#Byakuran Gesso
latiaskull · 4 months
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Tsuna is about to end this man's whole career- (Why does he always attract crazies and murderers?)
(Hey hey i have a Twitter yk? Is not much but is honest work)
(Post on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaTiaSkull/status/1751801620281569292)
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comshipbracket · 4 months
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Antis DNI - Block the tag "comship" if this causes discomfort.
Remember, you are voting for the ship you prefer, not the ship you find more problematic
Propaganda for both ships under the cut.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise.
Stuilly Propaganda (Abusive Dynamic)
"Billy is bent on murderous revenge, and Stu is the fucked up little person who's along for the ride. Their killing spree climaxed with symbolic mutual penetration as they stab each other as part of their scheme to pin it all on the film's final girl. The way they touch each other is affectionate to the point of intimacy. When their plan is out, Stu can't keep his hands off of Billy."
10027 Propaganda (Abusive Dynamic, Age Gap, AdultxTeen, AdultxMinor - Byakuran is in his 20s, Tsuna is 14)
None that fits the bracket initially provided - feel free to Reblog with your own propaganda for this ship's advancement in the bracket.
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KHR 2022 Calendar Art
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Interestingly, when I first started the Future Arc I interpreted Byakuran's ability not as communicating between different versions of himself but that he simultaneously existed as the same person in all time lines. It's how I rationalized what happened with Ghost. In conjunction to it being difficult to bring someone from a different timeline into a different one, I thought it was impossible for the same person to coexist with themselves in the same timeline. So when Byakuran tried to bring Ghost, who at the time was himself, into our Byakuran's timeline, he was trying to break that rule. To have multiple of himself coexisting which resulted in one being forced to change: the intruder. That's why Ghost could continue as Ghost alongside Byakuran because they were no longer a singular entity but rather two separate beings.
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years
Hello! I really love how you analyze characters in-depth and thus it gave me the courage to ask despite being shy. I'm really at a lost at the moment and would need help. What do you think is Byakuran's primary love language, as well as pros and cons of dating him?
Oh my gosh! You are so incredibly sweet, my lovely anon! That is such a fantastic compliment and makes me really happy! And no need to be shy here! I do my absolute best to make this blog a very safe fandom spot and to make sure everyone feels as comfortable talking to me as I can! I'd love to do these for you and I hope you enjoy!
Byakuran's love language
Byakuran shows his love primarily through a mixture of gift-giving and words of affirmation. He's very complimentary and has a honeyed tongue that he puts to good use in flattering and making people feel special and it will be put to especially good use in any romantic relationships he gets into. He also really loves giving gifts, sometimes going more than a little overboard but he does tend to give gifts that he wants to give, more so than stuff that the people have stated they want. When it comes to how to make him feel loved though, the best way is through a mixture of acts of service and quality time. Byakuran loves it when people adore him, make him the center of their world and dote on him. It makes him feel special, makes him feel loved and valued. When they do things to help him, that's even better and it shows that those he loves listen to him and genuinely support him and, while he can sometimes use that unfairly to his advantage, most of the time there will be little ill will in it.
Pros to Dating Byakuran Gesso
As stated in the blurb above, Byakuran adores giving gifts to his partner. Flowers are a big thing and there will often be bouquets that he has given to them, carefully chosen and curated to speak messages, all throughout his partner's space. Sweets are another big one for him too, especially since it's a gift that gives in two ways - it allows his partner to have something nice and they can spend time together sharing it, which he especially loves.
Now, if his partner felt like they couldn't accept all these sweets because they should be on a diet? No, there's no way that shit is going to fly. They felt like he was spending too much on them or that they weren't worth all these gifts or all his attention? Definitely no way that shit is going to fly. They have an insecurities about their appearance or themselves? Not while Byakuran is around. He chose them after all and he sees absolutely nothing wrong with them. To him, they're incredible and intriguing and a million other positive adjectives. He'll make a show out of checking their temperature or doing something else silly to show his absolute disbelief any time they make any comment about their insecurities to make them laugh and to reassure them that he sees none of what they see. Special shout-out to all my fluffy bunnies out there - Byakuran, especially, while it's not a prerequisite, loves the fluff and stans for the fluff and will always touch your stomach or rest his head on it or your thighs or your chest. Just all around, the fluff is soft and welcoming and cozy to him and he'll do everything he can to make his partner's insecurities disappear so they can love themselves the way he does.
