#C!Dream is just... look I dont like the guy but he's going to die if I dont help him. Hes not even the same guy!! <-ignoring his trauma
rat-rosemary · 5 months
Sometimes I want to talk about my horror road trip au where C!Dream and Quackity are best friends and then I remember that au is pure nonsense
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cdroloisms · 6 months
sorry to be late to the party but it does amuse me when people talk about how c!dream was going to lock tommy up in pandora yada yada butterfly behind glass doll puppet something something and like. that man didnt even have the keys . he literally didn't. like yeah he could threaten sam into compliance or whatever villainisms i GUESS but pandora being this thing that was solely under his control is just blatantly untrue--yes he made it with sam together even in canon, but sam was still the one that singlehandedly had access to literally every security mechanism in that place. dream did nawt have the keys to the vault. and like, that on its own would just be a comment that's slightly eye-rolly, right, but paired with the other common sentiment that the only reason why dream surrendered was to keep tommy from killing himself, it's EVEN FUNNIER.
like i dont blame people, necessarily, for thinking this in itself, because obviously that was the narrative that staged finale was selling (in january 2021) (that is, you know, over 3 years ago) but like the logical inconsistencies are egregious and obviously that's been pointed out since the beginning and even moreso hilarious now that the finale was confirmed staged in canon. bc what we're looking at here is that people are talking abt how dream was desperate to lock tommy up under his singular control in a box that he...literally didn't have the keys to, but was willing to be locked up in that same box because he didn't want tommy to die.
when this man had the revive book.
and limbo was literally, in a sense, a box that only he and punz had the keys to.
like if this man wanted tommy all to himself so bad all he's gotta do is let the kid die, wait til everyone leaves, and then revive his ass in the middle of his giant stage set blackstone disc vault where tommy would've had nothing, been completely defenseless, and entirely at dream's mercy with literally no one knowing that he was even alive. limbo was much more secure a box than pandora could ever hope to be considering the fact that NO ONE KNEW ABOUT THE BOOK YET and unlike with pandora, dream was the one with the keys. like if this guy's goal is apparently to "keep tommy locked up and singularly at his mercy forever" then why's he choosing to lock him up in a box he literally cant get into bc the security is entirely in the hands of a whole different guy when he could ... kill him and put him in a box that only he has the key to MAKE IT MAKE SENSEEEEE
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mrkis · 2 years
nct dream:- candy - winter special mini album.... lets fucking GO
ok so i did this for the 2 baddies album and i had fun so i wanna do it again. i've been getting some asks asking if i've listened to this yet and whats my favourite song so i'm gonna give you some raw reactions. i'm excited.
anyway, now lets go.
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ok i didn't expect candy to start out like thiS WAIT WHATS GOING ON???? that switch up. i dig it. ok but mark's singing forever makes me fucking sob. but ok haechan??? fuck it up. waht the fuck. anyway.
overall: i wasn't too sure of the song at first...... don't kill me. BUT i actually really liked the post chorus and outro ;-;
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wait graduation sounds so pretty..... the prettiest vocals from the prettiest boys. i can't get over how fucking beautiful it sounds. am i in love with a song? i am. MARK SINGING AT THE FUCKING END IM OVER IT ༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽
overall: RENJUN STARTING THE SONG KILLED ME. so far, this is my favourite song. i'm in love with it. i've listened to it twice. i will die with this song.
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chenle saying "you're the favorite baby" in tangerine love (favorite)?????? back tf up. i don't want to get attacked like this. go away. i love the chorus to this song. its very...... boppy. i bop.
overall: this isn't exactly hitting like graduation but i really like it. they told me that i'm their favourite. i wan them.
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take my breath had my breath taken away from me the second i heard mark start the song. he did it for me guys. "let me sum up my feelings for you" mark.... stawp ˙ ͜ʟ˙ . also jisung coming in after mark...... @dollyji you better watch your man. got me twirling my hair over here c:
overall: i love it. this is my second favourite song on the album so far. she's sitting right behind graduation.
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moon is that christmas song. the way i wanna be loved up in a cosy fucking house looking out the window at the snow dont fucking touch me i'm fragile. is that renjun harmonising with jaemin again?????? kill me. now. i can't take this. i'm a fucking wreck. NAHHH BECAUSE NOW MARKS SINGING FUCK MY LIFE
overall: .....please understand that moon has just become joint first with graduation. how am i going to continue on with my life. what the fuck.
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ok fr i was scared going into walk with you because moon got me down bad down horrendous BUT THIS SO GROOVY? i went from crying in a curled up ball to swaying with tears streaming down my cheeks. BUT JISUNG?????? dani... watch out.
overall: this was such a good song to end the album on. i'm happy. (i'm not i'm still emotional over moon)
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my-lunaberg · 2 years
OKAYYYYYYYY okay, Im about to watch Tommys The Last Stream vod after I go for another quick walk, after that its just Tubbos stream which is probably just the same thing but from a different pov anyway, then its just the Syndicate End vod and then its just a two minute video of Ranboos end and then Im finally free. I really wish I could do this properly on my blog instead of having to do this in my notes app but I simply cannot wait another day. Im so hopped up on adrenaline rn i dont think I can sleep tonight, especially if I dont finally finish this. Also I have therapy tomorrow when Im writing this and I need to calm tf down before I show up at the therapists office all shaky n shit because of some minecraft roleplay. Its almost 6 pm rn and I shall be free of this nightmare before the clock strikes midnight. Amen.
Tubbitch boi
I dont even have anything to say man
This is so upsetting dude
I made it through these first 15 minutes with basically no pausing and I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate that bc I just know the second that joker starts talking to Dream I'll be pausing every 5 seconds
Why the fuck does the prison look like it was under water for like a decade and now theres just barnacles n shit growing on everythinh
Alright I took two minutes to mentally prepare myself now Im ready for this
Wait why the fuck was he just hangin out in the main cell if he wasnt even expecting Tommy. weirdo behaviour
*long uncomfortable pause*
"Uhm... okay"
It looks like Tommy is doing a good job stalling them so far so Im very curious how it goes from this to the stuff Ive read spoilers about
Ouhhhhhh I wonder how hes gonna react to that dig at Spirittttttt.........
Okay, no like verbal ouward reaction but that is what got him to start attacking Tommy
I dont think Punz will care that Tommy tried to kill himself bc of Dream, I think hed find that kinda hot
"The world doesnt fucking revolve around you"??? Bro Punz Boomer arc??? "Those darn zoomers wanting compassion and kindness after almost killing themselves
"Youre insane to think everything revolves around you" hello?? says the guy who fancies himself a god and also thinks everyone but him and his boytoy deserve to die because theyre "simple-minded"
OH NO i completely forgot, the nuke is not gonna hit them. this is allpretty much pointless
Okay listen, Im a huge c!Dream sympathetizer and I know this is gonna end with him being presented in a sympathetic and pitiable light and Im gonna fall for it no matter what because of course I am but like, he has been so comically awful throughout this entire finale I am not expecting this to end in an actually satisfying way at all
Oh that sly dog got him monologuing
Girl help I dont remember pre-rp dsmp well enough to tell if Dream is embellishing shit and victimizing himself or not
OKAY dream smp from Dreams pov lets gooooooo
??? what.
Bro Dream is not in his right mind hes so far away from his right mind he might as well be chillin in lmoonberg that guy is so mentally ill (source: I have like atleast 90% of his mentall illnesses for sure)
what do you MEAN "know more"???
Maybe Im just a simple minded nihilist but why does that matter man. Why die so you can "know more" when you can live and have like, a party with your buddies
Honestly, I feel like Dreams motivations are so stupid at this point, like literally just make him someone who worships XD and is favoured by him or whatever and then also have him have this morbid curiosity about the stuff beyond the server and have him try and become god while appeasing his actual god in the hopes that he'll reveal his otherworldly knowledge to him or whatever idk man
Hows Dream gonna grow old with the people he loves when he doesnt have fucking friends HAH got im
No offense but why has most of this finale been Tommy philosophically waxing about how you should accept death even though all thats waiting for you on the other side is eternal torment with Dream responding by being like "but why though?? :(" when that has like, literally nothing to do with any of the Dream SMPs themes? Like, okay, theres been a ton of storylines obviously but the two main ones are definitely Tommy vs Dream (its essentially the throughline to all this bullshit) and Wilbur, Lmanberg and every single attempt at a country after that. Because of this I would say that the dsmps themes are Cycles of Violence and Legacy and when they intersect you occasionally get glimmers of this idea of History Repeating Itself.
The Legacy theme is insanely well executed, no notes, Im in love
The Cycles of Violence theme.... less so. I'll probably make a more detailed post about this in the future since I dont wanna waste too much time with this liveblog. But I personally think that if they wanted to pull this theme off while also making Dream sympathetic, he absolutely needed to be affected by the violence he inadvertently caused and the audience needs to actually see it in atleast one (1) scene that would be impossible to twist into something unsympathetic unless you were looking at it in bad faith. Dream being thrown in jail and subsequently physically tortured wouldve been a great opportunity for this kind of stuff like, I remember lurking in the fandom around this time, this was the point where plenty of people were starting to sympathize simply because of how inhumane the prison was. Like, if they werent gonna show him break a little in front of others for their perspectives, the least they couldve done was make like, a few short videos of Dream being alone, doing whatever, you wouldnt even need dialogue and then pepper those throughout the post-prison arcs. You could have one like two or three minute video right after Tommys visit where he maybe tries writing those stupid essays out of boredom before burning them and then some potatoes plop into the pool and you really get a sense for the emptyness and isolation of it. Another good one would be one showing how Quackity tortures him, or maybe one taking place right after one of the torture seassions with him starving and shaking and maybe trying to write a log or something but failing because everything hurts. Him being in the prison after hes escaped and made it his base again, watching it slowly decay and fall apart with him in it. They really dont have to be long, again, two or three minute videos wouldve done a lot of good here imo. And then you could also sprinkle in some monologues because as much as I like to make fun of the snake monologue in my head, it did give some much needed insight into Dreams perspective on all of this while making him a bit more sympathetic.
Honestly, Dream is making some pretty reasonable points here (if you completely disregard all the context of the entire dsmp but still) but like dude, you cannot go around calling your teenage nemesis a pest that such obvious villain behaviour dude
Im not gonna lie, i thought the very last final scene between Dream and Tommy would take place in a more, idk, intimate? place. Thats not the right word but whatever I cant think of anything else that fits. But like, they absolutely do not have a reason to leave so I guess this is just gonna continue with Tommy and Dream talking in this fucked up room of this fucked up prison while Punz is also right there
Okay, I just got to the bit where Tommy says 'Im sorry' to Dream and I know a lot of people were upset by that bc they took it as him apologizing to his abusers for being 'abuse-worthy' if you wanna phrase it like that and thats not what I got from that at all. Like, its technically part of a very earnest emotional statement so his tone was kinda soft and apologetic but it really came across as an 'Im sorry you feel that way' kind of apology to me
What the fuck is happening now
Is this hell.
