#But I got to hold his baby so we'll call it square
Thank you to everyone who prayed for a good night for me; I had weird dreams but not bad ones, and I got to hold a tiny baby, which I would say even counts as a good dream. 🥰
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 6 months
How about reader, who is a seasoned gamer, invites Gaz to play something like Valorant or Fortnite etc. She says "dw it took me a while to get good too" but he picks it up stupid quick. He spends the rest of the time enjoying winding her up more than the actual game.
absolutely absolutely. gaz can and should get away with everything.
1,833 words / lucky number 13
"Gaz... you know most people play video games to escape their responsibilities."
"So you've told me." Gaz's voice crackles over your headset.
You're staring at your screen, watching as he confirms his character selection in the game's lobby. "You're absolutely sure you want to play tank?" you ask him.
He locks in his character, and it appears in the pregame lobby: a bald-headed, square-jawed guy with a muscular build and heavy armor.
"Positive. You're playing healer, aren't you?"
"Then I'm playing tank. Pocket me."
"You've never even played this game. We'll both get obliterated."
"Come on. How hard can it be? Shoot, use ability, reset. I take the damage; you heal me; I dish it back out; we win; you thank me for carrying you as always. It's just like our usual game."
"Repeat that last one. I think your mic cut out on account of the bullshit."
"You don't think I can keep the heat off you?"
"I don't need you to keep the heat off me. I just want you to have fun and not die in the first five seconds of the round," you tell him. He did buy this game specifically to play it with you. After a totally reasonable amount of prodding on your part. It's been your go-to for weeks.
"Then pocket me and I won't die. I'm not having fun if I'm not in the thick of it. You know me."
"Fine. For one game."
"Bet," Gaz says, sounding smug about it. "I'm not gonna disappoint."
During that first game, he's getting his bearings. But he takes to it rather intuitively, especially with your help over voice chat. His tactical skills are whip-sharp as always. As you pocket him, you focus your character's abilities on keeping Gaz alive. But you switch to upping his damage output when you realize he's holding down a choke point by himself, taking on enemies and laying out a field of fire for your team. It's impressive, considering this is his first time playing the game.
When an enemy sneaks up on you, his pocket healer, he disposes of them with slightly more prejudice.
"You're pretty good at this," you tell him, scanning the results screen. "I mean, maybe mid-tier if you were on your own."
"Mid-tier?" he says, a little affronted. "It's called being adaptable. Not that you'd know. Hundreds of hours in this game and you're mid-tier support at best."
You cross your arms, leaning back in your computer chair. "Because I don't play support. You know what? I'm switching to DPS. See what you carry without me patching your ass up every ten seconds."
Back in the lobby, you select your main. Gaz eyes the character with a bit of respect. "A rogue, huh? You must think you're pretty good. Gonna need a lot more healing."
"Only if I get hit."
"I could sponge that damage right up for you. Keep you nice and safe."
You scoff. "Won't need it."
"Let's see."
In the next round, you weave in and out of combat, gleefully dodging attacks and landing devastating blows before you disappear. Your bread and butter. Meanwhile, Gaz does--at worst--an admirable job tanking. Still, when you look back and see enemies surrounding him, it's clear he could use an assist.
You double back and flank two of the enemies on him, picking them both off one by one. But before you can gloat, his voice in your headset interrupts you.
"Good kills, baby."
That's not the reaction you wanted. It immediately ticks you off. "I know."
He chuckles and takes down another enemy. He's tunneling in on the fight now that you've got him back on his feet, but clearly he still has time to talk to you. "Can't take a compliment."
The face that he's purposely pushing your buttons just irritates you more.
The next few games, he makes himself indispensable as a tank. It should be a good thing, but he keeps getting in your way specifically. You'd swear it's on purpose. He tanks hits for you and then acts like you'd lose the game without him. His cockiness is insufferable. Worse--you can't ignore how deftly he's scaling the difficulty curve here. He's holding the attention of the enemy players, keeping them away from you while you deal the damage. And you'd never admit it, but the way he's holding aggro is saving your ass.
You shouldn't need him to do that, though. You tell yourself the only reason you're not playing better is because he's forcing you to maneuver around him.
Then he offs the enemy rogue right as you're finishing her off. You swear into the mic. "Gaz, come on! You stole my kill."
"I'm giving my little rogue the help she needs. Besides, you know it's not about getting the most kills. It's about the team's collective score," he teases, and you have to remind yourself it's just a game.
It's like he can tell exactly what to do to piss you off in record time after that. Bossing you around, telling you to take this point or make that kill. He even pipes up once to remind you it'd be a good time to use your ult. You open your mouth to tell him it's not ready yet, but to your chagrin, you glance down and realize it is. Somehow he's keeping track? Unreal.
You're a little impressed about that one, but you'd never tell him. In your defense, he's distracting you with all this banter and teasing. He's making it hard to focus.
"No backseat gaming," you tell him.
"Wouldn't have to backseat game if you played better."
"I would be playing better if you weren't crowding me!" You sigh out your nose. "You're only doing this to get a rise out of me. Micromanaging me. I swear you get off on it."
"You're giving me too many opportunities to obsess over you." He sounds smirky.
The way he says it makes something in your lower stomach flip. You lose focus for half a second--long enough for the enemy rogue to slip past Gaz and smack you.
Gaz slams into her with his shield to stun her, then spins around and uses his special to deal more damage. That last hit downs her. You don't even have a chance to react.
His voice in your headset is smug still. "Like I said."
"Fine. Thanks."
"You can thank me by not dying again."
After the game, you sit back in your chair, arms crossed. "You sure talk a lot of shit."
"Am I?" You hear him grinning. "I hoped you'd give me a little more attitude than that."
"Oh, I know. You're not subtle."
"Neither are you. You get riled up so easy."
"You want me to fight you? Because it sounds like you'd rather me just roll over and bite the damn curb."
"No, you want that. You're a masochist."
"Thank you."
"It isn't a compliment."
"I know. Keep bullying me," you snark into your mic.
It's hard to resist teasing you when you say stuff like that. "Okay," he says, his tone turning playful. He leans back, crosses his legs, and situates himself in his chair. The game's results screen idles on his monitor, forgotten. "You've gotta stop making it so easy for me, though."
"I get that a lot."
"I'm sure you do, sweetheart."
"Ooh, are we doing condescension now?"
"I've been condescending to you since minute one. I can turn it up if it's not obvious enough."
"Keep going and I'll get off."
"Off voice chat, you mean?"
You smirk. "No."
He smiles, rolling his shoulders back. "I can absolutely be more condescending to you if that's what your incompetent little heart desires."
You laugh. "You were just waiting to bring that one out, weren't you?"
"I've got several of them tucked away just in case you got mouthy, But let's be honest--you're always mouthy."
"You're one to talk. You talked hella trash that last match."
"Only because I had to pull your ass out of the line of fire all the time. If you were better, I wouldn't have to. You're giving me ammunition, here."
"I just think it's telling that you play tank."
"Are you saying I'm compensating for something?"
"You said it. Not me."
He rolls his eyes, smirking. "You want to talk about projecting? You're the masochist, and you play a rogue? The one class known for being fragile? You're putting a target on your own back. What does that say about you?"
"Better than a tank main," you quip.
"I'm taking all the hits so you can DPS your way to getting play of the game. Makes me sound proper generous."
You examine your nails. "Makes you sound like a control freak."
"Why don't you look me in the eye and say that? Turn on your cam."
Your grin widens. "Gaz, please. If I turned my webcam on every time some guy online asked me to, I'd never have time to play."
He leans forward, lowering his voice. "Who says I'm kidding? Come on, baby. Give me eye contact. Look me in the eye and tell me I'm a control freak."
"Nope." You know he hates that you're not budging.
"Why? Aren't you decent?"
"More like I have Cheeto dust all over my hands."
"Doubt that."
"It's true."
"Come on. Prove it."
"See? Control freak."
"Fine, I'm a control freak--withyou. But you like it, don't you?"
"Oh, I love when you order me around. I love knowing exactly what you want me to do so I can avoid doing it forever."
He sits back in his chair and stares through his screen. It's not like he's never seen your face before. You've posted a selfie or two in shared chats. But he's never seen you cozied up in your pajamas. Or in a cute little robe. Or maybe a big t-shirt, the soft kind. Like he wears.
Yeah, he's realizing he's down bad. Worse than he thought.
"You wanna make the next round more interesting, then?" he asks.
You arch a brow, propping your sock-covered feet up on your desk. "Like how?"
"You lose, you turn on your camera, obviously."
You snicker. "I don't know what you think I get up to on a Friday night, but you're gonna be sorely disappointed." You pop another Cheeto in your mouth, knowing he'll hear it crunch.
Gaz laces his fingers behind his head. "I've already curbed my expectations. Bet you're sitting around in sweats and a hoodie with some anime character on it." Not that the thought of that isn't appealing. He suspects you don't let many people see you that way.
"You're... uh..." You look down at what you're wearing. "Not far off, actually."
"I know, baby. I've seen your Discord handle."
"So what if I win?"
"Then I won't tell anyone how hard you got stomped these last few rounds. And trust me, I'd be telling everyone. It's embarrassing how much of a load you were. Don't take that the wrong way, though--by all means, just sit there looking cute while I carry this next game."
"Oh, you're on."
Gaz grins, leaning forward. "Yeah, we'll see how cocky you are when I put you back in your place."
You pull your chair back up to your desk, hands poised over your mouse and keyboard. "Promises, promises."
Gaz readies up, too. "Don't worry, baby. I'll keep my word. But once I humble you, you're gonna regret ever doubting me."
more Gaz / masterlist tag
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sturniololoco · 8 months
Big Game pt 6
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x Nathan Doe
Warnings: blood, falling, kissing, wall punching?, etc.
Nate’s POV
I lifted SLS/N off the couch as I heard the ambulance pull up to the warehouse. The EMTs rushed over and took her from me, laying her on a stretcher and asking her questions. She was only able to mumble little responses as they lifted her into the back of the van.
I climbed in with her, holding her hand. She tried to squeeze back, but could barely manage in her current state. Chris tried to climb in as well, but the EMT stopped him.
"Only one in the van." He grunted, working fast to check SLS/N's blood pressure.
Chris looked at me, his eyes fearful. I began to stand up to let him in, but Matt stopped me.
"You go with her, we'll follow." He grabbed Chris's arm, leading him to their car in a sprint. Nick was already in the back.
The EMTs closed us in and began working on SLS/N as best they could till we got to the hospital.
They unloaded SLS/N out of the van, sprinting the stretcher inside and barking orders. Me right behind them. The only words I could comprehend out of their mouths were "Lost a lot of blood" and "Hurry up".
They got SLS/N to a room and ran her inside. I could see a doctor already in the waiting, gloves on his hand. I began to walk behind her, but a nurse stopped me, telling me I couldn't be in the room with her yet.
She then shut the door in my face, leaving me no choice but to wait for the triplets in the waiting room.
On my way down the hallway, I felt all of the emotions I'd been holding in let go, causing me to punch the wall.
"Fuck!" I yelled into the empty hallway. The tears started welling in my eyes. I couldn't walk, I couldn't breathe.
I sunk down on the floor, tears pouring, my chest tightening uncomfortably. I put my head in my hands and sob.
I then hear loud footsteps running down the hall. I stand up and see the triplets sprinting down the hallway towards me.
Chris gets there first, wrapping me in a hug. I was taken aback but hugged home all the same. He pulled back and held me in front of him by the shoulders, looking at me with red puffy eyes due to crying.
"Chris, I can't lose her. I love her so goddamn much." I say to him, my voice shaking and coming out in sobs. He pulls me back in, Matt and Nick joining us this time.
"We know Nate," Nick says, not sounding mad, only squeezing me tighter in his embrace.
Then we walk to the waiting room to wait.
"Sturniolo?" A nervous voice calls about six hours later. We all jump to our feet and follow her back down the hallway.
She opens the door after saying, "She's awake and responsive, just be quiet. Her head most defiantly hurts."
We nod and then walk through the open door.
SLS/N was lying in her hospital bed, her leg, which was now in a full-on cast, being suspended from a hammock-looking thing.
She gave us a sleepy smile, her own face stained with tears. I walk up to her and kneel beside her bed, grabbing her hand.
"How ya feeling, sweetheart?" I ask her, the tears threatening to fall again.
"I'm fine! I got a new haircut!" She says, her voice coming out raspy from sleep. She takes her arm and flips her hair to the side, allowing us to see a square of hair shaved off, now replaced with stitches.
I let out a breathless laugh. Only SLS/N would be joking right now.
I stood up, gave her a kiss on the forehead, and then backed away, allowing her brothers to check in on her. Chris wouldn't stop apologizing, no matter how many times she told him "I'm okay, It was an accident."
He eventually gave up and settled for a hug. Nick and Matt also said their hello's, checking in on their baby sister.
Nick went to the front desk to work on some paperwork while the rest of us stayed behind with SLS/N.
"Nate?" I hear her call.
I stand up so fast and walk to her side, sitting on the edge of her bed. She gives me grabby hands, signaling that she wants a hug. I do so, despite the awkward angle due to her broken ankle.
I lean in and give her a kiss, deep and passionate, but not too hard so as not to hurt her head. Just as I was about to tell her how much I love her, and how I was glad she was okay, Nick walked back into the room.
"ew, get a room!" He yells, making a fake gagging noise.
"This is my room jackass! You can leave anytime!" She shouted at her brother, who immediately shut up. She pulls my neck, and brings me back in for another kiss.
One more part tomorrow!!!
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq
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lizaluvsthis · 7 months
A Chamber of Burning Souls
Fanfic Written and Illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
Idea of creation by @itsajjanea
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First off- I'd like to thank @itsajjanea for the main fic idea I feel so tempted on making the fic cause I really don't want to attend prom rn and I dont even have no partner. Anyways- consider this as a valentines meal for yall-
I know how much everyone has been wanting a valentines fic for our gay boys :))
Oh- just a reminder that me and AJ are making an AU dedicated with the Movie we both watched and gave us the gay fairy boys some ideas of it so :D
Summary: It's Prom and everyone is invited to celebrate at Square Plaza, having no partners left to find. SMG4 and SMG3 both paired together.
With Four having no experience of what Prom is at all, he happens to find himself binded with his ex rival filled with complicated thoughts.
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Sun and Moon, fluff, romance, drama, hurt/comfort, angst, gay fruits are real, LOVE IS IN THE AIR YALLL
Mario & Meggy Spletzer
Meggy & SMG4
Mario & SMG4
Mario & SMG3
Bob & Mario
Chapter: Prologue- The golds in strangles
SMG4 gets a knock on the doors step as he opens it with no one at the presence. His eyes phased down to spot an envelope. "Huh- that's weird-"
SMG4 picked it up and brought it to the living room where Bob and Mario are currently playing games, Meggy cheered Mario up. "Come on Mario! You can do it! Beat his ass!"
Mario trying so hard as he spam clicks the buttons from the controller, with another set of limb to eat his spaghetti trying to focus. "I'm trying here!" Mario grunts in frustration as he gets almost beaten by Bob.
"OH YEAH!? YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER? WELL TRY ME B-TCH CUZ THIS BOB NEVER RES-" almost filling up Bob's sentences, he gets knocked over to the ground as SMG4 pops into the couch.
"Yo guys! Check this out! We have got a letter!" Meggy and Mario looked at each other, then back to him. "Ooh a letter? What does it say?" Tari spoke right beside Meggy as she pets her rubber duck.
Four carefully opens the envelope and took out the paper, he makes a small joke before opening it's last fold. "Hope it's not our loans for the castle-" in an immediate took by his suprise, the shining of the font reflected to his eyes.
The text is filled out of gold ink in a fancy choice for the font's italic words. The scent of the paper is dried oatmeal, with a mixture of red roses that can be smelled.
The crew found it astounding to take the envelope a bit too serious now as SMG4 carefully read out the words.
"Good afternoon to everyone, I hope you all are having an amazing day. This letter that we provide you all, is about an upcoming event that will be held at the Square Plaza near the Mushroom Kingdom, you are all invited to join in.
The main event is a party themed for Prom, just to remind everyone it's almost close to valentines day and make sure to bring yourself a partner.
We'll be glad to meet your attendancies at the party."
