#But anyway like please for the love of all that is holy let someone else cook I'm begging you
darkladylumiya · 28 days
My thoughts on Tales of the Empire
I'll start with my overall thoughts - the animation is really good, though at this point the contrast between more standard Clone Wars-style models and the more realistic ones who look like they could be from a video game is a bit jarring (though this could easily be a just me thing, I've not seen anyone else talk about this), the Barriss arc was way better than the Morgan Elsbeth one, which I doubt was a surprise to anyone, though I still have some issues with both. My big thing is that, compared to Tales of the Jedi, where we get little excerpts and character moments to fill out the characters and their progression through time, here Tales of the Empire is more or less our only source for info on these characters at this point in time. We know what happens with Dooku and Ahsoka in between their episodes - we have no clue what happened to Morgan to get her from Dathomir to running a planet for example, or how Barriss went from inquisitor to hermit healer (though this example is much less extreme).
Anyway, into the arcs proper. Get excited everyone, other force witch clans are back! Like the... checks notes Mountain clan. Not Singing Mountain. Just... Mountain. Cool, thanks Filoni. A decade later you finally make other Dathomiri clans canon, but you just shave a word off a name and now it's totally your own original idea, right? And don't worry, we'll have more totally original ideas from Filoni later, but first. Okay, the first episode is kinda like... a nothing episode. We end the episode with Morgan in the same position as she was halfway through, with a strange plot where Morgan immediately tries to seduce people to the Dark Side because... I don't know, she can? And again, we have no clue how she made it off planet. Dathomir doesn't exactly get a lot of space traffic, and apparently there are droid gunships still scouring the planet looking to kill literally any Nightsister left. Surely the first episode should have dealt with her getting off-planet? And not her sowing some dissent in a clan we've never met before and never see again? Some dissent which immediately ends and goes nowhere because most of them are now dead.
Anyway, next episode, she's in charge of a planet now because she has to be for The Mandalorian to still work - surely her getting to be in charge of a planet should have been an episode? Have the first one be her family getting killed and then her getting off-planet with some scavengers or pirates or whatever, the second episode is her rise to power over this planet and then the last is her meeting Thrawn? But sure, whatever, she's in charge already, cool. She's the designer of the TIE Defender, because they love beating my boy down. I'm not even going to ask how a Nightsister who has probably never even seen a starship before her clan got murdered figured out in the however many years it's been now knows how to design one of the best starfighters out there. Let's actually address that though - how many years has it been? The Battle of Dathomir was 20 BBY. The episode starts with a shot of Coruscant, where we see six Venators before finally an Imperial-class Star Destroyer appears. This implies to me that this has to be early on in the Empire, right? The first five years or so maybe? But then in Rebels season four there's an episode where they steal a TIE Defender prototype. So it took the Empire, or I guess Thrawn more specifically, at least seven years to go from design to a single test model? That's just strange to me, but who knows, it's been forever since I've seen that Rebels episode so maybe I'm just misremembering how they talked about it there. Anyway, the thing that truly got me was Pellaeon and Rukh. Fucking Rukh. But yeah, why was Eli Vanto not here but Pellaeon was? New canon more or less replaced Pellaeon's role with Vanto, so why is he not here now but Pellaeon is? My guess - because Filoni wanted to cover all the Thrawn bases. He read a brief summary of people and things associated with Thrawn in Legends and he put them all in one episode. We have Pellaeon, we have TIE Defenders, we have fUCKINg Rukh. I genuinely do not know why the FUCK Rukh is here.
Okay, let me explain. In the original Thrawn trilogy from the 90s, Rukh is Thrawn's personal bodyguard. Rukh is a Noghri, a species who regard Darth Vader as the savior of their people because their planet got nuked during the Clone Wars (it was an accident) and Vader came in and promised to help rebuild the planet, which he did. Very slowly, so the Noghri would always be indebted to him, because as it turns out they're very good assassins and commandos. But the important thing to note is that they're sworn to Vader, and serve him. Now in the books they work for Thrawn because they're more broadly sworn to the Empire, and after Vader is dead they end up working for Thrawn once he's in charge of the Empire. But Filoni doesn't care, the Noghri are associated with Thrawn and so here Rukh is as his bodyguard testing whether Morgan can fight. As soon as she got attacked, I immediately guessed it was going to be a Noghri, but once I saw the face of her attacker I was much less sure, because the head is completely wrong for a Noghri by the way, their head looks nothing like that. But anyway I lost it when Pellaeon said Rukh's name, because I knew I was fucking right. We're just pulling out all the sick Thrawn trilogy references, but not actually using these characters in any meaningful way - Rukh is here so his character page on Wookieepedia can have a canon tab now and so Filoni can show off his cred of pretending to have read a single book in his life. Oh yes, there is another thing Rukh is famous for by the way. KILLING THRAWN. I'm sure Filoni just forgot that little detail. Or who knows, maybe he'll just recreate it word for word at some point because he cannot do anything but steal from other people's work but do it in a worse and more amateurish way. I was so upset with Rukh being here with no explanation or justification I really did not care about anything else that happened in the rest of the arc. Thrawn shows up and recruits Elsbeth and then the third episode is just her killing a diplomat and burning a forest for no reason, yeah sure whatever who cares. I simply wish at some point there would be a notable character from Legends who is just... left there, and doesn't get dragged by cowboy hat man into whatever nostalgia bait ploy or attempt to pretend he has ever read a book, because the nostalgia bait doesn't work anymore. It just doesn't - it simply pisses me off. You're reminding me of better stories while I watch your lame shows, Filoni. Is that really what you want?
Ugh. Anyway, Barriss. I have a lot less to say because it's actually pretty good. I think it's way too short and she deserved way more screentime, or at the least not having to share an equal amount with Morgan Elsbeth (who I honestly forgot was even in the Mandalorian, I genuinely thought she was made up for the Ahsoka tv show for a while she's so forgettable). Anyway, the fundamental flaw is still that Barriss's massive heel-turn change of heart came out of nowhere and makes little sense with her character as established, so while this does a decent job at building upon that, it doesn't change that her arc in The Clone Wars makes no sense and was obviously chosen so that Ahsoka could be emotionally devastated by her best friend betraying her. A different complaint I then have is like... when did Barriss, woman who killed over a dozen people in a terrorist bombing, at least one of whom was someone she knew and liked, Barriss who murdered a woman in cold blood and purposefully framed her best friend so she could get away with this bombing, Barriss who convinces a wife to make her husband into a living bomb, Barriss who kills three clones with her friend's lightsabers to set her up even further and leads her purposefully where she has stashed more of the same bomb material, and indeed Barriss who kills someone who seemed to be her friend with the same technique she used to kill the woman who was about to rat her out - you want me to believe she suddenly has an issue with killing a village full of people? I'm sorry, but you have to actually explain how she sees this as different. Because you don't actually address at any point how she might feel about her terrorism now, or even what exactly her moral compass is. Killing innocents is good when she does it bad bad when it doesn't make the political statement she wants to make? I just don't get it. Anyway, final episode is the best of the series because it does the most to actually have a moral and message and actually does something pretty interesting? Whether she dies or not (I doubt she does personally), it's still an interesting setup for something else, either another season of this or a comic or book or whatever, to come back to and follow what the hell Lyn (and probably Barriss too) does now. I'm also glad Filoni finally remembered Barriss's specialty was healing actually, and not terrorism, even though we don't actually get to see her do any healing, with the Force or otherwise. Oh also, why does she look so old? It's like she aged 50 years over the course of 10? Like Lyn looks exactly the same but Barriss looks like she's 80. Idk, that was weird. Anyway I've rambled long enough, Filoni is still a hack who's never read a book in his life, but the Barriss stuff here was pretty good, at least somewhat enjoyable throughout. If you watch anything, watch that - all the Morgan Elsbeth stuff is terribly forgettable or outright frustrating.
5/6 edit: I’ve fixed Eli’s name (sorry Eli) and while it’s been pointed out to me that Rukh is in Rebels, a fact I was unaware of, I’m going to maintain the rant as it stands with this disclaimer here at the end - Rukh was in Rebels and was not originally added in this show. However, I still think his design sucks.
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
Vox x Reader Headcanons: Fiancé Edition
Fiancé!Vox x gn!Reader
A/N: This little thingy would have both an SFW and NSFW portion, mostly because I'm a depraved little shit and I am downbad for a 7ft bipedal television with issues-
Now first off, y'all probably would've been dating a long long while before this mans would pop the question.
I feel like he'd know that he wants to marry you, but he's so unsure of it plus he's concerned about how that would affect you in all of it.
Like, oh great if this gets out suddenly you've got one of the biggest targets on your back because you're the technology overlord's fiance and soon to be wife/husband.
As if you hadn't already when you both started dating-
Vox is a perfectionist so I'd imagine he would try so so hard to get everything completely flawless for his proposal.
But nothing goes his way that day, none, nada, zilch-
That's just his luck, totally not because it got screwed over by a certain radio demon for shits and giggles.
But he ends up asking you anyway, though a bit indirectly because it slips during his irritated rant.
"I can't believe they managed to spill wine all over me back there! All over one of my best suits as well!"
"Hun, we could always send your suit to the professional cleaners. It's okay! We can always just go someplace else next time too-"
"No! That- ugh! I had all these plans today and they were just ruined! I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect for when I was going to propose to you-"
"You were gonna what-"
Vox immediately shut up once he realized his screwup then.
So much for keeping it a surprise!
That's kind of how you ended up with a diamond ring on your finger that night.
And that's how Vox ended that really stressful day with an extremely satisfying night.
He ditched work the next day and just spent it being all over you.
Yes he admires the ring on your hand from time to time, this man just stares.
You can betcho ass that ring is expensive as fuck too.
Like as if this man didn't kiss your hands enough, that new accessory marking a new chapter of your afterlives just makes him do it more.
He's actually kinda housewife material if you squint-
This man can cook and clean, and as a bonus he's filthy stinkin RICH.
Bro I need me one of these holy shit-
If he wasn't clingy enough before, oh boy get ready for this.
He will always have an appendage on you at all times, a hand on your lower back, your hip, in your hand-
Or he'd just have you in his lap while he worked on stuff in his office.
Also, Vox being possessive as all hell if someone so much as just stared at you too long-
Please that goes straight up to 1000% when you agreed to wear that ring.
You guys planning to get hitched doesn't stay secret for too long though.
With Valentino and Velvette sticking their noses in Vox's business as a daily pastime anyhow-
Hence why a lot of sinners started shipping you two.
And oh goodness the ship wars.
Sometimes Vox wishes the internet wasn't really connected to his brain-
The magazines went wild with that one too-
Cuz imagine, the richest and the pride ring's probably most esteemed bachelor-
Aside from Lucifer probably, Vox's marketing and PR team are insanely good at their jobs-
Was now off the market and due to get hitched with you.
I'd imagine even if Vox doesn't post anything on social media, you or Vel would-
Literally like those married couples on TikTok or something with a whole bunch of cute shit.
You can best believe the most cracked out shit happens while you're both engaged though.
"Oh this is Vox, he's my ex-boyfriend."
"... You have got to stop saying that. I'm their fiancé."
You did not stop saying that.
Actually you wouldn't stop saying that even when his title upgraded to husband.
Not that Vox cares, your shenanigans were what caused him to gravitate towards you in the first place.
And until now they're what keep your relationship fun and interesting.
"Hey hubby, ooooh~ you're looking like the hottest thing in all of the pride ring despite having just rolled out of bed."
"Hahaha, good morning to you too doll."
It doesn't register what you called him at first until he's had his coffee and then it clicks.
You play it off attempting to be coy until he replays the video of you greeting and calling him that on his face.
His. Face.
Sneaky little shit that's what-
He doesn't really respond to any other petname now, you've dug your grave.
"What? What?? What do you want???"
"Can you peel this orange for me?"
"Really? That's it? Why don't you peel it yourself?"
"Because it tastes better when you do it?"
