#sausage roll man
ashesonmars · 7 months
Why i kin chris skelton :D i just want an excuse to ramble about him instead of doing college work
●• Chris is a people pleaser and he mirrors the behaviours of those around him. (E.g. he mirrors sam when he wishes for his co workers to respect Annie and going to The Blitz with Shaz despute it being way out of his comfort zone)
●•Gets words mixed up a lot (Alicante and Flagrante)
●• Loves making people laugh and if they dont it upsets him
●• Struggling with social cues and misunderstands people a lot (hands sam the tea and bourbons instead of the files, dw mate i assumed that he wanted them too)
●•cant take things seriously for shit (its ok chris, i wouldve laughed at the curtain not closing at Vivs funeral too, could also link to not getting social cues)
●• Frickin easily distracted (Cant believe Alex took his Rubiks cube and gave it away, Justice for the Rubik!) He will just start talking about some random shit like the mirror at the dentist thing though and i do the same.
●•Clumsy bugger, can relate, walked into plenty of walls, fallen down many stairs and i got my foot stuck in a goal net in football club once. Me profile picture is so relatable :'] i havent skated over anyones thumbs though, but thats because i canr even stand up in skates.
●• Will randomly just be a nerd (references star wars and other media he enjoys quite often)
●•Bet he doesbt procrastinate putting his F**CKING SHOES ON THOUGH (Its a current issue dont judge me)
●• Struggles with fitting in and is often mocked, he mostly fits in when he mirrors behaviours of those around him and this can cause issues (The blitz episode where he tells Shaz he enjoyed the Blitz but tells Ray a completely different thing. People.pleasing. to. A. TEE. T? TE? How tf do you spell it.
●•Were both from manchester (im really not)
●•running out of ideas oh shit
●• So i have the Life on mars and ashes to ashes handbooks and each belong to chris and he has a tendency to doodle in the corner of the page with some little patterns. THIS MAN JUST IS ME ISTG
●•Hes frickin neurodivergent (Its never said in the show but fuck you Ashley and Matthew im making the rules now heeheeheeeee)
●•This is a headcanon but he would drink excessive amounts of monster for the caffeine go brrrr thing. Istg caffeine unlocks the rest of my brain i dont use even if it means i dont shut my gob
Yeah i think thats it, anyway i ended up putting my shoes on FINALLY and ive got lime 10 mins until i need to leave and i havent had breakfast. Its fine ill grab a monster omw to college :D
Anyway byeee and thanks for reading this chaotic ass post
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mediocre-noodle · 3 months
i dont think the life of a baker is one for me
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Stalking the reviews page for my workplace waiting to see myself mentioned in a 1 star review for yelling “EXCUSE ME” at two people who were blocking the entrance to the café while I could hear the oven beeping at me and my one coworker was under siege at the till
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houseofceline · 6 months
My Pretty Girl - T.N.
Foreign Touches and Breakfast in Bed
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Pairing: Ravenclaw and sort of ditzy but talented Reader x Slytherin notorious playboy Theodore Nott
Warnings: Asshole Theo?
Summary: You wish you never woke up.
Author's Note: Hey guys! It's been a while, sorry for the wait but here it is!
< 6
“How much did you even drink last night?” Cho cringed holding your hair back as another round of vomit spewed out of you and into the toilet. You could feel your head pounding as you sat on the bathroom floor trying to calm yourself down. Waking up to a hangover and your period may be the worst combination known to man, or really women. Thankfully there were no classes today. 
“Too much,” you breathed in and out, making sure there was nothing else coming up. 
“Come on, we need to go to breakfast, you need to eat something.” Cho tried helping you up as you gripped onto the sink for support. 
You were not ready to go out in public like this. Bed hair, snippets of last night makeup look in the form of smothered mascara on your cheek, and a million knives stabbing your uterus. Definitely not a pretty sight. Plus, you did not want to see any of the boys after last night incase of something embarrassing you might’ve done while out of it. 
“I don’t wanna go,” you groaned as you flopped on your bed and curled up into a fetal position. 
“You have to eat something Y/n,” Cho spoke softly as she ran her fingers through your hair, trying to flatten it. 
“I’ll eat later.” You grumbled closing your eyes, menstruation already tiring you out. 
“I’ll be back,” Cho said as she left the room, but you were too tired to say anything as you slipped away to dreamland.
A foreign touch on his chest causes Theo to stir awake in confusion. 
What the hell.
He blinked a few times, allowing his vision to clear up.
Seeing the fake blonde from last night he groaned. 
“Why are you still here?” He mumbled, swatting her hand away from him as he scooted further away from her. 
“What do you mean baby? We don’t have classes today silly,” Hannah replied as she sat up, still nude from late night activities. 
“Right, so the last thing I want on a free day is to see your face. Get out.” Theo mumbled hoping she’d leave so he could sleep so more.
“Theo baby, don’t be so mean,” she spoke, reaching out for him again causing Theo to sit up in a huff. 
“You know the deal, you were supposed to be out before I even woke up,” he ignored the nasty feeling of her calling him cringey pet names. 
“Theo we don’t have to be like this.”
“My name is Theodore,” he stated as he got up and got dressed. 
He sighed as he picked up her clothing items off the floor and threw them at her. 
“I’m leaving since you won’t. But I advise you to wake up before Malfoy does, you know he doesn’t like you.” Theo said as he walked out, ignoring the gasps of surprise when her bra landed in her face. 
What an annoying girl. 
He walked to the Great Hall, deciding that he might as well grab breakfast since he was awake. 
“Did you fuckers seriously eat all the sausages?” Theo scoffed as he took a seat in front of Mattheo. 
“What the fuck did you want me to eat? Those nasty ass muffins?” Blaise replied as he passed a goblet of orange juice to him. 
“HEY! They’re not nasty,” Lorenzo spoke up with crumbs falling out of his mouth. 
“Buddy you’re getting it all over me,” Mattheo shoved the boy next to him with a scoff before glancing over at Theo. 
“Fun night huh?” Mattheo raised a glass towards the bruise-like mark on Theo’s neck. 
“Fuck are you serious?” Theo groaned as he rubbed the side of his neck. 
“I knew I’d regret it, she’s been so possessive lately,” Theo rolled his eyes as he continued eating breakfast. 
“Well I mean you’re always going back to her, maybe she thinks something will happen between the two of you,” Mattheo responded while Theo laughed in response. 
“She’s a Hufflepuff, you know only Slytherin girls are worth dating.” 
Mattheo frowned as Lorenzo looked up from his breakfast.
The whole table fell silent as Lorenzo finished chewing his muffin, “Y/n’s a Ravenclaw. I don’t think she lacks anything compared to Slytherin girls.” 
“Yeah in fact I think she looked better than any Slytherin girl last night,” Mattheo mumbled, causing Theo to look up in surprise. 
“She was there?” He gaped, suddenly feeling like he was going to throw up. 
Lorenzo rolled his eyes knowing that Theo had no right to even care if she was there or not. Mattheo and him had begun to care for the girl as if she was their baby sister and at first they were rooting for Theo, but now they weren’t so sure anymore. They had thought that she could be the one to make Theo better. After all it was him who had shown interest first, it was him who had begun to change because of her. She was the first girl Theo had ever described without using compliments that didn’t mean anything. Never spoke about how hot her body was instead ranted to the two boys about how angelic her face looked while she studied and how she smelled like flowers and vanilla. Not only cared about what was on the outside but on the inside as well, bragging to the boys about how talented she was and how cool her nail designs were. That is the same boy who had his eyes set on someone else last night, and the thought of it even made Lorenzo want to either cry or punch him. 
“Yeah but don’t worry, she didn’t need your company,” Lorenzo scoffed as he continued to eat his breakfast again. 
Lorenzo isn’t the type of person to show any resentment or hold any grudges, so Theo definitely knew he might’ve messed up. 
But before Theo could say anything, a familiar face approached up behind Mattheo and Lorenzo. 
Following Theo’s gaze the two boys turned around and greeted the girl. 
“Chang! What’s up?” Lorenzo greeted happily, a complete 180 switch in tone. 
“Hey boys, I’m grabbing breakfast for Y/n since she doesn’t feel well and I thought seeing your faces would cheer her up,” Cho explained as she showed them her plate of chocolate chip muffins. 
Theo furrowed his eyebrows, “Is she okay? Is she sick?” 
Cho rolled her eyes at the boy who caused her best friend to come back to the dorms sobbing her eyes out. She didn’t even know Theo that well but as she watched Y/n clutch her heart as she cried in her arms, she felt as if the boy had broken her heart as well. 
“She's fine as if it’s any of your concern,” Cho brushed Theo’s questions away as she avoided any eye contact with him. 
Lorenzo and Mattheo didn’t bother coming to his defense but instead got up and grabbed some juice and fruit before following Cho. 
Theo looked down at his plate and suddenly didn’t feel very hungry anymore. Blaise sighed before patting his mate’s back in comfort while Theo pushed his food around. 
Maybe he deserved that. 
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theemissuniverse · 8 months
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SUMMARY : After you get hurt with a mission gone wrong, Bi-Han is more gentle with you and it weirds you out. (Also this is like before Bi-Han becomes a back stabbing bitch to everyone LMAO)
A/N : I have NOOOO idea what happened to me (if y’all know me y’all know I do not like sub-zero) but I finally realized I think I do like him. I just don’t like the way some of y’all write him 💀 (ngl this is one of the best things I’ve ever written plot wise I think)
WARNINGS: (MDNI)! f receiving oral. I’m pretty sure that’s it. Nothing major happens lmao
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You were the best female Lin Kuei warrior. The very best but you had gotten hurt badly trying to stop Shang Tsung. He was about to kill your fiancé Bi-Han but you had stopped him.
This resulted in you getting severely slashed on your stomach and needing stitches.
It was hard for you to even walk but you knew you had your duties to fill with not only the clan but around the house. So, you did so.
It was early in the morning. About seven in the morning. When you woke up, you realized Bi-Han was not in bed with you. You cursed at yourself. You knew he would be mad that he had woken up and not been served breakfast.
You got out of bed and put on your robe to cover yourself. You immediately went out the room and headed towards the kitchen.
When you did, you realized you smelled something. Food. It smelt of sausage and bacon. Eggs and French toast. The French toast had caught you off guard because Bi-Han hated French toast and always made you make pancakes.
When you walked into the kitchen, you saw that Bi-Han was getting a plate ready. You couldn’t believe it. He actually cooked?
Bi-Han didn’t have to turn around to know you were behind him. “Good. You’re awake.” Bi-Han placed the plate on the counter and motioned for you to take it. “Eat.”
Was this a dream? Did he take a trip down to the Netherrealm and freeze hell over?
You blinked your eyes, severely confused at your fiancé’s actions. He had never done this. Ever.
“You know…I could’ve made breakfast.” You said, believing that he had made it because he was mad at you. “All you had to do was wake me up.”
“I wanted you to rest.”
Rest? He wanted you to rest?
Bi-Han motioned for you to take the plate, a little annoyed you hadn’t taken it. “Stop standing there looking stupid and eat.”
Never mind. He was there.
You hesitantly took the plate and sat at the table. “I didn’t even know you could cook.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes a little but didn’t say anything. You cut a chunk of the French toast and bit into it. When you did, all the flavors of the syrup, the cinnamon and the powder danced on your tongue.
You could not believe it. He was a better cook than you.
“This is amazing. You cook better than me.”
“I know.” He simply said.
“No need to be cocky.” You told him. Then you had realized something. Why didn’t he cook then? “Why do you let me cook for you if you know you can cook better than me?”
