#But thats fine Im a nerd too
notemaker · 1 year
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Peri-Peri-Peridot, my fave gem and one of my all time fave characters! I remember watching s.u’s updates when the show still aired, but especially peridot’s whole redemption arc. I loved her character so, so much. I still do. I also started drawing around that time, and I’m just so happy to see my own artistic improvement since then. Have some peri’s!
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todayisafridaynight · 13 days
aoki deserves a billion and one knives to the organs but tbh if i showed up to the husband of my ex's ceremony Of Which Was The Same Guy Who Made Me Look Like A Jackass On My Birthday and she was like 'wow youre so charming and sophisticated' after i overheard her calling me a creep and a weirdo On My Birthday i think i wouldve killed myself on the spot in front of everyone so good on him for not doing that I Guess
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tealfruit · 9 months
it's really a shame I have to sell 40+ of my life hours every week for poverty wages instead of spending all my time and energy on dozens of creative and technical pursuits with unlimited resources
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depresseddepot · 1 year
guess who got edibles for the first time
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lesbianlores · 1 year
You promise?
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Pair: Drug dealer! shuriri x Anti drug! fem! reader
part two
Warnings: heavy arguing, make up/rough sex, strap! reader receiving, praise kink, strap sucking! shuri receiving, masterbation, plus size! reader, references, reader has locs. (most of the smut is going to be in part two) Not proof read!!
Word count: about 2,000
You’re studying for your exam thats in a couple weeks and you hear a buzz coming from your phone that’s charging in the kitchen. You get up to answer and it’s your friend Jayda, “heyyy biiitchhh” “girl what do you want i’m studying” you said grabbing a bottle of water from your fridge. “you’re such a nerd oh my gosh, anyways there’s this dope party and the whole gang is going you should come with us” you paused, almost like Jayda sensed you were going to decline she continued “and before you say no, consider getting out of your shell for once. The only time you ever go out is to the movies, you never have actual fun so please think about your answer.” she said with a pleading voice then hung up before you could speak.
You nearly slam your phone on the counter, irritatedly sighing and went to finish your studies then head to bed. It’s early in the morning and you wake up to someone knocking on your door. Getting up with a tired yawn you walk to the door and open it to see Jayda. “heyyy biiitchhh” she invited herself in closing the door behind her, “what do you want now?” you exaggerated “Shut up and get ready we’re going to find an outfit for this party cause you’re going” she said while rolling her eyes. “You’re not even gonna let me think about my answer?” you said in an annoyed tone, “listen its a simple house party, not some loud club with strippers and all that crazy stuff. When was the last time you went out and had fun hm?” You sigh in defeat knowing she’s right and said “Fine i’ll go, but if you guys ditch me for one second im leaving.”
You and Jayda have been hopping to different beauty stores and you two finally decided to find an outfit, You guys walk into the clothing store and a dress immediately caught your eye. You damn near ran towards it but one look at the tag and your heart is crushed, realizing its way out of your budget. You were about to turn around with a sad look on your face but instead you bumped into someone. She was incredibly attractive and you scan her appearance, her sharp jaw catching your eye first. You didn’t realize you were zoning out looking at her until you finally look up to see her already staring at you “Are you okay? You seem sad.” She said genuinely concerned. “Oh i’m just fine, I apologize for bumping into you, I wasn’t paying attention.” you apologized, “You’re so cute” she chuckled and turned her head towards the dress you were just looking at.
“Was it this that upset you? I bet it would look amazing on you.” You glanced at the dress and sighed “Yeah that dress is too expensive for it to be a simple silk dress.” you saddened, the stranger smirks, grabs the dress and walks towards the cashier. You give Jayda a confused look across the store and she for some reason is cheering you on with a thumbs up. You follow the stranger “Hey what are you doing? That dress isn’t in your size” you say “It’s in yours isn’t it?” she snapped slightly with that same smirk on her face. You took a step back not only offended but even more confused, “Why are-” you stop realizing she’s about to buy the dress for you “Wait you dont need to do that I can just-” “I’m going to buy it for you and you’re gonna wear it.” she interrupted. You kept silent and watched as she scanned her card and handed it to you. “thanks” you said dryly “Of course beautiful” she said still carrying that smirk while walking away. “Girl oh my gosh do you know who that is? That’s the black panther !” you whipped your head towards her almost giving yourself whip lash “What?!”.
Jade spent the whole car ride talking about her “How did you not realize!” she exclaimed “I’ve only ever heard of her I haven’t seen her face!”.
You’re in the bathroom finishing up your makeup, you take out the dress and eye at it. The “stranger” still lingering in your mind, Jade walks in behind you. “The glorious dress in the flesh” she says sarcastically waving her arms around “oh shut up” you nudge her “this dress is too simple for it to be that expensive.” “Well hurry up and put it on we have 28 minutes.” she says while walking out. You finally put and admired it in the mirror.
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*ouu I am fine, maybe it was worth it* you thought then hurried to finish your hair, taking out the hair rollers and grabbing your purse.
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Jayda snapped her head towards you “Dhuam gurrl what’s yo number” she shouted making you cackle “girl shut up and get to the car” you said still laughing. You finally made it to the party, it being a huge mansion with booming music and people standing outside “Jade you said this was a simple party!” You expressed and she smiled without saying a word. Jayda gets out the car first and you were hesitant to even touch the car door to head out, Jade noticed and opened to door for you. “Girl come on don’t worry i’ll be by your side the entire time” She said calmly “okayy” you slouched you shoulders and got out.
Walking in you could already smell the many drugs that were being used. Weed, vape, and worst of all, alcohol. You turned to look at Jade in disbelief and pulled her aggressively back outside “So not only you lied about the party being “simple” but there is also fucking drugs, are you serious?! You know how bad drugs effected my life and how much I hate it, what made you think bringing me to a place full of it was a great idea?!” You shouted and stared at her waiting for a response “Girl calm the fuck down there is people glaring at us! I didn’t think it was such a big fucking deal don’t be a cry baby it’s not like i’m forcing it onto you!” She screamed back “Ugh you’re such a buzz kill, I try to get you out of your shell and this is the thanks I get? You know what i’m going to another party away from you, you can find a way home.” She rolls her eyes and stormed away.
You watch her leave tearing up and looking back to the house , knowing you’ll have to ask someone to for a ride because you took a week off from work to study so you have no money. Walking back in immediately smelling the awful substances again you search around for specifically a woman considering you have trust issues with men. Unfortunately every women in sight is either drunk off their ass or too busy grinding on random people. You reached the backyard, the sent was getting stronger but you decided to ignore it and started to search more until you were tapped on the shoulder. “yo ma, you lost?” you turned around to see a women smiling at you “Uhh no- well yes I am lost but i’m looking for someone to drop me off home, I just got ditched and I dont have money.”
