#But if I say that these two OCs are female and would be romantically involved make it better?
nightoftheweek · 1 year
I unknowingly started making a back story for two characters I was creating for inktober. It wasn't suppose to go like this. The goal was to work on things I never have done or done much of.
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whipped-for-kpop-fics · 6 months
Starlight Eyes ~ B.SK
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🌟Who; Boo Seungkwan x female reader (Y/N) 🌟What; Fluff. Seungkwan-centric. Some hurt at the beginning(I don't know if it's classed as angst or not). Briefly mentioned background memberxmember relationships. Reader is older(3 years). Staff!reader. Idol/canon verse. 🌟Wordcount; 14k 🌟Warnings; Alcohol consumption (nobody is shown drunk though). Period talk. Mention of doctors. Suggestive themes. Adult language/profanity. Seungcheol's injury is mentioned a few times. :(( I think that's it but please let me know if I've missed anything!
🌟Summary; The past months together were supposed to be his way of forming a connection with you that would allow you to see him in a romantic manner like you had started to with Seungcheol last year. But it seemed it had just made Seungkwan's feelings burn brighter and his crush turn into something more.
Ao3 link -Find my other writing here -
A/N; This was originally a self-indulgent story with an original character, not a reader insert so there may be some OC stuff I missed during editing so sorry if you see "her/hers/she" when it should be you/yours. Also, I know nothing about the members' personal lives so ignore any inaccuracies there, this is just fanfiction, it's not supposed to be realistic. <3
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After all these years, all this time, now that everyone was finally accepting that it would never happen, it happened.
"We're dating," Jeonghan informed the group at large, his right hand holding Seungcheol's left, fingers laced and the older looking very shy as he smiled down at his own feet unable to meet the eyes of any of the 12 in front of them.
"Uh, should I leave?" You asked awkwardly, hands hovering over Minghao's head from where you had been playing with his hair.
"No, why would you suddenly leave?" Jeonghan asked confused, giving you a genuinely bewildered look.
"Because this sounds like family stuff not-"
"Don't," Seungcheol warned, lifting his head to land a firm look on you. "Don't try and say you're not one of us, Y/N because you are."
"Yeah, you're our girl," Jeonghan agreed. "We wanted to tell all of you together, you all should know about this at the same time."
"Okay," You agreed softly, not looking entirely convinced but you turned back down to focus back on playing with Minghao's hair in the way he only really let you do.
Seungkwan wasn't really aware of what was said after that because his attention was on you and the downturn of your lips. You weren't very close, the two of you, though you both still did value each other greatly; just like all of Seventeen did with you and you returned those fond feelings. You had been one of their staff for a while; mostly closest to 95 line as you were the same age as them, and had taken on the role of Seungcheol's personal physiotherapist despite the fact that you were actually a makeup artist. But all 13 young men adored you and you loved them all back just as much so your role was much more than just another staff member to them. Still, Seungkwan didn't really spend any time with you alone and that was okay for you both. But he still had always easily noticed your mannerisms and quirks, so he noticed the way you started to shrink into yourself as the others all congratulated the new couple, after making them both promise that it wasn't some kind of joke that Jeonghan had convinced Seungcheol to go along with. Seungkwan noticed you wilt and didn't understand how no one else did.
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To celebrate the new couple, you all went to karaoke, even if you didn't drink and never actually sang but you always watched with a smile, just happy to be involved and thought of. Though this time, Seungkwan noticed you take the shot of soju that Seokmin had poured then promptly abandoned to run screaming excitedly over to the machine and join the song, already tipsy. At that point, Seungkwan stopped drinking.
Although Seungkwan did see you swallow down a fair few drinks over the night while no one was looking, you didn't really seem any different; smiles a little lazier and slightly cuddlier than normal as you tucked up against Wonwoo- who mostly stayed in his seat at your side- but still pretty much the same you as always. Seungkwan wondered if the older man noticed his companion drinking too or not.
Inevitably, as it happened every time you all hung out, you got up after a while to get some air and have a break from all the noise. Wonwoo smiled at you as you got up, his own smile a little drunken making you giggle and pat his cheek fondly before you left the room, putting a bowl of snacks in Soonyoung's hands as you passed him. You were always taking care of them like that; in little ways that added up to a lot. It wasn't a surprise that they all loved you an awful lot.
After a few minutes, Seungkwan got up and said he was going to the bathroom, not that anyone really noticed, then went out of the room, then out to the little courtyard designated for smokers but he knew you liked to sit on the bench right in the corner out of the way. "Hey," He greeted gently when he was close enough, causing you to lift your head up from where it was tilted back against the wall behind you with your eyes closed.
"Hi," You replied in the same tone while lifting your head more to watch him sit too.
"Everything okay?"
"Just needed a break, you know I need to escape it after a while."
"Mm, I know, but I meant more that you've been drinking."
"Ah, you noticed?" He hummed in confirmation. You sighed and tilted your head back again to stare up at the sky ahead; dark and too full of light pollution in the city to see the stars. "It's sad, isn't it?"
"What is?"
"That real beauty is hidden from us because we as a species rely on the artificial too much."
"Uh, that was deeper than I expected." He admitted, making you laugh. He smiled a little, glad that you weren't feeling bad enough to not laugh, and then he shuffled to copy your position and look up at the sky. "You'd like Jeju; there's this hill I go to when I visit my family, I never see as many stars as I do right there."
"Sounds peaceful."
"Mm, it is."
"I'd like to see that one day. If we're ever in Jeju together, do you think you could show me?" You tilted your head to look at him. He felt your gaze on him so he glanced over and then tilted his head too to meet your eyes in return.
Sometimes, Seungkwan really loved that you were the exact same height; being the same level made a lot of your professional interactions a lot easier when you had to adjust his makeup on set. But at times like this when there was already something hanging heavy in the air and Seungkwan's own chest had been twisted horribly for the past hours, he kind of hated it, that your open gaze was level with his. He could never escape it when you looked at him.
"Yeah, I'll take you wherever you want, noona." He replied honestly, tone a touch past just gentle now, turning more soft. "Even if we aren't scheduled to go to Jeju together, I'll take you one day when our schedules allow it."
"Really?" He nodded and you lit up. "I'd really like that, Kwanie."
"Mm, me too." He agreed, making your smile widen as his own turned up one side of his closed mouth. "That doesn't really answer what's wrong though. I'm pretty sure you're not really drinking because of not being able to see the stars." You sighed and turned your head back skywards though Seungkwan kept his full attention on you. He couldn't help but imagine what you would look like with the starlight reflected in your eyes instead of the orange of the fairy lights strung up in the courtyard. Still, artificial light or not, Seungkwan thought you looked beautiful. "Is it hyungs?" He asked carefully, not wanting to make things worse but wanting to get to the bottom of this to try and figure out how to make it better. "Coups and Jeonghan getting together? I…You like Coups-hyung, right?"
"I…no…a little." You admitted with a heavy breath. "I knew I never stood a chance anyway, he's been talking about asking Hannie out for weeks now so I really knew it was coming."
"You did?" Seungkwan was genuinely shocked. "Your response seemed like you didn't know."
"I didn't know when it was happening, or if Cheol-ah was actually going to have the balls to do it, they've been on the cusp of this since before I even met you all, after all."
"Mm, they have." He confirmed. "You really aren't hurt over it?"
"No," You laughed a little. "I'm happy for them, they're good together regardless of romantic status. I don't imagine much will change with them anyway, they've been very unsubtly sneaking off to make out and probably fuck for a while."
"What?" Seungkwan muttered dumbly. "They've been what?"
You looked at him and upon spotting his flat expression you straightened up with an amused expression. "You didn't know?" He shook his head. "Oh, here I was thinking you're one of the observant ones, you always notice when I need something."
"That's you though." He replied without thought then blushed and looked away, back up at the sky. "Uhm, like, it's easier to see when you need something compared to them because they've always been close and affectionate and disappear randomly so it's normal."
"Ah, I see." You hummed in understanding and tilted back again.
The pair of you were silent for a few minutes as Seungkwan focused on calming his racing heart and heated cheeks. He really thought that he had given himself away then. "So," He started, tone back to gentle. "If not because you're hurt, why are you sad, noona?"
"I just…" You sighed heavily. "It's fucking stupid."
"If it hurts, it's not stupid."
"I'm not usually bothered by this, I'm just…I don't know, sensitive, at the moment. Hormones, you know?"
"Mm," He hummed a little, understanding that you were referring to your incoming period. It wasn't something that you ever discussed with any of them exactly, though you did usually take time off every month routinely so the group had very early on been worried and asked you if something was wrong at home or something. And then you had very honestly said that it was because your period pains were worse on those days and you couldn't face people. Ever since, the guys had always had your favourite chocolate and snacks delivered to your apartment on those days to cheer you up a little; and you always hugged them all extra tight on the day you returned. So Seungkwan did know that you were due any day and even had a symbol on his personal calendar to remind him; he always intended to send you flowers but could never gather the courage to do it. He thought he was a lot like Seungcheol in that way. But at least everyone had known that Jeonghan returned Seungcheol's affection, nobody knew if you returned Seungkwan's feelings, or even that he had those feelings in the first place.
"Do you…do you ever just see people being all happy and in love and it just hits you that you don't have that?"
"Oh," He swallowed a little, surprised by your words because you had never seemed to care about romantic relationships for yourself even if you were all for others finding love. Honestly, some of Seventeen had even entertained the possibility that you were aromantic. So you saying this right now and admitting to being upset over being single was genuinely a shock to Seungkwan. "Yeah," He agreed in a soft exhale after a few seconds of absorbing your words. "Quite a lot, honestly." He chuckled a little, embarrassed and scratched his neck awkwardly. "I didn't expect it to be something you think about. That sounds mean, doesn't it? Or rude. Just not nice. I'm sorry-"
"It's fine," You giggled and reached over to take his hand into yours and hold it on the wood of the bench seat between you. "I don't; think about it really, I mean. Like I said, hormones prompted it today. I'm usually fine single, you obviously know that I'm generally not interested in romance. "
"Y-yeah, you've never dated in all the time I've known you." He was staring down at your hands between you. It wasn't the first time that you two had held hands but it was the first where you were having a conversation about romance in what could be considered a romantic setting, fairy lights and the night sky. Seungkwan was half convinced you could feel his racing pulse through your connected palms.
"I don't gain real attraction easily." You admitted softly. "In any way. I can see someone and think about them in a sexual manner but I wouldn't ever do something about it. I need a connection first, for either romantic or sexual relationships. But I don't like meeting people, it's too much hassle and anxiety so I'm not really giving myself the chance to develop any connection with anyone. I think that's mostly why I started to like Cheol because we were spending so much time together during his injury that we got closer and I'm not stupid, he's a wonderful, attractive man."
"Hyung's great." Seungkwan agreed quietly, mind whirling with all the new information.
"He is. You all are." You squeezed his hand gently, sending his heart tripping over itself a little which only grew when you adjusted your hold and your first two fingers slipped through the gaps of his last two. You had never locked fingers before. Seungkwan was halfway to a heart attack, he was certain. "I didn't expect anyone to notice something is, well not wrong; I'll get over this quickly, but not right I guess. Even Wonwoo didn't seem to notice and he's been next to me for the past two hours. It's always you, huh?" You turned your head to look at him again. Seungkwan took a breath before he bravely turned his head to look at you and meet your fond gaze. His breath caught in his throat and that heart attack was coming on very quickly now. "You always do so much for others, Seungkwan-ah, you work so hard to make others happy and feel loved. I hope that you feel it back tenfold. You really deserve it, you know?"
"Noona," He breathed out, feeling all his affection for you rising up to his throat. If he wasn't careful, it was going to come tumbling out so he pressed his lips together to hold it in.
"You'll let me know, won't you? If there's something I can do to make you happy, Kwannie." Those were dangerous words because all Seungkwan wanted was your lips on his, to know how you tasted behind the peach soju that you had been drinking intermittently all night. "Hm?" You prompted when he didn't say anything, his gaze just roaming over your face and trying to stick on your mouth as much as he was trying to not let it. "You'll let me know-"
"Kiss me," He blurted out breathlessly, eyes now glued to your lips and unable to look away.
"Wh-what?" You stammered, lifting your head to look at him utterly gobsmacked. But Seungkwan didn't really notice what your expression was doing as he straightened up in time with you, drawn like a magnet to you in a way that he usually had such good control over but his heart wasn't letting up and he didn't even realise that he was leaning in. Seungkwan's lips barely brushed yours before your hand was free from his and you were pushing him back, touch still gentle even as you cleared yourself space to get to your feet. "What the fuck?" You whispered, staring down at him with wide eyes of pure shock.
And that was what had Seungkwan's own eyes widening as he registered what had just happened, what he had just done. He had asked you to kiss him and then made the move himself when you had been too shocked to react otherwise. He had been so drawn to your soft-looking lips that he hadn't even paid attention to you properly. But now that there was distance between you and your fingers were no longer linked with his, Seungkwan knew.
"I'm so sorry," He rushed out, whole body flashing between hot and cold as panic and guilt squeezed his heart. "I-"
"We should get back." You spoke, voice odd, almost cold but not quite. It made Seungkwan's heart turn to ice in his chest. You were looking at him as if you didn't even know him and it hurt so much. You didn't wait for him to respond before you turned and went back into the building.
Seungkwan couldn't will his body to move, stock still with pain and fear. He had never wanted to confess to you in any way because he was certain that you didn't return the feelings and liked Seungcheol as of the past months; since you had headed back to Seoul with Seungcheol from Japan after tour while the rest of them went to Italy to film Nana Tour. Seungkwan had immediately noticed that something had changed when he saw you two face to face upon returning to Seoul but he hadn't been brave enough to confront you about it and just cradled his bruised heart closer to his chest. But now, what Seungkwan didn't want to happen, happened; you had rejected him. You pushed him away and broke his heart with a still so gentle touch that he honestly wished that you had been brutal, it would've somehow hurt less than this. Seungkwan was left there, heart in pieces not just for the rejection but knowing he had really messed up and now, he really wasn't sure if you would want to call him a friend any more.
How long Seungkwan sat there was an absolute mystery, he didn't move a single muscle, just sat there, staring brokenly wide-eyed at the door, tears silently slipping down his cheeks and hands gripping the edge of the bench either side of his thighs.
And then.
"Boo?" It was Hansol, stepping out into the courtyard in search of his best friend. But upon seeing Seungkwan's distraught expression through the glass of the door, Hansol's heart had seized with worry. "What happened?" He asked, rushing over to kneel on the slab in front of Seungkwan, one hand on Seungkwan's pressed-together knees and his other tenderly wiping the tears away, though more fell as Seungkwan came back to reality and he realised he was crying.
"I-I really fu-fucked up, Nonie," Seungkwan choked out before breaking down into sobs that made Hansol's heart break into pieces and join his best friend's on the floor around them.
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It wasn't until they were tucked up in Seungkwan's bed together, Seungkwan's eyes swollen from his tears though no longer falling that Seungkwan actually told Hansol what happened. He hadn't really been in any state to talk at the karaoke bar and Hansol hadn't wanted to risk someone walking in on his fellow idol bawling his eyes out. So Hansol had tried to take Seungkwan back to the room yet he refused, making Hansol call Junhui out as one of the designated drivers for the night. Junhui did have every intention of complaining about being forced to drive them home and then come back, but upon seeing the state of the young man on the bench, Junhui drove them home before going back to the karaoke bar without a single complaint.
The pair were still alone even though they had taken the time to shower and attempt some kind of skincare routine for Seungkwan around his sniffles but he didn't have the heart to care and Hansol only had so much knowledge. Still, they both had clean, soft skin when they climbed into bed together to cuddle up in the way Hansol knew always soothed Seungkwan.
"Are you ready to talk about it now, Boo?"
Seungkwan curled up smaller against Hansol's chest, the younger on his back, his left arm around Seungkwan's back but folded up to run through the older's hair, his right hand over Seungkwan's left on Hansol's chest. "I fucked up."
"Mm, you said. With what? Y/N-noona?" Seungkwan flinched a little, confirming Hansol's words. "She left before I came out to you, she told me to check on you. Did you have a fight?" He sounded as if he didn't even believe it was possible; Seungkwan and you fighting, which was pretty true really as you two had never butted heads in any way.
"Not exactly." Seungkwan's voice was barely audible, half muffled against Hansol's chest and just very quiet anyway because he didn't really want to speak these words but figured he should. It was about time he told his best friend the truth. "I…I kissed her." Hansol tensed a little, genuinely surprised at his friend's words. "Well, tried to. She pushed me away."
"I didn't know you like her that much. I've noticed you treat her differently to other women but I figured it was just because she's different to us all anyway, staff but a precious friend too. I thought it was mostly that and maybe a little crush but for you to try to kiss her? You really like her, huh, Boo?"
"Yeah," He choked out and turned his face further into Hansol's chest while gripping at his t-shirt. "I like her so fucking much th-that my heart is broken right now. S-she pushed me away and looked at me like-like she doesn't know me. I'm so fucking scared I've ruined everything, Vernon. Wh-what if she ne-never talk-"
"Alright, take a breath." Hansol soothed, knowing Seungkwan was on the verge of breaking down again and honestly, Hansol was not strong enough to handle that again. Seungkwn held on tighter as he obediently focused on taking some deep, slow though relatively unsteady breaths until he could breathe evenly again. He slumped back against his best friend and turned his head back around. "You haven't ruined anything, Seungkwan-ah." He promised. "Y/N-noona is not the type of person to ditch someone precious to her because of a love confession."
"I-I didn't confess." Seungkwan admittedly quietly.
"What?" Hansol mumbled puzzled. "You just randomly kissed her?"
"No. I asked her to kiss me first but I guess I just, got caught on the thought and leaned in without really realising."
"Uhm, okay and why did you ask her to kiss you?"
"Because I'm a fucking idiot." He huffed. "She was just…" He exhaled heavily. "It felt a lot, sitting there with her like that and she was talking and saying things and I just always get so caught up listening to her and stuck in how much I like her and she was holding my hand and you know I'm so weak for hand holding and she-" He took a much-needed breath when Hansol tapped his back a little, a silent reminder to breathe. "She basically told me to tell her what she can do to make me happy because she said I do so much for others and deserve to feel as loved and cared for as I make others feel and I just…"
"Asked her to kiss you?" Seungkwan nodded, cheeks warm enough that Hansol could feel the increased temperature easily through his sleep t-shirt. Not that he'd point that out. "And then you kissed her and she shoved you back?"
"No, not shoved just, pushed really gently. I think I'd prefer she had shoved me. Somehow, the soft touch hurts so much more."
"It's because she cares about you, Boo, too much to be so harsh with you. That's good, it means she won't want to lose you over this either." Hansol soothed, hand back in Seungkwan's hair and right thumb brushing over the back of Seungkwan's left hand. "It'll be okay. It might be a little weird at work tomorrow but it won't last."
As it turns out, Hansol was wrong, not because it was weird at work the next day but because you didn't turn up at all.
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It was five days before Seungkwan saw you again; you had called off like you did every month though usually it was only a few days, not five. But you had answered the group chat like normal and just said it was just a little extra pain this month and you were fine and did not need Mingyu to come over and feed you handmade soup as it was just a period and you were not ill. The others had been persuaded and simply sent you more treats and funny videos while you were gone. But Seungkwan was convinced that you were avoiding him and well, Hansol's frown told Seungkwan that his best friend had the same thought.
When Seungkwan did see you, however, he really hadn't expected to. He was at a solo photo shoot for one of the brands he was an ambassador for and saw you waiting in his dressing room when he entered. You were dressed ready for work; supply belt strapped around your hips and a makeup brush in your fingers as you twirled it absentmindedly where you were leaning back against the counter in wait, eyes on the empty chair in front of you.
"Noona," He mumbled as he stepped through the open doorway. The brush flew out of your fingers at his sudden voice, making you both yelp a little as it pinged across the room. You both stared in the general vicinity of where it had fallen on the floor somewhere out of sight, then you huffed an amused laugh and pushed off of the counter.
"Come on, they told me to deal with you myself seeing as it's a simple outfit and look today." You mused, motioning him in as you walked over to the clothing rack where only one outfit was set up in wait; jeans, a t-shirt and a soft cardigan. "Kwan-ah?" You prompted when he remained in place. You looked over at him. "Are you going to come in and shut the door or are you changing at the threshold in view of everyone?"
"Right," He mumbled and stepped into the room, closing the door behind him then slowly approached, twisting his fingers together nervously as he neared. "J-just us?"
"Mm, we've worked with this team enough that they trust me to pretty you up alone, not that you need prettying up." You smiled at him, teasing as you tended to when talking to the guys about how attractive they were. But your smile faltered a little when you took his features in properly. He looked paler than usual with dark marks under his eyes and lips a little dry. "Kwan-ah," You breathed out, putting the hangers back on the rack to free your hands so that you could turn and delicately take his face into your hands. Seungkwan immediately felt his eyes sting a little with the threat of tears. He had been so scared that you would never touch him again that feeling your skin so tenderly against his own felt like an awful lot. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you." You spoke softly, thumbs gently brushing over his cheeks. Your lips turned down further as you watched a tear drip down his cheek. "I never want to hurt you. You truly are someone I value greatly, you know that, right?"
"I-I was scared you wouldn't anymore."
"Silly boy," You teased, the left side of your mouth quirking up a little. "Knowing the wonderful man you are, how kind and caring you are, I really don't think there is anything you could ever do that would make me stop caring about you and want you in my life."
"You were gone for five days, noona."
"Yeah, I know." You frowned and started to lower your hands but he quickly put his own over your wrists and held you to him; you didn't try to pull away again and let him lead your touch back to his cheeks obligingly. He wasn't usually one to ask you for affection so you really weren't going to turn him away now that he finally had. "I just…I was being a coward. I was scared too, about how this would go, seeing you again after that. I felt so bad for leaving like that but I just…ran away. I'm not very emotionally competent, Kwan-ah," You admitted with a little pout that made his lips quirk up a little. "I've never been in that situation so I didn't know what to do. I should've just faced you the next day and not made you suffer these past days but I used my upcoming period as an excuse. If it helps though, I was genuinely in more pain this month so we both suffered."
"That doesn't make me feel better." He answered with a concerned frown. "I never want you to suffer, even if I am, I never want that for you." He brushed his thumbs over your wrists delicately. "Is everything okay? Why was it more painful?"
"I don't know, just one of those things I guess." You shrugged carelessly making his frown worsen.
"Noona, you can't be so careless about your health. What if it's a sign that something's wrong?"
"I can't go to the doctor because I had a more painful period than usual, Kwan-ah," You sighed, gently pulling your hands away to reach back and grab the hangers. He let out a displeased breath but obediently followed the silent instructions and removed his shoes to kick aside carelessly while unzipping his coat to remove. "They barely take periods seriously anyway, a one-off will be dismissed and a waste of my time going for."
"If it's worse again next month, you will go then?" He tossed his coat aside blindly in the direction of the couch. It fell short and landed on the floor but he didn't care.
"They'll dismiss it." You informed simply, watching as he removed his hoodie to also toss aside.
"Please, for me?" He requested, stopping with one arm out of his t-shirt to put his hand to yours over the hangers pleadingly.
"Fine," You conceded with a heavy sigh. "But if they just dismiss it, I get to say I told you so."
"Mm, okay. I'll even buy your favourite ice cream." He chuckled, taking the clothes from you to take to the couch and get changed there.
Even though Seungkwan was not particularly confident in his body he had changed in front of you so many times over the past two years- it was all part of being an idol with staff members around all the time during outfit changes- that he didn't even stop to think about the fact it was the first time that you two were alone while he changed, in a shut room. At least until you approached to start folding his own discarded clothes neatly so they didn't crease. And then Seungkwan looked at you, his own trousers around his ankles from just pushing them down and freezing. You could definitely see his dark boxer briefs as the plain white t-shirt stopped just below the waistband of his underwear. Suddenly, he was very self-conscious and aware of the fact you were alone and he had felt your lips brush his.
"Are you being Seungcheol?" You teased noticing him just stop and stand there. You didn't even look up at him and instead lowered down to your knees in front of him making his chest tighten and his fingers grip the edge of his borrowed t-shirt while he swallowed thickly. You didn't even notice, your hands were already on him; one on the back of his left calf and the other on the hem of his trouser leg. "Up." You encouraged. Numbly, Seungkwan lifted his left leg to allow you to pull his trousers off over his sock and then put his foot down before you swapped to his right leg to repeat the process efficiently. You leaned back and laid his trousers on the couch before grabbing the jeans off of the hanger.
It wasn't the first time that you had physically dressed a Seventeen member; Seungcheol especially since he hurt his knee, had required help with his trousers, socks and shoes and although he was healed now and capable, he still pouted at you until you helped him. Jeonghan could be pretty lazy too, especially near the end of concerts so you had more than once literally stripped him down to his boxers and redressed him when he was being too difficult for other staff who did not have a close enough relationship with the guys to do as much. The first few times had made Jeonghan blush and flustered for a while after, but these days he let it happen without any fuss. Mingyu was another who wanted to be doted on like Seungcheol, though he either went into playful flirt mode which always resulted in you either pinching or biting him depending on if your hands were busy, or he got shy and made it difficult for you as he tried to hide away despite whining for your help in the first place. The others always wondered how you could put up with Mingyu like that but you just shrugged and said it didn't bother you really as your job was to get them ready for the fans or cameras. Nobody ever pointed out that your job was only to do their makeup but you always went above and beyond what you were actually paid for. They liked you doting too much to want you to ever stop. Though they often tried to convince their higher-ups to increase your pay, something you genuinely were clueless about. The only time you had ever refused to help any of them dress was the one time Wonwoo had very uncharacteristically boldly called you over after a Hip Hop Unit stage, dressed in red leather and shining with sweat. You had taken one look at him and dismissively turned to touch up Jihoon's makeup again even though you had just finished. Nobody really knew what happened for you to refuse, though they were pretty sure it was some kind of disagreement between you two as you had both been kind of tense before that despite usually getting along really well. Seungkwan had actually suspected you two to be dating around that time and it was a lovers quarrel, but then he walked in on Wonwoo and Mingyu making out a few days later and realised he was very wrong.
"Are we tucking today?" You asked when the jeans were up over Seungkwan's ass and on his hips though still open. "Mm, it doesn't look long enough to tuck." You commented in answer to your own question, head tilted a little as you looked at the t-shirt still grasped in Seungkwan's grasp.
The door suddenly opened making Seungkwan inhale in slightly panicked surprise. Though to his relief, it was Hansol who entered, a carrier with three drinks in it balanced on his palm. "Uh," The younger male spoke, eyes wide on the position of the pair of you.
"Didn't know anyone was coming to watch Kwanie today." You commented after smiling in greeting at the young man while he awkwardly entered the room and shut the door behind him. You turned back to Seungkwan and reached out to do his jeans up for him, with hands now skilled at dressing and undressing others.
"Uhm, I heard you'd be here today so I thought I'd come like, check in," Hansol admitted, putting the drinks on the counter. Seungkwan gave his best friend a grateful looking knowing he actually meant that he was there to be moral support for Seungkwan.
"Ah," You made a noise of understanding and pointed to the shoes by the rack. "Grab those, would you?" Hansol nodded and quickly grabbed the shoes to take over and hand over. He stood a few feet behind you and silently watched as you helped Seungkwan into the shoes and made them all neat before you got to your feet.
It was very clear to the youngest that Seungkwan was feeling some things from having his crush, you, on your knees in front of him and clearly you had been there for a little while dressing Seungkwan, judging by how wide his eyes were and red his cheeks. Hansol wished he could help his friend out in some way but there wasn't anything he could realistically do.
You made short work of getting Seungkwan into the cardigan before leading him over to the makeup chair to get started. All while Seungkwan just let you. He kept his lips together and eyes big on you to watch you move around and take charge of getting him ready for the photo shoot so naturally that he wondered why you ever said that you didn't like being in charge of people. You always handled the guys so well and often delegated tasks amongst the staff yet when you had been offered a higher-paid position as head makeup artist, you had refused on the grounds that it was too much responsibility and pressure being in charge. Seungkwan wondered if you actually realised how much the rest of the staff and even the 13 idols listened to you, especially during changes backstage at concerts. You didn't get paid to take charge but you were the only one willing to get physical with the guys to get them where they needed to be or step in to calm them down when their tensions ran high.
"You haven't been doing your routine." You commented when you were leaning in closer to Seungkwan to carefully work on adding the tinted balm to his lips, the last step of the standard natural look routine you did to them all for these calmer shoots.
"Sorry," Seungkwan whispered back, fingers twisted in the hem of his t-shirt again; it was very creased at this point but neither of you had even noticed.
"Shall we do an intensive session later? We haven't done one of those in a while."
"Really?" His heart thrummed excitedly at the thought of spending an hour alone with you taking care of his skin. He always felt so relaxed and content after those sessions but it had truly been a while since your last, months.
"Mm." You hummed in confirmation, then leaned back and stepped away to give him the freedom to get up. You looked at your right hand where leftover balm was on the tip of your middle finger from dabbing it to his lips, then at your empty left hand. You usually had a tissue in hand but you hadn't picked one up today. Seungkwan looked at the counter with every intention of grabbing a tissue for you but your usual box wasn't there, nor your wipes. Without warning, you turned and approached Hansol and held his jaw in your clean hand to apply the balm to his lips. He had been kind of alarmed at the sudden grab, even if it was rather gentle in your true fashion, but quickly understood and just stood still and let you. He even smacked his lips together when you pulled your right hand back, making you giggle. Hansol smiled at you and Seungkwan watched, looking between you two and, not for the first time, he noticed how good you looked together. Then again, he thought you looked good next to any of his members. He wondered if anyone ever thought that he looked good with you. Probably not.
