#she holds us after lecture to continue talking about stuff that has Nothing to do with the content of the class
fandomfluffandfuck · 11 months
You ever have one of those professors where you're just like... how? How are you,, employed? Y'know, as an instructor. A teacher. Someone who is supposed to teach. How did you get here because, in the least mean way I can possibly say it, so fucking bad at your job?
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erinlindsayy · 11 months
professor || carol danvers
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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ . ┊ You're Carol's designated note taker, and usually the one teaching her a few things. What happens when you give her the wrong set of notes?
➺  warnings: dirty talk, spanking, edging, violent use of straps, carol danvers tops (but I fully believe she's a switch now), umm... general unholiness, bratting, etc.
✧   a/n: surprise... I'm back... more content coming soon... I promise I've got a val/carol/r fic coming soon, but this popped into my head and I couldn't resist... JOCK COLLEGE CAROL, OK? JOCK RUGBY COLLEGE CAROL.
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“Can any of you attempt to discern meaning from this week’s assigned reading? Why might I have selected this particular work for you all?” asks Professor Valkyrie, starting class for the day. Your hand immediately raises, and she nods in your direction. 
“Well, was not Beckett’s entire point to find meaning in the absence of conventional meaning?” 
Professor Valkyrie, nods. 
‘Interesting thought,” she says. “Care to elaborate?”
“Well,” you begin. “Beckett created a landscape for us that is so alien and foreign, and unlike what we know. The play does not include any symbolic elements, and it does not really go anywhere. You might try to make meaning out of the carrot that Didi and Gogo share, or the leaves appearing on the tree, but they literally mean nothing. At the end of the play--we, as well as Vladimir and Estragon, are all still waiting for Godot. So, in a sense, there is no meaning, but perhaps there is meaning in the fact that there is no intended meaning.” 
“Good,” replies Professor Valkyrie. “As always, a carefully articulated and thoroughly crafted response. Excellent work as usual.” 
You smile politely, and fall back into your seat as Professor Valkyrie continues to lecture about Samuel Beckett and the wonderful nature and reality of Waiting for Godot. 
Meanwhile, you’ve jotted at the top of your notes, in big bold letters ‘I hate this play!’ 
After all, the ability to just to understand and converse about a work of literature does not mean that one has to enjoy it. 
After class, you’re stopped, as usual, by the one and only  Carol Danvers. Resident jock, captain of the division one team, aspiring pilot, rumored sex god extrodinare, Carol Danvers. She’s quite the legend around campus, but not exactly for her work ethic as it pertains to academic pursuits, which are... lacking, to put it politely. 
“Do you have my notes for me,” she asks, holding her hand out. “I need to at least act like I’m going to study tonight, right?” 
You roll your eyes. “Carol, why do you ask for my notes if you never use them? You do realize that mere possession of the notes will not translate into you understanding the material, yes? You have to actually read them in order for the information to enter your head.” 
Your reply is snarky, short and snappy, but you’re fed up with Carol at this point. She asks you for notes in all the classes you share together (which, granted, is not many,) but never seems to read them or take any of her classes very seriously. Carol narrows her eyes at the response. 
“I’ll just sleep on them? Os--” 
You cut her off, finishing her sentence. 
“--mosis does not apply, Carol. You know that. You cannot absorb the material through the pores of your skin. Read the notes, and actually try for once, or stop bothering me. I could be taking notes for myself, rather than focusing on summarizing all of the lectures so that you can stuff them into your bag, never to see the light of day again. Don’t ask me for notes again unless you’re ready to be serious.” 
With that, you hastily pull out a few papers from your bag, not bothering to double check if they were the correct ones or not. You shove the papers into Carol’s and turn away sharply, not bothering to look back. Granted, you were headed in the completely wrong direction, but you weren’t about to give Carol the satisfaction of seeing your face again. 
Of course, Carol knows that you hardly need notes for your own purposes. Summarizing the lectures for her provides you with the information you need to keep your own mind sharp, with years of literary study and reading filling in the blanks to broader context for you. But still, you love to hassle her. Carol does feel guilty occasionally, knowing how much work you put into the notes you take for her. They’re always organized, and you write important little tidbits down in the margins. She always glances at them, but can never bring herself to actually study the notes. 
Tonight is different. Carol is inspired, reenergized by your scathing talk. She sits down at her desk, and finally pulls out the notes you gave her. She reads the first line, and laughs to herself. 
These definitely weren’t the notes she meant to give me, she thinks to herself. 
You’re startled out of your evening study session by a loud ding from your phone. Normally, you wouldn’t check your phone in the middle of studying, but you’re intrigued. 
Your jaw drops slightly when you notice that the text is from Carol. 
8:57 hey. I’ve got a question about the notes
You’re shocked. Carol actually... read the notes? 
9:00 Shoot for it. How can I help? 
9:01 Well. The notes weren’t really on Waiting for Godot
9:04 Oh. Did I give you a repeat copy of last weeks’?
9:05 Well, I wouldn’t exactly say that they’re standard academic notes
You roll your eyes at her comment, typing out a harsh response before deleting it and sending a far more cordial reply. 
9:06 Oh? 
9:07 Well, for starters, I don’t think that Waiting for Godot has anything to do with sex. 
Attached to her text is a picture of your recent exploration of the things that turned you on, or as you aptly named it “An empirical study of the things that make me wet.” 
You’d never meant for anyone to see it, ever. It was purely a list of the things that you desperately wanted to try, things you enjoyed watching and reading, various things that interested you. 
You’d written the list mostly as a joke, as a way to get the ideas out of your head. You wondered how it even found your way into your backpack, and you’re ready to curl up into a ball and cry when Carol texts you again. 
9:13 I could help you, you know
9:14 I have a few things that I could teach you
9:15 What do you say we make a deal? 
You swallow thickly, intrigued. 
9:17 What sort of deal? 
9:19 You teach me literature. 
9:21 I’ll fulfill your deepest fantasies. (And take you out on a date ;) )
You blink slowly, unable to process the words appearing on your screen. A date? Lessons in sex? It all seems to be far too much to handle, and you’re not sure if Carol is serious. The prospect is alluring, however, and you can’t help but admit that you’ve had the tiniest (largest) of crushes on Carol ever since you saw her in that signature leather jacket of hers, kicking her legs up against the desk in front of her, even if your feelings were against your better judgment. You knew she was aware of this fact, and the way you were always angry around him for some odd reason. 
9:24 If this is a joke, it isn’t funny, Carol. 
9:30 I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow. Be ready. We’re getting pasta.  
“So. You want to be a pilot, but now you’re here playing rugby and studying literature?”
Carol shrugs. 
“My best friend Maria and I were supposed to enlist together, but some shit happened and he needed me to stick around. I’ve always been good at rugby even though my dad hated that I played sports, and so I stuck around here. Got a full scholarship for rugby, and put the dream of flying aside. The academy will always be there. It’s not what I wanted, but it’s what Maria needed. I couldn’t just leave her when she needed me most.” 
You smile softly at Carol, shocked by her sudden display of emotion. She’s clearly conflicted, and her eyes drift up to the sky, staring wistfully at the dimming horizon. 
“I think that’s very brave of you, Carol. You’re a really good friend,” you say, reaching out to place a hand atop hers in a sudden burst of confidence. The evening had been oddly pleasant, and conversation flowed between the two of you. Granted, Carol was still somewhat of an egotistical jerk, but she was obviously emotionally conflicted, and she had sacrificed her biggest dream to help her closest friend when she needed it most.  
Carol looks down at your hand, tensing up for a second before flipping her palm to meet yours and giving your hand a quick squeeze. 
“I’m alright, ok? I don’t want you worrying about me.” 
You nod. Carol smiles, and moves to stand up. 
“What do you say we get out of here, and head back to my place? Maybe watch a movie?” 
You smile, nodding at Carol. “I’d like that a lot,” you whisper. “I’d like that.” 
Carol holds her hand out to you, helping you up out of your chair. You move to pull your hand out of hers, assuming she meant to just assist you up, but she holds on firmly as the two of you walk back to her vintage red Mustang. 
The drive back to her apartment is filled with throwbacks from the 90s, widows open and hair wild. You’re both singing the words of the songs obnoxiously, relishing in the sweet freedom of the open night. 
When you finally reach her apartment, your eyes are bright and your hair is messy. You look over at Carol, messy hair strewn about. You begin to laugh uncontrollably, with Carol joining shortly after upon seeing your own windblown look. 
When the laughter finally succeeds, you look over at Carol to find her gazing at you intently. You laugh apprehensively, but Carol’s gaze does not falter.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re beautiful,” she asks. 
You nod your head slowly. “Not really, no.” 
“But you had a boyfriend?” 
You nod. “It wasn’t really the best of situations. I’ve since come to many realizations about myself since then.” 
Carol smiles. “Well, then I guess I’ll just have to tell you as many times as I possibly can to make up for the lack of times you’ve been told that.” 
“Carol, I don’t even know how to respond to that,” you sputter out. 
“So don’t.” 
Carol leans in over the middle of the car, hesitantly pressing her lips against yours in a tender kiss. You’re surprised at first, but you lean into the kiss, melting against her mouth. Your hands tangle in her already messy hair, and you smile against her lips. The kiss intensifies as your hands begin to roam down Carol’s back, fingers itching to explore. She pulls her hands off of you, smiling softly. 
“Let’s head inside, Princess. We can have a lot more fun in my bedroom than we ever will out here.” 
You nod your head, eagerly anticipating the next steps. 
When you reach her apartment, he leads you past the kitchen, flipping on various light switches as she heads through the living room, finally reaching her bedroom. It’s surprisingly neat, with framed photos of her and a woman that you guessed was her friend Maria. There’s a small pin shaped like a sort of star resting atop her desk, with a framed photo of an adorable orange kitten. Her bed is neatly made, and the room is incredibly put together. 
“You like it, huh?” 
You jump, startled by Carol’s voice. 
“Yeah. Um, it’s very nice,” you reply. “Super neat.” 
Carol laughs. 
“Yeah, for all my disorganization at school, I do like to keep my apartment pretty tidy.” 
Carol walks over to her desk and picks up your list. 
“I think this belongs to you, my darling. We don’t have to do anything with it, or even speak of it again should you so wish that to be the case.” 
You bite your lip, considering your options. 
“Were you really serious, Carol?” 
Your heart is beating fast, and your palms are beginning to grow clammy. 
She laughs. 
“Of course I was serious, Princess. Why would I offer if I wasn’t?” 
You look down, mumbling your answer out. 
“I didn’t really think someone like you would ever be interested in someone like me, honestly.” 
Carol laughs, walking over to you. She gently tilts your chin up, meeting your eyes. 
“Hey. You’re smart, you’re beautiful, and you drive me up a wall when you’re yelling at me to fucking finally read your notes, as you so kindly put it in your own words. Of course I would be interested in a girl like you. You’re incredible.” 
She kisses you softly, slipping hers hands underneath your sweater. Breaking away for a second, she whispers to stop her if anything is too much. Green for go, she says. Red for stop. 
Her hands roam up your body, making their way up to your neck. She gently squeezes at the column of your throat, whispering in your ear. 
“I noticed you had this on your list, Princess. I did read your notes this time, and I did study up. I know all the things that could make you tick. And yet, I still want to hear you tell me what you want. You want me to choke you? Squeeze your throat till you’re begging me to stop?” 
“Yes, please,” you moan out. 
“Then use your words, Princess. Mmm... and what else should we do today? What other things from your little list do you want to try? I know you don’t want to start off simple... You even said so yourself. Tell me with your words, Princess. Tell me what you want.” 
You gasp, head tipping back as Carol’s hands resume their exploration of your body. 
“Cat got your tongue, Princess? Normally you’re so vocal during class... Why change now?” 
You moan again, unable to speak properly as Carol’s fingers find your nipples, gently pinching. He pinches harder when you are unable to answer her question. 
Moving hers hand to cup your jaw, he harshly tilts your face to look at him. 
“Answer me, Princess. I’m growing impatient and I don’t have all day. Normally you’re so quick to answer. What a shame.” 
“Put me in my place, please,” you gasp out, voice breaking. “I want you to edge me and spank me and punish me and tell me what a naughty little girl I’ve been, touching myself to the thought of you. I want to eat you out while I’m forced to touch myself, unable to cum without your permission. I want you to choke me as you pound me into the mattress with your cock, reminding me of my place. I want to be your good little girl, moaning only your name as you show me who I belong to.” 
Carol smirks. 
“I’ll be honest—I always knew you had a thing for me. You weren’t exactly discreet. The secret is, I had a thing for you too. I wasn’t expecting you to write about me in your notes, though. And I definitely wasn’t expecting you to write something like that ever. Our little teacher’s pet, our good little girl, the smartest girl in class—and such filthy thoughts! Didn’t take me long to figure out who the mysterious blonde figure was. You wrote some pretty explicit stuff in there, Princess. You’re such a filthy little whore... So many dirty thoughts! Imagine if those notes had fallen into the wrong hands...” 
Carol’s hands dip to the edge of your sweater, swiftly pulling it off of your body. She cocks an eyebrow at you upon seeing the lacy navy blue bodysuit underneath that you’d specifically selected for tonight. 
“Did you wear this just for me?” 
You nod. 
“Good girl. I like the way you think. Now, take off those pants for me. While you’re at it, get rid of that lacey little thing. It’s pretty, but you’re prettier.” 
You obey her quickly, shedding every stitch of clothing from your body. You’re trembling with excitement and anticipation, and you’re nervous as Carol’s eyes rake up and down your body. 
“Stunning,” she says, never taking her eyes off of your body. “You’re absolutely perfect. I can’t wait to teach you how to be a good little slut for me... you’re such a good learner. Wonder if that translates in the bedroom?” 
You groan, rolling your eyes. “Why don’t you shut up and find out already?” 
Carol laughs condescendingly. 
“You sure you want to mouth off like that, Princess?” 
You nod. “You seem to be all talk right now, and no action.” 
Carol growls. “We can change that. I don’t tolerate brats around here. Brats get punished. If you’re a good girl, you get rewarded. Which is it going to be tonight, Princess. I need an answer.” 
You roll your eyes without even thinking. “Just fuck me already, Carol.” 
Carol tangles her hand in your hair, pulling your head back. “I told you that brats get punished. It looks like you've selected the brat role tonight. Get on your fucking hands and knees. I’m not going to ask you a second time.” 
You quickly obey, scrambling onto your hands and knees. You wiggle your ass slightly, but Carol firmly holds it in place. 
“Stop. Now, since this is your first time, I’m going to take it easy on you. We are only going to do ten, but mark my words, if you pull this sort of bratting on me again, I can and will increase that number. Now, I want you to count.”
The first strike comes faster than you were expecting, but it does not hurt as much as you thought it would. 
“One,” you gasp out.
Carol strikes again, harder this time. 
“Two,” you gasp out again.
He continues, hitting a bit harder each time, and your ass is red by the finish. 
“Good girl,” she whispers in the shell of your ear. “You took your first punishment so well for me—it is almost like you were made to do this...” 
She ghosts her fingers lightly over your neck, drifting down to your collarbone before moving her hands to gently massage the soft tissue of your breasts. 
With a gentle slap to your aching ass, she gives you a new set of instructions. 
“Now. For our next lesson, you’re going to suck me off. The better you do, the less edges I’ll give you tonight. I hope you’ve been studying, Princess. Either that, or you just better wish that this comes naturally for you.” 
Carol swiftly pulls her pants and boxers down and throws her shirt to the side, revealing her toned abs and muscled back. You can see her muscles ripple as she stretches her arms above her head to take her shirt off. Your jaw goes slightly slack at the sight of her perfect nude figure.
“Close your mouth, Princess. You’ll catch flies.” 
You blush. “Sorry, Carol. You’re just so beautiful.” 
Carol winks. “I can tell, Princess. Your eyes haven’t left my torso.” 
You giggle, but quickly stop when Carol moves directly in front of you. 
“Test time, Princess. Hope you’ve studied. But, if you haven’t, I’ll allow for retakes. Think of this one as a pretext, if you will. How much do I need to teach you when it comes to this particular subject?” 
You moan at her words, mouth salivating. You’re desperate to touch her, to run your tongue over her strap. Carol leans down to press a quick kiss upon your lips, immediately guiding your face to her strap after. You’re unsure of what to do at first, the feeling foreign upon your tongue. Eventually, you begin to find your rhythm, head bobbing as you introduce a hand to match your rhythm. You continue your tiny kitten licks, timing them with the thrust of your fingers. Carol is silent for the most part, but every so often she breaks her stoic silence with a loud moan or gasp when you hit a particularly sensitive spot against her body. You grind against the pillow that Carol has placed between your legs, annoyed with the lack of friction you got, but thankful to have anything at all. Your tongue continues its way along Carol’s strap, body quivering with pleasure. 
It isn’t long before she’s moaning continuously.
After all, you have always been a very quick learner. 
Carol pulls away, and you whimper at the loss of contact. She messily kisses you, groaning at the taste of herself on your tongue. 
“For your first time, that was surprisingly good.”
You beam in satisfaction.
“However, I’m still going to edge you at least five times.”
You whimper. 
“But Carol—“
“No buts, pretty girl. It’s for your own pleasure, alright? It’s good to practice delayed gratification. Now, get over there on the back of the bed for me. Spread those legs as wide as you can. I want that dripping cunt of yours on display.”
You move off of your pillow, following her instructions. Carol walks over to you, hovering over you on the bed as she cages your body with her arms. 
“I want to hear every moan you make,” she growls. “Don’t hold back on me, Princess.” 
You nod. 
“Yes, Carol.” 
Carol smiles and strokes a single finger through your dripping folds. You shudder. The feeling of her soft fingertips against your throbbing core is heavenly, and you’re unable to hide from the breathless moan that escapes your mouth. 
Carol continues to slide her fingers through the folds of your cunt, relishing in the puffy texture as she explores. Her fingers trace small circles here and there, dipping into your soaking hole when she feels like doing so, pinching your clit, edging you into oblivion. 
You ask her to cum numerous times, but she always pulls away. Finally, she pulls away for the last time. 
“You can cum this time, Princess. But I want to cum on my cock for me like a good little slut, alright? I want you to scream my name for me. Let the whole world know you’re mine now.” 
You nod, moaning at her filthy words. She carefully lines up with you and thrusts in quickly, giving you a chance to adjust to the size and foreign feeling of the cock inside of you. 
When you nod at her, she begins to thrust her hips at an ungodly pace, hitting that perfect spot inside of you that makes your eyes roll into the back of your head. She moves one hand to your clit, rubbing tight little circles over the throbbing organ, and her other hand moves to your throat, lightly pressing down. She’s pushing you into the mattress, firmly grinning the column of your neck as her hips thrust faster and faster. 
“You like it when I choke you? When your brain starts to go a little bit foggy and you can’t tell if it’s from the sex or lack of air? You like it when I tell you what a good little slut you are, taking my cock like such a good little Princess, showing how well you learn and how well you take instruction?”
“Yes,” you manage to gasp out in between moans. “Please, fuck me harder.” 
Although it seemed humanly impossible, Carol managed to fuck you harder. The relentless snap of her hips grew faster, thrusts hitting further and further inside of you each time. The hand rubbing your clit runs faster, harder, and just before you’re about to rip over the edge, Carol whispers in your ear. 
“Cum  for me, Princess. Cum like the good little girl you are.” 
You scream out in ecstasy as you tip over the edge, collapsing against the mattress. Carol pulls out, falling into bed next to you, wrapping her arms around you as she presses kisses to your neck and collarbone, drifting up to your forehead. 
“You did so well, Princess. You’re such a good learner. Looks like you’re just as good in here as you are in a classroom.” 
You smile. 
“I try my best. Honestly, that’s all I can ever do.”
Carol smiles. 
“A good attitude to have. Now, let’s go get you cleaned up.”
A few snacks, some water, and one blissful shower later, you’re dressed in Carol’s old sweatpants and sweatshirt as you climb into bed beside him. She’d invited you to stay the night, and you hadn’t been able to resist. Carol flips the lights off, pressing a delicate, featherlight kiss to your forehead. 
As you lay in bed however, you remember an important fact. 
“I still have to teach you all of literature,” you mumble. 
Carol laughs softly. 
“And I have many things to teach you still, darling. But for now, sleep.”
You smile, closing your eyes as you feel Carol’s grip on you grow stronger. 
Literature could wait until tomorrow.
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doctorstethoscope · 3 years
Ladies Night || Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Hi all, celebrating @ssahotchswife’s feral Monday with this self indulgent fic based on an ask I sent last week. 
contains: praise, excessive teasing, unprotected penetrative sex, alcohol consumption 
wc: 2k
The call comes in around 1:30 in the morning, just as Aaron is packing away all the paperwork he brought home for the weekend and getting settled into pajamas. Strangely, though, the name on his screen reads Prentiss, not yours, and the adorable selfie you’d taken with Jack and left on his phone was not lighting up his screen. His mind quickly takes him through all the worst case scenarios, but he shoves them away as he brings the phone to his ear. 
“Hotchner,” he answers. 
“Hey, Hotch.” Emily says back breezily. “Hope I didn’t wake you.” 
“No, I was up. Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah, everything’s fine. Your girl’s about to take off in an Uber, though, and I figured I would save all of us the lecture about getting in a cab alone at night and just have you come get her.” 
Aaron shakes his head fondly as he grabs his keys off the counter. “I thought she was staying the night at your place?”
“That was the plan, but she’s had her fair share of margaritas and she said something about a pregame for Jack? Hotchner, I didn’t think I needed to tell you this, but he’s too young for the hard stuff.” 
Aaron scoffed as he locked the door behind him. “His pregame breakfast, Emily. For his soccer game. She makes his eggs and toast and fruit into a little face, and Jack thinks it’s  lucky. I could have handled it.” 
“Well, you can have that argument with her when you get here, but she’s pretty out of it, and was determined to be home before he woke up.” 
“I’m on my way, don’t let her into an Uber.” Aaron says as he starts the engine of his car and pulls out of the parking lot towards Emily’s place. 
“I know better.” Emily says before hanging up.
The roads are empty, so Aaron’s drive is brief, and he’s knocking on Emily’s door in less than ten minutes. JJ is standing on the other side, and she shoots him an apologetic glance. 
“We may have let things get a little out of hand here,” she confesses 
“How out of hand?” Aaron asks, following JJ towards the living room.
“You might want to make sure you have pedialite at home.” She tells Hotch as they both enter the living room.
He finds you sitting on the floor, your back against the couch as Garcia braids your hair. Your eyes are shut, but you can’t be sleeping, because your face is split into a grin.
“Okay sweets, you’re all set,” Garcia says, securing the braid with an elastic, and you open your eyes. 
“Aaron!” You say, finding him leaning against the wall and smiling down at you. You stand up far too quickly, and stumble into his arms— he secures you with a hand wrapped around your waist.  “You didn’t have to come get me baby, I was just going to call an Uber.” 
“We can have that conversation in the morning, dear,” he said, squeezing at your hips. Even as drunk as you were, you could tell that that idea hadn’t gone over well with your decidedly overprotective boyfriend. You do what you can to soften him up a bit. 
“Thank you for rescuing me from the terrors of Quantico, Virginia. My handsome hero,” you flirted shamelessly, giggling and rising up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to Aaron’s lips, wrapping one hand around the back of his neck and curling your fingers into his hair. 
Aaron smiles as he pulls away from you, much more mindful of all his coworkers milling about the apartment than you were. “Say goodnight to the girls, hon, and we’ll head home.” 
You make your way around the apartment, bidding the girls goodnight with hugs and promises to host next time, before making your way back to Aaron’s arms so he can lead you out to the car. 
“I know you think I was just being silly, but I meant it when I said you looked handsome.” You told him as you fumbled with your seatbelt. 
“I’m in my pajamas,” he laughed at you as he pulled out into the street. 
“I know. I like you like that. All ruffled and undone,” you told him, reaching a hand over to run through his hair, then down his chest, resting your hand over the crotch of his grey sweatpants. 
“Darling—“ Aaron warned you. 
“Come on, you came all the way out to get me. I think I owe you one.” You batted your eyelashes at him.
“You don’t owe me anything— the peace of mind of having you here with me is enough.” He tells you genuinely. 
You leaned over the center console to whisper in his ear. “If you think something as sweet as that is going to talk me out of wanting you, you’re crazy,” you told him, pressing an open-mouthed kiss against his neck, and smirking to yourself as you saw his grip tighten on the wheel out of the corner of your eye. 
You settled back into your seat, but left your hand against his upper thigh, drumming your fingers against him every so often. You could tell that you were getting to him, could see the tension knitting away at his brow, and truth be told, you could feel the way your own boldness was affecting you, too. 
After what felt like an eternity, Aaron finally parked the car, and you unbuckled in an instant. 
“Race you inside!” You said, taking off with a laugh and stumbling your way to the door.
“You’re lucky you didn’t fall,” Aaron chastised you with absolutely nothing behind it after watching you drunkenly zig zag through the parking lot.
You shrugged as he unlocked the door and you went inside. “I knew you’d catch me.” 
He reached for your hand and tugged on it, catching you against his chest. “And I always will,” he told you, ducking down to kiss you as he fumbled with the door behind you, pushing it shut. 
“I want you,” you whispered, bucking your hips against nothing as you brought both your hands up to wind your fingers in his hair. “I want you so bad,” you confess as he moves his mouth from your lips to your neck to your collarbone.
You start moving backwards towards the bedroom, but Aaron has other plans. He picks you up by the waist and sets you on top of the kitchen island, pulling your shirt over your head and throwing it towards the couch. You throw your head back as he starts to plant wet kisses against your chest and brushes his thumb over your exposed stomach. 
“So needy, huh darling? We’re you thinking about me fucking you as soon as I came by to pick you up?” Aaron asked as he took your bra off, punctuating his question by pulling one of your nipples in between his teeth. You gasped out at the sensation, but quickly groaned as Aaron stepped away from you entirely.
“I asked you a question, angel.” 
“Yes,” you whimpered out, desperate to feel his hands on you again.
“Yes, what?” 
“Yes, I was thinking about you fucking me as soon as I saw you at Emily’s.” 
“Naughty girl,” Aaron smirked, stepping back towards you and taking your other nipple in his mouth, lifting a hand to occupy your other breast. 
You groaned, simultaneously loving and hating his propensity for teasing. 
After a moment, he pulled away, redirecting his mouth towards inner thighs, moving his way up towards your shorts. Your thighs tensed in anticipation, and Aaron let out a dark chuckle. 
“You poor thing. You must be soaked and I haven’t even taken off your shorts yet,” he said, rubbing his nose against the seam of your jeans, the thick fabric pushing against your clit and making you jump.
“Oh, fuck. Please, Aaron. Please touch me.”
“Oh, but doll. I’m having so much fun teasing you.” He said, pulling you off the counter and pulling your shorts and panties off in one fluid motion. He turned you around to bend you over the counter, wrapping an arm around your waist to make sure you wouldn’t hurt yourself. You could feel his hard cock through his sweatpants, and you ground down against it. 
“So impatient,” Aaron tsked at you as he slid his sweatpants off, taking his cock in his hand and running it up and down your slit. You let out a little whimper, and he chuckled. 
“You know I’m just going to sit here until you beg. I could do this all night, sweetheart. 
“Please, please, please. I want you so bad. Please, please put your cock inside me.” 
“Say my name,” he commands, and your knees buckle. He tightens his arm around your waist so you don’t fall.
“Aaron, please fuck me. I need you.” 
He’d never deny you of something you needed. You knew that. He entered you deliciously slowly, stretching you gently even though you were so turned on he could have made his way in with no issue. 
“You feel so good, baby,” Aaron says as he pulls out of you just as slowly as he entered, and then begins to pick up the pace. 
You arched your back against him as he continued to thrust, changing the angle just enough to make you cry out. Aaron moves a hand from your hip to cover your mouth.
“Do you like that, pretty girl?” He asks, and you nod, although apparently the question was facetious. “I know you do, but you need to be quiet. Can my little slut hold her tongue or do I need to gag you?” He asks, his pace unrelenting as he does.
You swear your eyes roll back into your head— you’re not sure what’s gotten into Aaron tonight, but you’d better figure it out so you can get him to act like this more often. 
Aaron removes his hand from your mouth and you bite your lip.
“Good girl,” he praises you, and you keen. He wraps his now free hand around your waist and brings his fingers down to play with your clit lazily. You gasp, but cover your own mouth before you can let out a moan.
“Good job, princess. You’re being so good for me. I’m going to take such good care of you.” Praise flowed freely from Aaron has he picked up the pace on your clit, and soon you’re bucking into his hand. 
“Aaron,” you hissed out. “feels so good, baby. I’m gonna—“ 
“I know, angel, I know. Go ahead and come on my cock. You’ve earned it.” He assures you, pushing your hair to the side so he can kiss your neck tenderly. 
Your orgasm crashes into you, and Aaron works you through it, your pleasure triggering his relief. You bracket your elbows on the counter so Aaron doesn’t have to worry about holding you up, and he does the same, so that his chest is pressed against your back but you’re not bearing his weight. You take a few moments to catch your breath together, and then Aaron reaches across the island for a paper towel, wiping you clean as he removes himself from you. Once you’re clean and the paper towel is disposed of, Aaron spins you around and plants a kiss to your lips.