Oh my god please tell me this wont go on for much longer I already watched like 30 hours of these boring ass guys dicking around back in late 2020 i cannot take a second more
Bro why did they pick the part of the stream thats just Dream trying to figure out his fucking minecraft settings for this this isnt doing anything
Please bring me back I dont wanna watch this boring shit
What is ahppening
Okay they revived him, are they gonna explain why his afterlife hell is just him watching the most boring minecraft streams on planet earth
"It doesnt matter if I get horrifically traumatized because I'll just live forever :)"
Okay I think Im starting to understand Dreams motivations here a bit more and they make more sense but its like, if you care so much about eliminating suffering why did you go out of your way to torment Tommy like that in exile. Like, i know its because you did want him to be your friend at some point and maybe you still do but you didnt like how he would never listen to you so you figured itd be better to just break him down mentally but like, I dont think that would be necessary for the long term goal of eliminating all death and suffering at all so, what
Dude, he was not happy he was adjusting his minecraft settings
What if he just started sobbed. Hes all smug like "well, im happy now :)" and then the dam jist breaks. wouldnt that be grand
Hes fucking psychoanalyzing the green bitch this rules
Im sorry man I was not envisioning this emotional final scene to be accompanied by Punz occasionally saying some bullshit in the background
"George and Sapnap are still here" uh no, George literally isnt and last time we saw Sapnap he was making a deal with God to sacrifice his own life and afterlife to ensure that Dream would die and stay dead forever
Oughhhhhhh this is great I can practically smell the insecurity coming off of him rn
Oh god why is Tommy being like "you just wanted things to be simple [like they were in the past]" giving me a more complete understanding of myself as well this sucks I dont wanna be a c!Dream kinnie anymore >:(
I dont think Tommy is wrong about what hes saying abt Dream at all here and I think this is a smart angle to focus on for making Dream seem more sympathetic but right now I definitely feel like its missing the crucial element of "yes, Dream just wants friends, friends who will do what he wants with minimal resistance because hes a control freak" yknow? Like, his need for absolute control all the time is one of his most prominent traits and him wanting to gain some understanding and control of death and other things beyond his comprehension actually lines up quite nicely with that, its just kinda getting muddled with Dreams statements about wanting to make everything better. Granted, he probably wouldnt want to admit that his version of "making everything better" is just making everyone listen to him bc hes god basically but still, I think his control freakiness needs to get addressed more explicitly and maybe it will be, weve still hot a few minutes but ehhhhh. I doubt it
Honestly, ive grown to like Punz quite a bit eventhough he really hasnt done much but like, why the fuck is he here
I realize that the dialogue in dsmp is always overwhelmingly improv but its just so odd and kinda bad in this conversation. I think its because out of context, the way both Dream and Tommy are phrasing things makes it seem like they were on more equal footing and both suffered equally during their conflict when thats just not the case and Im not a fan
I think Ill tentatively take back all the stuff I said about how Dream shouldve been a worshipper of XD but i still think its a neat concept so I'll probably do something with that later
Oh god why did they do that crown, Dreams skin already looks bad and silly enough. Oh well I take solace in knowing that all the fanart of this scene probably slaps
Punz is still there is he gonna say anything about the nuke thats about to hit
Lookat these guys, never heard a nuke about to hit before
Ohhhhhhh I thought that previous 'sorry' was the one Ive seen people upset about, but Im pretty sure its actually this one
Honestly, I still dont see why you would be upset about it outside of the fact that it is an abuse victim apologizing to his abuser but its like, idk man. I dont think a piece of media featuring a scene where that happens within a very specific context is doing abuse apologism, although I guess a lot of people would argue that the fact that Tommy is even reaching out to Dream after everything he did is abuse apologism and. Im not even gonna try to argue with them. I'll just say that I disagree and try to explain my perspective in some amount of detail, this will get pretty personal though, so watch out:
I was recently semi-diagnosed with a personality disorder and i probably have a bunch of other bullshit going on as well and not to armchair diagnose a fictional character but c!Dream definitely has that personality disorder and whatever other shit thats hiding inside my weird brain. His irrational, defensive thought processes, his contradictionary wants, his persistent need for control, his detached nature, his manipulation, the way he uses actual emotional pain as a tool for manipulation while keeping that pain at an arms length, even his weird monotone way of speaking, I relate to all of it. I have seen and related to a lot of mentally ill and neurodivergent and neurodivergent-coded characters and I have never felt as seen as now. He embodies my worst qualities turned up a few notches to make them even worse and then he has a weird god complex on top of all of that and yet, he still ends up being given sympathy, someone tries to understand him and offers him help. And idk, that just means a lot to me so I look at this whole thing a bit differently.
Also, while I get why some people are upset and I get peoples desire to critize this from a Doylist perspective because real people came up with this story in real life and that still has implications, even when the line between fiction and reality is thick enough to be considered a wall, from a Watsonian in-universe perspective its like, Dream is not a bad person for accepting help (or trying to accept help) when its being freely offered to him
Okay wait but if the nuke still hit the prison and blew everything to shit what the hell did Jack do when he rewired the redstone at the launch thingy. Is the prison that close to the main smp I dont remember
Oh man this is gonna take a hot second huh
Okay we're back in Minecraft, Tommys punching a tree
I hate the fact that Tommy doesnt atleast punch the entire tree down before making a crafting table
I was gonna finish the whole series today but its almost 11pm and I a sleepy gal so i'll watch Tubbos pov tomorrow and the Syndicate vod and all that and also I'll probably give my thoughts on the ending in more detail after that. Right now I dont think I cant bare to write any more man, I just wrote like three or four decently detailed (for me) analyses about fucking bullshit basically in a row, my head literally hurts
So yeah, goodnight I'll be hopefully posting all of these posts tomorrow and I'll hopefully be peoperly liveblogging everything again
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s4turns-r1ngs · 3 years
Hello Hello!!
I just wanted to say o love your Bench trio fics! They’re amazing!
I was also wondering if you could do The bench trio X Gn! Hybrid Reader! Where the reader is a Fox hybrid!
The reader likes to play tricks/pranks on people! Especially the Dream Team! And while setting up a prank, the bench trio sees them and asks why they’re doing! The reader tells them and Tommy and Tubbo ask if they can join! Dragging Ranboo into it!
After that they hang out a lot and pull pranks in people! The reader also stealing from The Dream Team and Techno sometimes!
A little thing you can add if you want is that the reader gifts a lot of gifts to their friends! Tommy keeps all the little gifts in a secret chest! Tubbo keeps them in a separate room on his house! And Ranboo writes the things you give him on his memory book and puts them in his ender chest so he never looses them!
ALSO!! The reader would sometimes kidnap Micheal to spend the entire day with him! Spoiling him to no end with Toys, clothes, food, etc! You dont have to add this tho!!
Take care! <33
DSMP - Sneaky
Summary: As a fox hybrid, it was only a matter of time before you pulled Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo into your plans. (Also bonus Michael content because Michael Is Beloved. <3)
Pronouns: they/them
Warnings: Swearing, General Chaos (its the bench trio, are you surprised), consensual kidnapping
-> [a/n] - oh my god??? thank you???? you're so nice?????? sldfjlskdjfsldjfslkfjl,, i hope this is good! also first part is in third person pov, because i need to get better at writing that lol. readers dialougue is blue :]
-> p!c!benchtrio (and michael too <3) + reader, the beginning has a little p!bbh + reader too :]
> divider that i can't add bc im not on mobile. sadge <
[y/n] smiled mischievously as they rounded the corner, making sure that the unsuspecting victim (which at the moment, is badboyhalo) couldn't see them. they wanted to make sure that their trick worked, so that they could possibly use it on someone else later. of course, they would apologize to bad, because they still value him as a friend, but even friends play pranks on each other every now and again.
their ears perked up as they heard talking from around the corner they just turned. peaking their head around, [y/n] was greeted with some of their closest friends: tommy, tubbo, and ranboo.
"oh, hey guys!" they greeted, with a small wave as they repositioned themself so that they could talk to their friends, and watch bad at the same time.
ranboo smiled. "hey [y/n]!"
tommy and tubbo ran up to them, a wide smile on the latter's face, while tommy just looks like he doesn't want to be here. (obviously he does, but he's tommy. it's not really surprising at this point.) either way, he mutters out a "hello" with a smile he seems to be repressing.
tubbo looks around the corner. "so what are you doing?"
"oh!" [y/n] exclaims, tail swishing ever so slightly faster. "oh! i'm just testing out a new...'trick'!"
ranboo raises an eyebrow in suspicion. "a...'trick'? what are you-"
the fox hybrid holds up a finger, moving their body so that they were hidden around the corner. "shhh. it's about to happen!"
the trio watches [y/n]'s eyes light up as the demon, once dry, is covered in water. they all hear him shout and see him look around, as if to try and catch the culprit. bad glances over at the corner just in time to see [y/n] duck behind it.
"shit." they turn towards the three, and with another smile they stand properly. "sorry guys, gotta blast! nice seeing you, though!"
they hear tommy let out his signature laugh as they run, a nine and a half foot tall demon chasing after you.
giving gifts! (hcs bc yes)
-> ngl you probably woke him up in the middle of the night bc you found something cool. or made something cool. either or.
-> he will take it regaurdless of whether or not he's tired as shit or wide awake. free stuff from fox friend? cool. give.
-> he probably has a shelf in his house with all your little gifts on it.
-> he may not say it immediately most of the time (bc you DID wake him up at like two in the morning) but he is greatfull for all of your gifts :]
-> bro i hc that this fucker LOVES shiny shit
-> (i mean, so do i but that's besides the point)
-> n e ways
-> you give him a shiny rock? here. have a cool stick in return.
-> raccoons are crazy man. he (like you) has a collection of tiny little things too. sometimes you trade. bc that's friendship <3
-> it doesn't matter when, bc he will always be awake when you want to give him something. he will 9 times out of 10 give you soethibg in return
-> if you wear jewelry, then he probably gave it to you :]
-> for some reason, he's also always awake whenever you give him gifts.
-> and he, like tubbo, aslo has a set place to put all of your gifts
-> he even writes about it down in his memory book so he doesn't forget about it <3
-> ranboo thinks all the little rocks you find and decide to give him are vv cool.
-> you: hey ranboo!! look at this cool rock i found!!
-> ranboo: that is so very cool and/or poggers can i please have it
-> another shiny stuff lover <3
-> bc i hc that mr. boo's chaarcter wears earrings and stuff, he decides to take one of the cool rocks you gave him and turn it into one!
-> you point it out and he just smiles and says: ye i know :) i did it bc your cool :)
-> and then you just die from embaressment bc who wouldn't if that happened
bonus michael thing bc i actually really like that idea:
you lift yourself a little further on the roof and knock on the window, opening it not long after.
"michael!" you whisper-shout. "michael! are you there?"
a small little zombie piglin pops his face into your view.
"hey, buddy! come here!"
he waddles closer to the window, chicken plushie in hand. a little snort makes it out of his mouth when he stops.
placing your arms on the window sill, you begin speaking. "alright, so i have a plan. do you wanna go out for a bit?"
the piglin nods his head eagerly.
you smile. "alright cool. i just need you to climb out this window and then we'll go."
michael looks at you wearily, clutching his plush a little tighter.
"don't worry, mike. it'll be fine. i'll catch you if you fall." you tell him reassuringly.
your ears twitch, picking up some noise from downstairs.
he walks over slowly, still holding onto his plush. carefully, he climbs out the window. picking him up, you slide a note into the room, shut the window, and slide down the roof, landing on the ground without a problem.
you hear a door open from inside and begin walking away, michael squealing excitedly in your arms. it's not long before you hear someone open the window. with a smile, you turn around and wave.
"[y/n]! what the-"
tubbo cuts him off. "-fuck!"
"don't worry guys i'll make sure to bring him back!"
"oh thank god-"
you mock a salute. "see you later guys!"
and then you run off.
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
A villain is always a villain.
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"I'm sorry sir. But even with your quirk, your wife would suffer immense pain over the procedure and die on the bed.... and... my sincerity apologizes... but she's got only one week."
He couldn't exactly describe what he felt when those words from the doctor left his mouth and arrived to his ears. He didn't had even know when he had overhauled his gloves and the chair he was in making him fall on the ground and come back to his senses...
Everything... was falling apart. If he was only fast enough to get the symptoms appearing... he could have prevented, it would have caused you an huge amount of pain but at least you would've have survived.
Why hadn't he noticed it?
Because he was living his dream.
Because you two married. Had beautiful moments together... and just about one year and a half ago had a son. A health kid.
He was happy. He even talked about it with Pops, and the old man suggested for him to leave the Hassaikai for a while to raise his kid on a peaceful environment, but he refused. Knowing Pops hadn't had any contact with that good for nothing daughter of his neither the possible granddaughter he had. So he could give the man some of his immensely gratitude towards him.
But suddenly... everything was falling apart.
First it was the frequent coughing, even your baby was worried but soon you waved them off saying it was just a cold. Chisaki fooled himself on believing on that.
After all he was so happy.
Then, your voice started to change to a more forced and rough one. He started to worry but no, no... his perfect wife, such a angel, couldn't be on any danger... it was just a flu. He would take care of her.
Despite having germophobia, his love for you was just as strong. He wore masks and gloves, sure, but he still was willing to spend time on the same room and give you the comfort you needed.
Then it happened... one day on his office... he heard the coughing fit and suddenly a loud crying from hsi son made him storm out of his office to find you on the ground, a paper close to your hand covered in blood.
He never drove so fast on his life to the hospital.
And now... there he was, staring at the ground as he clinched on his wife's weak hand on the bed with the machines attached to her. His son, as innocent as ever was playing with his mother fingers.
The chemotherapy wasn't enough. The quirks from teh doctors couldn't help her, he couldn't help her...
The nurses came in and told that visit time was over... he had to drag his sobbing and crying two years old out of the room.
His tears were falling as well, but he had to be strong. He had to be the oen who had to be a pillar for his own child.
Pops had to be the oen explaining to Kan the situation and why his father seemed so sad and distant. The kid entered his office at night, sniffling and looking at his father's eyes with his (E/c).
Kan cried himself to sleep on his father chest, and Kai didn't mind it the snot or tears on his messed up black dress shirt. The documents on his desk were soaked with his own tears anyway.
"You're making a big deal about this." Your weak voice interrupted his memories and he scowled at your weak serene expression and smile.
"Dont. Not with this." He murmured as he watched his son give his painting to his mom... he wiped your tears away as you hugged your Kan, kissing his dark brow hair as the little boy murmured his love for you.
At the next day at the evening you let out your last breath and he cried and screamed on the bed until his voice was gone.
"You have to sleep boss." He heard Chrono as he blinked, the bags under his eyes were huge as he sighed.
"I can't. I need to go after those debtors of the drugs and then take care of Kan. He hadn't been eating very well since..." he couldn't help but almost choke up at remembering.
"... how about this? I go after them? Spend time with my favorite nephew."
"... you have some of my gratitude Chronostasis. Dont let the old man know about this, he would never stop talking about it. We need the money and the respect we need."
"Got it."
"And dont call my son your nephew. Is disgusting." He spoke while exiting the office as Kurono snorted.
"I am his godfather though."
He sighed as he hot upstairs and found Kan with equal sad and depressed eyes as his starting at a frame he held with his tiny fingers.
