#Physical and Mobility Disability Online
mobility2you · 2 years
Disability Equipment Suppliers - Mobility2You Promo
Now is the time to shop online for the best deals on Mobility Aids! We're here for you, whatever you're dealing with, whether you're in need of Mobility Aids, Disability Aids, or aids for the elderly. Disability Equipment Suppliers Shop our products now. Cash on delivery, free shipping is available.
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stellaltumi · 1 month
shoutout to all the fellow disabled people who spread awareness and advocacy even when they have no energy to do so, I see you, I love you, and you are so deeply appreciated. your story has the potential to be someone else's survival guide.
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cpunkwitch · 5 months
So anyway I'm gonna take a break by making those wrist straps for canes starting with your classic rainbow pride.
Should I make them available to preorder on my store?
If people can start sending in orders for pride wrist straps (or possibly a commission option for custom ones like the custom bracelet) I could put the money from the first few orders towards buying the rest of the supplies and even shipping
I know earlier someone said they had friends who'd be interested and that got me excited
For info:
The straps, like the bracelets listed in my store, are pride themed and made of light weight soft embroidery floss so you won't have to worry too much if having something on your wrist is a sensory issue for you. They're hand woven with multiple strands depending on the flag colours, same thread my mom and I use for small sewing projects really. I'm going to use a bead to tie them off so I might add an option for bead choice. And they'll be attached to the cane with a simple stretchy band and one of those circle key chain things, the last two I can get from Michael's or staples, the beads if I run out I can pick up from the dollar store where I get the threads.
The only thread I really worry about with sensory issues is the metallic threads (gold and silver) which tend to fray at the ends easier than the embroidery floss but since I'm tying it off with a bead the ends will be closed and shouldn't be an issue
Any input is really helpful, if people are interested in ordering early to help pay to get them made and shipped that would be awesome
At the moment I'm trying to save up what I do have for my meds and upcoming appointment. So I don't know if I'll have anything to spend on the supplies I need just yet.
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xmcu-fietro · 1 year
little ramble about the mobility aid market, which is--as I am disappointed but not surprised to find--pretty terrible.
After being advised by a few people on this post to try out a mobility aid for fatigue I’ve started searching around for forearm crutches (I have no clue whether I’ll actually try it or if it would even help me since my big issue is fatigue and not mobility, but would like to know my options if I do) and it’s kinda ridiculous how few options there are for platform crutches? M+D crutches seem pretty good but they’re too expensive for me to feel like trying when I don’t even know if they’d help, and I’m only able to find like... MAYBE three other brands besides for platform crutches, all of which are also expensive and none of which are collapsible like many non-platform forearm crutches. I’ve thought about getting a collapsible cane but I don’t know how my hypermobile wrists would like that (and that also seems like it wouldn’t help as much for the fatigue), hence why I was looking at platform crutches which provide more weight-bearing support. sigh. 
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 4 months
today on my When All You Have is a D10 project: Rolling a 6 with a D100.
1-16: Option 1
17-32: Option 2
33-48: Option 3
49-64: Option 4
65-80: Option 5
81-96: Option 6
97-100: Reroll
if you get that last one you can reroll the ones column, tens column, or both, up to you. tune in next time for so fucking help me i WILL find an efficient way to substitute dice for a deck of playing cards
#solo rpgs#solo ttrpgs#ttrpg tables#i doubt this is something people haven't figured out many times already; but! it's useful and i hadn't seen it anywhere#and it was enough of a hassle that i figured i'd save some time for anybody who also will find it useful and hadn't seen it elsewhere#also i know it would maybe be more in the spirit of the thing to call it 'when all you have is a d100'#because a *lot* of the time that's effectively what you're rolling for; and maybe i will change the name to that#but you could do it with just a d10! it'd be really annoying in some cases because you have to roll d10 twice for a d100! but you could!#current parameters of the challenge are 'make the roll without having to reroll anything below a 90 or a 10'#i made the rpgsolo hack to be playable with only a d10 and d100 and it was fun enough that i wanted to do more with that#also i will be fair and say that the dice deck thing is not necessarily when all you have is a d10. i will take any dice combo that works#my disabled ass can't use physical cards; and physical dice are dodgy#but there are a LOT more digital dice rollers out there than there are digital card deck tools#let alone ones that don't rely on an online server; let alone ones that actually work on mobile#it is A Quest of Mine and i have zero experience with game jams but i am legit considering poking at hosting one for this#in particular because there's like 5000 ways you could do it and it would be nice to give people accessibility options#in case whatever go-to i jury-rig for myself doesn't jive with them#it does count as awkward tables initiative to me though so it goes under the same banner as this one#when all you have is a d10 project#awkward tables initiative#RPGSolo#ttrpg tag#whosebaby does game dev#whosebaby makes things#edit: literally less than a half hour after posting this i found. the simplest possible way to draw a card with dice. wheezes#figuring out a method to keep TRACK of a deck efficiently is probably another story but OH MY GOD. IT'S BEEN A YEAR#AMAZING
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plushslug · 1 year
My therapist telling me to get involved in the online disability community for support VS all the other powerchair users hating people with eds VS all the people with eds not being nearly as disabled by it as I am
Wow good advice I feel so at home 👍
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talkingattumble · 1 year
Hi guys! Here’s some advice from a cane user on how to spot a fake cane user/disability faker!
