#But if I don't let it be said I put this idea into the world for someone else to use
createdbytragedy · 1 day
Pairing: Choi Beomgyu x reader Genre: Fluff, established relationship Warning: None A/N: Just a small drabble after a long break. I actually forget that the millions of scenarios and fanfics ideas in my head aren't gonna write itself. "Its getting late, you should go....." you mumbled to your boyfriend, breaking away from his kiss. "I have 10 minutes more," he stated, capturing your lips once again, his big hands rubbing your back up and down, down and up, soothing you from whatever stressed and doubt you had before. He always did that. Kisses you senseless until you forgot all about the world around you and the only thing you can feel was his presence and his lips dancing with yours. "Don't wanna go tonight~" he whined, pulling out but still holding your chin as he looked at you lovingly. You chuckled," You never wanna go, Gyu" "Don't wanna leave you." he mumbled, wrapping his arms around you to pull you closer as he placed soft little kisses on your cheeks and forehead, making you giggle. His embrace was so warm, so comfortable and so perfect. Like his arms were made to hold you. Like you were made for each other, after all. You almost felt selfish, wanting him to keep him all to yourself. Maybe make him stay tonight. You knew he would if you just say the word but the rational side you of you knew he had to go. There were other people out there who needed him too. And right now, his fans needed him. "Are you gonna miss me while I'm gone?" he asked, looking at you with those golden eyes that always made your heart skip a beat. "Of course, baby. Will miss you every minute and every second. " You answered, smiling at him. He smiled back, content with the assurance. "DO you --" he was cut off by the horn honking from outside your shared apartment several times a row. Beomgyu groaned, hesitantly retracting his arms from your waist. "ARGHHH!! don't wanna go yet..." he pouted. You smiled, standing up and cupping his cheek. "Just 3 to 4 weeks baby. Then I'm all yours again. You can do it for me, right?" He nodded. For you? Yes, he could. "Don't skip meals and drink lots of water. And I'll call you whenever I'm free. I love you a lot, okay?" You smiled, " I know, baby. I love you more." You said, pulling him into a hug that he melts into. His soft chuckle vibrating in your ear. "Gonna marry you one day." he whispered. The horn honked once again. This time, longer and more consistent. You laughed together before making your way to the door. "Goodnight, sweetheart. Have a good sleep tonight, hm." He said, walking out the door. "You too, honey. Let me know when you reached." you smiled as you watched Beomgyu make his way to the black limo standing outside. His head turn every second, smiling and waving at you until he was inside and the limo drove off. You sigh, closing the door and making your way inside the house that felt too empty without the presence of your boyfriend. You turned on the lights of the kitchen, ready to do the dishes you procrastinated to spend more time with him. You were putting on the apron when you heard the front door open. Your heart skipping a beat at the possibility of a robbery, until you heard the familiar footsteps. "Huh? Gyu, did you forget some---" in a second, you were swiped off the ground, the apron falling from your hands as Beomgyu held you, placing a passionate kiss on your lips. It didn't take long for you to respond, wrapping your arms around his neck and letting go of the world once more. His kisses always felt like that. Passionate enough to make you think you were dreaming. He pulled out first, grinning at you with twinkling eyes as he spoke. "I forgot my goodbye kiss."
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themeatpit37 · 3 days
(you don't have to write this if you don't want to)
Story Idea: MC brings Jack to the aquarium and to an amusement park for his birthday as a surprise. How would Jack react and feel? (MC tells the amusement park workers to secure the seat next to them to make them feel safer. Most of the time they do comply and if they refuse to, Jack will get off the ride).
SWWSDJ Mini Fic; Birthday Bash!
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(Art made by Sauce/Jambeebot)
Oh? Why this sounds like a lovely idea! I’ll see what I can make to do your request justice! Sorry if I couldn’t fit everything! I wanted to give each subject their spotlight, so some parts might seem rushed and I apologize!
Content included: Fluff, gender neutral second person reader, follows the yes route in story, short aquarium visit, amusement park visit, talks of Jack’s devotion, spoiling Jack for at least 80% of this mini fic, Reader worries there is imbalance in the relationship, reader decides to put the pants on in the relationship for a bit, and more!
Content warnings: Nausea warning and mentions of vomiting (none that actually happen or are described in detail)
You’d never seen Jack like this.
It wasn’t uncommon for him to get so excited that he’d start speaking too fast or try to gather up some fun facts to tell you about a subject, but right now he was completely silent. All he could do was stare in complete starry eyed wonder at the moon jellyfish that gently floated around their enclosure. His hands were clasped together behind his back, most likely to keep himself from touching the glass, and he would slowly yet subtly rock back and forth on his heels.
“Hey Jack? You… doing okay over there?”
“… It’s just like the night sky, don’t you think?”
Jack muttered softly, still sounding amazed even after staring at the tank for so long.
“The way they glow and light up the darkness of the water. Like small little spats in the vast darkness…”
He made a little snapping motion as he said “spats” for emphasis before he turned to you with a little smile on his face and a soft gaze to match.
“Kind of like you.”
It was funny how easily Jack could turn any situation into an opportunity to show his love for you, but this especially made your heart skip a beat. Were you really that important to him? Did he really see you as a light guiding him through the dark? Or were you looking too deep into it? Before you could think more about this, Jack gasped and made his way to the other room of the aquarium.
“Sunshine look they got crabs!!!”
You quickly follow him into the next room, mostly so you wouldn’t lose him, only to catch Jack immediately reading the little exhibit sign placed not too far off from where the crabs were.
“Giant Japanese spider crab! Woah, they certainly fit the title of giant!”
He laughed to himself and you decided to walk over for a closer look. The crab in question was in fact large with long legs, the legs that carried its claws at the front folding inward. The shell was a vibrant reddish orange with white on the legs and the underside of the crab in a speckled kind of pattern.
“Oh that reminds me, hey Sunshine!”
He gave a knowing smile before continuing.
“Fun fact, spider crabs are considered one of the largest crabs in the world! Oh also did you know that the innards of a crab are commonly referred to as miso?”
The first one was probably read off of the sign, but now you’re curious as to where he found out that second fact. It didn’t matter though because you were just happy to see him all excited. Even with all this excitement and energy coming off of Jack, you knew what you had to do. In fact, you were on a mission. Jack was distracted and that gave you time to get him something special. So you decided to give an excuse to leave for a moment and let him watch the crabs some more.
“I’ll be back, just gotta run off to the bathroom is all.”
“Alright sunshine, just don’t be gone for too long! I get lonely without you…”
You waved goodbye and walked away from the crabs, heading towards the gift shop in the aquarium instead. You had already gotten him a gift, but getting another wouldn’t hurt. Plus, you knew exactly what he would like.
You had hidden the gift in the car, under the back seat where Jack would never check. You knew he wouldn’t check because he sits in the front seat which was exactly where he was right now.
“Today was amazing Sunshine! Honestly, it was perfect! I don’t think I could ask for anything more!”
It was hard to keep a straight face as he said that. Very hard. The aquarium was only the beginning of the celebration! Now it was time for Jack’s first gift, so you took an unexpected turn instead of taking the normal route home. It took Jack a moment to even realize he didn’t recognize the road you were driving down and his suspicion was only confirmed the further you drove.
“Hey Sunshine? I thought… I thought the apartment was over there?”
“Mm-hm, the apartment is over there.”
You didn’t turn around though and instead took another turn.
“… Where are we going, sunspot?”
You only smiled and continued straight. Jack decided to look out the window for clues as to where you were taking him only to spot something in the distance.
“Hold on is that a…”
He didn’t even finish his sentence as the Ferris wheel got closer and closer into view along with the many other roller coasters and bright lights that weren’t quite as bright as they could be due to the sun being out.
“Wait, you’re telling me we’re going…!”
Jack couldn’t help but let out a giddy laugh as a grin spread across his face. You on the other hand pulled into the amusement park’s parking lot as a way of answering his question.
“Well aren’t you full of surprises today! I didn’t even know they had parks like this around here!”
His face and hands were pressed against the glass as you parked and got out of the car, walking around to Jack’s side to hold it open for him with a bow.
“After you, sir.”
You said with a playful tone as Jack eagerly hopped out of the car like an overexcited puppy about to go to a dog park. With a quick trip over to the enterance and the purchase of a wristband, you two were ready.
“So, where should we go first birthday boy?”
It wasn’t too abnormal to talk to Jack here since so many people were crowded around you, making it easy to mistake you talking to him for talking to anyone else around. Jack thought for a moment as he glanced around the park to figure out what to ride first, tapping his chin thoughtfully.
“Hmmmm…. Which to choose, which to choose.”
He then grabbed your hand and started guiding you over to the teacups, one of the spinning rides. It’s only a good idea if you can handle being dizzy, don’t struggle with motion sickness, or haven’t had any of the food here yet. It was cute though with the tea party aesthetic and pastel colored cups. Because it was a ride for friends, family, or kids, you’d probably have to come up with a reason not to sit with someone since the people running the rides tend to want to put as many people on as possible. Probably because of the long lines. Your wristband was scanned and you were told you go ahead inside.
As you made your way to one of the cups, you decided to speak up just as you had mentally rehearsed for cases like this.
“Oh hey, if you don’t mind, could I go on by myself? I just prefer some space to feel more secure!”
The person running the ride just shrugged and boom, Jack slipped right in and you followed suit. It just so happened you got the teacup with the cute hearts on it, fitting the two of you very well. Soon after the ride started up and the cup began to spin. It was slow, as these rides for younger audiences tended to be.
“So when does the ride actually go fast?”
Jack asked with curiosity which you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at, hanging your arms over the rim of the cup.
“Jack this is a kid’s ride, they don’t go fast.”
As if the universe itself came down to punish you for your hubris, the cups suddenly cranked up in speed which caused a yelp to come out of you and a laugh to come out of Jack. As you spun, you caught a glance at the guy running the ride looking all smug at you in particular. Bastard. Fucking bastard. Jack put his hand in the air and leaned into the seat while you were just trying not to throw up right then and there… At least he was having fun. It may have sucked for you and your motion sickness self but it was much more bearable since Jack was enjoying it so much.
Finally, after several minutes of ungodly fast spinning, you two were able to get off. Jack stumbled out while you tried to hold onto him for support, which was a bad idea because you both were just stumbling around like you were two drunks who just came out the pub. However you were able to grab onto a nearby wall meant to keep people distant from those terrible teacups and use your other hand to pull Jack back over to you. It took at least a good five minutes for him to recover from the dizziness he was afflicted with and for you to recover from your nausea. Eventually, you stood straight up again to focus back on Jack.
“Alright we got on the teacups, what’re you thinking of doing next there Jack?”
You teased and gave him a nudge, probably confusing the people who you swear were giving you a weird look. Jack on the other hand was looking off somewhere else, possibly distracted.
“Do you still need a second there Jack?”
You asked, worried he still couldn’t tell left from right at this point, until he snapped out his thoughts with a head shake and turned to you with a sheepish grin.
“Oh sorry sunspot! Kinda got lost in my own thoughts!”
You decided to look where he was before and lo and behold, there was a food stall. How in hell could someone get off of a kiddie ride so fast it made you want to puke your guts up and decide afterwards that this was now the best time to eat?! To be fair though, it was later in the day and you did kinda mess up on the breakfast in bed this morning plus Jack didn’t seem nauseated at all so a little treat from the fair certainly wouldn’t hurt to get for him.
The stand he was looking at had lots of treats too like caramel apples, funnel cake, fried Oreos, popcorn, lemonade, those obsurdly large corn dogs, and cotton candy. With your hand in his, the two of you began to walk over, the smell of sugar, grease, and butter overwhelming yet tempting like a siren’s sweet song. You could see Jack already getting a little excited, a sight that was always pleasant to see.
“What do you wanna get?”
You decided to ask that instead of if he wanted a snack in the first place since it was clear he wanted to try something.
“Maybe some cotton candy? It’s been a while since I got to have some!”
Yeah that sounded about right. Last time he had cotton candy anything was probably when you made him that yogurt that one time at work. He seemed to like it, but you never did get that special surprise he promised… Stupid sprinkles probably, messing up the perfect yogurt… Now though you were going to remedy this! With a quick shuffle through your pockets you pulled your wallet out and got out your card. With a quick scan and the card returned, you were given a large fluff of blue cotton candy on a paper cone. You thought since the pastel blue made it looked kinda like Jack, he’d like it more just like the yogurt.
“Thank you so much sunshine! It looks so good!”
You nodded and watched as he tore off a piece and popped it into his mouth. It did make you wonder if anyone else could see Jack eating… Did they just see the piece floating in air only to disappear? Was anyone even paying attention long enough to care? So many things to wonder, but instead you tore off a small piece for yourself to nibble on now that you didn’t feel sick to your stomach, like a tax for paying for the cotton candy, as Jack continued eating his special treat. It was gone in no time since cotton candy is nothing but spun sugar, leaving a sticky residue on the fingers when finished.
“So tell me, what’s next there Jack?”
A chuckle left you as you watched Jack lick his lips which were stained with a touch of blue. He then focused on the question and hummed to himself as he tried to think of something, giving his chin a tap just like before. He was cute, there was no denying it but especially when he did silly, almost cartoonish stuff like this.
“Well we went on the teacups… Tried some fair food… Oh!”
Then a lightbulb went off, or you assumed it did when he suddenly stood up straight with a finger pointed up before gesturing to the huge Ferris Wheel with a big smile. The lights on the wheel itself were somewhat visible now that the sun was starting to set, giving off a glow like no other. They were colorful too, neon lights of red, white, and blue much more prominent than before.
“We can’t leave without going on the Ferris Wheel!”
Yeah, he was right about that. It was only something someone would avoided if they hated heights, but even then there is still something whimsical about getting on one of them. Plus if you were truly scared, it was Jack’s special day so making today special was worth it even if it meant going on one super tall ride like this one. Besides, it hopefully wasn’t going to be as bad as the teacups.