Bi-Han started to put dishes in the sink. Without looking at you, he replies. “Because you like to cook for me.”
That warmed your heart a little. Bi-Han was willing to put up with your very medium like cooking over his far better cooking just because he knew you enjoyed cooking for him.
You always liked cooking for your man. It made you feel useful to him. It made you feel like he needed you.
But the truth was he didn’t need you as much as he made it seem.
You watched as Bi-Han started to do the dishes. If there was one thing Bi-Han did not do was dishes. Ever. Not even to wash simple silverware for himself. He hated doing dishes.
“It’s okay, Bi-Han. I can do it.” You said, standing up from your chair.
“Sit down and eat.” He said while still not looking at you.
Okay, this was entirely too weird for you. You knew there would be hell if you did not listen to Bi-Han so you sat down and ate the rest of your breakfast.
As he did the dishes, he spoke. “What do you want for dinner?”
Another thing you found weird. Bi-Han always picked what you guys ate for dinner. You getting to decide was definitely almost impossible. “Whatever you want, Bi-Han.”
“I’m asking you for a reason. What do you want?”
“Um…I don’t know. Maybe spaghetti?”
“I’ll be here later tonight to cook it.”
Okay this was getting too weird.
You finished eating your breakfast. You then took your plate to the sink and were about to wash the plate but the sound of Bi-Han’s voice stopped you. “Put it down.”
You did as you were told. You put the dish down in the sink and he started to wash it. You started to feel his forehead for any sign of him being sick. “Are you feeling alright? It’s really ice of you to do this today.” You knew that bad pun was going to annoy him and you wanted to test him.
“Funny.” He said with a complete straight face and zero emotion. The thing was, that was his way of laughing. So, he technically just laughed at what you said.
You were absolutely shocked. You removed your hand from his forehead. “Don’t tell me your Shang Tsung and are pretending to be my cold hearted fiancé.”
When you had mentioned him being cold hearted, he stopped what he was doing for a moment. It was like what you had said really stung him.
He regained his composure and finished with the dishes. He then turned off the sink and dried his hands with the cloth next to him. “I’ve got to handle a few things. Are you okay with staying by yourself?”
Bi-Han had never cared for you to stay in the house all by yourself. At all. Again, also very weird. “Yeah. It’s just a few stitches. I’ll be fine.”
His eyes darted to your stomach. The robe was covering it. Bi-Han undid your robe and pushed it back slightly. You were in your black bra and underwear.
You thought Bi-Han was in the mood and wanted you. But he didn’t. He stared at the big slash on your stomach. Then he placed his hand gently on the scar.
He stared at it for a few moments like he was thinking of something. Then with his other hand he rested his hand on your lower back. He brought you close to him and gave you a kiss.
The kiss was very slow and passionate. You were surprised at how gentle he was being. Like if he had made one wrong move, he’d hurt you.
His lips kissed your cheeks and then down to your neck. He didn’t kiss you in a sexual way though. He did it in a very loving and comforting way. You sighed at the feeling of his lips on your body. It was nice.
He kissed your shoulder then finally looked back in your eyes. “I’ll be back.”
You were standing there still a little shocked. “Okay.”
He gave you one last peck on the lips before grabbing his mask on the counter and leaving the house.
Well today was getting to a weird start.
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Later that day, you were in the house, sweeping the floor in the living room. Even though you were in a lot of pain, you still liked to clean up a bit so the house didn’t look like a mess.
Probably was a bad mistake.
The door opens and closes and you continue sweeping. Bi-Han made it to the kitchen, setting his mask down on the counter before walking in the living room.
When he sees you, he’s enraged. “What are you doing?”
You looked at him a bit confused. You always took care of the house when he was gone. “Sweeping? What’s wrong?”
Bi-Han snatched the broom from you and threw it to the ground. “Go lay down in our bed before you pop your stitches open.”
You gave him a look. You weren’t some damsel in distress. You weren’t weak. You could handle some stitches. “I’m fine. I can do a little sweeping. It’s not going to hurt me.”
Bi-Han took in a very deep breath. In and out. As if he was trying to control his temper. He then pointed to the room and motioned for you to go in. “(Y/N). Do not make me ask you again.”
“Well technically you didn’t ask me in the first place. You told me.” You grumbled under your breath a little and left the living room to go into the bedroom.
You laid down on the bed. You couldn’t understand it. What the hell happened to your very grouchy fiancé? I mean he was still grouchy but it was different.
After a few minutes, Bi-Han came into the room. He sat on the bed and took off his shoes.
Bi-Han then took off his pants, leaving him in his boxers. You watched as he changed into his pajama bottoms and took his shirt off. Then he placed his pajama shirt over himself.
“I’ll cook in an hour.” He told you before climbing into bed.
You didn’t even want to question him about it anymore. “Okay…”
You then started to think. Maybe Bi-Han was being nice to you because he wanted something. The behavior was just a complete 180 and you couldn’t buy into it.
Bi-Han had grabbed his book from the stand and was starting to read.
You sat up a little and went to his side. You kissed his cheek softly. You kept doing this until he had turned his head to kiss you on the lips.
Again, this was not his usual roughness. It was sweet and gentle. Like you were made of glass.
You kissed him more passionately. Bi-Han let the book fall in his lap and cupped your face as he kissed you.
The kiss started to turn more heated. Bi-Han gently laid you on the bed so you were fully on your back. He kissed your neck and sucked on it only a little.
You moaned at the softness of his touch. Your hands immediately started to go to his pajama pants. That’s when Bi-Han stopped you.
He pulled away from kissing your neck and removed your hand from his pants. “You have to rest.”
You didn’t want to rest though. You wanted him. “It’s okay. I’m fine. I want you.”
Bi-Han didn’t seem sure of this but started to open your robe. Then he took your underwear off.
He then got down between your legs and started to eat you out.
You gasped at the feeling of his tongue licking your heated pussy. It wasn’t exactly rare for Bi-Han to want to eat you out but it’s not something he jumped to do.
His tongue circled your clit. Then his lips started to suck on it at a good speed.
Bi-Han made sure to hold your thighs tightly in place so you didn’t move. He continued to suck on your clit, causing you to let out a whine.
He gave it a break and started to lick in circles before slurping up all your juices as they ran down his chin. He would’ve put his head farther in you if he could.
“Bi-Han.” You moaned out. You played with his hair as he ate you out. You pulled on his hair so rough that his hair tie used for his ponytail had come out.
Bi-Han continued to devour you like you were his favorite thing to have. He did it in soft, subtle motions so he could savor you on his tongue.
He lifted his head up from your pussy. Then he hovered over you slightly. He licked his fingers and immediately went to your clit where he began to rub it in circles.
You moaned loudly at the new speed he was going. He made sure to rub in fast and harsh circles.
Bi-Han felt himself grow in his pajamas at the sight of you. You were a mess. Falling apart on his tongue and now on his fingers.
When you tried to reach your hand to touch him, he removed your hand with his free one and continued to play with your clit.
You wondered why he wouldn’t let you touch him and you were going to ask but as soon as you tried to ask a familiar feeling in your stomach started to come onto you.
Bi-Han licked his lips as you scratched at his bicep for some type of release. He knew you were close. “You look so good like this.”
Bi-Han was never really a talker during intimacy so the fact he said something turned you on even more and made you feel closer.
Your fingers dug even more into his arm but Bi-Han did not give up on his pace. “I’m so close. Please.” You begged knowing that any time you came, it was on his command.
“Give me a kiss and I’ll let you.”
That was shocking. Bi-Han never kissed you during intimacy. He leaned down to your lips and you leaned a little up. You lips touched in a slow and passionate kiss.
You whimpered in his mouth. Bi-Han took that to his advantage. He sucked on your bottom lip slowly until it made the ‘pop’ noise when he released. You moaned.
Bi-Han started to kiss and suck on your neck not even thinking about breaking his fast pace he had on your clit. Your fingernails dug deeper but this time you drew blood at the scratching you did.
He didn’t have a reaction to it. None at all. He continued to suck on to your neck sweetly. You knew hickeys were going to be there in the morning.
“Oh, my god. I’m almost there.”
Bi-Han stopped the pressure on your clit. You were about to swear at him but he immediately went between your legs again and started to eat you out once more.
You moaned at him sucking on your clit. You let out a high pitch squeal. He made sure to hold your thighs in place tightly again.
“Oh yes. Bi-Han.”
His tongue licks your pussy up and down before focusing his attention back on your clit. He continued to suck and lick all over it in a face pace motion.
“Oh, Bi-Han. I’m cumming. Yes. Please. Yes.”
Bi-Han ate you out for the entirety of your orgasm. Too much so that after you were done, you were pushing him away because your clit was too sensitive. “No more. No more.”
He didn’t seem like he wanted to get up. He brought his head up from your pussy and looked at you. “Aw, you can’t give me one more?” His fingers went inside of your pussy and started to pump in and out of you. “Are you giving up on me?”
After you came for the first time, Bi-Han never cared to go another round at it. Again, something that was very unlike him.
When Bi-Han saw you running away from his fingers, he chuckled. He took his fingers out of you and licked all over them.
He got off the bed and went inside the bathroom that was connected to the room.
When he came back, he had a hot damp facecloth. He placed it over your head and grabbed the blanket.
Extremely weird. Bi-Han never cared to give you any type of aftercare after sex. It wasn’t like he didn’t care. He just did not understand what it meant to women.
He was going to place the blanket over you but then he saw it again. Your stitches on your stomach.
He bent down to your level and lightly touched them. Careful not to hurt you. You watched him as he stared at them with an unreadable expression.
Bi-Han took your right hand. He kissed your knuckles before standing back up. He placed the blanket over you. “I’m going to go cook dinner.” Then he walked out the room.
You stared when he did so. Everything about today was weird but you didn’t hate it.
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You believed that after you were healed, Bi-Han would be right back to normal. That wasn’t the case. At all.
It had been three weeks. Yes, Bi-Han still was the same man with an attitude like no other but he showed his affection towards you almost everyday. That was something he never did.
The last straw was him doing laundry. He never did the laundry. Never. Ever.
As he folded the clothes and placed them on the bed, you marched in the room, right behind him. “Okay. Tell me what’s up. What happened to you?”
“What are you going on about?” Bi-Han questioned you as he continued to fold the clothes.
“Ever since I got hurt you’ve been cooking, cleaning, being all sweet and now you’re doing laundry. Laundry.”
“You’re mad that I’m being nice?”
“No. I’m not mad. I’m just confused.” You placed your hands on your hips as you looked at him. “Do you find me weak now? Because of how badly Shang Tsung injured me?”
Bi-Han shook his head as if he couldn’t believe you would insinuate that. He still didn’t look at you. He continued to fold the clothes. “You think I would be with a weak woman? You insult me.”
You walked over to Bi-Han. You placed your hand on his arm and forced him to look at you. “What is going on with you? I want answers.”
Bi-Han sighed. He stopped folding the clothes. He didn’t want to look at you. “Why did you save me from Shang Tsung?”
You gave him a look. That’s what this was all about? You took the clothes from his hands and placed them on the bed. “How could you ask me something like that? Because I needed to. Because if I lost you then I’d lose myself. Because I had to. Because I love you.”
The two of you did not throw around the L word lightly. It was only said during precious moments. Bi-Han bit his lip and for the first time, did not have a snarky remark for you.
He still did not raise his head to look you in the eyes. He crossed his arms and stared at his feet. “Why did you say yes?”
You looked at him a bit confused. “Yes to what?”
“When I asked you to marry me. Why did you say yes?”
“I just told you I loved you. What more of a reason do you need?”