“You go ahead and sleep in tomorrow,” he tells you. “I’ll take care of Jack’s breakfast.” 
You smile up at him and shake your head. “Not a chance. It’s not lucky when you make it.” 
He rolls his eyes at you with a chuckle as he gets you a glass of water. “If you ever want to get lucky again, you’d better drink this and get to bed where I can’t hear your sass.” 
“Oh, but the sass is half the fun,” you whined teasingly, taking your water in one hand and his hand in your other as you dragged him to bed.
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myfellowmelo · 3 years
Brother’s Best Friend
Context: Your brother’s best friend happens to be the popular basketball player, Lamelo Ball. And no matter how much you say you don’t feel anything for the boy, your body says otherwise after every encounter/game.
Includes: Smut, Oral sex, masturbation, teasing, swear words, hint of degrading.
Word count: 4040?
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“We can’t keep doing this Melo.” I whimper as his cock starts plunging deep inside me. Stuck in the locker rooms where he dragged me in there. His celebration for winning the game started early.
“You say that a lot for someone who’s obsessed with my dick.” He tells me. Before I answer him, he picks me and slams me onto his locker. Arms wrapped around his neck as he picks up the pace. “Melo! Oh god!” Gripping his hair as he relentlessly pounds my g-spot. Making it his absolute goal to have me cumming all over his cock. He needs to have me walk out the Spectrum Center with your hole stuffed with his liquids. “Take it baby. Fucking take it!” He groans. Sucking on my neck as he desperately tries to leave me as many marks as he wants. He loves how well I tighten around him. I love how no matter how hard I try not to fall, I still end up in his arms. Begging him to fuck me senselessly over and over again. Rolling his eyes back as I grip his hair yet again. Usually he would say some stupid sarcastic comment about leaving him bald like his head, but my pussy felt so good he couldn’t even muster up the words to say anything.
Your moans were absolutely beautiful. Something he needs to hear on a regular basis just to even function. Having you fucked out until you could barely stand is what he was striving for. But it was all cut off short when he heard the locker room door open. Pulling out of you, you two quickly dress up.
“Melo ? Are you there?” Your brother Miles calls out.
“Hide!” He tells you. Signaling the shower room, you run inside quickly.
“Yeah I’m here!” Melo stated composing his breath.
Walking from around the lockers, Miles’ eyes brighten up, “Oh there you are! I was wondering when you were planning to get out of the locker room. Hey, have you seen y/n by any chance?”
Melo scoffs, “Do you see her around here?” A nervous chuckle leaves him but covers it up by a huff.
“Asshole. I was just asking.” Miles says as he rolled his eyes. Miles grumbled  “I can’t reach her-“
“Well she must’ve been tired. Probably went home.” Melo interjected him mid way.
“Yeah you’re right. Oh I know!” Miles claps his hands that startles Melo.
“What?” He furrows his brow.
“She’s hooking up.” Miles says with stars forming around his eyes.
“What?!” Melo says, taken aback. How did he know? And just when Melo said that, you too did as well in the shower room. Heart racing as you waited for yours and his name to fall out of your brother's mouth.
“Yeah, she once mentioned about this crush she has on Nate” Miles says looking back at his memories.
“Nate? My friend Nate?” Melo says surprised
“Nate, my teammate? Number 30 Nate?” Melo says again trying to confirm if what he heard was real.
“Yes! Nate Darling. She’s had a crush on him since I came here. Well I don’t know if she still likes him but she has been running off lately so I won’t be surprised if she comes out of a room with a large hickey on her chest. He’s very goofy.” Miles states while searching around the locker room.
“Yeah well I’m goofy too.” Melo mumbles. Shoving his stuff in his bag.
“What was that?” Miles asks him.
“Nothing! Now shall we get going?” Melo says as he gathered the remaining items and stuffed it in his duffel bag.
“Oh yeah, let’s go, You hungry?” Miles said as he gave up and went to the door with his stuff on hand.
Making his way out, you peek your head. Looking at Melo who merely glanced at you and walked out after your brother.
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath.
“Melo, please call me back.” You say to the voicemail. It’s been three days and ever since he found out about your old crush on his friend he can’t even talk to you. Not even look at you for that matter.
You didn’t understand. You two weren’t anything. You guys weren’t dating and on the occasion he’s made it very clear that you two are nothing more but fuck buddies.
“Hey you okay?” Your friend asks you. Taking a seat next to you after grabbing her lunch.
“Oh yeah I’m, I’m okay,” trying to mask your emotions.
“You sure? You know I’m good at telling when one is lying.” She says giving you the look that was so tempting to have you spill out all of your thoughts.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” I stated while I tried to divert my gaze to the floor.
“Okay but you know I’m here when you’re ready yeah?” Nodding, she smiles and hands you her green apple. The only kind of apple you like. Appreciating it, you take it and take a bite out of it. As she told a story about something, you couldn’t focus on anything but his table. He wasn’t there, but everyone else was. Including Nate.
“Oh my god.” Your best friend gasps.
Averting your eyes from the table you look over at her. “What?”
“Can’t believe it.” She said with her mouth hanging open.
“What? What’s going on?” You said as you look around.
“He said he was done hooking up. I swear if he brings another girl home I’m going to lose it.” She said, glaring her eyes. You see, she is Gelo’s girlfriend and they are both staying over for the week before going back to Cali.
Turning around to meet her gaze, your eyes widen when you see Melo enter the cafeteria with a girl around his arm. No no not just any girl. The captain of the Hornets cheerleading team. You couldn’t tell what shocked you more, that Melo already replaced you with some girl days after he continuously dodged you, your texts, and your calls. Or the fact that he was able to pull the head leader of the cheerleading team. The CHEERLEADING TEAM. You expected one of the nurses which could’ve made more sense. Usually everyone in the cheerleading team tends to take their work very seriously and never have time to not even hook up. Now this, this was truly a shocker.
Walking past you. He ignores you yet again and plants a kiss on her temple. Arm around her as she giggles and holds his hand. What a brat. Following their movements until they reached their table, where the boys greeted him. Cheers burst when he introduces them to her. Who looks to be his new girlfriend.
“Shocking right? Psh wrong.” Your best friend scoffs.
“Yeah. Sorry you have to deal with that,” you say genuinely.
“Yeah I feel sorry too but boys will be boys that’s just the sad truth.” She shakes her head and continues on eating her lunch.
“Yeah…” you mutter watching as he converses with his friends. His arm is still around her neck. “You’re right.” You finish off, looking down to the barely eaten apple.
For the next few days you ignored Melo completely. You didn’t know whether you should confront him or not. I mean it is his loss if he wants to push you away. But also another part of you wanted an explanation and maybe to seek salvation of the last bit of what you two have. If you guys even had anything in the first place. But Melo seemed serious. He had her with him at all times. And any time he saw you, he would get all cuddly and affectionate with her and it would get too repulsive to even stand being in the same area as him. What sucked is that both him and his little girlfriend shared the same afternoon as you. Workouts. The two of them sit in front of you which is worse because he’s constantly baby talking to her. Asking her if she needs any help and never lets her lift heavy weight. What an ass kisser really.
And you couldn’t really understand why you were so bothered by it. You never saw Melo anything other than a fuck buddy. There were times where you would ask yourself if you could see yourself dating him and it always ended with you gagging and having to eat a snack to clear your head. Yet here you are, wishing that this girl would walk off the face of the earth. While you were too busy sulking, you didn’t notice someone taking a seat next to you to use the weights.
“Hi y/n!” Nate says cheerfully. His boxy smile facing you as he set his stuff onto the table.
“Hey Nate-“ and then it hit you. Oh why did you not think about this sooner? Think y/n, think! Turning your head to face the bubbly boy, you tilt your head and smile at him. “Heyyy Yangyang,” you said again trying to be flirtatious.
Furrowing his brow, he looks at you oddly. “You okay?…”
“Totally!” You say nervous laughing it off.
Melo before you who was once cuddly to his new girlfriend was now tense. “Say Nate, how come we don’t hang out as much?” You ask him.
“Oh well I’d like you to hang out but you don’t like getting body slammed onto the court huh?” He said elbowing you.
Giggling, you shake your head. “We should hang out someday.”
Melo scoffs as he rolls his eyes. His girlfriend giving him a confused look.
He sends her a fake smile and signals to the coach who has now entered the training facility. As if his reason for scoffing was the coach entering. Picking up his large water bottle, he spins the cap off and goes to take a sip.
“So like a date?” Nate asks you genuinely.
“You want it to be a date?” With this, the boy in front of you who was once taking a sip from his water bottle, is now choking on it. The training facility silences as they stare at him curiously.
“You okay Ball?” The coach asks him. Not answering with words but rather with a thumbs up, he nods and proceeds to start the lecture.
“A date is then babe.” Nate says, using his index finger to bump your chin lightly.
“I knew it! It was about time you two finally got together.” Your best friend claps her hands.
“We’re not getting together. It's simply a date, nothing else.” I say to remind her.
“Please you two will be dating in no time. Now let’s see what we can have you get dressed in.” While she went through the pile of clothes I brought for her to piece together an outfit. The front door opened and slammed close.
“Geez I bet it’s Melo, another sucky practice.” She shakes her head.
Chuckling, I nod along. “Right. Hey can I go grab a bottle of water real quick?”
“Yeah go ahead, it’s gonna take me a while to make an outfit with these clothes. Your wardrobe isn’t the most stylish no offense.” She said while still looking at the clothes.
“None taken” you shake your shoulders. Leaving her room, you go down the stairs and into the kitchen. In there was the boy you wanted to see. Ignoring him, you walk past him who was seated on the stool chair.
His eyes following you as you opened the fridge and pulled out a water bottle. Jumping back when he was standing right next to you once the door was closed. “My goodness Melo what the hell?-”
“Why didn’t you tell me about Nate?” He said while his breath fanned against your neck:
“What about him? It’s none of your concern-” You turn around looking up to face him.
“It is!” He says, flying his arms around in frustration.
“Shhh keep it down Melo!” You said as you patted his upper stomach because that’s all you could reach.
“Or what? Afraid your brother will find out huh?” He says while he took a step forward, you took one back. Doing so until you were up against the counter. “Afraid your brother will find out how desperate you are for me. How I’m I able to get you begging for my cock over and over again mm?” He tells me slowly. His head lowering closer and closer to my lips. Pulling his head and smashing my lips onto his. He immediately responds, pulling me closer to him. Picking me up and resting me on top of the counter. A nice grip on his hair as I kiss his lips until I am sure they’ll be swollen. His hands roamed up my shirt. Already missing my soft skin against his hands. Leaning in more and more, wanting - no needing more of me. It’s been almost two weeks and he really missed me. Yet he would never admit to it. His growing erection began to tighten his shorts. And I knew this.
He groans and curses when I lay a hand on his crotch. “Missed me that much?” I ask him tauntingly. Chest heaving as he looks down at my hand softly stroking the outline of his dick. Softly thrusting forward, needing more of my touches. But he was surely mistaken if he thought I would give in easily. Pushing him back, I get off the counter. Shock written all over him. “Don’t think I forgot the shit you pulled on me. I was over Nate a long time ago. It was barely even a damn crush. But because of your stupid stubbornness, you no longer have a shot at having me anymore Melo. Enjoy your time with your precious girlfriend.” Taking a step forward, on tippy toes, I got closer to his ear and whispered, “Bet she doesn’t make you cum like I do.” Biting my lip, I grab my water and walk away.
Watching as I walk away, he shuts his eyes close and shakes his head. “Fuck.”
“It was nice hanging out with you Nate. And sorry for any wrong intentions I might’ve given you in the training facility.” I said getting up after the date with Nate was over.
“Don’t sweat it. I’m not dumb I know that you and Melo have been having sex for a while now. Just didn’t know it was this serious.” Nate said following my lead.
“It isn’t serious.” I restated.
“Really?” He asks, raising a brow at me. His smoothie in hand as we walked around the downtown mall. “Doesn’t seem like it.” Nate sighed looking up at the sky.
“What do you mean?” I asked curiously
“Doesn’t take Einstein to know we have feelings for one another.” He said laughing seeing the dumbfounded expression on my face.
“Woah! Hold on, feelings?! Psh I don’t have feelings for him.”  I said defending my self.
Nate scoffs and shakes his head. “It’s so obvious.”
“It’s not-”
“It’s so!” He said again standing his ground.
“You have completely lost it, Nate Darling.” He laughs, taking a sip from his drink.
“Please, I knew something must’ve gone down. I had my guess when he started arriving at our training all gloomy and silent and not even having the same energy. But then when he brought Natalie to our table I knew something was definitely up. Then you ‘asked’ me out. You two aren’t doing this simply to get back at each other or get on one another’s nerves. You guys are doing this in hopes one of you two will snap out of it and confess!” Nate said spilling it all out.
I stayed silent. I mean he wasn’t necessarily wrong. I asked Nate out in front of Melo knowing he would be listening in hopes that he would talk to me. Confront me, tell me how stupid I am and that I am  his. I also wanted him back. Even if he wasn’t entirely mine to begin with. Now if I were to ask that very same question that had me gagging at the mere thought of it, it didn’t sound so bad of a question. Can I see yourself dating Melo?
“I bet by the end of the date, it’s going to be official.” Your friend beams. For a good fifteen minutes now she hasn’t stopped talking about you and Nate getting together after so many years. It’s annoying the hell out of him. And what makes it worst is that Natalie is sitting next to him smiling at her squealing at your potential relationship with his teammate.
“You okay baby?” Natalie asks him. “Mhm? Oh, uh yeah I’m alright.” He fakes a tight smile and goes back to being on his phone. Looking at the date, he sees that he has yet another game tomorrow. A part of him was wishing you would come to his game. What was he thinking of course you will just not for him but rather for Nate. The mere thought of it already has him rolling his eyes.
“Someone doesn’t seem in a good mood.” Your best friends voice brings him back from his thoughts.
“Just tired it’s all. Gotta game tomorrow.” Melo said Turing off his phone.
“Oh yeah that’s right. Aw man I wish I could go but I have my thing going on with the modeling agency.” Your friend stated cleaning up the kitchen.
Natalie pouts. “It’s alright.”
“Well I guess I better start heading up to my room. Imma text y/n how her date went with her soon to be boyfriend.” She wiggles her brows.
Fighting the urge to scoff. “Yeah I should get going too.” She smiles at him and says her goodnights.
Natalie left a few minutes later, getting on her tippy toes, he got the sudden Deja vu from when you did that to him not long ago. Moving his face so that her lips connected with her cheeks. She waves him goodbye and leaves. Closing the door, he sighs and his head gets rushed with images of you. Very naughty things of you. Once again feeling that tightness in his shorts begin to grow.
“Fuck y/n!” He hissed. Fisting his cock as he teases his tip. Getting off to the thought of you sucking him off. Your pretty lips on his tip, those gorgeous eyes looking up at him as you try to pleasure him. Remembering how even when he’s finished cumming you still don’t pull away. Turning him more at how you have an oral fixation that you found out because of him. Biting his lip as he concentrates on jerking himself off. Memories on how overstimulated he once felt when you just couldn’t pull his dick out of your mouth. Whining when he tried pulling you off him. “God baby. You take my cock so well shit.” He mutters. Tilting his head back as he rubs himself faster. His hand jerking himself quicker as he felt the familiar need to release begin to bubble up.
Thinking about having you bounce on his cock as you beg him to continue fucking you until you’re sobbing. Telling you how much of a slut you are for his cock. Your hands gripping his hair as you suck hickies all over him. And just like that, his warm fluids were shooting all over his bed sheets. Catching his breath as he was consumed with the darkness of his room.
It was the day of the game. People started filling up the bleachers but no matter how much people were entering through the metal doors you still haven’t shown up.
“Hey Nate, where’s y/n?” Melo asked curiously.
“How will I know?” Nate said with the ball in his hands getting ready to shoot.
“She’s practically your girlfriend, you should know by now if she’s planning on cheering for her boyfriend” Melo says. Tone harsh when saying boyfriend.
Nate stares at him and later laughs. “What?” Nate shakes him and pats his shoulder. “You’re funny dude.”
Walking away, with a puzzled look. He sighs and takes one last look at the bleachers. His eyes met yours. Trying to hold in his smile. But you caught it. After thinking back on what Nate said, he was right. You wanted his attention and if he wasn’t going to do something first, you would. Smiling softly at him as you give him two thumbs up. He chuckles and nods. Eyes looking down and freezes when he sees Natalie. He forgot the cheerleaders are taking a break for 2 weeks. Holding a poster with his jersey number in it. Looking away quickly, as he hurries back to the rest of his team.
By the end of the game, the crowd was loud and rowdy. Anxious as it was a tie once again. Melo , who was now with the ball, rushed until he got near the net and dunked the winning point. The crowd roared as they clapped and cheered for him and the team's victory. Standing as you cheered for him too. Going down the steps to congratulate him. Looking for #1. You smiled warmly at him as you walked up to him. Freezing when a familiar figure walks the aisle before you calls out for his name. Rushing down the steps and enveloped him in a tight hug. Smile dropping as his eyes never left yours. He was still with her, and a part of you felt stupid. Were you really going to confess? Especially since Natalie is such a sweet girl and really likes Melo. She couldn’t ruin that. Couldn’t ruin what they have. But maybe there’s hope. Maybe he doesn’t have the same feelings for her and has some for you.
“Surprise!” She tells him excitedly. But you were certain that wasn’t true when Natalie pulled Melo down for a kiss.
Scoffing, you felt stupid. Embarrassed really. Turning around, you make your way out of the Spectrum Center. Melo pulls away quickly, keeping Natalie at arms length. “Melo? Baby what’s wrong?” Natalie said, looking up at him with her arm around him.
“Natalie, I'm sorry. But I can’t do this, I know it’s sudden and you deserve an explanation but I can’t keep going on in a relationship I don’t want to be in. I’m really sorry but I have to go.” He said as he broke the contact, heading to the door.
“Melo? Wait- Melo!” But he was already out the doors. Rushing after you.
“Where are you?” He says under his breath in search of you. Looking through every hallway and room and still no sign of you. “Dammit y/n where are you?!” He slammed his hand on the door and went inside of the locker-room.
“I’m here.” You said silently.
Turning around, there you were before him.
Staying silent as you two suddenly didn’t know what to say anymore. After much contemplation on what he should say to you, he starts taking small steps towards you.
“It’s you. It’s always been you.” He tells you softly. Meeting him in the middle, you grab his face and pull him in. Gripping your waist as he kisses you desperately. The kiss was no longer the same old one that was filled with lust and need. It was now filled with passion, love and want. Pulling away, leaning your forehead on top of his.
“Can’t go another day without you.” He said underneath his breath.
“Then don’t. Don’t let me go.” You said, with tears threatening to fall.
“Never baby.” Melo said, looking down at you.
“You two were what?!”
Your brother exclaims in pure shock. Both you and Melo are standing before him, hand in hand. Standing behind you and he plants soft kisses on your temple. Rubbing your arm for comfort, comfort for the burst of your brother who is now finding out the truth of you two. But no matter the outcome, he was just glad he now has you. In his arms once again. Only this time, he’s got you locked in. And you aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I hope you liked my first imagines, I know there are some errors with the POV, but I’ll fix it later!
Thank you for reading 😊😊
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mha-princess · 4 years
Let’s Play Ball
[Bakugou x Fem! Reader]
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Genre: 18+ | College AU | Oneshot | crack
A/N: before you all ask yes Bakugousquad has to be friends in all of my fanfics i litterally can not help it also I am very upset that I’ve been slacking on writing but I still hope you enjoy ⁍̴̆◡⁍̴̆ )⊃♡- Anako
Warnings: unprotected sex, breeding, explicit language
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: a bakugou x reader college au where katsuki is new to the school and the football team, and he develops a little crush on his football captains sister. Who is definitely OFF limits.
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“I just don't know where we can find another quarterback before the playoff game! Kaminari you idiot!” Akawa cursed, throwing a pillow at the injured male.
“Hey man, if you wouldn’t of overworked me at practice we wouldn’t be in this predicament. Kaminari said sending the pillow right back at your brother, who catches it easily.
“Plus I told you Kirishima has a friend who's transferring here soon. matter of fact he'll be here monday so you don't need to worry, I promise he's good enough to take my place for now .”
“He's good enough to take your place, but is he good enough to take us to the championships.’ Akawa beckons, you roll your eyes at their bickering.
“Football this and football that. Stop worrying so much It's not that serious.” Akawa and Kaminari scoff at you in unison.
“We’re going to bring this college a trophy. Its my duty as captain to make sure of it.” Akawa brings fist to his chest as if he were swearing to an oath and Kaminari follows in the same motion.
“Both of you. Leave. “ You shake your head as you open the front door. Kaminari reaches for his crutches as your brother grabs their bags.
“Don't you feel bad kicking out a cripple?” Kaminari questions, limping past you.
“Yeah! Don't you also feel bad kicking me out too!? I’m your brother!” Your sigh and shove them out the door.
“I know I tried to get away from you, but out of all the scholarship offers you had you decided to pick the college I wanted to go.” Your bother stops in the doorway.
“You know I have to keep an eye on my little sister. I gotta protect you from these racid guys.” Kaminari laughs at your brother’s teasing as you force him out of the doorway.
“Goodnight.” You say, slamming the door in their faces.
“Now class I know this isn’t a high school course, but we have a new student today and I would all like for you to greet him formally and treat him with the same respect you give your peers.” Your administrator announces.
You elbow Kaminari, “She talking about Kirishima’s friend, right?”
Kaminari shrugs, eyes glued to his phone screen. You then snatch his phone from his hands.
“Y/N! There was only nine people left.” He whines reaching for his phone. You hold the phone far out of his reach.
“You know if your brother wasn’t a psycho I would’ve been accused you of liking me. Seeing how much you pick on me.” Your mouth drops in offense.
“Me ? Like you? Could never.” You roll your eyes giving him his phone back and before he can express how you had just hurt his feelings the door to your classroom opens.
“Ah, Mr. Bakugou, it’s nice to have a transfer from such a prestigious school.” Your administrator walks over and firmly shakes the boys hand.
You take a moment to take in the the male’s appearance. His uniform is disheveled, his ash blonde hair is unruly, his bangs are choppy, and his shirt is unbuttoned revealing his collar bones. He didn’t look like he was from a prestigious school. But even though his presentation could use some work his overall appearance wasn’t bad, he was clearly the athletic type.
“There’s a vacant seat next to Mrs. Y/N, so if you would seat yourself so I could get started.” The administrator gestures to the desk and the boy takes his seat.
After that the rest of the class went by as usual. Kaminari asked stupid questions and you struggled to stay awake during the lecture. Once the professor dismissed you all, you pack quickly up, but your stay was prolonged due to the injured Kaminari.
“Welp off to sit on the bench at practice.” Kaminari sighs grabbing his crutches. You try not to laugh, grabbing his backpack.
“I can take it.” Your turn to see that Bakugou hadn’t left, “I don’t know where the field is anyway.” You and Kaminari turn to eachother, but say nothing.
“I got something on my face or something? The hell you too lookin’ like that for?” You snap out of your confusion.
“Nothing it’s just your nothing like how Ejiro described.” You say letting him take Kaminari’s bag.
“Huh? What did that bastard say about me?” The blonde questions.
“He said your an ass-.”Kaminari starts, but you cut off his oxygen with a quick punch to the chest.
“He said your an amazing person.” Bakugou scoffs.
“Whatever, just show me where the field is.”
“It’s so hot out here.” Kaminari whines from the bench.
“Maybe it’s because your not playing.” Kirishima teases sitting on the turf, poking at the cast around Kaminari’s injured ankle.
Bakugou and Akawa approach taking a seat next to Kirishima.
“Well look who it is! My replacement!” Kaminari exclaims with fake enthusiasm.
“More like permanent replacement.” Bakugou sneers as he watches Kaminari’s face fill with panic.
“Akawa, you bastard! You gave my spot away?!” The yellow haired boy yells in a questioning manner, throwing a crutch at the captain.
“Easy! For now your still our primary quarterback! But if Bakugou wants to challenge you for your spot, I’ll allow it.” Kaminari picks up another crutch, but Akawa is too fast and darts down the field before he can throw it.
“You’ve been here one day and I’m already getting booted.” Kaminari sighs.
“I’m an asshole, but not that big of an asshole. I’d just wait to take your spot next year. It’s almost the end of the season anyway.” Bakugou responds shrugging.
Kaminari raises a crutch but Kirishima stops him, “It’s too hot to be beat to death by a man with a broken ankle don’t you think?”
Kaminari huffs, sliding down the bench.
“I have so much homework. I shouldn’t be here.” The yellow haired boy groaned at the thought of having to use his brain.
“Just get Y/N to help you after practice.” Kirishima says, taking a sip of water.
“Y/N definitely tired of me. She’s been carrying my stuff all day I’d rather not bother her anymore.”
“Who the hell is Y/N?” Bakugou questions, taking the water bottle away from Kirishima and finishing the remaining amount of liquid.
“Y/N? You took my bags from her earlier.” Bakugou nods in understanding. “She was hot.”
Kirishima and Kaminari turn to eachother, an all too fearful glint in their eyes.
“What are you fucks looking like that for?” Bakugou furrows his brows.
“Bro Y/N is like the most hands off girl in this school. Akawa will kill you and us for even talking about his sister like that. As long as Akawa’s her brother your not getting even a little close.” Kirishima explains.
“Plus we wouldn’t let you use her like that.” Bakugou glares at Kaminari.
“You fucking dunce, I might be an asshole, but I wouldn’t use a girl like that. She’d be my girlfriend before I ever tried anything.”
“That’s nice to her coming from you that is .” Kirishima sighs in relief. Bakugou raises his hand to hit Kirishima but he maneuvers out of the way.
“Seriously man its good that you think that way! But good luck getting past Akawa, your gonna need it.”
To be frank, he didn’t need it. Well no let me rephrase you too just hadn’t got caught. After that day at the field Bakugou began to grow more talkative and more open. After a month he was no longer that transfer student, he was your friend.
After few more he was your boyfriend and suprisingly Akawa remained unaware. It’s was hard but you had to admit it was fun. From sneaking kisses in during and between classes to you occasionally stealing him and taking him back to your dorm for some alone time.
But to be honest it’s was growing tiring. Eventhough the adrenaline of being caught was a nice rush, but the more serious you and Bakugou grew the more you both wanted the world to know that you were together.
“But Katsuki the problem isn’t I don’t want to tell him! It’s that I can’t tell him, do you not know how mad Akawa will be at me?
“Well we can’t be a damn secret forever. So I think it’s in your best interest to tell him. Or I will.” Katsuki threatens, as he lay lazily on his back sprawled out in your bed eyes glued to his phone screen.
“Katsuki!” You pout grabbing hold of his arm, not feeling shocked when he pulls away.
“Katsukiiiii.” You whine throwing a leg over his body to straddle his waist. He doesn’t acknowledge you, rather he just keeps looking at his phone.
Feeling aggravated with his silence you lean down and press a kiss in between his neck and his shoulder blade. He pays you no mind. You then let your hand travel down his chest and to the waist band of his pants, causing him to briefly look away from his phone.
“Don’t.” You take your lip in between your teeth.
“You know that’s only makes me want to do it more.” You say letting fingers enter the waistband.
Slowly, you let your fingers trail over his pelvis. He tenses up but still continues to pay you no attention. As your fingers slide down further you take his length into your hand.
“Katsuki.” You whisper in his ear.
“Dammit Y/N stop it.” His breath hitched as you began stroking up and down his shaft. “Your not getting out of this.”
“Mhm.” You respond continuing to trail kisses all down his neck and to his chest, stopping when you reach his underwear.
“Katsukiiii.” You tease. Finally he adverts his attention to you. “Can I?”
He says nothing, instead he lifts up his hips so you can pull his pants down.
“I knew you wouldn’t say no.”
“Shut the hell up.” He mumbles, finally discarding his phone to watch you.
Your mouth falls open has you take his erect member into your mouth taking him as far into your cavern as possible, and taking what you couldn’t throat into your hands.
Bakugou exhales deeply as you swirl your tongue around his firmness. You moan around the thick cock filling your mouth. You could taste the salty taste of precum leak on to your tongue as you continue to bob your head and twist your wrist . A river of saliva beginning to pool over your hand.
Soon enough Bakugou is no longer composed. His hands find there way to your hair as he begins to buck his hips in a sharp motion.
“I-I’m gonna f-fuck.” He groans, not giving your throat a rest as he continues to fuck your mouth. Moaning against his cock only encouraged, him to thrust harder. Your hand eventually lost its purpose as his cock was buried deep in your throat, causing you to gag relentlessly.
Your eyes fluttered up to his face, which was tense from his upcoming release. His lips parted slightly as he let his cum pour down your throat.
Slowly, you let the blondes cock fall from your mouth, a line of spit dribbling down your chin.
“Shit Katsuki, your still hard.” You say eyeing the males hard on as you slip off your pants and underwear.
“I wanna ride it.” You move back up to straddle his waist, your pussy aching from arousal of the blowjob you had just given. Desperately you take two fingers and rub them against your dripping cunt.