You stepped in line with Jack and waited. And waited. And waited… It was going to be a while of just waiting and following everyone else in line until- Oh! You were already at the front now! The guy in charge of the ride took a look at your wristband and scanned it why is everything here just done with scanning??? Bleh you feel like an old person yelling at kids to get on your lawn… but either way, you got into the Ferris Wheel’s passenger car and took your seat. You didn’t even have to worry about saving Jack the seat because most people don’t go into the cars with people they don’t know.
It didn’t take long until the ride was started up and the wheel went back to spinning, giving Jack and you some time together.
“You had fun today, right sunshine?”
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, noticing how the orange colored sky behind him made his bright blue hair stand out and almost glow from the light itself. But you had to snap out of your thoughts on how pretty he was to answer his question.
“Of course I did, why wouldn’t I?”
“No reason, just wanted to make sure you had just as much fun as I did! It wouldn’t be my birthday if you weren’t also having fun!”
Ah, he was just thinking about you was all. Huh. Now that you were on the subject, he thought about you a lot didn’t he? Sometimes you wondered if he thought about anything but you… If he ever thought about himself the same way. Did he ever get time to himself? You know he stays home from time to time but does he use this time to focus on himself at all?
“Sunshine! Look! The sun is setting!”
You snapped out of your thoughts to take a look at the beautiful orange and pink glow of the setting sun. The further the sun traveled, the more noticeable blues and purples became. You could stare at it forever… Yet instead you looked to see Jack who was still watching, the colors of the sky shining in the reflection of his eyes along with the emerging stars that lit up the sky in place of the new resting sun.
It reminded you of what he said earlier that day, about the jellyfish being like stars… And how you were similar to them in that regard. His sunshine, his sunspot, his sundrop… all were light. The stars and the glow of bioluminescence, also light. You were more than just someone he loved, you were the very light that guided him.
Is that why he was so devoted? Why he insisted on caring for you so much? Maybe, just maybe, today shouldn’t be the only day you get to be the one to take care of him. Yes, he would be the one to insist caring for you but did he ever want a turn to be doted on? To be the one carried up the stairs and pressed into the mattress? To wake up to a plate of pancakes in the morning? Did he… Did he ever get the chance to let go and let himself be vulnerable like you were able to with him? All these questions, yet no true answers. It didn’t matter though, you were going to be the one to give your fair share. If you wanted this relationship to be healthy and balanced, maybe it was time to follow Jack’s lead and make him feel cared for every once in a while. Let him know you love him just as much he loves you.
Jack had noticed you were staring for a while and turned to you with a head tilt and a touch of confusion.
“Sunshine? Are you okay?”
Instead of responding, you took his hand into your own and carefully pulled him over. You two had done this before, but with your objective to stay in charge, it activated the tingly feeling of butterflies fluttering around in your stomach and flying up your throat to seemingly prevent you from explaining yourself. It wasn’t needed though as you tugged at the strings of his jacket and lead him over, which he followed seamlessly as he ended up practically on your lap. The moment your lips met, Jack melted into them. Your hand traveled up from holding his hand to cup the back of his head as your fingers tangled themselves up into the thick locks of blue hair that you knew so well.
Normally Jack would try to take on a guiding role during kisses, but with you practically straddling him and holding him in place, there was no room for that. He didn’t mind either, leaning into your every touch and hugging you so close like he worried you’d let go. You didn’t want to let go anyways, not in a million years. In fact, the only thing stopping you from going down and completely ravaging him was both because you knew you were nowhere near a place where you’d get away with it and because you didn’t want to go too fast with this. You needed to be slow with Jack on this type of thing, not just plow right in without asking.
But all good things come to an end and your lips parted from each other, leaving you both a little winded for many various reasons yet yearning for more anyways.
“Sunshine… I love you so much…”
He whispered, voice softer than normal. So that’s what it was… He didn’t mind leading or following, he just wants your attention. With that in mind, you cupped his cheeks and press your foreheads together affectionately with a gentle nuzzle.
“I love you too, more than you could ever know.”
As you two parted though, you noticed the wheel was slowly turning and you could see the crowd of people coming into view for their turn. Ah, you forgot you were still in public. Let’s hope while it was spinning, no one saw you making out with what they probably assumed was just the air…
“… Hey Jack?”
“Yes sunshine?”
“You know what? Why don’t we explore some more here? The park tends to stay open pretty late.”
Jack smiled at this and nodded as you finally came to a stop and the doors of the Ferris Wheel opened.
“I’d love to!”
You two left not that long after, talking about things like the big shark at the aquarium and the guy you found who actually won that one rope bridge game the fair had. It was very late at this point, at least for Jack since he had a pretty good sleep schedule and tended to go to bed early.
“Wow sunshine! Today really was the most perfect day ever! You really outdid yourself!”
Even now after the aquarium and the amusement park, you still had a few more surprises for him. Jack didn’t know this though, which you took advantage of. You gestured for Jack to sit down on the couch.
“Well today isn’t over, now is it? Go ahead and sit down, and cover your eyes for me.”
“Oh? Well alright! It’s the least I can do considering how much you’ve done today!”
Jack closed his eyes and covered them up with his hands, humming to himself as you left the apartment. Immediately you went to the car and grabbed the present stuffed under the backseat and shut the door before quickly making your into the apartment again. The bag was placed on the table before Jack, who was still covering his eyes, and you walked into the kitchen to grab the second item. Once back in the living room, the stuff was put down and you began to prepare.
“Just gotta do this… And place those… Can’t forget this!”
He could feel something being placed on his head, almost like a headband.
“Aaaand… There! Jack! You can open your eyes now!”
“Alright Sunshine, let’s see…”
Jack uncovered his eyes and slowly opening them, blinking a few times to adjust before a soft gasp left him. He touched the top of his head to feel a party hat that was glued to a headband was on top of his head. What really caught his attention was what sat before him. Sitting on the table was a gift bag that had a rainbow striped design and the words “Happy Birthday” in the middle. There beside it was a cake that had sprinkles and a rim of white frosting in a wave like pattern decorating the top and bottom. Sitting on the flat top of the cake were thin, long candles in red, yellow, and blue matching Jack’s main colors.
“You… Did you get all of this just for me..?”
He placed his hand on his chest, taken aback and instead of answering, you quickly lit them all. But the moment they were lit, they began to sparkle and pop because they weren’t actually candles, but rather sparklers. Jack’s eyes widened and a gasp slipped from his mouth, watching with childlike wonder at the colorful sparks that flew. As per tradition, you began to sing.
“Happy birthday to you,”
Jack perked his head up and stole a glance at you before looking back at the sparkling cake.
“Happy birthday to you,”
The longer he listened, the more emotional he got. No one has ever done so much for him, especially not on his birthday…
“Happy birthday dear Sunny Day Jack,”
At the sound of his name, his eyes started to water and he couldn’t hold them back much longer.
“Happy birthday to you!”
You finished up only to look and see Jack was crying, albeit very quietly, which he tried to hide by covering his mouth with his hand.
“… Jack…?”
You asked with a hint of worry in your tone, catching his attention. Was something wrong? Did he not like it? Assuming the worse was common in such a situation but you decided to push these thoughts away and ask him instead.
“You… You doing okay over there…?”
Jack wiped away his tears and sniffled, composing himself before giving a smile, a genuine smile that lit up the room like no other. Reassurance is what it was really, that all this was perfectly fine.
“Yeah just… I’ve never been so… Happy? You’re… You’re just so amazing sunshine, I just got a little overwhelmed is all! But these are all happy tears, don’t worry!”
You smiled back at him before walking back to the kitchen just to return with a knife to cut the cake, one plate, and a fork.
“Okay, I’ll go ahead and cut this up. You can open your present while I’m cutting you a slice.”
The cake was cut into eight slices, one being removed and plopped onto the plate on its side to reveal it was a four layer confetti cake with vanilla buttercream between each layer. Jack on the other hand carefully grabbed the bag and waited patiently for you to finish. Once you did, you gave Jack your undivided attention and waited for him to begin but he just waited. Probably for your permission.
“Go ahead, open it. It’s your gift after all.”
Jack then gave a nod and opened the bag up. The tissue paper wrapped gift inside was taken out and placed into his lap as he put the bag off to the side.
“Oh wow sunshine, this has a little weight to it! Now I’m real curious!”
He began to pull the tissue paper away and stopped for a second. Sitting in his lap looked to be a fuzzy baby blue jellyfish with two plastic eyes. You decided to explain.
“Well… I noticed you were looking at the moon jellies earlier and thought you might like this. Plus- Hold on, let me show you this instead.”
With one press on the top, the jellyfish began to glow. It was a soft cyan color and the light itself was kind of the same brightness as a night light; Bright but not obnoxiously so.
“So do you like it? I kinda figured you might want a little companion. Y’know, since I noticed you tend to get lonely when I’m not here.”
He nodded and held the jellyfish up. All he could do was smile as it glowed like a star in the vastness of space. The only thing he could really say was five simple words;
“Just like the night sky…”
And that there is the end! Sorry it took so long! I got mighty busy and by the time it was starting to come together, I thought it would be a nice birthday present for Jack so I scheduled it to release on his birthday!
Sorry for any accidents in writing or rushed pacing! I was trying to complete this while busy with other things and they kinda both overlapped! But things are starting to calm down and requests are for the most part always open!
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yandere--stuck · 15 hours
Imagine confessing to Joker that, sometimes, you do feel a bit crazy. He'd been wheeling it out of you for hours now, continuously and obviously guiding you to the idea that there had to be something special about you to catch his eye. Something about you that stuck out like a sore thumb, and not just to him. Something innate about you that drew him toward you.
“There has to be something, my dear,” Joker had said. “I don't exactly attract the most normal company.”
You tried noncommittal answers at first. Really, the only person who'd know why he'd fallen for you (so he claimed) would be him. And hadn't he claimed to know everything about you already? God only knew how he'd gotten your information, but it didn't surprise you considering the man holding you captive. Even still, The Joker kept pestering you for your thoughts. Your mind was just so fascinating to him. 
So, you relented, even if just to appease him. You watched his grin widen, and the smile reached his eyes as they crinkled in delight. The clown hanging onto every word. 
Sometimes, you did feel crazy. Like the world didn't really make sense. Everyone else had a set of instructions on how to navigate the world that you never got. How did everybody else know how to start a conversation without a shock of anxiety washing over them? How did others have the ability to get up out of bed when you couldn't find the strength to? How did anybody find consistent meaning and purpose in their lives.
Even when you tried to pretend to be like them, it fell apart so quickly. It was so hard to keep on top of things. So hard to stay organized and stable and motivated. And you were so aware of the act you were putting on. So was everybody else, you were sure of it. You were sure they could tell, as if they thought of you as something not quite human and just something pretending to be. Something to tolerate until it crawled back to where it came from, another failed attempt to infiltrate their ranks.
You didn't even know what made you stand out to The Joker of all people - especially for anything outside of a murder attempt. You purposefully tried not to stand out. It made it harder to detect how different you were so long as you kept your emotions and thoughts close to your chest. No chance for embarrassment if no one ever got close enough to embarrass you again. 
Joker raised a hand to stop you, resting his hand on your shoulder. The green of his eyes held surprising softness before flashing with mischief.
“How about we give those fools something to really be scared of?” The Clown flashed a grin, raising a small contraption in his hands.
“What the Hell is that?” You blurted out.
The metal thing was the same size and shape of a small ball, painted an acidic green and electric purple. Wiring covered the thing, either wrapped around the outside or sprouting up like weeds from within. A small LED display screen was centered in the middle, left blank.
“A bomb,” Joker grinned. “I figured it'd be thematically appropriate.”
“Get that thing away from me!”
“Oh, come now, it's not even armed.”
As if to prove his point, Joker tossed the bomb aside, letting it roll across the floor. He paused for a ment, raising a hand to his chin in thought. Then, he seemed to light up, snapping his fingers. 
“Oh, of course, you'd want to deal with ‘em up close and personal!” Then, with a flourish, Joker pulled a gun from seemingly out of nowhere. He threw his head back as a chorus of laughter erupted from within. 
“Stop!” You spluttered, backing away. “I don't want to hurt anyone!”
Joker stayed put and simply blinked, brows furrowing. He tilted his head. “Why?”
“Because- because you can't just hurt people! It's wrong.”
“No, it's what they told you is wrong,” The Clown's hands balled into fists. “They force you to play by their rules, then punish you for losing at a game you're not designed to win. They wear you down to the bone and know you won't fight back, so they get to walk all over.”
“That's not true.”
“Don't lie to yourself, Darling. I'm saying this all to help you. I want to help you finally fight back. Everything you've gone through has all been leading to this moment.”
“I can't,” You held your ground. “I won't.”
The Clown stared you down. His eyes held an emotion you couldn't quote register. He wasn't frowning exactly, but he certainly wasn't smiling.
You nearly jumped when Joker suddenly crossed the room. The sound of his footsteps mirrored the thundering of your own heartbeat. It muffled all thoughts as electric panic ripped through your veins and left you petrified in place. Not like you could escape, anyway.
You tried to calm your breathing, but hot, panting breaths kept escaping you, chest rising and falling erratically. You could hardly keep yourself composed enough to look him in the eye. And when you did, somehow it was worse than expected. The expression on his face and look in his eyes wasn't one of murderous intent. Not one of rage. Hell, he didn't even look disappointed.
No. His expression was one of pity.
He swept you into an embrace. One arm curled around your back, hand still holding his pistol. You could feel the cold of the metal pressing against the small of your back. Another hand came up to push your head closer to his chest. 
Joker lamented. “Oh, my poor little maniac. It's so sad to see what they've done to you. If only I had saved you sooner.”
You didn't respond, hoping the excuse of being smothered into his jacket would be enough for him to not demand a reply. You felt the slow rise of Joker's chest pressing against you, then sank back as he exhaled a sigh. A gloved hand petted at your head soothingly.