The woman looks you up and down then speaks “ight i’ll help you, I just gotta run a quick errand, follow me.” You follow the girl upstairs taking this as an opportunity to observe her *Her eyebrows are perfect* you thought, getting lost in her beauty you didn’t notice you were zoning out on her until you bumped into the door hearing a cackle. “you ight?” she said still giggling a bit. “Oh i’m fine I just wasn’t paying attention.” you said embarrassed “you good shawty just stand out here for little a minute i’ll get wchu.” she said as she walked into the room and shut the door behind her. You stood there taking the time to think about what just happened *I swear this happened to be before, i’m getting daja vu*.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice “Hello beautiful, I didn’t think this was the type of party you were shopping for.” You look up to see the “stranger” smiling down at you “Yeah me neither my friend lied to be about what type of party this was, thats why i’m trying to find a way home.” you said trying to take a peek into the room but the women you were walking with came into view and closed the door. “Y’all know each other?” she asked, “No baby we just bumped into one another at a store, I bought that dress for her.” She said turning to stare at the girl “baby?” you thought out loud, only realizing when they both looked from each other to you. “uh- I never got your names” you said trying to change the subject “My name is Shuri” The taller women answered “the names Riri, what’s yours mama?” she asked “my name is y/n” you said fidgeting with your bracelet. “Do we make you nervous y/n?” Shuri questioned “uh-” you’re lost for words “Shuri dont scare the poor girl away.” Riri said nudging Shuri to walk, you follow behind them silently as they started to talk about something you couldn’t figure because of the music.
The two of you reach to the car “Oh my gosh this is your car?” “yup, it’s my baby” she said tapping it, shuri opened the door and you realized there is only two seats. You look back at shuri, her already carrying that signature smirk “Guess you’ll have to sit on my lap pretty girl” She said in a cocky tone getting in the car “But im a little-” “Dont worry about your weight mama she can handle it” Riri interrupted “All of it” Shuri says tapping her lap with one hand, her gaze sending shivers down your spine. You hesitate to get in but as soon as you put a leg into the car Shuri tugs you onto her lap, making your heart jump “ight ma put your address on my phone.” Riri says starting the car.
The whole ride it took everything for you to not move your hips to ease that tension between your legs, Shuri’s hands resting on your thighs not helping. “So what happened between you and your friend?” Riri asks from across you “Well i’m not much of a big party person and she lied to me about the type of party she was taking me to, I still cant get over the fact she knew I hate drugs and still took me to a place surrounded with it.” you said going over it, Riri and Shuri share a look you couldn’t catch. “Such a pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to go through that, i’m sorry” Shuri expresses “Dont be, it wasnt your fault”. Riri finally pulls up to the front of your apartment building “You can stop here.” “Ight shawty, it was nice meeting ya” Riri says giving you a smile, You get out the car and turn to say goodbye but before you speak shuri beats you to it “Whats your number princess?” The pet name making you more flustered, “Why should I tell you?” “Because we want it” Riri answered. Without question you give both of them your number and said your goodbyes.
You took a long shower and changed into a baggy shirt, you’re not so sleepy so you decide to watch short film. The two women you were just with abiding your mind, you start to feel that tingle in your lower region once again. You walked up to your drawer, grabbed your favorite toy and hopped back onto the bed spreading your legs. You turn it on the lowest speed rubbing it up and down your folds letting out a deep sigh of relief, turning the speed up. Not even a few minutes later you hips are bucking and your free and is groping your chest, almost at climax your phone rings. You look at the contact and it’s unknown, as you’re about to decline you remember giving your number to Shuri and Riri, so you turn the toy off to answer. “Hey mama, its me Riri”
“I can tell, what’s up?” you asked “Aww you recognize my voice already? Stop flirting with me.” She said sarcastically “I just wanted to make sure you ight ma, wachu doing?” Riri’s voice making you even more wet, almost completely forgetting you’re on the phone you turn the toy back on. “Ma? You hear me?” “y- yeah im okay, what are you doing.” you managed to say “Me and Shuri are running some errands, Shuri y/n’s on the phone!” You hear her shout to her, you’re fighting for your life to keep your moans in but Shuri’s voice breaks you. “Hey princess” You unconsciously let out a loud whimper, “Yo you good shawty?” Riri says concerned “I just tripped, i’m o-” You hurry to mute your mic as you climax, throwing your head back moaning like crazy . “y/n?” You hear them both call for you but you’re too tired to talk so you just hang up and go to sleep.
You wake up to over a hundred missed calls from two different numbers, “Shit I forgot I hung up.” You were about to open your phone to call them back but you hear a banging at your door. You rush to answer it, swinging the door open “Why the hell-” You see Riri and Shuri looking at you with a concerned eye, “What are you two doing here! How did you get in and how’d you get my door number?” You asked, this apartment being strict about visitors “We have our ways, are you okay? You hung up on us last night and didn’t call us back.” Shuri said inviting herself in along with Riri. “Oh I got caught up with something, it wasn’t serious.” you lied “what was it?” Riri asked, your breathing getting faster “It isn’t any of your business, can you guys leave?” Shuri snaps her head towards you and Riri walked up to you face to face “Who you think you talking to shawty? Be grateful we care about you.” You immediately feel guilty. “I’m sorry, not a morning person.” You confessed, shuri hummed looking around. “I can tell, maybe we should take you out? That’ll cheer you up yeah?” Shuri asks, Riri nodding in agreement “yeah ma you should go somewhere fun, let off some steam.” You smiled “are you two asking me out?” You said half joking. “yes” they both said “so get ready” said Shuri.
You’re walking outside with the two of them and realize its the same car from last night, but before you can speak Riri says “You’re sitting on my lap this time mama.” she winked. Shuri started driving “We’re gonna run a quick errand and then we’ll go out to have some fun.” She said, you noticed that they are always running errands so you asked “What do y’all do to have y’all running errands 24/7?” you asked half joking. Shuri and Riri glance at each other “Don’t worry about it ma” Riri answers and you sigh. Shuri pulls up to this scary abandoned looking building, gets out and goes to the trunk for a black bag “Riri what the hell is going on? Did yall kill someone?!” Riri starts bursting out laughing. “Mama relax we didn’t kill anyone.” she said laughing between words, Shuri comes back stuffing something in her pocket and throws the bag back into the trunk. Shuri entering the car you smell that disgusting sent of drugs, “Shuri whats in that bag?” Riri was about to answer until Shuri interrupts her “Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing dangerous.” She said staring the car, you take a peek at whats in her pocket noticing a clear bag poking out but not enough to see whats in it. You had a plan to wait until she started driving so the bag can slip out further and as you expected, it was weed. “Take me home” you said “whats wrong ma?” Riri asks, “Just take me home!” you snap and Shuri parks to stop the car to look at you as Riri looks up from behind you with her eyebrows frowned. “Listen carefully y/n, I don’t know what’s got into you but you better remember who you’re talking to.” she said pointing her finger at you. Without thinking you opened the car, Riri attempted to pull you back into the car but you throw her hands off you “After what I just told you about my hatred for drugs you hide the fact that you sell it?!” Shuri and Riri looks at you in shock “Get back in the car right now” Riri demands as you starts walking “How are you gonna get home hm? Thats a 30 minute walk” Shuri says driving at your pace “I guess i’ll get some cardio!” They turned to whisper at each other then suddenly Shuri stops the car and Riri gets out to chase you, you wearing sandals didn’t get you far as she grabbed you from behind and pulled you into the car.