"What's going on with Boo's hair?" Hansol asked curiously, causing you to turn back around to Seungkwan.
"I don't need to do anything, Kwanie already looks handsome enough," You informed, though approached to run your left fingers through his hair a little just to fix the strands that getting changed had messed up.
"Seungkwanie is really handsome already, huh, noona?" Hansol grinned to himself as he watched Seungkwan fluster a little at your genuine praise.
"Mm, people will be more interested in Seungkwanie than the product," You continued, knowing Hansol was baiting you to tease his friend and willing to play along.
"Stop," Seungkwan whined a little. "You're being ridiculous."
"Excuse you, I am being honest." You scolded and gently tilted his head upwards to meet your eyes. "You're beautiful, Boo Seungkwan." Even with the concealers and foundation on his skin, Seungkwan's resulting blush could be spotted.
Hansol watched Seungkwan's expression melt under your honest gaze, nothing but pure unfiltered adoration in his eyes. Hansol wondered if Seungkwan had always looked at you in that way when he thought that no one was looking and able to call him out on it, or if it was now something he was unable to hide since his truth came out. He wondered if you saw Seungkwan's gaze and knew what it meant, how the kiss wasn't his full truth.
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Since that day at his solo shoot, when Seungkwan had more personal time with you than he ever had and really understood that you truly saw no change in your relationship despite the kiss attempt, he had slowly invited you to spend time together more and more. He had always wanted to spend more time with you but he had been too scared of his feelings coming out and ruining things, but that had already happened and you were perhaps closer than you had ever been.
Over the past few months, you went from seeing each other pretty much just at work or when you were hanging out with other members and Seungkwan happened to be there too, to texting every day often with video calls at night as you both unwound and did your nightly skincare routines together, and spending time together alone outside of work with none of the other members.
At first, Seungkwan had been worried that you wouldn't want to spend so much time with him but you had always happily agreed to spend time together and had even started to suggest hanging out yourself; at first with something specific in mind like visiting something that you felt you'd both enjoy or to get a meal, but then you would just ask to hang out with no plan in mind. The first time you had admitted that you had no plans and just wanted to spend time with him, Seungkwan had honest-to-god almost burst his heart through his chest like something out of an old cartoon. It still made his heart flutter madly when you would skip over to him and cutely hold onto his arm to request quality time with handsome Seungkwanie, but he had a much better control over his heart these days. Well, for the most part.
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"What are we doing here?" Seungkwan muttered alarmed, heart racing with nerves in his chest as he woodenly followed you into the bridal boutique; the same one he had visited a few weeks ago with his sister to pick up her wedding dress and his suit.
"Unnie said she's put aside a few options for me." You replied simply.
"Options? For what?" He worried, following you over to the reception desk. "Noona?" He hissed desperately but you were already talking to the staff; the same woman who had served him last time. He was wearing a mask and cap this time but he was pretty sure the woman recognised him based on the smile she shot his way. He bowed a little in polite greeting. Seungkwan felt so out of his depth even as he was led over to the dressing rooms and told to sit on the couch, just like his first visit here to help his sister pick out her dress with her best friend and their mother.
And then he was alone as you went into the room and the staff wandered off, though returned minutes later with a few dresses all in the soft lilac Naeryin had picked for her bridal party, him included. Seungkwan's throat dried with nerves. Were you invited to the wedding? He knew that you and Naeryin had developed a friendship of sorts since you met a little over a year ago at one of Seventeen's concerts and would meet when Naeryin was in Seoul on those rare times, but neither of you had ever said a word about you attending the wedding. He genuinely did not know if he could handle seeing you surrounded by his family like that, like you were one of them.
Seungkwan had been so caught up in his worries that he hadn't even noticed the door open until the staff stood from where she was perched on the stool and clapped happily. Seungkwan looked up and saw you standing shyly in a silky lilac off-the-shoulder dress that gathered in at your waist highlighting your curvy figure and stopped just above your knees. Seungkwan could see the hint of a tattoo on your right thigh; he didn't even know that you had tattoos and the thought made him kind of lightheaded. Well, more than he already was.
"What do you think?" You asked nervously, fingers fiddling with the straps of your bra on show thanks to the sleeves. "I'd wear a different bra, of course so imagine without the straps." You encouraged, big eyes locked on Seungkwan who was just staring dumbly at you and wishing he hadn't removed his mask and hat because now his awestruck expression was embarrassingly in full view.
"You look so beautiful!" The staff enthused when Seungkwan remained silent. You smiled gratefully and turned your attention to the staff who approached to coo over how well the dress suited you and literally looked tailored to your body despite being off the rack. "You two are going to look so beautiful together, have you seen your boyfriend's suit? He looks so handsome in it!"
"Uhm, he's not my boyfriend." You corrected softly, cheeks a little pink and gaze suddenly focused down on the skirt as you fiddled with it. "Friends."
"Oh, I apologise, I just thought because his sister personally set aside options for you to attend her wedding and asked for silk like her brother's shirt…I assumed. I'm sorry."
"It's fine." You assured, placing a gentle hand on the staff's arm comfortingly. "I'll go change back. I'm more than happy with this dress so I won't try the others." Then you were back in the dressing room, the door clicking to a lock behind you and Seungkwan still hadn't moved a muscle.
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It took until you were at your usual coffee shop, at your usual table at the back half hidden behind a divider and plants, that Seungkwan managed to actually say a word.
"You're coming to the wedding?" He asked, fingers playing with the edge of his mug as he stared down at it.
"Mm, the makeup artist that unnie picked turned out to be really uncomfortable to be around when the girls went to trial their looks for the day, and so unnie asked me if I could help them out as they had decided to just do each other's makeup instead of stressing to find a wedding makeup artist in time. Of course, I said yes and then unnie said I should now accept the invite seeing as I'll be there anyway," You shrugged and then sipped at your drink.
"Noona invited you already?" You nodded in confirmation. "And you said no?"
"I wouldn't really know anyone and would feel really out of place and anxious the whole time."
"You'd know me."
"Mm, but you're her man of honour, Kwan-ah, you have duties to attend to so I didn't want to add more on top. I know you'd feel responsible for looking after me and making sure I'm comfortable." He opened his mouth as if to argue but then closed it again making you giggle. You both knew that he would be doing exactly that. "But I have a real purpose for being there now, and I met the girls through video chat and they're lovely so I think I'll be okay and you won't need to worry about me."
"I'll always worry about you." He replied automatically in a gentle tone. You peered up at him and then aside, eyes unintentionally landing on your dress laid over the back of the seat on your right side in a protective black dress bag to keep it clean. Seungkwan followed your gaze automatically and recalled how you had looked in the dress and how he had lost all ability to talk. He felt guilty for not telling you how beautiful you looked. Bravely, he took the chance to now. "I should've said this earlier when you asked but I think you look so beautiful in that dress, noona." You slid your eyes back to him, a little rounder now at the compliment. "I was just…lost for words. I've never seen you like that before."
"Yeah, I was worried it would be weird, wearing a dress in front of you." You admitted, directing your focus to your mug between your hands. "I was supposed to go pick a dress a few days ago but I uh, wanted you to be there."
You nodded. "So the first time you see me in a dress isn't the day of the wedding."
Seungkwan knew that you didn't mean it that way, that you weren't talking about your wedding but he was now thinking about it; what kind of dress you would choose to wear when you promised to be by his side forever and love him until the world stops spinning. Seungkwan had never thought of that before; marrying someone specific, being in love with you and spending your lives together, but now that he had, he realised how much he quite liked the thought. The past months together were supposed to be his way of forming a connection with you that would allow you to see him in a romantic manner like you had started to with Seungcheol last year. But it seemed it had just made Seungkwan's feelings burn brighter and his crush turn into something more.
"Kind of desensitise you, I guess?" You continued, unaware of the fact that Seungkwan had just realised and accepted that he was falling in love with you. "Though I guess once isn't enough to desensitise," You mused, lifting your mug to sip at.
"I guess you're going to have to wear dresses around me a lot in the next few weeks." He replied, surprised at how smoothly he had gotten the words out when the thought of seeing you in dresses so much was genuinely giving his lungs some issue drawing in oxygen.
"Kind of impractical to wear at work." You replied, eyes curving with your smile over the edge of your mug.
"Mm, I guess so." He agreed and took a drink before lowering his mug and licking his lips. "Then the only thing to do is spend more time together outside of work."
"That would mean going home and changing instead of going straight to wherever we want to go. We barely make it before closing to a lot of things as it is, Kwan-ah."
"I don't mind." He shrugged, playing it off and looking back down to where his left index finger was tracing over the edge of his mug. "I don't mind what we do, so long as we're together."
"Oh," You licked your lips and looked down yourself, cheeks a little pink and not noticing that his were the exact same. "Me either. I don't mind either. I just like spending time with you."
Seungkwan looked up and noticed how shy you looked with your blush and downturned eyes. Maybe, just maybe his plan had worked and you were starting to like him too. Bravely, he uncrossed his ankles to stretch his leg out just enough to tap his foot to yours lightly. You peered up at him through your lashes for a few seconds before you moved your own foot to be beside his own. Seungkwan's heart thumped and he had to quickly lift his mug to hide the fond dopey smile that lifted his lips.
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The weeks until the wedding passed in a blur of flushed cheeks and shy giggles between you two. You made sure to fit in time together at every chance that you both could, and where possible you always wore a dress. The dresses were all casual and comfortable, ranging from simple pinafores to cute summer dresses; all of which stopped around your knees and never showed any more skin than your arms and the slight glimpse at the top of your chest, but every single one made Seungkwan's heart thrum because it was for him. Not quite in the way he wanted but he still hoped and started to believe as the days passed that you were no longer just desensitising him but dressing to look nice for him. He had noticed that sometimes you wore a little more makeup than usual or did something with your hair; he always complimented you on it and felt pride swell in his chest at the way you'd turn shy and blush without fail before taking his hand to lead him off somewhere different every time. At some point in those weeks, it stopped feeling like two friends hanging out and more, dare he say it, like dates. Something Seungkwan regularly screeched to Hansol about when they were safe from others overhearing. He couldn't help but wonder if you had felt the same too.
Then the day arrived that you two travelled to Jeju together ready for the wedding the next day. Of course, Seungkwan had been basically booked in to stay at his parent's house for the weekend but had said to you when you were trying to figure out your own accommodation that he'd get a room at the hotel too so that you could go together. You had refused saying he should stay with his family otherwise they'd be very disappointed and he would regret not taking the chance while he could. He had understood your point, so had just helped you book a hotel for the trip with something hidden in his chest saying that he wouldn't regret it as much as you thought.
There had actually been a bit of a fuss leaving Seoul as somehow people had found out that Seungkwan would be at the airport, but at least you had known ahead of leaving for the airport so Hybe had put together a team to escort you two through the airport safely with a few of the security getting on the flight too in case it was crazy at the other end. But Jeju airport had been pretty much quiet so the staff had gotten back on the next flight back to Seoul after making sure you two were safely in the car Seungkwan had rented for the trip.
Although Seungkwan could drive, he wasn't all that confident about it and it was even worse with you in the car as he didn't want to look incompetent, especially in his home town. You were always the one driving you two around in Seoul and honestly, Seungkwan preferred it that way because there was something really attractive about the way you drove; as if you had no concerns at all and had been driving your whole life. And you always let him put whatever music he wanted on; Seungkwan was pretty sure that lately you had even started to sing along under your breath and he's anticipating the day he actually hears you sing for the first time. So Seungkwan liked it much better when you drove but he had wanted to drive this time so that you could take in everything you passed without having your mind mostly on safety.
Initially, you two had planned for Seungkwan to drive you straight to the hotel to let you settle in and he'd go to his parent's house, but he had looked at you and saw how bright your eyes were as you took in the beautiful sights that he didn't want to part already. So he drove around showing you various things, pointing out places and telling you his associated memories; things he hadn't even really had the chance or urge to tell his members but he wanted you to know. He wanted you to know everything about him and to know everything about you in return.
"Do you think I could go to your home town with you one day?" He requested when he finally pulled up into the drop-off zone outside the hotel, hours after landing and with a few calls from his family wondering where he was. They hadn't said much after he had said that he was showing you around, but he knew that he was going to be bundled with questions from his mother in particular about when he was going to ask you out. Not because Seungkwan had ever told anyone but Hansol about his feelings for you, but because his family just knew him too well, especially his sisters.
"My home town?" You questioned looking at him with one hand on the door handle ready to get out. He nodded. "No."
His face fell a little. "Oh, okay, sorry, I just thought-"
"Not because of you, Kwan-ah," You assured, reaching over to pick his hand up from where it was still resting on the handbrake. "But because I don't want to go back there myself, let alone show someone who means so much to me that part of my life."
"You don't?" He frowned concernedly. "I didn't know you felt that way."
"Mm, there's a reason I've been in Seoul as long as I have." You squeezed his hand a little then smiled and removed your seat belt.
"Will you tell me about it? One day?"
"Maybe." You agreed and got out. He quickly followed to help you take your case and large makeup case out of the boot. "Go before your parents call again." You teased, trying to wave him off.
"I will." He agreed though stood there, one hand on the car and the other in the pocket of his shorts. "Go in." He encouraged with a closed-lipped smile on his face as he tilted his chin towards the hotel. You didn't react immediately, just looked at him and he was very certain that your gaze travelled him up and down before you did turn and scuttled off into the hotel. "Did she just check me out?" He muttered in stunned disbelief, finally moving to get back into the car. Once inside he just sat there dumbly, one hand pressed to his juddering heart. "I think she checked me out." He laughed in happy disbelief though jumped when there was a horn behind him. He quickly strapped himself in and disengaged the handbrake to drive off and let the taxi behind pull up.
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Seungkwan had already seen you for breakfast which all of the wedding party were invited to at the resort where the wedding was to take place. You had tried to say that you weren't part of the party, just a guest doing makeup but Naeryin had not accepted that at all. Especially as Seungkwan would then be at the resort for the rest of the day making sure that everything was ready and you needed to get there early yourself to start on the bridal makeup and get ready too. So Naeryin had pointed out that it just made sense for you to join them all for breakfast so that her poor little brother didn't have to drive so much and add extra stress on his shoulders; a manipulation that you were very aware was happening but too caring of Seungkwan to avoid.
You two had sat side by side at breakfast and Seungkwan had done his utmost to not be obvious with his feelings in front of his family but clearly, he had failed as his sisters especially kept giving him knowing grins every time he met their eyes. He just stopped looking at them in the end.
But then you had to part ways; Seungkwan to do his duties putting his eye for detail to the test in the actual venue and you to go with the bride and her bridesmaids to help her get ready. Watching you walk off laughing with his sisters had made Seungkwan feel kind of giddy. His family loved you and that made him happier than he could put into words.
Seungkwan had just finished spending a good twenty minutes trying to get one particular strand of hair in the right place, wanting to look perfect for his sister's wedding (and also to impress you) when there was a knock on the door of the room designated to him to get ready for the wedding. He had already been in there for over an hour to shower and get into his grey suit with a lilac silk shirt underneath. You had that morning obligingly given him makeup products for him to apply himself, he really wanted to look perfect for Naeryin's wedding. And he had done a pretty good job if he said so himself, not as good as you would've but good enough.
"Kwan-ah?" Your voice passed through the door making him freeze. He was suddenly hit with the very real thought that he was not ready to face you. "Can I come in? I'm done with the girls so I can help you now, if you want it."
"U-uhm, yeah-yeah, you can come in." He called then swallowed thickly when the door started to open.
Seungkwan's hands fell to his sides and he automatically turned around to face you as you walked into the room. He had already seen you in the dress and that was hard enough to deal with but now that you had your hair done, makeup on and feet strapped into a pair of pretty lilac heels, he really did forget to breathe for a few long seconds.
"Oh," You exhaled when you took in Seungkwan as you approached, your beautifully made-up eyes widening a little even as you came to a stop just out of arms reach. With the heels on, you were a few inches taller than him and usually, Seungkwan would hate that but with you, he didn't even care.
"You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." Seungkwan breathed out, chest heaving as he quickly rushed to refill his suddenly burning lungs. You looked away shyly as a blush bloomed on your skin. With your shoulders and the top of your chest exposed like that, Seungkwan could see for the first time that your chest coloured prettily when you blushed. It was probably not a very good piece of information to have right then if he wished to remain sane enough for the wedding. But, too late.
"You should see Naeryin-unnie, she looks like a princess." You replied and looked back up at him. You stepped forward without thought and easily fixed that annoying strand of hair without any hassle.
"I don't doubt it, my sisters are all beautiful. But I can never put you in the same place as any of them, they're my family and you…" He breathed out, fingers ghosting over your arms where they were both still raised, gently brushing your fingers over his face to smooth out any imperfections in his makeup.
Your hands stilled and you redirected your gaze from his cheek to meet his eyes. "I'm what, Kwan-ah?" You asked quietly, almost a whisper between them.
"You know," His expression tightened and turned a little desperate as his fingers curled around your forearms. "You've got to know by now, Y/N."
"I…I have my suspicions." You admitted and licked your berry-stained lips. "When you kissed me, it-it wasn't just a spur-of-the-moment thing, was it?"
Seungkwan swallowed thickly.
Part of him didn't want this conversation to happen, not today of all days when he wasn't certain where it was headed and he already had so much on his shoulders to make sure that his sister had the wedding of her dreams. But the other part of him wouldn't be able to think of anything else if you didn't talk about it now, if you walked away and left it for another time or never again. His heart was so full in his chest, so full of all the little quirks and habits of you that he couldn't not know for certain anymore. He needed to know if the hope in his chest should get shoved back in the bottom of the box for a future Seungkwan, or if he could let it become something more.
"No," He admitted quietly, fingers curling a little further but still not really applying much pressure. You always treated him so carefully that he couldn't help but do the same back.
"And it was more than just…wanting to kiss me?" He nodded a little. "More as in…you like me?"
Seungkwan inhaled softly before nodding. "Yeah, noona, I like you. I liked you so much then that it just overflowed and I couldn't stop it before I realised what I was doing. And now?" He huffed a little laugh. "I like you so fucking much that I'm constantly scared my heart is going to burst from my chest like those cartoons from when we were kids." You laughed a little at his choice of wording but you didn't look like you were laughing at him. If Seungkwan had to pick a word to describe how you were looking at him, he'd say endeared.
"That much that you're turning into a Looney Toon?" You teased, settling one palm more solidly against his cheek while the other moved to press to his chest and felt the jack rabbiting of his heart against your touch. "Sounds pretty serious, Kwan-ah."
"Y-yeah," He swallowed, not entirely sure where this was going but that hope was flitting around his torso disrupting the butterflies that had laid resting in his stomach. "Can you please tell me if you feel the same way or not because it's driving me crazy not knowing, noona," He whispered pleadingly. You smiled gently at him then leaned in to press your lips to his. Seungkwan's hands tightened around your arms and his eyes closed as he kissed you back with his face warming dramatically. "Y-you do? You like me too?" He asked for clarification purposes when you leaned back and watched his eyes flutter open.
"Yeah, Seungkwan, I like you too." You confirmed then giggled when he surged in to kiss you, not that it really worked when you were giggling and he was smiling brightly.
"Let me take you on a date tomorrow." He requested.
"I can't," You frowned a little, which worsened when you watched his face fall. "I promised to go to the spa with your mum tomorrow."
"What?" He blinked at you dumbly. "The spa? With my mum?" You nodded. "Uh…what?"
"Apparently you've told her a bunch of times that I'm the one who always tells you what skincare products to use so she wanted my opinion for her own skin and then it kind of quickly went from agreeing to go product shopping with her to skipping all that and going to the spa."
"Oh," Slowly, Seungkwan's cheeks lifted as he smiled. "I like that, that you're going to do something with my mum. I'm really happy that you get along with my family."
"Me too. I was nervous but they've been so welcoming to me. Sprinkled with not-so-subtle hints that you should be getting married to start a family of your own." You giggled when he whined and tilted down to hide embarrassedly against your neck. You wound your arms around his neck and played with his hair gently to not ruin the styling. Seungkwan's complaints fell silent, too content being in your arms for the first time to be anything but happy while his arms went around your waist. "You have things to do," You remembered after a minute of just holding each other.
"I want to do this."
"We can do this whenever we want, Kwan-ah, Naeryin-unnie only gets her wedding once. At least I hope so, I hope this is a long happy marriage for her, she deserves it."
"She does." He agreed and straightened up to look at you. "I know-I know it's not quite the same, but you deserve a long, happy relationship too, noona. And I hope I can be the person who gives it to you. If you'll have me?"
"Kwan-ah," You exhaled fondly and couldn't help but kiss him softly.
"Yes? Yes, you'll let me?" He asked, hope thick in his voice.
"Unnie will kill us for getting together on her wedding."
"She wo- okay, she would." He sighed heavily and slumped a little, lips turning pouty. "I've wanted to call you my girlfriend for so long and now I'm stopped again just when I thought it was really going to happen. Because my sister wants all the attention."
"Let her have it." You giggled.
His lips pouted further. "I can't call you my girlfriend now because of my sister and can't take you on a date tomorrow because of my mum, what's even the point of confessing?"
"You're so dramatic, Kwan-ah." You teased, tugging on his ear a little and noticed him trying to fight the twitch of his lips giving away his smile. "I have a good reason for confession regardless of the current holdbacks in being together." He tilted his head a little in question. You smirked then kissed him, mouth moving slowly this time, all lingering and none of the sweetness of earlier. Seungkwan couldn't help but groan slightly, soft and barely audible but still present as he tilted further into the kiss to match the intensity as his fingers curled into your hips.
"Think that kinda makes it worse." He murmured a few minutes later, some of your lipstick on his lips and your own a little smeared. He had the sudden urge to lean back in and make it even worse, ruin your makeup and take you apart. But he didn't, he proved to himself that he had self-control and leaned back.
"So no to doing that again?"
"I didn't say that," He rushed making you laugh. He smiled and pecked your lips before moving back. "You should fix your lipstick, baby." Your eyes widened a little at the petname. "Is-is that too much?" He asked, cheeks flushed and not just from the kiss.
"Hell no," You answered immediately then grabbed his face to kiss again. He couldn't help but kiss you back, hands secure on your waist. "Call me all the petnames you want, sweetheart."
It was Seungkwan who surged back in then, pushing you back against the dresser behind you making you gasp into the kiss. For a split second, Seungkwan wondered if putting his tongue in your mouth was too far but then it was already happening and your fingers were curling into his hair to keep him close.
You both knew that you really should not be making out, especially so heavily right then. Seungkwan really did have duties to attend to in order for the wedding to go ahead properly in a little under an hour. But you both got caught up in each other's mouths until Seungkwan's phone started to ring in his back pocket.
"Fuck, fuck, okay," Seungkwan panted out, reluctantly pulling away. Your lipstick was a complete mess now and he knew that you would need to redo your makeup and no doubt his too. He couldn't help but kiss you again as he pulled out his phone to lift. "You're going to drive me insane, you know?" He chuckled, pushing back with his hand pressed against the dresser at your side.
"Likewise," You replied simply, watching him heavily as he answered the call of his oldest sister asking where he was.
"Getting ready." He spoke into the device, eyes roaming over your body openly now that he could. "Mm, noona's going to do my makeup and hair for me then I'll be there." He hummed again in response to whatever Yerin said then hung up and put his phone back in his pocket. "I want to kiss you again but I know they'll come to drag me off if I'm not there soon."
"Mm, better keep our hands and lips to ourselves then." You pushed off of the dresser and walked over to pick up the makeup wipes from the dressing table where everything was still laid out. "Come on," You encouraged, pointing to the stool with one hand, the other already wiping off your badly smeared lipstick. Seungkwan moved his phone into his inner blazer pocket before obediently sitting down and grabbing a wipe himself to remove the mess on him too. As he worked he wondered if maybe he had a kink for smeared lipstick, because he really hadn't wanted either of you to remove it and could easily imagine you in various lipsticks under him, the colour smeared across your face and down your neck. And he was really fucking into it.
You went into professional mode once the products were in your hands and Seungkwan easily followed suit without consciously doing so. You both had a job to do here regardless of your own feelings and you would both feel endlessly guilty if anything went wrong because of you.
After two years of working with Seventeen, you had Seungkwan's makeup done swiftly then fixed his hair into place before sending him off. He leaned over to press one last kiss to your lips, this one soft and short then he rushed off leaving you grinning to yourself as you cleaned up his room.
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In the end, the wedding went off without a hitch even if Naeryin had turned into an anxious mess at the last second and had to be talked down by her entire bridal team while you hovered at the side awkwardly with a little bag of emergency makeup supplies in hand in case Naeryin needed a touch up during the afternoon. Which she did need then, and also after the actual marriage ceremony itself when she cried happily at her new husband's sweet vows.
But after that, you were constantly swept away by various family members wanting to know you because it seemed that all of Seungkwan's family liked to gossip. And despite his sister literally getting married, they were all fascinated by the young woman in attendance who their dear Seungkwanie spent most of his time with in Seoul, both in and out of work. Despite that, you did genuinely enjoy yourself and loved meeting his family and old family friends who were in attendance. The stories of little Seungkwan were also a great joy for you, you just wished there had been pictures too.
Still, a little after sunset while the sky was still tinted orange, you needed a break so you escaped the beautiful hall full of people happily talking and dancing to the loud music, and wandered to the beach just a few minutes away; part of the resort so thankfully hidden from the general public. There were a few resort goers dotted along the beach but none of them paid you any attention as you walked along the sand, heels dangling in your left hand and enjoying the calm.
Seungkwan had noticed a lack of you pretty quickly, always swivelling his head around to make sure that his relatives weren't being too much meaning he'd need to intervene, but you had always been smiling and looking genuinely happy that he left you alone mostly. And when he had seen you holding his baby cousin and dancing with her, smiling brightly as the one-year-old giggled away in your arms, Seungkwan knew he definitely could not approach you then because he just knew he'd kiss you and ask you to forget about his sister and be his already regardless of the group you had been standing with. Something about you with kids had always gotten to him and now seeing you with a kid that shared his blood, well he was really understanding that his subconscious had been trying to tell him that you'd be good with your shared kids.
But when he noticed your presence gone entirely, he grew distracted until the bride herself slapped his arm. "I'm talking to you, asshole."
"Mm, yeah, I know, I'm listening." He replied, not even looking at her.
"No, you're not." Naeryin looked around too and understood. "She's probably gone to the bathroom, relax little bro, Y/N is fine."
"She's not good with all this; people and noise." He replied, frowning a little in open concern. "She always has to take breaks."
"Then she's taking a break. If it's normal, why are you so worried?"
"Because I know where she takes her breaks in Seoul, I don't know where she is right now."
"Wow," The low whistle made Seungkwan look at his sister. He only intended a quick glance but the smirk on her face wouldn't let him look away. "You're really whipped for her, huh?"
"Uhm," Seungkwan eloquently replied, cheeks pinkening a little.
"For what it's worth, I'm very positive it's mutual."
"I…I know." He admitted, looking down and fiddling with the rolled cuff of his silky shirt, jacket long ago removed thanks to the heat in the hall.
"You know?" He nodded. "As in you left your girlfriend alone the past hours for our overbearing relatives to grill?!" She reached out and hit him again, harder this time making him yell a little in complaint and step away, rubbing his hand over the impact spot on his upper arm.
"She's not my girlfriend."
"What?" She deadpanned. "You confessed to each other and you're not together? You're dumber than I thought, Seungkwan."
"It's because of you!" He defended poutily. "It happened today and we didn't want to distract from your day by getting together!"
"Are you serious?" He nodded and suddenly was pulled into a hug. "I appreciate it and love you endlessly for thinking of me but you really need to stop putting others first all the time. You've already done so much for me today and for today, Kwanie. You've made me so happy, now go make yourself happy, hm?"
"R-really? I can-I can do that?"
"Yeah, you deserve it. I think you two will be really good together." Naeryin informed as she leaned back and straightened her dress back out from the hug. "Who knows, maybe the next wedding will be you two." She teased.
"Noona," He whined embarassedly. "Don't. She already told me you've all been saying I need to get married and start a family and hinting that she should do it with me."
"Yeah," Naeryin giggled. "Pretty sure mum is already deciding which heirloom to give her first."
"Ugh, stop." He hid in his hands but he was happy, so happy. His mother thinking about heirlooms to pass to you meant she had entirely accepted you as a future member of the family and that really had his chest ballooning with pride and joy.
"Just go find her," Naeryin laughed, pushing her little brother away a little causing him to stumble slightly. "Before my new brother-in-law does. Either way, she'll wind up my sister." She teased. Seungkwan glanced over to the older brother of his new brother-in-law; a genuinely lovely guy with a classically handsome face and tall broad build; he kind of reminded Seungkwan of Mingyu in that way. Seungkwan's face turned down a little with obvious distaste, not at the man but at the thought of him going after you. "Stop glaring like an angry pomeranian and go,"
That time, Seungkwan did go, leaving the hall to step into the much cooler night air. He knew that you loved the beach so he didn't hesitate in heading that way.
It really did not take long for him to spot you crouched down at the water's edge and staring intently at something. Seungkwan approached slowly after removing his shoes and socks, taking his time to admire you in the growing moonlight. "Is it treasure?" He asked softly when he was behind you. You looked over at him and smiled a little before nodding. You then reached into the water to dig around in the wet sand while he just watched. Then you pulled your hand out and sent a finger heart his way with a cheeky grin while he cracked up laughing. You giggled and turned back to look at the little crab which you had been watching scuttle around. "Ah, noona, you're so cute." He cooed when he had calmed and moved to crouch down at your side. "Ah, a crab." He understood upon spotting the little creature.
