#Buy electric wheelchairs
freya002 · 2 months
Exploring the Future of Mobility: Advancements in Electric Wheelchair Technology in the UAE
Introduction: As the world continues to progress towards more inclusive and accessible environments, advancements in mobility technology play a crucial role in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities. In Dubai, a city known for its innovation and forward-thinking initiatives, electric wheelchairs in Dubai are at the forefront of this evolution. With a focus on improving functionality, comfort, and accessibility, let's delve into the exciting advancements in electric wheelchair technology shaping the future of mobility in Dubai.
Smart Wheelchair Technology: Electric wheelchairs in Dubai are embracing the concept of smart technology, integrating features that enhance user experience and functionality. From intuitive joystick controls to voice-command operation, these smart wheelchairs offer greater independence and convenience to users. In addition, built-in sensors and AI-driven systems enable automatic adjustments to terrain and obstacles, ensuring a smoother and safer ride across Dubai's diverse urban landscape.
Foldable and Portable Designs: Recognizing the need for versatility and ease of transportation, manufacturers are introducing foldable and portable electric wheelchairs tailored for urban lifestyles in Dubai. These compact designs are lightweight yet durable, allowing users to navigate crowded streets, shopping malls, and public transportation with ease. Whether exploring Dubai's bustling city center or enjoying outdoor adventures, foldable electric wheelchairs provide unparalleled freedom and mobility.
Longer Battery Life and Fast Charging: One of the key challenges faced by electric wheelchair users is battery life and charging efficiency. In response, advancements in battery technology have led to electric wheelchairs with longer-lasting batteries and faster charging capabilities. This means users in Dubai can confidently venture out for extended periods without worrying about running out of power, enhancing their mobility and independence throughout the day.
Customizable and Adaptive Seating: Comfort is paramount when it comes to electric wheelchairs, and manufacturers are prioritizing customizable and adaptive seating solutions to meet the diverse needs of users in Dubai. From adjustable seat widths and depths to specialized cushioning materials, these electric wheelchairs ensure optimal support and posture for enhanced comfort, especially during extended periods of use.
Integration with IoT and Connectivity: In the era of interconnected devices, electric wheelchairs are becoming increasingly integrated with Internet of Things (IoT) technology, allowing for seamless connectivity and data tracking. Users in Dubai can now access real-time information about their wheelchair's performance, battery status, and maintenance needs through smartphone apps and cloud-based platforms. This connectivity not only enhances user experience but also enables remote troubleshooting and proactive maintenance support, ensuring optimal performance at all times.
Enhanced Safety Features: Safety is a top priority for electric wheelchair users, particularly in busy urban environments like Dubai. Advanced safety features such as anti-tip mechanisms, collision avoidance systems, and obstacle detection sensors are becoming standard in modern electric wheelchairs. These technologies provide users with greater confidence and peace of mind, allowing them to navigate Dubai's streets and public spaces with enhanced safety and security.
Environmental Sustainability: With a growing emphasis on environmental sustainability, electric wheelchair manufacturers in Dubai are incorporating eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient components into their designs. From recyclable materials to energy-saving technologies, these environmentally conscious electric wheelchairs align with Dubai's vision for a greener and more sustainable future while empowering users to navigate the city with minimal environmental impact.
Personalized Assistive Technologies: Every individual has unique mobility needs, and electric wheelchair technology is evolving to provide personalized assistive solutions tailored to each user's requirements. Whether it's adaptive controls for users with limited dexterity, integrated communication devices for non-verbal users, or specialized seating options for individuals with specific medical conditions, these personalized technologies ensure that electric wheelchairs in Dubai cater to the diverse needs of all users, promoting inclusivity and accessibility across the city.
In conclusion, the future of mobility in Dubai is being shaped by innovative advancements in electric wheelchair technology. From smart features and foldable designs to longer battery life and personalized assistive technologies, electric wheelchairs are revolutionizing the way individuals with disabilities navigate the cityscape. By embracing these advancements, Dubai continues to reaffirm its commitment to inclusivity, accessibility, and empowerment for all its residents and visitors, ensuring a more inclusive and accessible future for generations to come.
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smartwheelshop1 · 9 months
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queridaz · 2 years
i'm going to fucking CRY.
i need a mobility aid but i can't afford electric ones but i need smth lightweight for the bus/my mobility aid unfriendly campus but a cane or crutches won't work bc of my also disabled wrists so i need a wheelchair or scooter but again i can't afford a scooter so a wheelchair's my only option but with my wrists i can't push a manual wheelchair every day but even if i could afford an electric one it'd be too clunky for my campus/town and lightweight foldable electric scooters with a chair and basket don't exist with batteries that last more than 12 miles at a time so once again my only option is a manual wheelchair bUT I CAN'T PUSH MYSELF IN ONE AND MY CAMPUS/TOWN IS NOT V WHEELCHAIR FRIENDLY AND EVEN THOUGH I CAN TECHNICALLY AFFORD IT IT'S STILL INCREDIBLY EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!!
i'm so tired, my god
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hsrsurgical · 27 days
Clear Airways, Clear Mind: Phlegm Suction Machines and Vacuum Suction Sets in Bangalore
Introduction: Enhancing Respiratory Health in Bangalore
Respiratory wellbeing is vital for in general prosperity, particularly in metropolitan places like Bangalore, where contamination and other ecological elements can fuel respiratory issues. Luckily, people in Bangalore approach fundamental clinical gadgets, for example, the Phlegm Attractions Machine in Bangalore and Vacuum Pull Set Web-based in Bangalore to assist with overseeing respiratory difficulties and advance more clear aviation routes.
The Role of Phlegm Suction Machines:
Phlegm Pull Machines assume a significant part in keeping up with respiratory wellbeing by successfully cleaning overabundance bodily fluid or Phlegm off of the aviation routes. These machines use pull to eliminate discharges, making it simpler for people with conditions like COPD, bronchitis, or cystic fibrosis to inhale all the more easily. With a Phlegm Suction Machine in Bangalore, people can encounter help from respiratory side effects and appreciate worked on personal satisfaction.
Benefits of Phlegm Suction Machines and Vacuum Suction Sets:
The advantages of Mucus Pull Machine in Bangalore and Vacuum Attractions Set Web-based in Bangalore stretch out past respiratory wellbeing. These gadgets can assist with forestalling inconveniences like pneumonia, further develop oxygenation, and upgrade generally solace for people with respiratory difficulties. By really clearing aviation routes, mucus pull machines and vacuum attractions sets can lessen the gamble of respiratory contaminations and clinic confirmations, prompting improved results and worked on personal satisfaction.
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Accessibility and Convenience:
One of the huge benefits of Phlegm Pull Machine in Bangalore and Vaccum Suction Set Online in Bangalore is their availability and comfort. With online stages offering a wide choice of items and simple requesting cycles, people and medical services offices can rapidly secure these fundamental clinical gadgets without the requirement for broad looking or travel. This availability guarantees that people can get to the consideration they need instantly and proficiently, prompting better respiratory results and worked on in general wellbeing.
Conclusion: Prioritizing Respiratory Wellness The Phlegm Suction Machine in Bangalore and Vaccum Suction Set Online in Bangalore are crucial devices for overseeing respiratory difficulties and advancing more clear aviation routes. By putting resources into these fundamental clinical gadgets, people can encounter alleviation from respiratory side effects, forestall inconveniences, and appreciate worked on respiratory wellbeing and generally speaking prosperity. With their openness and comfort, these gadgets engage people to assume command over their respiratory wellbeing and live better, additional satisfying lives in Bangalore.
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mobility2you · 1 year
Disability Equipment Suppliers - Mobility2You Promo
Now is the time to shop online for the best deals on Mobility Aids! We're here for you, whatever you're dealing with, whether you're in need of Mobility Aids, Disability Aids, or aids for the elderly. Disability Equipment Suppliers Shop our products now. Cash on delivery, free shipping is available.
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thedisablednaturalist · 9 months
Literally all the shit rich people have turned into luxuries are stuff many disabled people need (or would need to manage their pain but can't afford it)
Comfy ergonomic chairs
Indoor pool/hot tub (therapy bath)
Massages on the regular
Aides (rich people call them servants)
Yea even a cook who makes you special meals (perfect for people with special dietary needs and for those with severe allergies, as well as people who are in too much pain or are otherwise unable to cook)
Elevators in your house (even small ones just for groceries, my rich aunt has one in her beach house!)
Rich people don't buy these for fun I hope but custom powerchairs are obscenely expensive. It pisses me off when I see another person invent "the wheelchair of the future!" Which then is literally never fucking used because none of us can afford it (and insurance definitely won't pay)
Indoor gyms or even personal exercise equipment. Hard to go out to a gym somewhere else when you're disabled, especially if you are immunocompromised
Outdoor spaces to relax in. It's literally vital for your mental health to at least see the outdoors. I'd rather be bedridden in a sunroom (with retractable blinds) than a shitty apartment with one tiny window.
There's even freaking health retreats these people go to regularly. There's a fibromyalgia retreat in new york where they basically take care of all your needs while trying different treatments and seeing which ones help. Either it's heaven or making money off of scamming desperate people who are able to scrape the money together to go.