There was silence. He tapped his foot on the ground. If a pin dropped then it would be heard. “Did you say yes because you felt like you needed to or because you wanted to?”
Bi-Han wasn’t one to show emotions. You saw the sad look on his face and you couldn’t help but cup both sides of his face with your hands. “Why are you asking me this, Bi-Han?”
He removed your hands from his face and sat on the bed. He still didn’t dare to look at you. Just kept his eyes at the ground. “I know I don’t treat you like how you’re suppose to be treated and I’m sorry. I don’t know why but…something in me hates any type of idea of love. I want it but for some reason I can’t show it.”
You listened to his words carefully. You didn’t interrupt him. You sat down next to him on the bed and he continued to speak. “But then you saved me. You risked your life for me. I almost lost you. I don’t want to go on with my life knowing that…I could treat you better.”
Bi-Han admitting to all of this was honestly a shock to you. Even though Bi-Han could be a little mean sometimes, you knew he meant well. That’s what you grew to love about him.
You placed your hand on his back and rubbed it gently. “Bi-Han, why did you propose to me?” Bi-Han looked at you as if you were stupid and when you saw the look, you gave him a look of your own. “You asked me stupid questions so I’ll ask you stupid questions.”
Bi-Han rolled his eyes slightly at you before looking away. “Because you make me happy even when I try to be unhappy. Because you calm me. Because you’re my peace. Because I love you.”
Every time he told you he loved you, you felt butterflies. You grabbed a hold on Bi-Han’s hand and interlocked your fingers together. “Yes, I will admit Bi-Han…I do appreciate the recent attitude change but I don’t want you to lose yourself in taking care of me.” With your other hand, you grabbed a hold of his face so he could look at you. “I need you to take care of yourself too. I need you to care about yourself.”
Bi-Han looked deeply in your eyes like he was falling in love all over again. He cupped the left side of your face with his left hand. “I will.”
You gave him a kiss on the lips. He kissed you back, deepening the kiss. The two of you kissed each other like your life depended on it.
Bi-Han pushed all the clothes off the bed and gently laid you back on the bed before getting on top of you. You giggled. “What about laundry?”
“What laundry?” He questioned you while kissing your neck.
“Take a chill pill frosty the snowman.” You joked. You knew that would irritate him. He immediately stopped kissing you and got up from you. He then started to walk out the room. “Where are you going?” You asked, sitting up a little.
“Away from you.”
You laughed and threw yourself back on the bed.
Yup. He was back.
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ghouljams · 9 months
thinking about cowboy ghost babies..... ghoul loml write whatever you want about those two ill read and reread it idgaf
chubby ghost babies....
(my cousin gave birth like 3 weeks ago and its still giving me baby fever.)
The biggest babiessss, I love thinking about Ghost's sausage-y babies. When the man said he wanted to have stupid fat babies with Goose he meant it, those babies are so chubby. Here's some baby fic.
You push Simon's legs out of the way as you sit on the couch. He's made himself comfy laid out over the length of it, your daughter is settled against his chest, sleeping just like her daddy. You don't think the baby has touched the ground once since she was born, someone is always holding her. You've even had to sway Simon away from co-sleeping, something that clearly hasn't taken.
You reach to tickle your fingers against the baby's back, she hardly squirms at the touch. Simon cracks on of his eyes open at the slightest twitch, settles a big hand over her back to keep her quiet. Already a daddy's girl, you think.
"Having a good nap?" you grin, watching Simon shift to make a sliver of room for you. You eagerly squish yourself between him and the back of the couch. His arm wraps around you, keeping you held impossibly close. His whole world in his arms.
"Just got a lot better," he mumbles, letting out a quiet huff as you make yourself comfortable. You pinch her chubby arm, feeling Simon shift to kiss the top of your head. She looks like a balloon animal, like a sausage shaped like a baby. It’s adorable. She's the prettiest little thing you've ever seen, so soft and sweet you can't believe she came from you.
You watch her yawn, little nose pinching in a way that makes you want to pop out a million more of her. Simon hums, strokes her cheek with a gentle finger. Even with as big as your baby is, she's still tiny compared to her father. Something you know makes Simon anxious, such a little thing under his protective care. You can't help feeling something similar.
Babies are so fragile. You worry over every little sniffle and sneeze, every scrunch faced cry, even things she hasn't done yet. She can't even roll over but you find yourself worrying about her walking.
"Do you think we're good parents?" You whisper ask. Simon lets out a big breath, you can feel the rise and fall of it, see the way it moves the baby on his chest.
"Fuck no," he grumbles, "you use murder ballads as lullabies."
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bellaramseysgf · 9 days
Bitter & Butter. (B.B)
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Warnings; Smut (18+ only), PWP,oral (M receiving) pet names,angry Anthony mixed with a little jealousy,mention of past Bridgerton episodes, food for lube,fingering,kissing + more
Pairing(s); Benedict Bridgerton x fem reader x Johnathan Bridgerton.
Summary; Anthony is getting a little “tired” of Ben’s new girlfriend.
A/n; I haven’t written anything this long in a minute I haven’t written smut in a while either. Keep in mind I’ve never written for Bridgerton so if this seem out of place I’m so sorry!!
Scroll to the end for a surprise!!
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Anthony was a very patient man it’s something he prides himself on if he’s honest. He’s had patients when Daphne courted and then married his best friend,when his mother yelled out that he was looking for a wife,when Colin almost married a women he knew was awful for him.
This however,this is starting to truly provoke him in a desperate and disastrous way. Ben had no clue how this was effecting him, more like how you were effecting him.
You and your sweet nature. You and your beautiful smile. You and your perfect hair. You and your irresistible smell. Oh heavens your smell. It filled his every sense,it filled his dreams.
“Please” Anthony spoke taking a deep breath before entering the evening room.
“Anthony! Where have you been hiding?” His mother asked as he entered the room for breakfast. “Apologies for being so late mother” he said kissing the side of her head.
He was begging- pleading in his mind that he had waited long enough.
“Good morning Brother!” He was lucky his back was to Ben and he couldn’t see the way his face tensed, because he knew. He knew where he was you were sure to follow.
He turned and sure enough he was met with you still in your silk night gown sat cuddled up to his brother. “Morning.” He said rather shortly turning back to finish his conversation with his mother.
“Well, I’m off to meet Daphne at the garden.” His mother said leaving the room as she bid farewells to you and Ben as well.
Anthony turned to the table seeing a spread of wonderful food. Fruit,pancakes,bacon,eggs, biscuits,sausage, an array of jams and butters to top things with.
Anthony finally turned back to his brother to ask him about his plans for the day only to see Ben with his tongue down your throat, and his hand practically inside you with how far under your gown it was.
He let out a sigh clasping his hands behind his back “please keep in mind you have young siblings in this house.” He scolded his brother only to be waved off. “Benedict! Act like you have some honor!” He yelled making you jump and pull from his mouth.
Benedict looked to his brother with a roll of his eyes “everyone but you is out of the house. I’m allowed to act how I want with my lady” he huffed raising a brow to his brother.
Benedict grew up beside his brother and while he was definitely clueless sometimes he could tell when his brother was upset….or rather intrigued by a situation.
Ben couldn’t help the smirk that fell to his face when he dipped his head to lick at the sweet spot on your neck his eyes never leaving his brothers.
“If I didn’t know better I’d say someone was jealous” “jealous?!” Anthony raised his brows in shock. You just sat there dazed as the two brothers went back and forth. “Jealous,envious,bitter. You decide how to word it” he bit out at his brother. “Ben!” You scolded hitting his chest.
“Oh do not make a fuss sweet girl! He just wishes to take you so desperately it’s made him stupid” your cheeks turned red “Benedict!” You gasped.
Anthony snapped. He had been a honorable man, kept his dick words to himself this whole time. “Benedict I think you’ve said enough.” He said his eyes narrowed the color somehow darkening.
Your eyes shot to him his tone catching you off guard, he’s never sounded like that ever. You knew he was serious and you couldn’t help the wetness that coated your panties at his tone.
“M-my lord I-” you started stuttering but were quickly cut off by Ben covering your mouth with his hand. “Shush” he warned as Anthony walked up to the pair of you.
“Now, I have been a gentleman and I’ve had patience. However, you,brother, have just exceeded the last of it.” He said.
You don’t know what happened it was like a blur you just know you were jerked from Ben’s hold and gripped to Anthony’s chest.
“Hey! You know I’ll share but she is mine” Ben reached for your leg only to be smacked by Anthony “no. You’ve had her long enough” he glowered his lips beginning to kiss down your neck and to your shoulder.
His hands fiddled under your dress until they found what they wanted. Your cunt. You gasped feeling his fingers sink into you “Anthony-” his fingers were moving in perfect motions. You had never had your orgasm build so fast you squirmed the pleasure coming at you to fast wanting away from it.
“Shh go ahead tell me how good it feels. Tell me how much better than my brother I am” your eyes snapped open practically forgetting your boyfriend was right there.
To your surprise he had his own cock out slowly pumping his hand up and down his shaft. You noticed the small dish of butter had been dipped into he obviously using the melted result for lube.
“Hey, focus on me” Anthony spoke from behind you rudely pressing into that one spot that had you seeing white. You let out a whorish moan and fell back into his grasp. “Oh-” without warning it sent you shooting over the edge. You curled your toes your vision going white as you trembled in Anthony’s arms.
“Atta girl, mhm just like I said. Listen so well for me good girl” his words were already sending your sensitive cunt towards another release.
“Shit, making you cum like that? What a sight” ben added as you dreamily watched him stroked his length. His hand would squeeze harder at his tip. His thumb trailing over his own slit mixing the precum and butter together in a sloppy mess.
Your mouth watered as you watched imagining his delicious looking cock sliding down your throat. Instinctively you leaned forward “where are you going,hmm?” Anthony stated as you ignored him to take your lovers hand away. Ben smirked down at you “see even she knows who she belongs too hmm?” He remarked.
You licked a stripe from his base to his tip loving the salty taste of his pre cum mixed with the melted butter. You quickly took his tip into your mouth making your way to half his length before you choked. Benedict let out a groan and the restricted feeling of your throat.
“Now let’s see if this is worth all the screaming I’ve been hearing.” Anthony said before you felt his tip enter your soaked entrance. His tip made you whimper it was much more bulging than your lovely boyfriends. He worked his way into you slowly his warm hand holding your waist.
You couldn’t help the way your eyes watered the stretch was much more difficult than your other. When he finally stopped his hold reacting against you the both of you sighed. His from pleasure and yours from the stretch finally settling.
“That’s it baby” Benedict called pulling your eyes up to him. You had almost forgotten that his dick still stuffed your mouth. “Don’t worry baby we are gonna take very good care of you sweet girl” Anthony called from behind you.
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You don’t truly remember much of what else happened it was still all a blur as you woke up later that day. The sun had now gone away a long time ago the darkness outside had you’s tumbling to find your footing.
When you were finally able to stand you realized you weren’t in your room but rather Anthony’s. The door opened and you jumped moving to hide yourself with the curtains.
“It’s just me love” you sighed hearing Ben’s voice. “Are you okay? Anything hurt?” You shook your head the only pain was from your legs which were still uncertain on the ground under them.
“Anthony was worried about you being in pain” you smiled and looked up at your boyfriend. “Is this…have you always done that?” You asked and Ben could t help the laugh that erupted.
“Darling, you were just fucked by 2 of the most powerful people in our town and you’re still embarrassed to say sex?” Your cheeks flared red and you let out a small whine in reply. “No, I’ve never seen him so…angry like that” you raised your brow.
