#By the way the vague ending I had doesn't mean that she kills you.
wafflebroski · 7 months
Uzi x Reader Headcanons: Murder Drones
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Hi everyone! Anyone from my dead Wattpad account (WaffleXD3818 incase you were wondering) I hope you know I'm not dead. With that, Onto the Headcanons,
So, you two didn't exactly meet on the best terms (considering you bumped into her on accident) so the best way you figured you'd make it up is if you tried to appeal to her.
The way you went about that was usually interacting with her because nobody else did.
But don't be fooled. Just because you interact with her doesn't mean your friends with her all of a sudden.
So, naturally you try to be friends with her, because if you didn't; this headcanon thing wouldn't make sense.
Eventually, she did start going out of her way to interact with you. Even if she did kind of do it reluctantly. She convinced herself she was only talking to you because "You probably didn't have any other friends."
Whether this is true or not is up to you.
That being said, what you two talk about at first is depending on what she or you were feeling like that day.
If you were feeling kind of depressed, she'd drop all subjects relating to murder drones. If you were feeling happy, you'd take over the conversation because what else was she going to do?
She is sometimes openly vocal about your sudden attachment. Usually, she makes it subtle.
"So, uh, you really wanted to be my friend, huh?"
So, naturally, you started to interact with her more.
Up to that point, she never really considered you anything more that just friends at the bare minimum. It wasn't until you helped her get the part for her railgun and tried to help fend of the murder drone (which you later learned was N) that she started to get feelings for you.
She obviously didn't really know how to handle it at first, because up until she met you, the only interaction she had with people were her classmates, which barely gave her the time of day, or with her father, who also doesn't really give her the time of day.
She does try to subtilty try to let you know she has feelings for you, but sometimes just doesn't make it very obvious.
She'll stick to you like glue sometimes in hopes of getting you to see that she does care about her.
When that inevitably fails for obvious reasons, she will just outright say it when both of you are alone.
If you say yes, she will try to play it off cool, but is internally freaking out because she didn't really know what to do after you said yes.
If you say no (why would you?) then she'll play it off cool. No, it's not like she was emotionally attached to you because you were the only one who gave her the time of day. Shut up.
Since you obviously said yes, her interactions don't really change much. Except for the fact that she does get overprotective over you because she doesn't entirely trust the chains that she put the female disassembly drone in.
Speaking of; since you didn't really know how to fight when N and Uzi went to confront the other murder drones, she kind of told you to stay out of it.
Let's skip episode 2 because nothing really changes there.
When prom rolls around, Uzi originally intended not to go, because it's kinda cringy, but when you asked her to go with you, she couldn't say no!
You already know the drill from there, N and Uzi reconcile, V escapes and appears at prom, Doll tries to kill V, Fails, Then fucking dies, Oh, wait, turns out she didn't die and attempted to kill you, Fails again, and runs.
You were the only person in that room that was like; "Oh no! Anyway." because escaping death for the third time was starting to get tedious.
You helped her out with her newfound magic, which started to have some unexpected consequences.
She started to bite you randomly when you two were together, which was all the time. You could've sworn you saw oil on her mouth at some point in that month. And people started to go missing.
But it was probably nothing, right?
Ugh, this took longer than what I would've wanted.
So first post on this blog that relates to x Readers. Kinda fun.
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corpocyborg · 10 months
me, in a video game: *chooses the bad option* NPCs: good god! how can you say that? you don't mean that! me, who's been consistently choosing these options since the start of the game: -_-
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xjulixred45x · 5 months
I know I have to work on the requests, but I have to get this out of my head because now I have a rediscovered love for Invincible, bear with it.
okay, I can definitely see that you two were a couple or at least liked each other before everything went to hell.
and although you were fine with Mark at that time, when he was being convinced to join the Viltrum empire, he was somewhat seeking your approval. although using very vague assumptions, such as "would you accept an alien race if it meant world peace?" "or if that would help with the development of medicine?" You know, like what Nolan wanted to do at the beginning with Mark. and obviously since you didn't have the context you said yes without hesitation, further fueling Mark's crazy ideas.
I may not have made it very clear in the first part, but you and Nolan definitely don't get along. I mean, he's nice to you in a way, but he treats you like a little kid who needs discipline, so he tries to push Mark into that. Not only that, but you also indirectly blame him for the sudden change in Mark's personality, you know that if Nolan hadn't gotten him into that shit, he wouldn't have so much blood on his hands. The Mark you knew wasn't like that. HE WASNT.
The main reason this Mark doesn't feel angry because of your traditional escape attempts or why he's so soft is because of something our Invincible doesn't usually have, and that's his ARROGANCE. This Mark does not believe that you are capable of running away from him, you are not capable of defending yourself from him, you are not capable of harming him and above all you are not capable of HATE HIM, because he sees you as a soft creature, who should be treated as such because you are confused.
He is delusional, SpongeBob and Squidward level of Delusional. You could perfectly tell him that you hate him, that he's the worst thing that happened to you in your life... and he thinks it's reverse psychology.
"fuck you"
"Is that an invitation?😚"
"I hate you"
"I love you too babe🥰"
"If we were trapped on a desert island I wouldn't hesitate for a second to make a raft with your limbs"
"Silly you, I would take you out flying😘"
Do you see what I'm saying? For the same reason, if you end up hurting him, he would be proud that now you can definitely defend yourself from the Revolutionaries who "kidnap you every now and then" (it's you on the run). dang it, if you hurt him probably even NOLAN would compliment you for doing it despite being "so weak" and would completely approve of you.
(I can already imagine you with a wedding dress and a bouquet of knives...you want to throw it at Mark...in the face)
I think the most Mark does to scare you into escape scenarios is to threaten to throw you and not catch you next time, that's the best he goes. He can't stand the idea of leaving you paralyzed because it would be very boring and sad to see only a shell of you.
He wouldn't kill Eve, but he would never hurt you...physically. Did you see that in the end in their universe they manage to imprison him and get rid of Omniman? you totally didn't let go of Fem! Cecil(Cecilia?) all the way to her base and thanking her with all your heart and tears. Cecilia comforted you awkwardly, but she understood that you must have definitely had a hard time with Mark.
Meanwhile, with Mark already locked up, even if the world is a bit messed up, you can breathe easy for the first time in years, you can leave the base without fear of what happens to the people around you, you can eat without a problem, you can CHAT with people! it's magic! It's like you don't even remember anything before Mark! out of pure fear!
Meanwhile, Mark in prison always asks about you AT LEAST once a day, even if they give him proof that you are WELL and HEALTHY, he just doesn't believe it and DEMANDS to see you to prove it, which they obviously deny him and only makes him think that even more. The guy thinks you must be dying of hunger and cold or being eaten by collotes while you live your best life🤣
"MY POOR BABE! She must be so confused and scared without me! How do I know they're not torturing her for information!? She must be so worried because we're not getting home!" and it goes on and on... meanwhile Darling: "happy~ happy~happy~" "OHHHOOOhhOO, I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY!"
For now that's all. I hope the Viltrum empire doesn't come to shit on Darling's happiness☠️
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penguwastaken · 15 days
Danganronpa 2 Never Said Chiaki Never Existed
In Danganronpa 2, AI Chiaki shows surprise when seeing her profile in the book that Nagito got. A lot of people use this as proof that chiaki never existed, but that's really never said at all.
I figured it was pretty obvious, but the reason she is surprised is because she never knew there was a real Chiaki.
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In chapter 5, both Monomi and Chiaki herself aren't aware of how Chiaki got her personality, so they just assume it might have come from the people that made them.
Of course, Danganronpa 3 later gives us an actual answer and says she was created by the memories of Class 77, directly building off of this mystery in the second game.
Point is, Chiaki doesn't know where her personality came from, who she's based on, or even that there was a real Chiaki at all.
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"Erm but Pengu, they say that Chiaki's profile is fake"
That is never actually stated in game, all that is told to us is that Monokuma slipped in false information.
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However, Monokuma DOES confirm that everything in the book is reused from information provided by the former headmaster (Jin Kirigiri obviously), which causes Nagito to question if the traitor is a former Hope's Peak student.