"Kan." The kid gasped and put the frame back and bowed to his father with a sniffle "... come on. I guess, both of us could use some rest."
Kan simply nodded and followed his father but was surprised to see Kai picked him up and brought him to sleep by his side.
He felt something stiring on his side and saw his son leaving the bed.
"Bathroom." Kan muttered as Kai nodded and got up only to stop at hearing "No da. I go, you sleep."
This kid reminded him so much of you with this goddamn kindness.
He waited a few minutes until he got up and followed the kid, enough to not make a appearance and give his son some confidence but he still had only two years.
... or maybe he just didn't felt like leaving his son alone.
But just as he entered the hall he felt something hitting the back of his head hard enough to make him fall face plant on the ground.
"Restrains his hands! His quirk can kill you with one finger of his on your skin!" He heard a voice and immeditaly recognize one of the debtors, and also someone caging his hands on a manner he couldn't even move them.
Must be some sort of dicease.
"Now, mister sucessor." A man with a missed tooth crouched down to his level and grabbed his hair to lift his head to his eye level "We could use some of negotiating eh?"
He only glared at the man before he muffled his scream of pain when the guy slammed his face on the floor hard enough to make a bruise.
"Cooperate with us and then we will get out of here. You give the drugs and leave us with our money with a bit of yours, and no one gets hurt."
"Go.. to hell-ARGH-!" Something pierced his abdomen hard enough to blood to spill and land on the floor.
This had to happened when Chrono had to get all the guards to collect cash and Pops on a damn convention, of course.
"Wrong answer yakuza. I'm gonna make it simple for ya, where is the money you all have?"
"If you think I will give you information..." he hissed at the knife piercing more "Then you must be just as dumb as your parents on the thought of making you, you sick bastard."
His head was slammed on the ground and it was enough to break his nose... just as the guy was about to slam it again a sound of a door creaking open made his eyes snap wide open and look at the figurine with equal wide eyes and clutching the door at seeing his father layed on the ground.
"K-K..Kan...." he eyed his son in fear as sweat and hives started to appear on his skin.
"Daddy?" Kan muttered in fear and the man was smilling widely at the sign.
"Oh? He is your daddy?" Kai started to throw his body around and tried to move but only could scream at his son to run but it was to late since the guy grabbed the boy by his nape. "My, those eyes you have.. are they from your mother?"
Kan trembled as Kai shouted profanities at the man as his helper held him down.
"..Hm. I heard that your wife died man.. rough. Being a single dad and the future owner of this big hellhole you got here." The man made two of his finger fuse and form into a sharp kinda like knife and cut the cheek of the boy, making the boy flinch and whimper.
"Then let's make a deal?" He holded the kid down and aproached the object to the boy's throat. "The life of the son of the woman you loved is more worth than some couple of cash eh?" He chuckled darkly.
He was about to agree until Chrono opened the door with the eight precepts and saw the scene.
"KAN GET DOWN!" Kai manage to shout at his son the house was filled with shooting and the eight precepts attacking the subbordinates of the debtor who had held his son captive.
Chrono shot the guy who was holding him down and he quickly activated his quirk to kill the man and get up only to his eyes to widen at seeing his son being dragged down by the debtor and some other muscular guy as the kid screamed for him and kicked his legs to try to get away.
He ran out and was about to slam his hand his hand on the ground without any gloves until he heard the shout to stop and his eyes widen at seeing the man holding a grenade up and his son caged on his arm.
"One more movement and your kid gets turned into pieces along with us OVERHAUL!"
He panted in desperation and raised his hand up.
"G... Give my son back." The man laughed as his sunglasses, in the middle of the night using sunglasses what a idiot, fell down.
The sound of his laughter dissapeared when all four them heard sirens and sounds of heroes coming.
"Boss, I prefer to die than to go to jail." The muscular man mumbled as the debtor gave a little sick giggle before tilting his head at Chidaki, looking him dead in the eyes as he hugged Kan close to his chest and pulled the trigger of the grenade.
"See ya in hell, Overhaul."
"KAN-!" He shouted and ran but teh explosion made him his body slam back on the house, losing his conciousness and hearing only the buzz on his ears and the sound of.. Pops? Kurono? Calling his name as he blacked out.
He woke up with a groan and immeditaly put his hand on his face, feeling a nasty scar but then repairing it but soon widening his eyes.
"KAN!" He screamed and burst out of the room only to be found at the hospital he was starting to hyperventilate until he felt a old and familiar hand grab his shoulder.
"Kai you-"
"WHERE IS HE?!" He grabbed the man's shoulders as tears fell from hsi golden eyes "WHERE IS MY SON?!"
"Chisaki please-" the moment the elder went to speak Kai eyes dropped on a a gurney, small with a sick person dragging her to the morgue... with a tag wrapped around her wrist that looked like a child's... written his son's name on it.
"No... No. no no nO NO NO THAT IS MY SON YOU FUCKING IDIOT DONT!" he was about to kill the poor nurse until Pops grabbed onto him and made him calm down by force as the man howled like a terrible and horrendous beast.
"Kai... stop with this. We dont deal with drugs."
"Chisaki we have rules to follow. That's not how we work around here."
"Have you lost your humanity?"
... yes.
Yes he did lost it. The moment his wife and son were taken away from him...
He wasn't a human anymore.
He had one goal now, and he would make it real.
Even if it meant the yakusa, the heroes, Eri... everyone suffered just as much as he had.
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tadashiwa · 4 years
it has to be you
denki kaminari x reader
word count: 3135
a/n: aaahhh this was fun and it’s my longest work to date!!! i hope u guys enjoy
warnings: sex pollen. mention of alcohol. dub-con (because of the sex pollen). daddy kink. slight size kink. unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE U TAP IT BESTIES). smut. fluff. mutual pining. confession of feelings. i think thats it? let me know if i missed any shordies
dont think about it. dont think about it.
the words helplessly rang through kaminari's head. yet, it was useless. no matter how hard he tried to will his brain away from what he had the absolute privilege of witnessing earlier that day, his brain could not stop. god, he felt like a perv thinking that.
it was supposed to be just another normal night patrol with you. you, his sidekick, his best friend, and the goddamn love of his life. yet, as much as he loved you, what you did today was so stupid. so fucking stupid. maybe it was because he loved you so much that he thought it was so stupid. he didn't really know.
8:42 pm
kaminari was supposed to only be gone five minutes at most. and yet, when you saw the new rising villain, desanctify, trying to break into a church, you didn't wait for him. you didn't call for backup. you went on and fought her on your own. and even when desanctify hit you with her poisonous, seductive, midnight's-evil-twin venom, you kept fighting. and somehow, through your haze of desperate arousal and aching need, you managed to get her in those hero handcuffs. and when kaminari finally caught up to you, my god were you a mess.
a mess that was so painfully attractive to kami.
that goddamn sex spell had absolutely wrecked you. after your agency gave you the rest of the night off, kami carried you back to your apartment. piggy back style proved to be easiest with your state. because, when he held you bridal style, much to his delight, or dismay, you were begging him to fuck you. you kept grabbing at his jacket and looking up at him with those doe eyes. you were distracting him so much he had to flip you around to his back.
you were both so close to your apartment, your whimpers echoing through kaminari's ears like a goddamn siren's song. your head was resting against his shoulder with your hips hovering so closely to his neck and you were still whimpering and kami could almost swear that he felt your core grinding against his back and—
finally. he reached your door.
of course he felt bad leaving you like that, alone in your apartment and so desperately horny you couldn't control yourself. he just figured you.... would figure it out on your own? he got off his shift in seven minutes, he was gonna call you to check in after. he was really hoping the spell had worn off by now. he's not sure he would survive a call with you if it hadn't.
it's not like you had ever shown interest in denki in the first place. sure, you were sometimes flirty and there was that one time you both drunkenly kissed on new years but he never for a second thought it was real. you could have anyone you wanted. surely your hazy desperation for him came out of a place of convenience. he couldn't afford to think otherwise.
finally, his shift ended. as he walked to the subway stop closest to him he pulled out his phone, prepared to call you and check i—
kami was freaking out. were you okay? were you hurt? what was going on? what if you needed him and he was too late again?
his panic subsided when he saw the texts pouring in from you. well, he was still panicked. just for another reason.
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texts of you begging for him were coming through in droves. he lost count of how many times he had to scroll. it was adorable and simultaneously terrifying. it made his blood thrum in his ears and his cheeks get hot.
and there were voicemails too.
voicemails of you whining his name. of you begging for him. telling him how badly you wanted him to make you cum. god.
surely this had to be a prank, right? you had to be messing with him. he called you, just like he said he would, expecting you to be laughing hysterically on the other end.
except you weren't.
you were still whining desperately for him. how your own fingers werent enough. how you needed his cock inside you or you think you might die.
kaminari genuinely felt as if he had died and gone to heaven. there's no way, right? he couldn't. you're not thinking straight. you didn't mean that. but you almost sounded like you were in pain. he was sure everyone on the subway could hear how hard his heart was beating.
"kami—they.. they said that... ngh—they said that it only—hah—only goes away if so-someone makes you c-cum—shit!"
all the color drained from his face.
"it—it has to be you."
despite every nerve ending in his body absolutely reeling, kaminari found himself standing at your door. the same door he stood at all those times when he came to pick you up on your way to the agency. the same door he stood at when he made sure you got home safe when you were drunk. the same door he used as a shield from the unknown, the intimacy that made all of your flirting and side comments real.
he knocked once. twice. no answer. his fingers drifted down to the knob itself and gave it an experimental twist. unlocked.
he knocked once more. still no answer. then, with every ounce of courage he could muster, he let himself in. the shield was gone. the barrier was crossed. there he was, standing in his apartment, and you were deadset on fucking him.
"y/n? i'm here.... you uh... you didn't answer so i just let myse—" his call out to you is cut off by quite possibly the most pornographic moan he had ever heard.
it was almost as if his body was in a trance as he walked towards the source of the noise. the moans weren't stopping. denki was already hard at the sound of them. to make matters worse, your bedroom door was open and—
holy shit.
kaminari had seen his fair share of early morning sunrises. his fair share of cherry blossoms. he'd seen plenty of girls who he was convinced were the prettiest girls on earth. but you, you were breathtaking. genuinely ethereal. kaminari had never seen anything so gorgeous in his life. he didn't think he would ever again.
there you were, in one of his shirts he had let you borrow and nothing else. the pillow between your legs wet with your slick as you desperately dragged your clit against it, looking for any sort of release. one hand balanced you as the other played with your breast, pulling the shirt up to reveal your midsection in the process.
and when your eyes met his, kaminari was sure: this is heaven.
your pupils dilated so large at the sight of him that the y/e/c rings surrounding them disappeared. your bottom lip was pulled tight in between your teeth, your hair a mess. my god. just when kaminari thought it couldn't get any better, you spoke. without breaking eye contact, you whined,
"denki, please."
kami rushed towards you with such a sense of urgency you would've thought that he was a man starved.
"sh-shh-shhh, it's okay. it's okay, i'm here now."
in your sex-crazed daze, you pulled denki onto the bed next to you, his back leaning against your headboard. you were quick to straddle his thigh, almost collapsing at the contact you had craved for so fucking long.
denki didn't think he could possibly be any more turned on than he was in that moment. you held his shoulders in an attempt to balance yourself, dragging your clit over his thigh. you were making a mess out of his hero costume but he couldn't be bothered to care in the slightest. not when the pressure of you against him felt so right. not when he could feel your breath fanning against his ear. not when he was still processing the fact that you said you only wanted him on that phone call. nothing else mattered except the way you moved against him.
where should he put his hands? should he help you? should he take the shirt off of you? yeah, denki wasn't a virgin, but this was his first time with someone he cared about as much as you. he wanted to make you feel good.
you remedied his racing mind when you placed one of his hands on your hip and the other on one of your tits. he experimentally rolled your nipple over in between his fingers and was met by more of your delicious mewls.
you were so close to cumming. the entire situation was so overwhelming. denki smelled so good. his hands were so rough against your smooth skin. the way his eyes flickered between your face and your drooling cunt had your heart racing.
the rhythm in your movements was lost the more worked up you got. it took all the confidence denki could gather to take over for you. he flexed his thigh muscle as he pulled down on your hips to grind you against him harder. you had half the mind to be embarrassed at how loud the moan that was ripped from your throat was.
"'m close, denki i-i'm close—" you whimpered.
"cmon pretty girl—ngh—cum for me. cum all over me like a good girl." denki's raspy, arousal soaked voice was all it took for you to come undone all over him. you threw your head back, exposing your throat that was just begging to be marked. you were begging to be claimed.
little "so good"s and "thank you"s were tumbling from your lips as you came down from your high. god, were you a sight to behold. denki was so painfully hard he wasn't sure if he could take it any longer.
he was half expecting you to come to and ask him to leave.
but you didn't.
you started moving again.
