9kylian · 7 months
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crossover-enthusiast · 6 months
I will never get over this song they really threw EVERYTHING in there huh
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fandomfluffandfuck · 11 months
You ever have one of those professors where you're just like... how? How are you,, employed? Y'know, as an instructor. A teacher. Someone who is supposed to teach. How did you get here because, in the least mean way I can possibly say it, so fucking bad at your job?
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pleasetakethis · 1 year
6, 14, 19 & 49 for the ask game? :) (if you're doing it)
Yesss! Thanks for your ask, May! :D Ask game in question, in case anyone else wants to play!
6. Optimist, pessimist, realist, surrealist
Optimist by necessity, surrealist when I eat psilocybin mushrooms. When I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis at 29, my nurse's husband was also a nurse and he had MS. He was working in another ward but came and talked to me on his break. I avoided depression/mental health meds until then. He told me to look into how emotions affect our immune systems and that mental health meds were worth it if they helped prevent one single relapse. That conversation (and how I was diagnosed*) reframed how I looked at life. It could always be worse.
*at the first hospital, before being transferred, the neurologist told me I might have a brain infection or a tumor. At the better hospital, within 30 mins of being checked in the ER, they told me I had to wait for a neuro diagnosis but the ER radiology team was 99.9% sure it was MS. I went from thinking I might die and not see my kids grow up to realizing I had a life ahead of me, even if it was going to be difficult, and I will never forget that feeling of relief.
14. Are you a green thumb or do you kill your plant children
I TRY SO HARD, YALL, SO, SO HARD. I kill all my plant children. I am TRYING desperately to keep a tiny Norfolk Pine and a (mostly dead) pothos alive. Fingers crossed, just replanted both. I have an outdoor rose bush that has survived for several years now! I trim it back occasionally but right now it's a wild bramble with soft pink and hot pink blooms.
19. What is your least favorite color
I don't have one! I was going to say brown but then I thought about soil and tree bark and rocks and realized I dislike mud, not the color brown (plus brown and gold is a baller combo--looking at a painting project that has a brown and gold blended background and it's lovely).
49. Favorite urban legend
While I was born and raised in Lou, Ky, US until I was 11, I've spent most of my life in West Virginia, US, and I gotta go with the Mothman Legend. The statue is an hour and a half from me. My oldest has visited and left an offering of baked beans but I haven't--hoping to make it there this year with my other two kiddos!
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
{D I G I M O N} Adventure (Series)+02 + “The B e g i n n i n g” x “A p o l o g i z e” (Mini-Preview) Clip {1st Verse.} {David A r c h u l e t a} L i v e C o n c e r t Ver. + R U I & U k k o m o n; + KOUSHIRO & Izumis
"I'm hearing what you say..."
{Note: Contains very minimal seconds-long spoiler shots of The Beginning!Koushiro, opening scene; More spoilery shots of Rui, also from opening scenes (Tower scene) + middle part BIG spoiler (Rui's eye & Ukkomon) {Notes: Eye T r a u m a; B l o o d}
Original S o n g © O.n.e.R.e.p.u.b.l.i.c A r c h u l e t a cover from Aug 1st ‘09’s S u n r i s e, F. L. C o n c e r t {“Hey O.P., can you explain that gap in your blog history of this f ANDOM—???”} [Do you hear them coming in???]
*Edited in about 30~45 min overall (Preparing for this however took at least a couple hours) More possibly to come in the future!! {2nd Verse can be seen here!}
{*Slightly L O U D at points!!} (*Contains cheering, as its L I V E Ver.)
by Me/@koushirouizumi {DO NOT Repost} {DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT Reproduce my Work/Vid-Edit’s Without my Permission Under any Circumstances}
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universalvibes · 1 year
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alicerovai · 1 year
I wake up every day trying to calm down and repeating myself lokius will never happen, they will NEVER kiss because it’s Marvel we’re dealing with, and then I open Twitter/X and find THIS on their official account and I lose it again.
H E A R T B R E A K means nothing and everything at the same time. At this point I’m just a 24/24h clown.
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ya-what--ya-erster · 8 months
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chaisshitposts · 1 year
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𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰-𝐔𝐩 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐎𝐧 𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡-𝐊 + 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐀𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
I did psych-k one time and it didn't work. What happened?
Aht aht aht. Incorrect. It did work, you just need to work on correcting your conscious thoughts and everything will fall into place. You really can't expect for things to change outside of you when you haven't even changed what's going on inside of your head. You can make literally anything an assumption to work in your favor. Psych-K is just a technique of deeply penetrating all points in your mind, it's your job to keep feeding your mind what you want.
I did psych-k multiple times and it didn't work. What happened?
Previously said, psych-k works INSTANTLY. It will always work instantly because all those desires you're thinking about exist immediately in your imagination when you think about them It's your job as the creator to persist in your imagination, the world outside of you will eventually comform to your imagination. The main issue here is patience and not thinking in favor of the assumptions you wish to become true. Stop asking 'where is it?' when you've already got it in your mind, persist in your imagination and your outerworld will follow.
I used psych-k to affirm 'I manifest instantly'. Why didn't it work?
It did work, your subconscious heard everything you told it and it's working in favor of what you've told it, but it listens to e v e r y t h i n g you say. Stop telling it that you don't have what you want, you're undoing it's hardwork. Unless!!! You've decided to affirm and persist that regardless of everything you always have your desires OR you've decided to affirm that the more you doubt or think negatively or obsess about something the quicker it'll manifest in your outer world.
I used psych-k to affirm for my dream life. How come I don't have it?
Just as mentioned in the answers above, you've already got it, your outerworld just needs to catch up. All you need to do now is continue to persist in this new assumption that you've got your dream life already. If you see something in the 3D that you don't like, simply stop yourself from finishing thoughts of the old story and repeat your new story. OR you can create the assumption that EVERYTHING works in your favor, no matter how negative or unfavorable it may be. Manifestation is easy, you can make whatever rules you want to make.
Why don't I feel any different after doing psych-k?
I don't know, you're an individual with different workings than other minds. It worked, yes, but you still need to persist in the assumptions you want to become true UNLESS you've whole heartedly decided that you don't need to persist in order to get what you want.
I did psych-k and I feel like nothing changed, did I do something wrong? What if I had no thoughts while doing psych-k?
Not at all, as mentioned above. It's fine if you don't have any thoughts while doing psych-k, just focus on your affirmations.
How long should I do psych-k?
This is different for everyone. However, it's recommend that you do than more than just a few minutes of it. The safe bet is 10-minute sessions revolving around one or two affirmations.
How long do I need to do psych-k in order to have guaranteed results?
Once again, this varies from individual to individual. Psych-K works instantly after one session, but it's up to you as the consumer to decide whether or not you'd like to continue doing it or not. You've impressed the subconscious mind, but you need to continue watching your conscious thoughts until your new thoughts are manifested the way you desire.
Do I need to do the breathing technique to psych-k?
It is not a requirement, however, this is purely based on personal preference. If you enjoy affirming and focusing on your breath while doing so, go for it.
Do I need to cross my hands a certain way to do psych-k?
No. All you're doing with psych-k is crossing over an invisible line by crossing your ankles and wrists, engaging both sides of the brain while doing so. There are many, many different ways to engage both sides of the brain aside from psych-k. There are plenty of brain synchronization subliminals, exercises, and postures that achieve the same effect as psych-k. It's just scientific prayer. Psych-K is simply just the 'whole brain state' pose. It's affirming, super affirming, super learning, whatever others call it. It's basically just taking your affirmation sessions and multiplying them by 1000000000000%.
Does it matter what ankle I cross over the other or what wrist I cross over the other?
It doesn't matter so long as you engage both sides of the brain. Crossing your ankles engages both sides of the brain on its own, and crossing your wrists does the same exact thing. And when doing both, you are simply doubling the effectiveness.
Can I lay down while doing psych-k?
Yes you can, as briefly referenced in this post here.
Do I need to do all four wrist and ankle position combinations in order for psych-k to work?
No! However, if you are unsure of yourself and tend to overthink/overcomplicate, feel free to do what's suggested in this referenced post.
Can I manifest anything I want with psych-k?
YES. FOR FUCKSSAKE YOU CAN MANIFEST ANYTHING YOU FUCKING WANT TO WITH OR WITHOUT IT. And by anything I mean anything. Stop putting limits on things, and stop asking everyone if you can do something. You could literally change your own birthdate, have someone rise from the dead, have yourself a little fairy companion that grants you wishes, you could even change your genitals. STOP ASKING IF YOU CAN AND CANNOT DO SOMETHING BECAUSE THE ANSWER IS ALWAYS Y E S.
While I was doing psych-k I suddenly had a rush of negative thoughts, is that normal?
It's completely normal, you're teaching a disruptive class here aka your conscious mind, just keep saying your affirmations until they quiet down.
While I was doing psych-k I kept having random thoughts, what do I do?
Let them flow, but continue to say your affirmations. Eventually, the random thoughts will slow and there will be nothing but your affirmation to think about. Do not force the randomness away, do not react to it at all, just let the thoughts happen and continue your affirmations.
What if I have intrusive or impulsive thoughts while doing psych-k?
That's fine, just like mentioned in the previous answer. Do not get frustrated if you get lost in other thoughts that are not your affirmation, simply remind yourself of what you were doing in the first place and go back to affirming. Let your thoughts happen, and let them go on their own without giving them the attention they crave.
What if I do psych-k until I no longer have doubts but outside of psych-k I still have doubtful thoughts?
Try not to finish your negative thoughts (unless you've decided that negative thoughts fuel the speed of your manifestarions) and redirect yourself to thoughts of having this desire you want, think thoughts of love, abundance, peace, and all that jazz if you so desire to do so.
Can I listen to subliminals while doing psych-k?
Absolutely you can.
Can I still do psych-k if I'm neurodivergent?
Absolutely, psych-k is for anyone and everyone and does not discriminate amongst anyone.
Is psych-k autistim, adhd, ocd, add, etc. friendly?
As mentioned above, it absolutely is. If you can think, you can do psych-k aka the whole brain state posture for affirmations.
Can I use psych-k to enter the void state // pure state of consciousness?
Indeed you can. You can use any affirmations you so desire, there are no limitations to your mind so long as you can think of even having that desire in the first place.
How many affirmations can I use with psych-k?
As many as you desire, there are no limitations unless you create said limitations for yourself.
Do I have to do psych-k in complete silence?
Nope. Dominant thoughts create states, which creates feelings, and repetition of these dominant thoughts will manifest. You can do psych-k anywhere at anytime around whoever ya want, ya could even do it with other people.
Can I say my affirmations aloud while doing psych-k?
Indeed you can, it doesn't matter if you say them aloud or in your mind, follow your intuition and whatever feels right in that moment.
Can we use askformations/afformations instead of affirmations for psych-k?