Once again, Chiaki's presence in Danganronpa 3 seems to be here to tie up these loose ends and mysteries.
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So then what false information did Monokuma include then? Simple, he left Chiaki's profile in. He didn't fake a profile, he just included the profile of someone who wasn't actually in the killing game.
He even admits to ignoring the traitor, which is kind of a weird thing to say if you went out of your way to fake something for their sake.
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AI chiaki is NOT the same as IRL Chiaki
They have different lives, memories, personalities, etc. All they share is the same persona, but ultimately AI Chiaki is just an ai that takes the appearance of Chiaki.
AI Chiaki is her own person, an AI created by Chihiro designed to create a chaperone like student based on the needs and experiences of those involved with the Neo World Program, and it just so happened to result in taking the form of Chiaki because of that. However, it is still not Chiaki. So leaving Chiaki's profile in and implying Chiaki is a part of the killing game is inherently false information.
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At most, Danganronpa 2 leaves whether there was a real Chiaki or not in the open, however it never confirms or denies the existence of one. Nothing in the game outright says that a Chiaki never existed, only that the one we see is an AI of vague origin.
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And if that isn't enough to convince you, during the scene with Chiaki's memory and Hajime, Kodaka says that he felt like Chiaki there felt more real which inspired him to make Chiaki a real person.
"Actually, now that I think about it, when I started making DR3, I got stuck on something from DR2. After Nanami dies in Chapter 5, she comes back in Chapter 6 through a glitch, and when I was writing Nanami for that, I had the idea that she was 'a little bit off'. She’s not like the Nanami we’ve seen so far, I thought; she was never that tender. I had that gnawing at my brain when I was making DR3, and I thought, 'Maybe that really was a different Nanami,' and that’s how I came up with the Nanami in Zetsubou-hen." -Kazutaka Kodaka in an interview
Of course this does not mean Kodaka intended that Chiaki in this specific was meant to be the real Chiaki when making Danganronpa 2. However it DOES show that Kodaka never ruled out the posibility of a real chiaki, because if he did he wouldn't have even come to that conclusion.
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If you want my opinion, this seems like another scenario of people who don't like Danganronpa 3 having their personal interpretation of the story proven wrong and instead of admitting that they were wrong about something they just call it a retcon. The same thing happened with brainwashing, it happened with Mukuro, and I'm certain that's what happened here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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ellilyre · 2 months
I finished ToA not long ago and I wanted to write down some thoughts/scenes that stick with me
(in chronological (ish) order, watch out for spoilers)
Theres an italian girl at camp ! It means Nico gets to practice and speak italian ! (which probably haven't happened in about 70 years)
Will introducing Nico as "my boyfriend". I already knew they would be canon, but reading that line felt weird /pos
Apollo sees Solangelo and think of himself and Hyacinth
That night when Kayla and Austin disappeared and Apollo left to look for them, it probably was the first night Will ever spent alone in his cabin
Apollo's insane body dysmorphia. He's a god, he can always take the physical form he is the most comfortable and confident in... Until now. He is stuck in a body that isn't his, he feels ashamed, when he sees certain traits in others he find them charming or pretty, but when it's on him then it's disgusting. He complain that everything is this body's fault (ex. he wouldn't have been touched by the Eurynomos if it wasn't for his chub.)(I could go on for hours)
Lityerses ! I love that guy. Idk why i love him that much. He is my best guy.
Apollo's reaction to Commodus' name. His flashback of him. So painful he was physically sick.
Apollo talking Helios out of killing them, because he just want to be free, not to hurt them.
Jason. I'm not talking about Jason. I can't speak about Jason.
Frank and Apollo ! They are so fond of each other !!!
Apollo heard all of Frank's prayers when he was unclaimed and wished he could've adopted him.
And Frank respecting Apollo as a god although he is *vaguely gesture at Apollo/Lester*
Reyna saying aloud that she doesn't want nor needs romance. It's so rare to see aromantic representation and Rick did it so well.
Literally Apollo singing his way out of situations.
FRANK'S SELF SACRIFICE!!! (He already had one of my favorite character development before that)
APOLLO KILLING COMMODUS ??? why do never talk about that it's one of the best deaths I've ever seen that was BADASS AND FULL OF EMOTIONS.
Apollo slowly dying out of poison and the Dodona Arrow doing everything it can to keep him conscious.
I hope Dakota didn't get killed off just to give Lavinia the role of Centurion. I love my boy Dakota, and his death felt kind of meaningless, except for her rank up :/ also i feel like it doesn't suit Lavinia. Some ppl are strong and good and trustable but just not made to order others. (ill prop make a full post about that)
Dionysos confirmed to be an annoying little brother!
Nico. How does Rick manage to always give him more issues. Leave the kid alone.
When Will glows, Apollo is genuinely impressed and tells him how proud he is.
Nico destroying Nero's door with his giant zombie bull. That was cool.
When Apollo gets stabbed in Nero's tower and think it's the end, he prays "Zeus, Artemis, Leto, anyone"
And in general the few parts he talks about Leto, he's such a momma's boy and I love it.
When Apollo left for Delphi... I was fully expecting Meg to go with him. I was so worried that he went alone while already feeling that weakened from the previous events.
Artemis is here when Apollo wakes up. She's by his side, she's the first person to tell him he succeeded, she hold him while he sobs...
The first thing he does is to greet his horses :) and then to see his friends.
When he gets back to the Dodona bush ! To tell them all how brave and heroic the Arrow have been !
I could spend hours talking about the character developments of Apollo, Meg and the Dodona Arrow (i love the arrow so much you have no idea) but its for another day
There's many things I didn't talk about, but the post is already long enough. I love those 5 books, and Apollo is an amazing narrator.
I love the Arrow of Dodona with all my heart.
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merp-blerp · 1 month
Part 2 of A Gaylor interpretation of "The Prophecy"
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I had more Thoughts™ that I initially left out for length, but I'd like to elaborate in sections. Special thanks to @mamataylovesrubbi for being so friendly. This community is so lovely.
TW: Brief talk of self-destructive behavior and suicide near the end.
Part 1 here
Overblown Analysis Under the Cut ↓
Some things about Artemis/Diana that I left out of part one I left out were that 1) Artemis is also the goddess of the hunt and animals. I think that tidbit adds to the fable connection, as fables are often stories about animals. When it comes to the hunt, songs like WAOLOM and The Albotros possibly being about Taylor planning revenge on her closet-ers really scream huntress. Artemis can also become a deer, a somewhat surprisingly non-vicious animal for a huntress, if she pleases. "I've been the Archer / I've been the prey." I think this could portray Taylor's strengths and weaknesses. 2) Artemis is a virginal goddess, never having any male lovers in her stories. This doesn't necessarily make Artemis a sapphic goddess, even though I've seen that interpretation, but it's pretty telling that Taylor would align so closely to a goddess with that trait. 3) Artemis/Diana was also the goddess of the moon (somewhat, it's a bit complicated, but that's Greek mythology for you). Fits the themes of Midnights, with Taylor being Midnight (Rain) and her lover being Sunshine. Though that probably shouldn't be taken too literally, as Apollo, god of the sun, is Artemis's twin brother. Trust him like a brother, yeah—
2. Vocalizing
Taylor's vocalizing after "...tell me it'll be okay" reminds me vaguely of the vocalizing in "My Tears Ricochet", a song, like this album, alludes to Taylor dying.
3. "But I looked to the sky" and "I've been on my knees"
With all the talk of sky, I wonder if maybe "Bigger Than The Whole Sky" might be about failed coming outs. I don't know if this is something others thought have already (probably), but I never thought of it before. Meanwhile, the repeat of being on her knees makes me think of "Would've, Could've, Should've". I've mentioned before that I'm open to that song being actually about JM because it wouldn't surprise me if she tried dating dudes in some way early on in her career, whatever that would mean. However, I'm open to alternatives too. With my analysis of Taylor's Eve being bitten by the serpent/Devil, maybe the serpent could be the Devil from "Would've, Could've, Should've". Maybe the Devil could be The Professor from my "The Manuscript" analysis. I'm leaning toward that Devil being her old label.