He does it eventually, hell if he's in a particularly good mood he'll even feed you.
That's always kind of how it goes when you ask him for things.
If it's something you want/can buy though?
You're already in possession of his credit card, just get whatever tf you want HAHAHAHA-
He's still a busy bastard though so it's not really much different from how it's like when you guys were dating-
But he genuinely tries to balance his work a little better to spend more time with you.
This man is such a workaholic though you end up having to drag his ass out of his office to rest anyway.
Again, nothing new from when you were just dating.
You guys jokingly throw around your soon to be marital titles in private.
Vox kind of feels like a kid in a candy store when you do, just giddy and excited for what's to come.
Not to mention he now has a partner in crime when he riffs on Alastor!
He'd be over the MOON if you just joined his chaos.
The radio demon probably wouldn't give a shit, he's just built different like that-
You both get so comfortable that you almost forget that you have a wedding to plan and set a date for.
Until Velvette asks about it and you're both just: "Oh. Right."
Your fiancé's schedule is so fucking packed though it was nearly impossible to.
This guy was going to work himself to death before you could tie the knot lmao-
But eventually you both got a date and venue settled, so that was one step closer.
Okay so like, I know sinners can't actually copulate unless you're Lucifer but that's besides the point-
And Vox isn't really a family man at all-
But boy oh boy if he didn't have it before-
This man would have an insane breeding kink after you both got engaged.
This man wants to see you stuffed.
Literally doesn't matter if you're riding him or he's just impaling you on his cock-
This guy just wants to fill you up so bad.
I'd also think that you guys would be screwing around a lot more often after he popped the question-
Something about emotions constantly running high and dopamine being one hell of a drug.
I think Vox is a switch, so I'd also imagine he'd be more inclined to let you dom him every now and then.
Or when he just wants to be a bratty little shit please go ahead and tame him, he likes it.
You can kind of get away with more stuff when you're both engaged.
Like tease him a whole ton and he just bites hook, line and sinker.
It's already gotten to the point where the power in the tower would die often enough that Velvette herself has gone through some crazy lengths to cockblock her colleague.
Speaking of, Vox would probably use you as a stress reliever after work if you let him-
Like he will just fuck you stupid until all you say is his name because this guy is addicted to hearing it.
Or he'd let you fuck him stupid until he's so far into sub space he forgets about his shitty day.
Cuz if it's rough, it's rough with you two.
But on the gentler side-
It's just as addicting and if not probably a little worse.
Though you would probably be the one taking initiative/domming whenever you both have gentle rounds.
I'm all for Vox being able to switch some of his parts cuz he wanted to/can.
So y'all have fucking choices when it comes to wrecking this idiot.
Like a multiple choice exam, literally shotgun the fuck outta those answers like you deteriorate his mental.
And consequently the entire city's power grid.
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theemporium · 11 months
please Sirius with best friend reader, he gets jealous that someone asks her to the ball, so they have a fight and she's also angry with him bcus he didn't ask her first. idiots in love, happy ending pls
thank you for requesting!🖤
Each and every exclamation felt like nails on a chalkboard to Sirius as he watched you sit amongst the other girls, a wide grin on your face that you couldn’t wipe off your face even if you tried. And you had been acting like such for the better part of the last forty minutes. 
And Sirius was losing his patience.
The Yule Ball had been all everyone had been talking about. Between the decorations arriving for the last few weeks and the new flush of students from France and Bulgaria, it was all anyone could focus on. What mattered more then who was going to the ball together and who was getting rejected?
Sirius, just like everyone else, had been excited about the ball. 
Until you had come running into the common room, rambling away about how some Durmstrang boy had swooped in and asked you out—some boy that was clearly known in the group considering each of the girls’ reactions. And it irked him.
No, it fucking pissed him off and he couldn’t understand why.
“Do you think—” 
However, you cut yourself off when you noticed the way Sirius rolled his eyes and scoffed for what seemed like the hundredth time in the last five minutes. You shot the girls a look before you moved closer to your best friend, your eyebrows furrowed together.
“Are you okay?” you asked, taking the seat next to him on the couch.
He flashed you a false grin. “Of course. Everything’s fucking peachy, why wouldn’t I be okay?”
You frowned a little at his snappy tone. “Merlin, who shoved a stick up your ass?” 
“Nobody,” he grumbled and waved you off. “Go on, don’t let me distract you from what stress Steven wants to see you in.” 
“His name is Sven,” you corrected and, for some reason, that only pissed him off more.
“Like I give a flying fuck anyways,” Sirius muttered under his breath, looking everywhere but at you.
“Seriously, what has gotten into you?” you asked him, a little pissed off yourself now as you turned your body a little more to face him. “Just yesterday you were asking me to help you choose dressing robes and now—”
“Now I’m not going!” Sirius blurted out, catching you both by surprise.
“What?” you shook your head. “Why?!” 
“Because!” he stated simply. 
“Because what?” you pushed further. 
“Because I wanted to go with you!” Sirius exclaimed, a little breathless from his own confession as he stared at you. And then his voice dropped a little softer as he continued. “I wanted to go with you but you are now going with him.”
Your face softened. “Sirius—”
“No, I get it, it’s—” he took a deep breath and gave you a strained smile. “Just leave it, okay?”
“You’re an idiot,” you murmured fondly.
“I already know,” Sirius sighed.
“I wanted to go with you too,” you told him.
“I know you—” Sirius paused mid-sentence, frowning a little as he processed your words before turning to you. “You what?” 
“I wanted to go with you, Sirius,” you repeated, trying to bite back your grin as you took in his puppy dog expression. “You were just taking your damn time to ask.” 
“You could have asked too,” he muttered out defensively before he let out a breath. “You would have said yes?” 
“I still would,” you shrugged.
“And dump Sven?” 
“In a heartbeat.” 
“Oh baby,” Sirius grinned and quickly jumped up to his feet, holding his hand out to you. “Just you wait, this is gonna be the best ball invite of your life.” 
You raised your brows in amusement, letting him pull you up. “Is that so?” 
“Mhm,” he nodded as he pulled you closer. “Gotta make sure everyone in this damn castle knows you’re my girl.” 
“Just don’t leave me waiting too long or I’ll really have to go with Sven.”
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Hello! I really love your works sm, can i request a sfw or nsfw head cannons of the angels from WHB? Thank you!!
I’m so glad you liked them!! So I’m tryna write the angels as best I can Gabriel is the only one I’ve met outside of a event, I’ve seen the other two in the Halloween event! I like em but ngl they have…unique kinks I needed to google hifth
I hope you enjoy!!
Over all cw: blaspheme (I think?? ((Angels worshiping you)), death (not main characters), abuse of power
Sfw/nsft hcs on Angels!
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Cw: inappropriate boners,
He basically a guard dog standing over your shoulder 24/7 to keep you safe, he calls you his ‘Lord/Lady/Highness’ and has an army of angels who think the same of you
He’s not very affectionate but if you just say ‘hold me/my hand’ or ‘kiss me’ he’d do it in a heart beat. As his God he only wants you pleased
He’s a terrible cook and somehow steals food and is terrifying good at getting away with it (it must be an angel thing??) he dosent even lie saying he made it, he’s just vague where it came from (only once have you caught him in the act and you made him apologize, but the person gave him the food regardless)
He dust a lot in your home and you cant help but notice the ‘home made’ duster he ‘found’ has feathers matching his wings…
Canon Kink: Hierophilia; deriving sexual pleasure from religion, religious places and objects as well as find the act itself religious
He enjoys watching you participate in religious activities…maybe too much. He also finds pleasure in treating you as his god.
You jokingly thought of making him go to church, only for him to jump at the chance. He lowkey regretted it when you didn’t touch him, and made him stay squirming in his seat instead of helping him get off. He for whatever reason thought you’d let him jerk off or would touch him yourself as you were holy, nothing you did was wrong but…touching himself in this place is
You’ve actually caught him touching himself to you praying before, he got bashful upon getting caught but you swear you’ve heard him doing it after that, you just don’t catch him in the act (though you’ve caught him awkwardly standing by and adjusting himself)
He’s got a adorablely small and sensitive cock and he genuinely doesn’t need it touched to cum, roll it between your fingers for a few minutes and he’s trembling as he spills out all his cum
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Cw: murder, inappropriate boners
He’s strict with everyone around you, but not you, in his eyes you are the law since he serves only you, you cant do wrong
He’s terrible if you have guest, he demands they now to you and though he’ll settle if you tell him to, he watches them like a hawk and makes sure nothing gets out of hand
You see that leash? If you get mad and pull on it, he will calm down and you have his full attention, give it another tug downwards, and he’ll drop to his knees in front of you, and anyone else in the room
He likes brushing and styling your hair, he’ll try to help you bathe, insisting you don’t need to lift a finger, he will take care of everything, just relax
Canon Kink: Erotophonophilia; ‘Muder kink’, deriving sexual gratification from killing or watching someone get killed (BOY IS THIS A HARD KINK TO CASUALLY WORK WOTH)
If push comes to shove he has a habit of killing people who harass you too much/threaten you, but he gets…really excited afterwards and is pressing his thighs together to hide his erection, especially if you’re clearly not in the mood
You’ve seen him get in fights while still aroused from the last kill an honestly, when in public you sometimes just force a chastity cage on him to discourage him acting out
Though he believes self pleasure, or just the act in general is…sinful, he will do anything for you with no qualms, he only feels good when you touch him anyway
He suffered from wet dreams whenever you’re around him or he has objects with your scent
When he want to fool around desperately he will walk right up to you, kneel and beg you to touch his neither regions, stroking, slapping, pinching, doesn’t matter as long as you touch him
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Cw: messy kitchens, messy person, furniture abuse,
He’s messy and kinda gets annoying at times since he discovered how much fun it is to smash condiment packages
He’s good about cleaning, and he even cooks to make up for the mess…but he’s a sloppy cook too but at least it’s not intentional this time
He doesn’t understand that the furniture isn’t trying to hurt you and doesn’t need to be punished. He’s broken threee tables, one bed post and five chairs since he’s moved to being your ‘Guardian Angel’, all for tripping you or you stubbed your toe on them
He’s not affectionate but he’s not distant, he just follows your lead, he stands close by and if you ask him to come over he flops in your lap and looks up at you like a puppy. He likes when you watch tv and let him lay across your lap, he falls asleep easily that way
Canon Kink: Automysophilia; getting sexual gratification from defiling oneself, being dirty or defiled
He enjoys getting messy with cum, blood, dirt, just about anything. He will be blissed if you strip him and cover him in…well it’s up to you ;)
He has no qualms with jerking off in front of you if you don’t want to touch him while he’s too messy, but he wants you to be fully clothed while he’s sprawled out naked in front of you
He’s fucked slime before since it feels…weirdly good around his shaft, to the point he gets excited when he sees it around the house. You had to punish him for thinking he could ‘fool around’ with it then hide it away again
He’s got a very sensitive halo, while other angels get off to them being touched like a devils horns, he avoids it since it brings him to his knees in seconds
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
I’ve been simping over your ‘human’ Nomicon design since it came out in Ninja-November. If you have any headcanons about them, would you please share?
ah, a fellow monster/eldritch horror enjoyer I see! thank you! <3 tbh that Nomicon design was like an one day revelation, because while I love all the human!Nomi designs I've seen over the years (and there are some banger ones, man), it hit me that we as a fandom really underutilize all the uncanny aspects Nomi possesses. So ye. I do have a couple hc.
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Nomicon is an entity that doesn't have its own face and voice.
Whenever Nomicon talks to Randy it uses proxies in form of art/images/drawings/scribbles/writings. It gives strangely non-verbal vibes for something so cryptically eloquent! And whenever it does use a voice, its voice of the First Ninja (or more accurately his VA xD) , its first owner/wielder. When it uses a face, its usually the static/unmoving marble-like faces of Art or silly pen scribbles - both of which hold that uncanny valley look of something that looks human but really isn't. Not to mention the fact that it once literally stole Randy's face/body to teach him a lesson.