Private planes, which I honestly think shouldn't exist, but one that specifically catered to people with disabilities (spaces for wheelchairs/other mobility devices, accessible handicapped airplane bathroom, anxiety reducing tools, trained medical personnel and care team)
Also customized cars, except instead of making gas guzzling racecars to joyride in while everyone else is trying to get to work, cars with electric ramps, lifts, doors, cars customized for someone with limb differences. Those cars where you can roll your wheelchair right up to the wheel. Fuck even self driving cars once they are no longer deathtraps.
Skincare products that are safe for sensitive skin like eczema but also actually work
Nice-looking clothes customized to fit limb differences, access points, look good in wheelchairs, colostomy bags, etc. while also being comfortable and not fast fashion.
Dental care!!! What the fuck why is this shit so expensive!! I don't want my teeth to fall out!! (Disabled people usually need more dental care bc we have a harder time keeping up maintenance)
Rich people go and splurge on all of these even though they don't need them while calling disabled people selfish for begging their insurance for even one of these.
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heart-buzz · 8 months
something i think a lot of able-bodied people (or really, ANYONE who doesn't use an electric mobility device) fail to realize is that while having a power chair can certainly open up your ability to go places, many places are not power chair/scooter friendly. even curbs aren't power chair friendly, (frankly im ignoring the width of sidewalks for this post... 😒) the first time i left my home with my chair, i had an emotional breakdown upon coming home, because my own driveway isn't power chair friendly. the curb has a two inch rise, which simply can't be rolled over. we'd already had to buy an expensive ramp to get OUT of the house, and i had to get out of my chair (ow) so that my fiance could lift the chair over the curb. if he wasn't there with me, i would've been out of luck. not only would i have had to leave my $5000 chair outside on the street, i would've had to walk myself back inside, which is one of the main contributions of my back pain. btw, insurance doesn't cover anything towards non-permanent chair ramps. as a disabled person, you are expected to cover those expenses yourself, and they are not cheap.
i also realized that not every road has an ADA-compliant curb to roll onto. do you know what that means? that means i have to drive my chair in the street, with actual cars. do you know the top speed of my chair? it's 5.1 miles per hour. im not sure if it's illegal to pass someone in a mobility scooter, but no one wanted to drive around me when this happened so i held up the traffic on a somewhat busy road. it was embarrassing and somewhat frightening.
i guess all im saying is, please think about power chair and scooter users when you think about wheelchair accessibility. please consider what our heavier, battery-operated chairs can and can't do when it comes to curbs and ramps.
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imtryingbuck · 3 months
Fifty Five
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky comes from a well respected family, he falls in love with a girl who prefers the simple things in life. Follow their journey through the years.
Word count: 1,280
Warnings: angst, heavy use of pet names. fluff. swearing. short and pretty much a filler sorry
A/N: No description of reader other than she has curly hair.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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It's been ten years since Grace and Bunny's Haven opened, since then the manor went under construction adding another floor for more rooms, they had more women and children seeking safety than they had room for.
Robin was the only one that was still there from when the doors opened, the others finding freedom when their abuses went to prison or by moving far away with the help from Y/n. Robin asked to stay saying that she seemed to have found her calling, who was Y/n to say no to her?
Y/n was proud of who the young woman had turned into over the years. She had even paid for Robin to go to school, Robin got her degree in psychology and became a counsellor at the Haven, Y/n threw a party when Robin graduated, sitting front row and centre when the girl went onto stage. Robin would sometimes call her mom, apologising straight away but Y/n would wave her off.
Y/n walked down the hallway smiling as she heard the children laughing in the playroom, Lily and Rose eight year old twins of one of the women who had come to the Haven a few months back were sitting on the stairs smiling and waving at her when she walked past. 
As she came outside her steps halted at seeing Georgia and Billy kissing.
Yep that was happening. When Georgia turned fifteen Billy asked her out, Y/n, Bucky, Wanda and Vis watched as the sixteen year old turned bright red as he asked Georgia to be his girlfriend. Georgias face was bright red too as she nodded and said yes.
A year ago they had moved into an apartment together and from what Georgia had told Y/n everything was perfect between them. Y/n promised Billy that she wouldn’t say anything about him getting Georgia an engagement ring.
“Kissing on the job is really bad you know?” She said laughing when the pair jumped apart from each other.
“Hi mom didn’t see you there”
“Because you was busy trying to eat Bilbos face off that’s why”
“S-sorry Y/n” Billy spluttered nervously.
“Sure you are. Anyways get back to work we’ve got a new family coming today”
“Where’s dad?” Georgia asks following behind Y/n hand in Billy’s.
“Probably trying to eat the cake I told him specifically not to eat”
And sure enough that’s how they found him.
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“Bunny where are you?”
“Is Georgia with you?”
Bucky strolls in with a box with a new cake after he and Steve ate the other. Kissing Y/n on her cheek before placing the box on the side. “How’s the new family settling in?”
“Good, I’ve rang Graham to see if they have an electric wheelchair I can buy as the youngest child’s wheelchair is damaged and I was thinking if he had an electric one that he could feel more free, you know?”
“What did Graham say?”
“Dropping it off tomorrow, I told Kim about it and she burst out crying, I felt so bad”
Wrapping his arms around Y/n he started dancing with her. “That’s good and probably because she’s overwhelmed Bunny, I read her file and it was bad”
“It was. Anyway what are you up to?”
“Dancing with my beautiful wife, what about you?”
“Dancing with my beautiful husband?”
“Aw you think I’m beautiful? That’s so sweet”
“Oh shut up and hold me closer”
Complying with her wishes he holds her closer to his chest, her head on his chest listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart they continue to dance around the kitchen.
Both completely unaware that Georgia was standing at the archway to the kitchen. Ever since she was little she loved seeing her parents dance, Bucky would always have his fingers playing with her moms long curly hair as they slow danced together. Half of the time there was never any music playing.
“I love you Bunny”
“I love you Ducky”
“I love you Georgia, aw I love you too mom and dad” Bucky looks up to see their daughter standing there, he gives her an amused smile before sticking his tongue out at her.
“You know we love you Georgie moo”
“Mom” Georgia whined at the nickname.
“Aw Bunny our Georgie moo don’t like it when you call her that”
“Oh no what will we do?”
“I don’t know you know? How about you go left and I’ll go right?”
“You got it”
When they look over at Georgia her eyes widen at seeing the mischievous glint in their eyes, before she has chance to back away her parents separate from each other, her mom going left and her dad going right.
Georgia starts to run whilst laughing at her parents who chase after her, loud giggles fill the empty house when Y/n grabs her and tickles her until they both fall on to the ground. Bucky joins in by tickling Y/n, knowing how ticklish she was.
They all go quiet when the front door comes open and Billy pops his head around the wooden door. “A-are you all okay?”
“Mom go left, dad go right and I’ll go straight” Georgia says quietly, all three get up and slowly walk towards Billy.
“No no no leave me alone guys please” Billy pleads but it was no use. He screams when all three of them practically pounce on him.
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Bucky, Steve, Sam and Vis were on grill duty whilst the women talked about everything and anything. It was Georgias twentieth birthday and they were having a barbecue just like she asked for.
“Auntie Y/n c-can I talk to you for a second please?”
“No she’s my wifey!”
“Ignore your mom Billy Bob, of course what’s up?”
“P-privately please”
“Okay, help me up though I’m old” Billy takes her hand and helps her stand and they go inside into the kitchen. “What’s up bubs?”
“I-I-I was thinking about proposing to Georgia today, what do you think?”
“Do it! Oh Billy that’s amazing, do you have the ring with you?”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course, are you sure?”
“I love her more than anything Y/n, I swear”
“Then do it darling because I know she loves you just as much”
“O-o-okay I’m g-going to do it”
After agreeing with Y/n that he should do it after they’ve had something to eat they step back outside together, both ignoring the questioning looks from everyone.
An hour later when everyone’s bellies were full and satisfied Billy starts to stand, his eyes going straight to look at Y/n he releases a stuttering breath when she nods and smiles.
“G-Georgia can you come here a second please?”
“Okay, you alright?”
“I love you, I really love you and I was wondering i-if you would-“ Billy lets go of her hand kneeling as he pulls out a box out of his pocket “-Georgia Maria Grace Winnie Barnes will you marry me, please?” Billy asked as their family watched from the background, Wanda and Y/n clinging onto each other waiting for Georgia’s reply.
“Billy…this is awkward” hearing Georgia’s voice everyone’s hearts dropped to their stomachs, Y/n wanted to go over to hold Billy in her arms as soon as she saw his eyes glisten with tears.
“O-oh I-I’m sor-“
“No no no, it’s awkward because well-“ everyone gasped when they see Georgia getting down on one knee too, pulling a box out of her pocket “-I was going to ask you the same thing”
“Ah, well ask me then”
“Billy Maximoff will you marry me, please?”
“Yes. What about you?”
“Of course I’ll marry you”
The whole backyard erupts in cheers as the young couple exchanges rings and kiss.
