#But after a talk with my lecturer
nsuyeula · 1 year
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- The Birth of a Cosmic Deity 🌌 💫 -
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shrubsparrow · 4 months
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It's in the eye of the beholder
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astranauticus · 1 month
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(edit once again i drew something with my ipad screen brightness too high and now that i've posted it nothing is visible. sad!)
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st5lker · 1 year
on the topic of polemical language one of my literature classes is an lgbt literature class (even though its more about film lol) but its taught by a "queer studies" professor who is a radical leftist nonbinary butch lesbian and they have the absolute best takes about the word queer and the fact that their department is even referred to as queer studies. idk its so funny to see someone fully aware of the concept of slur reclamation but 1) is much older and actually lived through the movements where the word queer was still transgressive and polemical and 2) is so completely unaware of the baffling notion that developed online that slur reclamation is about something "not being a slur anymore" OR about reclamation being about a list of people who get to say a word and a list of people who dont. like theyve iterated many times about how the word queer as a reclaimed term and political statement doesnt have anywhere near the radical power it used to have and you can tell theyre disappointed by that fact.
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 months
i just imagined the most cursed/dumb experience you could have with eddie and now i need to put you all through it with me.
imagine getting insanely high with eddie and playing around with one of those stress balls with the netting. like the kind that change color when you squeeze it. and you're just squishing it, fiddling mindlessly, before suddenly looking up at eddie with the worst possible idea.
"eddie... do you think they...?"
and him being so wide-eyed, immediately catching on, "absolutely not."
but then, you're both high, and you're both prone to having the dumbest fucking ideas possible, so when eddie catches sight of your fishnets peeking out of the drawer across the room, he can't help himself from saying the dumbest possible thing to ever come out of his mouth.
"but wanna find out?"
the night ends with the two of you in the ER, and eddie deciding it doesn't matter how much he likes you in fishnets, the two of you will never have another pair in the household again.
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please don't take this serious i'm going to cry from how fucking stupid this is
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yellowistheraddest · 21 days
anyone else also have no self esteem and are generally introverted, until you're with friends who are like that and suddenly you have the confidence of a lunatic running for president and you volunteer to do every possible social interaction
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paimonial-rage · 1 year
hi i'm that anon that asked about tighnari and fixing. since you said that he's someone with no fatal flaws, how open is he getting into a relationship?
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
How open is Tighnari to a relationship?
To most members of the Forest Watchers, imagining their chief officer in a relationship is near impossible. It isn't that he'd be terrible in a relationship. No, actually, they think that he'd be an amazing partner. Though he can be strict, he's caring and reliable, observant and level-headed. Really, he's the complete package! It's just... Nobody has ever seen him show interest in anyone. And the few that showed interest in him and tried to flirt were swiftly shut down without mercy. Most agree that love seems to be the last thing on his mind.
What many are not aware of, however, is that as much as he isn't looking for a relationship, he isn't exactly not looking for a relationship either. Really, Tighnari isn't against falling in love. He sees its merits. He knows the comfort and satisfaction it brings. But it isn't something he exactly needs. Simply put, he's satisfied with what he has. He enjoys his life. He doesn't need more. Still, while he doesn't see the need to be in a relationship, should it come his way, he really wouldn't be all that against it if they're a good match. But there's no need to rush. It'll happen when the time comes.
That being said, should he become interested in someone, don't expect much fanfare or bombastic displays of affection. Don't expect him to play any games either. Though he will invite you on outings to learn more about you, when he is clear about his feelings, he will be clear with you as well. You will not be left second-guessing his intentions for long.
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active-mind-15 · 8 months
I need another excuse to talk about Akashi, so here is another headcanon.
I've already talked about Akashi having a sweet tooth, but lemme talk about the type of sweets I think he would enjoy.
Given the type of sweets/snacks he's canonically talked about and eaten, he strikes me as someone who prefers mellow flavors. Think about his favorite food, tofu. There are many ways to prepare it, but his favorite is simply just boiled tofu. Even for the maiubo snack sticks, Murasakibara shares with him, Fjmk said Akashi's favorite flavors were the steamed ones. So, he seems to like more subtle flavor profiles that don't overpower his senses.
From this, what kind of sweets/flavors would he enjoy? I would think any sweets that have flavors like vanilla, strawberry, matcha, etc. This could apply to candy or baked goods.
But I also see him digging desserts with rich flavors like chocolate, caramel, or coffee (I have a whole headcanon of him being a Nutella fiend too, so I think that falls under the "rich flavors" category). I think he would try and balance it out whenever he has dessert. So, if he were at a cafe eating a cake, he'd have it with an Americano or something. Unless he was eating traditional Japanese sweets. Then he'd probably choose tea for that. And you know that boy loves his tea.