Askformations and affirmations are just fancy big words for 'thoughts.' Of course you can think anything you want.
What if I doubt that psych-k works?
The only reason why you doubt that psych-k works is because you doubt yourself and what you're doing. It's been drilled into us since the beginning of time that in order to have the lives we want we must struggle to have it. 'There is no gain without pain.' And as soon as someone comes along and says that we can have the life we desire just by simply changing the way we think— our minds jump into hyperdrive. Keep in mind that that mind is the conscious mind that is thinking all these things. We've been conditioned to think that nothing is that easy, but fuck it is so much easier than society makes it out to be. It's up to you to believe in what you're doing and trust in what you're working towards.
Can I still manifest without using psych-k?
Oh my god, yes you can. You don't need anything but yourself to manifest, methods like this just hold us more accountable for what we're doing. You can literally manifest whatever you want with whatever method you want. I wish people would stop asking what you can and cannot manifest. You can manifest anything you want— even the bad stuff. Why do you think ugly people are ugly? Why do you think pretty people are pretty? Why are some rich and some poor? Why do good people suffer and evil people seem to prosper? Karma literally doesn't exist if you don't think it does, as evil and immoral as that sounds. The subconscious mind, your higher self, your female brain, the BIG you, or whatever you wanna call it, does not know the difference in anything you're giving to it, but if you keep repeating something to it then it's gonna manifest because you've created a belief.
Every single person has the ability to manifest instantly as soon as they think about a desire. Do not get that confused with the 3D conforming instantly. In order for you to manifest instantly so that your 3D will manifest instantly as well, you must create the assumption that you have the power to do so, create hope and belief in this assumption. Although it may feel foreign or unbelievable at first, you are creating false hope which will then eventually harden into true hope through repetition of this new idea. It is your birthright to create your own rules around your life, not anyone else's. Unfortunately, many of us have been molded by those surrounding us to act in a way palatable to the masses, however, we are apart of the few who truly have an understanding of manifestation and how it works. We must unlearn that has been drilled into us the best we can. Any method can work for you, so long as you create the belief that they can. You must create the belief, no matter how long it may take, that you can do something, and the rest will come easy.
One more thing— oh my God stop thinking about how long it's gonna take you to do something. I don't care if bigbootymanifest1935 manifested their desires two fucking weeks ago or if voidgod3000 just entered the void state in their sleep after learning about it two days ago. I don't care if you've been struggling with something for a year or four years, y'know why you've been struggling? because you haven't persisted in the thoughts that work in your favor. you haven't created rules and/or a foundation for yourself and that's why you haven't gotten what you want.
I can manifest anything I want instantly regardless of anything and everything.
Every time I quack like a duck and clap my hands two times I shift to my DR.
Every time I blink, thousands of dollars appear in my bank account.
The more I obsess or doubt a desire I have the quicker it manifests in the 3D.
Literally everything works in my favor and speeds up my manifestations.
The more negative thoughts I have about my desires the quicker they conform in the 3D.
The more I react to the 3D the quicker it conforms to my desires.
The more I think about the old story, the quicker the new story replaces it.
Every time I obsess about or doubt the void I enter it instantly.
Every single thing I do makes my list of desires conform instantly in the 3D.
I can manifest anything I want in 3 days or less by dancing around in a circle six times.
Everything I write in this book always comes true, regardless of everything.
ANYTHING can be an assumption, those are just a few examples. You can change your assumptions at any time whenever you want. You have no excuses anymore, stop procrastinating and get to work on your inner thoughts for fuckssake, I'm so tired of your bullshit. GET IT TOGETHER AND DO YOUR INNER-WORK. I don't know how many times the same thing has to be regurgitated from manifestation blog to manifestation blog to get this idea through some of your thick ass skulls.
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wolfytae-exe · 11 months
Ouija. (S) (A)
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summary: in which your boredom leads to stupid decisions and dangerous consequences.
warning: fear, anxiety, predator & prey, seance, dubcon, dacryphilia, breeding(?) kink, name-calling(cutie, darling, little human, dollface), degrading(slut, whore, nasty), sadism, forced orgasm, death, gore, marking(if you squint), praise at some point, jjun really enjoys the mcs pain, master kink, biting, aphrodisiac,
paring: Incubus! Yeonjun + afab! Reader
wc: 3.4k
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It’s cold; was October always this cold? You shiver in your living room, a mug of freshly brewed coffee steaming in between your sweater-pawed hands, allowing the apartment to smell like pumpkin spice.
Your TV replacing a fireplace and warm fairy lights are the only thing lighting the area around you as you relax on the couch, the cushions cold as you struggle to afford a heater.
You’re fresh out of school, majoring in linguistics had you living off waitress tips and your savings at the moment, but as badly as it stresses you out, you can’t help but feel content, affording yourself and your life is enough for you to enjoy your coffee and warm lights in autumn. Not to mention it’s your favorite time of the year, Halloween time.
You already had your Halloween candy out, sitting in a big bowl with purple and orange candies on it, waiting for the clock to strike midnight so you can enjoy Hallows Eve in the best fashion, an Ouija board. You knew there was no need to freak out, you messed with the board a couple of years back with a group of sophomore college students during a Halloween party, and the lack of movement in the planchette caused an embarrassment like no other that night.
with one last sip of your coffee, you checked your watch. 12:02 AM October 31, 2023, you sat up and set your coffee down grabbed the box holding the board, and placed it on your coffee table. With a sigh, you pulled the board and planchette out along with the instructions.
After glancing at the paper a shiver ran down your spine. ‘DO NOT USE ALONE.’ scribbled in bold all over the page, you couldn’t make out the other words all over it. “What kinda sick joke?” You muttered as you held up the planchette. It’s Halloween, this is supposed to be creepy, you told yourself before placing it on the board.
You placed your fingers in the planchette and took in a breath. “Is there anyone here with me?” You asked with a slight shake in your voice, anxiety racked you as the room dropped in temperature and the planchette began to move slowly. The sound of the wood rubbing made you want to let go, the planchette didn’t do this before, what the fuck what the actual fuck.
The circle of the planchette hovered over the word ‘YES.’ “O-Okay- Uh, are you nice?” You asked, knowing it was dumb to ask a spirit, why would it ever say it’s bad? The planchette didn’t move for a moment before moving to the letters. ‘H-U-N-G-R-Y’ You gulped, lump in your throat refusing to move. “I-I’m sorry about that uh- what’s your name? Who am I talking to?” You tried to change the topic as goosebumps rose on your skin from the cold.
The planchette didn’t move again for a moment before repeating itself. ‘H-U-N-G-R-Y’ then it moved again, staying on the Y extra long. ‘Y-E-O-N-J-U-N’ the planchette froze. “Is that Korean? But you speak English? Interesting..” You breathed. “What are you Yeonjun?” You asked, pronouncing the name to the best of your abilities as you were rusty in the language, your anxiety lessened the more interesting the spirit became.
The planchette moves. ‘D-E-M-O-N’ never mind, anxiety was back and stronger than before. “O-Oh.. And what do demons eat” You pant, actually terrified now as the planchette moves faster, more fluid, like the control wasn’t in your hands anymore. ‘L-E-T G-O- H-U-N-G-R-Y- L-E-T- Y-E-O-N-J- Y-/-N- D-E-M-O-I-N-C-U-B- L-E-T-G-O -H-U-N-G-R- GOODBYE.’
Your stomach dropped and you could no longer see, unsure whether to let go or not as your lights flickered and switched off, your teeth chattered as you shut your eyes and tried not to cry. “Yeonjun! I don’t understand!” You begged, knowing you weren’t going to get any answers, you were going to die. Your fingers slipped off the planchette, covering your ears as you couldn’t handle the silence.
Eventually, your light flickered back on and the board seemed fine, you seemed fine, you deducted from your ability to breathe, see, hear, and feel. “What the fuck..” You sighed before grabbing the planchette and board and putting it back in the box. Yeah, you were done, it’s time to sleep and throw that board away in the morning.
And that’s exactly what you did, you showered, changed into a warm hoodie and shorts, and tucked yourself right into your bed, ignoring the feeling of being watched and chalking it down to just being paranoid. It took you a while but you were able to put yourself to sleep.
Unbeknownst to you, however, you had a guest, a very hungry and awake guest. Yeonjun watched as you slept, tossing and turning every few minutes. God, he was starving, you looked so cute and tasty he just wanted to ravage you. Yeonjun hid in the shadows of your room a bit longer before giving in to his hunger.
As the demon moved into the light of your nightlight and onto your bed by your feet his clothes disappeared in the dark red smoke surrounding him. His eyes began to glow a sharp red, in contrast to his black hair as a long tail and sharp horn twisted from his lower back and hairline, the sound of his bones maneuvering and crunching to fit the additions along with a deep moan following it filled your room and invaded your dreams.
Your blanket moved over you, hovering over your frame, you curled up, whining before slowly opening your eyes to see why your warmth was gone. A scream left you fast, ringing loud into the room as red glowing eyes stared back from under your blanket, a grip on your hips coming quick, the feeling of the sharp nails causing a whimper to leave you. “P-Please..” You cried for your life, you’re too young to die. “Spare me please.” Tears fell from your eyes, sliding down your cheeks helplessly.
“Yeonjun please,” You knew using his name would do absolutely nothing. “So cute~” His voice rumbled from under the covers, a taunting purr etched into his tone. “You’re not dying yet, Y/N,” He wickedly chuckled. “You just have to feed me, and maybe I’ll let you live longer.” The eyes under the bed darkened, pupils in slits like cats and blood red in hunger.
“I-I- Anything please, I’m sorry I’ll feed you,” You pleaded, attempting to move only to yelp at his nails digging deeper into you, drawing blood. “Ow! I said yes! Yes! Let go please!” You panicked, kicking before the pain seeped into you deeper like you were being branded. “Ah- Stop!” You kicked harder but his grip never loosened. “I like it when humans fight~” A dark chuckle filled the room as he rose.
His horns being the first to catch your eyes, twisted and coiled into the sky, what you didn’t expect was his face, foxy eyes, and plump lips curled into a smile, he was beautiful. But the demon still had you pinned and in pain.
He rose higher, face to your chest and you noticed the bareness of him, his thighs brushing against yours. “Wh-“ You gasp out as you feel his hard cock pressing up against your clothes heat. Tears well up in your eyes again as he slowly ruts into you. “What- What are you..?” You whimper, too scared to let your voice go over a whisper.
Yeonjun cooed before pressing small kisses to your neck and cheek. “I told you,” you let out a sob as he spoke, a moan coming from in as a response. “I’m a demon, a very hungry one at that. An Incubus if you’re asking for my breed. Speaking of breeding.” He moans out, thrusting harder. A yelp leaves your lips as he grabs your hair, pulling back so you are level with him.