You can not spot a “fake disabled” cane user. You can not know if someone’s “really disabled”, much less by just looking at them. Here are some common misconceptions.
“Cane users always need their canes. If they walk without it or put it away when it’s inconvenient, they’re faking”: WRONG! Many cane users are what we call “ambulatory” cane users. This means they don’t always need their canes to walk. I’m an ambulatory cane user, and I experience really horrible leg pain on the daily. However, I don’t always use my cane, and when I don’t need to walk or stand a lot in a certain place I don’t use it. And when I do use it, I may lift it off the ground or carry it in places that are sandy, gravelly, or otherwise hinder my cane.
“Cane users walk abnormally without their canes, someone who walks normally without their cane is faking”: WRONG! Many ambulatory cane users can walk in a way that seems “normal”. This doesn’t mean they’re not in pain, or not “really disabled”. This just means that their condition doesn’t cause a noticeable difference in walking, and likely manifests in a different way.
“Cane users always need their cane, someone who doesn’t use their cane at home is faking”: WRONG! Cane users may not use their canes at home, because at home they may be able to do things like sit down wherever and whenever, regain more spoons, and use other mobility aids. Additionally, some ambulatory cane users only need or use their canes when they are doing something physically taxing, like going on a hike or standing in a long line.
“My cane user friend told me this person looks like they’re faking, so it must be true”: WRONG! Being a cane user doesn’t immediately make you an expert on all different conditions and experiences. Your friend does not know the random cane user walking down the street, they are going off looks and stereotypes. Disabled people are not immune to being ableist.
“They enjoy their cane too much/they’re too happy/they decorate their cane, so they can’t actually be in enough pain to need a cane” WRONG! We’re people like everyone else, and we experience positive emotions too, even if we go through a lot of pain. To me, customizing my cane is like getting a tattoo or putting streaks in my hair, it’s a way of self expression. And we deserve to be able to talk openly about our full experience, which include the parts we’re neutral or happy about.
“They’re one of those cringey teenagers who name themselves arson and like dsmp, so they’re probably faking” WRONG! Do I even have to explain why saying someone isn’t disabled because of their name and interests is messed up and also stupid? Or did you already know that and just wanted to make fun of a disabled teenager?
“They’re too young to be using a cane, so they must be faking” WRONG! there are lots of disabilities or injuries that can cause young people to need a mobility aid. For example, I use a cane for my fibromyalgia.
“They only use it in private places, and never in places where people recognize them, so they must be faking” WRONG! In a world where anyone can just randomly take out their phone, take a picture of a cane user, and post them online to be made fun of, it can be stressful to use a cane in public areas. Also, they may not want people to ask questions, or they may feel embarrassed about it.
“I saw them switch hands, so they must be faking” WRONG! There are different reasons a cane used might do this, but I’m going to use my experience as an example. My fibromyalgia is not consistent. Sometimes one leg hurts more then the other. But as I said, fibromyalgia is inconsistent, and sometimes my other leg will start to hurt more or need more support, which is when I switch hands. And when both my legs hurt equally, I may switch my hand if it’s getting too sore.
“They told me they feel like they’re faking when they use their cane, doesn’t that mean they don’t really need it?” WRONG! Imposter syndrome is strong in a lot of disabled people, especially when for a lot of our lives we were told by doctors that we were fine and just being dramatic. Anxiety is also comorbid with a lot of physically disabilities, which only strengthens this. To add to this, something that I’ve felt and seen other disabled people talk about it, when their disability aid lessens the pain, they start thinking “well I’m not in that much pain so I don’t really need it” even though the reason they’re not in that much pain is because of the aid. I know it seems dumb, but imposter syndrome can be that strong and affects disabled people a lot.