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I like to think that Nomicon has a library of faces/visages/voices it can take on, but all of them are creepily unsettling because - what would a book know about how to be human? It's face moves wrong, the eyes are too wide open, its body is creepily still, the voice uses inflections like its copying someone else (and sometimes voice warbles and changes/overlaps with other voices because it has so many).
All of it gives these fae/cryptid vibes of creatures that steal voices/faces to trick people, but in this case Nomicon collects those faces/voices from its owners along with their memories (which is another messed up thing we collectively forget is very creepy lol).
Nomicon is an entity that doesn't have a body, and most importantly - hands.
The reason I gave Nomicon so many shadow hands is because, well, Nomicon is a book. Hands hold those books, so the hands are very important to Nomi. All those shadow hands? Are memories of all the hands that held it (mostly previous Ninjas, but also the Creep and some others). It remembers everyone who held it.
The fit- the hat and the cape are kind of obvious, it look like center of the cover and the cape looks like covers on either side with pages underneath. The weirdest addition I made - is the spaghetti noodle-doodle 'hair'.
It constantly fascinates me that Nomicon, besides the Greek Key/9 motif, has those sort of concentration circles that are also present during Mask/Suit transformation. It gave me thought of sort of weird halos i guess?? Which adds to creepy vibe, but in this case its biblically accurate angel / holy deity type of vibes.
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Nomicon has very basic understanding of humanity.
For all the experiences/memories/personalities it was created from and it absorbed over the years, human things are a rather alien concept for the book. It's the reason Nomicon is so bad at its timing whenever it buzzes Randy. It just doesnt care that you are at school Randy, its trying to teach you how to be a better ninja!!! In some sense, it absorbed the most prevalent quality of First Ninja - the dedication to duty, the whole reason for its existence - to serve Ninjas to be the best they can. So, such human/mortal things as good grades/video games/a good nights sleep are very nebulous concepts to it.
Less of a hc but more of an observation/gripe but-
COME ON ITS NAME??? Ninjanomicon as in Ninjanecronomicon??? Because lets be honest its not just a book/guide for Ninjas its a book full of DEAD NINJAS??? LIKE??? In some sense all previous Ninjas, when they go through Ultimate Lesson, 'die' in the real world (because they are no longer Ninjas) and are preserved in Nomicon. And First is like deadass dead? (Plop plop too lol). So I feel like there should be more creepiness about that.
Anyway thats basically most of it, and sorry for silly doodles but i cant really draw creepy stuff xD
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saerotonins · 5 months
tied red strings of fate
ft. gojo satoru x gn!reader
request: omg .. tadhana by udd + satoru please ? 
content warnings: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, jjk manga spoilers [ch 236], canon divergent, implied that reader knows about curses but is not a sorcerer, lowkey a character analysis but yeah, happy ending
wc: 1283
note: when i saw this request i was so happy because tadhana* is literally one of my fave opm classics! also, im sorry nonnie if this was long overdue, figured i'd give him some fluff at his death "anniversary" heh (albeit a little late). i miss our glorious king sm :(( happy holidays 🎀
song: tadhana-up dharma down
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gojo satoru is a force to be reckoned with. his name rings a bell and brings shivers to the spine of any potential enemies he has. 
he's gojo satoru, the strongest of all, the holy grail of jujutsu sorcery. he's gojo satoru, whose power literally repels and divides everyone else and him.
but to you, he's a lover, a man of his own, an independent being who is capable of emotions. he's satoru. the love of your life.
so when he decided to call it quits, to say you were devastated is an understatement. you were left broken, calling out his name at night hoping he would appear in front of you just one, for closure. him closing the chapter of your book got you weeping and yearning for more of him. 
because even though he's your lover, even you have a hard time of catching a glimpse of who he really is. satoru is an open book, but he's hard to understand. you did all your best to ease him and make him open up, show more of himself to you, bare his truth, the good, the bad, and the ugly, all of them you're willing to accept.
alas, the universe has other plans, the challenge ended even before it began, he is most definitely an enigma, someone that you will probably never get to solve. satoru's backed turned against you was a sight you are never going to forget. you spent months moving on and try to live a life where he isn't yours. it's hard but you try to manage anyway.
so when a knock on your door was heard by the 31st of december, you didn't expect gojo satoru in his full glory standing before you. as shocked as you are, you see his eyes had sunken. he's beyond exhausted but when he sees you, his eyes lighten up and you feel the warmth of his arms and your feet off the floor. you miss this, you miss him, it was all so familiar and something you very much miss. every fiber of your being remembered the way he touched you, triggered by the way his hands gripped onto your waist for dear life. as confused as you are, you reciprocated his gesture, opting to rest your hand on his shoulder blades.
"satoru?" you managed to voice our before you feel him put you down but his embrace remain. he then rests his head on the crook of your neck, then you hear him sniffle. suddenly you feel something drop onto your skin. his tears slowly roll from his face to your neck and shoulders.
satoru's lips wobbles as he tries to contain himself but to know avail, he lets his cries out, deciding to bare himself to you and be vulnerable. he was so so so tired of fighting. as great as the title 'the strongest' sounds, it gets too lonely even for him. being on the top is lonely. and he knows it himself.
he'd rather fall from grace than live a life where he isn't yours. he was too late to realize it. he was so stupid, too cocky, too condescending that it took him facing death before realizing that he wants to live, just for you. so when he finally defeats the evils of the jujutsu world, his first thought is you. the only one who provided light in his dark and desolate world.
as charming and bright satoru is, he is often left in the shadows in the cave but when he came to know you, he was absolutely in love and smitten. you were like a fresh breath of air to him. but when he decides that creeping into your mundane and simple life would rather be selfish of him. someone cursed like him shouldn't be able to be with someone who is blessed and down to earth like you. 
but being selfish be damned, he had faced battles, including one that almost left him biting the dust. he wants you, he needs you in his life and letting you go was definitely a mistake, something that he will never do ever again.
when his cries had calmed down, you finally get his voice again after a long time. "i'm so sorry," satoru started. "i was an idiot, i love you so much and i never stopped loving you. i was so stupid to let you go, i have never loved someone as much as i did with you." satoru knows his worth is probably lesser than any other being the moment he let you go, the only pillar who provided stability and balance in his life. he was impulsive, too proud, and too strong. but the way you held him every time you caged him into your arms is like he was fragile, someone to be protected, someone to cherish.
satoru loved that. and he was stupid to think that was worth letting go.
knowing you has made him scared of death, an entity or event that could break the two of you apart and live in separate worlds, and he couldn't bare to face it. he loves you too much to let himself go and so he fought with you in mind and thank any deity that exists, he finally won.
gojo satoru is the strongest.
so seeing him crumble right before your very eyes as his knees meet the concrete is a shock. he had bowed before you first before he had bowed to any higher up. hell, satoru bowing before anyone else would come as a shock. he held onto your ankle for support, his voice begging to take him back as he spews even more apologies that he can manage.
"please, please, i'm so sorry darling, i'll do what it takes for you to take me back. i love you so much, no other human had made me feel this way, please i'm so sorry. i miss you so much, god, i can't even remember a life before you, please." satoru had begged, begged, and begged, his voice getting louder and louder and each increased volume of his voice his hurt is more evident.
with the way his voice cracked broke your heart, and that's when you knew he meant every single letter, every syllable, every drop of tear, and every breath of his apology. 
you had completely broken the strongest. but satoru doesn't mind. even if you break him a thousand times, he'd painstakingly pick up every single piece of himself to present it to you. and that's what he's doing right now.
"i forgive you 'toru," he barely hears you say through his wails and it slowly comes to a halt. he then lost the feel of your ankles as he sees you kneel yourself to his level. your hands reached to touch his face and there you see his eyes, glassed with tears, love, and regret. satoru feels the heat of your hands on his cheeks and his instincts leaned into it. "i was hurt, but i'm never mad, i just wished you'd tell me why," his heart broke when he heard your voice crack.
"but you're hear now, right? we can fix this, we can fix us." you say as you carefully wipe the tears on his face. satoru nodded as he holds your wrists and caress his thumb on it. "yeah, we'll fix us."
"together," satoru said in confidence. 
and with a light heart, satoru leans in to catch your lips on his, sealing his silent promise to never hurt you ever again, or he will never get to forgive himself.
he's gojo satoru.
he'll always find a way back into your arms.
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another note: i'm quite unsure with the ending but this is all that i got 😔 i hope this was on par with your expectations nonnie hehe 🫶🏻
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purdledooturt · 3 months
WIP Wedneday
I got tagged again, and y'all... you may not know this but I basically bleed WIPs. I have nothing but WIPs. Sometimes they never become anything, and WIP Wednesdays are the only way they see the world at all. Thank you @cinnamontails-ff for freeing one of these boys from the jail.
In celebration of the announcement of the continuation of An Empirical Science, I would also like to contribute to the Holy Rolan Empire.
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The door clicked closed – then, it clicked again. Locked.
“Drop the glamour, please,” Rolan all but growled, “before I do it for you.”
Tav gasped at the commanding tone, her heart seized by cold tendrils in confusion. Immediately, she did as he had asked, dropping the disguise with an exhale. “Rolan!” Her hand flew to her chest, trying to still her pounding heart. “It’s just me!”
“Tav!” Rolan gasped back, his expression going from dark and fierce and angry to something more akin to surprise and confusion and… suspicion? With one final once-over the expression melted into something more sheepish, as his shoulders relaxed with a sigh. “I’m sorry about that. You… you had triggered some alarms, so I…” He ran a hand through his hair, letting loose a few tendrils from his normally immaculately styled half-up ‘do. “It’s good to see you, though.”
“I’m so sorry,” she said, pursing her lips together as she felt her face burn red out of embarrassment. Of course they would have security measures for disguises and seemings – she didn’t even think about it. “That was wholly my fault.”
To try and soothe the awkward air, Tav went for the first gesture she could think of: a friendly hug. Oddly, Rolan accepted – in fact, he damn near melted into it. She enjoyed his warmer body temperature, momentarily reminded of the piggy-back rides Karlach used to give her when they were racing Lae’zel. She rested her chin on his shoulder. “It’s good to see you, too.”
He pulled away from the embrace, examining her once again. “My reaction was completely unwarranted. I apologise, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just thought you… were someone else. Why were you in a disguise anyway?”
She looked down at her bag of purchases and sheepishly held them up to call his attention to them. Curiously, he peered in. “Last time I came by, Lia wouldn’t let me pay, so…”
He laughed. “You silly girl,” he said fondly, shaking his head. He gestured towards a well-lit seating area by the large floor-to-ceiling window. “Why don’t you take a seat over by the window? Let me at least get you a drink, and I’ll let Cal and Lia know you’re here so they can say hello.”
Tav marvelled at the room Rolan had claimed as his office – the walls were covered in books, from floor to ceiling, but unlike Lorroakan’s old set up it was much more organised and welcoming. Rolan had his books in shelves of polished cherry wood – she found that the desk, chairs, his drinks cabinet, and the furniture at his seating area matched, giving the room an elevated, moody, professional air. It was luxurious and neat – it was just very him.
“ I’d love a juice of some kind,” she called out over her shoulder as she settled down on the plush seat of one of the armchairs. “This place is beautiful, Rolan - you’ve outdone yourself!”
“I found the difficulty of furnishing a space is greatly made easy by having lots of money,” he said in his normal, sardonic, Rolan way, though there was markedly no bite in his tone. “I do hope this juice would do.” 
She’d turned to find him walking towards her with two glasses of wine and she laughed, leaning forward in her seat to reach for one. “That counts,” she joked, as she watched him take the other armchair across from her. She took a sip of the wine – chilled and sweet. 
Before he leaned back he reached into his pocket, pulling out a pouch which he’d tossed her way. It landed on her lap with a light jingle that betrayed its contents. “Say nothing,” he said, pre-empting her protest with a raised hand, “that should be exactly what you paid, and not a gold more.”