Life with Byakuran as your partner will always be forever interesting. He doesn't like boredom and he goes out of his way to keep things interesting in his own life and in his relationship with his partner. He can make even the most mundane tasks fun and crazy adventures and no matter how old he gets, he's never afraid of fun or of being a little childish and wild adventure and silly antics are par for the course in a relationship with him.
Cons to Dating Byakuran Gesso
Byakuran is...flighty, I guess is the best way to word it. He will overwhelm his partner sometimes with his intense interest in them, almost bordering on obsession and it can be a bit creepy. But he's prone to rapidly changing interests and those interests are always intense and he'll disappear on his partner while pursuing those interests. It's not that he's lost feelings for them; he most certainly has not. It's simply that he's preoccupied with something else and they're simply not a part of his mental processing or occupying brain space while he devotes himself to whatever interests him at that moment. Unless he needs them for something, calls and texts will go unanswered and they won't be able to track him down until his flight of fancy is fulfilled and he finds his own way back to them.
Byakuran has a possessive streak. He tends to view people as his when he gets attached to them and with his partner, they are most certainly his and, if his partner ever activates this in him, the relationship can become a little or a lot unhealthy as he becomes controlling and possessive, especially so if he believes they have betrayed him in any way.
Byakuran can be a little narrow minded in some ways. It is something he is aware of, since the whole future fiasco and is something he does actively work on, but he does tend to be very convinced that he is correct on everything and that what he wants and what he thinks about things are the only correct things and thus can be a little overbearing while arguing with his partner and it's sometimes really hard for him to understand their point of view on things.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
TYB!Byakuran Gesso x Female!Reader: Stay
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Summary: If this is to be your fate, you’ve seen it turn out much, much worse.
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All (Set during Curse of the Rainbow arc; no honorifics; not canon compliant; mafia!Reader; Millifiore!Reader; Reader’s flame unspecified; heavy exposition)
Challenge:  “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Your life certainly wasn’t taking the path you had expected. Once a normal high school student with aspirations of going to college and making something of yourself, everything had come to a grinding halt when you’d woke up one morning with bizarre visions of the future. At first, you were quite content to pass them off as dreams. You, work for the mafia? You, dress in that ridiculous uniform? You, the sole romantic companion of that insane, white-haired man? Your subconscious must have been working overtime.
Or so you thought…until that same man–a boy now, really; no older than yourself–appeared flying next to your window at home. By the time Byakuran had convinced you to let him in, and then finished telling his story, you really had no option of writing him off as a hallucination, though several times later you wished you could have.
This strange introduction was what began something you could only describe as a downward spiral. Soon you were spending your afternoons after school with a crowd of rainbow-haired delinquents, and spending your time in school trying to keep Byakuran from getting you in trouble. Somehow you couldn’t believe this easy-going, hyperactive youth was the same boy that grew up to be the brutal, sadistic mafia leader that you’d seen. It was you keeping him line more often not nowadays.
Still, everything might have turned out alright had he not decided, out of the blue, to drag you to Japan.
“Japan? Are you kidding me? What are we supposed to do there?” you demanded after he'd announced his little edict to you on one of your nightly rooftop meetings.
“We’ve got a tournament to enter! We’ll be fighting…well, you won’t, I guess. You haven’t learned how yet, have you, [Name]?” His Cheshire grin made it plain you were meant to feel some insult.
Instead, you rolled your eyes. “I can’t just go off to Japan, Byakuran. I have school.”
“So quit,” he’d said, and did one of his little flips. Give a teenage boy a pair of wings and apparently he wouldn’t stop using them. “It’s not like you need a job anymore. You’re in the Millifiore.”
“I am not.”
He only flashed you another smile. “Besides, you’ll like Yuni. I’m sure of it.”
Whatever you said to the contrary, you really were a part of his little family. Your parents, when they finally found out their daughter was a member of the mafia, were going to be so proud. But that would have to wait, because you were soon on your way to a foreign country, meeting Byakuran’s old enemies–who seemed oddly content to forgive him for past-future faults–and watching your group get pounded in the name of a young girl–who, more oddly, looked exactly the same as she had in your visions.