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giantkillerjack · 10 months
the average person doesn't expect you to be a perfect ethical consumer, that's not possible for the vast majority of us. but what youre saying is it's better to do nothing at all and choose the worst possible options (sweat shops, overseas shipping waste, idea/product theft, all wrapped up in SHEIN) than to put even the tiniest effort in where you can.
[they are referring to this post]
What I said was "some people are doing literally everything they can to survive and have no extra bandwidth to spend extra time and money on their purchases, and it is cruel and therefore un-punk to gatekeep punkness and add additional shame to these people's lives based on that fact."
I think it's still a good thing to try to ethically consume; I literally never said it wasn't. I had never even heard of SHEIN before. Rather, I am much more concerned about what I saw as arbitrary gatekeeping based on ability and income.
And frankly how dare you claim that I am supporting sweatshops and abuse by saying that this additional work you are demanding (in this case, presumably, vetting every clothing company you buy from) is not always possible for people. It is not a light accusation to accuse me of supporting abuse.
"How dare you say we piss on the poor", Etc. 🙄 this isn't Twitter. You are determined to enforce moral purity, but you are failing to see the nuance.
Because when I say "no extra bandwidth," I mean no extra bandwidth. This is not the "car shows it's on E but actually secretly it has a lot of gas left" situation that abled people constantly assume disabled people mean when they say they are at their limit.
This is "the car has stopped moving, and to move it I'd have to break my body pushing it." This is "at a certain point, people will hit a wall in terms of money and time and energy, and any energy spent after that comes directly out of their life force."
So the argument "okay but just spend a little more time money and energy actually" is not a valid one.
And the argument "if you are not able to do this specific task, then it means you're not doing anything else to make the world a better place" doesn't exactly impress me either. You said yourself that it is impossible to be a perfectly ethical consumer for most people.
How do you know what else people are doing to resist oppression? How many hours per week until your standards are met?What if someone works 3 jobs? Does that mean it's harder to be a good person if you're poor?? Why do you get to decide what specific avenue of bettering the world is the most morally repugnant or acceptable? What kind of proof of goodness and effort would make you satisfied enough to lay off on the shame?? Who are you helping??
Clothing is a fundamental human need, and some of us have to buy cheap fucking clothes quickly. Billionaires are buying their seventh yacht this month. The people who own fast fashion companies are abusing their workers and putting local affordable clothing stores out of business - and this applies for basically every company with price points that low because governments are failing to regulate corporations to enforce basic human rights.
I have $300 to spend on a new wardrobe as my old clothes have fallen apart or become too small. Do you have a way for me to get a new winter coat, 3 flannels, 10 shirts, 3 dress shirts, new sandals, 10 pairs of pants, 5 bras, 12 pairs of socks, and 10 pairs of underwear within that budget and also definitely 100% ethically sourced, with free returns in case it doesn't fit? Or will I simply have to use the cheap stores?
I have about an hour to spend on this per week. Many mainstream stores doesn't make clothes in my size, and I am now in *year 5* of needing an electric wheelchair and being unable to get one; plus I live up a flight of stairs, so I can't even bring my walker out with me - so thrift shopping is not gonna cover this. Should I continue to wear small and tattered clothing until I have the time, money, and energy to meet your standards?
Did you know there are more empty homes in this country than homeless people? If I decide to splurge on only 100% ethically-produced products, and I can't make rent, and I become homeless, are YOU going to be there for me?? Or are you too busy litigating the endless tiny shames of poverty in your own community?
So I ask you again, are you SURE this is where you want to direct your punk energy?
Because there are a whole lot of rich people relying on people like us punching down and to the side instead of looking up to see where the money is going.
Because energy and time, as it turns out, are limited resources. And I would never expect you to secretly have more than you claim to have.
#original#punk#hopepunk#cripplepunk#i swear to god#reading comprehension website#how dare you say we piss on the poor#jfc 'what you're saying is we should do nothing' - what I'm saying is YOU are doing nothing by enforcing this boundary#you have to give people more credit than this. i believe you want a better world too. and it would be cool if you used your energy to#instead ask 'how do i fight for the people in my community to be clothed and have the time and income to shop ethically?'#or 'how do i support activism that pushes for regulation that could control these companies?'#monitoring how poor people spend money is a supremely Republican thing to do. as is demanding clear moral purity from every scenario.#you want a better world too. you want to demand your peers do better. - fine. good.#but you need to be asking if you have remembered and included everyone's needs when making statements like this.#capitalism is all for forgetting about poor and disabled people and refusing to believe their limits.#shame is a necessary weapon in fighting greed but it IS a weapon. be so careful where you point that shit. enough shame can kill a person#and a lot of us are already defending from it from all sides.#shaming a person who is already at their limit for not doing more is an act of cruelty. think very carefully about what that means please.#i literally don't even know what SHEIN is lol i just know classism when i see it#but I've had friends whose clothes were visibly falling apart with no income and so much so shame so deep in their hearts they were dying#and if they had seen that post it would have made them even sicker and gotten them no closer to the dignity of being properly clothed#shame is a weapon and /you need to be careful!!!!/
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disabled-dragoon · 2 years
Disability Aids: Where to buy
I’ve been getting a lot of questions about disability, sensory and mobility aids and where to buy one, so I’ve decided to just collect a global list of everywhere that I can find! I try and update this monthly. If there’s one you want me to add on or change, just say!
Links and information under the cut!
Updated: 12/10/2023
Disclaimer: Any link marked with (*) cannot deliver outside of their country of base/international shipping policies are unclear at the current moment of writing. 
Follow this link to find a list of databases that have information on disability aids around the world.
The Active Hands Company: Based in the UK but operating globally, this company deals exclusively in grip aids that can help and be used by people with various disabilities- including limb differences, cerebral palsy, arthritis, brachial plexus injuries, stroke survivors, multiple sclerosis, nerve and spinal injuries, TBIs and much more. You can find their FAQ page here if you would like more information. They do ship internationally, but please be aware that they are currently warning of a potential delay to orders due to postal strikes. Some products they do include: angled knives, gym/sports grips, zip grips, cutlery grips, anti-spill aids, magnetic laces, openers, small item grippers, specialised mugs and hand splints, to name but a small few.
Handicare: I’m putting this one here as they have a global office, offering their services in 40+ companies, as well as offices in Belgium, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, UK, USA, and Spain, with their HQ located in Sweden. Their aim is to “provide solutions and support to increase the independence of the physically challenged or elderly people. They offer accessibility products (i.e. stairlifts and their installation), patient handling and care equipment, and vehicle accessibility solutions.
Invacare: This company is located in Ohio but has offices all over the globe so I’m putting it here. There’s a tool on this website that will direct you to the closest office/country to you. Products they offer include independent living aids i.e. shower and bathing aids, comfort aids i.e. bedding and furnishings, manual mobility aids, powered mobility aids, and patient transfer aids.
Karma: I believe this company is originally Taiwan based, but I am putting it here because of their extensive global service network, including supplying to the NHS! They offer a range of powered and manual chairs, as well as accessories, and have a tool on their site that allows you to locate your nearest seller.
Kuschall: I can’t find where exactly this company is situated, and all social media links take me to Invacare Europe so for this purpose I’m assuming they are at least partners. There is a tool to let you change to your country’s nearest site, and dealership locator. This site deals in specialised wheelchairs. They have a visualiser tool which I really like, which lets you see the wheelchair that you chose and refine its features i.e. handle colour, frame colour etc. etc.
Medline: This is a global institution dealing in delivering hospital grade supplies to patients around the world. Some products include: hospital grip/slipper socks, fall prevention equipment, skin health, maternity equipment, face masks and wound care! There’s a tool on the website as well that will link you to the site for/closest to your country.
MEYRA: **TW for flashing and eye strain** There is an option on this site to change the page language. Headquartered in Germany, MEYRA operates as a wheelchair manufacturer and rehabilitation aid supplier across 70 countries, and offers a range of manual wheelchairs, active and sport chairs, electric wheelchairs, children’s manual wheelchairs, Netti brand rehabilitation wheelchairs, as well as other rehab products and seating and ramp solutions. There are options on this site to change page language and font size.
Performance Health: To clarify, I’m not entirely sure on the overall delivery policies of this company, but they appear to have offices in America, Australia, Canada, France and the UK (there is a tool on the site to switch between each respective country). They sell podiatry, daily living, mobility, orthopaedic and therapy aids- e.g. braces, fall prevention, hot and cold therapy, tape, exercise tubing, mats, compression products, insoles, incontinence products, wheelchair, crutches and ramps, to name a few. You can search by category or brand.
(All links in English in case translator needed)
(*)ActivTec: This is an equipment maintenance service, suggested by @hell-on-sticks. Last update they helpfully added:
“Adding to this that if you're in Australia, ActivTec is a national company that does disability and mobility equipment repair that can be done both privately or through the NDIS. They've got offices all over the place - mostly east coast, I guess you can't be disabled outside Perth on the west coast or something /s - but it's always a good idea to know where you'll go if your aid or equipment breaks.”
You can find the company’s FAQ page here for more information.