“You're just like Bats, you know,” he said. “These barriers you put up for yourselves are so small, but you give them so much power. And I just don't understand *why.*”
You paused, giving yourself time to think before mumbling into the fabric of his jacket, “Because it's the right thing to do.”
When you glanced up at him, the look of condescension on the Clown's face was nearly enough to forgo any ideas of self-preservation or pacifism. Nearly. The last thing you'd want to do is prove him right.
“They're never going to see you as normal, you know that, right?” He pressed. “You'll never really be one of them. Like a square peg trying to squeeze itself into a round hole. I don't see why you're so caught up in silly things like morality when it clearly hasn't helped you yet. It certainly doesn't seem like a concern for any of them.”
You didn't want to talk about this anymore. You didn't want to think anymore. You just wanted to find some cold comfort in the embrace of another. 
A pair of lips pressed against the crown of your head. You flinched in his hold, burying yourself further into his grasp. Maybe you could just disappear. 
“It's so sad to see you sabotage your own potential like this,” The Joker continued, voice taking on a lighter tone. “But it's okay. I'm here to take care of you. And I'll keep taking care of you until you can become who you were always meant to be. Because I love you, I really do.”
Yeah, right.
Still, you wished he made it harder to believe otherwise.
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Is it bad for writers - who want to be published - to rely on generators for coming up with new names? I'm worried that using only generated names for races, characters, and places in a high fantasy is off-putting. I'm really bad at coming up with names that actually sound nice... but I don't really enjoy using generators to do the job for me :(
Relying on Name Generators for High Fantasy
I think name generators can be really helpful when you're struggling to come up with a name for a character, place, or something else in your story. However, you still have to be able to process the suggestions to make sure they work for your story:
1 - Character Names - Does the name fit the character you've created? Does it have a nice ring to it? Does it fit the time, place, and genre? For example, with names like Sansa Stark, Cersei Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Theon Greyjoy, and Jon Snow, it would have been odd if there had been a sister and brother named Kennedy and Braedyn Johnson. The names are too 2000s trendy and the surname is too common/familiar in our world.
2 - Place Names - Does it make sense for the setting and genre? For example, if you've written a story set in a fictional New England-inspired town in an imaginary place, you probably wouldn't want to call it "Dry Gulch" as that is a place name more associated with dry areas in the southwest. Likewise, if you're writing a fantasy set in a typical medieval European-inspired setting, it wouldn't make sense for you to have a place called Astronaut Beach. There wouldn't be astronauts in this world, and "beach" as a word for shore wasn't used until after the medieval period.
3 - Companies, Organizations, and Businesses - Entities created to serve a particular purpose (to provide a product, service, or administrative function) are usually named with that purpose in mind. So, Dynamik Industries wouldn't make sense as a name for an organization dedicated to cleaning up the ocean. "Dynamik" is a play on "dynamic" which means "marked by continuous change" or "energetic, forceful" and "industries" implies a group of profit-making enterprises. None of this has anything to do with environmentalism or cleaning up the ocean.
4 - Races, Species, Countries, Cultures - Groups of people/beings are usually named for whatever it is they have in common, whether that's a physical attribute (like skin color), a place of origin (such as a particular continent, country, or region), or a shared culture/religion (which is then named after something in the culture/religion.) So, if you were writing a medieval Europe-inspired fantasy and you wanted a race of vampire faeries, if a name generator gave you the name "boreal grell," would that make sense? Well... "boreal" refers to coniferous forests of the north, and "grell" is most famously the name of floating brain things in Dungeons and Dragons, but is also the name of an imp-like forest sprite in World of Warcraft, and an alien species in The Outer Limits. Given that "grell" isn't a relatively uniform genre term like "troll" or "elf," you probably wouldn't want to use it. And unless your vampire faeries live in northern coniferous forests, "boreal" wouldn't make much sense, either. As for countries and cultures, these are often named in association with the location origin, predominant language of the culture, or an aspect of the culture. So, if a random generator gave you a culture called Vervikan, what would that mean in your story? Is there a place called Vervik? Would that word even make sense in your story? Would the word derive from a language in your story, and are you going to do some basic conlang to create other similar-sounding words to give Vervik some authenticity?
So, having said all of that... I think the key to using generators for fantasy and sci-fi in particular is to use the ideas to get your brain going, but you don't want to take any particular suggestion and use it as-is. Let's say you're trying to find a name for a mountain-dwelling elf-like fantasy creature in your story. The Fantasy Name Generators site offers up:
Lake Mummies Flaming Shades Growling Dragonborn Land Nymphs
Well, let's see what we can eliminate that doesn't make sense for a a mountain-dwelling elf-life creature:
Lake Mummies Flaming Shades Growling Dragonborn Land Nymphs
So, we're left with:
Lake Flaming Growling --born Land
Well, they don't live by a lake, so we can eliminate that, but they do live in the mountains, so maybe we can replace "lake" with "mountain" on our list. They don't have anything to do with fire or fire magic, so we can eliminate "flame," and they don't growl, but they are known for humming, so maybe we can replace "growling" with "humming." We'll keep the suffix --born, and we'll ditch "land" because that's too general. So, our list now looks like this:
Mountain Humming --born
What can we make of this:
The Humming Mountainborn Mountainborn Hummers Mountainborn Hums The Mountainborn
I would probably go with "the mountainborn" or "mountainborn hums," or, I might generate another list to get some other ideas.
I hope that helps!
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pomefioredove · 4 hours
If you don't mind, could you do for Flirty prompts event: "Trouble never looked so goddamn fine." with Riddle?
absolutely o7 I had a lot of fun with this one
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summary: "trouble never looked so goddamn fine" type of post: short fic characters: riddle additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, maybe a little ooc, riddle being a repressed victorian LOL a part of this event
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"Are you done yet?"
Riddle knows, logically, that you're only doing this to get on his nerves. No matter how he chides, shouts, threatens (and makes good of those threats), you keep coming back for more.
You flash him a big grin, strawberry staining your teeth red.
He grimaces. You either have a death wish, or you're stupid enough to think that he won't punish you.
"We're on a schedule," he says, though you're already well aware.
"The unbirthday party ended an hour ago. You can't possibly still be eating."
"And let this go to waste?" you gasp, pointing your fork at the last remaining slice of tart. "That would be rude, Housewarden."
You're clearly being sarcastic.
Death wish, it is.
"There is no rule about having to finish an entire tart by yourself," Riddle crosses his arms. "Let alone one about having to stay after an unbirthday party has ended for it."
You roll your eyes. Testing his patience once again.
"I didn't say it was a dorm rule. It's just common courtesy. I'm sure Trey will be flattered once he sees the entire plate licked clean."
Riddle shivers at the mental image of that. "That is wholly unnecessary,"
"Maybe if you help me finish, I'll be done faster," you hum.
It's a trap. He knows it is. But...
"If it will get you back to your room, so be it," he sighs, taking a seat beside you. "I suppose I have room for half a piece. Shall I c-"
He turns, and is met with a forkful of glistening strawberry, mere inches from his lips.
"What is this?"
He sighs. "No, what are you doing?"
"Sharing, like we said,"
You address him as if it's the most normal thing in the world. Riddle narrows his eyes.
"I'm not eating off that. Your mouth was on it,"
You shrug, eyes brimming with barely-restrained mirth. "I cleaned it,"
And he's supposed to believe that? He crosses his arms, glaring, but you still don't back down.
You're nearly as stubborn as he is. After an agonizing eternity of staring, he closes the distance between himself and the tart, eating off your fork.
Only to be met with another piece.
"I am not a child. I can feed myself," he mutters. He can feel his face turning red, and not from anger.
"Sure, you can, but I bet this is much better, right?"
Riddle sighs, taking another sweet bite. He really shouldn't entertain you; he doesn't want you getting any ideas...
You hum, clearly pleased with his compliance, and then take bite off the same fork.
He pales. "That's disgusting,"
"I actually quite like this tart, thank you," you say merrily, talking through a mouthful of strawberry.
Such a clear disregard for table manners... It makes his heart skip a beat.
"That is clearly not what I meant. And I'm not having any more,"
You scoff. "What are you, five? Afraid of cooties?"
Riddle's face turns redder than the tart itself. He stammers pathetically for a moment, at a loss for his usual sharp words.
"I-I am not! It's unsanitary to share utensils!"
"Is that a rule?"
He simmers, crossing his arms again. "As you put it, it's just common courtesy,"
You draw another forkful up, letting it linger in front of your lips for a moment. "Fine, I'll leave..."
Your hesitance turns into mirth, and you point the tart towards his own mouth. "But... just one more bite."
Riddle scoffs, studying your expression. He hopes you're joking.
You're not.
He knows he really shouldn't indulge you. You're enough of a troublemaker as it is... but...
...He leans forward and takes the bite. Trouble never looked so goddamn fine.
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theamityelf · 2 days
I’ve been thinking of talent swap AUs and I was wondering if there were any talents you would like to see Makoto have? And like if that varies from ship to ship? Like way back you have that post of different Makoto soulmate AUs with different ships, so that but with talent swaps.
On the top of my head, an Ultimate Neuroscientist Makoto would be interested with Hineagi or Kamuegi. Like Makoto is a minute replacement on the Kamukura project and either encounters pre-op Hajime (and maybe tries to save Hajime’s memories along with giving him talents I don’t know) OR meets Kamukura (and it’s the classic treats Izuru as a human rather than an experiment tropes but Makoto is a scientist here)
Oooh, first of all, there's one relevant post I made a little bit ago where I said that Ultimate Rule-Breaker would be a cool fit for him, since we know he will defy the establishment to protect other people.
But your specific idea of matching it to specific ships like in my soulmate AU's post is really cool, so let's give it a try, lol! I don't want to threaten his just-a-guy-ness, but it could be cool to try to use the alternate ultimate to lean into certain particular dynamics of each ship. It really seems to come down to "Is it more fun to do opposites or to coordinate?"
Oooh, first of all, there's one relevant post I made a little bit ago where I said that Ultimate Rule-Breaker would be a cool fit for him, since we know he will defy the establishment to protect other people. Ultimate Rule-Breaker would be great for Naeishi, and a lot of other ships.
But your specific idea of matching it to specific ships like in my soulmate AU's post is really cool, so let's give it a try, lol! I don't want to threaten his just-a-guy-ness, but it could be cool to try to use the alternate Ultimate to lean into certain particular dynamics of each ship. (It really seems to come down to "Is it more fun to do opposites or to coordinate?")
Here, I really want to retain the sense of "He isn't super skilled; he's just a really decent guy." A part of me wants to go "Ultimate Therapist" or somewhere in that ballpark, specifically because it justifies Hope's Peak's scientists having arranged for them to be around each other, but I think it's a little important to me that he's not a therapist. It feels like it takes away from his Power of Friendship thing if he's a therapist. Not knocking therapy! It's just maybe not best for the ship. I think the best thing he can offer Izuru is an appreciation for the world around him, so something like "Ultimate Bird-Watcher", like in that other post, or "Ultimate Stargazer," or just something in the ballpark of "person whose skill comes from enjoying things and dedicating himself to that enjoyment". Canon Makoto seems to more have that with people, but for this AU, I think the highly social aspect of Makoto's personality can receive less emphasis. I think for now I'm going to go with "Ultimate Storm-Chaser", because that combines a few cool things. It's an enjoyment of the natural world, it's a kind of wild side that we don't usually get to see a lot from Makoto, it characterizes the whole Naegi family in a pretty fun way (like, I'm just picturing them in a station wagon or van, following storms since Makoto and Komaru were little kids), and it's a thing where Makoto's clumsiness and Izuru's protection can put them in cool situations. And Makoto can still get some heroics in, saving people who are in the path of natural disasters. (I'm picturing the standard screaming child in a disaster movie.)
Oh boy, where to start for this one? I'm not going to act like Ultimate Secretary didn't cross my mind first, but I think the appeal of AU's where he actually becomes Byakuya's secretary isn't usually the idea that he'll be superhumanly good at it. Next, the idea of them being placed at odds by their titles comes to mind. Like, maybe the Togami Corporation is up to some harmful practices and Makoto is the Ultimate Environmentalist, or the Ultimate Activist, and he tries to appeal to Byakuya's better nature, and also it's really funny to think "The Ultimate Environmentalist saves the planet by accidentally romancing the most influential CEO." Boy, I started this point planning to say "but instead", but now I've kind of talked myself into this one. I think I like this dynamic?? Makoto just trying to reason with him, Byakuya reading him as some wide-eyed idealist at first, but Makoto is able to parry everything he says, and they have a Vibe, and then they're dating, and Byakuya really likes him, but if he actually makes the changes that Makoto is passionate about, he's worried Makoto will leave him because a part of him has thought that Makoto was just using him the whole time.
(Also, hey, it's me from after I finished the rest of this post. Yeah, the answer I give for Naezono also applies here.)
I am pretty charmed by the idea of him being something that stands at odds with Ultimate Detective, like Ultimate Accomplice (and there are a lot of ways he could be someone who deliberately or accidentally keeps people from getting in trouble while she's trying to find out the truth no matter what), but it seems more aligned with the spirit of the ship if he gets something that pairs well with detective, like "Ultimate Lip-Reader". That one would probably involve a lot of him tagging along on the field with her, offering his thoughts and insights and telling her what people are saying in silent security footage. Alternatively, any Ultimate where she's doing the field work as a detective and he's doing the office and/or people-facing side is cool, so "Ultimate Secretary" would actually be pretty great for this ship. (That one fic, Smile at the Mouth of Despair, had him doing file work and stuff, and I kind of love that; it's what I'm visualizing for this point. I like him sorting files and taking calls.)
