anaclownskywalker · 1 year
Alrightttttty I just finished the game. And omg .... THE FEELS. I'm just !!! Afafsfdgfbfbgbng
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spiritshaydra · 5 months
I got some insane shower thoughts
Sometimes I catch myself thinking about how batshit crazy it’d be to be some sort of wildlife researcher in the Warrior cats world because you got what appears to be a case of a non-primate animal on the cusp of entering kitty cat Stone Age civilization. They don’t exactly have tools (yet) but they’re already showing SEVERAL signs of getting close to being an early civilization if not already straight up being one- like they already got organized kitty religion with ideas of kitty heaven and kitty hell, they got organized feline government with a very clear ranking system and social classes- AND specialized jobs. I don’t think they have art and writing- yet. Like you got the Leaders who do the whole leading shebang, the Deputies who make sure that the whole camp doesn’t fall into chaos and disorder, who also organize hunting parties, camp duties, and patrols, the Medicine Cats who act as BOTH a healer and the clan’s communication line to Starclan (pussy priest)
The Warriors who do all the basic clan duties such as hunting, patrolling the borders, and protecting the clan- and are kinda also the military? Mewlitary??? The Apprentices who are the Warriors in training, and take care of the clan chores that nobody else wants to do lmao.
And then there’s Queens, Kits, and Elders who are kinda like,, your civilian class I guess.
They don’t exactly have tool making YET like some primates and corvids do, but with some of the other stuff they DO have they might as well be a very primitive civilization. They got PUSSY POLITICS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS WITH THEIR NEIGHBORING CAT GOVERMENTS LIKE???
Could you imagine being some sort of researcher going over your trail cam footage and just,, seeing what looks like a group of feral cats having a medicinal herb gathering raid? Like. Those are cats. WHY are they gathering poppy seeds with the level of gentleness that some children would be jealous of. Or watching these feral cats conducting what looks like some sort of military exercise drills in sync with an older cat barking (meowing?) orders at a group of juveniles? Your coworker would likely think you’re crazy.
Also I find myself thinking about how funny it’d be to be some randomass person driving by Four Trees as the Great Battle broke out between the Clans and Bloodclan, where you just see likely hUNDREDS OF FERAL CATS just BEATING THE TAR out of each other. AND ITS NOT INDISCRIMINATE EITHER. LIKE YOU COULD SEE THAT THERES CLEARLY TWO OPPOSING SIDES WITH ONE SIDE WEARING WHAT APPEARS TO BE SPIKED COLLARS. Just imagine how INSANE of a sight that’d be.
I’m pretty sure that the thunderpath (road) that acted as a boarder between Thunderclan and Shadowclan was REALLY close to Four Trees where that fight happened so,,, it’s not impossible.
Also the demons are telling me to reread Warriors again <3
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Reverse Fault Au for April 1st
Basically, what if SBI + Tubbo were humans working for the SCP Foundation, as well as anomalifying villain ocs at the end (which is where most of the tws come into play) 
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Tommy: Thomas. A Threat Assessor, like Dr Blake. He has an uncanny knack for driving even the most docile objects to bloodlust, which is useful in ascertaining exactly how much resources must be allocated to containing that SCP. No one is quite sure how he does it, only that a simple conversation can send objects into rages that somehow never touch the man. Thomas simply wears a delighted grin as devastation unfolds. Why does he do it? Why, the love of chaos of course. He’s only bringing out their innate evil, after all. The anomaly wanted to do it, he just gave it the push to act upon its violent nature. 
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Philza: Dr. A. Gon. Is an ancient decrepit old man from The War. He picks up little favorites among the anomalies and is super kind to them. Basically acts as a father figure for them, offering advice, giving little treats, limiting punishments, and helping them cope with the trauma of the Foundation…up until the moment he grows bored. After that it’s experiment after experiment trying to squeeze any last drop of interest out of the object before he discards them and moves onto the next. Anomalies tend to be completely psychologically and physically wrecked by the time he’s done with them. Likes to trap anomalies in complex promises that the Foundation can exploit easily. His cane is actually a sword stick, and the cape he has (to mimic wings) can act as a weighted net. 
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The Blade: Agent Boore. An MTF captain who leads a squad that somehow literally never manages to fail to recapture an anomaly thanks to his leadership. A lot of anomalies are terrified of him, as he tends to handle the containment breach punishments after catching them. Anomalies don’t tend to try to escape ever again after encountering Agent Boore. He armed to the teeth with near batman levels of gear. Tactics include pumping adrenaline into his veins, filling a room with toxic gas (immune bc of his gas mask (he wears it even while sleeping)) and the humble bazooka. Definitely on steroids. Agent Boore sees a containment breach as a challenge. He likes proving humanity (but mostly himself) stronger than monsters. Is insanely paranoid and tends to be the straight man who is secretly more insane than everyone else. Met Dr. A. Gon in WWII but got Captain America’d, and is actually now trying to sue marvel for using his life story. He does the job in order to protect the poor orphans of the world (evil)
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Tubbo: Security Camera B. Is a security officer. Not a single thing goes unnoticed in the entire Foundation. The second an anomaly is out of line they’re reported and appropriately punished. Their personalities are represented in reverse fault by their favorite monitors. Jasmine has a picture of a dinosaur as her screen saver, Rhodes is a picture of an apple tree and technically it’s the oldest of the new computers but they run a mean legal complaint software that really saves the Foundation’s hide. Rosalind is a pic of someone meditating in a field of flowers and Sec Cam B secretly uses that computer to play games to distress. Sec Cam B also works as a recruitment officer given how much conviction about the Foundation they have. ‘It’s the moral thing to do, you have to join. Don’t you want to save humanity?’ They’re insufferably righteous in moral conviction. Lawful evil. 
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Wilbur: A. Void. Initial contact researcher, as he has a sharp eye (the other lost to an anomaly years ago) and an even sharper tongue that tends to not only save his life but also weasel out information from the object that would otherwise not have been gotten. His prejudices are flipped from Fault Au. Now, he thinks it unfair that anomalies have more power than humans, and that such a dominance would only lead to subjugation if given time. After all, the powerful always abuse such might don’t they? He believes everything he does is necessary for his own survival. He thinks his punishments are fair, which they could almost be considered to be compared to actual sadists like Agent Boore or Dr. A. Gon. 
And on to the villain SCPs!
Webb: A humanoid SCP with eight eyes, six arms, mandibles. Webb has incorrectly healed surgical scars on its throat from an encounter with Dr. A. Gon’s scalpel. An anomaly that can shoot out tendrils of spiderweb that, when making contact, suppress heightened emotions. Effect is strongest while webbing is attached to both object and target, though loses effect about ten minutes after creation, so it is sometimes used to capture other anomalies. While not strong, it is important that Webb doesn’t escape because any urge to recontain it will be suppressed. At most extreme, it can shut down a person till they’re paralyzed, which on a few occasions was enough to stop a human heart because continuing to beat was simply too much effort. 
Dr. Blake: The Scimitar Smile. It is a set of 32 humanoid teeth with a crack through the upper right incisor due to an encounter with Agent Boore. The teeth can move somehow, and tend to hunt in a pack. On their own, a person within their aura will be acutely aware of their own flaws. Often persons with disabilities such as PTSD or anxiety will be triggered by its presence. Exposure to this object leads to strong self loathing and occasional suicides.
It’s when it gets a Host that the Scimitar Smile is at its most dangerous. Once a Host is selected, the teeth will crawl up them and burrow like ticks into the flesh of their cheeks in the arrangement of an external smile. The Scimitar Smile prefers to keep Hosts for a while, but will inevitably abandon it, and during escapes will take many Hosts in rapid succession. Old Hosts tend to scream when they hear their own names, have very little agency, and are incredibly compliant to orders.
Once assimilated, both the Host and the Scimitar Smile’s mouths will begin to speak, saying different things. When recorded and replayed, it sounds like chattering nonsense. Despite being unaware of its contents, the noise is regarded as a cognitohazard as it tends to drive people insane. Only a few reports of what individuals hear in person exist, as those that survive are left in psychological annihilation and refuse to talk about what they heard and did as a result. What we can piece together is this: Past being aware of their flaws, a listener is manipulated into acting on them in the most self destructive way possible.
The Scimitar Smile brings out the worst in people.