After SMG4 had read the letter, the bubbles of the air filled in and popped with his crew's early celebration.
"LETS GO BABY I'M GONNA GET MY OWN B-TCHES FOR TONIGHT!" Bob excitingly said, picking out something from his pocket and shot up a launcher through the roof as he called a helicopter to take him away.
"I'm so excited! I've never been on a prom sadly, last time I remembered were other of the inklings I know were the ones to beg for me to be their partner. I didn't know how prom works so I went alone and got kicked out- like thats a big sucker-" Meggy gazed up waving her hand away to think about the past and brushing it off as a cold plain memory.
"Mario's got-ta have thems spaghettis for free!" He 'Oooh'd' rubbing his stomach craving for more spaghettis than he'd eber order in a silver platter.
He day dreamed sitting on a fancy table holding a fork to his right as he asked the waitress for more pasta, sit up straight confidently pointing up his hand.
As a result of Meggy breaking through his 'imaginable-barrier' with the paper ripped on to the spaghetti. "Mario, we're supposed to bring our partners not just enjoy food." He threw out the paper snapping back to reality.
"Atleast foods can be your love match when it comes to terms of 'love' like my sweet spaghetta pasta rolli" he accordingly pulls another set of pasta out of nowhere patting the 'sauce' on top.
Meggy pinched the bridge of her nose fuming out frustration, guess it's always assumable that Mario will always be Mario.
"Mario, you do know foods aren't real beings right?"
The orange haired girl turned to look at SMG4, but to all she could see is a Meme Guardian whos pondering deep from his thoughts.
It was such a very hard decision, he wasn't even sure if he'll attend. "What about you SMG4?" The man in white and blue didn't respond, but instead. Turned the letter to look at the back.
Location held in: Square Plaza
Time in: 5-6 pm
Time ends: 11 pm
Note- Required to attend and bring a special guest/partner
Gazing through the golden text double checking, it made his eyes felt life threatening from the word's mouth. He squints his eyes. "I don't know Meggy, you guys seemed to have an experience when it comes to prom but I... well-"
Mario scoots closer to be in the side view "Assuming, you've never had a partner to dance with in your days?" Out of curiousness, SMG4 breaks everyone out by telling a word.
"I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT OR HOW PROMS ARE SUPPOSED TO WORK!" throwing the letter and the envelope at the same time to the sky.
"Aww don't worry SMG4! If it makes you feel any better, I don't know how proms are when it comes to occassions like this! I only watch it on animes with my waifu hatsune miku!"
Boopkins filled out enlightment with a soft pull from the sheets is a body pillow of miku hatsune where it gets hugged tightly by boopkins.
"But that isn't the same in reality, I've never had a partner- or even went to prom- neither!" "I thought you said people loved you and your contents before?" Mario urged in gibberish.
"They do... But- I'm not that as funny as a kind guy I am. I'm not one of those rich wealthy dudes, I don't have experience-" "well you're about to have it now!" Meggy cracked her knuckles.
"No- I don't think you understand-"
"we're pulling you in for your first ever prom experience!"
"Mario's gonn to help you find some chicks!"
The M&M duo spoke in different answers.
The dried inkling added a death stare to Mario's soul, giving him the creeps making him change back the sentence. "I mean- uh- help you with prom." Mario thought to himself with both eyes turning on opposite directions away from each other and his mustache growing bigger.
SMG4 gave them an awkward look, and finally decided. (If Three were to come then... I'll be there...) He didn't want to miss out all of the fun stuffs that will happen during the event.
"I guess- whats worse that could happen during prom?" He brought up a wide smile to the team as everyone Wooh'd in excitement.
Leaving then, pointing on view to SMG3's cafe where a letter is left the side of the doorstep the same placement back at the blue's castle.
*ding-dong* a doorbell rang. Where Three opened the door to check.
What could've been a result to happen when you didn't come?
"What is this... A letter?"
End of Prologue...
Next Chapter- Night Bring Out... [COMPLETED]
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 3 months
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The Party (pt 3 to outbreak series)
joel miller x fem wife reader
The morning was filled with excitement and anticipation as the town prepared for the big party. Joel, Y/N, and Ellie spent the day helping set up decorations, stringing lights, arranging tables, and ensuring everything was perfect. Joel worked alongside Tommy, sharing laughs and stories, while Ellie enthusiastically joined in with the other kids to make the place look festive.
By late afternoon, the town square was transformed into a lively and inviting space. Joel, Y/N, and Ellie headed home to get ready. Upstairs, Y/N had laid out a beautiful dress for Ellie and clothes for Joel.
Ellie beamed when she saw the dress. "Wow, this is so pretty! Thanks, Y/N!"
"You're welcome, sweetie. I hope you like it," Y/N replied with a smile.
As Joel put on his clothes, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. They were finally living a semblance of a normal life, and this party was a testament to their new beginning. He headed downstairs with Ellie and waited for Y/N.
"Darlin’, are you almost ready? We're going to be late!" Joel called out, adjusting his shirt.
"I'm coming!" Y/N's voice floated down the stairs.
When Y/N appeared at the top of the stairs, Joel felt the wind knocked out of him. She was wearing a satin, skin-tight black dress that accentuated her curves, with heels and her hair and makeup perfectly done. Joel was speechless, his eyes wide with admiration.
"Wow, baby," he finally managed to say. "Do a spin for me."
Y/N twirled around, and Joel whistled appreciatively. He walked up to her, leaned in, and whispered in her ear, "I can't wait to take this off you tonight."
Y/N blushed, a mischievous smile on her lips. "We'll see about that."
The party was in full swing when they arrived. The town square was bustling with music, laughter, and chatter. Y/N went to catch up with her friends, Joel headed to the bar with Tommy, and Ellie mingled with the kids from school.
As Joel and Tommy shared a drink, reminiscing about old times, Joel kept a watchful eye on Y/N. She was radiant, her laughter infectious as she talked with her friends. Everything seemed perfect until Joel noticed a drunk man approaching Y/N.
“Hey there, beautiful,” he slurred, his words muddled by the alcohol on his breath. “You look stunning in that dress. How about you and me get outta here?”
Y/N smiled politely, hoping to dismiss his advances without escalating the situation. “Thank you, but I’m married,” she replied calmly, hoping he would take the hint and move on.
The drunk man leaned in closer, undeterred. “Married, huh? Doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun, right?”
“I’m not interested,” Y/N reiterated firmly, her voice carrying a touch of steel beneath her polite demeanor. She tried to step away, but the man blocked her path, reaching out as if to grab her arm.
Startled and uncomfortable, Y/N instinctively backed away. “Please don’t touch me,” she said firmly, her heart racing with a mix of frustration and fear.
The man’s persistence grew more aggressive as he slurred, “Oh, come on, sweetheart. Just one dance.”
Y/N shook her head, her patience wearing thin. “No means no. Now, please leave me alone.”
But the man wasn’t listening. His hand shot out again, this time attempting to grab her wrist. Y/N managed to evade his grasp, her eyes scanning the room for a way out of the increasingly tense situation.
"Tommy, hold this," Joel said, handing over his drink. "I've got to take care of something."
Joel walked over, his jaw set and eyes narrowed. "Hey, she said she's married. Back off."
The drunk man sneered, "What are you gonna do about it?"
Joel's fist connected with the man's jaw before he could say another word. The man stumbled back, but Joel didn't stop. Fueled by anger and the need to protect his wife, Joel beat the man until Tommy and a few others pulled him away.
"Joel, stop! He's had enough!" Tommy shouted.
Y/N rushed to Joel's side, her eyes wide with worry. "Joel, please, let's go home."
Still seething, Joel shrugged off the hands trying to calm him. "Fine."
They left the party in silence, Ellie trailing behind, sensing the tension. When they got home, Ellie quickly went to bed, not wanting to get in the middle of the situation.
Y/N found Joel in the kitchen, his knuckles bloodied and his expression dark. She approached him slowly, a wet cloth in her hand.
"Let me clean you up," she said softly.
Joel sat down, and Y/N gently tended to his wounds. As she cleaned his knuckles, her touch tender and caring, Joel's anger began to ebb away.
"Thank you for protecting me," Y/N said, her voice filled with gratitude. "You're the best husband I could ever ask for."
Joel looked at her, his eyes softening. "I'm sorry for losing my temper. I just... I can't stand the thought of anyone hitting on you."
Y/N smiled, her eyes shining with love. "I know. And I love you for it. But we need to handle things differently. We have a new life now, and I want us to enjoy it without any more violence."
Joel nodded, taking her hand in his. "You're right. I'll do better. For you, and for Ellie."
Y/N leaned in and kissed him gently. "I know you will. And I'll always be here to remind you."
Joel pulled her into his arms, holding her close. "I love you, Y/N. More than anything."
"I love you too, Joel. Forever," Y/N replied, resting her head against his chest.
As they held each other, the intensity of the moment began to shift. Joel pulled back slightly, looking deeply into Y/N's eyes. "I couldn't stop watching you tonight," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "You were absolutely breathtaking."
Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine at his words. She could see the desire in his eyes, the love and need that had built up over the years. "Joel," she whispered, her voice filled with longing.
Joel stood, pulling Y/N gently to her feet. "Come with me," he said softly, leading her upstairs to their bedroom. The room was dimly lit, casting a warm, intimate glow over everything.
Joel turned to Y/N, his eyes filled with reverence. "I want to show you how much I love you. How much I've missed you."
He began by slowly unzipping her dress, his fingers grazing her skin and sending sparks of electricity through her body. Y/N's breath hitched as the dress fell to the floor, leaving her in just her lace underwear.
Joel took a step back, his eyes drinking in the sight of her. "You're so beautiful," he said, his voice full of awe. "I want to worship every inch of you."
He guided her to the bed, gently laying her down. Joel's hands moved with purpose and tenderness, caressing her skin and making her shiver with anticipation. He took his time, his touch slow and deliberate, as if memorizing every curve and contour of her body.
Joel's lips followed the path of his hands, pressing soft kisses to her neck, her shoulders, her breasts. Y/N's breath came in soft gasps as he moved lower, kissing her stomach, her hips. He paused, looking up at her with a heated gaze.
"I've missed this," he whispered. "I've missed you."
Y/N reached down, running her fingers through his hair. "I've missed you too, Joel. Please, don't stop."
With a nod, Joel continued his journey, his mouth moving to her inner thighs. He took his time, savoring her taste, the feel of her beneath him. Y/N moaned, her back arching off the bed as he brought her closer and closer to the edge.
"Joel," she gasped, her fingers tightening in his hair. "Please..."
He didn't need any more encouragement. Joel's tongue worked its magic, sending Y/N over the edge. She cried out his name, her body trembling with the force of her release. Joel held her through it, his hands gently caressing her thighs as she came down from her high.
Joel moved back up her body, capturing her lips in a searing kiss. "I love you," he whispered against her lips.
"I love you too," she replied, her voice still shaky. "I've missed you so much."
Joel positioned himself over her, looking deep into her eyes as he slowly entered her. Y/N gasped, her body adjusting to the familiar yet long-missed sensation. Joel moved with a slow, deliberate rhythm, taking his time to savor every moment, every sensation.
"You feel so good," he murmured against her ear. "Just like I remember."
Y/N's nails dug into his back as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer. "Don't stop," she pleaded, her voice a mixture of desperation and pleasure.
Joel increased his pace, their bodies moving in perfect sync. The room filled with the sounds of their lovemaking, the years of separation and longing pouring out in every touch, every kiss. They moved together, lost in the moment, until they both reached their climax, their cries of ecstasy mingling in the air.
Afterward, they lay entwined, their breathing slowly returning to normal. Joel held Y/N close, pressing gentle kisses to her forehead. "I love you," he whispered again.
"I love you too," she replied, her voice filled with contentment.
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altocat · 1 year
Ever Crisis: The First Soldier CHAPTER 5 Recap
Now that Sephiroth has joined the game, expect a lot more rambling/inane bias.
We open back up in the cave. The trio is resting when Sephiroth whistles to them to round them up. Glenn is pissy at the idea of them taking orders from a kid.
We meet up with Seph, where he tells us we'll be cutting through Cawpine Caverns. He said he spotted the Rhadorans there, so he thinks there's probably a base. He's got a mind to go run in there and kill shit.
Glenn keeps calling him a "cyborg", though he said he'll accept Seph's leadership since Seph is a big hero. He also threatens to kick Seph's ass if he whistles for them again. Seph pouts and trails unhappily behind them.
The group walks along a long trail thick with Mako. Seph holds them up and APOLOGIZES about whistling before, saying it was rude. He didn't realize. He admits he hasn't really had many opportunities to actually interact with people. This is his first real field assignment. Sheltered lab rat Seph confirmed??
Seph says him being a hero is a LIE. He said Shinra made him the face of the program and manufactured all of his "achievements". It was all one big recruitment ploy. He doesn't think he's a hero and he doesn't WANT to be one.
Glenn warms to this slightly and tells him now's his chance to prove himself to be a REAL hero. After all, he's freakishly strong in combat.
Seph doesn't want to be a hero. He says he just wants to live a normal life. But he mumbles it so the others can't hear. He said it's "never going to happen anyway". My heart is actually breaking??? OW.
They move to a waterfall. Natural materia has formed here. We have a very familiar Nibelheim-esque callback scene. Matt infodumps some familiar dialogue and Seph practically winks at the camera all "HUH NEAT".
Glenn reveals he got into trouble a lot as a kid, acting out how often he had to apologize for screwing around. Seph...doesn't understand him acting goofy. But it actually makes him laugh a little. AWWWW.
Oh god here we go. Sephiroth very awkwardly shows them a PICTURE of HOLY FUCKING SHIT LUCRECIA IT'S LUCRECIA OMFG. He calls her "Jenova". Seph asks if they've ever met or seen her before. It's a really detailed Remake Trilogy-esque pic of Lucrecia.
He said HOJO gave him the picture, but wouldn't tell him anything about her. That's surprising. Now Seph goes around asking everyone he meets if they've seen her.
Anyway, monster time. I finally get to fight as Seph! Little baby boy is so weak and pathetic compared to my way over-leveled FS trio lmao. His model is also very smol in comparison to them. Runty Seph!!! I'm gonna have to max this boi out.
After the fight, Glenn asks if Seph showed them the photo because he figured they'd die before he got to ask. Seph says no, but giggles about it. Precious angel baby boy.
Seph says that talking to the three of them must be what "having fun" is like. And that he enjoys it. Guys, I'm gonna die. I'm fucking crying. AND LUCIA PATS HIM ON THE HEAD GUYSSSSSS.
They enter the base. Seph tells them they are to eliminate all monsters and Rhadorans. He said this includes kids and old folks, rationalizing for both--SEPH'S also a kid, and the old folks could be veterans. YIKES Seph. He spouts some propaganda about this island belonging to Shinra. The boy is brainwashed.
With that said, they're keeping him pretty balanced so far. He goes between being genuinely sweet and endearing to ruthless war weapon. As he should be. I like morally gray Seph.
I attempt to navigate the base with a severely under-leveled Seph. Thanks, Square. Lots of Rhadorans and filler monsters slain. Many sections have annoying gates you have to unlock.
This caps off with a fucking STEAMPUNK MECH weapon thing. And of course it's a somewhat hard fight so it's grinding time with Seph.
After the fight, Sephiroth runs ahead in pursuit of the Rhadorans. He tells the group they should split up in different directions. When Glenn protests Seph going off by himself, Sephiroth says it's his "cyborg instinct". So he's still sore about that brief bit of bullying. Aww.
While the trio is tangling with the Rhadorans, who shows up but fish-goblin STAMP! He keeps following the trio and tears into the fray.
The whole place starts to fall apart thanks to explosives. Our trio books it, where they find Sephiroth outside, a huge pile of Rhadoran bodies all around him.
Here we go. The emotional climax of the chapter. Sephiroth says they were trying to evacuate everyone who couldn't fight, which Seph evidently took care of. Glenn asks if this violence was necessary and Matt equally says that they could have been used as bargaining chips.
Seph says they have to kill. SURPRISINGLY, Seph managed to get hurt! The so called "kids" Glenn mentioned earlier apparently had some combat training and backstabbed Seph.
Seph says that people make assumptions about himself as well, so he tries extra hard to prove them wrong. He says that his training proved to him that he needs to be strong, smart, and ruthless in battle, a hardened heart. It's kill them before they kill you. Obviously Shinra brainwashing. But also, Sephiroth has obviously seen a LOT of trauma at this point.