4. Throttle
A throttle is several things. It can be something to give machinery fuel. It can be a verb, you can throttle something, aka kill it by strangulation. By "hand on the throttle," I think Taylor was saying she was ready to not only fuel/validate her truth, but kill her past lives. I get this vibe that TTPD might be for TS12 what Reputation was for Lover. Just like with Rep, she's killing the old Taylor(s) that hid her queerness before she steps into the daylight with what comes after. Makes me understand all the chockers and high-neck collars she's been sporting for this era.
5. "And it was written"
I feel like I grazed over this part of the line a bit. What was written? It could be Taylor's lyrics or her 100 thrown-out speeches. She wrote them, but wasn't heard anyway, cursed. Or it could be the word written in the Bible. (In my opinion, shit) translations of the Bible call for all kinds of things to happen to queer people, and has so for years. Not that many though because the word homosexual didn't even exist when the Bible was first scribed. Taylor was cursed before she was even born. Possibly like Eve. Didn't Eve have control over whether she ate the fruit or not? Do queer people have control in who they love? Christian will debate forever.
6. "Let it once be me"
One reason why Taylor wasn't out from the get-go obviously has to do with where her career began and under what industry she was entering. An underaged, famous, sapphic country singer sounds a bit wild now honestly, imagine in 2006! The world would not have been ready, unfortunately. But why can't Taylor come out now? Well, in "WAOLOM", Taylor sneers, "I am what I am 'cause you trained me". She was raised to closet for her whole career, maybe even longer, who could know? And of course, "Old habits die screaming" (from "The Black Dog"). After this album, however, I feel like she's gearing up to free herself. Still, there are so many people younger than Taylor who come out super casually, like Reneé Rapp, Girl in Red, etc, without games or clear fear. Taylor probably sees them and wonders why she couldn't have/had that freedom. Maybe when she says specifically, "redo the prophecy" rather than "change the prophecy" she wishes she could go back in time and somehow make it so she could've come onto the scene out and proud way back then.
7. "like fools in a fable / Oh, it was sinking in"
I think Taylor started feeling like she'd never be free as she began to write Folklore. Of course, she knew the plan didn't work before that in 2019, but as she created Folklore and Evermore, she realized she was anywhere near where she wanted to be in 2020, playing the same games. It sunk in with that. That's why Folklore, Evermore, and even some Midnights songs can sound so hopeless. As an LSK, I don't believe it was due to a breakup, but more closeting. All the albums after Lover seem to have minimal color because she can't be herself.
8. "My last coin"
So, I mentioned in part one that Taylor had/has referenced self-inflicting harmful actions towards herself in many songs. She also mentions poison in this song. It got me thinking about Romeo and Juliet and how that play goes. Taylor, with the "Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand" seems to be combining Romeo and Juliet's death, Juliet getting stabbed or "pricked" and Romeo drinking poison. Maybe this symbolizes that, even though when she was younger, more naïve and optimistic, she exclusively identified with Juliet and changed her ending in "Love Story", now she identifies with both Romeo and Juliet, even sometimes taking on the "male" role in her songs (e.g. The Heartbreak Prince and JaMEs). A part of me wonders if that could be a comment on her gender identity too, but that goes a bit over my skill level to analyze. But it feels sad that Taylor used to change the fates of Romeo and Juliet and now she's honest about what happens to them. As I said before, I want nothing but good for Taylor. it will be okay. 🤍 ✌️🌈
Alrighty, I think I got it all out of me. Watch me think of some more shit with this song. 🙄😅
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suchawrathfullamb · 8 months
The Unreachable Fruit - Will Graham and Motherhood.
The eternal mystery of Will Graham's upbringing and childhood. Who's dad? Is he still alive? Why he never knew his mother? Did she die? Did she leave? The creators of the show wanted both Will and Hannibal's past to be vague, they didn't want us to know exactly what made them the way they were.
But that doesn't mean we won't obsessively write metas about it.
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Will's answer is ambiguous. Never knew her...Literally? Emotionally? The rest of the conversation suggests she was, indeed, physically absent, as he only mentions his father as the one he was following:
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No "them", or "my parents", just "my father". Where was mom? Maybe she was there. And then she wasn't anymore.
In this particular episode we are following the Lost Boys case, and as anyone who pays attention to the show would know, every case was a (very direct) parallel to Will and Hannibal and whatever was going on with them at the moment.
This case is about boys, who felt neglected somehow, opening up that door that made them vulnerable to the influence of the woman who was collecting them. She wanted a family, wanted those kids to, as Will puts it, "burst with love for her".
Individuals who have an obsession with parenthood, with the idea of being a parent, generally speaking, often carry deep wounds regarding their own parents, most likely in terms of feeling neglected and wanting to compensate for that by becoming parents themselves and giving the child "everything they didn't have".
Will seemed interested in this idea, we see that with his dogs, the eagerness to father Abigail (although upon reading the scripts it becomes even clearer that this was highly aggravated by Hannibal) and his "I would be a good father" line regarding Margot's baby.
The delivery of that line was very interesting. He seemed convinced. But what does being a "good father" mean to Will? Or a mother, since in this case, there's no difference. Will's referring to parenthood in general.
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Before he says this, Hannibal talks about how fathers become killers (to protect their children), perhaps that's what Will was referring to. The subtle smile at the end hints he possibly was.
Even though he has an ideal of fatherhood in his mind, the reality of it is extremely different.
With Abigail, he couldn't reach her. Not like Hannibal could. His own projections got in the way. Abigail knew that, hence why she was always standoffish with him, always a bit uncomfortable. To her, Will was mirroring her own father, "he avoids ne because I make him feel like my dad did". Whatever type of obsessive love Garrett Jacob Hobbs felt for Abigail, she believed Will felt it too, due to the empathy issue. Was she right? In a way it seemed so. Will felt close to her, yet he wasn't. Hannibal was. They bonded. Will constructed a bond with her in his head, ignoring the reality that he needed to actually build that bond.
With Margot's baby, it was just a concept, it never came to be, making it even easier to project fantasies into. "I'd be a good father" suggests he was already idealizing that.
But when he actually got to be a father...This ideal he created didn't seem to match with reality.
His interactions with Wally, although we only saw a few, but that's exactly the point, lacked the warmth of a father-son relationship. And he had three years with him. There was no affection, no real attempt to comfort a child who went through severe trauma.
Will was still his cold, awkward self attempting to make a connection but lacking the willingness to open himself up that requires for that to truly happen.
Wally feels it. He acts in the same way. Molly insists on calling Will his father, yet it's clear Wally doesn't feel this way as he also doesn't seem close to him, and going as far as saying "you shouldn't put him in a mental hospital, you should kill him", right after the conversation about Will himself being put in a mental hospital.
"I had to justify myself to an 11 year old" rang bitter. Just an eleven year old. Not "my son", as Molly insists.
The show makes no attempt to show us his life and relationship with Wally. Purposely hinting at the emptiness, then directly showing it in their brief interaction.
After a huge traumatic event, there are no hugs, no fatherly embrace, or even a subtle yet warm, comforting touch. We know he's capable of, because he did show some affection towards Abigail.
Will's proverbial mother was absent in him: he didn't know how to nurture a child.
By feeling rejected by a parent, a person can develop a subconscious behavior of avoiding what he or she associates with the image of his or hers own self as a child, mirroring the rejection of the parent. Abigail was a girl, the automatic association is through gender, therefore it wasn't as easy to see himself in her than it was to see himself in Wally. Perhaps it made him more comfortable being affectionate (even if briefly) with Abigail. But Wally was him. And maybe he didn't like the idea that he yarned for a motherly embrace.
He couldn't give Wally what he was never given.
Mother Graham lies in the highest branch of an unclimbable tree. Deep within his subconscious, frozen, waiting a loving embrace, yet unwilling to be melted away by its love.
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flightfoot · 8 days
Ur a pretty fair voice in my opinion when it comes to the whole mess in miraculous. Would you mind telling me what your favorite things are about Marinettes appreciation of Chat Noir in Canon? Not fanon, CANON.
I'm still grieving LadyNoir and recently I'm feelin very down in life in general and now I don't have my comfort show and ship anymore the way I used to love them for.