“They don’t have a diagnosis, so they must be faking” WRONG! First of all, diagnoses are expensive. On their own they’re often already expensive, but counting the tons of tests you have to take to confirm the diagnosis? Absolutely ludicrous. Some may also choose not to get a diagnosis, so that they don’t have to deal with the prejudice and setbacks of being diagnosed. Also, some people use a cane for injuries, and for stress or fatigue related pains.
These are only a few of the things I commonly hear from fakeclaimers, and I wanted to just put out a reminder that fakeclaiming hurts the disabled community much, much more than it does ableists. Next time you see someone with a cane switch hands, or someone with a wheelchair stand up, or someone with crutches put them down, before you immediately call them out to a friend, take a picture, or write a post: does your fakeclaim rely on stereotypes? Are your reasons things that apply to ambulatory aid users?
If so, just stop. Be mindful. Please.
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chroniccoolness · 1 year
disability pride ask game
I'm so sleepy but I have persisted anyway bc i am so brave
feel free to reblog, try and send an ask to the person you're reblogging from so the game doesn't die, and absolutely never be pressured to answer anything that feels too personal--this is about/inspiration for what you Want to share about disability and experiences being disabled, not what you feel like you have to! (also: this ask game is PRO SELF DX.)
what disability/ies do you have? (and are they mental, physical, or both?)
how long have you known you're disabled? does that match up with diagnosis?
what, if any, disability aids do you use? (mobility aids, sensory aids, braces, communicative devices, IVs, etc. meds also count here). do you customize them/their containers/outsides?
do you know any disabled people irl? what about online?
if you have multiple disabilities: do they affect each other? how?
what's something good that's come out of being disabled?
what's a struggle you wish more people talked about?
does your disability affect how you experience other parts of your identity? (gender, queerness, culture, even hobbies/life goals you're very passionate about)
how do you measure your energy? (spoons, battery, something else?)
whats something youve come up with or integrated into your life that makes disability easier, besides typical aids?
how would you label your support needs?
what's something (a struggle, a symptom, a weird phenomenon, or even a funny experience) people don't realize about your disability?
whats the most Abled Person Thing someone has said to you?
has there ever been a time where you felt solidarity/community with another disabled person in a situation with you?
what does disability pride mean to you?
free space to talk about whatever disability issue or experience you want !
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meowticta · 8 months
recently saw post that goes like
''if you are young and going out in public with a mobility aid there probably will be an ''able-bodied'' kid watching you and feeling less alone. and just maybe they might try taking their aid outside, someday.''
(i copied it some parts)
dont wanna derail a post from physically disabled, (even tho i am one i think)
and god i wanna be that, i wanna be that person, that young person who tics and stims in public, who uses disability aids (if thats the correct word!) in public, such as earplugs (god bless that woman i saw in bus that also had the same earplugs that me!), noise cancellation headphones, stim toys, chewelry, etc etc, be ''weird'' in public.
i wanna be that teen that lets other kids know that its okay to be like that, we are different, but everyone is different somehow you know? i wanna let little kids who are also like me, kids who may be different for society that its fucking okay!! for god's sake you dont have to adapt to some perfectionist idea for people, and i understand not being able to.
bc of ableist parents, friends, family, etc, bc of own internalized ableism... but i know someday you will be free, you will tic and stim, and be weird, and be a ''freak''! reclaim the word! and you will shout to the top of the world, to all the people, that you Are Free.! and no one will take that away from you. no one can if you dont let them
i wanna be that teen, i wanna be that kid that is an inspiration for others, not in a ''inspiration porn'' for abled and neurotypical people, but for people like me.. for people who are similar to me, who just know understand how shitty and lovely the world can be, who are learning but dont forget that you will never be alone,
i spent most of the 10 years with my tourettes feeling that i was Alone in this world.
but i am not.
people can be so kind to eachother, people can love so much, and there will be people who will not have the same condition as you, but will support you no matter what, doesnt matter if its online. You have people who care!!!