But the final nail in the coffin of future Byakuran’s badassery was the idiotic stunt he and some of the other teams put together for the last round. Sure, they won, thanks entirely to Tsuna, but Byakuran didn’t come out of it with all his limbs intact. By all counts, he should have died. Yet there he lay in the bed, entirely whole, pouting up at you. All you could think of was the madman spurting blood from his back and savaging a fourteen-year-old boy. Oh, how the mighty had fallen.
“What’s that look for, [Name]?” he asked. “Feeling pity for your beloved boss?”
“Actually, I was thinking about how pathetic you are.”
“I’ve had worse,” Byakuran purred. “You know that. Don’t be so cold.”
“Seriously. What the hell?”
“You are worried! Don’t, [Name]. I’ll be better soon.”
“In that case,” you turned away, “I’ll just be leaving.”
“Wait.” His hand brushed against your wrist, though he did nothing further to restrain you. A brief but violent debate raged in your head until, at last, you spun back around to look at him. “Don’t go. Stay.”
“Why should I? You’ve been nothing but trouble since you showed up, and now you’re making me concerned for you.”
“Eh? Trouble?” For once, his violet eyes opened wide. They slid shut again a second later in another grin. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to cause you any trouble, [Name].”
“It’s not, though! I like you, [Name]. I like you, and I think I have a chance to do things right this time.”
“Right?” you echoed.
He nodded. “I wasn’t very nice to you in the future. I want to make it up to you!”
With a long grumble of a sigh, you sank onto the chair next to Byakuran’s bed. “You want to make it up to me by interrupting me at school and dragging me along to dangerous fighting exhibitions with your team of misfits?”
“But you’re part of my team of misfits,” he said with a shrug. “And I just want to spend more time with you."
You answered with silence. Defeat was a thing you knew when you saw it. Still, you frowned at him until he lifted his hand again and placed it on top of the one you had resting on his blanket.
“Please don’t leave me, [Name]. Stay.”
You stared a moment longer. Byakuran’s smile softened at the edges. Slowly, you turned your hand over to hold his more properly. 
Maybe you’d been fighting this for too long. Clearly, the you from the future had had feelings for Byakuran even when he’d been a monster. It was nearly impossible to prevent yourself feeling those same things toward Byakuran when he treated you affectionately at every turn.
“You’re so annoying,” you murmured as you rested your arms and chin on his bed.
With the widest smile yet, Byakuran got himself more comfortable. “Love you, too, [Name].”
At least the prevented you having to speak the words yourself. It was late. You let your eyes drift shut. Right before you fell asleep, you thought you might have felt him playing with your hair.
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any-n-everything · 2 years
Byakuran, probably, after Tsuna recovered from a snapped neck and obtained the original Vongola Rings:
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khr-guilded-cage · 1 year
I love Byakuran because he burned the Vongola to the fucking ground.
Good. Riddance.
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naluwalker · 8 months
Somehow I managed to get them all related
Well, I really like Katekyo Hitman Reborn. I really like Byakuran, Mukuro, Hibari and Tsuna, especially Byakuran. Now, I was playing with headcanons and thought it wouldn't be unusual for many mafia families to be related to each other if they wanted to maintain "purity" of blood. I thought that if you searched your family trees, you would find members of different families, including the Vongola. So I said to myself, I want the Tri-ni-sette skies to be related and I started to see how they could.
Since we have the Sawada family tree more or less complete and I could see more or less how many generations there were, I decided to expand it a little.
Ambrogio Fabbri, later known as Giotto di Vongola, would move to Japan, taking three of his guardians with him: Luigi "G" Sorrentino, Ugetsu Asari and Carlo "Knuckle" Corazza. Alaude le Tellier would leave with them, but would eventually find his way to China where he would meet his wife, Míngxiá Wǔ, member of the ancient Wǔ clan. Damian "Daemon" Spade would stay in the mafia, becoming Secondo's Mist, and Lamberto "Lampow" Balzarini would escape to Liguria where he would marry Danila Bovino, a farmer's daughter.
Giotto would take with him Daemon and Elena Weatherington's biological daughter, Helen, who would have been no more than 4 years old at the time.