Is "Ultimate Friend" cheating? Yeah, that's cheating. I kind of like Ultimate Survivalist, maybe, where people expect him to be really strong and cool, but he's just a somewhat clumsy little guy who just happens to regularly dodge heavy projectiles and happen to have the exact thing he needs in his backpack. (This could include him knowing aikido, since we all love Aikido Makoto, lol.) The way this would intersect with Nagito is, in any given plane crash or house fire or explosion, Makoto theoretically should be safe and able to help Nagito out. I say theoretically because there is a part of me that thinks Nagito's luck would have to kill the Ultimate Survivalist. I don't always subscribe to the theory that his luck does the least likely thing (whether it's good or bad), but I do think that an Ultimate Survivalist, even if the talent works exactly like Makoto's normal luck, would be tempting fate just by being called that.
Honestly, while I said that the highly social aspect of Makoto's character didn't need to be emphasized for Izuru, I feel it definitely does for Nagito, hence the "Ultimate Friend" idea. But I'm thinking maybe a service role that Makoto can have a decidedly healthy approach to, like Ultimate Barista? Is there a word for someone who picks up litter? Because I love the idea of Makoto's Ultimate being focused on cleaning up after people, but him having an overall more generous and friendly outlook on them than Nagito. Maybe Makoto is the Ultimate Custodian, and a lot of people expect him to resent people who drop trash, but he's more, "I'm glad I can help out. Sometimes people are busy or make mistakes, and I'm glad I can keep our shared spaces clean. I meet a lot of interesting people! For example..."
A talent that positions him to know when something's off with Nagito even if he doesn't say anything, like "Ultimate Body Language Expert", would theoretically be cool, because it would allow for Makoto to comfort him when he really needs it, but that also feels a little bit like cheating, lol.
(Him being the Lucky Student, Ultimate Hope, or talentless honestly work best for Nagito, in my opinion, but these are still fun dynamics to explore.)
Oooh, maybe Ultimate Game-Breaker? This is kind of a fusion of bad luck and gamer, where he will reliably find the bug in any game always. Maybe too similar. I think what I'm picturing for them right now is Makoto having a YouTube channel or Twitch channel where he talks about stuff he likes. Like, maybe a CinemaWins kind of thing, but unscripted, where he's actually rambling to the camera. That way, we get a dynamic where Chiaki makes Let's Plays and Makoto makes just general positive vlog content. They try out a new game together, and Makoto is raving about how cool it is and Chiaki's like, "It's fun. The crafting mechanic is a little buggy, and they didn't really integrate it into any storyline. Yeah, it's a pretty good new release." I'm going to say he mostly vlogs, so I can call him Ultimate Positivity Vlogger instead of having to find a way word all of that in one Ultimate title, lol.
Ultimate Stage Hand or Light Technician could be fun. Maybe Ultimate Celebrity Interviewer, and they have one conversation that is just so incredible that she never stops thinking about it. He has a way of really making the people he interviews feel seen and cared about, and that's just so unusual in the entertainment industry that Sayaka falls head over heels. (He doesn't know he has this effect.)
Ooh, I'm feeling something in the ballpark of Ultimate Bookkeeper, or just any collection-type Ultimate. Something unassuming in the eyes of pretty much everyone. Here's why: Making him a passionate collector of [something] means we can have Mukuro often shyly gifting him one of [that thing] that she found while she was out doing soldier stuff. He gets to nervously ask, "You didn't kill someone for that, did you?" and she gets to lie, "No, I bought it," or "No, I found it." Also, it means maybe one day Mukuro knocks on his door bleeding, injured, with nowhere else to go, being followed by enemies, and Makoto hides her in his home which is full of collected things and enemy soldiers show up at his house like "Have you seen [description of Mukuro]?" and he's like, "No, I'm here alone. No one's been here." And the enemy soldiers barge in anyway to search the place, but in all his collected things, they can't find Mukuro, so they leave and he brings her some food and water and does his best to bandage her up (or she just stitches up her own wound), and she notices that he has a little bruise or scratch from when the enemy soldiers pushed him aside to search the place, and she's so sorry she brought danger to his door.
I think Ultimate Hope is already perfect for that one. Alternatively, though, something like "Ultimate World Ender" or some similar thing positioning him as potentially usable to her. It would follow the same rules as "Ultimate Rule-Breaker", though, where the whole point is that he prioritizes others' wellbeing over any establishment, so it would be a situation where Junko tries to make use of his talent for destroying organizations from within (because that's the essence of his talent, here; he's really good at dismantling organizations), but it doesn't work because he's not just out there destroying things; his priority is to help people, and he was titled the way he was because those running the establishments that do harm were seeing him from their own perspectives. Junko can't get the Ultimate World Ender (or whatever else his title is) to end the world, and he's actually a pretty big inconvenience for her.
Or "Ultimate Barista" again. She's talking about her despair plans with Mukuro in some cafe, and Makoto brings them their coffee or tea, like, "Are you guys writing a book?" and casually weighs in on "plot elements" that interest or confuse him, accidentally helping Junko make her plan better. She keeps inviting him to their table for more artistic feedback, and he's having a great time talking with them. They become regulars, and he memorizes Mukuro's order and, even though Junko always orders something different, he seems to somehow intuit the kinds of flavors she enjoys and makes great recommendations. She's in love.
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therantingsage · 3 months
Ok I've been playing Slay the Princess and I feel like if you removed all the romantic subtext it really feels like the hero and the princess have N and Cyn vibes (or rather the other way around? idk). Like just in the inherent stress and tragedy of it all.
Two pairs of inherently connected characters, forced into a cycle of hurt, and pain, and desperation. Trapped. She's capable of immense cruelty and yet...still such a terrible victim of circumstance. You can't help but want to save her even though it can and will end in your own demise.
N's just that kinda guy about all the people he cares about tho so you could probably make the princess just about any character he cares about and the theming would be the same. But Cyn specifically in that kind of role is the most compelling to me. Change the romantic vibes to family ones and it just.....fits really well
Brainrot says make a crossover au. Also a platonic version of the Slay the Princess situationship genuinely sounds interesting to write and yet....I'm too busy writing one MD au thingy so I don't have the brainspace to write another :/ guess I'll just think about it
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churipu · 4 months
"SHUT UP, MAMA." 𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧
ִ ࣪𖤐 featuring. gojo satoru, toji fushiguro, nanami kento
ִ ࣪𖤐 warnings. fem! reader, husband! au, i made names for your children but feel free to disregard it
note. i remembered this tiktok trend, just figured i should write about how the jjk men would react to their child doing this.
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gojo had a day off. it's rare for a jujutsu sorcerer like him — being the strongest, he's an asset to the jujutsu world. so him being in a day off is like a miracle to both you and your seven year old son, who might i say, is an exact carbon copy of your husband.
"honey, you need to put your toys away. it's almost dinner time," you said from the kitchen, gojo by your side, ready to help you with anything.
"let me take that," he sings out, grabbing two plates from your grasp — you chuckled, letting him take the white colored ceramic disk, "looks good, baby."
as you and gojo walked out of the kitchen, placing the plates on top of the dining table. gojo pulled out your seat for you. habits die hard, the male has always pulled your seat out for you since the very first date.
your son. marise gojo. a boisterous little boy, absolutely loves to play with his rocket toys, and somehow believes he's a little astronaut. there he sat in front of the TV, playing with his toys, an astronaut helmet covering his small head.
"buddy," gojo calls out to the boy, "it's dinner time, clean up your toys. mama made some good food."
when gojo's call didn't work, you tried doing it next, "marise, your food's going to get cold, honey."
the young boy didn't make any visible movements, but you heard him yell out with his high pitched voice, "shut up, mama!"
gojo looks at you briefly. i mean — as a father, he couldn't believe his own son said that. to his mother. gojo wasn't one to get mad, in fact, marise is a total daddy's boy. but he felt angry, frustrated, annoyed, all at once.
he wasted no time leaping up from his seat, approaching the young boy. his smile no longer visible; gojo was unhappy. the male used one of his hands to take off marise's astronaut helmet, tossing it aside before grabbing the young boy by his small waist.
marise didn't complain, and he still has no idea of what his father is about to do. so he just sat still in gojo's embrace — until gojo puts him down beside you, "say sorry."
marise's bright blue eyes stared up at gojo in confusion, "say sorry to mama, marise."
it wasn't "baby" or "buddy" like gojo used to address him by, and marise wasn't stupid. he knew he did something wrong, but he just didn't get what or why his father is telling him to apologize to you.
"sorry mama . . ." marise's soft voice resounds.
"do you know what you did wrong?" gojo questions sternly.
marise shook his head, his eyes watering at gojo's tone of voice, "no papa . . ."
gojo sighs, he squats down and gazes into his son's eyes, "you should never say 'shut up' to mama or papa, okay? not to anyone, 'ts not polite. don't ever do that again, now say sorry to mama for saying that."
marise nods his head and turns to look at you, his eyes watering — it's not everyday that you get to see papa gojo get angry, "'m sorry mama, i will never do that again," the young boy finally cried, letting his tears fall out of his doe eyes.
you can't help but to smile at the young boy, pulling him onto your lap to cradle him, "don't do that again, baby. 'ts not polite," your fingers grazed his chubby cheeks, wiping his tears away, "and if mama or papa tells you to stop playing and eat, what do you do?"
marise sniffled, "stop playing and eat."
"good boy," you kissed his little forehead, "go give papa a kiss."
and that marise did, gojo immediately picking the boy into his arms with a big smile, "give papa two kisses, buddy."
sure, gojo is a fun parent. but he knows how to teach his children boundaries — what to do and what not to do. he's scary when he's angry.
megumi is the child that made you and toji think you both should have another child — fukuo is the child that made you and toji stop wanting more children. not saying that fukuo is a bad kid, but the boy is relentless.
with a pretty large age difference between megumi and fukuo with six years, sometimes megumi had to teach fukuo some manners, telling the younger boy what's right and wrong. when fukuo misbehaves, it's megumi and you to the rescue — while toji would usually chuckle it off since, well, he's a little minus on the manners part as well. but you're working on that.
toji said so himself, he wouldn't mind fukuo misbehaving on some things. but the male did set some boundaries up for both of his boys and how they should act well towards you (and him).
today, megumi is twelve and fukuo is six. both of your boys look alike, "mama, 'm gonna be staying late at school because we have a play coming, 'm gonna help my classmate decorate the stage," megumi tells you as he puts on his shoes.
"alright, baby. have a good day at school, i love you," you pressed a kiss on megumi's head, waving him goodbye.
as megumi disappears behind the front door, you walk back inside the house, "toji, wake fukuo up, please. 'm getting his breakfast ready," toji who had his eyes on the television curtly nodded, sluggishly walking towards the boy's room.
"hey, champ." toji approaches the boy, who was sleeping soundly, "your mother's made some good food f' you. if you're not gonna eat it, i'll steal your portion."
fukuo squirmed a bit, but his eyes were still shut tightly, "fukuo," toji gently shook the boy, poking his cheek.
like anyone, fukuo didn't like his sleep disturbed, "papa, stop . . ." he mumbled out, shifting his small body so his little back was facing toji, "five more minutes."
toji sighs, "five more minutes."
he then went out of the room, "he asked for five more minutes," he informs you — sitting back down on the couch.
"five more minutes," was not an unfamiliar statement to you, especially coming from fukuo who had always managed to, of course, butcher the concept of time right after. it was either an hour, or more.
so you waited five minutes, and when the young boy didn't emerge from his bedroom, you found yourself walking towards it, "fukuo? baby, come on, mama made you breakfast . . ." you turn on the light, which made fukuo subconsciously twitch.
"fukuo, come on, papa will eat your breakfast . . ." you shook the boy gently.
"shut up, mama."
you blinked in surprise, but only managed out an exasperated sigh at the boy's sudden outburst, until all of a sudden toji appears beside you — his hand wet, and he slides his palm across the boy's face with a serious look on his face.
"wake up, fukuo. i won't tell you this again," toji mutters out, "three."
oh, god. the countdown was every kid's nightmare, "two," including fukuo's — shown by how the young boy immediately sat up on his bed, "apologize to your mother."
fukuo furrowed his brows, "why?"
"you don't tell her to shut up. apologize." you were just there silently, a little shocked at how toji had become so serious when he's usually so laid-back with the boys, "say sorry and eat your breakfast."
fukuo swallows his saliva nervously and scoots over to you, "'m sorry for telling you to shut up mama, i promise i won't do that again . . ." he whispers, throwing his short arms around your neck — burying his face into the crook of your neck.
you pulled him close, carrying the young boy in your arms, "'ts okay baby, no more telling people to shut up, okay? 's not nice, it'll hurt people's feelings."
"okay mama . . . 'm sorry for hurting your feelings," fukuo pulls back slightly, pressing a chaste kiss on your cheek before facing toji, "'m sorry for hurting mama's feelings, papa."
toji placed his palm over the boy's face, covering it entirely, a sheepish smirk plastered on his lips, "go brush y'r teeth and eat your breakfast, mama made some pancakes."
nanami is such a girl dad. ever since he found out that both of you were going to have a baby girl, he's delighted. just knowing that he'd have a mini version of the both of you made his stomach churn in happiness.
hoshi. nanami hoshi is her name. it was a very peaceful six years of raising her — but they said there will be a devil baby phase, and here she was. whining, throwing tantrums over things she didn't get. it was honestly tiring, but you knew this was a risk of raising a child.
"hoshi, baby, please stand up." you cooed down at the girl who was lying down on the ground. in the middle of a mall, "mama and papa will buy that toy for you next time, i promise."
nanami was by your side, holding onto the baby stroller. his eyes were unreadable, you don't know what he had in mind, but the look he peered at your daughter was plainly and eerily terrifying.
yes, there are moments where he spoils hoshi with what she wants. toys, food, drinks, you name it. but there are times where he declines because he didn't want her to grow up too spoiled, "i wan' that toy, mama!"
you inhaled sharply, trying to slide your hand underneath her armpits to pick her up, but hoshi refused by kicking your hands away. her little kicks barely scratched you — but the people looking at your small family as they passed by definitely got a little kick to you.