“You look so scared, but I can smell it, you’re so aroused~” He smiles, the red glint in his eyes lighting up at the way your legs shook under him. “That’s why you summoned me, isn’t it? You just wanna get dicked down, let go of all your stress?” You couldn’t respond, trying hard not to burst into more tears at the way his cock left you wanting more, wasn’t this assault? Why do you want him to stop and just fuck you already?
“Please… Stop- I don’t want this,” you plead, you knew you were lying, he knew you were lying, he’ll help you relax. “Shh, calm that pretty head little human.” the demon whispered before leaning in and kissing you, you fought, squeals leaving your throat as your hands lifted to hit him, only to be pulled back and pinned to the bed. A sob left you again, you wanted him to leave, you wanted to turn back time and never use that board again.
His tongue pushed through, long and snake-like, you could feel his saliva slide down your throat with ease, numbing the back of your tongue on the way down. Once he pulled away and took a good look at you he smiled. “Huening would eat you up, I’m so glad I answered you instead of that freak.” He knew you’d feel the effects soon, his saliva working as an aphrodisiac slowly but surely. “I got to you first and I don’t share my food.” His sharp tooth grin was the last thing you saw clearly.
Your mind almost instantly felt foggy before a pulse of pleasure shot through you. “Oh- God! What- What did you do to me?!” Your thighs attempted to slam shut on the demon, a rush of arousal ruining your panties. “God won’t save you, Y/N, you have to ask the devil for forgiveness this time.” The demon taunted as he watched your skin turn clammy, sweat dampening your forehead.
Your chest rose up and down, breathing uneasily. “I-It’s hot- ” You panted, the heat you wanted so much ran over your body in waves making you feel suffocated, the pressure in your lower tummy making your head spin. “Relax cutie, it’s just an aphrodisiac, don’t worry your pretty little head.” Yeonjun dipped down, head in between your neck now. You didn’t even feel him at first, mind blown over with disgusting, distasteful, explicit scenes.
“You’re so hot.” Yeonjun chuckled into your neck, licking and kissing at it before biting down, his sharp teeth ripping into your skin and holding on like a vice. You screamed, screamed like hell, there was no pleasure, no arousal; just raw searing pain. Hot tears ran down your face as you clawed the demon, you could feel your blood rushing out be wound like a broken dam, you could feel Yeonjun lap it up, moaning and growling at your taste.
When he finally pulled off his bloody face looked up in pure pleasure like your blood was his aphrodisiac. “Your soul will be such a nice dessert. I won the jackpot tonight.” All you could do was cry, blood stained your sheets and pillow, you couldn’t breathe and you felt like you were gonna die. That was until another wave of heat crashed over your body, you tensed, a whine ripping through your sobs as you felt the teeth marks on your neck closing up, skin building back fast and rough, stretching and burning until completely sealed into a scar of his bite. You were marked with his scent, with his life.
You could have sworn you blacked out, the pain becoming far too much to handle, too fragile as your heart beat fast, pumping back the blood you lost. By the time you came to, you were naked, sprawled out into a star shape, and unable to move. Yeonjun was nowhere to be found but the phantom of his bite and the tightness in your stomach lingered. A sob left you once more, unable to stop when the realization that this was all real crashed into you like a truck.
The more you moved your neck to see yourself, you realized how badly your body was used, bruises and bites riddled all over your arms and legs, scratches all over your torso, hips, and breasts. Your body burned, and arousal pooled under your ass as the aphrodisiac continued to move in waves, as disgusting as you felt you knew you needed Yeonjun. He did this to you, he knows you need him too, that’s why he left. You didn’t deserve this, everything was a mistake, you didn’t know an actual demon would be coming to torture and kill you, you just wanted to celebrate the spooky season.
“Why me..” You sobbed harder, tears rolling into your ears and hair. “Because you’re just so fun to play with darling~” You flinch, Yeonjun's voice vibrates through the walls, a rush of arousal and fear finds its way to you just at the sound of him.
“Stop this…Please..” You mutter helplessly. “But don’t you want my cock? Wanna be filled with my cum?” The demon taunted, still failing to show himself.
“I’ve cum so much in the time you’ve been out darling, your body is just so tasty I couldn’t help it.” You can hear the smirk in his voice before you see it, he’s crouching just at the foot of the bed watching your cunt push out more arousal. “Want me to fuck you?” He grins evilly, “Maybe I’ll keep you if you’re a good fuck, feed me so well.”
A whine leaves you at the thought of him splitting you open, nipples rubbing against one another as he thrusts, legs stretched wide and open for him to take you fully and completely. “Please- Yeonjun please-“ You needed him, needed him in you, anything to stop this sickening edge. “N-Need you-“ You whimper, as much as you wanted him you were terrified of what would happen afterward. You knew he’d kill you, but would it hurt, is it as painful as this? Is it as painful as knowing you’ll never see your friends and family again but all you can do is get dicked down beforehand.
Maybe this was a sign you were a shitty person after all, after the attempts to be a happy woman and live life to the fullest you still were horrible enough to suffer this way. “Get out of that pretty little head and look at me,” Yeonjun growled, eyes glowing in the darkness, his cock pushed against your folds so nicely, your slick way more than enough to help the stretch.
You let out a moan at the feeling of his cold cock, everything was cold about the demon, just another reminder he was anything but human. “Mmm so full already, you must not get good cock often.” The demon teased as he rubbed his cock against your sore clit. A whine was your only response, your hips unable to move. “Shh, Let master take care of you,” Yeonjun whispered before pushing in nice and slow.
“B-Big- too- Ah~ too much~” You moan out as the demon bottomed out into you. You were so close, so delirious, you could feel him everywhere. “Let me take over you, mmm yes~ Just like that, give in to me, melt under my cock.” Yeonjun growled as you clenched and shook. Slowly he dragged out of your soaked hole, letting the pull be nice and slow, he wanted you to feel it all, the veins, the way he emptied you and made you feel like nothing but a shell without his cock inside you.
“Please~ M-Mmmaster~ More please please please~ need you, nothing without your cock please-“ Your begging was cut fast as Yeonjun thrust himself right back into you, filling you so quickly you felt him in your throat. Your eyes rolled back as Yeonjun sped up, hitting that one spot that gave him such an incredible burst of energy. “You love master's cock huh? Say it! You love my cock don’t you?” Yeonjun’s hand found its way to your throat and his thrusts never slowed.
You were turned to mush, unable to even breathe as his hand tightened around your throat. Strained whines gargled from the back of your throat as you attempted to answer him. A loud “Nghh-yesss~“ left you as your toes curled and your pussy clenched around his cock that just would not stop ramming into the spongy part of your heat. Your orgasm hit like a truck, you couldn't hear or see Yeonjun anymore, and your body tingled like pins and needles pricked you all over.
It took a couple of seconds for your high to come down and soon you could see Yeonjun's changed, darkened, expression. He was still, staring at his fist that stayed closed slightly on your throat. Before you could draw in a breath, his eyes began to glow brighter, so bright you could make out the features on his face a lot better. They were sharper than before, his soft face long gone and replaced with the features of a true demon.
His cock stayed buried in your cunt, keeping you nice and full and his fist began to close tighter, causing panic to run through your veins and your lungs to burn as they pumped against each other fast for relief. You couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think, you were going to die; he was going to kill you, you knew it. “Did Master say you could cum?” His voice was rough and deeper than before, leaving your already sore cunt to clench around him again.
“Oh~ you like when master has to threaten your life?” Yeonjun growled, completely unamused. Soon enough when he could hear your heart pick up in pace he let go of your throat, watching you gasp and shudder for air. “Be a good slut and lay pretty.” He growls out before digging his claws into your hips and beginning to abuse your sore, overused cunt again.
Your mouth fell open, whines, squeals, and mewls pulled from your burning, dry throat as he thrust fast and hard without reprieve. “This the good fuck you wanted huh? Give you my hot cum before I take that soiled little soul of yours.” Yeonjun leaned down into your face, forehead pressed against yours as he moved his hands to wrap your legs around his waist. You sobbed in response, completely numb in your lower half. You didn't want to die at all, you’ve barely even hit your mid-twenties.
The sight had Yeonjun reeling, his long snake tongue slipping out to lick the big fat tears that ran down your face with a hum at the saltiness. “Keep crying dollface, you're so tasty when you're this scared.” The demon taunted before pressing kisses to the violated side of your complexion.
You whimpered, unable to handle the fear of the fact that he not only was going to kill you, but he was going to enjoy every bit of it and make you orgasm again in the process. “Ah- yeah suck me in like that~ bring yourself closer to your last breath.” He moaned with a chuckle at the end, “Make master cum in your needy pussy,” he continued before throwing his head back at the way you clenched tighter. “Yes- oh yes just like that- mm~ you're so good~” Yeonjun whined before his heavy hips stuttered and stilled deep in you.
More tears fell, sobs loud and broken as your throat couldn't take the torture. “Nononono- please nnnah~” you begged the demon not to cum, not to stop and end your life. Your wails and cries did nothing as he spilled more and more cum deep into you, coating your gummy walls in his hot sticky seed. “Ah~ Yes~” Yeonjun sighed at the release he felt before thrusting just a bit more to milk out more of his cum, a ring of your creamy orgasms mixed against his balls.
“Mmm~ all done, dollface~” Yeonjun smirked as he watched you pant and scream for help. “Ngh~ yes keep begging, feels so good~” Yeonjun moaned out before pressing kisses against your jaw and cheek. “Wanna live! Please- I wanna live!” You begged him and turned your head to face him. “So cute~ But my mind is made up.” Yeonjun smiled before his jaw opened up wide and inhumanely.
You attempted to scream again, fear being the last emotion you felt as his chest puffed slightly, and your breath left you once again. You could feel your heart slow and your veins slowly rub against each other as your skin grayed out. You couldn't move or speak, just watch with teary eyes as he slurped up a wispy, white, and smoke-like ball. The moment he swallowed he pulled out of your mummified corpse, feeling full and satisfied. “Tasty to the end.” Yeonjun sighed before disappearing under those pesky covers.
it's cold
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okay, I had to repost this so it could get out there. If this doesn't fix the issue I don't know what will to be honest.
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ericshoney · 3 months
Spelling Bee ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: You join your brothers for another spelling bee video
Warnings: probably swearing, nicknames, spellings
"What's up everyone welcome back to our channel!" Nick shouted as the camera started rolling.
"As you can tell by the title of this video, we are doing yet another spelling bee, but this time, our little sister Y/n is joining us." Chris said.
"What's up, I'm going to beat these three cause I'm still in school!" You exclaimed.
"Just cause your still in school doesn't mean your better at spelling, kid, your still learning." Matt responded.
You stuck your tongue out at him as you stood next to Chris. Nick laughed at your reaction.