In Japan, Giotto would meet and marry Ayako Urushisako, and together they would have Yoshimune Sawada. Yoshimune Sawada would in turn marry Sakuya Uryūhara, and have twins Yoshinobu and Nobuyasu Sawada. From here the divergence of the canon begins.
Yoshinobu would marry Nogiku Kohinoki, and continue the family line until reaching Iemitsu Sawada, who would marry Nana Hitogi and they would have Tsunayoshi Sawada.
Nobuyasu Sawada (OC) would leave Japan to return to his Italian roots, because he felt it was "calling" him. He would meet and fall in love with Fiammetta Gesso, the only daughter of a landowner who was slowly becoming a mafia family. After marrying, he would adopt his wife's surname and would also have twins, Raffaello and Michele Gesso, of whom Michele, the youngest, would become the heir of the family because Raffaello would fall in love with the Sixth Chief of the Giglio Nero famiglia, Sibilla Giglio Nero and would become the father of Marcella Giglio Nero, who would give birth to Luciana "Luce" Giglio Nero, making him the great-great-grandfather of Eunice "Uni" Giglio Nero.
Michele Gesso and Iolanda Passantino would have Uriele Gesso. Uriele Gesso in turn would marry Romina Cavallone, and from their marriage Gabriele Gesso would be born. Gabriele Gesso would marry Maria Sole Scicolone, but she would turn out to be sterile, so he would look for a child in the Japanese fashion designer, Setsuka Nishikiori, who came from Namimori. Setsuka was unaware that her lover was married and a mafia member, and by the time she discovered it, she was already pregnant. In desperation, she fled to the United States with her unborn child and would change her identity to Selina Nield, giving her son two names at birth: Barnaby Nield and Byakuran Nishikiori. But despite her efforts, Gabriele would finally find her seven years later and order her murder. After that, he took custody of his son.
That's more or less what I have of the Giglio Nero and Gesso families. He has many OCs (if you can say that), but remember that there is no information on the family life of Giotto and his guardians after leaving the mafia, and asexual reproduction in humans is currently impossible so the children had to come from somewhere. From my point of view, for such a great resemblance, the boys should at least descend from the guardians.
Maybe if I get up to it, I'll do something with the families of G, Knuckles, Daemon and his daughter mentioned here, who is Mukuro and Chrome's ancestor
PS: Fon belongs to the Wǔ clan, in fact he is the younger brother of the current matriarch. The Wǔ clan is a Chinese clan of martial artists who have existed for at least a thousand years and are capable of using dying will flames. The Hibari family is a secondary branch that descends from some of them who left China for Japan, and it is not strange that every few generations some members get together.
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dreamywander · 3 months
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❗❗❗Disclaimer: this is AI-art. If you're not a fan of images generated by AI, please, don't look. Not trying to offend anyone. Peace, love & bubblegum 💖
KHR - Byakuran Gesso💮
"Life is not so much about what happens to us as it is about how we react to what happens" ©William Shakespeare
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comshipbracket · 4 months
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Antis DNI
Comship Bracket 3 Round 1!
Round 1 is split up into 6 Segments, which are split into 3 smaller polls within them! These will be posted when I am able, with a 6-day voting time limit. Look out for your ships! Propaganda is both welcome AND encouraged, whether through the form of essays, art, fanfiction recommendations, or otherwise, Almost* All propaganda will be reblogged.
Disclaimer: All ships (other than NozoCoco) on this bracket are FOLLOWER-SUBMITTED ships, the Mods do not always hold necessary knowledge to be aware of any errors or fanonizing what should be canon material that may arise. Disclaimer 2: The mods are aware that in-system dating (regarding 0909) is not a problematic trait, 0909 counts as a comship in manners OTHER than this. Please stop constantly informing us "in-system dating isn't problematic", we already know this.