"It's cute, huh?" You mused and he hummed.
"There's rock pools a little further down," He informed, pointing down the shore a little. You got to your feet quickly, grabbing his hand as you moved to pull him up. He chuckled and obligingly got up so that you could walk along the sand hand in hand. "I just spoke to Naeryin-noona," He informed gently, adjusting his hand in yours so that your fingers could lace together. You squeezed his hand a little and hummed encouragingly. "About us." That made you stop and look at him with raised eyebrows so he too stopped and turned to face you. "She told me to stop putting others first."
"She's got a point, you can be really selfless, Kwan-ah,"
"Mm, I know. I'm trying."
"Good." You smiled gently. "What has that got to do with us though?"
"She told me to be with you now,"
"She did?" He nodded and smiled when yours grew. "Really?"
"Yeah. So, as we have permission, can I call you my girlfriend from now on?"
You rapidly nodded and moved closer. "Yeah, yeah, you can but only if you kiss me right now."
"Deal," He grinned then dropped both his shoes and your hand to take your face into his hands and kiss you. You squealed a little but it turned into a little happy giggle as you kissed him back, your free hand holding onto his waist. "I like you, so much, noona," He informed breathlessly when the passionate kiss ended and he pulled back just enough to look at you with nothing but joy and adoration shining in his eyes. "I want to be with you for a long time. I want to make you happy for a long time."
"I want that too, Kwan-ah," You confirmed. "I want to be by your side for as long as you'll put up with me."
He laughed. "Me put up with you? Baby, you're so ridiculous, you're everything good in the world. It's me who should be saying that, me and my attitude problem. I'll work on it and try to stop side-eyeing everyone all the time."
"No," You pouted a little. "I like the side-eye."
"What?" He muttered bewildered. "You like the side-eye?"
"Yeah, there's something really hot about the way you do it." You admitted, a little embarrassed to admit that but not shying away, especially when his smile slipped into a seductive smirk.
"Yeah? You think I'm hot like that?" He murmured lowly.
"I think you're unfairly attractive all the time, baby, just something about the side-eye makes me want to take you somewhere private and have my way with you." Seungkwan's expression dropped in a split second at the implication of your words. You could see the arousal swirl into his eyes at the very thought. You couldn't help but giggle, which snapped him out of the minor trance.
"You demon," He murmured but you just giggled again and his lips turned back up into a fond smile as he admired the way the starlight reflected in your eyes. At least now, he finally had the confirmation that you truly did look beautiful under the stars.
"Mm, and this is just the start of what it's like to be in a relationship with me. It's too late to back out now though, you're my boyfriend, you're stuck with me for a long time."
"I'm more than okay with that," And well, you know the phrase; truer words had never been spoken.
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A/N; I hope you enjoyed this cute lil Seungkwanie story! Don't be shy to let me know what you think <3 Also, I can't be the only one who thinks his side eye is weirdly hot, right? 👀
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madameaug · 1 year
Meet the Mod || JJK x OC
Pairing: Streamer Jungkook x Black Female Modder
WC: 1.4k >
NOTE: Now finished :)
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"Hey, chat." Jungkook greeted the thousands of viewers tuning into his stream. His eyes glossed over the moving text as he adjusted his camera equipment. Jungkook had recently returned to his streaming schedule after taking a temporary break. The past two weeks had been pretty stressful for the young streamer. He had just moved from his small apartment to a much larger, more comfortable place.
It was crazy for him to think that he could sustain his lifestyle off his streaming income. Four years ago, he would have laughed at someone telling him he would average 70,000 viewers a livestream.
Did you eat? What did you do today? Marry me pls!!!
It was the same typical chatter that he was used to seeing.
"I ate three cups of spicy ramen. I did some training with my boxing mentor today." Jungkook rubbed his slightly pudgy stomach. He slid his beanie slightly higher, showing more of his forehead into the camera.
Mang_luver: Ur back!
Jungkook recognized the username of one of his modders. 'Mang luver' was a part of the handful of mods Jungkook had in his streams. Three of them were his close friends from high school, and the other two were viewers in the beginning with him. Mang luver fell into the latter category. She was always kind to him and helped foster the culture within the community.
Since there were so few mods, he was in a private and somewhat active group chat with his moderators. They spoke frequently with each other. Some of them even meet up in person.
"Hey Mang."
What games are you playing today?
That was the question that most of the viewers were asking Jungkook.
"Ah, I think I'm just gonna chat today. I'm not in the best mindset to focus on Overwatch or anything like that tonight."
Several topics for conversation spoke over the AI Jungkook has set up for his stream. Most of them asked for advice in school, which Jungkook wouldn't mind discussing; however, he doesn't think he's the best person to talk about school motivation.
His life path was quite untraditional. He dropped out of high school to pursue music. He was semi-successful and eventually returned to school to complete his high school diploma. Now he streams and boxes.
He sorted through the chat, looking for interesting topics. Straying away from suggestive or potentially sexual topics.
"My ideal type?" Jungkook read out the chat. It intrigued him.
Jungkook stroked his imaginary beard, thinking about his ideal romantic partner.
"I would say someone who is confident and not afraid of a challenge. I'm really attracted to a person's aura and the vibes they give out."
Jungkook was quite honest with his words. In the past, he's thought about the physical attributes that he wants in his future girlfriend. He didn't have anything that was top priority. Most of his deal breakers involved personality. Like if they were rude to customer service workers or if they were disrespectful.
It was hard for him to narrow his ideal partner to a list of physical attributes.
"I guess I can also add that the person would have to be an ARMY. Jungkook smiled. His shameless flirting ignited the chat. The chat eating it up.
Mang_luver: are you tryna rizz up the chat?
Mang_luver: L streamer
"You don't like my flirting skills Mang? Jungkook couldn't hold back his smirk. He and Mang had a teasing report with each other. Causing live entertainment for those in the chat.
"You know what, chat, I think I know my type. I like girls who don't like me back."
Jungkook waited patiently for another witty remark from Mang. The chat commented that the two were acting like a married old couple. They always bickered about small, petty things that eventually it just became part of their dynamic.
Mang_luver: YUCK
Mang_luver: *gag*
"You know you love it, Mang."
Mang face reveal?
I'm tryna see something? What they said ^^^
The thought crossed Jungkook's mind that he had never seen an image of Mang. While he knew her real name, Jennette, and her age 24. He would never reveal such information while he was live. In the back of his mind, he wondered what she looked like, but the thought never developed into more.
But now the chat was begging for the modder to reveal her face. Spam flooding the chat box, Jungkook watched, curious as he wanted to see her face.
"Mang get on Discord." Jungkook instructed pulling up a new tab, before sharing his screen for the thousands to see.
Mang_luver: ... Mang_luver: fine Mang_luver: i hate you all
Upon reading the last message, he clicked the call button above her username. The chat was probably more excited than Jungkook. Mang answered the call ten seconds later, showing nothing but a black screen.
"Turn your camera on."
"You're so pushy." Jenette pouted on the other side of the camera. She was up trying to freshen up her looks, to make it not look like she was lying down in bed. She removed her satin head scarf and shook her mini twists that dangled by her shoulders. She washed her hair last night and did the twist til she got her braids in the next few days.
"I just wanna see what you look like Mangy Pangy."
Jennette rolled her eyes, hearing that awful nickname.
"I thought you agreed you weren't gonna call me that?"
"I thought you agreed you were gonna show your face?'
"Actually, I agreed to get on Discord. Not to show my face." Jennette smiled at her response.
"Such a smart ass."
"Don't wanna be a dumbass like you." The comebacks rolled off her tongue easily. She didn't have to think when she said them at all.
"You are lucky I like you." Jungkook grumbled, clicking around on his computer. He pulled up Instagram on the tab. Jennette knew that Jungkook didn't "like" her that way, but its effect on her was apparent. She cleared her throat, snapping out of brief feelings of attraction.
"So you can turn on your camera or tell me your Instagram. I wanna see what you look like."
Jungkook started typing in guesses for Jennette's Instagram without giving her time to think. The first few guesses were unsuccessful, pulling up random people who looked nothing like her. Looking at herself in the mirror, she looked over her appearance, unsure about the whole face reveal deal.
Her skin was slightly dewey from her skincare routine. Acne scars covered certain areas of her cheeks. More importantly, her purple cat-eye glasses. The frames enhanced her almond eye shape and made her look slightly younger in her nighttime apparel.
Without another word, she turned on her camera. Jungkook wasn't looking at the video call. He was still trying to guess her Instagram. Little did he know that her Instagram didn't contain her name at all. So at this rate he would never find her Instagram. The chat jumped with the thousands of new comments, all discussing her appearance.
Omg she's so pretty. Damnnnnnn Black Barbie fr fr She's not one of us
It took a message being read by the AI voice for Jungkook to redirect his attention to the Discord call. He had to readjust himself on the couch. He pulled one of his knees to his chest.
Jenette looked away from her screen, blushing at his reaction. She was nervous, waiting for him to be compelled to react in a humiliating way.
"You happy?" Jennette found it hard to look at the streamer. Gosh, he was so boyfriend-coded that she knew that her thoughts would start to evolve this simple interaction into something more. She got like this with most of her crushes. It never took long for her to fall for someone.
"You're so cute."
"Shut up."
Rizz her up Jungkook!
Yall look good together omgggg
"Yall, it's not like that, I'm not gonna rizz up, Mang. I was just curious to see what she looked like. Now, we can move on to something else." With a smile, he redirected the stream to a totally different topic. Mang took this as a segway to leave the call and rejoin the chat. Junkgook discussed the latest SZA music video 'Snooze', with Justin Bieber.
However, the chat was still discussing Mang's looks. More and more comments were becoming passive-aggressive. And Jungkook couldn't ignore the overwhelming backhanded compliments. It was time for him to step in and say something.
"Ayo, chill. That's enough on Mang. Don't forget she can ban any of yall."
I wish someone would defend me like Jungkook does Mang. ooop hell yeah- put them in their place!
He scrolled up the chat logs to see if Mang spoke. But she was radio silent. With his phone unlocked and off-camera, Jungkook privately messaged Mang. He wanted to ensure she was okay and confirm that he wasn't okay with the rude comments she was facing. Mang texted back pretty quickly, confirming that she was fine.
Mang_luver: I don't know why I just felt so nervous
Mang_luver: Face reveals always stir up anxiety for me
ABCDEFGHI__LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: But don't listen to them. You do look good, like really good
Mang_luver: That's really sweet
ABCDEFGHI__LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ: After stream I'll call you to ensure that things between us are still cool. I don't fuck with that bully shit.
Mang_luver: Yeah I'll be up
Closing out of his phone, Jungkook reacted to a couple of other music videos released in August. Before he knew it, it was a quarter past three. Jungkook yawned before wrapping up the conversation he was having with chat.
"I'm gonna get off, guys. This was fun, per usual." Jungkook smiled and started waving at the people, saying 'good night' to him.
He's probably going to talk to Mang goodnight kookie you never answered?? will you marry me??? pls!!
He ended the stream, rubbing his face. Walking to his bedroom, he thought about what to say to Jennette. He was use to the 'mean' comments that he would get from trolls in his comments. Working in the music industry for all those years helped him grow thick skin. Plus, he knew that they wouldn't return that same energy if he ever met these people in real life.
He thought about how to properly apologize to Jennette. Eyes getting heavy, and the last thing on his mind was his really pretty modder.
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mentally-a-slut · 5 months
Important Update!
Hello lovelies!
So, I have written two x readers at this point, both in second person. I have decided I'm going to write in either third or first person from now on, simply because it's more natural to me and I enjoy it more. That doesn't mean I won't do x reader, though! In fact, I have some important info about that.
Since I write for female readers, I would likely just refer to reader as 'her' in third person. I don't like using '(y/n)', s it'' likely just be nicknames or just pronouns instead.
I am happy to do request x readers! By that, I mean I would love to write a character for you, whether it be based off you or an OC of yours. If you're interested, please send me an ask with a name, a description of the character, and a brief summary of the plot or just an idea you have. This will help me develop my character writing skills, and overall improve the quality of my writing.
In other news, I would like to tell y'all about my OCs! I have quite a few, for different fandoms, and each are shipped with specific characters. If anyone is interested in learning about any of them, please let me know! You can anonymously request or leave a comment on any post! I have art of them by me, and I'm in the process of writing fics for most of them. My point is, I would really love for you guys to get to know my girls, and I would be really happy if I could write for them on here too! I'm going to list some info about each OC to see if anyone is interested! If so, feel free to request prompts or one shots for me to write them into!
Josie! So hear me out on this one, she is my red dead 2 OC, and she's Sean's older sister. She's paired with both Arthur and Charles, and they are set to be in a poly relationship. They are all romantically involved, not just with her. Meaning Charles and Arthur are also in love with each other. Her full name is Josephine Maguire, and she is a well-known bounty hunter under the alias 'Lady Luck.' Her backstory is too long to dive into here, so if anyone want's a full post about her, please lmk! I love love love this girl, so please express your interest.
Laena! She is (one of) my BG3 OCs, shipped with Gale because he is my soulmate and I can't romance anyone else. She's a storm sorcerer and had a traumatic past that I will get into later if requested, but she spent some of her childhood in Waterdeep and knew him when they were kids. They reunite when they both get infected, and it goes from there. There is a lot to her character, so trust me when I say she is worth it.
Estelle! Now, this one is a bit strange, considering I didn't mention this fandom in my intro, but she is my Stardew Valley OC! I saw on TikTok people talking about non-human farmers trying to hide it and failing, and I got the idea of Estelle. She's a nature spirit hybrid that was taken in by the owner of the farm and that's how she inherited it. There's far more to her history but that's for another time. Her love interest is Harvey. I have a whole thing about her family history so there's tons to learn about her!
So, just to recap, I will no longer write in second person, I would love to do specific requests for you or your characters, and I hope to write stuff with my personal OCs for y'all!
Please let me know in the comments or an anon ask if you're shy! Don't be a silent lurker, I love y'all but the feedback is over half the motivation for artists. I hope to get some requests from y'all and I look forward to (hopefully) sharing my OCs with you!
Take care lovelies! - Azi >:)
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Hi! I’ve been following you for a while now (since before you started working on sisterhood). I love the concept you have for Sisterhood a lot. I’m just curious about what shippings you like since I feel like I know some of them but not all of them (and I know how shipping can change over time). If you feel like talking about them, I would love to hear about them!
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I've accumulated a vast assortment of pairings the past several years, particularly due to being a multishipper (but not a polyshipper-). However, for each protagonist there is usually what a friend of mine refers to as an "endgame" love interest: the one who I feel resonates with her personality most.
For example, the pairings related to Leaf are Conflictingshipping (Green/Blue x Leaf) and LeafStoneshipping (Brock x Leaf). The former is the "endgame" pairing for her. As for the latter, I actually concocted the name myself.
(There are a number of pairings I've been left with the solemn duty of bestowing a name upon, in actuality-).
An additional detail to keep in mind is, for anyone else who may be reading; the ages of several characters are altered in the universe of Sisterhood, meaning everyone involved, including the female protagonists, is a young adult.
Kotone, her "endgame" pairing is SoulSilvershipping (Silver x Kotone). Silver is truly the only person she has a romantic relationship with, although he is rather prone to experiencing jealousy when other male characters, such as Hibiki(Ethan) and Morty, are in her presence.
Haruka also has two paths of romance before her in the forms of HoennChampionshipping (Steven x Haruka) and NewRivalshipping (Wally x Haruka). What can I say? She has a type, and it's nerds. Haruka couldn't care less about the former's status and money, and she isn't so shallow that his looks would instantly capture her heart.
Hikari has no love interests to speak of in Sinnoh, but under the alias of Akari while in Hisui, she has quite a few options! Wieldershipping (Volo x Akari) and BrilliantDiamondshipping (Adaman x Akari) are the main contenders, but additionally... I also am somewhat partial to CandyTruffleshipping (Melli x Akari), for humor related reasons.
Ferriswheelshipping (N x Touko) is Touko's "endgame" pairing. Similarly to Kotone, she has no other love interests. However, Cheren does harbor romantic feelings for her during the course of Black and White's main game before eventually moving on and finding happiness with Bianca.
Technically, Mei has two and a half love interests? Initially, LiveCastershipping (Curtis x Mei) was intended to be the "endgame" pairing for her, but I gradually grew more and more fond of Hue and his one-sided affections. And to elaborate on the "two and a half love interests", Kyouhei(Nate) is sort of one, but... it's... it's complicated.
Serena is another protagonist who has a sole pairing associated with her, which is Kalosshipping (Calem x Serena). And yet, I also can't consider Calem her "endgame" love interest. I don't dislike him, but... he's lacking a certain je ne sais quoi. So perhaps Legends: Z-A may introduce Serena to her perfect beau?
Despite how frequently she teases and torments him, Mizuki's main love interest is Gladion. Although I do also enjoy some Malasadashipping (Hau x Mizuki) on the side. Regardless of whether their relationship is platonic or romantic, Hau is an important part of Mizuki's life in Alola now.
Gloria has two tsundere boys battling for her attention and affection. Not that Bede and Avery would admit this without raising a fuss. I haven't yet decided which will be her "endgame" love interest, so I suppose DressedInPinkshipping (Bede x Gloria) and Barriershipping (Avery x Gloria) will also be competing for my approval!
Juliana has the most love interests out of all the protagonists thus far! A grand total of four! HerbaMysticashipping (Arven x Juliana), Dipplinshipping (Kieran x Juliana), Tracksuitshipping (Drayton x Juliana) are the primary pairings, but Grusha does occasionally show interest in the academy's Book Wurmple as well.
There are also various pairings in Sisterhood which don't involve the female protagonists. Some include the male protagonists, such as Red possibly becoming a couple with Misty, while others are composed of non-player characters, one of my favorites being Surveyshipping (Laventon x Cyllene). The professor and captain are married in this universe, as a matter of fact!
And because the world of Pokémon is always expanding, this means there should always be more pairings! Legends: Z-A is soon to be upon us, after all! But hopefully not too soon.
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platinumrosetail · 1 year
I have a request for you! A Lackadaisy x Pokemon request!
Basically a Espeon!Reader falls into the Lackadaisy universe, let's say during the pilot episode? She has no clue what's going on, but seeing how Rocky, Freckle, and Ivy were in trouble, she uses her psyhic powers to save them and escapes with them. Her actions, along with her exotic looks, ends up catching the attention of a certain glasses wearing black cat called Mordecai.
Lackadaisy is a new fandom that I got in to so I hope I be getting requests for it. Me and the requester talked and we decided to add some things to it so the extra things that weren’t in the request is from us chatting and making sure we got everything all good, just wanted to say that to clear up any confusion you might have! 😁
The requester had also inform me that mordecai is asexual but for this he can be any sexuality as there are many, I know there might be some people not liking when other people change the sexuality of a character and I’m sorry for that but I like modecai romantically and so I made it a au where he has a different sexuality, if you don’t like that then you can leave, plus this is fanfiction so there would most likely be au in some if not most along with how how fanfiction will most likely have different dialogs with the reader, oc, or when someone ships a character with another character and need a way to get them in love with one another so please don’t post hate on this as you can leave it alone if you don’t like it, thank you.
I also don’t know some of the characters accents so i hope i do a acceptable job on it from what i could hear in the pilot and comics, i also don’t know the slang that are from the 1920’s times but I’m hoping to go do some research and hopefully make this come out as almost accurate to the times it’s set place, s wish me luck 😅, though, of course when I do use them it’ll be for the lackadaisy characters that are involved, the reader will most likely have a bit more modern type of outlook as she will be born in the modern times of the Pokémon games we know of.
Warning: noob author, female reader, gang fights, violence, au, and others.
Characters: mordecai, zib, Viktor, nico, one-sided!asa sweet.
You were just walking down the path to your den after visiting your sisters, who’re the other 8 eevee evolution sept for the youngest who is still an eevee named eve, you decided to take a detour to get to a field that had some beautiful flowers and tasty berries that you can grab for some dinner.
You guess you weren’t paying attention to the ground as you tripped and fallen into the neck length tall grass and tumbled down which made you dizzy.
When you got back up on your feet and noticed how far away the ground is and that the grass doesn’t come to your neck like it usually does when you come here, some occasions a herd of herbivore pokemon would com in and shorten the grass but you know that you didn’t tumble down for that to happen so fast.
You looked down at your paws to only see them more human-like but still have paw like features like claws that seem to not want to retract.
You also have on clothes like a human would, the type of clothes is (c/c) (choice/of/clothes) that is of a past time period, how you know this is because you had came across on one of your adventure to the human territory that is known as cities/towns.
You heard muffled voices behind you which made you look and see through the tree line and see two feline beings that didn’t look like any pokemon you know, one did seem to have a arginine like pattern on their form, the other seemed to have dark fur, at least as dark as a kitten but with out the red details.
You’re guessing that this is a cemetery with how the two seemed to be digging up a coffin from a grave with how many tombstones there is laced out.
You heard a sudden voice which made you jump in surprise as you didn’t expect there to be a third party with the two though that sudden surprise had made you step on a twig which alerted the two that was on the ground.
The two looked in your direction in a frightened state which made you guilty so you slowly came out in the tree line and into the open.
“Sorry to have frightened you, you see, it would seem I’m a bit los-” ……… you had accidentally tripped over what you could guess was a big root.
“What is with me and tripping today~….” You groaned out in embarrassment and defeat at the clumsiness that doesn’t usually come out this frequent, especially around other beings that is watching you.
“Let me help you miss! I’m rocky!! This here is my cousin Calvin but I like to call him freckles and over there is my good friend ivy pepper! What’s your name pretty miss?!” This ‘rocky’ fellow came out of nowhere and introduced himself, his cousin, and his female friend.
“O-oh! Um…. Hello, my name is (Y/n). I’m kinda lost you see and I don’t know where I am or how I can get home from here….” You explained.
“Have no fear dear damsel in distress! We shall help you to beloved abode!”
“ROCKY!” A sudden whisper yell that came from ivy which made both you and rocky look at her in confusion. “If you don’t remember, we’re in a middle of doing something right now!”
“Ahh!~ and we’ll do it after we bring the madame to her home safe as a daisy!”
“I don’t mind waiting until you you get done….. with whatever it was you were doing, I’m not in any rush really.”
“Ok! You can come with us to the little daisy cafe after we’re done! We do need more costumers for miss M so this would be great!” Rocky says upbeat and loud which made the two with him ‘shh’ him.
“What exactly are you doing here? If you don’t mind me asking, maybe I could help you with it.” You questioned them as you haven’t the faintest idea of what their doing here disturbing the dead and hopefully they have a good reason to as you don’t know and don’t want to find out about any ghosts being here like there is in some places as that’s usually where deadly ghost types resides at as it’s their main territory.
“Oh! We’re getting booze from this coffin for the lackadaisy clu-” before he could finish ivy covered his mouth with her hand but you’ve already figured out what their doing with how much he said.
“Lackadaisy club? What’s that?” Ivy sighed and let go of Rocky after you said that already knowing you pieces together the finishing of the word Rocky was about to say.
“It’s a club for allies of little daisy cafe that was founded by atlas may which is now in the hands of his wife after his passing.” Ivy explained while glaring at Rocky for your guessing of giving it away to a complete stranger, aka, you.
“Oh.” Is all you said.
“Well, seeing as you already know this much information, why don’t you join the staff?!”
“You can’t just ask her that, Rocky!” Ivy scolds Rocky.
“Oooh~ what’s the harm? We need more staff for little daisy cafe and lackadaisy, plus she already know what we’re doing here so why not?!” Rocky tries to convince Ivy as both you and the quiet boy who’s name is Calvin look at each other and nervously smile at each other as the other two continue to talk.
“Fine! But don’t drag me and Calvin in with you if you get in trouble for bringing her.” Ivy says while crossing her arms and looking away from Rocky in a mad way.
“Uh, Rocky I think I found-” Rocky came down to where Calvin was interrupting him when he was talking in the process.
“Is that it?” Ivy asks.
“Well, it it isn’t then we’d have an awkward explaining to do to the family of uuuh…. Herman hapfamschfeel?”
You just stayed quiet as you still didn’t fully know what was going on and you also didn’t know how to pronounce that name either so you couldn’t really help at the moment.
(I’m going to speed this along a little right here.)
We are now driving away to save our lives.
The coffin indeed had booze in it and while we were putting the in the container that these three had in their…..car? Whatever they called it back in the day, until one dropped, surprisingly didn’t get destroyed, Rocky and Calvin were trying to find it in the dark until Ivy went and grabbed her flashlight, though some shed of light did come from another car like thing which scared both you and Ivy but the two didn’t notice until you and Ivy yelped and started heading into the car like contraption.
The passenger side car door opened and all of you were now being shot at by whoever got out of that car.
Ivy reversed the car making it go backwards as all four of you panicked as more shots were being fired.
It took a while for Rocky and Calvin to get in but thankfully they got in safely without getting shot.
Ivy was still going in reverse which ended the car close to the water of a not so deep pond.
Ivy was able to turn the car around to the correct way and started driving on the dirt path that was under the bridge before gassing it.
The door to the back was still opened with Calvin hanging onto it though Rocky was able to drag him in and shut the door in the process which made you breath a sigh of relief.
You were still processing all that’s happening so you don’t notice what was going on in back sit with Rocky and Calvin.
Though you tuned back in when Rocky was holding on to the case that had the booze in it.
“What’s going on back there?!” Both you and Ivy asks in worry.
You hear gun shots which made you look back to see Calvin shooting at the car that was attacking you guys.
“I’m going to help them.” You said as you try and get yourself in the backseat.
“What?! Are you crazy?!” Ivy yells but you continue on.
You help Rocky get back in and he turned Calvin to the back door window.
“Breaks!” Ivy hit the breaks as she was told as you hold on to something.
Calvin continues to shoot at the car following you guys as it’s now on the side of the car you’re all in.
Calvin had shot one of their tires which made them get off the road though you saw one of them get out of it.
You get on top of the roof of the car so you can have more room. Hopefully the stores of psychic power you have would be enough to distract them from following you further and would work still in the night even if it’s a little.
You decided to use psybeam as it results in confusion so maybe it will do the same to them even though their not a Pokémon.
Mordecai, the one who got out of his and his colleagues car watch as one of the cats get out of the car he and his colleagues were following wondering what the cat was going to do but was shocked to see a pink beam come out of what would be the cat’s forehead.
Once the beam hit it brought him in confusion and dizziness.
You quickly got back in as Rocky got Ivy to turn left into…. Somewhere, the car crashed into some kind of warehouse that was most likely used for work.
Rocky got out of the car as you make sure Calvin and Ivy were ok and not hurt…. As much.
You watch in confusion and worry as Rocky got up and started laughing for whatever reason you didn’t know before swinging open a door that was apart of the warehouse and exit out of it.
You got out of the care with careful steps as you hadn’t processed what was going on still and only did what you could think of which was sit and calm your breathing and rushing heart so you could focus more on what’s happening and what might happen next and to process all that’s already happened, and while doing that Ivy and Calvin talked which you haven’t focused on yet until Calvin said something about the engine compartment of the car which was making smoke.
You sadly couldn’t help much as you don’t know how to fix anything like a vehicle and you don’t have the moves or typing for it.
You look around for something that might help y’all.
(I’m going to speed things along again as it’s already pretty long and I still need to do get some more stuff typed in for the request.)
Calvin had gone out to throw them away as you and Ivy stayed with the car.
Ivy had spotted a shadow of someone coming closer to where you two were which made you go to the door which had another person in y’all’s path.
“Well, hi cutie.” The guy complimented while greeting which made you blush as you don’t get complimented much but quickly brought back to shut the door with Ivy and hid underneath the car.
The two are now right next to the car as you two try to stay quiet, the female of the two said something that sounded almost kalosian.
Explosions were heard which brought the two’s attention onto that thankfully.
Calvin had found you two as what you could guess Rocky was setting the explosions; you held the two close so as to protect them from any possible sneak attacks that might happen.
Ivy asked what happened as you and her helped hold Calvin up as he held his head which made you focus on the wound you notice he has.
He just said his cousin name as the cat in question passed by laughing like a maniac.
“Here let me help with that wound of yours.” You gestured calvin to get a little closer so you can see the damage more.
“Don’t freak out at what I’m about to do, ok?” Ivy and calvin looked at you in confusion as you get ready to use morning sun, a move that heals.
a soft glow like it would in the day came and the wound is healed as good as new and like it wasn’t there and didn’t happen
“H-how?” Both question as you just smile softly while saying nothing.
More explosions happened as you and Ivy helped Calvin as he’s still recovering from whatever had happened to him while he was away from you two though when y’all looked up y’all see rushing water coming which made y’all hurry back inside to avoid it and not to get wet.
You three got into the car and exit out of the way y’all came through. Ivy came across a muddy rocky and slowed down so he could get in before driving faster to get out of there.
You and Ivy both look back to see one of the ones after y’all until you two see that he wasn’t aiming to shoot anymore.
All of you finally made it to where these three were originally headed to after they had finished their errand.
You see four cats, three male, one female, you were behind Rocky so they couldn’t see you with his tall form in the way.
You awkwardly waited as the four paid attention to Rocky, Calvin, and Ivy as you didn’t exactly know what to do as you’re mostly used to your family and only ever talked to a stranger is if it was necessary plus you thought it might be rude to interrupt now.
It took a while fire the four to notice you as they were paying attention to the booze and the three you came in with.