“Then fucking ride.” Bakugou groans at your actions, unable to deny you. You smirk as you take hold of his length and position it at your entrance. Cautiously, you let him fill your insides. His cock dragging so good against your walls.
“Shit Katsuki.” You moan, placing your hands on his chest for more stability. He sighs as you begin to rock back and forth on his cock. The rocking eventually turning into steady bouncing, Katsuki’s hands finding your hips.
“You fuck me, so good.” He grunts, allowing his hips to fall into rhythm with your bouncing. The lewd sound of slapping and simultaneous moans fill the atmosphere. A familiar warmth building in the pit of stomach.
“I’m g-gonna cum on your c-cock.” You feel him twitch against our walls as his grip on your hips tighten. His hips thrusting up erratically, chasing his own release. The sudden change in speed hitting something deep inside of you.
“R-right there Katsuki. Right there. Feels so good.” You whimper, losing all rythmn as he hits that spot deep inside you. After a few more moments of abusing you pussy, you cum your walls clamping tightly around his cock.
“If you don’t move I’ll cum inside.” He groans, but doesn’t stop. You slump over on his chest as he continues to fuck you into overstimulation.
“Fuck, cum inside.” You breathe heavily against his ear. Your boyfriend’s cock twitches desperately inside you as he nears his release. You let your teeth sink into his shoulder as he pumps his load into your pussy.
After coming down from your high you roll off of Katsuki and pull the covers over you both.
“I’m going to tell him, just give me a bit more time ok.” You say, resting your head in the crook of his neck. Bakugou then runs his hands through your hair and presses a kiss to your forehead.
“I was just being an ass, take your time. I’m fine with waiting to be with someone I love.”
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anthonyjlockwood · 3 years
28 with Juke 💕
“Look, it’s not my fault we got distracted.”
Julie looks up incredulously to where her boyfriend is slung over her desk chair, eyes fixed on the ceiling.
The distraction in question is the one spinning the chair; every time Luke loses momentum, Reggie gives the chair another enthusiastic whack so it picks up right where it left off.
“No?” Julie raises one eyebrow and holds her unimpressed stare on Luke. Eventually he withers under the weight of it, like a dandelion under a gray sky. He straightens himself up on the chair and grabs onto the desk to stop its motion. "Then whose fault is it?"
“Aww, we were supposed to be seeing how fast you can go!” Reggie complains. “Wait a minute, Reg,” Luke soothes, in his I’m-going-to-deescalate-the-Julie-anger-before-it-turns-into-a-lecture voice. Running a hand through his hair, he hoists himself up off the chair and swaggers over to his girlfriend. “I’m totally focused. Alex is the one who bailed on band stuff to go hang out with his boyfriend.”
Julie rolls her eyes. “Yeah. Out of the four of us in this band, Alex is really the one with focusing issues.”
“Listen, all I asked was why does that shitty instant cheese sauce that goes into the microwave mac and cheese dominate?”
“It dominates nothing,” she says impatiently. “It’s fake powdered cheese! It’s gross. And, we’re supposed to be working. We have to have this song finished by tomorrow!”
Reggie steps forward timidly, eyes trailing over Julie’s face to examine the risk factor before he speaks – and apparently, he decides it’s worth it. “...It does kind of slap, though. Just the fact that you can make mac and cheese in the microwave is–”
“Okay,” Julie lets out a slow breath through her nose. “Reggie, can I talk to Luke alone, please?”
“Oop, Luke’s in trouble!” Reggie’s expression turns slightly panicked. “Gotta go. Good luck, bro!”
He poofs out with a swoosh, and Luke’s left alone to face his girlfriend’s wrath.
“Julie… my wrecking ball, my star, my patient, forgiving–”
“Luke,” Julie cuts him off. “I thought we were done arguing about you taking this band seriously. I thought you understood what it meant.”
“I do!” he insists. “I learned my lesson last time. I’m taking this seriously!”
“Then work with me, here!” she begs. “We’re doing that morning show tomorrow and we promised them we’d debut a new single. Luke, we don’t have a new single!”
“But we will!”
“It just–” Julie cuts off, agitated. She stomps over to her bed and flops down, grabbing one of the throw pillows and burying her face in it. “This one has to be good, okay?”
“It is! It’s gonna rock!”
“It doesn’t exist yet!” Julie says. “How do you know that?”
“‘Cause it’s you writing it,” Luke replies. Julie hears him take a few cautious steps closer and plop down on the bed beside her. Suddenly the pillow is lifted away from her face and Luke’s hand is there, fingers running through her curls, brushing them back gently.
“It’s us,” he continues. “We make a good team, remember? You’ve got nothing to worry about.”
“I just hate being put on a time limit,” she grumbles.
Not having enough time, feeling rushed… it doesn’t sit right, especially since so much of Julie’s life before Luke was so weird when it came to time. Watching the hours of her mother’s life tick down to nothing. The months after her death feeling like several eternities. Her small-yet-persistent desire for time to just stop altogether… the anxiety, knowing that it marched steadily on, even though her mom couldn’t go on with it…
The most important time limit now: the indeterminate amount of hours, days, weeks, until the boys cross over and leave her forever.
Julie hates time limits.
“We’ve written like, a million songs together, Jules,” Luke’s hand stills in Julie’s hair. “Why’s this one so important?”
“I’m just… worried that it’s not gonna be good enough.”
“It will absolutely be good enough,” he says with conviction. “But seriously. You don’t usually get all… self-conscious about songwriting. Is something wrong?”
“I just don’t – I don’t appreciate that you guys are spinning around in my desk chair instead of helping me with the song.”
They only have so long left to write songs together.
The clock is ticking.
Things can’t stay like this. Luke can’t stay with her.
She’s going to be alone eventually. The band won’t last forever. They–
“Hey, Jules,” Luke’s soft voice is in her ear, and his hand is back, running through her hair soothingly. “It’s okay. I’m sorry – I’m totally gonna focus now. You got this. We got this.”
Julie’s wild eyes find Luke’s face, and he’s solid and looking down at her in concern; his hands leave her hair to cup her face; his thumbs run down her cheeks, chasing off tears that Julie hadn’t even realized were there.
She breathes out, closes her eyes, and tries to relax into Luke’s hold. “I want us to do this together.”
“We will,” he promises. “One amazing song, coming right up. Courtesy of the best songwriting duo in the whole… state of California, at least.”
“Should we get Reggie?”
“He’s just gonna try to countrify it.” Luke wrinkles his nose. “‘Sides, I kinda like it better when it’s just the two of us.”
Julie pulls back, intent on getting her song book and brainstorming some lyrics, but Luke has other plans.
He pulls her face back closer to his; she feels his warm breath on her face as she shuts her eyes against it and feels his warm lips press against hers.
He feels so alive like this; so warm and welcoming. The fact that he’s here… the fact Julie can touch him, when just weeks ago it was something she could only dream about.
The music they make together, the light he brings to her world.
That’s what she has to try to focus on, for now.
She thinks she can do it, too.
Luke pulls away from the kiss, eyes shining with affection and excitement. “You ready to write a hit now?”
Julie smiles back, anxiety melting away like butter over popcorn. “Let’s do it.”
Luke pulls her in for one more kiss, then poofs down to the garage to get his guitar.
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bludemons · 4 years
Collared Up (Ralvez x Fem!Reader)
Summary: Long story short, Luke is an idiot while being on a case, while Y/N almost passes out from worrying which causes Luke and Spencer, especially Luke, to make it up to her.
Warnings: case talk, poly relationship, slight anxiety attack, collaring, slight dom/sub dynamics, dom!Spencer, dom!Luke, sub!reader, fingering
Word count: 2.7k
Tagging: @subbyspence @honeyspence @peachpitfics @aaronhotchnerr
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(gif credit to @criminalmindsvibez)
It was more than just a rough case for you and the rest of the team. A little girl was held hostage and of course your superhero of boyfriend, Luke, decided to go up to the unsub without any backup. He only had his gun, but at least he put on his kevlar. You had a weird feeling in your stomach as soon as Luke said that he was going in. You were yelling at him to not do it, to wait for the rest of the team to arrive, but he just ignored it. You were in one of the SUV's with Tara, Matt and Spencer. Spencer, your other lover boy, took one of your hands in his, rubbing his thumb softly over the back of your hand. "He's gonna be fine", he whispered, but you only shook your head. You knew that this was probably not going to happen. The pit in your stomach only grew when you heard Emily didn't get an answer from Luke when she asked him to update her.
As soon as Matt parked the SUV, you jumped out of the car, running towards the house you knew Luke was in. Spencer wasn't fast enough to grab your arm and hold you back, so he began to run after you. But before you could even enter the house, you saw your boyfriend casually walking out with the little girl in his arms. You stopped in your tracks, causing Spencer to bump into you. You were frozen as you looked at Luke, tears of anger and relief brimming in your eyes. Spencer took a turn to walk back to the cars where Luke already informed the paramedics about the condition of the girl. Once she was in the ambulance with her parents, Emily started to lecture him about how he can't just walk into houses without any backup and all that stuff.
You were still standing on your spot, not moving a single muscle, you didn't even jump when you felt a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N? Come on, let's go back to the station", you heard Tara say as she began to slowly walk you back to the cars. Spencer was talking to Luke but you ignored them, trying to focus on Tara's hand which had moved from your shoulder to your lower back. She sat you in the back of the car and moved in beside you. "Hey, look at me", she said softly. You slowly moved your head so you could look at her. "Luke is safe, he's fine. He only has some scratches, nothing too bad", Tara tried to assure you, but it didn't work. She didn't know the dynamic of your relationship with the two men.You were Luke's, and Spencer's too, but mostly Luke's. You depended on him when you weren't at work, he always took care of you, making sure you're okay, he always knew what he had to do and you just couldn't lose him. It's not like it would be easier for you to lose Spencer, it definitely wasn't, but it was different with Luke.
The moment you saw that Spencer and Luke walked towards the car you were currently sitting in, you opened the door and got out of it, walking to the other one to drive back with your other teammates. Of course Luke took notice of that and turned to you “Y/N?“, he called out your name but you only ignored him. He jogged the last few meters which were between the two of you before he carefully grabbed your arm. “Love… please let me explain it. I just wanted to save her and that’s what I did. I’m fine, nothing happened to me besides a few scratches. I just did my job, just like you would’ve done your-“ you interrupted him. “Don’t you dare say this! I wouldn’t have done this and you know that. I wouldn’t have risked my life without any backup nearby because I do care about you and Spencer. I think about you before I make a single step into an unsubs house. I think about what I’m doing before I let my actions take over“, tears already streamed down your face and Luke tried to wipe them away but you only slapped his hand away, “I can’t lose you Luke. I can’t live without you, I don’t know how to function when you’re not there. I’m yours Luke and you know that. Yes, I’m Spencer’s too, but you, you own me Luke and if you would be dead, I wouldn’t be myself anymore. Do you have any idea how I felt when you didn’t answer Emily? How I kept thinking about finding you half dead? I bet you didn’t and now please let me go.“
Luke slowly loosened his grip on your arm, which was enough for you to pull it away and finally get into the car to drive back to the police station.
That was a few hours ago, now you were on your way back to Quantico. You would usually sit with your boyfriends but you couldn’t. Not right now. Spencer was talking to Luke like nothing had happened, like he just couldn’t have died in there. You slightly shook your head as you continued to read the book in your hand. It was one you got from Spencer to your last birthday. As soon as you landed and were cleared to directly go home, you didn't wait a second to walk to your car, sadly you drove together with Spencer and Luke as Garcia informed you about the case, telling you to directly drive to the jet. You opened the car door and sat down in your usual seat as you waited for the two men to get to the car. You were sitting on the passenger seat as Luke got behind the wheel and Spencer onto the seat behind you. Luke started the engine as you looked out the window, trying to ignore the cut deep tension. "Y/N?", Spencer asked. You only hummed in response, not having the strength to answer him. You just wanted to get home, take a bath and go to bed, but that wasn't what was happening. You noticed the small signs that meant that your mind was slowly drifting away, into a place you didn't want it to be, not right now. Your fidgety hands, your unfocused eyes, the rubbing of your thighs and the slight squirming were all signs that you started to slip into your subspace. And of course did your boyfriends take notice of this and that was the reason why Spencer decided to speak and why Luke decided to carefully put a hand on your thigh, testing if he could touch you and when you didn't flinch away, he completely put his large hand on your body, slowly rubbing his thumb over your clothes. "Can you tell me what's going on in your pretty little mind, my love?", Luke asked this time. You slowly turned your head towards him and nodded. "I-I thought that I lost you today and… and I can't lose you. I need you", you mumbled as tears began to roll down your cheeks again. Luke smiled sadly as he finally noticed how much his actions affected you. He gently grabbed one of your hands and squeezed it. "I'm here sweetheart and I won't go okay? When we get home we're gonna take care of you, making sure you are all relaxed and show you how much we love you. How does that sound baby?", Luke asked you again. You nodded slightly, a small smile making its way on your face. "Both of you?", you asked, your voice so quiet the two men had trouble understanding you. Spencer put one of his hands on your shoulder, gently squeezing it. "Yes, both of us", Spencer confirmed your question.
Once Luke parked the car, you opened the door, getting out of your seat while you grabbed your back. But you weren't long on your feet as you saw Spencer walking towards you and picking you up. His hands underneath your thighs as you wrapped your arms around him, hiding your face in his neck.
As soon as you were inside your shared apartment you looked up a bit, immediately spotting your mint colored collar with the little heart shaped ring. You loosened one of your hands from Spencer's jacket and tried to grab it but you were too far away causing you to whimper. You wanted to feel the soft leather and the cold of the metal around your neck. The way it fit you perfectly, not too tight and not too loose, giving you the perfect amount of pressure. But not only that, it also let you know that Luke and Spencer were still there, still your boyfriends, still your dom's, but most importantly, still alive.
Spencer heard your whimper and looked at you, following your gaze as he saw that you were looking behind him. As he saw what you were looking at he smiled. "You want to wear it sweetheart?", he asked sweetly. You nodded, "yes please." He walked up to the drawer where your collar laid on top, he took it in his hands and went over to the kitchen where he sat you down on the counter. He loosened his grip on you once he was sure that you were sitting properly but you had other plans, your grip tightened around his neck, not wanting to lose the contact. A small whine escaped your mouth, tears threatening to fall down your cheeks, as Spencer removed your arms around his neck. "I know Baby, I know", he whispered as he caressed your cheek, leaving a quick kiss on your lips.
One of Spencer's hands gently pushed away your hair, knowing that it would get caught in the collar otherwise. His lips left a trail of kisses from the corner of your lips down to your neck, sucking softly, leaving a small mark right underneath your ear. You moaned quietly, already being overly sensitive. Spencer smirked as he finally put the collar around your neck, carefully securing it. Once he was satisfied with the fit of it, he put your hair back down. You were relaxing more and more, all worries slowly leaving your mind.
Spencer picked you up again, carrying you into the large bedroom in your apartment. You had your eyes closed but as soon as Spencer stepped into the room, you had the typical smell of candles in your nose which caused you to open your eyes. The only light in the room were the few candles which Luke put on while Spencer was occupied with you. They put the bedroom in a nice dim light, perfect for what the two men had planned. As soon as Spencer put you back down on your feet again, Luke wrapped his arms around you, leaning his forehead against the back of your head. You closed your eyes again, savoring the moment and the heat which radiated off Luke. He was already only wearing his boxers, knowing that any other clothing would be in the way.
In the meantime Spencer also put off all his clothes except his briefs. He was going over to the bed, sitting on the end of it. Luke carefully guided you over, stopping when you were standing between Spencer's legs. They both began to undress you at the same time, Luke helping you out your dress shirt and your bra while Spencer was struggling to open the small button on your pants. He finally got it open and slid the pants down your legs, immediately taking your panties with it. He threw them away once you stepped out of them.
Spencer pushed himself further up on the bed, sitting against the headboard. He motioned for you to come and lay between his legs, your back against his chest. You did what he asked you to do. "You alright sweetheart? You ready for us to make you feel good?", Luke asked as he climbed on the bed too, finding his place between your legs, head first on his stomach, placing both of his arms underneath your thighs. You nodded but you felt Luke squeezing your thighs one time, knowing what that meant, you gave him a vocal answer "mhm, yes please". You weren't able to say much more, your mind already clouded.
This was enough for Luke to leave kisses all over your inner thighs, casually sucking on overly sensitive spots, causing you to let out small moans and whispers. Spencer on the other hand was occupied with gently massaging your boobs, twisting both your nipples from time to time while leaving wet kisses along your jaw and neck. Your eyes were closed, your head leaning against Spencer's chest. Your back arched when you felt Luke's tongue licking one long stripe along your folds, a loud moan leaving your mouth.
"Luke, please", you moaned again as he began to softly suck on your clit. "Please what Sweetheart? You gotta use your words", he mocked as he continued to suck on your clit. "Please, I need your fingers", you whimpered and as soon as the words left your mouth, you could feel one of Luke's fingers teasing you.
Spencer continued to play with your nipples and leaving marks all over your upper body, at least the parts he could reach from his position. You were a moaning mess, not able to form a complete sentence and thought. The only thing on your mind were the two men who were currently giving their all to make you feel loved and appreciated. You always loved to feel Luke's fingers inside, it was one of the best feelings ever. His fingers weren't as long as Spencer's but they were thicker which meant that 2 of Luke's fingers were stretching you as much as 3 of Spencer's.
Luke noticed how close you were, clenching around his fingers, he sped up his pace, careful not to overwhelm you. His fingers and Spencer's hands which were still all over your upper body were enough to send you over the edge. The orgasm made you shake, your thighs clenching together, your back arched and your head pressed even more against Spencer's chest. Luke and Spencer kept praising you, telling you how good you were for them, telling you how much they love you.
It took a few minutes until you calmed down enough to open your eyes again. You loved the sight in front of you. Luke had put a shirt on, smiling down at you as he opened his arms. Spencer slowly let go of you when he was sure that you wouldn't collapse back into his body. You didn't trust your body, or more like, your legs, enough to properly carry you yet, so you decided to crawl over to him. Once you reached him, Luke took you into his arms, pressing you against his chest as you let out a quiet sigh.
You were coming down from your high, coming back down to earth which Luke took notice of, so he decided to free you from your collar. But what he didn't know was that you wanted to keep it on. Grabbing his arm at a speed, he didn't expect, you shook your head. "I-I wanna keep it on please", you said as you looked at him with puppy eyes. "Of course my love, anything you want", he replied, looking behind you to see that Spencer was getting off the bed, walking towards the closet to pull out a shirt for himself and new clothes for you.
He came over to Luke and you, once he pulled his shirt over his head. He carefully placed one of Luke's shirts over your body as the other man in the room helped you up on your feet which made it easier for Spencer to slip the fresh panties up your legs. Once the two men were satisfied, they laid back down on the back with you in the middle. Feeling both of their heartbeats it didn't take you long to fall asleep.
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fanfic-cave · 3 years
Rating: SFW/PG-13 (although theres kissing and stuff if you dont want to read that in public)
Word Count: 2.2k
Pairing: Hunter x Fem Jedi!OC
Warnings: Angst, fighting and arguing, talks about order 66/jedi being killed, making out it gets a little heated ya’ll
Summary: Hunter has discovered Sera's intentions to abandon the team and leave. The have an argument, amongst other things. Does she stay, or will she leave the bad batch for good?
Authors note: More OC stuff, I just get scenes in my head and I have to write them out. This is the furthest ahead ive gotten in the story I think. I have ideas of other things (which kinda get hinted at here), but im not sure how exactly I want to accomplish them.
Be sure to check out my post and put in your 2 cents on what I should write next!
Tags: @mangoberry99
You walked into the small, dark room, with Hunter right on your heels. He was definitely mad at you.
You tightened the mask on your face, and kept your hood up. Hunter switched the lights on and shut the door. “You were going to leave?” Hunters voice was raised, practically growling. He whipped around to look at you, his eyebrows arched and nostrils flaring. Yup. Pissed.
“I don’t expect you to understand.” You folded your arms defensively. “Just cause you’re a Jedi?” Hunter spoke loudly. “You owe us an explanation.” Somehow you thought Hunter really meant that you owed him an explanation.
You turned your face away, saying nothing. You didn’t feel obliged to share anything, you just wanted to retreat and hide like you always had. Hunters mouth turned down into a frown, and you could tell he was getting more upset. “I hate to break it to you, but being a Jedi doesn’t make you more special or different than the rest of us-"
“Hold on a damn minute-" you interjected, uncrossing your arms.
“And you don’t get to shut us out just because you are one.” He spat it out and you felt your face heat up with anger. “You were going to go without saying goodbye, Sera. You realized how messed up that is?” He was yelling now.
“I told you, you wouldn’t understand!” You yelled back. Your hands balled up into fists.
“No, I don’t! How could you befriend us, gain our trust, and just leave? Omega-"
“Don’t.” you interrupted before he could finish. Your voice had lowered in pitch, but it was loud and it echoed around the room. “Don’t bring her into this.” You were doing this to protect them, especially her. You didn’t want him to guilt trip you by using her.
“It would’ve destroyed her. You can’t face that? That you were going to abandon her?”
“You have no right-!” You turned to face him, pointing a finger at him and walking up to him.
“Take that damn thing off.” Hunter said. You froze. You knew he was referring to the mask. He stared at you with a hard look on his face, still fuming with anger. “I said take it off.” He ordered.
You yanked it off and threw it at his feet, hoping to hit his foot. He easily moved his left foot to avoid getting hit. “Happy?” You threw up your hands as you said it, venom laced in your tone. Your mask felt like your defense, a protection. You felt safe with it, and you had worn it since abandoning the clone wars and the Jedi order. You felt too vulnerable and exposed without it right now.
“Don’t lecture me, I know what I was doing, and I-" your voice cracked. You took a step back and took a breath. “I thought it was better than the alternative.” Your voice was quieter now. You looked down, then you turned around, your back to him. You didn’t want to see him, to face him. You placed your hands on the table in front of you, leaning forward and taking slow deep breaths.
“How would that be better?” Hunter's voice was lower in volume, matching yours. He seemed upset, but not angry anymore. He sounded hurt, or maybe sad.
You finished another deep breath. “The Jedi are being hunted down. I can only hide for so long.” Your voice was much quieter now, barely above a whisper. You felt weight on your chest as you said it. You crossed your arms and hugged yourself, trying to squeeze away the tight feeling in your chest. Once you started, you couldn’t stop. “I could feel it when the Jedi were killed, Hunter. Thousands of voices being silenced. And now, I can feel it.” Hunter waited for you to finish. “The Empire knows there are hidden Jedi across the galaxy, and they’re going to come and find us.”
You turned to face him, tears in your eyes. Hunter looked worried as he listened to you, watching your movements. “If you’re with me, you could all be killed.” You choked out the last part, the tears coming out. You covered your mouth with your hands, trying to hold in the cries that escaped your mouth.
You squeezed your eyes tight and couldn’t see, but you felt arms wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you in. You received the hug and wrapped your arms around Hunters torso, then buried your face into his chest. You couldn’t keep it in anymore, the sobbing escaping you, ripping through your chest.
“Shh,” Hunter quietly began comforting you. You felt his hand stroking your hair, the other arm squeezing you tight against him. You held onto him as you cried, like holding him would help you hold yourself together.
You stayed there for a minute, quietly sobbing while Hunter stroked your hair and quieted your cries. After a minute had passed, he spoke. “You remember what I told you when we found out you were a Jedi?” He paused and you waited quietly, tears still rolling down your cheeks. “I said we would protect you.” You had stopped sobbing, and you took shaky breaths in and out.
You felt him kiss the top of your head. You pulled away from his chest to look up at him. He wiped the tears out of your eyes with his thumb. “I promise, I won’t let the Empire kill you,” he had grabbed your chin, and looked into your eyes with intensity as he spoke. You smiled at his optimism. Normally you might argue that he couldn’t guarantee that, but he looked so set in his decision. You didn’t think you could persuade him otherwise.
He leaned in to press his forehead against yours, and you met him halfway, enjoying the moment of closeness. You felt like he was grounding you, keeping you here in the moment instead of fearing for the future. “Is this okay?” You felt his breath hit your face as he spoke. It was warm, and he smelled nice. You nodded. He squeezed you around the waist and pulled you in tighter, your hips now touching.
You felt your heart skip a beat. You two had never been quite this affectionate. You had an idea that Hunter might feel something more than friendship towards you. There had been moments, exchanged glances, lingering touches. Conversation where you both opened up, and had been vulnerable with each other. You already knew how you felt, but never were quite sure where exactly he stood.
You opened your eyes, and examined his face. You could see details that you couldn’t make out without being this close. The details in his tattoos, the shape of his eyes, of his face, his mouth. You felt yourself become more brave. You tilted your face to the right, your nose skimming past his. His lips were not even an inch away from yours now.
You saw Hunter's eyes open, and he was watching you. You waited, not wanting to advance more without permission. You held eye contact for a moment. He looked at you questioningly, processing what you were doing. You waited for him to pull away or come closer. You quietly froze there, the two of you only breathing and examining each other in your closeness, neither of you sure what would happen. You found yourself getting lost in his brown eyes for that short moment.
Suddenly Hunters lips were against yours, his hand at the back of your neck, fingers reaching into your hair. You breathed in through your nose, and your bodies began to move together. You felt yourself rise up to your toes to reach him, to get closer. Your arms were still wrapped around his torso, and you pulled yourself closer to him, just as his other hand gently pushed you in from the small of your back, trying to close every gap between your bodies.
After a minute, Hunter pulled away to allow yourselves a second to breath. He studied your face, like he was trying to memorize it. “It’s about damn time.” You said between breaths, and he laughed. His eyes seemed to light up with excitement. You reached up to his neck and brought him back in. You felt a burning in your chest as you continued kissing him. You wrapped your fingers around his biceps, and began to push him towards the nearest wall. He let you move him, his arms around your waist, making sure you came right along with him. You went back up on your toes, reaching to kiss him.
Hunters hands shifted away from you, then you felt them grab you underneath your thighs. You were suddenly lifted up, your legs reflexively wrapping around him. You gasped and broke from the kiss, holding onto him to keep yourself from falling.
“I’ve got you.” He spoke confidently, placing one hand on your shoulder as the other fully held you up. Then, he took a few steps and set you down on the table. Your face was now an even height with his. You made a face “You think I’m too short to kiss you?” You huffed out. Hunter smiled and said “You are kinda short-“
“Oh shut up.” You grabbed his shoulders and forcefully brought him back in. You tightened your legs on him, as if trying to lock him in place. He had one hand on your hip, the other touched the back of your shoulder where your bare skin was exposed. It felt like a fire was ignited where his fingertips met your skin. Hunter broke away and planted kisses on your cheek, then he moved to your jaw. You felt yourself reach at his shirt on his back, tempted to start pulling at it. You felt intoxicated by the moment, drinking in the bliss you felt as his kisses moved to your neck.
Wait. How did I get here again?
You released him and pulled away gently as the thought crossed your mind. Hunter stopped and took a step back from you, being sure to give you space if you wanted it. Your legs no longer were wrapped around him, you sat on the table and Hunter stood just a foot away from you. “Did I overstep?” Hunter asked. He watched you carefully, concern written all over his face.
“No, no I loved that Hunter,” you reached your hand out and grabbed his. You gave him a reassuring squeeze. “I’m just trying to process. Weren’t we just fighting?” You looked back up at him. He looked up, trying to recall the events. “Right, and then you were crying-“
“And now we’re kissing.” You laughed and shook your head. “That really escalated huh?” You looked back up to him as you spoke. Hunter was smiling, he looked genuinely happy.
You ran your hand through your hair, your braid now very much messed up. You began to undo it. Hunters smile faded and his eyebrows knitted together.
“What is it?” You asked.
“You won’t leave, right?” He asked, the brooding expression you were all too familiar with was set back onto his face.
“Oh.” Right, I was going to leave. You felt your heart squeeze. “No, I don’t think I will.” You said after thinking. Hunter sighed in relief. “Good.” He approached you again, wrapping his arms around your waist. “I wouldn’t let you anyways.” You raised your eyebrows at him. “Oh, you wouldn’t let me?” Like he could stop me. You kept that thought in your head.
“No.” He spoke firmly. His eyes locked with yours, and he looked determined. “I know the empire is hunting down the last of the Jedi, but we’re not exactly on good terms with them either.” You listened as he spoke.
“I don’t like the thought of you trying to survive on your own. I’ve always had my brothers, and having a squad, or a family, to rely on has gotten us all through it. I want you to rely on us, let us help you.” He put a hand on your cheek as he finished, and leaned in closer to you. He looked almost sad as he said it. You realized if he really cared about you, the thought of you leaving must hurt as much as leaving him would’ve hurt you.
You took a deep breath, then spoke. “Since I left the order, and the war, I’ve always been on my own. Having someone to rely on again has been a bit of an adjustment.” Hunter kept his eyes fixed on you, hand still on your cheek. You moved to put your hand on top of his. “I’m still learning how not to run, and I don’t want to run from you.” You squeezed his hand and looked into his eyes. “Honestly, I think I love you.”