A/N: if this disappoints you im so sorry i was rushing and its not proof read AT ALL
(me and bae have been busy all day so i had to post this at midnight 🤭)
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muav99 · 10 months
GAMER BOY Drabble🎮 🤭
Boyfriend felix, felix x reader, switch reader, teasing, soft dom felix, PinV
Its a Monday night and Felix is finally off work!
You want just one night to spend with your man. But of course, he’s playing a video game with the boys. Probably Genshin if you had to guess.
All you want is attention and all his attention is on winning the game
But you have a cliche but smart plan obviously
Step 1. See what he’s up to
You open the door to your room and he’s sitting there in the dark with his little blue light on playing Genshin.
“My cute little nerd” you think.
“Hey baby whatcha doin?” You ask walking over to him
He peeks his head up from the monitor and smiles
“Hey baby just playing with the boys i’ll be done soon kay?” He says sweetly pecking you on the lips
“Mhm” you reply
Step 2. See what he’s paying attention to
Again cliche but you’re pretty sure it’ll work.
You have this gorgeous night dress thats real short, pink satin, lace flower bodice, open back. Its his and your favorite.
You put it on open the door again
You walk over to him pecking him on the cheek and then go to rest on the couch behind him
He turns around for a brief moment and smiles but goes back to the game
“He’s completely oblivious” you think and huff quietly to yourself
You play on your phone kind of watching him for a bit in hopes of a realization or even a glance from your boy. But nothing. He hasn’t even looked your way.
Fine. Now its time for phase 3
Step 3. Get down and dirty
You walk over to felix and he pushes his headphones to the side of his head
“Hey gorgeous I’m almost done I promise I…”
You start rubbing your hands all over his shoulders and exposed neck. Tracing your fingers on his upper half. Doe eyes in full effect
“I…..um….Im almost done baby I swear” he pleads quietly
You ignore him of course
He puts his headphones attempting to stay focused on the game
He can try but it won’t last
You move his chair backwards a bit and find a comfortable spot on his lap
He wraps his arms around you and continues playing with his head on your shoulder
“You wanna play too y/n?” He looks at you with a cocked brow
“Yeah sure!” you say innocently
He begins to teach you the controls and showing you the ropes
No playing the game isn’t your plan. Playing with him is.
You slightly bounce on him “excited about the game”
His breath hitches slightly but motivates you to keep playing
“You’re…….a natural babe” he says softly
“Thank you” you spin around to face him as an excuse to roll your hips
He may not be saying it but he’s paying attention now. You can feel it. Literally.
Poor guy is throbbing and hard under you
Time for more, he’s gotta give in soon
You adjust yourself frequently acting uncomfortable and you apologize frequently, being so sorry you aren’t finding the right spot to sit
At this point he knows what you’re doing.
The game is completely out of his mind now, and he’s fully focused on how you feel.
He grips your hips with his hands and squeeze harshly
You gasp slightly trying to keep up with the game
“You seem distracted you ok babe?” He asks you speaking breathily in your ear
No. He will not turn this on you. You’re too bratty for that.
“I think im gunna win felix” you say looking back at him
“Oh yeah?…”
“Yeah” you reply rocking your hips back and forth and side to side
His face collapses in your neck absolutely gone. He cant take it anymore. Its too much. He needs you now.
“You’re such a naughty girl you know that?” He groans into your ear voice dropping
You whimper
He lifts your skimpy night dress and pulls your panties to the side.
“Stand up” he tells you demanding
Oh he’s serious now. Oops
You stand up and watch as he pulls his boxers and sweats down to his knees
Now this. Is the attention you wanted.
“Are you just going to stare or are you going to sit?” He asks staring into your soul with his dark lusty brown eyes
“Oh so now you’re talking to me again thats nice” you chuckle
He grabs you by the waist and pulls you to him
“You got what you wanted hmm?” He remarks
“I did” you peck him on the lips and turn around
He lines himself up with you and slowly eases you down on him
You’re slowly easing down taking him inch by inch
“God ur so fucking wet” he cries
You moan finally fully sitting on his lap
His hands grab on to your thighs and squeeze tight
“Move” he begs
You start moving up and down and up and down. His hands controlling your hips now
You both moan in pleasure
He whimpers loudly leaning into the crook of your neck. His hips thrusting up for more
“You feel so good baby” he moans deeply in your ear
“I’ll…..pay more…..attention to….you im….sorry…”
“Im…..sorry I teased…..you” you cry out hitting your high
“Felix more” you scream
You both are circling and thrusting into each other hitting that one spot
The sound of the leather chair squeaking for the whole house to hear
He reaches down and rubs on your clit and he bites his teeth down on your neck
“Felix FELIX” you scream reaching your O
loud screaming, skin slapping, what a show this would be
He squeezes your breasts and you both finish
You both pant trying to catch your breath as you pull out of him
“That……was so hot” felix says looking at you running his fingers through his sweaty hair
You chuckle
He stands up “you know I love you y/n, i’ll make time for both okay?” He kisses you on the forehead
You smile
“Lets get all cleaned up now hm?” He suggests grabbing your hand
“Felix wait” you say covering your mouth with your hand
“What??” He asks worried and puts his hands on your shoulders
“I think you left the mic on”……
Hehe hope you enjoyed!!! I wrote this on the airplane lmao I was beyond bored ❤️
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msxrik · 11 months
. . ."Ill give you a real lesson". . .
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☾ Content- /oral, dom!male!reader, slutshaming, virgin/subby!Idia, overstimulation, orgasm denial, fingering,/dubcon
☾ Pairing- Idia x Male/afab/reader. (the reader is from savanaclaw cuz jock x loser is the best and yeah the reader has ears and a tail. And idia has makeup on idk if his lips r blue naturally but)
Idia was nowhere to be seen for the last... days, weeks even. You started to worry about him as you two grew a little closer after ditching P.E once a week, he hates sports and you're just lazy. Now that you think about it, you haven't seen him since Crowley decided to add sex-ed classes, and during the first class you caught him staring. not that you mind....