“Um, before you two start your jazz, do you mind introducing us to your friend over there?”
You were looking at your shows that came with you when you were transported to this world before looking up at what the man with the blue eyes slicked back…. Fur? Hair? You’re just going to go with hair but anyway you awkwardly wave while smiling nervously before greeting in a small voice feeling anxiety creep up you at the attention being on you.”
“Um, h-hello…”
“Who might you be, sweetie?” The she-cat questioned.
“I’m (Y/n), and I was found by those three while they were doing their errand, you see, I had gotten lost somehow when I was in my favorite field and had tumbled down, and the next thing I knew I was somewhere entirely different and had found them doing the errand which leaded me to joining them, if you’d like for me to leave then I’ll leave, sorry to bother you by the way.
After some more talk and a few hours of getting to know them and showing them that what you’ve said was true by doing some of the moves you had learned as you grew and gotten stronger, you finally have a job at the little daisy cafe and at the lackadaisy club.
One night the two out of three that was there when you first came to this world came and snuck into the lackadaisy club to steal some of their stuff but ended up catching you in the midst of singing as it was apart of your new job there.
You waited tables at both lackadaisy and little daisy while sing at the club, you only knew the songs from your world so that brought in some customers which was great for business.
Though what you and the others didn’t know was that two people that works for the marigold was her to steal things for asa sweet the boss of marigold.
“She sure can sing! And isn’t she also the one with those three?” Nico questioned after looking more close at the she-cat after noticing a sense of familiarity of her.
“Hm, yes, indeed she is a good singer and yes she was there with those lackadaisy, but need I remind you what we’re here for?” Mordecai questioned as he shifted his gaze from you to his colleague, nico, who put his paws up in surrender before the two went and begin what they had came there for.
While you were singing to wick’s guest and other costumers that had came and mordecai was stealing from lackadaisy with nico on the look out it would seem some other people decided to follow and attack the car that destroyed their farm that helps them make alcohol for them to sell, they had attacked victor while rocky went to get some help unloading the automobile.
When you were inform about the situation it was already too late to stop viktor from getting his injury though you hurry and went to him as you may be able to heal him even if it’s just the wound and not the pain that had came with the injury.
You had gotten to where Mitzi, ivy, zip and the band, and the doctor was and began using morning sun to heal viktor, they were all shocked to see what you were doing but kept quiet so you could concentrate on the task at hand, though ivy was less shocked but still shocked as she still couldn’t believe you have powers that could heal and possibly do more with it.
Mitzi was astonished at how you have powers and hoped that you would still stay with them as this could help them save money from having to use the doctor that was there with you all right now and you’d be a good ally than a enemy.
Zip was shocked but not as much as you would think as he thought there might be something about you that you were hiding from them but now understood why as this could have anyone with bad intentions use you for their benefits.
Viktor was woozy and couldn’t focus on a thing sept for the red glowing gem that was on your forehead but when he was back at his home and was able to comprehend what had happened he in his own way said thank you though he also made sure you were alone so no one could her him and even if you told anyone no one but maybe mitzi would believe you.
After that happened plus paying some visits to him with ivy Mitzi had called you to come with her, rocky, and freckles to meet with a friend of her late husband and hers.
You, rocky, and freckles were introduced to as a and the other cat named mordecai who reminds of that cat that didn’t shoot at you and your new friends, you been trying to sneak a few glances at different times.
Asa had creeped you out especially with his flirtatious ways and the way he would look at you which brought the protectiveness of rocky, freckles, and surprisingly Mitzi, she had grown to like you as a sister would and rocky, and freckles grown to like as a older sister would and the same goes for ivy as well.
Mordecai had noticed your glance but didn’t question it as he guessed he understand why you were glancing at him at times as it would seem you recognized him or felt a familiarity from him
(A/n: hope you like it!! I’m sorry that the last bit was kind short, i just wanted to hurry and get it done so the requester could finally see it, reason why it’s took so long is because i procrastinated as i was thinking idea for a possible book for this lovely fandom and also cause i was busy with work and i had went and visited my aunt, plus i was trying to draw a oc inspired by this request because it interested me but sadly i couldn’t get the oc how i wanted yet, but anyway hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!!)
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sunriseverse · 24 days
soooo how DO u write fem aus that don't feel stilted and ooc? :O
hello anon i owe you my LIFE thank you for asking <3 this is a topic i have a lot of feelings on. i'm not like, the One True Fem AU Rules Maker, obviously, but i think that having a multitude of fem au fics and getting praised on my ability to write canon male characters in character in fem aus gives me the right to have some thoughts on the topic.
okay, to start with: my complaints on things that i've spent over a decade running into. historically, i've found that fem aus tend to have a couple persistent problems across fandoms (and i do mean across fandoms—i've seen these in everything from massive fandoms like marvel, middling ones like pacrim, and tiny cnovels). in my experience, usually they boil down into two flavours: "that's not [xyz character], that's a female oc with his name slapped on" and "oh, you just have no idea how most real sapphics live, do you?". oftentimes these two are entwined; it makes for an off-putting, often cringe-inducing experience as a lesbian trying to read something that's supposedly meant to speak to my experiences—and this is a shame, because often the concept of whatever the fic's plot is is pretty interesting!
(i should specify that i have no experience with het shipping for fem aus—when i say “fem au” i mean all parties romantically and/or sexually involved are women* and that the dynamic is a sapphic and/or lesbian one. also i haven’t seen (much) het shipping with r63 since i started to aggressively curate my online experience—though i remember when i was younger it was often a way for fanfic authors to get around the squeamishness of shipping two men.)
the "that's an oc with a canon name" problem: this is the one i see the most often. for reasons i cannot fathom (i can. it's misogyny), a lot of people writing fem aus come off as, rather than writing "what if these men were women", instead writing the idea of male characters as Women, since, as we all know, Those Soft Pink Women are an entirely different class than Big Strong Men. it's gender essentialism, to be blunt—sure, not an insidious manifestation of it, but one which reinforces misogynistic, sexist stereotypes nonetheless. instead of considering ways a character's traits would remain as a woman, they're reduced to Idea Of Woman. i should specify—i'm not saying that men and women don't often have different lived experiences, especially when it comes to gendered social expectations and what's permitted/not permitted by society. but what often gets missed is that a lot of things can remain the same. you've met a gnc woman, haven't you? i'm not going to get into specific things like "should you change a character's name in a fem au?" because i think that in a lot of cases you can make arguments either way; my point is that, if a character is stubborn and argumentative as a man, why can't they be as a woman? if they're toxic as a man, or passive-aggressive, or intensely emotional, what stops a female version of them being like that?
(and to go on a tangent, of course, if you keep these "unfeminine" traits, you instantly have the opportunity to do some really fun exploration—if this character is one who actively tries to conform to their gender as a man, how do they handle this? how do the people around them treat them differently (or not!) for being "unfeminine" in personality? assuming, of course, that those traits are even considered unfeminine; it's very cultural.)
a note i'd like to add here is that, if you want to keep a character from being ooc as a woman, it's a good idea to keep their dynamic(s) with key characters in canon as canon-typical as possible. of course, this isn't always going to be possible; sometimes, dynamics are a certain way because of gendered presuppositions/assumptions, but that, too, can be something that makes it feel more real! however, i should say that, generally, if you're making a slash ship femslash, unless there's a very compelling reason (and i've almost never run into one), keeping their canon dynamic as best as possible will make not only their relationship, but the characters themselves feel more in character.
the "have you ever met an actual sapphic" problem: this one, i'll emphasise, isn't restricted to any type of person—i hate to break this stunning news, but even if someone isn't straight, this doesn't exclude them from writing something worthy of showing up on what i've personally dubbed "r/straightpeoplewritingsapphics" (and, i should be upfront, some of my early femslash aus suffer from this as well, because i hadn't really ever met any other sapphics, so all i had to go off of was stereotypes around sapphics and sapphic relationships). but i think this stems largely from the fact that fem aus almost never get much traction—so they aren't discussed in wider fanon, so there aren't examinations of dynamics happening the way they do for slash, so writers aren't prompted to critically analyse their depictions, so the depictions tend to be one dimensional or skewed or just badly ooc and feeling unrealistic, et cetera, and into infinity.
however, i think another problem is that, similar to the problem i raised earlier with writing what feels like ocs, is that instead of writing about sapphics, people are writing about the Idea Of Sapphics. i see people go into long internet research rabbitholes to make slash ships make sense for the time period, or culture, read and watch and investigate personal accounts by lgbt men about their lives and relationships, etc—and yet, i don't see people doing the same for female characters as often, let alone sapphics and sapphic relationships for fem aus. and i don't mean that you have to read critical feminist theory and writings about lesbian eroticism if you want to write a 3k oneshot fem au; i just mean that the experiences of sapphics, especially lesbians, are not given importance, even when it comes to portraying us. if you were writing about firefighters, wouldn't you consider how their lives might be different from, say, a doctor? and yet, often, fem aus feel like two (or more) straight women who kiss each other and maybe have sex—hyperfeminine, highly gender conforming, without any connection to other sapphics, sapphic culture, sapphic history, sapphic experiences. you've seen the complaints about two actresses giving the most pursed-lip kiss when they're supposed to be romantically and sexually involved—this is, in my opinion, the fanfic version of that. if you want to portray sapphics and sapphic relationships better—don't make assumptions! read posts or watch videos or read novels or watch films or read manhwa etc etc by and about sapphics and sapphic experiences. if you're not sapphic, it'll help give you a better idea of portraying sapphics; if you are sapphic, you'll probably learn new things and find a greater sense of community! (this is what happened to me—being a lesbian who loves and is friends with and spends time in lesbian spaces is so much better than being an isolated lesbian as a young teen!)
however, i'll leave on a bright note! i've found that, historically, for danmei novels, fem aus tend to be more in character and realistic feeling—hualesbians, for one, and shl fem au fics, for another. i think this has a bit to do with the fact that danmei novel fans tend to be more likely to be sapphic, or at least spend time around sapphics, and fem aus are just more common to start with.
anyway, thank you for the ask!
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anamelessfool · 3 months
OC pride asks
For Primo: 6
For you, the writer: 14, 16, 18
OC Pride Asks
I'm 36, and there's a lot of stuff that's new now compared to twenty years ago. I've come into my own and found a label for myself (queer), although I'm personally indifferent to labels. But I think it's important to a lot of people and I support anyone who chooses a label. So that's where I'm coming from, and my characters reflect that.
I have all the characters’ traits in my mind when I write them, but sometimes they just never explicitly come up.
6. How does your OC feel about labels?
I'm no queer history expert but I think we have a wider range of labels now than in the 1960s/70s. Primo didn't even explore much before he returned to the Church. He had a lot of anxiety about attraction before the liberated environment of the Satanic Church of the Void. (His brothers, having been raised in the Church, had no such hangups.) If he were around today he would describe himself as pan.
I suppose his journey reflects my own, a little.
14: Any ace/aro OCs?
Yes! I've had one that was in the first ever story I wrote (and I took it down to work on it.) He’s a Sibling named Friar who works and lives in a satellite Church that Terzo visits just before his forced retirement. He’s a voice of reason character for the main character who has got herself wrapped up in Satanic Church of the Void drama. Nobody ever really explicitly says “hey, I am —-!” But in the way he interacts with everyone is reflective of his total worldview.
16. Did you ever change an OC’s Identity when they were already established?
I did, yes, for plot purposes. I like to have a “straight” (straight like in “straight man” in a comedy sense) person or relationship to oppose a main character or relationship. Like a “ghoul that acts normal around humans/their mission” Edelweiss Ghoul/Earth Ghoul/Alpha Ghoul vs. Omega who falls for his summoner and breaks a lot of rules. That way the reader feels the stakes more and doesn’t make assumptions about characters based on their lot in life, just their personality. These two characters Pamela and Frieda from my next three fics (the pre-retirement Terzo one and two Secondo ones) I turned from sisters to romantically involved. The way they acted around each other and also as a foil for Secondo’s own relationship hangups felt more like a romantic connection than a sibling one. It was a lot more interesting and flexible for me that way, so I changed it.
18: Do you prefer to give your OCs specific labels?
They’re in my head but never specified unless I do a profile of them or someone directly asks me. Also, in regard to the ghouls human ideas of gender and sexuality don’t apply to them. If anything all my ghouls are gender-fluid if we are thinking from human standards. I try to have a lot of different ways to be a ghoul featured in my work so readers get that impression organically. They’re human-shaped because their summoner is human, and there’s multiple ways to be human-shaped and how each ghouls reacts to that is based on their own personality. Aether Ghoul was cis female and she/her in his previous tour 400 years ago, but Edelweiss Ghoul has always been he/him regardless of how his body was constructed at the time. When the ghouls are in their natural astral living space beyond their human-shaped vessels, they are all they/them, and choose the form they wish. And a lot of times the forms are animals or just concepts and not human shaped at all.
Thanks for waiting for my really really long response!
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the-haunted-office · 4 months
I was thinking about misogyny in the rp community and wanted to give some examples of my experiences and some other examples I've seen. I think people should be aware of these sorts of behaviors and ideas because they are very harmful. They translate to harmful ideas on a larger scale that impact women in society, because I think a lot of times people aren't aware they're saying or doing something that is misogynistic. The more you're aware of it, the better people can work towards change.
One of the most prolific examples of misogyny I see throughout the rp community - and even outside of it - repeated over and over and over, is hate against female OCs. You will see it everywhere. I especially see it whenever a female OC is overtly sexual. People will complain about how she's just a slut or is too sexual, all she wants is sex, or all the mun is looking for is ships, etc. You see people put female OCs down for the same coy behaviors that male muses are praised for and even sought out for. There are tons and tons and tons of blogs and rp ads out there for MxM ships or people looking for male muses or people jumping on male muses just for existing, and yet female muses are the ones being slandered the moment they show even a hint of wanting sex or interest in a ship.
Of course, this does not apply to everyone. There are plenty of wonderful people in the rpc who are not like this. I'm calling attention to the fact that it is a pervasive ideology that I've seen echoed in many corners of the rpc, not that it's been echoed in everyone.
Now, some of my personal examples of things that have happened to myself and to my muses?
I've had Thursday used as a stepping stone for plots to assist with others achieving their MxM ships, without my permission or even asking if I wanted to be involved first, and then leaving Thursday to deal with the emotional fallout.
I've had Thursday praised as the "only braincell" of the group of muses, where she was the only female at the time, and treated as the "mom" of a group of "stupid, rowdy boys who just don't know any better" so she can come clean up after them whenever they make a mess. Because that's all women are useful for, right? Cleaning up after men?
Thursday was never allowed to get close to any of the male characters as anything other than a friend. Any time any sort of romantic feelings were developed, the male muses would use those against her harshly in situations that would advantage them in their MxM ships with other muns. Again without my permission.
Thursday was never allowed to feel any emotion other than being the silly clown of the group. She was basically shit all over by all the male muses and any time she felt any sort of emotion, we were brushed aside and told we weren't "owed" any interactions. I had to create plots to play out by myself to "fix" her from basically falling apart. Some people did stick around, yes, but not many and it was made clear in the end how little anyone actually cared.
When I introduced Doomsday, she was demonized from the very beginning for her behaviors. She was actually very different at first. She was more mysterious and aggressive than goofy and mischievous. I had to put trigger warnings in her profile because some people took her behaviors as straight up bullying and took it personally. Meanwhile, there were male muses who exhibited the exact same behaviors who were literally lusted after and were excused, forgiven, called "babygirl" and everything.
My muse Aurora - who is pretty much never seen because she's in the background - was also demonized for the exact same thing that her twin brother Cyrus was excused for. The two of them together created the plan to trap the Dampening mist in the Office that damned and killed all the employees. Yet Aurora was demonized and called evil for it, while Cyrus was sympathized with because he ended up as the Narrator while Aurora ended up in the background and upheld the plan. Their positions very easily could have been swapped.
I know there are some examples I'm missing, but these are the ones that stick out to me right now. This post ended up longer than I thought it would, but man was this all sitting on my chest.
Please think about how you, the mun, react to female muses, even through your characters. Misogyny is so ground into our society, we may be employing it without even realizing it. And yes, women can say and do misogynistic things too.
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maguneedsalife · 4 months
For Aoife: 3, 6, 13 because it's funny
For you: 20
This one is also going to be long!! and since I already answered 3 on 1nky's ask I'll just do the others
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Ok, assuming that xiv world has sexuality and gender identity labels the way we do (havent seen evidence to suggest this is the case yet, doesnt mean it wouldnt have them, etc etc), i don't think Aoife would be too keen to slap a label on herself. Polyamorous sure, but I think she'd feel some discomfort with advertising that she's "bisexual" - not that she's uncomfortable with her wlw thoughts, but since she's such a public figure, she wouldn't want to be held up as an example of "bisexual rep" or called a "bisexual icon" when she's mostly been involved with men. She would feel nervous about taking space away from people who express their bi-ness more visibly.
(disclaimer aoife's opinion on this is not reflective of my own, i have no problem being open as a bisexual while also being married to a man and i know that being in a m/f relationship doesn't negate my bisexuality)
13. Would your oc be open to a poly relationship? Why or why not?
LOL. LMAO. i know you know the answer to this but i appreciate you asking it for the funny anyway
Aoife is a poly force of nature with 3 current boyfriends, 1 genderfluid robot partner, and 1 guy i still count as her boyfriend/actively ship her with even though he's been dead for most of my time playing this game.
Aoife decided to go the poly route after she and Aymeric both realized they were also in love with Estinien at around the same time. The two of them ended up talking it out with each other and decided to try to make it work. They both pitched the idea of a relationship to him shortly before he left Ishgard post-hw (this is part of why he left lmao, he needed time to think about it but did eventually accept). Later on she added G'raha and Omega to the pile with the others' consent. Aoife only really does threesomes with Aymeric and Estinien though (and Omega in 2 different bodies, but, shh)
ANYWAY. Aoife's reasoning for her poly r/s is that she simply has too much love in her heart to confine it to just 1 person, and she'd rather everyone just be open and honest with each other. She gets different kinds of emotional fulfillment from each of her partners and feels like she would be unsatisfied just having to pick one of them.
20. Have your ocs helped you in self discovery? How?
you also know the answer to this one lmao. Anyway Aoife was the reason I realized/was finally willing to admit I was bi myself. Like not to be like "final fantasy made me gay" but final fantasy did make me gay. I love my wol as an extension of myself but i also do very much want her to be my girlfriend. you understand
i'd always appreciated women aesthetically but didnt think i was interested romantically or sexually (despite you know making 5 different asami sato clone female love interest ocs in college and thinking this didnt say anything about me personally. god i was so obvious about it). playing as aoife and enjoying dressing her up in sexy outfits for ME was what made me realize that hey yeah i think i do like women and i can feel comfortable saying that openly now
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anyway yeah. women hot
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
It’s time for me to be honest. (Btw this has nothing to do with language haha!) I am one of those ‘He’s mine!!’ fans that so often get slagged off. I guess the only difference is that I keep my mouth tightly shut and don’t publicly say such things.
I’d just like to explain my point of view and how I got there, even though my story is not at all representative of the ‘He’s mine’ crowd.
I’ve been a fictosexual since before puberty. I’ve had 3 great loves in my life, two during high school which both lasted a couple of years, then nothing in my 20s as it was the shit period of my life unlike what Instagram would have you believe, and now that things are settled down again and I’m an old lady in my early thirties, I’ve found the (fictional) love of my life and it’s been four intense years. Unfortunately, a long time after I fell hard for him it turned out he was a lot younger than me (though not underage) lol so that makes things…interesting and sometimes very spicy.
So here’s what I want to try and explain even though it doesn’t often make sense to myself either. People often look at those who ‘simp’ for fictional characters as it being like a temporary or silly crush. And for many it is. I’ve seen many, many mostly female fans obsess and post about my ‘partner’ (that’s what I’ll call him from now on) for months and then abruptly stop or get bored when a new show or media comes along. This is not it for me. I hate the term simp. While yes, humourously I’ll ‘simp’ or make horny posts about my partner, the feelings I have are just as intense, if not more intense, than I’d have for a real person. I’ve only met one other person, irl or online, who shares the same commitment and intensity of feeling for a fictional character. And before you start imagining me with some sort of merch shrine and a tacky body pillow which I take on dates or talk to or whatever, I hate to disappoint you but I’m not a ‘waifuist’ in that sense. The only merch I own are a Funkopop and a t-shirt.
When I met this character, I felt understood. I felt a deep and intense connection to his life experiences which in many ways mirrored my own and felt I instinctively understood his emotions, goals, thought processes etc. Many people think that this is the same as a celebrity crush. It’s not. We don’t get to know celebrities on a deep level. But for fictional characters we often do. We get to see how they feel, what they think, their opinions on things. We see them in their darkest and lowest moments, their most vulnerable and to me my partner became a real person in my mind, and no, not in a schizophrenic or ‘something not right with me neurologically’ type of way. I don’t hear his voice or hallucinate him there. It’s hard to explain. It’s just, to my mind he is real.
So, to me he is the love of my life. Imagine seeing your spouse or significant other romantically involved with another person. It fucking hurts. This is what I feel when I see people ship my partner with themselves or their OC. I feel like I have been betrayed and cheated on. It literally hurts in my chest and I have cried after seeing this type of fanart before. I also ship him with an OC that is not actually a direct self-insert and differs from me in several major ways. And I write fanfic. A lot of very smutty fanfic, but ironically only xReader type which has been very, very well received. In fact, I’d say I’ve written the most m/f smut for this character and have gained a modest but loyal readership. The thing I often get told is how much people love getting lost in my stories and how intimately connected they feel to him when they read my reader insert fics and how intense and emotional it gets. I don’t know why, but when people comment on my fanfics that it makes them fall in love with my partner even more I feel happy and proud that I could write something like that. In any other context it breaks my heart.
I never tell people, either in my fanfiction life or my canonxoc fanart life, that I am personally in love and attached to this man because I don’t want to be one of those people that seem to get so much eye roll and hate. I don’t want to come across as possessive and start drama. But in my mind, he is only mine. He is the thing that makes me most happy in the world, that got me out of depression and suicidality when I was unwell and going through chronic illness. And still keeps me going. I understand him and he understands me like nobody else. He is literally the embodiment of my perfect man.
And before anyone says I need to go outside and touch grass or get professional help…I am a well adjusted member of society. I have a complex job, a dog, own my own place, I visit my family and have a great group of friends. I am not sitting miserable and weird and alone in my dark room obsessively scrolling.
But please try to understand, for some of us, a very serious minority, this is real. The feelings we have are just like the feelings you would have for a real person. This isn’t a disorder and we don’t need ‘help’. It’s just our objects of affection are different to yours. And unfortunately, we have to share our soulmates with hundreds and thousands of others. This is why I can’t really participate in my fandom either, because I can’t keep seeing bad takes on him and seeing him shipped with others. But it’s ok. I’m happy in my world of smutty fanfic and fanart.
People elsewhere will judge because they think you should love a real person instead. Plenty of people around here can understand this depth of feeling for a fictional character just fine. It's the lack of ability to share that sets you apart.
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encyclopika · 10 months
Fanfic Q&A!
Thank you for the tags @casdeans-pie and @amynchan!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
17 fics that I'm fairly proud of <3
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
583,586 words, but not all are mine per se - see #13 below. The real number is probably 100k less.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My Hero Academia mostly! But I also write for Pokemon/Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on and off. Most of those aren't on AO3 because of age. I do want to start transferring them over, but knowing me, I'll go ahead and completely edit them up. So, that's a time issue.
I *have* written for: Hey Arnold! and Legend of Korra as well.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Missing - 615
Paradise - 366
You Were Missed - 181
I'm Trying - 181
Missed Chance - 179
All are My Hero Academia lol
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I do, because I enjoy fandom interaction! I want to talk to people in the fandom, I want to talk about headcanons and the characters and how that affects my writing! Call me old-fashioned, but isn't that how it's supposed to be? A community?
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Missing Out - because it's not a happy ending at all, but it really informs the audience about who my OCs are and the world I've always seen in My Hero Academia.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think everyone who knows me and my work will say Paradise. (It's a painfully accurate mermaid AU, because I flex my marine bio shit whenever I get the chance.) There's a lot of build up that points to a sad or bittersweet ending, but then it ends up happy and thus, it feels so much more satisfying.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Can't get hate when you don't get any interaction at all! *finger guns*
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, I do. I've written smut since I've been a fanfic writer on the internet. So far, it's all male/female and it's focused on the relationship and feelings involved. That's not to say the act isn't in there, but I typically tag my smut "Overly Romantic Smut". If you are interested, they are:
You Were Missed Exotic Shores Forget-Me-Not (My chapter of "We're Coming Apart (And Falling Together)")
There is also a Contestshipping one I'm not sharing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't write crossovers, but I love doing art of anything / Pokemon. Pokemon is so neutral and easy to insert anywhere.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes I did! I was told once that someone stole my Pokemon / Contestshipping fic, and, being a baby fic writer, I kinda cried and got really mad. They only posted the first chapter (of a fic that ended up being 50 "episodes") but it still hurt. They did not take it down, but they didn't steal anymore of it, last I saw.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not...at least, not that I know of. I would be so honored if someone wanted to do that.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes yes yes! It's so funny - I never thought I would co-author, but having so many friends in the My Hero Academia fandom that I consider close has changed that. Here are the two fics I have co-written if you're interested:
We're Coming Apart (and Falling Together) Seal My Heart
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
A lot of people might think it's IzuOcha, but it's actually Contestshipping. I've loved that ship for almost 20 years lolol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
There has only ever been one (1) story I haven't finished, and that was an Ikarishipping fic more than a decade ago. Needless to say, I've accepted that I'll never finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think my strength is in description, particularly of natural places and phenomena, but that comes with being a biologist, right? The better I understand a natural space, the better my description of it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I'll say dialogue, although I've been finding ways to mitigate it and work through it easier. I find that my characters, especially a certain OC, get away from me and the topic, and reeling them in can get difficult. I find myself writing the dialogue stand-alone and then inserting supporting action afterward. I literally can't concentrate on doing both at the same time.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
I think it all depends on the premise of your story, but yes. I do this in Escape Artists due to the international cast, and I think it would be weird if I didn't. Pat, my OC, doesn't speak Japanese or English, so I have her speaking French with Aoyama. And yes, sometimes I fuck up because I can't speak any other language but English, but it's worth doing if the story calls for it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
DON'T LAUGH! The first fanfic I ever wrote that I still have a record of is for Thomas the Tank Engine. I could not have been older than 7, but my mother still had it and I kept it, because I know people would want to see it. This was made in 1997, I'm fairly certain.
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Can I read it? No
But can I remember what it was about? Also no.
But I am proud of little me for just going for it. I'm a damn good writer now because she started to practice back then.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
That's very tough - I can get swept up into reading pretty much anything I've written recently (within the past 5 years), and be like "wow this is great shit. I love how this was written just for me!" But I will point out Fire and Brimstone - it is definitely some of my best prose, to the point where I'm seriously considering publishing it.
Tagging @geckosquid @singingcookie @jellojolteon @sevenrenny
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
‘Imagine Your S/I Was Canon…’ Self-Ship Ask
Animated again!
📝: I already answered this but to keep it brief I'm Sari's governess and private tutor who moonlights as a superhero named Streetheart. I exists mainly so the Autobots can have another girl and one who isn't just used for a male characters backstory drama (cough Blackarachnia for Optimus and sentinel cough cough arcee for ratchet's)
👯 As much I hate to admit it: Blackarachnia. We're both the sole major female member of our main factions. We're both organic and have romantic attraction towards Optimus; involved in STEM and make our own inventions. We both have purple in our color palettes. We're even black (Arachnia's VA). This is actually a source of conflict because in a lot of ways I remind Optimus of Elita which is WHY he was afraid of admitting his feelings until we talk it out. But unlike Arachnia I try to improve my lot in life instead of dumping all the blame on one person.
🏷 Errr I think Pink Firetruck or Optnia. JuniaPrime? I dunno. I was thinking AxeHeart bc of his weapon and my main symbol
☕; i think the most common would be the reverse aus where optimus is a human and I'm the autobot elite guard dropout; or stories where i become techno-organic ensuring I get to live immortal alongside Optimus. OR a disney au where he's hercules and I'm megara, or he's the "beast" and I'm the beauty (his beast form is Arachnus or BW Megatron). There's be quite a good fics where we talk about Archa 7; Megatron suddenly in love with me and a triangle ensues, or Optimus meets my family
🛌: Lady and Knight, Battle Couple, Huge Guy Tiny Girl, Because You Were Nice To Me, Birds Of A Feather, Defrosting Ice Queen, Violently Protective Girlfriend, Hurt and Comfort, Coffee Shop
💘: People would love the ship because I genuinely see Optimus as a person; not a trophy or a a pest. I have no qualms with standing up to Blackarachnia and Sentinel to defend Optimus so that also endears viewers. And of course the two people who help each other learn they are not mistakes and are worthy of love is just 💋 MWAH. and a woman who isn't "conventional" gets to be the main love interest. On the other hand people would hate it because they don't find TF x Human ships (well ANY human) appealing; that it's generic and boring; or that they simply prefer other ships. I know there be debates on why the one black girl gets sidelined from her own love story to pair Optimus with his worse enemies. Trust I have witnessed enough misogynoir BS to know that could be a real thing.
🙈 Fluffy because it's just two people who truly care for each other and the awkward dorky moments giving way to tender deeper moments. At the same time it be called problematic due to me being a human and we all know how this fandom feels about humans 🙃
🎞: there be a lot but i think the scenes in season 1 finale when my oc and optimus make amends after a series of failures; but also any scene where i put arachnia and Sentinel in their place if they try their shit. Or scenes where me and optimus are together exploring michigan and i teach him about earth and help him get a hobby outside heroics.