To which Glenn steps towards him and gives him The Hug. It's life or death out here. But Sephiroth has nothing to prove. He only needs to show compassion.
Sephiroth sadly shakes his head and is either crying or having something close to a mini-breakdown. To which he whispers the heartbreaking finisher of all finishers: "...I'm not a cyborg."
Glenn gives him another hug while Sephiroth stands there and cries. FuCK. I'm dead. Like, absolutely gutted. Jesus christ.
Sephiroth murmurs "I never wanted to be." A cyborg, obviously. GAME CALM DOWN I CAN'T KEEP CRYING LIKE THIS.
A bit later, the trio and Seph spot the other island in the distance. Glenn says there's someone who lives there who is "kind of like" Sephiroth. There's those parallels.
We cut to a brief scene of Rosen and his dog, lighting the chimney. White smoke. Lucia points out that when all the Rhadorans are gone, it will just be Rosen by himself.
This chapter was agony. Pure, undiluted agony. Almost up there with Zack's death. Almost. It's somewhere in the top 10 FF7 tearjerkers. FUCK.
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
solangelo ficlet based on a duolingo story (yes, i've gotten to the point where i'm taking inspiration from duolingo)
it's on ao3
When Will dragged Nico to the supermarket at 8 p.m. on this fine Tuesday night, the son of Hades was absolutely dead on his feet. See, his day started 17 hours ago when he got up at 5 a.m. to get ready to teach literature to 4 different high school classes. It would have been 7 classes, but he'd taken a half day after his boyfriend called to say their landlord was kicking them out early, and they'd need to move all their stuff out by 4 p.m. which meant that none of their friends were free to help them. Then, they'd spent four hours unpacking all the necessities and putting them away to save some drama come morning. Altogether, Nico had probably sat down for about 5 whole minutes.
So, yeah. It had been a long day.
But Will was pulling him through the aisles of an unfamiliar grocery store, a tired smile on his face, clearly intent on replacing the food they'd had to leave behind in the move. "What do you want for dinner?" he asked as they passed a pyramid of melons in the produce.
That was unfortunate. He did not feel like cooking anything at all. "Can't we just get takeout?"
It seemed Nico's day was not nearly over because Will shook his head, eyeing the meat section. "If we cook tonight, we'll have leftovers for the rest of week." He took Nico over to look at the hamburger. "Do you want some pasta?"
"But I'm tired now," Nico protested, ignoring his boyfriend's suggestion in the hopes it would stall him. "Besides, that sounded so grown up."
"We are grown up."
Instead of answering, Nico shoved his body up against Will's front with his face in the crook of his neck and groaned. Loudly. "I want to go to bed!"
He didn't care that he sounded like a child throwing a tantrum, not even when a woman walked by followed by two actual children with judgemental looks on their small faces. He just burrowed farther into Will's warmth and tried to keep his eyes open.
"I know, baby," Will said, threading his fingers through Nico's hair comfortingly. Nico could feel the bastard checking the dates on the hamburger behind him. "Alright, let's find the spaghetti and spaghetti sauce."
Reluctantly, Nico unburied himself from Will and followed the blond through the store, wondering idly when pasta turned into spaghetti. He was still wondering when Will said, "Where the hell is the pasta stuff?"
Nico finally looked up from Will's back to see that they'd made it all the way back to the front of the store. The automatic doors swooshed open behind them. Will was still holding the raw hamburger.
"Did you try the Italian section?" Nico asked, partially serious. He really was exhausted (and hadn't been paying attention during their impromptu tour of the store).
"Yes," Will bit out. "Did I miss it somehow?"
"Probably." Nico sighed. "Why don't we just get takeout?"
He should've known that would only serve to make Will more determined.
"No," he said, squaring his shoulders. "Let's go."
They walked through the food sections again, and Will checked every aisle up and down. This time, they found the spaghetti noodles, but not the pasta sauce.
("Who doesn't keep the sauce with the noodles?" Will asked in a strained voice.
"Crazy people. Let's go home.")
By the time they made it back to the front, Nico was tripping over his feet. "Babe, can we just go home? I know you're tired, too."
Will, gods bless him, shook his head despite the bags under his eyes. He'd been off that day, but he'd still done a lot of work, and they weren't as in shape as they had been at camp. "No. I'm gonna find it."
Nico didn't try to stop him this time. "Fine, but I'm staying here."
Will nodded and ducked back into the aisles. When he came back 10 minutes later, he was triumphantly holding up two cans of spaghetti sauce.
Nico cheered. "Yay!" He grabbed Will by the arm and steered him toward the doors. "Let's go."
Laughing, Will pulled him back toward the checkout. "We still have to pay."
This time, Nico fell forward onto Will's shoulder with a great huff. "Why?" he whined. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing wrong with shoplifting a little food from a (probably) multimillion dollar chain store.
"Because we are functional members of mortal society." Nico gave him a disbelieving look. "Fine. If we get arrested for shoplifting, we could lose our jobs."
Nico rolled his eyes but didn't stop Will from paying for their food, though he did feel a little smug when the cashier gave them a dirty look. Homophobe or tired, overworked customer service employee, Nico maintained that they should have just left.
Once out of the store, Will turned to Nico and said, "Yay, spaghetti," in a decidedly monotone voice unfit for the joys of the squiggly tomato pasta.
Nico glanced at his watch and raised an eyebrow. "Do you really still wanna do that?"
Will shrugged. "I don't wanna give up after all that."
"It's 9:15."
Will's eyes widened. "To McDonald's!"
This time, Nico cheered for real.
A half an hour and a trip to McDonald's later, the two sat on the floor of their brand new living room surrounded by half empty boxes, Nico's back resting on Will's chest.
Will took a bite of a chicken nugget. "This was a really good idea."
"I know," Nico said, mouth full of his last bite of burger. "Now shush." Finally, he closed his eyes and rested his cheek on Will's right peck, pulling their orange and purple quilt (courtesy of Sally) farther up himself and smiling when he felt Will's hand come up to cup his neck. They hadn't time to set their bed up, so he didn't feel bad about passing out on top of Will on the stiff black carpet.
Of course, when his alarm went off at five the next morning and he felt the awful crick in his neck, he had a different perspective.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 11 months
Hi! I love your blog and your recommendations are just amazing! Thank you so much for your work! I wanted to ask your recommendation list for Rockstar Eddie Munson fics.
Hey you! I’m sorry this took so long. Life kinda got in the way. You know how it is. Anyway, I absolutely adore rockstar Eddie, I don’t care how popular and common it is. I will devour it until my last breath. Which is why it was difficult to select which fics to include in this list. I had to stop myself because I couldn't stop adding more and more to it. In any case, I hope it’s to your satisfaction, dear Anon. I'm so happy that you enjoy the blog. <3 Thank you for the request.
Completed fics: Sweet Surrender by morningberries the night breeze carries something sweet by asbealthgn Tuesday's Gone With the Wind by thisapplepielife hold on and hope that we'll find our way back in the end by The_in_between_honey you've got a pretty kind of dirty face by Lihhelsing choose the rose garden (over madison square) by strawberryspence keep you like an oath by griesly Tis the Damn Season by HairMetal666 my way, your way (anything goes) by rogersharringtons the beginning of a bad joke by alligator_writes In This Shirt by Oonionchiver a bottle of rouge (just me and you) by anniebibananie, galmance what we should have known all along by bravelittlesoldier Every Little Thing He Does (Is Magic) by Kwills91 Meet-Cute in the Metal Pit by pez_the_platypus Somebody To You by tears_for_years Star Star by poorlittlegreenie Ruin me by rainbow_nerds j'adore venise by oakenorcrist for this gift, I do feel blessed by wheatisstillwheat Cum on Feel the Noize by monochromevelyn a brief inquiry into online relationships by common_tongue Your Biggest Fan by LexiRoseWrites in a crowded room, you're still all i see by steddieas_shegoes Somebody To Love by Penny00Dreadful Kids With Feelings Like You and Me, Understand Him, He'll Understand You (For You Are Him, And He Is You) by Oonionchiver Press Those Honeyed Lips To Mine (And Call It A Lullaby) by StarlightDreamer16 runnin' with the devil by alligator_writes
Ongoing fics:
Crossroads (Hellfire on my Trail) by Nevertheless_5
it's good to see you back in a bar band, baby by LiarsandThieves22
Lost For A Long Time (Two Parallel Lines) by steddieeddie
In My Heart of Hearts by RurouniHime
Smooth Talkin', So Rockin' by writer_in_theory
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Like a Shark
"Alright, everyone, let's all go sit on the carpet for Monday Morning Meet-up," Patton announced to his kinder class.
The crew of five year olds scrambled to pick a colored square out on the carpet in front of the white board. A small squabble broke out over a yellow square, but was settled easily enough and soon Patton was on the floor in front of his class.
"Okay. Can someone raise a quiet hand to share something exciting about their weekend?" He was surprised, but pleased, to see Logan's hand shoot up almost before he could finish the question. He was well spoken for his age, but rarely volunteered to speak and even regularly refused to speak when called on to answer a question Patton knew full well he could easily answer.
"Logan. What exciting thing happened for you this weekend?" He asked, wanting to encourage the boy to speak out.
"My cousin Janus was born."
"Oh that is very exciting!" Patton agreed. "Did you go to visit him?"
"Uh-huh. We went to the hospital and I got to hold him and on the way home my Daddy told me babies are borned like sharks and that's why my Aunt's belly got so big. Cause she was holding his egg in her belly."
Patton blinked on shock. "Uh. That's-" He shook his head. This was above his pay grade. "That's a really interesting story, Logan, thank you very much for sharing with us. Um. I'm. Really excited to hear about your new cousin. Um." He shook his head, trying to regain his thoughts. "Yeah. Okay, so if you guys have questions about...babies, let's just save them for you moms and dads okay?"
"Am I in trouble, Papa?" Logan asked staring up at Virgil with big brown eyes.
"I don't think so, bud, you're teacher just wanted to talk to me for a few minutes."
"But Teacher Patton only says that when someone got in trouble at school," Logan pointed out, worry coming to his small voice. "I didn't mean to get in trouble, I didn't even hit anyone today!"
Virgil gave a crooked smile, trying to hide his amusement, and knelt to be eye level with the tot. "I really don't think you're in trouble, Lo. Teacher Patton just said there was something he needed to tell me. Remember last time you were in trouble he wanted to talk to both of us. This time he just wants to talk to me, so I'm pretty sure you're just fine, pal."
Logan nodded with a little frown, clearly unconvinced.
"Hey," Virgil rested a hand on Logan's small shoulder. "I want you to take a deep breath, remember how I showed you? In through your nose out through your mouth. There ya go, pal. One more time. Good. Okay. Now let's think about this. Why are you worried about getting into trouble?"
"I don't know," he whined.
"Okay," Virgil nodded. "That's okay. Sometimes I don't know why I'm worried either. I want you to think about something, okay? In the past, what's the worst thing that's happened after you got in trouble?"
"Well. One time Josiah hit me back after I pushed him."
Virgil choked back a snort. "Yeah, that's true. But he got in trouble too, right? Did your dad and I stop loving you though?"
Logan shook his head. "No."
"Did we get mad and yell at you?"
"We talked about it, right? And came up with something to help when the angry feels or the sad feelings get too big, right?"
Logan nodded.
"Okay. So if you are in trouble, and that's a big if right now, what do you think we'll do?"
"Talk about it so you can help me more?"
"That's right. Are we ever gonna love you less because you got in trouble?"
Logan shook his head with a little sniffle.
"That's right." Virgil planted a kiss on his forehead. "You're dad and I love you more than anything in the whole wide world and nothing is going to change that."
Logan pitched forward, throwing his arms around Virgil’s shoulders. "Love you too, Papa."
Virgil smiled. "Okay. It looks like everyone's gone now, so I'm gonna talk to Teacher Patton. Maybe you can draw a picture of how you feel and we can talk about it more after if we need to."
Logan glanced up when he heard a light tapping on the table.
"Hey, munchkin," Virgil crouched next to him. "Good news: You're not in trouble. Teacher Patton just wanted me to give a message to Daddy since he knew he has to work too late to pick you up himself. You ready to go or do you need two more minutes to wind this up?"
Logan looked thoughtfully at his picture and quickly colored in a splotch of purple over one of the stick figures on the page. "Okay. Now I'm ready," he announced.
"Hey," Virgil greeted his husband, going up on his tiptoes as Remus slipped his arms around his waist.
"Well, good evening Mr. Summers," Remus replied smoothly and stole a quick kiss.
Virgil shook his head before Remus could steal another. "Uh-uh. You are in trouble," he said, his tone only half teasing.
"Ooh. Good trouble or bad trouble?" Remus asked with cheeky grin and interlocked his fingers in the small of Virgil's back, holding him close.
"Logan thought he was gonna be in trouble because of you."
Remus's face fell. "What? What happened?"
"He told his class what you told him about how babies are born," Virgil explained, and pulled his arms back, folding them over his chest and Remus let him go. "So Patton asked to meet with me about it and Logan thought he was in trouble because that's the only time his teacher wants to talk with us after school."
"Oops," Remus offered sheepishly.
"You told him Janus was born out of an egg like a shark?" He asked incredulously.
"No. Not...exactly. He...noticed that Vanessa looked different after Janus was born and had the idea about sharks himself."
"And you just, what? Told him that was right?"
"What else was I supposed to tell him, Virge? He's five. I wasn't gonna explain that to him!"
"You could have just told him that people don't have eggs-"
"Okay, but-"
"Don't," Virgil cut in, pointing a warning finger. "I know where you're going with that and don't even go there. Okay? There is no hatching involved with human children, Remus. That's all you had to say. 'It's kinda like sharks, except there's no egg.'. That's it!"
"Oh c'mon, you know he would've had more questions than that if I didn't tell him he was right."
"That doesn't mean you can lie to him, Remus! He told the whole class babies come from eggs like sharks because he trusts you. What's gonna happen tomorrow when some kid tells him their daddy told them he was wrong and that you were wrong or that you lied to him about it? He's probably gonna deck the kid!"
Remus sighed and scratched his brow with his thumb. "Okay," he conceded. "Yeah, you're right. I'll go talk to him."
"Thank you."
"Yeah," Remus nodded and turned to go find Logan.
"Hey." Virgil caught his wrist and pulled close. He went up on his tiptoes again and kissed Remus. "Thank you," he said sincerely.
Remus received the kiss and nodded. "I'll go talk to him," he said again and slipped from the kitchen.
Virgil sighed as he walked away.
"Hey, monster," Remus greeted softly as he poked his head into Logan's room.
Logan glanced up from his picture book and frowned. "How come you're sad?"
Remus snickered half heartedly. "What are you Sherlock Holmes?" He teased as he came to sit across the floor from Logan.
Logan frowned. "I don't know who that is."
"He's...from a story and he's really smart and notices lots of things." Remus shook his head and waved the thought away. "That's not the point. Hey, Papa told me about what happened at school today."
"Oh. Am I in trouble now?"
"No, sunshine. But I kinda made a mistake. Remember the other day when you asked if people babies were born like shark babies and I told you they were?"
"Okay, well. That wasn't really true. It's kinda the same, but there's not really an egg like with sharks. But I said there was because you kinda already know how that works and it's more confusing and honestly kinda gross for humans. So just in case someone says something about it tomorrow, you can tell them I told you it wasn't really like sharks. You don't have to announce it, but I didn't want someone to make you upset by telling you I lied or somethin', okay?"
Logan nodded. "Okay," he answered easily. "Thank you for telling me."
Remus smiled and ruffled Logan's hair. "You're welcome, buddy."
"Daddy?" Logan's face scrunched in deep thought.
"Yeah, sunshine?"
"Are babies borned different when they're adopted?"
"No," Remus replied, deciding he wasn't about to explain c-sections, "all babies are born the same."
"Then how come there's no pictures of me when I was a baby like the the picture Papa took when I was holding Janus?"
Remus let out a breath. "That's." He sighed. "I don't know why exactly," he answered, honestly. "You were about two when we adopt you, and. There just weren't any pictures with your other stuff."
"Does that mean there's no pictures of my mommy?" Logan asked thoughtfully.