Gilani Engineering: Based in New South Wales and offering a range of mobility and living aids, disability vehicle and home modifications, Gilani also offers installation on select products, and international shipping. Their product lists are too extensive to list entirely, but items include: wheelchairs (including paediatrics), powerchairs and scooters, wheelchair ramps (and installation) and accessories, bathroom, bedroom and living aids, patient transfer aids, home lift and grab rail installation. They also sell a large array of vehicle modifications- such as dual pedal systems for driving instructors, steering lollipops, alternate braking and accelerating systems, access solutions and boot hoists, to name a few.
Incontinence Products: Caringbah based and supplying “washable, reusable and disposable incontinence products and continence aids”, this company aims to market towards men, women and children at an affordable price. They do deliver internationally! You can find shipping information here. Some products they offer include: diapers and diaper bags, wipes, clothing protectors, onesies and body suits, swimwear, beds and mattresses, chair, floor and mattress protectors, beamers, gloves, face masks, and many others.
(*)SwitchSticks Australia: A company specialising in luxury and engraved canes, as well as the seat cane (a cane that can be turned into a stool when needed) and accessories. The international shipping policies of this company are unclear.
TabTimer: “TabTimer™ is an Australian Company dedicated to supplying devices to help people and their carers keep medicines, nutrition, hydration, toileting and regular personal care tasks on-time using assistive technology and assisted listening reminder devices.“ -TabTimer, About. This company offers timing and medication aids, including diabetes equipment, pill organisers, talking watchers, help and SOS buttons, alarms and alerters, large clocks and talking reminders, to name a few. They deliver internationally.
(All links in English in case translator needed)
(*)Access Abilities: Claiming to be award winning and with stores in Oakville and Etobicoke, this company offers mobility equipment purchasing, rental and repair services. They also offer free in home assessment services, home delivery and set up, and aid in helping to find funding for equipment. According to the company, products they stock include “mobility scooters, wheelchairs, walkers, lift and recline chairs, stair lifts, CPAP and more. We stock the best brands, such as Pride, Invacare, Tena, Bruno and Maple Leaf Wheelchair.” -Access Abilities, Products. International delivery policies are unclear.
(*)Action Medical: The following text is from the “Service” page of the website:
We provide a full range of services on all the equipment we provide to you, and even the equipment you've purchased elsewhere. Services range from basic repairs and tune-ups of existing equipment such as walkers or lifts, to installations and set-up of new equipment in your home, such as grab bars, platform lifts, ramping systems, etc. We can even help you with home and vehicle adaptations to make your lift more accessible. Contact us for more information.  
You can find the company product list here. International delivery policies are unclear.
Canes Canada: Thank you to @sugarsh0ts for the recommendation! This company ships “anywhere across North America”, and says that international deliveries may be subject to a holding policy, but you can contact them with any questions. They offer to deliver your canes uncut, or cut them for you if you send your measurements (and offer information on how to properly measure a cane!). A few examples of canes they offer include: standard canes, hiking canes, novelty canes, seat canes, folding canes, men’s canes, women’s canes, animal handle canes, extra tall canes, collector canes and umbrella canes, and many many more, including forearm crutches and accessories like cane holders! You can also browse by price, and there are separate sections to search by colour, handle style and material style!
FlappyHappy: A stim toy business for “autistic children, teens and adults”. You can find their tumblr here and a list of products here. I quite like that you can search for specific types of stim toy i.e. chewables or fidgets or tangles etc. They do offer international shipping; you can find more information on shipping here. If you need discreet packaging, you can ask for it.
(*)Independent Living: “Independent Living is a business dedicated to personal freedom and mobility. We have been a supplier of mobility aids and personal care products to the elderly and persons with disabilities since February of 1988.” -Independent Living, About. There is no pricing or delivery information on this website as I believe you have to contact them directly with any enquiries (their contact details are here, and the enquiry form is here), or visit their store, located in Regina, Saskatchewan.
(*)LifeSupply: LifeSupply sells to “patients, caregivers and medical professionals” within Canada, offering an extensive range of products that include but are not limited to: mobility aids, maternity equipment, IV equipment, acupuncture, catheters, baby and child care, incontinence care, veterinary and pet supplies, personal care equipment, orthopaedic equipment, respiratory care, and beauty and skincare products, to name a few. I’m unsure, but I think this company can deliver some products outside of Canada, and delivery prices would depend on the delivery weight. You can find more information here.
(*)The Mobility Market USA: A partner of The Mobility Market UK, this is essentially the same concept- second hand mobility aids sold and bought by mostly disabled people- but it delivers across the US and Canada instead. Again, you need to make an account to buy and sell items, and it is my understanding that you have to contact the sellers directly (there should be information on the advertisements) if you wish to make a purchase. There is an option to translate this website into other languages (besides English) if you require it.
(*)Senior Store: Though they can also deliver to the US, I’m not entirely sure on the international shipping policies of this company. The products they offer are too extensive to list individually, but the categories they fall in are: Covid 19 related products, lift chairs and recliners, bathroom safety, mobility, bedroom and livingroom, personal aids, incontinence products, kitchen & dining, pillows and seating, therapy products, bariatric products, foot, hand & elbow, alarms, special clothing, special phones & alarms and leisure products, They also offer rental on some products i.e. those of hospital grade.
Sidestix: Though they only (at the moment of writing) seem to offer two types of forearm crutches, they do offer a vast array of crutch accessories as well as this thing they call Fingrips which appears to be specialised handles, mainly for cycling. They ship internationally and have stores based in Canada, New Zealand, USA and Australia. 
(All links in French in case translator needed)
(*)CENOMY: A French supplier of AAC and communication equipment, and a redistributor of Liberator UK. You can find their products here, as well as a wider catalogue/shop here. As well as communication equipment, they also offer sensory aids- both in terms of sensory devices and objects to create a sensory environment. Other items offered include eye tracker and eye control equipment, supports,  adaptors and alarms, touch tablets, software and environment controls. The site crashed before I could find information on international delivery policies.
Hop’Toys: This company does deliver outside of France, however they do not deliver in the DOM-TOM or outside of the EU; for further delivery information and prices please see this link. They mainly deal in sensory aids, learning and education aids, and communication equipment (as a distributor of Liberator UK). They also offer items in relation to specific disabilities, such as Alzheimers, adhd, sensory issues, visual impairments and hearing impairments. Items offered included weighted bedding and clothing, school aids, daily and eating aids, sensory and motor games, occupational and speech therapy aids, and skill development aids (including behaviour management, social skills, facial expressions etc.).
Senior Boutique:  I couldn’t find much in terms of delivery information, but they claim to deliver all over France, and services in Belgium allow for international delivery, but please check this with them. They distribute a wide variety of disability and healthcare aids including hobby aids (i.e. gardening aids), daily living support (bathroom aids, eating aids, comfort aids etc.), clothing, mobility aids (including the Ta-Da Seat Cane) and incontinence aids, amongst a wide variety of others. 
(*)Mein Hilfsmittel: Parts of this site are in German and may need to be translated if you are unfamiliar. This company rents manual and electric wheelchairs, mobility scooters, rollators, stair climbers and oxygen generators across Germany. You can find a list of the products they rent here, information on renting here, and contact details here.
(*)Prenkte Romich: A distributor of Liberator UK and seller of AAC equipment across Deutschland, Austria and Switzerland; they do not ship to other countries. You can find shipping information here. This page is in German so will need to be translated if you are unfamiliar.
Ossenberg: “One of the leading German manufacturers of forearm crutches, walking sticks and orthopedic aids.”- Ossenberg, About Us. There is an option to read this page in either Deutsch or English, so if you are unfamiliar with either it may need translating. To buy as a private customer, please follow this link. Personally, I like that certain products (like wrist straps, forearm crutches, walking sticks etc.) have their weights, basic sizes and materials stated in their product titles. On international shipping they say: “Of course we also ship our products abroad. However, the shipping costs vary depending on the country and region.”
AllMobility: This company was founded by two disabled people. They created and now distribute the “Buffalo 150″ transfer board, selling it in 15 countries abroad. Disability aids that this company sell include: ergonomic aids, transfer and mobilisation aids, hygiene aids, daily living aids, positioning aids, and paediatric aids. I can’t find information on pricing on this site, it’s my understanding that you have to request the information from the company. Also, while they distribute all across Europe, I believe you have to contact them to find out if/how they can ship to your country. There is an option to change the language of the site between English and Italian.
(*)Bodytech: This page is in Italian so may need to be translated if you are unfamiliar. This company specialises in products such as ergonomic chairs, wheelchairs, cushioning and positioning aids. I cannot find information on international delivery, or pricing. It is my understanding that you must contact the company for a quote.
(*)Cambratech: This page is in Italian so may need to be translated if unfamiliar. Cambratech is a company that specialises in the creation of disability aids for people who are visually impaired. Their aid catalogue includes items such as sticks and stick accessories, alarms and clocks, tools, reading and writing aids, home and daily living aids, technology aids and sport and hobby aids. I don’t think this company offers delivery outside of Italy.
Rakuten Ichiba: Naturally, this page is in Japanese so may need to be translated if you’re not familiar. I think this company offers international delivery- you can find delivery information here. The range of items they offer is extensive, including, but not limited to: braille (signs, guiders, paper etc.), contact lenses, medication management and assistance devices, communication aids, mobility aids, incontinence aids, treatment machines, body measuring devices (glucose monitors, weight monitors etc.), sanitary aids, first aid equipment, face masks, medical clothing, and much much more.  