"And that's our sixteen year old sister everyone." He said.
"If your so confident you go first!" Chris shouted.
"Maybe I will!" You replied.
"Youngest to oldest." Matt said.
"Alright, Y/n, your first word is, sweatshirt." Nick said.
"Easy. s-w-e-a-t-s-h-i-r-t." you said, spelling the word with ease.
"Correct!" Nick cheered.
You laughed as Nick put his face close to the camera.
"Rotate as we update you on the scores." He said.
Chris went next, Matt picking the word for him. You stood back watching him.
"Chris your word is furniture." Matt said.
"Furniture? Okay, f-u-r.....f-u-r-n-t-u-r-e?" He asked.
"Not quite." Matt answered before repeating the correct spelling.
"Rotate as we update you on the score." Nick said.
You all continued spelling words, some being really long or really silly. You lost count after a bit, but knew you had at least three correct, alongside Nick.
"Final word kid. You ready?" Chris asked you.
"Yeah." You answered confidently.
"Your final word is....brother." He said.
"Let me use it in a sentence." He continued before you could start spelling.
"I know what it means, Chris!" You shouted, making them laugh.
"I am your favourite brother." He said the word in a sentence.
"Don't start that shit, kid." Matt said, as Nick slapped his shoulder.
"I don't have a favourite brother. B-r-o-t-h-e-r." You said, also spelling the word out.
"Correct." Nick said.
"Now we'll update the scores and put them somewhere on the screen. But how did you feel joining us for this video, sweetheart?" Nick continued.
"It was fun, maybe I'll be back again, but not another spelling bee." You answered.
"True, I'm done with these now, I feel so dumb." Chris said.
"Your not dumb, your really smart Chris!" You said, boosting his confidence.
"Thanks kid." He said, ruffling your hair.
You smiled as they finished the video, turning off the camera as Nick quickly looked over the footage to see who actually won. You cheered once you won by a point.
"Fuck yeah, told you!" You shouted, sticking your tongue out at Matt again.
He laughed shaking his head, ruffling your hair much like Chris just did. You smiled happily having some more time with your brothers.
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twignotstick · 5 months
Flowers for Venus
She's here~ 🩵
Note: This story is based on @cupcakeslushie 's Empyrean Weeping au. These characters are not my own, and this story is in no way canon to the main story. I really made a lot of assumptions here, so this must be emphasized.
Tags: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT, Venus de Milo (TMNT), NOT MY CHARACTERS, Empyrean Weeping AU, experimentation, mental issues, perspective shifting, intentionally written to be confusing or leave out information at times, they are all family your honor
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): childhood trauma, abandonment issues, physical violence, repeated mentions of medical(?) procedures
Words: 6,472 🪦
Summary: Venus had one person in her life, and that was what mattered. Until she didn't.
“I'm going to fix your body.”
The young turtle gazed up into the glass chamber before him, observing the mangled, underdeveloped, and weak body within. The vitals displayed around it were at acceptable levels; nowhere near as good as needed to survive out of the chamber, but acceptable considering the circumstances.
Not acceptable to the young turtle in front of it.
“You should be out here, learning with me. Being my sister. So I'm going to fix you.”
The turtle within the chamber did not stir- only breathed, as blood was forcefully pumped through its nonfunctional veins.
“Huginn and Muninn helped me find more books to help you!”
Three- he had realized that the body in the chamber may not yet know his name, and so he introduced himself not long ago- bounced on the balls of his feet. He had one book clutched close to his chest, with others strewn about the workspace he had made around the chamber.
“Yokai biologists have very interesting methods! I plan on attempting some of them soon- Pops said he is going to get me some more materials before I try. He said that Witch Town will probably have what I need. The fusion of biology and mysticism is incredible! Oh! Oh! And!”
He dropped the book that he was holding on the floor carelessly, tripping over his own feet as he ran over to a table to show the body's closed eyes another. This one was thicker.
“Muninn says that this one was written by a human! ‘Mary Shelley’. It's called ‘Frankenstein’. I believe that's a name too- the surname of the main character. I haven't read it yet, because I haven't had time to. However, maybe with your improved cognitive function as of recently, it could be beneficial for me to read it to you!”
Three got no response, but he could have sworn that a part of the body's brain scan spiked.
“I can't start now. I have to finish my work on the developmental errors in your lower arm, but as soon as I finish that and find what I need to find, I'll start! I'm really curious about human literature.”
Three got to work, as the mind within the chamber grew curious.
She didn't quite know what time it was, but she knew what was supposed to happen at this time. The voice was supposed to make noises in the room- Three, that was his name- and he was supposed to talk to her. Her? She thought that sounded right.
Three had told her about pronouns. He had said that since she was biologically female, it was assumed that she would go by she and her. Just like he was male, and went by he and him.
He had said that her name was Five.
Even so, Three liked calling her Vee, justifying it with the reason that they “matched”. Five didn't quite understand where the name came from; perhaps how her name was spelled? F-I-V-E, that was what Three had told her. T-H-R-E-E, that was his. But he spelled Vee as V-E-E. Maybe that's why they matched. Both had two E's in their name.
Their names were numbers too. One, two, three, four, five. She wondered why she was Five, and he was Three. Where were One, Two, and Four? Were they there, but she couldn't hear them? Was Pops another name for One? Pops and One weren't anything alike. She wished she could ask all the questions she had in her mind.
She wished she could see. Maybe that would explain why Three hadn't spoken yet.
Just when she was starting to believe that he may not speak to her this time, Three made noise. She couldn't see, but he stumbled through the door and sat down in a chair near her with a smile on his face. He looked at her, she could feel it.
“I'm sorry I'm home late, Vee. I met a new friend today! But don't tell Pops. He's a human.”
Five knew that word. Weren't those bad?
“Timothy isn't like other humans, though. He's nice! He showed me some insects and told me their names. Surface bugs are very different from normal ones! I think I might ask Huginn and Muninn to retrieve me some books on surface entomology. I can tell them that it's biological research.”
Entomology. That's a big word. What does that mean?
“Entomology means the study of insects, by the way. It's a very interesting branch of science. Timothy said he has books that tell him the names of different insects at his house. Oh, and a house is where humans usually live. Not a lab, like we live in. Or… a glass chamber, like you live in! Though, technically your chamber is within the lab.”
The lab. She wondered what the lab looked like.
“I think that I may be able to replace your eyes soon. I've been developing a prototype, hopefully it shouldn't take me too long to finish! From there, I just have to work really hard to get your other physical errors fixed, and then you can come out here! Maybe I can even bring you to meet Timothy!”
Timothy. That was a nice name. Not as good as Three or Vee, though. They matched. Though, maybe Timothy matched too. She didn't know how to spell Timothy yet.
Maybe they could match anyway.
Three stumbled in today. Vee couldn't see it, of course, but Three had tripped, holding in tears. His chest just wouldn't stop hurting. Pops had said he could walk it off, so that is what he tried to do.
He couldn't walk much longer, falling to the floor in front of Vee's chamber. She enjoyed hearing the sound of his breathing, but she never liked it when he breathed this heavily. That meant he was hurt and crying. That meant Pops had done an experiment or a test. That meant Three didn't have the power to work on her body. He would always apologize for that. Of course, that never stopped him. She always heard him working.
That is her name. He loves to remind her of that.
“M-maybe…” Three gasped deeply, holding the breath for longer than he should before slowly releasing it. “Maybe if… I finish you… he w-won't do this to m-me anymo-ore…”
Vee couldn't feel his eyes on her. Until she could.
“I've shown him y-your guts alr-ready, though… maybe he won't won't w-want to v-vi…vivi…”
That's not how he's supposed to say her name. It's Vee.
“...Vee? Vee~”
That's right.
Is that right?
The mumbling of her name faded away, turning into slow rasping breaths.
She didn't want him to be hurt and crying anymore.
“I want to make you as strong as One is. Or, at least, he should be. I haven't met One. Or Two. Or Four. But Pops says that it's impossible for you to be that strong. You're a box turtle, designed for defense. Anyhow, it's more important that I develop your muscle mass enough for you to stand independently first.”
Vee wondered what One, Two, and Four sounded like. Maybe their voices were jumpy and squeaky like Three's was now. Maybe they were sweet, like his was before. She wondered what Pops sounded like.
“Four is a box turtle like you. He developed properly, but don't feel bad! He got stolen away, so really, he got the short end of the stick! You're living the life of luxury.”
So many types of turtle. Did that mean they couldn't match anymore?
“I showed Timothy some sketches of my work with you. He got this really weird look on his face, and I thought he might not believe that I could fix you. But, he promised that he did believe in me! And he said he can't wait to meet you!”
Surely, he was just jealous of Three's hard work.
“I'm still working on your eyes. They're causing me more problems than I thought they would, but I think I'm getting closer to a functional product! It's just taking a while to find a good base that can survive the transfer.”
Eyes. One more sense. He taught her the five: touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing. She had hearing- or at least, she believed she did. She didn't know what else this could be. To have two senses would be marvelous.
Three's voice went away, leaving a rubbing sound. He had told her what that was. It meant he was “rubbing his hands together”. It was a “nervous habit”.
“Pops told me… he told me that talking to you was ‘fueling my delusion’. I know that, logically, you're comatose. Your body isn't supposed to work right now, for the sake of your life.”
That made sense. She was hurt. Three said that if she came out of her coma as she was now, she would die. Dying wasn't a good thing.
“But I really want you to hear me. Even subconsciously. So- so that way, when you do wake up, we'll already be friends! A-and you'll already know so much about me, so I just need to know about you!”
That sounded nice. Vee wanted to tell him about herself. Maybe she'd know just what that meant by the time she got the chance.
“I promise I'm going to fix you soon. It'll be no problem!”
Vee liked that.
Three was hurt and crying again. But this time, he didn't come to collapse by her chamber. He was far away, in the workspace. Vee didn't want him to be hurt and crying anymore. Three had said that hurt could mean dying. Three couldn't die yet. Vee still had to tell him everything about herself.
He wasn't even saying her name this time. He was saying the human's. He was hard to hear, so quiet, so far.
I'm sorry, Timothy.
What does that mean?
I'm so, so sorry.
What does that mean, Three?
Please, Tim.
Please forgive me.
I'm sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.
Three, please. She wants to understand. She wants to know you.
I want to know you. Talk to me, please. Tell me everything. Tell me about Mary Shelley. Tell me about entomology. Tell me about One. Tell me about Two. Tell me about Four. Tell me about Pops. Tell me what you're working on. Tell me how you want me to be better already so I can hold your hand and talk back. Let me hold your hand.
Tell me what's wrong.
“---ee? Vee, I'm ---y, I'm here, plea--- calm down. I'm here, please. Do I need- do I need to sedate her? I-”
He's not crying anymore. He's talking to her.
“Vee? Five?”