Hunters eyes widened a bit as you said it. You smiled and you could feel yourself blushing. Now, though, you weren’t ashamed.
You saw Hunters eyes move to the door and back to you. Then you heard foot steps and Omega calling for Hunter. “I love you too.” He whispered it, and the door opened.
I know. You mouthed it, then slid off the table to stand next to him. You could practically hear him roll his eyes and you smiled.
I don’t think I could leave now. Not even if I wanted to.
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
Hey! I saw that your ask box was open, so I was wondering if I could request how the brothers (if not all then just Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Leviathan) would react to the mc defending them! Like they get into a fight and their only response was "they were talking bad about you" or something! -🥀 (Also side note, do you right for GN! MC's, or just male?)
Hey anon! Thanks so much for requesting! As for your question, This is TECHNICALLY a male reader blog, however, if it isn’t necessary, I will use he/him pronouns loosely. In other words, if the prompt doesn’t specify/depend on it being a male mc, it will be gn!mc! Hope this clears up some confusion! I’ll start putting whether a post is for a gn or male mc at the very beginning of said post from now on.
fluff, some angst :).
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Lucifer was more angry than anything to hear that MC had gotten in a fight. The one thing he made sure they did was to stay out of trouble. And yet, they seem to be a magnet for chaos.
He stumbled upon the fight before it got bad, and had the demon dealt with as he accompanied MC to an empty room at RAD.
Although he seemed to be sweating out of exasperation, it was easy to tell that he was simply worried about them.
Well. Kind of.
If you look past the hour-long lecture it is.
MC tries countless times to explain themself, and yet he never fails to reroute the conversation back to his lesson on running from a demon before things get bad.
It gets to a point when MC has to put a hand over his mouth to quiet him.
Only then do they explain what happened, and what caused the fight to begin with.
First, he is absolutely shocked. And he can’t really find the right thing to say.
Then, his eyes relax, and his frown seems to melt away. He truly wants to be mad still, to teach a proper lesson. But he just can’t do it.
“It is true that humans tend not to think things through, I suppose.”
He crosses his arms and continues, “Well, I appreciate it, but I don’t need the protection.”
After ruffling their hair, he smirks a little.
“I’ll have to keep a closer eye on you if you rush into situations like that. Maybe put you on a leash.”
After things are cleared up, he finds the situation a little comical. A human defending a demon.
Luckily, the wounds aren’t bad, or else Lucifer wouldn’t have hesitated giving some sort of consequence to the MC.
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Mammon is, unfortunately, not around to witness or intervene into the fight.
So when the next time he sees MC there’s a dark magenta ring around their eye, he loses it.
He wastes no time taking them home from RAD. We know he never really cared for classes anyways.
Unlike Lucifer, he wants to hear them out on the way home.
Although he physically feels himself getting butterflies in his stomach from the idea of being cared for, he clears his throat and tries to push it aside.
He knows that they’re not going to be taken away from him anytime soon. At least, not with his unintentionally vice grip on their wrist they aren’t.
And yet he can’t help but constantly flick his gaze back to them and their wounds.
We were all waiting for this one: he feels horrible that they got hurt because of him, albeit indirectly.
He puts emphasis on steering clear of hotheaded demons— or, all demons that aren’t the brothers for that matter.
“I hear ya, The Great Mammon is a gem that all of devildom should be tryna’ protect! But... You’re better off ignoring that... I mean, look at ya! All beat up and stuff... N-Not that you look bad or anything. Well... Um.”
When MC laughs at him, he’s both relieved that they’re not upset enough to sulk, and embarrassed because of his wording.
So they have to reassure him that they simply find him worth protecting— for exactly this. He cares for them, and is probably willing to protect them too.
As he’s sloppily tending to their bruises, he offers to spend the day with them.
He says its his payment, and that he would defend them when Lucifer found out about today.
But it’s more so the fact that he wishes more than anything to spend every day for the rest of his demonic life with them.
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Levi is another brother who is unfortunately not around at the time due to his home schooling.
That’s why he’s one of the last people to find out about it, and he feels guilt hit him like an 18-wheeler.
The injuries are a little more severe, but nothing that would keep someone from going about their daily life. Nonetheless, Levi is demanding to be the one to patch them up.
As soon as MC cuts him off before he can start rambling, they make sure to explain the situation, i.e. “I had to defend you! Or else they would have kept talking bad about you.”
He turns red and covers his mouth, undoubtedly mumbling something about how impossibly romantic the situation was.
But after that, he shakily asks that MC tries not to talk as he takes time to let everything sink in. He still can’t believe it.
So he finds himself shakily asking questions like, “So... You just heard him and decided to-... To defend me? No one asked you to?”
For every reassuring nod that he gets, he feels his head spin a little faster.
It takes him a while, but all the wounds are properly sterilized and taken care off beneath his cold fingers.
He leans back in his seat, and blows out a slow puff of air. “MC... You’re badass. Seriously. I don’t really know what I, a demon, have done to deserve you... But... Thank you.”
The conversation ends with tears, but they couldn’t have been anything but happy.
He just can’t believe someone could go as far as to fight for his sake over a simple ill-intended comment.
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Satan witnesses the event. Which... May or may not be a good thing.
MC doesn’t notice him at first. They’re too busy with the demon that has her hands on their uniform collar.
But then they see the green flames licking at their peripherals, emitting from somewhere behind them.
The demon girl in front of them seems to lose all color in her face at the sight of those same flames. She instantly drops MC to their knees, and attempts to run.
As Satan steps forward to grab the female student, he spins MC around with ease so that they won’t have to witness whatever he’s about to do.
MC doesn’t know how much time has passed due to the shock of the moment. It could be seconds or minutes. But when Satan pulls them back up to their feet, he is stone faced.
MC walks stiffly to the House of Lamentation with Satan, careful not to set anything else off in him.
The entire walk to his room is silent. The first time he speaks is when he offers a seat on his bed, nudging books aside with his foot.
He takes a deep breath before he begins diligently tending to the injuries.
“Mind explaining what happened?” He doesn’t sound angry at them, but it’s hard to tell with him.
Satan notices the hesitation in answering, so he gives a small smile. “Are you scared? You shouldn’t be. I’m just a bit... Tense, is all.”
After a moment, MC tells him the reasoning for the fight.
Satan sighs once more and places a hand on theirs. Oh to be so selfless yet still be a fragile human.
“MC... Demons talk. And it’s not always nice. It’s best to just let it go, okay? Well... Give me their name first, but I can’t have you losing a limb for me. Who knows what i’d do then.”
MC can’t completely promise that they’ll simply forget about anyone that talks badly about him, but Satan only gives a helpless sigh.
“What ever will we do with you.” He is much more relaxed than before, and his tone is affectionate.
MC doesn’t know what happened to that girl, and you figure it’s best to never ask.
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Asmodeus is preoccupied with a hand mirror, but a circle of gathering demons certainly catches his attention.
He hums, interested. He’s always been one for drama.
But as he peeks over the crowd, his heart sinks impossibly deep in his body.
MC isn’t bloody, but by the looks of it, they may be very soon.
While he’s ridden with shock, a punch lands on their face, and the crowd roars. The yells overtake his own, and he can’t get through the group of people pushing and shoving.
Diavolo and Barbatos were alerted of the congregation of students, and are only just now arriving. And at the sight of them, students scatter like bugs. Leaving MC on the ground and clutching their face in pain.
Diavolo and Barbatos leave MC in the care of Asmodeus while they turn to resolve the problem with the attacker.
Asmodeus is frantic, fanning his face as he helps MC to sit up. He doesn’t know what to do first, does he ask to see the wound? But what’s the point when he doesn’t really know how to treat it in any circumstance? No one has ever socked him in the face before.
So he opts to carry them off to the infirmary, bridal style. All along the way, he gives reassuring words that seem to slightly calm the injuried MC.
“Hey, beautiful! Ughh, the nerve of some demons! I can’t even begin to— Oh right... The ice pack, I’ll get that now, so sit tight, love!”
While he allows them to press the ice to their eye themself, he is massaging his frowning face. All while he seems to be worried about all the wrong things.
“Is this type of injury permanent on humans?? Your face is too good for that!” “That low-level demon... I wish I could ruin his face a hundred times worse than what he’s doing to innocent bystanders!”
MC patiently allows him to vent, because hearing him fret of the most “Asmo” things somehow brought light to the situation and distracted from the throbbing in their face.
An hour must have passed before Asmo actually takes in the situation. “Oh, but I haven’t even asked... What in devildom were you doing with such a grotesque demon? Do I have to replace Mammon in guarding you?”
Finally, MC explains.
He’s less than shocked. Instead, he holds his own arms with an almost sympathetic smile, “Oh, darling... It’s better to talk to Lucifer about things like that... If at all. As the Avatar of Lust, It’s kind of part of the program to get nasty birds twittering about you... Fan behavior.”
MC seems less than convinced, replying with a small, “But...”
Asmo grins and puts a gentle hand on their shoulder. “It’s adorable that you’d do that for me, MC, really. I wish I could just dress you up and show you to the world, show them how special you make me feel! But please. Don’t sacrifice your complexion for a-ny-thing!”
Even Asmo can feel himself get butterflies when MC does the smallest of things for him. But taking care of that face is no joke to him.
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Beel is at the gym when it happens, and is the last one to hear about it. The brothers are all discreetly trying to decide whether or not to tell him. We all know how scary he can get.
MC listens to Mammon... For some reason. And that entails avoiding Beel until the scrapes and bruises on your body heal.
Bad idea. Beel now looks like a hurt puppy, and is desperately trying to figure out what he has done.
The fateful moment of realization for him comes on a Tuesday night, less than a week after the incident. MC walks into the kitchen, searching for a late night beverage to drink and also hold against their wounds.
Beel is already there, instantly looking ashamed when he sees them.
“Beel...” MC starts, forgetting that they were supposed to be avoiding him. They stop themselves before hastily pulling their sleeves down to cover the lingering bruises.
This catches Beel’s attention to detail when it comes to others.
His eyebrows furrow a bit, and MC gulps.  There was no getting out of this.
Before completely explaining everything, MC has to calm him.  Because if not, he’d be checking every inch of their body for serious injuries.  And even if there were none, he’d never let them leave bed for the next week.  At least.
They take a deep breath and start with the people poking fun at his soft personality in such an intimidating body.  And then finishing with the plan of steering clear of him to keep him from getting worried.  (you leave out mammon’s part last second)
At first, his eyes are serious as he listens intently, silently going over things more than once in his head to ensure that he was understanding the story properly.
Once MC has finished, his eyes change completely.  They’re soft, and concerned, but not overbearing.
MC felt a bit guilty seeing him like this.
Beel reaches out to hug them, but is hesitant, worried that they’d still be hurt.  So MC has to let him know that their wounds have healed for the most part.
“MC....  Firstly, thank you.” He pulls them into a soft hug.  “It makes me all happy on the inside when you do things like that.” His voice is quiet, but much too unstable.  MC knew that this was a telltale sign that he was near tears.
MC doesn’t hesitate to reach up and stroke the back of his hair, feeling him bury his head into their shoulder.
“Beel? Are you okay?”
“I should be the one asking you that.”
‘you should know better’ is what he wants to say. But maybe they don’t, he thinks. Afterall, when was the last time a human with such limited magical capability was surrounded by demons 24/7?
“I just need you to promise me.” He carefully pulls back and sucks in a breath, keeping himself from imagining MC scared and hurt without him— because of him.
“Promise me that you’ll tell me about things like that first. Before you get yourself hurt, or... Or worse.” There’s another word that he has to stop himself from saying. He doesn’t know how he could handle that thought.
There, he thinks. If they didn’t know before how serious it was, now they did. Hopefully.
The brothers notice that Beel is a bit more normal than the days before, so they assume that things have been cleared up for the two.
Although they have to pretend as if they had never heard about the incident when he mentions it.
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Belphie was definitely not there when it happened.
But unlike with every other brother, MC was unable to be saved immediately after having found themselves in a brawl with a low class demon.
MC silently curses as they find themselves limping through the halls of the House of Lamentation.
They’re lucky to have only gotten out of that with an injured ankle, they remind themself. It didn’t seem... Broken. But it definitely needed more medical attention than it received now— A knee-high sock they pulled off of their foot wrapped tightly around a ruler they used as a makeshift splint.
They were sure that the majority of the brothers were at school, so they’d have at least a few hours to figure out what to do.
How would the brothers react if they saw them like this? Would they feel that this was a mere inconvenience? Afterall, this may just be a bad sprain, and now look at them. They can barely limp. Much less walk. But maybe after a bit of rest, it would magically heal.
They decide to head to the music room (?), where they knew that none of the brothers would immediately run into after school.
After finding a stool to sit on, MC hisses when they bump their ankle on the floor. The throbbing seemed to shake their whole body.
“Holy shi—“
A sleepy drawl from the couch behind them causes them to freeze. They wanted to slap themself. Of course Belphie would be sleeping here, why didn’t they think of that?
“What’re you doing h—....” He stops.
MC can already tell that he had noticed the poor job they had done with their ankle. “I fell down the stairs. But it’s okay, I just—“
“MC. I’m not stupid. Why are you home so early, alone? If you skipped or left early, Mammon would have sniffed you out like a dog and be here, too. Spill it.”
If Belphie was good at anything (besides sleeping), it was reading emotions. There was no lying anymore. And so MC simply explained the fight and its causes.
When they turn to look at him, he simply blinks. He doesn’t seem very concerned, but he sleepily walks over to inspect their leg.
He’s careful to support their foot as he lifts their entire leg, checking the swelling.
“... Geez. You’re stupid.” His eyebrows knit together with an unknown emotion. Worry? Irritation? A mix of both? “I don’t care about what such irrelevant demons think, and you shouldn’t either.”
MC is a little speechless, but only laughs. “Yeah. It was a little dumb looking back at it. But you should have heard them, Belphie... There was no way I’d go without a fight, okay?”
Belphie smiles back. “If you wanted to prove yourself to me... There were other ways, you know?”
“Should we get Beel to help us set up the pillow fort?”
“Well, how else are you gonna heal? You can’t get better if you don’t rest with me.”
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futures-tense · 2 years
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chp 1/ || wc: 3.4k || total wc: 3.4k || ao3
“I don’t like it.”
The realtor—Sam or Sandra, he’s not sure—scoffs lightly. “Mr. Strand, you haven’t liked any of the apartments I’ve shown you.”
“You’ve shown me two,” TK shrugs. There’s a pink flier on the light pole a few feet away, flapping against the single staple holding it on.
“I’ve shown you ten.”
“They just… I didn’t like the vibes.”
“Mr. Strand.”
He shakes his head. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.”
“It might be easier if you were open to a longer lease. Maybe?”
“I’m not going to be here for more than a few months,” TK shrugs.
The flier catches in the wind and flies toward them, landing right at TK’s feet. He tilts his head at the words:
Apartment For Rent.
He picks it up while his realtor continues talking about an apartment on the south side.
“What about this?”
Sam/Sandra stops and looks up from her tablet. “Well, that’s…” She looks up and points at a building across the street. “That building, but I don’t know if that’s really what you’re looking for.”
“Let’s go see it.”
She sighs and follows him across the street.
It’s nothing too pretentious like the other apartments he’d seen. Wood floors, gray walls, fully furnished, and not a single pillow out of place. Either someone staged this to look perfect or they never spilled a drop of anything anywhere.
After a few minutes, Sam—he doesn’t think that’s right but he’s sticking with it—steps into the hall to call the renter. He watches her go, then looks out the bay windows in the “living area” space.
It’s not like he wants to move.
He doesn’t. TK likes his current apartment—and then one before it, and the one before that. He didn’t like the first one.
Originally, he’d left to get away from the memories—the history. The next place felt big, too big for him and his thoughts. The place after was filled with an echoing silence.
He just can’t sit still. One bad day after another, one lonely night after the next—if he keeps convincing himself it’s the “scenery” then eventually it becomes true.
But this place could break the cycle. He’s not one to believe in mystical energies, but he has a good feeling about his one.
Sam turns the corner. “There’s no long-term lease; it’s a month-to-month sublet.” She shrugs. “Family tragedy, I guess.”
TK wanders around the apartment for all of ten minutes before declaring that this is perfect and he wants it.
Maybe he can do something with the private roof access.
He’s never considered himself a slob. His dad was a neat freak—everything needed to be in its place or he had a colossal meltdown and TK endured a three-hour lecture. His mom was messy but she had a system. An organized chaos of sorts. He fell somewhere in between.
He thought.
“What are you doing in my house?”
TK presses pause on the recording playing on the television and slowly turns around.
There’s a man standing there, slightly taller than him with broader shoulders and curls to die for. His brown eyes are wide and confused but TK frowns.
“I’m sorry?”
“Are you robbing me? Because there’s almost nothing of value here.”
“I’m not robbing you.”
“Then get out.”
“No. I rented it?” He slips the key out of his pocket.
“You didn’t,” the man counters, holding up his own key. ”I never agreed to it.”
TK shakes his head. “Oh, I get it. It’s a scam. They rent it out to like five people and run off with the first months’ payments. Jesus, I don’t have energy for this.”
The man’s frown deepens. “I’ve been living here for ten years. This is all my stuff.” He looks around the apartment and his expression changes to one of disgust. “God, the least you could do is use a coaster. Look, there's rings on my coffee table now.”
TK furrows his brows and scoffs cry.
“I will go get cleaning supplies so you can fix it.”
“Wait, what?” TK follows him into the kitchen but when he rounds the corner, he’s gone. “What is going on?”
“Have you ever picked up after yourself?”
TK whips around and there he is again with a trash bag, holding it out in his direction.
“How…” TK looks back into the kitchen. “How did you do that?”
The man rolls his eyes. “If you don’t clean up after yourself and then leave, I’m calling the police.”
He drops the bag on the counter and turns, walking straight through the wall and toward the bedroom.
continue reading on ao3
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slasherhaven · 4 years
Do you order Yandere? If so... Like the Slashers (Jason, Michael, Brahms and another of your choice) with a reader who has a boyfriend? And could you make an hc's of what their personality would look like if they were Yandere?
Yandere Headcanons for Thomas, Michael, Jason, and Brahms
(It’s Yandere so warnings for abuse. But I’ve kept it all SFW)
Thomas Hewitt:
Of course, Thomas comes across you because you are one member of the next group of victims.
Hoyt brought the reminding alive victims, you and a couple of your friends, back to the house to deal with there. 
Thomas was instantly attracted to you. And he is noticeably gentler when handling you, though that isn’t really saying much since he’s still manhandling you down to the basement and hanging you up by the restraints on your wrists. 
But at least he isn’t hurting you to the extent he is hurting your friends, not caring about how he treats them.
The family might notice the difference but you certainly don’t.
He has to get permission from Luda May and Hoyt but he does get it. They let him keep you.
Luda May wants him to be happy and is giddy at the prospect of grandchildren, she works fast.
Hoyt pats him on the back, saying something about him being a man and making some lewd comments.
Thomas still has to turn your friends into supper. But he won’t touch you. He won’t even make you watch.
He’ll take you out of the basement and up to his bedroom, locking you in there for safe keeping.
Then he deals with your friends.
He understands that you’re scared and have been through a lot, he isn’t stupid and won’t expect you to jump into his arms instantly.
Thomas kinda treats you like a pet.
He’ll get you new clothes (from victims), let you wash up, feed you, and well...pet you. Stroking your hair as a show of affection that wouldn’t completely scare you away.
After about two weeks, the family is going to start expecting things from you.
You’ll be doing chores with Luda May. Cooking, cleaning, washing clothes. Domestic type stuff.
While doing these chores with her, she will talk about you and Tommy. She’ll talk about you having kids and it’s best just to stay silent.
And yes, you will be eating what they eat. No choice in the matter.
If you don’t eat, either Thomas or Luda May is practically force feed you. They’re only looking after you, Y/n. Can’t you see that?
Thomas still treats you like a pet, he’s cautious around you in some ways. But he also holds you while he sleeps, so he isn’t really giving you the space that you need or want.
Everything is relatively fine unless you try to escape. Then it depends who catches you. 
Luda May is going to lecture you, calling you ungrateful, making threats.
Hoyt is the most dangerous. He’ll drag you back to the house kicking and screaming, throwing you around. You’re going to end up with some cuts and bruises, and he’ll threaten to kill you if you try that again.
If Thomas finds you, he’ll feel betrayed. He’s looked after you, cared for you, and now you’re trying to run away. He’ll throw you over his shoulder and take you back to the house.
While he may not physically hurt you other then his grip being too tight as he carries you back home, he will treat you worse. Having less patience with you. If you aren’t going to try, he is going to grow frustrated.
In his eyes, he loves you and you should love him because he’s taking care of you. He does have the image of a future, of having a family with you.
The only issue is that...you don’t want that, not with him.
But it’s not like you have much of a choice at this point.
If Stockholm syndrome finally kicks in and you start to ‘warm up’ to him, he is thrilled. This is what he has been waiting for.
If you had a boyfriend in that group of friends, he isn’t a problem. Hoyt either shot him or Thomas killed him. Either way, nobody considers him a threat. But now that he is gone, you can be happy with Thomas, right?
Michael Myers:
You become Michael’s obsession when he sees you one day. He doesn’t get that familiar urge to kill you, this is...different and he isn’t sure what it is but he wants to learn more.
He finds himself watching you, stalking you. Just observing for now.
He feels extremely possessive when you are talking with other people.
This continues for a while. Michael growing more risky, slowly getting closer and more brazen.
You’ll start to feeling like you’re being watching, constantly looking over your shoulder, checking the locks on your doors and windows.
But Michael will still get into your house, without you even knowing, and will snoop around. 
Watching you in your own home, silent and unseen.
Eventually watching just isn’t good enough for him.
Michael wants to get closer to you, he wants you to know that he is there, and he doesn’t want you talking to other people. 
His possessiveness increases every day.
Then you’ll start seeing him out of the corner of your eye, only for him to not be there when you look more closely. It’s like a silent threat.
Finally, finally, Michael does something about it.
He still doesn’t feel the need to kill you, which is infuriating to him.
You’re on his mind all the time and he hates it. It’s distracting!
It’s time to get you to himself.
So, he kidnaps you. What did you expect? He’s going to keep you in his old house, where he can keep an eye on you and make sure he always knows where you are.
Assuming your going to put up a bit of a fight, you’re no match against Michael. He’s stronger, faster, always one step ahead.
Don’t even bother screaming, he’ll just gag you. He can’t be having anyone hear you and come investigating.
Out of these four slashers, Michael is the most physically abusive. He likes hurting you, seeing the marks he leaves behind as if he is claiming you. Whether it be bruises or cuts.
Michael doesn’t understand love anyway so he isn’t deluded in thinking that he loved you or that you would ever love him.
He owns you. 
And a part of him even hates you. He hates that you’re on his mind, that he feels the need to keep you alive. If anything you are a burden to him.
You are his. He owns you. He has claimed you.
Michael doesn’t care if you ‘warm up’ to him or develop Stockholm syndrome. You don’t have to like him, you just have to know that he owns you. You just have to obey and things will be a little easier for you.
If you had a boyfriend, he would have hated seeing the two of you together before he finally took you. You might not even know about him but Michael had claimed you, you were his so how dare this random man lay a finger on you.
When Michael takes you, he’s proving that he owns you. You’re his, not that boyfriend of yours. Well, ex-boyfriend.
Will go and find your boyfriend to kill him. Has to eliminate him. Has to show the boyfriend that you’re Michael’s now.
Jason Voorhees:
Jason sees you when you and a group of friends decided to stay at the abandoned camp.
He just plans on tending to all of you the way he usually does but you capture his interest and he finds that...killing you isn’t the right answer. No, his mother would like you.
But your other friends had to go, that’s just how it was.
Jason kills your friends, saving you for last but making sure you can’t escape.
When he finally catches up with you, instead of killing you he throws you over his shoulder and carries you back to his little rundown cabin.
Fight and scream all you want, it isn’t going to help. He is far stronger than you and nobody is around to hear you.
If the screaming does start to annoy him though, he will gag you.
He’ll keep you in the cabin. You’ll have something similar to free range of the place when he is there but he is always watching you. But when he is out, you’re locked in one room just to prevent you escaping.
Now, Jason won’t hurt you...unless he feels he has no choice.
If you try to escape or fight him, he will use his strength to put you in your place.
He’ll feed you but...well, he isn’t a good cook. It’s better if you offer to cook but he will be watching your every mood in case this is some sort of trick.
He’s one of the more patient slashers, understanding you’re scared but if you don’t start to calm down soon, he’s going to get frustrated. Not knowing how to deal with it.
The whole reason he took a liking to you in the first place was because he thought his mother would like you, that she told him to let you live, to keep you. So he did.
Now, he actually isn’t going to be too pushy with affection. His mother raised him better.
But he’s expecting you to warm up to him eventually. 
If you do (or at least fake it) things will be easier for you. 
If you don’t, Jason is going to start getting frustrated and more insistent on affection.
If you had a boyfriend, Jason would see him as tainting you. He was no good for you, couldn’t you see that. He had only been watching you all for an afternoon and he already knew it.
Your boyfriend would simply be killed along with your other friends, nothing too special. 
Now those bad influences are out of your life and now you have him. It’s better this way, it’s better for you. You were too good for them, to him. Jason will help you see that.
Brahms Heelshire:
Brahms first sees you the usual way, when you come to be his new nanny. Or the doll’s new nanny?
And he is instantly infatuated with you.
Of course he is watching you at all times, sure that once a few weeks have passed that he must know you better than anyone.
You’re belongings start going missing and you begin to think you’re going crazy.
In reality Brahms is just stealing them and keeping them up in his room in the walls.
You all saw the Greta Doll, he has that but made from your belongings instead.
Will return your clothes when your scent has faded and takes different ones instead.
He’ll gets brave. He’ll be in your room while you’re sleeping, standing right beside your head. All you had to do was open your eyes and you’d see him but you never did.
After a while of this, Brahms would finally reveal himself to you.
Because he just couldn’t stand it anymore. He had to have you see him, he had to touch you, to have you look at him and actually speak to him
He had too.
He’s still cautious, knowing that you might not react well to him.
Unlike the other slashers, he expects affection and kindness almost instantly.
He loves you and showed himself to you with the belief that you would love him too. Why wouldn’t you? You’d look after him...you’d love him...right?
Of course you put 2 and 2 together. This is Brahms, who was a fully grown man who had been living in the walls...the whole time you had been staying in the house.
If you run, he will chase. And he isn’t going to let you get away.
If you fight him, you’re just going to make him mad. And that’s when he’s going to hurt you. Will probably tell you that he doesn't want to hurt you but you’re not being good.
It’s best to play along and take the time to plan your escape.
He’ll have you following the rules still. Cooking, cleaning, not leaving the house, and of course his goodnight kiss.
Brahms is always around you, always standing too close. Breathing down the back of your neck.
For a little while, he is pretty docile (as long as you play along).
He’ll try to touch you but obey if you gently push his hand away. When you tell him to sit down and eat, to go to bed, or to have a bath, he will listen and do as you say. That’s why you’re here after all, to look after him.
But it’s all an act. He lets you think that you have some control when in reality he has it all.
Maybe it helps you feel more comfortable, it helps you relax.
But as soon as you act on that plan to escape? That’s all gone.
Brahms will catch you and he simply won’t allow it. You’re not leaving him, Y/n, you can’t leave his side.
When he realises that you’ve been pretending and that you aren’t warming up to him at all, he completely flips.
He’s no longer acting docile or like a child. He is a fully grown man, this is his house, and he is in charge her.
He definitely feels a sense of ownership over you. You are his, why can’t you see that?
If you had a boyfriend who decided to visit, don’t show him any affection, get him out of the house as fast as possible and just get rid of him. That’s the only way to save his life.
If you show him affection, tell him about Brahms, or try to escape with him, Brahms will just kill your boyfriend and capture you again. Telling you that you are his, that you’re supposed to love him. Him, not anyone else.
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imagine-docx · 4 years
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Summary: Being best friends with Bucky, he always thinks you’re trying to get with Steve, when in reality, that is far from the truth. [college!chubby!]
Warnings: Swearing.
A/N: helloooo, i know i have been practically dead. but post secondary really ain’t it chief. here’s a small chub buck fic before i go back into the void that is my 3 hour online zoom lectures. - amanda 💛
»»————- ★ ————-««
First year religion, with Professor Hill was quite possibly the most boring class to exist, but hey, that’s how you met Bucky Barnes. First year religion was a mandatory course that you had to take for psychology, and Bucky had to take for history. During the first lecture Prof Hill made you turn to the person next to you and discuss ideas, which happened to be Bucky. 
The two of you felt so comfortable with each other, that you were always sitting next to each other during lectures, and eventually becoming the bestest of friends. To the point where you two spent breaks together, Friday nights together, hell he even came to a few of your classes, even though he shouldn’t be there as he wasn’t enrolled in them. 
Even Bucky was surprised at this close friendship. He always had the small thought in the back of his mind saying, “She’s just using you for an easy ninety. Once the semester is over, she’s gone.” But to his surprise, here you were in your fourth year, still as strong as ever. 