The way Marinette treats Chat Noir in and outta her transformation never stops hurting my poor broken LadyNoir heart n as much as I wished I could love the potential of her love for him as I once did, it just feels so paper thin and shallow to me now after everythin this show did.
The show is clearly trying to have her feelings for him be smth now, but for me it never seems to go beyond her infamous vague heart eyes the show likes to hav her throw around for damage control & surface level appreciation of his presence when she has to. But if you'd tell me that she still has no real feelings for him, I would believe u, cause he as a person doesn't truly matter at any given moment her words have to MEAN something more than a vague "<3" she's never asked to back up with anything worthwhile (srry, I know you've heard that complaint a million times before. It's at least comforting to know that others feel the same)
Wasn even her taking any interest in Chat for his person in the first quarter of season 5 only caused by Marinette wantin to proof Alya wrong and that her love for him instead of Adrien is real and valid? That's so disheartening...
Going through the tags isnt helping either, cuz most i find it is either much more fanon than Canon, or it's in line with Chat prrty much being her servant now instead of her finally giving care back
Idk, I hope I'm not bein too much of a downer. So imma get back to my question now. Maybe u can help me see Canon in better light again.
Could you tell me what you like most bout Marinettes and Ladybug's connection with Chat Noir? Things she does for him, what she values in him and so on and so forth?
I like the times we see her getting upset when Chat's hurt, or when she comforts him when he's clearly not feeling good. I adored how angry and upset she got in Timebreaker when Chat was "killed" in front of her for the first time, how she suddenly became more vicious. She doesn't want to lose him.
Or like, for times when she's comforted Chat, I adore how calmly and patiently she spoke to Chat in Reverser, after his courage was taken away, how she gently coaxed him where he needed to go. I took great solace in that, the first time I rewatched that episode, since I'd been exposed to a lot of Saltinette at the time, and I needed the reminder that Marinette does, in fact, care about people, even when it's inconvenient.
While I wish that Marinette had really thought through Chat's potential reaction to someone new showing up with her Miraculous without warning, I DID love that Marinette had this long list of protips. I especially liked this one:
Marinette: (v.o) Protip 33: When Cat Noir tells a joke, try to laugh at it even if it isn't funny. It makes him happy.
Even in episodes where I have a problem with the way Marinette conceives of Chat Noir, I generally still like elements of it. Like even in Ephemeral, while I think it was very, very wrong for her to try to trick Chat the way she did, she WAS doing it because she didn't want to risk Su-Han taking Chat's Miraculous from him. Or in Kuro Neko, when she didn't want to give the miraculous back to Plagg to give to Chat Noir, because she was afraid they'd end up back in this same situation, and she didn't want to keep hurting him.
At her core, Marinette cares about Chat's feelings and wants him to feel good, to be happy. The issue comes from her not seeing things from his perspective, from being terrible at reading him. Marinette has a lot of compassion towards Chat Noir, she just doesn't understand him.
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Hello, I hope you're well.
I've always wondered why Alice couldn't have gone to Volterra on her own at the end of New Moon to stop Edward? Couldn't she have gone to Forks, seen and spoken to Bella, gone and found Edward and shown him her thoughts? I vaguely remember Alice saying something along the lines of Edward not believing anyone apart from Bella, but I imagine Alice would've been faster if she didn't spend the time taking Bella along too. And surely sending Bella to sprint through Volterra while Alice sorted out the car wasn't the fastest option available?
I imagine Alice could've sped through the Italian countryside unseen once she arrived, and she would've had a great deal more strength than Bella to push Edward out of the sun. (Bella certainly seemed to struggle in the film). I haven't reached that part of the book yet, so maybe it's different to the film? Would Edward have been killed if Bella hadn't been there maybe?
So, the thing about the movies, is that they explain jack shit and then will change some things so they don't make any sense.
Why does Aro have Felix nearly murder Edward in Volterra only to then let him go two seconds later? It's unclear, I guess they ran out of run time for Michael Sheen. Why do the Cullens even do this human thing? Hold that thought.
So, there's a lot that the books do explain in some detail, that either never get a mention in the films or are extremely glossed over for run time, toning down, difficulty to explain in the medium, and various other reasons.
No offense if you like the movies, anon, I just hate them.
So, here's what Alice tells us in the book.
Bella and Jacob ask what you just did: why doesn't Alice go herself? Bella will only slow Alice down and Alice has to get Bella out of the country right this second when at the moment of asking she could only pray that Bella had a passport (Bella did so it worked out but if she hadn't I imagine Bella would have been placed in the cargo hold instead).
Alice responds that she has had visions where she runs through the city, yelling at Edward mentally that Bella is alive, but that Edward would not only not believe her but step into the sunlight sooner as he knows Alice is there to stop him. The reason he wouldn't believe her is that he would know Alice would know this is the only way to stop him from doing this. This is why, even if Alice doesn't think "Bella's alive!" she still can't go as Edward will realize his suicide attempt will be quickly thwarted.
Add in that it was a very sunny day in Tuscany and Alice would have had to take a very roundabout path to get to Edward where she would stay in the shade. Because she's dealing with vampires, not humans, this matters: Edward will kill himself before Alice can ever reach him.
Similarly, we have a problem in that Edward can't hear Bella's thoughts. As a result, even when Bella shows up, she can't stay outside the city/in range of Edward's gift if not his person, as he can't hear her think and wouldn't be able to recognize she's alive. Moreover, Edward's so fucking focused on killing himself dramatically, that he's not paying attention to thoughts around him, who might happen to see Bella's face but would likely think nothing of it. Edward's not looking for her.
The only way they can stop the suicide is if Bella runs and manages to catch him in time. It's not about pushing him out of the way, it's about getting there just in time to say "WAIT, I'M ALIVE, DON'T KILL YOURSELF".
Which is what fortunately happens.
What Alice doesn't mention is Edward's a little in love with the idea of killing himself over this. So, it's not shocking that nothing else will stop him.
Which yes, means she ultimately risks Bella's life, takes her to the den of the enemy, so that she can save Edward and does not make this clear to Bella.
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Ep. 8 "Bad Territory" Review
This episode was honestly the fluff I needed after last week's tense and crazy two parter. There was the usual action and excitement, but I loved the amount of fluff we got. Omega is forever our little ray of sunshine. I feel a bad feeling that it's going to get much darker after this week so I'll take any fluff I can get.
As always, spoilers below
It was really cool to see Fennec again and it makes senes that out of all the bounty hunters, the boys would choose to seek her out. She was originally after Omega, but she's not needlessly cruel like Cad Bane. If Omega's life were truly in danger, I don't think Fennec would want to see her get hurt. Cad Bane wouldn't give a second thought about it. Speaking of the ending, I definitely think she was talking to Ventress or someone like Quinlan. After all, Ventress is a Force-wielder and could be connected to whatever Hemlock is doing.
Overall, I really liked the interactions between her, Hunter, and Wrecker. Their banter was great and the joke about the Batch being straight up broke had me cackling. Like yes, these 5 guys with a kid are clearly enjoying Space Greece or whatever the fandom calls it. They're not gonna be looking for jobs right now. I also enjoyed seeing the boys use their skills like Wrecker's demolitions knowledge again. It's been so, so long since we've seen the boys go on a classic mission. That's not a bad thing either to have an "adventure of the week" style episode. It was cool to see them back in action (you know, non lethally).
The environment looked great, Wrecker and Hunter throwing hands with gators was pretty epic, and the final fight with the other bounty hunter (?) was exciting. I'll admit, the antagonist's design was cool and it allowed from some fun fight choreography.
Shoutout to the Phee cameo btw! Love seeing her as always. I think she'll be back after the Pabu invasion or she'll be back in time for that event to happen. Crosshair not knowing who she or Fennec was though was pretty funny. He's missed so much. (Also, this is the first time we hear him call Echo by his name fun fact).
Of course, Crosshair and Omega were the standouts because their dynamic is just that good. They're finally getting Crosshair's hand addressed! And I'm so glad Hunter stepped up to make sure it got looked at. Hunter loves Crosshair despite the past and he will look out for him. As many of us thought already, Crosshair's tremors are psychosomatic. We don't what happened on Tantiss (aside from some vague details), but whatever it was, it was bad; real bad. Crosshair is afraid of talking about it because it hurts. His reactions to even thinking about it were heartbreaking.