Seems like you still have a lot to learn about these two.
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nkogneatho · 1 year
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—cw: gn!reader, tooth rotting fluff, smoking in geto's, suggestive
—wc: 1k+ #Tip me here
—a/n: Tell me what your favorite one. Scn=scenarios. not proofread.
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#mlist #whoreclub #liawot smau #taglist
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Satoru has a very strong obsession with sweet things. You were surprised how your boyfriend not had diabetes yet.
"Aren't you worried that your teeth might fall off?" you questioned him, as soon as you came out of the sweet shop with a white polythin bag in your hand. You went to buy him the mochi he likes so much, as a result of losing your bet.
"Don't worry. You know I am the strongest. So is my teeth, baby" You rolled your eyes at the comment. It was annoying enough that you lost the bet, and he was now just getting on your nerves acting like a hotshot. Your mind couldn't help but wonder how he would act if you mess with him. Taking a step forward to the sidewalk, you left your boyfriend behind. He followed you like a puppy as he always does. Toru noticed the noise of plastic wrapper. When he skipped two steps ahead to face you, what he saw was you chewing his desert.
"Hey!" he frowned cutely.
"Quite tasty," a subtle smile on your face, internally laughing at his reaction. Oh but you were stupid. You really thought he would let this go? Your boyfriend scanned you for a minute and then—
He caught your lips, tasting the faint relish of the chocolate syrup on your lips. He pulled back after a few seconds, leaving your body stunned on the sidewalk.
"You were right, baby. It is quite tasty." You were taken aback. You never new your first kiss with him would be like this.
"Toru wha—"
"In fact, I love it. I think I wanna taste more." You couldn't help but blush at the suggestion.
Geto never shared his cigarettes with anyone. But with you, it was different.
"Ugh, this is the worst," you groan in frustration.
"Chill out. You can cover it up by the next month," suguru comforted you. He lit up the cig and took a whiff.
"But how can they just ignore all my presentations? I think they were pretty amazing. Don't you think they were amazing?" you looked at him in hopes he'll take your side. He did.
"Okay first of all, it was surreal, sweetheart. And second of all, forget about it because your lovely lovely boyfriend is here," you laugh to which he shoots you a confused look. "What? am I not lovely?" He probably didn't get that you were laughing because how cute he sounded. Not because he wasn't lovely. He was. He was the loveliest matter of fact. Suguru pouts and looks away, taking another drag.
"ah fuck it. Gimme that." You take the cig from his hand. You can feel the tip slightly wet. "We are indirectly kissing haha," you laugh, eyes closed to smoke it. When your hands fall down with cig, you could feel a body moving closer, and a set of lips locking with yours. The bitter-cold taste of mint tobacco flavor on your tongue. When you opened your eyes, Suguru had already taken the cigarette from your hand, which completely when unnoticed by you. Maybe you were too busy feeling his lips.
"Indirect kiss, my ass. I want to kiss you directly. Ya got that?" He is adorable, getting pressed over some unserious thing you said.
"Got it. My lovely boyfriend.
Toji was straight forward. He didn't like beating around the bush. But when it came to you, he suddenly became a highschool teenage girl from a rom com who's so nervous that she unknowingly comes off mean to her love interest.
You found it adorable. The little things he did subconsciously that you found so adorable. You remember once you told him how you found sausages cut in octopus shape cute. So now you caught him making the same cuts, while he cooks breakfast for you, in his apartment.
"Wow. A grown scary looking man making cute shaped breakfast. Aren't you too old for that?"
"Shut up, babe. Ya know they're f'you. D'ya want me to poison them?" He shot a glare to you.
"Meanie," you frowned. You took a step to the stove, watching the sunny side up egg turning into an eclipse in the pan. "Uhm, Chef Toji," you called. "Your eggs are burning." You watched him place the knife on the chopping board, hastily rushing over towards the stove, turning it off. Toji sighed. But he heard someone laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Aw, aren't you a adorable little thing," you wiped away the tear from all the laugh. "It's hard to believe you're an assassin." You looked over at the counter with the octopus sausages, so perfectly cut. "Only good with blades, are you?"
The smile on your face slowly started fading as you found the big hunky man moving closer and close to you until there was no step for you to take back. Until your back hit the wooden cupboard. Toji ran his emerald iris on your lips. But before you could hide them away from him, biting it in, he captured them. Toji pushed his tongue past your lips, making your legs jelly.
"Not just blades, 'm also good with ma' lips." The attitude you had earlier, evaporated all of a sudden. Toji leaned to your side. "Wanna see what else 'm awesome at?" he whispered in your ears, totally making you lose your usual smug self.
—Reblog for part 2 🤍 :)
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Tags: @eros-lives @milophiliac @denji-star @bbytamaki @thebrokenkitkat @his-saiko @loml-riri @aztecbrujeria @mwagii @kitashousewife @sugies @mrsackermannx @lilitudemon @wobblewobble822 @tohokuu
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Peach Pie and Cream
Jack Reacher x F! Southern Waitress Reader (Amazon TV show, Alan Ritchson)
Warning: Some fighting, suggestive descriptions, cutesy
Summary: Our giant man Reacher meets a charming young waitress :) and takes care of people ;)
Word Count: ~2,115 words
A/N: There will be a part 2 eventually lol
Master List - Tag List Sign-Up (tags at the bottom)
“What can I get you, sugar?”
God, the way she called him “Sugar” practically dripped from her lip-gloss covered lips like hot honey. Her breasts threatening to spill out of her lacy unpadded bra - it’s dark color barely showing through her low-cut white top.
He knew not to look, he shouldn’t, he couldn’t.
But one peek wouldn’t hurt.
It wasn’t even seven-thirty in the morning when she’d walked over to him with a pen and a little notepad.
Reacher sat up, his body erect as she spoke so sweetly to him. His eyes quickly glanced at her bosom, then made eye contact with her, showing a crooked smile, “Good morning, what are your specials?”
Y/N gave him a small smile as she caught the flicker in his eyes as he lifted them to meet yours. “Our breakfast specials include the garlic biscuit sliders with chicken, sausage, or ham…” She leaned over slightly and pointed on the menu on the table at the various specials.
Y/N’s perfume smelled so sweet. Hints of peaches and vanilla.
No. He can’t be distracted. He had to meet Neagly later. 
He smiled as he looked back up at her, he didn’t hear half of what Y/N just said about the menu, just glancing at the worn out name tag that said her name. Her cheeks blushed slightly as he looked at her, the two of them were rather close.
Smiling at her, he asked, “I’ll have the garlic biscuit with the sausage special. Can I get extra bacon and a slice of your peach pie?”
“Yes, sir, you can. You want ice tea or coffee to drink?”
“Coffee is fine. Just black.”
She quickly glanced down at his large and firm chest and then back up at his eyes. He smirked even more.
Y/N bit her lower lip and then stood upright, writing his order down, “Sure thing, honey. I’ll be right back in a few.”
And those few minutes took an eternity. Reacher’s thighs began to itch as he watched her walk back to the back counter, leaning over so she could give the chef his order through the heating lamps, blushing in playful annoyance, with the cook winking and pursed lips, making kissing noises at her until she rolled her eyes and sighed, shaking her head.
He barely knew her but the sight of the cook irritated him. That’s no way to treat you - even if it was banter between coworkers. He’d been in town for merely a few hours.
He tried to look away. He really did. But the way her hips swayed and her chest moved, her apron tight and snug around her waist, her soft body spilling out from the sides of the apron and the top of her jeans. Every time she stood by a table to take an order, she always shifted her weight to her left, her left hip pushing out of the top of her jeans.
He always liked a full woman.
Chuckling to himself, he turned slightly to keep himself from boring holes on her ass. He glanced out the window but was thankfully disturbed by the smell of her and the food he ordered.
“Here we got today’s special with extra bacon and a cup o’joe, hot and ready just for you, honey. I’m all out of peach pie but I got one coming out of the oven any secon’ now. You want some ice cream with that pie?” She laid his food down gently, he gave you a grin and thanked you, “Careful, plate’s hot, honey.”
“Ice cream would hurt my teeth but I’ll take it since you suggested it.” Reacher caught her blush. 
“I’ll make a note of it. Enjoy your food and let me know if ya need anything, ok?”
“Yes, ma’am.” He chuckled and picked up his utensils.
She winked at him and walked away, picking up a pot of coffee to replenish cups of other patrons and swatting away advances from men in their sixties on her way back to the back counter.
After a while, Y/N walked back with a plate of peach pie covered in a large scoop of vanilla ice cream and placed it in front of him.
“One large piece of fresh peach pie with a heaping scoop of homemade vanilla ice cream for the gentleman,” She said cheerfully and replenished his coffee.
He couldn’t help but smile at her, “Why on earth would you work here?” He asked bluntly, but with a soft chuckle at the end.
“Well, I got bills to pay. Just like everyone else.” She chuckled. “You ain’t got no bills?”
God, he’d do anything to hear Y/N laugh again.
“No, I don’t.”
“No bills at all?” She shook your head slightly, smiling still, thinking he’s joking.
“I have no reason to lie.”
She stared at him, not quite sure if she actually believed him or not. Most of her customers told her a few wild things here and there. But no one around these parts looked quite like him.
He was a behemoth of a man standing taller than the green giant on a can of peas, bigger and more muscular than those lumberjacks on those Brawny paper towels. His one arm was probably the size of one of her soft and plush thighs that seemed to be restricted on those skinny jeans she’s wearing.
“Aight.” She chuckled again. Her name was called, and she glanced at a group of young men about your age who dog-whistled and hollered at her. Y/N turned back around to Reacher and forced a smile, “You enjoy your pie, sir, I’ll be back in a bit with your bill. Just holler if you need anything, yeah?”
“You know them?” Reacher suddenly turned serious. His attention was on those young men who banged on the table, demanding that she serve them.
“I-I’m sorry about them, I’ll tell them to quiet down in a minute. They’re just a little rowdy-“
“That’s not what I asked. Do you know them?” He asked again, looking up at her. Her demeanor changed. Embarrassment. She could pick out that pleather jacket out from a crowd. 
Blushing slightly in embarrassment, she answered, “I know one of them… that one in the sport’s jacket. The rest are his little friends. But I’ll tell them to-“
Before she could finish, Reacher stood up from his seat, his mere size making you gasp. She hadn’t realized how large he actually was until he stood up, she hadn’t seen him when he first walked in.
“Sir- please you don’t have to talk to them, what are you doin-“
“Your name is Y/N?”
“Y-Yes…” she clutched the handle of the coffee pot to make sure she didn’t drop it. He glanced down at her and gave her a half-smirk, “Just go stay behind the counter and put the coffee back on the machine so it doesn’t get cold.”
Not knowing what to think, Y/N did what he asked, the other waitresses following suit, other customers either staying in their seats or moving away as they watched Reacher walk up to the group of rowdy young men who still tried to get your attention.
He grabbed a chair and sat it by the edge of the table and sat down. Even sitting down, his large body frame towered over them. He didn’t say anything at first but looked at them smugly for a moment as they all stared at him. 
The main culprit looked like he had a vein about to pop out of his forehead, “Can I help you?”
“Any reason you need Y/N to help you?”
“She’s a waitress, and I’ve been trying to get her number for a hot minute - she works here, of course she’s going to serve us.” He scoffed.
“I don’t appreciate you calling her over like she’s a dog, Pleather.”
“This will just sting a little-“
“Y/N, I’m fine-“
“No you ain’t, Reacher. Your brow and your lip is all busted up and that one guy had a knife.” Y/N shook her head as she cleaned up his brow with some alcohol and then put a small bandage on his forehead.
