh, I didn't know that! I mean how do you think your miraculous was taken Chat Noir?"
Gasps were heard.
"It was you!"
"Yes. Now son of a bitch outta my way!"
"What do you mean?"
"Haven't you heard Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth."
Andre's Ice Cream, Paris, 12:13 PM
"Well that went better than we thought, right Babe?" Kagami asks her girlfriend.
"Sure did Gami!" Marinette repies.
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I’m From Brooklyn, Too ~ 145
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< previous chapter
Word Count:  1,500ish
Summary: The final battle begins. (Look who actually updated, lol.)
Notes: You must read Out Of Time in order to understand this. The chapter numbers continue from Out Of Time.
Y/N coughed as she began to come to. There was smoke, and dust, in the air. Sitting up, she saw what was left over of the compound. Virtually nothing. Just rubble, debris, jetted out metal She looked around, almost instantly noticing Steve’s shield off to the side. Y/N stumbled in the Iron Man suit as she got up and went to the shield. She took and and looked around for her brother. 
“Steve,” she gasped when she saw him not far off. She hurried to him and knelt down beside him. “Come on, Stevie,” she shook him gently. “Wake up.” He let out a groan, eyes blinking. “There we go.” Y/N held up his shield. “Please don’t lose this again.”
“What happened?” Steve asked, looking around as he sat up and took his shield.
“When you mess with time, it tends to mess back. You’ll see.”
Y/N helped Steve to his feet. Together they walked through the rubble until they found an opening. There they spotted Thor, looking at something out in the rest of the destruction. Following Thor’s line of sight, they found Thanos sitting with a weapon on a rock.
“What’s he been doing?” Y/N asked, coming to the left side of Thor and Steve went right.
“Absolutely nothing,” Thor responded.
“Where are the Stones?” Steve asked.
“Somewhere under all this,” Y/N replied, motioning around. “All I know is he doesn’t have them, but they aren’t too far. I can feel them.”
“So we keep it that way.”
“You know it’s a trap, right?” Thor said.
“Yeah,” Y/N answered. “And I don’t much care.”
“Good. Just as long as we are all in agreement.” Thunder cracked as Thor stretched out both hands, summoning Stormbreaker and Mjolnir (which he had brought back from 2013). His casual clothes transformed into an armor and cape, with his beard becoming braided. “Let’s kill him properly this time.”
The three of them walked down the rubble they were on and towards Thanos. Y/N was searching out the Stones, trying to gather the strength. But she wasn’t stupid. She knew it would take a lot of energy for her to fight off Thanos with the power of the Stones and she needed to save it for the perfect moment. Y/N was currently grateful for the suit that she had around her, and for FRIDAY’s ability to sense what she needed.
“You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me,” Thanos stated, as the three slowly moved to surround him. “I thought by eliminating half of life, the other half would thrive. But you’ve shown me that’s impossible. And as long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be. They will resist.”
“Yep,” Y/N said. “We’re all kinds of stubborn.”
“I'm thankful. Because now, I know what I must do.” Thanos stood. “I will shred this universe down to its last atom.” He placed his helmet on his head. "And then– With the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. Teeming with life, but knows not what it has lost but only what it has been given.” Thor began crackling with lightning. “A grateful universe.”
“Born out of blood,” Steve responded.
“They'll never know it. Because you won't be alive to tell them.”
Then the fighting began. Not wanting to waste her energy by using her abilities just yet, Y/N relied heavily on Tony’s suit. Thankfully, FRIDAY basically took control because she had no idea how to use it. The three heroes were working together, battling Thanos.
“Thor!” Y/N shouted, her suit opening. “Hit me!”
Thor banged his two weapons together, sending an enormous amount of energy at her back. The suit absorbed the energy and Y/N shot it out of the chest piece and hands, aiming for the Titan. Thanos twirled his blade fast to divert the energy. Thor grabbed Stormbreaker and used it to bat Mjolnir to his Thanos. Thanos quickly grabbed Y/N before she could attack and used her as a shield, resulting in damage to the suit. She was tossed away, her head bouncing around in the helmet as she slide to a stop.
“Y/N, wake up!” FRIDAY urged when the AI noticed that Y/N had passed out.
“Y/N!” Steve exclaimed. 
When his sister didn’t immediately answer, Steve growled and went after Thanos. Steve tried to attack Thanos but was easily shielded away. Thor’s attack was quickly blocked by Thanos’ sword. Thanos grabbed onto Thor and lifts him up by the neck, choking him, before slamming him down and punching him. Mjolnir is flicked away as Thanos relentlessly beats up Thor, throwing him into a tree and socking him before throwing Thor over rubble and socking him again. Thor tried to grab Stormbreaker but Thanos grabbed it and used it against Thor. 
Form not too far off, Mjolnir began to float off the ground. Thanos was digging Stormbreaker into Thor, when suddenly Mjolnir flies into Thanos. It zoomed past, stopped, and then flew back the way it came. Both Thanos and Thor looked back in amazement as Steve wields the hammer.
“I knew it!” Thor said.
Frustrated, Thanos kicked Thor to the ground. Steve charged at the Titan, swinging Mjolnir, and hitting him in the face, knocking him down. Steve threw his shield and Thanos deflected. Steve threw Mjolnir to his shield, creating a shockwave and knocking Thanos off his feet. 
Steve then threw his shield at Thanos, quickly hitting it back at the Titan again with Mjolnir. He lined his arm up with Thanos to channel lightning his way. 
Thanos eventually got the upper hand, removing his helmet. He stabbed Steve’s leg and knocked Mjolnir out of the Captain’s hand. Thanos proceeded to destroy Steve’s shield with his double-bladed Soward and threw him across the battlefield. Steve staggeredly tried to get up.
“In all my years of conquest, violence, slaughter,” Thanos said, “it was never personal. But I’ll tell you now, what I’m about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet—I’m gonna enjoy it. Very, very much.”
The entirety of Thanos’ army was then summoned to the ground. Upon seeing the army descending onto Earth, Steve slowly got back to his feet. With a fierce determination, he tightened his broken shield to his arm and stood against the army. Alone. Suddenly, a crackling came in on his comm.
“Hey, Cap, you read me?” 
Steve stopped and looked around.
“Cap, it’s Sam. Can you hear me?”
A portal began to form behind the Captain.
“On your left.”
Steve looked behind to see the portal on his left side. Three figures stepped through; Okoye, Shuri, and T’Challa, all ready to fight. Sam then zoomed in from above. As he did, dozens of more portals opened up all around the battlefield. Through one of the portals, Doctor Strange appeared, joined by Drax, Mantis, Star Lord, and Spider-Man. Everyone on the battlefield watched in confusion and awe as more and more heroes arrive through the portals from all the corners of the universe. 
Y/N came to, her helmet disappearing as she sat up. Giant-Man (Scott) appeared out of the rubble with Rhodey, Bruce, and Rocket. Every one was lining up behind the Captain, all the teams and armies that Strange and the other sorcerers brought in to help. Y/N could feel the cry of happiness that wanted to be let leashed as she looked around. Suddenly, something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. Bucky was rushing towards her, a big gun in hand.
“Doll!” He exclaimed. “Y/N!” He stumbled to a stop in front of her, quickly pulled her up and checking for injuries. “Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? What are you doing in Stark’s suit?”
“Bucky,” Y/N breathed out, not really believing her eyes. Her armored hand shook as she reached up to brush some hair behind his ear. Her hand rested on his check. 
“Hey, doll,” Bucky smiled softly, putting his own hand on her cheek.
“I missed you, so much. And… we need to talk. But—“
“After.” Bucky nodded.
Y/N nodded as well. “After.”
Bucky pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Stay safe.”
“You need to stay safe to, okay?”
“Of course.”
They took gave each other one last look before Y/N’s formed covered her face again and they joined the others.
“AVENGERS!” Steve shouted, everyone gearing up as he summoned Mjolnir. “Assemble.”
next chapter >
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom episode 4-7 Thoughts: (under a readmore because, these got kinda long!)
-the outfit danny had to buy for dash's party. CLASSIC 2000S i cannot stop laughing. And also showing up to the party and everyone is dressed like the trio is hilarious. and further proof that everyone looks good dressed goth.
-dash has a closet full of cute lil bear plushies?? LOVE that. adorable. also his response to danny trashing his room fighting a ghost was SO valid if somone BROKE MY BED IN HALF ID BE PISSED TOO.
-technus being like 'oh smart, u should be a tutor!' then later being like 'forget tutor, be a teacher!' :) supportive king <3 I also really like his upgraded suit/design. AND SPOCK CAMEO??? HELLO??
-the music in this show is super. its so funky. I looked it up and the guy who does it, guy moon (awesome name) also did music for other cartoons like fairly odd parents, barnyard, chalkzone, billy & mandy, AND some actual movies like FIGHT CLUB??? the whiplash I got from reading that)
-sam being rich explains a lot about her, actually.
-I know the moral of the episode was supposed to be 'dont ditch your friends for popular people/spend a lot of money on clothes that arent You to Fit In'. but tbh. it wouldve been easy for danny to have been like 'well, okay, ill come but only if my friends can!' but I get. that hes 14. so. not a lot to say there.
-BOX GHOST IS BACK!!!!! also, danny sitting up and wearing the dress/wig/makeup. umm thats how I dress everyday LMFAO. unironically me. (hate the jokes that boil down to 'haha funney man in dress' tho. but this is a look)
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-jazz being protective of her brother once again being like NOOO YOU GUYS BETTER NOT STAKE OUT HIS (actually haunted) LOCKER!! shes aware of how people perceive him and she wants to help :( which is also probably why she told dash to invite him to that party even tho she had no interest in going!! she wants to help him out :(
-gotta say im with tucker on the whole 'should danny use his powers to get back at bullies' debate. 100% yes. let him teach kids to fight back. making dash throw his food at paulina out of the blue? no. but when hes actually about to pick on someone? yeah! for self defense? YEAH! if dash and his friends just threw food at him, I think rather than. idk doing sneaky shit with frogs he couldve just threw it back and not pulled punches if they tried to fight. I kNOOWWW its a kids show so they are like 'if u fight back ur just as bad!! violence bad!!' but. theyre HIS POWERS. WHO CARES.
-like my only gripe is that dash really isnt LEARNING ANYTHING WHEN DANNY GETS BACK AT HIM IN THE MOST PETTY INDIRECT WAYS. whatever they had to add a bully psa episode I guess. I hate it and I hate the way cartoons usually handle it because these methods simply Do Not Work. 'aND YouRE USinG YOur poWErs FOR EVill???!' this is Not Evil. even when poindexter takes dannys body, theyre only being 'nice' bc hes stealing soda for them!! bitches deserve what they get (nothing too brutal bc theyre high schoolers but damn, if they pick on danny he doesnt need to be the 'bigger person' he needs to start biting people)
-SAM TRYING TO SMUGGLE FROGS OUT OF THE BIO LAB?? girl in middle school when we had to dissect frogs we could opt out, also, they came to us already dead and preserved...
-sidney's lingo and the fact hes in black and white is sending me. also, danny is a ghost celebrity apparently for being a halfa?? ok. thats interesting to know
-I LOOOVE the trope of 'wishes gone wrong'. not crazy about the stereotypical genie, or the use of the dreamcatcher looking design. (also, I KNOW theyre scientists but the way theyre handling a cold...are the fentons ANTIVAX)
-the genie. she. whitewished paulina. JKASDFHKJ. (the ghost literally just being hello kitty???? im dying) 'why do i feel that im special and wonderful? because I AM! <3' paulina ilu self worth queen. felt bad for her also getting possessed by (2) boys later who were arguing INSIDE HER. WTF.
-imagine being the guy trapped in his now flying car. he thought danny and tucker were HALUCINATIONS. imagine being trapped in a flying car with two, what you think are imaginary arguing 14 year olds convinced ur gonna die. i WOULD say this dude is gonna need so much therapy, but he seemed totally fine and excited when they landed (I would be happy too if a chicken was on my head. chickens rule) stoner rights
-sam's bat slippers??? iconic. SO cute.
-I think desiree's backstory is so :( do all ghosts have messed up sad backstories?? poindexter's was sad too...cannot imagine box ghost has any kind of fucked up backstory. but what if. his mom got pushed off cliffs by boxes...........a la cruella... anyway her 'no man may lay a hand on me' iconic. ilu
-I know danny has no concept of how much bras cost but my god dont attack tucker with some girls bra. those are so expensive.
-its really. well its not a GOOD THING he went into the portal and got fucked up, but its good danny was the one to do it rather than sam or tucker. because even tho he was being influenced by desiree and kept getting more malicious and it prob wasnt 100% him...he sucked as a ghost like most the people he 'pranked' were innocent ppl just Chillin and he didnt want to help anyone at all. I think danny is the most responsible out of them but also, hes 14 and shouldnt HAVE to feel obligated to fight every ghost. hes a good kid and wants to, but I also feel like he feels like...responsible for the portal turning on?? because his parents did give it up,, but it was an accident and not his fault (if anything, why was the on switch on the inside. why was it that easy. why was there no safety measures. that seems like smth OSHA needs to hear about). like thats my son. hes a good boy. and hes never done anything wrong in his life, ever. if anyone hurts him im killing everyone in this room and then myself. etc.
-danny's curfew is 10PM????? DUDE. when I was 14...shit I couldn't be out that late, I had to be back at like, 8 at the latest, and my parents had to know exactly where and who I was going with, AND i had to call/text them regularly...is this a case of my parents being overbearing, or the fentons sucking??? the only time i could EVER be out that late was if I was at an overnight sleepover or smth...
-the vultures have lil fezes. why do they have fezes...theyre so fuckin funny 'ask him for directions' 'I KNOW WHERE IM GOING' these ghost vultures are my new grandpas. pick them up, put them in the adopt box.
-'I wonder why those guys were trying to waste dad!' THEYRE GHOSTS. YOUR DAD HUNTS GHOSTS. why is that not a conclusion you'd immediately jump to??
-*jazz voice, clearly disgusted* WISCONSIN???
-mrs fenton with the lab coat and leg warmers and PERM. YESSS STYLISH.
-was going to say 'ew billionaire' @vlad but. super valid he used his powers to assumedly steal and cheat to get that money, thats how all billionaires do it! but ew hes a SIMP. and spending your billions on FOOTBALL STUFF?? you are Not Valid overall. I DO respect the fact you have a castle instead of a mansion. in wisconsin. if youre going to be stupidly rich might as well go all out, torches on the wall and all. I DO like his ghost form's little kitty ears. catman. and his cape! every design can benefit from a cape. and how different his forms look, like danny looks the EXACT SAME IN BOTH FORMS ASIDE FROM COLOR CHANGES. vlad's is like,, I could believe they were different people!! also I love the drama. but dude you are fighting a 14 year old. lame. also he was like, telling danny he wanted his mom and him and like, wanted him to renounce his dad?? WHAT ABOUT JAZZ?? bitch. those r MY kids and they are both important and special. I do agree they need better parents but thats not u sir <3
-I thought vlad's 'little badger' nickname for danny came from the football mascot of the packers, but google says they have NO MASCOT?? so now I'm like?? is it because his hair is sometimes black and sometimes white?? I hate to give him props but thats a PERFECT NICKNAME. theyre also tiny and vicious!