That's right.
“Should I read to you? W-Would you like that?”
She would.
“P-progress report 13. May 23rd. It happened today. Algernon bit me.”
Flowers for Algernon. Surface literature. Of course he would read surface literature now. He was just thinking of Timothy.
Every time Three would read this specific story to her, he would explain that the first few progress reports were intentionally written with poor spelling and grammar. He would spend the whole time explaining the correct way to write the sentences, up until the writing became legible. Then, when the writing returned to its sorry state, he would resume his corrections.
“I visited the lab to see him as I do occasionally, and when I took him out of his cage, he snapped at my hand.”
Vee knew the end of this story.
“I put him back and watched him for a while. He was unusually disturbed and vicious.”
It never ended nicely. They always had to die.
“May 24th. Burt, who is in charge of the experimental animals, tells me that Algernon is changing.”
She didn't want anyone else to die.
Something was different. Where once there was a lack of anything, now there was something. Something Vee didn't have the knowledge to understand just yet. She couldn't understand light. She couldn't understand color. Now, it was right in front of her.
A blur of a color she didn't know the name of, green, with a dash of another, purple. Three's voice came from it.
“Eyelids are open. Should be working. Just one last test-”
Three grabbed a small blur- a silver flashlight- and shined it into her eyes. Her muscles instinctively tried to close her eyelids, but there just wasn't enough power behind it. They stayed open enough for Three to see the pupils constrict.
“Yes. Yes! YES! They work! Yes!”
Three sounded happy. That was good. Maybe he looked happy, too. Vee didn't know what happy looked like yet.
“...I have to show Pops. I have to show Pops! Wait! Stay right there!”
Three left the room, and Vee thought deeply. “They work”. Three had said that her eyes “didn't work yet” before. So that must mean that they work now. That meant that she was seeing. This was what she had been looking forward to ever since Three had attempted to explain the abstract concept of seeing.
This was it.
Those colors. The nameless ones that she didn't know- the ones she didn't even know how to identify as colors- that was Three. That was the face of the voice who had been her only comfort for all of time. That was the face of the person she wanted to comfort. The voice that she heard crying and hurting. The person she wanted to hold the hand of.
The door to the room opened again, and Three returned with a taller figure. Vee had never heard him before, she was sure of that when he got close for her to hear his breathing. Maybe she could have seen him before. He was tall, and covered with new colors. She couldn't name them, but they were gold, blue, and magenta.
“Look! Look! Her eyes are functional now! They constrict and dilate! Watch!”
Three held the light to her eyes once more, and her pupils shrank again.
The new voice only grunted.
“She's so close to completion now! Th-there are only a few more developmental errors, and she just needs a little more muscle mass-”
The tall figure lashed out at Three, as another color, magenta and pink, writhing, latched around Three's throat. He was held off the floor, just a few feet. His happy breathing stopped.
“You have obsessed over this project for too long. Your progress has been agonizingly slow, and this is what you have to show for it?”
A new voice. Deeper. More menacing.
Three gasped for air, trying to respond.
“I suppose I must also involve myself. Your inefficiency up to this point will not be forgotten.”
The writhing mass slammed Three into the floor as the tall figure walked away, shutting the door behind himself.
Three heaved shaky breaths from his spot in front of Vee's chamber. He almost sounded like he was crying and hurting.
Was this what crying and hurting looked like? Curling over yourself? Was that what she was doing? She was supposed to be hurting. She didn't think she was crying, though. Could you hurt and not cry?
Could you cry and not hurt?
Three moved onto his knees, placing one hand on the glass. His face looked different, as if the light reflected off of it differently. His eyes looked at her. For the first time, she could feel and see it.
“I'm going to get you out soon. Then… then you can be here with me. And Pops will be proud. And I'll have you, my sister. Forever, and ever, and ever. And no one will take you from me.”
Three smiled, leaning against the glass and falling asleep.
That sounded nice.
“What is this?”
Vee stood over Three at his workbench, looking down at the sketch he was working on. It looked familiar, like other ones he had made, but the notes around the margins were different.
“Oh, it's another collar for Big Mama. She has someone joining the Nexus who has some immunity to electricity, so I have to work on an alternative design…”
“How does it work?”
Three looked up at Vee as she smiled softly. She loved doing this. Getting him talking about the things he knew about.
“Okay, well, since the regular electric shock won't result in what we're going for, I have to find another method of keeping the fighter in line. So- so this collar is designed to tap straight into the nerves in the neck- focusing mainly on the more secondary nerves, but also creating a pathway to the spinal column if needed. With this, the nerves can be pinched all at once, effectively paralyzing the wearer!”
Vee looked over the sketch, resting a hand on the desk next to it. “And why is this collar shaped so differently?”
Three brightened again. “Oh, well, for one, to create a visual distinction that makes it easier for Big Mama to know what type of collar it is. But also, because the specific yokai has… no neck? Sort of? They have shoulders, but it would be somewhat easy for them to slip a standard collar off. So, alternative design! And this one can be green.”
“Very good. I'm sure Mother would appreciate the change in aesthetic.”
The stone in her pocket began to glow.
“Speak of the Devil, I suppose.”
Five slipped her mask on quickly, then answered the call. “Hello, Mother.”
“Turtley-boo! Hello! Where are you, my dear? I couldn't find you!”
“I had to deliver this week's recording to Three. I'll be returning home shortly.”
“I would hope so! Everything here is always such a tissy-tassle when you're over at that terrible place. Oh, do come home quickly, please. Your mama is getting lonely.”
Vee looked to Three, and they exchanged a soft look, even behind Vee's emotionless mask. “I'll be there in a moment, Mother.”
This was wrong.
This was all wrong.
She was supposed to be worried about being taken from him.
What could she do, now that he was taken from her?
Four was gone. Then Two was gone. Vee thought, surely Three wouldn't be that dumb. Three was smart. He cared about her. He wouldn't leave her.
So where was he now? On the surface, living with rats and humans.
And she was left behind. Stuck under the thumb of a spider that claimed to be her mother. Forced to witness the violent aftermath that had come when Three disappeared, as Lord Draxum berated her and her mother for letting Three get such delusional thoughts in his head. Ideas that made him weak and stupid. Hopes that his family cared for him. 
But he left his family, didn't he?
She was supposed to be his sister.
And he left, in search of a family that didn't even know his name. His face. His voice. That voice was supposed to be hers. The one who took care of her. The one that fixed her.
Draxum may have caused her birth, but Three gave her life.
Didn't that matter to him?
She had been so scared of being taken from him, Vee didn't even consider the idea that he may be taken from her.
Fighting against him was something from her worst nightmares.
This couldn't be happening.
This was all wrong.
Empty apologies.
He left, all because of a stupid dream he had been chasing. He left the family he had because of some dumb idea of a family that he had romanticized in his head. He left her.
Maybe he never cared about her anyway. She was just a toy to pass the time.
She wasn't real, anyway. Just a monstrous body given life.
“Hi, Vee!”
Four approached her, sitting down cross legged on the floor beside her. He examined the blade she had been sharpening with an odd fascination.
“Where'd you get that?” He asked innocently.
“From Mother.”
Four straightened. “O-oh. Guess I shoulda… guessed that, huh?”
“Maybe.” Of course he should have. Who wouldn't recognize one of Big Mama's weapons?
“Hmm…” Four rocked back and forth, holding his feet. “Do you feel alright with me calling you Vee? I know that's what Donnie calls you, but I know he has like… a thing with names.”
“I’m Five,” she said bluntly, looking up at Four for a moment. “But I don't mind being called Vee.”
“Cool!” Four smiled, almost as sweetly as she remembered Three doing. “What's it short for?”
Vee paused and looked back up at Four. “Sorry?”
Four blinked. “...Vee. What's it short for?”
She squinted. “It stands for the roman numeral for Five. It isn't ‘short’ for anything.”
“Oh. Well, that's not right.” Four shook his head disapprovingly. “You need to match with us!”
That made Vee think. “Match?”
“Yeah!” Four shifted to sit on his knees. “See, cause I'm called Mikey. That's short for Michelangelo. He was a human artist in the Renaissance. And Raph is Raph, short for Raphael. And Leo is Leo, short for Leonardo. And Donnie is Donnie, short for Donatello!”
Vee put her blade down on the ground, giving Mikey all of her attention. “So they match because they're all artists?”
“Well, and since they're from the Renaissance, and since we've all got nicknames!” Mikey grinned. “Do you… want a name that matches with ours?”
“Yes.” Vee answered before she could really think about what she was saying. “I-I mean, I don't really need one, but-”
“Sweet!” Mikey patted his hands on the ground. “Now, what names could work… Genevieve? No, that would be Jenny… Vivian? Nah, that's not good enough. Oh!”
“Well, I know all of our names are from artists, but, uh, what if your name was from a piece of art?”
Vee thought for a moment. It was certainly true that she wasn't like the other turtles. Obviously, her name would have to reflect that.
Though, maybe being a work of art wouldn't be so bad.
“Sure. But tell me the name before I agree to anything.”
Mikey's expression suddenly shifted to a more serious one. “Of course. How about… Venus de Milo?”
Venus de Milo.
“...what is it?”
“It's a statue from ancient Greece. She sorta got her arms ripped off, but she's still incredibly beautiful and detailed, and a very widely known masterpiece! Wait, lemme see if I've got internet-”
Mikey fumbled with his phone, desperately trying to gather some internet signal in the depths of the Hidden City. Meanwhile, Vee simmered in the thought. A statue, broken, never to be truly as it was before. And yet, it was beautiful, not just because of what it still had, but because it had lost. It had persevered. Because something so beautiful was never truly perfect. That was what allowed it to be beautiful instead.
Maybe that beauty made it perfect, anyway.
“I like it.”
Mikey's eyes flitted up from his hunch over his phone. “Oh? Great!” He corrected his posture. “How ‘bout you try it out? Introduce yourself to me!”
Vee cleared her throat, checking her own posture out of habit. “Hello, Michelangelo. My name is Venus de Milo. You may call me Vee.” She extended her hand for a handshake. Mikey met it vehemently.
“Perfect! Now, you match with all of us! Man, the teamwork and collaboration on this mission is gonna be on point!”
Venus smiled, turning the interaction around in her head.
Maybe she could be a masterpiece.
Donnie loved to talk. Vee always knew that. But, for too long, she had never noticed how much he loved to be listened to; to have another directly engaging in the conversation. Once she learned that, she learned that she had a love for listening.
It was sometimes hard for her to understand her own wants without comparing them to the wants of others. She loved to listen because Donnie loved to talk. She loved to spar because that made Raph happy. She loved to ask questions so Leo could explain the nonsensical movies he showed her. She loved to eat because Mikey loved to cook.
But right now, none of that really mattered. Donnie was talking, and Vee loved to listen.