💌: definitely the Mom and Dad. But differently because I'd be the fun, spunky headstrong one and Optimus would be the sensible one trying to reel me in XD . I guess some would only focus on me being a dumbass despite there other times where I have to play the sensible wise one when Optimus gets anxiety attacks or a bit too into his rivalry with sentinel. Biggest misconception is that I ALWAYS agree with what Optimus says... That's not true. We have our share of disagreements and rough spots. We even have a falling out in the s1 finale. Now watch as Twitter spends a whole month writing thinkpieces about how I am a bad girlfriend.
👀: I guess my ship would be used as an example of how to write a good interspecies romance, especially in context of the transformers. Or the makings of a healthy relationship.
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findroleplay · 2 years
Dedicated writer needed for long-term crime/drama mxm 1x1
Donny, cis female, 30+
Looking to write a long-term plot (and ship) for my long-running, queer, crime OC with your queer, crime OC!
25+ writing partners
Quality > quantity, concise and engaging writing
Show > tell
1-5 paragraph posts
Third person, present tense (past tense also okay)
Long-term plots and/or dedicated writers who can stick to one thing for years
Drama, crime, realism, history, war/military, subcultures, slice of life, romance, angst/dark subject matter
Clear communication
Matched enthusiasm, engagement and effort
Posts ~once a week
Flexible schedule
Lit/adv-lit writing level
Original characters and content
In-depth character development
Discourse, drama, politics, hate
Purity police
Purple prose
Pancake-stack dialog
Matching post lengths and/or writing non-useful, filler lines just for the sake of matching
Pure fluff
High fantasy, superhero, supernatural, canon material/characters
Posts once or more a day
Posts less than once a week
Outright smut (leadup/fade to black is acceptable; discussing NSFW headcanons and scenarios OOC very much welcome)
MxF, FxF
Leaving all the work up to me, either IC or OOC
  Hey y'all, Donny here. Veteran Tumblr roleplayer looking to broaden my horizons and find new writing partners to help explore characters and plot ideas.
  A bit about me and my writing/partner preferences:
  Firstly, it's important to note that, as a Tumblr veteran, the kind of roleplay I'm used to is not one where I create a new character for a ready-made plot but, rather, the other way around. I have a (very short) list of (mostly) crime-oriented OCs which I've been developing for a good while now, and which I am looking to create plots and connections/relationships for. I'm very much into in-depth character development and tend to stick to the characters I create for a long time. It should go without saying that they all come with their own little worlds, well-thought-out bios, and a bunch of minor characters surrounding them.
  While there are arcs and/or certain plots that I'd love to explore for them, I also very much like catering my plots to specific partners/characters and coming up with things together. Likewise, I like writing with partners and coming up with plots that can potentially run for a very long time. I believe that I'm very good at developing characters and actively working to drive plots forward, and I'm looking to work on something with someone which could potentially run for years and years.
  With that said, I am currently only looking to explore romantic relationships and plots for a particular mercenary character that I've been writing for the better part of 10 years. You can find his description as well as vague ideas for the kind of plot I'd like to write for him at the bottom of the post.
  As for me: I'm in my early 30s and my timezone is GMT+2. I don't mind timezone differences when it comes to my partners, but I do ask that no one under the age of 25 approach me.
  I work two jobs and have a partner, pets and an offline social life, all of which goes to say I won't be available to RP daily. I try my best to post at least once a week and am normally successful in adhering to that schedule. There will likely be weeks when I'm available to post more often; but, as one of my jobs is freelance and the schedule tends to be a bit unpredictable, there may also be weeks when I won't be able to post as often as I'd like. Though this rarely happens, your understanding on this matter would be appreciated, and I will extend the same courtesy to you. With that said: I'm not looking to write with someone who takes several-month-long breaks in-between replies. It's just hard for me to maintain interest that way. It's also important to note that, despite of the above, I'm likely to be available daily for OOC chatting and plotting.
  I've been involved with text-based roleplaying for over 15 years - almost exclusively OCs and original settings and plots. Though I hate using this term to describe my writing, as I find it quite offensive; in lack of a better one: I consider myself to be an advanced-literate writer (despite English being my second language). This does not refer to post length so much as the quality of my writing: I think that I have a distinct author's voice and that my writing as well as character voices are unique and concise. Though I'm no stickler and don't mind the occasional mistake here and there - we're all only human - I do ask that you be a literate writer, and that you proofread your posts before sending them my way. It really turns me off when it's evident that my partner rushed their reply and did not bother to check it for spelling or grammatical errors before sending it my way.
  When it comes to writing preferences, I mostly do third person, present tense. This is not a must for you if you prefer writing in past tense, but it is, nevertheless, a plus. I prefer quality to quantity and have been experimenting with doing more showing than telling and limiting my characters' internal monologue to a minimum (or eliminating it altogether), which often means my posts tend to be on the shorter side (normally 200-500 words/1-3 paragraphs). Though I've done novella-type roleplays before and can certainly produce much longer posts when I feel like it's necessary, I'd prefer not to go back to doing novella regularly, as I find that it disrupts the natural flow of dialog and is just plain exhausting.
  I will not fluff up replies just for the sake of reaching a certain word count; if 100 words cover everything I feel is needed, 100 words are what you're going to get. With that said, I am very conscious about giving my partners something to work with. Likewise, I don't mind the length of your posts as long as you give me something to work with. I do, however, prefer that you be open to the idea of experimenting with minimizing internal monologue. I know that this is something most roleplayers enjoy and prefer, but I find that I don't enjoy the roleplay as much when I'm being spoon-fed information. I want our characters to have miscommunications. I want their actions and words to be misunderstood. I want them to argue over stupid shit that could easily have been avoided had they known to communicate a little better. I just find that it makes for more authentic interactions, and I enjoy the challenge of saying as much as I can with as little as possible.
  On that note: I'm an active plotter. There's little I love more than catering plots to specific characters or partners and getting into the real fine details of things (over time, of course). I try to work with the "yes, and" method as often as possible and rarely leave my partners hanging when it comes to driving the plot forward or working on character development. I expect you to be able to do the same. I'm sympathetic towards the occasional dry spell, none of us can be oozing with creativity 24/7; but if you consistently leave all the hard work up to me, I will get bored and respectfully drop the RP.
  I also like seeing plots through. I get very discouraged if all we ever do is plot and chat OOC, but never actually follow through with IC writing. Don't get me wrong: I love chatting and plotting; I'll be sending you plot ideas, aesthetics, music, memes and art of our characters any hour of the day; but the main goal here is to write something, not only discuss it in theory. Long story short: if you’re flaky, please don’t reach out to me, and spare me the heartache.
  Most of my characters and the one I am looking to write right now, in particular, are queer men. As I'm looking to write a ship for him, I'm looking for writers who are interested in MxM. However, it's important to note that, while I like discussing NSFW headcanons/scenes in detail and think that they're integral to writing any ship, I'm not a huge fan of actually writing out smut and would rather fade-to-black.
  On a similar note: my characters tend to be flawed. I don't have any particular triggers and like getting into the nitty-gritty of the human psyche/behavior/existence. I'll obviously respect any triggers or boundaries my partners may have but, as a general rule, if you're especially sensitive or easily triggered by themes common to the criminal genre (i.e. violence, substance abuse, etc.) - I'm likely not the right partner for you.
  I don’t tolerate any hate, discourse, drama or politics of any sort. Don’t care how justified or important it is - I don’t wanna engage with it. RP is a hobby which I would like to keep separate from my IRL problems. For the sake of clarification: purity culture absolutely falls under 'discourse' and I don't care for it one bit. I enjoy writing what some people would surely define as "problematic" content - if you don't like it, close this tab and carry on.
  I'm comfortable writing virtually anywhere - Discord, Tumblr, Google Docs, via email, etc., and very much looking forward to hearing from you! If you'd like to reach out, you can either comment on this thread, DM me, or write to me on [email protected] .
  A bit about my character and the sort of plots and connections I'm looking for:
  The Mercenary, AKA Merc, is my longest-running character and my absolute favorite. He's in his early 30s, homosexual/romantic, and - you guessed it - a mercenary combat operative. Standoffish, thick, self-destructive, extremely dangerous and easily irate, he is also profoundly loyal, adventurous and far more sensitive than he lets on. His themes largely include: crime, modern-realism, recent history, war, mental illness, transgenerational abuse, nihilism, moral ambiguity, violence and redemption. You can find his full character sheet HERE and several samples of my writing of him HERE.
  Honestly, I could see Merc working in a wide variety of scenarios and with all sorts of characters. I'd be equally thrilled to explore him with another criminal from his world (another mercenary; a druglord, a high-ranking executive in a major corporation, or any other type of potential client; a fixer/cleaner; a bent lawyer or; the list goes on) as I would with a character on the law enforcement spectrum (a government agent; a police detective; a straight-edge lawyer; again, the list goes on), or even an entirely civilian character who has absolutely nothing to do with Merc's world (but will inevitably get sucked into it eventually through their relationship with Merc). He has plenty of hobbies and interests outside of his job and could easily make a connection through those. I'd also be more than happy to explore a childhood-friends-reunited-as-adults relationship for him.
  Whichever the case, I'd adore exploring the relationship in all its aspects and stages, as well as work on a wider plot/world in which everything will take place. I don't like for my roleplays to revolve solely around a romantic relationship between two characters and I love expanding on lore and side-characters. All I ask is that your character feels 'real enough', if that makes sense, and that you take an active part in plotting and driving our threads forward, and that you give me something to work with.
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hoseokmylovesworld · 3 years
Sway Me Smooth | Mafia!Jungkook
Pairing: Mafia!Jungkook x Assassin!OC
Not Requested: Had to do it for the culture.
Part 1: Sway Me More / Part 2: Sway With Me
Genre: Mafia!Jungkook, BTS mafia au, Smut, e2l, angst, fluff, humor, pining.
Length: 19,452k Words
Summary: Jungkook and Y/N try to make this thing called a relationship work.
Warnings: Strong language, dom!Jungkook, sub!OC, rough oral sex (male and female receiving), mutual masturbation, fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, rimming, anal play, butt plug, vibrator, degradation, dirty talk, praise kink, choking, choke hold, breath play, deep throating, spanking, pussy slapping, rope bondage, gagging (clothing), creampie, cum eating?, slight public sex, orgasm denial, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, possessive!jungkook, trouble maker Taehyung, *Jungkook is older than Taehyung in this universe*
1. I'm not gonna make excuses for how long this took, I just hope you all enjoy it and let me know what you think in the comments.
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Six of Jungkook’s top soldiers sat around the conference table just as they were instructed to the night before. None of them were given a specific reason and they were all teaming with curiosity.
“I’ll bet he’s gonna ask us about Sykes.” Taehyung filled the silent room suddenly with his theory, getting the attention of the other men. “All those leads ran cold, I’m sure he’ll want to know what happened there.” He finished, staring blankly at the spotless mahogany wood of the table.
There was a moment of silence and his comrades’ eyes wandered from one man to another with furrowed brows. “Wait, you mean you don’t know why he called us here either?” Jin wondered aloud.
The gang was shocked to say the least because Taehyung functioned as Jungkook’s second in command for all intents and purposes. He never liked to make a big deal about it so that the others wouldn’t look at him differently, but usually if Jungkook called a meeting of this scale, Taehyung was in the know.
“No, I’m afraid I don’t.” He shrugged half heartedly with that same blank expression.
“Well, shit. Buckle up, I guess.” Yoongi mumbled, inspecting the chamber of his glock 17.
Just then, the man himself walked into the room and each soldier sat up a little straighter in his presence. Yoongi put his gun back together in record time and tucked it into his pants before giving Jungkook all of his attention.
The mob boss didn’t take his seat at the head of the table as he normally would, but stood behind the chair and tossed his jacket over it.
“Good morning.” He finally spoke. A scattered “Boss.” could be heard from each member of the gang.
“I’m sure you’re all wondering why I called this meeting today and no one’s in trouble, don’t worry.” He grinned briefly before a more serious look took over his face.
“What is it, boss?” Taehyung questioned, quite tired of waiting, but he never could have predicted his superior’s next words.
“You can stop looking for Deathstalker. She’s no longer a threat to us.”
Jungkook watched their heads cock and lips twitch with absolute befuddlement. “Well, that’s...sudden.” Hoseok observed. “Why is that?”
“We came to an agreement.” Jungkook recited just like he rehearsed.
Namjoon couldn’t resist the urge to raise his hand as if he were still in grade school because he was lost. “Wait, when? Doesn’t she hate us?” He vacillated, talking with his hands.
“No, um,” Their leader cleared his throat before continuing. This was harder than he thought it would be. “Deathstalker and I, we’re...we’re involved.”
Silence filled the room until Hoseok spoke up. “I’m not following.” He tossed in, shaking his head at a loss. It’s like all of their brains were working over time to fathom what they were hearing.
“The two of us are in a relationship.” The mobster attempted to spell it out for them, but there was still reluctance.
“Like, like a business relationship…right?” Taehyung questioned, not wanting to believe that Jungkook would keep something like this from him.
“No, we’re romantically involved.” Another pregnant pause befell the bewildered group of men.
“When did this happen? How? If you don’t mind me asking.” Jimin inquired next.
Jungkook sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “It’s a long story that I don’t care to divulge, quite honestly, I just thought all of you should know.”
“For how long?” Jin queried cautiously.
“Since Boardly.”
Taehyung’s eyes widened drastically as he did the math. “You mean to tell us you’ve been hiding this for five and a half months?” He couldn’t hide the shock in his voice if he tried and boy did he try.
Jungkook just looked back at him apologetically. “Yes.” He sighed.
Yoongi’s curiosity finally got the best of him and he let the million dollar question fall from his lips that none of the other’s dared to utter. “Why?”
“Because…well, because she was working for me. She was doing jobs for me, I didn’t want you to think I was weak or that I didn’t appreciate your services.” Jungkook looked each of them in the eye, wanting them to hear the sincerity in his words.
“Well, yeah, okay,” Yoongi nodded, taking that information in. “But why tell us now?”
“We decided together that it was time.” Their boss answered honestly. He paused, giving them a second to let all of that sink in. Truthfully, Jungkook was ecstatic that he could finally tell his men why he would suddenly vanish without need for security and show off his new girlfriend without causing an uproar.
“If any of you are upset enough to leave my side then…so be it.” He gave the room another sweep with his eyes to see if anyone actually would.
“No one’s gonna leave...this is our home. The home you gave us.” Namjoon spoke up, confidently as the others nodded. He studied his leader briefly before voicing his discoveries. “You must really love her then, huh?”
“Yes.” Jungkook nodded unashamed and sure of himself.
“Then that settles it, I guess…so when's the wedding?” Jin jokes, easing the tension in the room and making a few of them chuckle freely and others frown angrily.
“Not for a very long time.” Jungkook assured them with a laugh.
“Thank you all for being so understanding. I know it will be different,” He cast an uneasy glance at Yoongi and Jimin, directing his next lines to them. “And difficult, but do consider her a part of the family.” The foot soldiers nod, knowing that it was more than a suggestion. “You are dismissed.”
They get up and begin to file out of the room, but Taehyung is unmoving in his chair, staring at that same spot in the wood. “Taehyung,” Jungkook began softly.
“I thought we told each other everything.” The younger man demurred. “But I see you’ve been keeping secrets.”
“I didn’t want you to think less of yourselves. Or of me.”
“You know damn well, nothing could make me do that.” Taehyung finally tore his fiery gaze away from the table and aimed it at his best friend. “Do I think less of you? No. Am I offended that my boss thinks some chick could do my job better than me? Yes.”
“Watch yourself, Kim.” Jungkook warned with a dark tone to his voice. Taehyung huffed angrily and looked away before getting up and walking to Jungkook. “You said I’d always be the first to know anything…then why am I last to find out that my best friend is in love?”
“I didn’t know how to tell you. It felt wrong for us too, you know? Like we had to be enemies or else it wouldn’t make sense, but…everything about this just feels right, Tae.” Jungkook looked into his childhood friend’s eyes and hoped that he could see how happy he was, but something just wasn’t sitting right with the second in command.
“You were willing to lose one of us today…or all of us…for her.” Taehyung recounted, looking past his boss in deep thought.
Jungkook leaned into his view, regaining his attention. “But I knew you all would stay. And you did.”
Taehyung no longer showed interest in the current conversation. He had better questions that needed answers. “I just wanna know…am I being replaced? Is that why you kept this to yourself?”
What devastated Jungkook the most was the very real uncertainty in Taehyung’s eyes.
“No, no, of course not. Y/L/N–Deathstalker doing jobs for me was temporary and she’s not interested in a gang membership, I assure you.” Jungkook spoke, trying to hide the disappointment he felt at the statement.
“No one is being replaced. We just need to be better as a unit if we wanna keep this up.” He spoke, placing a firm hand on Taehyung’s shoulder and giving a comforting squeeze.
Taehyung only nodded curtly and slid out from under Jungkook’s hold and passed him to the door.
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“I still don’t think this is a good idea.” Y/N voiced her concerns as she exited the Bentley that Jungkook insisted he and his driver pick her up in. He quickly walked around to the other side of the backseat to escort her, which Y/N rolled her eyes at playfully.
“Well, you still haven’t explained why it’s a bad idea so we’re doing it.” He offered, resting a hand on the small of her back as they approached what Y/N assumed was the front door of the unnecessarily large estate.
She only ever broke into the vents of one of the many wings and had only got to see it at night. Somehow everything about the brown stone modern mansion and it’s size just felt so Jungkook to her. “You’re the one who said I should tell the team anyway.”
“Gang, Jungkook. They’re a gang. This is organized crime not Remember the Titans. And I said tell them about me, I didn’t say that we should play house together immediately.” Y/N countered with the straightest of faces while studying her surroundings closely. She didn’t miss the two foot soldiers with guns guarding the entrance. She noticed them at the front gate too.
Jungkook stopped right as they were about to enter through the thick wooden double doors, stopping Y/N in the process. “Okay, what is it? Why are you so against this?”
Suddenly, Y/N couldn’t help, but smile at him. If there was one thing that Y/N appreciated about Jungkook, it was his no bullshit policy. He was never one to beat around the bush and it was great, but did he have to be so clueless?
“I thought it was obvious, Joen.” The assassin deadpanned, looking to one of the men at the door and back to her dominant, waiting for him to catch on.
“Well, obviously not. I thought you’d be thrilled about this, it was your idea.”
Y/N scoffed, only slightly amused. “It was a given and when have you ever seen me be thrilled about anything?”
“Whenever I tie you up.” Jungkook grinned slyly and pressed himself against her, resting a hand firmly on the small of her back. An impish grin appeared on Y/N’s face and the gang leader’s breath created goosebumps on her neck.
“Or whenever I’m fucking you stupid and making you scream for me.” He muttered, placing a kiss on his favorite tattoo of hers.
Recently he started requesting that she show them off more often because he loved looking at them. She smirked when she happened to lock eyes with one of the guards who was watching shamelessly as Jungkook’s hands trailed down to grip her ass.
“I’d say you’re pretty thrilled then.” He made his point, lifting his head up to look into her eyes with a smug smirk. “I mean you got me in a box here,” Y/N admitted quickly before making her point.
“But look around you. This place is chock full of men who wanted me dead not one week ago and now I’m just supposed to march right in through their front door?”
“First of all, it’s my front door. Mine.” The mercenary rolled her eyes at his natural possessive nature. “Second, every single one of them knows you’re here and a part of this family now.”
Y/N could feel her shoulders and gut tense up at the words. Family. Jungkook thought of her as a part of this extended family of misfits and his inferiors were probably forced to think the same thing.
A part of her felt a warmth in her core at the thought of belonging anywhere, let alone being deemed someone’s chosen family. Another part of her wondered how many ways she could exploit these new bonds and use them to her advantage. Another part of her seemed to have shut down temporarily at the news.
This was a huge title and she was very flattered, but this was also an immense responsibility. Just something else to add to the list of things she would inevitably fuck up.
Jungkook watched her new worried expression and gripped her arms gingerly while looking into her eyes. “No one here would do anything to try and hurt you. And if they do I will personally slit their fucking throat and send their dismembered body parts to each of their loved ones.” Jungkook finished earnestly.
“Whoa, there,” Y/N chuckled at the sudden mentions of extreme violence. “Save the good threats for the interrogations dear, you don’t have to prove anything to me.” She cooed, cupping his face and gently tapping her fingertips on his cheeks.
He huffed out a small laugh, realizing what he had just said. “I’m serious, though.” He added, coming back to his no nonsense demeanor.
“I know.” She responded with a nod. “Thank you.” Jungkook only shook his head back as if to say ‘don’t worry about it’.
“Alright, let’s get this over with, I guess.” Y/N gestured to the front door and waited for Jungkook to lead her in.
He opened the door for her and she sauntered in, taking in everything around her once more. The foyer was huge, of course, with one of the biggest chandeliers she’d ever seen hanging right above her. She looked around the well decorated mansion and all the bodies that littered the halls.
Just men and women walking around and talking intently. Some were carrying things such as blueprints or electronics, all of them obviously taking up some important task. It was nothing at all like what she expected.
“What exactly is it that you do here again?” She leaned in to whisper to Jungkook. He just chuckled quietly and said, “A little bit of everything.” And hooked her arm around his, leading her further into the corridor.
He practically gave her a tour of the house and would give a few details or little anecdotes about each room as she watched him steadily. Apparently, he had his construction company build the entire estate from the ground up with his design. It was impressive to say the least.
She admired him as his eyes lit up when talking about the intricacies of the architecture or how they would darken when one of his lackeys approached him with a miscalculation.
The mob boss cursed before telling the minion to fix it and get out of his sight through gritted teeth. She could feel the power radiating off of him in his element and she couldn’t deny that it turned her on as the lackey nearly darted out of the room to correct his mistake.
He looked back down at her to catch her staring at him with lascivious eyes. “What?” He questioned.
“Nothing. You’re just really hot when you’re bossing people around like that.” The assassin spoke evenly, bringing her manicured hand up to massage his firm chest, slipping it into his suit jacket to properly cop a feel. He turned on the charm instantly, smirking back down at her with an equally wanton gleam in his eyes.
“Oh, yeah?” He muttered, leaning down to bring his face closer to hers. “It never takes much for you does it?” His breath wafted over her face as his hand gripped her jaw tenderly, which only created more wetness between her legs. She shook her head emphatically at the question, nudging her nose against his in the process.
If she was being honest, that couldn’t be more true. Every single thing from the rasp in his voice, his grips on her body, his stern looks and his crude words never failed to make her weak in the knees.
“It doesn’t help that I always want you.” Y/N’s hand began travelling south and before it could get too far Jungkook gripped it harshly. He looked at her with now wide flustered eyes, the desire still there, but taking a backseat. His submissive’s eyes rose innocently with a silent question.
“Did you really just try to grab my dick in front of my employees?” He asked seriously. Y/N looked around to examine the scene before her and realized there is indeed the occasional worker bee walking by them in the open threshold into one of the many family rooms. She had been so blinded by her lust for Jungkook that she completely blocked them out.
“Sorry.” She apologized sweetly before coming to her own defense.
“You started it anyway, gripping me up and saying those things to me.” He only chuckled and brought the jaw still in between his fingers closer to his for a firm kiss.
He moved his lips against hers until she followed suit and licked at her full lips, but when they allowed his tongue to caress hers he broke the kiss with a satisfied look. “Because I like to tease you.”
“Well, you’re doing a great fucking job.” She glared at him wearing a tight lipped smile. She was officially sexually frustrated, but Jungkook seems content with letting her suffer.
“I mean how am I supposed to resist you when you do things like that–” Y/N pressed her luck and reached for the area below his belt again and before she could finish her sentence, the mob boss gripped the guilty wrist and squeezed tighter. He pressed her firmly into the threshold with his hips and growled quietly in her ear.
“You are supposed to do what I say. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” Once he heard her breathless reply, he repositioned himself so that he was gazing powerfully down into her eyes that had been darkened ten-fold with arousal. “Or have you forgotten your place?” He questioned sincerely with furrowed brows as if he was troubled by the potential answer.
It felt like he was encompassing her, stimulating every single one of her senses until all she could think of was him. The pressure on her hips, wrist and chin by him were what she had been yearning for this entire time, she yearned for it constantly. And she could feel the results of it coating her underwear as Jungkook’s chest vibrated against hers.
“No, sir. I haven’t forgotten.” She panted excitedly.
“Then show me.” The challenge in his eyes somehow made her want to comply and defy him simultaneously.
“Yes, sir.” She settled on comply, hoping that this act of defiance had gained her a trip to the playroom. “I’m sorry, sir. I understand if you need to punish me, I deserve it.” The mercenary offered with as much naiveté as she could muster, but it only caused his smirk to grow more sinful.
He released her wrist to softly card his fingers through her hair. “Oh, don’t you worry, Sweetheart. There will be time for that,” He assured her, placing a kiss to her forehead.
“But because you disobeyed me, you’re gonna make it through the rest of this tour before we get to play.” The mafioso spoke quickly as he wrapped an arm around her waist and led her the rest of the way. Y/N groaned quietly, but allowed him to lead her. “Fine...how many rooms are left by chance?”
“Twenty-five, not counting the garden.”
“Fuck me.”
“In about forty-five minutes.”
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They made their way to the fourth dining room of the tour to find three men in black suits mid conversation. They quiet upon their boss’ arrival and all heads turn to him and his plus one.
Y/N’s hand tightens around Jungkook’s arm at the sight of two familiar faces among them. The bleach blonde with the ice cold glare and the black haired male next to him with kind eyes. Otherwise known as the man she stabbed and the one she knocked out. She also noted their light brown haired companion who's eyes followed her every waking move.
Her footsteps gradually slowed when she saw recognition flash across their features, but Jungkook seemed hell bent on continuing in this direction and it was too late to turn back. Y/N decided she would stay quiet unless prompted to speak as she wanted this to be as quick and as painless as possible.
“Good evening, gentlemen.” Jungkook greeted them smoothly with no reaction from the people he was addressing, but he continued undeterred. “There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
Y/N could swear she saw the gears turning in the blonde’s head. His hard gaze never left her face and she could feel it trying to burn holes into her skin. Yoongi knew she would be here, but he never would have anticipated he would react this way once he saw her again.
The dark haired one was harder to read, but his full cheeks worked against him in a way that made him seem inherently sweet. The third man stood above the others who were sitting and studying something on a tablet. He had striking features and a glare that proved he was clearly sizing her up like the rest.
“Guys this is Y/L/N, Y/L/N this is Taehyung," Light brown hair, she noted. "Yoongi," The blonde. "And Jimin.” The black haired one. Jungkook announced them with a comfort that frankly disturbed everyone else in the room. There was an awkward pause and the stare down continued before Y/N spoke up.
“Hi...I see you healed up quite nicely.” She spoke in a voice smaller than she was used to and immediately wanted to face palm herself for it. So much for ‘quick and painless’.
“Yeah, no thanks to you.” Yoongi spat promptly.
Y/N opened her mouth to defend herself and her foolish words, but Jungkook spoke first.
“Yoongi,” The boss’ tone was authoritative and unpleasant. With that the rage seemed to dissipate from Yoongi’s demeanor at a snail’s pace until it was just festering on the surface. Y/N noticed the transformation was completely against his will, that he was forced to put his raw emotions on mute.
She shook her head defiantly. “No.” The assassin left the hold of Jungkook’s arm and walked to the table, sitting down as if she owned the place. “What is it?” The foot soldiers look at each other in confusion before sending her the exact same expression.
“What were you going to say?” Y/N egged him on with a persistent nod. Yoongi looked over her shoulder, presumably at Jungkook for permission to speak freely. Y/N guesses he granted it because the blonde looked back at her with a face similar to the one he wore when she first entered.
“I don’t have anything to say to you...but I think you have something to say to us, don’t you think?” He questioned expectantly.
She sighed exaggeratedly. “You want an apology.” She assumed. The two men only nodded in wait. “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”
Yoongi’s brows furrowed deeply as he leaned in closer. “And why not?”
“Because it wouldn’t be genuine.” She spoke as if it were obvious. Her head twitched questioningly with a flick of her wrist. “I mean, I’m assuming you want me to mean it, yeah? Let’s just break it down. You got sent after me by your fearless leader here,” She gestured behind her with a thumb to the man in question. On que she felt him walk forward and occupy the space directly behind her chair. “With orders to bind me and take me to him, does that sound right?”
The occupants of the table all nodded. “Good, let’s continue. You show up to do your job, which A for effort, but you only slowed me down for your other friends to stop me, nice try though.” She then felt a familiar hand rest on her shoulder in what she could only assume was a warning, but she didn’t let it phase her and continued.
“And what choice did I have, but to defend myself? Oh, right surrender, ‘cause I definitely would have preferred that.” She spelled out in fluent sarcasm with a sickeningly sweet smile.
“You see it was either me or you. And I chose me, that’s all. You would have done the same. You can’t expect me to apologize for something that was unavoidable and that, frankly, I don’t regret.”
Y/N’s speech was met with stony unimpressed looks from the gang and Jungkook delivering a firm squeeze to her shoulder. This was a warning she couldn’t ignore. She took a deep breath when the grip loosened.
“Look, I’m genuinely glad to see you both healthy today, but let’s face it, I knew it wouldn’t kill you, that wasn’t my goal.” Yoongi realized this was probably the closest thing they would get to an apology and released a defeated breath.