“One of the scrolls was on sale,” she mentioned – concern about being credited more than what actually paid oddly the first thing in her mind.
The second, she found, was amazement – the idea of Rolan just… casually calculating the cost of her purchases, just from that brief glance into her bag, just to refund her? Well, she knew he was a genius, but that was as impressive as Astarion’s one-handed lockpicking trick – it was another level entirely. “Rolan, really –”
He finally settled down in the armchair, waving her concerns away. “I’ve accounted for that, don’t worry,” he said, “just to keep the books clean for Bex.”
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Ooh - why did he react so poorly? Who was he expecting? 👀
I am super excited about this idea so I am definitely motivated to keep working on it - I just want to have it all planned out before I commit (sorry). I have a prologue whipped up that explains the whole premise from the get go, but there's a whole lot of middle to work with.
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shima-draws · 8 months
Please share your thoughts on Kieran/Ash
-Ash arrives in Kitakami and immediately butts heads with Carmine. Needless to say this leaves a strong first impression on Kieran who has never really seen someone stand up to Carmine before
-Carmine challenges Ash to a battle. Ash whoops her ass. Kieran is enthralled. Kieran proceeds to laugh to himself saying “It’s not like I lie awake thinking about him at night or anything” cut to Kieran lying in bed thinking about Ash going AW MAN
-Ash and Kieran get paired up together for the little interactive tour. Kieran is a hot mess. How do you not act like a total oddball in front of the really cool foreign trainer who was able to beat your sister in a Pokemon battle.
-Kieran’s a nervous ball of anxiety the ENTIRE time until they get to the first signboard. Then his autism kicks in and he tells Ash about Ogerpon. Ash notices how passionate Kieran seems to be about Kitakami’s history and is like whoa that’s really neat 😳
-Ash agrees with Kieran and says whoa yeah the ogre actually sounds really cool!! Aw man now I really want to meet it!
Kieran: Oh no I think I’m in love with him
-Kieran is inwardly having a mental gay breakdown and wonders what to do. How does he handle this. How can he impress Ash, who is already so impressive. Maybe a Pokemon battle? But there’s no way he could beat Ash after seeing how strong he was yesterday…
-Kieran decides to battle Ash anyway. Unsurprisingly, he loses. He’s about to go into a self-deprecating spiral when Ash comes over and is like WOW that was AWESOME!! Your Pokemon were so great, that was such a good battle!! Man battles are really really fun huh ^^
-Huh. Kieran’s never really thought about it that way before. At least with his background, battles have always been about power and proving yourself the strongest and winning. Maybe Ash is onto something? Kieran doesn’t feel the sort of disappointment he usually feels when losing a battle. He actually feels…satisfied?
-They continue on to the second signpost, and then to the Dreaded Den. Kieran infodumps about Ogerpon again. Ash listens to every word with a dreamy look on his face. Is nobody else seeing this?? Okay. Alright
-The Festival of Masks is ready to start. Kieran’s grandparents let Ash borrow an extra set of jinbei. Kieran sees Ash all dressed up and tries not to let his gay show too much. (He fails.) Kieran’s grandparents watch them awkwardly flirt with each other and do that eyebrow raise thing.
-THEY GO TO THE FESTIVAL! With Carmine tagging along. Carmine is her usual snarky self and unintentionally insults Kieran. Ash gets angry on Kieran’s behalf. Kieran manages to calm both of them down and he and Ash split from Carmine for a little while.
-Ash: I don’t like how your sister treats you >:(
Kieran: O-oh 😳
ASH CARES ABOUT HIM. He wants to cry. This is the best festival ever.
-I actually considered having Ash and Carmine being the ones to have a run-in with Ogerpon, and then Ash refusing to keep it a secret from Kieran, but. I like to think that Ash would change the narrative so much that he and Kieran would encounter Ogerpon from the get-go. This is the Good End route.
-Ash is able to start befriending Ogerpon with his Protag Powers and Kieran is stupidly impressed. And very very gay.
-Ash, freaking out: Was that the ogre?!! OH MAN
Kieran, freaking out: OH WOWZERS
Ash cares about him AND they met the ogre. This is DEFINITELY the best festival ever.
-Since Ash is bad at keeping secrets they’ll probably end up telling Carmine about Ogerpon anyway. Lmao
-The next morning the three of them find out the Real Story behind the Loyal Three and Ogerpon’s past. Carmine is furious. Ash is also furious but to a lesser degree. Kieran is just heartbroken that Ogerpon’s had to live this way for so long. And Ash is like holy CRAP Kieran was right the entire time!! Kieran you’re amazing!! How did you know Ogerpon wasn’t the bad guy?? You’re so cool Kieran 😤
Kieran: (A cute boy is complimenting me I think I’m going to explode)
-They aren’t sure what to do about changing the townspeople’s minds. Carmine says they should probably keep it a secret like her grandfather told them to. Ash refuses. Kieran also refuses. Carmine gets angry that Kieran is taking Ash’s side. Kieran actually snaps back at her and Ash is VERY proud Kieran’s standing up for himself
-They split up for the time being. Ash and Kieran decide to go tackle the last signpost. Along the way Kieran’s p dang quiet. Ash asks him what’s wrong when they get there and Kieran asks him for another battle.
-This time it’s CLOSE. And both of them get REALLY into it. Kieran realizes he’s never had this much fun battling someone before. Along this crazy adventure he’s learned so many things. And Ash has inspired him so much. Kieran’s always wanted to get stronger. But the way he’s been going about it has been all wrong.
-Kieran has an epiphany of sorts. Battling with Ash made him realize it’s not about winning or showing off. It’s about having fun!! And this whole time Kieran’s gotten stronger without even realizing it.
-Ash runs at him after the battle ends and he’s like “That was AMAZING did you see the way those moves collided?!! And when Furret dodged Pikachu’s attack like that I was like WHOA and then they were like WHAM and I was like YOOO!!” And Kieran’s gushing right along with him. The tism LEAPS out
-Ash makes Kieran develop a true passion and love for battling and he’s so thankful 🤧 Bc before he never could really grasp why he wasn’t improving at all. Focusing on strength kinda blinded him to what was really important.
-Kieran: Let’s battle again soon! I’m feeling really pumped up now, battling you and watching you strategize has given me some good ideas :’D
Ash gets the DOKI DOKIS and he’s like uh yeah okay! Definitely! (I don’t know why my heart jumped just now.) Pikachu looks at him like homie I think you’re catching SOMETHIN but it’s not a Pokemon 👀
Obviously there’s the rest of the DLC plot to finish but you can probably guess the direction it’s going in. Kieran’s obviously overcome his weird thing about strength so he doesn’t spiral and become unhinged over Ogerpon like in canon. Lol
Oh and this
-Kieran: You’re the WORLD CHAMPION???
Ash: Oh yeah did I not mention that?
Kieran: *Proceeds to have a heart attack*
Anyway I love them thanks bye
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Can I request a Marko x fem reader with the vampire promptlist 6 + 8 please
6. "So are we talking Dracula, 30 days of night, what we do in the shadows? What kind of vamp are you?"
8. "Why do you care so much whether I turn into a bat or not?"
Thanks for requesting! I hope you like this💜
When my boyfriend told me that he needed to talk to me, there were many things that came to mind. Maybe he wanted to take me out on a weekend trip, so he would need to know when I'd be free. Or maybe he wanted to talk about taking the next step in our relationship. Or, perhaps, he wanted to tell me that he absolutely despised my cooking and "would you just please stop refusing to go out to eat?" Maybe he wanted to tell me that he didn't like that I felt awkward around his friends. Maybe he wanted to tell me that the amount of clothes I'd borrowed from him had definitely gotten out of hand. Or maybe he wanted to tell me that the amount of stuff I'd just left behind in his room at the cave has become too much... or maybe, I thought as I poured myself some tea, maybe this was it. Maybe he found someone else, someone different, someone-
"Baby, look at me." He turned me, holding my shoulders. I hadn't noticed how my breath had picked up, how I had slowly begun to panic. "I don't know what you're thinking right now, but I can figure that it's something along the lines of a breakup?"
I nodded. "What you want to tell me is good news, then?"
Marko shrugged. "It has nothing to do with you. But let's decide whether it's good or not after I'm done telling you." He took my hand, taking me back to the living room. He looked at me, hesitating before opening his mouth.
"I'm a vampire."
I blinked. Once. Twice. Then I frowned, looking at him. No red eyes, no fangs. He was pale, but so many people were just naturally pale. "You don't look like a vampire..."
"You want proof?"
"Yeah." I nodded, still not truly believing him. My eyes widened as I saw his face morph from the handsome, familiar face I'd fallen in love with, to a different one. His forehead had changed, and his nose was different. His eyes glowed orange, and his teeth were significantly sharper than before.
"So you're a vampire?"
He nodded. I was quiet for a moment, taking a sip of my tea. This was not what I had expected him to tell me, but I didn't think it was all bad. I mean, he told me. He could have also let me know by biting my neck and killing me or something, so for now I assumed we were good.
"So are we talking Dracula, 30 days of night, what we do in the shadows? What kind of vamp are you?"
"A handsome one?" He grinned cheekily, before thinking for a moment. "I think none of them kind of compare? Certain elements sure, but-"
"Should I add Count von Count on that list?"
"Very funny," he looked unimpressed but grinned anyway. "We do burn in sunlight, but don't sleep in coffins. Crucifixes don't do anything, but holy water hurts like hell."
"So, how do you sleep? I thought coffins were the standard?"
"Don't believe the movies. We sleep upside down."
"Like a bat?"
"Is that why your vamp face looks kind of batlike?"
Marko paused for a moment. "It does?"
"You've never seen it? Oh, wait, do you have a reflection?"
"Not really?"
I pouted slightly. "So you don't even know how hot you are?" I paused for a second. "Scratch that question, you obviously do know. Now for the real important question: do you turn into a bat?"
"Can you fly?"
I grinned. "Really? That's so cool! Do you fly like a bat or-?"
"I don't know? I just fly?"
"If you sleep upside down, what do you do when you need to pee? I mean, baths just kind of turn right side up and do their thing, but I can't imagine-"
"I didn't need that image burned in my brain!" Marko looked semi horrified. "We don't do that. We just use the bathroom, we're not uncivilised or something."
I nodded. "But you do kill?"
"And you're certain you don't turn into a bat?"
"Why do you care so much whether I turn into a bat or not?"
"Because, " I put my cup of tea down and looked at him, "I fucking love bats."
"Sorry to disappoint," he said with a small smile.
"And I was just thinking that if you did turn into a bat, I would definitely lovingly carry you in my pocket."
"Is this- is this because when you asked if I would still love you if you were a worm, I said I would hope it happened outside the cave so my pigeons would not get to you?"
I grinned, before laughing. "Maybe?"
"But you're not freaked out that I'm a vampire?"
"Nah, I always knew there was something off. I'm glad it is vampire and not psychopathic serial killer you know."
"I'm not a psychopath, " Marko pulled me closer, letting me kean against him as he turned the telly on, "but technically I am a serial killer."
"Can we keep it on population control?"
"Will that make it easier to accept?"
I nodded, causing him to chuckle. "Whatever you want, love. Now, is there anything you want to watch?"
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leonrot · 9 months
— Wrong Place, Wrong Time
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Summary: You never thought you'd meet the masked vigilante who protects the streets of New York and you certainly never thought you'd almost die from getting run over by weird rhinoceros.
Word Count: 2.2k
Pairing: Spider-Man!Leon Kennedy x Female!Reader
Tags: descriptions of injuries, hurt/comfort, alternate universe (spider-man)
A/N: this is inspired by this leon bot on c.ai and after rewatching the amazing spiderman i couldn't not write something about it. this is proofread by me yet again so apologies for any mistakes that i missed. also,, i don't believe there's anything suggesting the reader for this is female but i put marked as such anyways because if i write more about spiderman!leon i will end up using female terms and such. speaking of which if you want more spiderman!leon let me know, marvel is another one of my big interests so id love to expand on this idea more!!