"No, baby," Remus answered softly. "We don't have any pictures from before you came to live with us."
"What are you thinking in that big brain of yours?" Remus gently prompted after a moment.
"I don't know yet," Logan replied. "I think I feel sad cause there's pictures like with Janus."
"Yeah, that makes sense. And I wish I had something to give you to make you feel better, but I can do is tell you that your papa and I love you very much and we're gonna make sure you get lots of pictures with us to have when you get big, okay?"
Logan leaned over and wrapped his bony arms around Remus. "That does make me feel better. I love you too."
Remus faintly smiled and kissed his head. "I'm glad that helps."
"Hey- Re, what's wrong?" Virgil asked and quickly made his way to the couch when Remus dropped heavily on it.
"He, uh, asked about his mom, why we don't have pictures of him he was a baby like Janus."
Virgil sighed. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for that," he said and massaged between Remus's shoulders.
Remus shrugged a shoulder. "We knew he would eventually, I just feel bad that we don't have anything to give him. Y'know? We don't even really have a name we can give him. He's a curious kid, that's gonna eat at him. I mean, it eats at me and I know about my birth parents."
"I know, babe," Virgil answered softly. "Those are kind different situations, though."
"Not really."
"Yeah, really. I know you and Ro were little when you guys were adopted, but you were older than Logan is now. You were old enough to remember them. That makes a huge difference. He might miss her in missing the opportunity of getting to know her, but he won't miss her from the experience of knowing her."
Remus nodded and rubbed his face. "It's just stupid cause they weren't even that great, y'know?"
"But they were all you had then and you didn't even realize they weren't great till you were older. It doesn't make it stupid for you to miss them, rag doll."
Remus tilted sideways until his head lightly bonked against Virgil's. "Thanks, spooky."
Virgil smiled faintly, and pecked his cheek. "Listen, about earlier. I know I came off a little strong, I really didn't give you any time to decompress and settle down from work and I kinda snapped at you about the whole thing, and I'm sorry for that."
"I mean, you're right, he definitely would have socked anyone that told him I was wrong."
"That doesn't make how I talked to you okay. And I'm sorry."
Remus rolled his eyes, exaggerated and playful. "I guess I can forgive you." He smiled and slung an arm over Virgil’s shoulders, pulling him close and kissing his temple. "Thanks, Virge. Of course I'll forgive you. I'm also gonna get petty revenge though," he added matter of factly.
Virgil snorted. "Coming from you? I'd expect nothing less."
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
[07 Raph, Summer and Don uwu]
Now that Donatello was playing the role of Uncle as well, he was able to get his revenge. So when Casey was at work, and Raph taking care of Summer, Don waited until Raph was distracted, had his shell turned, and made his move. Breaking into homes and sticking to the shadows was something they all did well. Summer cradled in his arms, Don was in and out of their home without a noise. Don't worry though Raphael, Donatello left a note.
At his own home, Donatello had Summer and Ariel, grinning as he watched them play. They were a little too young for him to start showing them experiments - but oh, when they could walk and talk, he's going to totally show them some science.
And when Raph inevitably showed up, Donatello decided he was going to be the bastard this time, smiling their way, as if butter couldn't melt,
"I thought you could use a break, I know how difficult it is looking after the hatchlings after all."
Neither of them were hatched, it's just what Donatello ended up calling the little munchkins,
"I mean, are you really going to break up them up - that's cold Raph."
Oh yeah, he's throwing everything back. They really were twins,
"Can't believe you'd be so cruel."
| Muse Interaction
Raphael had their little Summer child bundled up in blankets, even as she fussed slightly trying to her legs out free from the blankets. Once she had learned to use them she never quite let them being trapped away like so small little babbles being made as Raph at least kept a good hold on her in his arms. She was a bit to focused on getting free to take in the fact Casey was heading off to work. Raph at least was standing near the door to the apartment idly talking back and forth with Casey. Well aware they didn't want to go to work they wanted to be home with the new addition to their lives. After the worst case of baby fever had hit the pair. making them talk the idea over and over. Going from maybe one day we'll have this to they really truly wanted to have a baby all their own. Hypothetical children spoken about random names dropped here and there as they would let those conversation go on to long. To kidnapping their niece Ariel just to get the fix of a baby. Even if it meant they were going to be more running away from Donnie then playing with the baby. That part was fun to.
Shifting Summer in his hold to hold her up to look at Casey now, telling her to tell her Dad bye now. Summer idly stared up to her Dad taking in blue eyes of his before smiling and waving her arms around. Raph just eating up watching the mister tough Casey Jones melt at the sight of their kid, baby talk falling out from his mouth as he told her he would be back. Before Casey turned attention back to Raph telling him the same. Raph acted like that did hit his heart just a little to square in the center. Before shutting the door and turning attention back on to Summer. Letting her tiny little fingers curl around one of his own squeezing it as tight as she seemed to be able to before her free hand reached up and made a grab for his mask. High squeal let out as she tug on the soft fabric dragging it down to get a good look at Raph's reaming green eye. Raph didn't flinch away or tell her to stop he just chuckled to himself.
Sometimes he took off to the lair with Summer when it was the two of them. It was a good system Casey took off to work when he had to go in. And Raph got to spend all day basically playing with Summer. Family wasn't ever a dream or wish he wanted. But those moments by the door telling Casey bye, Summer being his excuse cause of Course had to make sure she knew Dad was leaving. Taking pictures for Casey of her since he had to miss out. Switching off when Casey got back home cause course Casey needed his fill of baby time once he was home. Sometimes full switch in roles if Raph had to join his brothers on something going on. It just gave him more reason to think a bit more before he acted so they could keep this little routine going. Raph liked being a Dad that's kind of all he knew, he could see why Donnie seemed to treasure it all so much. Really did become a full time thing uh? Raph had been making Casey's place more and more his home as well. Staying days at time sometimes never leaving still there by the time Casey came home. Once Summer came around? He pretty much never left. Outside visiting a time or two.
All of Summer's stuff was at home after all, her crib, her favorite toys all the stuff she liked to get into that she shouldn't like Casey's golf bag of blunt weapons he used to stomp the wannabes with. Summer soon started to fuss a little more and Raph just chuckled again.
"yeah yeah I know, don' 'ike bein' confined" Stepping over to the living room where her play mat always stayed set up. Setting her down just under the toys that hung over head that she right away tried to grab for. Hans garbing the first stuff toy they could tugging it down and giggling the whole time. "never stop do ya uh?" Raph asks playful poking her stomach before he reclaimed his mask and started to set it back over his face before moving to step away. "Sit tight slugger" his way of telling her he'd be right back she was bound to grow hungry soon and whine for her favorite toy that was left in her crib. His eyes were only take off of her for all of a solid four minutes at best so he could grab her hockey player teddy bear and get a bottle ready for her.
But that was all the time needed for Donatello to go and pull a little reverse on Raphael. Aware of his twin's current daily routine seemed to pin point the right time to make himself at home. Summer seemed aware of her self leaving the ground. The baby slightly grew quite as she turned to look at Donatello, not scared or spooked. She knew the other creatures that resembled her papa. But when she didn't see the red her paper worse, her lip quivered a little bit as she reached up and grabbed at their purple mask tugging it down in her fuss only to pause when getting the glimpse of green in his own eyes though she started to settle down and moved to pat his snout any sign of a cry dying out. She knew the green of her papa' Raph's eye and it was like that even if it was mixed with brown. Making it far easier for Don to take off with her. Summer unaware of what was going on simply settled in her uncles hold and happily looked around once they were outside.
In time for Raph to come back to the living room with a missing baby and a open wide window. Face would panic or snap over the fact his and Casey's baby was suddenly gone. But thanks to Summer's little habit he found purple cloth left on the floor beside her play mat and he knew what happened. Only one of them would been able to sneak in her so easily after all. Though Raph couldn't help but feel annoyed he knew all too well why Don did this.
" You're fuckin' petty ass bitch Don." he simply sighs out as he make his way inside of Don and Von's own place tossing thier mask over at them before he went to cross his arms infront of his plastron, holding Summers little stuff bear by the paw so it hung over his arm. Uncaring if they didn't like the language he went and used. Summer grew uo around it after all and beside Ariel heard it a lot when with Raph and Casey as is.
Sighing well shifting his attention down to where summer was happily sat on the ground with her cousin. They two of them babbling nonesense but you swear they were holding a whole conversation between. As Ariel held tightly on to her mermaid doll that once belong to Donatello. Summer seeming to try and take it from her.
"I thought you could use a break, I know how difficult it is looking after the hatchlings after all."
"Hatcklings?" Raph soon questions "I though Airel came outta Von?" Not seeming to catch it was just a term of endearment and not a factual statement.
"I mean, are you really going to break up them up - that's cold Raph."
Raph just huff and moved to bent down now as he hand Summer her bear so she would stop trying to take her cousins doll away last thing they needed was a baby fight to break out. Raph was pretty sure Summer would win anyway. All well keeping his twin on ignore he knew what theynwere doing. He was simply paying back some revenge Raphael's way.
"Can't believe you'd be so cruel."
"Don I already called ya a petty bitch don' prove my point here." Despite his statement he moved to be beside his brother, because even if he wanted to take Summer and go home just because they pissed him off anf royally annoyed him well Don had a point it would be kind of cruel.
Summer now having her own favorite toy and Ariel's doll safe from being stolen seemed to make their play far more peaceful before the possible fight was about to break out. Raph did smile a little, watching them letting Don's little stunt brush over his shoulders now. "They gonna be jus' as bad as us ya know 'hat 'ight?" He brings up suddenly "glued to the hip, more trouble together 'han apart, bring out the worst and best outta the other?"
Of course thier kids were bound to be close with how close the pair of them were. But even if that moment was nice and sweet Raoh still swiftly punched his brother in the shoulder. Not one his little light hello taps no a an actual punch aiming to hurt his brother with the action. "That don' mean ya get to jus' steal my kid cause ya a petty ass bitch though. Jus' means imma hav'ta get ya back again."
Because, it's okay when Raphael steals Don's baby but not the other way around. Smirking at the expression Don had aimed his way cause he knew they had a similar line of thought in mind about what Raphael threatened. "Could've jus' asked me ta come over I know you miss me but really Don? Using the girls as an excuse?" This was Don's doing stole hos kod so now he's gonna be annoying. "I mean I know I'm ya favorite but can just talk to me." Not anywhere near being Don as he gives a purposely annoying voice when speaking as Donnie. "Hey Raphie come hang out wit' me 'm lonely since ya went an' started a family too." Just because Donnie was getting pay back meant Raoh was going to let Donnie enjoy it.
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muppeteyes1001 · 1 year
Part 1 of 2 Fun and Games
The toll of the large clock atop of city hall bellowed over the town of Dawnburgh, alerting the arrival of twelve noon. The streets were bustling with folks of various species going on about their day. Either heading to their work places, grabbing lunch and tea, or simply just out enjoying the day. Today, in fact, a carnival had just been set up within the city and would stay until the end of the week. It was an annual event that happened in the Spring.
Out by the town square, Ben was playing with a few other friends of his. A slightly taller donkey boy named Jeremy, an alligator boy named Sam, and a boar girl named Doris. Both split into paired teams as they played kick ball while using turned over empty trash bins as goals.
The bear boy kicks the ball over to Sam who then uses his tail to hit the ball over into the opponents can. With a loud metal clang, he scored the winning point for the game to which the gator boy cheers it up with two victorious fists into the air and loud hoots along with his teammate Ben.
"Hey you cheated!" Doris cried out angrily as she walked over to the two boys .. "What!? No I didn't!" Sam retorted "Yeah you did! You kick with your feet not with your tail" Jeremy chimed in as he walked over as well. To which Sam simply just waved them both off dismissively. "Aww same difference ... They're both on the ground, aren't they?"
As the four older kids played/argued over their game, Lucy was sitting in an old wagon just off to the side of the street. Her doll draped lazily over the side as she played around with some colorful picture cards and marbles. Humming happily to herself as she did so. Behind her was a small crate filled with water balloons that had been made the day before.
Once the bickering had died down somewhat, Ben jogs over to the wagon. "Hey Luc! .. Ya ready to start heading out? .. We're gonna go check out the carnival" he informs, resting his arms on the edge of the wagon.
"I wanna go to Zukaros!" the little doe cheerily replied after turning her attention to her friend. To which the bear boy raises his brow, perplexed.
"What? .. Why? ..We were just there like .. two days ago .... It's not like they've got somethin' new or anything" Ben responded back, not quite expecting this.
"They're gonna have a new ice cream today!" Lucy continued, bouncing a bit were she sat, now holding her doll in her lap. It's limbs flopping madly.
"What!? .. No they don't .. They've never made ice cream before, you know that" Sam interjects as he came up to the wagon as well "Yeah! .. And even if they did, we would've totally heard about it by now" Doris adds in, hands on her hips. Though, despite the neigh sayers among the group, the little deer girl was not deterred by any of it. She simply smiles brightly before calling out the name of the most popular candy shop in town once more.
"Ugh, fine! .. But only for like five minutes, then we're off to the carnival, ok? .... Besides, we'll be able to pass it on the way there anyway" Ben finally agrees with mild exasperation.
"Yeah! .. They're gonna have clowns! .. An' ya know what that means .... Pummelin' time with these babies" the donkey lad says as he takes out a water balloon from the wagon and shows it off. Each filled with food coloring.
"An' once we're done, they'll look like some mucked up painting a five year old made" he added with a big, mischievous grin.
"I don't paint like that!" Lucy pouts as she glares at him, clearly offended.
Grabbing the pull handle of the wagon, the bear boy begins to break off into a run with Lucy riding inside it. The little doe giggling the whole time as she told her older friend which ways to turn, heading towards the large candy store she wanted to visit ... again. Ben's other three friends ran alongside. All of them eager to visit the carnival after and try out the rides and food they'll see over there.
It's not too long before they reach Zukaro's Chocolate Emporium. The warm and sweet smells of the candy from within always wafted around a radius of several blocks. It wasn't necessary to use a map to find the place, when you could just use your nose. It wasn't until they made it to the front of the shop that they noticed a couple of new posters placed on the windows out front. The posters showed a cup filled with small, vibrantly-hued round balls of ice cream surrounded by a cold nitrogen mist. New Frozen Rainboubles, available now.
The four older kids could only stare dumbfounded at the advertisements in disbelief.
"Huh?! ... Woah, no way! .... How did you know about those, Lucy?" Sam the alligator boy inquires to the deer girl.
Lucy simply shrugs, "I dunno! .. I just did" before pretending to make her doll play with her cards. This wasn't the first time the little doe had shown this odd little quirk of hers. In fact, she doesn't seem to be that aware of it at all. She most likely just thinks that this was normal since it was something that she was able to do for quite a long while. A sixth sense perhaps?
As the four older children pondered over what they wanted to do first, they eventually decided to go see the carnival first. They promised Lucy that they would come back to try the ice cream once they were done with their initial plans for the day.
Festival music could be heard floating through the air, as well as the chatter and laughter of guests visiting the carnival scene. It consisted mostly of stands containing random games like darts, dunk booths, and shooting (pellet guns, of course) and various types of food and treat vendors. A balloon seller was stationed close to the entrance, while a small band playing brass and string instruments kept the surrounding atmosphere lively and merry. There were also machines that tested one's strength with a large mallet and a ride that resembled flying chairs going in a circle in midair.
Once they had gone inside, the youngsters decided to head over to a go-cart track. On the way there, they go by the entrance to a funhouse .. And as they passed, Ben made a double take and stopped for a moment. The entrance looked oddly familiar, but had a slightly different shade of purple. The entrance was designed to look like the maw of a large dragon-like creature ... opened wide enough to walk into and showing off large, white fangs along the path that led inside. The bear cub stares up at it thoughtfully before breaking out of his thoughts at the sound of two of his friends behind him.
"Hey Dorkis, look! ... We finally found something that's gotta bigger mouth than you!" Jeremy guffaws, tugging comically on his long ears as he teased the boar girl.
"Shut up, Jeremy!!" Doris yells out before chasing the donkey boy, earning an eye roll from Ben as he turned to look at the dragon once more. About a minute later, a painful yelp could be heard from Jeremy somewhere off to the side.
"You alright, Ben? .. What'cha lookin' at?" Sam the gator boy inquires as he walks over to him.