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banj0possum · 10 months
So, so I was thinking at like 1:33 am cuz ye, and I thought,
I mean you dnt have 2, but it would still be like so cool:3
Tumblr media
*me running at Usain Bolt speed in order to get away from sleep cuz insomnia helps brain go brr*
But have to sleep so go night night>:(
Yanderes x Disabled!Reader w/ a Mobility Disability
My OCs x Disabled!GN Reader
yall have no idea how long I've wanted to write this *sobbing*
CW: Adrian is stupid and ignorant a little, mentioned kidnapping themes, stalking, theyre a little bit too caring for you..
Adrian doesn't use your disability to make fun of you, he's an asshole not a monster. But he is painfully ignorant of things when it comes to people with disabilities. Prepare to be asked a lot of shallow and sort of weird questions, not because he's judging you, but because he wants to learn more about you and maybe learn how to take care of you once you two get married and live together. He'd ask in random times "So why do you use a wheelchair?" "Can you piss correctly?" and a plethora of other things. If you use a wheelchair, he'd insist, no, demand that he'd push for you, he doesn't give a real reason for it other than "Your arms will get tired." If you're an amputee, he'd secretly save and steal money in order to buy you prosthetics if you ever showed your desire for one to him. He honestly doesn't care if you feel useless, you're his and he loves you and no matter what you think, he will always be there for you. "Are you fucking kidding me? You went to the library all by yourself yesterday! You played with those kids in the playground, and you carried that group presentation in math class! You're not useless, you dumbass, you're amazing!"
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Brandon, despite how ditsy he is, researches a lot about your disability, how to take care of a person with your disability and stuff that could improve your mobility. It's his duty as your boyfriend to give you the best care possible! As much as he loves to take care of you, he knows for sure you're able to do things yourself, he helps you with physical therapy if you ever need it. Being the star player of the lead team has its financial benefits too, so if there's something you found online that could help with your mobility, he's definitely buying it for you immediately!! There are times when you feel insecure about your disability but he's always there to give you lots and lots of reassurance and love! But to be honest, his way of cheering you up sounds more like a pep talk more than comfort, but it's his way of cheering you up :) "Who cares if you're not like other people? You're awesome and never forget that, with or without a disability!"
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Valeth, I shit you not, is taking away your wheelchair, your crutches, your prosthetic limbs, anything you need to move around on your own. He doesn't want you being able to escape his house and tell the authorities about him. Besides, why need those when you have him to carry you around and spoil you rotten with gifts and affection? If you let, him, he'll kiss the parts of your body that are affected by your disability, your legs, your arms, your amputated limbs, he wants to remind you how much he loves you despite your immobility. He'll whisper how much he loves you every night or when you feel sad. "You're perfect my little duckling, so so beautiful..."
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The Horde is keeping you in your bunker 24/7 unless you tell them you want to get out, but even then, they're right by your side the entire time. Bo is in charge with making sure you're never in pain or discomfort, physically and emotionally. "You're so beautiful darlin'..I wouldn't change a thing about your pretty little self~.." Screw rummages around the mall to find anything to help you move around like items from the medical areas. "I found this..uhm..do you like it?" Soda and Ribs don't really understand but they love you either way, regardless of your body. Ribs might steal your prosthetics or crutches though; you have to pry them out of his mouth like a dog that doesn't want to give up a stick.
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Wolfie thinks you're hurt and whines whenever he sees you struggling of sad, he licks the places of your body that are 'hurting'. Even when you reassure him that you're ok, he won't let go, he needs to make sure his little mate is ok! Forget wheelchairs, or crutches or prosthetics, he'll let you ride on his back, anywhere you want! Just give him lots and lots of pets and scratchies, good boy deserves it!
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Dorik is your loyal servant and will help you whenever you need anything. Oh, your wheelchair is folded up and you need help setting it up? Nonsense! He can carry you anywhere you want! Prosthetic limb nowhere to be found? Just stay in bed, he'll take care of it! Found out he's been hiding all your stuff so you depend on him and only him?...nuh uh.. and if you ever feel down, he'll be right there cuddling you and whispering sweet kinda creepy things to you. "You're my little angel, master~ A fragile mortal like you should be cared for with a gentleness of a thousand silks~!"
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Kalva forges high and low for anything that can help you. while he does enjoy keeping you nice and safe in the nest, you need some sunlight! He gives you branches, sticks, rope, anything you need to help you move around even just a little bit. With his nest building abilities, he would make you a prosthetic limb or cane for you. If you're a wheelchair user, he can just lift you up and prop you outside with him while he preens you. He might not know what's wrong but he tries his best to make you feel better. "My mate is so lovely, my lovely lovely mate! So pretty and cute!"