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-why did I get so excited that Skulker is back!! its been like. 2-3 eps LMAO. AND THE DAIRY KING. ICONIC I LOVE HIM. hes the nicest guy ever :) more nice ghosts please. danny cannot be fighting alone everytime with no ghost buds like every ghost being hostile sucks :(
-mr. fenton knew vlad was controlling him, but a few episodes ago he had no clue danny was doing the same thing...is it something about how malicious the ghost is?? he just seemed to think his memory had gaps the first time, this time he was INSTANTLY LIKE 'GHOST'. then again in this ep when danny did it again he was just slightly confused but not immediately freaking out like he did with vlad possessing him!!
-'my parents will accept ME NO MATTER WHAT' so. so why haven't you come out to them yet, danny?? if you really think that?? if theres no harm, and you're sure??? if vlad is a real problem, wouldnt that make dealing with him easier, to expose him???? SO WHY HAVENT YOU COME OUT YET?? COULD IT BE,, MAYBE YOU HAVE DOUBTS ABOUT WHETHER YOUR PARENTS ACTUALLY WILL ACCEPT YOU??? 🤔 ... 🏳‍🌈 I get why people say He Is Trans. I totally totally get u danny.
-sorta unrelated, but it just occurred to me in one of these eps they go to casper HIGH not casper middle school??? theyre 14?? dont highschools usually do ages 15-18? (I didnt go to hs so I might be wrong, if I am ignore this...) freshmen are usually 14-15, could just be a case of them not turning 15 yet but they will sometime in the school year (I say they because tucker said he was 14 too)? I know the show has 3 seasons, so by the end of it will they be older? thatd be neat but usually cartoon characters stay the same age...I love shows where you can see the characters age and grow up, though...three seasons seems like a long time to spend on like, 1 year...
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writingbykrystal · 3 years
"So we meet again, Clairvoyance."
"It appears so, Silver Streak. Back for another ass kicking?"
Jessie faced off against Adam. He really was the most fun to fight, they both got really into their monologues and usually ended up dramatically trash talking eachother more than actually fighting.
Adam stuck out his tongue. "You know I won fair and square last time, you pulled a dirty trick with literally throwing Menagerie at me."
Jessie shrugged. "He was only in wolf form, not like he weighed that much. I wouldn't have thrown Elephant-Thomas at you."
While they were talking, Jessie tried to peer into Adam's mind. Concentrating, she began to pick up his thoughts. "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you do-"
At Jessie's confused expression, Adam started to giggle.
"You bastard, did you seriously Rick-Roll me in the middle of a fight!?" Jessie cried.
With Adam still cackling like a witch, Jessie used her telekinesis to pick up a brick and throw it at him. But, as she threw it, a thorny vine caught the brick and hurled it away.
Jessie swore as she looked behind her to see Chokeweed had snuck up and was now sending his vines at her. She started batting them away with her telekinesis, but there were too many, and soon her hands were bound and she could feel herself being dragged into the main Villain Building. She started swearing viciously at Adam and Ethan, who were now both laughing as Ethan's vines dragged her, along with Electra and Jack Frost down to the holding cells under the building.
Once the three villains had been placed in power dampening cells, Silver Streak and Chokeweed were replaced by Ember and Menagerie, who were on guard duty that day.
Jessie turned to Eva, who was looking a little bit worried. "Ok, kid, it's your first time being captured isn't it?"
Eva nodded.
"So," Jessie began. "What usually happens, is when we lose a fight and get captured, we usually get taken here to wait until we either escape, or get rescued or ransomed, or Red Hornet forgets about us and someone comes let us out. I used to lean toward escape, but that's a lot of work, and only usually good for annoying the guards because usually we get caught again. I tend to wait it out here until someone rescues us. It's probably gonna be Leah today, she's the best at rescue missions."
Eva looked a bit less concerned. "So we're not gonna get in trouble for being captured?"
Jack looked over at the girls. "Nah, bro, it's all good, happens all the time. Worst that will happen is Jessie and Izzy get bored and start to argue with eachother over something pointless."
Ember looks over, offended. "Hey! I disagree, the worst that happens is when you and Tommy are both here and just make out the entire time!"
Jessie points at Izzy. "I agree with her."
Eva looks visibly more relaxed. "So we just like, chill here?"
Thomas laughs, "Yeah, pretty much."
"Izzy. Izzy. Izzy. Izzy. Izzy. Izzzzzyyyyyyy."
Izzy looks over at Jessie. "What the hell do you want?"
Jessie grins. "I'm hungry, can you get me McDonald's?"
Izzy scowls. "Bitch, I'm on duty, I can't just leave to get McDonald's."
"Only guard duty, nobody's gonna care," Jessie replied. "Tommy won't snitch, right Tommy?"
Jessie glances at Menagerie for conformation. He nods.
Jessie starts chanting. "McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's."
Quickly, Electra, Jack Frost, and even Menagerie start to join in the chant.
"McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's McDonald's."
Izzy sighs. "Fine! Fuck you all, though."
A small portal opens up, and out steps Slip Space and one of Bright Shadow's strongmen called Goliath.
"We have come to rescue our brave comrades from the horrors of your evil dungeon, you dreadful villains!" cried Leah, grinning.
Menagerie looks up from the poker game that everyone was playing, using fries and chicken nuggets as the chips. "Oh no," he said, monotone. "However will we stop you?"
Ember makes a half-hearted fireball and tosses it at Slip Space, who portals it away.
"Please take them," Izzy said. "Eva has won literally all of my French fries."
Leah laughed and gestured at Goliath, who broke the lock on the cell door. The three heroes walked out of the jail and through Leah's portal.
"Oh dear, they're escaping," Menagerie said, as he took a sip from his diet coke.
"Hey, wait! You forgot this!" Izzy yelled, and threw Jack's unfinished cheeseburger through the portal after them.
Thomas looked at Izzy. "So," he said. "There were four of them, and they knocked us out and tied us up and broke the cage."
Izzy balled up all the trash and ate the few remaining nuggets. "Let's make it six," she said, as she and Thomas went upstairs to go tell their boss that those sneaky heroes have escaped yet again.
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 4: Re-Bonding In Mistral Ch 9
Welcome back to Re-Bonding In Mistral! Here, the duel is won and after all is said and done, decisions are made.
Ones that will make the Roses, Yang, and the Branwens….very happy.
As usual, please give constructive criticism and enjoy!
Disclaimer: Still own nothing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (In the Vault of Haven….)
“VAMPIER!” Summer shouted as the two descended down the elevator shaft. The Bat Queen snarled in annoyance, “You going to stop being a pain in my ass or what!?” “Says the bitch who won’t stay dead!” The former STRQ leader snapped as the two landed on the elevator car. Vampier immediately tore into it, making a hole and barely escaping the taller woman’s grasp. Snarling, Summer hopped down the hole, landing in the Vault, before the two women froze at the sight before them.
Much to their surprise, Raven was victorious in her duel with the Fall Maiden, as Cinder was beginning to turn to stone.
“And that’s that.” The tribe leader said, her Maiden power relaxing back to her normal state. “Now do Sum and I a favor and do NOT come back.” She then looked over to Vampier, glaring at her, “Now then, you’re next.” “You...actually think...this is the end?” The Fall Maiden asked in pain as her leg began to turn to stone. As Summer and Raven looked at Cinder in confusion, the Bat Queen gave a smug grin that the former STRQ leader wanted to desperately tear off.
Cinder gave a sneer, before forming a scimitar in her left hand and, to Raven and Summer’s horror, proceeded to outright amputate her right leg from her upper thigh. The Fall Maiden then landed on her back, cauterizing the wound with a weak sinister chuckle, “Better….luck….next time, bitches.”, before passing out. Vampier, transforming into a giant bat, then grabbed her, before taking off and breaking through every floor in Haven to fly away and retreat.
Before either of Summer and Raven could think of a plan, Vernal made a pained groan. The tribe leader and former STRQ leader rushed over to the bandit, kneeling, only to notice that she had lost too much blood. “We can’t save her….can we?” The red clad woman asked.
Before Summer could respond, Vernal grabbed Raven’s hand, looking at her with pleading eyes. “Don’t….go back…” The bandit said weakly. “Don’t go back….to the tribe…!” She then looked at Summer, saying, “You’re...safer….with her…” “Protect each other…” Vernal said, tears now running down her cheeks, much to Raven and Summer’s shock. “Please….!”
Summer gave a shaky, but determined nod, “We will… I swear, we will…” Vernal gave a small smile, before looking at Raven. “Don’t...thank me...yet...” The bandit said. “This journey of yours….is not….over….” Then, Vernal’s hand went limp as her breathing ceased.
She was gone….and Raven could only look at her with guilt as she wiped the tears from Vernal’s face.
The former STRQ leader gave a sad sigh as she closed Vernal’s eyes, whispering, “Repose en paix, Vernal.”, before standing. The tribe leader knew very well….that the taller woman said “rest in peace” in her native language.
Summer went over to the chamber containing the Relic of Knowledge, before grabbing it and holding it over the edge of the abyss. The expression on her face was that of anger….and Raven knew what her former leader was thinking.
“Summer….” She called out. After the former STRQ leader turned to face her old partner, Raven sighed. “Look, I’m not gonna stop you.” She admitted. “But is this really what you think is right at this moment?” Summer’s grip on the Relic tightened as she said, “People... Innocent families are being killed SIMPLY in search of the Maidens and the Relics… Hell, Vernal was killed because of this damn thing!” “But part of you feels like you should use the Relic instead.” The elder Branwen twin said. “Right?”
Summer’s expression softened, before turning to look at the Relic. Finally, after several moments of silence, the former STRQ leader threw the Relic back over towards Raven in frustration. “Fuck this shit….” Summer whispered, walking over and collapsing to her knees in front of her old partner. The tribe leader nodded in agreement, holding the taller woman as a means to calm her down.
“I want a funeral pyre. For Vernal.” Raven whispered. Summer just nodded, “She deserves to rest, doesn’t she?” The tribe leader nodded with a sad sigh, “She deserved a fate better than this…. But this is all I can give her now….” The former STRQ leader nodded with a sigh, lifting Vernal’s body in her arms.
Raven made a portal to her camp, before she and Summer sneaked into an area far from it. There, the two women performed a funeral pyre for Vernal. The two were able to cut up enough wood necessary for it and Summer provided a fire arrow as a means of ignition.
Summer and Raven watched in silence as Vernal’s body burned away into ash, allowing the young bandit to return to the planet that birthed her. “She’d be happy that you were able to give her an honorable and peaceful funeral.” The former STRQ leader explained, before Raven gave a sad nod. Noticing the tribe leader’s tears, Summer pulled Raven into an embrace, which the shorter woman was more than willing to return for comfort.
And as she did so, Raven cut off all ties with the bandit tribe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Some time later….)
As Summer and Raven headed into the main lobby via Raven’s portal, the taller of the two said, “Not gonna lie, even though you were bribed by Salem’s pets, I…didn’t expect you to be here.” The elder Branwen nodded in agreement, “Neither did I. Though I had to be here.” “Especially considering what I must protect.” Raven said. The former STRQ leader gave a small smile, receiving another in return.
As they entered the lobby, the pair quickly noticed Ghira and Kali being introduced by Blake and Gambol to the rest of the group. “Looks like that reunion went well.” Raven said, noticing her daughter, step-daughter, and their friends having fun. Summer chuckled with a nod, before waving to Evergreen. Smiling, the former headmaster notified the group of Summer and Raven’s appearance.
Noticing his leader and sister’s return, Qrow immediately went over and hugged his sister. His twin. His family. Raven returned the embrace tightly, before gently breaking it and looking over to her right as Ghira and Kali walked up. “Glad to see you three are still doing well.” The chieftain smiled. “Mostly, at least.” Summer hummed, “We all have a lot of catching up to do.” Kali nodded with a chuckle, “Yes, we do. Perhaps over dinner?” The Silver-Eyed warrior smiled, “Sounds like a plan.”
“But first, I believe you have someone to OFFICIALLY meet.” The former STRQ leader said to Raven, earning a raised eyebrow from her partner.
The taller of the three women, as well as Qrow, chuckled as she motioned Ruby to join her. Raven immediately paled, thinking in panic, ‘Oh shit. I am NOT ready for this.’ As the red cloaked teenager stood next to her mother, Summer said something that the tribe leader would NEVER have expected, “Raven, this is Ruby. Ruby, this is Raven Branwen. She’s your other mom.”
Immediately, the elder Branwen felt like time had stopped.
Summer had just said that the tribe leader was Ruby’s mom as well.
Before Raven could react, Ruby smiled with joy and hugged the elder Branwen tightly. Yang looked at Blake, who smiled and nodded, causing the blonde to go towards the tribe leader. After a few moments, Raven found herself hugging the teenagers tightly.
Only now...did she finally understand. Only now….did she finally remember. In the end, there was no difference, regardless of the surname or blood running through their veins. Hell, it didn’t matter if they shared any relation or not. It never did.
Just like how Summer, Kali, and Taiyang were the twins’ family, Ruby and Yang were also family. That meant Ruby was just as much of her daughter as Yang was.
Her former leader gave her a small smile, filled with pride and a sense of joy. “So.” Raven said. “I...assume you’re waiting for an answer…” Summer sighed, “Raven, I told you. This is your decision. No one’s forcing you to do anything.”
“And you know I’ll support you in any way I can.” The taller woman reassured. The elder Branwen twin sighed with a nod. She knew that. Even after all these years, Summer understood and supported her decision to leave in order to protect everyone she loved.
But the red clad woman knew Vernal was right. THIS is where she should be. Safe…
With her family.
“I...think I’ll join you all.” Raven said, much to her family’s surprise. “Rae, you know you don’t have to…” The former STRQ leader said. The elder twin shook her head, “No, this is where I should be. Where I’m safe. With family.”
“Of course, only under the condition that I don’t fuck up.” She said. Summer sighed with a knowing smirk. “We all make mistakes… That’s life for you.” She said. “But you never made a mistake with your family. That is for certain.”
“Of course, if that DOES somehow happen…” The former STRQ leader started with a smile. “I’ll be there to make it right.” Raven returned the smile, saying, “You better.” “Otherwise you might not get another kiss from me.” She said with a grin.
Summer gave a fake gasp with a smirk, “You would never.” The now-former tribe leader gave a shrug, before giving her partner a smirk that was pure torture for the taller woman. The former STRQ leader proceeded to grin, “Then I guess I’ll have to steal them from you.”, before the two women eagerly kissed each other.
After breaking apart, Summer racked her fingers through Raven’s hair, before connecting her forehead with her partner’s. “Gods, I’ve missed you, Raven...” She whispered. The former tribe leader nodded, a couple tears running down her face as she smiled, “I missed you too, Summer...”
The two women both shared a small chuckle as the truth settled in.
Raven was home….and she wasn’t going anywhere.
She was here to stay this time...and Summer couldn’t be happier.
And that’s it for Vol 5. We still have a few special chapters, but after that, we finally begin Vol 6.
Yep, Raven has come home. Vernal is given a private funeral and begs Raven not to go back to the tribe.
Cinder is BAT-SHIT insane, though I’m sure you all knew that about my Cinder by now.
Next, we have the united-moms chapter that I promised ages ago.
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alison-anonymous · 4 years
flawsome bandits pt. 21 ♡ sonic
Flawsome Deceptions
Part 21! Only 3 more chapters left, my darlings! I hope you enjoy! This is also being uploaded to Wattpad as well, if any of you are interested. Love you all, darlings!