"Oh ah, yeah, I'm good .. It just that this .. kinda .. reminds me of something, that's all" Ben replied. At that, Sam quirks a confused brow towards the bear cub before looking up at the dragon's mouth as well.
"Really? ... Reminds you o' what?" the gator boy questions back in a puzzled tone.
"W..Well, I mean ..." Ben awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he quickly tried to think of what to say that wasn't exactly the truth. But before he could say anything else, Ben and Sam were suddenly hit with a stray water balloon.
"Hey! ..Watch it! .. We weren't even playin'' Ben and Sam call out to Jeremy and Doris, who were now continuing their fight with the balloons. The two splattered with different colors from the water dye.
"Alright! ... Ya'll are gettin' mucked up now" the gator boy threatens as he briskly goes over to them.
As the water balloon fight commenced, Lucy was casually playing around with her doll, which unintentionally taps one of the marbles. As it casually rolled, it rests on top of a card that had a dark caped character on it. Seeing this, the little doe immediately pips up with an "uh oh".
Doris and Jeremy kept at it with the water balloons, along with Ben and Sam as well. All of them laughing and enjoying themselves immensely as they pelted each other .. That is, until one is accidently tossed way past any of them and hits a tall stranger several feet away. A smack and low grunt was heard right after.
It wasn't until they turned towards the sound near a dimly lit corner of the fair grounds that the children would see the tall figure. At the sudden unexpected sight, the kids immediately froze where they stood, all dripping wet and splotched in rainbow hues. The figure took a few steps toward the young group and into the light, revealing the face of an old badger dressed in a fine suit, cape, and top hat. He was casually wiping the water and rubber bits off his garb from the minor assault. His expressionless, unimpressed demeanor would then slowly form into a cordial smile.
"Well hello children! .. Having a bit of fun are we?"
His voice wasn't quite sinister .. nor was it exactly comforting, either.
The intimidating and unexpected presence brought forth by the stranger was enough to make Ben's three friends take a couple steps back. Clearly nervous around the tall badger, Jeremy gulps before finally running off, followed closely behind by Sam and Doris. Each of them stammering as they mentioned about how they needed to go. A couple of them slipped and skidded as they made a quick retreat and disappeared into the crowd. Leaving Ben and Lucy behind.
Getting a bad vibe as well, Ben tries to take the wagon with Lucy and leave.
"Y..Yeah, we've gotta go too" the bear boy informed, not wanting to seem rude before beginning to tug on the wagon lead. He barely made a few steps before he was spoken to by the old badger man.
"Home? .. Why you two are from the orphanage, are you not? ... Well, at least that's what I assume judging by your clothes" he coolly observed, taking a step or two closer to the cub.
"Ahh .. Then, you must be .. Benjamin ... Am I correct?"
Ben was clearly taken aback after hearing this man say his name. He had never met nor even seen him before. "H..How did you know my name?" he asked the old badger man. He began to feel even more wary of this stranger, though he was trying his best not to show it.
"Well it's my job, my boy ... I happen to work very closely with the orphanage to make sure such promising youths like yourselves are taken care of" he tells Ben before giving a few pats on his hatted head. The stranger than notices the little deer girl in the wagon and turns his attention to her. Lowering himself enough to meet her at eye level.
"And you must be little Lucy! .. Hello, my dear" he greets with a slightly toothy grin.
Lucy looks up at him, hugging her doll close ... obviously feeling very wary and nervous at the moment.
The badger man was about to say something else when another voice would suddenly ring in. Kitt had just appeared. She had been taking some advantage of the festivities when she noticed her young friends talking to someone. Curious .. as well as being protective .. the felinoid comes over to check on things.
"Are you two alright?" the cat woman inquires the two kids. Using a tone that let the stranger know that she was with them and not alone. Lucy was very happy to see her and even said her name out loud just as the badger man straightens himself back up. His attention now fully on Kitt.
Looking over at the stranger now, her wintergreen eyes blink and widen in mild surprise as she immediately recognizes him.
"Judge Mason .. Good evenin' ... I .. apologize if the kids were giving you a bit of trouble" she greets the older gentlemen. Her tone then quickly changes into a much more polite one.
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dorkydiaz · 3 years
you're not scared of anything at all [922 words | girldads!buddie| fluff] {ao3} @buddiebingo square: kidfic a/n: for @quarantine-anon who requested what happens after Grace Madeline's first day of kindergarten, which then spiraled to include a random morning in High School, and after her college graduation party. Yes I named her bestie Abby on purpose but we'll get into that another time lol. yes grace is queer af cause i said so. title from the best day by taylor swift. enjoy!
Buck wasn't sure what to expect as he pulled into the parking lot at 1:25pm. The morning had been tearfilled as he and Eddie clutched hands and backed out of the classroom as the teacher's aid talked with Grace after about 10 hugs each and promises that they would indeed be back in just a few hours to go home. No they both did not cry their own tears when they got back in the car. Absolutely not. Eddie had to convince Buck that they could not just sit in the parking lot all day.
He waited the 5 minutes, because as much as he wanted to see Grace, he also didn't want to seem too helicoptery. So as soon as the little green clock blinked to 1:30pm, he hopped out of the car. Several other parents do the same and he smiles to himself. They all wait patiently on the walkway outside of the school, and a few minutes later he spots Ms. Sally leading the group of children out the doors.
He spots her before she does, obviously, but still holds back until she sees him. And when she does her face lights up, her blue eyes sparkling in the bright September sun.
"Papa!" she runs to him the rest of the way and he bends down just in time to scoop her up, little backpack and all.
"Hi baby, did you have a good day?" he asks, making his way to Ms. Sally to let her know that they were leaving.
"Where's Daddy?" she responds in lieu of an answer,
Ms. Sally seems to be engrossed in a complex conversation with another parent, but she nods and waves at them which he returns and then turns to the parking lot.
"He was sooo sleepy that he took a nap."
"Silly Daddy. That is my favorite part of kindergarten- no nap time!" Grace babbles as he gets her into the car.
Buck smiles and runs his fingers through her curls, and double checks her seatbelt.
"No nap time!? What did you do with all that extra time?" Buck asks slipping into the driver seat.
"Well we drew pictures and learned about addition, oh and recess! I met a new friend, her name is Abigail- but we call her Abby! And we want to have a playdate, can you talk to her parents?..."
Grace continues to relay her day that he knows he will have to hear at least three more times, but he doesn't care.
They arrive home and Grace is off like a shot through the door, racing to find Eddie or possibly Mr. Noodle, Buck isn't terribly sure who will take precedence.
It turns out it was Eddie because he walks into the living room and the sight to behold is one he will never get tired of. Grace is sitting on Eddie's lap, relaying about her new best friend Abby who apparently has red hair, and Eddie catches Buck's eyes and tilts his head, the question clear, and he just nods.
Grace then slows down and starts to crash from the day, leaning into Eddie, and mumbles, "I missed you Daddy,"
"We missed you too kid, but it sounds like you had so much fun, are you excited to go tomorrow?"
"I have to go again?" Grace asks,
Buck laughs, "Yeah kid, almost everyday for the next 12-16 years,"
"Geez Louise," Grace says, sighing.
✏️✏️11 years later✏️✏️
"Daad, have you seen my braces rubber bands?" Grace calls from the bathroom,
"Yeah they are on the kitchen counter Gracie," Eddie calls from the living room,
"Daddd I told you to stop calling me thaat," Grace huffs walking into the kitchen rolling her eyes,
"Your math homework is on the coffee table, don't forget it." Buck says, "We gotta get going if you want a ride kid."
"Claire and Abby are picking me up today," she says heading for the front door, stuffing the math homework into her bag on her way,
"Okay, have a good day! Love you too," Eddie calls after her,
"Love you Dads," she calls back with a small smile as she shuts the front door.
"Fuck she grew up too fast, she's gonna be in college soon and then we won't see her every day," Buck pouts tears pooling in his eyes, "You think she's ever gonna tell us Claire is her girlfriend?"
"She will when she's ready." Eddie replies, pointedly avoiding the first part of Buck's musings.
✏️✏️5 years later✏️✏️
The house was quiet, soft music leaks in from the backyard where Chris, Abby, and Cal are still spread across the grass talking. There's half a sheet cake sitting on the table, streamers still dangling from the ceiling and Buck walks into the living room, coming upon a common, but less common sight now that Grace had been at college, sight, Eddie's arms wrapped around her, placing a kiss on her temple, the look on his face the same as the day that she was born.
"So how does it feel to be done?" he asks gently,
"Geez Louise," she whistles, "I don't know."
"We are so proud of you," Buck says sitting down next to them,
"I know, you only told me like 100 times today," she says throwing her head back on the couch,
"Hey, we are, neither-"
"Of you guys went. I know," she says, "But both of you know that doesn't determine-"
"Our worth," they finish together, hugging her tightly.
"I love you Dads," she whispers quietly.
"Love you too kid."
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stephthenewgirl · 3 years
AGTAW — I: Twila Gilbert
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“Twila, did you take my dark blue leather jacket?!” Elena Gilbert strides into her sister's bedroom without a simple thing as a kick. She halts upon laying her doe brown eyes on her sister; her mouth parted and her thin brows furrowing. There her sister stood in only a bra and panties but that's not what shocked her, it was the fact that Twila was in her underwear with a boy in her room. He sat at the edge of her queen-sized bed that was covered in gray and black sheets and heavy blankets. His elbows pressing down on his lap and his back hunched over. His deep brown eyes moved to the elder Gilbert twin.
The later twin — Twila — with celerity wheeled her body around, her large hazel brown eyes aimed at her sister sharply. Her body hiding the boy behind her midway. And the somewhat naked girl's medium brown hair that fell into a sepia reddish-brown moved sweetly and nimbly stroke her neck. A rainbow stripe shirt held between her fingers — a shirt she was about to put on before Elena intruded her bedroom.
Twila briskly put the rainbow shirt on, after she tugged the shirt down, stretching out slight folds on the fabric and she stomped her way towards the elder Gilbert. Elena's doe eyes stayed fixed on the boy that sits peacefully on her little sister's bed. She disliked this — and she disliked it even more that the boy who looked so peaceful and unbothered had no shirt on.
Why doesn't he have a shirt on? Elena query herself.
“Don't you know how to kick?” Twila asked heatedly. Elena's eyes fluttered to the younger twin.
“I-I. . .” The words just wouldn't come out. Her eyes wandered to the boy on her sister's bed. Elena wanted to say ''no boys allowed in the bedroom'', she wanted to ask why Twila had no clothing on and why was he shirtless, what was happening. Elena gasped as the boy known as Clarkson sent a wink to her then frowned.
Twila pushed Elena out of her room, slamming the door in her face.
“No boys in the room, Twila!” Elena finally found her voice.
“You're not my fucking mother, Elena!!” Twila waits to hear the footsteps of her sister walking away. It did not take long. Today, Elena had no energy to lecture her. Twila was grateful. She twirled back around, walking towards the end of her bed.
“Will, that was a show.” Clarkson Forsyth spoke, a lopsided smirk on his soft pink lips. Twila mocked smiled at the boy, picked up his black tee off her bed then threw it at him, hitting his face.
“Yeah, you would think that.” Their giggles bounded off the four walls. “Hurry up. Martin and Vera are picking us up in sixteen.” Twila told the boy as she made her way into her closet and yanked a pair of pants off the hanger.
“So should I hop out the window and wait for you outside?” Clarkson said, standing from the bed, the black shirt in his hold as he goes. He flipped the shirt over and slid his arms in the sleeves then pulled the shirt over his head and pulled it down over his body. Twila stepped out of the closet wearing dark blue loose jeans and held two pairs of black sneakers in her hand. She walked towards her bed, displaying a frown on her face.
“What? No.” Twila sits down at the end of her bed and pulls out the socks she tucked into her sneakers. “I'm fucking hungry, and I know you are too.” Twila slipped the sneakers on her feet and tied them up.
“I just don't want to start—” Clarkson started, taking small steps towards the Gilbert girl.
“Clark, you've been my best friend since kindergarten. My family knows you and Aunt Jenna is cool, and she likes you. You're not going to start anything. . .” Once she finished tying her shoelaces, Twila looked over to the obsidian hair strong-jawed boy. “. . . Okay.”
Clarkson chortle. “Yeah, okay.”
Twila nods slightly with a smile. “Okay.” She pushed herself off the bed. “Don't mind Elena, she's just being a prude. Elena's been all big-sister ever since mom and dad passed. The girl is only four minutes older than me but that is a mile for her.”
Clarkson cracks a tiny smile. “How are you feeling, anyway?”
Twila was quiet for a second, thinking of what to say. She looked up at her best friend and greeted him with a sad smile.
“Getting better. Can't do anything but get better. The world goes on.” Twila gives him a longer smile that forcefully reaches her cheeks. Clarkson pulls her into a hug. It took a while for Twila to react back, but she did; wrapping her arms around him tightly.
“Thanks — for being here for me. I didn't know what I would have done without you last night.”
It was late at night when the boy called, gasping with sobs and in need of his best friend. Twila immediately told him to come over. She sat up on her bed and rubbed her sleep away, awaiting his arrival. Finally arriving at the Gilbert home, Twila hugged him and listened to his recent problems with his father as he cried on her shoulder. Twila did not mind — Clarkson was there for her when her parents passed; even invited her to crash in his room when she did not feel like being at Caroline's. After his tears dried out, they watched Buffy together on her baby-blue-covered laptop — forgetting about the sadness as they laughed away.
“Of course, Clark. I will always be here for you.” Twila pulled from the hug, her hands clasping his biceps tenderly then she gave him a fast smile. “Now get off of me,” She pushed him jocosely. “C'mon, I'm starved.” Clarkson chortled with a head shake; the two grab their belongings and head downstairs.
Twila and Clarkson dumped their belongings on the sofa before passing the threshold into the kitchen. The gold sunlight streamed through the square window; the silhouette of the window slept on the kitchen Island and kissed Jeremy's naked arm.
“Good morning, Gilbert family!!.” Twila smiled wide at her family that was diffuse around the kitchen area.
“Morning, Twila,” Aunt Jenna says softly, tipping her head back from the refrigerator door, welcoming Twila back with a duplicate smile. Her eyesight moved to the boy beside her niece. “Oh, hey Clark. I didn't know you were here.”
“Yeah, I hope you don't mind. Just needed my best friend last night.”
“Oh, nonsense,” Jenna waves him off. “You are welcome anytime. Would you like some toast?”
Twila's eyes instantly widened, jerking her head from side to side, “Oh, no. I'm making waffles. Don't need you having us eating rocks, Aunt Jenna.”
“Not rocks, Twila. Just burnt toast.” The kitchen erupted with laughter for everyone's lips — even Jeremy's. The boy who had been in the dump all summer, spending his time with Vicki Donovan and drug heads. Both Gilbert twins were happy to hear him laugh again; they haven't heard it in a while. Elena shook her head in the corner with a smile and a mug in her hands. After, she pulled it closer to her lips, taking a sip. “Who needs lunch money?”
“Here!” Both Twila and Jeremy raised their hands, shouting.
“Elena?” Jenna walked to her bag that sits on the chair at the dinner table.
“No thanks, Aunt Jenna.”
“Okay.” The strawberry blond rummaged through her bag, pulling out three twenty-dollar bills. “Here you go.” Jenna handed Jeremy and Clarkson each a twenty.
“Oh no Jenna, you don't have to,” Clarkson says, declining the money.
“I know, I want to. So take the money.”
“Take the money!” Twila yelled, not sparing a glance over her shoulders. Her eyes were fixed on the waffles, she didn't want them to burn like Aunt Jenna does every time she cooks something.
“Yeah, or I'll take it.” Jeremy playfully stood up acting as if he was honestly going to, Aunt Jenna pushed him back on his seat.
“Sit down.” She told the boy. “Take it.” She utters to Clarkson, pushing it at his crest.
“Okay, okay. . . Thanks, Jenna.”
“No problem. Twila, yours is on the table.”
“Thanks, Jenna.”
“Don't you have a big presentation today?” Elena reminds the young caretaker.
“I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at. . .” Jenna glanced down at her watch and freaked, “Now. Crap!”
“Then go. We'll be fine.” Jenna nodded at Elena, she quickly put her hair up in a ponytail with a rubber band then grabbed her bag, and dashed out the side door.