“Wow, you really are special, huh?” Was all he had to offer. Y/N just smiled fondly. “Oh, if I had a dime for every time I heard that.” Jungkook took to subtly massaging her shoulder now and she took that as a suggestion to wrap it up.
“Look, I know shit just got weird in here and the woman who literally stabbed you in the back is sitting pretty on your home turf and if you insist on holding a grudge that’s fine, I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself. But you gotta give respect to get it. I’m sure you know that.” He can do with that what he will, she thought as she awaited his response.
Yoongi nodded tersely and she set her sights on Jimin for understanding as well. “Yeah.” He offered simply. The brown haired male that Jungkook introduced as Taehyung didn’t seem as impressed. He barely moved a muscle during the entire exchange and Y/N would have forgotten he was there if not for the daggers he was shooting at her with his eyes.
But despite Taehyung’s silent attempt at murder, Y/N smiled triumphantly before she leaned in closely. “Great. And between you and me, I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for the supreme ruler over here forcing me into the c–” This grip was the hardest yet, it came with a message and it was enough to make her hiss suddenly.
“Let’s continue the tour, Y/L/N. As you were guys.” Jungkook ordered, pulling her up from the table and ushering her out of the dining room by the arm.
Once they were out of ear shot, he growled in her ear all the while dragging her around the house. “You wanted that punishment right?”
A shudder ran through her at the mention of a punishment and the rawness of Jungkook’s voice in her ear. “Yes, please, sir.”
“Well, you earned it.” He seethed as they approached a door on the second floor. He opened it to reveal that it was clearly his bedroom. Y/N wondered briefly why he didn’t take her to the playroom if he planned on punishing her, but she barely got a chance to conjure it up in her head before Jungkook was pushing her up against the door once it closed.
“What the fuck was that?” He demanded, getting all up in her face.
“That was me trying to make peace with your men.”
“At my fucking expense.” He clenched both her arms for effect. “Am I a joke to you, Y/L/N?”
Her answer was immediate and genuine. “No, sir.”
“Coulda fooled me with all those nicknames you were handing out down there like a little brat. What was it that you called me? 'Fearless leader'? Hm?” When he didn’t get a response he gripped her jaw firmly, forcing her to look into his eyes. “Was I right, Y/L/N? Did I get it?”
The assassin nodded to the best of her ability and Jungkook disapproved with a shake of his head. “No, no, use your words, baby.”
Jungkook could tell she said ‘Yes, Mr. Jeon.’ but to an outsider it all sounded like gibberish thanks to the grip on her face. “And the other one. 'Supreme ruler' you said?” Another swallowed compliance was Y/N’s answer.
“Yeah, I’ll show you who’s the supreme ruler.” He snarled while lifting her and wrapping her legs around his body in one fluid motion. She yelped and in a flash she was being sat on a dresser, legs still pleasantly wrapped around the mafia leader’s waist.
He reached in between her legs like it was second nature and tugged her panties to the side roughly, immediately pressing delicious figure eights into her soaked clit. Deathstalker’s back arched and she gasped desperately. “Ugh, yes–”
Jungkook slapped her thigh before scolding her with an equally thunderous tone. “Don’t you dare speak unless spoken to! I don't wanna hear a fucking sound. You’ve done enough talking today, don’t you think?” Y/N didn’t know whether to answer the question or not and the sinful strokes on her clit were not helping her decide. Another slap to her thigh gave her her answer. “Answer me, Y/L/N!”
“Ahh! Yes, Mr. Jeon! Yes.” She spewed absentmindedly, leaning more and more into his incredible touch that worked tirelessly to bring her to the edge. Jungkook studied her face and her desperate attempts to stifle her beautiful sounds and decided she was nearly there.
"Always so good for me." He noted softly, admiring how unbelievably wet she was while leaving sloppy kisses along her throat.
"Always so open and needy for me aren't you?" He muttered against her jaw as he moved on from rubbing her clit to submerging two long, skilled fingers into her sopping wet cunt. Y/N released a delicious groan at the intrusion, gripping his arm for support as her body tensed with pleasure.
She nearly choked when he pinched the underside of her thigh and angled his fingers into that spongy parcel of nerves at an expert speed that has Y/N seeing stars.
“I’m talking to you, Y/L/N.” Jungkook prompted before taking her earlobe lusciously in between his teeth.
“Huh, yes, only for you, Mr. Jeon.” Y/N mewled in her best attempt to sweet talk him in the hopes that her dominant might let her cum. She was so close she could taste it, fucking herself back on his fingers eagerly.
Jungkook knew this, he knew very well the signs of when Y/N was on the verge of orgasm and he was counting on it. But he always got so much enjoyment out of asking, “Are you close, baby?”
The mercenary panicked. She stayed quiet, as quiet as she could at the moment, and focused on her pleasure for fear that he was onto her, though of course that was a dead give away. Suddenly she was being pinned to the wall behind the dresser by her neck, his large hand pressing down on her jugular tastefully.
“I asked you a question, Y/L/N.” He barked, looking into her eyes intensely, never letting up on fucking her glorious cunt with her fingers.
“Yes–ohh!” She yelped. He watched as her chest heaved and her mouth hung open. Once Jungkook felt the muscles around his fingers clench down in a vice grip, he removed them with no remorse.
“No!” Y/N all but screamed, reaching for Jungkook’s hand hysterically. “No, no, no, no, no, please, sir. Please, Mr. Jeon, please,” She spluttered, hopelessly.
She gave up the quest for his magic fingers to caress the arm that pinned her to the spot, desperate for any type of physical connection. The mob boss only squeezed her neck harder until she could no longer speak.
Eventually she took the hint and simmered down with a frown prompting Jungkook to relax his hold. “I thought I told you that I didn’t wanna hear a sound from you. Hm?” He nodded pointedly with a fiery gaze that made Y/N feel impossibly small and like she was the most important person in the world at the same time.
“You just love the sound of your own voice, huh? Did you really think I was gonna reward you for embarrassing me in front of my men?” He asked incredulously, a look Y/N decided was insanely sexy on him.
She went to speak because he asked a question, but he held up a stern finger and sneered, “Don’t answer that.” Causing her to snap her mouth shut.
“Looks like I’m gonna need to teach you some respect. You’re gonna learn when and when not to speak, understand?”
“Yes, sir.” Y/N croaked. It made sense now, you don’t need a playroom if the punishment is orgasm denial. Her least favorite punishment. But he knew that and she would be lying if she said it didn’t make the payoff that much sweeter.
“Good girl. Now get down here and suck my cock.” Y/N was shuffling to the floor before he even finished his sentence. She was on her knees and pulling at his belt buckle in no time. When she finally held his cock in her hands and was ready to do what she was told, Jungkook tilted her chin up to look at him. “And keep the noise to a minimum, hm?” She nodded easily and took his hard cock in her mouth.
“Ugh, fuck, baby.” He moaned, resting his hand gently on the back of her head. “God that mouth is so fucking good.” As she took more of him in, his eyes closed easily and his hips slowly began thrusting in and out of her mouth.
She let him have complete control and let her hands drop to wrap around the backs of his legs for leverage. Jungkook took this as an invitation to attach his other hand to her head and set the pace to a quicker, much rougher one.
Y/N tried to hide how much she enjoyed the mafia leader fucking her throat, she really did, but the impetuous whimper still slipped through. Jungkook’s eyes opened and he peered down at her squarely.
“What was that, Y/L/N?” He challenged, reaching down to grip her throat with one hand, the other still guiding her from the back.
“Look at me.” The order sent chills down her spine and she happily complied with already teary eyes, his favorite. He held her strained, fervent gaze as he sank into her throat painfully slowly, inch by inch.
He could feel her larynx stretch under his hand to engulf him and growled loudly at the sensation. Y/N admired the power tripping, lust filled gaze that she received from him, which made her squeeze her thighs together to savor the throbbing between them.
Once he finally bottomed out, balls deep in that talented throat he leaned in menacingly and hissed the words, “Take it.” And if Y/N could whine and mewl and sob all at once she would, but all she could do was focus on breathing in through her nose and not gagging.
“You take it like the little brat you are ‘cause we’re not stopping ‘til you make me cum, got it? Gotta teach you a lesson.” He barely pulled out before stuffing her full of him once more and continued with this pattern. “You’re gonna take all this cum down that pretty little throat. Isn’t that right sweetheart?”
She did her best to nod while Jungkook was still face fucking her wildy. “Ugh, fffffuck, Y/L/N. Yes, baby, just like that.” And with a few short thrusts, ropes of hot cum were cascading down her larynx, which she swallowed efficiently. She was proud of only coughing twice when Jungkook pulled out of her and honestly so was he.
He pulled her up from the floor, caressing her cheeks and leaving kisses along her jaw and neck. “So good, you did so well, Sweetheart.” He praised before he placed a sloppy kiss on her lips. Y/N giggled and went to thank him, but stopped herself, remembering why she was here in the first place.
“What is it? You can speak, baby.”
“Thank you, Mr. Jeon.” She uttered huskily from the misuse. Jungkook smiled fondly and went back for another passionate and clumsy kiss.
“Give me your panties.” He suddenly muttered against her lips. The submissive promptly shimmied her damp thong off and handed them over. “Now get naked and get on the bed.” He gave the order, already making quick work of his clothing.
“How do you want me sir?” Jungkook paused and thought for a second. “On your back.”
As always she did as she was told and waited for her dominant to give further instructions. She watched as he roughly removed his tie while holding intense eye contact. “Get those legs open for me.” She completely exposed herself to him at the order and she saw Jungkook lick his lips at the sight from in between her legs.
He made his way to the bed, crawling between her legs and up her body hungrily. He skipped over her sex when kissing his way up her body, much to her despair. His feather light kisses made their way to her lips finally and Y/N moaned at the ferocity with which he made room for his tongue in her mouth. He pulled away suddenly and then fabric was being pressed firmly into her lips.
“Open your mouth, Y/L/N.” He directed with determined eyes. Y/N opened up for Jungkook to stuff her panties inside little by little.
“That should keep you quiet, huh?” He smirked down at her sulky expression before inching back down her voluptuous body stopping at her glistening cunt. He sighed, running a finger over her folds gingerly causing Y/N’s hips to jerk.
“Damn, all this for me, baby?” He looked up to find her head bobbing up and down frantically. She was desperate for any kind of friction and needed more than anything for him to touch her already.
Jungkook chuckled playfully before licking a generous stripe along her folds. Y/N slapped a hand on her already gagged mouth to remind herself to be silent. “Good girl, if you make a sound I stop, okay?”
He waited for her nod to see that she understood and once he got it, he dug right in. Y/N’s entire body tensed, her eyes rolled back and her back arched impossibly high off the bed when Jungkook finally took her clit in his mouth and flicked it at an absurd speed, but by the grace of God, she stayed silent.
He moaned into her pussy and buried his face deeper in her silk folds like a man possessed because he was on mission. As touched starved as she was, it didn’t take much for Y/N to get close.
She threaded her fingers through Jungkook’s hair and grinded her hips into his mouth desperately, her chest heaving and breathing heavy. She nearly lost it when he slid two fingers inside of her and angled them to pierce that spot that had her shaking. Her jaw dropped behind her hand that clamped down so hard that her jaw was beginning to get sore.
Jungkook studied her movements or lack thereof, the angle of her hips, the death grip she had on his hair and the rhythm her cunt created around his fingers and at the right moment used it all against her. He removed his fingers and his mouth from her and watched proudly as Y/N thrashed and released a sound that couldn’t possibly be categorized as human.
She mumbled animatedly around the gag and reached for him helplessly. Jungkook only grinned at her babbling, destitute state and climbed back on top of her.
“Y/L/N.” He prompted when they were face to face. She hummed questioningly. “Shut. Up.” He whispered, pulling the panties out and kissing her hard. Y/N wrapped her arms and legs around his body instinctively and let him have his way with her mouth.
“Have you learned your lesson yet, baby?” He mumbled against her lips while grinding his hips into hers aggressively. The assassin hummed and nodded zealously, meeting his hips and meeting his every movement with the same energy.
“Good.” He flipped her onto her stomach like she weighed nothing and had her ass up in the air with a hand forcing her head down to the bed in a flash. He didn’t waste any time, stuffing that magnificent cunt with his cock and immediately pounding into her. Y/N was nearly crying trying to hold all of this pleasure inside of her, her fists twisted up in the bed sheets achingly.
“Let me hear you, baby. Missed your voice. Missed that dirty little mouth.” He panted out. “I’m not stopping this time, gonna make that pussy cum for me.” He promised breathlessly, pounding into that spot that made her see stars.
“Unngh, fuck!” She howled, the release felt amazing after so long and with Jungkook’s cock hammering into her g-spot, the sensation was sending her over the edge.
“Oh. My. God! Yes! Please, Mr. Jeon, please make me cum. I learned my lesson, I swear–argh!” Her body stilled along with her breathing as Jungkook continued fucking her through her powerful orgasm.
“Aw fuck yes! You feel so good, baby. Cumming all over my cock like a good girl.” He slurred, pumping into her consistently.
Y/N basked in the praise, adding to her euphoria. “Thank you, sir.” She managed to utter as she floated back down to earth. In just a few thrusts, Jungkook came inside of her without another word and collapsed off to the side before pulling her on top of him for a mess of sloppy kisses.
“God, you’re so good.” He whispered without bothering to detach their lips. “I could say the same about you.” Y/N panted out when he moved onto her neck.
“I mean it though.” He said ominously which made Y/N raise a curious brow. “Don’t talk back to me in front of my men.” He looked her in the eye seriously.
“Fine, I get it.” Not only did she understand the fragility of the male ego, but she understood that Jungkook had an image to uphold and authority that could be questioned if he allowed the Y/N’s antics to continue.
“I won’t do it again.” She mumbled softly. “Contrary to popular belief I do have common sense.”
“Hm, I’ll believe it when I see it.” He said, pecking her lips. “Ha, ha.” She mocked on her way to the bathroom to freshen up. When she emerged she was surprised to see that Jungkook hadn’t moved a muscle, just relaxing.
“Is James around by chance?” She asked as she put on her bra and dress, forgoing the underwear. Jugnkook made a face. “Why?”
“So that he can take me home, duh.”
He sat up in the bed, facing her. “But we never finished the tour.”
“I suppose, but we could always do it some other time.” She offered politely, taking a seat on the opposite side of the bed.
“Well, yeah, but… I was kind of hoping you would spend the night.” His voice was cautious and calculating.
After a moment of silence Y/N asked, “Suddenly?”
“Well, it’s bound to happen eventually, I figured I’d try my luck early.” Y/N was thankful for her position on the oversized bed. Her back was turned to the mob boss as she put on her shoes, so that Jungkook couldn’t see her face contort into an expression of sheer panic.
“Plus I don’t want you to leave, I’m not finished with you yet.” He smirked devilishly and the lecherous words really had her considering it, but if she was being honest, she wasn’t ready for that just yet. Jungkook had never spent the night whenever he visited her, so this was new territory. She also had plans.
The assassin finally turned to face Jungkook’s placid form. “I would, but I have a mark to kill tomorrow. Need to be up and at ‘em for some early planning.” She noticed a frown appear on Jungkook’s face. It was not a good look on him. “Next time.” She offered with a nod. He nodded as well, brightening up a bit.
“At least let me show you the garden before you go.”
“Sure, yeah. Put some clothes on and let's go.”
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Even after the grand tour Y/N still found herself exploring more of the enormous estate two weeks later. She didn’t foresee herself enjoying her time here during her reluctant first visit, but Jungkook could be very persuasive when he wanted to be. And thus two visits turned to four and she would never admit it but she found herself getting comfortable.
Knowing that she was wanted somewhere may have created this invisible pull to Jungkook and the mansion that she refused to acknowledge, but this didn’t stop her from popping over whenever she was bored or at the mafia leader’s humble request.
There wasn’t much to do at the apartment anyway and there weren’t too many jobs to be done, but here she could relax with a glass (read: bottle) of champagne and enjoy a gourmet meal by the house chef out by the pool for free.
She had money of her own, perhaps too much, but was never one to use it for material things such as these, it was never worth it to her. However, with Jungkook’s constant insisting that she was always welcome here, she figured why not take full advantage? She considered it a vacation of sorts.
And so here she was drinking in the breathtaking view from the oversized garden Jungkook never shut up about. Y/N could admit it was for good reason as she lounged on her favorite bench amongst the roses.
For a city girl she had a soft spot for nature and always found her Zen when she was admiring the hummingbirds feed at the nearby tree. Her eyebrows furrowed at the grinding of lush grass under lithe feet from behind her. And just like that the Zen is gone. Replaced by the only downfall to her vacation.
“Ah, long time no glare, soldier.” The mercenary ribbed playfully, not bothering to face the intruder.
Taehyung smirked in spite of himself. His attempts to sneak up on her have been foiled at every turn since she arrived and he vowed to figure out how she did that. He revealed himself fully, appearing in front of the newcomer with a wisecrack of his own. “Ah, if it isn't the boss’ little princess.”
Murderous eyes land on him and a venomous hiss leaves her mouth. “Watch it, sniper.”
One corner of his mouth quirked and his eyebrows jumped cheekily. He didn't expect to actually hit a nerve. “So how are you liking your stay, your highness.” He goaded, ignoring her warning completely.
“Do not call me that,” She persisted before answering accordingly. “It’s not so bad I suppose.” This earned a shocked look from Taehyung.
“Oh? You mean you’re not looking forward to staying here permanently?”
Y/N made an effort to control her facial expression as usual, but his satisfied look told her she didn’t exactly succeed. “Why would I do that?”
He only shrugs, feigning to be at a loss for words. “I don’t know, that’s what the boss seems to think is gonna happen.” He clarified, clasping his hands behind his back and walking closer to the new guest.
Her eyes narrowed accusingly. Taehyung made it very clear that he didn’t like Y/N and she was convinced this was one of his ploys to get inside her head. “He never told you that.” She denounced, calling his bluff.
“You don’t know what he tells me.” He shot back arrogantly. He’s right, Y/N thought. She has no idea what Jungkook might have confided in his right hand man and so she had no response.
“But interestingly,” He continued. “You don’t seem like the type to stay put for long.”
“Well, aren’t you the perceptive one, what, does that make you gangster of the week then?” She congratulated him with a slight roll of her eyes.
He gave that aggravating smirk again and chuckled softly. “I give it two more months before you’re on your way out of here.” He spoke suddenly. His sure tone had Y/N fuming on the inside, stirring up a rage she refused to let show.
“Are you still here?” She quipped through clenched teeth.
“You know he was prepared to lose one of us for you. Maybe even all of us.” She didn’t know that. The assassin stayed silent, but he had her attention.
Taehyung’s eyes held her stony gaze and never waivered. “We’ve known each other basically our whole lives...he was ready to call a quits if any of us said anything against you.” They were both stuck in this intense stare down, it was clear Y/N had nothing to add.
“I just hope you’re worth all the trouble.” He finished with a shady sweep of his eyes along her form.
“Don’t you have a memory to wipe or some shit? It’s like eighty-nine degrees, give it a break.” She griped, gesturing to his black two piece suit. The shooter only smirked grimly before walking slowly away.
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Y/N stirred for the first time since falling asleep when she felt the grip around her waist tighten. She squinted her eyes open at the floor length windows on the far right of the room, the sheer curtains doing nothing to block the sun from her view.
She made a note to pester Jungkook about it later and loosened his hold on her middle section lazily. The lethargic mob boss hummed at the sudden movement and only snuggled further in her body, pulling her closer to his.
“Jeon… Ow.” She groaned frankly before wrestling out of his hold entirely and making her way to the en suite bathroom. She was wide awake now anyway and if she stayed she would just be crushed to death and she was no good to anyone that way.
The assassin emptied her bladder, brushed her teeth quickly and set the oversized shower’s water temperature to her liking, moving on auto-pilot. Steaming water cascaded over her, easing the tension in her muscles single-handedly. The corner of her mouth turned up in a tired smirk when she saw a familiar figure out of the corner of her eye enter the bathroom through the fog on the glass shower door.
In no time Jungkook was opening the shower door promptly and stepping in behind Y/N. He wrapped his arms around her waist again, his hold much more delicate this time around, and began leaving tender kisses on her shoulder and neck. An involuntary hum of approval leaves his submissive at the action and he smiles against her smooth skin.
“Good morning.” He rasps in her ear, sending a chill down her spine.
“Good morning.” She responds in her own groggy tone that has Jungkook wanting to hear more. He reaches up, touching a finger to her chin and turning her face to his to connect their lips in a shameless kiss that leaves them both panting.
“We could make it a great morning.” He mused as his hand slowly came up to massage her breast. A contented grin graced her lips as she turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He took dominion over her mouth, holding her face securely in his hands.
“How do you want me?” She prompted breathlessly against his jugular.
His hands slide down to her ass and he kneads her cheeks roughly. “In every way possible.” He purred in her ear, pushing her back against the stonewall of the shower. Y/N releases a timid giggle before it is muffled by Jungkook’s lips on hers.
The giggles turn to moans when the pads of his fingers find her clit and rub delicious circles into it. She spreads her legs wider and grinds into his incredibly skilled hand all while reaching down and wrapping her hand around his already hardening cock.
He grunted into her mouth and began thrusting into her tight fist. “Jump.” He ordered gruffly, placing his hands on the curve of her ass.
Deathstalker’s brows furrowed skeptically and her eyes narrowed. “You better not slip and drop me–” She lets out a yelp when Jungkook’s hands come down on her cheeks causing a loud crack to echo through the extravagant shower. Her body felt alive and tingled with the sudden strike.
“Just do it.” He all-but growled, his feral gaze made her shudder as she bit her lip with that same carnal desire. “Yes, sir.” She hopped up into his reliable arms dutifully and he had her legs wrapped around his waist in no time. From there, he pressed her into the stone and hooked his impressive arms under her knees as well for a more intense angle.
He held Y/N’s body up above his and watched as he buried himself deep inside her, basking in the throaty moan that emerged from her full lips.
“Hngh, yes, please.” She whispered, wrapping her arms and legs impossibly tighter around his toned body. He pulled out slowly before ramming back into her and forcing the most beautiful yet animalistic noises from his lover. Jungkook took to sucking on the juncture between her neck and shoulder whilst pounding into her ruthlessly.
Y/N let out a shriek and he felt her walls grip him even tighter when he hit a specific spot inside her. “Yeah? Right there?” He queried with a smug smirk and clenched teeth.
She nodded frantically, meeting his every thrust with vigor. The sound of skin slapping completely overpowering the forceful torrent of the shower. “Yes! Fuck me just like that. Make me cum.” She panted out eagerly before taking his bottom lip in between her teeth and sucking.
He broke free of her hold roughly. “Oh? Are you calling the shots now?” He continued ramming into her tirelessly, making sure to favor that spot that had her twitching.
The mercenary caught herself and gazed apologetically down at him. “I wouldn’t dream of it, sir.”
“That’s what I thought.” He grumbled before slamming his lips to hers. She moaned loudly against his mouth as she came long and hard around him, gripping the hair at the base of his skull for dear life.
“Ugh, fuck, baby.” Jungkook whispered fervently while feeling her come undone around him. He released his strong hold on her mouth to wander the rest of her face and every inch of skin he could reach with his kiss swollen lips.
She smiled dazedly at the way their noses rubbed together whenever he found a new spot to explore and eventually she captured his lips in one last reverent kiss. They each sighed contentedly when they separated and Jungkook let her down as carefully as he could without one of them slipping.
Much to her dismay, Y/N’s knees buckled slightly once her feet were back on the ground and Jungkook helped to steady her. She didn’t miss the self-satisfied smirk on his face as he did so and was quick to hold one finger up in his direction.
“Not one word, Jeon.” She enunciated strictly. He only bit his lip humorously and held his hands up in surrender before walking to the other shower head on the opposite wall to actually clean himself.
This was one of her favorite parts of being with Jungkook. The casualness of it all.
Even if it’s not what she was used to and it damn sure wasn’t where she saw herself a few months ago, she fell into a routine with the gangster pretty easily.
She and Jungkook would wake up together, maybe partake in some morning sex, occasionally share a meal together when Jungkook wasn’t rushing out the door to the office. While he was gone Y/N would either lounge by the pool or read a book in the garden, maybe see a movie in the home theatre or even practice her aim at the private shooting range.
She really did feel like she was on holiday. When he returned neither of them could keep their hands off each other and the cycle continues. But as expected, they had their moments.
Now the unique couple sat across from one another at the main dining room table in comfortable silence as they waited for their breakfast. Or what Jungkook would have preferred to be silence as opposed to the clacking sound of fingers against a keyboard.
He watched Y/N as she tapped away on her laptop, eyes focused on the screen. She only looked up to thank Seojoon as the house chef sat her eggs benedict on the side of the computer and immediately after, her eyes were locked on the screen.
“Do you have to do that at the table?” He finally inquired while cutting into his omelet.
“Not necessarily. I could go.” She offered lazily with a shrug. Jungkook’s eyelids fluttered shut and he sighed. “No, I don’t want you to go.” He enunciated.
“I just want to enjoy breakfast with you without any distractions. And your food is getting cold.” He gestured to her plate before forking the fluffy eggs into his mouth.
“I’m almost done. Gotta work out this hit before tomorrow.” He couldn’t resist the urge to grind his teeth at her words. “Oh? Where are you off to now?”
“Argentina. Some asshole murdered an entire family, but forgot to end the bloodline. The oldest son. Idiot.” Y/N scowled as her fingers seemed to be drumming more aggressively on the keyboard.
Jungkook regarded her with furrowed brows. “And you’re going to avenge them?”
“No one else is going to.” Was her simple yet hard reply.
“Oh, I’m sure there are other charming assassins who would love to take on that job.” He swirled his glass of orange juice airily, playing devil’s advocate.
“Not as much as me.” The mob boss sighed again at her fiery determination. He admits that he admires Y/N’s skillset and commitment to her craft, she was the best after all. It’s one of the reasons why he was so attracted to her in the first place. What that woman could do with a butterfly knife should have made any man flee and yet with Y/N it was like the danger called to him.
But if he was honest he had hoped she would slow down with the contract killing once they got together. It always worried him when she was out there with no one to watch her back and no way to contact her. She was by no means impecunious when they met and with Jungkook on her arm she would never want for anything again. So why was she on a job every couple of weeks, it seemed?
“Did I do something wrong?” The mercenary finally turns to him at the sound of his impaired voice with concern. “No. Why would you ask that?”
He shrugs mildly. “I just can’t help, but wonder if you might be taking all these jobs to get away from me.” She suddenly chuckled before trying to contain it with a smile and focused back on her laptop.
“That has to be the dumbest thing I think I’ve ever heard.” She intoned blithely. The clacking sound was back and it was starting to grate at Jungkook’s nerves.
“Is it?” He shot back seriously.
“Yes.” She nodded once, her expression was as stone faced as it was when they first sat down. “If I wanted to get away from you, I would just leave, silly. There’s no one keeping me here.”
Jungkook took a deep breath as this was a relief, but it would have been nice to hear directly from her and not her side profile. “Don’t be so dramatic, Jeon.” Deathstalker finished, her remark only adding to his agitation.
His knife and fork landed on the plate with a clank and he began talking with his hands. “Now why does it have to be dramatic? It was a legitimate question.”
“It was a stupid question.”
It was the mobster’s turn to scoff. “Stupid? What am I supposed to think when you leave so often?”
“That I’ll come back.” She uttered soberly. There was a moment of silence where Jungkook caught his breath and just watched her still frame. Her eyes never left her work, but this time for fear that they would show too much. More than she’s willing to allow. On the surface it looked like the conversation wasn’t affecting her at all, but they both knew better.
He nodded once, understanding that it was indeed an obsolete point. She never showed disdain for him so far or seemed like she was unhappy here. But that didn’t change the fact that, “You don’t have to do it.”
Y/N can already feel a headache forming, but she tries to stay focused on her task so as not to say anything she may regret. “Risking your life all the time for money you don’t need. With all the kills you’ve had, you’re set for life. And everything you want, you can find right here, or I’ll get it for you.” He continued.
“I can get my own things. I do it because I want to, Joen.”
“But so often. I thought you wanted a vaca–”
“I’m not fighting with you, Jeon.” She decided. Fighting with Jungkook was something she dreaded because it made them feel like more of a couple. There was nothing to fight about when they were just having casual sex. The concept of monogamy is still so odd for her to think about.
“I’m not fighting with you either,”
“It sure sounds like you’re fighting with me.” She said so calmly it made Jungkook’s blood boil. The way she could sit there like a statue without so much as a glance in his direction, while he got worked up so easily riled him up even more.
But he takes a deep breath and calms himself. “Would you just please put the laptop away?” He figured starting with the least of his problems would help to make him feel more at ease.
“I’m almost done. I woulda been done quicker if you weren’t distracting me.” Why did she have to make it so difficult?
“Y/L/N, please, I don’t wanna have to ask again.” No response. Without thinking, the dominant’s fist came down on the cherry wood table with a loud thud, strong enough to lift the objects on it briefly. But of course Y/N didn’t jump at all or react really for that matter. The only indication she had heard it was the absence of tapping on the keyboard.
“Put it away, now! That’s an order!” He barked in a tone that Y/N had only heard him use in the bedroom. And she was indubitably thirsty for more. She wanted to hear that voice give her orders that were impossible to fulfill in the playroom while she was bound and gagged and at his mercy. She felt the wetness seep out of her just thinking about it. It’s been too long.
Deathstalker did as she was asked and slowly closed the laptop with a short yet dignified, “Yes, sir.” And set it aside.