"baby, people are looking at you . . ." you whispered.
"i don't care, shut up, mama!"
that was the last straw for nanami who had been silent. he grabbed your arm and tugged you up gently, nodding at you as if telling you to leave this one to him.
you backed away slightly, taking a hold of the stroller nanami had let go a few seconds prior as he squats down. forcefully but gently slipping his hands underneath hoshi's armpits, carrying her into his arms.
"mama said we will buy that toy for you next time, okay?" he sternly said, eyeing his little girl who was now silent as she gazed into his eyes, "and you never. never tell mama to shut up, do you understand?"
hoshi nods her head slowly, lips quivering at her father's sudden lecture, nanami's eyes visibly softened and he rocked her in his arms, "papa's not angry at you, hoshi. but papa wants you to know that telling mama to shut up is not polite, okay?"
again hoshi nods her head.
"go and say that you're sorry to mama," he pecked her chubby cheeks before letting her down onto the ground.
hoshi's little legs ran towards you, hugging your leg, "'m so sorry mama," she muffles into your leg, "i don't want the toy anymore, mama. 'm sorry for being a bad girl."
you squat down, nuzzling your nose to her, "you're not a bad girl, baby . . . mama and papa will buy you that next time, okay? we promise."
"okay, mama. i love you."
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wrioluvr · 6 months
sub yandere inmate x gn! prison warden reader
thank u all for 1000+ notes on my last post omg....<3 short fic about an idea i had as i work on part 2 of the sub yandere x himbo reader ♡♡♡ kinda wriothesley inspired coz thats bae...
cw: mentions of nsfw
"so let me get this straight." you sighed, looking at the man who was currently on the other side of the bars in disappointment. "you beat up some of the other inmates and got into a fight because.... they were talking shit about me?"
"exactly..... they were saying you were too strict! but they don't know how much you care for us.... such ungrateful bastards." his last words came out with an obvious distaste. he held the bars of his cell tightly, looking into your eyes imploringly for any sign of validation. "aren't... aren't you proud of me?"
you pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. "no. you can't just hurt other people for my sake. i'm your warden. i can handle a few snarky comments." he had always been rather attached to you, but he had been acting overly clingy and whiny in the past few weeks. you wondered if solitary confinement was finally getting to his head.
at your words, he crumbled a little, sadness evident in the lines of his pout. your approval meant everything to him, so you being annoyed with him was the worst feeling in the world. but all of a sudden, he perked back up, seemingly coming up with a devilish idea. his voice dropped to a low whisper. "you know.... if you're that upset with me, i'm always ready for punishment." to get his point across, he pressed his ass to the bars, moaning softly as he felt the cold metal graze his hole. "a spanking would be perfect."
you immediately took a step back, glaring at him. "i don't believe in corporal punishment." you said sternly, trying to deter him from getting any more perverted ideas in his head. "you're not even really interested in getting better, are you?"
"whaaat. i am! come onnnnn. the only way you can get me to behave is if you spank me. i'll be a good boy. i promise."
"you know what would be a better punishment?"
"what?" his eyes light up at the thought of you taking the initiative to put him in his place.
"if i don't partake in your twisted scenarios and leave right now. try not to get into any more fights, okay?" you walked away, shaking your head as you wondered what on earth you would do with this pathetic man.
"seriously? no! come back...." he whined, slumping back down onto his bed, defeated. but at least he had got your attention with that stunt... you had been paying far more attention to the other inmates recently.
he giggles to himself, staring up at the ceiling of his cell. a few years meant nothing, if it meant that once he was out he could live out the rest of his days as your malewife, taking care of your every need. that was the one thing keeping him going. you wouldn't be so cruel as to deny him of his fantasy, would you?
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purplesuitcowboy · 1 month
tw: incest (older brother x younger sister), and rape
“Are you sure that I have to sit like this for you to work on your knot tying? This is a really weird class project.” his baby sister asked from her position on the floor. Sophie awkwardly sat hunched over on her knees with her hands clasped together under her ass.
“Yeah, that’s what the instructor said,” Cade told her, tying her clasped hands tightly to her feet. She gritted her teeth as the course rope dug into her skin.
“Be careful! That hurts."
He tugged at the ropes, and when he was satisfied with their tautness, he moved away from her to look over his handy work.
“Okay, try it now," he continued, like he hadn't heard her. "Can you move?”
She squirmed, trying to get free, but she only managed to lurch forward, landing on her shoulder and her cheek. While she struggled, her brother sat back on his haunches, admiring her tight ass as it wriggled in his face. Her little denim shorts were pulled tight over her cunt highlighting the shape of her pussy lips. Absentmindedly, he palmed at his hardening cock through his jeans.
“Alright, I can’t get up,” she said to him as she continued to struggle against her bounds. “Can you untie me now?”
“In a minute, I just want to try something first,” he told her.
“Cade, no,” she replied annoyed. “Untie me, now.”
Instead of untying her, he leaned forward and grabbed the rope that bound her hands to pull her towards him. She grunted as her knees and shoulders dragged against the rough ground. If this situation wasn't bad enough, she was going to get grass in her hair. He positioned himself between her legs. He placed his hands on her ass, rubbing at the soft flesh appreciatively. He slapped one of her ass cheeks and then the other, enjoying the way her ass shook in response to his actions.
"Ow!" she exclaimed. "Cade, let me go."
Her brother laughed as he rubbed at the reddened skin. "I don't know, Sophie. I think, I prefer you like this. It suits you."
"That's not funny," she told him which earned her a snort from her brother.
"Who said that I was joking?" To the best of her ability, she gawked at him. He treated her to a smile in return. His precious baby sister, she had no idea that'd been day dreaming about fucking her for months. She lounged around the house in her skimpy tank tops and short shorts, seemingly inviting him to bend her over the nearest piece of furniture and fuck her until she couldn't stand. He'd say that she was doing it on purpose if he didn't know how she was. She was innocent. Their parents had always been protective of her, shielding her from the world through homeschooling. It was a shame that they couldn't shield her from him.
He rested one hand on her ass, and over the denim of her shorts, rubbed at her pussy with his thumb. She felt a warmth bloom between her legs as he continued to rub at her pussy through her shorts. She wasn't entirely sure why by his touch was making her feel weird. She squirmed in her bonds, trying to make the feeling go away but it didn't work. Cade pulled her back him, grabbing her by her bound hands and yanking her closer. He rooted around in his pockets and pulled out his utility knife. At the familiar sound of the knife edge releasing from its sheath, Sophie relaxed, expecting him to finally relent and cut her free. She was confused, however,when he slipped the blade under the crotch her of her shorts. She could feel the cool metal through her panties and it made her shiver.
"Cade," she asked him, cautiously. "What are you doing?"
He ignored her question, focusing his attention on cutting open the crotch of her shorts and then her underwear. He pulled at the fabric, getting it out of his way. Finally, he could see her sweet pussy. The juicy pink flesh reminded him of ripe summer strawberries. Entranced, he dipped his head down between her legs to suck on her clit. Sophie gasps at the sensation, and tries to wriggle away from him.
"Wait, no. Don't put your mouth down there. That's gross."
"It's okay," he said, easing a finger into her hole. "It's just the two of us. You don't have to pretend that you don't like it."
She gasp at the intrusion, clenching her pussy around his finger. He dipped his head back down between her legs, licking and sucking while he slowly pumped his finger in and out. The taste of her was almost addictive. He wasn't in such a hurry to fuck her, he'd spend all day like this with his mouth on her cunt, lapping up her juices. He added another finger, scissoring them to stretch out her hole, which earned him a whine from his sister. Despite her earlier resistance, she kept trying to rock her hips back onto his fingers and tongue.
"Uh, Cade," she told him, amid her pants and whines. "You gotta stop. I feel weird."
He didn't stop, though, just continued to fuck her with his fingers and his until her words had turned into unintelligible babbling. She quivered and shook while she came, her toes curling and hands clenching around nothing as her body was wracked with pleasure. Cade was greedy. One orgasm wasn't enough. He wanted to watch her come apart at his hands. He kept licking her, kept pumping her pussy with his fingers until she came again. He liked her tied up like this, at his mercy and unable to do anything to stop him.
Unable to resist any longer, he removed his fingers from her cunt to release his cock from the confines of his jeans. She craned her head to see what was happening but through the haze of pleasure, couldn't really decipher what she was seeing. Why was he taking his man-thing out? Rubbing the head of his cock against her slick lips, he coated himself in her juices. He positioned the head at her entrance, and in one stroke, filled her completely.
She let out a yelp, surprised by the sudden painful intrusion. She felt like she was being split in half. She felt like he was trying to plow through her pussy and straight into her guts. Her eyes began to well with tears as her body was overwhelmed with sensations. Cade grunted from his position above her, as he fucked her. She felt even better than he thought that she would. He should have given her a moment to adjust, he knew she was a virgin, but he couldn't wait any longer. He'd go easier on her the next time.
Gradually, she began to adjust to the sensation and it stopped being painful. She still ached, but it was accompanied by pleasure. She was chanting her brother's name as he fucked her. Her voice spiked into a pleasured squeal as his fingers found her clit.
"Come on, I know you have another one in you," he told her.
She didn't believe him. She was so achy and sensitive but she felt warm beginning to grow in her gut. It grew and grew until it overwhelmed her and she came again. His orgasm quickly followed. He pushed his cock in deeper and deeper until the head kissed her cervix. With a loud groan, he filled her cunt with his cum. His cock felt uncomfortably sensitive as he pulled out of her cunt, it seemed to cling to his shaft like it didn't want him to leave. His cum leaked out of her cunt, dripping onto her bound hands and feet.
"Okay," he said, trying to catch his breath. "Now, I think that I can let you go."
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Can We Get One
The youngest Leclerc loves baby Leo. So why the fuck won't her boyfriends let her get a puppy?
Norstappen x leclerc!reader
Okay I found out one of 'my' dogs died while writing this
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"Hi Baby Leo," she gushed as she scooped her little puppy into her arms. He was like a little shark with the way he went to bite at her sleeve.
But she didn't much mind, gushing over the dog that she had dubbed her nephew (well, if Arthur and Lorenzo weren't going to make her an aunt, Leo it would have to be).
"I'm gonna kidnap you," she said in that baby voice as she stroked under his chin. "Gonna steal you away from your daddy so you can come live with me and Lando and Max."
She was in her own little world as she played with Leo, her brother, her boyfriends, lost to her. Max tried to call her name, but she waved him off to press kisses to Leo's head.
Lando and Max couldn't deny how goddamn cute she looked, holding Leo close to her chest. She scooted around on her ass to face them. "Boys, I'm in love," she said and pouted at them as Leo went to bite her chin.
"Baby," Lando began as he joined her on the floor. "We're not getting a dog."
She turned her attention away from Lando and looked towards her brother. "Charlie, do you need a baby sitter?" She asked as she placed Leo in her lap. He happily sat there and chewed on her skirt.
"No way," Charles said. "You're not babysitting my dog."
A huff left her lips and she muttered something to Leo, something like 'you'd never be this mean to me, would you angel?' "If I move in with you, cook, clean, pay rent, can I get a puppy?" She asked as she looked at him.
Max couldn't stop the laugh that left his lips. "Um, excuse me," he called and tapped her on the shoulder. She ignored him. "Angel, just because we're not letting you get a puppy..."
"That's not it, Maxie," she muttered and scratched at Leo's belly. "Leo just wants me close, that's all."
The Leclercs had always had dogs growing up. It was one of the reasons Charles had gotten Leo. So, seeing his sister so in love with his little puppy, he knew he had to do something.
Charles picked Leo up and pulled his sister up from the floor. She put Leo in his harness, attached his lead and put him on the floor. "Why don't you take him for a walk?" He said and pointed her towards the door.
But she didn't leave. "Cha," she whispered, looking back at her boyfriend. "What're you doing?"
He whispered something in her ear, something that Max and Lando couldn't hear. Something along the lines of 'I'm gonna try and convince these guys to get you a dog'.
She couldn't help but smile as she walked out, Leo at her heels.
Charles began talking to Max and Lando. But what he was suggesting was unrealistic. How could they have a dog when they already have cats? It wouldn't have been fair to Jimmy and Sassy.
But Charles wouldn't drop it, wouldn't drop how happy she looked when she was with Leo. Wouldn't drop how happy she would be if they got her a puppy.
By the time she came back with Leo, they still weren't convinced. But Max couldn't get it out of his head. They were his cats at the end of the day.
It didn't take long for him to work out that he'd do anything to make her happy, including get a puppy.
Charles took her away for a week. He was in on it, happy to help however he could.
And, while they were away, Max and Lando brought home Baguette. The name was Lando's idea, a 'French Poodle for a French girl'. Which pissed her off because she was not in fact French.
It was Max's job to introduce Baguette to the cats. It wasn't smooth sailing, but the boys knew it wasn't going to be. And, by the time Charles brought her home, Baguette and the cats were coming fast friends.
The memory of the first time she met Baguette would always be ingrained into Max and Lando's memory.
She threw her arms around Lando's neck the moment she walked into the apartment, unaware. But then she heard the barking.
"Is Leo here?" She asked, clearly confused as she looked around for the puppy.
But Max didn't emerge with a puppy. Well, not that puppy anyway. The French Poodle puppy was a stranger to her. "We got you something," Lando said as he watched her expression.
"No." It was almost a whisper as Max approached, Baguette in his arms.
"Baguette, say hello to your mommy," Max said as he passed her the dog.
Her mouth fell open as she took Baguette from Max. "This... this is a joke, right?" She couldn't stop herself from asking as Max wrapped his arm around Lando's waist. "You guys got me a dog?"
"We sure did, baby," Lando said as he stepped out from Max's embraced. He stroked Baguettes head, touched his soft, curly ears. "Baby, meet Baguette."
(Baguette below)
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bloodyhoon · 2 months
7 minutes in heaven.