Poll 1: Kyuumi (Kyubey x Mami Tomoe), Puella Magi Madoka Magica VS Komugiroha (Komugi Inukai x Iroha Inukai), Wonderful Precure
Poll 2: Stuilly (Billy Loomis x Stu Macher), Scream VS 10027 (Byakuran Gesso x Tsunayoshi Sawada), Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Poll 3: Finncest (Finn Mertens x Fern), Adventure Time VS ZADR (Zim x Dib Membrane), Invader Zim
Poll 1: Aeshaia (Strophaia x Aeshma/Ichiro Umoregi/Akuma Kun II), Akuma Kun VS 0909 (Mikoto Kayano x John Kayano), MILGRAM
Poll 2: Amporacest (Eridan Ampora x Cronus Ampora), Homestuck VS Lucifadam (Lucifer Morningstar x Adam), Hazbin Hotel
Poll 3: Brujay (Bruce Wayne/Batman x Jason Todd/Robin/Red Hood), DC Comics VS Thoschei (The Doctor x The Master), Doctor Who
Poll 1: Jimthan (Jimmy Valmer x Nathan), South Park VS Stannarrator (Stanley x The Narrator), The Stanley Parable
Poll 2: AiHina (Airi Sezaki x Hinako Hanamura), Kitanai Kimi Ga Ichiban Kawaii/I Love Your Cruddy VS Ayuno (Aya Asagiri x Tsuyuno Yatsumura), Magical Girl Site
Poll 3: Annie Edison x Jeff Winger, Community VS Cooprey (Audrey Horne x FBI Agent Dale Cooper), Twin Peaks
Poll 1: NozoCoco (Nozomi Yumehara x Kouji Cocoda), Yes! Precure 5/Yes! Precure 5 GoGo/Kibou no Chikara ~Otona Precure '23~ VS Arthorin (Arthur Denton x Orin Scrivello), Little Shop of Horrors
Poll 2: LukeLeia (Luke Skywalker x Leia Organa), Star Wars VS The Floor Show (Dr. Frank N Furter x Brad Majors xJanet Weiss x Rocky), Rocky Horror Picture Show
Poll 3: Miki x Kozue (Kaoru Miki x Kaoru Kozue), Revolutionary Girl Utena VS Toukasaki (Aoyagi Touya x Tenma Saki x Tenma Tsukasa), Project Sekai
Poll 1: Zackray (Rachel "Ray" Gardner x Isaac "Zack" Foster), Angels of Death VS Family Rentarou (Rentarou Aijou x ALL his girlfriends), 100Kanojo/The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You
Poll 2: Misato x Shinji (Shinji Ikari x Misato Katsuragi), Neon Genesis Evangelion VS Elriccest (Edward Elric x Alphonse Elric), Fullmetal Alchemist
Poll 3: HaniMori (Mitsukuni Haninozuka x Takashi Morinozuka), Ouran High School Host Club VS Tsumigiibo (Tsumugi Shirogane x K1-B0), Danganronpa
Poll 1: FeaNolo (Fëanor x Fingolfin), The Silmarillion VS Tridentariicest (Coronabeth Tridentarius x Ianthe Tridentarius), The Locked Tomb
Poll 2: This Ship has been Disqualified on Bracket Rules VS Paire (Peter Petrelli x Claire Bennet), Heroes
Poll 3: FischOz (Prinzessin der Verurteilung, Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort x Ozvaldo von Hrafnavins), Genshin Impact VS Studcoms (Steban the Student Communist x Ulixes the Echo Maker), Disco Elysium
- Mod Satou (She/Her Only) The mods of this blog use a COLLECTIVE Shes/Hers/Herselves pronoun (e.g. Both the mods on comshipbracket have been working hard lately. I really enjoy hers blog and hope shes are doing well and not overexerting herselves.)
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The relationship between the three skies of the Tri-Ni-Sette is really interesting & I think there’s a lot to say about how they view each other like for:
For Tsuna Yuni is the girl he wanted to protect but couldn’t & Byakuran was the man who forced him to kill for the first time & for Yuni she has an almost protective nature over the other two skies, giving up her life in the Future Arc to help Tsuna & his friends & giving up her chance to be free of her curse for Tsuna’s sake as well, & with Byakuran she holds herself responsible for keeping him in line almost.