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Jasper can't help but be much more protective of you. He knows you can do stuff on your own, but he thinks as your best friend and future lover he needs to take care of you. He'd gladly be your caretaker if you ever need one, but he beats himself up for not accepting that you know how to handle yourself. Please let him draw and paint on your prosthetics or wheelchair! If you don't want anyone to touch your stuff, that's ok with him, but that won't stop him from making little artworks for you, like tiny paper stars with cute doodles drawn over it. If ever you feel sad, he has a nice cozy room, a weighted blanket, hot chocolate and his cat to comfort you. He's not the type to give pep talks, but he's a good cuddler.. "It's ok to feel sad, baby~..let's just lie down together alright?"
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Silas, Viktor and Garrick pester you every day to just let them turn you. You could be in unbearable pain, and you still refuse to be a vampire??? You could just have a minor limp or amputated leg and they're blowing your disability out of proportion, comparing you to a fragile porcelain doll. Imagine how much better you'll feel when you can no longer feel pain! Or when you have the ability to walk properly! It bugs you, it even makes you feel worse. If they go too far, they quiet down and sulk like sad puppies, whining and begging you to forgive them. They're sorry they took it too far..they just wanted you to be happier and healthier... "We're sorry darling, we just want you safe is all.." "Indeed my dove~ but we love you either way~!" "So cute and so fragile~! I don't know what's up with those two, but I wouldn't change a thing baby~!"
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Baron is always there for you, you dont even need your wheelchair or crutches anymore with how much he takes care of your needs. He says it's all part of his job but you don't really think making adorable little snacks for you is part of it.. looking at the little orange slices shaped like snails and cookies decorated to look like cats on your tray, you wonder if his doting is really his duty or if he just really wanted to take care of you.. Apart from that, he often watches as you look in the mirror and just frown. He gets up and checks how you're feeling as if a switch activated in his brain when he saw your sweet sad eyes. He can't bear seeing you so insecure when you're the most amazing person he's ever met.. "Boss, I don't care what you or others think, you are wonderful and worth regardless of your disability. In fact, it makes you even more admirable.."
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Caspian can relate to immobility. Out of water, he's more or less paralyzed from the waist down because of the weight of his tail, so you two hang out and joke about it together. He helps you cope by giving you someone to see yourself in. He daydreams about one day using some kind of magic to give you a fish tail so you can live in the ocean together like a happy couple. Sometimes he brings you to the shore of the cave you live in so you can soak your feet in the water while he sings for you. "My beautiful treasure~ your body does not define you. I see your soul, your heart, and it is beautiful~.."
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Hallow just sees it as an excuse to keep you locked up. He baby-proofs everything so you don't accidentally bump into something and get hurt. Yes, he takes away your wheelchair or prosthetics when you disobey him. He's a menace but he makes up for it by caring so much for you, you don't even have to lift a finger. If you're good, he gives your stuff back, all of them decorated with stickers and doodles all over it, mostly hearts and flowers. If ever you feel insecure, he coils around you in a warm hug and kisses you all over, you're not getting out until he hears a giggle come out of you. "My doll~ my darling~ my love~ my pretty little toy~ so cute~ so small~ your body is perfect~ just the way it is~!"