You decided to go to his dorm later that day knocking on his door
"On god Ortho i told you im fine! and yees im doing ALL my work, im not playing games non stop!!"
yeah yeah of course... after a short while you entered the room as quiet as you could hoping you could scare him... oh my god it smelled awfull in there, and you know exactly what smells like that, god damnit he was jerking off for the last week, and he didnt even bother to throw away most of the used tissues. and you were so worried???
"c'mon nerd we're going to my place" you slurred out as he turned around fucking petrified.
"how did you-"
"your fucking deaf you know that? come on it smells disgusting in here..." a single drop of sweat ran down his face, he got so nervous as he got up and followed you to savanaclaw, he was hiding behid you the whole walk, when you finally reached your room it was getting dark outside. He sat down on your bed playing with his fingers mumbling something to himself.
"sooo why did you bring me here....?" he asked nervously looking everywhere but at you.
"remember that sex ed lesson last week? the one you were staring at me for the 45 minutes we sat there?''
"yeah.. no! i mean no. i wasnt lookingat you i was-"
"you were what? maybe you were thinking about me fucking you?"
idia officialy lost it he looked like he was about to pass out. As he was looking at the floor boards you got on the bed and sat right behind him leaning your face on his shoulder, he jumped slightly as you whispered to his ear.
"what? i mean you missed one lesson so maybe ill tutor you? so you dont get behind??"
"o-oh god, n-no im fine, really- m-mnhh~.." he yelped as you gently brushed your fingers across his hardening cock,
"oh come on, how old are ya' its pathetic you know, you never touched anybody beside yourself.... ill take good care of you~"
after a short moment of silence he nodded his head, still too flustered to say anything. as you sat him down between your legs undoing your belt.
"go ahead, use that knowledge from your pathetic little novels"
For some reason your words only aroused him more, he moved closer to you, his shaky hands lowered your boxers and you hummed gently when your lenght rested on his face, the pure shock on his face only made it better.
"What. Never seen a dick before? Or is it to big."
"t-thers no way thats gonna fit- it won- M-Mnh...~" he moaned as you slipped your tip past his lips
"come on open up that pretty mouth of yours"
He eventually did hiding his pride in his pocket bobbing his head gagging slightly when you hit the back of his throat, blue lipstick allover your lenght
"Fuuck your so bad at this" you tangled your hands into his hair as it turned that pretty pink color.
"are you getting off on this? God you really are a loser. A perverted one too"
You pressed the tip of your shoe on his crotch earning a loud yelp from him as you giggled at his reaction. You held his head in place as you fucked his throat
"fuck gonna cum...~" you pulled out pumping your lenght over his face, as he opened his mouth so you can avoid making a mess
"thats a good boy~"
"W-wha- Y-Y/n.. owhh~ t-this is.. Humiliating g-god."
He licks you lets say "clean" after you finish avoiding eye contact at all cost. You pulled him in bending him over on your knee sliding two of your fingers covered in all the cum he missed knuckles deep inside him as he whined
"you are feeling good tho? I can feel your dick twitch against my leg, never knew you were such a slut.."
He cried out in response, making a mess allover your black sweatpants
"c-cumming..F-fuuuck... Mnh Y-y/n im-"
"did you just come over my fingers? Or was it the degradation? God 'ya really are a pervert"
You flipped him over making him face the pillows sticking his ass out
"c'mon beg for me Shroud."
His hair turned another shade of pink as you sat back looking at him waiting for his cute little stutters and his begging.
"do i h-have to..? Cant you j-just do it.."
"You earn it or im leaving you like that"
"who's the pervert here...." He sighed out as he spread his ass before you
" h-hmph.... p-please Y-y/n... 'need you so badly. " He bearly hiccked up that out all flustered
"well that will do it. Thats a good little boyy~"
You said walking up to him slamming your hips against his. He was so sensitive to your touch tears running up his face
"i-i hoped mnh.. i would t-top you y-ya know.. but this feels g-good mmhm.. k-keep going please..." He was fucked dumb saying such things wich you knew you will tease him about later.
"fuck. G-gonna cum.." he moaned out
"me too.. fuck you got so tight..."
Your pace got so sloppy you didnt even pull out cumming deep inside him.
"F-fuuck... Y-y/n u-ugh...
After you catched your breath you lay down next to him.
"what are you looking so cocky for?" He asks slamming a pillow in your face
"Pftt-Haha sorry sorry... Should i help you ot to the toilet-"
"N O." he almost screamed when you said that he was already embaressed as it was..
"hate you" he said in a loving voice
"love ya too little flame"
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dreamsy990 · 6 months
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(video essayist voice) kingdom hearts is-
so, kh1. its been. a little while since i played. so forgive me if the game isnt exactly fresh in my mind. theres maybe gonna be errors so please bear with me im trying my best.
this is probably the kh game i have the least thoughts on, which feels weird considering its the first game in the series, but i just dont have a lot of strong opinions on it. its a pretty solid game!
starting where i normally do, the gameplay is probably the worst aspect of the game. they really thought platforming would be a fun thing in this game, but its just. not. the physics are so bad oh my god. if i ever have to jump in kh1 again itll be too soon. the difficulty is also a little bit all over the place. i played on standard (like i do with pretty much every game) and i would randomly jump from breezing through the game to trying a hundred times to fight one boss. most of the time its not the fun kind of difficult, just frustrating. the only time i can remember the difficulty being fun is the last riku fight in hollow bastion. i wish more of the game was the fun kind of hard. strangely enough, i know a lot of people struggled with the riku race and fight in the tutorial, but honestly those were easy for me? i got the fight first try, and the race second. idk, get on my level nerds i guess?
the worlds here are hit or miss. some of them (mostly the original ones, hollow bastion and traverse town specifically) are just amazing and i love them. others are. uh. lets say getting rid of the tarzan world was the best thing to come out of copyright law. also, this game is the only one where i skipped an entire world (sorry atlantica, you fucking suck). so theres that. the disney worlds are probably my least favorite aspect of the game
the story is alright! i dont have much to say about it other than i think that its mostly pretty good when i know whats going on, although both me AND one of my friends were so confused at the ending that we had to go call someone else to ask what the fuck happened and honestly i still dont really know? what the fuck is a kingdom hearts you ask? the world may never know.
this game and 2 are the only ones where maleficent is good. i miss when she was like a fun villain. she was just super into the housing market and i love that. what the fuck is she even doing in ddd? getting into bitcoin????
rikus great, i dont think i need to say that. hes such a freak and i love him. soras pretty good, shoutout to haley joel osman for doing a great job for being uh. 12??? at the time???????? hes great. i know a lot of people really like ansem sod but i just dont get the appeal? he never did anything for me. like hes fine i just didnt care about him whatsoever and anyone who says hes a better villain than like. xemnas. is wrong.
0/10 where is axel. ok but seriously uhhhhhh i give it a 7.7/10. its a solid, enjoyable game! not my favorite, but thats not to say i dislike it at all.