Reacher smiled at her the whole time as he let her patch him up. She’d taken him off to the side. Moaning in the distance outside, incoherent cursing could be heard from the parking lot as the group of young men eventually stood up from the ground and made it back to their car. The main culprit was hanging out in the parking lot, looking through the window at Y/N and Reacher. He spit on the ground before finally going back to his car.
“But I’m serious, Reacher… you ain’t have to do that…” Once she finished, Y/N put the extra bandages back in the First Aid kit and looked at him with concern.
“Well, I did it anyway. And last I checked, you’re not a dog.”
Y/N couldn’t help but smile and then patted his shoulder. “You’re sweet. Sorry about your pie, the ice cream is all melted. I’ll get you a new one.”
“You eat that new one, I’ll eat mine.” Reacher was not one to waste food if he could help it - especially when trouble seemed to follow him. Smiling softly, she nodded and patted his shoulder before going back behind the counter and cutting her own slice of pie as Reacher walked back to his seat, waiting and watching as Y/N walked back and sat opposite of him.
Like teenagers, they couldn’t keep eye contact while trying to eat their peach pie.
“That was some military fightin’ back there, Reacher? Is it ok if I call you Reacher?” Y/N managed to muster out, clearing his throat and looking up at him.
Chuckling softly, Reacher nodded, “Yeah, I was in for a while.” He paused for a moment, watching her eat. The stories she must’ve heard from people. The restaurant was quiet again. She looked up at him, giving him a small smile. “Jack is fine too.”
“Jack? That’s your first name?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Jack Reacher.” She said. She was quiet for a second as she examined him. Taking in his appearance. Committing him to memory. She sucked the inside of her cheek as she tilted her head. Savoring his name, as if she took a bite of him like she did that pie. The sweetness in her voice dripping from her lips as she said his whole name. Sweeter than the half-eaten peach pies sitting before them.
“I like it. Hard to forget a name like that. It’s different. You stayin’ here long, Jack?” She scooped the last bit of pie and placed the spoon face down on her tongue, sucking off whatever peach pie remnants were left on the spoon before placing the spoon on her plate.
Very few people’s opinions mattered to Reacher, he barely knew Y/N but it made him smile when she said his name and that she liked his name. It gave him an unusual feeling. Couldn’t help but wonder what peach pie would taste like when it’s on her tongue. 
“Just passing through.” He leaned back once he finished his slice of pie, admiring the woman in front of him. Her lipgloss still glistened. Her eyes sparkled. Her breasts barely contained in her bra.
“That’s unfortunate. I would’ve loved to see you again, Jack.” She smiled when she took notice of him admiring her. It was a different type of admiration. “Can I call you?”
“Don’t have a phone.”
“Can I send you a letter?”
“Don’t have an address.”
“Well, damn, how will I talk to you and get to know you when you leave? Will this be the last I see of Jack Reacher, the man who saved my life?”
“I’ll come back tonight.” Reacher chuckled, smirking at her.
Y/N chuckled and then leaned forward slightly, resting her forearms on the table, making the softness in her breasts very obvious as they pressed up. “Is that so? Well, would you like me to tell you the dinner specials now or later?”
“What time to do you get off?”
“After dinner tonight. Would you like to join me for dinner?” 
“I should be asking you that.” Reacher mirrored her actions, leaning forward, his massive arms made of military grade steel rested on the table. Their faces were mere inches apart.
“Well, I asked first.”
Reacher wasn’t one to pursue women. But Y/N? From the little time he got to interact with her, he might hang around this little country town a little while longer.
@redpool @mykneeshurt
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norrisleclercf1 · 8 months
hi! can i request mark webber x reader, please? just some fluff. both have been married for years and have children. i just left the scenario up to your imagination. i honestly need some old drivers fic rn lol. Thank you!
A/N: Yesssssssssssssssssss
"Daddy," Mark groans rubbing his nose as he rolls over his arm pulling you close as he feels sleep start to pull him under again. "Daddy, pssst." "Go back to bed Finn." Mark grumbles, not wanting to pull away from your warm body.
"But I made breakfast," Finn whispers, Mark's eyes fly open as he pounces out of bed waking you in the process. "Jesus, Mark." You curse, startling awake as you watch your husband disappear down the hall.
He slides into the kitchen and stops, seeing his first born and eldest daughter Poppy. "Your feet on fire old man?" Mark sighs, shoulders shagging as he drops his head. Poppy at 16 was a little accident. It was Mark's first season driving for Red Bull and you two weren't safe enough and in late 2007 Poppy was born.
Mark and you were so in love that it didn't ruin anything, but Poppy did grow up around Sebastian and that was evident in her attitude sometimes.
"Finn said he made breakfast and I just assumed," "Maybe don't assume, he's 5 Dad. I'm sure he can pour himself a bowl of cereal." Poppy flips the bacon as the sound of it fills the emptiness. "Mark? Babe? What happened?" You walk in, wearing one of his old Red Bull shirts, practically a dress on you. Finn on your hips, resting his head on your shoulder.
"Dad thought Finn was setting the house on fire. Clearly, everything is under control." Poppy waves the spatula around. "Poppy," You warn but she just shrugs her shoulders and plate the bacon. Adding it to the breakfast table filled with toast, fruit, bacon, pancakes, sausage and some other stuff. "Poppy, baby this is so sweet." You walk over kissing your daughter's cheek who smirks at her father.
"Yes, Mom it is very sweet of me." Poppy sticks her tongue out as Mark rolls his eyes, kissing the top of her head. Milling around the kitchen, Finn switching to Mark's arms as a small cry floats down the hall.
"Bottle," Poppy hands the warmed up baby bottle and placing it in your hands. "Oh, thank you bug." slipping out of the kitchen and towards your youngest, 6 month old Harper. Narrowing his eyes, he takes in Poppy. "Are you in some sort of trouble your mother and I don't know about?" Mark asks, placing Finn in his seat who shoves a grape into his mouth.
"No, can't I do something nice for my family?" She raises an eyebrow almost challenging him to press on. "Mhm, suck up." He teases which earns another glare, but this time it held no heat.
"There's my baby." Mark melts, as you walk back in with Harper who eagerly sucks on the bottle. "Yeah, yeah, let's eat." You all settle, Finn munching happily as Mark takes a tentative bite. "Poppy, this is good." You moan into the pancake how fluffy and warm it is. "Thank you, Mom," She smiles digging into her own breakfast.
"Mark, isn't it good." You jab his side which pulls him away from studying his eldest. "What? Oh yes, very good." "Well, I'm glad. Because I have a date tonight," Poppy rushes out as Mark chokes on his juice.
710 notes · View notes
thesassypadawan · 3 months
Like Rabbits (Hayden x FemReader)
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Summary: After realizing that Hay and you share the same desire, you two have been acting like a pair of horny rabbits. ‘Hopping’ all day and night long. (Hope you enjoy the sequel, Maple Flavored Sausage ❤️)
Warnings: 18+ (mdni), because there sooo much of the smut. Breeding and, as always…Hayden’s big dick.
Notes: Hoppy Belated Easter, my lovelies! And Happy First Day of Hayden's (And Mine) Birthday Event! In honor of the man, the myth, the legend; I will be posting nothing but Anakin, Vader, and Hay stories all of April!
- Thirty-two hours. Thirty-two hours of nearly non-stop raw passion, of carnal desire. All in the hopes of…successfully knocking you up.
- After the whole ‘milk someday’ affair, as it came to be known, Hayden and you have a nice long chat. One that makes you both quickly realize that you’re clearly on the same page.
- And, well, since that’s the case, you two have been, um, rather busy. Especially during those magical thirty-two hours when you’re at the peak of your fertility.
- Yeah, let’s just say you’re like a pair of horny rabbits. ‘Hopping’ all day and night long…
- Eyes flutter open and a soft moan escapes you. You’re awoken by his cock pumping slowly into you, fingers playing and teasing your clit. “Haay…sleepy.”
- “Nope, rise and shine, angel. Nap’s over; it’s baby making time,” he chuckles in your ear. Free hand slides to grasp your ass firmly. Pulling your hip over him, so he can thrust deeper.
- You whine a little in protest, but, nonetheless, happily accept your fate. Hand moving up his throat, coming to rest on the back of his head. Fingers tugging his hair gently, causing him to growl…the sound rumbling in his chest.
- Cunt clenches hard in response, which only spurs him on. Pace picking up, dick practically bottoming out with each plunge. “Fuck. How are you still this tight?”
- Whimpering, your face grows flush. Orgasm approaching embarrassingly fast, overwhelming your brain. “Hay… Hay…”
- “Cum,” he mutters. Pinching your clit, sending you soaring. Head tilting upwards, crying out. Chest pressing against his while you clamp down around him.
- Hayden stills, gripping you as your body goes limp in his hold. Face burying into his neck, the fog in your mind rolling in. All you can think of is… “Sleepy.”
- A good smack to the butt jolts you back to reality. “Not yet, babe; we’re not finished.”
- Grasping your sides, he pulls you fully on top of him. Knees instinctively parting, setting on either side of his thighs. Upper body laying flat on his, you let out a small squeak. “Haaayden!”
- Arms wrap around your waist, and he starts to move again. Almost rapidly, eagerly pounding into your soaked cunt. Hips bouncing off his while he smirks. “What? I haven’t given you more of my baby batter yet.”
- Fingers dig into his shoulder; whines fly from your mouth. He’s stretching you out so deliciously, slapping against you so wonderfully. Both sensations overstimulate you further, another release quickly building in your core.
- His grip on you tightens. Rocking back and forth, he bucks up into you wildly. Grunting, voice low and gravelly. “Going to pump you so full…to the absolute brim. Going to stay in this perfect, little pussy…all through the night and into the morning.”
- Walls flutter at his words. Whines now more high-pitched and needy. Clawing and scratching at him desperately. “Yes… Please…”
- “You’d like that, huh?” Hay growls, slamming into that sweet spot deep inside over and over. “Me cumming in you until it takes…until you have your own cute bump to show off.”
- Nails sink deeper into his skin and his hips stutter. Hands grabbing your ass harshly, holding you firmly in place. Cock twitching, shooting rope after rope of hot cum into you.
- While you mewl and pant. Quivering and trembling, back arching in ecstasy. Milking him greedily for every last drop…before collapsing.
- Stroking your back, his heart racing underneath you. He kisses the top of your head, muttering. “You okay, angel?”
- Spent, your body is so spent. Totally exhausted from cumming back-to-back, not counting all the times prior to this lovely session. “Sleepy…so sleepy,” you mumble into his chest.
- Eyes grow heavy and just as you’re drifting off…you feel him start to lazily thrust. “Come one, we only have like twelve hours left until you’re done ovulating. Don’t want to waste a single minute, do you?”
- You hate it when he’s right. Groaning and grumbling, your hips begin to move in sync with him. “Better make it twins then.”
- “Can’t guarantee that,” Hayden chuckles, speeding up a bit. “But I promise to have you round…those tits milky and swollen soon enough. My adorable baby mama.”
Tag List: @espinathena-17, @myheartwillgoon2022, @wifeofasith, @princessswifie, @kenobiskywalker16
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 6 months
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a/n absolutely self indulgent because no joke I woke up last night from the most insane nightmare and the first thing I called out to was Simon so here's some fever dream goodness for you. ✨🫴🏼
summary: Simon comfort reader after a nightmare.
warning: nightmares lol
It was a strange feeling to be the victim of your mind. You could go out there on the battlefield and turn it all off. You could be fearless and deadly. Many shivered when they walked by. You could turn it off. Could pull on a mask and be someone you failed to recognize. But at night, when you were back at the safety of the base and no specific tasks kept you awake, you felt so helpless that you wanted to weep.