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miserirphmoved · 2 years
Watch the full video here! I love Brandon and Cam so I’m gonna make a series of prompts just from their YouTube videos! These work for everything from angst to completely chaotic! Feel free to change pronouns as needed, please do not add to the list! xo
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“make sad times inside go away” “bye bye scary dark time” “i’m not tired yet, so it’s gonna be easy for us, just act like we’re sleeping” “don’t wanna make boyfriend male whisper mad” “*rambles in ASMR*” “*tea kettle laugh*” “asmr boyfriend spits gently in your face about your day” “i don’t like how the hand is brushing every side of the camera” “where’s that been?” “you’re gonna wanna do something about that” “you’re gonna wanna hire a plumber babe” “breaking the toilet and the news to your girl/boyfriend” “i had taco bell for a fifth meal” “this was uploaded on my birthday!” “what a slap in the face” “i forgot what we were talking about” “can you imagine this guy as your dentist?” “alright let’s get started right away” “where you going?” “just take a moment to admire all that beauty” “oh here he goes again” “can we just watch netflix?” “i’m not done” “i thought he said hold on” “there’s just so many spots i haven’t hit yet” “so you’ve been wooing me for thirty-two minutes now and i haven’t said a word” “*gagging sound*” “dude... gross” “oh my god” “love comes from here *points to diaphragm*” “he’s very polite” “thank you for... i am doing this anyway” “...ooookay” “i’m just... i’m not having a good time” “this is when you just fake sleep so he’ll leave you alone” “nothing’s ever gotten me in the mood more than: oh geez” “it’s my work shirt, i only have one. i only have one!” “i haven’t touched your forehead in a minute” “i highly doubt that” “we’re at the kitchen table” “he’s over for family dinner” “so [name]... [name 2] says you’re in a band” “[name] you haven’t touched your meal” “so how long have you known each other?” “oh he took his shirt off!” “thank you honey” “you finished with that?” “they’re trying to be as vague as possible” “i’m ready for sleep!” “i made it to twelve minutes today” “i really should have eaten dinner” “hey... when’s dinner?” “i’m afraid there’s a next level to the closeness” “stop playing with my ears...” “this man/woman kisses from their soul” “i thought you’d never ask” “we’re supposed to have our eyes closed right now” “wait... what?” “it’s just there ‘cause i want it there...” “did he/she fall asleep?” “i’ve gotta start over now” “whoa, sharp left turn from what i thought was gonna happen” “well, it’s 6am time to get up for work” “it’s an endless nightmare” “why won’t you go?” “you’re completely insane!” “i’m so dizzy!” “you and i are so close to death right now...” “i had the weirdest dream last night” “we’d flush the couch fish but we can’t, more will just turn up” “this is what the dentist does when you’re under anesthesia” “get to the point!” “you’re stalling just say it!” “i’m done...” “forever?”
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perthshirecottage · 8 months
Been doing another rewatch of this amazing show. I have said before that I don't understand the way the FBI treats Jonathan.
While yes, Jonathan has been convicted of a crime, it was for INVOUNTARY manslaughter. It was something that happened, and that something was very serious and needs to be punished. But the average sentence for involuntary manslaughter is 10-16 MONTHS! This is because the jury understands that it was not premeditated. That it wasn’t even a crime of passion where someone could get so upset that they lose complete control of themselves and can become a danger to those around them. It was making a dumb choice, like drinking alcohol in this case, where another person loses their life. Honestly, by the time the show started, Jonathan should have already been out or close to it at this point. And yet Jonathan was convicted for 10 YEARS! This is not justice, this is retribution. The sentence doesn’t fit the crime. The most likely reason is because he ran, but still, that is an insane amount of time just for panicked running from the scene. I’m sure the prosecutor made Jonathan out to be a horrible person because he hid from the world for 30 years. That he was hiding because it gave him time to torture animals or something equally ridiculous. But Jonathan was not the only one hiding. Cameron, Dina, Gunter, and Jordan were all complicit in that. They just hadn’t broken any laws and therefore no one could punish them. No one wonders if they’re trustworthy because of the lying that they did. Cameron was a part of the secret for as long as Jonathan was.
Once Cameron started working with the FBI, so did Jonathan. Cam often went and asked for Jonathan’s help on making deceptions work. He helps to put away bad guys who are actual criminals who are purposefully going out and murdering multiple people and selling drugs and just doing truly awful things. The FBI even gave Jonathan special privileges to work in one of the visitor’s rooms to solve Bishop’s codes. And when Cameron went missing, the FBI gave a special allowance for Jonathan to get out and help. All of this clued the other prisoners into the fact that Jonathan worked for the Feds. It’s why they hung a rat in his cell and someone tried to shank him. And the guards don't even care. They're against him because he's a criminal. The criminals are against him because he's helping the Feds. He literally has no one on his side in a very dangerous situation. I have heard that there are special areas in prisons where they put high target prisoners, like ex-cops or criminal informants who are more likely to be targets because they fall a bit on both sides of the law. Yet Jonathan isn't given any kind of extra security. Gunter isn't wrong when he talks about how the entire team, including Jonathan, have done so much to help the FBI and yet they haven't gotten anything in return. During the short time he was out after Cam was kidnapped, they act like he is some master level criminal on par with MW. Like he is just waiting for any opportunity to escape so he can go on some kind of crime spree.
Even if Jonathan was guilty of the crime he was convicted, then it’s still not the worst kind of murder out there. I’m sure there could have been a plea for compassion and safety granted to allow Jonathan to be put on house arrest where no one would actively be trying to kill him for his help. And that for every actual criminal that he helps put away that he gets something like a month off his sentence. But no one ever offers him anything. He just keeps putting his life on the line and gets absolutely nothing in return. I’m sure this is why he snaps at the end of the season. Maybe there’s some underlying resentment against Cameron, but I have a feeling most of it came from the FBI doing nothing and Cameron being the face that always had to convince Jonathan to keep hanging in there. To not escape and go find the evidence for his innocence. Now the FBI has left Jonathan out to dry despite everything he has done and all the horrible things that have been done while in prison. Jonathan just took it out on the only person who represented the people who screwed him over, even though it wasn’t Cameron’s fault.
And something to add is that at the end of the season after MW gets arrested she reveals information regarding Danic, the foreign diplomat. The team comes up with a deception and manages to save Danic and his wife. MW just reveals that Danic was in trouble and then yes she does meet with the bad guy (can’t remember his name) while surrounded by armed FBI agents. She didn’t contribute THAT much. Jonathan did a bunch to help with this particular deception and was treated with a lot of trust, especially after how he was treated last time. (I’m sure because there’s someone even more untrustworthy there and that person is MW!) And yet she managed to make herself useful enough to get into Witness Protection and not even get charged with anything because she proved her usefulness exactly 1 time! While the team still doesn’t have the proof of Johnny’s innocence, Cameron is a witness to multiple counts of illegal activities that far outweigh Jonathan’s INVOLUNTARY manslaughter conviction. Cameron has been held at gunpoint by this woman multiple times. She attempted to steal a $7 million diamond. Cameron was abducted by her. He watched her purposefully kill a man. Any single one of these is far far worse than Jonathan’s entire conviction because she did them all on purpose. And yet she just gets to walk. They still don’t even know her name or what else she actually knows beyond this one tip and yet they just decided to drop all her charges and give her a cushy life for free.
While the team was doing the deception, MW was obviously setting things up for herself. And because she was a prisoner, she had to have an agent reach out to the DA. It could have even been Deakins who did it. Deakins was the one who had to explain to the team why MW was just leaving with absolutely no consequences. Because MW could help put people who were much worse away. Which is what Jonathan has been doing but no one ever offered him a get out of jail free card. Or offered him anything at ALL!
I understand that the Doylist answer is because it kept Cameron and Jonathan sperate so that they weren’t having to constantly have Jack do a split screen. And so that at the end of the season they could have Jonathan off with MW. Also, if Jonathan had been released or was about to be release, then there wouldn’t be this drive for Cameron and the FBI to put everything into finding MW. Of course they would want to clear Jonathan’s name, but if he was free or on house arrest then it wouldn’t be something that was so urgent. When Cameron was kidnapped, yes he would want to get the evidence to free Jonathan, but he wouldn’t feel so desperate to break the law if Jonathan was on house arrest and at least had a modicum of freedom and had already taken a year off his sentence by working with the FBI. But Jonathan still got the short end of the stick.
It would be interesting to think about how the show would differ if someone were to decide that Jonathan deserved something for al of his help.
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memento-morri-writes · 9 months
Had the very strange experience today of being complimented by my professor and thinking to myself "you can thank tumblr for that".