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pairing: fuck boy! sim jake x female! reader.
genre: smut.
warnings: virgin reader, fuck boy jake is actually a gentleman, kissing, fingering, insecurity, mentions of crying, slight corruption kink. english is not my first language so there may be grammal or spelling errors.
words: 3.8K
note: i didn't plan for this to be so long wtf
part 2.
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The not-so-little get-together at your best friend's house had become interesting when someone suggested playing 7 minutes in heaven. Everything was calm, several couples had entered and left the small closet, some only came out laughing after the exact 7 minutes that had to pass and others came out somewhat disheveled and with their clothes out of place after more than 7 minutes locked up, clearly showing what they had done and earning shouts and whistles from those outside waiting. Your world came crashing down when the bottle spun and pointed at you on one side and Sim Jaeyun on the other, the hot best friend of the guy your best friend was fooling around with. You all knew that he was a fuck boy, very experienced when it came to girls and casual encounters, every girl who had passed through his bed would speak highly of the boy.
And then there was you, one day everyone just started believing that you were some kind of fuck girl because of a stupid rumor that started spreading at school, but that created a certain reputation for you that you liked so you didn't try to deny it and things simply got out of hand and suddenly everyone said they had sex with you. You personally were not bothered by those rumors because you and your close friends knew perfectly everything about you. And the reality was different, you were a simple virgin terrified of the idea of ​​being intimate with some idiot like the ones your best friend always talked to you about.
"Nice!" the voice of one of the girls in the group sounded over the laughter. "Jaeyun and Y/n, who would have thought? But I don't think it's their first time-"
"Actually it is, but I don't deny having waited for this moment" Jaeyun's voice was a little mocking. You looked up from the bottle in the center of the floor and met his smirk. You fought hard with yourself not to act flustered and blush at the attractive boy. After all, you had a reputation to uphold.
"Well, this game is already boring" Yena spoke with a fake yawn. She of course knew your true personality and your shyness, and she knew that you wouldn't dare be confined in such a small space with the boy. She also didn't want anyone to pressure you into it, so she knew she had to intervene. "Let's better play-"
"Come on, don't ruin the mood like that" the previous girl's voice sounded again. "They also seem very enthusiastic."
"I'm more than ready." Jaeyun leaned back leaning on his hands, waiting for you to deign to speak to him. When you looked at him again, he had one of his eyebrows slightly raised waiting for an answer from you. "Unless she backs down. Are you scared, Y/n?" Silence reigned in the place and everyone turned their heads quickly towards you, waiting for one of your strong sarcastic responses.
"Scared of what? I don't think you have much there that I have to deal with" you looked away, mainly so he wouldn't notice the nervousness in your eyes.
"Do you want to find out?" His tone of voice was provocative, forcing you to return his gaze. Everyone was waiting for your answer and you couldn't give them anything other than what they expected.
"Should I?" you smiled slightly at him. The other teenagers who were already quite drunk made some noises and provocative comments. Jaeyun stood up from his place with a sideways smile on his face and relaxedly putting his hands in his pockets, he pointed at the closet with his head. You sighed and stood up, but the arm of your best friend next to you stopped you, almost making you fall.
“What the hell are you doing, Y/n?” his panicked voice whispered to you, rising above the noises of the crowd. “Are you sure what you're about to do?”
"Damn it, no" you denied several times, closing your eyes. "What did you want me to do? I'd look like a coward-"
"And what are you going to do when you gets in there? He won't-"
"Y/n?" the boy's voice called to you, he was standing by the door of the closet that was for the game, looking bored. "Do you think we have all night? Although, you know I wouldn't mind." He winked at you.
"Okay, wish me luck" you walked away from your best friend showing a false confidence and walked towards the closet, entering with the boy walking behind you. You heard the door close and the sound of voices and laughter suddenly died away.
The space was small, with luck a person would enter next to the shelves full of clothes that were stored. There were some decorations and old toys that used to belong to Yena and her sister. Above the highest shelves, small Christmas lights hung that illuminated little creating a comfortable place. When you turned in your spot, Jaeyun's body leaned over yours and quickly analyzing your expression, he approached and kissed you. Your back hit one of the shelves and Jaeyun cornered you with his body, placing both hands on the sides of your head. Your heart began to beat quickly when his perfume flooded your nose and his lips devoured yours, practically forcing you to follow him, which didn't bother you at all. His lips were soft and had the taste of the sweet drink that everyone had been sharing earlier. His hands went to your waist, hugging you and taking you off the shelves, pressing your body to his. You relaxed a little in his arms when you noticed that he was just kissing and hugging you, and things weren't going to escalate. Or so you thought at the moment. The boy separated from your lips and his hands gently went down the sides of your body, positioning themselves on your hips.
"Do you really want to find out?" he murmured against your red and swollen lips. You didn't know what to answer and your heart continued to beat rapidly while the boy was still attached to your body. "Are you speechless already?" he let out a laugh. Your trembling hands rested on his shoulders and you looked into his dark eyes, which went from your lips to your eyes with deep desire. You let your impulsive thoughts win and you desperately attached your lips to his again, wanting to feel them on you again. He smiled in the middle of that kiss and brought his hands to your butt firmly. You were wearing a short skirt so one of his hands decided to go down the side and gently caressed your thigh, causing your skin to crawl. His lips were still glued to yours while his tongue and yours intertwined with each other. Your hands squeezed his shoulders tightly as his hand slowly began to move up the inside of your thigh.
"Jaeyun-" you broke the kiss and still with your eyes closed you tilted your head back. The boy took advantage of that movement, leaving a trail of kisses down your jaw to your neck, sucking gently and leaving a purple hickey. Nervousness took over your body and your heartbeat was erratic, you didn't know how to stop the situation that was beginning to get out of hand. You wanted to stop it because you didn't know how things would end, but you were embarrassed to separate him from you and that the boy would find out that you were nothing more than a stupid girl with a false personality. Your eyes filled with tears and a soft sob escaped your lips when his hand brushed your core over your underwear. He pulled away from your neck and looked at you ready to mock you when he heard you, but his expression disfigured when he noticed the nervousness in your body and your teary eyes.
"Y/n?" His hands gently grabbed your arms and he looked at you with concern. You shook your head and threw your head back, closing your eyes in shame. "Why are you crying? What's wrong?" His voice was soft, completely different from that flirtatious tone he used to have whenever he talked to a girl.
"I'm a fake" you whimpered, embarrassed. "I can't do this, I'm not ready" you denied several times. His brow was furrowed while listening to you, but still his hands caressed your arms trying to calm you down.
"Are you-" He thought about his words for a moment, you opened your eyes and looked into his eyes nervously. Your eyes had an innocent gleam that said everything your mouth didn't. His gaze completely scanned your body, which moved uncomfortably in his hands and he separated himself as much as he could from you, although the space was very small. "You're virgin" he didn't ask you, he stated it. He noticed it in your look, he noticed it in your reactions to his touch and the way you had hesitantly reciprocated when he kissed you without warning.
"I'm a liar, but I can't do anything about it, everything got out of hand" you shrugged and looked down at your hands intertwined in front of your skirt. "And this image they have of me gives me a certain... confidence in myself. A confidence that I never had" Jaeyun remained silent as he listened to you and you were dying of anxiety for whatever was next, whatever he was about to say, what would happen when you both got out of there and if he would laugh at you in your face and then tell everyone in the house. You heard him laugh and a knot formed in your stomach, but you snapped your head up when he approached you again and stroked your hair kindly.
"You're so cute" he shook his head several times, not believing the current situation and continued caressing you, forcing you to raise your head. He looked at you tenderly, his eyes with a shine that you had not seen before. The colorful but dim Christmas lights above his head flickered and gave him barely any illumination. It was a beautiful sight in your eyes because the boy was extremely attractive. "You have nothing to worry about, darling and you have nothing to be ashamed of either."
"Yena told me the same thing, but I can't help it, I feel stupid and now that you found out, I feel even stupider" you honestly wanted the earth to open up and swallow you. You didn't know how things would continue from now on, you didn't know what you would do or say when you came out, or what he would say or do too. You were completely nervous and scared, you felt like your teenage life had ended right there.
"Look at me Y/n" he asked you, placing a hand on your jaw and gently lifting your head. You looked him in the eyes again and waited for him to speak. Jaeyun looked at you for a few seconds and then smiled at you. "You can leave and I will make up some story without going into details, anyway it is not difficult to create a scenario with the things I would do with you, you are the hottest girl I have ever seen in my life, although now I can only see your real side that is so innocent and pure." He laughed when, under the dim lights above you, noticed your cheeks turning red. "Or also, you can stay and we can do something about it, give you something to show off and meet the expectations of those waiting for us out there. Also give you a little experience, what do you think? You choose, pretty." His hand rested on your cheek this time and with his thumb he brushed your lower lip.
If your heart was already beating rapidly, it was now out of control. You felt that your legs were shaking and you would fall right there because of nerves. You wanted to stay there with him and see what happened, your curiosity was great but your insecurity was even greater, you were inexperienced in the whole realm of intimacy and he was so experienced that you were embarrassed to do something wrong, but you longed for him to continue kissing you and touching you like no one had ever done before. Neither of you knew how much time had passed since you had entered the closet, but no one had knocked on the door so you didn't worry and continued on your own world. Jaeyun of course noticed how your head was going a mile an hour and caressed your cheek.
"Don't be afraid, if you say yes, we won't do anything you don't want to do and I'll stop when you ask me to" he assured you. He was trying to convince you, but only because he could see in your eyes the desire to stay with him and your body clinging to his involuntarily told him what your mouth didn't. He noticed that you didn't know how to say yes. "Can I kiss you?" he asked, waiting for your positive response. If you hesitated too much, he would simply back away and let you go.
"Please" you didn't try to hide the desperation in your voice that revealed how you wanted to feel his lips on yours again and he smiled sideways, nodding. He leaned over you and joined your mouths together, the kiss was gentle at first, a soft touch of lips testing ground. He brushed the hair from your face and tilted his face to the side, deepening the kiss as your mouths opened slightly and both tongues rubbed against each other. Your hands moved to his shoulders, drawing him closer to you to feel him pressed against your body. His hand went down the side of your body and grabbed your thigh, lifting your leg and positioning one of his legs between yours and lightly rubbing your crotch. It didn't make you uncomfortable, rather it caused shivers to run through your body. Jaeyun could feel your heart pounding against your chest and that also made his heartbeat quicken as he separated from your lips.
"Can I touch you?" The question left his lips like a sigh and you just nodded. "Use your words, baby."
"Yes, touch me" your voice was muffled as you once again felt shame take over your body, but he gave you a short kiss on your lips and smiled tenderly at you. He didn't want to be too intrusive, so his hand slowly entered the bottom of your blouse and caressed your waist, going up with caution and aware of each of your reactions, and brushed the lower part of your breasts. You had skin bristling and your body cold with nerves contrasted against his warm touch as you clung to his shoulders with slightly trembling hands.
"Calm down" he murmured against your lips. "Do you want me to stop?"
"No, no" you sighed and denied, convinced. He nodded again and cupped your breast in his hand, feeling your hard nipple underneath your bra. Your legs closed involuntarily and pressed his leg that kept them apart, he lowered his gaze and let out a mocking laugh.
"It seems like you want me to touch another part of you" his tone was mocking, but actually he was still analyzing each of your reactions and he didn't mean to make you feel embarrassed, he just wanted to play with you a little. "Do you want me to touch you there?"
"Yes, please" you responded quickly, your eyes squeezing shut to avoid his gaze. Your reactions drove him crazy, the way you moved desperately in your place and your cheeks were flushed waiting for his touch, how you asked please for everything.
"Just tell me if you want me to stop." he warned you. "Spread your legs a little, princess" you obeyed him and he undoubtedly brought his hand between your legs, caressing the inside of your thighs making you hold your breath as his hand began to go up to your crotch. "Breathe, baby" he giggled and you nodded too, laughing out of nerves. Jaeyun felt calm when he heard you laugh and regularize your breathing, noticing that you were nervous but comfortable with his touch, so with his fingers he touched your pussy over your soaked underwear. His eyes widened with some surprise and his breath caught in his throat. "Damn, why are you so wet?" he felt as if electricity ran through his body and was going to stop straight at his cock. He swallowed hard and focused on you.
"I-" a lump formed in your throat, you were so embarrassed you felt like you were going to cry and he noticed.
"Sh, don't worry" he assured you, with his free hand he caressed your face and kissed your cheek. "This is so hot. The way your body reacted to just a couple of my touches and how much you want me to touch you but your pretty little mouth doesn't dare say it" he left a peck on your lips. "But don't worry beautiful, I will become an expert in your body language." You felt like your heart was going to explode in your chest at his words, his voice and the way he said each sentence while his hand played with the elastic of your underwear. "Excuse me, I'm going to take this off" you nodded and he crouched down in front of you sliding your underwear down your legs, his fingers brushing your skin making it crawl. You didn't know where your underwear was after he stood up again and in front of you because your eyes were squeezed shut. "Open your eyes, Y/n" he asked, you took a deep breath and obeyed him. His eyes had a mischievous gleam as his lower lip was trapped between his teeth, looking at you with lust. He spread your thighs further, forcing you to open your legs a little more and his hand went to your crotch, sliding his fingers easily along the length of your pussy. You pressed your lips tightly, the shock your body gave from the wave of pleasure that grew in you as he caressed you. "It feels good?"
"Mhm" you nodded quickly and pressed your head against the shelves behind you, holding yourself tightly to his body.
"Don't hold back darling, I want to hear you" his fingers moved slowly but rhythmically in your core spreading all your fluids. "Let me hear how good you feel, don't worry about those outside, they must be drunk already and involved in another stupid game again to remember that we are here. Come on, moan for me." his fingertips probed your entrance and his middle finger slowly slid inside you. You couldn't stifle the moan that escaped your lips at the sudden intrusion, you felt strange but it was a pleasant sensation. It's not like you haven't touched yourself before, but his hands and fingers were clearly bigger than yours so it felt different. His fingers moved slowly inside you and you squirmed in place, digging your nails into his shoulders, thankful that he had his shirt on so you wouldn't hurt him, although he wouldn't mind at all.