Twila plopped the last waffle on top of the rest. Elena walked towards her sister, standing beside her.
“Why was Clarkson in your room?” Elena inquired.
The sepia brunette twisted her neck to her twin. “Because he came over last night.”
“Because he needed a friend, Elena. You know, like how Bonnie comes over when she needs you.”
“Bonnie's not a boy.”
Twila's brows narrowed down and her eyelids batted. She can't believe what Elena was saying to her right now. She angles her body, facing her sister.
“Elena, you know Clark for as long I've been friends with him.”
“Doesn't mean he's not a boy.”
Twila turned away from Elena; grabbing the pleat of waffles, she was done with this exchange. Before she walked off she targeted her big brown hazel eyes at her sister once more.
“I don't know when you've become such a wet blanket but stop with the mothering act. I can have whoever I want in my room.”Twila let Elena know, leaving her there speechless.
Twila was wordless while she ate her waffles, Jeremy and Clarkson on the other hand talked as if they were in a club meeting. The conversation with Elena left a sour taste in her mouth, she still enjoyed her waffles of course, but she was upset. Her big brown hazel eyes glared at her twin as she asked Jeremy a simple question: if he was okay. She snickers at Jeremy's response and rolled her eyes when Elena glanced at her with a confused pouty face.
Elena folds her arms and walks off from the three teens, not soon later Twila's phone buzzes. A text from Vera telling Twila she and Martin were outside. A small smile pulls at her perfect lips as she stares at the screen. Twila slides the phone back into her pocket and sights her eyes on her brother and best friend.
“Vera and Martin's outside.” Clarkson got the hint. He hopped off the stool, grabbing his pleat and then Twila's. She gave him a soft thank you. “Need a ride, Jer?”
“Sure.” Jeremy got off the stool taking his dish, going towards the sink. Clark and Jeremy end up in a —you go first, I go first— situation. Jeremy stepped aside letting Clarkson pass. Clark smiled up at him shyly. Twila looked at him with a knowing smile, and he ignored her smug look while he walked to the living room area grabbing his book bag on the sofa.
Twila walked up behind Clarkson, playfully bumping into him. “Oh, I'm sorry. You first. No, you go first. I go left, you go right? Oh, um. . . okay.” Twila laughed at her dramatic imitation of Jeremy and Clarkson's exchange in the kitchen.
“Ssh, shut up. He could hear you.” He whispered to the girl over his shoulder.
Twila rolls her eyes, “Oh, please.” She grins and moves from behind him, going to grab her book bag also. Clarkson shook his head, letting out a stressful sigh. Hoping Jeremy didn't hear his sister mocking.
“Come on, Jer!”
“Coming!” He placed the wet dish on the dish rack and rushed his way out of the kitchen grabbing his book bag on the chair head. “Hey Vera, Martin.” Jeremy greets his sister's two best friends. Vera is a square face, soft beige skin brunette with deep-set dark brown eyes. Her brows were black-filled and straight. Her hair was black and short in a pixie rat tail cut, her bangs were cut right above her eyebrows, and two long strips of black hair fell just under her chin on each side of her face.
“Hey, Jeremy.” Vera greeted back.
Martin was an almond skin boy with long brown hair and a handsome diamond-shaped face. His eyes are hooded, small, and brown. Martin is Vera's half-brother and was Twila's boyfriend of two years, now ex-boyfriend but still great friends.
“S'up, Jeremy. How's it been?” Martin made conversation.
“Okay. How about you?”
“Fan-fuckin-tastic. I got this new skateboard from my dad. It—”
“Please, stop talking about the skateboard. No one cares, Martin.” Vera twists her head briskly at her brother before aiming her sights back at the road.
“You're just mad I'm better than you.” Martin retorted.
“Ha! Better than me? Jokes. . . That was a funny joke.”
“Please, can you turn on the radio? Don't need to hear your brother-sister bickering.” Jeremy and Clarkson chuckle at Twila's insult. Vera rolled her eyes yet she did what was told and made a turn; passing The Mystic Grill. The song WANNABE by Spice Girls blasted throughout the dark blue color car.
Vera, Clarkson, and Twila belled along with the song. Martin and Jeremy had no choice but to tolerate the ordeal of their boisterous singing.
“So, here's a story from A to Z. You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully. We got Em in the place who likes it in your face.” Twila bells.
“You got G like MC who likes it on a. Easy V doesn't come for free, she's a real lady. And as for me?” Vera follows.
“HA, YOU'LL SEE.” The three teens yell from the top of their lungs like a banshee's cry.
“C'mon guys.” An annoyed Jeremy wailed.
Martin's eyes traveled from the backseat to his sister. “Yeah, guys cut it off.”
“Slam your body down and wind it all around! Slam your body down and zig-a-zig ah!” They laughed at how irked the two boys were.
Twila pushed herself off her seat, her lips went to Martin's ear. “If you wanna be my lover!” Twila ear-splittingly sings.
Martin slapped his hand against his ear, “Twila, what the fuck!”
“You gotta get with my friend!” Vera sings.
“Friendships last forever!” Clarkson followed along.
“Friendship never eennnnds!” The three belled.
“That's not how it goes.”
“I don't give a shit, Martin. Now, get out of my car. We're here.” The long-haired boy rolled his eyes and pushed the car door open; he stepped out. The four other kids in the car followed shortly after.
“So — the boy had to sleep with her friends to be considered her lover?” Jeremy queried his eldest sister.
“That's not the message of the song, Jer.”
“Well, that's what it said.”
“Yeah, but—”
“Hey, Jeremy.” Vicki Donovan smiled making her way to Jeremy.
Jeremy copies and greets her back. “Hey, V.”
“Twila.” She uttered, moving her eyes to Twila.
“Victoria.” Twila gave a faint smile. Vicki and Twila were once good friends. They got especially close when Elena and Matt started dating but had a fallout this summer when she started to use her baby brother for his prescription pills and sleeping with him to avoid her own screwed-up life.
“Okay, let's go bitc—” Vera stops when her eyes set on Vicki Donovan. “Speaking of bitch.” Her hip cocked out, her fingers tucked into the back of her blue denim jeans pockets.
Vicki's mouth agape and her brows knitted. Her lips hastily retrieve with a curl and a scoff. Vera took hold of Twila's wrist, pulling the girl away from Vicki.
“See ya, Jeremy.” She said as the group of friends part ways from the young boy and ex-friend. “I still can't believe you allow him to be around her.”
“There are certain things I can tell Jeremy to do and certain things I could. He's hard-headed like that.” Twila explained with a shrug.
Lunch came fast for Twila. She had six-period lunch and had Mr. Tanner after. She was tired and glad the school day was almost over. Then she remembered she had to help Caroline with picking out some fresh faces for the new year try-outs after school. Great. She sighed.
“You look exhausted,” Vera slid, sitting down on the curved seat. She set her tray on the round cafeteria table. Today's lunch is a ham sandwich, chicken nuggets, apple, and a side of salads with a dressing of your choice and beverage. The food at Mystic Falls High wasn't so bad.
“I am.” Twila pushes her hair back, fingers gripping her hair softly. “I just wanted to go home after school and have a nice bubble bath, but I have try-out picking to do after school.” She wailed and pouted. Twila felt like sobbing, she truly needed and wanted that bubble bath.
“Aww, don't be so down, Twila. I'm sure you'll be fine.” Vera grabs a hold of her sandwich, taking a big bite.
“Let me detail it for you.” Twila leans forward, her hair falling as she moves her fingers and locks her big eyes with Vera's deep-set ones. “I'm try-out picking after school — with Caroline.”
“Ohh. . .” Vera sees the problem now.
Twila smiled tightly and her eyes squinted a bit and a little hum leaving her lips. Her smile says: now you get it. “It's going to be hell.”
“Aww, Twila. I'll be there for you.” Vera's mouth was occupied by food, she kept her teeth locked while her lips moved. The words came out muffled. Twila smiled anyway.
“You will?” Twila's lower lip pushes out.
Vera nods and speaks after swallowing. “If you need me, of course.”
“Aww, thanks,” The short-haired brunette joined her palm on top of Vera's hand. “But I can't do that to you.” She removed her hand, stealing Vera's apple. “I'll go through the belly of the beast on my own.” She takes a bit of the apple. Vera laughed.
“The belly of what beast?” Clarkson arrives, taking a spot next to Vera; Martin follows beside him.
Vera's eyes travel to the raven-haired boy. “Caroline.” She informed him.
“What about Caroline?” Martin questioned.
“I've got some fresh cheerleaders to pick out with Caroline after school.”
“Oh.” Clarkson and Martin mumble. Twila nods at the boys, chewing through the green apple.
Martin swallows down his food with water before speaking. “Aren't you co-captain? Can't you just do it another time?”
“No.” She placed the apple down on the table. “I'll just get it over with.”
“Clarkson, where were you last night?!” Barbie Forsyth asked, approaching the small group. Clarkson eyed up his sister. She stood with her hands at her hips.
“At Twila's.” He answered honestly. Barbie's eyes went to Twila; they had a squint to them.
“Of course.” She scoffed, shifting her eyes back at her brother.
The bottled blonde — Barbie Forsyth — never had a good relationship with Twila Josephine Gilbert. Ever since Twila ruined Barbie's gingerbread house in elementary school; just because she wanted a piece. And the other time they were partnered up in a history project. Barbie had done all the work and Twila just plastered her name on the paper. But those weren't the reasons why Barbie didn't like the big-eyed Gilbert all that well. For as long as she could remember, Clarkson and Twila were inseparable. She always felt like Twila was more of Clarkson's sister than she ever was.
“Why were you at her house?”
“I, uh. . . I needed someone to talk to.”
Barbie's head jerked forward. Unbelievable, she thought. “You could have talked to me.” Her light green eyes stayed on her brother; it made Clarkson feel guilty the way they were intensely piercing at him. Her eyelids blinked and she rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I wanted to speak to you last night.”
“Okay. . . What?”
Barbie glanced at Twila, who like everyone else at the table was focused on them. Barbie looked back at her brother. “Not here in front of her.” She yanked the boy, pulling him off his seat and away from the group.
Vera chortle, aiming her sight on Twila. “I'm guessing she still hates you for not doing the history project in middle school.”
“Ha, guessing?” Martin uttered. “It's a known fact she does.”
Twila laughed along with her friends, brushing down the fact that deep down she felt awful that her best friend's sister hated her for something she did in middle school. Not knowing that Barbie didn't dislike her because of some petty school project issue, the bottled blonde felt like Twila took her brother from her.
“Once our home state of Virginia joined the confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union.”
In the back corner of the room, Twila sat near the large windows. Mr. Tanner's voice was inaudible to her ears as she doodled in her history book. Through the windows, the evening sun rays hit the desk of students and the classroom floor. One golden glint shimmers comfortably on Twila's hair. A rainbow hues sat at her open history book, making Twila stop her hand movement. She admired the reflection of the colorful lights. Rainbows are one of Twila's favorable things about nature. Rainbows and heavy rain on a lazy afternoon, but she always hated the after smell. It always smelled of wet soil and moist greens.
Her large eyes wandered to the windows, it landed on the tree just outside Ms. Tanner's classroom. A crow sitting perfectly inanimate, as if it was a statue.
It was larger than most. Its feathers pitch as black but the little sunlight that hits its feathers shine a rainbow on it. It was sleek and had greedy dark claws and a sharp beak. Its black eyes glittered, and they were fixed on Elena; the brunette that sits two rolls down from Twila.
Twila watched the crow leer at her twin with this inclination in its eyes. Like how boys' eyes linger on a girl wearing tight clothes; those tops that pop out their cleavage or dresses that outline their bodies.
It was creepy, to say the least.
Then its dark eyes blink at Twila. The girl flinched back a bit, her eyes got broader, but they stayed on the bird. It was like the bird was challenging her; playing with her. A game of who would look away first.
The school bell boom, Twila flinched once more. Her eyes flutter to the front of the classroom seeing everyone packing up.
She lost.
Twila stood up, grabbing her book bag along, and followed her way out the room behind the crowd of teenagers. The short brunette sauntered her way through the crowded hall; she made a right, passing four classroom doors before reaching the staircase. She walked four flights of stairs down, landing on the first floor she went to her locker, putting and taking some of her things then — to Caroline she went.
Twila walked through the football field towards the concern the school gave the cheerleaders to practice. Her eyes gazed at the wannabe cheerleaders of all ages and sizes perfecting their moves. It brought a smile to her face.
Until Caroline spoke.
“Ugh, there you are.” The blonde's voice reached Gilbert's. Twila rolled her eyes. Always Caroline, the extra control Queen.
“Hello to you too, Care.” Twila drops her bag on the green cut grass. “Let's get this over with, shall we?” Some in the flock of wannabe cheerleaders chortle.
Caroline narrows her light bluish-green eyes before throwing Twila a mocked cheesy grin. The blonde pulled the sheet of paper to her eyesight. “Okay, first off you are going to be asked some questions — okay.” The group nods. “Okay, any of you guys have experience with cheerleading? Like gymnastics, dance, or have ever cheered before? If you have, raise your hand.” Caroline nods and marks it down. Caroline glanced to her side, “You want to say something, or are just going to stand there. Co-captain.”
Twila steps forward with a smirk. “All who have experienced step forward, those who don't. Please take a seat at the bleachers.” They followed their orders and Twila continued. “Now I want you all to show me what you've got. Jump, tumble, split, dance? Whatever you've got.”
The fourteen that step forward show Caroline and Twila what they could bring to the team. Both girls watched with sharp eyes. Twila had nicely commented on one girl who intended to do a cartwheel backflip after Caroline rudely told her she shouldn't try it again.
Twila told her she should. She did and succeeded. It was much better the second time around.
Throughout the try-out, Caroline rolled her eyes, scoffed, and scored the wannabe cheerleaders. Twila on the other hand praised and nicely Judged their performance. But she had snickered here and there with the blonde.
“Okay, we are done.” Twila was glad. “Those who made the team will be getting an email in two days and those who didn't,” Caroline sucked air through her teeth. “Too bad.” She shines her big smile, “Okay, bye.”
It was late afternoon and the sun cast a golden shadow upon the sky and Twila didn't care that it was four something when she got home, she was just happy she got her bubble bath. Her arms rest on the top edge of the tub and her hair held up by a black hair claw. She relaxed peacefully in the warm water and the smell of cinnamon, she bathed in the quietness. That was until Elena ruined it.
“Elena!” Twila shouts at her sister that breaks into the bathroom.
“Sorry,” Elena says. “Bleeding.” She put her foot on top of the toilet cover and rolled the bottom of her jeans up.
Twila looked down seeing the dry blood, “What happened?”
“I fell in the cemetery when I was running from a crow.
“Running from a crow?” It's brought a chill down Twila back. Her mind wondered if it could be the same crow watching her from the tree outside Ms. Tanner's window. No, she's just being paranoid.
“Yes.” Elena rolled down the leg of her jeans after cleaning the scraps on her leg and putting on a bandage.
“What were you doing at the cemetery?”
Elena put her foot down on the bathroom ground, sighed, and sat down on the bath cover. “I went to see mom and dad.”
Twila rolled her pretty eyes. “But you didn't see them, did you? You went to see a stone with their names plastered on it.” Twila's fingers wave in the bubble, playing with them. It was stupid for Elena to go see a piece of rock with their parent's names on it. It wasn't gonna bring them back, She thought, nothing was gonna bring them back.
Elena sighs and brushes her hair back. “I'm going to the grill, you want to come?”
“No thanks,” Twila looks over her shoulder. “I had a long day, I'm just gonna relax at home.”
The elder's twin nods, “Okay.” Elena left the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Twila fell back to the bath and relaxed once again.
A.N— Maine focus characters & Twila's outfit
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iaminlovewithtrr · 4 years
Christmas with a stranger
This is my submission for 'gift of cheer' by @cordonianroyalty and @texaskitten30. This is the fluff one shot requested by @anjanettaexcordonia.
Characters belong to pixelberry
A/N: this is the first fic I have ever written, so i apologize for any mistakes. Criticism is openly accepted, negative or otherwise. Feel free to say anything!