"more, i need more. daddy, please, i need more—"
what did you say?
the title snapped any remaining resolve denki had left. he had to have you.
he gently lifted you off of his thigh and you groaned at the loss of contact. but, your complaints were silenced as he slid down the bed.
holy shit.
all those dreams you had of denki making you cum couldn't even begin to prepare you for when he pulled you forward to sit on his face. you almost came just at the way his eyes met yours. he wanted this just as much as you did.
the feeling of his tongue kitten licking your clit was heavenly. your senses were overloaded with him. the way his lips felt against your core. the way his hair framed his face like a halo. the way his hands dug into your thighs so tight you couldn't even consider moving. you absolutely lost your mind when he slid two fingers into your hole. they were so much bigger than yours. they reached that spot inside you that you couldn't on your own. and when you felt a little spark of electricity on your clit, you were sent tumbling over the edge and into a state of pure bliss.
"kami, kami, fuck, i-i'm cumming!"
he found your pathetic babbles in an attempt to warn him adorable.
surely after you had came all over his face you would snap out of your haze. feel disgusting. ask him to leave.
and yet, you didn't.
"need you. need you to fuck me." you quietly expressed between whimpers.
"y/n, a-are you sure? i don't wanna take advantage of you or anything-"
"yes i'm sure, please! i've wanted this for so long. i need you." your eyes met his as you begged and it, it sounded like you. not like the spell that overtook you. you were desperate, but you were genuine.
kami swore he had never seen someone look so fucking beautiful in his life.
and he couldn't tear his eyes off of you as he flipped you both over, his hips hovering over yours.
while the thought of denki being fully clothed as he wrecked you turned you on more than you cared to admit, you wanted to touch him. you wanted to feel his skin against yours.
denki laughed breathlessly at the way you grabbed at the hem of his shirt before pulling it over his head. he slid his pants down enough to free his aching cock, the head red and leaking with proof of his arousal.
you don't think you would've torn your eyes away from the way he stroked himself for all the money in the world.
"what, you like what you see?" kami attempted to ease the tension, noticing your stare.
you pulled his head down to meet yours as your lips connected in a kiss. not a drunken new years eve kiss. not a kiss of desire and convenience through your sex crazed daze. a real kiss. a real fucking kiss. he whimpered into your mouth at the intimacy of it all.
god, he was in love with you.
he slid the head of his cock over your slit, gathering your juices. shy, his eyes met yours.
"are you sure?"
the feeling of him sinking into you drove both of you mad. he was so big. bigger than anyone you’ve ever taken. and you were so, so, so goddamn tight. the room was silent apart from the sound of your tangled whimpers and moans. 
he looked down to where your bodies met and, oh man, was it a beautiful sight. your hips looked so small compared to his one hand holding you in place. it felt as though your tight little cunt was made for him. 
“princess, look at it. look at how good you take me.” you opened your eyes through the pleasure mixed with pain and he was only halfway in. how the hell was he so big? you moaned at the sight of him sinking into you. “can i keep going, babydoll? you gonna take daddy一ngh一take daddy all the way like a good girl? cmon, princess, you’re doing so good.”
denki was always a talker. he was funny. he was flirty. he was kinda stupid. but you never expected that his words could get you impossibly hornier. in that moment, all you wanted to do was please him. “daddy, keep going, keep going please. i wanna cum all over your cock, please.”
with the way you begged for him to fill you up, denki didn’t think he could wait to feel himself bottom out. he buried his head in your neck, pushing in until he was fully sheathed inside of you. god, he sounded heavenly.
“fucking shit, doll. how are you so tight?” your pussy held his cock in a vice grip. his best girl, making him so proud. 
“denki, denki,”
“what’s that?” his hand on his hip drifted up to your jaw, gripping your chin and leading you to look into his eyes.
good girl.
“daddy, ‘m gonna cum, wanna cum so bad,”
“pl-please don’t! i wanna cum with you, if that’s okay? please don’t cum yet.” it was almost cute how his attempt at dominance faded as he begged you. the idea itself sounded heavenly. 
“yeah, yeah, okay, just--please move. please.”
denki placed his hand holding your chin on the bed next to you as he pistoned his hips in and out of you. a moan was torn from your throat as denki’s eyes rolled back into his head.
his pace didn’t increase as he smiled at how your face contorted impossibly hotter.
“you like that? huh? you like when一shit一you like when daddy fucks you nice and slow?”
in all honesty, denki hated how slow he forced himself to fuck you. he just wanted to hear you beg.
“then beg for it.”
you rolled your eyes as you decided to ruin denki just as bad. “daddy, please, please, please fuck me, i’ve wanted your cock for so long i just need you to fuck me! please, i’ll be good, i swear! I need you to fuck me like i deserve. like your bad little girl. please!” 
the direct eye contact you held as you begged him drove kami feral. you smirked as you felt his cock twitch inside of you.
“haah一whatever you want, angel.” denki’s hips slammed in and out of you faster than your brain could process. the sounds of skin meeting skin mixed perfectly with the sound of his breathy little moans and you screaming his name.
kami wrapped one of your legs around his waist, the new angle making his cock stroke that spot inside you just right. kami knew he struck gold when he felt the way you gripped him impossibly tighter.
“yeah? ‘s that the spot? ‘m i making you feel good? tell me im making you feel good.” deep down, you both knew that his words came from a spot of needing to please you. he masked his insecurities with a false sense of dominance. for his sake, you pretended not to notice.
“yeah! god, yeah, right there. god you’re making me一hnngh一making me feel so good.”
“shit, doll, ‘m getting close.” denki’s forehead met yours as one of his hands wrapped gently around the column of your throat. 
you were a goddamn wreck. you needed his cum inside of you so bad. the decision to tell him so proved to be the straw to break the camel’s back.
“cum for me, daddy. cum inside me. please.”
with that, kami gave one, two, three, half hearted strokes before cumming deep inside you. the feeling of his cum filling you up snapped the coil building inside of you. you squirted all over his cock as his pelvis bone dragged against your clit. denki didn’t have any strength left in him left to do anything but whine at the sight. 
2:18 am
you’re not sure when either of you collapsed in sleep. yet, when you woke up an hour later, you felt like you had been hit by a car.
you stood up and tried to waddle to the bathroom, but you almost fell to the floor as you attempted to move. Denki heard the squeak of your mattress as you flopped back down. 
“where--where are you going?” denki asked you, sitting up. his raspy voice was so hot. god, was it everything this man did? did he just live to make you horny?
“i need to pee.”
“then go pee.”
“i--i can’t walk.”
denki stared clueless through the dark. why couldn’t you walk?
his face turned bright red.
“do you, uh, need… help?” he sensed more than saw you nod. he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and walked around the bed. he collected you in his arms as he supported your weight and walked you to the bathroom door. in the bathroom light, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the hickeys littering your neck.
he waited outside the bathroom until he heard the faucet turn off. you slid back into his arms as you opened the door.
it was like you belonged there.
denki wanted to say something. he wanted to ask. he had to know. did you really want what happened? was it a one time thing? were you mad at him? he was terrified of you asking him to leave. 
“denki, what?” you asked quietly as you both walked back.
“i know you’re thinking about something.” you both sat back on the bed.
“no i’m not! i’m all good.” he smiled and scratched the back of his neck. 
“denki, i know you. talk to me.” you put your hand over his in the dark. god, you were not making this easy.
“it’s, i just, what was that? did you want that? did i take advantage of you? are you okay?”
“was i okay? are we ever gonna do that again? i mean, i’d like to but not if you don’t want--”
“do you even know how i feel about you?”
the raise of your voice was gentle. you weren’t mad. it sounded like you were smiling. you turned your head to face him. he could see your eyes sparkle through the dark.
“i don’t regret anything about what we just did. you didn’t take advantage of me. i’m okay.  that was the best sex i’ve ever had, and honestly, i’ve wanted to do that for a really long time.”
denki let out a breath he didn’t know that he was holding. “wait, what was that last part?” you could hear the tease and smile in his voice through the dark.
“i’ve wanted to do that for a really long time.” your voice was small.
“oh. me too.” his voice was smaller.
you were quiet for a few moments before you both gathered everything left inside of you as you turned to face each other.
“i’m in love with you.” you said in tandem.
you both were too shy to do anything except stare at each other and smile.
“you mean that?” he asks.
“yeah. do you?”
he leaned forward to capture your lips in a sleepy kiss. he missed the first time, and his lips landed on the space between your lips and your nose. you both giggled.
not to sound cliche, but the kiss was magical. you felt like you did back in UA, staring at the ceiling and thinking about how kami called you gorgeous that day. you felt like you did when you kissed him that new years eve, those feelings bubbling up inside of you. if denki knew that was how you felt, he would’ve said he felt the same way, just times ten. times a thousand.
“hey y/n?”
“can i uh, take you out tomorrow night?”
“kaminari, I just begged you to cum inside me and you’re asking to take me out on a date?”
he giggled. “yeah.”
“of course you can take me out tomorrow night.” kaminari licked his lips and smiled.
“good. WAIT-” 
“yes, denki, i’m on the pill!”
he flopped back against the mattress. “thank god!”
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shealolz · 3 years
“I wanna be your favorite boy” - Zenitsu Agatsuma - PART ONE
Summary: moments with you and zenitsu <33 also him realizing he doesn’t love nezuko but he loves you
Warnings & Notes: some blood bc demon-slaying,
Genre: fluff, some bits of angst
Zenitsu Agatsuma x Tanjiro’s Agender Twin Reader
word count: 4,565
when Zenitsu first got a glance at you he was drawn to your eyes. those curious eyes with smile lines next to them. but he could tell by the furrow in your brow that you were just as angry as the boy next to you.
“you know this counts as harassment right?” you said, glancing at the other boy who was apologizing to the beautiful girl he’d been weakened in the knees by.
“harassment?!” Zenitsu stammered. “no, no, no! I’m just trying to find someone beautiful to marry before I die to demons!” he wailed, wiping at his running nose.
you knelt down to sit next to him and he caught sight of the sword tucked against your hip. were you and the other boy demon slayers too?
“Have I met you before?” you asked, tilting your head. Zenitsu shrugged. “I think I saw you at the final selection. it was hard not to miss, there weren’t very many left.”
Zenitsu shuddered. he survived purely out of luck. sure he had gruesome dreams about defeating the demons but it never actually happened, he was weak!
you stuck out your hand. “I’m (name) Kamado. a pleasure to meet you...uh...” you trailed off.
“Zenitsu Agatsuma.” he supplied, feeling a tiny smile creep at his lips. “a pleasure to meet you Zenitsu.”
he shook your hand. it was warm.
the boy you were with walked over, Zenitsu’s messenger buried in the mess of auburn locks. “(name),” he said. “I see you’ve made a new friend. Tanjiro Kamado.” the boy—Tanjiro—introduced himself, giving Zenitsu a strained smile.
so he was your brother. and he was also still upset over Zenitsu’s wailing. “let's get off the dirty ground shall we?” you prompted, pulling yourself up with ease. Zenitsu followed.
before you and your brother could leave, Tanjiro turned around. “would you like to join us Zenitsu? I see you a slayer after all.”
Zenitsu nodded frantically and walked into sync with you guys. he bets you guys are strong, he’s unlikely to die with you guys around.
digging around in his uniform he found a riceball. he split it into three pieces with his hands, handing you and Tanjiro a piece each. “a gesture of my gratitude.” he mumbled, holding the riceball to his mouth.
you gave him a smile and Tanjiro voiced his thank you as he nibbled on the rice.
silence quickly fell in between the three of you and Zenitsu tuned into your sounds to see if either of you had bad intentions. he didn’t want to hang out with the wrong crowd y’know!
but as soon as he did all he could hear was the soft matching melody of your twin-like hearts, beating with sincerity and kindness. you both had a sound so soft and gentle it made Zenitsu want to cry.
he was in good hands, he knew it.
“I dont like creepy houses!” Zenitsu wailed, his hand gripping your hoari. you didn’t tell him off for it but you did raise a teasing eyebrow at it.
“Please! you’ve got to save our big brother!” the tiny children pleaded, pointing wildly at the house.
before Tanjiro could speak to calm them down a body is thrown out the window and it’s very bloodied up. Zenitsu let out a shriek.
you and Tanjiro were obviously idiots because you ran towards the body! still, he tip-toed over in time to see the man let out his final breath.
you glanced over your shoulder to look at the terrified child. “is...is this your brother?”
they shook their head. “our brother has short hair. that can't possibly be him.”
Tanjiro nodded. “then we can still save him!” he smiled. you nodded, smiling equally as wide.
“c’mon let’s go.” you hummed, making your way for the door. “ARE YOU CRAZY?! YOU'RE GOING TO DIE IN THERE!” Zenitsu screamed, almost turning white with fear.
“it’ll be fine. we can protect you.” Tanjiro said, slipping off the box on his back to lay it under a tree. “yeah, and here, you can hold my haori if you're so scared.” you stuck out the end of your haori for Zenitsu to grab onto.
slowly he grabbed it, bundling right up into your side, only a couple inches from your back as he peered over your shoulder.
the five of you only made it a couple of feet before the house began to rearrange itself. Zenitsu's knuckles turned white from gripping your haori so the two of you would stay together. just one kamado sibling! please!
once it stops you quickly depart, your haori ripping, a tiny piece of fabric in Zenitsu's palms as you bang your fists against the walls, screaming for your brother. "TANJIRO!"