(explanation/angry ramblings about the world under the cut. tw for racism and police violence)
So on Monday in class we watched a dashboard cam video of an altercation between a policeman and a black man that took place in my state. (My professor got called as an expert witness to the trial and got permission from the court to share the video.) After the video, the professor asked us what we thought about it, and what we thought either party did right/wrong/could have done better.
Most of the class was pretty wishy-washy, either not willing to get "political" in class, or hiding more extreme prejudices. But the absolutely insane thing was that most of them said the cop "handled it fine". My dude. The cop broke this man's window, attempted to rip him out of the car, and then later pulled a gun on him, leaving the man begging for his life. How the fuck is that "fine" behavior from someone who is supposed to make people feel safe???
Obviously being the opinionated, not-afraid-of-starting-fights little shit that I am, I had to call bullshit. I was the very last person the professor called on (by virtue of sitting in the far back corner) and I was really one of 2 or 3 people who actually said any words that meant anything.
I opened with the words "Have any of you actually had the police called on you? Anyone?" and went from there. I brought up that even as a literal child, and a privileged white one at that, I was terrified of the police. To the point that when a school employee told me (lying) that she had called them on me, I panicked, barricading myself in a room, and attempting to run as soon as someone opened the door. I was 12, and white. I had no reason to fear cops, having been raised on cop propaganda.
Now imagine how an adult black man must feel, living in the U.S., especially post-George Floyd. Every few weeks/months he's seeing on the news "black man shot by police, black man killed by police, black person beaten by police" and on and on and on. Of fucking COURSE his first reaction when he's pulled over (completely alone, no witnesses around) by a cop is to flee. Is that the "rational" thing to do? No. But people don't act rationally when they're terrified for their fucking lives.
Anyways, I brought that up, as well as pointed out the fact that the cop was the first one to get aggressive (swearing, raising his voice), as well as the fact that the cop had the nerve to later say "oh look, I have glass in my hand. This sucks." as if it wasn't his own fucking choice to break this poor man's window.
Some other classmates seemed mildly emboldened by my long rambling defense of the black man, and instead of saying wishy washy nothing spoke up a little more. Which was nice to see. But still... they didn't say much of substance.
Anyways, fast forwards to today, and when I walk into class the professor calls me over and says that my analysis of the video was "Something he'd expect out of a graduate student." While that was nice to hear, it was also disheartening, because my "analysis" was just pointing out things that happened in the video and linking them to real world events, as well as using common sense. So it's kind of sad to think that that level of critical thinking and just plain "don't be an idiot"-ness is rare.
I also didn't know how to feel about the fact that I have tumblr to thank for my education on that kind of thing, because god knows my 90% white, mildly conservative hometown didn't teach me shit about racism, or make me anti-cop.
I have the people who were spreading resources here on tumblr during the protests of 2021 to thank for that.
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
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@thatslayer sent : 9. what does your muse consider their biggest success? happier headcanon q’s! | Always Open!
Pre canon: His show 😢
What's usually not very clear / understated is the fact that in canon, Lance was way ahead of his time with the show. It was said that the show was years before any of the other reality tv ghost hunting shows came along, so if it hadn't been for Collingwood and everyone getting killed/him getting kidnapped, he would've revolutionized this genre , or maybe even created it. His exec said in the beginning that they really had something special and that ratings were great.
Like despite it obv being cheesy and fake as hell, this thing was still his baby. He put so much effort and work into it. Combining a truckload of jobs and tasks in just him as one person in the beginning (editing, writing, directing, acting, producing, financing, planning and what not) Grave Encounters was about showing off what he was capable of and could do, and despite tastes and questionable end product /genre and all, he really did excel and deliver on all fronts there. I watched a great review of the movie by someone the other day where the reviewer correlated Lance's indifference/cynicism towards the paranormal with the insane level of stress and responsibility he had and the creative dilemma he was constantly facing with it - he had to make sure to get great ratings, get people to tune in and become fans and stay invested (making faking it a lot of times a necessity) because otherwise his show would just be dead in the water, while also trying to do cool and creative stuff that he and the team were passionate about and interested in as well - as seen when he immediately dropped the hardened skeptic act the second Collingwood starts doing things, like he's so excited about it!
He walked a very thin line with the show on a lot of fronts. Balancing between cheesy and cool, genuine, well-researched history and blatant lies, 'cheap' shaky cam and high quality top notch production from a tech point of view, and just generally being on top of his A+ game without breaking from the insane stress and pressure. If it hadn't been for Collingwood, it would've been a success. I'm convinced it would've jumpstarted an even bigger career for him in Hollywood and as a celebrity filmmaker. Would it have jaded his character hardcore? Would it have made him the biggest, self-centered Hollywood fake persona douchebag? Very probably. But this is exactly the type of success he'd been after. Money and fame. And the show put him on a damn good track.
Post canon?
No big word vomit necessary. He couldn't give less of a shit about the show and Hollywood and money and fame anymore. Biggest success there : surviving. Still being alive. Stopping it all. And honestly, just making it through another day despite heavy PTSD and the after effects of it all, honestly.
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masterofd1saster · 1 year
CJ current events 22dec22
Momma always said “Crazy is as crazy does.”
Hammer-wielding attacker David DePape apparently had a much longer “hit list” of people he wanted to confront after he was caught in the act at the home of Paul Pelosi, husband of outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).
According to San Francisco Police Sgt. Carla Hurley — who interviewed DePape after he was detained — the list included the House Speaker, Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA), actor Tom Hanks, and Hunter Biden, the embattled son of President Joe Biden.***
Body-cam footage of the confrontation with police — both during and immediately after the attack on Pelosi — was also played in the courtroom, giving a more comprehensive picture of DePape’s frame of mind at the scene.
“I’m sick of the insane f***ing level of lies coming out of Washington, D.C. I came here to have a little chat with his wife. I didn’t really want to hurt him, but you know this was a suicide mission. I’m not going to stand here and do nothing even if it cost me my life,” DePape said to the first responders, according to reports.***  https://www.dailywire.com/news/paul-pelosi-attackers-planned-hit-list-revealed-includes-oscar-winner
Really hard to defend shooting through a window
A former police officer in Fort Worth, Texas, was found guilty of manslaughter in the 2019 shooting of Atatiana Jefferson.
Aaron Dean, 38, was not found guilty of murder but will likely be handed a prison sentence of anywhere from two to 20 years for the manslaughter charge.
Dean reportedly shot Jefferson through a window during a welfare check at her Fort Worth-area home while she was playing video games with her nephew. He claims he believed a burglary had occurred at the house after he and another officer were called to the home because neighbors noticed her front door was open and requested a wellness check.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/texas-police-officer-found-guilty-manslaughter
The Twitter arm of the U.S. gov’t
Elon Musk and his allies have released the latest drop in what they have termed the "Twitter Files," detailing the "constant and pervasive" communications between the Big Tech company and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The latest Twitter Files drop deals with the company's relationship with the FBI, according to former Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi. The new release detail the communications between federal agencies and the social platform over election misinformation and offer insight into how often the two entities interacted and managed political content on the platform.***  https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/technology/twitter-files-elon-musk-fbi
In perv news
A former Boy Scout leader, who abused scores of children in Boulder decades ago, has been found guilty of sexually exploiting children by an Arapahoe County jury.
Floyd David Slusher, 69, was convicted on Dec. 9 of sexual exploitation of a child video possession and sexual exploitation of a child possession with intent to distribute, both felonies, according to an Arapahoe County District Attorney’s news release.***
He was convicted of sex crimes twice in the late 1970s and late 1980s, for assaulting young boys and he spent years in prison. In October 2020, Slusher was granted parole and placed on the Colorado sex offender registry.***
Slusher also faces two sentence enhancers related to being a habitual sex offender. That trial is set to start on March 20. If the habitual sex offender sentence enhancers are proven, he’ll face a mandatory minimum 36-year sentence. https://www.denverpost.com/2022/12/16/floyd-david-slusher-child-sexual-exploitation-registered-sex-offender-former-boy-scout-leader-arapahoe-county/
Good column by Coleman Hughes
The wheels of justice eventually get there
Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of one count of rape and two counts of sexual assault in a mixed decision Monday.
He was found guilty of all counts of rape and sexual assault pertaining to Jane Doe 1, but the jury acquitted him of sexual battery against Jane Doe 3 and was hung on the three other counts against him from Jane Doe 2 and Jen Newsom.
The jury came to its decision after about 10 days of deliberation, with both sides resting their case on Dec. 2.
The Los Angeles trial focuses on four women who have accused the former movie producer of similar assaults, including testimony from filmmaker Jennifer Siebel Newsom, who is married to Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA).*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/harvey-weinstein-found-guilty-in-rape-trial-involving-gov-newsoms-wife
Split decision suggests that the jury carefully sifted the evidence and applied the BRD standard.