Sure, almost everyone had nightmares. Yes, they weren't real. A mix of subconsciously selected images. But there was just something so specific about them. It was so painful, real, and raw that it had you waking up night after night with a rapidly beating heart. Or even worse, covered in sweat as you jolted up with a scream. Those nights were the hardest because you weren't able to find sleep again. Every shadow seemed to be hunting you. Every sound made you flinch as you counted the moments till sunrise.
"Sugar?", your name being called out made you blink a couple of times. Right, shit, a debrief. You quickly scanned the room. All eyes were on you. You needed to come up with something. Something that would land regardless. "We can always just try what most of the team believes is the right...", you started, "What most team believes about barbecue? Right boys, what's your thoughts on grilled sausages?" Price called out, earning a handful of chuckles. A barbecue? Had you been that out of it? This was supposed to be a debrief for the last mission...
"The only flaw was the way we entered. He wants to try to regroup". Ghost's low voice rang from beside you. "Price's wife is celebrating her birthday this weekend and wants us over for a barbecue." You turned your head toward him slightly. His arms were crossed over his chest, his head facing forward towards the team, but because of the mask, it was impossible to see him speaking. "Thank you," you muttered back, running a hand over your face. "You're sick or something?", Ghost asked once again. Maybe you were just imagining him speaking. A man never spoke that much. "Maybe you should go to the medical bay," he suggested, and you shook your head. "Nothing a couple of hours of sleep can't fix," you gave Simon a tight smile as you pulled back from the wall you two had been standing by. Just before you could fully step away from his reach, Ghost swiftly wrapped his palm around your upper arm. "You don't have to tell me, but at least talk to one of the boys. Johnny might...", but you cut him off by placing your hand over his chest, "I'm fine, Ghost, nothing happened." His eyes told you that he didn't believe a word you said but admitting that you struggled to sleep and even more so avoided sleeping because of the nightmares, no... That made you feel too childish.
But Simon wasn't stupid. He had an eye for little things. Little changes. Little energy waves, if you will. And everything about you has been screaming wrong for weeks now. You two weren't together, but he always treated you differently. Not because you were a female. No. Just because you respected his boundaries. Respected his privacy. Ghost still remembered that one night when he was enjoying his two-am tea and you stumbled into the kitchen. A long shirt was the only thing on your body. He had been in a particularly broody mood that night, so even when you asked him a couple of questions, he simply stared at you and said nothing. He was waiting for you to roll your eyes or call him an asshole. But instead, you smiled and started explaining to him how you enjoyed your instant ramen. Without realizing it, Simon found himself smiling beneath his mask. You were babbling about how Price would kill you if he saw the amount of cheese you put in your bowl. "You will not turn me in, right?", you had asked, a handful of shredded cheese in your hand. Simon had simply tilted his head to the side, and you had taken it as a yes, shoving the cheese in your mouth as you giggled.
That side of you had been long gone. Your face has grown slightly ashy. Your eyes were dull. You could barely keep up with a conversation. Yes, you still managed to perform amazingly during missions, but they chipped at the last bits of your strength, and it showed.
If Simon was being honest, he knew what this was about. Your room was next to his on the base, and the walls weren't particularly thick. So it was almost a nightly thing. He just laid there, listening to you whimper. Panting once you were lucky enough to claw yourself out of the nightmare.
He had wanted to come knocking more than once. He almost always found himself with a hand on the doorknob, but he always stopped. Because who was he to comfort someone? He wasn't a big teddy bear. No, Ghost was a man with a past just as brutal and controlling. One that also hunted him from time to time.
Just tonight, it all seemed ten times worse. Simon tried to occupy himself with a handful of paperwork and reports he had to finalize, but your bed was right by the wall where his desk was. Every turn. Every rustle of the sheets. The uneven breathing. Simon gripped his pen tighter. But then, as silent as a wind, a light, "Please," cut through the silence. Simon stared at the wall ahead of him. It was as if the words were engraved on it. Telling himself over and over that he didn't need to get involved. This wasn't his business. He didn't have the right to just walk in. That he...
Ghost pushed back, the chair scraped against the wooden floor. Three long strides, and he was out of his room. Another three to get to your door. It took him a heartbeat to press the door handle down. He wasn't prepared to see your sprawled-out form. The sheets were now mostly laying on the floor. Your scrunched-up face. Hands digging into the mattress. That broke something deep within Simon.
He moved quietly, not wanting to startle you, and just as much, hoping that you would wake up on your own. But your body twisted and turned. The skin growing clammy. It was one of the longest nightmares you had ever had. Not that he was counting, but from the nights he had heard you, this seemed one of the worst. Ghost's mind blanked as he sat on the edge of the bed. What had his mother once said? Shake to wake up, or try to gently pull someone back. No one played nice in the army. You either took it or you ate shit. But still, Simon's cracked and scared hands carefully moved to run up and down your hand.
Another cry slipped past your lips. Simon wished he could kill the person holding you hostage in your sleep. "It's okay," he muttered, trying to remember what comforting someone even felt like. The words felt strange on his lips. "Sug, wake up; it's just a dream," he muttered, pressing slightly deeper into your skin. But it was nothing. Your sweat-soaked face was now covered by stands of hair that had awkwardly stuck all over, but Simon didn't care. He had been in this same place way too many times.
"Y/N," he breathed, moving to clasp your face between his palms, stopping your movement. A breath. One. Two. Your eyes snapped open. A painful inhale pierces your lungs. Hands coming up to grasp Ghost's wrist as your nails dug into his skin. Yet in all of that, it was your frightened eyes that hurt Simon the most. Eyes that now looked so helpless. So desperate. So lost. So in need.
"Simon," you muttered as one wave of panic got overridden by another. "I mean, lieutenant," you muttered, and Ghost couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Seriously? Now of all times, you decide to call me lieutenant." You never addressed him like that. Unless you were pissed off at him and Simon highly doubted, that was the case now.
"I'm sorry," you muttered, brushing your hands through your damp hair. "Did I wake you? Fuck, I'm...", but Simon didn't seem to listen as he leaned over to unlace his boots. Your shivering frame unsettled him. And maybe it was his primal need to protect all women who had ever been in harm's way. Or maybe it was that stupid warm feeling that flared when he was next to you, but when Simon looked at you once again, he simply motioned for you to scoot over.
"What are you..." you muttered in confusion. "You are still shaking, and that looked like one fucked nightmare," Ghost said bluntly as he slowly got comfortable in your bed. You knew that he was a kindhearted person under that cold mask, but this. You were convinced you ground his gears, and now... "You don't fancy lying down?", he asked, almost in a teasing way, making you blink again. You could still feel the aftermath of your dream. Pumping through your veins.
Maybe this was a dream too. Was there a way to fall from one dream to another? But then the same flickering images of the dream you just had came flooding back. One breath . Another. Your hands instantly reached for the man lying not far from you. Were there rules? Things you shouldn't do? You didn't seem to care as you snaked your hands around his neck, pressing yourself closer to him. His warmth seeped through your skin. The rapid heart was now beating against a much steadier chest. "Simon," you muttered. And you knew that he hated it when people called out his name like that. He hated when they dug his identity to the surface, but you needed him. You needed Simon, not Ghost, not your LT.
"Right here, doll," he breathed. "Simon," you muttered once more. His hands had now matched yours; they had just found shelter against your hips. Rubbing slow circles there. "Please," you breathed out. Not sure as to what you were calling out for, but knowing real well that Simon was the realest thing in your universe now. "I've got you, ya? I'm holding you right now. Whoever chased you in your sleep won't get to you now", Ghost said firmly, "I won't let them."
You sighed again on his shoulders, holding him as tightly as you possibly could. "What do you need, Sug?", Simon asked in a much calmer tone now. "Talk to me," you muttered. "Just..."—you almost didn't know how to explain it. Your mind was still holding you hostage. You needed new images. New stories to fill your senses. Draw up new patterns. And Ghost surprisingly didn't miss a beat: "You know Johnny was trying to convince me today that microwaving water is a way of making tea." You lifted your head off Simon's shoulder, leaning back slightly to catch his gaze. "I know; I looked at him the way you are looking at me now," Ghost stated with a huff. "I told him that fuck his war crimes, his soul is going to hell for that alone," Simon added with a shake of his head, and you felt your lips tugging upwards slightly until a light chuckle slipped past them.
"I'm glad you find it funny because I saw it as a disgrace to England itself." His accent thickened, and you could almost hear the smile on his lips as he spoke. You chuckled slightly. "He is a disgrace to this team," you said with a serious look on your face, and Simon was quite the match. "I'll talk to Price in the morning. We'll send him to Neverland." Cackling, you leaned against Simon's chest; his much bigger palms quickly moved to run up and down your back.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?" he asked after a moment of silence, but you quickly shook your head. The last thing you needed was to go back. You felt Ghost nodding slightly, "We can talk when you want," his fingers reaching up to comb your hair. "For now, you are safe. I will always keep you safe". The last word came out more like a whisper, but you still caught on to it.
"Simon," you muttered, earning a hum in return,"If you... could you stay?" You were so glad your room was only dimly lit because your cheeks felt as if they were on fire. Ghost let out a slight chuckle. "Does it look to you as if I'm about to go?", he questioned your statement in an almost self-explanatory manner, "Way too comfortable to move now, love." His arms held onto you just a bit tighter, and you didn't skip a beat to do the same. "Thank you," you said softly, knowing that this deserved way more and better words. "Say less; you know I've got you," Simon pressed a tender kiss on your hair, "Now sleep." Reaching to the side, he pulled the blanket over the two of you. "Can you play with my hair?", you said through a yawn. "Already so fucking demanding," Simon chuckled, yet his fingers threaded through your hair straight away.
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zablife · 3 months
A Small Favor
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John Shelby & Y/n Solomons (Partners in Crime AU)
Summary: Y/n has called John for a small favor…the removal of a dead body from Alfie’s kitchen. Who was the dead man and why was he there in the first place? That might be the biggest surprise of all.
Author’s note: Requested by @darklydeliciousdesires who wanted to know what this duo would do if tasked with disposing of a body. Ty for the wonderful inspo! Also, Rose is an OC belonging to @justrainandcoffee. She is Alfie's wife and an advocate for women. Quick reminder that Y/n is Alfie's sister.
Warnings: language, mention of a dead body and murder, weapons, blood
You sat watching steam rise from a piping hot cup of tea as John paced before you. “I don’t understand,” he said, twisting his cap in his hands.
“What?” you mumbled as you shoved a biscuit into your mouth.
“How did you manage it?” he asked with a note of genuine surprise, though he should have learned by now not to underestimate you. 
You only shrugged as he gestured toward the hulking man splayed out before him on Alfie’s kitchen floor.
“Used me knife," you explained in a flat tone.
“Bloody hell,” he exclaimed with a low whistle. John stood over the mangled corpse stroking his chin thoughtfully before gazing back at you with pride. “Carved him up like a Christmas turkey!”
“Serves him right, filthy wanker,” you spat, wiping the crumbs from your lip with a shaky hand.
"Hey, you alright?" John softened momentarily, tilting your chin up to meet his gaze.
You narrowed your eyes at him, hating the look of pity you found staring back at you. "You seen the state of him? And you see me?" you gestured toward yourself with a flourish, demanding he acknowledge your victory. When he took a moment too long, you shoved him away. "Course I'm alright," you insisted stubbornly as you settled back into your chair, crossing your arms over your chest.