Warnings - violence (not too bad though), and some angst near the end
...and smashed it onto the ground.
Robotnik’s mouth dropped open in horror as he watched his creation sink into the ground, singeing the blades of grass beneath Y/n’s tennis shoes until they were no longer recognizable. It even began to eat away at the shards of glass next to it, and Y/n winced.
That could have been her insides.
“YES!” Sonic cried out in victory just before he got punched in the face by Metal Sonic. But at least his girlfriend - or ex girlfriend - was still alive.
“What the hell have you done?!” Robotnik screeched like a banshee, rising up out his seat and gasping in horror at his specialty made poison that was supposed to melt Y/n’s insides and was now instead melting the ground beneath their feet.
You see, the lion’s actual plan had been to deceive Y/n into thinking that he would let her friends go if she came with him. But being the actual VERY HAIRY buttho- I mean intelligent scientist that he is, his actual plan was never to leave her friends alone. He would take Y/n, kill her, then destroy her friends as well so that he has a bunch of weird alien animals to conduct his experiments on. But then he got an amazing idea (not really).
What if he made Y/n kill herself in front of her friends?
God, it was genius! 
Seeing their friend kill herself would definitely put a damper on their strength, as the loss of their friend would be very debilitating. But they forgot one thing.
“I’m not a fucking idiot,” Y/n snarled, her fur beginning to tingle as her powers began to churn. She cracked a smirk. The zebra was back. “I think it’s time that we switch roles, don’t you think?” 
Robotnik furrowed his brows, confused as to what she meant. She took this small window of opportunity, reeled her fist back, and punched him straight in the face.
“I’m not a zebra anymore! I’m a lion, you motherfucker!” 
The impact was enough to send the man falling straight out of his drone and he collapsed onto the ground, a pathetic jumble of limbs and mustache hairs. He let out a groan in pain which soon turned into a snarl, and he quickly noticed that his controller was no longer in his grasp. This was a little bit of an issue because that controller was the one that he could use to power Metal Sonic, supercharge him, and shut him down. While he was distracted, Y/n quickly dove into the drone and snatched up the controller, staring down at the three buttons that blinked before her.
They were all the same color.
“You little bitch, WHY WON’T YOU LOVE ME?!” Two strong gloved hands wrapped around Y/n’s furry ankles and ripped her out of the drone. She let out a shrill scream as she went airborne momentarily, and thinking quick, she let out a low hum. Her body instantly responded, holding her up into the air so she was in a sort of trance. Shadow let out a low growl from the ground, his ruby irises flaming with heartbroken rage. 
“Because you’re a creep!” She shouted down at him, and slammed her fist onto the first button on the controller. She glanced down at Metal Sonic, who was in the process of trying to kill the actual Sonic, only to find that it didn’t change anything. She grunted and pushed the one on the bottom. 
The robot froze. 
Sonic rolled on the ground and stood up, preparing to run off again as he watched the robot in confusion. The red eyes on the bot grew bold for a moment, and then… turned off. That was the off button. Y/n breathed a sigh of relief and lowered herself onto the ground. Unfortunately, her victory was short lived as Shadow tackled her to the burnt grass.
The icy blue hedgehog let out a shriek as she went collapsing onto the ground from his weight.
“Get off of me, you pervy walrus!” Y/n snarled, immediately trying to shove the dark hedgehog off of her. But he wasn’t ready to let go that easily. He latched his strong arms around her waist, and sent them tumbling onto the ground like a bad gymnastics performance. While they were distracted, Knuckles took this opportunity to slash the binds around Spirit and Tails, freeing them. The duo quickly bounded up, armed and ready to fight, only to find that the bot was already shut off. Sonic quickly sped over to the struggling hedgehogs only to narrowly miss a burning hot laser. He froze, gaze shooting up to meet that of a very pissed off Robotnik.
“What the hell, man?” Sonic snarled, throwing his hands out to the sides in exasperation. Robotnik simply shrugged, hitting some buttons on his gloves and turning the attention of his egg bots towards him, Knuckles, Spirit, and even Tails.
“Are you forgetting that I am being portrayed as the bad guy here? It’s my job to make your life a living hell.” Robotnik rolled his eyes like he was explaining this to a five year old. Sonic had lost most of his sense of humor upon witnessing the love of his life almost kill herself, and he frankly didn’t have much time to even throw in a good natured joke when he was trying to take out a bunch of robots while his friends did the same.
Meanwhile, Y/n had other problems.
Shadow kept trying to yank the remote control out of her hands, presumably to turn back on Metal Sonic so that he could kill them. But she wasn’t having it. 
“Quit groping me!” She snarled between panted breaths as she countered all of his punches and smacks, clutching the remote tightly between her right fingers. She was in a very unfortunate position with him practically straddling her on the ground, eyes full of fire and rage as he tried to get the upper hand. But just as she had managed to land a punch to his face, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye that could prove useful.
Shadow’s gun.
Spirit’s baseball bat collided with three of Robotnik’s bots, knocking them into the oak tree beside her almost instantaneously. She let out an exhale, but her eyes were already on high alert, searching for any more signs of danger around her. She had lost track of where Y/n had gone after witnessing her almost kill herself, and she was frankly feeling rather light headed. But that wasn’t important right now. The important thing was to get them all out of here safe.
And alive. 
Tails, who was never really one for being on the front line in battle, timidly hid behind her legs while he watched with hearts in his eyes as she took out a bunch of the egg bots. The determination and the fire in her eyes… the way her hair swung about in her ponytail with her motions… She was beautiful. 
Knuckles sidled up next to them after having taken out a bunch of the other bots as well, followed shortly after by the Blue Blur. Sonic let out a frustrated groan as another hoard of bots began to carreen their way towards them, lasers at the ready. Robotnik stood under the cover of his old drone not too far away from them, and it was then that Sonic hatched a plan.
“Guys, if we can get those controller gloves away from him, then maybe we can stop the drones long enough to get Y/n.” Amazing how even in the most dire of circumstances, Sonic’s first instinct was to find a way to make it to his beloved girlfriend.
Gotta stop doing that.
Spirit and Knuckles immediately stepped up in front of Sonic and Tails, already beginning the process of punching and smashing the next line of robots. Even Tails was able to prevent some of the bots from getting too close by whacking them with his tails and with random sticks he was able to pick up on the ground. Using their amazing fighting skills as his que, Sonic sped through the darkness the trees gave him before coming to a stop just behind Robotnik. Thankfully, the man had been captivated by the fight as well, his eyes trained steadily on the fight as one hand controlled the bots and the other stroked his unwashed mustache hairs.
Disgusting, Sonic thought bitterly. He would make sure that this man would never harm another person again. 
He slowly took two more steps forward, and the second Robotnik’s glove was within his view, Sonic ripped it off of his hand and slammed it against the ground with a rock. Robotnik let out a choked scream in surprise, cursing himself for being off his game and blaming it on Y/n’s hate filled punch, he turned only to hear the static sound of his precious controller being destroyed.
“NO!” He screeched like a little girl, not knowing how to defend himself in the absence of his beautiful bots. He dove towards the little blue hedgehog, seeming to have forgotten that Sonic was… well, Sonic. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” 
“I just saved my friends,” Sonic answered boldly, stomping on the controller again for good measure. When he watched the drones drop dead by Spirit, Tails, and Knuckles, he knew for sure that they were toast. Now just one more thing left to do.
Sonic slowly reached into his right glove and pulled out a tiny little object. It was small enough for Robotnik to not quite figure out just what it was, and it was only when Sonic held it up towards the burning flames in the trees that Robotnik understood.
A golden ring.
Robotnik, for the first time in his life, was speechless. 
He could only watch as Sonic closed his eyes momentarily, then threw the ring onto the ground before him. Instantly, the ring began to glow and spin before opening up a portal to some other world. Robotnik recognized it as the Mushroom Planet at first, but this one looked a lot darker. More nutrient-starved. It would be impossible for Robotnik to try and get any supplies for his drones on a planet like that. Even when he was on the Mushroom Planet, at least he was able to find some watering holes and mushrooms that didn’t seem poisonous. 
This was it.
“It’s all over isn’t it?” Robotnik asked dazily. Sonic wore a very rare expression. No ounce of mercy could be seen in his searing emerald orbs as he stared down at the pathetic man who used to be a mad scientist. He wasn’t planning on pushing Robotnik in. Robotnik was going to crawl in himself.
Like the pitiful excuse of a human that he was.
Robotnik glanced around at the burning vegetation and destroyed babies he had once cradled in his arms. The little beings that came out of his egg sack (see what I did there?) They were all destroyed. He had gone through so much trouble to come up with this beautiful plan, this beautiful robot, only to have it taken down within seconds by a couple of angry hedgehogs?
Maybe he should find another hobby.
Maybe Agent Stone had been right all those times he had tried to steer him down another path. Maybe he could find some other outlet for his personal problems that didn’t have to do with forcing his wants on other people and hurting them if they didn’t go with it straight away. Threatening people and making them try to kill themselves just because they were weak. Maybe if he had been a better person, then none of this would have happened. Maybe then he and Agent Stone could have been happy. Maybe then he could have been friends with the hedgehogs. Even though they were painfully annoying.
This was it. Robotnik was never a lion, was he? No. He had pretended to be a lion, always putting his bark before his bite. Always trying to use his smarts and his pride to trump character. He thought he was better than everyone else. And then he got punched in the face by a girl.
The true zebra surrendered. 
“Well played, Sonic,” Robotnik had to commend the alien creature. Sonic’s eyes widened momentarily at the first comment he had ever received from this man. “Well played.” 
And with that, Robotnik drug himself forward and fell through the portal.
Shadow’s gun glinted in the dancing flames of the trees from his tool belt. 
Y/n stared up into his angry red irises and immediately went limp. Shadow freezes momentarily, confused by her sudden actions. Why had she stopped fighting him? He enjoyed it when she fought him, it brought up some weird emotion of adrenaline and plea-
Wait, what? Shadow felt a strange lightness on his waist. He glanced down only to hear the sound of a gun cocking. 
“Shit.” He cursed, looking up to be met with a very shocking sight.
There Y/n lay beneath him, her teeth gritting as tears streamed down her glowing e/c orbs. Her hands were trembling as she held the gun to his head, trying her very hardest to fight against the debilitation that he put her under. He made her want to die just by looking at her, let alone touching her. And now she had to make him stop. He glanced to the side by her head and felt a draining sensation through his chest when he saw what used to be the remote controller for Metal Sonic. She must have found a way to smash it at some point.
But then he realized something. 
“You’re a fool,” He scoffed, shaking his head. “A beautiful fool.” 
Y/n didn’t respond, but the shift in her expression let him know that she heard him perfectly. 
No, she thought. This wouldn’t work. He isn’t afraid of the gun. He isn’t afraid of it because he knows that even if she wanted to, she might not be able to pull the trigger. No, his fear wasn’t of having a gun put to his chest. But what he was afraid of...
Y/n slowly turned the gun around in her hands until it was pressed up against her forehead. 
She placed her finger over the trigger, and Shadow’s facade crumbled almost instantly. He wrapped his hands around hers, trying desperately to yank it away from her forehead. They were no longer physically fighting one another as he sat on top of her stomach, pinning her to the ground. No. The fight was now over the gun Y/n was pressing to her head. But even when Shadow tugged at it with all his might, it didn’t budge an inch. The glowing in Y/n’s eyes explained why. 
But she wasn’t done yet.
“You did this to me.” 
Shadow froze, staring straight into Y/n’s burning e/c eyes as they swirled with a tornado of emotions. Anger, hatred, betrayal, hurt, disgust. 
“You did this to me, Shadow. You made me think that dying would be better than living on this earth. You hurt a perfectly good batch of people, all for what? For money? For something that you didn’t even understand. You hurt me, Shadow.” 
Shadow’s hands fell limp by his sides, and if Y/n didn’t know any better, she could practically see his soul shatter through his eyes. 
“You. Hurt. Me.” 
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Shadow instantly began shaking his head, the last bit of denial still trying to claw its way to the surface. 
“N-no, no, n-no, I-I love you, I-”
“You tried to make me kill myself. You. Hurt. Me.” With her final words, Shadow finally broke. Watching all the fire drain from his eyes, Y/n took the opportunity to smash the gun against the side of his head, knocking him out successfully. He slumped onto the ground in an unnatural position and Y/n finally heaved in a shaky breath. She pulled her shaking body up into a sitting position and stared down at the gun in her hands.
A tiny tear drop fell onto the trigger.
She had won.
♡ a.a.
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Drag Me To Hell...
Monster Prompts #3 “i'm going to breed you” #11” look at you… I thought you wanted me to stop?” With Demon! King Bakugou.
Warnings. NonC. Group NonC. First Time. ImPreg. Mind Break. Blood.
You loved the supernatural . The Mercy Thompson Series, The Vampire Diaries. The TV shows, Lost Girl, Supernatural , Being Human . Even horror video games like Until Dawn. Anything horror and supernatural you loved. But you were taking that interest a little too far according to your friends. When you told them you wanted to try practising the Dark Arts and they just looked at you. ‘That's not a real thing ya know y/n’ is what they always told you. But who were they to tell you how to live your life?
You also wanted to buy a ouija board so you could see if you could talk to the dead. The website you ordered the board from seemed really into demons and hell but you paid no mind really. It would be cool to summon a demon but you were just a beginner . Before you were about to check out the site suggested a seance book. It was black and orange with an interesting star crest in the middle. You shrugged adding it on , smiling at that Free Shipping you just unlocked.
It arrived the very next day . In a pretty well put together purple box with a bloody red ribbon you couldn't see throwing away. So you made it into a bracelet and a necklace. It burned your skin once it made contact. But when you checked in the mirror nothing was there, no singes, nothing. So eh , what the hell. Right?
You sat down on the floor setting up the board and pulled the book on your lap to read it. You raised an eyebrow at the summoning items. Where the hell would you get goat's blood? A virgin sacrifice? Well.. you shrugged that off and found a chapter about the board. You set the book down and lit some candles, turning off the lights.
You grabbed the dial and held it over the board repeating the words in the book. The dial shook and you couldn't help but have a stupid grin on your face.
“ is anyone there?”
You shook all giddy. “What's .. your name?”
“S.E.E. F.O.R Y.O.U.R.S.E.L.F”
You tilted your head. What did that mean? “How can i see you.?”
“Blood and chalk? Like a chalk circle?”
You hopped up running to find some chalk and the dial spazzed out hovering over “M.I.N.E” .
He was sitting on his throne when you weakly summoned him. He looked up from his claws to see a wavy cloud of you reading a book. Oh look at you.. this might be fun. And you even have the ribbons on.. perfect.
He leaned on his knuckles while he talked to you. His long lizard tail slapping all around the hot ground. He was a Demon King in Hell. He had thousands of goblin minions who waited on him claw and foot. A giant red dog slept at his side , his fur was spiked on his back and the tips were black. The King though. Was at least 6’5. Lean, muscle, scary charred feet and legs that he covered with some kind of fur cloth. His chest was bare with scratches going in every direction along with the charred skin creeping up like hands up at his pecks. He had strong charred arms equipped with curved claws. The ashy blond hair traveled down to the middle of his back and his horns were long and mighty with a blood red crown hanging off the left horn. Curling back at the edge. Piercing red eyes stared into your soul. He chuckled deep at how innocent you were. He was going to break you.