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Ashvan is on high alert 24/7, what if you get hurt? Or someone knocks you over and you can't get up? What if you can't move in a dangerous situation??? Stairs?!?!? He's absolutely panicking over you, but you being a cleric, you can simply use magic to get around. He knows full well that you can look after yourself but he can't help but linger around wherever you are to make sure you're ok, especially in fights. He's never far from you, acting like your defense as you heal the other members of the clan. He may or may not watch you sleep. Just being there for you! On days when you're not so confident in your abilities, he comes up to you with flowers he picked so he could hopefully make you smile again. "H-hi there! u-uhm..I-I picked these for you! heheh..uhm..g-good job during that battle! You were uhm..amazing..~"
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Thinking about disabled AK!Jason tonite with a disabled s/o
Let's be fr this man could/should be an ambulatory wheelchair user but he won't because he doesn't know that's a thing and wouldn't think he deserved it. If you're an ambulatory wheelchair user maybe one day you manage to lovingly bully him into just TRYING it and it is life changing
He uses his ambulatory energy to do Red Hood shit nbd
if he doesn't use a wheelchair he's got at least 2 braces--shoulder and knee
Baby has chronic pain, arthritis, chronic migraines from being beaten
Missing some teeth too
take this boy to your neuro or your ortho!!!! he is totally unaware he does not need to live like this. better living through chemistry
let's get him some therapy too
you WILL have to go to his drs appointments with him. mans WILL freak the fuck out for ANY medical procedure, has very serious medical abuse trauma. if he can see how your drs help you he is much more likely to go if he can see that you are benefiting from your providers and that they haven't harmed you
if you're scared of drs he will FULLY stand behind you. probably not that healthy tbh but he gets it
having a special Migraine Protocol for each of you (it's basically just a snack and a drink, blue light filter glasses, a sleep mask with headphones for that special Migraine Playlist)
make your own pain scales and talk through frequency of pain bc when you have constant or near constant pain it fucks up your ability to quantify it so making your own pain scale is helpful (he probably uses shakespeare plays or authors. like a 5 for jason is twilight, because you can see some problems but it's fun and fluffy but when you start looking closer OH NO SO MANY PROBLEMS)
pain meters on a wall near the kitchen so you can know what you're working with
CBD patches
the AK suit is basically a giant brace/mobility aid so you help him figure out how to adapt it for his red hood persona, how to make it lighter and allow for greater ROM
will remind you to do physical therapy
resistance bands ALL OVER THE HOUSE
learning bodywork techniques
AT LEAST once a week using a special oil or lotion to work into some of his bigger scars to make the tissue more mobile
giving him a back/neck/scalp/face massage
after a while obvi that's a lot of trust he's putting in you
NOT deep tissue. don't hurt him more. you can have effective therapeutic massage without hurting a person
trager work involves basically shaking a limb and letting the weight of the muscle do all the work but it feels weird the first time and he'd just start laughing at you
specially if you do his glutes
but it feels really nice so he stops laughing and it does help his lower body pain
putting magnesium lotion on each other's neck and shoulders
start to ask each other "are you angry or in pain?"
hand massages
teaching him to stop pushing through the pain
one of his knees is basically bone on bone so you always know when the weather is changing
if u both have bad knees u just don't even when the weather is changing. take some pain meds, use your topical pain reliever of choice, prop those joints up and snuggle in bed. watch a youtube series or he can read to you
heated blankets as heating pads supremacy
occasionally he'll be in pain and the kind of pain where you feel like you're going insane, so as a distraction he will go online and buy a bunch of weird pain-relieving gadgets and you'll spend a week trying them out
(sometimes his pain fog shopping spree is blind boxes, or nail polish, or statement shirts)
all of his siblings know to come to your place if they get beat tf up because your medicine cabinet is UNreal
you're about to give cass or steph a Controlled Substance Pain Reliever and you pause "this is technically drug dealing, isn't it? dOn'T teLL rEd hOOD" jason is literally patching them up right next to you
soft blankets
reminding each other it's ok to take it slow
he's constantly tearing into the other rogues for not having ADA accessible lairs (except Ivy who successfully argued that the plants make it ADA accessible which will do. FOR NOW.)
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chobbleblog · 3 months
A quick message to Goodtimeswithscar fanartists!
If you tend to draw/portray Scar in fanart with zero mobility/disability aides (wheelchair, cane, cannula, etc), or with them but in a way that pretty much disregards their existence (keeping the cane on his back at all times, making the cane purely aesthetic and not functional, treating the wheelchair like it's as light as a feather and can go anywhere, drawing cannulas but no oxygen tank, etc), I just want you to take a second and ask yourself why you portray it that way.
Scar has stated that he is ok being drawn with or without being visibly disabled, but he sees the wheelchair as a big part of himself ([LINK]). I'm not here to force anybody to do anything. But I just want you to seriously consider why you minimize or completely erase his disability. Is it just because he's a minecrafter and therefore he's not disabled in-game (debatable because when making fanart, the medium and therefore many universal constants are 100% malleable, not to mention how his disability does indeed affect his content such as when he is forced to take breaks, falls out of his chair, etc)? Or could it be that you are uncomfortable with the fact that he's disabled, or at least uncomfortable portraying/acknowledging that in your art? Could it be that you're afraid to get it wrong, don't know how, or simply don't feel like it? Please don't take this as an attack, but a small ask to consider the reasoning behind this design choice.