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Sitting at a table in the diner you and Leon frequent you slump down in your chair, huffing in annoyance as Leon’s voicemail greeting hits your ear.
Hi, this is Leon Kennedy, I can’t come to the phone right now so please leave a message after the beep.
This is the third time you’ve tried calling him this past hour alone, your roommate supposed to have been meeting you at the diner you both frequent multiple times each week. You’re used to him being late, but you’ve been waiting for over an hour and by now he would have usually texted or called to explain why he’s running late.
Wrapping your hand around the glass of water sitting before you, you bring the rim of the glass to your lips, taking a sip as you gaze out the diner’s front windows.
Despite nighttime being on the horizon the streets of Queens are as busy as the rest of New York is, people constantly in a hurry to be somewhere. The inside of the diner is peaceful, the sounds of the conversing patrons a quiet murmur alongside the gentle hum of various machines back in the kitchen.
A barely started book lays before you, Leon’s tardiness having drawn your attention from the pages. It’s common that you join him at the diner to read while he catches up on work. You find comfort in being in his presence, even if his attention is focused on editing some of the numerous photos he’s taken recently.
As your mind drifts and you lose focus of your surroundings you don’t realize the mood around you shifting rapidly.
“Holy shit!” A guy sitting a table away from you yells, startling you out of your thoughts.
You glance his way confused, but a loud bang and the sudden surge of shouting has your head snapping back towards the diner’s front windows.
The people outside are running, the fear on their face as clear as day. The table you’re sitting at starts shaking, the ground underneath your feet vibrating in time with the rhythmic BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! that is steadily getting closer and closer. It sets everyone into an explosive panic, people trying to gather their things before darting out of the diner.
You’re quick to shove your book into the bag that hangs off the back of your chair, the force of you standing up nearly knocking the aforementioned piece of furniture over. You squeeze past people as you rush to exit the building, heart racing at everyone else’s fear. Skidding to a halt on the sidewalk outside your gaze is drawn to the left, looking down the street.
Cars are swerving all over the road, desperate to get away from something. Something big.
A huge man in a metal rhinoceros shaped suit comes barreling down the road, everything around him shaking with each heavy step he takes. There’s something — more like someone — hanging onto his back, a flash of red and blue bright against dark gray metal. You immediately recognize the colors belonging to New York’s very own masked vigilante, Spider-Man.
You’re frozen in place, wide eyes watching the scene unfold before you. Spider-Man leaps off the back of the man (if he can still even be called that), shooting web after web towards the rampaging villain. It does very little to slow him down and you realize a moment too soon that the swerving monstrosity of a man is heading straight your way.
Your bag dropping to the concrete sidewalk is the only movement you’re able to make, fear rendering you paralyzed. As he gets closer and closer you can’t help but think that this will be the end of you, death by rhino shaped man.
Luckily for you, Spider-Man is incredibly good at his job.
Lean arms wrap around your waist and lift you off the ground, swinging you away from the quickly approaching danger. The Rhino barrels past, his metal clad shoulder connecting with Spider-Man’s back as he gains momentum with his web swing, sending the two of you flying down the street.
You don’t know if it’s fast reflexes or pure luck that has your red and blue hero curling around your body before the two of you connect with the asphalt road, his back taking the brunt of the fall. The air is ripped from your lungs at the impact, your head swimming with dizziness as you’re quickly yanked to your feet.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Spider-Man franticly asks you, his head lowering as he tries to meet your gaze.
Your muscles are screaming at you from the impact, you’re short of breath and you’re sure you have at least one or two scrapes from the rough road but you’re alive. You glance up at his mask’s white scleras and nod.
You see a slight shift in the fabric of his mask, as if he’s opening his mouth to start speaking up but a thundering roar cuts him off. The Rhino is pulling himself out of the rubble of the diner, his sights quickly settling on the two of you.
“Stay out of the way!” Spider-Man yells to you as he runs straight towards the villain.
The fight picks up once more, Spider-Man getting thrown and tossed around but getting up immediately each time. You’re so enraptured by the fight you don’t even notice the cops arrive until a hand is wrapping around your bicep and pulling you away from the destruction.
“You need to get out of here!” The cop barks at you. “Now!”
“So I can’t get a ride?” You grumble, watching the officer run to join the others in the fight.
As you quickly leave the scene you can’t help but spare a glance over your shoulder, watching Spider-Man swing around from building to building evading dodges like he knows they’re coming. Turning away you pick up the pace, thankful that you only live a handful of blocks away from the now destroyed cafe.
After roughly an hour of walking - although it feels longer due to the dull pain throbbing all over your body - you make it home. You barely remember to close the door before you’re dropping onto the couch, letting sleep pull you under.
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You shoot up from where you lay sprawled out on the couch, the sound of the front door slamming shut startling you awake. Disoriented you whip your head around, eyes not yet focused.
“Oh my god, are you okay!?” Leon’s voice is right next to you, his knees hitting the wood floor of the  living room with a dull thud.
As your vision sharpens you’re finally able to take in Leon’s appearance. Your eyes widen in surprise and concern at his poor state.
“Are you okay? Jesus Leon, what happened to you?”
His left eye is a mottled mess of dark blues and purples, the black eye stark against his skin. The bruising trails down his cheek and jaw, stopping near his split bottom lip, spots of blood still fresh around the wound.
“You first. Do you need anything? Water? Advil?” He’s standing with a pained wince, limping in the direction of the kitchen.
“Leon! Slow down!” You snap, throwing your legs over the edge of the couch as you get up after him, biting back your own groan of pain.
He’s grabbing a cup out of the cabinet when you make it into the kitchen, filling it up with shaky hands. When you reach his side you grab the cup out of his hand and set it down onto the counter. You grab onto his arm to get his attention. When he finally looks at you his eyes are shiny, wet with unshed tears.
“I’m sorry.”
Your heart breaks at the sadness in his voice.
“If I had been there on time you wouldn’t have been alone in that shit show, probably wouldn’t even be hurt right now.”
Despite the protesting of your muscles you’re quick to pull him into a hug which is immediately reciprocated. His arms wrap around your waist drawing you in tight to his chest. He drops his head to your shoulder, warmth seeping into the fabric of your t-shirt as he sucks in a harsh breath.
“I’m alright, Leon. A little banged up and bruised, but alive. You being late is not the reason I got hurt, it was simply wrong place wrong time.”
Your hand rubs up and down his back in a gesture of comfort, hoping the contact helps ease his misplaced guilt. Your hands trail up his back and over his shoulders, each hand settling on one of his biceps as you pull away.
“Now tell me what happened to you.”
With a sniffle he blinks away stray tears as he meets your eyes. A lapse of silence fills the room before he speaks.
“I was on my way to you. Got caught up in the fight before it reached the diner.”
His words still hold a trace of guilt in them, but you chalk it up to him still feeling like he’s responsible for the state you’re in.
You give him a small smile, hoping to ease the heavy emotions residing in the room with as you say, “Guess you were also in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
It works when Leon rolls his eyes, a smile of his own tugging at his lips. “Guess so.”
Pulling away from him you grab the cup still sitting on the counter and hand it to Leon. Bending down you unearth a med-kit that’s kept underneath the sink. You’ve always found it a little odd how Leon insists on keeping fully stocked first aid kits all over the house — one in the kitchen, one in each bathroom and in each of your rooms — but you’re glad for it in this moment as you open it and pull out the advil.
You open the bottle and pass him two of the pills before grabbing your own cup of water and two pills for yourself.
“As someone who has watched half a season of Grey’s Anatomy, I think we should take these and get some sleep.” Your light-hearted words help ease the tension even more.
After taking the pain relievers you and Leon trudge to your respective rooms to get ready for the night. Cutting your nighttime routine short in favor of getting into bed faster, you make quick but careful work of changing out of your clothes and brushing your teeth. A brush is running through your hair as a knock echoes through the small bathroom you’re standing in.
“Can I ask you a favor?”
Leon’s leaning against the doorway of the bathroom when you finally look up at him.
“Maybe. What’s up?”
He shuffles a bit where he stands and he averts his gaze before he speaks.
“Can I sleep in your room tonight?”
You can’t help the way your eyes widen a fraction at his request.
It was about a year ago when you found an online ad of someone looking for a roommate. You were hesitant to agree, Leon was of course a stranger at the time, but you were in desperate need of a new place to live so you sent him a message pretty quickly to see if he was still searching for a roommate.
He had warned you the first night after you moved in that he had frequent nightmares. As the two of you got closer and closer overtime you went from waking him up with a gentle shake to his shoulder to crawling into bed with him, holding him close to help him fall back asleep after waking up in fear.
He’s never been the one to seek you out in regards to his nightmares however, and his request leads you to believe he anticipates having one tonight. Sadness squeezes at your heart.
“Of course you can.”
Still not looking at you he nods in acknowledgement before turning and leaving your room, you assume to go finish up getting ready to sleep.
He comes back into your room right as your crawling into bed. No longer wearing the hoodie he was in when he came home you can see even more bruises on his arms. You wouldn’t be surprised if the bruises extend across his torso, leading you to wonder just how caught up he was in the destruction caused by Rhino.
He’s hovering by the doorway as if he’s unsure he’s even allowed in your room despite having your permission. You throw back the comforter, uncovering the spot meant for him.
“C’mon Lee, it’s cold.”
It’s not really that cold in your room but the excuse helps nonetheless.
The mattress dips as he gets into your bed. Reaching up you flip off your bedside lamp, plunging the room in almost total darkness. The world seems to slow down as the two of you find safety in each others presence.
“Goodnight.” You murmur with a soft yawn, squirming around a little bit to find a comfortable way to lay with your aching muscles.
You can’t help but momentarily roll over onto your back as you get no reply from Leon. When your eyes adjust to darkness of your room you see him curled up tightly under the blanket, fast asleep. You smile to yourself as you roll back over and let sleep encompass you as quickly as it did Leon.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 11
This one is a bit angsty. Steve has a panic attack, so if that bothers you, you can skip it. It’s just a soft interlude with Eddie and Steve. And of course a bit recreational drug use. Also every school needs an urban legend or ghost story.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Steve loved drama and the play. He did not love his pottery class. The teacher Mr Lovett had taken an instant dislike to the fact that Steve had joined his class half way through the first semester and therefore missed all the fundamentals.
And worse Mrs Hall refused to let him change it at the start of the new semester. So he was stuck in a class he knew nothing about, where the teacher hated him, the other students ignored him, and he was pretty sure he was failing.
“Look,” Steve told Mrs Hall. “I just want to know if I fail pottery if I’m still going to graduate. That’s it and then I will be out of your hair until graduation. I swear it.”
Mrs Hall sighed and went looking through her file on him, clicking her tongue as she thumbed through his transcripts.
“If pass all your other classes and get above a C+ in drama, you should still graduate,” she said after several minutes of cold silence.
Steve sighed in relief. Those involved with the play were given automatic passing grades, so as long he did the other assignments, he was on track to graduate.
“Thank you, Mrs Hall.”
He stood up and began to walk to the door when she called out to him.
“Mr Harrington,” Mrs Hall said, “I know boys will do whatever they want, but please stay away from Edmond Munson. That boy and his little cult of Satanic worshiping D&D lovers will only cause you further ostracization of your peers.”
Steve blinked. “I beg your pardon, ma’am, but before Eddie took me under his wing, I was friendless and alone”
Mrs Hall tutted. “Better to be friendless and alone than to be caught up in a cult.”
He frowned in confusion and hurt. “Are you going to tell my parents?”
“I should,” she sneered. “But I could get into a lot of trouble if I do, so I will stay out of it. You only have a few more months of school anyway. But know that I will keep my eyes on you.” She wagged her finger at him and then shooed him away.