“Slate, for instance, labeled the story a 'transphobic hoax.' “
A transgender person wanted for exposing their naked, half-erect penis to women in two separate changing room incidents in Los Angeles has been arrested after more than 15 months on the run.
The suspect, 53-year-old Darren Agee Merager, had been charged with five felony counts of indecent exposure for the incidents - including an infamous altercation at Wi Spa, where Merager exposed herself to several women, including an underage girl.
Merager - a convicted sex criminal who identifies as a woman - had previously rebuffed the allegations, claiming to be a victim of transphobia.
The story was then, for months, swept under the rug by the mainstream media - with many, including the leftist radical group Antifa, defending Merager.
The incident spawned month protests - many of them violent - all while Merager's previous sex crimes continued to come to light. Eventually, Merager was unmasked as a registered sex offender, convicted for similar incidents in 2002 and 2003.***
Their extensive criminal history includes three burglaries, two convictions for indecent exposure in 2002 and 2003, a third exposure case that Merager is still contesting, failure to register as a sex offender, unlawful carrying of a switchblade, three trespassing convictions, two guilty verdicts of loitering with intent to commit a crime, resisting arrest, reckless driving, driving without a license, unlawful taking of another’s vehicle without permission, and giving false identification to a police officer.***  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11555915/Transgender-pervert-arrested-15-months-exposed-women-Wi-Spa-LA.html
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piccolina-mina · 3 years
Our girl is thriving this season, but what the fuck is this Wyatt plot? I need your thinks about this one. I just knew you'd be six posts in on this by now. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
*sighs* For fk's sake, nonny. I don't even like talking about it because I get ranty.
What do you want me to say? Honestly, everything you can imagine I would feel about this, you're probably right. Because you know, I'm that b*tch always getting ranty about racism and stuff.
In short, I hate it. I think it's unnecessary, tone-deaf, random, pointless, lowkey offensive, and illogical. I legitimately find it triggering AF. And it doesn't make sense.
It's Unnecessary. There is a fraction of a chance that it will connect to something more significant, but even if that's the case, I'm confident that end result or connection could've taken place without this random reform racist Wyatt storyline. This series has struggled enough as it is properly utilizing all of its primary characters as well as providing them with decent screentime and arcs. It literally makes no sense to spend any of that time that could be used elsewhere on primary characters on a recurring guest star.
This isn't actually about Rosa, it's about Wyatt. Following up on the previous point, this specific arc caters to Wyatt. Revolves around Wyatt. Rosa is just a passive participant and vessel for this Wyatt storyline. So again, the arc itself is about a recurring character. At least when they did something similarly bringing back Cam to siphon time and arcs away from its main cast they found ways to implement it better and tied her to multiple main characters, so it wasn't a total waste.
The intended Wyatt/Rosa parallel is illogical. I know what they're intending to do with this storyline, drawing parallels between Rosa's experience coming back from the dead after ten years and trying to make sense of that and atone for things before and having this second chance to make things right and go down the right path and so forth and Wyatt losing his memory and his racist ways and having to reconcile with who he was to who he can be and all of that. I understand the concept they're trying to sell. It just doesn't work. Rosa's addiction is not equivalent to Wyatt's racism and violence. Her mental illness isn't either. It's dangerous to invite the comparasions with this storyline.
It's not successful redemption. True redemption is Wyatt knowing and remembering his actions and then trying to atone for them. It's not the convenience of amnesia wiping out his memory only giving him distance from his actions rather than really facing up to them. Because of the amnesia, to Wyatt, it's like he's hearing about another person. It's a cop out. He doesn't Actually have to do the work to redeem himself or atone or learn or grow. IF we're supposed to compare it to Rosa, she knew what she did and remembers and knows how she hurt her loved ones or whatever and she's actively trying to make amends for that as part of her program... a program that Wyatt isn't working or anything BTW.
They've contradicted themselves too much and are rewriting their own work and thus twisting everything up just to make this storyline work and it still doesn't. The timeline is all fkd up... what they established already all of it..The Longs were racist before Kate's death. Kate was racist. To suggest that a 10+ amnesiac blackout clean slates and erases all of Wyatt's racism is just wrong. As in it literally doesn't even make any sense. That is not how the amnesia works but they keep playing both sides of it trying to make it work. To sell us what they're claiming, he would have to have ALL of his memories wiped and have forgotten who he was completely.
Wyatt is behaving like he's shocked by racism in this town but they're also trying to argue that he was born into it. Wyatt was surrounded by racists and his friends come from racist families but he's acting like the very concept of him ever being ingratiated in it is some huge surprise. Wyatt looks affronted by things like Confederate flags. Wyatt being steeped in and surrounded by racism predates his amnesia period.
Kyle mentioned that line about Wyatt putting Whites Only on water fountains, and it sounded like a school prank. It also sounded like something Kyle was reminding Rosa of as if she was alive when that incident happened. Therefore, Wyatt was doing racist stuff before she died. Kyle would've been out of school by then so how else would he know that or why would he bother retaining it?
IF Wyatt and Rosa really were friends before (which holy retcon), then it makes no real sense that he would get psychopathically angry about his "friend" who does drugs getting into a car accident with his sister who does drugs. He would've mourned them both not jumped to severe racism and violence. But both he and Jasmine's family (who are MIA for all of this) did that... jumped to racism. So was Wyatt indoctrinated by his family or indoctrinated by message boards and shit? And if Wyatt and Rosa were friends than why was Kate such a racist bitch to Rosa?
They're backdrafting history JUST to make this storyline that we don't need with a character who isn't even a main one to work.
By not actually addressing that Wyatt has to unlearn racism and giving him an out through amnesia, there is the very realistic issue of that latent racism to come out at any given time. What happens when he's drunk? What happens when he's really angry at a POC?
Tying Wyatt's redemption with his clear affection for Rosa is again dangerous and irresponsible. I know we would all like to think that love is the way and through love it can heal racism, but that puts the responsibility on the disenfranchised person to be "lovable." Because if Wyatt WAS friends with Rosa once then that means the second Rosa did something unlovable she was just another *insert racist slur of choosing* right? It means that there's a possibility that if his feelings for Rosa dwindle or things go sideways in some way there's a chance that he could revert back to those racist ways. Loving Rosa(linda) and pinning all of his wanting to be better on her because of her makes his actively learning to be anti-racist conditional. Right now he's not doing this for him. He's doing it because of Rosa.
This entire storyline has placed the burden of forgiveness on Rosa, his victim. Without him ever having to actually make amends. It's this turn the other cheek BS that means there's nothing too big or harmful that can't result in forgiveness. It relies on Rosa and all that she represents to extend an inhumane level of mercy and grace to their tormentor and oppressor that was never once extended to them. It's such a consistent and problematic thing projected on disenfranchised parties that ONLY benefits the majority and makes them feel good. It's a narrative of meeting someone halfway when the playing field was uneven and the minorities are in actuality doing more work and making a longer trek. Halfway and meeting in the middle only works if both sides were even. They are not. It's the reaching across the aisle both sidesms when one side was clearly and actively more harmful than the other and than calling that peace and equity. It is not.
This storyline was meant to scintillate some viewers with this "what if" notion and teach others a meaningful lesson or be this poorly thought out gateway to exploring a complex storyline but it came at the expense of other demographics who actively have to deal with racist crap. And because of their problematic approach what is simply "just entertainment" to some who has the luxury of not having to think about it beyond that, is just gross and insanely triggering and uncomfortable to others. The others who deal with the reality of the subject at hand.
They wrote themselves into a corner with Wyatt so trying to dig him out of that no matter the cost or logic is absurd. This storyline could've worked better if Wyatt's racism didn't also include conscious, constant, extreme violence. But they spent all of this time making Wyatt the face of violent racism and now are trying to redeem him with no real effort. He wasn't just using slurs or making microaggressions. He wasn't some insensitive or aloof white person. He is a murderer. He has killed people. He technically murdered Liz in cold-blood. He knew she was in the crashdown when he shot up the place. The lights were still on. He beat up Arturo so badly he nearly killed him well after his friends even stopped. He attacked and intended to kill Rosa. And his handiwork was a constant thing, enough for Jenna to comment on it. And now we're supposed to ignore all of that because he has amnesia and has puppy dog eyes?