He could pinpoint the moment he realized he was in love with his best friend. 
Second year, it was a random party that Thor was holding around early November. You were wearing a basic grey long sleeved shirt, some dark blue ripped jeans, and a pair of heels. You were dancing with Nat and Wanda, and he felt the switch in him flip, and he saw you in an affectionate way.
Needless to say, he left the party and went through a crisis at two am in the back of an Uber, at his new realization. 
Since that day, he kept his feelings to himself. Not even telling his best friend Steve about the feelings he harboured towards you. 
He always felt insecure whenever he was around you. You were always glowing, even when you had no makeup on and were in sweats on the days you had 9 am lectures. You were always this ball of sunshine that anyone would be glad to hang out with. But here he was, stomach protruding over the top of his jeans, sweaters used to hide how thick his arms actually were, and all around embarrassed about the way he looks. You could never possibly like someone like him back.
»»————- ★ ————-««
It was the rare Friday night, where the two of you couldn’t meet because you had a gender studies essay to write, and he had an essay due for ancient civilizations. But, of course, the two of you were on FaceTime.
“You going to Thor’s party tomorrow?” He asked, typing in his name and student number.
“Depends, I still have three readings and a discussion post over my head for Drax.” You responded, finishing up the last sentence.
“You should come, you’ve been pulling essays out of your ass since the semester started. You need to have some fun,” Bucky said, studying your face as you yawned.
“Perks of being a social science major,” you responded, making slight adjustments to your essay.
“Please?” He begged, “I need my best friend there.”
“We will see.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
God, three years later, and he still didn’t understand how you pulled off every look possible. Last night you were in one of his hoodies, hair greased, and no makeup on. Today you were pulling off a slightly oversized band tee, some ripped jeans, hairstyled and effortless makeup.
“Didn’t expect you to be around here, thought Drax owned you tonight” Bucky jokes.
“Thought about it. But a certain Brooklyn boy talked me into coming. There’s always pulling an all nighter tomorrow night,” you said, taking a drink from your cup.
“Glad to know I am useful.”
The two of you spent a good chunk of time talking by the bar. The two of you didn’t stop until Sam pulled him away for some beer pong. 
You debated going over to your friend group, but from where you were, it looked like they were wasted out of their minds. And talking to them will probably result in them drunkenly saying that you should fess up and admit your crush to Bucky. And knowing your exact luck, he would be around, and that would be a hard hole to dig yourself out of. 
You decided that you were gonna get some peace in the kitchen. You were sitting on one of the counters, hearing drunken screams, while scrolling through Instagram. 
“You know, it would be easy to tell him how you feel,” you look up to match the voice to the person, only to see Steve.
“And I am assuming Nat did some drunk mumbling to you,” you mumbled, looking down into your cup.
“Or anyone with eyes could see the way the two of you look at each other,” Steve said, leaning against the fridge next to the counter you sat on.
You let out a sigh, “He doesn’t see me in that way. I’m just his best friend.”
“He looks at you like you hung every single star in this galaxy. I should know, I was told I look like that when I look at Nat.”
You laughed and punched him in the bicep, “At least the loverboy admits it.”
Bucky was looking for you, passing by the kitchen he saw that you and Steve were smiling, laughing and talking. He never realized how much of a couple the two of you looked like. Absolutely perfect for each other.
He felt nauseous and decided to head home. Of course you wouldn’t like him, you liked guys who were fit, like Steve. An absolute sweetheart, like Steve. Someone who could care for you, like Steve. Steve.
»»————- ★ ————-««
The next morning, he saw that you were calling and kept the talking to a minimum, saying he didn’t feel good and hung up.
He needed to get his feelings in check before he exploded. 
From then on, he always scheduled stuff with Steve too. You deserved it.
You deserved happiness, even if it was with Steve and not him. 
He would make coffee dates on campus, and never show up. Or invite you for movie night at the apartment, and at the absolute last second ‘have his shift extended’ at work.
»»————- ★ ————-««
At some point, he just started blatantly ignoring you. From phone calls, to texts, to even practically running away from you.
The last straw for you was the day your sociology professor let you go early for the day. And you were already feeling under the weather, so you just decided to head back to your dorm, and spend the rest of your day taking it easy. 
While you were walking down the tunnel from your class, you saw an all familiar head of hair walking in the opposite direction. You shouted his name several times, and practically ran after him. And you knew he saw and heard you, but continued to walk away from you.
You finally stopped, realization hitting you. He doesn’t like you anymore, and you don’t know what you did. You took a deep breath, turned around and walked back to your dorm.
You sat on your bed, confused as to what the fuck you did to him for him to do this. At that point, you gave him the space he wanted. You stopped texting him, calling him, even going over to his apartment.
»»————- ★ ————-««
What caused Bucky to do all of this? Two days prior, he finished his contemporary civilizations class and was on his way to the student centre to get something to eat before his colonial encounters class. 
When he walked into the centre, he was greeted with you and Steve sitting at a table, laughing about something, while drinking bubble tea. 
He felt something stab him in the chest. It’s supposed to be him. He’s supposed to be the one taking you out for bubble tea. He’s supposed to be the one making you laugh like that.
It was then he realized, he didn’t set up this meeting. He drew the conclusion, that he pushed the two of you closer together, and that neither of them wanted him to know.
He knew he was acting childish. But he didn’t care.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Since the encounter after your sociology class, you haven’t messaged him, called him, or even made the effort to see him. It was starting to bother him. He felt empty.
He missed the random texts he would get from you about something stupid in your readings. Or the ‘I accidentally watched too much Netflix, and my discussion post is due in an hour and I have NOTHING’ texts. Or you randomly calling in the middle of the night asking him if he wanted to meet up for milkshakes. 
All he would see was Instagram stories or posts of you. Whether it was you at a party getting wasted with your friends, or if it was you being cozy and studying, or you and your friends doing late night stupidity. He missed having you around.
Every single thought he has, would be of you. What were you doing? Who were you hanging out with? Did you get enough sleep? Did you eat anything for the day?
He eventually decided to start essays early just so his thoughts weren’t fogged by you.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Bucky was wrapping up his notes on his latest reading. As he closed his textbook, he felt something collide with the back of his head. He turned around to see Steve sitting on his bed. “What?”
“Why are you ignoring her?” Steve asked.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bucky turned back around.
“You damn well know what I am talking about. So, answer the question, why are you ignoring her?” Steve asked.
“Why do you care? That’s your girlfriend.” Bucky seethed. 
A laugh erupted from Steve, “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Then why do the two of you act like it.” He muttered.
“Because she’s giving me pointers on asking out Nat,” he responded, “I bet you feel so stupid.”
Bucky turned back around in shock, “Wait, you’re not dating her?”
“Never was. It’s cute seeing how jealous you are,” Steve said, getting up, “Go get your girl.”
»»————- ★ ————-««
Bucky has never sprinted out of his apartment so fast. He was about to walk up the stairs leading to your dorm, when he was about to open the door, the door opened revealing Carol. “Oh hey Buck. What are you doing here? You know she moved out like last month right?” she asked.
He never realized that you left the dorms, hell he didn’t even know where you were now. “Oh yeah, force of habit.” He nervously laughed.
“Anyways, I’m late for my date. Tell her I said hi!” She said walking off.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Bucky returned to the apartment and was pacing around. He didn’t know where you could have gone. Nat and Wanda had no space, so you wouldn’t be there. Your parents were way too far out, and you wouldn’t want to commute all the way back. His mind was running through possibilities. 
Steve and Sam were just looking on at the spiral that was occurring in front of them. “Does he…?” Sam asked.
“Nope.” Steve responded.
“Ah.” Sam responded.
“Where could she have gone though? I don’t get it.” Bucky said to himself. 
“Can I tell him?” Steve asked.
“Nah.” Sam said.
“Wait, you guys know where she is? Why don’t you tell me?” Bucky said with despair laced in his voice. 
Sam sighed, “Nat and Wanda.”
And with that Bucky practically sprinted out the door. 
»»————- ★ ————-««
Wanda and Nat were out for the night, leaving you in the living room finishing up your essay for sociology. Wrapping it up, you slapped the submit button, and headed for the shower.
Upon getting out and changing into some sweatpants and hoodie, you were contemplating what you wanted to eat. Until you heard a knock on the door, confused, you opened it to Bucky, you were about to close it but he managed to let out a, “Can I talk to you?”
You were about to say, “No.”
But once you heard his voice cracked, when he said, “Please,” your heart broke, and accepted talking to him.
»»————- ★ ————-««
The two of you sat on top of the building overlooking the city. Bucky was looking at the view of the city, whereas, you were sitting on the bench. 
He took note that you were shivering, and he shrugged off his jacket, wrapping you up in it. You were trying to shrug it off, when he said, “You’re gonna get sick.” You accepted that he was probably gonna tie you up in it so you don’t take it off, so you kept it on.
“So why did you ignore me?” You said, looking down at your feet.
“I thought you were dating Steve, and I got jealous. I know I pushed the two of you together, but I still couldn’t bear the thought of him being the one dating you.” He muttered, taking a seat next to you.
“Wait, you were jealous? Why?” You asked, confusion laced your voice.
“I really like you, god I’ve liked you for so long and you deserve someone better than me. Someone who’s fitter, someone who’s better looking, someone you would want to be seen with.” He said, looking down at his feet, hair falling into his face.
You pushed the hair out of his face, “No. I deserve someone who is willing to pick me up for burgers and milkshakes at 3 am. I deserve someone who is willing to drop anything they're doing to come and spend time with me. I deserve someone who would respond to my psych readings, even though they aren’t in my program. I deserve you.”
“You like me?” Bucky stammered.
“Wasn’t it obvious?” You asked. “I thought me calling you at three am because I missed you was obvious.
He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer, kissed your hair before muttering an, “I’m sorry.”
“I’m only accepting your apology under one condition,” you said.
He looked at you with the biggest eyes ever. Ready to do anything you even asked for. “Get bubble tea with me?” You asked.
“How about tomorrow we take a trip out of the city, to a zoo or aquarium, and bubble tea?” He said with pleading eyes.
“Only if it’s a date,” you said smiling at him.
“Anything for you.” he said, finally leaning into kiss you.
820 notes · View notes
softyoongiionly · 5 years
Can I Make a Mess Now?
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Jungkook’s never had sex before but, after realizing that he’s falling in love with you, he thinks he wants that to change.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Virgin! Jungkook, established relationship au, college au, smut, fluff.
Word Count: 4.8k
A/N: This is a part 2 to Will You Make a Mess Now? Please please please let me know what you think! Love you
Warnings: smut, language, 18+ only please.
Winter break never lasts long enough does it?
A few short weeks of bliss and then-
You’re forced out of the warm and lazy cocoon of holiday spirit and, back into the rigidity of modern education.
It’s not that you don’t enjoy your studies, it’s just that after nearly four years of exams and, group projects that never go exactly as planned; you are starting to feel burnt out.
It also doesn’t help that you spent the majority of your winter break sleeping over at your boyfriends house.
You got used to the weight of his head on your chest.
You got used to running your fingers through his hair; an act that lulled both of you to sleep.
You got used to waking up beside him every morning.
When the semester started once again, the two of you agreed that you’d reserve overnight stays to weekends only.
As encouraging as you were of each other’s success, copious amounts of alone time is a (delightful) distraction.
Especially since the two of you began exploring the boundaries of your relationship.
At the beginning of winter break, Jungkook had revealed to you that not only was he a virgin but, he’s never been touched before.
After a bit of discussion, he decided that he wanted you to change that.
And boy did you…
You still can’t get the images of him falling apart beneath the firm grasp of your hand out of your head.
It’s arguably one of the best things you’ve ever seen.
Jungkook’s room became the safe haven for exploration.
Many cold nights were spent underneath his duvet, touching on each other until things eventually got heated enough for you to take turns making eachother cum.
Happy Holidays indeed.
There was one night in particular that things got a little out of hand.
In the heat of the moment, Jungkook had torn off your t-shirt, leaving the two of you to make out in your underwear.
He positioned you on his lap with a low whine in his throat and, at the feeling of your heat pressing directly into his dick; he almost lost it right then and there.
It took everything in him to keep his hands steady.
To keep them from ripping your panties off…
However, he succeeded and although, it was painful to slow things down, he knew it was the right thing to do.
The only problem is, that night increased his desire to a level he’s never felt before.
He knows he wants you to be his first but; he’s so particular and, so sensitive to his surroundings that he wants to make sure everything is perfect.
Perfection is a concept he frequently struggles with and, although he’s lessened his standards over the years, he still finds himself reverting back to his old habits.
Losing his virginity is a big deal for him.
He can’t help that.
And because it carries so much weight, he feels the need to hold off until the moment is 100% right.
But, how does he define such a thing?
He knows he wants you.
He knows you want him.
He knows he’s falling in love with you…
So, how is a perfect moment established?
Can you plan it?
Jungkook doesn’t know but, he’s starting to believe that he can’t.
His brothers don’t understand his issues.
Seokjin’s been with his girlfriend for two years and, every time she comes to visit, he can hear her moaning through his bedroom door.
An event that continuously scars him.
Namjoon is engrossed in his studies so, he doesn’t make time for relationships.
But one time, when he was looking for his laptop, Jungkook walked in on him getting his dick sucked.
He’s still never gotten that image out of his head.
Hoseok literally attended an orgy two months ago.
Jimin’s dating his childhood sweetheart.
Taehyung stays over at the sorority house at least twice a week.
And, last but not least, Yoongi frequently walks around sporting various love bites and scratch marks after a night with his girlfriend.
Jungkook’s spoken with his hyungs’ regarding sex a few times but, it’s never a conversation he initiates.
He’s far too shy to openly speak about these things.
But from what he’s gathered, sex is top notch.
None of his brothers could think of anything that feels as good, although Yoongi did cite sleeping as a close second.
After a long week of lectures and tedious lab work, Jungkook has finally decided that he wants to lose his virginity.
Or at least…he’s ready to talk about it…
He starts off guns a blazing: he sends you a text trying to appear nonchalant despite the fact that his heart is currently pounding in his chest.
Jungkook: do you want to come over tonight? 
Jungkook: there’s a new season of that anime we started watching :)
His message does the same bit of damage on your heart because, although you two have been dating for quite some time, you still get excited at the thought of seeing him.
You: plzzz
You: this first week has killed me
You: I need to relax so bad
You: my brain cell count has dropped to dangerously low amount.
Jungkook chuckles to himself, shaking his head at your response.
Jungkook: wow
Jungkook: lower than normal???
Jungkook: that’s pretty bad jagi :/
You giggle, already gathering your toothbrush and, various other items needed for an overnight stay.
You:  I know
You: it’s a tragedy : (
Despite the playful banter between the two of you, Jungkook is furiously moving around his room, cleaning every inch of it.
He’s dusting the shelves, vacuuming his floor, rearranging his figurines on his desk.
He feels like a mad man…
Jungkook: lol you’re ridiculous
Jungkook: you can come over around 7 if you’re ready; I’m just finishing up an assignment.
Jungkook: miss you <3
Your boyfriend is literally sour patch kid.
You: miss you too 
You: falling asleep without you sucks
You: 10/10 would not recommend
Jungkook smiles, gripping his phone in his hand, a flurry of emotions stirring in his stomach.
Jesus, he really likes you…
Jungkook: stay the night then
Jungkook: I’ll make sure you sleep better tonight
He feels proud of himself.
He initiated you coming over, he’s holding a playful/flirty conversation with you, and he’s totally not freaking out at the fact that he’s going to have to tell you he’s ready to have sex.
Okay, the last part is definitely a lie but he’s just gonna go with it.
You: on my way :)
Jungkook receives this text from you roughly two hours later when he’s getting out of the shower.
He deep cleaned his bedroom, put fresh bedding on his mattress, scrubbed every inch of his body and, now he was standing in front of the mirror with nothing but a towel on his hips.
He takes time slathering lotion all over his skin, hoping that you like the vanilla-honey scent before applying a copious amount of deodorant.
He shaved in the shower, taking his time to remove the bit of hair around his crotch because it makes him feel cleaner.
Jungkook’s hair is getting longer too so, he’s been putting leave in conditioner on his ends to keep them healthy and spritzing his hair with anti-frizz serum.
After roughly 20 minutes of primping, he gets another text from you as he’s pulling on his sweat pants.
You: Here <333
Jungkook feels his stomach twist whilst reading your message.
Here goes nothing…
You’re standing outside the door of Jungkook’s house, dressed in a hoodie and a pair of leggings.
Comfy works out for you because, it requires minimal effort and, it’s also your boyfriend’s favorite look on you.
So, it’s a win win.
Given the fact that you and Jungkook usually end up fooling around, you took the time to exfoliate and shave whilst you were in the shower.
You may have also worn a new lacy red bra that had arrived in the mail earlier that day…
But, who knows?
“Yahhh there she is…”
You instantly light up as Jungkook eagerly swings open his front door, quickly pulling you into his grasp.
He smells amazing but, he feels even better and, you waste no time in pulling him close to you.
“I missed you.” You mutter into his hair
He grins, hugging you a bit tighter and, ushering you inside, “Missed you too, are you cold at all?”
Stepping through the threshold of his door, you notice that he’s freshly showered himself, his hair is damp and stringy but, it frames his face perfectly
“A little bit but, I plan on using you for warmth really soon so, I’m good.”
His hand is intertwined with yours as he leads you up to his room and, his face lights up with a smile.
“I got a new duvet on Tuesday, it’s really warm but,” He places a hand on his chest. “,you can still use me though, I missed having you here.”
Jungkook mutters the last half of his sentence, his cheeks warming up at his confession before he pushes open the bedroom door.
You don’t comment on his shyness but, it makes you smile and lean into him a little more.
His room is always clean but, the fresh scent of his disinfectant spray is slightly more pungent than normal. It isn’t a harsh smell; it’s a soft lavender cleaner that he special orders from Korea.
He absolutely hates the scent of bleach.
“It’s a nice color huh?”
Jungkook gestures to the muted grey of his new bedding, which is carefully placed over his mattress.
“I love it, it’s very you.” You smile as your eyes scan the room, “it matches your furniture really well too.”
His eyes light up, “Yeah, yeah that’s why I got it. I knew it would look good with the- um the desk and the dresser and stuff. See, I knew you’d notice that…you always notice things like that.”
Before you can respond he’s speaking again, his tone slightly uneven, “Um do you want to lay down? I know you said you were cold. I can hold you if you want-“ He grimaces at his word choice, not fully understanding why his nerves are taking over already, “not that  I don’t want to or anything. I do, I just…I know you’re cold.”
You touch your hand to his cheek, bringing his wandering eyes back to yours, “Are you ok?”
Jungkook swallows, his eyes locking with yours, “Y-Yeah, I just don’t want you to be cold…”
You’re not convinced.
Although the two of you have only been together for 6 months, you like to think you’ve gotten to know Jungkook really well. He isn’t exactly a closed book and, when he’s nervous about something, it’s fairly obvious.
“Are you suuuure?”
The question is paired with a soft kiss to his lips and, Jungkook can’t help but smile when you do, his posture relaxing slightly.
“I’m sure, I’m just happy you’re here. It was weird not seeing you all week.” He tucks a stray hair behind your ear before, pecking your lips.
Again, you’re not convinced but, you don’t want to pry.
He’ll tell you when he’s ready.
The matter of his worries is dropped and, Jungkook quickly (and neatly) pulls back the covers so, that the two of you can slip underneath them.
Moments later, you’re nestled against your boyfriend’s side, draping your arm over your stomach.
“You smell good…” You mutter against his sweater, nuzzling gently against the material.
Jungkook grins triumphantly, silently patting himself on the back for his choice of lotion.
“Thank you,” His chest vibrates with the sound of his voice, “so do you…”
With that, he tentatively raises a hand towards your hair, allowing his fingertips to brush over the top of your head.  
The anime begins playing but, you’re more focused on the way his fingers feel, as you melt into the soft fabric of his sweatshirt.
And halfway through the first episode, Jungkook’s motions are beginning to take a toll on you.
But not in the way you’d normally expect…
He’s smiling softly, admiring the way you sigh at his touch, taking time to play with the ends of your hair before massaging gently at your scalp.  
“You’re going to make me sleepy…” You mumble contently, a few minutes later and, Jungkook chuckles breathlessly beneath you.
“That’s ok; you can sleep if you need to.”  
He means it.
Jungkook had other things on his agenda but, now that you’re here, all he cares about is your comfort.  
“Don’t wanna sleep-“ You nudge your nose against his ribcage, “I missed you.”
With another chuckle, he traces his fingers over the edges of your hairline, brushing over the shell of your ear.
You can feel goosebumps rising on your skin but, it’s not intrusive or sudden, they come on slowly along with a type of comfort that only Jungkook can provide.
“I’ll be here when you wake up.” He soothes, his motions continuing over the arches of your brows before, he traces back up the expanse of your forehead. “I promise.”
You can feel yourself smile as your blinking slows, taking another deep breath whilst your body seems to melt into him.
The heaviness in your eyelids is growing despite your best efforts to warrant off your exhaustion.
You didn’t want to nap, you wanted to spend time with your boyfriend but, when he tucks his fingers beneath your hair and, begins scratching gently on your scalp, the threat of sleep becomes more prominent.
“Sleepy girl…” He teases, a fond smile on his lips as he watches your eyes finally close. His thumb brushes over your cheek, gently pinching at the skin before, returning his hand to your hair.
This warms you from the inside out and, sooner or later you can’t help but, drift off into a light sleep.
Jungkook smile grows and, he slows his movements to a stop before tugging on the duvet until it covers your shoulders.  
He decides in that moment that he really wouldn’t mind spending every night just like this; tucked under the covers, falling asleep in eachother’s arms.  
He changes the show to something you’ve already seen; he doesn’t want to watch the anime without you.  
After some time has passed, you slowly come out of your slumber, happy you’re still laying on your boyfriend’s chest.  
You peer up at Jungkook to see his brow furrowed in concentration as his gaze is locked firmly on the screen.  
A smile immediately finds it’s way onto your lips, your finger reaching out to bop him on the nose.
He jumps at first, not understanding the source of the interruption before he quickly matches your smile, ““Yah she’s awake. Did you have a good nap?” He thumbs over your cheek once more and, you’re overcome by the urge to press a kiss against his lips
He’s willing and able to accept it.
His hands come up to hold you against him and, he slowly begins to move his lips against yours
His nose wrinkles with the joy on his face as he presses more kisses to your lips.
“I’m sorry I fell asleep, I just haven’t been getting to bed on time this week...”
An adorable pout comes over his mouth, “Don’t be sorry, I’m glad you were able to get some rest. It’s not late or anything.”
It’s well past sunset but, Jungkook’s vanilla cake candle is providing enough light to illuminate the details of your boyfriends face.  
You kiss him again, just because he’s cute and you can, “What did you do while I was out?”
His head reclines against his pillow again but, he tugs you closer, ensuring that you remain against him.
“I watched a few episodes of Naruto...” He admits, “I’ve seen it a million times but, I never get tired of it.”
Your arms drape over his shoulders as the upper half of your body rests over his chest. The wispy ends of his black hair are too cute to resist so you absentmindedly toy with them as you respond,
“I get it, I have a few different shows that I’m like that with; I swear I’ve seen The Office so many times I could quote it in my sleep.”  
A half smirk curves on the end of his mouth, “Yeah that’s a good one too, Jin hyung watches that show all the time.”
You giggle, tucking a bit of hair behind his ear, “Ah that explains a lot actually, Jin and Michael Scott have a lot in common.”
He chuckles at that, nodding in agreement, leaning his head against your hand.
“Which character do you think you are?”
You purse your lips, mulling it over, your eyes narrowing in thought, “Hmmm that’s a tough one cause like- I wanna say Kelly because, she’s amazing but in reality, I’m probably more of a Kevin.”
Jungkook’s smirk grows, “Isn’t that the guy who dropped his chili all over the place?
With a dramatic sigh, you nod, “God, I’ve never related to anyone more in my entire life...”
A full belly laugh comes from your boyfriends pretty mouth, his body trembling beneath you as he shakes his head.
It’s one of your favorite sounds, especially when it gets all high pitched like it is now.
“Jagi you aren’t Kevin...” He insists, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye, “You are cooler than him.”
“You’re just saying that because you see the best side of me; in reality I am 100% Kevin.” You giggle, tucking more hair behind his other ear.
He still chuckles, shaking his head before nodding to you, “Who do you think I am?”
This definitely gets your brain going.
“I’m leaning towards Jim, you guys have a lot in common.” You nod as you continue to think about their similarities, “Yeah, you both have the same sense of humor and, even though you’re more sexy in an obvious way, you both have the same kind of sexiness?? If that makes sense?? But, you’re definitely hotter than Jim.”
You force your train of thought away from the office- style fantasy that pops into your head as Jungkook feels something stir deep in his gut.
“You think I’m sexy?”
You can’t help but laugh at the surprised look on his face, you swear you’ll never understand how Jungkook doesn’t see how hot he is.
“Duh.” You seal your response with a kiss but, Jungkook surprises you by sitting up and tugging you onto his lap.
He chuckles at the squeal that leaves your lips but, he carries on kissing you, his hands sliding up your outer thighs.
You don’t know what prompts his motions but, you’re not really in the mood to ask.
You’d much rather sit on your boyfriend’s lap and, make out with him.
“Can you-” He whispers against your lips, slightly breathless, “Can you say it?”
Your eyes flutter open to catch the shyness in his, “Can I say what?”
Warmth floods the apples of his cheeks, “Can you say that you think I’m sexy?”
A smirk teases the corners of your mouth and, tentatively you roll your hips against his.
“Are you trying to get hard Jungkook?”
You can hear him gulp, his eyes widening a bit before he nods.
With a smirk still on your lips, you tilt his head back, moving your fingers through his hair as you slowly begin placing kisses up the side of his neck.
His breathing picks up and, god help him, he immediately feels his dick hardening in his sweats.  
Jungkook’s neck is a sensitive area and, you know exactly where his weak spots are.
As you reach the lobe of his ear, you feel his grip tighten on your hips, his mouth parted slightly to make way for his shaky breath.  
“Jungkook?” You whisper in his ear, biting your lip as you see him visibly shiver beneath you.
“I think you’re sexy.”  
You nibble on his ear before quickly reuniting your lips, your hands sliding underneath his sweater.
His skin is so soft, so warm beneath your fingertips and, there is a large part of you that wishes you could spend hours just touching and kissing your boyfriend’s body.
Jungkook is eagerly reciprocating your kiss whilst his hands slowly move back up the outsides of your thighs.
His plan to get hard definitely worked because, you can feel him poking against your hips and, you’re already thinking of all the different ways you can make him cum.
“Did you get hard for me?” You whisper against his swollen lips, nudging his nose
Instantly he nods, his hands tugging the hem of your hoodie.
You take the hint, pulling back from him in order to remove it.  
Your plan is to continue kissing him of course but, as Jungkook spots the fire-red lace cups supporting the swells of your breasts, he lets out a tortured sigh.
“Is that new?” He swallows thickly, biting his bottom lip, allowing his hands to trail up your hips before securing themselves against your waist.
All you do is nod, sticking your chest out a bit and, encouraging him to keep touching you.
Jungkook leans in, dragging the tip of his nose between your breasts, inhaling when he reaches the space between your color bones.
“Did you wear this for me?”
His voice is ragged but, it’s deeper than normal, due to the arousal coating his tone.
“I wanted to look pretty for you.” You whisper, running your fingers through his hair.
You can feel him smile against your chest, his wet lips trailing back to tops of the bra, “You’re always pretty but this-” He grows bolder, biting softly at your breast, “this is torture”
A giggle bubbles past your lips, as you roll down against him once more.
“Jagi I-” The sensation of pleasure that toys with his body acts like a truth serum and, in an act of desperation that he definitely didn’t plan, a confession tumbles from his mouth, “I want you.”
But you don’t quite catch his drift, still rocking slowly against him, arousal slowly beginning to unravel you, “I want you too.”
No like,” He pulls away, his eyes glazed over with desire as they lock onto yours, “I want to be inside of you...”
It’s like a punch to the gut really, the way your boyfriend’s voice seems to quake under the weight of his admission.
You cup his cheek, “Really? Are you sure?”
He nods eagerly, licking his lips before turning to press a kiss to the inside of your wrist, “I want you so bad...”  
You’re quick to capture his lips then, kissing into him with more fervor than you ever have.  
"Can you do it for us Noona?” He croons into your mouth, his eyes darkened with lust as they plead with yours.
A nod is all you can manage at his devasting way of asking you to ride him.
For the first time...
You’re pulling off his sweater, securing your lips to his once more, kissing on them as you lean him back against the pillows.
Your bottoms are removed, leaving you completely naked as you tug his sweats down his legs.
Jungkook’s erection looks painful and, you feel yourself ache at the thought of finally being able to sit on it.
As you sit astride him once more, you lean down to press a kiss between his eyes before trailing your lips down the bridge of his nose to hover over his mouth.
He looks a little emotional, staring up at you as if you hung the moon just for him.
And you would, you’d do anything for him.
“Are you ready baby?” You whisper
He takes a deep and unstable breath through his nose but, gives you a nod anyway as he exhales through his mouth.