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cdbabymp3 · 2 months
yap sesh with jules time
tldr ; new slushy vlog debrief and being extremely sad on a sunday night
y'all i hate myself for it but tell me why that brief 0.3 second clip of hamzah vaping in the new vlog got me acting up rn....that big ass cloud of smoke flying past his pretty face LIKE BOY COME OVER AND SHOTGUN THAT BLUEBERRY VAPE INTO MY MOUTH !! anyway. also having weird confusing feelings about martin bc why was his face card lowkey giving in this vid.... never been attracted to him but i see edits and im like .... hold on ..... 🤔... yes he was giving ozempic spiderman FINE WHATEVER but he's got a little something to him idk. mandy knows what's up. maybe im insane or maybe there are some martin biases out there who are nodding their heads while reading this. maybe i'll make a low effort edit of him and it will convince you guys. maybe it won't. who knows! in other news, need to be hamzah's trip sitter while he's on shrooms bc he's so cute and clueless. and y'all saw the way he kept closing his eyes and taking deep breaths ... yeah need asap thanks 🩷 the way he didn't know who he was dressed up as was KILLING ME bc how do u not know when you ordered the damn costume??? my anime nerd ass was cringing at him calling himself literally 4 wrong character names. silly boy it's okay i still love him. AND MARTIN WITH THE TIMBS GOODBYE 😭 THE WAY THEY LOOKED BRAND NEW TOO I WAS CRYING. i know his ass ordered those off the amazon storefront.
on a personal note 🧌 i'm having friend issues rn and this is the only place i can't rant abt it without someone using my words against me 🤗 currently in an awkward text standstill with my friend of 10 years and i'm genuinely so lost on what to do. the friendship has gotten so toxic to the point where i fear how she takes my tone bc im worried she'll confront me. like no joke im afraid of her so i always give in and take the blame for everything. it's time to move on ik but i hate confrontation (especially over text) and im so bad at ending friendships. idk i just feel so bad bc this is the 5th friendship thats fallen through and im starting to think im just not cut out for long-term friendships?? i always get in these situations where i make myself small so that the friend can stay happy being in control which is so fucked up and i'm tiredddddd of it omfg. but yeah all of this shit is making me lose hope in having friends in general like maybe this is it for me. im being dramatic i need to end this post wow.
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I feel like a lot of people try to humanise the lords in black a lot by givign them cute banter and debating sibling order and all that. and thats totally valid i love that too i think its really fun, its almost inevitable with how they were portrayed in NPMD, but i wish people would lean more into the eldritch horror side of them, as they were in black friday and nightmare time! like, theyre not humanoid beings with normal relationships, they are unknowable beings from a place outside time and space who's only known goal is to fully manifest into the world and bring pain and destruction. like, NPMD is more Stephen King, but black friday is very lovecraft inspired. they're scary! it feels like people always lean into the comedy side of the horror-comedy. which, again, is fine, i'm guilty of it too, im just a horror nerd tryna enjoy my horror media in a fandom full of people who are Not horror nerds.
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class-1b-bull · 2 months
Hi, could you do class headcanons of them with a s/o who Loves to info-dump on history horros?
Basically going “Did you know about lobotomies..? It was a pre-quirk procedure that involved sticking a giant needle trough the eye of an awake patient to “Fix their brain”, it only made it worse though.
(Btw if you feel this like to dark feel free to deny it, also glad to have you back 👋🏼❤️)
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - every time you tell him something like that he gets a little more worried about how life was before quirks lmao. Like people willingly poked at eachothers brains? Hes more surprised every time and its hilarious
Sen - he uses any information you gave him to win internet arguments. Instead of L + Ratio he hits them with the horrors of history to shut them up (anyways unrelated but he bullies kids in video games)
Kamakiri - 'im gonna give you a fucking lobotomy if you dont stfu.' He will act like he dosent care but hes secretly kinda interested in it all. If he has questions about it he will look them up himself later instead of asking.
Kuroiro - the dark history ranting is his favorite thing ever. He spends a little bit of his free time looking up some dark history himself so he can maybe tell you about something you haven't learned yet yk.
Kendo - idcidc shes a major history nerd. She loves all things history related so even if its a bit dark shes interested. Shes only interested in history because shes a strong believer of learning from your mistakes and whatnot and she thinks its important to know.
Kodai - shes indifferent about it. She thinks its a little weird but shes not one to judge since everyone has their stranger side ykyk? She just silently listens along to whatever her s/o is ranting about this time lmao
Komori - she finds it a little creepy but at the same time she cant stop listening to her s/o talk about it lmao. (Just dont give her these 'fun facts' late at night or else she might not be able to sleep)
Shiozaki - shes happy to hear you talking about something your interested it but she does worry a bit about those who were affected in the past by something thats just a fun fact now (if that makes sense) like shes interested in the topic but at the same time it makes her a little sad that people actually had to get lobotomys at one point ya know?
Shishida - he seems like the type to be excited to learn something new so every time his s/o tells him about something that happened a long time ago like that hes real happy. (Despite how dark it is)
Shoda - ngl he finds it a bit scary lmao. He finds it interesting and hes happy to hear you talk about it but at the same time hes a bit intimidated
Pony - she thinks its cool and creepy at the same time. Like shes happy and excited to see her s/o talk about something their interested in but at the same time why did it have to be that of all things.
Tsubaraba - he will listen to his s/o for hours at a time it doesn't matter to him what theyre talking about. He is a little intimidated but its fine lmaoo
Tetsutetsu - he thinks your super smart for knowing so much about things like that and he tries his best to give imput but most of it comes out as him saying 'torture dosent seem manly' or smthn like that lmao
Tokage - she loves when her s/o starts to ramble about one of the creepy facts they like. She always gives the most over the top reactions too lmao
Manga - he likes listening to you talk about the creepy stuff his s/o likes while drawing. Its kinda funny since his s/o will tell him about smthn creepy asf and then manga will just show them the cat he just drew.
Honenuki - he thinks its cool and actually becomes really interested in the topic while hes listening to his s/o talk about it. He starts to ask questions and starts going on his own little rambles when hes with them
Bondo - hes a little scared ngl but at the same time he thinks its really cute to watch his s/o ramble lol. So overall hes kinda 50/50 about his s/o's lobotomy rants lmaoo
Monoma - he will talk so much trash lmao. He'll tell his s/o that its creepy or whatnot but at the same time he'll get mad if they stop talking to him about it.
Reiko - she does the exact same thing. So whenever you two are near eachother you just tell eachother all about darker parts of history lmao. 'Did you know about lobotomys?' Vs 'did you know about Japanese(?) water torture?'
Rin - at first he thinks its a bit strange or maybe even creepy but he warms up to the fun facts every now and then. He even gains a bit of an interest himself. Not enough of an interest research it but still.