"c-calm down! the demon will hear you!" he whimpered, biting his nails nervously.
you turned your angry gaze to him. "No! I will not calm down! my brother could die because I'm not with him!"
"do you really have such little faith in your brother?" the little boy, Shoichi, spoke up.
you sighed, the tenseness in your shoulders loosening. "no, that's not it. it's just he's one of the few family members I have left. I don't want to risk losing him."
Shoichi bit his lip. "then let's find your brother and my siblings!"
you gave the kid a smile and patted his head softly, Zenitsu kinda wished you'd do that to him too. just to ease his worries a bit.
"i- um. I ripped your haori." he stammered out, wanting your attention back on him. you clicked your tongue. "it's fine, I can just stitch it back later. or you can keep it, I don't mind."
he nodded, holding his hand to his chest.
"now let's search for an exit and then re-enter the building," you said, clapping your hands.
"aha! I found one!" he chirps pulling open the door he had found.
you sent him a warm smile. "good job, Zenitsu!"
he fumbled with his hands, his cheeks heating up greatly and he was about to stutter out a thank you when he saw a boar in the corner of his eye.
snapping his head to the side it turned out it wasn't a boar but a man with a boar's head. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" he screeched, running over to you to hide behind you.
but the boar-man hybrid paid them no attention and just ran down the hall, dual swords in its grip.
"I don't know," you muttered, hand resting atop your own sword.
the three of you walk in silence, suspense high as you crept through the house.
"Why are you being so cowardly. stop attaching yourself to (name), you got a sword for a reason don't you?" Shoichi insults and Zenitsu lets out a shriek, frightened by the sudden noise.
there's a deep rumbling laugh and loud footsteps before a large demon with a long tongue steps out, licking its sharp teeth that gleam under the yellow lights.
"fuck." you mutter under your breathing, pushing out your arm in front of Zenitsu and Shoichi.
"you're not gonna fight it are you?!" Zenitsu whisper-screams, trembling fingers gripping at his hair. you take in a breath. "as a demon slayer my job is to slay every threatening demon I come across, so yes, I will fight it."
"Zenitsu, bring Shoichi to the back wall, make sure nothing happens to him," you order and Zenitsu practically drags the boy to the back wall.
The demon chuckled. "this is going to be an easy fight." he muttered, cracking his knuckles.
you unsheathed your sword, holding it out to the side as the demon runs forward. Zenitsu's fingers stop shaking and both he and Shoichi wait in bated breath to see what you would do.
you don't move other than a slight shift in your feet and when the demon is about three feet away you gripped your sword harder.
"Water Breathing Seventh Form: Piercing Rain Drop."
before the demon could wrap his claws around you you step forward and stab your sword into its stomach before pulling out and doing it again while the demon stood in shock that you landed a hit on him.
your stab had stopped the demon from moving and before it could try again you pulled out your sword and jumped up, using the tall roof to your advantage.
"Water Breathing Second Form: Water Wheel."
your sword crashed down on the demon's arms that he had held up to shield himself and barely scraped his head. "Wow..." Shoichi breathed from next to Zenitsu and he couldn't help but think that it was an understatement.
but your minor victory was short-lived as the demon wrapped its huge hand around your calf and foot and squeezed.
Zenitsu could hear the loud crack over your scream.
you tumbled for the floor but still managed to tuck and roll before you hit your head, your sword plunging into the floorboard as you gripped at your ankle. it was probably broken.
the demon turned around but gave a quick glance to Zenitsu and Shoichi first. "you two look weak, I can have a quick snack first." the demon decided before picking you up.
the demon's tongue slithered out and licked against your cheek and Zenitsu promptly passed out.
a shocked gasp.
a slicing sound along with the squirting of blood.
"Thunder Breathing First Form: Thunderclap And Flash."
a thud.
Zenitsu's eyes flutter open and stare into your own giddy ones. he sits up, rubbing at his head before his eyes snap open at the sight of the decapitated and decaying demon.
"did you and Shoichi do that?" he asks, tilting his head. you furrow your eyebrows and Zenitsu's even more confused.
"What no- never mind, sure, whatever. but I need you to carry me because of my leg," you babbled, laying a hand on his shoulder.
oh yeah, you had broken your leg. does that mean Shoichi killed the demon? his eyes flick down to your leg which was covered but he didn't doubt it looked horrendous underneath.
he stands up and kneels down for you to jump on his back and he rests his hands under your thigh. "Shoichi, could you grab my sword for me?" you ask the dark-haired boy and he nods, plucking your sword from the ground and helping you sheath it.
he hopes Tanjiro won't yell at him for not saving you before your leg broke but he was scared and passed out! besides Shoichi ended up killing the demon anyways.
the three of you walk around again, calling out for Tanjiro and Shoichi's siblings every once in a while and praying you don't run into a demon because one, Shoichi was just a kid. two, Zenitsu was a coward and ran away when he got scared. and three, you, the only skilled one here, had broken your leg protecting them.
suddenly the house shifts again and the three of you scream as your thrown out a window, freefalling for the ground.
in a moment of quick-thinking Zenitsu turned mid-air and wrapped himself around you and Shoichi so he would take most of the damage. he could at least do this one thing to try and keep his saviors safe.
all he remembers is a sharp pain in his head before he conked out again.
when he comes to it the boar-man hybrid is back and is storming for the box that you sit in front of, glaring at the half-naked hybrid.
"touch it and you’ll be asking for a fight," you say lowly, the threat was empty of course but the hybrid man didn't have to know that!
Zenitsu recalls back to Tanjiro's words when they had been walking.
"This box is more important to me and (name) than our lives, we'd give anything to keep it safe."
Zenitsu knew there was a demon in the box, it wasn't hard to tell with its irregular heartbeat but if you and Tanjiro cared for it that much he had to keep it safe.
"Shoichi! get (name) away from the box!" he yelled before curling around the box's entrance.
"huh," you mumbled as Shoichi began to drag you away. you couldn't put up much of a fight other than scratch at the boy's hands as you shouted profanities.
he took kicks and punches to the side but he had to keep the demon in the box safe, for you. ahh--um for you and Tanjiro he means.
the boar-man hybrid raised its sword, the metal glistening in the light, and he squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for the pain.
except it never came.
"WAIT!" was that Tanjiro?
slowly he peels his eyes open to see the boar-headed man's attention on Tanjiro who had his sword at the ready.
before Zenitsu can process what's happening Tanjiro punches the boar-man (which now that he thinks about it he swears he's seen him before, maybe at final selection) in the ribs and Zenitsu can hear the crack.
"so we're gonna fight bare-handed? fine with me!" the shirtless dude shouts, throwing his swords to the floor. "what? no!" Tanjiro stammers.
the man charges Tanjiro and in a moment of quick reflexes Tanjiro smacks his head against the guy's and he sways a bit.
slowly, almost painfully slow, the mask slips off and a very girlish and beautiful face is revealed as blood drips down the guy's forehead and nose.
the guy chuckled. "what did ya say 'bout my face? I'll punch your lights out for that!"
but before he could go through with it (Zenitsu is sure the boy would) he collapses, probably due to a head injury.
"wow. I knew you were hard-headed but not that hard-headed," you comment dryly from a couple of feet away, still limp in Shoichi's arms. "my arms are starting to feel numb." Shoichi complains.
Tanjiro walks over to you. "what happened? why can't you stand?"
"broke my ankle trying to defeat a demon. I did some damage though, so good for me." you cheer weakly as Tanjiro helps you stand without putting pressure on your foot.
"Shoichi your siblings are over there," Tanjiro says softly with a jerk of his chin. Shoichi grins and runs over to his sibling's waiting arms, crying with joy. damn, Kaigaku never greeted him with tears or hugs.
then again Kaigaku would probably skin Zenitsu alive if given the choice.
"Zenitsu I know your hurt but could you use your haori as a pillow for the guy on the ground?" Tanjiro wonders. "I need to find something to splint (name's) leg."
Zenitsu nods and shrugs off his haori, shoving it beneath the shirtless guy's head. he really needs to figure out this guy's name.
he takes a moment to listen to the guy's sound and instantly want's to tune out. it's loud and annoying and wild like the guy was always hyped up with energy. it was surely something.
he much rathered you and Tanjiro's shared sound.
Tanjiro managed to find a stick to split your leg and had you watch the box that held the demon.
"c'mon. let's bury this guy's body then find some ice for your bruises, eh?" Tanjiro suggested, hoisting up the long-haired dead guy from earlier. Zenitsu nodded and began to dig a hole for the boy.
it's night and honestly, Zenitsu was tired but the crow said they'd bring them somewhere to rest up and who was he to deny that?
Inosuke, the shirtless guy (they figured out his name), kept trying to coax Tanjiro into fighting him but the auburn-haired slayer just wasn't having it. he was too busy fussing over your ankle.
the group ends up at a mansion with a wisteria crest on it and Zenitsu relishes in the calming and safe vibe it gives off.
the crickets chirp in his ears and he lets a smile coat his lips. a warm hand wraps around his own and he turns his head to face yours.
your smile isn’t wide and cheerful but instead fond and small. Zenitsu couldn’t help but think you looked stunning even with the grime coating your arms and cheeks.
his tongue felt dry and his heart seemed to pause and in the corner of his eye, he focused on the confused look of Tanjiro as the red-haired boy’s nose twitched.
“I just wanted to say…thank you for saving me back there. you barely know me yet you still helped and I couldn’t thank you enough,” you said softly, averting your eyes to the cracked ground.
Zenitsu rubbed at the back of his neck. “I didn’t even save you… I just passed out. I’m too cowardly to save someone as cool as you.” he didn’t understand your praise, Shoichi killed the demon, hadn’t he?
you shook your head. “you need to learn to take credit for your feats Zenitsu, even if you don’t remember them.” you clicked your tongue before gesturing for Tanjiro to continue walking.
Zenitsu was thoroughly confused, what had you meant by that?
brushing it off he walked after you, listening to your and Tanjiro’s heartbeats. the beautiful melodies you had seemed to overpower Inosuke’s wild and crazed one but he couldn’t help but think that Inosuke’s sound fit right in with the rest of them.
something creeps out of the house and it was obviously a smiling old lady but he couldn’t help his yell of, “MONSTER!” that really did a strain on his probably broken ribs.
you lightly slapped the back of his head. “be polite!” you scolded, not unlike how his Gramps would whenever they went to town.
he muttered an apology to the lady who just laughed wholeheartedly and beckoned them inside.
“Not that I don’t like your kindness ma’am but why are you doing this?” Tanjiro asked as the woman clattered around to prepare food.
“a while back a couple of demon slayers like you four saved my family from some demons and now we tend to injured slayers to thank them, even if they are long gone.” the woman explained, serving them bowls of steaming udon noodles.
“once you finish your dinner I have some clothes for you to change into and then I’m going to have to wrap your ribs and leg.” the woman said, pulling out clothing for them to wear.
“thank you!” you and Tanjiro say simultaneously, picking up your chopsticks. Inosuke, like the menace he is, eats with his hands, shoving the noodles in his mouth messily.
you grimace but pat his back lightly when he almost chokes. Inosuke squints at you. “you tryna fight or something?”
“no, I just don’t want you to die due to noodles.”
Inosuke huffs and continues to devour the noodles, not caring about the mess he made.
after food and changing a family doctor came to wrap their ribs and your leg along with giving you a crutch to use till your leg is healed.
the four of you head to the bedroom you were gifted, Inosuke plopping down on a futon and claiming it as his.
you sat down on your own, fiddling with the sheets. you were probably bored.
“hey Inosuke, why’d you become a demon slayer?” you asked, kicking your good leg back and forth.
“well, I joined after I beat up a member who came to my mountain! then I heard about demons and final selection from the guy and decided to join to beat up demons!” Inosuke grinned, resting his head in his arm as he stared at you.
you snickered behind your hand. “amazing story, bravo.”
“I know.” Inosuke shot back. Zenitsu almost face-palmed.
“uh.” Zenitsu started, not really knowing if now was a good time. “Tanjiro, (name), w-why do you have a demon in the box you carry around?”
and with stupidly good timing the demon scratched at the box’s door, the thing swinging open.
a clawed palm sticks out and Zenitsu backs into the closet, trying to climb into it.
but when it crawls out his eyes widen. long black longs of hair that lighten at the tips, bright pink eyes, and smooth skin.
the demon was a beauty, that’s for sure.
but comparing it to you its eyes seemed dull, its hair didn’t shine, and no matter how cute it looked it couldn’t compare to the flush on your cheeks when you thanked him earlier.
though the demon was still pretty, and Zenitsu tended to gravitate to pretty people.
wait…was Tanjiro carrying her around to have a cute demon girlfriend?! Zenitsu refused to allow this! even if you were in on it!
“TANJIRO I WILL SET YOUR EXECUTION DATE! YOU CANNOT CARRY AROUND SUCH A BEAUTY AND NOT TELL ME!” he screeched, beginning to chase the boy around as he tried to stutter out a response.
sighing, you crawled over to the demon and let it hug you, thin arms wrapping around your shoulders before tiny hands patted your head.
“did you have a good sleep, Nezuko?” you asked kindly. the demon, Nezuko, let out a happy hum and began to incoherently babble around the bamboo gag.
adorable, his mind supplied, yet his eyes were on you.