I do not use mobility aides as my physical disabilities would not be benefitted from them, but I am quite active in the online disabled community, and please believe me when I tell you that physical disabilities are erased enough. They are ignored and minimized enough. If you look in the comments of Scar's videos, if you look at the donations that were read during the charity event a couple of months ago, you will see so many people using mobility/disability aides (or not because they can't get them for many reasons, but need them very much) who are so encouraged by Scar doing what he does, by seeing a representation of their experience and community that they very, very rarely see (and even when they do it's in a pitying, infantilizing, or degrading way). When you draw fanart of Scar, please consider this. Please consider why you are erasing or minimizing his disability, and if you find it in your heart, please consider a design change.
There are aesthetically pleasing ways to include mobility aides. Some great ones I have seen are linked below if you want design inspiration. And plus, if nothing else, it will help you become a better artist by diversifying your experience:
[LINK] - An example animatic with a cane. While it is sometimes on his back, it's usually when he's flying (how would he use it? It makes sense for it to be put away). While he's walking it is being used properly. We don't see him walking around much since it's an animatic, but if I animated it more thoroughly, I would show that he had a clear limp, fatigue, or other difficulty walking, to avoid the "cane solely for aesthetic" interpretation.
[LINK] - An example animatic with a wheelchair, which is coincidentally the same scene. There was a fantastic one where his wheelchair transforms into a flying machine but I searched for 30 minutes and can't find it, so if someone knows the one please link it!
[LINK] [LINK] [LINK] [LINK] [LINK] - Great example drawings with wheelchairs.
[LINK] [LINK] - Drawings with canes.
P.S. all of this goes for writing and other non-visual forms of fanart too!! I see him written disabled even less often than I see him drawn disabled.
Thank you for reading all of this. I hope it helps somebody.
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flango87 · 4 months
Thinking about how helpful an autistic guide to revolution and liberation would be. As in, why are we all talking in riddles. I see so much online about rejecting individualism, embodying liberation, beautiful poetic analogies and so on. And I’m like great! Lovely sentiment. Now what do I do with that. That’s always been an issue of mine in every scenario. I understand what you’re saying, I understand the sentiment, but I have no idea how to apply it to my life in a practical way. Obviously I’m not wanting someone to spell every little thing out for me, I just wish that a lot of mobilization had more clear practical action. I think it would be really helpful not only for autistic folks, but rlly everyone who feels unsure of what exactly to do. Like, we need to dismantle capitalism- ok how? We do it by embracing community and organizing- okkk, and how do we do that? What does embracing community mean for people of marginalized identities? What does embracing community mean in practice? What does organizing mean for young folks with no experience whatsoever? What does organizing look like in our every day lives? What do we do? Disabled ppl are repeatedly left behind in movements, and we can’t have collective liberation without disabled liberation, and how can we have that when so many actions are made inaccessible for so many people? Our work needs to be physically accessible, as well as accessible in the way it’s presented. I don’t know, just some thoughts. Poems and art and analogies are beautiful but clear and explicit explanations are also needed lol
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
What you'll find here (refreshed Intro post, 16 June, 2024)
I generally post whatever is on my mind, especially contemplative and/or silly. Disability rights, queer rights, literature and the arts are perennial subjects.
Rest Assured: I will never make a “Reblog, or else you’re a bad person,” or “Reblog, or else bad things will happen.” post.
(Though I may ask for signal boosts, if someone is asking for specific help / advice, and needs to get their message out)
What counts as "Good Manners" around here:
Don't be mean. There's no need to be mean. Remember, wherever you go, there you are.
Praise what you enjoy before criticizing what you don't.
When you do give criticism, let it be reasoned ("It sucks!" isn’t reasoning).
Don't belittle, or mock, people for the things they enjoy (or what they don’t enjoy, either, respect people’s squicks, even if they seem odd to you).
If you must post provocative things, aim for provoking laughter, and provoking thought.
Remember that anger can splash onto innocent bystanders, and people "reading over your shoulder." If you must have an argument with someone in particular--rather than an argument for or against an idea--take it somewhere else (Send a private message or ask to the person)
When in doubt: Puns!
My blocking policy: When I get a notification that I have a new follower, I check, and I will block
Blogs I suspect of being a bot.
Tumblrs marked as belonging to TERFs by the app Shinigami Eyes.