Steve ran to the bathroom and slammed the stall door shut. He forced himself to breathe like Eddie taught him, but he couldn’t get his breath under control. He heard someone enter and start pissing.
Steve tried to keep quiet but his breathing made it hard. There was the sound of running water and suddenly he couldn’t hear anything else. It was like water rushing around his head. He let out a strangled cry, thinking that whoever was out there had gone.
But he was wrong.
“Hey, is there someone in here?” Eddie asked.
Steve let out another sob but this time in relief.
“Steve?” Eddie whispered.
He tried to get a word out, but all that came was wordless gurgling.
Steve could hear Eddie run out the door and the relief he felt crumbled to dust. He started sobbing and couldn’t stop.
“Steve?” Eddie’s voice came again. “Hey, sweetheart, can you open the door for me?”
Steve struggled for a moment or two before he managed to get the door latch free for the door swing open. He stumbled out, right into Eddie’s arms.
Eddie managed to keep them upright but barely. “Holy shit, are you okay?”
Steve shook his head.
“Hey, hey,” Eddie cooed. “I’ve gotcha, big boy.” He led them over them to sit on the floor.
“Aren’t you worried someone’s gonna come in?” Steve asked after a moment of just sitting in silence.
“Nah!” Eddie said with a grin. “I put out the ‘Out of Order’ sign. We’ll be good for a while.”
Steve frowned for a moment. “So that’s where you ran off to.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow and then the other shot up to join it. “Did you think that I ran out on you?”
Steve curled in on himself. “Everyone else does.”
“Except your kids,” Eddie pointed out. “And except me. Okay?” He put his arm around him and drew him close. “You want to talk about what happened just now?”
“I had my meeting with Mrs Hall,” Steve mumbled.
“Yeah?” Eddie said. “She let you out of pottery?”
Steve shook his head. “She still refuses. I think she’s in cahoots with Mr Lovett to my senior year as miserable as possible.”
Eddie tucked Steve’s head under his chin. “That’s just bullshit, sweetheart. I’m sorry this year has been so bad for you.”
Steve was quiet for a moment. He raised his head to look Eddie in the eye. “And then she had the gall to suggest that being friends with you was worse than being alone.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “She did what?”
Steve nodded. “If it didn’t mean detention and the possibility of not being able to graduate on time, I would have told her fuck off.”
Eddie kissed the top of Steve’s head. “I am a bad influence on you, you know.”
Steve chuckled. “Don’t care. I think you and your friends were the first people to like me for me instead of the Harrington name.”
Eddie grinned. “What the matter, Stevie? Don’t like being a Harrington?”
He shook his head. “Hell no, I’d change if I could.”
“How about Munson?” Eddie teased.
Steve laughed out right. “I think you skipped twelve steps there. At least buy me dinner first.”
Eddie blushed as Steve lowered his head on his shoulder and sighed.
“I should get back to class,” he murmured, “but I don’t think I can face other people right now.”
“So don’t,” Eddie said, standing up. He pulled Steve to his feet. “Come on, you and I are playing hooky!”
“Eddie!” Steve laughed, but let him pull him along.
They got out to Eddie’s van, breathless and giggling.
“Where to?” Steve asked as he yanked open the passenger side door.
Eddie just grinned. “I know just the place.”
They started driving and Steve could feel the weight of the world lift from his shoulders the farther they got from the high school.
“Thanks for the assist, Eds,” he said softly. “It’s nice knowing people care.”
Eddie shook his head. “Don’t thank me for being a decent human being, man. It’s embarrassing.”
Steve laughed. “Still a nice feeling.”
They drove the rest of the way in silence. They got out to Lover’s Lake and to a nice boat house.
“I know the owner,” Eddie said. “So sometimes I like to come out here and think. Just look at the water and let it take away all my troubles.”
Steve sat there and listened to the wind on the water.
Eddie pulled out a pack of cigarettes from somewhere. “You smoke?”
Steve nodded and took one off of him.
Eddie patted his coat and pants, cigarette dangling from his lips. “Shit. I think I left my lighter out in the van.”
Steve dug into his pocket and pulled out his Zippo. He lit Eddie’s cigarette first and then his own.
“Thanks, man,” Eddie said.
Steve shrugged. “Not a problem. You provided the smoke, I provided the light.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “Fair enough.”
They sat there in comfortable silence for a while.
“You know, it’s forced conformity that made Mrs Hall who she is,” Eddie said.
“What’s that?” Steve asked.
“You must have missed some of my table rants, then.”
Steve shook his head. “I try not stare at pretty boys when they’re drawing attention to themselves. It makes the whole not straight thing a little more obvious. Especially since that was something I knew wasn’t what straight boys did.”
Eddie leaned into his space. “You think I’m pretty, Harrington?”
Steve fobbed him off with his elbow. “You know you are, man. You don’t need me to say it.”
“Joke’s on you, pretty boy,” Eddie cooed. “Flattery works on me.”
Steve blushed and ducked his head. “Duly noted.”
Eddie cackled.
After they finished their cigarettes, Eddie went digging around the boat house.
“Ah ha!” he said triumphantly, holding up a bag of weed. “You partake, Stevie?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I have been to a Tommy H party at least once or twice in my life.”
“Ahhh...” Eddie sighed happily. “One of my best customers.”
Steve giggled. “You got any papers to roll or are we just going to light it on fire and try to get high on the fumes?”
Eddie laughed. He tossed Steve the bag and continued to dig around some more. He pulled out another prize with a “Eureka!”
He shows the bong to Steve with a feral grin.
“Yeah, okay,” Steve said a startled laugh. “That works.”
They passed it back and forth, slowly getting high.
“So what’s forced conformity?” Steve asked after a few minutes.
Eddie hummed and then said, “Oh. It’s this theory I have. Parents, teachers, school counselors trying to force kids into specific boxes. Skinny, scrably kid? Must be a nerd and likes science. Only the kid hates science and math. Maybe he likes art and music. Something that schools are always trying to get rid of by the way. When there are budget cuts, those are always, always the first to be axed.
“Music is also something that is hotly contested. Don’t talk about sex or drugs or even feeling sad, really. Stay in the correct societal lines. No jazz or rock or metal. Just country or pop. Even though those two genres would be nothing without the jazz or blues. Black people’s music...”
Eddie continued to rant as Steve watched him wave his hands around in obvious enthusiasm.
“Does that make sense?” he said after a long time.
Steve who had been mildly buzzed throughout the whole thing nodded. “I think so. And I think...” he frowned. He looked up at Eddie with shining eyes and quivering lip. “I don’t know what I am. Sexually, I mean.”
Eddie sat up. “You don’t have to decide anything right now. You clearly are attracted to men. Does that mean that you aren’t attracted to women? Not necessarily. Like Marty likes both, but he prefers men. Uh...another person I know. They don’t go here obviously. But they prefer women. But every once in a while, they find a man that lights up their world and they go for it.” He huffed out a laugh. “Despite what the name suggests, bisexuality isn’t 50/50.”
Steve frowned. “Huh. Okay. That gives more to think about.”
Eddie shook his head. “You’re still in high school, dude. You have your whole life to figure this out.”
Steve’s answering smile was effervescent. “Thanks, Eds. For all of this today. I just needed to get out of my head for awhile.”
Eddie gave Steve’s shoulder a squeeze. “Any time, Stevie.” He stood up and dusted himself off. “Come on, I should get you back to the school to pick up your car.”
Steve nodded. “Yeah, otherwise the auto-body club will strip it for parts and leave it on concrete blocks by morning.”
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, let’s go with that.”
“It’s true!” Steve protested as he got up to follow him.
“It’s really not,” Eddie said. “It’s an urban legend.”
“Come on...” Steve said.
Eddie just shook his head and led them back to civilization.
Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites @garden-of-gay @anaibis @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @jinxjinn @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @dangdirtydemons @lovelyscot  @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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nightmaree-eyess · 11 months
One night stand
Abby tlou fic
Summary: you meet abby at the bar and have a one night stand
Smut Mdni 18+, masc abby,first person pov, female reader, public sex, strapping, fingering, nipple play, teasing, stone top abby
Word count: 8436
Scroll down for smut starts at —--
“We gotta get you laid tonight” Dina said
“Yeah, when was the last time you even interacted with a woman that wasn’t platonic?”
Ellie and Dina love giving me shit about my love life. Just because they're in love doesnt mean I have to be! It was Ellie's idea to go to the bar tonight for operation “get me laid” (her words not mine). I'm totally fine with the life I live right now. I'm focused on college and don't have time for messy relationships. But they've been worried about me since my last relationship. It didn't end the best and I haven't been in the dating scene since. I didnt even entertain the idea of a hoe phase.
We walked up to the entrance of the club and the sound of muffled house music echoed through the streets. I stare at the door and take a deep breath preparing myself to enter.
“Are you ok? I'm not gonna force you to do something you don't want to.” Ellie said concerningly
Dina nods in agreeance
“Yeah im fine just hyping myself up”
“You'll be fine and whenever you wanna leave just tell us and we’ll go” Dina said
We enter the club and they're playing early 2000’s music. Maybe tonight won't be so bad after all. Even if I don't get laid, I'm still hanging out with my best friends and having drinks.
“We're gonna go find a table! Will you get our drinks please?” Ellie yells over the music
I walk over to the bar and from the corner of my eye I see a girl, her dirty blonde hair in a french braid, carabiner on her jeans, emitting the most confident, sexy aura that I can feel standing 10 ft away. I lock eyes for a second and she gives me a wink and then she walks away.
“M’ame your drinks”
“Oh shit sorry”
I didn't even realise I was staring. Even though I was staring I didn't even get a good look because she was gone as fast as I noticed her.
I grabbed our drinks and Dina texted me what table they're at. I make my way over and I scan the crowd for the mystery girl. I think I lost her and that wink was the only action I was getting tonight. Pathetic.
“Ah man wtf”
“Shit im so so sorry i wasn't paying attention to where i was going this is all my fault im so sorry let me venmo you for the shirt im-”
They turn around and I realise I just bumped into the girl that winked at me. I stand there dumbfounded and flustered.
“It's ok, honestly. It was getting kinda hot in here anyways so thanks for the refreshment.”
She takes off her button up to expose her sculpted muscles and her patchwork tats. Holy fuck this woman is my dream woman. Now all she's wearing is her wife pleaser and she wasn't wearing a bra because I noticed her nipples hardened.
“Please at least let me pay you back for the shirt i feel awful”
“I know another way you can pay me back,”
I give her a questioning look
“Dance with me.”
I was not expecting that response. But i accepted cause i would be lying if i said i wasn't looking forward to hanging out with this beautiful woman.
“ i don't even know your name”
“Its abby”
She reaches out her hand and I place my hand in hers. They’re calloused and I wonder what she does for work, what her hobbies are, but it's hard to get to know someone when the music will definitely give you hearing damage.
She's pulling me to the dance floor and “Hot in Herre by Nelly” was blasting over the speakers. The music fills me with nostalgia. I'm taking in this woman dancing in front of me. The colorful lights make her look ethereal and so gorgeous. It feels like it's just me and her on the dance floor and no one else is in the room.
She grabs my waist as the song “Crazy in love by beyonce” booms across the club. We barely talk because there's no point if we can barely hear eachother even when we're touching. She stops for a moment with her arm still around my wait. I give her a concerned look at first that melts into admiration. I cant believe out of everyone in the club she chose me. She could've been mad about the drink and stormed off but she didn't. She was kind about it.
We lock eyes. And before I know it she's pulling me in for a kiss. The sounds around me are muffled. I almost dropped my drink to give into pure submission. She holds my face and moves her thumb in circles on my jaw. She smells of pine and citrus and it's dizzying. Her lips are as soft as clouds and I'm already hypnotised.
Our kisses get more frantic, sloppier. Kisses that will leave our lips bruised and swollen. She grabs my ass and I hitch my breath. I grab the back of her neck so my kisses land more deeply. I'm already getting wet and we were just kissing. Wow, maybe I do need to get laid. I break the kiss and a trail of spit keeps us connected.