“Keep going, please” you begged. He slid another finger inside you and your walls clenched as his fingers curled inside you, touching a specific spot that made your body shiver. “It feels good, Jaeyun.” When his name left your lips he felt his cock jerk and he thrust his fingers in and out of you, taking a faster pace inside your tight walls. You continued moaning loudly and this time you looked into his eyes, your eyes had tears and he didn't know if they were from pleasure or pain, so he stopped his movements.
"Relax, pretty" he caressed your face again and again slowly, you nodded and sighed. You both stayed still for a moment, you breathing heavily and him spreading kisses across your face to calm you down.
"Keep going Jaeyun" he put his fingers in you again and this time with his thumb he reached your clit, rubbing it in circles. Your mouth opened and your legs trembled from the strong shock of pleasure that your entire body received. "Oh God-"
"Feels good? Do you like it?"
"Yes, yes. Please" your eyes almost rolled back and your hips moved involuntarily to the rhythm of his hand and he knew you were close to your orgasm. "Don't stop."
"Whatever you ask for, princess" he continued fucking you with his fingers and playing with your clit quickly while in contrast his other hand gently removed the fine hair that fell on your pretty blushing face. "Are you going to cum?"
"Yes!" you almost screamed in pleasure and his fingers tightened in you, your body felt the wave of pleasure explode inside you as your head spun, your legs weakened and Jaeyun wrapped his arm around your waist to hold you tightly as his hand on your pussy slowed down their movements once your body relaxed. Your head fell against his shoulder and he rubbed your back, hugging you to him. "That was incredible" your voice sounded exhausted and you felt his body shake as he laughed. "Thank you" you murmured, separating yourself from him and meeting his dark gaze. Your eyes widened in panic and you stifled a gasp when he brought his fingers glistening with your fluids to his lips and inserted them into his mouth, cleaning them completely with his tongue.
"So sweet" a half smile adorned his face as your cheeks turned even redder. You didn't know where you got the courage from, but you put a hand on the back of his neck and pressed your lips to his, surprising him and causing him to moan that ended up lost between both mouths, while you could faintly feel a hint of the taste of your fluids on his tongue. He separated from you before everything got out of control again and looked at you from head to toe, adjusting your clothes and your hair so you can come out decent.
"M-my underwear?" you asked shyly, feeling very obviously that something was missing under your skirt.
"Ah, no" he shook his head. "It doesn't belong to you anymore, darling." You blinked in shock and then let out a laugh. Your gaze moved down his body and you noticed the very noticeable bulge in his pants.
“Oh, you-” he followed your gaze."Should I-"
"No. Don't worry" he reassured you."The important thing here is that you enjoyed yourself."
"But- I really want to do something about it" you were still shy and he couldn't believe it since minutes before he had his fingers buried inside your pussy and you had ended up trembling in his arms. He also couldn't believe how before entering that closet you had that arrogant look and your head held high, showing yourself confident and having everyone at your feet only to turn out to be all just a facade that hid a shy Y/n completely terrified of everything. Jaeyun definitely wanted to keep seeing those innocent eyes filling with tears from the pleasure your body had never experienced.
"Next time we will do something about it, rest assured" he winked at you and took your hand, you just nodded and followed him when he opened the door and you both left the closet -who knows how long later- and were greeted with extremely out-of-character comments from your friends.
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I feel like this deserves a second part or I just feel like writing even more idk
send me request for zb1, enhypen and stray kids.
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iheartcurlyfries · 1 month
put it in a ponytail, fuck it from behind.
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dealer!abby x nerdy!reader
CW: 18+, heavy mentions of drugs, wlw, strap sucking r!giving, strap fucking r!receiving, gentle abby, lots of uses of swears, car sex, praising, hair tugging, name calling, smut with very little plot, abby calls her strap her "dick", cringe (low-key)
requests are open!!<33
ever since you were younger you always loved the idea of drugs, you used them as an escape, a way to leave the real world even if it was only for a few hours.
and of course when you went to college you found out about the school's dealer, abby anderson. obviously you were excited, you knew if you ever needed a little help she'd hook you up, and when you did, she really did give you what you needed.
for some reason she always discounted you, never making you pay fully. you never understood why, maybe because you were a nerd? no one ever expected you to be into drugs, and when you asked her for some she was genuinely surprised.
'mm, here for your usual?' she'd smile as she saw you open her car door, she'd lean back on the leather seat, one hand on the steering wheel as her head lightly turned to you.
'yes please.' you'd say, you always got the same thing, a tiny zip lock bag of a few joints packed in. she knew you too well, she'd always make sure to pack the bag full, so you had extra.
she reached into her backpack, pulling out the bag before handing it to you, the smile forming into a sly grin. 'y'know what?' she whispered, spreading her legs slightly.
'hm?' you hummed, taking the bag into your hands and setting it aside. you reached your hand into your pocket, pulling out a stack of cash, handing it to her.
she chuckled before pushing your hand away. 'no no- it's on the house.' you shook your head, trying to hand her the cash again, she swatted your hand away. 'seriously, babe, it's free.'
'n' why's that?' you said, your back pressed against the leather passenger seat, gently and slowly putting the cash down. 'because you're my best customer, silly.' she'd smile, her hands sliding down her thigh as she looked at you. you returned the smile, 'are you sure? I always buy from you.' you mumbled, she nodded.
'it's fine, princess.' she teased, a soft giggle escaping her throat. 'I don't want cash from you.' she said, you noticed she slowly checked you out.
'then what can I do for a payment?' you rested your hand on your thigh, your eyes lingering on her as you almost admired her gaze on you. your tone was serious, you genuinely wanted to give her something in return, as always.
her gaze softened, she looked at you, wondering if you were being serious, but of course you were. you never understood sarcasm or anything, you'd never usually joke around like how she would, and that's something she liked about you.
she'd lean in, taking her beauty as you felt her heavy eyes gazing all over your body. her eyes were half lidded, she mostly kept eye contact with you, only stopping to gaze down your neck. she'd lean in more, slowly, so she could whisper in your ear. 'this.' she pulled back for a second, taking a moment to look at your lips before she crashed hers onto them.
your eyes fluttered as she kissed you, a sweet sound of ecstasy escaped your throat as she pulled you closer. she wrapped an arm around you, kissing you deeply. 'c'mere angel..' she whispered against your lips as her hand slid down, gripping your left hip before tugging on it. you obeyed, letting her guide you over the glove compartment and onto her lap, she slowly adjusted herself to make sure you were comfortable.
you leaned into her, the soft sounds of love escaping both of your lips as she guided both hands to your thighs. she gently rubbed them, she pulled at your thighs, reeling you in even more.
you couldn't help but lightly moan, her touch was intoxicating and you never wanted it to stop. her hands slid up to your hips, she gripped them gently before gently pushing them against her. a sweet sound escaped from a tiny gap in between your lips, you felt something, almost like a buldge in her pants?
your eyes widened as she pressed you into it more, almost making sure you knew what you were being grinded against. she pulled away from the kiss, letting out a pant before resting her gaze on you again. 'you feel that? mm.. it's m'dick..' she whispered, a smile growing on her face as she rubbed you against it, her smile only growing when you made more of your beautiful noises.
'do you want me to fuck you?' she'd ask, but you couldn't focus, her voice was already enough for you. you'd give her a slow nod, a soft smile on your face as you let her guide your hips. your nod was a good response to her, her hands left your hips and instead creeped up your sides. 'get on your knees.' she said, it was almost like a command, you slowly backed up, slowly lowering yourself down into the bottom of the car seat. once you were down there she slipped her jeans off, guiding them down to her ankles. she smiled at you, grabbing your chin and guiding it up to her strap. 'open up, angel..' you instantly opened your lips, enough for her to guide her strap into your mouth.
she slid a hand into your hair, guiding it into a ponytail so she could tug on it. you looked up at her, only the tip of her dick being in your mouth. she gently thrusted forwards, the head of the strap sliding into your mouth, it slightly hit the back of your mouth. she gently pushed in and out, slowly throat fucking you, she made sure to get her strap wet enough for you. she tugged on your hair, you closed your eyes, lightly gagging as her strap slid in and out of the opening to your throat.
she leaned back, staring at you, taking in every detail of you as she watched you take her dick like a champ. she uttered out light praise, smiling at you as the strap hit your uvula slightly. 'good girl..' she whispered before gently pulling the strap out of your mouth, putting her thumb onto your bottom lip. she pulled her hand back, patting her lap. 'c'mon pretty girl.' you smiled, the smile was so pure. you lifted yourself up, guiding yourself back onto abby's lap.
her hands grabbed at your hips again, leaning in to give you a quick kiss before she grabbed the waistband of your pants, quickly sliding them down. 'take em' off..' she mumbled. you giggled, helping her take your pants and panties off, sliding them down your ankles.
she smirked at you, the ends of her mouth curving up into a lustful expression. her hands pulled your hips fowards, guiding you into a different position. she turned you around, making you face the steering wheel, she rubbed her hands up your sides, her fingers circling them. she began to lift you up slightly, wrapping one arm around your waist before she guided you down on her dick.
you whined at the feeling, you felt a soft pain as she stretched you out, but the pain quickly faded. she leaned in to kiss your neck, whispering an 'I'm sorry, baby..' when she heard your whine. you cooed, reassuring her it was okay. she took your hair into her hand again, taking a hair band off of her wrist and guiding your hair into it slowly, making sure it wasn't tied tightly. with a light tug on your hair she gently started to thrust into you. rubbing down your thigh in slow motions as she leaned in to kiss down the back of your neck again.
you whimpered, her arm sliding around your waist again as she lifted you up and down onto her. tugging at your ponytail once more as a soft grunt left her lips. your eyes rolled back into your head as butterflies swirled in your stomach. her arms practically cradled you, her eyes took in your curves before she let her spare hand roam them.
'mph.. abby..' you grunted, your hands struggling to try and find something to grip. she slowly sped up her gentle thrusts, rubbing her hand over your stomach as she sucked a light hickey onto the back of your shoulder. 'do you like that angel? like the feeling of my dick fuckin' you?' she lightly teased, letting out a soft giggle into your ear as she pulled at your ponytail again, biting down onto your neck, not hard, very gently, making sure not to hurt you.
you'd nod, not sure if you were able to choke out a sentence, not when abby's dick being this deep inside you. she'd tug at your hair once more, 'use your words, sweetheart..' she mumbled. you whined, taking a second as you tried to get a sentence out. 'I love it-- mmggh..' your sentence got caught up as abby hit a weak spot, you gripped the steering wheel as she hit it again, and again.
she was driving you fucking insane, her dick fucked you so effortlessly, she slid in and out of you with delicate precision. your cunt started gushing around her dick, she only pushed in deeper, using the sound as a signal that you were close. you never felt this feeling before, a intense knot in your stomach growing and growing, desperately wanting release as she bucked her hips into you.
it all felt unreal, she was sending you to heaven and you didn't want it to stop. sweet moans left your mouth, another signal for abby to keep going, she loved the sound of your voice, the way you let out the prettiest noises that were only for her to hear. she needed to please you, making it a mission. she leaned back, letting go of your hair before she put both hands on your hips, helping you ride her. she praised you, her tone as genuine as possible, she made you feel good, amazing at that. 'you got this baby, cum f'me.' she said, her grip tightened on your hips, making it feel as if she was holding you down, making sure you couldn't get away. you squirmed, choking out a whine. 'm'gonna cum, abs..'
she'd chuckle, her hands gripping at the soft fat on your thighs. 'let it out, let it all out f'me..' she said, guiding you to your orgasm. it all felt like a blur, you bit down on your bottom lip, cursing under your breath as you felt it. you came down from your high like it was a waterfall, she helped ride out your orgasm. quickly speeding up as you'd moan: 'fuuuck.. abs..!' she'd smile, gently slowing down. your eyes would roll back again, as you felt your walls gush. she pulled you back, letting you lay on her. she'd kiss down your neck, rubbing her hands up your curves again. 'did so good f'me didn't you?' she asked, looking for an answer as you panted. 'mmhhmmm..' you'd say, your voice cracking. she'd chuckle, staring at your face with a gentle gaze, guiding a hand up your arm.
'I think I'd prefer this as payment..'
'me too...'
authors note: hsgshshsjs it's finally done, I seriously was tweaking writing this like my writers block rn is insane so sorry if it starts good and gets worse towards the end, idk I'm tired but yaah.
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
Dad!Simon who insisted you go on the vacation, because of course he can handle his baby girl and his six year old (almost six, but Ollie rounds up)
Simon who knew he had it in the bag....
for about two hours
Simon who made bagels for dinner; wassss this close 🤏to making Ollie eat dirt because WHAT DO YOU MEAN you don't like bagels now you were begging for them in the store!
Simon who made it about forty hours before he gave him and called Johnny
Simon who had no idea why Ollie was being so gosh darn annoying
Simon who had previously made a bet with Price that he wouldn't need help so therefore he would rather die than call Price even though Ollie idolizes his 'grandfather'
''s Johnny, missed ya but leave a message at the lil' beep."
"John MacTavish I swear to god if you don' call me back in ten minutes I will personally post thos' pictures of ya in Afgan."
two minutes later-
"ya know that's a real low blow-"
"I need you to take Oliver to th' park- Tessie isn't goin to sleep with him 'roun."
"Call the capn, he's closer to ya."
"I will not do that."
"Ugh, fine- lemme tell my girl then'll be there in twenty."