She was sad to see him sink back into himself and hear his assertive voice return to normal. “Thank you. I’m sorry, I just–”
“Don’t be.” She shrugged sincerely, pulling her cold breakfast closer to her. “I was being a brat.”
Jungkook just laughed and nodded in thanks as they continued to eat in silence.
“You do know that I’ll come back, right?” She spoke suddenly. A small smile appeared on his face. “Yes, I know.” She nodded once and proceeded to dig in.
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Much to her despair, Jungkook didn’t punish her for her behavior that day, or the day after. By then it was time to go to Argentina and the assassin almost wished she would have passed on the job. Almost.
Capping that sorry family killer felt like snow on Christmas morning. But the entire trip was spent thinking about her favorite gang leader dominating her within those red walls. Or lack thereof. It felt like forever since she had been properly punished and it was starting to make her slightly restless.
Her skin itched with the need to feel that mouthwatering sting and the delicious afterburn. Of course Jungkook fucked her silly whenever they got the chance and she would never complain about that, but something was missing. She was having too many thoughts, too many worries. She needed something to quiet her mind. She needed pain.
When she returned, she came straight to the mansion in search of it. She spotted Namjoon walking in the hallway and flagged him down. “Hey, Namjoon. Where’s your boss?”
“Oh, Y/N.” The foot soldier greeted her politely. “He’s in his office, of course.” They share a knowing glance and a smirk as if to ask ‘where else would he be?’.
“Thank you, Namjoon.” She nodded and went to find the man in question when he called to her again. “And Y/N? Welcome back.”
Y/N’s brows furrowed slightly and her head tilted. “Thanks.” She called back with a pleasantly surprised smile.
She continued her search until she finally ended up at the open door of the extravagant office and watched as he sat at his desk. He must have gone into work today judging by his suit and the tie hanging loosely around his neck. His brows knitted together and his lips were pursed in concentration as he listened to whoever was on the phone. She bit her lip at how utterly sexy he looked.
Jungkook turned slightly in his chair to find her lingering by the door. His facial expression changed completely to accommodate the broad smile that appeared when he saw her. She smiled back instinctively and made her way over to him.
“Hold on just one second, Jeff… Yes, I’m aware. Something just came up, give me a second!” He sneered with more force before putting the other person on hold. He finally stood as Y/N made her way around the desk to greet him properly.
“Hello.” She spoke in a sultry voice that caught Jungkook’s attention. He also noticed she had that familiar fire in her eyes he loved so much as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Hello.” He replied easily, wrapping his arms around her waist in turn and leaning down to capture her lips with his own hungrily. She hummed into his mouth with the same appetite as his hands drifted down to grip her ass and press her firm body to his.
He pecked her lips one last time, pressing his forehead to hers. “Mm, why didn’t you tell me you were back?”
“I wanted to surprise you.” She whispered, smiling cheekily. “Did it work?”
He chuckled softly. “Yes, consider me surprised.”
“Good.” She purred, walking him back towards his chair until he felt it touch the backs of his knees and sat down awkwardly. “Because I’ve been a very bad girl.” Y/N climbed on top of him so that her legs straddled his waist and looked at him expectantly.
“Is that right?” He mumbled into her neck, leaving tender kisses as he roamed. She looked up to allow him more access, biting her lip at the glorious sensation. “Yes, sir.” She breathed, altering the dynamic all on her own this time around. “I was thinking maybe we should visit the playroom so you can punish me properly.”
Jungkook’s mouth paused on her skin and then picked back up as if nothing had happened. “I have to close this deal, baby and this asshole’s giving me everything.” He mumbled, gesturing to the phone on the desk.
Her breathy voice sent a chill through him when she took to nibbling on his ear. “Then after.”
The CEO made a troubled face before replying, “But there’s no reason to.” She was immediately in his face with those big mesmeric eyes.
“The reason is I want to. And I want you.” She emphasized with an exquisite roll of her hips against his crotch. “Please, sir.”
He hissed and steadied her hips against him. “You haven’t really done anything to deserve it, Y/L/N.” He explained.
Y/N stopped what she was doing and narrowed her eyes at her partner. “Oh, I see. I have to earn it.”
“Yes.” Jungkook sighed and in the next second she was off of his lap and walking to the opposite side of the desk. He watched her run her fingers over a paper weight on his desk with intrigue. His eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up when she swiped it off of the wood surface and onto the floor carelessly.
His head tilted in confusion. “W-what are you doing?”
“Earning it.” She replied as a stack of papers flew in the same direction. A mischievous smile split across her face when she saw Jungkook’s turn serious.
“Stop it, Y/L/N.” He warned, his mouth formed a severe straight line.
“Make. Me.” Another structure topples to the floor. Jungkook only sends her a glare before looking back down at the phone on his desk.
He needed to close this deal tonight and he wasn’t going to get anywhere with Y/N making a mess of his office. “I don’t have time for this, Y/L/N.” He ran a hand down his jaded face.
“I need to get this done and if you toss another thing off this desk you’re not gonna like what happens.” He sneered, taking his seat. The threat only encouraged Y/N to topple something else, but after studying his serious expression she decided against it.
She could see that he approved of her choice when his shoulders released a bit of tension and he reached for the phone to resume the call. Y/N was nothing if not persistent, but she sensed that this would get her nowhere. She would have to try something else. They share a meaningful glance before she saunters out of the room without a word.
Two hours later the mercenary received a call from the pouty CEO. “Hello.” She sang into the receiver. “Come to my office. Now.” Jungkook’s growl cut her off before hanging up. Y/N hummed with anticipation and couldn’t wipe the smug grin on her face if she tried as she made her way to the office.
The door was closed so she knocked this time and waited for a reply. “Come in.” He called evenly. The objects and papers were still on the floor and he was reading over what looked like a contract with a pen in hand when she entered.
He looked up and his facial expression went from concentration, to recognition, to some kind of irate pruriency from the looks of it. “Lock the door behind you. Come here.” He ordered quietly with a wave of his finger.
She did as asked and walked steadily until he held up a hand for her to stop. “Pick it up.” He gestured towards the objects in front of her. “All of it.”
“Yes, sir.” She bent down and began collecting the items. “Did you close your deal?” She asked squarely, breaking the silence. “Yes.” Was his simple answer. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” Another emotionless response. When everything was finally in its rightful place on the desk, she stood before him and awaited orders while he regarded her carefully.
“Sit down. Right here.” He said, patting his thigh once. She walked around the desk and lifted her thigh to straddle his waist when he stopped her. “No.” He grumbled, taking her waist and roughly sitting her down so that her back was pressed to his chest.
Y/N’s breathing picked up slightly as Jungkook’s hand gilded back and forth over her bare thighs. “You really love pissing me off don’t you?” He muttered in her ear, coaxing a meager smirk from her. “No, sir.” She spoke softly and shook her head.
A sigh left his mouth before his hand came down hard on her thigh. She gasped and he messaged the sting. "You don't have to lie to me, Sweetheart. We both know you live for it. So let me ask again. You love pissing me off don't you?"
“Yes, sir.”
“That's better. And why do you love it?" He pulls her dress up far enough to brush his fingers against her lace clad slit teasingly.
"Because you’re incredibly sexy when you're angry… and I want you to punish me, sir.”
"Ah. And who is the best at punishing you, baby?" He took to rubbing light circles into her clit causing her to sigh.
"You are, sir." She spoke honestly.
He released a sinister chuckle that tickled her ear. "So then why the fuck are you undermining me and telling me how I should punish you?" The circles stopped and in an instant he was gripping her throat firmly but in a way that allowed her to speak.
Y/N whined at the loss of contact and subconsciously grinded against his still fingers. This earned a hard slap on her pussy which sent shockwaves of pain and pleasure through her. "Don't do that shit again. Now, answer the question, I wanna hear this." He growled.
"I wanted more, sir." She said, her shameful tone of voice surprising even herself. "I thought I needed something more."
"You thought, huh? You're greedy, Sweetheart," he whispered as the circles on her clit started up again. "You and your greedy cunt are very hard to please." He moved the lace to the side and picked up right where he left off. The new sensation had her moaning and grinding against it mindlessly.
"You manage just fine, sir." She complimented breathlessly.
Another chuckle. "You're right, I do." His three magic fingers became heavier and faster against her. The hand around her neck wrapped itself tighter around the jugular. The assassin's eyes closed and her jaw dropped ceremoniously.
"I've got everything you need right here. I always give you what you need, don't I, baby?" He spoke gruffly in her ear, demanding a response.
"Yes, sir!" She answered militantly. Her hands were gripping the arms of the chair for dear life in ecstasy. She was so close.
"Don't ever question my methods again." He snarled before stopping everything he was doing.
Y/N squealed and whined in shock and anger. She was grabbing at Jungkook's hands and trying to put them back where they were. He slapped her pussy and then her thighs in retaliation. "You behave yourself or I'll keep this up all night. You know I can." He threatened.
She immediately nodded, knowing she didn't want that to be her future. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir."
"You gotta pay for your crimes, Sweetheart. You're my prisoner now." He smiled menacingly, running his hands up and down her smooth thighs again.
"I'll do anything. Please." She said, not so subtly grinding back into him with a whine.
"I know, baby. Take this off." He pinched her designer dress between his fingers and she was up in an instant, getting naked before him. He watched as she peeled it off to reveal an intricate bra and panty set. This is new, he noted. The blood red lace and straps complimented her skin tone while making Jungkook feel like he had a new present to unwrap.
His brow arched suspiciously. "You planned this?"
"I had hoped." She uttered in a small voice with wide innocent eyes. Jungkook smirked at the thought of corrupting that faux innocence again and again and again. He wanted to lay her on his favorite bed in the playroom and explore the body he already memorized every inch of.
But that would defeat the purpose, he thought. He decided they didn't need that room to fulfill each other's needs anymore. The desk would just have to do. And if he couldn't explore her body properly, there were always other ways.
"Touch yourself." He ordered easily and sat back to enjoy the show.
Y/N's hands slowly glided to her breasts and immediately began messaging them through the lace. She found each of her nipples, tugging and rolling them in between her fingers as she let out a hiss.
Her eyes were glued to Jungkook's face before his hand moved to message his already hard cock through his slacks. Jungkook was busy imagining Y/N's hands to be his, roaming all over her tight body while he teased himself.
Her fingers migrated aggravatingly slow to her already soaked cunt while the other hand stayed focused on her breast. She dipped into the scrap of lace and three fingers covered her clit and began to rub slow circles into it. But it wasn't as good as when her dominant did it.
She moved onto better things, dipping two fingers into her hole. Her left knee buckled slightly at the intrusion. Jungkook knew the sound all too well, having spent much time submerged in her wetness.
"Are you fucking yourself?" He smirked knowingly. "Yes, sir." She moaned.
"What does it feel like?"
"It feels so good." She sighed honestly, really getting into it. Jungkook undid his pants and took himself in his hand, stroking his large cock for Y/N to see. "Oh, yeah? Go faster. I wanna hear it."
The sight of Jungkook fully turned on and jerking off to her really got her going as she did what she was told. She bit her lip and moaned at the feeling of her curled fingers buried in her cunt.
The lewd sound of wet slapping continued to turn both of them on. Jungkook watched Y/N's eyes begin to roll back and so he got up, removed her hand and forced it behind her back while pressing her down into the desk. All in one motion, it seemed.
She groaned at the force with which she hit the mahogany. “Fuck! Please, Mr. Jeon,” She huffed as he gripped the back of her neck harshly.
“Although, I love the sound of it, begging won’t do much for you. I told you, you’re my prisoner and like it or not you’re gonna answer to me, am I understood?” He spat, forcing both her hands behind her back tightly.
“Understood, sir.” She uttered in defeat. All signs of a fight were gone from her body. “Good. Don’t move a muscle.”
He released her to remove his clothing and when he was bare, he discarded Y/N’s underwear, which thankfully wasn’t connected to the fun-filled harness, resumed his position and ordered her to spread her legs.
He ran his cock through her wet folds and rested it in between her cheeks on her puckered hole. “Can’t wait for the day when I finally take this perfect ass.” He smirked down at the sight, teasing the tight ring of muscle with his tip.
She only pushed her bum further towards him. “You can take it right now if you want. It’s yours.” She encouraged him with an obliging pout, which he could only see half of due to her position.
He smiled warmly as he leaned over her to press lips to her exposed cheek and slid a hand into her hair. “Oh, Sweetheart. Thanks, but I know.” He cooed into her ear. The cockiness in his tone sent a chill through her and Jungkook watched as a satisfied smile appeared on her lips.
“No. No, that can wait.” He decided. He didn’t want their first time doing that to be during a punishment. “But for now,” He positioned himself at her entrance. “I’ll take this instead.” He pushed into her tight heat and it swallowed him down so easily, hungry for more.
A long grunt left him as something of a choked sob escaped Y/N. A week away had been far too long in her needy state. He immediately hit her g-spot over and over again and it was obvious that Y/N wouldn’t last long. But Jungkook didn’t exactly need her to.
“Oh my God, you’re so deep!” She shrilled. “Yes! Please, please, please,” Jungkook struck her ass cheek with a loud crack and tugged on her hair deliciously. “Please what?” He growled, pounding into her mercilessly.
She reveled in the pain for as long as she could. “Please let me cum, sir! Please can I cum, Mr. Jeon?” She heaved desperately, dangerously close to the edge. The mob boss quickly pulled out, much to Y/N’s instant anguish, and flipped her so that she was on her back with him holding the backs of her knees.
“Oh, Sweetheart,” He snickered down at her deviously. “Bad girls don’t get to cum. You know that.”
Her eyes widened and her hands extended to stroke Jungkook’s impressive abs fearfully. “I’ll be a good girl, I will. I’ll do whatever you want, please.” Her innocent, fucked out voice made his cock twitch, but he held strong.
“Oh, I know what I want.” He leaned down so that they were face to face. “I’m gonna cum inside you and you’re gonna be a ‘good girl’ by not cumming at all. Am I understood?” He asserted seriously.
Y/N struggled to answer. He can’t be serious, she thought. After so long apart this is the punishment she gets. Suddenly he was revealing her breasts and pinching both her hard nipples in the most beautifully agonizing way. “Am I understood?” He repeated with a growl.
“Yes, sir.” She seethed with wide eyes.
Jungkook captured her lips in a sweltering kiss while finding her dripping cunt and thrusting in hands-free. The mercenary’s mouth fell open at the intrusion forcing him to continue sucking on her bottom lip. He released her lip from its prison to focus on his cock disappearing inside of her in awe, allowing Y/N to curse his name to the ceiling.
“God, why do you have to feel so good, fuck!” She whispered, twisting a hand in her own hair tightly to ground herself while the other hand gripped the edge of the desk.
He then placed a hand on her neck, but before he could squeeze, she was slapping his hand away. He looked down at her with a bewildered expression. “You’re gonna make me cum. I wanna be good for you.” She explained breathlessly with furrowed brows.
A proud grin appeared on his face and he couldn’t help, but cover her lips with his once more with a grunt. Their hands roamed each other’s sweaty bodies as they moved together as one. He broke the kiss before gripping the sides of her face and looking into her piercing eyes.
“I’m almost there. Don’t you dare cum, okay?” Y/N nodded frantically, trying to fight the intense coil in her core threatening to snap.
Every part of her body burned with the exertion of keeping her orgasm at bay and by the time Jungkook’s seed flooded her walls there were tears falling down the sides of her face. She gripped her hair and the desk with extreme force as he was coming down, slowly thrusting in and out of her until his hips came to a stop.
She could feel kisses on each of her closed eyelids, on her nose and lips and even on the tear tracks down her cheeks and temples. “You did so well, Sweetheart. Such a good girl for me.” He whispered sweetly. “Thank you, sir.” She replied, preening under the praise.
He pecked her lips once more. “Now let’s get ready for bed, I'm beat.” He pulled out of her and helped her up from the table. Y/N looked around in confusion as he helped her to stand up. “Wait. That’s it?”
“Well, yeah. It’s getting late, come on.” He directed, assisting her in putting her panties back on.
“So you’re just gonna leave me like this?” She watched incredulously as he began to dress himself. “Yeah, I told you, you would have to pay for your crimes.” He merely shrugged.
“It was a fucking paper weight, Jeon.” She griped.
“Yeah and it was my favorite one.”
“And how was I supposed to know that?”
“You weren’t, but now you know not to do it again, huh?” He smiled humorously while offering her dress from the floor. She snatched it with a glare and put it on. She allowed him to approach her, place his hands on her arms and give her a kiss so full of love and tenderness that almost, almost made everything okay.
She then let Jungkook guide her to his room and accompany her in the shower before they settled into the extravagant bed for the night.
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Y/N woke up the next morning to the usual light snoring Jungkook wrapped around her like a boa. Her first action of the day was to remove herself from him as memories of the day before filled her mind. She wasn’t one to hold grudges.
Even as a child, she took what came to her and she either dished out what she got or she let things slide, she never held onto things for too long. But she realized she was actually cross with Jungkook about yesterday’s punishment.
Sure, the couple were no strangers to edging, but he had never flat out forbidden her to orgasm before and without any foresight of what she was getting herself into.
Wow, I really am a brat, she thought as she pulled on a baby blue silk robe and slippers before heading down to the kitchen.
It was a Sunday, meaning most people on Jungkook’s payroll had the day off except for security. Sadly that included Y/N’s precious Seojoon who wasn’t here to make her mouth watering pastries for breakfast.
Instead she settled for a bowl of fruit and a glass of orange juice at the kitchen counter while scrolling on her phone. She hears someone approach the kitchen and looks up instinctively, but immediately looks away when she sees the man of the hour.
He wore a t-shirt and sweatpants from last night paired with black Nike slides. He stopped short at the look and then continued to the refrigerator to retrieve a milk carton.
He gathered cereal, a spoon and a bowl adjacent to where she sat while keeping a close eye on Y/N. Her eyes were glued to her phone, but not showing any interest in what was on the screen.
“Good morning,” He spoke calmly, feeling out the environment.
“Good morning,” She replied in a voice that made Jungkook raise a perplexed brow. He couldn’t tell if she was pissed off or if this was just her regular voice. She tended to sound pissed off a lot.
“How did you sleep last night?” He questioned, just out of curiosity. Maybe she had a bad dream that stuck with her, the mobster thought.
“Oh, pretty well, all things considered.” Her tone of voice lilted up towards the end. The response was accompanied by the twitch of an eyebrow and a tongue that poked slightly at the inside of her cheek. Jungkook’s head tilts in confusion without his permission. What’s that supposed to mean? He thought. “What is there to consider?”
“Oh, nothing.” Deathstalker shrugged. “Just that I went to bed extremely sexually frustrated and it was hard to fall asleep is all. But I got there, don't worry.”
Jungkook’s jaw dropped to release a silent ‘ah’ and he sighed. “You’re mad at me because of the punishment?”
Yes, she thought. “I never said that.” She said.
“That’s what it sounds like you’re saying.”
“Well, aren’t you just a grade A communicator? Good for you.” Her eyes widened and her brows danced along with her sarcastic tone.
He sends a look that reminds her to watch her tone before responding. “Well, yeah because I guess you weren’t gonna tell me you were mad. I can’t read minds, you know.” He spoke animatedly, the milk and cereal long forgotten.
“I’m not mad, I’m just… I think I was sentenced unfairly, that’s all.” She forked a black berry into her mouth with a tilt of her head and held her hands up defensively.
An amused smile appeared on his face. “Oh, yeah? And what do you think your sentence should have been?” He asked, coming closer to her.
“I don’t know, maybe a spanking… maybe a couple of rounds with the flogger,” She mumbled carefully down at the marble counter. “It’s been so long since we’ve used–”
“No,” He interrupted firmly. “You didn’t deserve the play room yet.” Y/N sighed as her suspicions were affirmed. “And besides if you’re expecting those things is it really a punishment? Forgive me for trying to spice things up for once.” He recovered, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her middle section.
“Is that not okay?” He prompted, each word accompanied by a soft kiss to the side of her neck. Still no answer from Y/N, as her mind was elsewhere. Jungkook assumed the silence was due to pettiness, but he couldn’t be sure.
He took to another approach, moving her silk robe to the side to reveal her matching silk shorts as he spoke. “How about I give you a punishment I know you’ll like.” He knelt down behind her so that his face was level with her backside, gipping her hips firmly.
She glanced over her shoulder to be heard. “I thought you said no play room.” She recalled skeptically. “That is what I said, but I’m not talking about that.” He grinned as he pulled down her shorts and thong in one fell swoop. Y/N gasped at the sudden feeling of cold air against her ass.
“In the kitchen?” She whispered with a pleasantly surprised grin and wide eyes aimed at the cased opening to the room. There weren’t as many staff as usual around the mansion, but one of Jungkook’s foot soldiers or security could walk by at any moment. The thought of getting caught sent a thrill of adrenaline through the assassin.
Jungkook replied by spreading her cheeks and licking a stripe against her puckered hole. Her eyes fluttered shut and she bit her lip trying to conceal the whine that threatened to escape. He continued lapping at the tight ring of muscle eagerly, determined to draw those lewd noises right out of her.
He moved south until he came across her already dripping cunt and immediately began spearing his tongue into the delicious opening. Y/N’s head dangled dangerously close to the bowl of berries at the unbelievable feeling.
His hand glided up the curve of her ass and landed on the small of her back, pressing down so that he could have access to more of her. She did so without complaint so that she was arching into him and her forearms and elbows rested tensely against the counter.
Without warning he swooped down to take her clit in his mouth and finally a breathy moan could be heard falling from Y/N’s lips. The beautiful sound went straight to Jungkook’s cock as it hardened by the second in his sweats. Y/N’s brows furrowed deeply and her teeth threatened to draw blood on her bottom lip as she drew close to her climax.
Her lids were shut tight, but they opened wide at the sound of someone approaching the kitchen. She watched anxiously as Jin wandered by the opening in no particular hurry, long enough to nod at Deathstalker and for her to give a crooked smile and nod stiffly back.
All the while Jungkook continued to defile her pussy without pause or even a sliver of hesitation. When Jin was out of sight and she could no longer hear his footsteps, she let out a huge sigh of relief mixed with pleasure.
“That was close, huh?” He released her clit with a vulgar popping sound, replacing his mouth with his fingers.
“Please just keep going.” She breathed, placing her hand on the back of his head to pull him closer to her heat. She cried when she felt him tightly squeeze her pussy lips in between his fingers, creating an exquisite concoction of pleasure and pain.
“What was that?” He asked soberly.
“Sir!” She exclaimed as quietly as she could. “Please keep going, sir.”
“Good girl.” He praised before sinking two fingers into her wetness and flicking his tongue wildly against her asshole, nearly causing her to go cross eyed. She’s literally dripping down Jungkook’s fingers once his thumb gets involved with rubbing her clit at the same pace as his speedy fingers.
Y/N drags a hand down her face feverishly as the other pulls Jungkook’s head forward so that he dips past the ring of muscle, stretching her on his tongue. “Fuck,” she couldn’t help, but gasp, meeting Jungkook’s tongue fucking with her hips.
“Please, sir. Please, please, please,” Her whines were constant and desperate. Any worries she had about getting caught were completely out the window. And finally something within her snapped as she moaned up to the ceiling.
Jungkook savored the way she squeezed his fingers and tongue like a vice as she rocked back and forth to ride out her high. She pushed him away from her panting form when he kept going because she was too sensitive to bear it.
That was easily one of the best orgasms she’s ever had and she would be lying if she said the added risk of being seen had nothing to do with it.
He stood up, kissing along her arm and then her neck and then took her chin in his hand to steer her mouth toward his in a heated kiss.
“Thank you, sir.” She sighed sluggishly with a smile. “You’re welcome, Sweetheart.”
She looked up at him with furrowed brows. “I hardly see how that’s a punishment, though.”
“Oh, we’re just getting started, baby.” He purred in between kisses against her jaw. That’s when she sensed Jungkook lower his sweatpants and his slicked erection brushed her bare ass cheek. She swallowed in anticipation and prepared herself for what would happen next.
He runs the tip of his cock through her folds and in between her cheeks, getting it nice and wet. “You okay? I know that last one took a lot out of you.” He goaded, tapping her clit for emphasis and watching a jolt go through her.
“Yes, sir. I can take it.” She nodded. “Good girl, that’s what I like to hear.” He cajoled as he lined himself up at her entrance. “Hold it open for me, baby.” She reached back with one hand and grabbed one cheek at the command, steadying herself on the counter with the other. But the second Jungkook sheathed himself inside her, she was nearly collapsing onto the marble, the sheer feeling of being this full was enough to knock the wind out of her.
He thrusted into the hilt, leaving no space between them and Y/N swore she could feel him in her lungs. She kept whimpering aimlessly. “Fffuck, Mr. Jeon, please,”
“Don’t worry, Sweetheart, I’m gonna give you what you want.” He promised, finally moving his hips so that only the tip could be seen stretching her little hole until he rams his hips back into her, stealing a short scream in the process. She covers her mouth instinctively, but Jungkook isn't having it.
He snatched your hand away and tucked it behind her back for safe keeping. “Oh, no you don’t, that’s cheating.” He panted, gripping the back of her neck for leverage.
“What, are you afraid someone’s gonna come in and see you getting railed like a little slut? Hm?” He seethed while never missing a beat fucking into her hard and fast. Y/N gave a weak nod that was barely detected amongst all the gyrating her body did thanks to Jungkook’s forceful thrusts.
He only laughed maniacally and pulled her forward by the neck until his entire arm was wrapped around her jugular. Her eyes rolled back at the feeling of her throat being squeezed by Jungkook’s large bicep.
“We both know that’s bullshit,” He jeered, alluding to her nod. “You live for it, you fucking love it. You love that anyone could come in here and watch you getting fucked open on the kitchen fucking counter like the little cock slut you are. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes, sir.” She grunted under the weight of his arm. “Tell me you love it.” He whispered against the shell of her ear, hitting that special spot that made her forget how to breathe. Following orders, she choked out, “I fucking love it, Mr. Jeon.” And she did.
Obviously there weren’t too many foot soldiers close by because someone would have come to see what all the noise was. The clapping sound that they created wasn’t exactly quiet. But even so, it made Y/N’s heart race to think someone else could find them like this and it was sending her over the edge.
“And who’s my little cock slut?”
“I’m your little cock slut, sir.” She said with so much conviction it brought a beaming smile to Jungook’s face. “That’s right.” He affirmed, reaching up to message her breast and pinch her nipple through her silk nightshirt.
“Fuck,” He breath caught in her throat; he was hitting her g-spot perfectly. “Please can I cum, sir? Please, I’m so close, Mr. Jeon, please may I cum?” She implored desperately, reaching up to tangle her fingers in his silky black hair.
He couldn’t help, but laugh at her formal wording. “Well, since you asked so nicely, go right ahead, Sweetheart.” He had hoped to hold out for a little longer than this, but the way Y/N’s tight wet pussy gripped and pulsated around his cock through her orgasm had him spilling into her in tandem.
He pressed her neck tighter into his bicep with his other forearm and was just the fix Y/N needed to see the galaxy behind her lids if only for a moment.
“Fuck me.” He groaned into her shuddering shoulder, placing kisses wherever there was skin as he fucked his cum into her at a steady pace. Y/N tapped his elbow and he immediately released her.
He barely gave her enough time to recover when he turned her around, picked her up and sat her down on the counter so she was spread out in front of him, exposing her most private parts to him.
Before she could even react, he dove right into her pussy. He allowed Y/N to cover her mouth this time to conceal the string of loud curses that fell from it. “Oh my God, Jungkook.” She rasped as her chest heaved energetically, receiving a hard slap to her thigh.
She fought off a laugh at his reaction. “Ah! Sorry, sir.”
Jungkook didn’t mind. She was enjoying herself now, so he would let her. He just focused on cleaning her up and making her feel good. He captured every drop of both their cum that leaked out and then captured her clit securely in his mouth. His expert tongue flicked and sucked until she could no longer take it.
“Ugh, Mr. Jeon, you’re gonna make me cum again.” She cried, grabbing the back of his head and grinding into his face mindlessly. It was meant as a warning, as she wasn’t sure if that was his intention.
He hummed his unintelligible permissions into her pussy and in no time she was a shaking mess on the cold marble. She had to pull him off when her clit got sensitive to the touch and then she pulled him to her mouth to deliver a sloppy, fucked out kiss.
He was already on the move as soon as she broke the kiss. “Here, put these back on, or don’t, we’re going back upstairs.” He handed her her shorts and slid his sweat pants back on before helping her off the counter. She stumbled slightly, securing her robe around her waist before murmuring, “Okay?” And followed her dominant upstairs to his bedroom.
“Take your clothes off and get on the bed.” He instructed once they entered. Or reentered. They had only just left.
She nodded and complied like the good submissive she so desperately wanted to be. He then found two cuts of rope in the night stand and came over to tie each of her hands to a bedpost. She watched him work with irrepressible adoration. Three orgasms in and she felt like she was floating.
He leaned over her, regarding her breathtaking body before speaking. “You know the safe word don’t you, Sweetheart?” He could see the mischief sparkle in her eyes at the question. “Yes, sir.”
“Say it for me, please.”
“Oxford.” She smirked with anticipation.
“Good girl.” He congratulated her with a kiss which she smiled into like a proud student.
He retrieved two more ropes and tied each of her legs so that they were completely bent at the knee and incapable of moving any further. “You alright?” He checked in.
“Perfect, sir.” She replied, completely at ease, still basking in the afterglow of their activities in the kitchen. And yet on the inside she was jumping with excitement.
Her mind and body felt like how static looked; fuzzy, thrumming with life, volatile. Her mind ran wild with the possibilities of what he might do to her.