Tags: @texaskitten30 @cordonianroyalty
@kat-tia801 @eadanga @xxrainbow-princessxx @knightthunderis @kingliam2019 @anjanettexcordonia @stuti-singh @queenrileyrose @bbrandy2002 @twinkleallnight @bebepac @ladyrileyrussel @hopelessromanticsposts @dcbbw
Summary: Two strangers spend Christmas day with which each other, which changes the rest of their lives.....
Song inspiration: All I want for Christmas is you
Word count:2683
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I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
Don't care about the presents
Underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy
With a toy on Christmas Day
I just want you for my own
It was the morning of Christmas, and Riley was overly excited. She always waited for this time of the year, especially Christmas. Nothing is more enjoyable than sipping cider in the presence of her beloved and enjoying the Christmas meal, she always thoughts. Orphaned at 4 ,she didn't had a blood family to celebrate with , but was blessed with a great deal of foster family and friends. Every year, during Christmas, as a sort of tribute, she spends the entire day celebrating with the children of her previous foster care. Watching those kids playing merrily reminded her of her own good days in the past.
She quickly ate her breakfast and made her way out of her NY apartment, whistling and softly humming to the tune of All I want for Christmas is you, her favorite song.
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
She was so engrossed in her little singing gig that she barely registered the stranger coming towards her, and crashed right into his broad chest, spilling her reticule's content on the sidewalk.
"Oof"she yelped, rubbing her forhead.
"Oh! I'm so sorry! Let me help with those! " the stranger apologized.
Riley and the stranger kneeled down at the same moment to collect her scattered belonging, and for the first time the two glanced into each others eyes. Ocean blue eyes locking onto dark ones. Damn... Those eyes.. Riley swallowed.
"Ahem" she softy cleared her thought, quickly collected her belongings, and stood up.
"Sorry for that. Should've watched my steps. " then she quickly disappeared into the crowd, not noticing the stranger eyes on her from behind.
Riley finally arrived at the foster care. Loving hearts. A bit strange name, but filling her chest with warmth nonetheless. She rummaged through her reticule for her Digital key card, but it was not there.
"Uh...?"she muttered. "Where the hell is my keycard? "
After a few moment of searching she gave up. "Im not going to get in there without my key card...."
"Excuse me Miss.... But I belive this is yours. " a voice behind her startled her.
Riley turned around and found herself staring at the pair of those same dark eyes she encountered earlier. I'd recognise those eyes anywhere, even though I had stared at his eyes for less than 5 seconds. The (cute) guy i bumped with!
"Ahem" the stranger let out a exaggerated cough and riley realised that she has been staring at his face for a solid 10 seconds.
"Right.. Ahem... Sorry... I mean... Thank you for returning this. You totally saved my ass--, i mean my...my...job". Way to make a fool of yourself Riley.
The stranger laughed quitly. "Well then I am glad I could save your job. But I should get going."
Just as he turned, a little voice in the back of her head called out to her, and instinctively she reached out and grabbed his sleeve.
"Er... Sir... I know this is extremly forward of me... But if you would be kind enough to spend the day with volunteering at the orphanage I work at? We are kinda short-staffed tonight, and there aren't much volunteers. Those children at the orphanage will be quite happy to see a new face. You could spend the with them. And me. If you are free, that is?
Crap. Crap. Crap. This i really asked a random hot stranger to volunteer?! Snap the hell out of it Riley!
Plz say yes. Plz say yes. The little voice inside her screamed.
To her surprise, he gave her a smile. "Id be happy to. I don't have any special plans for today. Btw. "
He smiled, and stuck out her hand to shake hers.
"Liam Rys"
"Riley Brooks". She said she she shook his hand. A familiar electric tinge sparked through her veins as she held his hand. His hand impossibly smooth underneath her. Woah! Are guys even supposed to have this soft hands? I wonder what kind of moisturiser he uses....
"Miss Brooks --"
"Call me Riley. "
"Well ahem, Riley.. it is rather cold outside. What say we make it inside? "
"Oh right."
She quickly swiped her keycard and stepped inside, sighing contentedly as the warm air from the heaters enveloped her. She melted a little inside as she felt Liam's warm body alongside her. Brushing this aside, she focused her attention on the scenario in front of her. Numerous gift boxes piled beneath the Christmas tree... Children merrily running and there... Volunteers mingling with each other and the children... The aroma of the food... And the Christmas songs softly playing in the background. A wide smile played on her lips.
While Riley was busy observing the surroundings, Liam found his sight stuck on the beautiful women he had known for not more than 15 minutes. She was beautiful, in a way that the noble ladies back at home in Cordonia arn't. And seeing her here in here element, smiling widely without giving a damn about public decorum or whatsoever, he found himself attracted to her. And without a second thought, he agreed to volunteer. We'll see how the day goes...
Liam cleared his throat, claiming her attention. "So what needs to be done? "
"As you can see this is a orphanage, so the children here dont have any families to celebrate the holidays with. So each year, myself and many other gather here to celebrate the celebrate with them. Thats what we have to do. Mingle with the children, play with them... And make them feel loved. "
"Sure. I can definately do that. I actually volunteered too at orphanages back home."
"If I may ask, Where are you from?
Liam immediately stiffened at the question. When he asked his father for a quiet getaway before the beginning of the social season, meeting Riley was not on the itinerary. And the fact that he was leaving Tommorow didnt helped either. The last thing he wanted to do was to lie with her, but he wasn't going to destroy these good moments he had with her by revealing that he was the crown prince of cordonia.
"I'm actually from one of the small islands surrounding Greece. "
Before she could open her mouth to ask more, Liam immediately turned away to play with one of the children.
The day went on quite peacefully and quite enjoyable for Liam. Holidays back home were anything besides spending with families. It was all about press conferences and photo ops and disguised motives hidden away in gifts. But here I was a lot more different, the sight of children playfully jostling each other without giving a damn made him smile, as that was the part of childhood he missed.
He suddenly felt a small hand on his shoulder and his pulse quickened at the feel of skin over his clothes. Behind her was Riley, holding a eggnog mug in her hands.
"Not to ruin your volunteering gig, but I got you something. "She said as she handed him the mug. Their fingers brushed, and lingered for just a moment longer.
"Ahem. Thank you. " Liam blushed, his ears turning pink.
Riley chucked softly at his antics. He is already so cute, and looks extra cute while he blushes.
Night came quickly. After winding up all the activities for the day including the gift exchanging and christmas dinner, all the children were put to bed and the volunteers were bidding their goodbyes. Only the foster care staff plus liam was left behind.
Riley glanced around. All the staff were mingling on the rooftop, with only her and Liam left in the main hall.
"Hey.... " she softly asked Liam, who was lounging in a chair beside her.
"Yeah? "
"Will you accompany me for a little walk around the times square? I just wanna clear my head a bit. " And hopefully spend some time with you...
He smiled. "Sure! Just let me get my coats. "
The pair walker out of the building and into the cold, brisk night. Celebrations were in full swing outside. Its called the city who never sleeps for Nothing.
Outside was really cold, and with the softly falling snow Riley barely suppressed the shiver that ran up het spine. Suddenly she felt strong arms around her shoulders and a moment later a coat was wrapped around them.
"I would be a terrible gentleman if a let a beautiful lady like you freeze to death. "
"Beautiful, huh? " she teased.
He blushed. That blush.
They both arrived at the square, staring at the enormous Christmas tree situated in the very middle. The glow of the lights and mini bulbs bathing them both in a gentle bluish light.
"Its really beautiful, isnt it? Riley asked. Just as she turned her head towards him liam's eyes quickly found their ways towards the decoration. Was he really admiring me than the beautiful decoration in front of him? Was it possible that he was feeling the same fluttering in his heart that she felt whenever they interacted? No, it can't be. I am reading onto this too much. We are strangers. Strangers.
"Indeed it is. " Liam quitly whispered, hiding the blush in his cheeks. Crap, she caught him staring at her. I hope she doesnt think i am creep or something. To Liam even the most beautiful decorations paled in front of her, she was more beautiful than any sights he had laid his eyes on. Don't get too attached, Liam. Its temporary. You are going to leave tomorrow. There can nothing be between you and her. You have a duty back home. This is just a little escape from reality. They are strangers. Strangers.
Just then the local band striked up a a waltz. All around them peoples paired up, with Riley watching the couples with a hopeful gleam in her eyes... which didnt went unnoticed by Liam. And in that moment, he knew what he had to do.
Liam bowed a little in front of her, and held out his hand, his other arm draped around his back. "May I have this dance? "
She smiled as she put her hand into his, her pulse quickning, "It would be my pleasure. "
She awkwardly bowed, earning a chuckle from Liam as he sweeped her in his arms, her one hand on his shoulder, his on her waist, their free hand twined together. They elegantly twirled together on the makeswift dance floor, stepping in time to each rhythm. As they glided together, liam couldnt help but gaze down at her angelic face, illuminated by the surroundings. His gaze strayed to her lips just as Riley glanced at him, they met each other halfway as their lips come together in a magnetic kiss. Time seemed to stopped when his lips met hers, and the flutter in their chest intensified. Riley's finger gently curled in his coat as liam tangled his hands in her soft brown curls. She smelled like jasmine, a scent that liam is all too familiar with. Their hands tighten around each other, almost desperately, refusing to let go, their lips moving against each other in perfect harmony. Liam tightened his arm around her waist, pulling her into his chest, and Riley softly sighed as she breathed in the scent of him.
For that moment it was only the two of them in the entire world, all the surroundings fading into nothing. Their little bubble of heaven was broken as the pair heard the the sound of clapping and soft cheering. Flustered, Liam grasped her hand and led both of them out of the dance floor and into the streets, grinning all the way.
The two of them found themselves at the threshold of a quint restaurant, and they both collapsed onto the stairs, still holding each other while wearing goofy smiles.
"So... That was.... Something else.. " Riley chuckled.
"Indeed it was. " Liam snickered.
As he glanced down at the lady in his arms, Liam felt a sudden tinge of guilt in his chest. I still haven't told her who I am. I have to tell her.
After her laughter had subsided, Liam gently took her shoulders in his hands and looked square in her eyes. "Riley, can I have a word with you? "
"Yeah... What happened? "
"I haven't told you where I am from, or what I am doing alone in a unknown city without my family. The truth is I am the Crown Prince of a small country called Cordonia. "
Riley stared at him, then burst into laughter. "Haha, Liam, nice joke. If you are a crown prince then i'm Kate Middleton." She stopped laughing when she saw the look on his face. "Oh, you are serious?"
Liam nodded. "Of course. I have no reason to lie to you. I just wanted to let you know that....that...." He struggled to move forward. "That i'll be leaving for Cordonia Tommorow morning. My social season will commence once I get back. I have to choose a bride from all the noble ladies presented to me as suitors. "
Her face fell. "You... You are really going back... I just thought we.... " She trailed off.
"I knew Riley, and I am sorry that I didn't told you sooner. I understand if you are mad--"
"Of course im not mad Liam. You did what you thought was the best. You just wanted a nice time without wandering about your duties."
"I... I wished we had more time together Riley." He whispered.
"Then lets make the most of it. We just have this night tonight, Liam. And I want to make it count. For just this one night let's just be Riley and Liam, two peoples without any obligations.
Riley pointed to the mistletoe over their head, then leaned forward to capture his lips in a heated kiss. He immediately responded, his hand cupping the side of her neck tenderly as she ran her hair through his dark hair. They pulled apart, staring into each others eyes, then their lips came together again, more passionately this time.
"Merry Christmas, Riley."
"Merry Christmas, Liam."
The night was spend together in Liam's suite, tangled in the sheets and in each other's arms.
The next morning
Liam woke up in his room.... Alone. He glanced around, none of Riley's belongings were in sight. A single note was on the coffee table beside the bed.
I want you to know that the short time I have spend with you more to me than I could describe. You gave me the one thing I wanted most for Christmas...Family. I'm grateful for that. I'm sorry that I had to convey this to you by a letter, but i thought it would be better for both of us. Perhaps we will meet again.
Liam reached and wiped the lone tear that has escaped on his cheek. "I'm grateful for our time together too, Riley.
It was the evening of the masquerade ball in the palace. Liam was dressed in his usual black regalia with a matching ornate mask. No matter how hard he tried, his thoughts managed to make their way back to Riley. Be a good prince, Liam. She's gone.
Liam stood in the huge elegant ballroom, a queue of noble ladies in front of him. Each lady he encountered, whether it was the poodle loving lady Penelope, the diplomat's daughter Kiara, or his best friend Olivia, made him realize that none of them were her.
The next lady approached, who was adorned in a white angel costume, with a literal halo above her head, her blue eyes peeking out of the glittering mask. Why are those eyes familiar...
"Hello..." Liam greeted her politely. "I don't believe we have met... Have we?"
The women smiled, then reached behind the back of her head to loosen the mask strings, Liam caught a glimpse of a familiar face as she removed her mask.
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heresathreebee · 4 years
Garrote part 4
[Starz Power Diego Jimenez X Jazmine Mann (Black!OC)]
Warning(s): Mature (+17), sexual tension, graphic violence and language. Previous Masterlist Next
Word Count: 2.3k words
AN: Surprise bitches! I'm an impatient bastard and couldn't wait anymore. This picture is finally appropriate (speaking of, assume all photos for this series are not created by me unless specifically stated otherwise). 
@nicke0115 @1zashreena1 @mental-bycatch
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Something Nice turned out to be a dress Jazmine bought two years ago. A floral print with white petals she was sure a guy like Diego would laugh at. He still hadn't told her what he wanted with her, so she brought a change of shoes depending on the occasion. He got caught up in some work stuff, so the meeting had to wait until the morning. When he texted her the address, she wheezed. When she rolled up into the lobby, she gasped. It screamed elitist big money in every way from the high ceiling to the marble floors. A man who worked for the Jimenez's led her to the elevator, punching in a code for the right floor and stood silent as a statue. A dangerous, beefy, ranch-smelling statue. 
It's impossible to say why she expected anything less than the secure ritzy elevator to open straight into the home like a front door. There were voices in the room that the bodyguard led her away from, taking her up the stairs and planting her square in front of a door at the end of a hall. 
"Stay here." 
Jazmine did not enjoy waiting. She tapped her foot until her leg cramped, she stretched, she tried the door (locked), and she tried to guess what year the paintings on the wall were made. It was probably pay back. When Diego did show his face, he had the audacity to look surprised to see her. 
"What kept you?" 
"Just business," he said smiling. Bastard. "Inside." 
He let her enter first and it wasn't a bedroom like she had anticipated. There were large picture windows on the northwest corner of the room and a grand piano, other furniture suggesting a kind of study like a bookshelf and an armored cash (she knew a weapons locker when she saw one). Diego's hand slotted itself on her waist as he locked the door behind them. 
"Want to take some pictures," he said by way of explanation. 
"What kind of pictures?" 
Diego smiled cryptically. Jazmine did not miss the way he appraised her form, fingering the soft fabric of her dress before backing up. He pulled his phone from his pocket and snapped a candid before she could stop him. He turned the screen her way, showing her own face in the amazing lighting and quality. 
"Nice, right? Sit down." 
He waited until she was situated on the piano bench before he took a seat of his own. She watched him set the picture as his home screen and shook her head. "We can do better than that." 
She missed the big, cocky smile he pulled when he said, "what do you have in mind?" 
"A guy like you? With a picture of a clothed woman in your phone? Unlikely." 
Diego hummed playfully. "I don't think your clothes are the problem." 
There was a huge plush bean bag next to the smaller book stand under the window. An odd choice for such high class taste, but it didn't look like this room got much use anyways. Diego plopped down on top of it like he had just come home from a long day at work. He looked up at her from between his legs, and beckoned her with a crooked finger. 
"Right here," he patted the inside of his thigh. Jazmine wasn't sure if he wanted her to sit in his lap or... but then he said, "on your knees," and she fell easily into position. "You look pretty like that. Haven't asked me what the pictures are for yet." 
Jazmine shrugged, picking up his phone and snapping a picture of him for herself. "I've already got ten ideas for how to use these. My back up plans have back up plans, but I usually go with the flow. It's saved my ass this long…" 
He hummed, motioned for the phone. "You trust me?" 
Jazmine tensed up immediately. "Yeah." 
His movements were slow as he reached up for the back of her head. Gently, he pulled her down until her cheek rested against his clothed thigh, her chin practically inches from his zipper. He watched her gulp but she didn't pull away and he let her go free. 