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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actualbird · 2 years
assorted hc rambles that one way or another have something to do with the academia in tot's canon
wc: 1k
cuz even if i know this is a game of romance and wits and murder mystery law, hyv cant just drop the cast like the nxx team (aka vyn and artem have doctorate degrees, mc is a graduate attorney, luke has a master's in bioengineering, and marius is working on his master's in oil painting) and not expect me to want to know more about how theyre interacting with their specific spheres of academia
stellis university's biology department is begging "Pearce, L." to please consider giving a guest lecture for their students, pretty please
i think it's very entertaining to remember that several departments at stellis university have a bunch of Celebrity Poster Students/Alumni/Profs.
psychology dept obviously has the graceful intelligent dr vyn richter and hoo boy, that incident back in his personal story 3 where for a hot sec the university believed a SKETCHY CALLOUT POST accusing him to be a TOXIC MANIPULATOR....okay thats pretty on par for the course of how social media works HAHA. but my point here is that vyn is beautiful and a great teacher and theres a fanclub for him and he was momentarily involved in juicy drama. hes the perfect poster prof, he brings in a lot of attention and, in turn, interested students.
the law dept obviously has artem wing, and theyve also got rising attorney mc too!! im not sure if ingrid rosworth is canonically also a graduate of stellis uni, but if she is, im sure the law dept can drop some spicy rumors about ingrid and artem's Bitter Rivalry or something
aaaand the fine arts department has The marius von hagen as a grad student, and that in itself is already a big draw and a bunch of publicity.
but what about the STEM nation?
luke pearce is the only person on the team that is in no way affiliated with stellis university. he got his master's degree at national central university, which (and i know i mentioned this before but i want to mention it again) is noted in the Big Data Lab to be a canonical rival school of stellis university
National Central University has been competing with Stellis University for the top-ranked college domestically for years, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. [from the Big Data Lab entry on NCU]
which is already so hilarious to think about. can you imagine national central university and stellis university's sports teams go against each other for a big game and suddenly the nxx investigation team is divided due to school loyalties? luke's gonna be the lone ranger rooting for national central and everybodys gonna affectionately call him a traitor
but i digress.
while luke is the most lowkey of the team in terms of publicity/popularity he gets from the media, surely, surely this canonical genius' bioengineering contributions during his studies garnered attention from the nerds at stellis uni.
the master's thesis written by Pearce, L. is something many students and faculty have been fangirling/fanboying over the moment they read it, and it becomes known that Pearce, L. is currently residing in south stellis, and thus the dept keeps sending luke emails inviting him to do a guest lecture sometime
and he always just replies with a concise and friendly "No thank you! :D" because 1) hes got enough on his plate to do right now and 2) cuz of stupid school loyalties jhvJHVKSJHFS, hes not teaching on enemy territory
"MY DISCIPLINE'S citation style is better than YOURS!!!"
luke (biology/engineering) and vyn (psychology/pedagogy) use APA. mc and artem (law) use The Bluebook Style. and marius, our sole trooper in the fine arts, uses MLA.
if ever the team have to collaborate with somebody else in the team who is outside of their respective discipline's citation style to co-author some research, blood will be shed. the chaos would be immense. everybody assumed they were using the same citation (i.e. whatever citation each of them were respectively used to) and then when they realize the formatting discrepancies, the ACADEMIC RIFTS IN MANUALS OF STYLE, everybody gets extremely defensive and comically overdramatic over their preferred format of choice
vyn, luke, and marius: //squinting at the bluebook format
vyn: this is...
marius: youre gonna be way too passive aggressive with your thoughts, what we need is blunt aggressive. this format sucks balls
artem: it does not suck balls
vyn: no, he's right, it does
marius, muttering to himself: oh that was a weird feeling, vyn saying im right
artem, louder: it doesnt!!
luke, looking at mc with the biggest saddest puppy eyes: w-when did you change so much...i...i thought i knew you, i trusted you 🥺🥺🥺
marius: uh, cuz marius is right and holy and all of you are wrong?
vyn, immediately switching sides cuz he loves the drama: MLA is ridiculous. why on earth is the only number present in the in text citation the page number?
marius: cuz it's simpler and doesnt take for-fuckin-ever to read past?????
luke, grumbling: least MLA could do is have the year in the in text citation...
marius: thats what the works cited portion is for, bitch!
artem: so you want us to flip all the way to the works cited portion to see the year? that seems like it would take much longer to do, like it would take forever---
and this argument would go on for far too long.
moving on
one day vyn is sick and has to postpone a class and...
if vyn comes down with the ails, he'll of course have to update his students about how he wont be coming in on that day.
now, he wanted to start off his email saying. "I am afraid I will have to postpone classes [...]" and whatnot, but vyn is Very Sick. he starts writing the email, passes out like a few words in, and when he wakes up he sees the email he had accidentally sent to all his students:
Good day, I am afraid
(based on this hilarious tumblr post)
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kittyamore0 · 1 year
So here's the deal.. Maybe reader is daughter of Sidney Prescott, by ivf,as after scream 3 she wanted to have someone to love, so she did and then 10 years later skip to scream 4,it was a little 9 year old reader who shot Jill because she was about to kill her mother, in the hospital, she sees a birth certificate and sees her mother's name on the mother column and on father's column she sees.. Billy Loomis, she confronts her mother about it, and Sidney tells her that she got to know about the identity of the other person too late (don't ask why he would do this, maybe as a prank or something..) then in scream 5 she came back to woodsboro when her uncle dewy died, and when she hears Sam is Billy's daughter, she tells her she is her half sister, then in scream 6, reader starts to like the nerd ethan laundry alot, and when she is drunk she tells him who she is, as no one besides Sam, Sidney and gale knew who her father was, which ethan says during the confrontation scene, he did like reader and tries to Ave her from Quinn, as Quinn wanted to kill reader because she was Sam's sister and she was also there when her brother died. At the end, reader drops the TV on ethan,... I know its too detailed but please?
A/N: Nothing too detailed for me!! A/N: This does sound like a series though tbh
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[𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐥]
╰┈➤ FANDOM/GENRE: Horror, dark romance, Ghostface, scream 5, 6, and 4
╰┈➤ TAGS: @kittiescrownedsoul, @zspen, @auranightangle
╰┈➤ REMINDER: Do NOT transfer, translate, modify, copy or steal my ideas!
╰┈➤ CW: Murder, attempted murder, shooting, guns, stabbing, blood/bleeding, attacking, stalking, deaths,
"So, Sidney, I heard you had a daughter?" Jill smiled at Sidney. "Uh, yea..." Sidney hesitated to answer.