(*)HomeCare Shop: I’m not sure on the international policies of this company, but you can find a list of store locations here. They sell items related to continence care, PPE, nursing care, orthopaedic support (including sport support), personal care equipment, foot care, nutrition and supplements, and mobility aids. There are also specific sections on their site in relation to being bedridden, childcare, stroke care, diabetes care, beauty and health, fall prevention, back pain and body pain solution, elderly care, post-surgery care, hypertension and sports injuries.
(*)Pinang Medical Supplies: The operator of HomeCare Shop, they work to supply medical and disability equipment to hospitals and clinics, with the HomeCare Shop geared towards the public. I am not entirely sure on the international delivery policies of this company, but they have 20+ stores across the nation (click here for store locations) and stock a significant number of global brands (click here for a list).
New Zealand:
(All links in English in case translator needed)
(*)Creative Living: **Potential warning for eye strain**. This company provides a range of products to ensure better kitchen and bathroom accessibility. I can’t find anything regarding delivery policies, but they are the sole provider in New Zealand of the UK based companies, “Nicholls and Clarke” and “Impey Showers”. There is no pricing information, though I think this is because you have to contact them about your specific needs in regard to product fitting. Their contact information is here.
(*)Mobility Centre: This company is a not for profit organisation that aims to deliver “a range of products from small daily living aids through to mobility scooters and wheelchairs” to allow customers to live an “independent and active lifestyle”. Options on the site allow you to shop by category (bedroom and seating equipment, braces, supports & rehabilitation, crutches and walking sticks, daily living & kitchen aids, grab rails and ramps, incontinence products, mobility scooters and power chairs, toileting and bathroom equipment, walkers & walking frames, and wheelchairs), or by condition/disability. You can also rent and/or hire some equipment from here. They only deliver within New Zealand, and do not deliver overseas or to PO boxes.
(*)Northable: Northable allows for the sale and hire of disability equipment, such as: mobility aids, daily living aids, home and bedroom aids, continence aids, and bathroom and toileting aids. They claim to be committed to ensuring “that we are providing you with the correct information and equipment suited for your individual needs.” -Northable, About Us. You can find contact information here.
Orthotic House: A company that “helps bridge the gap” of disabled and specialised footwear, including socks. They have men’s, women’s, children’s and unisex footwear ranges, and claim to be able to ship anywhere in the world, though the shipping rates on their website are created with Australia and New Zealand in mind. You can find shipping information here. There is an option on the website to change the pricing according to Australian, Canadian, British, New Zealand and US currency standards.
South Africa:
(All links in English in case translator needed)
(*)CareChamp: There are a couple of instances of heavy italics on this site, in case you struggle with that. Based in Cape Town, CareChamp aims to “set the highest standard of home care in South Africa”, providing comfortable care and services to clients across South Africa. As well as selling mobility aids, they also offer rental services on certain products, and home care services with trained nurses. They also aim to set up a college in the future. I do not believe this company delivers internationally. You can find their FAQ page here.
(*)Medop cc: “Leading manual and electric wheelchair suppliers in South Africa” -Medop cc, Homepage. Delivery policies of this company are unclear however, they have offices in Johannesburg and Cape Town that allow for operation across South Africa, as well as operating through dealer networks in Botswana and Namibia. And, though their speciality lies in the supply of quality manual and electric wheelchairs, Medop does also provide personal care equipment, such as canes, crutches and rollators, bathroom aids, patient lifts, pressure care, hospital beds, and much more. Personally, I like the FAQ page that gives quite extensive advice on choosing the right wheelchair.
(*)Prima Care: Prima Care supplies medical and mobility equipment across South Africa, with offices and showrooms in both Cape Town and Johannesburg. They also hire and rental services, and I do not believe they offer their services outside of South Africa. You can find rental information here, and product information here. For further information and contact details, see here.
(*)Pro Mobility: Originally dealing in adapted vehicles and hoists, the founders of this company opened their first concept shop in Cape Town in 2021! It is, and I quote, “a welcoming, wheelchair friendly space for any person with a disability or impaired mobility to come and see all the available items”. I don’t believe they ship internationally, and I think you have to contact them or visit the showroom if you’re interested in purchasing/renting their equipment. You can find their contact information here.
(*)Eneso: I’m not entirely sure on the delivery policies of this company, and if you are not familiar with English and/or Spanish, this page may need translating. Eneso offers a range of sensory equipment, communication equipment, learning resources, adapted toys and activities (for children and older) and computer aids (including switches, buttons and mounts). They also offer items in relation to creating sensory environments.
INDESmed: This company is based in Madrid but claim to deliver all over the world. There is a handy tool on their website that lets you see if they have a store in your country as well. They offer a range of crutches, walking sticks, walkers, walking boots, compression socks and reading glasses, with a few accessories for each- like ice shoes for canes!
KMINA: Please be aware that this page may need to be translated if you visit it. I believe this company does ship internationally as they appear to have an active Amazon shop, as well as bases in Spain (to ship to Europe) and America. They provide an email on their website to arrange other shipping where possible as well. This company mainly deals in crutches, walkers, accessories and bathroom aids. It looks like you have to buy each crutch individually (if you’re wanting a pair) but I am not sure.
Kymco: **Potential TW for flashing lights when you click the link***. This is a company headquartered in Taiwan but they do have global offices.  A motorcycle and ATV distributor that offers a range specialising in mobility scooters and powerchairs, I can’t find any price information but I believer there is an enquiry option for any item you are interested in.
(*)Step2Gold: Had an anon recently direct me to this company. They deal in a specialised seat cane called the Ta-Da chair. It seems to be more streamline than the average seat cane and is opened via a twist function, but the price is quite steep. They do not sell directly to individuals, but they do have distributors of the Ta-Da Chair in North America, Europe, Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, Greater China, and Australia. They also have a distributor map (which you can find here) that allows you to pick your nearest distributor. Here is another link to a post with a few other distributors.
(*)Freedom Move: There’s an option on the site to change the language from Thai to English, but it may need to be translated if you do not speak either language. Also the prices for products were given as Baht so if you are unfamiliar you may need to use a currency converter. Freedom Move sell four main products/brands: the Ta-Da Chair, the EVOSS cushion (a specialised support cushion, that supposedly aids pressure distribution when sitting and promotes circulation), the HurryCane cane, and an electric scooter. But I also noticed neck and shoulder supports as well as a portable massager. You can find the products here. I am unsure on international delivery policy.
(*)Kaigo Sensei: I don’t know if this company delivers internationally. They sell electric wheelchairs- light and reclining, patient transfer chairs and the Ta-Da Chair. You can find their products here, and shipping information here. Parts of this page may need translated.
(All links in English in case translator needed)
Ability Superstore: A large UK distributor of mobility aids ranging from sensory items, pet care, mobility aids, kitchen aids (i.e. preparation boards, baking equipment, specialised utensils), bathing aids, toilet aids, clothing and grooming aids, skincare aids, hobby aids, accessible games and leisure items, and exercise equipment to name but a few. I think they deliver outside of the UK, but if you are ordering from outside of the UK (or from certain postcodes which you can find here), you will have to contact them for a quote.
(*)Age Co: This is an organisation owned and operated by Age UK, a registered UK charity that aims to help and provide a better quality of life for older people i.e. by combatting loneliness, dealing with the cost of living crisis, protecting against covid etc. Age Co claims that 100% of their profits go towards Age UK. Products that they offer include: car insurance, motor breakdown cover and care, funeral plans, legal services, stairlifts, homelifts, bathing equipment, incontinence aids and personal alarms. I cannot find any information on delivery outside of the UK. 
(*)Aidapt: A UK based distributor of mobility and daily living aids. I’m not sure if they deliver overseas, and unfortunately it appears you have to make an account and login to see the prices, but their product range is extensive. Items they offer include, but are not limited to: mobility aids (crutches, canes, manual wheelchairs, rollators, ramps and accessories), adapted cutlery, gardening equipment, reclining living and lounge chairs, bathing, hygiene and bedroom aids, handlebars and rails, daily living aids (trays, footrests, cushions etc.) and many many others.
Careco: A UK based company that offers a variety of living and mobility aids, from mobility scooters to stair lifts, to car boot hoists to transfer aids. They also offer a range of refurbished mobility aids in different styles, for cheaper than you would expect. They do claim to deliver to an international client base, but please contact them with questions/for a quote.
Cool Crutches: As the name suggests, this is a UK company that, much like Neo-Walk, offers an incredibly colourful array of walking sticks and canes, as well as offering replacement parts! They are suitable, according to the FAQ page, for anyone between 5′ and 6′5″, and are height adjustable. The colours and patterns are varied (and there is even an option to design your own!), but the prices are quite steep. They do offer international delivery! You can find their delivery page here, which also contains a list of prices for delivery. Thank you to @disconnectivetissue for directing me to this one.