“Meet me in the bathroom, big stall”
I walk off and make sure no one else follows me into the bathroom. After a minute i hear a knock on the stall
“Its me abby”
Her voice is raspy from yelling and it's so sexy.
I pull her into the stall and start unbuttoning her pants as we kiss when she stops my hand
“Are you ok? We can stop”
“Yeah it's just that…i'm a stone top. I prefer to give than receive.”
I let her take the wheel and we started kissing again. She pulls my hair enough to expose my neck and she plants kisses sloppily. She's definitely going to leave hickeys but I don't care.
She's hiking up my dress frantically. God, I'm already so wet. She cups her hand around my cunt.
“Going commando eh? Less work for me”
Im moaning into her neck while she palms my clit. My legs want to give out already but Abbys is holding me up with her muscular tatted arms.
“Oh fuck abby” i moan in her ear
That must've drove her crazy cause she takes 2 girthy fingers and teases my entrance. Then slowly she slips them in and I enter another dimension
“Oh my god you feel so good”
I grind my hips to match the movement of her fingers. My wetness dripped down her hand. Abby's grunting in my ear and it makes me feral.
“F-faster abby”
I could barely get the words out
“I want you to come on the count of 5. No sooner. No later. Can you do that for me princess?”
I almost came right then and there
“Mmhmm” is all i could get out
She starts counting
‘’1…” she whispers in my ear
“2…” i could cum right now
“3…” she's going faster and she added her thumb circling my clit. I almost lost it.
“4… you're doing great you're almost there”
I'm being loud at this point but I don't really care. This feels so fucking good.
I grab a fist full of her hair and mess up her braid. I cum all over her hand and scream in ecstasy. I almost fall over but Abby catches me.
We kissed for a bit and I realised I don't want this to end.
“Wanna come over to my place? I live right down the block?” I whisper
“I would love to” she kisses me
I take her by the hand and let Dina and Ellie know I'm leaving. They give each other a confused look and then put the pieces together. They were probably wondering where I was all night. I'll have to apologise later for ditching them but they'll understand.
I walk up to my apartment door and Abby hugs me from the back taking in my scent, leaving more hickeys, which makes me drop my keys, flustered. I bend down exposing between my legs and Abby cups my ass in her hands.
“Damn cant even wait to get through the door” I say teasingly
I open the door and she spins me around and leads me into my own apartment by my waist. She closes the door and we kiss each other like the world is ending. She leads me into the kitchen on the left and lifts me up on the counter effortlessly.
“You smell so divine, I can smell you from up here” Abby said raspy and deep
That makes me horny all over again
She spread my legs with her hips, planting kisses down my body. She takes my dress off and throws it on the floor. I'm vulnerable and naked now. She presses kisses on the tops of my breasts, leading down to my nipples. She takes my right nipple and starts sucking on it. I tilt my head back in pure bliss and let out a little moan. She works her tongue around my nipple while sucking, giving little flicks with her tongue. It's driving me wild. You need her inside you. But in a different way. You stop her for a second.
“Are you ok?” she asks worryingly
“Yeah of course I just wanna ask you something.”
She looks at you with a blank look
“I-I have a strap that I want you to use on me, if that's ok with you. I bought it because i thought id get more action but-”
She quiets you with a kiss
“I'd love to angel”
Abby smacks my ass as I run into my bedroom to get the strap and dildo. When I return she's sitting in the living room on the couch across from the kitchen.
When she sees the strap her eyes go wide with eagerness. I hand over the strap and she unbuttons her straight legged levi’s and her carabiner thuds to the ground with the jeans. She's wearing grey boxers and god i wish i could kiss her happy trail down to her pussy and eat her out. She puts on the strap and sits on the couch. And pats her lap. I walk over and straddle her. She grabs my hips to ease me on and the dildo slips in. I didn't even need lube since I'm so wet. I slowly bounce up and down, grinding my hips to hit the spot.
Abby grabs your tits and circles my nipples with her thumbs.
“You're so sensitive”
I picked up the pace and grabbed Abby's shoulders for stability. She notices and moves one hand down my body and slowly inches her way over to my cunt.
“Youre so fucking wet for me baby” she says like butter
Abby takes two fingers and circles your clit as you move up and down.
“Oh fuck abby right there. Im gonna cum, im gonna cum. Im gonna-” you scream in bliss as you lower your head in the crook of Abby's neck for stability and she kisses and bites your ear which brings on a second wave. Abby takes her hand and licks it.
“You taste so fucking good baby.”
She kisses me to prove to me that I do.
We ended up cuddling on the couch and I don't know when but I slipped away in blissful sleep surrounded by abbys huge, inked arms.
In the morning I woke up to the space next to me empty. The apartment is quiet and I wonder where everyone is. All that was left of Abby was her scent in the cushions and the memories plastered in the walls. She didn't even leave a note and I never got her number. I guess she’ll just be a memory now.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
I finally did it yall I made a list of my favorite Cartmanisms bc I do in fact very much enjoy writing his out of pocket ass
“Oh speaking of,” Cartman added, “let’s just sacrifice the Insulin Bitch and the brain damaged hippie to the zaliens so the rest of us can make a run for it.”
Eric was scowling. “Only I’M allowed to make comments about you two gayasses. I say we wipe the floor with those homophobes.”
“I doubt they’ll have a vest in your size, Thumbulimia.”
“Please, I have better things to do than watch the Jew have a Post Traumatic Spider Disorder episode.”
Cartman rolled his eyes, but got up to drop a five in the Fuckwad Jar. “I hate you guys, seriously. Marj, you weren’t even in the room for the Nancy joke.” The lace trim of his robe fluttered as he sat back down, which made Stan laugh again. “What’s so funny, hippie?” There weren’t really words, honestly, but he’d try. “I just… I never want us to change, you know?” “Gay.”
Eric sung a few lines of ‘Jesus Loves The Little Children’ in a creepy horror movie voice and then sprung out from his hiding spot and started blasting on an unsuspecting youth who got too close, chasing him down the field with rarely shown athleticism.
Cartman looked incredibly bored as he clicked the magazine and snapped it back into place. “Well fuck me for being prepared.”
Cartman scoffed. “He’s not doing anything but staring up at you like he’s Sleeping Goddamn Beauty and you just kissed him out of a coma.”
“Awww, looook, you guys! They’re having a gay little hurt/comfort moment again! What, you gonna kiss it better, Kahl?”
Cartman just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “What the hell ever, Jimothy. Go stutter about it to someone else.”
“Okay, fucking first of all,” Kyle shot a glare at Cartman, “no one’s getting sacrificed. Literally, that’s not goddamn happening. AND we’re keeping this discussion CIVIL. It’s five in the morning and nobody’s slept very much. There’s not a single guy here who’s actually thinking straight.” “That would be because half of you are gay as balls.”
“Once again, I’m moving that we leave the hippie behind.” “Cartman, remind me to kick your ass when we’re out of here.” “Good luck on that if you fucking faint like one of those stupid goats again.”
Cartman was out of bullets, but he’d taken out a good chunk of the extraterrestrial undead. “Holy shit, Kahl, you better not die on us. Cockroach, remember? You’re a damn cockroach.”
“Aight, so anyway, what’s JewBot up to?” “Still at work. He’ll be home later. We’re gonna go out to dinner with the Tuckers.” “I didn’t ask for your life’s story, buttplug,”
“Oh JESUS CHRIST!!” Oh, great. Cartman had emerged from his cave. “Did I just walk into a stairwell orgy?”
“Fuck you, Kahl. Your recycled dildo and his weirdo wingman pulled me out of a Klance slowburn.” “WHO the FUCK is reading Voltron fanfiction in 2023?!” “Some of us are dedicated.”
Eric paused his self imposed quest to rob every taco truck in GTA and set aside his controller. “Hellllll no. The vampires don’t get my blood without paying me for it.”
“Geez, pack it up, Fiddler On The Roof.”
“Fatass, if he dies in a car accident because YOU made him freak, I WILL kill you.” “Good luck doing that with one leg and a fever, fleshlight.” But his voice softened. “Just try to chill out until he gets home, Kahl. Then you can be a terrible patient for someone who actually likes you.”
“Yeah, hippie. I wasn’t going to deal with you if something happened to your burning bush.”
A certain abrasive fuckwad leaned casually against the wall. “Oh, the Bubonic Jew didn’t tell you yet? I said he fell on the stairs, didn’t I? He just hurt his knee again, what else is new.” Stan made a noise of surprise and Cartman pointed his beef jerky at him. “By the way, I really don’t get why you get so stoked about lugging him around. He’s difficult.”
Cartman scurried off to inspect a leaf. “Woah, you guys! I think I just, like, discovered empathy!” “You’re looking at a plant.” “Plants have feelings too, Khal! Look at your photosynthesizing dildo back there!”
“Like he needs an excuse to get on his high horse about shit.” “I’ll kick your fat ass,” Kyle warned. “Good luck, tinkerbell.”
Cartman had planted himself into the passenger seat, munching away at that bag of funyuns. He glanced back. “What’s the ‘sitch, Ken-Possible?”
“Because, you pussy,” Cartman said with a false saccharine smile, “you have the biggest TikTok following from your gayass little songs.
“Yep.” Cartman said through a mouthful of eggs. “Plus, Clyde has an affair going with the town vet, Butters is a total twink, and Stanny boy has a boner for the Jew.”
Oh dear god. Cartman was NOT about to babysit the argumentative dickhole while the housekeeper worked. As much fun as he was to fight with, Kyle was a fierce opponent, and Cartman wasn’t really in the mood. He’d had a weird night. The cats had been on edge.
Oh, of goddamn course. The OTHER buttplug. It wasn’t a secret. Well, technically it was, because no one talked about it, but anyone with eyeballs could see that Stan and Kyle had a gayass little private relationship going on behind Craig’s back. Good for them, or whatever, but if the Spider ever got proof…
Cartman just rolled his eyes. “Scott, you glucose gobbling ass bitch, I’ve literally butchered two people. I know the human body, okay?”
“The fuck.” Cartman’s eyes widened. “Every single one of you dildos had better be praying that there’s no internal bleeding.”
Cartman put his hands up. “Gahdamn, you guys. Just trying to lighten the mood in this hot air balloon to Hell.”
“Ay! Hippie! The Jew had to stay for basketball so I’m here with your buttfucking homework-“
Cartman definitely wanted to rip on him for wallowing in his own sadness, but the sooner he got this loser to be a person again, the better. “No shit, asshole. Your fucking fleshlight is even more intolerable without you to hold him back. You need to come back to school.”
“Also, I’m telling your little prince of Egypt that he can come over. It’s not like he’s gonna catch your Sad Bitch Disease.”
Cartman strolled around the corner, now wearing his frilly ‘widow whose husband died under mysterious circumstances’ robe.
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wazzappp · 4 months
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I have this. Extremely specific scenario. I like to pull off the daydream bookshelf quite a bit.
After Robbie kills Ivanov, everybody there still like. KNOWS WHERE HE LIVES. So I'm thinking some new motherfucker rises up and is like 'alright were gonna hit him where it hurts. protect future business ventures n' stuff' and sends someone to take Gabe as leverage. Lisa and Robbie have actually managed to TALK about things and once theyr'e on friendly terms again she is once again babysitting Gabe.
Anyway this mob guy shows up and attempts this kidnapping. Lisa manages to get the upperhand with a kitchen knife somehow and just. GOES HAM. LIKE. 'GETS ON TOP OF HIM AND STABS HIM TILL HES NOT MOVING ANYMORE AND THEN JUST A LITTLE EXTRA FOR GOOD MEASURE' GOES HAM. Naturally calls Robbie afterward because WHAT. This guy is clearly MOB AFFILIATED she has NO IDEA what will happen if she calls the police SO PLEASE JUST FUCKING GET HERE AND MAKE IT MAKE SENSE.