"Could...could i see her?" Jill tilted her head. "I just want to see my cousin's daughter...since...yk, i might die to Ghostface," Sidney slowly nodded. "Yea, uhm, thats fine...shes just with her aunt Gale right now so..." Jill gritted her teeth and put on a fake smile. "Thats okay! Im...Im gonna head upstairs and go get ready to see Kirby." Sidney smiled at her.
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"Okay. Last one, alright? You are killing me..." Gale chuckled. "Okay, okay...is uncle Dewey a bad person?" Gale furrowed her eyebrows. "No! Where'd you hear that?" You simply shrugged. "Ma said that you cant always trust the love interest..." Gale sighed and shook her head. "Okay, sweetie, that is different. Dewey is a good sheriff and helps your mother through a lot of shit. Hes one of the good guys. Depends on the person."
You mouthed a 'ohhh...' before turning to your stuffed bunny. "Why does ma and uncle Dewey call me bunny?" Gales expression darkened. "I thought that was the last one?" You playfully smiled. "Just one more!" Her lips twitched into a playful grin.
"So, you had an aunt. Her name is Tatum, and...thats her bunny. She gave it to Dewey to give to you, as a gift...and they call you bunny because it reminds them of her..." Gale spoke softly. "Where is she now?" Gale grimaced. "On a...a...very long vacation!" You nodded again.
Gales phone buzzed in her pocket. She swiftly picked it up. "Hello? Oh, hey, Sidney. What's up? You want me to pick up her what? Oh, alright. Bye." You curiously watched Gale tuck her phone back into her back pocket.
"Pick up my what?" Gale put an index finger to her mouth. "Adult matters, but why did she have me pick it up now? Its dark out...whatever."
You kept your eyes on the window, watching the street lights flash and shine. You pondered what your aunt Tatum looked like, as you played with the white chubby bunny.
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"We're here," Gale unbuckled your seat belt and exited the car. She opened the car door for you and held out her hand. You gladly took it and hopped out of the car.
You stuck to Gale's leg, since there were quite a lot of people. Reporters, even. "Hi. Im Gale Riley. Im here to pick up [Name's] Prescott birth certificate." The front desk woman eyes Gale before typing on her computer.
She bends down and opens the drawer next to her, pulling out a firm piece of paper, wrapped in plastic. "Thank you," Gale grabbed your hand and began walking to the front doors, until her phone buzzed again. "Dewey, hun, hi. Shes right here with me, why? Sidneys in the hospital? What?! Ghostface..." she scoffed. "Of course...Im already in the hospital so im going to see her. No buts, bye!"
Gale sighed and crouched down. "[Name], babe, stay here with the front desk woman, okay?" You nodded as she took you to the front desk lady, explaining to her why Gale had to leave. The woman understood and let Gale exit as wanted, but the paper Gale had gotten had fallen out of her purse.
You rushed to pick it up and tried to follow Gale. "Wait, aunty Gale!" The paper had slid out of the plastic wrap. You took a look at it and saw three blood relatives. Sam Carpenter...? Billy Loomis..."Mommys boyfriend..." You gasped. There was another name, one you didnt recognize. You had to talk to your mother about this, and Gale was your ticket to her location.
You began sprinting, watching Gale with your every move. You saw the button she pressed on the elevator, so you went to a different one, jumping to press the button.
You ran out the elevator as fast as you can when you heard a 'ding,' seeing Gale turn into a certain room. You heard grunts and things being thrown around.
Gale was being held at gunpoint by a woman you hadn't recognized. "Can i say one last thing?" She scoffed. "What, please?" Gale smirked. "Clear," her eyebrows furrowed. "Clear?"
"Clear!" Sidney comes up behind Jill and electrocutes her in the head with two defibrillator pads using 360 joules of energy. She falls backwards while Sidney crouches down to Gale.
You silently watch, making notes of Jills movement. She was still alive. You saw a gun on the floor, on display. You quickly ran to the gun, startling Jill. "What?! "
You grabbed the gun and fired in Jills direction, shooting her in the throat, shoulder and chest.
"[Name?!]" Sidney scurried to your side, pulling you into a tight embrace. "What are you doing here?!" She softly scolded you. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't my real mother?"
She gaped at your words, so did Gale. "What...?" You softly frowned. "I have the paper..." Sidney whipped her head in Gales direction, as Gale frantically searched through her bag. "Shit..." Gale chuckled nervously.
"I was trying to find out who your father was...I now know, and so do you because of a certain someone..." Sidney gritted her teeth.
"I...I think I have a sister..." Sidney tilted her head. "You do?" You nodded. "I do! Can we find her?"
"Um, Im not so...sure," You sniffled and gave her puppy dog eyes. "Please, promise me we'll find her!" Sidney hesitated before sighing.
"Alright, we'll find her.."
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neopuppy · 4 months
i do think infantilizing asian men is a big problem in the kpopper community but i think a big reason as to why people still see dream as “cotton candy boys” is because we remember when they were 14-16 years old. i was there when they debuted and i had already been in the kpop community for a few years. im an 00 baby and im asian too and i remember seeing dream like “wow these dudes are so young” because i was a big exo l and army and they were grown ass men. at the time, it was very odd for ALL the members of an idol group to debut at THAT young of age so i wasnt used to seeing these dudes my age that looked so young. plus it doesn’t help we kinda watched them grow up and theres so much content from when they were kids. kinda like how we view disney actors that we grew up with that never really shook the disney persona in our heads. i’m not excusing this mindset because i think it’s flawed but i think that’s why you see people say stuff like that about dream.
ive been an nctzen since the 7th sense and it took me a long time to see the sex appeal in dream because i still saw them as the hoverboarding nerds, even though im the exact same age as half of them (which i realize now that i was the problem)
all this to say, it’s still a big problem that people infantilize these asian men (especially) in their 20s but i think this mindset is why people (esp seasoned kpoppers that have been in the community for years) might say these things about dream more
ok so your timeline is the exact same as mine, except I watched Chewing Gum when it came out and said nahhhhhh, no thanks, bc even back then I was like this is too weird. even now I skip the video if it comes on my shuffle.
(I ended up ranting, sorry)..
BUT I’ve said this before many times, its sad how much more active even the nct dream smut community was on here like before I started posting bc when I first came on here looking for something to read during lockdown I saw so many fics from like 2017-2019 and they had TONS of engagement like…..5000+ notes for everything I was like????? werent some of these dudes like FRESHLY 18?🥴
this is personal but in general im having a bad week and I was listening to Jungkook yesterday and randomly teared up thinking abt everything he’s probably had to go thru chsjxjjsjx. bc when I got into bts I think JK was still 17 going onto 18 and the amount of sexualization I saw online was INSANE. it only got worse with time, but literally it back tracks as far as pre-debut and upsets me so fucking muche xnnejc im very sensitive abt it because I developed very early on in life and had grown men speaking to me inappropriately ever since a 1 digit age which I think really fucked up my head and made me internalize shit but like thats WHY I feel this way abt all of this
bc it took me a long time to become comfortable with my own body and expressing myself sexually bc I was over-sexualized from a very young age which made me regress where as I feel like kpop idols almost do the opposite at times……like they’re repressed to act like children well into their 20’s and end up ripping their clothes off as soon as they can.