(*)CompleteCare Shop: This company delivers to both mainland and non-mainland UK, with delivery charges available on the website, however they are unfortunately not able to deliver internationally. I recently bought a rollator from here that came quite quickly and in excellent condition. They offer a large collection of mobility aids- rollators, walkers, wheelchairs, scooters etc.- and other disability aids for all aspects of life, including bedroom aids, daily living aids (seats and hygiene products, for example), kitchen aids, medical equipment (like crutches, rehabilitation equipment, hearing aids etc. ) and even disability aids for children. An enquiry form can be found on the site if you have any questions.
Disability Horizons: Disability Horizons was a lifestyle magazine ran by a selection of disabled writers, for the disabled community, exploring issues and stories relating to disability, that unfortunately closed in April of this year (2023). They also run a shop, sourcing and distributing a range of disability aids from across the UK, and they can arrange overseas shipping! Products offered include: adaptive clothing and t-shirts, art and cards, home aids, kitchen aids, books, mobility aids, living aids, wheelchair aids, bathroom aids, vitamins and car aids. You can find a link to the online magazine site here. The shop is still running, though may be rebranded in the coming months.
The Dyslexia Shop: This shop is UK based but it does deliver internationally! They do an incredibly amount of learning resources for neurodivergent people, but specifically people with dyslexia and dyscalculia, including, but not limited to, tinted paper and notepads, different types of specialised grip pens, overlays, educational games, sensory toys, teaching aids and software. And they also offer an incredible range of books, both childrens books i.e. teaching about disability, featuring disabled characters etc., and non-fictional books on the topics of dyslexia, ADHD, autism, dyscalculia, disability education etc.
(*)Essential Aids: They sell a vast array of disability, mobility, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, work and leisure aids, as well as offering a range of childrens disability aids, sensory aids and NHS aids as well. They have aids that help in hobby areas (i.e. writing, gardening, sewing) and exercising, they sell comfort aids and warmth aids. They have outdoor aids as well, like ramps and hand rails, which is just fantastic. I do not know if they deliver internationally but you can contact them to check, and they use Royal Mail services.
Feet Feet: A company dealing in “orthotic insoles to treat every major foot condition”, this site is organised so that you can sort by specific condition, product or seek advice regarding an ailment. Products offered include bunion correctors/splints, foot massagers, assistive sock aids, support braces, insoles, risers, lifts, shoe cushioning/padding and callus cutters and much more.They do deliver internationally! (I think) You can find delivery information here. 
(*)HealthAndCare: Unfortunately this company cannot deliver outside of the UK at the moment, but all mainland UK deliveries are free, and the majority of products can also be delivered to Northern Ireland, the Scottish Highlands and offshore UK islands! Their product range is extensive. They offer a large array of braces and supports- from back supports to shoe insoles- general health and pain relief items, daily living aids (including but not limited to: hearing aids, bathroom aids, mobility aids, kitchen aids and medication storage), sports and rehabilitation equipment, education equipment, and even safety training!
(*)Healthcare PRO: So I’ve had a look and they don’t deliver overseas, but they do deliver to both mainland and offshore UK! Here you can find more delivery information. Healthcare PRO offers a range of health, living and mobility including telephone aids, reading and writing aids, walking aids, wheelchairs, bathroom aids, eating aids, bedroom equipment, hobby aids, games, alarms, reachers, monitors and sensory equipments etc, a long with a vast array of other items in all categories. They also offer a selection of childrens aids as well.
(*)Incontinence Choice: This is a UK company that specialises in incontinence products. They offer a range of items, including incontinence pads of varying sizes, bed and chair protection, adult nappies, washable and disposable incontinence pants, as well as a range of both female and male incontinence products. They also offer products from some specific brands, such as Age Co, TENA, Vivactive and Always, and have a discreet delivery process. Unfortunately they only offer shipping to mainland UK and certain non-mainland territories. There is no option for international delivery at this time, and there is a notice on the website that delivery services have been impacted by the Royal Mail strikes, but they are working around it. Here you can find more information on delivery, including the non-mainland territories they deliver to and prices.
Liberator: A UK supplier of extensive AAC equipment including switches, joysticks, apps and software, learning aids, adapted stylus’, controls, adaptors, cases, eye tracking and control software, pointers, and accessible computer equipment, as some examples. They have a large web of international redistributors which you can find here. They also offer training regarding some software and devices that they sell. You can find information regarding funding and assessment here. They also offer sensory aids.
(*)Manage @ Home: A company that deals in disability aids for a variety of every day activities, including mobility aids, eating aids, leisure aids, door handles and bathroom aids, amongst others. Currently they deliver to UK mainland, as well as UK islands and Northern Ireland, though if ordering from the latter two you are advised to contact the company about delivery. I’m not sure what their international shipping policies are or if they ship outside of the UK. 
(*)The Mobility Aids Centre: I’m waiting to hear back about international delivery information but I’ll update when I do. They have a showroom in Peterborough, England if you wish to visit them in person. The Centre claims to pride themselves on offering mobility aids that “is more than just wheelchairs, mobility scooters, walking aids, bathroom equipment and small living aids”, providing things such as pushchairs, standing frames and bespoke wheelchairs as well. They also offer things like sensory loss aids, peddle exercisers, therapy equipment, medication aids, fall aids and specialised furniture, to name a few.
(*)The Mobility Market: I found the link to this on the website for Scope, a well known, registered disability charity in the UK, and I’ve had a little look around. It’s essentially like ebay for mobility aids; it’s people selling their mobility aids to others in need. There is no definitive amount of aids on here so if you’re looking for something specific, i.e. like a cane, it might not be there the first time you check. Objects are second/third hand, and, depending on how much the seller lists them for, can still be quite expensive, though noticeably less so than some other providers. You can also list your own mobility aids as well, but to both buy and sell you need to make an account. I do not know what shipping policies are like- I imagine it depends on the seller- but they do have a partner site that operates across the US and Canada.
MobilityPlus+: A UK based company that claims to ship worldwide. They deal in electric wheelchairs, rollators and accessories, and also include shipping costs for international shipping on their website if you are not from mainland UK. From personal experience, they’ve been excellent when it comes to replacement parts for my chair though obviously I don’t speak for everyone.
Mobility Smart: This company can arrange to deliver outside of the UK but to do so you have to call them. They have instructions for this on their website, as well as information on finding your country dialing code and a currency converter. If you’re in the UK, they have a showroom! As well as mobility aids, they offer items in categories such as paediatric care equipment, daily living aids, driving aids, continence aids, bathroom aids, ramps, specialised footwear and medical equipment, amongst others.I have been informed that there tends to be a markup with this company when it comes to continence aids, in comparison to stores like Age Co or Incontinence Choice, so please be aware of that.
Not Your Grandma’s: Do you find yourself wanting colourful compression socks but can’t find any designs you like? Do you struggle to find designs that fit? Maybe your disability has left you feeling overwhelmed and you’re just looking for advice. Well! This company (suggested by @cripplecore, so thank you for that) may just be what you’re looking for! They specialise in colourful compression socks, but also offer some disability stationary and accessories. Their founder also has a blog/handbook and podcast relating to all things disability, and is looking to release a range of larger sized products, and offer a waiting list for those interested. Personally, I think this site looks incredibly cute! (They also offer international shipping!). I have ordered from here and think it’s great, if not a but pricey.
Neo-Walk: You may have seen this company on Dragons Den. They offer an array of colourful and customisable walking sticks and accessories, as well as offering a 10% student discount (using a code that can be found on their FAQ page and with proof of student ID)! They also offer international shipping.
(*)Podiatry World: Podiatry supplies equipment for foot and leg care, and products they offer “arch supports, bunion protectors, gel socks and straps, impressions, instruments and packs, foams and felts, rotary tools (burs), treatment chairs, pain relief products, and much more.” You can find a list of their products here. I’m not sure on international delivery policies.         
(*)Quingo Scooters: Quingo mobility pride themselves on their five wheel mobility scooters, which they claim to offer more stability and manoeuvrability than regular three and four wheel scooters. They offer a few different models, ranging in price, as well as a motorised wheelchair, accessories for all models, payment plans, and the option to test drive before you buy! I can’t find any information on international delivery, but they claim to deliver anywhere in mainland UK, and they have a “sister distributor” in the US by the name of Comfygo.
(*)RNIB: Or, the Royal National Institute of Blind People. An organisation in the UK dedicated to ensuring and providing accessibility for those who are blind, partially sighted, or otherwise visually impaired. I took this quote from the site directly: “We have a wide range of products for both adults and children who have sight loss or a vision impairment. All our devices and tools are designed to help you do more at home, work or at school.You’ll also find a range of book titles in audio, braille and large print, and leaflets on eye conditions and living with sight loss.“ This link will bring you to the organisations website (with information on dealing with sight loss, eye health, the aims of the organisation etc etc.), and this link will bring you to an interesting piece on their work in making video gaming more accessible!
(*)Sensory Direct: I’ve checked an unfortunately this company is unable to ship to PO boxes, or overseas unless you hold a trading account with them. You can find information on delivery, i.e. prices, locations etc. here. This company deals specifically in sensory aids, with tools on their website allowing you to sort by age category, condition and environment. They offer a vast array of items including, but not limited to, weighted blankets, sensory toys, classroom kits, educational aids, weighted clothing, puzzles, toys, games, chewys, seating, lighting etc. etc. They also sell products to aid with the development of skills, such as life skills, social skills, fine and gross motor skills, creative skills and sleeping.