The fact that we can entertain (and for some succeed) Wyatt in all of his hot white dudeness' redemption after everything he has done slips into the inherent racism of society in the first place and is enraging. Because systemically and culturally and inherently society will bend over backwards to find a way to absolve a hot white guy no matter his actions. Flint and Noah couldn't get this type of redemption... So their intended storyline about evolving from racism STILL plays into the racist structures set up in society.
And because some people like it, there's this slippery territory of NO everyone who genuinely enjoys this aren't racist for enjoying it. But yes, this entire storyline and how it is playing out is at the very least racially insensitive.
In order for this storyline to work they would actually have to show Wyatt doing the work. They don't have enough time to dedicate to such a delicate storyline. It's been a C and D filler storyline with 45 second to a minute scenes. That's not enough time to explore this properly. We would've needed to see Wyatt returning home from the hospital. We would've needed to see Wyatt with his friends and it not feeling right and his discomfort. We would've needed to see Wyatt going through his yearbook and googling himself and the horror and disgust he felt. We would need to see this through his eyes. But we didn't have the time for that and we wouldn't have anyway because he's not a main character. We only get Wyatt through Rosa's eyes and they haven't even dedicated enough time to that for it to work. Rosa isn't conflicted at all. She didn't struggle to forgive him. She was reduced to a school girl with a crush and an insane level of grace and they just threw that at us with no buildup whatsoever. I don't know where Rosa's head is and how she got to this to place. Not really. And the only thing working about this is the chemistry between two actors who are allegedly dating so of course there's chemistry.
It literally feels like another instance of a favorite actor being shoehorned into a storyline just for the hell of it. Just because they didn't want to let Dylan go or something. Just to give him something else to do.
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sedated-love · 4 years
Camboy Bakugo
I’m thinking this is probably going to end up being a two part piece tbh! I’ll see how well this one does and then decide if I continue it or not based on that...So if you wanna see more, make sure to give this post some love so I know! <3 
Hope you guys enjoy! Also if you have any suggestions for what I write in the future, please feel free to leave them in my ask box!
“Don’t tell me you’re getting off on this, pervert”
Bakugo huffed softly, looking back at the camera where his comments were currently going insane over his current situation. He was bent over his bed with his skirt flipped up so the camera could clearly see the small pink butt plug resting prettily between his cheeks. He spread his cheeks more with his hands, giving a better view as he rolled his eyes, acting like his audience were the perverted ones when he was the one filming himself doing such lewd actions.
He started camming a couple of months ago to help pay for his college, but he hadn’t expected to blow up like he had. It had only taken a couple of weeks for him to become one of the top cam boys on the site and he was able to quit his part time job to focus completely on camming. The popularity had taken him by surprise, but he wasn’t exactly complaining. He had come to really enjoy the attention that came with the job. Not to mention it paid extremely well. There were times he would make more money in one night than he would have in two weeks at his part time job.
It was like there was something about his standoffish personality mixed with his looks that had people intoxicated. He found that once he gained a follower, they seemed to always come back for more no matter when he streamed. It was something that fueled his ego and had him become more and more cocky every time the camera turned on.
“Is this what you wanted, asshole?”
He tugged softly on the plug, biting his lip as he could feel the stretch against his entrance every time he did. “Fuck, I bet you were just waiting to watch me play with myself today, weren’t you?” He pulled out the plug, a lewd pop filling the room when he did so which just turned him on even more as he made sure to spread his legs wider so the camera could get a good view of his now empty hole that was practically begging to be filled.
“Since I’m feeling generous, I’ll let whoever the highest bidder pick which toy I use today~”
He hummed softly to himself as he watched the money start pouring in through his comments. He noticed his regulars always made particularly high purchases on nights like this. He had gotten good at figuring out exactly what to say to have them melting right into the palm of his hands and considering the numbers he could see popping up on the screen, it looked like tonight was going to be a good work night.
“Let’s see….”
He got up just to take a closer look at his computer, a soft smirk crossing his lips when he saw ‘ManlyKiri69’ was the person to donate the most money. What kind of username was that anyways? “Alright ManlyKiri, as promised, what toy am I going to be using tonight?” He sat back on his bed, letting the skirt ride up on his thighs as his hard on was prominent under the thin veil of fabric.
He found that he didn’t even have to explain what equipment he had anymore as his regulars seemed to have all of his toys memorized and in all honesty…a lot of his toys were sent to him from his regulars. He could already feel the heat rise to his face when the comment from ManlyKiri came through, deciding his fate. He had honestly never even used the toy or shown it on camera because…well it made him a bit nervous but it quickly became obvious to him that this user must have been the one to send it to him if he knew about it.
“P-Pervert…wanting me to use that, huh?”
He could barely keep the flustered look from his face as he went and grabbed the unopened box the toy came in. It was a dildo, but it was…large. The eight inches in length didn’t bother him but it was the 3-inch girth that had him anxiously rubbing his thighs together, not sure if he could really take all of that without breaking…
He popped open the packaging, pulling the toy out as he sat back on his bed, biting his lip as he watched the excited comments start rolling in as soon as the chosen toy was shown on screen paired with a comment that had his heart pounding in his chest and his face bright red. ‘If you can’t handle it, you can choose something else’. Bakugo could barely believe how cocky this user seemed to be as he huffed softly, his competitive nature getting the best of him as all his anxiety seemed to be wiped away when he read that comment. He wasn’t going to let some horny asshole get the better of him.
“Shut up! I can take your toy and more!”
He scowled softly as he grabbed his lube, thoroughly coating the toy in the slick liquid. He always made sure to stretch himself before his streams so he wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of doing so with an audience but now he was starting to wonder if he shouldn’t have spent a little more time on it today… It was too late now though; he was already determined to prove that asshole that he could take the toy no issues.
He wondered for a moment how he should position himself. On one hand doggy style would give a perfect view of his hole being stretched wide but he knew just how much his audience seemed to love seeing his face whenever he fucked himself with a toy. He sat on his bed, bringing his legs up so that he had perfect access to his entrance while still sitting up for the camera to see. He used pillows against his back to keep himself propped up as he lined the head of the toy up with his entrance.
Just from pushing the tip against himself, he could already feel how thick it was compared to what he was used to but there was no way he was going to back down now. Not when he had a point to prove. He slowly started to push the toy inside of him, his eyebrows furrowing his and his face twisting in a mix of pain in pleasure as he was stretched so wonderfully by the large dildo.
The pain of being stretched so wide just seemed to lace with the pleasure, making his entire body jerk slightly as he slowly kept sliding the toy in until he managed to take it to the base. His toes curled slightly in pleasure when he finally pushed it all the way in, his entire body feeling so filled to the brim in a way that he had never experienced before.
His normal cocky attitude was no where to be seen as he practically forgot that he was filming all together, now just completely focused on that stinging pleasure that was coursing through him from the huge dildo that should have split him in two yet he took like a grade A whore. He let out soft little whimpers, bucking his hips back as if he was begging for more friction but there was no one else there to give it to him besides himself.
He pulled the dildo all the way out to the tip before slamming it back inside, letting out a soft squeal of pleasure as it forced its way so deep inside of him. His body began trembling ever so slightly in pleasure as the comments started flooding with remarks of the unfamiliar submissive look written all over his face. Bakugo was always usually taking a toy or jerking himself off in his videos but he was best known for his bratty aura…but now he seemed to have broken slightly as he continued thrusting the girthy toy into his slutty hole.
“D-Don’t get too cocky…”
He caught his slip up, trying to put back on his bratty behavior but it was hard when the toy was hitting so deep inside of him with every thrust, making his eyes cross and his tongue hang out every time he hit just right. He normally only gave soft moans and slow thrusts to drag out the stream but right now he couldn’t help but pound the toy inside of him, arching his back in pleasure as a song of loud moans left his lips shamelessly.
He completely forgot his competitive drive from earlier as now the only thing he could think about was chasing his own pleasure. He started thrusting into himself faster, almost as if he didn’t remember that he was filming in the first place. He was normally so actively speaking to his audience, making sure to interact with them and keep them involved in every move he made but now it was taking everything he could just to get out a coherent curse as he absolutely melted under the abuse of the toy.
He never let up for a second, pulling the toy all the way out to the tip only to slam it right back inside, forcing himself to feel just how full he could be with every thrust. He could already feel the familiar heat boiling in his stomach from the rough and fast pace. He normally tried not to cum too fast just to ensure all of his viewers had time to get to his level but all he could think about right now was his own release.
He pushed the toy into himself faster, his arm starting to feel sore from just how brutal of a pace that he set but he couldn’t bring himself to care as he squealed and moaned loudly, his cock throbbing against his stomach. It didn’t take him long before he cumming harshly, his toes curling and his eyes brimming with tears from the pleasure as he coated his own chest with his orgasm.