He collected lube and the hitachi magic wand from the bottom drawer of the night stand which she recognized and was familiar with. But then Jungkook pulled out what looked like a small butt plug.
“I bought you something.” He brought it closer for her to see. “Do you like it?”
“I love it.” She spoke genuinely. It was a small, hot pink butt plug with a diamond at the end. She assumed it was for beginners and it was very pretty in her personal opinion. “Thank you, Mr. Jeon.”
“Your welcome, Sweetheart. I’m glad you like it.” He cooed, sitting on the side of the bed.
“I think we should start with the hard stuff before we get to the easier stuff, what do you think?” He held up the butt plug when he said ‘hard stuff’. It registered to Y/N that he was asking a genuine question in which he desired her input and so she answered truthfully.
“I agree, sir.” If anal play was considered the hard stuff she would definitely knock that out first.
“Great, now try to relax, baby.” He coated his fingers in lube and ran them over the cinched muscle while lazily taking her clit into his mouth again. Her body jerked at the contact and her hips floated up to gain more access to Jungkook’s mouth, which she was surprised he allowed her to do.
They were only languid kitten licks after all, as his main focus was breaching her back door. Luckily his Sweetheart did as she was told and really committed to relaxing her body so that he was able to get a fingertip past the tight muscle shortly.
“Good girl, you’re doing so well for me. Keep those legs back.” His soft voice drifted up to her ears.
Y/N basked in the praise and hissed when he attached his mouth to her pussy again. Soon his entire index finger was probing her, thrusting into uncharted territory that made Y/N’s toes curl.
It was an utterly new feeling. One that was incredibly intense and overwhelming and painful. All these sensations made it possible for Y/N to get lost in the feeling of Jungkook’s long, thick finger working in and out of her.
“Another.” She found herself panting out without thinking. Jungkook put his work on her cunt on pause to peer down at her with a raised brow. “What was that?” He questioned sorely.
She suddenly looked down with a troubled expression. “I mean please, please may I have another, sir.” She mewled apologetically.
“That’s the second slip up today,” He noted, spreading more lube on his fingers. “You’re not making this a habit, I hope. Are you, Y/L/N?”
“No, sir.” She shook her head, watching as his fingers got closer and closer to where she wanted them. “Good because I really wanna watch you come with my fingers in your ass and I can only do that if you’re good for me. Can you do that?” His tone was challenging, yet ominous which let her know that there was no room for her to do anything, but be good.
“Yes, sir, I can do that.” She nodded determinedly. “Good. Now I want you to scream for me.”
He declared before diving back in. Two fingers were eventually submerged into her hole while Jungkook sucked on her sensitive bundle of nerves vigorously.
Y/N’s hands balled into fists and she pulled on her restraints as he bored his fingers in and out of her, slowly. There was no fighting the familiar feeling building inside of her as her body started to vibrate.
“Please, hngh, faster, sir.” She squeaked out, her eyes shut tightly from the onslaught of sensations.
Jungkook granted her wish without a word and began pumping his digits into her at a moderate speed so as not to overwhelm her. But it was too late, she was already being swept away by such a powerful force. She did scream for him, but it was silent and strained, the only sound in the room coming from Jungkook’s ribald efforts on her body. Her back arched deeply causing the crown of her head to meet the pillow shortly.
She finally let out a howl of release as she was coming down with him still attached to and moving inside her.
Jungkook removed his fingers and released her pussy with a pop, kneeling in front of her with a smile. “How was it, Sweetheart?”
“I really liked that.” Her voice was hoarse and she had a new frenzied look in her hooded eyes. There was a slight twitch occurring with her left thigh and she was panting heavily. This was what Jungkook wanted, what he envisioned after their tasteless argument in the kitchen. Well not quite, but perhaps after a few more…
“Oh, you liked that?” He coaxed cheekily while crawling up her body slowly to give Y/N a fierce kiss. “Mmhmm.” She hummed gleefully against his lips.
“Good, ‘cause I think you’re ready for the real thing.” He reached to grab the butt plug from the nightstand and covered it in lube. He gets it inside her, thrusting it in and out a little. Then he pulls out the hitachi wand and presses it to her already worn out clit. She screams.
“Sir, I can’t, it’s too much.” Y/N tries to scoot further away, but is failing miserably due to her restraints. With the butt plug added to the mix, she could already sense this was going to be a whole new kind of intense.
“I thought this was what you wanted. I told you I’d give you a punishment you would like.” Jungkook feigns innocence and watches as it dawns on her. This is why he reminded her of the safeword. “You did say you liked it, what happened?” His hands wandered as he spoke, caressing her body with his feather light touch.
“I did, I'm just really sensitive now, after… everything.” She swallowed. He had half a mind to take pity on her pouting lips and slightly furrowed brow as she gave her apologetic excuse. But she started this with her little outburst in the kitchen and Jungkook was going to finish it.
He chuckled and nuzzled her nose with his. “Oh, Sweetheart, I know that. That’s the point.” He positioned the wand so that it was barely touching her little nub and watched as her breath still caught in her throat and her back arched into his chest. “And you asked for this,”
His hand drifted up to wrap around her neck, squeezing slowly as he touched his lips to her ear. “So take your punishment like a good little girl.” He growled before pressing the vibrator into her clit harshly.
Y/N cried out as loud as one could with a hand around their throat and her body spasmed like Jungkook had never seen before. He took his time committing every movement to memory and just enjoyed her body. He leaned back on his ankles to get the full picture when her legs tried to close around his arm.
“Oh, no.” He forced them apart and gave a sharp smack to each thigh, evoking another cry. “That was rude! Apologize right now.”
It was a lot to ask as her orgasm was already approaching and her mind officially turned to mush, but another rough slap to her breast had her spewing out whatever she could think of. “I’m sorry, sir, Em serry, zerr.” She panted, her eyelids clenched shut.
“That’s right. Next time I’m gonna have to tie your hands to your legs, maybe get a spreader bar so you can’t hide from me, huh? Or I could put you on your stomach so you can’t see what I’m doing to you, tie your hands to the spreader so you can’t move at all.” He mused playfully. He then adjusted the angle of the wand and pushed slightly on the plug a few times and her body went still.
Her chin pointed towards the ceiling, her chest reached for the sky, her bound legs closed once again only to meet Jungkook’s torso. Ten seconds later her body fell back to the bed and her chest was heaving, but it still felt like she was one with the birds.
No words left her mouth, if they did they were completely incoherent, just incessant moaning and groaning as her body undulated against the mattress. It continued as Jungkook took to a new pattern of thrusting the wand against her. The moans turned to sobs as the luscious torture went on, sending her straight through to the next orgasm.
Tears rushed down her face. She couldn’t catch her breath with everything happening so fast and so intensely. Everything she felt was heightened and pain started to seep in with the pleasure, but damn did it feel fucking amazing. She was sweating now and her brain was getting foggier as they went and yet somehow she wanted more.
Jungkook removed the toy with a grunt from Y/N and set it aside for now. He leaned down once again to press a heated kiss to her trembling lips and her tear stained cheeks. He wishes he had waited until later in the day so he would watch the mascara run down her face.
“What do you say, Sweetheart?” He entreated, gazing deeply into her unfocused eyes.
“Thank you, sir, thank you, sir.” She gasped, pulling on the restraints to wrap her arms around her lover, but getting nowhere. She whimpered in defeat.
“You’re welcome, baby. You’re doing great.” He extolled while kissing down her jaw.
“How are your arms?” He inquired into her neck. It never occurred to her before now, but it was becoming painful to be in this position. “A little sore.” She told him in a small hoarse voice.
“How about this?” He reached over her to release each of her wrists and messaged them before placing them on her knees. He even made sure her head was propped up with enough pillows.
“Is that better?” She nodded.
“Good. These don’t move,” He rested his hands on hers for emphasis. “Until I say they do. That way you can actually keep these legs open for me. Understand?”
She gulped in anticipation. “Yes, sir.” That earned her a soft kiss from her dominant. “Such a good girl.” Y/N tried not to be too giddy about the praise she was receiving, but couldn’t hide the shit eating grin on her face.
Jungkook left her for a moment to remove his clothes and rejoined his girlfriend swiftly on the bed. The assassin was just coherent enough to spot his rock hard erection out of the corner of her eye and then he was leaning over her again.
He ran his tip along her slit and let out a laugh at how utterly soaked she was. “Goddamn, Sweetheart,” He sighed, capturing her lips in a sloppy kiss.
“You’re so perfect.” They each shuddered when he finally thrusted into her. Y/N’s hands gripped her knees for dear life. She was fighting with herself not to throw her arms around Jungkook and bring him closer to her.
His pace was slow, but firm. His hips smacked against hers every time they made contact. She could feel the plug nestle deeper inside of her whenever his ballsack collided with it. And once again she was reduced to a mess of unintelligible whines and moans completely at his mercy.
“Think you can cum for me again, hm, Sweetheart?” He moaned as she squeezed his cock wonderfully. She was sure of it. “Yes, sir.” She breathed, shutting her eyes and letting the sensation of being filled with his cock carry her away.
While she wasn’t looking Jungkook grabbed the vibrator and pressed it to her clit. “Gahh!” Her head popped up and she shrieked at vibrations overstimulating her nerves and making her entire body quiver. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” She chanted.
“Holy shit, that’s right, baby,” He took hold of her throat and used it as leverage to thrust into her freely while he held the vibrator steady with other hand. “Cum for me, Y/L/N.” He ordered through clenched teeth. Y/N let out a feral scream as she came and everything seemed to go black for a moment.
Jungkook felt the plug get pushed out, but he was too focused on Y/N’s beautiful face to correct it. Her hair collected on her forehead thanks to all the sweat, her brows were deeply furrowed, her lips screwed up into a pouty frown and her eyes were wild. She didn’t know what to do with everything she was feeling, it hit her like a ton of bricks. She was breathtaking, Jungkook thought.
He removed the vibrator once again and her body went limp, her head turned off to the side lifelessly. He pulled out and let go of her throat to look her over carefully. She was still breathing heavily as he took her chin in between his fingers and turned her head to face him.
A light shake of her head and a tap on the cheek was enough to bring her back to him. She blinked up at him looking disoriented and he couldn’t help, but chuckle at how adorable she looked.
“There you are, I thought I lost you for a second there. You okay?” He asked genuinely, stroking her wet cheek. She nodded with a listless smile and hooded lids.
“Are you tired? You wanna stop?”
“No, no, I want you to cum, sir.” She even protested in an exhausted manner, but she made sure to keep her hands on her knees like she was told.
“Thanks for thinking of me, Sweetheart, but I can cum on these beautiful tits just as easily. I don’t wanna keep going if you’re gonna faint on me again.” He allowed her to let go of her knees and positioned himself so he was standing over her stomach and jerked himself to completion all over her chest.
“Good girl.” Jungkook admired breathlessly. He might as well have been talking to a corpse the way Y/N laid there completely unmoving, eyelids drooping and totally spent.
He cleaned her up, put away the toys and untied her legs before messaging them. She was forced to go to the bathroom, but he did help her get there so it wasn’t horrible. He then got into bed and wrapped his arms around her the same way he had when she woke up this morning. By this time it was only twelve-thirty in the afternoon.
And although Jungkook had expected her to fall straight to sleep, her brain was busy with trying to decipher his behavior these past couple of weeks. Y/N was starting to conjure her own theories about the playroom.
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Cheers To Eighteen Years, Spider | Post NWH Series P.4
Contains spoilers for Spider-Man NWH
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Catch up on parts 1-3 -> Series Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Series Pairings & Characters : Tobey!Peter Parker x Female!reader/Black Cat (romantic), Benny Parker OC, Harry Parker OC, Gwen Stacy, MJ Watson x John Jameson, J. Jonah Jameson
Content Warnings: major fluff (like my heart is full), mentions of past pregnancy, kissing & making out, slight nsfw at the end & implications to sex, spoilers for SMNWH, flirtatious banter & sexual tension. Mary Jane slander. Mentions of violence including domestic violence (I’m making it where Peter hit Y/n instead of Mj in that one scene in SM3) | female!reader (she/her)
Ch. 4 Premise: It’s a special day for crime fighting couple Peter & Y/n Parker. Their relationship has had quite the journey including a small term breakup which kinda makes people question if they’ve been together for as long as they say. But despite the obstacles, they preserved and while the marriage has only been half as long, they can say cheers to eighteen years. It’s only fitting the two take a trip down memory lane.
Song that inspired this chapter is ‘Love Song’ by Lana Del Rey (this song always has me crying—like I literally teared up writing the end 🥺 its so soft & I throw in a lyric near the end.)
Note: I’m gonna have to do some digging and get the whole year situation sorted out cause like although tobeys movies came out in 2002, 2004, & 2007, generally the year the plot is takes place is the one before. So I’m working on that and the way I know I want to establish the complicated relationship the two have involves getting those years right. It might be a little confusing at first, but I promise to edit and fix it once I finish both this and the prequel series. Also this takes place in 2023 considering thats when No Way Home is set, so if we go based on that & the way I have the twins born is 2007 then they’d be 16.
“You knooooow,” the gentle tune of Y/ns voice makes Peter lift his eyes from scanning the menu. Her eyes were still on hers, but there was a curl of her lips as she spoke to him. “Some people would argue about the number of years we’ve been together.”
Peter raises a brow, “Oh really now?”
“Yes,” she finally looks to him, eyes mischievous as always. “But I’m not one to listen to people when they try to plead the case. You know, like how Tywin Lannister once said ‘the lion does not concern themselves with the opinion of a sheep.’ Although,” she tsks, “I would say in my circumstances it would be a cat and a mouse.”
“How poetic,” he smirks while lifting his wine glass to his mouth—keeping his eyes on hers. “I would’ve been shocked if you did have them waste your time, Cat. It’s very unlike of you.” She shrugs nonchalantly just as the server returned to take their order.
It was date night for the married couple, but not just a typical date night. In fact it was a very special date night—one that involved an anniversary. And no, not one to celebrate their marriage. They’d only been married roughly half of their relationship, and even then it putting an exact date on how long they’ve been together was complicated.
Some would argue they should say its only been sixteen years for them—considering they took a break during Y/ns pregnancy and didn’t get officially back together until the twins were roughly four months. But if one were to erase that break then eighteen would be the true number.
See Peter & Y/n didn’t actually get together almost a year and half—nearly two years until after their identities were exposed. In late 2003 Y/n was still on the opposite side of the law and Peter was just getting over Mj. They remained close friends and allies when Y/n finally decided to leave behind her criminal ways, becoming the vigilante duo keeping New York safe at night.
It’s really how it all started there. Feelings progressed and by 2005 they put a label on things. It was a beautiful time for the two. They both felt the love and happiness they’d desired for so long.
Until 2006 happened.
It was then Y/n noticed how Mj was showing up wherever they went on dates—claiming to ‘catch up’ with them, but really she would only address Peter half the time. Peter never noticed Mj behavior when Y/n was present, but she sure did. The Black Cat saw right through the redheads intentions. It was obvious especially when Mj kept saying how they were pushing back the wedding date of her and John.
But of course lovable, blind, and sweet Peter Parker never thought anything of it.
Until one day he did and it happened to coincide around the time the symbiote entered their life. By this rate Y/n was seconds away from clawing Mjs face if she disrespected her and their relationship again, and Peter was starting to question feelings for both women. Gwen Stacy also entered the picture, making everything more complicated—although Y/n had to give some respect to Gwen.
Gwen at least apologized to Y/n when Peter made that scene in the Jazz club and she couldn’t blame her for the kiss they shared when Gwen didn’t know it was Peter under the mask. Mary Jane, however, seemed to be more persistent about Peter after discovering he was Spider-Man. So much that when Mj found out Y/n was Black Cat tried using Y/ns past against her.
Yeah, she almost got the claws on that one.
And unlike Gwen, Mary Jane never thanked Y/n for taking the hit meant for her when Peter was fighting the clubs bouncers. Y/n had realized Peter was corrupted when she caught a glimpse of the black suit underneath his clothes. He was too far gone to stop and then when Mj tried to pull him back from fighting Y/ns cat-like reflexes kicked in—pulling the redhead behind her in the nick of time. The reaction caused her to take the smack from Peter—and boy was that the last straw.
So it took awhile before things were fixed. 2007 became their guiding light with the birth of their twins—and Peter had made amends with not just Y/n, but also himself.
It’s been sixteen years since they re-established their romance, although Y/n and Peter would argue and still say it’s been eighteen years since they got together.
“You know, babe,” Y/n leaned in her chair, legs crossed giving Peter a nice view of her neckline that was accentuated by the black silk dress and diamond necklace. He kept his eyes on hers, although he let them flicker every once in awhile. They were always drawn to the tiny spider tattoo of his suit logo Y/n had behind her ear—often hidden behind her hair. She always saw him when he did it because it resulted in her smirking. “You should be proud of me.” The man tilts his head, wondering what she could be referring to.
“I saw my favorite person in the world yesterday,” sarcasm dripped of her tongue. “And didn’t cause a scene.” Peter was no fool, already knowing who the person was. Y/n then lifts a hand and adds, “But you and I both know its never me who causes the scene. She just loves to say I do.”
The man chuckles, taking another sip of his wine. “I know, trouble,” he says the nickname playfully, as if he doesn’t believe her—although she knows he does because he’s witnessed the altercations numerous of times. “What did Mary Jane want this time?” He pauses before adding, “and did it end like it normally does with her crying?”
“You know, Stud, it didn’t.” The tone she had was like she couldn’t even believe it herself. A conversation between Y/n L/n and Mary Jane Watson never ended well—it was always with the redhead in tears cause Y/n clawed into her soul like the cat she is. Even as adults in their 40s, Mj picked fights with the woman like they were still in high school.
“Really?” Peters tilted his head, leaning back in his own chair. “That’s new. It seems like we’ve been full of surprises since returning from our multiversal trip.”
“You’re telling me, Spider,” Y/n scoffed/laughed. “She actually wanted to make amends if you can believe it—I know,” she said when Peters eyes had widened. “I know I couldn’t believe it myself, Peter. I was ready to get the claws out—my mind was already preparing what words to drag her with, but no. Mj surprised me.”
The server returned to refill their glasses making them pause. When he left, Peter leaned forward to place his elbows on the table. “What did she say?” It really did intrigue the man because he never thought he’d see the day where Mary Jane Watson would make amends with Y/n
Unfortunately their children went to the same school as Mj & Johns so they saw each other at functions and events. Although ‘happily’ married—to an astronaut at that—with three kids nonetheless, Mj still seemed to be pressed that Peter chose Y/n. Y/n never gave Mj the time of day and whenever the redhead started something—Y/n always warned her with ‘I’d really think for a moment Watson. Because once you mess with the Cat, the claws come out. But then again you never seem to listen and come back for more.’
Every time something started between them, Peter stepped in. Both to calm Y/n down and to tell Mj off, while poor John is having to apologize for his wife’s behavior. Talk about second hand embarrassment the Parkers had for them.
“For starters,” Y/ns voice went a little low, eyes flicking to the ground which made him nervous. “She wanted to thank me for what happened at the jazz club.” Her words had Peter frowning, eyes falling to the table in shame and guilt as the events of that night played in his mind.
It didn’t matter how much time had passed, he would always be ashamed for putting his hands on Y/n in that way. He may have been corrupted by the symbiote, but that didn’t matter. Peter would never forgive himself—not after the look in Y/ns eyes when her hair flipped out of her face and he could see the imprint his hand left.
“Hey,” her voice reached his ears while her foot hit his leg under the table, trailing the side of his calf. He looked up and nearly melted at the soft look she was giving him. “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” Peter asked although he knew her answer.
Y/n reached her hand over the table to grasp his, still letting her heeled cover foot caress his leg. “You know,” she looks him in the eye, bringing his hand to lips to kiss. “I forgave you a long time for that, Peter. I wouldn’t be sitting here if I didn’t and you know that.”
Peter sighs, love radiating through his veins and brings the hand she was holding to his lips so he could kiss her knuckles. He let his lips linger for a few seconds, basking in the warmth her palm was giving him. “I don’t deserve you.” He whispered against her skin, eyes closed.
“You deserve everything and more,” she objects, maneuvering her hand so it could cup his cheek. She gently scratches his scruff of hair that had grown in, letting her thumb trail his bottom lip—giggling when he kissed it. There’s then a glint in her eyes and she bits her lip. “I’ll make sure you understand that tonight, Stud.”
If the man could explode he would have with how his woman was looking at him. Like she couldn’t wait for this date to end so they could get home and make love until the sun rose. And that’s exactly what Y/n was planning given the twins were gone for the night to a friends house. Not to mention she wouldn’t have worn his favorite dress of hers if she wasn’t on a mission.
With blushing cheeks, Peter shakes his head—overcome with emotion. When he lifts his head back up, Peter just gazes at Y/n—adoring ever inch of her face just like he did the first time he saw her. “I love you, you know that.”
Y/n smirks, though there is a slight shyness making his heart soar. “I love you too.” Their food was brought out a few seconds later and they didn’t hesitate to dig in. There was a comfortable silence for a bit. Neither feeling like they had to converse while they ate—it reminded them of the scene in ‘Pulp Fiction’ where Mia mentions how you must’ve found someone special if you can enjoy the silence comfortably.
And both had found that in each other.
“So was that all Mj wanted?” Peter asked after several minutes when they nearly finished their plates. Y/n set down her fork, bringing a napkin up to dab her mouth—careful to not smudge her red lipstick.
“No, that wasn’t all,” she took a sip of wine. “When she had said that she also apologized—realizing if she hadn’t went to grab you then it wouldn’t have happened.” Y/n gives him a look when his face falls again—pointing a finger from the hand holding her glass as if to say ‘Don’t do that again.’
She sets her glass down, “Afterwards she proceeded to also apologize for those times she brought up my past to try and sway you to her side.” Y/n let out a laugh, thinking back how in disbelief she was when Mj had said those words to her. “She said it wasn’t fair to hold it against me not understanding why I did it in the first place.”
“Wow,” Peter muttered, setting down his own fork. “I’m really surprised honestly. That was always her argument on why she was the better choice.” He makes a sound under his breath, like it was painful to remember all those times Mj was at his door during the time he and Y/n were broken up—pleading her case to him and why he could never be happy with a former criminal. It honestly angered Peter thinking back on how Mj had been so disrespectful to Y/n—acting like she was some saint although the woman was literally engaged and playing with his feelings cause she loved Spider-Man.
Thank God he made the right choice.
“I know,” Y/n scoffed. “To be honest, Peter, I don’t know what brought this upon her. I mean the woman had sixteen plus years to finally get her act together.” She gives a shrug, leaning back in the chair. “Maybe John has finally had enough and it’s making her realize she’s had everything in front of her that she just couldn’t see. Maybe they are leaving New York and Mj wanted to not leave behind any loose ends.” Y/n pauses, before giving another shrug. “Or, maybe she had a change of heart—wanted to do better.”
Peter couldn’t help but smile at how she used the words he had given Otto.
It lingers in the air for a bit before Y/n lets out a sigh, processing the conversation—which really wasn’t much of her talking it was mostly Mj. “I guess I should be grateful,” she then says. “Its never too late to seek forgiveness for wrong doings. If Mj is truly sorry and wants to have some peace between us,” Y/n pauses, almost like she didn’t want to say the words. Peter was already trying to fight the laugh from her expression which showed she was having inner conflict.
“I guess I should give her a chance,” Y/n finally gets the words out—bring a hand up like she just vomited. Peter was literally covering his mouth because he was in a fit of giggles. Her dramatics always humored him, and this was just the icing on the cake. “—I can’t believe I said it.” Y/n closes her eyes, fighting her own laughs. “I must be out of my mind, huh, Stud.”
Peter finally calms down, wiping a tear that escaped. “Oh, Cat,” he shakes his head. “I’m proud of you—seriously though it takes a lot to give second chances. And the fact its someone who I thought I’d have to bail you out of jail one of these days because of cat fight, shows you’ve come so far.”
There was playfulness in his tone, but Peter was truly happy to hear that Mj had apologized me Y/n was open to accepting it. But Peter would always support her no matter what she chose. He trusted her judgement, always.
“Thanks, babes,” she winked.
They finished their meal while making some more small talk. Occasionally they would talk about the life they shared—including if Y/n was bringing the Cat back. “I don’t know, Spider,” she smirked. “I know how much you love me in that suit—who am I to deprive you of that.” Of course she would have him mad blushing.
Then it switched to their kids. “Benny told me he wants to add cool tech to your suit like the other Peters had.” “Uhh—absolutely not. I’m too old for that and would probably hurt myself first before anyone else.” “Maybe Harry can draw up some sketches. Give you a makeover.” “If Harry drew me a new suit, it would turn out to look like Neo from the Matrix.”
Eventually they finished their plates, bringing their glasses up to give a toast to the occasion. “To you, my beautiful wife,” Peter beams, “—for putting up with me and my shenanigans for so long and always supporting me. Being the best mother to our sons and giving me a reason to do what I do. I couldn’t be this city’s friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if I didn’t have you there every step of the way. Everyday I make it my goal to continue fulfilling the promise I made to you. I won’t stop until my last breath. And I hope we get to continue this little journey in life until the end of time—because what’s this Spider without his Cat.” Y/n felt her eyes gloss over, warmth filling her soul. “I love you, Y/n. Thank you for eighteen years and here’s to many more.”
Y/n didn’t care they were in a restaurant. She lifted from her chair—hand going to Peters chin, and bringing him into a passionate kiss. He responded with as much enthusiasm, smiling when she pressed several more kisses in between his laughter before pulling away. Sitting back and fixing her seat, Y/n lifted her glass back to his.
“Peter,” she began, eyes gazing into his with love. “You’ve been my rock and reason for putting up with everything thrown at us over these nearly two decades. You’re an amazing father—who I have had the honor of watching grow and be the man our sons deserve. We may have had some obstacles, but we persevered—and I’ll fight anyone who tries to question our relationship.” Peter laughs, making her smile even wider. “You’re my once in a lifetime, Peter Parker. If there is life after we’re long gone from this Earth, I hope I have it with you. I love you. Cheers to eighteen years, Spider.”
Their glasses clinked and they both took a sip before Peter pulled Y/n back to him, capturing her lips with his. It was a softer kiss. One that sent a thousand words to each other, and felt like they were they only two in existence.
When they pulled away, both were staring into each other’s eyes—love and adornment swimming in them. Peter gives her another kiss, just in time for the server to come back with their check. He gives him the card, aware Y/n was back to caressing his leg with her foot.
A signal the night was coming to an end.
“Running out of patience, Cat?” He smirks, adjusting his collar.
Her movements never falter. “Of course when you’re looking like that,” she lets her eyes trail over him. “You know how much I love you in a suit, stud.”
“Just like you know how much I love you in that dress,” he glances to her body clad in black silk—doing wonders for her and making ever curve accentuate.
Y/n chuckles behind mischievous eyes. “The occasion called for it,” she trails her foot higher to where it was nearing his thigh. “You know I’m not one to pass up an opportunity.”
“Oh I’m aware, sweetheart.” Peters hand goes under the table to catch her ankle, letting his thumb smooth over her skin when he pulled her foot to his lap. Luckily when the server returned with his card and receipt, the tablecloth was covering the area—so no eyes were able to see what was happening.
Peter kept Y/ns foot in his lap while he placed his card in his wallet and signed the merchants copy before leaving a cash tip. When he finished, he closed the booklet and returned his hand to her ankle, bringing it closer so he could let his hand caress her calf. “You ready to get out of here, trouble?”
Biting her lip and adjusting her foot so it brushed over his inner thigh—making Peter give her a warning look while trying to fight off a groan, Y/n leaned forward with lust filled eyes. “I thought you’d never ask, Spider.”
Luckily for the two they were met with a empty house—minus Midnight—when they arrived home. Benny and Harry were staying at their friends for the night—well aware it was their parents anniversary and was in their best interest to not be home—so the adults were free to do as they pleased.
And do as they pleased they will.
Y/n barely had time to react when Peter swung them up to the third floor balcony of their home that was right outside their room. His lips were immediately on hers, hands going to her back to clutch the silk clinging to her. Y/ns hands were in his hair, making it a mess of its perfect style and her red lips painted his.
“I love you,” he said against her mouth, flinging the balcony door and pushing her into the room until her back hit the adjacent wall.
“I love you,” she repeated, trailing her hands over Peters chest while his lips met her neck—kissing over the spider tattoo behind her ear. A moan escaped her, tilting her head to give him more space which he welcomed greatly—planting kisses all over her while slightly biting down to creat marks that would surely last for days.
She managed to grab the small remote that linked to her bluetooth speaker and a few buttons while Peter continued his assault on her neck and chest. When a familiar soft tune filled the room, she dropped the remote and wrapped her arms around his neck—bringing his lips back to hers.
Eventually they left the wall, Y/n tugging Peters suit jacket from his shoulders while his hands went to her dress zipper. As the zipper began to unwind, Peter gazed into Y/ns eyes, freezing by how beautiful they looked from the moonlight reflecting of them. “Happy anniversary, Y/n.”
Her smile was dazzling, making Peter feel he was a teenager again silently admiring her from afar. Y/n leaned up to press a sweet kiss to him, caressing his cheek with her palm. “Cheers to eighteen years, spider.”
And as the words from Lana Del Reys ‘Love Song’ played in the background. “The taste, the touch, the way we love—
“—it all comes down to make the sound of our love song.” Peter and Y/n Parker cheered to eighteen years while creating the sounds to their very own love song.
Tag list: @secretsthathauntus, @eternalharry
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