“Splinter told me that I could make him, as long as I make sure he doesn't turn, like, evil or anything. Though, honestly, if a robot uprising were to happen, I think it would be smart to just accept fate.”
Donnie was cleaning up some sort of schematic on a bean bag as a movie played on the TV. Vee sat next to him, not paying attention to the film at all. Screams about hot food went in one ear and out the other.
“So these are the plans you have so far?”
“Exactly!” Donnie brightened, then slumped as he came to a realization. “He's actually based on a design I made before you got out of your chamber. P-... Draxum destroyed that one, though.”
“Oh.” Vee slumped a bit as well. “I wish I could have seen it. Maybe I'd be more helpful now with these designs.”
“Uh, y-you don't have to worry about it!” Donnie waved his arms frantically. “It was my fault you were stuck in there anyway.”
“No it wasn't.” Vee looked at him blankly. “It was Lord Draxum's fault. He made me faulty. You helped me. You fixed my body.”
Donnie flustered, scratching at his neck. “W-well, not really. I didn't even-”
“You gave me my eyes. You gave me purpose.”
He looked at his sister, hands shaking almost invisibly where they gripped his sketching paper. Something strange came to his eyes- a shimmer, one that she knew. “I-I'm-”
“If you say you're sorry one more time, I might just rip your tongue out.”
“But I am! In more words than I can say, I am! You cared about me so much, and I just left you without a second thought. No apology I can give can ever make up for that.”
Vee sighed, shaking her head, looking at Donnie with tired eyes. “You're right.”
Donnie's nervous energy evaporated and he stilled.
“No apology will ever be enough. When you apologized to me, I didn't forgive you. When you apologized to me, I hated you.”
Venus paused, questioning whether or not she should continue. When Donnie gave no reaction, she decided to.
“When you tried to explain what had happened, I hated you. When you asked for my help, invited me in, told me you wanted me back, I hated you.”
Genuine tears started to well up in custom built eyes.
“B-because… because I couldn't believe you. You left me, and that was what was real. That was what mattered.”
Donnie took a breath in, as if to add something, but ultimately decided against it.
“Part of me still doesn't believe you.”
Months of worrying. Months of waiting. Months of simmering in hatred for the one person she had convinced herself she could trust. Months of wondering, “Would he have stayed if I had been better?” Months of unbridled rage towards her creator, who couldn't have waited just a little longer to make her right. Months thinking of her other so called “brothers” who stole her brother away.
He said no one could take her from him. So why would he throw her away?
“But you showed me otherwise.”
She never knew how to put these things into words. There was something difficult about bringing her thoughts out in that way. Because of this, she could never really tell Donnie how it felt when he first showed her that room he had prepared, which he left mostly empty for her to decorate herself. She could never explain how it felt when Splinter traced her stitches, complimenting how wonderfully they framed her features. She could never properly thank Raph for expressing his admiration for her fighting style. She couldn't express the joy she felt when she saw Leo do something that would make him feel embarrassed hours later. She could never say anything more than “It’s great” when eating one of Mikey's meals, one that should make a food critic cry.
“So you don't need to apologize anymore. You showed me how you cared, and that's all that matters now.”
Vee grabbed Donnie's hand, and the two shared a wordless understanding.
You can cry and not hurt.
Vee woke up to the sound of someone else moving around the lair.  All of her brothers were still covered in blankets around her, and a blank tarp hung on the wall stood in front of her that she vaguely remembered watching a projected video essay on before she fell into slumber. There was only one person missing from the scene…
As she pushed herself to her feet and walked into the hall, Vee came face to face with a still bonnet wearing April.
“Oh, morning, Vee!” April greeted energetically. “What're you doing up already?”
“This is a normal time to wake up, isn't it? You're awake.”
April hummed. “I guess you're right. I'm just used to the guys sleeping in super late. You hungry?”
Vee nodded, following April silently into the kitchen. Just a short time ago, she would have wanted to cut April's head off, purely because of her human existence. Now, she felt a strange, foreign comfort around the human. Not quite like she felt with her brother, or her other brothers, but something akin to it.
April started loading up the toaster, grabbing some spreads and setting them out on the counter.
“Got any plans today, Miss Milo?”
Vee chuckled. “It's Miss de Milo, and, uh, no. You got any plans, Miss Neil?”
April laughed in turn. “Actually, I do. And since you don't have any, I was hoping you might help me out with mine.”
Vee nodded, letting her continue.
“I brought some stuff from my place to do a spa day, slash makeover day. Figured you might want to join in.”
Vee thought for a moment. “I know what a spa day is, but what is a ‘makeover’?”
“Well, it's like,” she hesitated, “it's when you put on a ton of makeup and wear fancy clothes and stuff. Not because you're not pretty, but it's just… it's a way of making yourself feel good, y'know? You've worn makeup before, right?”
“No.” Vee shrank slightly. “Mother said that it would be a lost cause. That's why she gave me the mask instead.”
“Oh.” April shook her head, scrunching her nose. “Oh, no, no. That's not gonna work. You are going to be pampered, Miss de Milo. That is an order.”
April strode out of the kitchen, and Vee followed slowly behind. Before she could see where April had gone, there was the telltale sound of a pillow being thrown into someone's face.
“Owf- wha- hey! What was that for?” Leo grumbled through the grogginess of waking up.
“We've got a busy day ahead, boys! Gotta eat breakfast so we can get to work!”
“Busy day?” Mikey asked, slightly more cognizant than Leo. “What are we doing?”
“Makeovers. All of us!”
Vee finally caught sight of April in the hallway of the living room as she saw Donnie jumping up from where he was laying. “Are we gonna do nails?!” He shouted excitedly, running up in front of April. “Can I pick the colors?”
“Of course you can, bud. Just go eat some toast first,” April responded, patting his shoulder.
Donnie hurried to the kitchen followed by his brothers, who were all still wiping the sleep from their eyes. After that, breakfast went quickly.
Raph drug a stool into the bathroom in front of the mirror, where Vee was instructed to sit. Soon, she was surrounded by her brothers and April, with a large makeup bag in the human's hands. She put the bag down on the counter, taking out a liquid foundation in the perfect hue for Vee's skin.
“Where do you even find this stuff? Party City?” Leo asked, taking out another foundation from the bag that matched his own skin.
“No,” April scoffed, preparing her workspace, “I get it online. Its makeup, not face paint. It just happens to be green. Are you complaining?”
“No, ma'am.” Leo quickly shut himself up.
“Good. Now, let's get some jobs set straight.” April started gesturing to the brothers one by one. “Donnie, you're in charge of picking colors out, and themes. Mike, you're executing Donnie's ideas, because his hands are way too shaky. Raph, my bag's in the other room, go pick something out. You'll know what I mean when you get there. And Leo, you're in charge of music and talking. Tea spilling, gossip, whatever.”
All of the turtles nodded in response, and Raph walked out to find April's bag.
“Now, Vee.” April put her hands on Vee's shoulders, looking her straight in the eyes. “You just sit here, close your eyes, and relax. We've got it all handled.”
“Okay.” Vee hesitated, closing her eyes slowly, before shooting them open again. “Wait!”
April hummed, hovering the makeup sponge she had prepared in the air.
“Can you, uh… can you leave my stitches? Not cover them up, I mean.” She couldn't help casting a glance at Donnie, who gave a timid smile.
April relaxed. “Course, Vee. Now, close your eyes and let us work our magic!”
Vee complied, and she found herself surrounded by sounds. A strange nostalgia filled her chest.
“What we thinking, D?”
“How about, uh… this?”
“Ooo! Perfect! Can I get, uh… that one first?... Thanks! Okay Vee, I'm gonna grab your hand now. It's gonna be cold!”
“What am I supposed to even talk about? I don't have any tea.”
No need for sight. Hearing those voices, comforting her. With a slight drone of music alongside.
“How about your date with Usagi?”
“Wh- April! It wasn't a date!”
“Hey! No shoving! This is a delicate art, Leo!”
“Ugh, fine.” Another shove.
“Hey! No shoving me either! I didn't even say anything!”
“Yeah, but April's busy, Mikey's busy, and you gave me a weird look.”
“I gave you a normal look. You obviously went on a date. Vee, you know?”
Vee laughed just a bit, trying not to move and disturb April's work. “Donnie's right. It was pretty clearly a date.”
“No, it wasn't!”
“Just tell us what you did, Leo.”
Unlike before, she had other senses. But somehow, removing this one made her feel comfortable. Knowing that someone else was taking care of her felt so good.
When she felt Donnie's scar covered, calloused hand grab onto hers, the comfort felt warmer.
“We didn't even-”
“Hey, April? How's this one?”
“I think it's great, but how ‘bout you ask Mister Manicure?”
“Oh. Mike?”
“That's perfect, Raph! You got any accessories?”
“Maybe in my room… lemme go check.”
The sound of heavy footfalls walking away.
“Alright, I'm gonna be working on your eyelids, so it's gonna feel a little weird. Just try to stay loose.”
“Ooo, you are gonna look so good!”
Vee allowed the sound to envelop her entirely.
“Listen, we didn't go on a date, we aren't even a thing anyways.”
“I'm going to fix your body.”
“Usagi would be very hurt it he heard that. You wanna tell him, D?”
“You should be out here, learning with me.”
“I can text him right away-”
“Being my sister.”
“Just admit it, Leo! You're down bad for the bunny!”
“He still hasn't admitted that?”
“No, Raph! Because I'm not ‘down bad’!”
“So I'm going to fix you.”
“Okay, keep the volume down. I gotta concentrate…”
Time passed shapelessly. Vee interacted in the conversation when asked, but otherwise, she let the noise flow over herself. Before she knew it, she was being told to stand up and having fabric pulled onto her arms, with a ribbon being tied over her shell.
“Okay, okay, just a few more touches-”
“You've been doing ‘a few more touches’ for five minutes, Donnie. She looks great!”
“SHH! Don't rush perfection, Nardo.”
Vee blushed. “You really think I look perfect?”
She felt Donnie's eyes on her. “You always have.”
Mikey awed. “Okay, okay, okay, now you can look!”
Vee opened her eyes, just as Donnie moved to the side so she could see herself in the mirror. She saw that the fabric put on her was a dress, very light blue and with flowery embroidery patterning on the bottom of the knee-length skirt. Her claws were painted with pastel colors, with a light blue backdrop behind white daisies, each having an undertone of a different color: reddish-pink, blue, orange, purple, yellow, and green. On her face, a soft blue eyeshadow was put on her eyelids, with small painted daisies incorporated into her eyeliner. Similar flowery bows were placed down the length of her braided mask tails. Donnie quickly shuffled behind her to put a necklace on her neck, with a daisy shaped pendant.
Vee found herself speechless, staring at the stranger that had been pulled out of her own skin.
“Is it alright?” April asked hesitantly.