He couldn’t help but let his body go limp as his vision whitened momentarily from the pleasure, leaving him a panting wrecked mess as he hadn’t even realized the tears that had started streaming down his face until he slowly came down from his high. He whined ever so softly as he pulled the toy out of himself with a lewd ‘pop’ before he sat up to look at the screen, his face flushed dark red in embarrassment when he realized just how carried away he had gotten.
Though nothing could compare him for what he would see on his screen. His viewer count was almost triple the normal amount along with the amount of money he had received and written boldly for him to see at the end of his comments was from RedRiotKiri, another top cammer, which said, ‘let’s collab ;)’.
He didn’t know why he hadn’t seen it earlier because now there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that the ManlyKiri user from before was RedRiotKiri. He just never thought someone so praised in the camming community would ever be watching him but now that he commented on his main account it was obvious…was he planning for this all along? Is that why he bought Bakugo that toy in the first place? He couldn’t help but smirk as he gave his outro before winking softly at the camera, unable to help himself as he gave one final message.
“And Kiri…You wouldn’t be able to handle me~”
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jxcharliechaozxj · 2 years
Awful representation, or lack of, gay (male) relationships
I send love to any lesbians reading! My discussion of your issues aren't to invalidate them. Y'all do deserve better and I'm not tryna undermine you guys with any of this- just using your group as a comparison to point out the indiscrepancies! This is specifically about my observation of (lack of) gay media.
AIGHT to the point- lack of homosexual male representation/complete fetishisation.
Something that pisses me off to no avail is the lack of specifically homosexual man /relationship media there is. Look up 'lesbian representation' you'll find 30+ articles on good shows and relationships and media that not only has them but REVOLVES around them and the articles SAY lesbian. Ofc fetishisation is half the issue, and that ain't fair but theres still MARGINALLY more lesbian media now than there is gay media. Look up 'gay male shows' you'll find 600 articles saying LGBT and not talking abt us specifically, or examples like otome games or gross queerbaiting. Look up more popular lesbian ships and it's majority canon relationships. Gay men? It's fucking Dean and cas or other shit that the writers wrote just to get the audience to fetishise us. So fucking sick of it. No this isn't saying we're mOrE opPressEd cuz it isn't a competition, we all face shit being LGBT. But we deserve to see healthy, non fetishised, non oversexualised gay rep.
I was about to write a list of healthy gay relationships in media but I genuinely can't think of many. Mitch and cam (modern family)- which are written kinda stereotypically, some b plots of Degrassi, that's all I can think of. Even my favourites are toxic- Mickey and Ian (shameless) constantly beat each other up, so do Keith and David (6 feet under) and Eric/Adam (sex education) is insanely unhealthy for that lack of respect of boundaries, and the unhealthy power dynamic that happened pre-relationship. Lesbians legit get cute lil cartoon gems getting married on cartoon network and we get abuse, toxicity, or stereotyping, because people think there can't be abuse if the two people are physically equals. It's bs.
Not to mention the fetishising of gay men in media written for women! Aside from creating ships between men just to fetishise, say you're so sinful for enjoying the dynamics, write about them having sex etc (Women shouldnt write in detail abt gay relationships at ALL imo, same with men and lesbians). But aside from that there's shit like yaoi, fujoshis, otome mlm games, specific fucking GENRES to describe media about us MADE. FOR. WOMEN. TO FETISHISE.
This shit honestly bothers me more than actual verbal homophobia. It's so hypocritical of the community, people act like because gay man is the most known identity in the community by outsiders, doesnt mean we don't face specific types of discrimination no other LGBT person does (as every group does- not specific to us, E.g trans rep is basically non existent, asexuals too, and bisexuals are often called confused, unlabelled or 'exploring). Lesbian fetishisation is disgusting of course, but the difference is it's purely sexual, but gay fetishising takes it to a whole other level as to create fictional relationships between fictional, non gay, characters, and WRITE about them having sex, interacting, and they swoon over every aspect. Tell me how that's worse than a dude jacking it to two women in a video.
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skarsgard-daydreams · 4 years
Hello i read all of writings that you publish and the way that you write and describe them is just so great, i often find myself wanting to lift the character(s) off of the page and into real life. You are a phenomenal writer never stop writing amazing stories❤ if it wasn't too much trouble i was curious how Bill's characters would react if he has a s/o or met a girl who was like micarah tewers (youtuber) she's got insanely chaotically good energy?
Thank you for being so so sweet 😭❤️
I haven't seen Micarah before, but I did look her up just now. She seems to have similar energy as Safiya Nygaard. So let's just imagine some Bill characters becoming interested in a girl and discovering that she has a YouTube channel where she tries to blend every candle from Bath and Body works into a Franken-candle, or sews a wedding dress out of adult diapers, or decides to make a chair out of pants.
Roman would not like the idea of her putting this much of her out there on the internet. It would honestly be a major source of conflict if they had a relationship. The CEO of the Godfrey Institute's girlfriend needs to have a respectable social media profile in his mind, probably just consisting of Instagram photos of beautiful things he buys her or places they go together.
Mickey would not even question why she needed to make a chair out of pants or a wedding dress out of diapers. Of course she fucking does. And he's here for it. He would be in her videos with her, diligently scooping candles with a melon baller or acting as a mannequin for her sewing projects. He loves chaotic good girls.
Merkel would be confused. He would find her videos before they were even dating and watch a few of them, then close his laptop and possibly smoke several cigarettes. The next time he saw her, he would tell her that her sewing ability was quite impressive given her level of disorganization and suggest a dress from a Moschino show she should attempt.
Axel would 100% understand the vlogger life because I swear, he might be a cam boy. IDK. He gives off the vibe. He would probably wind up teaching her to edit videos and buy her mics and shit. He'd offer to show her the ropes if she wanted to set up an OnlyFans.
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aerielz · 4 years
Here's a lb of the When We All Vote special because I just needed to talk about it I guess?
I mean, it really is just me geeking out about the filmmaking and quoting my favorite lines but be my guest
It's always amazing to me how Brad's voice haven't changed at all but he looks like a qtip, it's great.
And it's great because Aaron's earlier scripts read exactly like a play, like, it's really is three lines of stage direction and then just... dialogue all the way down.
Oh God the staging and the direction is so solid damn you Tommy Schlamme. As far as a staging goes this is solid. I mean, the blocking is SO nice??!! And very theater-y! Going minimal was one hell of a good idea, specially considering the time frame. Ugh damn this is a smart production.
"I was thinking how much things change in sixty seconds"
Tell me about it.
The titles! Crying? No I'm not crying you're crying. THIS IS SO PRETTY! I love how they decided to put in moments of the making of, this is a THREAT
I’m gonna screencap the shit out of this episode and cycle the shots as desktop background, it’s decided.
The lines between the act breaks are actually pretty funny and I love the fact that both Eli and Aaron wrote these inserts, because Sorkin is hilarious but then Eli comes with the I Know What I’m Doing with the politics and the speeches are solid.
OKAY I AM SORRY BUT I'M GONNA GO FULL GEEK OVER THE FILMMAKING HERE OKAY just skip to the next bolded line after this one if you don't wanna read about it.
LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW THIS SHOW WORKS (as far as craft is concerned):
You have a classic Hollywood filmmaking style for most of the time: smooth and invisible tracking shots in dollys (little carts that push and pull the camera over a track for smooth movement), beautiful close ups and focus racks (when you pull focus on something on the foreground then change it to the background, or vice versa, without cutting) to make use of your entire depth of field. That by itself ties nicely to Aaron's 40's-ish scripts: heavy plot and lots of fast talking require you to keep moving so things don't get boring, but it can’t be overwhelming because the writing is already like ok wow too much; the jokes need that precision in timing, too, it all needs to be like clockwork. And the atmosphere all of that creates is just right too: the precision and the damn fine acting you need to pull this kinda shit off are a testament to the very themes and setting of the show so *chefs kiss*
AND THEN ON TOP OF THIS YOU HAVE THE SMOOTH STEADY-CAM AND THOMAS SCHLAMME PROVES HE KNOWS WHAT HE’S DOING. because it's so good. The camera floats through the west wing as if it was a character itself, you’re dropped right in the middle of the action. the way the camera circles the characters puts you in their mindset: things are HAPPENING decisions needs to me made. it’s what’s next in visual form. and it pulls the show right into the 21st century, because it’s such a modern thing, such a technical achievement, to be able to stage and 
THE THING IS, THIS IS A STAGE. THIS IS NOT A FULL SET, like they had back in the day. so the staging needs to make sense and the movements have to be thought out to match the next cut. they blocked the staged to allow for continuous long shots of the more complex sequences but some cuts here are still kinda tricky. this is by no means impressive by Hollywood standards but it’s still not really trivial? might be after you’ve spent 8 years filming like this, but all in all it’s not nothing. 