Single Handed: @parafoxicalk introduced me to this company through this video, showing a member of the company reviewing a grip toggle, so you may have seen them doing the rounds! Single Handed aim to design carry technology of the “highest quality”, “for able-bodied and less able people alike”, allowing for “easier use [carrying] for those with balance, shaking, or disabilities which make carrying a traditional tray more difficult, dangerous or even impossible in some cases.” They’re eco-conscious in their designs, deliver internationally, and deal in anti-tip trays, grip toggles, glass collectors, and large double handed mugs.
(*)Skiggle: This is another site I found, courtesy of Scope. Skiggle is a registered disability charity, providing help to disabled people (adults, young people and children), their families and their carers by offering a place to rehome surplus disability aids. It’s like a more relaxed version of The Mobility Marketplace, in that it is a sellers community of disabled people, in which you can post ads selling your items, or ads asking for certain items. The majority of items that I have seen are free/relatively cheap, but there are certain items that may be priced (i.e. car seats, mobility scooters) and the site reviews these on a case-by-case basis. I quite like the look of this one to be honest. Here’s the FAQ page if you have any questions regarding the marketplace.
Smartcrutch: Thank you to @some-weird-queer-writer for pointing this one out to me. I have been informed that they are also available in America, Canada and potentially Australia, but there is a notice on the site to contact them if you have any questions so you can find that information here. I’ve dug a bit further and it appears they do deliver overseas. This site offers an array of colourful forearm crutches, in sizes XS, S, M and L (extra small, small, medium and large), as well as “spares” (a range of spare crutch parts i.e. pivot screws, ice shoes, replacement feet and straps). Prices on the XS crutches range between £74.99-£114.98, whilst prices on all other sizes range between £131.99-£227.98. I believe there is also the option to buy either a single crutch or a pair.
The Stick & Cane Shop: Walking sticks and accessories with a twist. Like a stick for all occassions type of deal, this company specialises in sticks for walking, for formal/fancy dress, for country walking, for collecting, and for doubling as an umbrella. They also offer accessories and adjustable sticks. 
(*)WalkingSticks: At the time of writing this, this site cannot deliver outside of the UK due to courier issues, however if you are able to benefit from it it seems amazing. Despite the name, they sell everything from canes, to crutches, to walkers, to even mobility aid accessories. And you can search by specific requirements, features and prices!
(*)Whizz-Kidz: “The UK’s leading charity for young wheelchair users.” This company is a bit different to the others in that it is a charity and you, specifically, don’t buy the equipment; there is an application process instead, a waiting list and then they may or may not provide the equipment for the young person (under the age of 18) in question. Here is information on the application process (FAQs, eligibility criteria etc.),  and here is a link to wheelchair training workshops that they offer for people aged 2 to 25 years old, including workplace training, school training and sports. They are a charity so there is an option to donate as well, and they also offer youth group services, support for families and siblings, and work placement/employment opportunities.
(All links in English in case translator needed)
1800Wheelchair: Thank you to @cesium-sheep for directing me to this. They said, quote, “It was a mediocre experience and their branding is very senior-focused but they have a huge selection of all kinds of mobility aids.” I’ve had a look at that seems to be the case; they offer a vast array of wheelchairs included lightweight, heavy duty, beach, commercial, transport and bathroom wheelchairs, as well as accessories i.e. bags, cushions etc. As well as scooters, lifts, walkers, bathroom safety aids and accessories (including shower stools, hand held showers etc.),  furniture, pediatric aids (wheelchairs, furniture, bathroom care), accessories and parts. As well as distributors across America and UK, it appears they also have distributors in both France and Canada!
Advantage Medical: A supplier of rehab and physical therapy equipment, including hand therapy, mobility aids, exercise equipment, patient transfer equipment, tapes, daily living, CBD, PPE and much more. They can arrange for international delivery “nearly anywhere in the world”, though customs and duties are the responsibility of the customer. Here you can find more information on shipping.
(*)Comfygo Mobility: A “sister distributor” of Quingo Scooters, that deals in mobility scooters, electric wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs and accessories for each. They offer a slightly wider ranger than their sister company, and also offer repayment schemes when purchasing. I’m not sure on their international delivery policy, but apparently, as well as their own stores, they may be found on Amazon, Ebay and sometimes Walmart.
(*)Comfy Splints: Exactly what it says- they sell adult and paediatric splints for the hand, elbow, knee, ankle and foot, with the goal of making them as comfortable as possible. I can’t find any explicit information on international delivery, although they are partnered with companies that do deliver globally, like Medline and Rehabmart, so I may be wrong. They have contact information listed here if you have questions.
Fettermans: A US based company that offers free shipping to continental US, Fettermans is also partnered with Amazon, Walkeasy and Sidestix. They deal in crutches (for adults and children), crutch hand grips and other accessories!
(*)HealthSmart International: HealthSmart provides a range of crutches, canes, walkers and wheelchairs (as well as accessories) as well as a number of other disability aids, including, but not limited to, blood pressure monitors, physical therapy aids, bedroom and bathroom aids, and professional medical equipment. They claim to deliver some products internationally, however upon further digging the website also says they are currently only shipping within the United States, so please contact them if you have any questions regarding this.
(*)ICS: This company deals in orthotic shoes, socks and insoles for those with diabetes, AFOs (ankle foot orthotics), arthritis, partial foot amputations, and general foot issues- promising a comfortable and “perfect” fit. They also offer a specialist fitting service, that I think allows you to find the perfect size and shoe for you. Shoes for both men and women are offered across a variety of brands, and when searching for shoes you can filter by gender, foot width, boot height, brand and shoe size. I can’t find any information in regards to international delivery.
(*)The Mobility Market USA: A partner of The Mobility Market UK, this is essentially the same concept- second hand mobility aids sold and bought by mostly disabled people- but it delivers across the US and Canada instead. Again, you need to make an account to buy and sell items, and it is my understanding that you have to contact the sellers directly (there should be information on the advertisements) if you wish to make a purchase. There is an option to translate this website into other languages (besides English) if you require it.
(*)Mobility Warehouse: They mainly deal in mobility equipment- powerchairs, scooters, rollators and living chairs- but also offer a range of bath safety aids, mastectomy care, diabetic shoes, compression socks and hospital beds in store as well. They also offer replacements, repairs and servicing of the equipment you buy from them should you run into issue. International shipping policies of this company are unclear.
Pride Mobility Corporation: As well as the US and Latin America, this company has bases across the UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, Middle East, Slovakia, Slovenia and Canada. They also offer a tool on the website to find your nearest dealer. They offer a wide range of mobility and power chairs, lift chairs and mobility scooters, as well as rehab equipment.
Rehabmart: I think this company ship internationally. It is founded and operated by qualified occupational and physical therapists, and sells a range of medical, mobility and rehabilitation equipment. They claim to sell over 18000 products, and there is an alphabetised list of the categories they deal in.
Sensory Tool House: They do deliver outside of North America! However some of their products may not allow them to so it’s best to check your order. They have an online chat function and typically get back to you within a day or two.This company offers a range of “products and services [to] specifically support those who are neurodivergent and/or have a disability”, as well as offering community events at some of their locations (i.e. sensory play and sensory rooms), teacher, student and carer resources, training (in workplace and educational environments), and the ability to create a wishlist/gift registry. At the moment of writing, they appear to offer 850+ products, ranging from such things as educational products, toys, guides, utensil supports, folding chairs and weighted bedding, to name just a few.
Therapy Shoppe: “If you're looking for innovative sensory products, fidget tools, educational toys, occupational therapy tools, autism or special needs toys for learning, play, self-regulation, sensory integration, handwriting, motor skills development, fidgeting, and much more... you've come to the right place!” -Therapy Shoppe. This is a US based company that deals in the supply of sensory products. You can find delivery information here, including shipping charges. They do deliver outside of the continental US, but there is a minimum delivery fee and prices are based on overall order weight. Again, refer to the delivery information for more details.
(*)SwitchSticks US: A partner of SwitchSticks Australia and HealthSmart International. They specialise in walking sticks, quad sticks and seat canes. International shipping policies are unclear.
WalkEasy: A partner of Fettermans Crutches, they work with crutches, canes, parts and accessories, and it is my understanding that they deliver internationally as well. Their selection seems to be somewhat varied, ranging from platform crutches to cane holders for walls, and they offer replacement parts for most of the items they stock.
TheWrightStuff: If you’re ordering from outside of the US they offer contact information to get a quote, which you can find here. They only offer English speaking customer service at the time of writing. Again, thank you to @cesium-sheep for the recommendation. As well as mobility aids (wheelchairs, walkers, ramps, etc.), this company also offers more generalised disability aids including, but not limited, to gardening and exercise equipment, writing aids, utensil grips, adaptive reading aids (i.e. magnifiers, lights), adjustable tables, gas cap removers, bedding, comfort accessories, bathroom aids and dressing aids, to name a few.