My theory is that Hemlock did something that broke a part of his identity. Maybe the identity erasure almost worked. Maybe he had Crosshair kill someone during a trial session to see if the reconditioning worked. Whatever it was, it traumatized Crosshair (on top of everything else he went through). For Crosshair to move forward, he's going to have to confront his trauma. He'll need to accept what happened to him and learn that it doesn't define who he is now.
Omega is so gentle and patient with him; I absolutely love it. She doesn't push him nor does she just leave him to get trapped in his mind. Instead, she tries to teach him coping mechanisms. The way he trusts her is so good too. Crosshair doesn't know what to do, but here is sister whom he loves. She's never left his side since they were imprisoned together and she was the only one who really advocated for him back in season 1. This girl loves him and he loves her. The scene where she holds his hand because it won't stop trembling genuinely means so much to me. It's such a small gesture that means so much. I really do appreciate that the writers are taking their time to show Crosshair going through the healing process. His hand doesn't get magically fixed because he escaped Tantiss nor because he redeemed himself. He achieved that. Now, he needs to finish the rest of his journey. AZI even mentions that it could be permanent. Real life mental health issues don't disappear in one night nor do they go away permanently. It comes and goes and that's what Crosshair will have to do. He'll have to cope with his trauma and hopefully the tremor will steady over time.
Many have pointed it out, but I would love to see a scene with him and Echo. Echo understands Crosshair's plight as he too was held captive and subjected to horrific experiments. I hope we get a scene between them where Echo comforts him. It would be a nice moment between two characters who often don't interact much.
Aside from that, the animation and music were great as always. That last scene of Cross and Omega meditating while Pabu's sun begins to set is truly gorgeous and it might be my favorite landscape shot of the show. It's also reminiscent of Hunter and Crosshair together on Barton IV. I am truly so happy to see Crosshair finding peace and happiness after so long. I honestly never thought we'd see him like this. But now, we do. (Side note: he looks so much smaller and vulnerable without his backpack or shoulder pads).
Anyways, I could go on and on about Crosshair. But I'll save that for another post. Can't wait for next week and hopefully we'll see Ventress!
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nrilliree · 2 months
It's really crazy how much TG lives in their own fanfiction.
This person also refuses and seems to understand that it is misogynistic that Rhaenyra ended up with a nickname equivalent to Maegor simply for arguing about taxes. Something that was advised to her by a man on her council, not even her idea. And what else could she do anyway ? There was no more money because the Greens took everything ! But obviously, it's all Rhaenyra's fault. Also, I find it hard to understand how the TG are good sovereigns when we see how they manage money ?
Also, the simple fact that she doesn't seem to accept and understand that Rhaenyra had more than half the kingdom on her side ? That the Greens weren't tied or had a majority ? She almost acts like everyone obviously wants to support them.
She advocates neutrality while she is openly TG, it annoys me.
Anyway, coming from a person who thinks that I can't read and don't know anything about the GRRM universe simply because I told a simple truth ; namely that women could not become Kingsguard. A truth according to her that is false because since Visenya created the Kingsguard, apparently that means that women can be too ? Sorry, but how can we seriously support such a stupid thing ? It's not because Visenya created the Kingsguard that women can become one! In the era of ASOIAF / GOT a woman can't even be a knight ! So Kingsguard in the time of Rhaenyra ?! Make me laugh !
She's also exactly the kind of person who will try to explain to you that Rhaenyra can't be the legitimate heir because apparently there is no legitimate heir under the pretext that the law is vague. Stupid, the only real law that matters is the word of the king. It kills me that they are trying so hard to deny it ?!
I'm not going to talk about our least favorite troll, so I won't refer to her statement, but rather the general attitude among TGs.
Alicent's mistakes and crimes are explained by the fact that it was not her fault, but the evil men around her who coerced and manipulated her. She is a victim of evil men. Rhaenyra's mistakes and crimes are Rhaenyra's mistakes and crimes. The end.
This is what some people think.
This can be extended further to other TG characters: Did Helaena go crazy and commit suicide after her children died? Poor thing, it was completely explainable, the death of murdered children is a huge tragedy that will devastate everyone! Rhaenyra went crazy and paranoid after the death of her children? This is no explanation! You can't explain this to her, she's a terrible tyrant!
Rhaenyra's reign was not good, but there was much more to it than the fact that Rhaenyra "is evil, spoiled, narcissistic and generally yuck." People accuse her of not being a feminist because she didn't decree that from now on all daughters would inherit on an equal footing with sons… Do any of these people even know how emancipation developed in the real world? It didn't work that way. Rhaenyra was to be the first woman in power. It was the first step, and true emancipation often takes generations. In Poland we had Jadwiga of Anjou and guess what? She took the throne as a king, not a queen, so she could rule, and that didn't miraculously result in women being treated equally to men from then on. Rhaenyra listened to her advisors and therefore did not decree that daughters would inherit before sons or cousins, because she knew she could not make too many changes in one moment. She listened to the advisors, but it was still her fault. It's just as much her fault for stealing the Driftmark from Baela and Rhaena… even if Corlys preferred to legitimize his bastard and make him heir rather than give the inheritance to Laena's daughters! Rhaenyra is fully to blame for the riots and dragon slaying, even if the Shepherd was simply looking for a suitable excuse to overthrow the rich and lords. It wasn't even about Rhaenyra, and if Aegon had been on the throne then, there would have been riots anyway. The Shepherd would simply find another reason! For example, the fact that people were starving and Aegon built golden statues of war criminals…
She realizes that Rhaenyra was not a good queen, but that was due to the situation. War, lack of money, riots incited by the Shepherd, and on top of her own emotional problems that resulted from almost her entire family being killed. If someone doesn't see it, he or she is simply a TG pro, not a "neutral" person who, strangely enough, justifies only one side of the conflict.
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umbran6 · 1 year
What if... Leo Became a God?
Okay, but what if Leo literally burnt away his mortality during Blood of Olympus while fighting Gaea?
Now, before you go ahead and bring out the sledgehammers and pitchforks, or think I'm just doing it as a joke, this is a possibility that I'm being very sincere in considering this. And it is a possibility, because this isn't the first time this has happened in myth - Heracles did it first. So if burning himself alive in a freaking pyre was all Heracles needed to ascend to godhood, Leo literally burning himself alive using his own flames to kill a Primordial should be more than enough. Plus there's the whole Hera mimicking what Demeter did with Demophon, so we could say he's nearly there. Him burning himself alive is just that final push he needed to become a god, burning away his own mortality.
I mean, think about it. The prophecy always said, an oath to hold with a final breath, but it never meant Leo had to get close to perma-dead. Riordan did it just fine with the Physician's Cure, having Leo achieve apotheosis to do so would also be a way to circumvent the loophole in the prophecy. The phrasing is vague in that 'final breath' could be interpreted in multiple ways, such as 'one's final breath as a mortal.'
Oh the irony. We all thought Leo was going to die, then bam! Boy ends up with a permanent lease on life by literally burning himself alive, a lot more power than he could ever imagine getting, and a lot of freedom he never had as a mortal. He's lucky demigod #3 to ascend to godhood without divine patronage, right after Heracles and Dionysus. When he returns to Camp Half-Blood, it isn't on Festus, but him straight-up materializing in the middle of his funeral. Nearly every Greek and Roman but especially Nico mentally screams WTF as they realize that the funeral hasn't even ended, and Leo's shroud is basically his first offering.
His friends reactions to seeing him - and realizing the truth of what he has become. Jason and Piper are in shock, realizing that their friend is now going to stay young and will eventually watch them die and have to move on. Frank and Hazel are bewildered, because Leo's plan to burn himself alive to defeat Gaea had gone horribly right and now they have to deal with the fact that they had a hand in Leo's apotheosis. Percy and Annabeth are bewildered and shocked at the fact that Leo just straight up became a god - and the now very real reality that one of them may eventually do so (cough cough Percy).