Right as you start lining him up with your entrance, Jungkook cups your cheek, his hand clammed up due to his nerves.
“Jagi?” He croaks
You kiss his hand gently, reassurance in your eyes, “Yeah?”
“G-Go slow please...”
You nod, “Of course, tell me if you want to stop at any point ok?”
He returns your nod before, letting out another breath as his head returns to his pillows.
Slowly but surely, you begin sheathing him in your heat, going as slow as possible so he can feel everything.
His body seems to freeze as you sink down on him, his hands tightening on your hips before a gasp leaves his throat.
Jungkook is quite sure he’s in heaven.
That’s the only explanation for the intense feelings of pleasure swimming through his body. He’s never felt anything so hot, so tight-  
So fucking good.
He’s going to lose his mind.  
With wide eyes, he stares up at you in awe, his lips parted as the length of his dick is fully inside of you.
You’re not fairing too well either because, Jungkook fills you up perfectly, nudging against the spot within you that makes your head spin.
“Is that ok?”
“ ‘ss so good...”  His voice is slurred as his hips jerk beneath you, sending a wave of pleasure through your core.
Biting your lip, you thumb his cheek, trying to hold it together, “Can I ride you now?”
You’re asking because, you want to make sure he’s prepared.
You know this isn’t going to last long but, you still want to blow his mind.
“I’m already so close jagi...I’m sorry...” He chokes on the end of his sentence when you start a pace on his dick, “Oh fu- oh my god...”
“Shh...don’t be sorry, you’re doing so good. You cum whenever you need to ok?”  
“Ah- Y/N...”  
His beautiful features are screwed up in pleasure, his hands falling off your hips because, he literally doesn’t have the strength to hold on at this point.
Jungkook’s breathing is growing rapid, as his eyes flit to where you’re connected, “Jagi I’m- I’m really inside...I’m really inside of you...” He marvels, his voice weak with emotion as his hips begin to meet yours.  
“You feel so good inside of me.” You assure him, increasing your pace which prompts his eyes to roll back momentarily.
“Will you kiss me? Please? I wanna kiss you when I cum...and I’m-” His eyes re-focus but, it doesn’t last long as you lean forward to brace your hands on either side of his head, “Jagi I’m gonna cum already...I’m gonna cum so hard. Oh sh- shit...”
You want every wish of his to come true.
You lean down to connect your lips, your hips moving faster and faster, wanting him to cum harder than he ever has in his entire life.
He whimpers into your mouth as his sweaty hands hold you tightly against his body.
“It’s...fuck I’m sorry, I’m sor- I'm cumming.” He chokes out, his grip tightening intensely as his hips weakly jerk with the force of his release.
He says your name as he cums inside of you, trying his best to kiss you properly but, it’s wet and sloppy.
You don’t care though, you ride him through his orgasm, keeping your lips connected.
“There you go, cum for me baby...” You coo, kissing all over his face as the pleasure continues to wrack his senses.
Jungkook knows his never cum harder in his life and, by the time his orgasm settles down, he’s properly spent.
He doesn’t completely register the feeling of you sliding off of him as his whole body is alight with tingles.
You make sure to clean him up, pressing gentle kisses to his stomach as you do.
You didn’t cum this time and, to be honest, it doesn’t really matter.
What you’ve both just experienced was too intimate to measure and, orgasms weren’t really the point this time.
Tucking into your boyfriend’s body you bring him close, tugging the duvet over his shoulders this time...
“Hi” He whispers, tucking his face shyly into your neck, his breathing not fully recovered.
“Hi you...”  
With a smile on your mouth, you press a kiss to his head, holding him tightly to you.
He kisses your chest, feeling ridiculous at how shy he suddenly feels, “I think-” He stops himself to peek up at you, a bit of moisture in his eyes, “I think I’m falling for you.”
Your heart throbs at his confession, kissing his lips once more before whispering, “I think I am too.”
Jungkook knows you didn’t finish and, he plans on addressing that when he settles down but right now, all he can do is hold you.
He thinks he’s finally figured it out:
You can’t plan a perfect moment because, perfection just doesn’t exist.
But as along as he’s with you, it doesn’t really matter.
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
It’s Because I Love you
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Summary: Soobin dug himself into a hole and needed his bestfriend to help him out
Genre: Fluff, Friends-to-lovers, Slow-burn(ish)
Word count: ~10k (oops sry)
💕 Requested 
A/n: to the anon that requested this. I’m so sorry this took me forever... haha~ I hope you liked it! And writing this actually reminded how much i like writing these. Do you guys prefer these kind of longer fics or the shorter reaction type fics?
Warnings: Some swearing
      “Y/n i fucked up.”
      Was first line that came out of soobin’s mouth when you opened the door. It wasn’t unusual for soobin to randomly show up at your place. But you really weren’t expecting his presence today, since you knew he would be busy packing to head home for the week break. You were about to greet him but before you could say anything, he beat you to it, his sentence laced with regret and panic.        “What did you do this time?” You answered, “aren’t you supposed to be packing?”        “I- excuse you what do you mean ‘this time’?” He mocked. “Okay, whatever, we’ll get back to that and yeah, i am, but I fucked up real bad,” he repeated.        “Huh?” You took a step back so soobin could enter. “Are you alright? What happened?”       “So you know how all my cousins and sibling are in a relationship right?” Soobin continued, making his way to your couch to sit down. Resting his head back against the cushions as he groaned.       “Yeah, what about it?” Tilting your head as the conversation got more confusing by the second. You closed the door behind you before joining him.        “Well... my brother just called me and may have been bothering me about being the only one that isn’t in a relationship...” he trailed off, “and erm, i may have said i... had a girlfriend. And now my family wants met her.”        You couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his confession, “you did what? You really dug yourself into a hole this time.”        Soobin was the youngest of his family. He was always the one that chose to focus more on his grades than actually making friends. Sure, he went to parties and drank every now and then, but other than that, he rarely did anything short of the ‘perfect son’. But despite all his efforts, there was always one thing his sibling could tease him about, and that was the fact that he was 21 and has never been in a relationship. Soobin always tried to not let this bother him, but i guess today, he just snapped.        “I really did,” he sighed. “That’s why i need your help.”        “How can i possibly help you out of this, soobin?” you ridiculed, glaring at him. “You do know that you’re one of my only friends, right? Meaning, I won’t be able to find anyone to play girlfriend with you.”         “Um, actually about that... i kind of told my family that my girlfriend goes to the same school as me and studies the same major as me. I also kind of told them that she has y/e/c eyes and y/h/c hair.” He sat up, looking for a reaction from you. Instead, all he saw was your blank expression, staring back at him. “Yeah so, if you hadn’t caught on yet, i might have, sort of, just described you to my family.”         Your eyes widened at his statement, you weren’t sure what to reply. You met soobin all the way back in high school, and you’ve stayed friends ever since — 5 years, 11 months, 23 days, to be exact. Not that you were keeping count or anything. You remember the first day you approached the shy boy, the new transfer student sitting at the back alone. He was the first friend you made there. And to makes things worse, you’ve had a crush on him, but you knew better than to confess and possibly ruin the friendship.         You’ve suppressed all your feeling since then. Maybe. Probably. Okay, no. But you’ve tried. And all this talk of ‘pretend girlfriend’ did nothing but make your heart start racing again.        “Why on earth would you do that!”        “I dont know! You were the first person that came to mind! So are you okay with doing me the favour of playing the role of my girlfriend?” Soobin said with a slight pout and puppy dog eyes. A move he knew you could never refuse, “You’re free this break, right?”        His sudden confession was like a blow to your heart. The first person that came to his mind... but it’s probably just because he didnt have many female friends, right?        “Erm...” you paused. The more you thought about his proposition, the more you found yourself weighing the consequences.        “Come on y/n. Please? We already get engaged every other week at clubs for free drinks. This won’t be that much different.”        “Would your family believe it? I mean, it’s me.”        “Sure they will. And it’ll be easy to fake it since you already know me.”        You paused for another second before replying. “Hm, right. Fine. But you owe me. Do i have to bring anything?” You were helping out a friend.         A friend. Nothing more, nothing less.        “Nope, just bring enough clothes. You don’t need anything too fancy,” he stood up, leaning down to give you a quick hug. As he walked towards the door, he looked over his shoulder before leaving your apartment. “Thanks for doing this, i really owe you. I’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow after our classes, alright? See you then.”
        After an hour, three outfit changes and completely unpacking and repacking your luggage twice, you were finally satisfied and ready to go. It was only a weeks worth of clothes in a small luggage, yet, you still found a way to overthink it. In the end, you had settled for a simple tee with jeans and a coat to keep you warm for the ride.         Already, you were beginning to regret your decision of going along with this whole ‘fake girlfriend’ act. It had nothing to do with soobin or his family. They were absolutely wonderful, his parents were kind, his siblings were fun and sweet and his baby nephew was, well, a baby. The only problem was what if your heart liked the idea of being his ‘girlfriend’ just a little bit too much?         You had met his siblings and parents a handful of times when they visited him at his apartment. They’ve always been nothing but nice to you, and now, you were going to have to lie to them. The more you thought about it, the more your mind was playing angel and devil with you. On one hand, you didn’t want to spend the weekend being dishonest and possibly screwing up the image soobin’s family had of you. But on the other, you wanted to be selfish and be able to call soobin yours, even if it were just for a few days.         You sighed quietly, sitting in your living room waiting for soobin to pick you up like he said he would. The entire day you had been unable to focus in your classes, whatever your lectures said just going right through your head. At this time on fridays, you would normally have found soobin dressed in any lounge wear he had, crashing at your place to watch whatever movie he found that week. But now, you were going to find him dressed up, ready to bring you to meet his parents. The relationship sure escalated quickly. Just as your mind started drifting further, your doorbell rang.        “U ready?” Soobin’s signature eye smile greeted you, his front bunny teeth exposed. You’ve always noticed how soobin’s appearance resembled that of a bunny, but no matter how many times you tried to tell him, he didn’t want to believe it.        “As ready as ill ever be,” you returned the smile, grabbing your luggage and locking your front door.        Well, this was it, no turning back now. Helping you with your things, soobin lead you to his car and started the journey. It was only about a 3 hour drive and a car ride proved to be a great distraction. You hadn’t been to soobins hometown before, so being able to look out the window and see the scenery was no doubt better than sneaking glances at soobin in the drivers seat. You just knew that if you saw soobin, with one hand on the steering wheel, and the other propped on the arm rest, you might have gone into cardiac arrest.        The ride was quiet for the most part, that was until soobin pulled up at a red light. “I made a playlist,” soobin flipped his phone around to show you and connect it to his car. “It’s like, if you were my real girlfriend, this would be the playlist i would share with you.”        You couldn’t help but smile when you realised how sweet soobin would be in an actual relationship. His future girlfriend is really lucky. But you had to control yourself, reminding yourself that it’s all just pretend for the week.        “I’m sure its great. You have great taste in music,” you faked a laugh. “Um... so... soobin? How exactly are we supposed to fake this? I mean, what we supposed to do? What will your family do?”        “Oh...” he started, his eyes focusing back on the road, the lights turning green again. “To be honest, i haven’t actually thought about that part yet.” Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as he thought. “Mmm, when my brother first brought his girlfriend home, my family teased him a lot, just to make fun of him and get her reaction. But they already did that with you whenever they visited me so... I’m not sure what they’ll do, honestly.”        “Oh...” That was completely unhelpful. Pulling your knees to your chest, you continued staring blankly out the window.        “Hey, don’t worry too much okay? We’ll just wing it like we do everything else. And that’s worked out for us so far, right?” Soobin chuckled, trying to comfort you. “As for what we need to do. I guess it’ll just be all that couple stuff like holding hands and hugging. And you’re already such a cuddly person, that shouldn’t be a problem for you. We got this, alright? And I’ll be with you the entire time.”        You nod a response, “yeah, we got this.”        On the outside, you tried to seem cool and composed. On the inside however, you were a mess. Sure, you and soobin already had your fair share of cuddles when he showed up for a movie night at your place. And on the days he was too lazy to go back to his dorm, you would find him whining and groaning for you to make him breakfast the next day. But now you were expected to act that way in front of his family? That was a whole new level of stress you didn’t think about when you agreed to this.         After a while more of driving, it was a little over 10pm when soobin finally pulled up alongside the curd in front of his house. The remainder of the car ride had been relatively silent, except for the playlist that soobin had made for you, and the occasional mindless singing you would start that turned into a carpool karaoke. Getting off, soobin unloaded his and your luggage and lead you to the front door.        Probably noticing your nervous state, soobin grabbed your shaking hands. “I’m right here alright?” He smiled, “it’s show time.”        With that, he rang the doorbell. And not 15 seconds later, soobin’s sister answered the door.        “Soobin!” She greeted, pulling him into a hug, “we’ve been waiting for you and- oh! Y/n! I knew it. Same major, y/e/c eyes, y/h/c hair. If it wasn’t you, i was about to kick his ass.”        “Hah, yeah, surprise?” You said, the last part sounding more like a question than a sentence.        “Aish, this boy. The previous night on the call, he just told us he’ll be bringing his girlfriend home, gave us a description but never told us who. Left us all to wonder who she was and well,” she chuckled, putting an arm around soobin’s shoulders, “if she even existed. I’m glad it’s you, the first time we met you, i already knew you two would end up together.”        “Wait, so you all took guesses on who it was?” Soobin chimed in, shooting a glare at his sister.        “Well, yea! All of us pretty much guessed y/n. Except for mom though, she’s kept quiet about it. But i guess it was just because she didn’t want to get her hopes up.”        Looking at soobins annoyed expression, you laughed. Shrugging of his sisters arm, soobin grabbed both your luggage, pushing past his sister and pulled them into the house. “Alright, alright, just let us in already, its freezing out here.”        “It’s nice to see you again y/n,” his sister said as she held the door open for you.        “Likewise.” You smiled before stepping in.        You’d never been to soobin’s house before. Sure, you’ve seen bits and pieces of it when the two of your FaceTimed over the holidays, but never in person. In the hallway where you stood, were the stairs that you presumed lead to the bedrooms. Sporadically placed were a few house plants that looked as if they had been watered quite recently.  The walls were littered with family photos, and most noticeably, soobin’s baby pictures. You smiled looking at them, taking a mental image of the cute, little baby this giant once was.        Closing the door behind you, soobins sister spoke, “you guys wait here. I think mom and dad are in the living room. I’ll go get them.”        As you saw her silhouette disappear towards one of the entries, you felt the nerves building up again, “soobin...” you tilted you head up to look at him, your face portraying nothing but worry.        “Don’t worry okay?” Taking your hand in his, gently squeezing for reassurance.“ Just follow my lead and pretend you’re in love with me. Which should be easy since I’m your favourite person,” he joked, in attempts to lighten your mood.        ‘Pretend to be in love with him’. Okay, shouldn’t be too hard, considering the fact that you actually were in love with him and spent years pretending not to be. “Yea, alright.”        Letting go of your hand, soobin walked forward to hug his parents when he saw them approaching.        “Soobin, we were starting to wonder how long more you would take,” his mom said. “How are you? How’s everything at school?”         “Everything’s fine,” he replied. Turning to you, he held out his hand for you to take. “Mom, dad, you know y/n.”        Accepting his hand, you stepped forward to greet his parents. Just hoping that your nervous trembling wasn’t too obvious to the naked eye.        “Ah of course! How could we ever forget,” his mom smiled.        “We always knew the two of you would end up together eventually. He’s always been so obvious about you,” his dad added, causing blood to rush to your cheeks, and soobin to immediately retaliate.        “Dad! Stop it. No i have not!” You looked around at him just in time to see him cross his arms and roll his eyes, cheeks pink and eyes shining. He met your eyes and looked away, but the grin on his face never faltered.        Hitting her husbands arm, soobins mom scolded, “aish, stop teasing them, they just got here. Speaking of which, have you two eaten?”        “No we havent, actually. We came right after school,” soobin answered.        “In that case, you can take yours and y/n stuff up to your room and get settled in. I’ll order some food for you. Pizza sound okay?” his mom spun soobin around, pushing him back to where your luggage laid.        “His room?” You thought out loud. Of course they were expecting you to share a room with soobin. What else could you have possibly thought.        “Of course his room,” his mom answered, “you have known each other for such a long time. And i have no doubts there are days that soobin stayed over at your apartment instead of his dorm anyway. There’s no way I’m letting you sleep on the couch.”        With that, you and soobin grabbed your things and headed up to his room. Sure, the nights soobin stayed over you have shared a bed before. But this time, it just felt different. Even though everything was still purely platonic, the element of you being in his home, pretending to be his girlfriend, was still no doubt intimidating.        “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Soobin asked rhetorically, snapping you out of your thoughts. He laughed, clearly taking the whole situation a lot lighter than you were.        Opening the door to his room, it was exactly how you pictured it when he called you. You stood at the doorway, it seemed so familiar, yet unknown at the same time. His bed in the corner of the room with a few pillows and plushies, at the other end, his desk and wardrobe filled with clothes he left behind. His walls were mainly bare, except for one that had a few old polaroids hanging loosing from the ceiling. It felt weird being there.        “Well, don’t just stand there,” soobin grabbed your luggage from you, pulling you in to the room so he could close the door behind you and crashing down on his bed. “First, let me give you the official welcome to mi casa. My family is a lot, but you already knew that. Make yourself at home.”        “Honestly, i cant believe they bought it so easily,” you let out, taking a seat next to him.        “Told you they would. My family probably loves you more than they love me.”        You laughed halfheartedly, still feeling a bit awkward about the whole thing.        “We should clean up before we head back to the wolves den for dinner. The bathroom is right down the hall to the right. You can go first, ill clear a drawer for you,” he offered.          You nod, gathering your things for the night.        This is all just pretend.
       The shower definitely helped calm you down a bit. You loved the warmth of the water against your skin.        “It’s just for a week. Dont get used to it,” you muttered to yourself.        Getting out, you quickly dressed yourself in a tshirt and some shorts. The normal attire you wore to sleep, anything else was always just uncomfortable for you.          “You’re turn,” you announced when you entered soobins room again.        “That was quick. Here, take one of my sweaters.”        “What for?” You shot him a look, raising brow. It wasn’t as if you hadn’t stole his hoodies before, it was just the fact that he was offering it this time.       “You’re supposed to be my girlfriend, aren’t you? Girlfriends always take their boyfriend’s clothes.”        Fishing a plain, red sweater out from his wardrobe, he threw it in your direction, hitting you directly in the face and causing you to yelp a little. “Besides, you already take all my hoodies. This is no different,” he continued, eyeing you as you pulled it over your head.        As usual, soobin’s clothes were huge on you. And this sweater was no doubt oversized, even for him. “How do i look?”        You looked to him when you didn’t get a reply. But this only caused him to turn away from you quickly, mumbling something to himself before answering, “it’s my clothes, it’ll look great on everyone.”        Scrambling to gather his things, he left for his shower. You could have swore you saw him blushing when he was looking at you. But you brushed it off as your overactive imagination. You decided to swiftly blow dry your hair before laying on his bed, scrolling through your phone while waiting for him. You were hungry, practically starving, but there was no way in hell you were going to face his family again on your own. With your new status, god knows what they would do or say.        A mere 15 minutes go by before you hear the door open again. Revealing a damp haired soobin, dressed in a white tee and sweatpants. A simple look you have seen many times over the years, but one that still made your head and thoughts hazy.        “Ready to go down?” He spoke, smirking at you, almost knowingly, “I’m starving.”        “Ye- yeah,” gathering your thoughts, bringing yourself back to reality.
       Dinner with the family wasnt all that bad. Sure, there was the occasional teasing and questions. But that was to be expected. Any parent would have been curious, right?        You let soobin take the lead on most of those. You didn’t want your cover to get blown by having any clashing answers. Once in a while you would feel soobin grab your hand under the table when he needed your help, but for the most part, they were the basic questions like “since when?” Or “who confessed first?”. The usual relationship stuff, nothing too hard. And it was a lot easier with the fact that it was you and soobin, the two friends that have mastered the art of bullshitting your way out of situations.         At the end of the day, the awkwardness ended soon after it started. With it being past midnight, Soobin’s family had long gone to bed, leaving you two alone in the dimly lit kitchen to finish up your dinner, which had quickly became supper.        “So, how was day one of being my girlfriend?” He looked over to you, munching on another piece of pizza. Even in that horrible lighting, he still managed to take your breath away. No one could possibly look good with dull, ugly, yellow kitchen lighting, but somehow, he did. The way the soft light bounced off his skin, partnered with the reflection in his eye that gave that perfect shine to them. You were sure you looked horrid next to him.        “Mmm, it’s alright i guess,” you teased, earning a pout from soobin. “You big baby. I’m just kidding,” nudging him on the shoulder, causing you both the laugh.        You didn’t know why this question surprised you as much as it did. Maybe you wanted to flip the tables, or maybe you just weren’t expecting the answer he gave. “So how was day one of having me as your pretend girlfriend?”        He thought about it for a second before facing you and speaking. “Honestly, it’s been fun. Even though we haven’t done much. But then again, i always knew you would be great girlfriend to someone one day.”        ‘Someone’. If only you could tell him how much you wanted that someone to be him. If only you had the guts to say what’s was on your mind.        “Want to play some music?” Breaking the silence, soobin picked up his phone, quickly scrolling through his playlists before stopping on one he named ‘midnight’. “It’s just some chill songs i found that i thought would be nice to listen to at night.”        The playlist started and the first song to play was ‘what falling in love feels like’.        “Oh, i love this song,” you mindlessly stated between bites.        “Really?” Soobin replied. “I never heard you listen to classical music.”        Your eyes widened slightly when you realised what you said. You didn’t just listen to classical music. You’ve also imagined what it would be like to slow dance to it.        “I never really told anyone... but i always wanted to dance with someone to this song. It’s kind of embarrassing to admit,” you trailed off, the surface of the counter suddenly becoming more interesting. The dead of night had you confessing unspoken words.        There was another second of silence. You could feel soobin’s stare on your face. He was judging you. You were sure of it. Now you were just mentally preparing yourself for a laugh-        “Let’s dance.”        “What?” You weren’t expecting that. You shot your head up, seeing his outstretched hand.        “Let’s dance,” he repeated.        You reached for his hand, but didn’t grab it. You were hesitant. Never would you have thought you’d be slow dancing with your crush — of over 3 years, in the kitchen of his childhood home — at midnight.         He held you hand, helping you to stand before twirling you into his arms. He lead your hands around his neck and his around your waist. You fell in step, letting the rhythm control your movements. Your eyes gazing into his brown, glistening ones, a soft smile on his face. It felt like a dream. Your surroundings and any other disturbances dissolved. It was just you and him. Right here, right now. You stayed like that, dancing. Everything felt just... perfect.        “You know i’d never judge you right?” He said, his eyes watching your expressions closely. “I know that’s what you were thinking earlier.”        You looked away, unable to find the right words. Soobin always had a way to read you so easily. Every once in a while he would remind you how expressive your face was. And you were certain a blush had crept to your cheeks when you heard soobin chuckle.        “You silly girl. You can tell me anything. You know that. After all, you are my best friend.”        “Right... best friend,” you offered a small smile to mask the resignation in your words.         And just like that, the song ended. Soobin let go your waist. Leaving nothing the ghostly feeling of where his hands once were and the sensation of having his body so close to yours.        “It’s nearly 1am. We should go to bed soon,” he nodded towards the clock on the stove. “You can head up first. I’ll clean up here and join you in a bit.”        You nodded. Once you were back in his room, you crashed on his bed. Regret and agony the only things left for you to feel.        Why did you agree to this. You knew it would be hard. But not this hard.        You rolled over to your side of the bed. And true to his word, soobin entered shortly after. Climbing under the covers with you, poking your side when you paid no attention to him.        You jumped, immediately facing him. “What was that for!?”        “Nothing,” he laughed. “It’s just fun to do that to you. I have a fun day planned tomorrow, so get up early. Good night y/n.”        “Good night, asshole.” You scoffed.
       The next morning you woke up to a post-it on your head. You tore it off and looked around the room but soobin was nowhere to be seen. You groaned, sitting up to stretch and read the note.        ‘Wake up sleepyhead. Come to the kitchen for breakfast.’        Oh, how you wished the entire night before had been a dream. But alas, it wasn’t. Pulling yourself out of bed, you cleaned yourself up and descend the stairs. The smell of fresh pancakes engulfing the entire house.        “Good morning y/n,” soobin’s dad greeted you when you entered the kitchen. “Grab a seat. Breakfast is almost done.”        “Your dad cooks?” You whispered as you pulled out the stool next to soobin.        “Mainly breakfast. But yes,” he whispered back.        Soobin’s dad placed a plate in front of each of you. 3 pancakes a piece, and more to come. “Butter or maple syrup?”        “Both,” soobin smugly answered.        “And you y/n?”        “Ill have both as well, thanks,” you smiled before facing soobin. “Where’s your mom and sister?”        “My mom went to the store. And my sister doesn’t get up till later.” Soobin grabbed the syrup his father had just put on the table and poured a generous amount. His attention was fully on his food.        You couldn’t help but grin at his childlike manner. He always loved breakfast. Or any dish that can be both sweet and savoury actually. You both enjoyed your breakfast, watching soobin’s father flip pancakes, cheering when it landed, and messing around while cooking as your morning source of entertainment.        “The pancakes are really good, mr choi,” you complimented.        “Why, thank you y/n. You always have been such well mannered,” he said. “Hopefully some of that will rub off on my son soon.”        “Hey! I am well mannered,” soobin retorted.        “Oh, really now,” you taunted, giving him a look of disbelief.        Soobin tsked, lightly pushing you over. “Okay, whatever. Anyways, hurry up. I’m going to show you around town today.”        “You two don’t come back too late now,” his father added. “And bring a coat, it’s supposed to get colder today.”        Stuffing down the remainder of his food, soobin linked your arms and dragged you out of the kitchen the moment he saw your plate empty.        “Hey! I’m not done yet, i wanted one mo-!”        “Bye dad!” Soobin interrupted, ignoring your plea.