“you all talk too much. it takes up thinking capacity.” Inosuke says dryly before promptly passing out.
“Zenitsu!” Tanjiro squeaks, trying to be quiet. “Nezuko’s my sister! not my girlfriend! calm down!”
Zenitsu blinks once. twice. before shrugging and responding with a simple “okay.”
after that fiasco, Tanjiro ‘talks’ with his younger sister before stating he was heading to bed, leaving just you, him, and the demon who perched herself on the end of your futon.
silently he climbed from his futon and crawls to yours, trying to ignore the eyes of the demon.
the grime was still on your cheeks from earlier and absentmindedly Zenitsu reaches out and scrubs at your cheek with his sleeve.
you flush again and look down at your lap. “what was that for?” you mumble.
“there was dirt on you, didn’t want you to go to be coated in dirt y’know?” he laughs but it’s obviously a nervous one.
“Oh. well uh, goodnight Zenitsu, have good dreams,” you say, patting his arm before lifting your blanket over yourself.
Zenitsu retreats to his own futon calmly but his mind was going a hundred miles a minute.
oh god- why did he do that? he was so stupid. what if you think he has a crush on you? no, no, no, he has a crush on your beautiful sister Nezuko, doesn’t he? he has to! he loves pretty people! but he also finds you pretty…does that me he likes you too? no that can’t be possible your just a friend!
and he falls asleep like that, internally anxious.
the next day the group is eating breakfast when a kasugai crow appears, annoyingly screaming in their ears.
“TANJIRO MAKE IT SHUT UP!” he yells, resisting the urge to smack the boy with the bowl of food in front of him.
“Zenitsu calm down! I can’t talk to it if you keep screaming!” Tanjiro yells back.
you are glaring at both of them from the rim of your bowl as Inosuke runs around having successfully stolen as much food as he could.
“could you both shut up?” you groan, putting down your chopsticks.
the crow lands on your arm when you stick it out and tweets into your ear, telling you about whatever mission they had to do now.
you nod and pat the crow's head before it flies off. “Inosuke sits down,” you order, pointing at the seat next to you.
He hesitantly does and Zenitsu silently thanks whatever god that’s out there that he does. he really doesn’t want to face your wrath.
“were supposed to go to Mt. Natagumo. apparently, there are multiple demons, seemingly in a group, roaming around and killing whoever comes to the mountain,” you explain.
Zenitsu pales. that sounds scary. he really doesn’t want to die, especially alone.
"We'll do it!" Tanjiro hums. Inosuke gives a boyish grin. "let's kick some demon ass!"
the kind lady walks up to them, taking their bowls of food. "the doctor says your injuries are healed so you're free to go." she smiles. "come back if needed."
"thank you for the kindness ma'am!" Tanjiro bows his head. she waves it off with a laugh. "no need to thank me, deary."
"well," you announced. "let's get changed and head to Mt. Natagumo!"
"we've been walking for hours. how tall is the mountain?" Zenitsu whined, dragging a hand down his sweaty face.
"hold on- I smell something!" Tanjiro shouted, holding a hand out. "it smells like blood."
and of course, Tanjiro runs towards the danger. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" he bellowed after Tanjiro who had been followed by not only you but Inosuke as well.
"To fight some demons!" you chirped, hands cupping your mouth. "you can stay here if you want. we'll be back in no time."
"what (bad take on your name) said!" Inosuke grinned.
Zenitsu huffed and brought his knees to his chest. "HAVE FUN DYING!" he snarled.
how stupid could they be? who the hell runs towards the danger? what in the...
he will not go, he refuses to go into that hell hole.
they're all gonna die.
wait... they're all gonna die!
he scrambled up. you and the idiots took Nezuko!
when he looked at the sky he realized the sun had been begging to set and he'd sat there mumbling to himself like a mad man.
he has to keep you safe! and Nezuko of course.
Zenitsu runs for the mountain, calling out you and Nezuko's names, hoping one of you would hear him. and for the second time, he wished there was at least one kamado sibling with him.
as he's pushing his way through the forest on the mountain he hears little clapping of spikes hitting the ground and a shiver goes down his spine.
"oh god, I'm an idiot. why did I come here?" he mumbled to himself, turning his head in all directions.
though he froze when he saw it.
a tiny spider with a bald human head.
what the actual fuck.
screaming, he scrambles to get away, getting slapped and scraped by multiple tree branches whilst doing so.
but then he comes across an even bigger spider with a human head. Zenitsu wants to cry. he wishes you were here, you'd be able to slay the demon and protect him.
"I see you've met my creation." the spider demon laughed, a cruel grin growing on its lips. "as the eldest son, I have a powerful ability. I can turn humans into little spiders that must obey my orders. and I want you to be next."
Zenitsu babbles nonsense as he fearfully climbed up a tree, hugging its trunk.
"I'm sorry!" he cries. "I'm sorry I couldn't become the demon slayer gramps wanted me to be! I'm sorry I'm a pathetic and sniveling coward, I don't want to be one! I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, (name)!"
his hands come to cover his head and Zenitsu realizes chunks of hair are starting to fall out as his eyes focus on the bite in his palm.
he bangs his head against the tree lightly.
why couldn't he do anything?
it was getting too long so ima have to split this into parts but here's part one!!
@ilyimagines @mychemicalangel @songbird-writer
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aria-greenhoodie · 3 years
My opinions on every Dream smp character (/rp /c! /lh) 
Dream - die.
George - Does he even exist??? I think he just stays asleep in a shroom forest until Dream XD drags him out for “fun time.”
Sapnap - Pet Killer. >:( But is engaged to Karl and Quackity who are both cool so I guess it’s fine.
Callahan - All knowing and terrifying, but fantastic and great.
Sam - What the fuck??? Is??? Going on with this man??? He’s fucked up. I don’t think hes a bad person but he needs someone to tell him to fucking stop, because he has done bad shit, even if I dont think he’s bad, like, what in the fuck. I kinda wanna bite him.
Sam Nook - The best Sam. I’d kill and die for him. irl. /gen. This is not a joke. I love this robot. SO MUCH. Love so muchh. <333
Alyssa - Exists? I think???
BBH - Bit fucked up. Not that pleasant.
Tommy - Big Man. Always correct. Don’t argue with me about this, I'll bite you. And he probably will too. He reminds me of me when I was in middle school and because of that I will side with him always.
Tubbo - Awe, what a little lad! Oh, he’s a bit fucked up. O-oh… he’s a LOT fucked up… Still a little lad though! Also pretty gender. Also according to literally every single “WHICH DSMP CHARACTER ARE YOU?” quiz I take I’m him, so that’s cool!
Fundy - I hold you very gently and tenderly but also very far away at arms length just in case.
Punz - Punz
Purpled - Funky fucking alien boy!!! Good builder, really cool, deserved better, I got really sad when Quackity blew up his UFO because it looked fucking sick and if it was mine I would have cried.
Wilbur - Seems very polite, but also maybe a little unhinged…
Ghostbur -pspsppssps sweet man so polite come back to me please pspspspspspspps come here pspspspspspspss yes I would love some blue now come closer pspsppspspspspss
Revivedbur - Sir please do not fuck this up I’m rooting for you because I know you can do great things please do not make me regret this please sir I believe in you please
Schlatt - Drunk bitch. Fuckin died. L.
Skeppy - Wait what even is your lore? You got corrupted by the Egg at some point but did you do anything after that?? Do you even still EXIST????
Eret - King, Queen, Royalty at its finest, you have tried so hard and I love you for it, also you’re violently gender and kinda pretty ngl so I may be biased but stfu you fucking kill it you funky fucking Herobrine ily <333
Nikki - Babe ily you deserved better, I may be rooting for Revivedbur but if you wanna punch that mf in his undead face I fully support you ily ily ily
Karl Jacobs - Funky Time lad! Also really pretty. And kinda gender, but only a little bit. Those cool drawings of his old skin that the fandom came up with where he's a weird colorful rubber-hose-armed marshmallow human thing are more gender than what he is now, though.
Hbomb - Furry /pos. Seems nice enough.
Antfrost - Furry /neg. He’s actually fine, but I don't actually have much to say about him.
Philza Minecraft - is quite old, he is married to a woman, which I find interesting. I love him but would also like to punch him, just once. Just one little punch. Nothing super hard, just a little punch. Love ya, Dadza <3
Connor - Sonic Kinnie. I know he has lore but I cannot understand it and only know 1/10 of it so I can't actually say much about him. He seems depressed all the time though, so I feel bad for him.
Captain Puffy - The best Father I have ever seen <3 Also the only semi-fucking-responsible adult??? Like Sam used to be too but then he… yeah… I love her!
Viky - Doesn't exist in cannon I think??
Lazar - Does he exist in cannon either????
Ranboo - YOU!!! You <333 YOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! I love you!! You make me a little sad sometimes but also INCREDIBLY happy!! My little hypocrite <3 my little walking contradiction <3 also REALLY gender, VIOLENTLY so. And Enderman /very pos.
Foolish - I like you! I don’t know much about you, but I’m learning more! I like your builds and attitude! Nice man :)
Hannah - I know literally NOTHING about you at all but I want to because you seem so badass and cool holy shit
Slimecicle - FUCKING WEIRD ASS SLUDGE MONSTER FROM THE BEGINING OF TIME???? YES PLEASE!!! SO GENDER!!! SO COOL!!! LOVE!!! LOVE LOV ELVOEKJDENJJW!!!!!!!!!! I love this fucking man <3333333 Filled with bones and meat and not slime at all <333333333
Michael McChill - Dream Stan /neg I don’t know much about this guy, actually, pretty neutral on him.
Michael _Beloved - Nice boy! Very polite! Probably could kill me if he wanted! Good lad!
Michelle - Oh she would whoop my ass. Great and fantastic!
Yogurt - babeyy,,,,,, boi,,,,, come hereee,,,,,, pspspsppspspsspspsp,,,,,,, i love youuu,,,,,,,
Foolish Jr. - Seems energetic and excitable! Good lad!
Finley - Fantastic, wonderful girl!
Mexican Dream - Eyyyyyy look at he! Look at the he!!! I like he :)))) he’s cool.
Dream XD - Oh so you’re THAT kind of asshole. Love it. 10/10. Also biblically accurate angel inspired designs for this mf??? So gender. Violently gender. Love that shit.
Mamacita - p, prett y wom an,,, 
Mumza Kristin - If anyone doesn't like Mumza I’ll cut their body into fourths and burry the pieces under a Denny’s <3 She’s so poggers.
Friend - Friend! :DDD
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toorumochi · 3 years
Hello~ I created some KaruShuu Headcanons for you guys~ hope you enjoy ❤️🧡 (Questions ain’t mine, I just answered them) Also some of them are based off fanfics I have written/read.
Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
Hm. Both. Lmao
Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
Karma is the sexy time, always time and Shuu is the relaxing time one BUT. That doesn’t mean he isn’t playing along with Karma
Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
Karma. Karma walks around at least half naked maybe some boxers - and it’s not like shuu doesn’t enjoy watching his manly man walking around the house beefy af and flexing his muscles without even trying but he still tells karma to put some clothes on
Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
I would say that Karma was the first one who said ‘I love you’ and the ‘bc I love you’ feels like smth Shuu would say
Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
Shuu likes to wear Karmas, and then:
“...shuu pls give me my clothes back I swear I have nothing to wear-“
Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
Karma would be the one with cool dreams and wake Shuu up but since Shuu is a supporting bf/husband he will listen to him ❤️ and when it comes to nightmares, I would say that Shuu gets them but Karma is always there to comfort him ❤️❤️
Who is more likely to cheat?
No❤️ but if it’s in a video game- karma. He is a little bitc-
Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
“Wait whattt??? You have a crush on me? Omggg stahp I’m blushing now”
“......Karma we are dating-“
Or better!
“What? Omg- really? You actually have a crush on me? Damn Shuu why didn’t you tell me”
“...Karma we are marrIED-“
Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
Karma is a little bitch and he would start with maybe splashing some water onto Shuu and then Shuu turns to face him with a straight face “oh it’s on”
Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
Both initiate duets; anywhere and everywhere - and Shuu is the better singer. Karma sounds like a bitch
Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
Hmmm maybe Karma would take it easy with the hand holding; like he would start taking Shuus hand when they are at home and when it comes to public he lets it be and waits for Shuu; cause if he is ready to hold hands, Karma is ready too.
Who likes to write the others name on their wrist?
Karma would doodle his own name on Shuus arm during study sessions or so ksksksks bonus: Shuu does NOT wash it off, when in the shower, he has this one hand stretched out so the water won’t touch the doodle.
Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?
Shuu. Both is Shuu. Pls.
Who is more protective?
Karma is pretty protective- but not in an obsessive way, more like taking care of Shuu and his health as well as his eating habits and sleep
Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
Karma would just talk and talk till Shuu falls asleep but karma KEEPS ON TALKI-
Who drives and who has the window seat?
Karma drives bc he is the most terrain oriented and besides, Shuu likes to drink from time to time (like coming back from parties or so) so there is no way that a drunk Shuu at the steering wheel would survive.
Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed?