You returned with the items and sat back down to see the dial where you left it. You made the circle on your carpet, placing the candles down on each tip. He grinned watching you.
“The knife. Use the knife my pet.” He said to himself leaning forward. His dog also woke up to see his master looking excited and hungry.
You held the knife to your head making a small cut . You winced, tipping your hand over and the blood fell in the center while you repeated the words in the book.
Bakugou grinned standing up as the cloud of you turned into a portal. He laughed alerting his goblins and they all ran over cheering for a new toy to arrive.
“Tonight we dine!!!” Bakugou yelled as his bat wings spread out bringing him to the portal.
The floor shook and you got very hot all of a sudden. The candles tipped over starting a fire and you backed away screaming. The circle opened up and a long charred claw rose out scratching at the floor .
You screamed again looking for the door but it was on fire. You started to cough and get dizzy. This wasn't actually happening was it?!? You summoned a DEMON? No no, i mean you CANT. A second claw appeared clawing up the floor and you saw two long horns along with a crown.
Bakugou pulled himself up stepping into your world with a very hungry grin on his face . His tail flicked around crushing your tv . His horns dug into the ceiling scratching it all up and his claws reached out to you, offering his hand. “Come. My little Feast. come meet your new Husband” He hissed at you , almost mocking you.
You backed up more and his tail shot to you grabbing your ankle making you scream out . He dragged you to him , his wings spreading out knocking everything over. You were getting hotter, burning. You could smell burning skin. You dug your nails into the carpet as if it would do something. Bakugou snapped his claws and the ribbon glowed making the burning flesh heal . You didn't feel any heat all of a sudden, you didn't feel like you were burning alive.
Bakugou grabbed your ankle and his tail let go . He laughed and laughed flipping you over, ripping your clothes off and licking your stomach to your face with his very long tongue. “Lets go , shall we?” He dragged you down with him, right down to hell.
Bakugou grabbed your ankle yanking your clothes off and threw you right down once the portal closed. Right down to his minions and dog . The goblins caught you and immediately started touching you all over. Little slimy hands covered every inch of your body , touching your chest, pulling at your nipples and digging into your pussy. One of them tried to pry your mouth open and you shook him off , you rolled over and one of them humped your rear trying to get himself inside you.
You begged for this to stop but one of the goblins shoved his slimy cock down your throat and began to face fuck you. You screamed and he just went faster. another goblin went for your pussy and Bakugous tail grabbed him, tossing him into some lava. “No one touches my feast there. That's mine.” He said sitting back down on his throne watching the goblins stomp around forming a line at your mouth.
Bakugou laid his leg over his knee watching with satisfaction on his face. His dog rubbed on Bakugous side and Bakugou reached up to pet his nose. “Hungry?” He waved his hand and some meat appeared. The dog wagged his tail pouncing on the food and Bakugou turned his attention back to you.
Every single one used your mouth , and if one tried to sneak back in line Bakugou tossed them into the lava. You had cum falling out of your mouth forming a puddle at your chest. It was starting to form a bump in your stomach and your jaw was aching .
By the time they were all satisfied Bakugou got up and they all ran off on little short legs going elsewhere. Bakugou kneeled down grabbing your hair so he could see your face. You coughed up a bunch of cum heaving hard. He smiled at you showing off his fangs, talking deep.
“That was fun right? I'm surprised you lived through it. Most women dont. “
“Hm? Why are you here? Why you summoned me of course. “ he licked at your face cleaning it all up from tears and cum. He spit into some lava and lifted you up more. “ Those words you repeated in the book? Were vows. Your mine. Forever. And if you think you're gonna die down here then guess again.” The ribbons glowed a shiny red. “Your immortal now. And I'm gonna breed you. Every.Single.Chance i get. “
“But im-...”
“But what.?!? A lonely little human? You thought you could .. play around with a little book?!? Practice some dark arts like they do in those fantasies of yours?!? Well guess what honey it's real. And you're never leaving this place.”
He dragged you to his throne sitting down and pulled you up, you tried to fight him but as soon as he grabbed hold of you he slid you right down on his hard cock all the way down. You screamed. It echoed all throughout hell . The smell of your blood made him go nuts. Fucking you hard and fast , he didint care if he was breaking you, didint care if it hurt. He only wanted to fuck you till your mind broke . Till you were begging him for his cock like a bitch in heat.
The days went on . And the goblins demanded service at least every other day. But fewer and fewer showed up since Bakugou had to toss them in the lava. Other demons showed up too, creatures you've never seen before. Wanting the same treatment. Your jaw broke a few times and Bakugou had to snap it back into place each time with an annoyed look on his face.
You were free to walk around Hell as you pleased, but if you did you had to service anyone you came across. And Bakugous dog had to go with you just in case anyone tried anything with your pussy. They could have your ass though, no matter how loud you screamed no one helped you. Just waited for their turn while the big demon dog wagged his tail watching the lava burst nearby .
Why exactly were you walking around Hell?!? A very small part of you.. the part that wasn't broken. Was fascinated with everything you saw. It was all you had left of yourself, your real self. You even found a quiet spot away from creatures and goblins. A shady spot with no lava , it looked like a little cave almost. You crawled inside hugging yourself . It had been a month? Maybe? Did anyone know you were gone? You looked down at your stomach rubbing the small bump. You had fallen pregnant at some point. All you could think about was what it would look like. And the king.
Your hand dipped between your legs and you rubbed your clit in circles , leaning back on the warm rock sighing with relief. The demon king rushed all around in your head causing you to breath hard and slip a couple fingers in. “My king..” you sighed into your shoulder. The dog howled and minutes later he was there, crouching down watching you with a smile.
“Look at you.”
“King..” you crawled to him in between his legs fishing his cock out and hugging his hips. He smirked turning you around to run a claw down your rear watching it shake . You offered your dripping pussy to him and he rubbed your stomach. “Look at you… I thought you wanted me to stop..,?”
A whine left your mouth and Bakugou got up on his knees rubbing his cock on you . You came hard just from that and Bakugou grinned, rubbing his cock on your clit . “Oh you little slut. I'm glad you saw it my way” He shoved all the way inside you and you looked up grinning like an idiot. You came again and Bakugou tipped his head back laughing into the dark.
@crushonkatsuki @knifeewifee @squeaky-ducky @maron-k-rh @lady-bakuhoe @kittifer @redflannel
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yeetustoafetus · 3 years
Hey! I'm Jay! And I've been dead for a while! I recently discovered WayneradioTV's "Half-Life VR but the AI is Self Aware" and I've become obsessed. I have also just become obsessed with the Half-Life series in general. All content is good content, Freeman's Mind, Gorgeous Freeman, the games, I don't care, feed me content. So, anyway, here's a fanfic I wrote at 3 am over the span of two days. Enjoy!
Trigger/Content warning: Shouting/yelling, blood, swearing, mentions of slurs but none are said.
Word count: 1,845
Fandom(s) mentioned: Freeman's Mind, HLVRAI, Gorgeous Freeman, and The Half Life series.
Freeman's Mind belongs to Ross Scott
HLVRAI belongs to WayneradioTV
Gorgeous Freeman belongs to Antoine Delak
The Half Life series belongs to Valve and associates
 A dull thunk of his skull against plated metal woke him up, his eye groggy. He glanced around with a frown, taking in his surroundings. The orange plate metal, the destroyed experiment… He knew where he was. He didn’t want to admit it, though. He smacked his hand into his forehead, the metal of his glove ripping a small hole into his forehead. He grumbled, wiping the spouting crimson from his skin
“Man, this fucking blows. I want to go back to Massachusetts.” He grumbled, standing up shakily. “Ugh, my.. Fucking head. Feels like college..” He muttered coldly. Dried blood, some his own, and some from other creatures, stuck in dried clumps throughout his beard and hair. A bloodied, now scabbed over, chunk of flesh had been ripped from the right side of his face, the eye having blurred to a dirty crimson days before. Most of his right ear had also been ripped off by a turret. A few guns hung from his beaten metal suit, bits and pieces having been chipped away. The pieces that remained hung from his figure by some kevlar and rubber. A rocket Launcher was strapped to his back, the weight offering him some unforgiving aches and pains. And here he was, trapped at ground zero once more. He hadn’t the faintest idea how he ended up back in the chamber he had begun this nightmare, but it wasn’t a welcome sight when he woke up. He blinked a few times and rubbed at his seeing eye, the vision going blurry for a minute before it cleared, showing him the blinding orange of the room once more. He groaned loudly, like a child being told to clean, before pulling his crowbar from the strap across his back. He’d have to do this the old fashioned way.
He walked around the chamber aimlessly, searching for anything, a loose side plate to pry up to get out, or a weak bit of the wall he could break through with his crowbar. After 3 minutes, he had found nothing. He growled and kicked the cart that had once contained the pure sample.
“GODDAMMIT!” He shouted, grabbing his crowbar and smacking it hard into the cart. “WHY IS THIS MY RESPONSIBILITY?! WHY AM I HERE?! GAAAH!” He screamed in frustration, punching the metal plated wall. He shouted in pain, hot tears pricking his eyes as a loud crack rang through the room. He threw his body against the wall and collapsed, grabbing his injured wrist.
“Motherfucker… I’m going to kill someone! I’m gonna fucking kill someone!” He banged his uninjured fist against the metal, the loud clang filling the room. He smacked his head back against the wall and groaned loudly. “Let me the fuck out of heeerrreee.” He droned loudly, almost sounding bored. “You fucking pussies keep me here because you’re scared!” He shouted, climbing to his feet. He smacked his crowbar against the walls once again, shouting unintelligible words mixed with a colorful vocabulary of slurs. He finally quit when he realized he was really alone.
“This is bullshit, man.” He growled, sitting against the wall again. He shook his head and let out a primal scream. Not of pain, more of frustration, anger. All of the feelings that had been bubbling since this shitshow had started. This was torture, and it was about to be even worse as he was left to die in a fully sealed room, alone. No one but himself for company. That’s what he had wanted, right?
No, he could have guessed that after the third day of sitting alone in a broken lab. He had tried to pass the time by hitting the portal. Maybe that would bring something up, a beam of electricity to destroy the blast doors, maybe? He gave up on that when the crowbar shot back at him after a hard strike, cutting deep into the flesh of his shoulder. Just his luck that his suit had given out right there. He shouted in pain and dropped the metal bar, grabbing the quickly bleeding wound, as if covering it with his hand would stop the ooze of crimson. The blood stained the orange metal of his gloves, drips of the liquid falling to the floor.
“Mother fucker… You stupid mother… fucker..” He muttered, falling back against the wall and sighing as he clenched his fists. “...God..” He muttered. His vision went red and his anger exploded, ���...GOD DAMMIT!” He shouted, throwing the crowbar as hard as he could. “YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKER! I’M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOUR PARENTS!” He screamed. “YOU’RE FUCKING NOTHING, I’M GORDON FUCKING FREEMAN, I SHOULDN’T BE IN HERE! LET ME OUT!!” He shouted, throwing himself into a run, launching himself into the door. “YOU FUCKING WHORES, LET ME OUT!!!” He banged his fists on the door, kicking and shouting at it. All of a sudden, the doors outside of the blast doors blew open, and in stumbled 3 men, all donning some variation of the suit he had. He glared out of the windows in the blast doors before a booming voice came over the loudspeakers.
“Gordon. Freeman. Please step. Away from the. Door.” The voice rang around the room. “Like hell I’ll take orders from you!” He shouted, glancing around. “Let me out!” He demanded.
    “Gordon. Freeman. Please step. Away from the. Door, Now.” The voice repeated. He growled and crossed his arms. “Why should I? What are you gonna do about it, bitch?” He shouted. As soon as the words left his lips, a dart was shot into his neck. He yelped, grabbing at the prick in his neck. It was too late for it anyway, the tranquilizer had already begun pumping through his veins, his heightened heart rate not helping at all. He collapsed in a matter of moments, the heavy metal suit clanging to the floor with his limp body being dragged down with it. The blood from his shoulder painted the orange metal. After the disembodied voice was sure he was done, they allowed the three other men in, slamming the blast door behind them.
The men had been walking around the chamber quietly, inspecting it as the other man was passed out. One of them was quietly muttering to himself, more nervously than anything. One of the men was completely silent, peering around the room silently. The last one had a smug grin on his face the whole time, checking himself out in the reflection of the beaten metal. They all looked over in tandem as the waking man groaned, blinking quietly as he awoke. He looked around quietly, catching one of the men in his view. “...Who the fuck are you?” He grumbled at him. The man in question was tall, but rounder in some areas, a dad body as many would suggest. His skin was darker than the man who had spoken, most likely a mixed heritage. His hair was curly and was tied into a ponytail, streaks of gray running through the dark brown locks. His beard was a bit longer than Gordon’s, and his glasses had a crack through the lens. The other men in the room had similar features, each of them donning a beard and glasses. “Who.. Who the fuck are you?” He muttered to the men, going to stand up before almost falling again. “D-dammit..” He growled. One of the men stepped forward to help Gordon get footing but he batted him away. “Don’t touch me! Who are you?! Answer my questions!” He demanded from the three. The taller one stepped forward and cleared his throat. “I’m Gordon Freeman. I don’t know how I got here, And I have no clue who these two are.” He gestured to the silent one and the one checking himself out. The first Gordon barked out a laugh. “I know I look awesome, but you don’t gotta pretend to be me!” He smirked, but the other Gordon just raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure what you mean. I am Gordon Freeman, I’m not kidding.” 
The first man frowned. “I’m not fucking slow, dude. Just admit it, What’s your name?” The other man frowned. “I don’t think this is very funny, bro. Who are you?” He pointed at the silent one. “You. What’s your name?” The man looked him up and down silently before holding his hands up slightly. ‘My name is Gordon Freeman.’ He signed, looking between the three. Two of them stared at him like he had just grown 3 heads. He sighed quietly, this was going to be hard. He was going to try and translate before the one who hadn’t joined the conversation yet, the vain one, chimed in. “He said his name was Gordon Freeman as well.” The other three looked over to him. 
‘You can read signs?’ The silent one signed again. He nodded and looked over at the other two men. “I guess I’m the only one with a different name?” He frowned, raising an eyebrow. “Gorgeous Freeman. In the flesh.” The other three stared at him like he was an alien, and the frown etched deeper into his cheeks. “Whatever. You three seem to have a.. Naming situation. I might have an idea.” He nodded, smirking like a jackass.
    “Oh my god- Get on with it.” The first Gordon growled. Gorgeous held up his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, calm your tits. You can be… Freemind. Because you clearly have one of those.” He muttered, earning a growl from Freemind. “Let’s see… You.” He pointed to the taller, rounder Gordon. “Where were you before this?” He asked. “I.. was with a group of scientists.. And a security guard.” He answered, figuring specifics weren’t needed.
    “Coolio. So… I guess you could be...Hm.” He thought silently. “...What’s something people called you?”