It's a complete and total clusterfuck all around. For EVERYONE.
Lisa is IN THE MIDDLE OF A CRISIS OK. SHES EARNED A LITTLE FREAK OUT. SHE JUST FUCKING KILLED SOMEONE. Jesus christ why didn't she stop after he was down why did she keep fucking going god what does that say ABOUT HER. Does she feel the right amount of bad about this? She doesent really REGRET it she just wanted to keep Gabe and herself safe. But did she really need to go that far why did she take it that far and SHE WAS READY TO DO IT AGAIN IF SOMEONE ELSE BAD WALKED THROUGH THE DOOR is something wrong with her? please dont let there be something really wrong with her shes tried so hard to be good shes tried SO hard please please she is. spiraling. bad.
Gabe is having... a fucking time of it. This is the second time in two months that someone has been killed right fucking in front of him. At least the first one he was only semi conscious for but still. @moosemonstrous helped develop two GLORIOUSLY, BEAUTIFULLY angsty directions this could go. 1. 'WOW the world is dangerous I'm so lucky that I have people who can protect me. Those guys must have really deserved it.' (bonus points if him and Lisa are still not on the best of terms but this like. endears her to him. jesus christ I love your brain moose thats so cutely fucked up). OR 2. he can go the self blaming route of 'This is the second guy to die. And he died because people were protecting me. Is this?? My fault?? Is there something wrong with me? if people keep getting hurt because of me maybe it would be better if I just wasn't around.' (<- ROBBIE GET YOUR BROTHER NOW.)
And Robbie. Jesus christ. His brain is being pulled in SO MANY DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS BY THIS. Eli is elated, naturally, 'OHHHOHOHOHO ROBBIEEEEE I KNEW YOU HAD TO HAVE GOOD TASTE IN SOMETHING OTHER THAN CARS! See!!? I TOLD you killing is a perfectly natural part of being a person! Look at all those stab wounds she CLEARLY had a good time!' Robbies part of the brain is going 'HOLY FUCK' and IMMEDIATELY jumps to problem solving. He needs to get rid of the body first and formost at least that shouldnt be too hard oh god getting rid of bodies is something hes GOOD at what the fuck. HOW MANY?? OF IVANOVS MOB?? KNOWS WHERE HE LIVES??? Oh fuck does he have to go kill them ALL ?? (<- que Eli doing backflips out of absolute joy at that possibility) Also, brother. You cant tell me. that demons don't have weird social structures and expressions of affection. And Robbie is like. HALF DEMON. AT LEAST. So this shit for him is at least a little bit like when a cat brings you a dead animal (SHE IS SHOWING!! THE LITTLE ONE!! HOW TO HUNT!! SHE KILLED FOR HIM!! FOR US!!). IT IS. CONFUSING. FUCKING CONFUSING AS ALL HELL FOR HIM!!
Idk man this is just the particular brand of clusterfuck that is like my own personal brand of heroin to quote one sparkly boy.
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wisteria-cherry · 10 months
forty days and forty nights (day fourteen!)
(two weeks woah)
(and don’t forget to comment!! i love interacting with u guys, it makes me day :))
the outing with mina went exceedingly well. there was never a lack of conversation, and it turned out that both of you enjoyed each other’s company. of course, it was hard not to enjoy mina’s company— her energy was contagious.
you told her about how bakugo had come into the shop injured (“who does that?!”) and she’d laughed, seemingly curious. she then told you that he prioritized self care because he knew he couldn’t be a hero if he was injured, and she too found it off that he came into the store before getting treated. the two of you couldn’t find a reason as to why he did such a thing (although mina insisted it’s because he liked you).
you were still pondering this when the familiar sound of the bells startled you out of your thoughts. you frowned. it was bakugo.
“shouldn’t you be at home, getting rest?” your brow furrowed. “you’re still hurt, y’know.”
“i wanted coffee.” bakugo grunted.
“i oughta not sell you anything.” you huff. “and make you go home and rest.”
“i’m fine, dumbass.” bakugo rolled his eyes. “fuckin’ drama queen.”
“fine.” you exhale. “medium black coffee.”
minutes later, when you give him his coffee, you decide to ask one more time, just to make sure.
“…are you sure you’re ok-“
“yes, i’m fine, holy shit.” bakugo interrupted. “piss off already.”
“oh. okay.” you chewed on your lip anxiously.
“are you-“
“okay.” you take a deep breath. “well… how was work?”
“didn’t work today.” bakugo grunted. “shitty doctors wanted me to rest.”
“and you still came here?” you arch an eyebrow.
“drinking coffee ain’t the same as beating the shit out of villains.” bakugo scoffed. “in case you haven’t noticed.”
“i guess that’s fair.” you agree reluctantly.
“the hell’re you so worried for, anyway?” bakugo glared.
“you’re my friend.” you shrug. “and you’re hurt. not a good mix.”
“tch. worrywart.” he rolled his eyes.
“it’s for good reason.”
the two of you fell into silence. however, you were beginning to notice something— the silence, at least in your eyes, was more comfortable than it once was. the sort of silence between two people content with simply being in one another’s presence.
but there was still a little bit of awkwardness.
“tell me about the villain.” you prompt. “that did this.” bakugo blinked.
“what, you think you’re gonna go beat ‘im up?” bakugo snorted. “in your dreams, dumbass.”
“i’m just curious is all.” you laugh. “i don’t do violence, trust me.”
“‘course you don’t. you work at a coffee shop.” bakugo scoffed. “i’d take you down in less than a second.”
“sure.” you agree skeptically.
“don’t gimme that shit!” bakugo roared. “i can and i will! fight me, right now! i’ll kill you!”
“if you kill me,” you remind him calmly, “i can’t make your coffee.”
“i’ll just—“ bakugo angrily and frantically looked for an alternative, taken aback by your retaliation. “—have someone else do it! you’re not the only damn employee!”
“i’m your favorite.” you joke lightheartedly. bakugo only tches.
“whatever. you’re off the hook. for now.” he grumbled.
“good to hear.” you pause for a moment. “hey, bakugo.”
“don’t come in hurt like that again.” you say. you pause again. that sounded kind of rude. “please.” yeah, good save.
“i’m not even that hurt.” bakugo scowled.
“i should’ve called an ambulance.”
“quit overreacting, geez. i don’t need a goddamn ambulance.” he rolled his eyes.
“fine.” you huff. “but if that happens again—“
“it won’t, god!”
“…promise?” you ask quietly. yes, you joked about it, but it really had been a scare to see him like that. bakugo seemed to pick up on that, and he sighed.
“yeah, yeah, promise.” he relented.
“so…” you speak after a brief moment of quiet. “when do you go back to work?”
“tomorrow.” he answered sourly. “i wanted to work today, but the fuckers wouldn’t let me.”
“really?” you grin. “bakugo, are you a workaholic?”
“no.” bakugo tched. “i just work hard. i can take breaks when i need to, dumbass.”
“like the party.” you confirmed.
“yeah, that.” bakugo snorted. “didn’t even wanna go to the stupid thing.”
“then why did you?” you blink.
“already told ya. none of your damn business.”
“right, right, secrets.” you grin. “so mysterious.”
“whatever. i’m allowed to have secrets, dumbass.” bakugo glared, to which you only smiled.
“i know you are.” you reassured him. “but i think it’s funny that such a trivial question gets you all defensive.”
“i’m not defensive!” bakugo snapped (defensively). “you’re just nosy as fuck!”
“sorry!” you laugh. “i’m just curious!”
“you’re a dumbass, you know that?” bakugo rolled his eyes.
“only for you.” you tease, to which bakugo only huffed. “hey, you never did tell me about that villain.”
“tch. if it’ll get you off my back about the damn party, then fine.” he agreed reluctantly. “his quirk had something to do with blades. tons of ‘em, kinda like whips. pain in the ass to dodge.”
“that sounds scary.” you remark.
“scary?” bakugo looked up from his coffee to meet your gaze. “i wasn’t scared.”
“you weren’t?” it was impressive. you already knew that if you encountered someone like that, you’d be shaking.
“naw. it was nothing.” bakugo looked back to his coffee. “‘sides, that was one of the first things we learned at ua. fear’s a luxury pros can’t afford, or some shit.”
“fear is a luxury.” you repeat, pondering it for a moment. “i’ve never thought of it that way.”
“‘course you haven’t. you’re a civilian. you get to be scared ‘cuz you’ve got heroes to protect ya.” bakugo grunted. “i’m one of the protectors. i’m the protector.”
“that’s.. kind of sad,” you admit. “not being allowed to be scared.” bakugo snorted.
“like hell i’m scared.” bakugo smirked. “villains don’t scare me.”
“what does scare you, then?” you lean on the counter curiously. bakugo seemed to do a double-take.
“the hell d’you mean?” he asked, brow furrowed.
“what’re you scared of?” you shrug.
“that’s not your business either.” bakugo narrowed his eyes as he gripped the handle of his coffee mug tighter, promptly closing himself off. you figured this was fair. it’d only been two weeks since you met, obviously there are going to be boundaries.
“right, my bad.” you smile. “if it helps for anything, i’m scared of spiders.”
“spiders?” bakugo gave you a look of pure scorn. “they’re tiny. why the hell would you be afraid of them?”
“they’re creepy.” you huff. “with all their legs and eyes.”
“yeah, sounds terrifying.” bakugo smirked. he was mocking you. the nerve.
“hey, don’t mock me!” you pout. “that’s not fair. at least i’m sharing.”
“i don’t have to share if i don’t want to.” bakugo flipped you off. you, being the bigger person and more mature of the two stuck your tongue out at him.
“what’re you, a kid?” bakugo snickered.
“no, i’m offended by your crude obscenities.” you inform him.
“yeah, well, get used to it.” bakugo now flipped you off with both hands for good measure.
“i oughta kick you out. the customers will be horrified.” you tease.
“you won’t.” bakugo grinned maliciously. “you’re lucky to have me at this place.” you roll your eyes.
“you’re so humble, bakugo,” you tell him sarcastically.
“i don’t need to be humble. i’m the goddamn best.” his insufferable smirk widened.
“i should’ve known.” you sigh dramatically. “what have i gotten myself into.”
“buckle up.” bakugo grinned viciously. “you’re with the pros now. no goin’ back.”
“in your dreams, dumbass.”
tags: @k0z3me @cherryblossomclarity
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ineffably-human · 2 years
Every time I see someone saying this episode "sacrificed character development for a laugh" or "was just mean-spirited" or anything else like that I want to gnaw my arm off. The idea that Marwa was there 'to be a romantic obstacle for Nandermo', holy shit no, this story is not about whether they get together or not - not yet.
Please, dear God, I am begging some of you to think for a second.
Think about how this season is about change and transformation.
Think about how Nandor (as a human) collected 37 spouses and remembers nothing about them. How he didn't conquer or colonize, he pillaged.
Think about "you found a way to make it about yourself."
Think about "you couldn't just let me have one thing."
(Think about "you can take care of yourself and you can take care of me.")
Think about Freddie becoming a literal mirror. (This is for another essay but no, Marwa is not still in there, that's the point.)
Think about how his dates with Nandor and Guillermo are identical, even though he's been long-term dating one of them for months and he met the other one that day.
Think about how we never hear him say 'I love you' back to Guillermo but he says it to himself.
Think about how Guillermo either lies about himself or just never talks about himself at all, during this whole thing.
Think about how Guillermo keeps promising and then failing to "look out for number one."
Think about how Nandor and Guillermo are so codependent their love interests consolidated.
Think about the one selfless act we see, and what it is, and from who. And why he does it. And how it genuinely hurts him to do so but he does it anyway.
Think about how this thing they did 'for jokes' was so painful they had to add an improv extended cut to the end.
Say all the very fair things you want about the other implications where Marwa's concerned, and like I said, that's another essay. But dear God no this episode was not pointless.
And it's meant to feel like a betrayal, and a rug pull. And it's also a necessary low point. This episode is the point.
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