       “So much being well mannered.” You mocked.        “Not my fault you wanted to eat so much,” he shrugged.        Both of you strolled along the road. You weren’t sure where soobin was bringing you, other than his aforementioned ‘town’. Despite it just being the two of you, soobin still dressed nicely, in a turtleneck and scarf with a black coat to go over it.        “Wait...” you started, noticing a passing sign. “Why does that say the town is the other way?”        “Cause i changed my mind. I’m bringing you somewhere else,” he replied, shooting you one of his, oh so charming, eye smiles. “I’ll bring you to town another day.”        “This way’s to the forest,” you raised an eyebrow. “Are you planning to kill me or something? After 6 years of friendship. This is how you want to end it?” You dramatically gripped your chest and joked. “I’m sorry for whatever i did. I can change, I swear.”        Soobin rolled his eyes and guffawed. “Of course. This has been my plan all along. To befriend you then brutally murder you among the trees where no one can find your body,” he played along. “Relax, I’m no murderer. An avid liar? Maybe. But not a murderer. I just want to show you something.”         You hummed a response and continued on your way. Not long after, soobin was leading you down a path in the deserted forest. As the path reached deeper into the woods, the trees got denser.        “Erm, soobin, where are we going?” You called from behind him. “I’m really starting to question the whole murder thing.”        You’re not going to lie when you say the woods kind of crept you out. You could have sworn you felt someone behind you. But when you turned around, there wasn’t a soul. The twigs and dead leaves making a deafening crunch under your feet as the — seemingly never-ending — journey continued.        “Just trust me,” he provided a simple answer that proved to be of no help in ensuring you.       As you continued, the sound of snapping twigs got louder. You turned the corner and the sudden sound of birds fleeing their nest startled you, causing you to jump and grab soobin’s coat from the back.         “Are you really that scared?” He laughed. “Don’t worry,” he continued, turning around and reaching for your hand. Gently running his thumb over yours the rest of the way. “We’re almost there. It’s worth it, i promise.”        Having his hand in yours definitely provided some comfort. But it was also making you feel things that you shouldn’t be feeling. After another minute of walking, you finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. The horrid crunching sound had been washed out by the sound of, well, rushing water.        A waterfall.        You gasped in astonishment at the clarity of the Caribbean-blue waterfall. It was spurting over the basalt rock, spilling eel-like over the ledges. Its clamorous passage at the foot of the mountain threw up bubbles of spray. They sparkled uneasily in the beams of light that shined through the leaves of surrounding trees.        When it toppled into the ecstasy-pool, it foamed it at the bottom. The rest of the pool was as clear as cellophane, allowing you to see down into the rocky bottom. Fronds of forest-green plants waved gently in the depths. The waterfall looked like a sheet of blue velour as it swished down. Its edges were hemmed with whipped-white lines.        “Wow,” was all you managed to utter out.        “I told you it was worth it,” soobin grinned. “Come on.” He lead you closer, collapsing on the bank and letting the nougat sweet smell of flowers wash over him.        You followed suit. “How did you find this place?”        “A friend of mine showed it to me when we were kids.” He said, leaning back against his palms. “We used to hang out all the time here. The five of us. That is, until i moved away for high school.        “I wonder what they’re up to now.” He added after a slight pause.        “You don’t see them when you come back for the holidays?” You asked.        Soobin shook his head. “I don’t get to see them much anymore. I barely leave my house, y/n, you know that. Besides, they’re all busy with their own lives.”        You listened to soobin reminisce about his childhood. You would listen to soobin talk for hours if you could. His words are were like gold to you, or perhaps some elixir you’ve been waiting all your days to hear. He had nothing but good things to say. It sounded like he had a lot of fun here, in the small town he grew up in. You both sat there for a while, gawking at the waterfall when the suddenly rustling of the bushes behind you caught your attention.        “Y/n,” soobin stood up, holding you behind him as the rustling got louder. And then a figure walked through, a boy. He was wearing a brown furry jacket. His hair was a strange shade a pink, but it complimented his skin tone nicely.        “Soobin?” The boy said, folding his arms. “No way. Is that actually you? Mr choi soobin. After all these years.”          “Yeonjun?” Soobin replied, letting go of you and walking up to yeonjun. “What are you doing here?”        “I was on my way out and thought i saw you earlier entering the forest so i decided to follow you. Who else knows this place anyway?” Yeonjun laughed, swinging an arm around soobin’s shoulder.        “So you practically followed, what could have been, a complete stranger into the forest?” Soobin shot him a look. To that, yeonjun just smiled and nodded. “You never change, do you?”        “Nope,” yeonjun answered confidently. “Anyways, are you going to introduce me to the pretty lady or do i have to do that myself?” He gestured a smile towards you.        Beside him, soobin stiffened, his jaw slightly tensing before he answered. “Right... Yeonjun, y/n. We met in high school, she’s my best friend.  Y/n, yeonjun. He was one of my friends i was telling you about-”        “Yeah, until this bastard moved, changed his number and practically became a hermit that never left his house much.” Yeonjun jibed.        “Hmm, that sounds about right. The only place I’ve seen him, other than class or the library, is at my apartment binge watching shows,” you added, causing yeonjun to burst out a laugh.        “You guys are mean.” Soobin grumbled, pushing yeonjun’s arm off him.        “I have a feeling she and i are going to be great friends.” Yeonjun said matter-of-factly.        The three of you sat there, talking for what seemed like hours. Soobin and yeonjun continued to tell you about the different adventures they had together as kids with their friends, beomgyu, kai and taehyun. They recounted all the accidents that happened, all the fun moments they had together. Yeonjun eventually proceeded to tell you about all the embarrassing soobin stories he could think of, sharing jokes and making you laugh. The entire time though, soobin barely directed any conversation at you. Let alone laugh at Yeonjun’s ‘jokes’.        As your laughter died down, yeonjun spoke again. “I have to ask though, what’s she doing doing here? Not that there’s anything wrong with it. I’m just curious. Does she live around here too?”        You looked to soobin, unsure of how or what to answer.        “It’s okay, yeonjun won’t snitch,” he said. “Y/n’s pretending to be my girlfriend for the holiday.”         It hurt you every time he said it. In your head you wished so badly for it to be real. To think, by now you would have learnt that wishing only wounds the heart. And each time soobin said it out loud, it was like a punch to the gut.        “Pretending to be your-“ yeonjun cut himself off by scoffing. “What for?”        “Well....” soobin started explaining the whole situation to yeonjun. To which the only response he got out of the other boy was mockery and disbelief.        “Are you serious?!” Yeonjun exclaimed. “So you two aren’t together?”        You shook your head.        “Oh... good....” he mumbled, grinning in the process. “You have got to be kidding me. But you guys do you, i guess. My lips are sealed.        “I hate to ruin the moment but i have to go. It was nice meeting you y/n.” He tipped an imaginary hat. “It was nice to see you again too, soobin. But let know, the next time you’re back.”        “Right, ill keep that in mind.” Soobin replied.        Just as yeonjun started to walk away, he stopped and turned around once more. “Oh! Right. How long are you guys staying? I’m meeting beomgyu, tae and kai on monday at the diner. You should come,” his eyes travelled to you, “both of you.”        “We cant-“        “We would love to!” You cut soobin off, “come on soobin, you haven’t seen your friends in ages. I would be nice to say ‘hi’ again.”         Soobin stared at you for a second. Maybe it was the excitement in your face or maybe he truly did want to see his friends again. But in the end he agreed.          “Great! Ill see you two monday at 5.” Yeonjun ended, giving a small salute before leaving, for real this time.        Soobin went back to the bay, laying down on the grass, letting out a long held sigh. He stared up at the sky that was quickly becoming darker. The stars and moon announcing their arrival.        “You alright?” You asked, sitting down next to him.        “Yeah, why wouldn’t i be?” He answered, his eyes still closed.        “I don’t know. You just seemed... off just now. Like my or yeonjun’s presence bothered you.”        “It’s nothing. Im just tired.” He sighed again, sitting up. “While on the subject, we should head back. It’s getting dark.”        He stood up and started walking without another word.        Was he mad at you? No... he had no reason to be, right? Was he mad about the joke you made with yeonjun?        You quickly caught up to him and followed him out of the forest. Other than your footsteps against the concrete road and the cicadas that came out to say their daily greetings, the awkward silence followed the rest of the way.        “I’m not annoyed at you, if that’s what you’re thinking,” soobin broke the silence. The entire walk you had your focus on the ground, not noticing the stolen glances soobin took. “Stop sulking. People are going to think i kicked your puppy or something.” He chuckled, bending his waist slight to look at your face.        His face was mere inches away from yours. Memories from the previous night came flooding back. You didn’t offer a response, not trusting the words that would escape your lips in that moment. Instead just turning your face to the other side to avoid his stare. Soobin let out a light hearted laugh and continued walking.          You recalled how soobin always said you had an expressive face. He must have seen something you didn’t realise.        The sky got darker as you continued down the road. The cool winter breeze greeting the concrete and skin just the same, causing you to shiver and wrap your arms around yourself. Mentally cursing the fact that, other than your khaki coat, you didn’t think to wear more layers that morning.        Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed. “Are you cold?” Soobin asked, already shedding off his cherry red, wool scarf.        “No, it’s alright, you’ll get cold,” grabbing his hands to stop his actions.        “I’ll be fine. And we’re only about 5 minutes away,” he argued, wrapping his scarf around your neck. He took your hand, pulling you behind him the rest of the way quickly before you ‘caught a cold’.        The scarf sat snug to your skin, soft and gentle, the ends becoming a colourful flag in the wintry winds. It was still warm from where it sat before. You could smell of his cologne on it. Faint, from the day’s activities. But still prominent enough to know it’s existence.        Your hands trembled in his and you thanked the cold for that excuse. Burying your face deeper into his scarf before he could make out the slight blush that painted your cheeks.        When you reached soobin’s home again, there was a faint chattering echoing through house.        “Oh, i think my older sister’s came for a visit.”        Soobin’s older sister. The one that’s the account, married, with the baby — soobin’s nephew — and the lovely husband. You’ve only ever met them once, well that, and the occasional pictures soobin would send you of him and his nephew. Seeing soobin with babies did things to your heart thats you didn’t like. You’ve already imagined the unlikely scenario of what it would be like to have soobin as your boyfriend. You can’t go fantasising an entire family as well. But you had to admit, he would make a great dad one day.        “Soobin!” His older sister ran and hugged him. He’s always had such a close bond with his siblings. “Mom and dad told me you brought your girlfriend home this time.” She wiggled her eyebrows.        “Hey sis. And yeah, y/n. You know her,” soobin turned to you.        “Of course. The last time i saw you two I knew you’d end up together.” She cheered as if she had just won the lottery.        So, from what you’ve gathered, soobin’s entire family had always had some hopes on the two of two. You wanted to smile at that fact. But at same time, you were lying to them right now. It was a bittersweet feeling.        The remainder of the night went on rather unproductive. You had dinner with his family, chatted with them, played with the baby and that was about it. The worst part came when the family decided to watch a movie together. The movie was great, dont get me wrong. You all sat together and watched kingsman again. Even though it was the tenth time you’ve seen it, it was still yours and Soobin’s favourite.        The bad part came when you had to find a seat. The family couch say four, soobin’s mom, dad and sisters. The older’s husband took one of the arm chairs, leaving you and soobin to share the other. In other words, you ended up having to sit on his lap.        “I can just sit on the floor, its no problem,” you suggested.        “Nonsense. I won’t let you sit on the floor,” soobin rebutted, holding your waist, pulling you back onto his lap.        You swear, if it wasn’t for the dimness of the room, the redness of your face would have matched that of the fire place. Throughout the movie you found it extremely hard to pay attention. Soobin had left one of his hands to rest on your knee and the other around your back. Sure, he was probably just putting on a show for his family. But he didn’t have to do the thumb thing as well. Or gently whisper in your ear, so close that you could feel his breath against your neck.          The rest of the time you couldn’t help but fidget in your seat — which just so happened to be soobin’s lap. As interesting as the fight scene on screen was or the dramatic music playing, the only thing you could focus on was the fact that soobin’s hand had now traveled to your thigh.        And underneath you, soobin’s breathing was becoming short and uneven. He was starting to stir as well before getting up, forcing you to stand and murmuring, “I’m going to head to bed early. You guys enjoy the rest of the movie.”        Within the next beat of the soundtrack, he was dashing out of the living room and running up the stairs.        What...?        You weren’t the only one wondering that. Soobin’s family were now staring at you, his mothers brows furrowed, his sister’s head tilted quizzically. “He said he’s tired,” you blurted, face-palming in your head.        Great. You already felt out of place and this certainly wasn’t helping. You sat down on the, now vacant, chair and continued the rest of the movie with his family.        I’m sure he’s fine. You can always ask him tomorrow.
       You woke up to an empty bed again. But this time there was no post it note or anything from soobin. So you assumed he’d be in the kitchen like before.        “Morning y/n,” it was his older sister this time.        “Morning.” You looked around. No sight of soobin. “Where’s soobin?”        “Oh he didn’t tell you? He went out for a walk around 20 minutes ago.”        Why didn’t he wait for you?        “Yeah, he didn’t. Did he say where he was going or when he’ll be back?” You asked.        To that, she just shook her head.        Oh...
       “I almost forgot,” she continued. “There was a note for you. I left it on the counter for you.”
       You picked it up, hoping to see Soobin’s name as the regards, telling you his whereabouts. Instead, the note was fairly short.
Hey y/n!
Once again i just wanted to welcome you to town. It was really nice meeting you yesterday! Maybe we could hang out some time?
(Hopefully) Your friend,
       Did Soobin see it? Either way, why does it matter.        After breakfast, you decided to wait for soobin to come home. If he didn’t tell where he was going, it means he cant be gone long, right? You sat in his room, figuring it would be the only place you didnt have to face his family members.        It was only about an hour and a half of waiting and a lunch break, that you got bored. You could only scroll your phone so much before it started to get more redundant than it already was. So, checking the weather report, you got dressed and left for a walk around. You hadn’t seen much of the area yet, it wouldn’t be harmful to do some exploring. Learning your lesson from yesterday, you put on a wool sweater underneath your coat. A pair of dr marten to match.         It was a rather fine day out. You walked under the sun that warmed your skin, but the cool winds keeping the temperature cool enough. The only thing that would make this better would be if soobin were with you...        “Y/n!” You heard a familiar voice call from behind you.        You turned around and saw a familiar lock of pink hair running towards you, frantically waving his arms. He was wearing a leather jacket today. Behind him was someone else that chased after him. He had nicely styled, bleached blonde hair and was slightly short than yeonjun was.        “Oh, hi.” You greeted the two of them. “Fancy running into you again.”        “I know, right!” He agreed, a bit more enthusiastically than what you would imagine. “Why are you alone? Where’s soobin?”        “No clue. He just took off this morning. Didn’t tell me anything and i got bored of sitting around alone.”        “Maybe the pressure of a relationship getting to him,” yeonjun suggested.        “It’s fake though,” you mocked.        He just shrugged. “Doesn’t make it any less of a commitment.”        You hummed a reply. “Fair enough.”        “Anyway. If you have nothing better to do... taehyun and i,” he said, gesturing towards to boy beside him, “were just headed to the arcade in town. Care to join us?”        “Sure, I don’t see why not.”        You followed as yeonjun and taehyun lead you through the town soobin said he would bring you to. Every corner they turned, they greeted someone new. From little kids to elderly ladies and gentlemen. Small town, i guess everyone knew everyone.        Eventually, they stopped in front of a building, the arcade. The pings from the pinball machines, the bullets from the shooting games, and the ‘jackpot’ announcements, all a dead give away. From the outside, the building looked old and rundown. The paint was old and cracking as if it hadn’t been repainted in years. Even the neon signs provided to the retro aesthetic, casting a purple-red hue over everything.        You stood there, taking in the atmosphere for a second. It sure was different from any arcade you had back in the city. You glanced around, when a figure at one of the pinball machines caught your eye.        “Soobin?” You spoke out loud.        Confused, yeonjun and taehyun followed your gaze to said figure.        “What in the?” You walked up to him. the further into the arcade you went, the louder everything got. Tapping him on the shoulder, you just about had to yell to have any sort of conversation.        “Y/n?” He asked, looking at you with the same expression as culprit that had just been caught red-handed.        You scoffed playfully, crossing your arms. “So you ditched me to come play games alone?”        “Um, kind of? Not really though,” he said. His eyes darting towards the two boys that to came up behind you. “You came with taehyun and... Yeonjun?”        “Hey soob, long time no see,” taehyun added.        “I went out for a walk and ran into them,” a quick and easy reason. “You could have just told me if you wanted to come to town alone, you know? You don’t have to sneak off at the crack of dawn.”        “Nice to see you too tae. And I do want to show you around the town. It’s just,” his eyes travelled between you and yeonjun, back to you in a blink. “I just needed a break from things for a while.”        “Hm, alright,” you accepted his explanation, but something still felt weird.        “Since we’re already here, there’s no use standing around.” Yeonjun spoke. “Y/n, come play the shooting game with me!”        Before you could reply, yeonjun was already dragging you towards one of the machines. Leaving taehyun and soobin to do whatever it was they did. He handed you one of the guns available and scanned his arcade card. The entire time you could feel eyes watching you, but shook it off.        Yeonjun was pretty good at the game, you had to admit. He spent a lot of time here, you assumed. Time seemed to disappear the longer you were in the arcade. The atmosphere around you never changed. It was still as lively and colourful as when you first walked in. The bright lights and loud music blasting, disrupting your senses. But outside, the sun was quickly setting.        “Good game, y/n,” taehyun offered a handshake after you beat him at yet another game of air hockey.        You took it. “Not too shabby yourself.”        Beside you, yeonjun and soobin clapped for your victory.        “We should probably go back soon,” Soobin said, showing the clock on his phone. It was nearly 8pm. Time sure flies when you’re having fun.        You all travelled back together. Turns out yeonjun and taehyun only lived a street away from soobin.        “See you tomorrow,” taehyun and yeonjun waved goodbye as you parted ways, leaving you and soobin to go your way.        Neither of you said a thing to each other. And for reason you were having trouble thinking of a conversation starter, this hasn’t happened before. Usually you and soobin had endless things to talk about. It didn’t matter how stupid or unimaginable it was, the two of you never ran out of things to say.        “When you were a kid, did you ever pretend you were smoking in winter?” You said the first thing that came to mind, the cold air making your breath visible, helping to elaborate your question. You laughed at yourself, holding your fingers up in a peace sign, imagining a cigarette between them.        “Yeah, when i was like 7.”        Okay, ouch.        Soobin’s answer was short, providing no further conversation. You pressed your lips together, stuffing your hands in your pockets as embarrassment crept up on you. So much for never feeling judged.        The rest of the night you didn’t speak much. Every attempt you made just being shot down with one liners. Every time you showed soobin a funny video or meme, he gave little to no response. And eventually you gave up.        This continued to the following day. Sure, soobin was an introvert. You knew that. But he’s never ignored you to this extent. Was he getting sick of having you around everyday? If that was the case, he should just tell you, you’d give him all the space he needs.        You can’t lie and say you weren’t hurt by that thought. Your crush was ignoring you. That would have hurt anyone. And right now, you felt nothing more than a parasite in his home.        “Come on, we have to go meet the others,” the first words he’s said to you in hours.
      You followed quietly as soobin brought you to the diner. When you arrived, the others were already there. Yeonjun and taehyun, along with two new faces. Beomgyu and Huening Kai, you figured from previous conversations.        They sat at a semi-circle booth meant for four with two extra chairs at the end. One of which occupied by taehyun as the other three shared the banquette bench.         “Soobin! Y/n!” They waved.         Yeonjun sat at one of the ends and shifted when he spotted you enter. “Y/n, i saved you a seat next to me,” he said smugly, smirking and cocking his head to the space beside him.        You rolled your eyes at his antics, lips curling upwards. Soobin’s expression remained hard, unbothered and unimpressed even. But you didn’t question it, he’s been like that since yesterday. And frankly, you’ve gotten sick of it. Might as well spend time with someone that actually wants your attention.        You got along well with the boys. You learnt that Kai and taehyun went to the same school and beomgyu had just graduated recently. Most of the time though, was spent whispering jokes between yeonjun and yourself. And at some point of the night, he had managed to sneak an around the back of the booth. On the other side, Beomgyu and Kai snickered to each other and eventually shook hands, some bet or deal you presumed.        All of a sudden you heard one of the chairs beside you shift. The feet scratching against the tiled floor. And the next thing you knew, soobin was walking out the door, the bell ringing behind him.        “Where’s he going?” Kai asked.        “No clue,” Beomgyu answered. Taehyun just shrugged. All your attentions still on the door that had already been shut.        “Um, ill go check on him,” you announced, running out of the diner after him. Sure, you and him weren’t on good terms at the moment, but nontheless he was still your best friend, and a huge part of you still cared for him.         “Soobin, wait!” You called, but he kept walking.        “Soobin!” You tried again, chasing after him.        “Stop right there choi soobin!” You yelled, your voice echoing through the empty street. The boys silhouette stood still. But never did he turn to look at you. “Dont you dare take another step!”        Never once in five years have you ever felt intimidated by him. But with his large figure being illuminated by nothing but the dull, yellow street lights, you couldn’t say that anymore. There was silence as you gathered your thoughts, making your way towards him. You had him right in front of you. Now what? You wanted soobin back. Your soobin.        “What’s going on with you?” Your feet stopped on their own accord, right behind the tall boy. “You’ve been acting strange.”        No answer.        “Soobin, don’t ignore me!” You said again, desperation and annoyance laced in your tone.        “I don’t know what you want me to say y/n,” he sighed, trying to keep his temper from exploding.        “I want a damn explanation, soobin,” anger from the previous day slowly consuming you. “Do you know how much of an asshole you’re being? God! I try to talk to you, but it’s just like i’m talking to a god damn wall! So, you can either tell me what’s going on or I’m on the next bus home tomorrow.”        No answer. But you could tell the last part hit him hard. He couldn’t look at you. If he did, he was sure you would see the remorse and anger in his eyes. He hated that you were mad. He hated that you were yelling. But most of all he hated that he was the cause of it.       “You asked me to come play girlfriend with you and i did,” you sighed, continuing when he started walking again. “I only did because,” swallowed the lump in your throat, “you’re... you’re my best friend.”        Best friend.        “I’m your best friend... you can me anything, you know that.” You quoted his words.        “There’s some things better left unsaid,” he offered before walking away again. “I’m sorry y/n.”        “No!” You cried, stopping his tracks. “Apology not accepted.”        You could see frustration building in soobin. His hand pinching his temple, his shoulders tensed as you spoke. “You said you’d be by my side the whole time! But since the waterfall you’ve barely talked to me! You leave me in situations on my own, you’re ignoring me and you randomly take off without a word. You’re doing it right now! So, again, you can either tell me what’s going on or-“        “It’s because i love you, okay!?”        Now it was your turn to stay silent.        Soobin let out a sigh, turning to face you. “Is that what you want to hear?! I love you, y/n!” His tone got softer, “I love you so much. For as long as i can remember knowing you. It hurts when I see you with other people. Especially people that so blatantly flirt with you in front of me. You’re stunning, beautiful. Even a fool could see it. But you’re also so much more than that.        “You were the only person that bothered to come talk to me the first day of school. Others probably viewed me as the weird, loser kid that sat alone during lunch. But you didn’t. You were my first and only friend for years. Before i knew it, i had a crush on you. At first, i thought it was just a phase. But it wasn’t, y/n. And now, im so hopelessly head over heels for you.        “I know, I haven’t earned your heart. I never will. I could spend a million years worshiping you and still not earn it. You’re my best friend, i know I shouldn’t be feeling this way. I know you’re mad at me. And i know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. But please... please, don’t leave me.”        He sounded raw, real in a way you’ve never heard before. When he was done, he was closely inspecting the road, afraid to look up. Chewing on his bottom lip nervously, waiting for your rejection.        “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” You asked, keeping emotion from your voice.        He shrugged and laughed. “You’re my best friend, I didn’t want to lose you.”        You let one hand slide against his cheek, resting your palm there. “You wouldn’t have.”        “Wha-“        “I love you too, you doofus.”        You felt the pull of a muscle as his lips twitched. “Really?”        “Yes. Really. For as long as i can remember.”        Soobin, your best friend — now, boyfriend — pulled you into his arms. “I love you, y/f/n. And I’m so sorry for the way I’ve been. What can i say to make you forgive me?”        “Words only mean so much. Actions speak louder, don’t you agree?”        “I do.”        He lowered his head and brushed his lips against yours.        “Am i forgiven?” He asked rhetorically.        You laugh. “Only because i love you.”        “Yes! I told you so!” You turned and saw Kai yelling and celebrating, pointing fingers at beomgyu. Taehyun and yeonjun shaking their heads in disappointment.        What a crazy group of friends they were.
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miss-wanna-write · 2 years
so ive posted a couple of fanfics already about this, but let me introduce you to my miraculous ladybug x persona au!
first things first, what ive already covered! so when they’re 7, Marinette, Nino, and Kim break away from the field-trip group and end up in Paris’s version of Mementos, and a shadow attack leads to Kim awakening Ardent, his persona.
after this, and numerous groundings, scoldings, and lectures from various parties, the trio then proves they learned NOTHING and continues to go exploring in the secret catacombs using the mysterious and kinda spooky app that appeared on their phones. this is how Marinette and Nino got Odette and Orpheus accordingly.
they don’t actually do much with these powers? it’s mainly just a cool make believe thing, with the occasional encounter with ‘living ghosts’ (the human shadows) that they talk to and help out. or have their persona’s (”we’re not calling them Stands, Kim!”) beat up if they get aggressive.
fast forward like 6 years to canon and the trio is freaking out. or, Nino is freaking out because Kim’s being targetted by a giant rock golem who used to be Ivan, Marinette’s not picking up, and the app they normally use to enter the Catacombs is updating.
the gist of this au, is that having a persona is a double edged sword. it allows normal people to fight akuma’s within the metaverse, and weaken the butterfly’s hold on the person, but also, if you have a persona your akuma is far more difficult to fight.
there’s a lot of stuff i haven’t really figured out, and some i haven’t concretely set up, but i do have all the initial persona’s for the crew! note, all persona’s were chosen from random sources, their only ‘theme’ being how they relate to the characters (even if it only makes sense to me)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng & Odette
Skills are focused on Ice & Healing. She’ll later gain Bless once her Ultimate is unlocked.
Odette is the protagonist of the ballet Swan Lake, and I felt the stories could line up. The curse of akumatization by the evil sorcerer Hawkmoth, Prince Adrien who the Black Swan Lila tries to steal away.
okay so this one may heavily depend on my persona headcanon that Lila seems to boast a lot of things that have been done by Marinette or are related to Marinette (knowingly or unknowingly) in canon.
Don’t worry about how Swan Lake so commonly ends in tragedy, I swear that’s not relevant.
Another skill Odette has is that she can be used to create a rudimentary shadow radar in a still patch of water. Yes Marinette’s clumsiness makes this difficult.
Nino Lahiffe & Orpheus
Orpheus has the element of Zio, plus some useful buff/status causing moves. He’s specifically built for long fights, with high defence, health, stall moves, and Dia. i do not remember why.
As for why Orpheus was chosen, I feel it an accurate representation about the lengths Nino would go for love, and lose because of it.
Okay so maybe it was partially inspired by the ultimatums I see in salt fics between him and Alya.
Kim Chiến Lê & Ardent
The Physical Force of the team. As in he uses both Physical attacks and Force/Wind attacks. That was a bad pun, sorry.
So Ardent is actually the Beast’s name from the 1947 version of Beauty and the Beast, which is probably well known to most of you. The fairy tale, not like, the 1947 version.
But, uhh, I mean the Beast was cursed by an enchantress due to his bad actions, and acts like a huge jerk, and, well, we’ve seen Kim and how he acts. Even in this AU, while I think he’d be less overtly mean, he’s still insensitive and makes wrong decisions that hurt people.
Alya Cesaire & Virgil
Fire and ailments are Virgil’s bread and butter. Yes that ailment is brainwash, gotta show she has the power of the press after all.
No this is not Virgil DMC (could you imagine), this is Virgil from Dante’s Inferno. tbh I kinda chose this based off reading the wikipedia page and lining up character roles and it’s really shakey and could probably be better, but I don’t know what else to use for her.
Alya joins after accidentally getting awakened during Lady Wifi by Nino and Kim defeating her shadow form. Funnily enough, I have a super solid idea of what Alya does in the story, how she’s introduced, and how she reacts to certain scenarios, yet absolutely 0 solid idea’s for her personas.
Virgil also has the ability to catalogue shadow weaknesses/profiles in his book, which takes the place of the notebook Mari, Nino, and Kim were using before.
Max Kante & Menvra
Max is the teams navigator and their guy in the chair, except he is also in the catacombs along them.
Obviosuly he wouldn’t be like Fuuka, inside an orb at the entrance of the dungeon, but I don’t think he’d be quite Futaba floating around in his persona. Somewhere inbetween, Rise and Futaba, I think.
Menvra is a Etruscan goddess, representing war, art, wisdom, and medicine/health. This is one of the more classic persona figures (they say, like Orpheus isn’t Nino’s) and yes, I am very shakey on this much like Alya’s. The difference is, Max is not a hugely developed character so I have limited traits to choose from as opposed to Alya where I have conflicting traits to choose from. I am, however, 100% sure of his Ultimate Persona.
I’m honestly debating whether Max joins up during Startrain, where the limited space causes him to accidentally get dragged into the Metaverse and subsequently awakened, or Robustus because the Metaverse app won’t run.
Kagami Tsurugi & Kaguya
I am, first and foremost, weak to girls with swords. And have once again (once again, they say, not having written the previous thing they are referencing) made Kagami just a. Powerhouse.
She’s got the Almighty skills, alongside Nuclear, and is a one woman army.
I really associated the themes of Kaguya attracting suitors, what with Kagami’s purpose basically just being a faux-love interest, and the punishment of material attachments. Listen, I will be the first to admit that a lot of these persona’s are just, I feel the vibes and they match. There is no rational or explainable reasoning for these, it just fits.
Also fun fact, the feather cloak Kaguya wears is burnt when she’s first summoned. Like, pre-burnt. This is story relevant.
Kagami herself joins the group after Ikari Gozen. Ladybug gives her an piece of paper in exchange for the Dragon Miraculous. Said paper has the meet up location and time fo the next Catacombs excursion.
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hellowkatey · 3 years
Ghosts of the Past: the continuation
A continuation of what happens after Obi-Wan sees Nield twenty years after Melida/Daan. Anakin finds out his former master's rough apprenticeship beginnings, Obi-Wan faces some unexpected consequences of his past when Ahsoks gets hurt, and Nield addresses some regrets.
Read ch. 1 here | Read it all on AO3
Anakin is in the middle of combing droid parts and blaster dust out of his hair when there's a knock at his door. Considering Ahsoka is having a sleepover with Barriss, he just spoke to Padmé and she is at her apartment waiting for him, and Obi-Wan is supposed to be on a campaign, he has no idea who could be showing up at his door this late at night.
Watch it be a council member giving me some random task that'll ruin my night with Padmé.
The door buzzes open, and he's surprised to find it is indeed a council member ready to interrupt the night with his wife. The council member being Obi-Wan.
"Hello to you, too, Anakin."
"Aren't you supposed to be in the middle of a battle?"
It looks like he's just walked off the battlefield. His robes are dirty and singed in places where blasters blew right through the material. He at least took off his armor, but from the dirt still smeared across his cheek, that's pretty much all he's done. Anakin's confusion quickly turns into concern. It's unlike Obi-Wan to show up anywhere looking rough for wear, even if it's just to see him. The knight's worry raises as he realizes his master grips a handle of Corellian whiskey in his right hand.
"Ended the battle early," he says distantly. His eyes are a little glassy and cheeks tinged pink. "Are you going to invite me in or do you want your dinner in the hallway?"
"Dinner?" Anakin looks to his former master's other hand and realizes he's also holding two bags of Dex's take-out. "Oh. Right, sorry," he steps back, and Obi-Wan strides into his apartment.