JK is the best example of this for me bc I have followed him in bts since he was a minor? where as Dream I didn’t follow much prior to Ridin’ because their sound wasn’t my vibe(I still prefer 127’s music now). like thats why I was getting sad bc I was like mannnn JK’s sooooooo insanely talented and instead of letting him bloom artistically Bang PD let Scooter Braun paint him out to be this overly horny fuck boy. which is fine, whatever, its just music and he said multiple times its not personal for him at all but just cndjxjd ik he had to deal with so much at such a young age even some nasty ass old man telling him how pretty he was on tv when he was 15 saying JK his TYPE😐 I HATE THINKING ABT IT NDJEJXJDJD
its a double ended sword like being overly sexualized too young or infantilized as a whole adult, both are topics that piss me off. from one spectrum there is me who really clings to my childhood bc I feel like I was never treated or seen as a child bc of my rush thru puberty vs my friend who is super petite and has always wanted to be seen as womanly/adult bc she can pass for a kid. we had this discussion one day and I was like holy shit this is internalized trauma…
and the Asian men being infantilized thing is a WHOLE other topic because YES, and not just that but if I had a dollar for every time kpop fans call a male idol gay I’d be a millionaire. this also stems back to fetishization bc you see a hairless man with makeup and nice hair acting cute and you’re like well yes, twink, obviously
crazy when you realize Korea is one of the most misogynistic countries, but yeah gay ass twink, all of them, and stupid! THEY’VE NEVER SEEN A VAGINA IN THEIR LIFE! according to a lot of fans
I feel like I can’t say much on this subject bc you know….I write porn abt kpop idols but I’d rather see them as the adults they are instead of making goo goo ga ga edits of men in their mid-late 20’s who have been able to drink alcohol legally since 18 and most likely have been ran through more times than I can count on 2 hands
as a psa, its likely there are gay idols, and even some who haven’t had sex, but its just as likely that there are heterosexual idols who have sex and even have significant others. they’re human like the rest of us and get horny as often as any average person would I imagine
two sides to every coin right.
like yes I get why some may see Dreamies as youngins still but like get the fuck over it omg LMAOOO SORRY BUT LIKE????? THOSE ARE MEN, GROWN MEN!!!! if you don’t see it that way, go look at a 4th gen group and then come back, it’ll hit cnennxnsnsz
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ashesonmars · 6 months
Why i kin chris skelton :D i just want an excuse to ramble about him instead of doing college work
●• Chris is a people pleaser and he mirrors the behaviours of those around him. (E.g. he mirrors sam when he wishes for his co workers to respect Annie and going to The Blitz with Shaz despute it being way out of his comfort zone)
●•Gets words mixed up a lot (Alicante and Flagrante)
●• Loves making people laugh and if they dont it upsets him
●• Struggling with social cues and misunderstands people a lot (hands sam the tea and bourbons instead of the files, dw mate i assumed that he wanted them too)
●•cant take things seriously for shit (its ok chris, i wouldve laughed at the curtain not closing at Vivs funeral too, could also link to not getting social cues)
●• Frickin easily distracted (Cant believe Alex took his Rubiks cube and gave it away, Justice for the Rubik!) He will just start talking about some random shit like the mirror at the dentist thing though and i do the same.
●•Clumsy bugger, can relate, walked into plenty of walls, fallen down many stairs and i got my foot stuck in a goal net in football club once. Me profile picture is so relatable :'] i havent skated over anyones thumbs though, but thats because i canr even stand up in skates.
●• Will randomly just be a nerd (references star wars and other media he enjoys quite often)
●•Bet he doesbt procrastinate putting his F**CKING SHOES ON THOUGH (Its a current issue dont judge me)
●• Struggles with fitting in and is often mocked, he mostly fits in when he mirrors behaviours of those around him and this can cause issues (The blitz episode where he tells Shaz he enjoyed the Blitz but tells Ray a completely different thing. People.pleasing. to. A. TEE. T? TE? How tf do you spell it.
●•Were both from manchester (im really not)
●•running out of ideas oh shit
●• So i have the Life on mars and ashes to ashes handbooks and each belong to chris and he has a tendency to doodle in the corner of the page with some little patterns. THIS MAN JUST IS ME ISTG
●•Hes frickin neurodivergent (Its never said in the show but fuck you Ashley and Matthew im making the rules now heeheeheeeee)
●•This is a headcanon but he would drink excessive amounts of monster for the caffeine go brrrr thing. Istg caffeine unlocks the rest of my brain i dont use even if it means i dont shut my gob
Yeah i think thats it, anyway i ended up putting my shoes on FINALLY and ive got lime 10 mins until i need to leave and i havent had breakfast. Its fine ill grab a monster omw to college :D
Anyway byeee and thanks for reading this chaotic ass post
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ryan-selucreh · 4 months
oh hey its the website aster got into
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[Image ID: A banner that says: ‘To break free from the JRWI RP industrial complex, feel free to block the ‘#just role(play) with it’ tag. End Image ID.]
hey guys, its ryan here (for the j-crew, its just some silly nickname the dudes like using, hahaha im totally jyan)! i use he/they pronouns mostly, but whatever you guys want! con-nerd isnt here yet but like he says if you guys have seen any weird mystery things or if you know anything on what happened at WyldRyatts college like 4 months ago, hit us up here
you can also hit up my girl at @aster-aeliana!
yo, wait that twerps on here? sweet, hi @thepiedromeo, silly drama loser lol
oh fuck dude connors actually here @connorfrombofa what up homeboy
ik professor aeliana got on here but i dont want him sending me to therapy for my posts so hes not getting tagged
oh also forgot to mention im on the floatball team for the wyldratts gotta love my boys of the j-crew (im not as great as another player i love [NO HOMO], but im fine with 2nd place, @gary-mfing-gilmore <3)
ooc i am your local silly bigender @s0lar-ch3ri and use she/he/it mainly, but accept/tolerate other pronouns! do check out the other rp blogs too, theres been the suckening, apotheosis, bitb, pd, and riptide blogs (this is only counting ones from the server im in, i forget who hosts it but yeah)!
lil tag things:
#ryans part to play - in character
#from you dudes - answering asks
#off court shit - out of character
#across jrwi teams - interacting with rp blogs
#totally not a history nerd - history related things (will probs just be some quote things, inspired by the deacon and arthur blog poetry reblogs and shit)
small edit but on main i have a ryan analysis and thats in part what i base his behavior on
edit number 2, changed pfp because brain was mean, but THE OLD PFP IS STILL FIRE SO TAKE IT
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