I talked once about how it’s kinda funny that almost half of the shot/reverse shots (dialogues are usually shot like that: you have once person talking, then the other, and you usually shoot the entire convo one side then the other, and then cut them in together so it makes sense. it’s p much the first thing you learn if you go to film school) are out of focus, and about how it’s prob because the schedule must’ve been insane. but I say this out of sheer respect. you naturally spend more time and effort on set pieces and difficult shots but half of this fucking show is a set piece.
I mean IT’S SO SIMPLE. BUT IT’S SO GOOD. There’s nothing extraordinary going on but it’s so beautiful and so well done and I'm constantly blown away by how much this show does with what ends up being just basic filmmaking.
it really all just comes down to great scripts, great acting, and a handful of techniques to bring it all together. and in this day and age when everything became a desperate and artificial attempt to make the audience respond, that is impressive.
ok I’M SO SO SORRY. end of me geeking out about filmmaking
My first reaction to this one single line was omg- I missed this so much. and I’m actually rewatching the whole thing it’s been 0 days since I've heard josh screaming at donna. I can only imagine what it was like for them.
I just don't have words anymore to talk about how much I love this show.
God fucking damnit THE ACTING.
On stage you don't have the realism, you don't have anything to help you believe it so it's SO MUCH CLEARER how GOOD these guys are.
Okay I understand if everyone ends up pissed because this is not at all new material, etc etc, but I GOTTA SAY I AM THROUGHLY ENJOYNG THIS THING. Sorkin writing is made for stage and having the chance to see these guys actually doing it on stage is a blessing if you ask me.
You just know this exchange is gonna become gifs that people will subtitle with whatever else line of dialogue they want and I can't wait for it.
I really want to to back to the episode later and compare the acting (which is kind of a dick move but I'm inconsequential to them they'll never know), because Janel is fucking NAILING young Donna after all this time and this is just insane.
"Give it up, tiny"
that's a bold line when it comes to Allison Janney
"I moved my pawn..."
"Well, it's as popular today as it was back then."
Please please please please tell me the bit about the stuffed animal is true. Please. it’s probably not but I don’t care it’s in my head and it’s not gonna go away
"I think if my dog could pull that off his vote should count."
Oh my God.
"Did Aaron write this?"
Oh my God.
"You're a sap?"
"It's called poetry, me bucko."
Can you tell that at some point I stopped thinking and just got really into the show?
"He's not gonna-- that's the other guys! He's not gonna gonna privatize social security. he'll privatize New Hampshire before he privatizes social security."
I remember that this line made me actually stop the episode to laugh back when I first watched it and guess what yep I did it again
I really love how this episode ends. I really love the feeling of how Bartlett is pretty much teaching Sam how play the game on a higher level, I love the feeling of ‘oh okay this guys is GOOD we get’. I think a month ago in one of those interviews they were doing to promo the thing Sorkin said people respond to the sigh and sound of competence and he’s absolutely right.
oh, and that ending right there was an definitely an "I have no idea what to do about that" solution, but it wasn't a bad one? it clashes, but it’s not bad at all.
I LIKED IT. I really really really liked it. This was really fun and the only bad part is that we're gonna gonna get to see them just doing everything else too. Like, it ended and i was half expecting to see he next episode but it wasn't there and that was the one disappointment tbh
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skippyv20 · 4 years
😊😊😊😊😊🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻pG INTERPRETATION OF MM ANON🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊😊😊😊😊
Kids I want to let you know  this riddle is not as funny as some of the other ones because a subject matter is just so serious💜😊PG😊💜
MM Anon
MM ANON …… colourful Cam !!…………… Fast Far-raar-ri blast. …………” let your daughter breathe “…………… A niece wedding …………… Inappropriate funds??………… Bush tragedy ……………… inappropriately shamed royal ………… a pricey disinfect ………… “ you’re a spot on gun Man Sydney!!”………… “ a privilege sir” ……… “ how’s the shoulder?” ……… “ I’ll recover sir “……… “ it’s stopped bleeding “ ……… “ just a flesh wound sir “ ……… “ next week Sydney? ……… “ I hear the Gillie comes highly recommend sir”……… “Ahh, spiffing!! “
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Entertainment purposes 
💜💜💜💜💜💜😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣Thank you MM Anon🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜. Just so you know I put the laughing faces in there because of the the vignettes with the Prince  Philip and Sydney are just hilarious!
July 29/2020
Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer wed this day in 1981 at St. Paul’s Cathedral. I was like 13 or 14 or so and remember it like yesterday!!
Riddle #74
colourful Cam !!…………… 
OK I looked and looked and looked and I’m looking at this and I could colourful is self-explanatory cam I’m pretty sure means Cambridge and two!‘s so that usually means to people who stuck stuck nothing I can find fits this. I’m gonna leave it for now and come back.
I don’t think MM Anon is  meaning colourful in the term of red white blue green purple orange etc. . I think she means colourful as in telling a funny story you know that is all that’s a colourful story and funny  all that kind of thing.Prince William revealed  how he made his bodyguard pose as a sniper  to scare off a rival football player when he was a schoolboy because ‘everyone wanted to break my legs’.
The Duke of Cambridge, then Prince William, asked his a RPO,  to shine a laser’s red dot at the boy pretending to be a sniper. He  told this colourful story revelation on an episode of the BBC Radio Five Live’s That Peter Crouch Podcast. The future king’s candid comments came as he shared embarrassing stories over a pint. During the chat at Kensington Palace, they had a curry delivered. I think I wanna find this podcast because I think it probably was absolutely hilarious. Imagine a young boy sneaking over that ha ha Ha ha ha that’s awesome! Good on you William good  on you!
Fast Far-raar-ri blast. …………”
We’re talking about a Ferrari hear the Italian car. This kids is again another example of how frightening fake things can be seen as real we see it on Instagram we see CGI and almost every movie that people actors don’t even have to act anymore it’s it’s all fake everything is fake now. Except us we are all real!  There is a video that fooled and tricked aka lied to millions. The  viral footage of a Ferrari driver ‘escaping from police by driving underneath a truck’ was fake says its creator. He revealed how he did it. The Original video was posted online last Friday and gained 3.1million views. It showed a Ferrari F430 escaping from police car by driving through gap between truck’s wheels. Graphics artist Dionisis Sakas demonstrated in new video how he made footage.He used CGI, a computer-generated image of a Ferrari, truck and police car over bus dashcam footage of road. DISGUSTING! Get a job, volunteer , do something useful in this world instead of spreading more lies like this, that’s sick!