John let out a long sigh, wishing he'd never asked. Then recalling the trail of overturned furniture and broken glass leading to the kitchen, he changed the subject. "Was he looking for somethin'?" Opening and closing the cupboards as though he might find an answer hidden in the shelves, he called out, "Does Alfie still have that faberge egg?"
“Fuck no!" you vehemently denied. "Sold it ages ago to that toff who wanted it for his dog-faced cunt of a wife. Reckon she eats kibble out of it now or whatever the fuck rich people do."
John snorted out a laugh as he ran a hand down his face. How you could crack a joke at a time like this was beyond all comprehension. Turning back to his search, he opened another door, peering inside with intense scrutiny.
“Dunno what you're expecting to find," you muttered, irritation rising in your throat as you surveyed the room. "Not a sausage...."
John scratched his head as he glanced over his shoulder, “Is that a kosher thing?”
You rolled your eyes before clarifying, “Sausage and mash,” rubbing your thumb against your fingertips. When John still looked at you with a quizzical stare you shouted, “Cash, you daft cunt! If you think Alfie's stupid enough to hide anything of value here, you're a few sandwiches short of a picnic, mate."
He nodded in understanding. “Right, well….don’t matter why that fucker wanted in, we have to get him out.” He stood facing the man in question, removing a toothpick from his pocket and seesawing it between his teeth as he thought.
You quickly grew impatient, eyes darting wildly from the clock on the wall to John’s motionless form. “What are you waiting for? This is your speciality, ain’t it?” you asked in a high squeaky voice, anxious to move things along.
John spun around to face you, “And you’re such a big help sat there like a pudding!” he exclaimed taking a large step to swipe at you before slipping in a pool of the man’s blood. 
You raced from the table to catch him, but he was already propelled halfway across the room, finally tumbling over and landing atop the dead man’s barrel chest. “ALLEY CAT!” he roared, face to face with the man’s hideous pallor of death.
Barely containing your laughter, you watched your partner in crime grimace before turning away to suppress a gag. “Smells like cheap whisky and piss,” he proclaimed. 
“What do you reckon he smelt like? Bloody roses?” you asked, hoisting him up by the elbow.
John emitted a low growl before brushing himself off. Removing his jacket and tossing it aside, he crossed his arms, mouth twitching anxiously. “Can we get on with it?” he asked with a sigh that sounded like resignation to his fate. “You take one end, I’ll take the other,” he instructed with a nod of his chin.
John began wedging his arms beneath the man's upper body as you took hold of the thick legs which felt like two tree trunks. Hoisting the weight off the floor took a few moments and the body swung precariously between you, grunts and groans passed between you as you struggled to find equilibrium. Eventually you were able to take a few teetering steps backward and out of the kitchen doorway into the hall, but then you realized you didn't know where you were going after that.
“Wait! What’s the plan?” you demanded, knitting your eyebrows in confusion. 
John snapped his head toward you, “Are you serious?"
"Well, we can't walk out of the house with him. People will notice," you pointed out.
"Just...keep...going," he instructed through clenched teeth. When you slowed your movements again he warned sternly, "If we stop now, you're going to break my fucking back."
"No...no, I don't like this, Barney," you said, shaking your head.
"You going to fight me the whole way?" he asked, nostrils beginning to flare in frustration.
“Do you want my help or not?” you huffed, dropping the pair of legs you were barely holding to begin with and placing your hands on your hips.
Dropping his half with a thud John laughed mirthlessly. He pointed at you, cheeks rosy with exertion and the tips of his ears beginning to match as his temper ignited. “You asked me to come, you ungrateful horse’s arse!”
"What did you call me?" you asked, rushing him and pinning him to the nearest wall, hand poised over your switch blade.
Just then someone cleared their throat and you both jumped, startled by the noise.
You broke away from John, looking up at a dark haired woman who stood above you in a halo of golden morning light. Her amber eyes were warm and held nothing but concern as she searched your face in wordless communication.
John frowned at you, his eyes darting between you as he wondered aloud, "Who the fuck is she?"
Ignoring him completely, you looked up at her unable to contain the burden of your guilt. You swallowed a lump in your throat as you admitted softly to her, "I didn't want you to see this."
"Is she one of Rose's women or..." he trailed off, watching her descend the stairs slowly and walk into your waiting embrace, placing a tender kiss to your trembling lips. "Do you two know each other?" he asked thickly. "Please, Y/n, I'm so confused," he pleaded.
When you parted, you were still holding her hand tightly in yours. "John, this is Eliana Armstrong."
"And him?" John asked cautiously, pointing at the body. "You know him, don't you?"
You nodded slowly, but Eliana spoke up. "His name is Harold Armstrong,” she said sadly, holding up her left hand to reveal a small gold band on her ring finger.
John's shoulders hunched and his brow creased as he thought.
"Give him a minute," you whispered next to her ear. "Got a nice boat, that one, but he ain't the brightest."
"Oi! M not deaf!” John scowled at you. Then turning to Eliana, he puffed out his chest, ready to defend you. "You had her kill your husband?" he hissed the accusation as he closed the distance in a few long strides. "You had no right to ask that of her!" he shouted, pointing a finger in her direction.
Quickly stepping between them, you placed a hand to his chest to halt his movements. "You've got it wrong," you stated simply.
"He was going to kill Y/n..." Eliana began before you hushed her.
"She told him she was leaving to be with me. He thought he could stop her by..." You stopped to inhale a sharp breath, thinking of the perilous fight you barely survived hours earlier. "Well...you know," you swallowed harshly, not wanting to give details. "I called you cos I knew you'd be there for me no matter what," you explained quietly. John's hands dropped to his sides, fists unclenching as all tension left his body with the shock of what he'd just heard.
"Oh, my God," he said, lowering himself by the banister to sit on the bottom stair. He knew something was off when you opened the door for him, possibly before that, when he heard a slight quiver in your voice on the telephone as you gave the code word for emergencies. His heart clenched in his chest at the thought of you reaching out to him before anyone else, speechless at your show of trust.
After a few minutes of deafening silence you needed to know if John was upset for being asked to clean up your mess. "Will you please say something?" you prodded gently.
John raised his head from where it hung cradled between his large hands, his bright blue eyes observing the body lying before him in Alfie's demolished house. His curious gaze finally resting upon your exhausted and disheveled form, he managed, "Is this why we never shagged?"
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obesogen · 3 months
You introduce yourself to someone
"Hi, so-and-so, I'm ..." and you think that you say your name,
but your plump hands, slightly sweaty,
and your swollen forearms, encroaching on small wrists,
your upper arms role-poly like the Michelin man,
and your wide, sloppy, drooping gut,
which is in theory fully covered by a shirt
barely tho;
your deep, wide belly button visible through thin fabric, stretched taut, 12x getting too small,
and let's not forget your double chin,
your soft pillowy neck roll,
your dewlap, a perfectly closed collar of squishy fat that
your tiny features sink into–
these things say
hi so-and-so,
i'm super obese, morbidly obese, obese class III,
i'm permanently disabled by how fat i have become
i'm the fattest person you have ever had to speak to
i'm the fattest person you have ever seen in person
and not on the tv freak show
hi so and so, i'm severely mentally ill
hi so and so, i'm traumatized
hi so and so, i am addicted to food
hi so and so, i have no impulse control
hi so and so, i'm ... what's your name again?
you are no one, nothing,
all you are and all you can ever be is gloriously obese beyond the frenzied imaginings of our starving ancestors who carved the venus of willendorf
you are stuffed to the point of near-bursting; even the backs of your neck rolls are frosted with stretch marks. the body always finds somewhere to store fat, and with all the usual spots so filled to the brim, you notice eventually even your forehead is fat; a deposit of soft tissue that furrows above your brows, like a sharpei.
Not long after you got a second mobility aid for out in public, a powerchair with a capaciity of 1100 pounds and hydraulic suspension and tread on its 8 tires like a tank, you started using your old one around the house, always on the verge of breaking down under the additional 200 pounds you carry beyond its rated 500 pound capacity. Not long after, unthinkingly, you just stopped walking, out of sheer bone-idleness. You couldn't say when your last day on your feet was, you surrendered sooner than that day came, comfortably dependent.
Months later, you dimly attempt to recall when you last moved, standing, from one point in space to another. Until the last month, you could still, barely, haul yourself up using a bar to support and balance yourself. From being pushed up out of your powerchair with a forward lift, to the belly gathering momentum and sliding down, to you standing shakily and taking one shuffling step to reposition your body so you can transfer from one big chair to another big chair, and from one big chair to the big motorized bariatric hospital bed.
Now, just 20 pounds later, you can't move your blob body hardly at all below your greedy mouth with its greasy, parted, mouthbreathing lips and beyond your wriggling sausage link fingers. You cannot move any other part of your body without needing help. You are not to your knowledge paralyzed really in any way, you just shamelessly became too fat to lift your own arms, you press a button on a remote that must be attached to your fat hand since if you drop it you couldn't even retrieve it with a string, you are just that weak– so thoroughly inhabiting how obese you are through the total abdication of all decisions.
Once the support bar began to gather dust and was eventually packed away- you become adjusted to transfering from place to place using motorized cranes and winches, your fat slab form filling huge slings with tough straps, prone and helpless, drowning beneath countless rolls, lovingly oiled machinery creaking as it hefts your megafat body.
Your muscles are so weak and your limbs are so heavy. You still have the urge to to struggle and sweat to lift another treat to your bottomless pit of a stomach. You are estimated to be able to hold several gallons in there before feeling sick from fullness.
Most days you simply lie expectantly and grunt with your mouth open, eating everything you are given by any of your staff or acolytes, and sucking melted ice cream sludge from one tube, or chugging diet coke or (regular) mountain dew from 2 different (fountain) tubes.
Turns out there's more than irony to research suggesting artificial sweeteners like aspartame provoke intense cravings for actual sugar.
You are fat beyond reason. Only the most depraved massive, disabling, immobilizing obesity fetishists could find your tremendous doughy body, with a belly so outsized you must be buckled into powerchairs and scooters and even the shower chair. If you don't endure the humiliation of being buckled into the modern day litter which drags your fat around, your unwieldy pannus threatens to upset your vehicle, tipping you forward and pulling you down– you know you would be left on the floor gasping, unable to even sit up, defenseless, amorphous.
And besides,
you forgot your name anyway
years ago,
dont you remember? my
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icypenguin · 1 month
Ok so can I request the sbg x wony reader but instead of SHES THE ONE AND ONLY SEO CHANGBIN FROM SKZ (she can beat ass.. and can pick ben with one arm :3
⋆ ˚。 Pretty Phantom Breaker ⋆౨ৎ˚
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cw: limping, running away from phantoms, thoughts of broken bones (that’s all i guess??)
a/n: HIHIHI AND OFCCC! but.. i dunno if this is how u expected T-T i hope i got your idea right and personalities right too.. i’m not really in that side of socials BUT DW DW GOTCHUUU anyway this is a platonic relationship with the sbg gang!!! hope you like itttt!
divider credits: @iluvrei @dollywons
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to everyone’s eyes, you were known to be a clean, healthy, pretty and feminine girl. everyone always appreciate you for that. In school or literally anywhere, you’re always the one who soreads positive energy, and that’s what the gang loves you about.
you’re always focusing on a healthy life style (even if every night you’re teleported into some other realm) which makes it beneficial for the gang. They sometimes wonder, how can you be so positive even if it sounds like it’s the end for them?