As she rubbed her lips together, Vee forced herself to look up at the ceiling. She waved her hands at her face.
“Oh- Oh! Its waterproof! You're good!”
“It is?!” Vee squeaked, struggling to hold herself together.
“Yeah, yeah, it is!”
“That's s-so cool!” Vee finally let her tears loose, still waving at her face while nervously laughing.
“You like it? Do you like the flowers? It was Donnie's idea!” Mikey asked, beaming as bright as the sun.
“Yes! Yes, I do, thank you!” Vee paused in her flapping to look over her hands again, and the dress, and her face.
Her flowers.
When she looked to Donnie, he looked as if he couldn't be happier.
“Well that's good, cause they cost me my dignity,” Leo groaned, despite the smirk on his face. “By the way, I call next.”
April patted his shell. “Alright, Leo. We'll make you pretty so you can look good for Usagi.”
“Great, because I- Wait! HEY!”
Vee was laughing loudly now, wiping her tears delicately with a single finger. The argument slowly turned back into background noise, as Leo sat on the stool instead, squabbling far too much for April's liking. Donnie recruited Vee for color picking and inspiration searching.
And so Vee let herself exist there, not worrying about mattering or being wanted. Not worrying about if the one she cared about was hurt or crying. Not longing for another sense to experience the world with. Not questioning if she may be taken away for good. Not asking if she really had a family. Not wondering if she did something wrong, or if she even had the right to call herself alive. Not waiting for someone to talk to her.
She had her flowers, and words could never compare.
Finally, she is here. I went a little wild on this. There are just so many parts of Vee's story that I can't wait to see. She's my little brainworm 💖
I'm glad that I can get this out before the @tmntaucompetition ends, especially since EW is in the finale. Go vote for them!!! I love them so dearly :)
I'm going to edit the first chapter of my own iteration, (currently titled Second Shot), and post that soon. I simply must get my boys out into the world, especially after discovering @dluebirb's TMNT AU family reunion. Lord knows they need friends.
Broken Brothers (and How to Fix Them)
170 notes · View notes
NSFT Alphabet: Morningstar!Ithaqua
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Here's wonderwall!!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Morningstar likes to hold you, resting his head on your chest to hear your heartbeat. The whispers on your skin of “I love you” repeated obsessively
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His hands. He likes what he can do with them especially when it comes to what these hands can do to you. These hands that have been covered by so much blood, these hands that have you begging for him.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
One might call him a painter (no one does) with how he loves to see you love to cum on you, yet not your face 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Likes the idea of fucking you with his brother or fucking you in front of his brother (not really a dirt secret because he would mention it from time to when thinking about him)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
This one has a lot of experience and knows what he likes and does not like in the bedroom
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Reverse cowgirl (riding but facing away from the partner)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He is not goofy and more sadistic in bed so kinda serious 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Like Ithaqua he does not have a lot of hair and is very light colored
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
He can be romantic but it at a cost 
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
If he is jacking off it is in front of you and punishing you for something
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
For plot reasons he has whatever i think fits him so imma say generally BDSM themes
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The throne room, his bedchambers, that cage prison where he put his brother, the garden, etc (anywhere he can get away with taking you)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Simple man anything can get him going
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Bathroom related things 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Both and very skilled
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
A mix of both depend on his mood
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Love and hate quickies but does them often
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Very much a risk person and that should worry you because he can go too far at times
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
A lot, pray. No seriously 
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Like Ithaqua: no. His dick is enough and if you need a toy then he will treat you like a toy
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Very unfair
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Mix between loud and quiet.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Morningstar cannot express his genuine love for him like a normal person, he does love you but always comes out as obsessive and possessive to the point of scary
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He is perfection. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Very high
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He does not sleep, trust issues and his years of wandering do not allow him to sleep well. If he does sleep it is because his body has given out and you are tied to the bed unable to do anything but lay there
223 notes · View notes
elysianightsss · 7 months
Limerence | Five
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limerence / lim-ê-rêns / (noun)
“Obsessive romantic attraction towards another person”
Summary: In which the owners of Jujutsu Incorporated, the Ôgami brothers, are suddenly interested in you.
Pairing: Alpha!Sukuna x reader, Alpha!Itadori x reader, Alpha!Gojo x reader, Alpha!Geto x reader, Alpha!Nanami x reader, Alpha!Kenjaku x reader
Status: Ongoing.
Genre: werewolf au, soulmate, polyamory relationship, angst, fluff, omegaverse, a/b/o dynamics.
Warnings: smut, violence, mentions of knotting, heats, ruts, insecurities, some descriptions of reader’s body, mention of possible ED, omegaspace, domdrop, swearing, blood, depression, suicidal thoughts, possessiveness, obsessive thoughts, Alpha tendencies.
Chapter Warnings: Jealousy, more Jade, soulmate laws broken, physical violence, mentions of heats, blood mentioned.
Masterlist | Chapter Four | Chapter six
Taglist: @better-imagination-9 @tiredjuniper @jjkz @honeybeeboobaa @cherryblossomdelusion @dependsonthedream @alluresenses @qardasngan @imcamboaf @ondragonhonour @misscaller06 @itsberrydreemurstuff @queen-luna-007 @thepeachesclub @xxemmarldxx @heartless-tate
Taglist is open.
Previously on Limerence:
The ride down is quiet your mind reeling and as if he knows he coaxes you to tell him what’s on your mind, “Who was that woman?” You ask, it comes out sounding impatient and certainly more jealous than you wanted.
“Oh that’s just Jade my secretary, she’s been here quite a while but I don’t really know that much about her other than her name and that she has a brother. That’s about it.” You nod slowly taking in everything he just said, you still don’t like it. You don’t like just Jade.
“It’s okay sweetheart you don’t need to be jealous with me, everything that I am is yours.” He smirks playfully at you, watching you closely with careful eyes.
“I’m not jealous.” You huff, arms folding under your chest with a pout gracing your lips, Kento chuckles at the sight thinking if he died right now and your cute little pout was the last thing he’d see, he’d be one hundred percent okay with that. “I’m not jealous.” You repeat frowning at his unconvinced face.
“Whatever you say sweetheart.”
You ignored his grin as best you could as he walked you to his car, a black SUV, definitely a luxury car. You noticed as you got in that everything was so clean and expensive looking. You felt out of place sitting in the vehicle.
He asks for the therapist address and you willingly gave, the drive was quiet yet comfortable, and rather short. “Thanks for dropping me off.” You blushed resisting the urge to fiddle with the hem of your sweater, the awkward tension that only you were feeling was rising quickly.
“I’ll be waiting for you when you’re done sweetheart.” He says so matter of fact, so sure that it makes your heart beat quicker. Your stomach fluttering as he gets out of the car to open your door, offering you his hand to help you out. “You don’t have to wait.”
What Kento wants to say is that those words were the stupid thing he’d ever heard, he’d wait a thousand years for you let alone an hour. He’s happy to, he’s ecstatic to simply be in your presence and help you.
“Nonsense.” Is all he comes out with, you notice a small smile gracing his lips before you make your way inside the building…
“How are you today?” Was the dreaded question you were asked every week by the woman sat in the comfy white chair, left leg crossed over right as she smiled your way with soft understanding eyes. It made your stomach churn at the sight, the pity and empathy that took hold of her face after she had read your file for the first time, it was awful and you’ve had to deal with it every week since.
You simply nod because you don’t really know what to say. How were you? All in one day you had met Sukuna, interviewed him. Ran out of work, something you’d definitely have to speak to your boss about later, you’d had Sukuna and Kenjaku turn up at your apartment and wake you from your omega space, you had met all six of your mates and now one of them has dropped you off at therapy and is waiting in the car for you to finish.
You take notice of the sparkle on her finger, you remember her telling you about her own mate. Just one. Her beloved husband, and two children, her precious family. A perfect one. Your gaze slides over the pictures scattered around the room of the picture perfect family and again your stomach churns.
You don’t remember what it’s like to be in a family much less a perfect one where everyone loves each other and you all get along. It’s a strange realisation when you remember what Sukuna said earlier, you had a family now. You didn’t know a single thing about them other than that they saved the world, but you did have them.
“I’m not really sure. So much has changed so fast and we both I’m not good with that.” You confessed to her, her face changing to a sympathy you felt undeserving of. She gestured for you to explain more and you do, leaving out the part of who you’re mated to, she’s shocked to say the least.
“Well that is a very interesting turn of events I must say. Take my advice or don’t, all I’ll say is be open to it. It could very well be the best thing that ever happens to you.” She smiles sweetly, you nod and begin telling her about your week before meeting your mates. Any anxiety attacks you had, the insomnia, the lack of eating and before you know it the timer is going off to say your session has ended.
You bid each other goodbye before heading out the building to see Kento waiting for you, a little smile pulling at his lips as he opens the car door for you. You slip inside having no idea how hard he’s fighting the urge to hug you close and plant kisses all over your forehead. Clearing his throat he jogs over to the other side of the car and gets in himself, quickly pressing the button to turn off his phone that had been sat on the dashboard, he hopes you haven’t seen the screen and ruin the surprise.
While waiting for you, Kento had sat in the car on his phone scrolling through nesting equipment websites. These types of companies were created a few years ago and took off. There were so many people who needed the comforts that they hadn’t before, and these were the perfect online shops to buy from.
Titsi was an amazing werewolf comfort shop, it was the most popular out of all the chains. It was not only online but had thousands of shops all over the world. It sold, soft and rough nesting blankets; all different shapes, colours and sizes. It sold stretchy clothes so they didn’t rip when people turned into their wolf forms. Clothes for new pups and toys.
And lucky for Kento the Valentine’s Day sale was still on. He scrolled down to the nesting blankets, clicking the softest category. He may not know your favourite colour but he goes with a nice neutral white. He imagines it all messy with the other blankets and other comfort items you could possibly have.
He purchases the biggest size on there and pays extra for next day delivery, the money is nothing to him but he hopes the blanket is everything to you. He hopes you add it to your nest the second he gives it to you but he doubts that will happen. You pay no mind as he slips his phone in his pocket before turning to you.
“Do you have a spare moment to come with me to the compound for a checkup?” He asks and although it’s soft, it scares you. It’s too caring and not at all what you’re use to. You haven’t had a medical checkup in years, what if they find something bad? What if you never have a heat? What if you can’t have pups? Suddenly your heart clenches painfully in your chest at the thought. You needed to know as much as he did.
“Only you and the doctor right?” You ask, maybe if you did receive bad news it would be easier if you only had to deal with one of your newly found mates instead of all six.
“If that is what you wish.” Kento is happy to do whatever he can to make you feel comfortable, if it means keeping his brothers at bay for a while then that’s what he’ll do.