Shuu would fall asleep in Karmas lap (DURING SHREK MARATHONSSS 🥴 Idk if anyone gets that but in my fanfics on Wattpad Karma is OBSESSED with Shrek lmao so Shrek marathons >>>) and Karma would carry him to bed.
Who cuts the others hair?
I would say Shuu would cut Karmas hair, pls he is perfect at everything. (.......except cooking and baking *clears throat*)
Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day?
Shuu is hella bad at sexting, but when he is drunk he is the god of flirting lmao
And the encouraging ones- hm... both djdjdjd
Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
AAAAAA NOOOO *war flashbacks: “You’re my Moron” fanfic ending II”*
Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
Who kissed first?
OH OH!!!
I think!!! That if maybe Karma was the first one to confess bc come on, Shuu has a reputation so yea, but when it comes to first kiss- Shuu would. Shuu would be the one who kisses Karma like totally randomly, maybe hanging out at each other houses and watching a movie and then Shuu leaNS IN AND KISSES HIM AAAAA-
Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them?
YES. THIS. SHUU WOULD. Since he plays many instruments, he finds himself creating love songs for Karma butttt he wouldn’t give them to him bc he would be too embarrassed ndndndnd on the other hand, Karma would write poetry and stories for Shuu like very dorky ones and cute and Shuu finds it adorable on the inside but he has to keep his reputation and standards and stuff like that up so he just says it’s stupid but let me tell you, that boy loves Karmas poetry and stories
Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?
who worries about what they will look like when they are older?
BOTH, they worry that they won’t be good looking enough for the other one
who hogs the blanket?
Karma is a hoe.
who eats the others uneaten pizza crusts?
Pls, Shuu would rather die than not eat his own pizza left overs butttt Karma sometimes wont finish them and Shuu gladly accepts 😩❤️ (also a fanfic reference, bc Shuu loves pizza in that one fanfic so yea-)
who is more likely to cry over a sad book or movie?
who talks while playing video games?
who sings along with the radio?
who would enter them both into a talent show?
who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?
who would throw the other into a pool?
who shops for groceries?
who kills the spiders?
who is the morning/night person?
I thinkkk that I have more of those- as soon as I find them, I’ll post them here 😩✨
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projectdreamcatcher · 3 years
c!tubbo for the ask meme ofc
ITS GO TIME. /dsmp /rp
Why I like them: tubbo’s one of those characters who I like because he’s so fucked up. I find him really interesting because we can see Exactly what made tubbo the way he is through all of the streams we see of him. Also he’s just a select few I enjoy to watch while he’s on screen!
Why I don’t: honestly? I don’t think this is a matter of just dislike more of like. Something unnerving. He’s just kinda an asshole. But he’s a different kind of asshole than say, idk, ranboo. Ranboo is just a guy who’s pretentious in your history class. Tubbo is nice but not kind. Tubbo could very easily hurt people even on massive scales, and do it with a smile, because he’s already justified it in his head that it’s for the greater good, it’ll serve the collective many, even if it means he hurts the few. It’s not a matter of dislike it’s just something so Realistic in how disturbing it can be.
Favorite stream: basically all of his snowchester streams. My favorite has to be the interrogation stream he did with foolish. The atmosphere and later tubbo showing foolish pogtopia. It’s a real neat insight on tubbo as a character it’s a shame it’s not talked about moreZ
Favorite line: you expect me to choose 1? NOPE here’s all of them. (“You won’t die as long as you’re compliant.” / “You’ve undermined my authority from the get go!” / “hello minutes man” / “I don’t feel grief anymore, only anger.” / “I didn’t even get to say my goodbyes” / “do you know what ghandi does in civ 5?”)
Favorite outfit: the snowchester outfit is so cozy so. Being predictable and choosing that one.
OTP: nah
BROtp: I don’t really have one? I dont really go all GAGA at clingy or bee duo or bench trio or like, any duos at all really. I sorta just consider myself a tubbo main. by himself
Headcanon: he is developing little wooden or plastic toys to go with the kids meals at tubburger- but it’s less about quackity’s profits and more about something nice for Micheal.
Unpopular opinion: oh god if I were to list Every unpopular opinion here I would be here all day. But like. I feel like c! Tubbo gets so Much leniency compared to the other characters on the dream smp, if that makes sense? And because of that liency (which isn’t itself the problem- more like some of the other characters don’t get Any) - the excess of leniency means that people just. Refuse to look what c Tubbo does in the face because they’re too busy giving him benefit of the doubt. Bc they have to or else you could get accused of villainnizing him. So no nuance whatsoever. For some reason I’ve never had to fight this hard to have basic acts and flaws Acknowledged at all let alone analyzed. It’s kinda frustrating.
Wish: I would love for the Cold War plot to come back. I want to see my little boy (the nukes)
Oh god don’t ever happen: moving into the mansion /srs
5 words to describe them: the boy here he is my boy it’s him it’s the boy!!! (I went over the word limit. You get what I mean)
My nickname for them: radioactive superheated distant motherfucker
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camping hc’s w/ the feral boys <3
AYO LOOK AT THESE : implied smut if u look hard enough , but really just some cute , fluffy feral boys content lol . these ended up being really fun to write so let me know if u have any other ideas for more hc’s !! ily , starlight ☁
reblogs are always appreciated !!! <3
all as a group - 
god help us all this would be a MESS
you guys would get one of those massive tents that have separate rooms for everyone
s’mores are a guarantee
alex and clay would light their marshmallows on fire
and chase each other around with them
karl is FOCUSED on getting the perfect golden roast
sapnap keeps nudging him to mess the marshmallow up
george literally has his marshmallow in the fire for .2 seconds
clay would give him so much shit for it and the two of them would “argue”
but george would end up breaking his smore in half for clay
and feeding it to him most likely 
alex would bring his guitar and play it while everyone sat around the fire
sapnap would definitely start singing ‘campfire song’ from spongebob
everyone would pick up
and dissolve into laughter
clay would be the first to bring up telling scary stories
you’d be scared as shit from the words he was crafting
youd sandwich yourself between karl and alex
alex would poke your waist , jumpscaring you
and you’d pout saying you’re going to bed
youd walk into the tent
they would all C O M P L A I N but eventually join you
at least one of them pees on the fire “to make sure its completely out”
george would ‘knock’ on the tent to see if you were dressed
because they’re respectful , your honor
everyone would meet in the main part of the tent with sleeping bags and pillows and blankets
completley abandoning all the separate rooms
you’d all take turns talking about nothing at all really
making stupid jokes
if you fell asleep first , clay and george would make everyone whisper
you need your beauty sleep
they’d all fade pretty fast after that
but karl would wake everyone to watch the sunrise together
dream -
would have the top of the line camping equipment
even if it was for like
a two day trip
he’d go to an outdoor store and come home with an entire car full of camping shit
a portable grill
a blowup mattress
the nicest two person tent money could buy
the full nine yards
would put you in charge of planning meals
which is probably a good idea
has had the campsite booked for months
somewhere by a lake
“clay , we literally live by the ocean”
“it’s not the same , baby”
he’s right , its not
would take a mini road trip to get there
he’d make sure to stop at all the tourist traps along the way
you two would end up with a bunch of fruit from a roadside stand
once you finally got there
the tent would essentially pitch itself
he’d do the car salesman slap on the nylon
“best tent money can buy”
you’d probably take a nap , tired from the drive
by the time clay shook you awake the sun was setting
so he'd fire up his little camping grill
pls he’d geek out so hard over it
you’d be awake from the nap
so clay would light a lantern and the two of you would just 
wander around the campsite holding hands
you two would absolutely go swimming at midnight
clay would pick you up in the water 
and have you wrap your legs around him like a koala
he’d pepper your face with kisses
then dunk you under the water
once you two got out you’d get in pajamas
and clay wouldn’t be able to inflate the air mattress
he forgot the pump
but you brought sleeping bags just incase
you two would fall asleep as close as two people in sleeping bags possibly could
sapnap -
would insist on being the manliest man
like would collect firewood and everything
he’d show off the axe he brought
then would chop the wood
he's gloating smh
and would get 125670 % more overprotective when you wanted to try
would stand behind you and show you how to swing
would guide your arms and everything
but would stand like
10 feet away
when you went to actually swing
spooked by how hard you chopped
but also proud ???
would build a fire as it got dark
and tell you how pretty you looked in the light from the flames
he’d be pretty old school w camping food
would stab a poker through hotdogs
he’d help you roast yours , rotating it so it cooked even
would forget the buns and condiments
“i thought we had everything!”
the two of you would die of laughter
just eating ur hotdogs
off of the pokers
would remember a stash of candy and snacks
so you end up eating those too
nick would have the tent up in less than five minutes
“fastest tent pitcher on this side of the mississip” 😎
would bring it up 13790 times
he would find a way to zip your sleeping bags up together so it's one big franken-bag
he’s so warm
keeps you toasty
George -
camping was most likely your idea
but gogs is all for it
gets really excited and buys a two person sleeping bag
“so we can still cuddle”
you’d bring all your camping equipment so you had a pad to sleep on
“sleeping on the ground hurts , baby”
“isn't that the whole point ?”
would have his hand on your thigh as he drove to the campsite
and would play loud music the whole way there
with all the windows down
you two would set up camp while it was still light
both struggling™
to get the tent up
it would take y’all like an hour
and both of you would be all sweaty after wrestling with it
so george would change into swimming trunks and wait on you to put on a bathing suit
then he would piggyback you to the lake
running straight into the cold water while you scREAMED
you’d smack him so he’d let you down
then you’d splash him
a splash war would ensue
george would grab your hands , threading them through his
“be nice to me >:,(“
you’d get all soft and wrap your arms around him
the two of you would swim for h o u r s
until someone got hungry
you’d show gogs how to make a campfire
he’d knock over your demonstration
“i want to try”
would nail it on the first shot
you'd be baffled but entirely impressed
after dinner he would show off the oversized sleeping bag
you two would get in together , legs tangled
would probably download movies on his phone beforehand for you guys to watch
he’d fall asleep first , lulled to bed by the sounds of outside
Karl -
loves camping so much
just loves outside in general
would already have a bunch of gear
but would insist on finding a way for you two to be able to sleep together
we all know this boys love language is touch
even in his sleep he needs some sort of skin to skin contact
would buy a camping bed
i feel like karl would want to make “real camping food”
so he’d do hotdogs
and those foil packet thingies with potatoes and corn
he’d show you how to seal they foil and bury it in the coals properly
would scrunch his nose at you while you messed the wrapping up on purpose
“let me do it for you , baby”
would proceed to do it for you
he’d take 100000000000 pictures of you 
in the sunset lighting
the campfire lighting
the moon lighting
because he cant help how beautiful you look
would feed you bites of vegetable in between your hot dog
“are you staying hydrated?”
brought juice boxes , too
he’d set up a place for you guys to stargaze
and would point out all the constellations
yall would make up your own too , giving them full backstories
he’d slow dance with you under the moon until it got too cold to be outside
the two of you would … take advantage of the camping bed
crossing ‘outside’ off the bucket list 😌
by day 3 he was tired of his traditional camping food
would beg you for some of your snacks
you’d feed him oreos and fruit snacks while you guys hiked
Quackity -
was not down™
at first
but once he saw how excited you were 
he would be all in
would go to a camping store with you and pick out equipment
alex would insist on getting the stereotypical camping cookware
“we have to !!!”
“no we dont???”