    “Uh… The security guard called me a lot of things, mostly Gordon Feetman, but-” “Great, that’s your name.” Gorgeous cut him off with a smile. Feetman tried to protest, but he was blatantly ignored. “And you can be Freeman.” He pointed at the mute Gordon. He thought for a few seconds before giving him a thumbs up. “Great! We got names sorted. Now… How-”
    “There’s no way out.” Freemind muttered, crossing his arms. “I’ve been trying for 3 days, this room is built like it’s meant to take a damn missile.” “Well, you’ve never met me.” Gorgeous smirked, nudging  Freemind. It earned him a rough thwack to the side of his head. “Rude..” He muttered, walking over to the blast doors. He looked around and spied the crowbar that had been thrown. He picked it up, admiring it for a few seconds before shoving the sharp end between the doors. The other 3 watched silently as Gorgeous, with all of the strength in his body, forced the blast doors open. He turned back to Freemind with an asshole smirk. “I’ll wait for my applause.” “You’ll be waiting a while, then.” Freeman grunted, walking past him. Gorgeous shrugged and followed after him, Feetman and Freeman tailing behind slightly. And they were off.
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Chronicles of the Supernovas: Chosen
Chapter 6: Lost Children
“Help me….”
I paused and raised an eyebrow as I heard a voice. “Masami? Are you alright?” I glanced down the hall as my wife turned the corner from the kitchen. She pursed her lips as she handed me a bag full of food for our mission.
“I’m fine Callum. Are you ok?”
“Yes, I just thought I heard something. I thought you were asking for help with something. It might have just been nothing…”
“Are you sure? You have been off in your head a lot lately.”
‘That’s because I’ve been distracted by your secret.’ I brushed that thought away as I pulled her close and kissed her head. “Just really focused on work angel. Plus, I’m trying to plan out our anniversary. I think this mission is going to take some time. I’m afraid that I might miss it now.”
“Don’t you worry about that Callum. We have so many years of anniversaries to get through. Missing a few here and there will not ruin us. Besides, when you are done, we can go somewhere. This gives me more time to think of what to get you.”
“You never have to get me anything angel. Having you by my side has always been enough.” She giggled and snuggled into my chest as I kissed her head again. “I do hope this doesn’t take that long though.”
“When you get back we can continue our fun from earlier?” She looked up at me and batted her eyelashes as she stroked my beard. “That is if you aren’t too tired…”
“I always have enough energy for you Masami.” I lifted her up by her thighs and she wrapped her legs around my waist. “We could have a round right now if you’d like?”
“You have an assignment to do. I suggested when you come back so we can have a nice long loving session.” She kissed me gently before she got down from my arms. “You just let me know when you’re almost done. I’ll make your favorite.” 
“Ok angel...I’ll try to finish this quickly.” She gave me one last kiss before she waved at me as I went to the door. I stopped just before I grabbed the handle. I should ask her now, especially if we might miss our anniversary. The thought would pague me the entire time. It was now or never. I turned around quickly as Masami looked at me with a raised brow.
“Is something wrong?”
“Masami I…” Her gentle smile warmed my heart and I just couldn’t do it. I’d hate to confront her before I leave and we get into a fight about it. That was the last thing I wanted to happen between us. “I’ll miss you angel.”
“I will miss you too my love…” She blew me a kiss as I left our home. I teleported away to Lady Serafina’s temple to meet with the others. I heard Celica and Nim arguing with each other before I opened the door. Sighing deeply, I entered Lady Serafina’s throne room and smiled a bit at the bickering of Nim and Celica. Lady Serfina paid them no mind as she conversed with Ka’seem. I really wished that the two of them could get along when we aren’t on the field. They work exceptionally well together in a fight, but off field they are vicious. 
“Hey Callum! Ready to kick some ass?” I shook my head at Nerissa as she stretched out her legs on the floor. 
“I’m hoping that it won’t come to that honestly...the less fighting the better.”
“Oh there’s no fun in that…” She pouted like a child and I patted her head as I walked over to the others. Celica threw her hand up into Nim’s face effectively ending their squabble as she looked at me with a small smile.
“You all set to go Callum?”
“Yes I am. Are you?”
“Oh I’ve been ready to go. The dog was just giving me some “helpful” advice.” Nim was still seething as he growled low in his throat. “Oh? Something you have to say? Speak boy...come on I have a biscuit for you~”
“Listen you rat faced bitch! How about I put my foo-”
“Alright alright you two. Stop the fighting and let’s get going.” I turned Nim away from Celica and walked him over to Ka’seem and Lady Serafina. “You really need to stop letting her get to you. The both of you have been friends for far too long for this.”
“Friends? Tch...I wouldn’t even call us associates…”
“My apologies...I meant comrade in arms.”
“Yeah right…” He rolled his eye dramatically and I chuckled at his annoyed face.
“Come on Nim...I know that you at least respect her...somewhat…”
“I respect her skill as a fighter and status as a Goddess, but her personality is shit just like her fucking face. The woman is rotten to the core. It’s like her soul purpose in life is to be an annoying bitch.”
“Right…” I could feel the conversation going to a more negative place, but thankfully Ka’seem and Lady Serafina were done with their conversation. “Has there been any changes?”
“Nah...we’re all set to go. I just wanted to get a scope of the planet. I actually haven’t been here before, but that might have to do with Celica being stingy in her jurisdiction.”
“I just don’t want you running around my area and fucking something up.
“Hey...it’s not like I knew I was carrying an invasive species on my person….”
“It took years for that planet to recover Ka’seem. I don’t care if you and your pantheon show up in my jurisdiction. I just want you all to be more careful and aware.”
“Yes yes my bad..” Lady Serafina tucked away a planet she was constructing to address us. We lined up in front of her as she smiled at us.
“My Supernovas...I need you to exercise caution as you partake in this mission. We have no idea the scope of what the Darkness could be planning. I need you all to be through but also safe. I suspect that this is not one isolated incident. I have other things I must attend to with the other Gods and Goddesses. If you really need my assistance, you may contact me. Bring these poor beings back to their homes and families my Novas. I wish you all the very best of luck and look out for each other.” With a delicate twirl of her hand, Lady Serafina opened a portal leading to our destination.
“Thank you Lady Serafina!” We all coursed as one before we set out through the portal. After a brief blinding light, we found ourselves in a deep thicket of trees. Small creatures scurried away from us as we put away our weapons. The last thing we wanted was to draw unnecessary attention to ourselves. I handed the others their food from Masami and they tucked it away into the pocket dimensions we each had for our weapons. 
“Oh Callum...have I ever mentioned how much I love your wife and how she takes care of us?” I chuckled as Nerissa took a few bites of her food and moaned in happiness.
“All the time Nerissa.” Before Masami came into our lives we would pretty much be on our own in regards to food on our missions. Most of the time we just ate what was available, which was never the best and we ended up sick. It was a struggle not to eat everything at once. Everyone often tried to pick at their food so as not to eat it all. Nerissa was already struggling on that front.
“Callum, you’re still glowing…” Celica said to me as she walked over. “You look like a damn lighthouse…”
“Oh sorry...I always forget…” Our usual godly glow was not often noticeable when in our temples or realm of the Gods. Mortal beings always lost their composure when they encountered a God. If the Darkness was really here, then our presence had to be as masked as possible. “Let’s head out and meet back up in four hours.”
“Right…” Ka’seem and Celica followed me as Nim and Nerissa went in their own direction. It was a short walk to the...village, if you could even call it that. Most of the homes were damaged and in the process of walking apart. Beggars were leaned up against decayed buildings and others were drunk and stumbling down the streets. Most looked at us with cautious eyes and others just shot us dirty glares as we walked through the village. A few buildings seemed intact, and I nodded at Celica and Ka’seem and they broke off to gather information. I looked around trying to figure out the best approach so as not to scare them off. 
“Change sir?” Feeling a tug on my pants, I looked down at a man, who looked no more than thirty with rotting teeth and a crooked smile. “Money?”
“Oh of course…” I knelt down and put some money into his hands. His eyes widened before he laughed and coughed. He clutched his chest in pain for a second, and I frowned deeply in worry.
“Do you need medical assistance?”
“I need more money...you're gonna get mugged out here with that much money on you.”
“I will take my chances.”
“You aren’t from around here are you?”
“Is it that easy to tell?” I stood back up as he smiled darkly at me. I didn’t want to risk him attacking me this early on. “I thought I was being inconspicuous.”
“A funny guy...you won’t last here.”
“Why is that?” He narrowed his eyes at me when I asked and he scoffed and looked away from me. I probably shouldn’t push the question but I needed information. “Is there a reason I should be worried about? I figured this was a quiet place despite all the crumbled buildings and such.”
“Your curiosity could get you killed here…”
“Oh?” I knelt back down and looked him hard in the eyes as I pulled a large bag of money out. “If you tell me what I want to know...then I can easily get you off the street.”
“So paying me is how you want information?”
“It seems to be the language you want to speak. I’m just acting accordingly. Now...do you want the money or not?” I jiggled the bag in front of him as his frown deepened. 
“As much as it might seem that I want money...that isn’t what I truly want.”
“Well...what is it that you want?” I watched curiously as his face changed and a deep sadness displayed in his eyes. I figured he was lying, but now I knew that he wasn’t. I didn’t want to press further for his sake, but I knew it would hopefully solve both of our issues.
“I can help-”
“No you can’t!” He roared at me as he stood up. “No one gives a damn about this sad planet! Nor does anyone care for its people!” He spit at my feet and grunted angrily as he walked away.
“That could have gone better….” I rubbed my head as I walked deeper into the town to see if the others had any luck. I spotted Celica by a broken water fountain glaring down at a homeless man who glared right back. I walked up next to her and raised a concerned eyebrow at their silent contest.
“He’s thinking that he’s intimidating...but I can assure you that you’re not…” 
“Celica...stop it...I can see his breath….” Celica blinked hard and the air lost its chill. The man stopped his shivering but the glare continued nevertheless. “I think you should stop making my friend so angry...she gets rather unpleasant when she has her fits.”
“I do not have fits…” She scoffed at me and threw her hands on her hips. “I know that he knows something and he’s being a bitch about it.”
“The only bitch I see around here is you!”
“You little-” I pulled her away before her boot connected with the man’s face. Moving her behind a building, I gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. “I was only going to break him a little bit.”
”Low profile Celica….we need to find Ka’seem now. I haven’t seen him in quite some time.”
“He might have found something not in the town. Although there is something that I have noticed and I don’t like it one bit.”
“What would that be?” She crossed her arms and let out a breath as she gave me a hard, but worried look.
“I haven’t seen a single child…” My eyes widened as I turned and looked around the empty square. She was right. Even those who were homeless and poor, managed to have children of their own.   Seeing at least one child would have been preferred. Perhaps that is why it seemed eerily quiet in the town,  we were sent to a relatively populated area, but it seemed that it was not the case. 
“The Darkness….”
“It has been some time since the Darkness did anything with children. The thought of it is making me sick, and is making this a more urgent matter.” She shuffled in place before she huffed and walked off. “I’m going to check  that bar and see if I can find anything. Callum...we can’t allow the Darkness to massacre children again...not again.”
“I know Celica...go.” She nodded before heading to the bar. I wasted no time either as I went looking around the town. I needed someone, anyone to tell me what was going on in this place. The people on this planet are too closed off and scared. Whatever happened here happened recently, but it also gives us an advantage. There was still time to hopefully find the kidnapped children, and that was only if they hadn't been killed yet.
“Please…” I stopped as I heard a prayer pass through my mind. I stopped abruptly as I heard crying in a nearby alleyway. I furrowed my brow as I went to investigate it. I stopped as  I saw a woman in deep prayer with her face pressed into the dirt. I knelt beside her and placed my hand on her trembling shoulder, she didn’t even flinch as she kept saying her prayer.
“Ma’am...are you alright?” She finally looked up at me and her eyes shone with fresh tears ready to fall any second. “What is making you upset?”
“M-My son...he was t-taken from me…” I straightened my shoulders back as I frowned deeply.
“Who took your son?”
“It doesn’t matter. How would you be able to help me? No one cares about the people here...no one cares about my son!”
“I care ma’am. I specifically came here to assist the people here. Just tell me what happened to all of the children in this town.” I smiled at her to ease a bit of her worries and it seemed to work as she wiped her eyes and fully faced me.
“T-The children started being taken about a month ago. Men in dark clothes came and demanded that we hand our children over. Most of the adults offered themselves, but they were only interested in the children. Those that fought were killed quickly or injured for their actions. I tried to take my son and leave but...but I wasn’t quick enough.”
“I’m sorry…” She burst into tears again and my heart ached for her and the other parents that lost their children. “What did your son look like?”
“He...he has short curly hair like mine and bright g-green eyes. His name is Brian and he has a mole on his left shoulder. He’s a sweet boy...he doesn’t deserve this…”
“I will bring your son back to you...my friends and I will bring back all of the children who have been taken from their families.”
“W-What?” Her face betrayed the hope I could hear in her voice, but I smiled regardless and she gave me a weak one back. “You..you will? How?”
“My friends and I do deeds like this for a living. I will bring Brian back, I promise.” 
“Thank you! Thank you!” As I stood up, she knelt at my feet and cried harder. “Bless you sir...I thank the gods for your kindness!” 
“You don’t need to thank me. You just hold on a bit longer, that is all that I ask.” She nodded as I handed her a tissue and she wiped at her face. Leaving her alone, an unimaginable sadness flowed right through me. I knew that I should have never promised to bring her son back. The Darkness had always been an unhinged force. I know when we inform the others about the missing children they will all have the same thought.
Almost half of the missing...will be dead.
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/653031863907221504/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/653031081005760512/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
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pandastern · 4 years
Gravity (Bakugou x OC)
Part 6: Sharp knifes and blood (past)
Bakugou x Vigilante!OC
Warnings: angst, explicit language, violence
Word count: 2943
Genre: enemies to lovers ; angst ; romance, slow burn
When a new student makes an entrance, Bakugou has a real bad feeling. There is something about this girl that just doesnt feel right. From the flaming hair to the calculating glint in her green eyes, everything about her just pisses him off.
Little does he know that his fate is intertwined with the person he despises so much, defining his future path in a way he would have never expected.
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Black and purple smoke clouded Artemis’s vision, dulling her senses to the point where she didn’t know which way was up and which was down. She tried to fight, but her hands grabbed at nothing while a deep, gruff laugh rang in her ear. Where was she? What was happening?
Adrenaline flooded her system as the sensation of being tossed around in a whirlpool of darkness and void made her head spin. She couldn't breathe. She needed to get away. She needed to run!
As the breath was choked out of her, Artemis clutched her throat. Panic rose in the pit of her stomach. There was no way she could fight an enemy she could neither feel nor hear. Her quirk was useless in this deafening void. Her mind raced as she searched for a way to fight this, to save herself.
Just when she thought she couldn’t take it anymore, the darkness ripped open and she fell. She hit the ground with a painful thud and gasped for air, her aching lungs finally filling with oxygen again. Her body screamed at her to curl up and hide until she’d caught her breath, but the thudding of four heartbeats so close to her forced her back onto her feet.
She found herself in a room with collapsed and crumbling walls. How the hell had she ended up here? Where was her class? The last thing she remembered was her classmates and her trying to get to the exit after the villains had attacked. The black wispy cloud that she’d seen at the fountain had turned out to be a villain with a portal quirk. Artemis recalled how he’d stepped into their way and Thirteen had tried to suck him up with her quirk, but Bakugou and Kirishima had attacked before they’d had a chance to. Then darkness and void. Goddamnit.
Her gaze fell on the four villains in front of her. She could tell by their cruel smirks that they weren’t friendly, not to mention the aura of bloodlust that surrounded them.
Focus, Artemis. Observe.