When Leo goes to free Calypso, she literally has to process the fact that the boy she may have liked is now a god - the very beings she despises for imprisoning her in Ogygia. That eventually Leo may most likely move on to someone else and dump her. This crashes especially hard when she gets out of that island and realizes that she's become mortal. The dynamics between them have completely changed and Leo isn't aware of it, and Calypso doesn't know how to process that.
Hera is the one to explain exactly is going on to Leo, because she knows she had a hand in Leo becoming a god. She owes him at the very least to guide Leo in his new reality, and both the positive and negative benefits that are associated with ascension to godhood. Hephaestus doesn't know how to handle Leo now basically being just there forever, because none of his children ever became gods unless they were the children of him and a god. Nemesis marvels at the irony of Leo becoming a god while stealing Gaea's life, noting that this was a rather marvelous way that Leo rained his vengeance upon her. Apollo's just friendly because now he has a new friend to be with him in Olympus.
But this ending - for Heroes of Olympus as a whole - would be more poetic and a parallel to The Last Olympian. Percy was satisfied with who he was, protecting the world to save those he loves and he's happy with that. Leo is one who ascends to the heavens in his feat to avenge those he loves and destroying those who tried to destroy him.
But... there's one thing they have in common.
Leo's first act as a god isn't to rescue Calypso. It isn't to appear before the Seven and let them know he's alive. Leo appears in the Underworld and requests for only a single soul to be allowed a second chance at life. The single soul that he loves the most.
Esperanza Valdez is brought out of the underworld, and Leo freezes. The boy on fire who became a god turns back into a boy of eight years old as he finally gets back the mom he lost so long ago as he hugs her as best as he can. He hadn't expected to be a god. He didn't know what would happen next. But this - this is one of the few times things actually feel right. They've both been given a new lease on life - one longer than the other, but they can finally keep moving forward.
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tubbytarchia · 2 months
I’ve put together my best guess I have a feeling I’m very wrong
Three hearts: Tango
Loads of hearts: Joel
One heart: Martyn
“Not the worst but usually don’t help Jimmy’s case”: Grian (?)
Doc: Doc (I liked this one)
Sky flower happy field: Scar
Asshole (to Jimmy): Fwhip (?)
Sex pest: Sausage
Death squiggle: Scott
I will never forgive you: Gem (Never would have gotten this)
Healing shared trauma: Pearl
I don’t know why I put question marks next to some I’m confident on like 3 and one of those is Doc. Also I realised you said not to guess so if this ruins the fun just ignore me. I just spent too long on this and I’m curious if I got it but I’m cool to remain curious forever
Womp womp. Just kidding, ding ding ding!! You only mixed up Joel and Martyn but that's on me because the thumbs up I drew for Joel does look like a heart, doesn't it... Congratulations, you win, you matched the horrid Jimmy relationship chart with 90% accuracy, thanks for taking part in my really awful gay maze gameshow you win nothing!!!
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Brief reasoning: Pearl: Jimmy and Pearl could have the most lifechanging conversation just between the two of them and understand each other in a way that no one else can. I believe in them. They can do this. The hardest part is just to get them to talk in the first place
Tango: big heart, big love
Martyn: more complicated, but still love, lots of little hearts scattering around for everything from Evo (I have so many feelings about Evo solidwood) to Secret Life
Joel: Thumbs up cause he's a bro. Doesn't know Jimmy's horrors and is a mean bean but cares a lot for Jimmy at the end of it all...
Grian: yeah Doc: yeah
Scar: I enjoy the idea of them frolicking around in some cut scene of 3rd life. Scar's carefree self should have playfully run away with Jimmy from their partners and just frolicked around and allow Jimmy to be a little carefree too and free of the horrors if even just for a tiny bit. Also the Empires x Hermitcraft stuff fWhip: sorry but most of what I've seen of fWhip and Jimmy is fWhip being mean to him if even playfully, or expressing disappointment/disapproval of Jimmy in some form. BUT I'm very curious to see more. I think fWhimmy could still be redeemed for me lol I have no doubt that they've had some cute moments and such...
Sausage: Pretty much the same but with Sausage's vaguely dirty jokes etc added into the mix. Like how he enjoys to see Jimmy suffer or made a fool of (even if he claims otherwise smh) and the m*id ordeal
Gem: Jimmy got wrangled into jousting Gem but Gem killed him and then she forced him to wear a skin that gave him a pacifier and uhhh more. I will never forgive her
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gloriousmonsters · 3 months
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HECK yes. worstgirl time. (a lot of these are still vague and taking shape and i need to actually figure out when i want to place her death date etc etc...
that said
she had an absent dad (stepped out to buy cigarettes and fucking died) (velvette thinks he just ran off) (all the Vees have daddy issues, this is hers) and a mom who fell into alcoholism due to depression/shit jobs, leaving Velvette to be raised by the TV, fashion magazines and the Internet whenever she got access to computers. so i feel like that explains a lot
I'm toying with the idea she was put in foster care as a teenager, which she was pissed about because she LIKED being essentially a free agent in between the brief moments her mom noticed her existence and they had screaming matches, thankyouverymuch
she was severely bullied in high school for her obvious poverty+being a weird alt girl+the noticeable mental illnesses (mainly anger issues where she would explode and threaten people messing with her, or pick fights with teachers).
was never internet popular or successful in the fashion industry during her life, just an aspirational mean girl who learned a lot about Internet success but didn't have time to implement it for herself, and had a lot of big dreams (mostly involving being handed fashion awards while the bullies from her high school cried)
had turned thirty just a little while before her death, and was experiencing existential terror over how she hadn't found success yet and was going to start becoming a decrepit old maid
owned a lot of ball-jointed dolls who she'd make little outfits for and also be quietly insane with at the end of a hard day (velvette sitting on the floor with two dolls re-enacting a conversation with a coworker: wow, [velvette]! now that you suggest THAT outfit, i see that my idea is stupid and bad! i'm going to go kill myself now!)
(bonus tiny after-death headcanon but. doesn't collect dolls anymore, but will refer to her models as her 'dolls' or 'dollies' sometimes, always in a fake-sweet possessive or threatening tone. it's usually a sign she's pissed with them.)
struggled with ~love~ due to (a) mainly being attracted to guys who were dating other people or out of her social circle/league (b) being a weird little creep whose trouble with conducting normal relationships only increased the longer she went without one and grew more desperate and was ashamed by that and became more cold and aggressive with stronger outbursts of desperation and etc, vicious cycle
ok I've had the vague idea she was killed when she just kind of hit her limit one day and went into her workplace to kill someone (a model or actual designer) she hated--uncaring if she caused some collateral death on the way-- and got killed in self-defense, but now I'm thinking about her working in marketing/advertising specifically because it would both fit her after-death role and because being forced to promote/design ideas around someone you loathed seems like a good source of 'i'm going to fucking murder them' stress
that's all that comes to mind atm 👍
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have-kake · 27 days
Distant Times [LU Fic]
Summary: Destiny, Zelda had called it. A cycle of hatred, Impa had called it. A curse spanning the ages, Link had considered it.
After the war ends, Link finds hope again. Years later, he meets others who are part of the cycle. Though, not all cycles have to be bad. Maybe a small cycle of hope, perpetually locked in a period of a few short years, is just what he and a friend need.
[Warriors & Legend centric] [Ao3 Link]
Link is one more insane conversation away from picking up the table and throwing it. He doesn't understand how Zelda puts up with all these dignitaries. The Marquises all act like Zelda herself wasn't out there on the front lines protecting the kingdom and their land herself! They don't understand the level of sacrifice and pain they had to go through on the front. Even his father, an Earl, knows! As the son of a Knight, hailing from a long line of Knights, he knew combat was nothing to scoff at, even as a child. He'd seen the tremors in his father's hands on bad days. He saw the way he couldn't relax on worse days.
"Link," Impa says sidling up next to him. "Lana requires your assistance. I'll stay and watch the Princess in your stead."
Link nods his gratitude. He bows to Zelda and the Marquis—even if they don't pay him any attention—and quickly makes his escape.
He lets out a relieved sigh when he turns down an empty hallway. He's not used to this. He's not used to being a symbol.
Out on the field, he was just a soldier. Then he became a Captain. Then he was The Hero.