He's acting weird. That as much is obvious. Anakin tries to brush up against his master's shields to get a feel for his mood, but they're tighter than usual. Another red flag.
"The 212th was granted a week of leave before our next campaign," Obi-Wan explains, setting down the bottle and bags on Anakin's table. Anakin slips into his usual chair as Obi-Wan sets a bag of food in front of him. "Their's starts tomorrow, but Cody took over the debriefing so I could make it back early." Obi-Wan sits now, unwrapping his own burger. He stops when he realizes Anakin is still staring at him, food untouched. "What, do you not order a double burger and curly fries anymore?"
"What's going on?"
The Jedi Master raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean? Can I not come visit my former padawan?"
"Are you seriously going to act like you aren't being weird right now?"
"I'm acting as I normally do, Anakin."
"You left the front early and you started drinking without me. What's wrong, Obi-Wan?"
Anakin expects him to get defensive. Expects him to turn on Master Mode and lecture him about respect or whatever. But instead, Obi-Wan sighs and sets down his burger.
"I want to tell you a story, Anakin. A story that..." his eyes flicker to the bottle of whiskey, "requires a little bit of loosening up on my end."
Somehow him being honest is more worrisome than if he did get defensive and lie about it. So Anakin stops arguing with him, nods, and goes to the kitchen. He takes the moment to send his wife a quick message that he would probably not make it over for the night since Obi-Wan needs some company. Padmé will understand. Anakin returns with two cups, one with ice and the other with ice and some cola. He hands the one with only ice to Obi-Wan.
"You're freaking me out," Anakin says as he adds a small amount of the whiskey to his soda. How the hell can he drink this stuff straight?
His former master smiles. "No need to freak out."
"What is it about?"
"Well if you allow me to speak—"
"Okay, okay. Let's hope this story lives up to the suspense you've created."
Obi-Wan grimaces, taking a long swig of his drink before clearing his throat. "When you were a padawan, you used to always ask me about what missions I was going on when I was your age. Do you remember?"
Anakin leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah, but you never actually told me."
Obi-Wan shakes his head. "No, I didn't, I know. I always felt bad about not telling you. You were quite the pouter. But I convinced myself that telling you about my early missions would do more harm than good."
"You're freaking me out again, Obi-Wan."
"Just listen. Before the war started, there was a rule that younglings had to be chosen by a Master by the age of thirteen. If not, the youngling was reassigned to one of the other Jedi corps."
"In my case, I was assigned to the AgriCorps."
Anakin leans forward as disbelief courses through him. "Wait, wh—"
"I aged out," Obi-Wan interrupts, not meeting his eyes anymore. Instead, he stares out the window beyond Anakin. "Qui-Gon considered taking me as his padawan but decided against it. In his words, I had too much anger within me. So the Jedi reassigned me to the AgriCorps on Bandomeer."
Anger? Obi-Wan? "That doesn't make sense."
"It's what happened," Obi-Wan whispers. "I began as a Jedi farmer, and Qui-Gon coincidentally came to Bandomeer for unrelated Jedi business. That in itself is a long story, but I was captured and Qui-Gon came to save me. He then decided to train me."
"Obi-Wan why didn't you tell—"
"This is the preface of my story. So you understand the context of what happens later." Anakin leans back again, biting on the inside of his lip with nervous anticipation. If this is just the background, how bad can the actual story be? "So Qui-Gon and I did not start on a good note. He had no interest in training another student. His last padawan fell to the Dark Side... and was actually the one who captured me on Bandomeer. Needless to say, he was wary of me in the beginning."
"But he warmed up to you, right? You and Master Jinn were close when I met you guys."
Obi-Wan presses his lips into a thin line, finally looking Anakin in the eye again. "Eventually, yes. We found common ground and he grew to be like a father to me. But due to my actions, that did not happen for a few years."
He pauses, taking another sip of his drink, and then gesturing to the untouched Dex's bag. "Your food is going to get cold, you know."
"I know." Anakin ignores the food.
"We were sent on a mission to Melida/Daan," Obi-Wan continues. "It was a planet in the midst of a civil war. The Melida vs. the Daan. Or, so we believed. We were there to retrieve a Jedi that had failed to check-in. She was trying to negotiate peace between these groups, but we discovered it was not just the Melida and the Daan fighting one another. There was a third group. All the children from both sides had left their families and formed their own side. The Young, they called themselves, and their mission was to bring and end to this multi-generational war."
Anakin vaguely recognizes the name Melida/Daan from his history classes but remembers nothing else about it.
"We found the missing Jedi. She was hurt, so Qui-Gon was eager to return to the Temple. But the Young were pleading for our assistance. He told me we couldn't help them. I disagreed, and we had an argument. So he gave me an ultimatum. Either I come with him, or I stay to fight with the Young."
Anakin's eyes grow wide. "Master, you didn't—"
"I stayed."
"But he came back right? He dropped off his friend and came back to help you!"
The silence that falls over the room says what Obi-Wan doesn't. The Jedi Master resumes staring out of the window.
"I fought with the Young for nearly a year."
"How old were you?"
Anakin doesn't like the pause that comes before his master's answer. "Thirteen. Fourteen by the end."
"You were a kid," Anakin mutters in disbelief.
"I was, but... I was one of the eldest. There were seven-year-olds who were wielding blasters. Eleven-year-olds were dying in bombings. Friends that I loved dearly died in my arms, and other friends found ways to blame me for deaths I could not control." Anakin can see the tears brimming in his Master's eyes. His own hands are shaking.
"Qui-Gon did come, though, didn't he?"
"We were so close to peace, but we were only kids. Warfare and diplomacy require different types of decorum. I called the Jedi to help us finally end things. The council sent Qui-Gon."
Anakin deflates.
"We negotiated peace. This time I returned to the Temple with him, but he was not pleased with me. I had made almost all of his worst fears about taking another padawan come true."
"You didn't turn to the Dark Side or anything, though!"
"I left the Order, Anakin," Obi-Wan lets out a shaky breath. "The council was reluctant to accept me back, but thank the Force they did. Qui-Gon on the other hand... He took me on a whim, and when I defied him it was like a slap in the face. I was placed on probation while he decided if he was going to continue as my master. Evidently, he eventually did forgive me, but it was a long, painful road."
Feeling constricted in his seat, Anakin stands, pacing into the living room. He's learned so much information so quickly. That his master almost wasn't a Jedi? Obi-Wan Kenobi, council member and Jedi Master was almost a farmer? Qui-Gon Jinn left his thirteen-year-old padawan in the middle of a war for a year?
It doesn't make sense yet he can feel his former master's anxious energy clouding the Force. He isn't lying. Anakin turns to the man waiting quietly for him to say something. Though he has so many questions, the first that pops out of his mouth is: "Why are you telling me this now?"
"We had a diplomat make an emergency repair stop on my flagship just before this last battle. A representative from what is now Melidaan."
"The... unified planet, then?"
He nods. "His name is Nield, and I fought alongside him in the war. It was the first time I'd seen him since. It was also the first time in years I'd really talked about the war out loud, and... I realized I've been ignoring this for almost twenty years now. I avoiding telling you because I didn't want you to be disappointed in me like Qui-Gon was—"
"Master! Disappointed in you? I would never—"
"You are so much like him, you know," Obi-Wan says with a wistful smile. The glossiness in his eyes is even more prominent as the alcohol starts to settle in.
"You think I'd leave you in a war zone?"
A soft smile appears on his master's face, "Technically you have. On a number of occasions, actually."
"Those were sanctioned abandonments."
Obi-Wan chuckles, wiping his eyes on the back of his sleeve. "You have all his best qualities, Anakin. And some of his more annoying ones, but I've chosen to forgive those."
The knight walks over to the window with his back to Obi-Wan, arms folded across his chest. He's still overwhelmed by this new information. Unsure of how to feel. Sympathetic? No, Obi-Wan hates it when people pity him. Angry? He has the right to be frustrated that Obi-Wan has been lying to him for years. Letting him believe that he was this perfect padawan with a perfect apprenticeship...
But the overwhelming emotion that is hitting Anakin is not pity or anger, but guilt. Because a part of Anakin has always held onto the secret belief that things would be different if Qui-Gon Jinn had lived. That Master Jinn would have understood him in a way that Obi-Wan just can't because he was model Jedi.
He's been wrong all this time.
Anakin is suddenly thrust back to a time when he himself was a padawan feeling the galaxy pull him in a different direction. He told Obi-Wan he was going to leave the Order after their mission. And Obi-Wan still stayed by his side. Still treated him the same and protected him. It was ultimately Obi-Wan's unconditional support that persuaded Anakin to stay with the Jedi. Would Qui-Gon have done the same for me?
For the last ten years, Anakin has told himself that Qui-Gon would have stayed by his side. Now, he isn't so sure.
"I'm sorry," Anakin finally says, slowly turning around. Obi-Wan is quick to rise from his seat and approach him.
"I did not tell you this so you pity me—"
"I'm sorry I doubted you," Obi-Wan falls silent. "And for all the times I pushed you away because I didn't think you understood what it was like to feel like a screw-up... Force, I was horrible sometimes! Why didn't you ever tell me?"
The Master steps closer, placing his hands on Anakin's shoulders. "I truly did not think it would help. Or that you would think I was discounting your feelings, and I would never want to do that."
"What about your feelings?" Obi-Wan swallows hard, obviously not expecting this sort of question. He squeezes Anakin's shoulders, smiling softly.
"I am still learning how to confront them. And this— confiding in you— is part of that process."
Anakin can't hold himself back anymore. He closes the gap between them, throwing his arms around Obi-Wan and hugging him tightly. And Obi-Wan does not hesitate to hug him back.
There was a time when Anakin was a young padawan when he believed his Master was the greatest Jedi who ever lived. Sith Killer with a silver tongue, Obi-Wan Kenobi. A valiant knight and an even better teacher. He's always looked up to Obi-Wan. Saw him as a father figure. Though that giddy feeling of pride for his Master faded as he grew, Anakin feels it now just as he did when he was ten. Obi-Wan is by no means the perfect Jedi he's always believed him to be, but Anakin prefers it that way. Somehow it makes him even better.
Waging battles in desolate landscapes was one thing, but when the fighting spreads to urban areas, Obi-Wan is always on edge. There is something fundamentally wrong with tearing through the middle of a city with tanks and cannons. It's so easy to distance oneself from the reality of war. Easy to see the tall buildings and duracrete streets as either cover or a tactical liability. Obi-Wan just sees family homes left vacant. Stores and restaurants ransacked and abandoned. The amount of desolation depends on the length and amount of resistance the locals put up against their Separatist occupation.
And this city has been under the thumb of the droid army since the beginning.
Tesha Prime was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nestled in the middle of Separatist-controlled planets, it stood no chance of maintaining its independence. It's estimated they were under secret occupation as early as the Trade Federation blockade of Naboo, but their pleas for assistance were stifled until recently.
Obi-Wan one came to Tesha Prime as a padawan. One of Qui-Gon's side missions-- he enjoyed their specialty textiles and made a detour to purchase a friend a throw blanket. Its capital of Taloona was a beautiful city, advanced in technology but maintained the vintage glamor and elegance of their Old Republic architecture. Walking the streets now, it pains his heart to see crumbled buildings and durasteel military structures taking over the once picturesque skyline. War has tainted the rich history of this planet. Basically erased it. As the Jedi General moves swiftly through the waves of droids, diverting blaster shots from his valiant soldiers trying to free this city, he cannot help but be reminded of Melida/Daan.
Melida/Daan was an urban planet much like Tesha Prime. Completely different in their architectural inspirations and cultures, but violence does not discriminate. Rubble looks the same no matter what it used to be. He remembers Melida/Daan in the hastily painted graffiti urging for resistance against their aggressors. In the sound of bombs causing duracrete walls to collapse. In the yells of pain and the shouts of orders as medic clones traverse the battlefield to pull their fallen brothers out.
Obi-Wan grimaces, biting on his bottom lip so hard he tastes blood.
Seeing Nield and telling Cody and Anakin about his early exposure to war has brought about an unexpected consequence. Remembering. The nightmares of seeing Cerasi's murder and holding children as their life Forces faded away plagues his nights. Sometimes he will awake with a start, his first instinct to reach beside him where Nield used to sleep an arm's length away. When he doesn't feel a warm presence nearby, Obi-Wan begins to panic until he turns on the light and realizes he is not in the barracks of the Young, but in his quarters aboard his star destroyer. He's not thirteen, he's thirty-six.
Try as he might, though, the memories of his youth are not leaving him alone. He's been distracted by the flashes of Melida/Daan in battle before, but Taloona is messing with his mind more than usual. The city air smells the same. The wrecked streets feel the same beneath his boots. Obi-Wan is just thankful that his training allows him to shove his anxiety aside. He releases it into every moment of calm he can find. He must stay on his game for his men. For the people of Taloona and Tesha Prime.
But it's a shrill gasp of pain exploding through the Force that makes Obi-Wan tunnel. He whirls around from his place atop a fire escape and can see Ahsoka on street level with the 501st's battle route. Her eyes wide and arms wrapped around her chest as her knees buckle and she falls to the ground. The air leaves his lungs as though he's been punched.
"Ahsoka!" he yells as he leaps from the fourth story of the fire escape. The 501st has begun to regroup to compensate, Rex barreling through the crowd to reach her. Obi-Wan gets to her first, pulling himself between her and the front line and tucking her into his lap.
She's so small, he realizes. So young. Barely older than I was.
"You'll be okay," Obi-Wan says, cradling her head in the crook of his arm. He blinks and there's blood everywhere, dear Force, where did this blood come from?  He presses his hands to the center of her chest where the blood seems to be pouring out.
"Obi-Wan?" the voice calling his name is distant, but he ignores it. I need to stop the bleeding. He squeezes his eyes shut to keep himself from vomiting.
"Do you hear me? You'll be okay, Cerasi," he whispers.
"Master Obi-Wan?" Louder this time. Closer. A warm palm rests against his cheek and when he opens his eyes Ahsoka is staring up at him with deep concern laced in her features.
She's awake? That can't be! The blaster shot... the blood... No, there is no blood. There never was. Ahsoka is lying in his arms, a scorch mark on the breastplate of her armor, but it didn't go all the way through. He blinks through the tears in his eyes. This is not Melida/Daan. I'm not there anymore. I'm thirty-six, and the war is over. This is the Clone Wars. Ahsoka is Anakin's padawan. I'm not thirteen. Melida/Daan is at peace. Nield is alive and well.
"General?" Another voice. He looks up and realizes he isn't alone. Captain Rex is giving Ahsoka a stim, glancing up at the High General every so often. Cody kneels next to his brother, more focused on Obi-Wan as reality slowly creeps back. Though he cannot see his face beneath his helmet, he can feel Cody's patient understanding. These men unfortunately know the look of someone lost in a time other than the present. And Cody is one of the few that knows exactly where his mind has gone.
"General Kenobi, are you alright?" Cody attempts to get his attention again. This time Obi-Wan nods, trying to relax the tension in his muscles.
"Yes... of course," he looks down at Ahsoka who's hand slips from his cheek. It reminds him too much of the way Cerasi's hand dropped like dead weight as her heart stopped. He shakes away the memory. The stim is setting in, clearing the cloudiness of shock from her eyes. "Are you alright young one?"
"Yes, Master Kenobi, it just surprised me. It's a good thing I had on armor for this battle."
Obi-Wan swallows thickly. The Young never had real armor. On such small bodies and without adequate medical attention, nearly every hit was a lethal one. He smiles, slowly sitting her up. "A very good thing indeed."
The battle felt like it droned on for days. Perhaps because a rotation on Tesha Prime is thirty-four hours. Or because Obi-Wan completely immersed himself in the Force, letting his instincts take charge over his mind. Obviously, his mind was not to be trusted. He's just thankful his brief blur into the past didn't cause more of a scene.
Obi-Wan walks through the aftermath now. The shooting and the bombings have ceased, but sometimes silence isn't any better than the sounds of war. At least focusing on the battle kept his mind occupied. Now he buries himself in his cloak, tucking his hands away so nobody can see they're still shaking.
"Master Kenobi?" the voice is soft, unimposing. Obi-Wan turns to find Ahsoka standing a few paces away. She's out of the armor now and in her usual clothing. Like Obi-Wan, her cloak is draped around her as the night finally settles in to cool the heat of the day. Despite the scare from earlier, she looks unharmed.
But she looks younger than Obi-Wan usually notices her to be. Maybe it's the too-big cloak that swallows her lanky adolescent figure. Or the timidness on her face that is not characteristic of his grand padawan.
"Yes, Padawan? How are you feeling?"
She catches up to him and matches his pace. The Togruta shrugs.
"Tired. A little sore, but Kix says none of my ribs are broken. Just a little bruised."
"And Anakin, have you seen him yet?" Anakin took charge of the air raid, leaving Ahsoka to command the troops from the ground. Obi-Wan hasn't run into him yet, but he expects his former padawan to come looking for him once word gets around about Ahsoka's close call and Obi-Wan's... strong reaction.
Ahsoka shakes her head. "No, but he commed me. The fighters are just going to go back to the hangers. The battle went on for so long they need to refuel."
Obi-Wan pinches the hairs on his chin. "Of course, smart of him. No need to waste fuel to land and take off again," he glances over at the padawan with a playful smirk. "Though don't tell him I said he was smart. After the stunts he pulled in the air, the last thing he needs is an ego boost." The padawan chuckles softly, but her smile fades quickly. They walk in silence for a few moments before Obi-Wan rocks into her to nudge her to the side. "I can tell something is troubling you, young one."
"Master Kenobi... who is Cerasi?"
Obi-Wan's own smile disappears. "Where did you... hear that name?"
"You called me Cerasi... when I was shot. I didn't even realize it at first, but I remembered and... I don't mean to pry, and you don't have to tell me, I was just curious--"
"It's alright Ahsoka," he stops her rambling, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. They stop walking in the middle of a market square and he leads her to sit on the edge of a large fountain. It has long run dry and is half-decimated, but it is a place to stop. "Cerasi was a good friend of mine. And she... was hurt in a very similar way to you, but unfortunately, she did not have armor to protect her."
"So she's..."
Obi-Wan nods.
The padawan exhales shakily, her fingers brushing against the place the blaster would have hit her. "Were you... there when it happened?"
He nods. "I was."
Her hand rests over his and she squeezes his fingers. "I'm sorry about your friend, Master Kenobi."
"It was a long time ago. I'm not sure why I said her name."
"It happens. Sometimes I almost accidentally call you Master Skywalker. Or I call Anakin Master Kenobi."
Obi-Wan smiles. "Oh, I bet he hates it when you do that."
"I keep telling him it's a compliment but he doesn't want to hear it."
They both laugh. Obi-Wan lets the peace and lightness of the moment settle around his body like a warm blanket. While he hates the fact that padawans are fighting in this war, he also loves their resilient presence. Ahsoka never fails to make him feel better, even when she isn't actively trying to.
"I'm glad you're okay, Ahsoka. Though I will be more insistent you wear that armor from now on. We can send your measurements to have you properly outfitted in gear that won't hinder your saber technique."
"But Master, then I won't have a good reason to not wear it."
"But it'll make your Grandmaster worry about you less."
Ahsoka sighs dramatically. "In that case, I guess I could learn to work around it."
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes and tucks his hands back into the sleeves of his cloak. "I swear, you and Anakin are going to be the death of me one day."
"Not if you wear your armor, Master," she says with a wry smile. Ahsoka glances at her comm and stands.
"Is Anakin asking where you are?"
"Rex. I told him I'd help with the med evacs," her blue eyes flicker up. The universal silent plead for dismissal.
"Go on," the general nods.
"Are you sure you're okay, Master Kenobi? I can tell Rex I'm sitting with you."
He stands and places a hand on her shoulder. "I am. We can talk more after dinner."
Ahsoka smiles and takes off running back toward the evac zone. Her cloak billows behind her as she disappears around the corner. The Jedi Master exhales a deep breath he wasn't aware he was holding.
Nield, two drinks already warm in his belly, walks into the quiet cantina with the perfect amount of confidence to get through what he's about to do. It doesn't take long for his gaze to rest on the two cloaked figures seated at the bar. Before he can convince himself otherwise, the diplomat crosses where the two men are seated.
When he ran into Obi-Wan Kenobi two standard months ago, Nield was shocked at how the scrawny Jedi had changed after so many years. While it should not have been a surprise— he himself had changed quite a bit as well— in his head, Obi-Wan was still a thirteen-year-old with a horrible haircut and a pretentious amount of self-importance. (Nield has been to enough therapy since his warring days to realize his hatred of the young Jedi was a lot of his own projection. It did not change the way his mind remembered the boy that was once his companion.)
But alas, Kenobi grew up into a Jedi Master and a High General. When they spoke those months ago, Nield congratulated him on achieving his Jedi rank. They spent many nights during the war talking about the people they wanted to become once the fighting was resolved. Nield remembered Obi-Wan's anxieties over whether or not he would try to return to the Order that left him behind.
He questioned the second rank he had achieved, though. High General of the Grand Army of the Republic. Nield wasn't questioning his qualifications— Kenobi was a natural-born leader, even as a kid. There was no doubt he excelled at his position. What he questioned was why. Why would he want to take on that role again?
That led to a much longer explanation. One that Nield walked away deciding the answer his old friend was avoiding was simply: I did not want to go to war again, I had to.
Obi-Wan, of course, had the same question for him. Travel the galaxy was his previous answer to the question: who do I want to be when I'm not fighting a damned civil war? It wasn't what he told the others of The Young, but a secret desire he confided in Obi-Wan while they chatted to keep one another awake on watches. Nield wanted to be a nomad. He wanted his home to be among the stars rather than a planet or civilization.
"And you became a representative for the very planet you wanted to put behind you forever," Obi-Wan had said with the same smugness Nield gave him.
"I do get to travel."
"I suppose. But it isn't living among the stars."
They ended the night with the conclusion that they both failed their childhood dreams in some ways. But what is adulthood, if not living to find things to regret?
For Nield, he ironically walked away from his reunion with Obi-Wan with new regrets. Which is what brings him to this random cantina on Keitrum.
He doesn't need to try and get the attention of the Jedi General— as he approaches, Obi-Wan Kenobi's stool swivels around. There's confusion in his tired eyes and furrowed brow, and then he relaxes, a small smile on his lips.
"What a surprise," he muses, causing his companion to also turn around. Nield recognizes the shaggy dark hair and piercing gaze of General Anakin Skywalker almost immediately. "What brings you to Keitrum, old friend?"
"Definitely not the same reasons as you," Nield says tightly, eyeing the armor they were keeping hidden beneath their billowing robes. Well-used armor, tainted with dried blood and oil stains. Obi-Wan is clad in a more complete ensemble of shoulder, chest, arm, and leg pieces, while the younger General appears to only sport the shoulder and chest armor. Oh, the false security of youth. They look as though they came straight from the battlefield to grab a celebratory drink. Nield suspects that is exactly the case.
"Friend of yours, Master?" Skywalker says, curious eyes flickering between the two of them.
"Something of the sort," Obi-Wan replies, leaning back so they can see one another. "Anakin, this is Nield, a Representative of Melidaan. I met him—"
"When you were part of The Young?" The wide-eyed General finishes, suddenly looking his age. Nield raises an eyebrow at Kenobi. So you told him after all.
"Yes, we... fought together."
"And against one another," Nield adds.
"Yes, that too, I suppose."
Nield settles down on the opposite side of Kenobi and listens as he explains to the young man the nature of their... history. Though Obi-Wan gives him a charitable amount of leeway and understanding for his actions, Nield can't help the guilt that builds as the story goes on.
Especially as Skywalker keeps looking his way with increasing outrage and obvious protectiveness over his former Master.
"...after Cerasi... died," Obi-Wan says in a softer voice. "we had very different approaches on how to proceed."
"You wanted revenge?" Anakin asks Nield with off-putting intensity. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
"I was angry," he glances at Obi-Wan. "I thought about it a lot, though. How the people who killed her needed to pay. Obi-Wan had to help me get out of that mindset. It wasn't what she would have wanted."
Now it's Obi-Wan's turn to look surprised. They'd avoided recounting the specifics of the war when they last talked, and that's exactly what Nield regretted. He never got to tell Obi-Wan he's sorry for the way their friendship splintered back then. The war, the death— it changed him for the worse. It aged his soul, made his heart turn to stone. It took many, many years to come back from the shell of a person he became.
"We were kids," Obi-Wan whispers, a creak in his tone.
"I'm still sorry. You did nothing but help us when nobody else would. You were always one of us, no matter what I said as a punk kid. You were one of us, and honestly, the best of us. Your name still comes up among those of us that remain."
The Jedi Master stares at him for a long moment before staring down at his drink as he swirls it. Skywalker assumes being a wallflower, switching between fiddling with the commlink on his wrist and monitoring his Master's facial expressions.
"How many?"
"About half from when we last saw you." A moment of silence. Nield lets out a breath and then continues. "Not all gone, just not living on Melidaan anymore. They attended university. Traveled. Got married and moved away."
Neither say it, but he knows they both are thinking it. We fought so hard for a peaceful home. Leaving seemed like a dishonor to those who died with the dream of growing old on the land they left their family for.
But Obi-Wan left too. And Nield does not actually blame him nor anyone else for leaving.
"I hope they're well."
Skywalker's hand suddenly clasps Kenobi's shoulder. "Ahoska and the men are here. I'm gonna go tell them to put their drinks on your tab."
"Anakin, don't you dare, the accounting department was so angry with me last time!" he calls after him, but the young General has already disappeared into the thickening crowd. Obi-Wan sighs and looks back at Nield who can't help the amusement on his face.
"So that's Anakin Skywalker."
"In all his glory, yes."
"He reminds me of you as a kid."
"Oh Force, don't tell him that. I'll never hear the end of it."
Nield laughs. "I'm glad I got to meet him. Put a face to your stories."
"I take it meeting my former padawan is not the reason you have come out of your way to find me. Nor is this the coincidence you make it out to be."
"Perceptive as always. I just realized we skirted around the obvious when we last spoke. Pretended that I didn't alienate you from the Young after you devoted everything to help us."
"Like I said earlier, we were kids, Nield."
"And like I also said earlier, I'm sorry. That's why I wanted to see you again."
Obi-Wan smiles, holding out his hand. Nield shakes it. "I'm sorry too, old friend. I'm glad we got to see one another again because I needed to thank you. You and one of my officers convinced me to finally tell Anakin about the war."
"How'd he react?"
"Better than I anticipated. But now every free moment has turned into storytime."
Nield recalls the few fond moments of the war when Obi-Wan would sit in the center of the room and tell all the younger kids a bedtime story. An attempt to thwart the nightmares away. "You were always good at telling stories."
"Apparently so. I usually draw quite an audience."
"It helps though. Talking about it. Doesn't it?"
The Jedi General nods. "For the most part. Though I see our war everywhere, now."
"The dreams?" Nield asks. Obi-Wan frowns. That's a yes. "The war can't be helping. Every time a speeder backfired I thought I was..."
"Back there again," The Jedi finishes for him. "Yes... Our recent terrestrial battles have not been helping."
Nield cannot imagine what it must be like to be back in the middle of a warzone. The fact the galaxy is at war at all was enough of a trigger for the flashbacks to his youth. It's why he takes his duty as a representative so seriously. He will do anything and everything to keep his home away from this conflict.
But his friend does not have that luxury. Nield waits for Kenobi to meet his eyes again.
"It still affects me, too. Bad days come out of nowhere. No matter how many times people tell me 'recovery isn't linear' it still surprises me. But before I knew it, I had more good days than bad and even the bad days didn't compare to what they used to be. It'll get better, Obi-Wan. I promise you it will."
Obi-Wan holds his stare. He's harder to read now than when he was thirteen, but Nield can still recognize the look in the Jedi's eye when he trusts someone. Though Nield doesn't feel he deserves this trust, for Obi-Wan's sake he's glad he's willing to listen.
"I will remember that," the Jedi says softly. "Thank you."
Nield raises the drink that was placed before him at some point. Obi-Wan does the same. The words come tumbling out before he can think of anything else to say. "To our brothers and sisters in the trenches... and the pursuit of peace."
The chant feels acidic on his tongue.
"We fight for our future, and the lives those who have died deserved," Obi-Wan continues. He hasn't forgotten it either.
"To unity."
"To freedom."
"To the Young," they say together, voices barely carrying beyond the space between them. Their cups clink together, and for a moment they're back in the lookout station. Kenobi, Nield, Cerasi, and half a bottle of red wine they found when pillaging an abandoned home for supplies. They didn't actually drink the wine-- it was obviously rancid. But that cheer they made up between giggles and dares to taste the sour beverage became their battle cry.
He tries to sip his brew but it tastes like that damn expired wine. For some reason, that makes him smile. Somehow the moments Nield cherishes the most lie among the worst points of his life. Perhaps because Cerasi never made it past the war to record over the old memories with new ones. Perhaps because Obi-Wan disappeared before Nield could come to his senses.
But for some reason, he's been granted another chance. Nield isn't sure what he did to deserve such a gift, but he'll accept it. Kenobi sits next to him, washing away the bittersweet chant of their youth with a brew.
Another survivor, and now, a friend once again.
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