I could see him occasionally go for more citrusy types of desserts, but idk if that would be his favorite. Citrusy flavored things are pretty sharp-tasting, so maybe he wouldn't go for it too often, but he can appreciate it in small doses. I think he'd like the occasional sorbet.
One thing I think he'd hate, though, is a lot of American sweets and snacks. As someone who has lived in the US most of my life, I am fully aware of how salty/sugary our snacks can be. I think if Akashi were to eat some of our candy, it might have the same effect as giving a Victorian child a can of Monster Energy. It's just too much of a sensory overload for him. He leaves all of those snacks to people like Murasakibara and probably Kagami as well.
Anyway, I think I'll wrap this headcanon up. I just had to indulge in my chronic Akashi brainrot for a quick sec. Thank you for listening.
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meraki-yao · 11 months
Okay this is honestly a really minor thing but it's been bugging me when I read RWRB fics
Prince of Wales is the title given to the male heir apparent of the British monarchy
The children of the heir apparent are Prince/Princess xxx of Wales
These two are different
To use a real-life example real quick, the children of Prince William and Kate Middleton are Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis of Wales, but the Prince of Wales is William. Before that, the kids were Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis of Cambridge because William's primary title was Duke of Cambridge
So back to RWRB
In the book, Henry is Prince Henry of Wales, but he is not the Prince of Wales. His mother Catherine is the Princess of Wales, and when she is queen Philip will be the Prince of Wales. (Even that's not entirely accurate because there isn't a designated title for a female heir apparent, and Princess of Wales is for the wife of the Prince of Wales, I'm guessing because before 2011 older sisters ranked lower than their younger brothers in the line of succession)
So the movie changing Catherine to Duchess of Edinburgh and Philip to Duke of Cambridge actually is closer to reality, in that case, Movie Henry's full title should be HRH Prince Henry of Edinburgh
Which is kinda nice since Nick's acting career started with him doing a version of Spring Awakening in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
Yeah again it's a minor thing but I'm a nerd about this stuff so yeah
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sbd-laytall · 1 year
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Green Arrow (2001) #4
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tanicus-caesareth · 5 months
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guarana drama, damage control
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fandomfluffandfuck · 11 months
You ever have one of those professors where you're just like... how? How are you,, employed? Y'know, as an instructor. A teacher. Someone who is supposed to teach. How did you get here because, in the least mean way I can possibly say it, so fucking bad at your job?
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linkvcr · 5 months
Gmornin skysword nation
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"…minimize the toll of time taken on both of them the same way it did for Zelda, especially since they semi-turn to stone immediately after. There are a lot of dialogue bits that feel like they are here for damage control and reassure us that the nice things are nice and the bad things are bad…"
So much yesssss. I honestly wonder if they did that because the story plays in a way where Link at no point feels like an active participant in any of what is happening.
Like "Oh yes there are consequences… but don't worry nothing is really gonna happen until we're in the present time with Link." It's weird how it almost feels like the game doesn't even acknowledge calamity Ganon. Not saying we need this huge cutscene about it, but imagine just showing Calamity Ganon being born at the same time as Zelda turns into a dragon. Showing the immediate negative consequences, and how Hyrule now has to wait millennia for totk-Link to finish what was started.
Hey, thanks for the ask, and sorry for the wait!
Yeah, I think there *was* a way to connect past and present more efficiently --using the past as revealing new information to guide objectives in the present-- but I think it would have gone against their open world philosophy (which didn't really mesh with the kind of story they tried to tell). As a consequence, nothing in the present really happens either honestly? The consequence to restoring a region involves giving you a tactical advantage and having some key players moving to the main Lookout Camp, but fundamentally you could skip all of it and lose almost nothing plot-wise, because the philosophy is: you can beat the game in any way you want.
And while I think it worked for BotW, where rediscovering that world you lost is never mandatory but it does give you emotional stakes in the fight ahead on top of helping you prepare your final battle, here it just feels... meandery? Your main goal is to find Zelda, but you don't actually have to find Zelda. You can finish the whole game without having invested a single thought into finding Zelda beyond the tutorial area. The overarching objective to Destroy Ganon worked in BotW because it remained the core pillar all the way, literally staring you in the eye from all across the map: every other quest objective is nested in the first one and optional by default, and it is made abundantly clear what the game expects of you while guiding you to opportunities to make your journey easier and more grounded as you rediscover Hyrule (gradually mastering the land, your own abilities, and your understanding of your place in that land to give you the best possible chance --mastering the Wild and becoming part of it, if you may).
But here? The game *tries* to hide its core objective (which is to Destroy Ganondorf: this is what actually triggers the ending credits sequence, not finding Zelda, which triggers... nothing at all actually) in a mystery the game... isn't actually that invested in gameplay-wise.