He should still be out there. Fighting. Clearing out stray monsters. Helping villages rebuild.
"Oh, thank the spirits!" Lana says the second he opens the door.
He pauses, casting a quick glance around the room. It's just Lana and the red haired girl– Mary he thinks her name is. What's she still doing here?
She ushers him into the room. "We have a problem."
Link's instantly on high alert. The adrenaline hits him so fast it almost makes him dizzy. A hand lands on his wrist and he swings.
Lana jumps back with a flash of magic and a startled squeak. "Sorry, sorry!" She rushes. "I probably should have worded that better!"
Link quickly sheaths the sword. "Lana, Spirits, I'm so sorry!"
"You're fine, you're fine!" She's quick to reassure. "We're all still a little jumpy."
Link winces. It's been over three months. He shouldn't be jumpy.
"Anyways!" She says grabbing his hand and dragging him further into the room. "I was having trouble sending Miss Marin home, but I think we've located the Hero's Spirit of her time. We just need you to go check first before I send her there."
"Whoa whoa, hold on," he interrupts, immediately wincing at the informality. Impa and Zelda's advisors would kill him. Lana grins at the informality. He pretends not to notice as he gets himself under control. "We were informed that all visitors had been sent home."
"Well... Yes..." Lana says guiltily. "But..."
"You lied to the Princess."
"I can't find her world okay!"
Link blinks, caught off guard by the statement. Whatever excuse he was expecting, it certainly wasn't that. "What do you mean you can't find it?"
She motions for him to look through one of the mirrors in the room. "Okay, so this is Marin's world from before she left," Lana explains. Link nods as the view constantly moves and he gets a good look at the island. "This is what happens when I try to find it after she leaves."
The image blurs and suddenly the mirror goes black. Link startles.
Next Lana pulls a magical device off a shelf and sets it on a pedestal. "We can't send someone back to before they left, otherwise we unbalance their reality." The device activates and Link's greeted with the sight of another Soul Gate. As soon as it blinks into existence, it vanishes. "Any time I open a Gate from the moment she vanished from her world, the connection breaks."
The Gate opens again only to vanish a moment later. Lana does it three more times, before turning to him. She raises her hands in a vaguely helpless gesture.
Link glances at Marin where she sits at the far end of the room. She stares down at her hands with her shoulders hunched. Even from this distance Link can see the frown on her face and the tears in her eyes. His heart breaks for her. A stranger pulled into a war not her own, and now she can't even go home.
He turns back to Lana with a frown of his own. "Can you send her to a time before her?" He asks quietly. "It's not the same, but it's close."
Lana shakes her head. "That's the thing! I can't find that either!"
He winces at her volume. He resists the urge to glance back at Marin. Should they really be having this discussion in front of her? "What do you mean you can't find it?"
"I mean it's not there," Lana says. "No blur then black, no open then close" she says pointing at the mirror and the plinth. "It's solid black from the start and a Gate won't even manifest. It's like her world began and ended in the blink of an eye."
Link scowls. This war keeps becoming crueler and crueler with each passing day, even long after it's been over. If only he'd done better. He could have ended this before Marin got dragged into his conflict. "I can see why you lied about sending everyone home."
Lana winces. She reaches out to him, but he jerks away before he can remind himself he's not supposed to. She brings her hand to her chest, cradling it over her heart. "I think I found the Hero of her world," she says.
Link's greatful she doesn't call attention to his blunder.
"I need you to go check out the place first. Make sure it's safe, and the right person was found. He's more likely to believe you than me."
Standing in front of a small unassuming home, Link suddenly has second thoughts. He doesn't belong here. He's a total stranger in this world.
The brooch carefully hidden under his scarf vibrates.
Swallowing the last of his nerves, he approaches the house. It's somehow even more unassuming up close. He knocks on the door.
There's movement on the other side of the door. "If you're here to complain about something you bought, I don't wanna hear it!"
Link knocks again. He can hear the exaggerated groan the person makes.
The door is thrown open by a man with sandy blond hair. The sharpness of his features puts him a few years older than Link despite the man's shorter height. Link squares his shoulders in preparation. This is going to sound ridiculous. "Are–,"
The man's face instantly lights up in recognition. "Wars! It's been ages!"
The man steps forward and envelops him in a hug. Link locks up at the contact, but the other man is already letting him go.
"I see you still have that pretty boy face in tact," he teases. "Though, the hair could use some work."
Link's suddenly all too aware of the fact he hasn't cleaned his hair in over a week, and even then he used his armor soaps last time. He clears his throat trying to push the thought away. "I think you have me confused for someone else," he says politely. "I'm not from around here."
The smile falls from the man's face. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Of course," the response is automatic. "What is your name?"
That gets him a raised eyebrow. "Legend," the man says drily. "Or Vet. Or your personal favorite, the Hoarder."
"That's... An unusual name."
Legend snorts. "Better than having to explain why we're both named Link, don't you think."
Link reaches for his sword in an aborted motion. Legend tracks the movement with his eyes, but otherwise doesn't react. "Sorry," he winces. "It's been tough since..." He hesitates. Surely there's no harm. They're ages apart. "Since war's end. I fear I'm still primed for battle."
Legend's demeanour instantly softens as he gives Link another quick once-over. He runs a hand through his hair with a weary sigh. "Shit, Wars. I'm so sorry."
Legend reaches for him but doesn't touch. His hand remains a good distance from his arm. Link is unbelievably greatful for the space.
"Do you want to come inside? I have some tea I know you'll like. Zel– Fable was here yesterday too, so I still have some cake left."
The brooch vibrates again. "I'm sorry, I can't. I still have many duties to attend to after this."
Legend lifts a finger to interrupt him. "Tell whoever's rushing you," he says waging a finger at the hidden brooch, "to fuck off. I'm trying to catch up with an old friend. Even if he only just met me."
Link steps back. How did he know it was there? "I can't. Look," he sighs. His patience is starting to wear thin. He doesn't know this man, and his familiarity with Link is freaking him out. "If you really know me as you claim to, then you should know of the weirder parts of my war."
Legend raises an eyebrow at him. "What you mean the part where other people started showing up?" Link nods. "What's that gotta do with me?"
"We've been trying to send someone home, but we can't find her world anymore," he explains. "We believe you're the Hero from her era."
"Ugh, lemme guess. You want me to take her home."
Link nods. "We'd greatly appreciate your help."
Legend runs his hands over his face. "Number eight here we go," he grumbles before looking up. "Alright, what's her name?"
"Marin of Ko–,"
"Marin?!" Legend shouts. His face is pale as he desperately searches Link for a hint of a lie. "As in red hair, blue dresses, and likes to sing, Marin?"
"Er, yeah– yes," Link corrects. "I take it you know her?"
Link reaches for the brooch under his scarf. The moment he touches it, a Gate opens behind him.
Legend watches it with rapt attention. The fear and excitement are clear to see on his face.
Marin steps out and Legend exhales in a big whoosh. Like he'd been punched in the chest.
Marin looks around, blinking the bright light and dizziness from her eyes. The moment her eyes land on Legend she freezes. "I... Link?"
Legend rushes forward, nearly tripping in his haste. Marin runs to meet him in the middle. She squeals in surprise when he picks her up and twirls her around. He sets her down and only pulls back enough to get a good look at her. "You're real," he says, voice cracking in the middle. "You're really real."
Marin raises her hands to cradle his face with a disbelieving laugh. "You look so much older."
Legend smiles at her. His voice is still thick with emotion. "It's been a few years."
Marin smiles back at him. "I saw you almost a year ago."
He leans down to press his forehead against hers. "I thought I–," he whispers voice horse, "you died."
Both their attention snaps to Link when another Gate opens. Link tries not to wince. He'd been hoping to leave without disturbing them.
"Where the hell do you think you're going, Captain?!" Legend shouts at him. His eyes are still bright with tears as he stomps closer. Marin's hand is held firmly in his.
"I was giving you privacy," he says.
"Hell, no! You don't get to leave before I say thank you!" Legend shouts. He drops Marin's hand and reaches for Link's.
Even though he's watching, he still jumps at the contact.