Likewise, Tumblr users who want to exclude Asexual and/or Aromantic folk from the queer community (the Venn Diagram with TERFs is a near circle).
Any user that tags my posts with “q-slur." Since "Queer" is the term with the broadest definition, and widely accepted through academic consensus, I use it freely. If that word makes you uncomfortable, you would not be happy here.
Ableists . (Link to the American Wikipedia article on Ableism). This includes anyone who shows support, or asks for support, for Autism Speaks. I see a blue puzzle piece, I block immediately.
Any blog (or Anon who sends a message to my Inbox) that discourages voting in United States elections.
And Finally:
With help and suggestions from many others (some of whom wished to remain anonymous) I designed the Disability Pride Flag (Which is different from the Disability Rights Flag of the U.N.). Here is the flag as designed for computer monitors, mobile phones, and other backlit screens:
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To the extent possible under law, Ann Magill has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Visually Safe Disability Pride Flag. This work is published from: United States.
I also designed a version in fully saturated colors, which I recommend for physical media, such as actual flags, tee-shirts, print materials, etc. (Since physical media is more likely to be viewed at a distance, and atmospheric haze naturally filters bright colors).
I've put the full saturation version behind the cut (But please use the version above for online art):
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mygoo · 2 years
I'm going to outlive my son. It's the saddest realization for any parent, but it's one I can't deny anymore. See, my son is fat. No really, faaaaaat. Take whatever you're thinking in your head and double it, heck triple it even and you're probably still thinking too small.
His mother and I tried for years to get him active, to get him interested in the outdoors, sports, heck any physical activity, but the only physical activity he cared about were ones that ended in food.
We tried at first to guide him into making better decisions. Surely as he matured he'd realize that all the food and all the weight wasn't worth it, but the gentle treatment didn't work. We never wanted to be strict parents, but we decided that drastic measures had to be taken when he reached his teens with his weight still climbing. We rid the house of anything unhealthy and kept an eye on his eating like a hawk and he finally started dropping weight to our slight comfort.
Looking back now I see how short-sighted we were. It's one thing to control your kid, but he won't be a kid forever. At some point he's going to need independence, a job, a car, all the facets of a normal adult life and hopefully someone to share it with. Out on his own he could eat as much as he wanted, when he wanted, especially once we found out his first job was not what he originally told us, but a job at one of the local fast food joints.
Slowly at first, but surely his weight started creeping up again. He'd bounce around between jobs depending on what cuisine he was especially feeling and how long they'd keep him on before realizing how much he was literally eating into their profits. We'd failed. Just like his youth anything he did was motivated by food. We were all out of ideas. Time passed by in this stalemate, the only needle moving faster being the one on our bathroom scale.
We had thought about kicking him out, but at this point I don't think he could even live on his own. He had every weight-related medical condition in the book, every one a missed wake up call to turn back. Things that people in their 50s would start worrying about, not someone less than half their age.
Getting on disability took away the last reason for him to ever get off his copious ass, so it's no surprise that his mobility vaporized shortly thereafter. Some days I wonder if he'll see 30. It'll surely be a miracle of medical science if he does.
I couldn't tell if it was a blessing or a curse the day I found his online persona, through the further I looked, the more I gravitated towards the latter. It finally made everything make quasi-sense, a reason for the way he lived his life, if you can even call it that, but it did so in such a disgusting, heartbreaking way. He catalogues his gains to a sadistic audience hungry to watch him blow up. He talks about how much he loves his weight, shockingly especially its side-effects, reveling in being out of breath simply from rolling over in bed. The post where he declared himself immobile is proudly pinned to the top of his page, racking up comments of support and congratulations from the people feeding into his addiction, both figuratively and literally with constant food deliveries I had long-assumed he had ordered for himself. It's all so fucking disgusting, and it's something I will never tell my wife, something I will take to my grave long after his.
As far as I'm concerned, he's already gone. He was lost 100s of pounds ago. There's no son in that void of a room, just a mound of flesh, endlessly growing until the day it doesn't. Goodbye, son. I hope you really love all your flab like you say you do, because it's all you got, and there's a ton of it.
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greenyvertekins · 2 months
Lol haters gonna hate. Imagine getting mad at someone online for expressing an opinion. lol Your haters are honestly bored and need a new hobby.
Imagine my surprise[/sarcasm] when they mocked my injury. Such class, taking humor from a physically-disabled person with rare muskuloskeletal disease being injured whilst using a mobility aid.
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