The villains seemed to be holding back from attacking in order to examine her movements. They were probably taking in every detail, predicting how she would fight and what her quirk was. So, they were cautious. It hit her that her class had most likely been separated on purpose, with her friends sent to different locations to make them easier to take down. The others were probably still inside the USJ.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Artemis looked closer at her opponents. There were three men and one woman. She narrowed her eyes at them and reached out with her senses. There wasn’t a lot of water to be drawn out of the building. She guessed that the portal itself had landed her in the collapsed zone.
For a few minutes, they just stared at each other, each side sizing the other up. Why aren’t they attacking? Artemis thought. They had her here alone. Unless...
“What the hell are we waiting for? She’s just a kid. Get her,” growled the man on her left. His skin was covered in something that looked like rocks.
Artemis perked up. So, she was right. These villains may have gotten in here and separated the students and teachers, but they hadn’t done their research. They didn’t know what kind of quirks they were facing.
She focused her quirk with her hand, trying to gather as much water as she could to form a weapon. Her bow would be highly impractical in closed quarters.
The woman of the group groaned at her companion’s words in frustration. “We’ve been told to judge them by their quirks, not their age, you absolute twit,” she hissed.
“Look at her, though! The little mouse is scared out of her mind,” a man with bat wings cackled, walking towards her.
Artemis’s heartbeat quickened. Four against one would be quite a challenge, even for her. Yes, she’d experienced worse odds before and beat them, but she’d come out on the other side exhausted and injured, and she needed to conserve her strength today. Who was saying there weren’t more enemies waiting for her after she’d dealt with these ones? She had to be smart about this.
As Bat Wings drew closer, Artemis readied her body for attack. Her muscles tensed like a cat’s, ready to pounce, adrenaline flooding her system. The moment she launched her attack, she’d have seconds to cause as much damage as possible. These villains didn’t know her skill level, but as soon as they found out her quirk, they’d begin to plan ways to counter it. Then she’d be in trouble.
She watched Bat Wings’ feet, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. One step, then another. Just as he looked like he would attack her, she moved. Sure enough, he lunged for her, swinging his arm in a punch. Artemis grabbed his arm, yanked him towards her and buried her knee in his face with a crunch.
He groaned as his nose was broken. Using him to vault herself upwards, Artemis jumped right onto the stoneskin villain. There was no use in piercing him with her usual water needles, so she took advantage of his surprise to wrap her legs around his neck, using her weight to spin him around into the third male villain. Both of them toppled over with confused yelps. 
“What are you doing? Grab her!” the woman yelled, her nails growing into silvery sharp darts that she flung at Artemis. They sped towards her so fast she barely had time to dodge. Rolling out of the way, she felt a hiss as the tiny daggers split the air and hit the wall behind her.
A curse rose in the back of her throat. That had been too close. She could almost hear the disapproving scoff of her old man in the back of her head. But she’d promised herself she wouldn’t fall back on that. Her slip up with Bakugou had been enough. She could do this!
With three of the men down on the ground, her eyes settled on the female villain. She seemed more intelligent than her male colleagues, making her the most dangerous opponent of them all. There was no need for Artemis to take them all out permanently. She just had to knock them out long enough for her to make a run for it without being chased.
Artemis leapt at her, raising her fist to bury in her face, but the villain anticipated her attack, ducking under her arm before she could land the attack. She retaliated with a swing of her own, sharp nails ready to cut up Artemis’s face. Artemis tried to dodge, but it was too late. The sharp kiss of steel on her cheek was her punishment.
She stumbled back, trying to put as much distance between herself and the woman as possible. She’d barely taken two steps when the villain threw herself at her again.
As Artemis dodged the first blow, an idea came into her head. She waited for the woman to attack again before ducking onto the ground and bringing her elbow up, exposing the woman’s stomach. With every ounce of strength she could muster, Artemis plunged her fist into her opponent’s abdomen, sending her flying back.
Triumph bubbled up in her gut. She’d defeated the four villains. Now she just had to find a way out of here. Her eyes darted around, looking for a possible escape route. A crack in the wall caught her attention, just big enough for her to squeeze through. She prayed it would take her back to her classmates.
Wasting no time, Artemis lunged forward towards the crack. A heavy body slammed into her side, knocking the air out of her lungs. She fell to the ground, wheezing.
A big hand covered in rocks grabbed her arm and yanked her back up. Artemis cursed herself. She’d been so proud of herself for beating the woman, she hadn’t checked to make sure the other villains were still down. Gritting her teeth, Artemis twisted in the rock villain’s grip. She pulled his arm closer and over her shoulder, then pushed upwards as she’d learned to do in her martial arts training until she felt the elbow pop out of its socket. The villain roared in pain and fell to his knee. Artemis ignored the aching of her side and readied herself to spin around and kick him in the face, only to freeze as hot white pain spread through her back.
Her breath caught in her throat. The pressure in her back increased, and she realised that someone had stabbed a cold knife deep into her flesh. Once again, she’d been so preoccupied with the villain in front of her that she’d lost track of the others around her. The searing pain dulled her thoughts. Her knees buckled under her and she groaned.
A clawed hand reached out from behind and grabbed a fistful of her hair, yanking her head back.
“Crazy bitch,” the female villain hissed into her ear. She pulled her roughly back, exposing her throat to the enemy.
“I thought they were just kids!” Bat Wings complained. “Since when do kids fight like that?”
“That’s UA for you,” sneered the last villain. So, they’d all recovered now. When he spoke again, his voice was close to Artemis’s ear. “Looks like it’s the end of the road for you, little mouse…”
Artemis couldn’t breathe. The knife now dug so deep into her back she could feel the hilt against her skin. She tried to resist the villain’s hold on her, but every movement just intensified the pain that throbbed through her muscles and threatened to drag her under.
The villains drew closer around her, their menacing chuckles echoing through her pain-fogged mind. She knew she had to come up with something… just something that would get her out of this situation alive. But how could she fight when she couldn’t even move?
A feeling of dread spread through her. Was this the end? Was this how she was going to die? Kind of ironic, dying fighting for her life. After all, fighting was all she’d ever done, desperately holding onto the fragile little thing called life while everything around her fell to shit. At least she’d die trying. It was a small comfort as the end approached.
She wondered if anyone would miss her once she’d gone. Probably not. Nobody had ever cared enough about her in the first place to care about what happened to her.
And yet her mind drifted towards her new classmates. Bakugou’s face took shape in her mind. She couldn’t help wondering what he’d think of her death. Would he even care? No... why would he? He hated her. Not that she particularly liked him, either. So why was she thinking of him now of all places?
Artemis grit her teeth. She’d come so far, dragged herself out of that cruel shithole her father had created for her. She’d fought for her freedom, even made it to UA. Had it all been for nothing? Her goal, the reason she’d pushed herself so far. Her brother…
Again, Artemis tried to struggle, but the blade was so deep it almost punctured her kidneys. She whimpered in pain. There was no way she could move like this. 
Artemis, the success of a mission is imperative. No matter the cost, you must survive to achieve the task you were given. Whoever or whatever stands in your way must be destroyed.
How many times had she heard that voice? Her father had drilled these lessons into her head without mercy until they were all she knew.
Life is worthless in the face of success. All that matters is the mission.
Ice spread from her heart through her veins. The familiar coldness paired with the deep, bubbling rage in her stomach numbed her mind, her heart, her emotions. Artemis felt her body relax, the pain that was paralyzing her slowly fading from her mind. She knew pain. She’d felt it before so many times, it was an old friend by now. This was nothing.
The success of the mission was imperative. She couldn’t die here. And now she was going to destroy what stood in her way.
Artemis took a deep breath and let the haze of instinct take over her mind. This wasn’t like the fight against Bakugou. She’d held back then for both their sakes. Not anymore, though.
As the void filled her, her senses opened to her surroundings. She felt herself drawn to the woman’s strong, steady heartbeat behind her. The human body was 75 percent water, after all. That was all Artemis needed to know.
Reaching for the water molecules inside the woman’s blood, Artemis focused until she had a good grip on every ounce of moisture in her body. The woman stiffened and gagged. Clearly, she could feel what was happening to her. Artemis didn’t care. 
Life is worthless in the face of success.
Artemis felt like she was watching her own actions through someone else’s eyes. All emotion had left her, leaving only cold focus behind. She closed her eyes for a moment, then pulled with her quirk. At first, the villain’s body fought her control, so she doubled her effort and pulled harder.
An inhuman retching sound escaped the woman’s throat a moment before the water left her body. She let go of Artemis, clutching her throat as more and more water left her. Her skin shrivelled up like a prune left out in the sun until every ounce of water had been extracted and now swirled protectively around Artemis’s body. With a thud, the woman’s body hit the ground. Nothing remained of her but dehydrated flesh and bones.
The other villains gasped in horror.
“W-what kind of monster child is that?” Bat Wings stammered, walking backwards. “How did she just…”
“I am not a child,” Artemis replied coolly as she turned to face them.
Then she moved.
The water around her sprung alive, transforming into thin, sharp spears that she launched at the villains before her. Bat Wings was the first to fall. The sharp projectiles sliced cleanly through his throat. Then they swirled towards the stone villain and wrapped around his body like a snake, crushing him. Artemis clearly heard the snap of his bones crunching under the pressure of her grip. His lifeless body dropped to the ground along with the two villains before him.
Artemis’s eyes fell on her last opponent, who’d retreated into the corner of the room, his face alive with fear.
“P-please don’t kill me,” he whimpered.
Artemis drew the water back towards her body and swirled it around her as she stepped closer.
“You would have killed me, too,” she replied flatly. “Why should I treat you any differently?”
“Because you’re a hero! You’re not supposed to kill people.”
The smallest hint of a smile tugged at her lips. “Hero? No, I’m no hero…”
The water around her solidified into a series of tiny blades, each sharp end pointed at the enemy in front of her. With a wave of her wrist, the blades launched themselves at the villain, wet thudding noises echoing through the abandoned building as he was pinned to the wall, twitching. It didn’t take long for him to fall still and silence to descend upon the room.
Every heartbeat but hers had stopped beating.
With the threat eliminated, the red haze inside Artemis subsided and she stumbled backwards, slumping down against the wall. Her back throbbed, her head spinning. The blood control technique may have saved her life, but it had taken everything out of her.
She groaned, reached back and grabbed the hilt of the knife that was still stuck in her flesh. She closed her eyes for a moment in an attempt to calm her breathing. Focusing her quick inward, she took control of the water molecules in her own body. If she pulled out the knife on its own, she’d likely bleed out before she could get anywhere near to safety. She refused to die here in this shithole. But how best to go about this? She needed a plan.
In her condition, further combat was impossible. Hopefully, she’d be able to avoid any altercations by keeping low and treading carefully as she made her way to the exit. Providing she could find the exit in the first place.
A thought hit Artemis. If she was still here… then her classmates were, too. Her heart sank. The faces of those naïve and innocent kids manifested in her foggy brain. They didn’t know what a real battle was like. They’d never fought for their own lives.
She couldn’t just leave them here and run away. It wasn’t fair.
Gripping the hilt of the blade with her hand, she focused on her own bloodstream and yanked the knife out in one sharp movement. The pain made her scream, but she quickly stifled it and grit her teeth. She had to act fast now if she were to be of use to anyone. Redirecting her own bloodstream wasn’t as hard as using the woman’s to fight, but it still took a lot of energy, and she was running on empty.
She waited a moment for the pain to subside. Then she felt the wound. Sure enough, the blood was staying inside her. The plan was working - at least for now.
“I made it,” she whispered breathlessly. “Perhaps I can still fight, after all.”
Now all that remained was to find her classmates.
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smoaknsnow6 · 4 years
Crack Fanfic!
A few months ago my friend and I wrote some crack Fan fiction. It has like 11 Fandoms. Today I unleash upon you horror. Read at your own risk!
T.V.- Cyclops destroyed downtown National City and that was right by Starling City.
Narrator- Connor Murphy fell out of the plane because Evan kissed Jared.
Mick- This maniac Jared is cronching bathbombs.
Jared- Excuse me. Have you tasted one?
Mick- Who are you to talk to me like that!
Leonard- Boy's have you not noticed these randos kissing!
Winn (Trembling in fear)- That's Nate and Amaya, can I leave now.
Zari- Have you seen... Yeah bye.
Jared (cronching)- What do you think that was about?
Mick- Shut it dweeb.
Jared- Well if he gets to leave I'm out.
Zari- Hey, Dig, thanks for letting me stay here.
Dig- No problem. Can you invite Barry and Felicity over for breakfast?
Zari- No problem. (Dialing) You guys wanna come over for breakfast?
Barry and Felicity- Hell yeah!
Narrator- Meanwhile on the Waverider Sara, Julian, and Winn are having a game night.
Sara- So this is awkward.
Winn- Yeah you guys kissed and I'm Still alone.
Julian and Sara- Who Cares!
Heather Chandler- JD! (Dies)
JD- So how much will this be?
Cashier- $7.11
JD- Night night, Forever.
Narrator- Well that's unfortunate. But let's see what's happening on the Waverider.
Zari- Jared right?
Jared- Who's asking?
Zari- First NEVER talk to me like that and two I heard you like to cronch!
Jared- Yeah
Zari- Wanna have a donut eating contest?
Jared (cronching)- Hell yeah
Narrator- Earlier isaid Connor fell out of a plane. Well guess who he just met.
Connor- Where am I?
Beetlejuice- My favorite restaurant. I once ate a baby whole here.
Connor- Cool
JD- Well I'm here now
Narrator- JD might be gone but Veronica,Martha and all three Heathers managed to get on a cruise. Where they all kissed in a 7-11. On an unrelated note Regina Phalange died after Monica bad Rachel kissedat Ross,Joey, and the secret lesbians wedding
Zari- Nate there you are.
Nate- Z, I'm so sorry about what you saw earlier.
Zari- Nate I don't think I can be with someone who "cheated" kissed another girl.
Nate- Zari. Z. Stop.
Zari- Don't. Just don't. (Nate grabs Zari's arm and kisses her) What. What was that.
Nate- Me never wanting to let you go or lose you. (Nate and Zari make out)
Narrator- Zari kisses Nate while looking through the window at Jared and Beetlejuice kissing JD. Meanwhile at S.T.A.R. Labs Caitlin and Killer Frost are debating.
Killer Frost- If we mix me and heat it will make Barry.
Caitlin- Frost I guarantee you if you mix you and heat it won't make Barry
Killer Frost- Caity trust me it will make Barry.
Caitlin- Frost it won't work. If you need a second opinion here's Cisco. (Cisco walks in) Cisco if Frost and heat mix, will it make Barry?
Cisco- NO. But we can always try.
Killer Frost- Yes.
(Nate and Zari still making out)
Leonard- Lets see what's on television. (Turns on High School Musical: The Musical: The Series.) Let's watch it. (Barry walks in) Barry, wanna watch with me?
Barry- Sure. But let me get the other Legends. (All watching HSM: The Musical: The Series. Nate and Zari still making out)
Narrator- Kara on the other hand is doing something different.
Cat Grant- Supergirl is sure having a nice time whooshing around the city. (Kara whooshes by)
Kara- Sure is a nice day
Felicity- Whats happening?
William- Dad is playing my virtual reality listening to Cher and saving children.
T.V.- Breaking news. Glinda kissed Dinah while punching Alexander Hamilton at the graduation party.
Leonard- Why the hell would you turn off our show to show me this.
Beetlejuice- So apparently, this kid Connor Murphy found this kid Evan's shoe at my restaurant then I ate a rock
Kara- Winn stop crying because the guy you like is straight.