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gottalottarocks · 2 months
Hello! Here are some regulations open to comment within the next month that I think are pretty relevant:
Force Airlines to Protect Wheelchairs in Transit - due May 13
Docket No. DOT–OST–2022–0144 (must address DOT at top of the comment)
Taxing Stock Buy Backs - due May 13
Docket No. REG-118499-23 (and address the IRS)
Expand Student Debt Relief - due May 17
Docket No. ED-2023-OPE-0123
Banning Use of Shock Devices on those Developmental Disabilities - due May 28
Docket No. FDA–2023–N–3902
Once again please make sure the docket number above is listed in your comment. Most of the time I think it's fine, but your comments may not be counted without the ID for the proposed regulation. If you want more info about writing public comments check out my post here. I recommend saying things like "I strongly support this proposed regulation because..." and get a little personal with it. Also comments that are too similar to each other will be counted together as part of a mass writing campaign so try to avoid copy and pasting.
Here are some additional resources on the above proposed regulations
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joy-haver · 2 years
if abled people wanna use mobility aids i think thats fine and good actually.
Like, don’t wear disability as a costume, don’t buy up the good and cheap mobility aids that people who actually need them should have access to (or buy them and redistribute them for free/at cost if u want). And don’t use finite resources like electric grocery carts unless you need to. 
but if you just like having a cane with you? go ahead. they can be great stim toys, look cute, and serve as a weapon. hell, some people use them to get stuff off of high shelves. thats rly cool if you just want the option not to walk sometimes? by all means, get a wheelchair.  Want extra storage and a place to lean/sit while walking? a rotator/walker with bags might be great for you!    Plus like, you’ll probably be disabled one day if you live long enough. already having familiarity with mobility aids might make a huge difference with how well you transition into your disability. I’m just one person, i can’t speak for all disabled people. some folks might disagree. but at the end of the day, theres more than one reason a mobility aid or accessibility device can be good for someone, and if you want to/do use them for a reason other than physical disability, i think thats fine and good.
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wheelchair-wizard · 4 months
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Irish Myths
VOL 9. The SELKIE. An Irish Mermaid Story
The Selkie’s Secret
In a forgotten corner of the Emerald Isle, where cliffs stood like ancient guardians and the waves whispered forgotten lullabies, there dwelled a fisherman named Eamon. His cottage clung to the rugged coast, its thatched roof weathered by countless storms. Eamon was a man of few words, his eyes etched with the sorrows of a lifetime spent chasing elusive fish and memories.
One tempest-laden evening, as rain drummed upon the windowpanes and the sea roared its defiance, Eamon stumbled upon a sight that would forever alter the course of his existence. There, nestled amidst the seaweed-strewn rocks, lay a treasure—a seal pelt of silver-gray, soft as moonlight and shimmering with otherworldly grace. Eamon’s gnarled fingers traced its edges, and he knew he held something more than mere fur. This was the skin of a Selkie—a creature of myth and melancholy.
The legends whispered of Selkies—of their dual existence, their fluidity between land and sea. By day, they swam as seals, their sleek bodies slicing through the icy depths. But when the moon hung low, they shed their skins, emerging as ethereal women, their eyes reflecting the mysteries of the abyss.
Eamon hid the pelt beneath his bed, its presence a secret shared only with the wind and the salt. Days turned into weeks, and his cottage became a sanctuary for the lost and the weary. Sailors sought refuge from raging storms, widows mourned husbands swallowed by the sea—all found solace within those walls. Yet Eamon’s gaze often strayed to the hidden pelt, wondering if the Selkie would return.
Then, one moonless night, as the stars blinked like ancient eyes, Eamon heard it—a melody that tugged at his heart, a lament woven from moonbeams and longing. He rushed to the window, and there she stood: the Selkie. Her skin was pale as foam, her hair a cascade of seaweed green. Her eyes held the wisdom of ages, and her lips curved in both fear and hope.
She was naked, vulnerable—a creature caught between realms. Eamon retrieved the pelt, its silvery strands slipping through his fingers like water. He held it out to her, voice barely a whisper. “Take it,” he said. “Be free.”
The Selkie’s tears glistened. She reached for the pelt, her fingers trembling. But then she hesitated, torn between love and duty. For Selkies faced a cruel choice: to remain with mortal lovers or return to the sea. Their hearts were bound by moonlight and salt spray.
Eamon understood. He had glimpsed eternity in her eyes, tasted salt and starlight on her lips. And so, with a bittersweet smile, he released her. The Selkie donned her pelt, her form shifting until she became a sleek seal once more. She nuzzled his cheek, a silent farewell, before slipping into the waves.
As the sea swallowed her, Eamon wept—for love unspoken, for a Selkie lost, and for the ache that would haunt him till his dying day. He walked the cliffs thereafter, eyes scanning the horizon, listening for her song—a melody carried by the wind, sung by a Selkie who danced beneath the moon.
And so, the legend of Eamon and the Selkie passed from generation to generation—a tale of sacrifice, of love that transcended realms, and of a fisherman who held the sea’s secrets close to his heart.
And there, my friend, ends our journey—a whisper of magic and longing that lingers in the salt-laden air, where Selkies still dance upon moonlit shores
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hsrsurgical · 28 days
Quality Healthcare Supplies: Silicone Foley Catheter Online and Suction Catheter in Bangalore
Introduction: Meeting Healthcare Needs Online
In the present quick moving world, admittance to quality medical care supplies is a higher priority than at any other time. Luckily, progressions in innovation have made it simpler to secure fundamental clinical hardware on the web. In Bangalore, people can now find an extensive variety of medical care supplies, including Silicone Foley Catheter On the web and Pull Catheter available to be purchased in Bangalore, with only a couple of snaps.
Figuring out Silicone Foley Catheters:
A Silicone Foley Catheter is an adaptable cylinder regularly utilized for emptying pee out of the bladder. It is embedded into the bladder through the urethra and held set up by a little inflatable. Silicone catheters are liked by numerous medical care experts because of their biocompatibility and protection from encrustation, making them reasonable for long haul use.
Exploring Suction Catheters:
Pull Catheters are clinical gadgets used to eliminate discharges, blood, and different liquids from the aviation routes. They are normally utilized in respiratory consideration settings to clear the aviation route and work with relaxing. Attractions catheters come in different sizes and plans to suit different patient necessities and clinical prerequisites.
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Accommodation of Online Acquisition:
The accessibility of Silicone Foley Catheter Online and Suction Catheter for Sale in Bangalore offers unrivaled comfort for people and medical care offices the same. By buying these fundamental supplies on the web, clients can save time and exertion while guaranteeing admittance to top notch items. Moreover, online stages frequently give itemized item portrayals and client surveys, assisting purchasers with pursuing informed choices.
Ensuring Quality and Wellbeing:
While buying medical care supplies on the web, focusing on quality and safety is fundamental. Search for legitimate providers with a history of giving solid items and fantastic client support. Furthermore, confirm that the silicone foley catheters and pull catheters satisfy industry guidelines for security and execution to guarantee ideal patient consideration.
Conclusion: Accessing Essential Healthcare Supplies
In summary, the accessibility of Silicone Foley Catheter Online and Suction Catheter for Sale in Bangalore highlights the significance of helpful admittance to quality medical care supplies. By saddling the force of internet shopping, people and medical services experts can guarantee admittance to fundamental clinical hardware while saving time and exertion. With a promise to quality and security, online obtainment offers a dependable answer for addressing medical care needs in Bangalore and then some.
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wheelchairindia1 · 10 months
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Mobility Solution at Wheelchair India: Your Trusted Wheelchair Shop Near Me
If you need mobility solutions, Wheelchair India can be your trusted Wheelchair Shop Near Me; we offer a wide range of products to fit your needs.
Whether you require a manual or electric wheelchair, we have options available that are both reliable and affordable.
Website - https://posts.gle/b9LwKE
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vikings-til-valhalla · 6 months
So last night was one of the best nights I've had in a long time.
Basically, for years now (since I was 11) I've needed a wheelchair. Irl, I can't walk, I can only limp, my legs always hurt 24/7 and never stop, I can't do a ton of limping at once or else my legs basically collapse, and yeah.
Well, my friends last night sat down with me, and we looked at the hotels available for us to stay at in Disney come August. They all, without letting me say a word, ruled out every option that wouldn't accommodate wheelchairs or have elevators, and any hotels that have a long distance for traveling to the transportation centers. Then, they pulled up the pricing for renting an electric wheelchair per day, and agreed, without me getting any input, it's cheaper for me to buy one, and the one friend's mother jumped in and said, "Oh, yeah, it's way cheaper and it changes your life!"
Like... My friends. They gave me not only absolute confirmation that I'm in dire need of a wheelchair, but they gave me the absolute permission and necessity to get one for just general use, after suffering 13 years (most of my life) without one. And they literally did not hesitate, put me down for it, anything. They planned around my accomodations, so they can include me.
Y'all I almost cried when I got home. This is what I've needed for far too long. To basically be told yes, I'm disabled, and that yes, it's ok to be disabled. There's nothing wrong with that at all. I am just... so happy and physically felt relief. Hope.
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