“yes we do 😤”
would refuse to sleep on the ground
buys one of those camping pad things
would buy a two person sleeping bag as well
“if im doing this im at LEAST sleeping next to you”
you’d beg him to bring his guitar and play it at the campfire
he’d sing you soft songs while you toasted marshmallows
and you’d feed him s’mores
but you two would end up just eating the chocolate bars instead
he’d bring some sort of card game
and you two would get way too competitive
probaby uno
you’d be screaming at each other at like 1 am
would get a noise complaint
but alex does not care
not one bit
would make a joke about you screaming his name instead
ends up loving falling asleep to the sounds of nature
somehow finds his way into being little spoon
you two fall asleep holding each other
and wake up a tangled mess
begs you to stay another night
because he actually likes being away from it all
and getting uninterrupted one-on-one time with his girl
next time you guys get a free weekend , he’s the one who suggests camping
because he loved it so much
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businessbois · 4 years
I would love to hear your options on c! Tubbo!
someone actually asked me this forever ago and i completely forgot to answer and then felt awkward because itd been so long, apologizing to that person now.
okay c!tubbo, i dont really watch tubbo as much as i watch tommy, but i’ll give my two cents but no guarantee im 100% right. like tommy, he’s grown up in war. he fights for this country, loses two lives for this country, becomes the president of this country, and then loses this country. i never wanted  tubbo to be president admittedly, i know a lot of people were hopeful on the 16th when it was first announced, but i was firmly of the belief that neither he nor tommy should be president. i mean, cc!tubbo says he basically just plays himself in his character and look at how chaotic cc!tubbo is. he shouldn’t be tied down to be president, he should get to be 16. but tubbo’s a trooper, so he takes this title given to him by the man who blew up the country. 
i believe tubbo wanted to do good and i believe he could’ve, but he was not a great leader. that’s not his fault, he needed guidance and support to be a leader and got none of that. tubbo’s ideals of “i want everyone to get along” did not hold up in the world of politics. honestly, tubbo probably would have been very receptive to a conversation about dissolving the government, he’s eager to listen, eager to learn. this eagerness that placed him as wilbur’s toy soldier, schlatt’s yes man, and finally dream’s puppet. new l’manburg’s cabinet was ruled by fear. technoblade took a canon life from each tubbo and quackity. it doesn’t matter if he’s supposedly peaceful now, how are they supposed to trust that? techno was supposedly on tubbo’s side when he shot him with a firework rocket. so they’re scared and they’re stupid and tubbo’s a trooper so he goes after the man who blew up the country.
tubbo after doomsday is interesting. this is the chaotic tubbo. this is tubbo unweighed down by the presidency. he’s still afraid, but now he’s got fucking nukes and i love that for him. he learned from doomsday, learned that the people with the most firepower are the ones who win. maybe all that stuff about government being bad went unheard under the explosions. tubbo takes a lesson about survival from doomsday. he’s determined to protect himself and his friends because he believes that he’s failed so many times before. there’s this quote from phil that’s like “i expect blood from techno, he was born in blood, he’s the embodiment of chaos. but fucking tubbo burned down a tree?? where did i go wrong?” but tubbo was born in war, tubbo is a little ball of chaos. but tubbo does not get this same courtesy. techno gets 150 wither skulls and so tubbo has nukes. 
tubbo on disc day is also interesting. disc day starts out with tommy prepared for the worst and tubbo hoping for the best. it quickly flips. tubbo has lived without tommy. he spent weeks(? timeline??) thinking his best friend was dead, he can’t do that again. he’s lived so much life. he’s sure he’s ready to go. he wants his friends to be safe, to be happy. that’s why he has nukes, that’s why he built snowchester, that’s why he’s here. and if that’s why he has to die, then so be it. tommy, on the other hand, was fully ready to die that day. he was not, however, ready to live without tubbo.
dream’s locked away. tommy’s safe and building a hotel. tubbo decommissions the nukes. because they were always about protection, not revenge. tubbo has always been about protection, not revenge. he forgives techno immediately after the pit accident because tubbo’s not a guy who holds grudges, he’s not after revenge. later, he goes after techno when he becomes president and feels as though he’s a threat. he wants to protect himself and his friends.
just know if you are ever in my ask box, i will just be giving you nonsensical rambles vaguely about the topic you brought to me. i apologize now and every time
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lovedtogekiss-art · 3 years
hey guys youre not gonna guess who had a fanroute dream today. i call it the nature's call route because its a fancy way of saying 'i need to take a shit' while also alluding to the content lmao. anyways heres the shit i wrote when i woke up
khione (she/her): a lightner like kris, and the one they manipulate. uses dialogue portraits similar to noelle's. overworld sprite is just a black blur with noelle's horns and vines dangling from inconvenient places. she speaks using outdated slang
noelle exists, probably. berdly also exists, probably.
when you split off from susie and ralsei, you have the option to go down. there youll find khione sleeping in some boxes
"Khione is a Lightner, but you've never seen her before. You are filled with the power of mysterious plant girls."
on the very first enemy you encounter, you must tell her to use a spell titled 'The Call'. shell resist using it, at first begging you not to kill anyone, and then pleading with you not to because 'its a horrible way to die'. its clear that she knows that this spell exists and what it does.
"What…? You're joking, right?'
"N-no way!"
"Kris, that spell will kill them!"
"C-c'mon, Kris-Cross, you don't really want me to…?"
"I-I said no!"
"Krissy-kid, come on, that's a horrible way to die!"
"No, I won't…!"
"I won't…! I..."
"...I'm sorry."
each enemy has a unique animation for when The Call is used, but the end result is always the same; vines grow and flowers bloom from every avaliable crack and crevice, consuming the enemy in plant life while they still breathe.
each fight won with this tactic rewards an item called the Screaming Flower that heals different amounts of HP depending on who consumes it. it heals susie the most, followed by kris. khione actually takes damage when consuming it.
it doesnt matter how many times you use The Call after this, as long as youve used it once
queen is just conspicuously absent this entire time. the 'get the banana' cutscene is skipped, but you still somehow end up encountering spamton. you need to spare him.
khione gets attached to spamton quickly, saying that he 'reminds her of someone'
im not sure how, but after the fight, you and khione end up in spamton's shop. the two quickly get along, and khione very clearly looks up to and respects the washed-up salesman
player gets the keygen and then somehow ends up in the basement with khione. you go down and save and begin the not-puzzle. the teacup ride is immobilized by vines and tilted slightly towards you, so you can just slide down them like a firemans pole. i do not remember how you get back up.
khione remarks curiously on the machine aa you get the empty disk, wondering if youre doing the right thing.
after returning to spams, you transfer him to the disk as usual. khione looks visibly distressed during the process. outside the shop, she once again asks if youre doing the right thing. tell her you are.
dream cuts to queen's mansion after that. the spamton neo battle begins as normal for the most part, except that ralsei and susie dont join in to help
you have to use The Call on sneo here. khione will really fight you here, outright begging for you not to kill him. shes stubborn to the point of having to press the button around twenty times for it to work.
sneos death is… unique. khiones dialogue box is up the entire time, and her talksprite is a gif of her crying. you can clearly hear sneo screaming as the plants completely consume him, forming a sort of viney cocoon. the spell, however, doesnt end there, eventually encasing khione as well. you gain a screamflower and a shadow crystal for your efforts, and after that, the route part is over.
post game:
going behind the library reveals an obstacle. interacting with it says "There is a body on the floor. She seems awfully familiar…", and then, "She doesn't seem to be awake."
if you ask the priest about khione, he says that she was a girl who went missing while gerson was still alive, and shows you an old photo of what she really looked like, a photo that i didnt get to see.
khione's father was an unsuccesful businessman who went bankrupt sometime in the mid-70s. he had a gambling addiction and thus was always in debt. he is implied to have killed himself after khione disappeared, sometime in the early 80s
after learning this, you can access a secret passage off the main graveyard where khione's father is buried. at this point, you can pick up the body behind the librarby and interact with the headstone to bury it.
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masked-puppetmaster · 3 years
hey, i saw you asked a while ago why dream & techno apologists are apologists for those characters (and you liked a bunch of my posts concerning that, actually) i was wondering if you still have any more questions - and also i wanted to ask if you wanted to talk a bit about c!tommy and what makes you like him so much? like is it just the emotional attachment to him? is it the trauma? anything specific about the way in which he is written? i've always watched his pov & i'm very curious! / - red
yo yo yo hey! I think I understand it a bit more now, for the dream & techo apologists, I think I’m still a bit confused when it comes to technoblade. I see a lot about people only using him as a weapon/ him not being able to trust people / no one sticking up for him and I’m not sure where it comes from? In all fairness, I only know him as the guy who executed Tubbo / spawned withers but im assuming that’s in large part because I came into the story so late (iirc I didn’t really get into the dsmp until around doomsday, and I got most information of past events just by like. osmosis or reading wikis) so I might simply just not have enough information on techno to get it. Like, he executed Tubbo under a lot of pressure iirc but that doesn’t take away from the fact he did execute him? or things with the withers, I know technoblade doesn’t like the government and I’d go as far as to say he has a point, but was it really necessary to destroy lmanburg (iirc, multiple times). I know he was mad, but I feel like he shouldn’t have taken in that far, like from what I see and understand it’s like yes he had his points but he hurt people and doesn’t seem to care that he hurt anybody, just kinda stands there assuming he’s right about everything and not rlly looking at the situation from anyone else’s perspective. That being said like I said I came into the story really late and so my arguments might be able to be chalked up to just a lack of proper context, and even if I’m kinda annoyed at Technoblade’s behavior I still like him as a character & when techno does stream I enjoy the content so I’m not like a technoblade hater or anything I just don’t see why people can be apologists for him bcos from my pov he’s just kind of hurt people and not taken any personal responsibility for it (I mean this as in acknowledging to himself he was ever in the wrong; ex. The whole Tommy / techno betrayal situation which I think was a p complicated matter to be fair he just keeps saying over and over how Tommy betrayed him and it doesn’t seem to me like he’s even bothering to look at the situation from Tommy’s pov or rlly reflect on his own actions at all)
I just rlly like Tommy! I think at least some part of it can be chalked up to Tommy being the first streamer I watched in the dsmp and one of the ones I watch the most from (half the time I’m watching the dsmp it’s a Tommy stream) so there’s just gonna be some inherent bias towards him there like there is with literally any of these streamers. As you put it, it is kinda the trauma, haha. trauma and emotional attachment lol. I think part of it is I relate to him a lot, and I can see where he’s coming from on a lot of things, and I also just like the way his character is written. Smthn abt him that people have pointed out is that his trauma isn’t pretty and romanticized it’s ugly and yk he acts out and all that, which I appreciate. I can see where he’s coming from on a lot of things or at least understand why he thinks the way he does. I like seeing him learn and grow I like seeing his arcs both personally with himself and with other people. He’s an interesting and complex character and he’s been through a lot and I think it’s just super interesting to see how what he’s gone though affects his mental state and his actions as a character, like just from like a mental analysis standpoint there’s a lot to talk about which I think is pretty cool. this isn’t to say that he’s never fucked up or done anything wrong, because he has, but to be fair so has everyone else on this server I don’t think there’s a single member of the server who’s done nothing wrong (except maybe like. Charlie. Charlie my beloved). He’s made his mistakes but every good character fucks up that’s what makes them a good character is their flaws and so with the ways that he’s messed up and the ways he’s hurt people I’m an apologist because I can see why he acts that way, where the feelings and actions are coming from and I can forgive him for it because I understand the why. Also I just think the punishments he’s received for his actions are rlly unfair, easy ex with exile he did something many people on the server have already done at one point or another and was exiled and mentally broken down over it and rlly it’s just been like one thing after another and even if he’s made mistakes he gets way more harshly punished than I think was fair. I’ve seen people talk about how annoying and selfish his character is and when I read the posts (not all of them, there’s a nice chunk of people who are civil about it) it just seems like they’re not rlly thinking abt his character and his experiences. I’ll see people explain his signs of trauma and say it’s annoying because it’s not soft crying trauma it’s messy acting out trauma which it’s just like you do not understand this at all, do you? Or with the discs, I’ll be honest with you here. I will defend Tommy’s attachment to these stupid little music discs till the day I die. Why can’t he have his discs? They’re his , they’re not even that valuable outside of the fact that they’re his, why can’t he have things? why isn’t he aloud to have items he’s attached to without someone taking them for the sole reason of he likes them. And all I see is people saying he is selfish and cares about the discs more than people, which is literally disproven in the rp. Ranboo flat out says he’s not selfish, when Tommy takes the blame for George’s house (also keeping in mind here tommy and ranboo barely knew each other at the time, and if Tommy was actually selfish he could’ve very easily dragged Ranboo down with him) and when it comes to the discs he’s given up the discs multiple times in favor of helping other people (he gave them up for lmanburg, and then for Tubbo I think twice actually) and the one time he told someone the discs were worth more than they were, that was the moment yeah made him realize he didn’t like who he was becoming and he immediately backtracked and allowed the disc to be handed over. TL;DR he’s not selfish he’s just got a lot of strong attachments and his attachments are both his greatest strength and his greatest weakness. And he’s a kid, he’s been though a lot of things, he’s got a lot of trauma he’s dealing
with and it’s not always pretty but he gets better, he has his arcs and he gets better and learns from some of his actions, and I think looking at him and his yk. Timeline and character development and arcs and his whole like mental deal and just general character choices are super interesting and I find it fun, as someone who enjoys character analysis, and all in all I love him I relate to him in some ways and some of it also might just be emotional attachment and bias towards him as Tommy being one of my comfort streamers
& it’s fully possible someone could have just as much of an argument for c!techno, my deal w looking at c!tommy making mistakes and c!techno making mistakes and being able to be an apologist for Tommy and not for techno is more about me understanding tommy’s character better and understand the reasoning and the why behind the things he says and does, vs. techno who i dont really get and i can’t be an apologist for him if I don’t understand anything hes doing or why he’s doing it and then seeing him over and over dismiss other peoples perspectives and never rlly reflecting on himself (not to say Tommy couldn’t use at least a little of that himself- I am Looking over at his relationship w Jack Manifold lol) can be kinda frustrating but as I said earlier that might just be me not knowing all the proper context
I could probably write more about Tommy especially when it comes to the whole technoblade vs Tommy thing but this post is already way longer than you probably ever wanted to read so I’ll stop now I’m sorry I’m just hyperfixated haha and yk if anyone wants to like add arguments or points or if you or someone rlly likes technoblade or dream or whoever and wants to talk to me about that go ahead I encourage that like I rlly enjoy having those conversations w ppl provided theyre civil abt it bc like we’ve all said a million times over before eveyone in the dsmp is an unreliable narrator and you’re just going to automatically have a bias towards a character if you watch their POV most and all that so. Yk I am a tommy apologist but I watch his streams most and I’m also just emotionally attached so anything I can say has to be taken w a grain of salt bcos I’m biased towards his character
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