"Warriors–no, Link," Legend stresses clasping Link's hand in both of his. The grip is firm, but still loose enough for Link to pull free. "Thank you."
The sincerity in his voice instantly makes Link uncomfortable. This isn't something he should be thanked for. If Legend knew the reason Marin was there, he'd hate Link. "There's no–,"
"No, shut up I'm not done!" Legend cuts him off. "If this really is the first time you're meeting me, then I know you have no idea how much this means to me," he pauses to take a breath. His voice is still impossibly thick with emotion. "Nothing I do could ever come close to showing you how greatful I am. I–," he stops with a watery chuckle. He brings a hand back to wipe at his eyes before any of the tears can escape. "Din smite me, I get why you always called me a closet softie now."
Link can only stare as Legend pulls back. He watches as Legend slips a necklace with a simple swirling stone over his head. He holds it out and Link tentatively holds his hand out. 
Legend drops it in his hand and covers it with his. "I know I'll never get what you went through," he says fiercely, "but I know the type of man you are. Nothing that happened was your fault. Not her, not the war, and not the tragedy. You did what you could, and it was enough. You deserve to have people you can trust unconditionally. And it may take some time, it will be difficult, but you'll get there.  Because above all else, you're a good man. I'm proud to call you my friend and brother."
Link tries to reply, but his words fail him. His throat is too tight and all he can do is push out a quiet, "thank you." An anxiety he didn't realize he had in his chest loosens. He can't quite believe Legend, not with all the blood on his hands, but it gives him hope.
Legend lets go of him after that. He takes Marin's hand back in his. She steps forward and raises her free hand over Link's still outstretched hand. "May I?" She asks.
Link nods, a little too shocked to say no and walk away. Marin gently lowers her hand over his and starts to hum. He doesn't know the song, but he swears the grass hums alongside her.
When she pulls back, he's left with a feeling of comfort. A comfort he hasn't felt since the first attack. He didn't think he'd ever recover it.
After another choked thank you and equally emotional goodbye, Link finds himself standing in Lana's study in the castle. The necklace is still in his hand, and Lana bustles around putting her magical equipment away.
Legend's laughter as he walked through the gate still rings in his ears. 'So this is what the lucky eight joke was about.'
"Link, are you okay?"
Link comes back to himself with a sudden gasp. Lana stand in front of him, a worried look in her eyes as she looks at the thin chain falling from his hand.
I'm proud to call you my friend and brother.
"What soaps do you use for your hair?" Link asks.
Lana blinks in utter confusion. He can't blame her, he feels just as confused by his sudden question too. "What?"
"Your hair," he says. "How do you get it to look so shiny and nice?"
"Oh, well um," she gives him a basic rundown. It seems horribly complicated to him. Especially for how often he'll sweat and get dirty, but he listens anyways.
By the end, he decides he'll try it at least once. If he sat through all that, he may as well.
Lana looks happy as he leaves. Happy in a way Link's never seen her before.
You're a good man.
He still doesn't quite believe it. But maybe, he can become the man Legend thinks he is.
It's not until years later, when a strange portal opens, that he meets a young man with bitter eyes and a sharp tongue. He looks the same as he had all those years ago. He even gets the scar on his cheek a few weeks into their adventure.
It's slow going, but they eventually become friends. He learns that Legend was right. He found people he could trust unconditionally. He found people he could call family without any sense of guilt.
He's left with a sense of peace he never thought possible. He cradles the pendant in his hands when he has the realization. He feels just as chocked up now as he did all those years ago. Legend had given him so much hope that day, and now the thought of becoming the man Legend is proud of doesn't seem so impossible.
When questioned about the pendant, he tells them the truth. A good friend had gifted it to him and a singer offered to bless it for him. The pendant is a symbol of hope he thought lost to him.
Later, after an especially bad few days for Legend, they stand on the rickety bridge behind Wind's home. Wars has the pendant clasped in his hand. It's become harder to not hold lately. It holds memories he was too young to understand the significance of. It brings him hope and a sense of peace.
As day turns to night, he learns of Legend's adventures. Of a young boy who's kingdom turned against him thanks to dark mind magic. Of saving his older sister in spite of it all. He learns of the neighboring kingdoms of Holodrum and Labrynna. Of the Goddesses' avatars and how they're willing to suffer just as much as their heroes are. 
He learns of a shipwreck that left a seasoned hero on an island that never existed. Of people who never were. An adventure that never happened. Of scars that still remain. And when Legend finishes his story, Wars feels his heart break anew.
'I thought I lost you,' he had foolishly assumed to be the words Legend couldn't say. Now Wars knows Legend couldn't bring himself to admit, 'I thought I killed you.'
Wars wants so desperately to tell Legend what he knows. He bites his tongue knowing he can't interfere with the course of events. Instead, he offers comfort. It'll be tough he knows, Legend still has the rest of this adventure and maybe another year after it. But it'll get better. He knows Legend will get his happy ending.
It'll be difficult, and it might feel impossible, but there's always hope in the tomorrow. That's something he knows to be true. Not because of destiny or strength or even courage. But because simple men like Legend have shown him hope can always be found.
"And who knows," Wars grins as Legend wipes the tears from his eyes. "Maybe your next adventure will be Lucky Number Eight."
Legend barks out a surprised laugh. It's still watery, but it sounds genuine.
The bitterness doesn't disappear but it lessens. The sorrow doesn't cling as tightly as before. And by the time their adventure comes to an end, Legend freely admits how much the others mean to him. Wars makes the split second decision to give the pendant to Legend.
Legend doesn't want to take it. He says he has one just like it and he doesn't need another one. Wars doesn't quite believe him, but he tries not to think too hard about it.
Instead, he assures Legend that they're different. That this one is special, and when the time comes, he's sure Legend will know what to do.
Afterall, hope still blooms in the wake of war.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Ask game, please. The leverage cast being isekaied in a fantasy world (vaguely D&D-like). Please.
Ehehehe it's what they deserve
1- Hardison is DEVASTATED because there's no technology he can hack. There's no internet. There's not even computers! And the cool magic doesn't even follow the same rules as his online fantasy gaming, so he can't use extra knowledge from that. Absolutely unfair, especially because Eliot is like "oh yeah I can tell you exactly what that kind of weapon or surcoat means, it's a very distinctive shape/pattern/whatever, (*has a flashback to working at a renaissance fair/medival times type thing where maybe he's trying to kill a customer there, unclear and unimportant*)"
Don't worry, Hardison will be fine and will pick up quickly enough how to hack magic and try to pull a whole Yankee in King Arthur's Court thing, but he's going to complain about it first.
2- Parker steals a box of magic potions. No one is quite sure what the effect of each one will be at first but they manage... Especially because she's willing to test them out on the team at random. (Nate gets covered in a potion of face change for magical disguise. He mentions off hand that Sophie probably would have wanted that one, but Sophie is offended because she doesn't need a magic potion to transform into someone else. Eliot gets covered in something that laters turns out to be a potion of resurrection, though only Nate is aware he actually died for a moment.)
3- Sophie by the way pulls a "I'm actually the Duchess of Erat" grift but turns out everyone is convinced she actually is the long lost duchess, she even looks the splitting image of that portrait of the duchess's mother! (Sophie: how'd you pull off that switch? Parker and Nate, who didn't change the painting at all: uh...... Magic....) The duchess by the way is the niece of the king, who's evil advisor definitely had the child duchess and mother killed years ago and is trying to magically gain sway over the king and kingdom, which means the team is going to need to get some.... leverage
4- oh yeah by the way- Parker is an elf or half elf, and keeps fiddling with her newly pointy ears and delighting in having dark vision, Nate looks human except the eyes, Hardison inexplicably knows dragontongue, Sophie is both sorceress and bard, and whatever Eliot is, people are both scared of him and horny.
5- while they get a grasp pretty quickly about magic and politics and things like that, they never really get the hang of money here- it's all gold coins and such and they have no idea how much something should cost. So when they take clients they usually end up giving way more money than the clients have seen in the last ten generations of their family have conceived of, while also complaining about the standard prices of healing potions. ("C'mon, I could get a lifetime supply of aspirin for half as many gold coins back home." "This is a magical elixir sir.")
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