“hey y/n, can you recommend me any blush? I’ve been seeing people use this like.. lisptick blush thing? i dunno what that is.. but it sounds cool!” you and taylor was sitting besides eachother on a bench, waiting for the others to finish class since you finished your work sooner. “ah! rare beauty? yes that’s a popular one nowadays! i do recommend you buying one of it since it comes in many different shade! it’s really useful, you can use it as a gloss and a blush!” picking up your phone to show the pictures of the different shade, the others were finally back.
“ughh i hate maths.. so booringgg…” complained aiden as he rolled his eyes. “well.. i suggest you to pay more attention in class rather than making paper airplanes” ashlyn stays in a monotone tone while logan, ben, and tyler ignored them.
taylor whispered a “thanks!” before moving on to the next topic, “well, took you guys long enough to finish that 5 kindergarten riddle” she joked while grabbing her bag in action to go home. “if it weren’t for that moron, we would NOT be take this long… burden pfft-“ tyler frowned, not making eye contact with anyone except him. “well- friends stay together right? they wait for eachother!” the others groaned as aiden pulled out this ‘friendship line’.
soon, you all started to walk to the main entrance while chit chatting random stuffs. you noticed aiden got closer, meaning he wanted to ask you something. “y/n, is it true that broccoli are better than sausages?” he stared with a curious look on his face. “well ofcourse, it’s better to eat broccoli everyday than to eat sausages everyday..” you smiled and gave him a thumbsup. “awwh man, i love wieners…” hearing that response, you laughed along with taylor whose heard your conversation.
! time skip phantom realm !
somehow, the phantoms were chasing the whole gang… thanks to aiden’s loud shout i guess.. “ugh did you really have to scream that loud to safe your darling ashlyn!?” tyler seemed irritated by how aiden was acting. “it’s called friendship okay!? just like how you protect taylor-“ he fired back the comment back to tyler and it kept going on and on. their bickering kept on continuing until- “wait- ben!? where’s ben!?” taylor was looking around, checking everyone but seeing no sign of ben near them. suddenly, everyone’s attention has been spotlighted to ben, who was in the back, trying to catch up.
when you studied closer to see ben’s anatomy, you noticed he was limping. soon, everyone noticed this wound of ben and aiden, who does not think first, decided to run back to ben “ah-! ben- wait for me-!”
ofcourse he tried to help ben but only ended up with them walking slower. as the phantoms were getting closer and everyone’s heart was beating as fast as ever, hoping they would be safe, you did what you had to did. rushing towards both men who’s being chased by a bunch of phantoms, you lifted them one in each of your arm. you didn’t really like to show this side of you, but what choices are there?
ofcourse, they were shocked to see how the feminine you- is able to carry 2 guys in a blink of an eye. “whatthe-“ tyler exclaimed in a shocked and unbelievable tone, while the others just stare at you speechless.
meanwhile ben and aiden was taken aback by the sudden lift, aiden adapted quickly and cheered you on “go go go! go y/n!” ben was just giving up his whole body on you and trusted you on his life.
as you rushed forward to the gang, the phantoms were catching speed of you too. but luckily, you catched up to them and you all managed to get into the base or the bus graveyard.
“phew that was rough…” panting while dropping those two men softly on the ground, the others stared at you with wide eyes, suprised by your skill. “what. was. that.” tyler shot back from his thoughts and stared at you. “that was so cool, y/n.. i didn’t know you can do that..!” logan admired you while having a happy and amused face. “aww thanks guys… i thought you’ll be weirded by it..” you rubbed the back of your neck while looking down, not used to have compliments by this skill of yours. “no way! you saved their life!” taylor gives you a pat on the back as a supportive sign. too, ashlyn got into the conversation “it’s honestly a relief for all of us…” she handed you a bottle of water for you to finally calm yourself down.
meanwhile the others were all fine, aiden and ben both thanked you before healing ben’s leg that logan thought can be of broken bone. tyler, at the corner, was scoffing. he had a high hope of becoming the strongest one in the group and he even thought he was! but i guess.. more suprises for him?
“aww tylerrr, don’t be so busteddd~” taylor laughed at her brother being to irritated and jelous. “w-what!? i’m not!” he barked back at taylor while having a clear jealous look on his face. “pfft yeah? than it’s no matter if i call you weak?” tyler then started chasing taylor as he wanted revenge.
you felt something tap your shoulder, ashlyn was looking at the corner to a phantom that.. successfully entered the base outta nowhere. “do you think you can break it?” she asked you with full trust.
maybe.. maybe you can be a phantom breaker champion?
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♫⋆��♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Jealous Much
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x FemReader
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⚠️ Warnings: ⚠️ Hard Sex, Not really but just in case Domcon, Unprotected sex. Fingering fem receiving.
Please support me on Ko-Fi ☕️
It had all started out so innocently...
Being the head doctor at such a large Base you were stationed at ment you delt with many people- A revolving door of bodies coming in to be treated by your skilled hands, but it seemed that people often got the wrong idea when it came to you and your job.
That and you were a pretty cute.
The evening had started out well, You were about to finish your shift and call it a evening to get started on the pile of paperwork on your desk, Their wasnt a lot on staff tonight anyway and most teams out on missions- As you prepared to start your pager went off and you groaned, looking directly at the device on your hip and went to your treatment room next door to your office. Seeing in the large room was non other TF 141, the group often darkening your door with their antics.
"Ah my Best Customers I see- What can I help you with?" You say cheerfully, always prideful in your bedside manner.
"He got blown off the back of the truck-" Soap said calmly gesturing to Gaz who looked- well like he'd been blown off a truck and into sand-
"Oh, Well let's get you cleaned up and checked out" You say softly, helping him from the vest and shirt to check the damage. Fortunately most of the injuries were superficial and the vest look the brunt of the hits.
Gaz stared at you starry eyed, watching how you patched him up and moved with grace around him- That and the slightly tighter scrubs didn't hurt his imagination. He'd had his eye on you for a while, every since he had seen you weeks prior.
"Thank you (Y/L/N)- You know I got to ask what kind of food do you like?" He asked, his lips turning up in a smile. Your hands freezing for a moment as you raised a man.
"Food. I'd like to know what you like, a Thank you dinner if you will" He said, The team surprised by the Balls of Kyle to openly and infront of them all ask you out.
"I'm flattered but no- I don't go out like that" You say innocently, Kyle deflating as you finished patching him up.
"What about a few drinks at the pub-"
"Gaz-" Ghost all but hissed, snapping the poor man back to reality with a pout. You chuckle at this and pat the poor man's shoulder, thanking him for the offer but refusing non the less.
Dismissing yourself politely to go and get started on the paperwork.
"Damn You did't have a chance Kyle- I've heard stories that her legs are welded shut. People trying to get at her for years" Soap said with a sad sigh to his clearly love struck friend, however in their conversation they didn't see Ghost eyes practically glowing in silent rage as he watched them leave.
In your office you sighed, feeling quite embarrassed by Gaz so upfrontly asking you out to dinner. It was sweet but you knew it would only cause trouble- the sound of your office door locking snapped you from your mind, looking up in a panic you stop the large figure standing in your office. Ghost.
"Simon? What are you-" He waved off your words as he walked over to your desk, Warmth blooming on your face as he grabbed you a bit roughly from your seat and forced you across the desk.
"S-Si I'm still at work you cant-" You were cut off as he pressed his fingers harshly against your clothed core, rubbing circles over the thin blue fabric.
"I know- How many times have they looked at you like that?" He growled, you could practically hear the jealousy rolling from his tongue as he spoke. You whimper as you feel his free hand slide down you scrubs and panties in one motion.
"Thought about you bent over this very desk"
His fingers slid into you easily began to move slowly, almost teasingly inside you to stretch you out. "Not knowing youre mine, aren't you?" Simon asked, his voice low and on edge.
"Yes Sir~"
You replied, barely able to breathe from the intensity of his touch. "Good girl" He said, pulling his fingers out and smacking your ass hard enough that it stung.
Standing close behind you, rubbing his cock against your now sore ass. You felt him push into you, Inch by inch slowly and wjth care as if he wanted you to feel every bit kf it, Bottoming out quickly with a huff. Slowly he began to move slow at first, but each thrust getting harder than the last.
"Oh fuck-!" You whimper out legs shaking as you have to bite back a loud cry of bliss. The soilder thrusts faster and harder into your aching cunt, his fingers digging into your bare hips, his breath coming in short pants.
"That's it, Good Girl" He growls out.
He pulls his hand away from your red hip and grips the back of your neck, holding you still whilst he pounds into you. You feel the muscles in your legs begin to tremble as your orgasm builds and the grip from Simon damn near makes your head fuzzy. You could feel the heat building inside you, and knew you were so close to cumming so quickly. But Simon didn't stop. He pushed himself deeper into you, harder and faster as he felt you walls flutter around him.
He began to hiss, grunting your name in your ear as his hips desperately shuttered against yours, the sound of skin slapping filling the room along with your wimpering desperate sweet moans.
You mindlessly blabbering out his name as like prayers, his hand quickly flying from your neck and covered your lips to keep you quiet, smirking at feeking you tighten by the action.
"That's it~"
He grunted against your ear, rolling his hips in just the perfect way that he knew you liked, feeling your legs shake as you screamed out against his hand in bliss, cumming all over his cock. The man only able to give a few weakened thrust into you as his own hips shook.
Feeling Simon bury himself deeply into you- Deeper then you'd ever felt before as he moaned in your ear and came, Warmth filling you as you whimpered against his gloved hand. Simon panted hard above you, pulling his hand away finally from your face he carefully pulled out of you, You giving a soft whine as he did so.
You laid there, panting hard as the crashes of your orgasm made your legs weak as you leaned over the desk for dear life, the cool wood like heaven on your scorched skin.
You felt gentle kisses up your neck as Simon pulled your panties back up and smoothed your scrubs back down like he hadnt disturbed it at all.
"You with me Love?" He said softly in your ear- you humming and nodding as Simon helped you back to your feet and set you so you were seated on the desk, you trying to keep the wave of cum from spilling from you.
"You know, you can just have me change my last name. I'm sure people wouldn't dare flirt with Mrs. Riley" You point out with a smirk, Simon giving you a half cooked glare as he fixed himself back in his pants and grabbed for his mask which he had tossed off mid action.
"Could be dangerous if people found out my wife was on base- Or they could station you elsewhere" He said, Walking over and running his large hand over your thickened thighs.
"It's dangerous either way, Besides someone is bound to find out.. Or I get sent back home if you end up knocking me up-" You point out, especially since Simon had cum inside you and knew damn well you weren't on the pill. He smirked at this and kissed you gently on the lips, a twinkle of mischief in his eye-
"Now that would be a sight~" He purred out, planting kisses on your neck as you giggled at his antics.
"Now that would be something worth takin' a risk on~" He whispered in your ear as you were picked up, getting a surprised yelp from you as he laid the both of you down on the floor of the office.
"You serious about this?~" You say Grinning up at your husband as you were laid on your medical coat on the floor. Simon nodding as he began to pull off your shirt.
"Deadly~" He purred out before the sounds of you and him giggling echoed through the office- Clothes now being tossed off fully for the next round.
Just outside your locked office door stood a horrified Soap, he had gotten there in the middle of the action holding Gaz Vest which had been forgotten and he had a few questions for you, Shocked at hearing the apparent good doctor was getting her back blown out in her own office-
However after hearing what he's just heard and the fear of discovering LT Ghost wife and hearing the unmistakable voice of his LT.. this was a fear he didnt know he needed to have. He slowly began to step away from the door as silently as possible-
He had to warn Gaz of whatever storm was coming his way for hitting on the LT wife and He really didn't want to be there for the making of baby Riley-
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