For example: you go handle the issues in the various regions because there are problems to fix and maybe you'll get information on where she is, which is honestly an assumption that is kind of based on... nothing? Why would the ritos facing an unnatural ice storm or the gorons facing a drug problem give you a clue on Zelda's location? Like yes, surely there is something weird going on and it might be linked to the same phenomenon that made Zelda disappear, but what makes you think going there will give you any hint of where she is? Honestly, the Lucky Clover sidequests almost feel like they should be the main quest given they actually involve Zelda sightings directly, but the fact that the game extra-diegetically categorize them as sidequests lets you immediately know these are all red herrings before you actually complete them...
But honestly: it would make sense to go look for her.... where she was last seen. Which is under Hyrule's Castle. And I didn't go there immediately, not because the game convinced me it was not necessary, or was too dangerous and I wasn't prepared yet, but because I knew for sure it was where Ganondorf would be, and so I pretended to be stupid so I would let the game lead me to its interest points while ignoring the glowing red hole under the core landmark of Hyrule where I had last seen Zelda and Ganondorf.
Sure, there was a glowing red boar in BotW screeching into the night, but. The game told me it's where the final boss was. Immediately. It was not trying to surprise me with that information. TotK, on the other hand, does an awkward little song and dance being like "oooooo I wooonder what you'll have to dooooo neeeext" and... it's pretty damn lame that I need to consciously course-correct the bad job the game does at leading me places to have a good time with it, using game design literacy to assume what I should and shouldn't do not to ruin my own experience as I play (same could be said for the Dragon's Tears as well, and it does an even worse job at it since I *did* spoil myself almost immediately, because I trusted the open world philosophy to carry into the memories like in BotW --and the fact that they are linear??? somehow?? without telling you and it's the only linear thing in the entire game?? is just so so so Not Good).
When I say the quest design of this game is a complete mess, I do mean it. It's layers upon layers of these baffling decisions, and I don't understand why they didn't apply any of the lessons learned in Breath of the Wild, given they were genuinely good and interesting lessons that have guided open world quest design ever since the game was released.
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faaun · 7 months
lmao looking at her insta highlights was a mistake
#i feel worse WHY DOES SHE HAVE TONED MUSCLES UGHHH#also my confidence has gone down a tiny bit bc why is she hanging out w all these cool ppl#how is this girl simultaneously a lawyer and also has her social life on max like give me a break#thered a photo of her walking around in heaven either before closing or after opening shes sooo#HOWEVER. i just had a call w her yesterday that made me realise my idea of romance is more romantic than her idea of romance#but also that she doesnt want to do smth super romancey on a 3rd date which according to my friends is fair but according to my heart#it is not. like why are u on a date if u dont wanna do anything romancey at that point just hang out w friends#odd of her to say that too considering our first two dated were quite romantic . anyway#yo this cafe is playing persian music nice. anyway yh#also she makes being middle eastern so gay yk the goodbye fake cheek kiss thing we do . where u like . kiss the air on the sides of the#persons face when ur saying goodbye. ygwim . yeah she doesnt do the fake air kisses she gives u two tender kisses like . anyway#i discussed the stuff she does w my friend and like why r her words so aloof and her actions so...not . and my friends reaction was#basically this is fuckboy behaviour. apparently he used to do that to girls ?? like tell them he rly liked them#and be all charming and romantic even tho he rly wasnt invested at all and he mostly wanted to hook up. like ok#im gonna kill myself then. why would u stroke my hair w my head on ur LAP THEN. WHAT IF SHE TURNS AROUND AND IS LIKE#oops it was nothing#....ill kms actually. no i womt. but anyway#also got added to the gc w the other lecturers givjng talks on the 6th so its getting more real#my friend was like did u do the script yet :))) . almost died shes so scary i love her . but . fuck two exams . crush. talk. ucl cambrdige#three conferences aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA im so anxious i dont even feel anything atp#......I HAVE NO MONEY!!! TO TOP IT OFF#my crush and i are both iranian (aka born w extremely expensive taste woven into our genes) but i wanna like#treat her w the entire 2 quid in my bank account ig ♡♡♡#crushposting
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tinybro · 2 years
Kelly do you think Hades would give Jason an awkward sort-of-but-not-really shovel talk at some point-?
i don't think so but only because jason kinda beats him to it. it's in that relatively early stage of nico and hades' relationship, pre-TLO. jason's been doing the "polite kid trying to stay on his friend's parent's good side" bit for a while and not stick his nose too deep into nico's business, but he frequently gets a front-row seat to hades being a dick in those early days when hades is doing his "bianca should have been the one to survive" shit. jason would normally let nico handle everything with his dad out of fear of overstepping (and a very rational fear of pissing off a god that already seems to dislike him on principle), but it eventually hits a point where he's mad enough to speak up. politely, of course, like "respectfully, sir–"
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