But with Byakuran his perception of the other two Tri-Ni-Sette skies is actually incredibly influenced by something he was told
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When he first got the Mare ring he was warned of the other members of the Tri-Ni-Sette who would act as a counterpoint & since then I think Byakuran has honestly viewed Yuni & Tsuna as the ones that stop him going on rampages
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Yuni is the one that stops him from going out of control by connecting him to reality
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While Tsuna is the one that stops him with force if Yuni’s kindness doesn’t work
It’s just really interesting how each Tri-Ni-Sette sky views the other two. For Yuni they’re people she has to help/protect for Byakuran they’re they people who keep him from destroying everything & for Tsuna they’re his great failure & sin
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Rants under the read more
Boba/cal: Ok so the ship started as something random @ironhoshi came up with but then more people started to hear about it and it became an actual ship. The whole idea was because people realized Boba and Cal are about the same age and Boba is a bounty hunter and Cal is someone who would probably be wanted by a bunch of people
Byakuran Gesso/Kikyo: There are, unfortunately, very few fics that have this pairing in them, and the ones that are there just do not scratch the itch I have for these two fuckers. In case you're unfamiliar with KHR and these two characters, Byakuran is the main villian of the arc set 10 years into the future, where he's killed off a bunch of people, especially many of the future versions of the series' main characters, all in the name of cementing himself as Ruler of the World. Kikyo is one of Byakuran's Guardians, and is basically his 2nd in command once the previous 2nd in command defects to the main character's side.
I've daydreamed extensively about these two getting together after the 10yrs later arc is over and Byakuran's had some compassion and Power of Friendship beaten into him by the MC. In the 10yrs later arc, Kikyo is extremely into being the Perfect Minion for Byakuran. He likes to obey Byakuran's orders, and takes pride in being able to predict what Byakuran might want him to do. Byakuran, in the 10yrs later arc, would be absolutely terrible for him, but once Byakuran's been beaten and starts to actually be interested in committing to and maintaining relationships honestly, rather than just as a form of manipulation, I think they'd be extremely cute together.
Kikyo would basically devote his life to serving Byakuran still, but now Byakuran would be actually appreciative of that. And there would be hugs and kisses involved as rewards.
(In my mind, these two would have some kinda D/s dynamic, but how well negotiated and/or healthy that actually is varies depending on what kinda story I'm telling lol)
Sorry if this is not the most coherent, but trust me, these two would work so well together!
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ciaossu-imagines · 2 years
Prompt 2 for the polyship with kikyo and byakuran?
Of course, anon dear! Thank you for the ask and I hope you'll enjoy (also, I have figured while writing this that I adore this polyship)!
Who said I love you first?
It would have to be either their mutual partner or Byakuran because, while it may sound rude, Kikyo never actually says those three words. Ever. It doesn't mean he doesn't feel them and it doesn't mean the others won't know that he loves them. He makes his love apparent in other ways but has trouble actually saying the words.
Who laughs when the other trips?
Honestly, both Byakuran and Kikyo both do this. Byakuran is just more transparent about it, not hiding his little giggle before checking that the person who tripped was unharmed for the most part. Kikyo hides his little laugh and his smirk a bit (okay, a lot) better.
Who pays the bills?
For the most part, Byakuran pays for almost everything. This does hurt Kikyo's pride a bit as being able to provide for his partners is actually a really huge deal for him. He feels like a failure if he isn't able to and, being observant enough to realize that, Byakuran does have bills or expenses that Kikyo takes care of, mostly littler ones and mostly to salvage the other man's pride. Neither of them allow their mutual partner to pay for anything though. Any money their mutual partner has is theirs and both Byakuran and Kikyo encourage their mutual partner to spend their money in ways that make them happy instead of worrying about petty things like bills as they'll take care of that.
Which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
Okay, but holidays? Huge fucking deals in this household. Both Byakuran and Kikyo actually really enjoy the holidays, both for their own reasons, and they both tend towards the flamboyant. The house? Decorated (and normally beautifully, thanks to Kikyo's aesthetic eye). Gifts? Heaps of them. Fantastic meals? Definitely. Fun holiday activities? Yep. PJ parties full of holiday movies or stories or games? You better believe Byakuran bought them all the tackiest holiday pyjamas he could find.
Who's more clumsy?
It would likely be their mutual partner. Byakuran isn't clumsy at all and Kikyo isn't for the most part either, though he does tend to be a little clumsy first thing in the morning, before he's fully woken up, but it tends to be small clumsiness like spilling a bit of this or that or stubbing a toe or such, things easily overlooked.
Who checks their daily horoscope?