The Compound was huge. Bigger than you had imagined, but you weren’t surprised not with all the alphas running around the place. You had agreed to this wanting desperately to ease the worry on Kento’s face, maybe you were regretting it now. Though his strong and confident hand on your back eased your worries as he led you through the compound and into the lab.
You greeted the doctors and stayed silent while Kento explained his worries, thought the men in white lab coats seemed to think nothing of it, agreeing to the tests but assuring you both that everything would be fine just as Kento did with you.
“Everything’s gonna be fine honey.” He smiled reassuringly as the doctor took your blood pressure. Your feeling lightheaded, dreading the outcome. Dreading that something bad is going to happen and before you know it the door is opening and Jade is popping inside handing a phone to Kento and whispering something to him. He nods and says to you, “I just need to take this sweetheart, I’ll be right back.” Before slipping outside and leaving you alone with her and the doctor.
She was here. Why was she here? You didn’t want her here. Jade stared at you as the doctor took your bloods, her eyes only wavering from you to the needle and then back to your face. She’s a green eyed monster, dangerous sparkling emerald eyes lurking in your mind. And suddenly you believe he is on her side. She’s demon in disguise looking for a weak spot to bring you misery, to spark a burning fire. You don’t know how long you can keep going before your own green eyes monster takes a hold of you and looses control.
You didn’t want her to know why you were having the tests done but when she asked the doctor, he happily spilled the beans thinking she was a close friend, you didn’t even get a chance to say you didn’t want her to know.
Her face completely changed to relief, her posture suddenly relaxed and a pathetic amount of hope was present in her eyes, “So does that mean she can’t have children?” She asks, disgusting excitement swirling in her voice.
This time you don’t give the doctor a chance to give up your information, “Who the fuck are you to ask that?” You seethe, teeth gritted as you spit out your words. Jade’s face becomes dark and annoyed as her eyes flit from the doctor to you.
“It’s important that I know.” She snarks, nose turned up as she stands there impatiently.
“You don’t get to know a god damn thing about my body and my children. Get the fuck out!” You shout, practically bellow, quickly becoming furious with this entitled bitch. Your behaviour shocks the doctor who had just finished taking your blood. Kento had described you to be shy and to be careful with you, he had expressed this sternly. But your behaviour was shocking you too, you felt your omega taking over, clawing its way to the surface. Ready to fight for what was yours.
“You silly little girl!” The words have you pushed into a flashback, your father saying the same exact words to you before he put you in that car… “I need to know if you can have pups or not! I need to know if I still have a chance with the man I love!” She screeches lunging forward grabbing onto your hair and clothes, pulling you down to the ground by her grip.
The doctor is frantic, trying to get her off as she slaps you across the face once. A sinister grin on her face as she raises her hand to do it again only for her wrist to be gripped harshly, Jade is ripped away from you and thrown against the pristine white wall.
“YOU DARE HURT MY MATE!” Kento’s snarl is heard in the entire compound as it shakes the walls and floors. Complete devastation is clear on Jade’s face as she struggles to her knees, Kento’s eyes fade to jet black a clear sign his wolf is in control.
You were dazed, she slapped you hard. Hard enough to not only leave a stinging mark but to also have your vision blurred at the edges and a ringing in your ears. It was difficult to concentrate, to understand what was happening around you. You needed to get it together, you’d been through far worse. Your black sweater and white blouse was ripped by her claws at the back, you felt the breeze against your bare skin as Kento helped you onto your feet. You vaguely remember Jade being escorted out the room by men wearing black tactile gear, it was all a blur as Kento pulled you into his chest and attempted to comfort you. His wolf desperate to keep you close, even when the brothers showed up he refused to let you go. He held you as you walked out of the building, he held you in the car, he held you whilst walking to a large house and finally you were in a big bed snuggled up against him. You didn’t get much chance to look around but you were sure that this was the Ôgami house.
You don’t remember falling asleep but with the warmth of Kento’s large body against yours, it couldn’t be helped. You notice you’re in a nest, created by the two beautiful men clumsily asleep on the bed too. Sukuna and Satoru had been running around and getting shirts and blankets for the nest while Kento pulled you into bed and held you against him.
His large, warm hand sliding up your throat, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. Him smiling as softly as he can before pressing an even softer kiss on your forehead. The memory creates a shiver that racks down your spine.
Shaking it off you slip out of bed and out of the room, the house was dark as you wandered around making you stumble right into another room. “Angel. You’re awake, how are you feeling?” Your eyes blink to adjust to the lamp lighting the room, you find Yuji at a desk covered in paperwork.
“Achy.” You answer simply, walking closer to him and peaking at the work on his desk.
He took notice following your eyesight, “Ah, the police asked me to put the secretary’s files together for court.” That was his job after all, besides overseeing the transportation and housing of those Alphas, he was in charge of the hiring and firing of all employees. This was his domain.
“Yes. Jade. She will be tried for having attacked a soulmate, as well as some other things we’ve found but she’ll get thirty years just for attacking you.” Yuji smiled, he was happy she would be put away for harming you.
“Wow.” Your eyes start to sting with tears, you’re not even sure why. Yuji doesn’t ask, instead he pulls you into his lap for a cuddle. Even though you tense at the soft foreign touch, you allow him to move you as he pleased and comfort you in the way he knows how to.
“It’s okay. It’s over now.” He whispered gently stroking your hair as he hugged you to him. A few moments of silent thought passed before he spoke once more, “I understand this has been a very long and exhausting day for you, I understand this is so new to you. We all understand. We especially hope the incidents that have occurred today has not stopped you from accepting us as your mates. Though we can all have a serious discussion about that later.”
Yuji’s hand cupped your cheek leading your eyes to meet his, “I will say this, no one will ever hurt you again for as long as I live. This I vow to you.”
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
Me: Wow I wonder what AMV I should eventually do for {+Rui inclusion} when I stop being eternally frustrated at near endless and completely pointless 24+ yr old fanwars M E: (*recently reminded of an old Fav's cover*)... . .. . m E: Obviously the answer is "A--------"
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chrimsss · 1 year
To Comfort a Magician
Pariring: Lyney x GN! Reader
Warnings: SPOILERS for the Archon Quest 4.0, Hurt/Comfort(? More comfort than anything), Panic Attacks (I believe), OOC Lyney (I can't write a character without they being OOC-), Reader is implied of having an Anemo Vision.
Synopsis: After the trial, it was hard keeping his playful persona. But, he didn't want to show it to anyone, he had to be strong, even not for his sister and siblings, for himself.
But, there was a person he couldn't hide it from, not even with his best acting.
Notes: After the Archon Quest and Lyney's Story Quest, I thought about this and I couldn't get it out my system :)) Might have a lot of grammar mistakes, and I apologize. This was also really rushed.
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Breath in. Breath out.
These words were echoing in his mind as he slowly exited the Opera Epiclese, his twin walking right beside him. His smile ever present on his face as he just looks forward.
Breath. In. Breath. Out.
Lyney found himself in front of the Fountain of Lucine, the sound of water appearing louder, almost painful in his ears. Lynette walks a bit closer to him, standing right beside him as she also stares at the fountain.
"Do you think The Traveler is going to forgive us?" The voice of his twin caught his attention, making him look at her. Despite how emotionless she appeared physically, he could tell she was stressed as well. He put a hand over he shoulder, squeezing it gently, "Only time can tell." His answer was simply, but it hid his own stress.
Lynette nodded at the answer, returning her walk towards the stattion, but her brother stayed still in front of the Operar, his mind zooming in and out, just like his breathing
Breath. In. Breath. Out.
B r e a t h.
"I'll stay for a bit. There is some things I want to do before returning home." Lyney says, not giving his sister a space to talk as he quickly walked away from there, towards the Amphitheater. Lynette looked at him worriedly but just nodded, returning her walk to the station.
The magician found himself sitting on the seats at the amphitheater, watching as Coppelia and Coppelius glided gracefully through the performance area. But he couldn't focus on the two automatons dancing, he could only think a out how fast his heart was beating.
Putting both his hands over his ears, he curled on himself, the sensation of his trembling body, the sweat descending on his forehead, the loud thumping of his heart. Everything was Painful.
Breath In. Breath Out. Breath In. Breath Out. Breath In. Breath Out.
The magician kept repeating to himself as he felt his breath get more and more uneven. Small tears appearing on the corner of his eyes while he looked down at his feet.
A sudden gust of wind surprised him, but it was also comforting, as if the air was entering his lungs just as much as he needed. He took a deep breath in, letting shaky breath out as he closes his eyes, trying to focus on his breathing slowly.
As he finally started to calm down, he noticed a soft and silent humming right beside him. Someone was there with him. Frantic thoughts appeared on his mind, 'For how long was this person there?', 'Were they a friend or a foe?'. Slowly moving his head up, Lyney recognized the person sitting with him. Bright (E/C) staring at the two automatons, appreciating their dancing, the cyan vision on them swinging gently, moving alongside the wind they brought.
"(Y/N)..." He whispers, voice so gentle, the contrary of his normal cheerful voice. (Y/N) looked at him, a small smile appearing as they stare at his purple eyes. "Relax a bit more." They say gently, a hand resting on his own. "Just enjoy the show." Then, they turned to look at the two automatons once again, continuing their humming.
The couple continued sitting in silence, as Lyney managed to calm himself even slightly, but he still couldn't focus, he was still nervous about the person beside him. "Did you watch the Trial?" He asks, in midst of the silent night.
(Y/N) simply nodded in response, their eyes moving back at the magician. "Feeling more relaxed?" They asked, to which Lyney just nodded. Removing their hand from Lyney's, they watched the magician carefully.
"I'm Sorry." Lyney whispers, voice laced with regret. (Y/N) hummed a bit before asking, "And why is it that you are apologizing?"
"For not telling you, we are fatuus." The answer was direct, but Lyney couldn't help but feel scared.
(Y/N) simply looked ahead, their eyes going back to the two automatons as they kept silence for some minutes.
"Do you act as Fatuus?"
"Hum? I- No... I don't think so."
"So, you have nothing to apologize."
This made the magician calm down, but his purples eyes widened in surprise. Were they for real? They... Don't blame him?
He kept thinking to himself, in shock, not feeling someone removing his top hat until a hand reached his hair, caressing it gently.
"Your... 'status' as a Fatui is merely a name. You have no real connection with them, it was just an unfortunate timing. As well, everyone is entitled to their secrets..." They explained with a soft smile, caressing his ashy blond hair.
The Pyro-user kept quiet, processing the words before letting out a sigh and resting his head on (Y/N)'s shoulder. The relief making him cry again, knowing they didn’t see him as a bad person. Putting both his arms around their waist as he pulled them closer.
(Y/N) moved their hands around his shoulders, squeezing him a bit in the comforting hug while still petting his hair.
They kept like that, just enjoying each others company, comfort and warmth in the silent night of Fontaine.
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