Winn- I'm not crying about that!
Kara- Then why are you crying?
Winn- I'm crying because James will go to jail for assulting a minor.
Dig- Where's Curtis
Dinah- He's on the balcony still going at it with Rene.
Narrator- Laurel was screaming out of her ears because Hartley made The Voice a Screaming Potato Network.
Winn- Musicals is da thing I watch da day my girlfriend died.(Doing peace signs)
Everyone on the Waverider- You good.
Winn- No. No I am not
Alex- That's why no one goes out with you.
T.V.- Shake a booty because It's fun at the Heyworld Amusement Park.
Nate- I never permitted this ad for Heyworld.
Leonard- Shut up. I'm trying to watch High School Musical: The Musical: The Series.
Sara- Leonard and Barry found dogs licking ice cream off the rock Beetlejuice ate then threw it at Ray.
Zari- The app bitmoji killed Amaya because she kissed my boyfriend. (Aka Nate)
Jared- Ok beotches, Evan just got Zoe a journal to take notes about who has and has not kissed. So kiss up.
Beetlejuice- We don't need Jared to fly the Waverider to imperial Russia, right?
Narrator- Beetlejuice yeets Jared across the sky, where Curtis and Rene see Bathbombs floating around Jared.
Nate- Well our team just went down 2 members because Sara and Julian beat a pigeon to death that Jared let in.
Evan- JD drinks eyeballs for dinner because he killed so many Heathers and Amaya chucked his boot out the portal. And I want my rock.
Connor- Veronica and Chandler punched a loving squirrel in the basement because he banged Jared and cronched on Zebras.
Caitlin- Penguins invaded Heyworld while the Flash was in the bathroom in Africa.
Beetlejuice- Evan Hansen went to Jitters and found Curtis and Rene making progress on their relationship.
Narrator- Diggle loves shipping Olivarry because his birthday made them interact in love style and Felicity hated Cisco after he shoved her daughter. Lydia texted Jared about Beetlejuice eating a baby at 7-11 and about having sex with a squirrel because her girlfriend and was the Addams oldest and couldn't wait to kill it on the head of the dance.
Ray- Mick Rory set a bomb on fire and laughed as his bestfriend set Zari's donuts and Jared's bathbombs to a flame.
Zari- Bruh, my donuts.
Zoe- Connor kissed Evan behind Jared's back because he thought Jared would choke on a bathbomb and die.
Cisco- Hartley found Caitlin crying on the floor of the Arrowcave because Jared banged a squirrel and choked on the bathbombs.
Wally- Hartley chucked his glasses at Cisco in a loving manner because Barry was being stupid.
Narrator- This is how Jared died.
Connor- Goldfish sucked on bathbombs that Jared ate and harvested his liver.
Caitlin- Kinky bats fuck Cisco at the playground in the slide.
Veronica- Bitches all love backflips on Jared because Heather Duke murdered Count Olaf in JD's bed.
Gary- Heather Chandler likes dead pigeons for breakfast as her father fucks antelopes.
Barry- Sara died letting Julian strangle pigeons that pecked Winn to S.T.A.R. Labs.
Leonard- Barry killed Kara because Winn was crying about her going to Cisco's house.
Authors note: Kill me now! Please! First time I read that in months and I'm dying!
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radiant-flutterbun · 4 years
Pixel and the Shapeshifter Part 2
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The next portal took Pixel to a bright land full of pine trees and wind that brought the taste of salt water with it. Just a short walk away was a huge stone tower.
Pixel attempted to take a step forward but immediately fell. Something didn’t feel right. They looked down at themself and screamed. Their body had transformed into a bird-like dragon.
Inkdrop snorted and transformed into a bat-like dragon “Oh! You’re a skydancer! Those dragons are pretty neat.”
“Uh, you didn’t say anything about my body transforming when I got here.”
“Oh didn’t I?” Inkdrop tilted her head “Sorry it must've slipped my mind! Anyway you’re a dragon now congrats! It may take some getting used to, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out! Everyone else did!”
“Great. Cool,” Pixel struggled to their feet “Would be really cool if I didn’t have to relearn how to walk. And how the fuck am I supposed to hold anything?” Pixel nudged their phone that had fallen to the ground with their nose.
“Oh you can walk around on your hindlegs and grab it with your front. It’s easy for a skydancer to do that!” She shapeshifted into a skydancer to demonstrate and picked up the phone.
Pixel stood on three legs and took it from her “Thanks.” The phone disappeared “Ok cool. Good to know that I can still summon my weapon at will here, and also make it disappear when I don’t need it.”
Inkdrop allowed Pixel to adjust to their new dragon form before leading them to the clan’s entrance. The doors were much bigger than Pixel had thought once they were up close.
A panel on the door flipped open and Pixel was greeted with a huge grey eye peering through.
“Inkdrop. You brought a guest?” A booming voice asked.
“Yes Obsidian, and don’t worry I vetted them. They’re not dangerous!”
“Very well. You may enter.” The doors opened and behind them was a huge black dragon with blue gemstones coating his scales.
As Pixel stepped inside they were at awe with how big the place was. Dragons or all shapes and sizes were walking about, they barely paid Pixel any attention.
“So, where’s Sagacious?” Pixel asked Inkdrop.
“Oh her? She hasn’t moved from the history section of the library since she got here,” The shapeshifter snorted “Why do you want to see her, anyway?”
“I have something I need to settle with her.”
“Ok but please don’t mess anything up. I promised Nike not to bring anyone in who will mess things up!”
“Me? Mess things up? Never! Now where's Saga?”
Sagacious was enthralled by the history and creatures of the dragon planet. On her world she already knew everything. But here she knew nothing, and that simply would not do.
So she found a nice spot in the clan’s library (which was the majority of the tower), and curled up with a pile of history books. For months she read book after book and only took brief breaks. The clan’s main librarians Lakra and Masika adored her. It had been awhile since the library had seen some use by the newcomers.
Now for the first time since her arrival, Sagacious’s reading was interrupted. 
A metallic skydancer with dreadlocks approached her, their teeth showing as they snarled.
Sagacious snapped her book shut “Excuse me?”
“You fucking heard me!” The skydancer pulled out a smartphone. Wait no a knife. An electric knife and pointed it at Saga “I’m Pixel Pronoia and you killed my friends! Now I’m here to return the favor!”
Sagacious sighed “Oh it’s you,” She stared at their knife, unamused “Did you really think that’d be threatening?” She was an imperial. They were merely a little skydancer.
“Hey I can cause permanent damage to you here! One stab and you’re scarred for life!”
Sagacious placed a claw on Pixel’s arm and forced them to lowered the knife to the ground.
“And I can squish you like a bug.”
The commotion attracted the attention of two other imperials, Lakra and Masika.
“Saga, is something the matter?” Masika asked.
“Is that skydancer bothering you?” Lakra added.
“Yes, they interrupted my reading to threaten me.”
Lakra gasped “How dare they!”
“I’m getting Nike,” Masika said “This is unacceptable.”
Pixel growled and thrashed, but Saga had their arm pinned good.
“Fuck you! Fuck you so much! I fucking hate you! You’re a fucking murderer!”
“No matter how many times you say ‘fuck’, the situation will not change,” Saga said with a smirk “You really just should have stayed home.”
A bright blue and green Plague mirror arrived “Sagacious, what is going on?” She asked.
“Nike, this skydancer just threatened me with a knife.”
The mirror, Nike approached Pixel and sniffed them “You’re the one Inkdrop just let in. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“She’s a murderer!” Pixel screamed “She killed my friends and then locked me up in my own home!”
Nike’s antenna flicked toward Sagacious “Is this true?”
“Of course not.” Sagacious answered.
“YOU LYING BITCH!” Pixel’s voice cracked.
Lakra scoffed “Sagacious is one of the sweetest, kindest, dragons I’ve ever met. All she’s done is read since she got here. I cannot believe some nobody dragon would enter our clan just to threaten her and accuse her of such horrible things!”
“Hmm,” Nike circled Pixel “I’d really rather this not become another ‘Naperone Situation’. Obsidian! Could you come over here?”
At her command the guardian that allowed Pixel to enter arrived.
“Move this skydancer to the prison. They threatened a clan member.”
“Yes. Of course Nike,” Obsidian plucked Pixel up by their chest and scruffed them like a cat. Sagacious let go of their arm, and they dropped the knife. A cracked smartphone now lay beside Sagacious’s feet.
Pixel struggled and screamed as Obsidian carried them up to the very top of the tower, where he then threw them into a dark, damp cell.
“Wait! But I wasn’t lying! She really is a murderer! And give me back my fucking phone!”
Obsidian didn’t say a word as he left Pixel in the dark.
“Sucks when no one believes you, doesn’t it?” A voice echoed in the dark.
Across from Pixel’s cell was a black and white skydancer with bright yellow eyes.
“And who the fuck are you?”
“I am the true God of Death, Match Solstice. And I know who you are, Pixel Pronoia.” 
“Oh gross, a Solstice.”
Match snarled, showing his bloodstained fangs.
“So what the fuck are you in here for, vampire boy?”
Matched frowned “Eh. It actually sounds pretty bad now that I think about it.”
Pixel lifted an eyebrow “Oh well now you gotta tell me. I’m invested.”
“... I killed my brother.”
“Holy fuck. The winged one? Spirits you’re a bigger asshole than I thought.”
“Hey. hey before you paint me as the bad guy you got to understand that he was a weak god that was never meant to exist. He was a failure to the Solstice name and-”
“Fucking hell. I hope whatever brain rot you’re suffering from isn’t contagious.”
“You’re an annoying little bastard aren't you?”
“Yeah well at least i’m not ugly.”
“Wow i’m so hurt by your creative insult.”
“You’re right I can do better than that,” Pixel grinned “I wonder what your parents would think if they saw you right now. Would they be disappointed? Angry? It must be pretty embarrassing to be the son of two of the most powerful gods and to end up in another world, in prison, sick and alone. I bet they won’t ever want to call you a Solstice if they knew how weak you were right now. If they knew you were mortal right now.”
Match growled, but mid growl he began to cough. As he coughed blood splattered all over the ground. Crimson red instead of the indigo blood that normally flowed through the Selcouth gods’ veins. 
“Oh did I hit a nerve?” Pixel’s grin was wicked and their pupils narrowed “You’re exactly what you think your brother was. Is that why you killed him? Did he remind you too much of yourself?”
“Shut,” Match’s voice was only a whisper but it cut accross the silent air of the prison like a knife “Your fucking mouth.”
“I’m sorry. Maybe that was a bit much. Hey I know! Why don’t we be friends instead? I think you’re a piece of shit but hey a shitty friend is better than no friends!”
“I’m not going to be your fucking friend you freak.”
“Well too late cause i’ve already decided you’re my friend! In fact I’ll promote you to my BEST friend because I ain’t got no one else! Because my last batch of friends were fucking MURDERED. But hey! It’s fine! I can move on!”
“Sounds like you’ve got some problems, and I don’t want anything to do with them.”
“Yeah well, you’ve got problems too! You killed your fucking brother! You’re an entitled piece of shit! This’ll be a great friendship! Just two pieces of shit trapped in dark lonely cells cause no one else in the entire world gives a shit about either of them!”
“You can stop talking anytime now.”
“Do you think if either of us died here anyone would notice? Are we just going to be trapped here forever until one of us starts rotting away?”
“Dragons come up here multiple times a day. I think they’ll notice if one of us died.”
“Yeah but like would they care? I wonder what they’d do to our worthless corpses? Neither of us would get a funeral that’s for sure!” Pixel clawed and kicked at the walls of their cell, tears falling from their eyes “This sucks! This fucking sucks! I hate this! Trapped in one shitty place to the next! I fucking… hate this…” 
Pixel slumped to the floor, silent for once.
“Done with your little temper tantrum?” Match growled. 
“For now,” Pixel sighed and took a deep breath. They just needed some rest and then they’d figure a way out. So they shut their eyes and drifted off.
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 14-20 thoughts!! I finished up s1 :D these last few eps were actually really really good!!!
-did. did tucker really just say esperanto was a dead language only spoken as a secret code between geeks. google says around 100,000 people actively speak it. oh my god...it being an auxiliary language doesn't mean its 'just for geeks to speak in code' ...it helps bridge gaps between people who don't have a language in common...
-danny really isn't pulling punches when it comes to fighting the ghost-cop possessed people huh. like he SLAMMED KWAN INTO THE CONCRETE SO HARD. HE THREW PAULINA INTO A BILLBOARD. will that...I mean it WOULD carry over to their bodies non-possessed, right? like if the ghost piloting their bodies gets hurt?? itd be so upsetting to be possessed, lose time, then wake up covered in bruises (and possibly, broken bones??) real horror movie stuff im sure wont be addressed in any way
-tuckers parents seem nice! I like them :)
-WULF IS CUTE AND I FEEL BAD. im so glad the gang realized he was only causing trouble bc of the shock collar walker put on him and helped. also, him wearing that big hoodie with the hood on, and thinking its subtle. we can tell youre still a giant wolfie :) THEN GETTING SUCKED INTO THE PORTAL AAAAH :( anxiously waiting to see Him Again....
-DANNY BLASTING HIS PARENTS THINKING THEY WERE OVERSHADOWED LMFAO GET THEIR ASSES. maddie marking how many ghosts she gets with lipstick tallies on the side of her portal gun? kindaaa iconic tho. (ALSO, SHE WAS LIKE, 2 FT AWAY FROM HIM RIGHT AFTER SHE TRIED TO SHOOT HIM. HOW DO YOU NOT RECONINZE YOUR OWN SON??? like sure, he might have diff hair/eye colors. but like, if one of my family members dyed their hair, and was wearing contacts, its not like id be like 'wHO IS THIS STRANGER!!!' ...he still has all his facial features!! same everything!!! I hate it here)
-paulina being #1 girl realizing danny's a friendly ghost immediately. smart queen. lancer and kwan ran away right after he made this sweet baby face at them:
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which is hilarious.
-ok. im not saying his bullying is JUSTIFIED, but. dash looked so pleased with the (cute!) poster he just painted, and danny comes thru the wall and spills paint on his nice letterman jacket. his anger is justified maybe 65% of the time so far...(not the way he handles it, but STILL.) at least lancer is stepping in!! and them making a silly little bet was...cute?? until dash pulled out his GROSS UNDERWEAR AND SAID DANNY WOULD HAVE TO EAT THEM???? WHAT THE FUCK MAN. TUCKER WAS SO RIGHT ITS FUCKING WEIRD TO CARRY THOSE AROUND EWWW. THIS KID IS UNWELL. lancer was right, his animatronic setup was SUPER IMPRESSIVE?? hes actually pretty creative. danny meanwhile is stealing the fright knight's design...I hope dash is taking art classes or smth with his sports
-fright knight is the most bestest ghost so far i LOVE THAT DESIGN. I am biased towards knights, and characters with swords, but he fucks so severely. and should sue danny for copyright infringement for stealing his design for his haunted house. if some 14 yr old broke into MY house and stole MY sword, id also be pissed. his evil winged unicorn rules too with its FANGS. and he just CAN SHOVE THE PORTAL OPEN WITH HIS HANDS??? is he the strongest ghost weve seen so far? idk but hes my fav. SOUL SHREDDER IS SUCH A COOL SWORD NAME TOO. ANY NAMED SWORD ALSO FUCKS. 'flaming bedsheets of DEATH' funny king. ALSO he was polite to dash and tucker when just asking for directions and telling tucker 'oh maybe, just a suggestion, maybe be nicer to me and be more respectful :)' I LOOOVE HIM.