Simon who told Oliver to behave for his uncle and then happily sent them away- which finally he would be able to put the exhausted newborn to sleep
Simon was finally able to doze off on the sofa, the baby happily snoozing away on his chest and everything seemed perfect with the world
"MISTER RILEY UNCLE JOHNNY IS IS-HES-" The thundering slam of the door being swung open not only woke up Simon but the baby who aptly began to sob to the sudden change of pace, Oliver however did not care "UNCLE JOHNNY SUCKS."
Uncle Johnny told Ollie not to kick the ball into the river
Simon who is flabbergasted because even Johnny looked shook to his core, sure they had been at the park for about five hours but like-???
John MacTavish...brought down .... by Simon's six year old
Simon who, after ten minutes of the baby screaming for their mother and refusing to take their bottle with disgruntled wails of pain and Ollie so tired he can't think straight so he's also a sobbing and angry disaster and Johnny's just standing there by the door waiting for answers and everything is so loud-
"Oh! Hi, sweetheart," John's wife answered the landline and he could hear her voice call for her husband, "Hi, how are you and lil' ones?"
Simon looked at Ollie who was currently in time out for stealing his sisters binkie for the tenth time, "Not great."
"Simon." Price's voice cut in and it took about five seconds to get everything account for, "Ya already called Johnny right?"
"Did you try Kyle?"
"No sir, he's on his honeymoon."
'"Ah-that's right, that's right."
"Sir I would like your help."
"Ha! Knew it! Alrighty, missus and I'll be there in...i dunno- you boys hungry? She made that-honey whatcha make?" indistinct conversation, "Ma'am said it didn't matter, she'll bring it anyway. Forty minutes?"
Simon looked at Johnny, who was on 'keep ollie in said time out' picking up the kid whenever he would try and run off. "Can you make it twenty, sir?"
Simon and Johnny who, out of habit, stood at attention as soon at the captain let himself into the house
Simon who looked a bit worse for wear, even with his non existant sleep scheulde in the military he had never looked so fatigued
Simon who had the baby out of his arms by Price's wife within two minutes of them being there
Simon who loves his son, he loves him (internal mantra) but he is making him look bad to his captain so the little twerp better get his act together.
"How long is your block?"
"Two kilometers around."
"Two laps."
faltering silence through the house, Simon stared at the captain as he helped Ollie tie his sneakers by the door. The silence did mean Tessie had finally fallen asleep but he was- "I'm sorry?"
"Two laps, you, Johnny, and Oliver." Price looked to the kid, who looked more angry at the world than anything else, "Go. Dinner will be ready when you get back."
Simon was about to argue but Ollie beat him to it, "I don't want to run."
"You don't want to run?"
Oliver seemed a bit taken back, "No. So I'm not going to."
"Okay. You can clean the entire house- including your sisters nappy's, for a week, yeah?"
A pause.
"Fine, i'll go on the stupid run."
Simon who might as well be walking with the pace Oliver chose to keep
Johnny who took off sprinting because lord knew that man was starving and Mrs. Price's food was heaven on earth
Simon who sat down on the side of the road when the little guy was out of breath
Simon that mostly ran in silence until Ollie broke it
"Why did mom leave?"
"Mom she-she just...she left us, wh-"
"Whoa-whoa whoa, mum didn't leave-mum didn't leave us wh-whoa, Olls," he had collapsed to his knee when the boy started to speak just to look at him in the eyes and he tried to read the boys expression, "Mum would never leave you, she loves you so much."
"Then where did she go?? Why didn't she say goodbye?"
"She's with her friends, and her flight left 'fore you woke up, Olls. Laddie, she wouldn't leave you."
Simon who had called you, even though there was time difference as everyone was sitting down to eat dinner
"oh...wow the gang's back together," You grumble as you rub your eyes, having been dead asleep, only for the camera angle to change suddenly and it was just a close up angle of your son's face, "Hi baby."
"Mom guess what Uncle Johnny did."
"Hey mom?" The boy was easily distracted and then looked down at the phone again.
"Yeah baby?"
"Never go on away again, dad said so."
You stay silent for a moment, blinking, because in all three years you and Simon had been together Ollie had never referred to him as 'dad' or anything remotely close. "Your...right, yeah-I'm pretty bored here anyway."
Simon, who was fine with you going on little getaways just not anymore how dare you try and leave him alone
"You sure it's okay if I stay a few more days?"
With a short laugh he looks over the living room, where Johnny and Olls were fast asleep watching some cartoon he didn't know the name of while John and His wife had chosen to stay in the guest room for the night. It would hell if you stayed for a few more days.
"Of course, luv, I got the boys an' Tessie needs to learn who they are anyway."
"I guess. Okay, the ride is here. I love you."
"I love you more."
(annnnway that's it <333 any comments you wanna leave or anything like that makes my day!)
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jakedoxxenvasion · 2 months
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fellow doctor heeseung! × resident doctor y/n!
warning: MDNI!, unprotective sex (whops) kissing and more?
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not in a million years you would think you will do something like this, with someone that you adore so much.. someone that you look up to as a senior to you, someone that you met everyday and formally call him by his surname instead of..
"h-heeseung!"your sinful lips moaning for his name, "sshhh, you want them to hear you?"immediately you bite your bottom lips once getting that warn from him, he peck your lips and smile. "didn't expect you to be so obedient to me, love. such a good girl."you humming to everything he said to you, trying to not moan out his name.
you know what you did is wrong because you're just a doctor resident and he's your senior doctor, it's totally wrong but you couldn't stop him. not that you can't but you don't want to, having him pounding his cock so deep into you in the small store room in the middle of your night shift, the clock strike 3 in the morning as much as you remember when he call for you to help him earlier.
it's all start with you helping him with sorting out papers, and files of patients records and ending up finding yourself here in this room with him doing things that you could ever imagine in your right mind. "just a little more, does it hurt you, hm?"you shake your head, no he doesn't hurt you but the pleasure is too much.
heeseung smile when he kiss your lips, hips still rutting into you. he could feel your wall hugging him tight at each thrust he make, sending him over the cloud but he know that he cannot be loud. "s-shit, you're so fucking tight, love."he let out a low groan, watching how you try to control your own voices and somehow he like the way you did.
liking the idea of doing this in secret, liking the idea that there's an outside world that you try so hard it keep it out, not wanting people to find out about what the two of you did in this room. "fuck- heeseung i'm close ah-"he shut you up with his lips, kissing you so deep, cock still pounding in and out of you.
your fingers tangle with his hair, he push you against the wall, "cum for me, love."he whisper those once he pull away from the kiss, like a cue you could feel the feeling at the pit of your stomach rushing down. heeseung smile, letting you rode out all your orgasm with you weakly leaning on his shoulder, doesn't have much energy left in you.
he thrust into you once.. twice then he pull out from you, only to shot his loads on your stomach. "oh fuck."you watch those thick white liquid spurting out from his cock, messily on your skin. somehow, heeseung has those proud smile after everything that he had done with you. you look at him and he smirk, he peck your lips before he slowly put you down to make you stand on the ground.
"so fucking perfect, love."he caressed your cheek softly then continue to kiss your lips again. when he pull away, he stare into your eyes, "doctor.."your soft voice call for him, which make him chuckle. "that was not what you called me earlier, ms.y/n."your cheeks immediately turn red as his remarks, he continue to caressed your cheek as he stare into your eyes.
but then heeseung take a few step back, you watch him grab a box of tissue at the top shelf behind him and he rip it open before he help you clean up and get dress again. "so.. do i pretend like nothing happen earlier or-" "unless you want more, you can always come to my office, love."he interrupt your words then wink at you, blush immediately creep up your face.
you slowly nod your head, he pat your head then he open the door after grabbing a random file on the shelf. "later, make sure you keep everything in place again, okay? ms.y/n."he said, know it very well he did that on purpose, you follow him from behind after you fix your white coat. "sure, dr."
heeseung turn to look at you just to give you a wink before he walk away.
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should i write a longer version of this? cause i kind of like the plot lol
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bedoballoons · 9 months
Yandere Tighnari, Venti, lyney, Freminet and Aether finding out Reader isn't really into short guys They're into someone bigger and taller {{Itto For Aether, Alhaitham for Tighnari, Nevillete for both Lyney and Freminet and Zhongli for Venti}}
I READ THIS AND WAS LIKE YESSSSSS!!! (As a short person I find this hilarious and your idea is literally genius!) I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your request!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Just not that into short bois~༺}
CW: Yandere themes!, characters are obsessive to the point of wanting to harm others so they can't take you, unrequited love, intense jealousy, mild angst! Lyney makes Neuvillette disappear! Also this is much longer than I meant it to be...what can I say, I like yanderes!
(Includes: Lyney, Tighnari, Venti, Freminet, and Aether!)
Lyney had been told no many times in his life,in fact he couldn't even count how many people said he could never be a famous magician...and yet he'd proved every single one of them wrong. He simply couldn't stand not working towards something everyone else claimed was impossible, because in his eyes anything was possible, so when you confided in him about your feelings towards Neuvillette and stated that you found him more charming because of his height, even going so far as to mention you didn't really like short men as much...he just couldn't give up so easily.
He was madly in love with you, to the point it had become more than obsession, he'd seek you out anytime he'd left his home and any show he'd make sure to wink at you the moment his eyes met yours, he was so head over heels for you that he was physically unable to think about anyone or anything else. This also meant he wouldn't let anyone take you...especially just because they were taller...absolutely not.
So for his next show he planned something extra special, a magic trick truly wonderful in everyway...and as the crowd cheered, watching in awe when the box that had contained the chief of justice disappeared before their very eyes...none of them were aware he wouldn't show back up again...at least not for along while. Not until Lyney had found a way to make you love him, not until you...the most precious beautiful thing in all the world...was his.
Tighnari stood next to you, his ears drooping with regret as he watched you flirt away with Alhaitham, his tall muscular figure drawing you to him like a moth to a flame...making you completely forget about the one who'd brought you together in the first place. It was like some cruel trick of fate...especially considering Tighnari had planned to confess his feelings for you that same day...and now it seemed like it would do no good..
He tapped your shoulder, not waiting for your response as he intertwined his hand with yours, pulling you away from Alhaitham as quickly as possible...and silently hoping you'd leave the whole situation at that. You on the other hand were not so happy with him, wanting desperately to continue your conversation with the handsome scribe..., "Tighnari what was that about? I was really getting along with-" He put a gloved finger to your lips, making you go quiet, his heart racing as he looked deep into your eyes.
"I love you...so much. I can't even really wrap my head around my feelings because they are so intense...it's like I need you just to keep going...like you're the thing I simply cannot live without. Even the air I breathe isn't as important as you are...." His confession was a bit much to say the least and adding to it was the kiss he placed on your forehead, causing you to jerk away from him.
"I'm sorry...but I don't feel that way for you..." Your words spilled out before you could stop them, your heart racing with fear at the change in his mannerisms...he didn't even respond...he just stood there...like he was plotting something and you...were about to find out just how crazy his love for you actually was.
"I actually do have feelings for someone."
The second those words left your lips Ventis heart began to race, his mind clouded over with thoughts of you confessing to him and telling him you loved him...it was all he wanted. No, it was all he needed! He tried his best to calm himself down, taking a sip of wine before responding like someone who was completely clueless of the others feelings would, "Oh ho ho and who would that lucky person be hmm?"
A blush coated your cheeks followed by a sweet flustered smile that could make even Lord Barbatos swoon and boy was he...until you answered, "I like Mr. Zhongli~" You giggled nervously, not noticing how pale Venti went the second he heard the name...how the part of the wine bottle he'd been holding had shattered, much like his heart...you didn't even notice the hurt tone of his voice when he asked, "What does that old blockhead have that I don't?"
The question definitely took you by surprise, but you assumed he wasn't being serious and decided to answer truthfully, "Well he's a bit more refined...and I like his voice, but most of all he's so tall! I'm sorry Venti but I just can't imagine myself with someone...so tiny." The anemo archon was speechless...hatred seeping into his very being and jealousy getting the better of him. He stood up without another word and left, leaving you wondering what had happened...
Freminet was completely silent, his face bright red and burning with a rage he'd never felt before, his hands barely able to keep steady as jealousy ate away at his once calm heart heart. All he wanted was you...your love, that sweet smile that he craved to see everyday, but here you were, sitting Infront of him with this doe eyed look on your face as you fawned all over none other than the chief of justice. Mentioning more than once how tall and handsome he was, how incredible it would to have a man like him around.
You paused mid sentence, caught off guard by the amount of malice in his once kind sweet voice, watching as he stood up from his seat, your mouth slightly agape. You'd never seen him like this before...so angry and confident, it was scary...yet also a little exciting. After a moment of silence you'd worked up the courage to say something...but you didn't even manage to get a single word out as he grabbed the front of your shirt and pulled you harshly towards him, making you let out nothing more than a sharp gasp.
Your face went red, pure shock displaying itself on your features as he leaned in closer, his light purple eyes seemingly staring into your soul as his whispers grazed your ear, sending a shiver down your spine, "Hush now my love...you don't need him...I promise~"
Aether was always there to help someone, so reliable in fact, that everyone called on him whenever there was a issue and including you, after all he'd saved you from many close calls...even saving your life a few times in the process and for that you were incredibly grateful, but alas you were still not in love with him. He on the other hand couldn't get enough of you, he just wanted to be near you all the time...be your hero and love you like nobody else ever could.
He...however wasn't the only person who could save someone and when the friendly neighborhood oni stepped in to save you, Aether was anything but pleased... especially when he saw the difference in how you acted. Yes your gratitude was the same...but you'd gotten all flustered at the onis impressive figure, touching the large man's chest while your face heated with such a strong blush and everyone around you cheered him on.
Aether was more than a little upset, suddenly understanding that he clearly wasn't your type and that he probably would never be, he just couldn't stand it! How could you, the person he'd do absolutely anything for...be so enraptured by someone else...just because they were bigger than him. No, he wouldn't let it stand, he'd fight for you, even if it meant doing things he could regret later on...it didn't matter, not anymore. You were all he cared about...all that mattered.
Just. You.
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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