Byakuran doesn't really believe in horoscopes...at all, actually but he finds them very amusing and insists on reading the day's horoscope out of the paper for all three of them and likes the little chatter and laughter that accompanies this daily routine.
Who sings louder in the car?
Byakuran, again. Kikyo likes to sing in the car as well but his voice is usually low as he concentrates on driving. Byakuran is free to let loose and sing at the top of his lungs because he's not allowed to drive and thus doesn't have to worry about concentrating on the road like Kikyo usually has to.
Who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
Kikyo takes up a lot of the bathroom with creams, lotions, masks, and various beauty products and, while he's meticulous and put together in every other way, he always leaves the bathroom a mess and that includes normally leaving the cap off the toothpaste or leaving toothpaste in the sink.
Who is more up to date in pop culture?
This is definitely Kikyo and he'll love if their mutual partner will share this interest with him as Byakuran finds pop culture largely boring. Kikyo though - all about the celebrity gossip and the latest going-on's and he'll love it if their mutual partner will sit and talk with him about all this and let him go on about his views on things.
Who insists on going to see the newest movies?
Again, this would be Kikyo. He likes to stay up to date on all that sort of stuff. He will understand if they are all too busy at the time a movie comes out but when they do get movie nights together, he wants the newest and most hyped movie to watch together.
Who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
It would have to be their mutual partner. Byakuran doesn't cry...he simply tries to formulate how to find that abused animal in the commercial and bring it into their home. Kikyo is always the voice of reason reminding Byakuran that he brings enough strays (both people and animals) into their lives already.
Who's the lighter sleeper?
Byakuran has insomnia and goes through spells where he barely sleeps but is a deep sleeper when he does sleep. Kikyo is a light sleeper but insists on getting the proper amount of beauty sleep so he has his own bedroom and wears both an eye-mask and earplugs whenever possible to ensure a good night's sleep.
Who believes in ghosts?
Both men will pretend they don't but both actually have little parts of them that believe. Byakuran does tell the best ghost stories though and is the one most up for going to 'haunted' places to try to ghost-hunt.
Who does the grocery shopping?
Byakuran, after a few attempts, is forbidden from doing the grocery shopping for the house as it always ends up being mostly sweets. Kikyo will do the grocery shopping but honestly, he likes it best when their mutual partner does it, as it's not one of his favourite errands.
Who updates their facebook status more often?
Byakuran memes like nothing else but is more prone to use Tiktok. Kikyo doesn't use Facebook but would be very active on Instagram, with a very large following, he will have you know.
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reborn-imagines-redux · 2 months
Uhh...hey! Could I request a scenario for Byakuran proposing to his so?
this man could do something that would go tacky so easily  
he like’s his themes, he likes them big, he likes them over the top at times
when you think about him proposing, you’re always a little nervous because he doesn’t do things by half measures 
however, the man is also a genius
(and has been to many different realities, seen many different things and seen your reactions to them)
(this is significantly more helpful than his genius tbh)
he also deeply cares about you if he’s going to propose to you
he wants you to like it so he sits down and figures out what it is that you would like with the right mix of his own personal flair
at the time it feels like it was in fact planned out, but still natural in the surroundings
that is not entirely a lie
he did just make sure that there were several contingencies in case something went wrong so that you wouldn’t even notice
well you may have been okay with something small that didn’t work out perfectly, but in one of those “we’ll laugh about it later” ways, Byakuran is not
the entire Gesso family is not aware that he’s going to propose, but his core group, Kikyo, Daisy, Zakuro, Bluebell, etc. are aware
some have been relied upon more than others
some of them are just tasked with very specific tasks and are not to do anything else regarding the proceedings
now, well the proposal itself is very tasteful the rest of the Gesso mansion is not
there is a room full of gifts for you, plenty of flowers and potentially a cake that has a ring baked in there somewhere
was Zakuro acting on Byakuran’s orders - Kikyo will never know
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what-the-fuck-khr · 1 year
hm in hindsight for the birthday posts Dino should’ve had ‘Dino’ in front of Cavallone bc he’s Italian and not Japanese huh
thinking about it bc Byakuran’s birthday is tomorrow and I’m tryna decide if I put Byakuran Gesso or not, and then if I do it’d have to be set like Dino’s was for consistency’s sake lol but Gesso Byakuran sounds stupid
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