"That's a good one. Come here." He pulled her up into a wet kiss and she melted into it. He licked his way into her mouth and swirled his tongue around her plush lips until he was satisfied with how shiny and swollen they became. Jazmine settled back instantly into position, proper her hands on his thighs for support as she posed. If his pants were loose, the sight would be obscene. As it happened, he tried not to move too much as the space in his pants became too tight. Diego snapped a couple of pictures, frustrated he couldn't get far enough to get the framing right. She watched him lean his head back to get it right and she couldn't help but laugh. 
"Alright, alright. We done?" 
"One more." Oh, the way she crawled up his body should not have felt so good. She sat her plump rump right over the button of his jeans and he bit his lip to stop from groaning. Jazmine sat up on her knees, sinking into the bag and snapping the perfect picture. "There." 
He could tell she was doing something, her fingers flashed over the screen and he resisted the urge to snatch it from her hands. Her eyes lit up as a notification sounded and just as quickly her eyes averted. He saw as he took the phone she had her contact open, sending herself her favorite pictures (the first and the last), and he also saw that Alicia needed him. 
"I gotta go," Jazmine announced as she headed for the door. 
"Don't get lost." She did a double take at the sudden turn in his demeanor. It sounded like a threat. Diego’s verbal threat paled in comparison to the ice cold, regal look a woman gave her on her way out. That was how Jazmine got her first look at Alicia Jimenez. 
Bored at work, Jazmine let her mind drift back to the morning. She couldn’t get it out of her head, the way his hands absentmindedly twirled the fabric in her skirt between his fingers when he could have easily done so and felt her up. It was intoxicatingly soft, especially for how cheap it was. She slapped some pants underneath it and wished she’d taken out her earrings before her shift– they itched now but if she put them in her pocket she’d never see them again. 
The flow of customers was that of a leaky drainage pipe. They often rolled in and out without so much as a look at her eyes or her name tag, some even going out of their way not to touch her and to turn their bodies sideways as if her existence offended them. Pricks. 
This last guy was acting extra suspicious. Young man with a hat, sunglasses, and a hood drawn up. He was wearing loose basketball shorts in the middle of winter and had his head on a constant swivel. Definitely going to rob the place. Snatch and runs were commonplace, but they hardly looked like this. He was too old not to know you needed a crew for the best haul. But then that means… 
Fucking kid had a gun on him and he was pointing it in Jazmine's face. The chips he had thrown down on the counter were forgotten in favor of the cash in the register– all the cash. He seemed like he was looking for the thrill rather than the kill, but the way he was waving his piece around, he hadn't had much gun safety training. She wasn't dumb enough to try and correct his form right now. Every second he took his eyes off her to scan the area and the barrel of the gun drifted away from her person, she was able to breathe. He ran out the back door. 
Now came the real worst part. Yeah, almost getting shot over $87 wasn't the worst part– calling her boss was. He didn't like his employee's making reports to the police, they had to go through him. Jazmine knew he was into some shady shit, she never felt curious enough to have a look. She barely even registered how long the grown man had been screaming in her face when she heard the door open. 
"Sir we're temporarily closed--"she started to say until she turned to see Diego standing there. 
"What," Frank huffed, "no we are not closed– sir, take as much time as you need, we'll be with you in just a moment." 
Jazmine rolled her eyes. 'We' really meant 'she'. She didn't know how he expected to make change if we didn't have cash, but then something strange happened. 
"This guy bothering you, baby?" Jazmine did a double take. Diego was leaning dangerously over the counter and had locked eyes with Frank. Her boss actually gulped. Taking control of the situation, Jazmine pulled Frank's ass around the counter. Diego followed closely, mirroring their every step with an uncontrollable itch in his fingers. It was beginning to make her nervous. 
Frank turned to snap at Jazmine, "who the hell is this guy" when he came nose to nose with Diego himself. He looked like a panther baring his teeth, and Jazmine watched his hand disappear behind his back. She snatched his wrist, pushing him back to get between the two men. 
"Don't," she hissed in Diego's face. The cool metal of his gun sent tingles up her fingers. "Just my boyfriend, Frank. I asked him to take me home." 
"OK," Frank still sounded confused. Diego's hand slipped away from the gold plated handle of his gun and Jazmine stepped away to gather her bag and wrestle the vest from her shoulders. "Hold on– I didn't say you could go!" 
"Yes you did," she affirmed with a lie. Diego caught the bag thrown at him with a huff, and she fisted his shirt to push him backwards towards the alley exit. 
"No I didn't!" 
"Sure you did! I'll see you tomorrow." 
She knew Diego was pissed. But so was she. As soon as they were free from prying eyes, Jazmine stupidly punched the drug king in the arm. 
"You need to learn about something called boundaries!," she yelled. "From now on, there's gonna be rules about when and where you show up, and who you're allowed to shoot." 
"Eres loco?!" Diego's hand fisted in the collar of her dress and dragged up to look up at him. He pressed the barrel of his gun into her neck and crowded her into the wall of the building. "You think you can tell me what I can and can't do, little girl? Do you know who the fuck I am?" 
He put the gun down so he could slam her into the wall, harder this time until her eyes spun with stars. "You're fucking nothing, cabrona. Todo nada. Do you know how many drugs go through my organization into this city alone? How much money I make?" Jazmine's eyes screwed shut and she let out a loud and regrettable sound. "Are you really shushing me right now?!" 
Diego was about to put a bullet in her head when her hands flew up in surrender. The blow to the head had rocked her– if he wasn't holding her up, she would have fallen to her knees already. 
"I don't want to know about any of that stuff," she said. "I-I can't, Diego. You can't say shit like that around me." 
The man was at a loss. She truly amazed him with her audacity. He let her go as soon as holding her no longer interested him and she slid onto her butt to catch her breath. One hand clung to her throat and the other came up as if to protect her head from a bullet. He considered it, then put his piece away. Alicia would be furious if their deal with Healy fell through like this. For Porsche. 
Cooler heads prevailed. Diego only helped her stand so she would be easier to get into the car, and they drove in silence the whole way to her apartment. Not once did she look him in the eye or apologize, nor did he take his ferocious stare off of her person. Jazmine sighed in relief when the car finally stopped, but as she was climbing out, Diego caught her by the throat one more time and pulled her ear close. 
"I'm not your fucking boyfriend, Jazmine. We are not friends. Don't forget that, querida." 
Healy was waiting for her in her living room. His eyes drifted straight to the red marks rising at her pulse points and the soul crushing exhaustion in her eyes. He offered her a plate of pasta and let her eat in peace for a while. 
"I'm sorry, Jazmine. Really, I am." Healy kept his hands to himself, but he did offer Hercules a treat to keep her busy. "I'll have a talk with los Hermanos Jimenez so you don't have to be on the receiving end of another tantrum like that. The next time you see them, they'll be more careful about what they say around you." 
Tired and beaten, Jazmine merely nodded. 
"Make sure you charge your device. I can't help you if I can't hear you, sweetheart." He left in a moment and for once, she was so glad to be alone. 
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nic-214 · 4 years
Jimercury: Model (2)
Art Credit: Darlingfreddie (Tumblr)
Tw: Domestic Violence
Jim storms into his manger's office a scared Freddie follows after him, "What is this?!" he slams a magazine down onto the table.
In bold letters the magazine title read: "Famous Model Caught With Illegal Immigrant??!!" and a picture of Jim pressed against his car with Freddie bitting on his neck in the parking lot, Jim's head tossed back in a silent moan both seem to be enjoying themselves.
"Look," his manger says softly flipping through the magazine, "We'll talk to Paramour Weekly and have the magazine recall if you're not comfortable with this."
Jim grits his teeth, "I want to clear some shit up first. Call Steven and set me up to be interviewed by Creative Gazette, alright. I'm doing a quick photoshoot for today then the interview.''
Jim storms out and Freddie follows. Diva Taylor gives them a smile and prissy wave, " You!" Jim roars grabbing Roger by his collar, "You took those damn pictures!! You made me seem like some whore!!"
Roger laughs, "You can't touch me lard ass. I'll have you fired and get you blacklisted from ever agency in the country."
"So you did do it." Freddie says, " Why? Are you still pissed that I wouldn't let you use me like your bitch? Are you pissed that Brian finds me more attractive than you? Are you pissed that Brian tried to sleep with me?"
Roger lets out a snarl and shoves Jim away. The blond stomps over and jabs a finger into Fred's bony chest, "I'm getting you fired and making sure you'll never work again."
Brian who was standing there silently there the entire time grabs Roger by his hair hard, "I fucking hate you." Brian says anger dripping from his words, "I'm only here for our baby.''
Roger jerks around and slaps Brian hard across his face, ''You don't talk to me like that. I'll tell the police you beat me and rape me, and you'll never get to see your baby."
Brian's face pales and he lowers his hand, the handprint on his face still a angry pink.
"Should we-" Jim shushed Freddie and hurries into his private room.
The Irishman dials 999 quickly and reports Roger in to the police. He locks the door afterward and prays silently, Freddie prays as well.
"D-Do we do the photoshoot still?"
"You want a paycheck right?" Jim asks.
Freddie nods and gets things ready for Jim. After what seemed like the 80th picture a commotion was heard from outside. Jim slides a shirt back on and the two step out of the room, Freddie's camera was still in his hands out of his bag.
"You can't arrest me!! Do you know who I am?! My daddy will ruin you!!" Roger yells fighting against the officers.
Freddie started recording shakily.
"Sir we need you to calm down. We just want to talk." a younger officer says.
Roger tries to spit on him only to get kneed in the back roughly. Which made Roger cry out about the baby.
The entire hallway was crowded with people as Roger was getting arrested. Brian stood numbly watching his husband fight the officers, the thirty-two year old looks down at his hand and removes his ring.
"This is our faults isn't it?" Freddie asks softly as the crowd starts to file down the halls. Jim only nods and tries to push past the throng of people taking Fred's hand as they pushed through.
"Brian," Freddie says softly as they stop.
Brian looks up then down at them he looks to of been crying, "T-Thank you." was all he said before he starts to sob.
Jim tosses his arm over Brian's shoulder, "Lets get you some water. Maybe something to snack on."
Brian sniffles and trembles a little as they leave the building. Jim squeezes Fred's hand seeing both Creative Gazette and Paramour Weekly camera men outside the building filming and snapping pictures.
"Mr. Taylor! Mr. Taylor!" a reporter yells trying to shove a microphone into his face, "Is it true Roger was abusive?!"
Brian held his hand up and tries to cover the camera up, "N-No comment." he sounded broken the handprint was still faintly visible on his cheek.
Jim rushed him to his car and they quickly leave the scene. They got stuck in traffic on the way to a restaurant. Jim drums his fingers against the wheel, Brian hiccups and rubs his face.
"Is it bad that I forgive him?" Brian asks.
Freddie makes a small noise and looks to Jim, "His father abused him.... He couldn't break the cycle..... He took it out on me... I know I'll get to keep our baby... So I'll break the cycle for our child."
Jim grips the wheel and shifts in his seat, "Roger is quite the scandal... He's cheated on you-"
"5 times with women and 3 times with men." Brian says anger now spilling out.
"What if the baby isn't yours?" Freddie asks.
Brian sits up properly banging his head off the car roof. He rubs his head, "I'll raise the child as my own and give them a nurturing home. You can have a child but it takes something special to be a dad."
The car was filled with an awkward silence now as they cruise past traffic. The three of them got to a cheap restaurant to eat for lunch. Brian munched down on salad and a tofu burger, he looked so tired.
"I wasn't just Roger's husband..." Brian says out of the blue, "I was his modeling agent and I did camera work on the side with other models that made him jealous."
Freddie pats his hand, "I'm so sorry.''
Brian looks at Freddie then to his salad, "I want you to be my new model."
Jim and Freddie both gasp, "B-But aren't I too dark?"
Brian raises a brow, "You look perfect. Tiny too... Most agencies like that for some reason." Brian waves his fork.
"We can take some practice pictures at my studio." Jim offers wanting to support his boyfriend.
Freddie stammers and covers his mouth blushing, "I-I-I.. Im.. Oh thank you both!" he hugs them both.
They finished up lunch and head to Jim's studio. Freddie was practically bouncing now, "Do I still look pretty with my short hair?"
They were walking up the stairs now, Jim kisses him, "You're so beautiful no matter what... But short hair does look good on you."
Brian chuckles and sets up the lighting and camera, "Alright give me a ballet dancer's pose. I want to see something."
Freddie stretches and wiggles a little. He takes a deep breath and poses.
"Perfect.'' Brian says snapping pictures. He grins showing Jim his favourite.
"You're a better model than me." Jim chuckles, "Practically all natural model."
Freddie felt his blush grow darker and he covers his teeth, "Thank you, darlings."
As the two were chattering about getting Freddie a contract, Brian's phone goes off and his answers it. He sighs and talks about Roger and the baby before hanging up, "Well.. Guess who's going to court?"
It was a long lengthy trial that Roger tried to drag on but thanks to Jim's connections and wealth Brian was able to carry on the trial. Roger was found guilty of domestic assault, fraud, drug possession, and identity theft. He loses all rights to his child once it's born and it'll be placed with its father, Brian. But he'll only serve 35 years though.
Brian nearly cried his abuser was out of his life and he got to raise the baby. He thanked Jim over and over again for his help, "Don't thank me. Just make me and Fred the godfathers to Brian Jr."
Brian giggles and picks up the fat man hugging him tightly, "I owe you my life!"
Jim chuckles, "I just want to see my baby become a star. That's all I want from you besides the godfathers part."
Brian nods undoing his hair from his man-bun he lets the long licks trickle down him, "I can't wait to change diapers, squish their wittle cheeks, teach them about space!" Brian babbles as they leave the courthouse.
"Do you have a nursery ready?" Freddie asks.
Brian pales, "Fuck!" he bolts down the stairs, "I've only got the walls painted and a tiny square crib ready!" Brian panics running his hands through his curls.
"Jim?" Freddie looks over to him.
Jim was already on the phone talking to people, "I'm on it. My godchild will have the fanciest nursery."
Brian gives him a look, "Just a normal nursery, I'm already in debt to you."
Jim laughs, "Mr. May no you are not. I'm just being your friend."
Jim and Brian had the nursery all set for the baby which they found out to be a girl. They were ready to go when the caseworker called Brian to the hospital for the labor. Freddie grabbed the clothing bag for the baby and they took off. Jim and Freddie sat in the waiting room they were going to be supportive.
Brian was watching his daughter be born while three officers stood guard even though Roger was handcuffed to the bed railing. Some part of Brian wanted to comfort him, to let him know the pain was almost over. Was he being too nice? Yes, but that was in his nature. He walked over and held Roger's hand telling him words of comfort. Soon Brian heard, "Would the father like to cut the cord?''
Brian did so, he held the baby first Roger wasn't allowed and hearing his cries hurt but the bitch had it coming. After a day in hospital and much bickering on a name Brian had come up with one, "Jimena (hay-MAY-nah) Frederica May." Brian announces.
"Spell her first name please?" Jim asks.
"J-i-m-e-n-a." Brian spells.
Jim blushes and grins, "You really did it? You named her after us?"
"You two have been my truest friends. I think she needs the names of the two strongest people I know."
Jim could feel himself tear up. He and Freddie hug Brian and hold his little girl.
"You know she's a brunet right?" Jim says playing with her fuzz.
"Green eyes too." Freddie comments.
"Kinda looks grey.." Brian adds he paused, "I know she may not be mine. But I'll love her no matter what."
"She was born with addictive issues.. Roger did drugs with her in the womb." Brian tells them, "But I love her so much. I'm willing to help her."
After discussing with Brian about getting help and babysitting, Jim and Fred left. One the drive back to Jim's Freddie looks over at him, "Is it bad that I want a baby?"
Jim nearly swerves, "Really?" he grins, "Freddie-"
"But I'm scared to carry."
Jim pauses now pulling into their driveway, "I'll carry our baby then."
Freddie kisses him gingerly, "But we're waiting right? Until we're a little older and more on our feet right?"
Jim nods and nuzzles him, " When we're 29 and 27?"
Freddie nods that seemed like a long time away, "I love you."
"I love you too."
They kiss again and Freddie couldn't be more in love with his Irishman.
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