-I noticed this in the Ember ep, but jazz has an electric guitar in her room!! talent musical queen!! its cool to see hobbies just in the bg.
-fright knight's murder castle reminds me of the booby trapped murder castle in zexal!! another supposedly 'for kids' show with murder/trap castles! we love that. if you are a dp fan reading this, give yugioh zexal a try. its also got 13-14 year old protags and involves (alien) ghosts. the cardgame is just a vessel for the plot, which is really good. (I just want more people to watch my fav yugioh, man)
-danny. with a SWORD.
-danny doesnt NEED TO WIN this contest, dash didnt STEAL HIS DESIGNS AND STEAL A SWORD. he also got excited to hear lancer got sent to a dimension with his worst fears too just so he could win the contest? DANNY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!! BRO MAYBE YOURE 14 AND HAVENT FULLY DEVOLPED YOUR WHOLE BRAIN YET, BUT...THATS FUCKED. this kid casually says the most deranged things, I do worry for my spooky son. once again, therapy needed. that judo toss was great tho. I wonder if he actually did pick up some martial arts stuff from his mom?
-danny can fly 112 mph!!! thats so fast! I love the lil montage of him and his friends testing his abilities and stuff, very cute and a good way to showcase what he can do by now and how much more proficient he's gotten from ep 1!!! I'm sure he's going to get more abilities :)
-im glad...maddie's at least TRYING this ep. I do feel for her because her husband is a man baby. but the fact it took 16 episodes to get a kinda semblance of any kind of real concern or attempts at bonding. hmm. jack's 'BACK OFF SHES A MINOR' @ the ghost trying to attack jazz. also was very funny. and him wanting to make an action figure of her? are the parents redeeming themselves to me? slightly. they gotta Work Harder
-fenton machete. but she doesnt carry a PHONE??? ???
-I mean I expected vlad when you namedrop him earlier in the ep, and also the title card picture, and dalv corp being fucking vlad backwards. but seeing him just pull up on a golf cart made me bust out laughing. WITH the gift baskets prepared. why wouldnt you at least be suspicious. also, if he wants danny to be his lil sonboy, why is he so fucking malicious?? dude you are going about this in such a bad way. stop it. get some help.
-maddie not even hesitating to drag danny out. fucking good. danny is so right, go on the internet to date. get a cat. how do you spend...how many years?? has it been since college?? at least 20, right, since the parents/vlad are in their 40s? hung up on ONE girl. my god, man. incel drama queen. her kung fu IS impressive, but dude. 'we both know hes a creep' SO right. it sucks but they do need a phone and shit being in the middle of NOWHERE. also, just stealing his helicopter was great. <3
-'you must be exhausted carrying the weight of that mistake you made years ago' 'well we all make mistakes. maybe I'll make one now!' WHY DID THIS EXHCHANGE SEND ME. AND VLAD WITH THE BREATH SPRAY EWWW BITCH. 'OLD BAIT BREATH' SOO RIGHT. both danny and his mom playing him HAHAH hes so dumb. or rather, I think he thinks with his emotions too too much and is...actually pretty gullible? lmao he believed danny was ready to give in SO fast. (which is sad hes that hopeful, like you have SO MUCH MONEY YOU COULD EASILY GET ANOTHER GIRL WHO HAS A KID. AND WOULD WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND BE SUPPORTED. GET OVER THIS (1) WOMAN ALREADY IM GETTING SECONDHAND EMBARRASSMENT AAAAH)
-GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR. it was also in the title card, but I still got very excited. we love bears here
-SAM'S BAT SWIMSUIT COVERUP!!! her outfits are simply iconic.
-'i'd tell you to go to the mens room, but I don't think you qualify' top paulina transphobic moments. :( and him wearing a tanktop to the swim park? hmmm! (actually I think she was overshadowed by then, so, KITTY top 10 transphobic moments??)
-kitty just piloting paulina around makes me feel SO bad tho, paulina's gonna wake up and be like 'wtf do you mean I was dating this rando' like youre leading danny on to make johnny jealous, and also just POSSESSING POOR PAULINA. dude take your relationship problems ELSEWHERE. last time we saw them, they seemed like such a cute couple!! wtf johnny!! I mean, she sucks for trying to make him jealous, he sucks for looking at other girls...maybe they need a break, but Not Like This. or, you know, just. better communication...
-and the A-listers having a full packet and a stamp system. who organizes this. kwan fucking owning being the new danny though, this is hysterical. THE TUCKER/KWAN FLOWER FIELD TWIRL. UNIRONICALLY ADORABLE. and him giving it his all for the poetry slam. bless his HEARTTTT.
-Star owns. actually, all of the extra characters are shining this ep and I love it.
-johnny and danny bein friends and staging a fake fight (which danny takes too seriously, once again this child has aggression he NEEDS TO WORK OUT) I hope these three stay friends, I said it before but danny needs more friendly ghosts to hang with.
-at this point, Danny's ghost enemies are a lot like, I dunno, batman's rouge gallery is the first thing that comes to mind. they all have their own gimmick and unique designs, but most of them are easy to beat after learning the Moral Lesson. I still get excited when any of them show up again, though. 18 is another valerie episode!!!! :D skulker really said you two will get along if I have to handcuff you together <3 and the gym teacher really said, youre married now, have a flour baby! ngl, I'm not really watching this show for the shipping stuff (which I am very scared to look at the fandom for after I finish this watch through- I feel like there's probably discourse/arguing about ships...) but. I'm gonna put my opinion out there. valerie/danny > sam/danny. maybe I just really love the enemies to lovers trope. And the secret identity stuff adds Extra Flavor.
-SKULKER JUST HAVING THE BOX GHOST AND DANGLING HIM BY A STRING. HILARIOUS. and him watching them with binoculars and making his silly little commentary. AND MAKING THE SACK BABY CRY. LMAO. THIS DUDE IS A BABY KIDNAPPER. skulker is super fun
-danny, you just...collapsed the water tower. and then attacked the nasty burger machine...mascot thingy...out of anger..I KEEP SAYING HE'S GOT ANGER ISSUES BUT. HE REALLY NEEDS A LESSON IN MANAGING COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! So does valerie!! They're both pretty focused on each other. I mean it's good of Danny to say he's trying to make sure PEOPLE don't get hurt, but... (I mean I guess it's not something 14 year olds WOULD worry about, but as an adult im like, who's going to fix that? how much money will that take??)
-TUCKER MAKING BANK. and sam and tucker being super emotionally attached to their flour baby and being pretty good parents. that's cute...also him just straight kissing her and being like. WAIT. O_O JDSKAFHD. his mom baking them into cookies was the funniest possible result. tbh I dont feel like this is on tucker, if anything the other kid's shouldve been more responsible! He was just taking an opportunity to get that $$ which I respect
-Danny being more understanding of Valerie's situation in the end (helping her at her job, too, and trying to keep that a secret for her!!!) And seeing them work together this ep, and also her letting phantom get her out of the ghost zone...was very sweet. LOVE that. more valerie eps pls
-me when I realize vlad's big stupid house exploded because of his own carelessness with changing the ghost portal ectofiltrator or whatever: *pointing and laughing*
-me when I realize it means he's gonna go make danny's life hell for it somehow: >:(
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-SCOOBY PARODY!!! I feel like there's gotta be some scooby doo/danny phantom crossover stuff, right? also, 'guys in white' men in black wishes
-'oh, that's right! dad married the love of your life! you're bitter and alone!' DANNNNNYY GET HIS ASS ONCE AGAIN WE ARE POINTING AND LAUGHING AT VLAD
-'jack, you captured the ghost boy!!' UMM. he did nothing <3 'we have a weapon's vault??' YOU HAVE A WEAPONS VAULT??? and jack didnt put a handle on the inside. of fucking course he didnt! why would you leave that to your son!! or expect him to clean YOUR LAB when its where you work with probably dangerous chemicals and weapons and hes 14!! give him normal chores, like, I dunno, vacuuming, laundry, dishes...CMON. I hate it here. But I'm glad Jack is more chill about danny while he's a ghost, and willing to work with him for this ep. AND. I DID ENJOY JACK PUNCHING VLAD IN THE FACE. AND GENERALLY JUST OWNING HIM. the ghost punchy fists are actually amazing. like yeah, just punch a ghost in the face. that rules.
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-ep 20 opens with the coolest fucking ghost lady design. her tattoos can come off and fight. MA'AM. I like ur nose ring and your cape maam hello 👉👈😳
-sam's grandma is hilarious and the most valid member of her family and I love her. thats my grandma now. and tucker covering for sam by dressing as her. thats true friendship <3 also skipping school to go to a goth circus. just bestie things! sam's parents are haters but for all the wrong reasons.
-'my family has controlled ghosts with this for generations!' WAIT. WAIT FREAKSHOW /ISNT/ A GHOST? I didn't expect that...he's just a fucked up guy controlling ghosts? anyway watching danny shoot at police cars and rob banks while mind controlled. its like, the most stereotypical 'bad' things lmao. (tbh an evil ghost circus troupe is a sick concept)
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this gives off big deviantart emo edit vibes
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(I'm going to assume evil circus reaper danny has a lot of fan content. people love an edgy au, except this one is canon (even tho its via mind control...having the protag go evil otherwise might be hard, I guess?) but au where he stays with the troupe...that has to exist, right?)
ANYWAY. excited to start s2!! lowkey surprised by how many notes some of these posts have gotten. I've gone back and tagged them all with 'dp thoughts' so they're easier to find on my blog! ^^ and I will probably possibly do (more) fanart on my art blog after I finish the watch of the whole show, so like. @sanchoyodraws follow my art blog :)
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iamvegorott · 6 years
A New Virus Chapter 36
Pixel Takedown
“Mac!” Annalise shouted as she, Dark and Anti exited the portal Anti created by using the pixel Annalise had caught. It had taken a lot of yelling and arguing to convince the others to stay behind. But after Wilford said that they should go on their own, the others reluctantly agreed.
“Anna-bell!” Bing shouted and ran from the corner of the room he had been sitting in.
“Bing!” Annalise ran as well and the two hugged when they reached each other.
“Anna, all of those things I said, I swear it wasn’t me!” Bing had tears in his eyes. “I didn’t say it, I didn’t! I love you, I do!”
“Bingy.” Annalise's voice cracked and she pulled Bing into a kiss.
“I-” Bing’s eyes suddenly went white and he fell over.
“Bing!” Annalise cried out.
“He’s great for a little recharge.” Mac said from the ledge at the top of the room, he sat on the railing and he popped his fingertips out of his mouth as if he just had a snack. Annalise gritted her teeth and clenched her hands. Her wings popped out of her back and she screamed as she ran and leaped into the air. Mac launched himself off of the railing, a cloud of purple pixels formed around him as he landed on Annalise, tipping her off balance and causing her to fall. Annalise slammed to the ground with Mac on top of her. Mac clasped his hands together and was about to pound them into Annalise’s head but Anti tackled him before he could. Anti’s wings were out and hissed at Mac as he threw him into the wall. Anti dove at him again but Mac used his pixels as a wall and Anti ran into it and was tossed back. Dark came back through the portal after getting Bing out of the way, blazer off and wings out. He saw Annalise getting off of the ground and Anti land.
“Mac.” Dark growled before flapping his wings, using them to speed across the floor. Mac jumped out of the way and Dark caught himself on the wall before leaping at Mac, slamming a fist to his face. Dark ended up fumbling a few steps away from Mac from the force of his jump, he turned back around and Mac was gripping a chunk of pixels in the shape of a baseball bat and he swung it towards Dark, hitting him in the jaw and causing him to fall.
“Papa!” Annalise went for Mac and Mac quickly shifted his stance and slammed the bat into Annalise’s stomach. Annalise coughed out but used her arms to hold the bat against her. She yanked the bat out of Mac’s grip and dropped it to the ground. Annalise didn’t see the pixels loosening and flowing up to a wave behind her. Anti shouted and tackled Annalise out of the way of the spikes the pixels shot out. The pixels crashed back down and returned to surrounding Mac. Dark grabbed Mac by the back of his head and slammed him face-first into the ground. Dark yelled when the pixels wrapped around him and threw him, making him crash into Anti. Annalise tried to go at Mac again, but the pixels grabbed her next and slammed her into the wall on the other side of the room. The pixels melted away from her and formed a cage around her. “What!? Are you fucking serious!?” Annalise shouted and pounded her fists on the bars in front of her. She had enough room between each bar to put her arm through, but the rest of her body couldn’t squeeze past the bars as well. “Are you actually serious!?” She screamed again, holding the bars with her hands and pulling at them. “Not fair!”
“Let her out!” Anti shouted and grabbed Mac’s arm, flipping him to the ground. Mac shot a hand out and a spike of pixels came out and stabbed Anti in the shoulder. “Fuck!” Anti stumbled back and went to the ground. “F-Fu-Fuck.” Anti’s voice shook and broke off as his body began to glitch out.
“Anti!” Dark rushed over to Anti and rolled him onto his back. “Stay still!” He grabbed the spike and tried to yank it out. Anti screamed out in pain, voice echoing and a harsh static filling the air. Dark pulled again and the spike came out but Anti’s wings made a popping sound and they became a pile of separate pixels.
“Sounds like the glitch-bitch caught a bug.” Mac chuckled.
“Anti, Anti are you okay?” Dark put his hand under Anti’s head.
“Y-Yeah.” Anti stuttered out. “Really, shocky.” Dark hissed and pulled his hand back when a spark went through his fingertips. He cursed when he saw that the pixels from the spike were now covering his hand and crawling up his arm.
“I just wanted to be happy, you know.” Mac said, watching as Dark tried to slap the pixels away. “I just wanted to have a family like you do! My mother abandoned me as well! She left me and tossed me away like I was nothing! I was alone, I was different. But then Rus found me. Rus took me in and he took care of me and then you assholes killed him and the others! You killed my family!” Dark tried to bite off the pixels, but it didn’t work. Anti was now sitting up and was trying to help Dark while his body was still glitching. “You took my family away! How is it fair that mine is gone and you get to keep yours!?” Mac clenched his hand and the pixels started to cover Dark faster. “I’m going to kill your husband and take your daughter away! You’re nothing! You’re-” There was a loud bang and Mac gasped out as a hole was now in his chest. “I-I-” Mac gargled out before his body went limp and he collapsed. The pixels faded away from Dark’s body and Anti was not longer glitching. They looked at Mac’s corpse before raising their head and seeing Annalise holding out a gun covered in orange pixels.
“Fuck you, Mac.” Annalise said, lowering the weapon.
For anyone that’s interested, I’ve created a new blog called ‘askraisingannalise’ where you can ask questions to the characters in this series! 
Tag List: @readeatfightlove13 @kenzie-110101  @i-am-not-anon @fandom-trash1214 @sophs0ph @pixelenchanter @snickerz171 @fuck-im-emo  @burningpeachdelusionofchaos @butterlover328 @yayngie @neko-ereri @aoimatsurika @characatwarrior @positivenerdypixie @allimeraine @paryton @sketchy-scribs-n-doods @blueyeswhitedragon16 @jealpe12 @i-dont-fall-i-only-tumble
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