“ let your daughter breathe “……………
This is a sugar is bringing race into it! Black Lives Matter!Both Eric Garner, several years ago in NYC and George Floyd were saying l can’t breathe l can’t breathe  lcan’t breathe as a police officer had his knees on his neck! They are equating that incident with what’s going on here! That my friends is a level of mentality we are dealing with! The level of insanity that the sugars possess! I am convinced that when things happen in handcuffs involved charges are laid whatever is going to happen they will be having some sort of physical manifestation, they Well riots gather together range on Twitter for meetings throw stones who knows what it every British Embassy in the United States. I say that because she’s American and I do believe most of the sugars are although she has them all over the world. This is very very very serious verbiage! Wow I am shocked and I don’t get shocked easily wow wow is all I can say! Leave Madam alone! Duchess’s fans aka sugars, rage as dad Thomas Markle hits out ‘Let your daughter breathe’! Well we need a time that since Madame and I’ve been going crazy on her PR we knew it was just a matter time before daddy market would march into the rescue or not to the rescue this time this time is criticizing! I finally caught up on my sleep so let’s give me a minute here to backtrack the daily mail reported that this is now Wednesday morning Monday Monday they reported done he had been interviewed I think on good morning Britain or something there was an article about him anyways criticizing the book and attack criticizing that they were attacking the royal family etc. etc. etc. etc. Madam’s fans/ SUGARS took to Twitter to shield the Madam, from her father’s latest attack. Her estranged father, who lives in Rosarito, Mexico, spoke to the press in the wake of new revelations about the dramatic events leading up to the gathering of unhappy people in May 2018. My my my my my what are those sugars gonna do when it hits the fan and things are really come out and charge to start to come then I’ll my goodness. All these young women what are they gonna do join antifa and form their own gang and try and destroy British Embassy is around the United States or wherever they all live I would imagine most of them live in the United States because she’s American but she probably has sugar is all over the world oh it’s going to be an interesting interesting interesting slideshow to continue to watch that slideshow side show not slide shows sideshow there you go where are you got a good job software good job good job software! Oh you’re typing your compliment twice well good for you you’ve been working hard I’m putting you to the test yes I am talking to my iPad because I think it’s a little sensitive because if I get if it doesn’t like what I’m saying it’ll beep and stop working so I’m whispering as quietly hopefully it doesn’t hear me because I don’t want to hurt it’s sensitive feelings!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
 A niece wedding …………… 
How marvellous oh the three Spencer girls oh they’re so beautiful remember them at William and Catherine’s wedding oh they’re so beautiful all. So lady Amelia and lady allies are twins but their paternal twins they don’t look like they’re not identical twins at all but they’re both gorgeous. And all three of these girls and their brother grew up in South Africa. And lady Amelia has been attending Cape Town University where she met her beau, Who she met at the University,Greg Mallet, an estate agent, who is equally well-connected and wealthy. They’ve been together for 10 years and he finally proposed and the picture I have seen are beautiful. She has gorgeous looks kind of like an oval but I think I I think it might be a circle diamond and looks to be surrounded by hail or smaller diamonds it looks beautiful but I’m hoping to see a really clear picture of it that’s why I have not really seen one. Congratulations to them. 🥂 
Some people crochet, some people knit,some people do scrapbooking, some people garden,some people take music lessons,there’s all kinds of hobbies in this world! However I have never heard of one quite like this and words fail me.😁DM slightly edited by moi😁 GM allegedly took photos of topless young girls as a 'hobby’, shocking unearthed court documents reveal. The 58-year-old kept them in a photo album at pedophile JE’s Florida mansion, his former butler Juan Alessi claimed.A judge last week ordered the unsealing of documents related to M and E from a defamation case brought by victim VRG in 2015. The documents could include details about GM’s sex life and among the original files unsealed in 2018 was the eye witness account of Alessi. Alessi told VRG’s lawyers in a sworn deposition that GM  had an album full of photos of young girls, including some who were topless. GM shared her alleged hobby for nude 'art’ with JE who had photos of naked girls and women - including GM- plastered all over his mansion.Alessi also claimed in his deposition that he discovered sex toys including,😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮l edited, in the massage room of JE’s Palm Beach mansion. The then-maintenance man also claims he saw a 'shiny black costume’ in GM’s closet that he believed was used for sex. Was he the butler the maintenance man those are two diametrically opposed positions, I don’t understand. What was he doing in her  closet if you do the maintenance man? People are all I feel like I need to be sprayed down disinfected maybe this is the price he disinfect clue disinfect oh gross!DM😁additions and slightly edited by moi.
The pressure  grows on millionaire farmer Ben Goldsmith, as it emerges he benefited from £25,000 in EU subsidies last year! Ben Goldsmith, brother of environment minister Zac, claimed £25k in EU cash.The 39-year-old millionaire farmer is also a non-executive director of Defra.He has been accused of releasing red deer and wild boar on his land in Somerset.The release of such animals is contrary to current Defra rules and regulations. You know kids, it seems that at every level they’re playing the game! Money changing hands over fist, forget morals,forget ethics, forget everything and anything,  just money money money money money makes me think of that song I think it’s by Dire Straits money money money oh!
There is also the bigger issue the money from the Sussex fund and all of that missing money allegedly that a certain Madam may have had now spent or had possession of. I’m not gonna go into that because I don’t think that’s the clue right now.
Bush tragedy ……………… 
I can hardly cope, l can’t imagine how her parents are managing and her family. I don’t know, I’ve been I prayed for this little girl since the day she went missing she would be found alive. Madeleine McCann investigators resume digging at German allotment patch owned by chief suspect Christian Brueckner as his apartment just three miles away is revealed. And if you look where they’re digging if you see the pictures there’s trees all around so at least in Canada we would call that the bush. Investigators have begun their second day of searching an allotment in Germany three miles from an apartment where suspect Christian Brueckner once lived.    Up to 100 officers using small diggers and sniffer dogs continued to excavate the vegetable garden outside Hannover, where Brueckner lived after the three-year-old vanished in 2007.A tent has been erected on the plot concealing the exact nature of the search, and a wide cordon with wire netting has set been up around the allotment.Two small tents have been set up in a field opposite the main dig site, while a fleet of German police vehicles lined the side of the small country road while commuter traffic drove past.An apartment block in Hannover has been identified as Brueckner’s last known address in the city, and German media says he may have lived on the allotment itself - possibly in his trailer.Detectives have been bagging up pieces of evidence and yesterday discovered a cellar underneath a long-demolished gazebo as they scour for clues that could link Brueckner to Madeleine’s disappearance. If you’re so inclined please say a prayer for this family but they finally get some answers and that they find little Madeleine so they can bring her home.🥺🥺🥺🥺🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
inappropriately shamed royal ………… 
CARAS, some places I’ve read say it’s a Spanish magazine some have said Portuguese either way that’s the name of the magazine. CARAS comes under fire for calling Queen Maxima’s daughter and heir to the Dutch throne , Princess Amalia, 16, as 'plus-size’ on its front cover as critics claim it’s 'dangerous’ and 'disrespectful’! I have said to you kids before, this is the last thing that it’s OK to make fun of people who are overweight and I know personal experience!! It just, it it never ends ,whether iit’s in school whether to University, no matter how beautiful you are , a high functioning and intelligent and whatever, it’s it’s still OK to do mock overweight people!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬And it goes to stop so far as to people getting hired for jobs or not etc. etc. etc. it’s all it’s so disgusting! She is a beautiful girl oh man what is it gonna do to her psyche she’s 16 oh 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻hell me!The trashy gossip magazine Caras has been slammed by Argentine media outlets. Princess Catharina-Amalia and Queen Maxima were chosen for mag’s July cover.The magazine described the teenage heir to the Dutch throne as 'plus-size’ woman! She is 16 she is a young lady she is not a woman! Subsequently I do believe they have issued an apology an apology but the damage is done the damage is done it’s an in with the damage is done there’s no undoing this absolutely know I’m doing this for her personally! My heart just aches for her she is so beautiful so beautiful oh my heart just aches for that girl oh my! Kids think back to when you were 16 so insecure and so you know trying to fit in and all that other garbage. Do you think high school the most important thing in the world. And she’s going to be the Queen she is going to be the Queen! Oh man my heart aches for her.☹️☹️☹️☹️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I am sending lots of love and prayers to Princess Amalia !
a pricey disinfect ………… 
The first thing that came into my mind when I read this with the money that her Majesty offered Madam to leave before The gathering of unhappy people. This  is my gut and this is what I’m going to go with. This may not be the correct answer that you were looking for MM Anon but it is what I feel applies most importantly here. This fight has been in the works for years and years at the highest level on the planet, funded by the highest level on the planet. It has been a plot to take down 1000 year old monarchy and totally destroy the country that voted to exit the EU! Brexit would’ve brought about a whole bunch of changes and it will yet hopefully. And her Majesty the Queen is God’s representative on the throne she’s been holy ordained. She is the head of the church of England. I truly believe that there is a worldwide organization of people who serve the dark master. If one believes in God one has  to believe in Satan there’s no one with the old the other there’s good and there’s bad. There are many many many who serve the Darkside in the evil of the ways. That is what we have been watching. I firmly believe the first line attack was through JE towards prince Andrew. Prince Andrew was naïve in in a sense of being a royal very much detachment from the ordinary person. There’s no way he could have ever imagined or fortold  that anything like this would happen. I do not believe he has any interest in young girls. Does he have a healthy sexual appetite did he absolutely he was a young healthy fit handsome man yes of course,  what was going to judge him for that? Do you honestly can’t believe that he and Sarah his wife could’ve raised to such sound wonderful young women as the princess Beatrice and princess Eugenie without being sound themselves? I believe this started in earnest at that point and they had no success. So they had to continue and plot to find a way in and there was Prince Harry, lost in an emotional wasteland trying to find some direction is life after leaving the military. That’s begin the process of finding a female willing to do the deeds, the first one they found changed her mind. But then as evil does, it finds its perfect mate and that was Madam and the whole collection of “family” that she has. A group of cons and grifters  at their finest or worst however you look at it. She is a female who’s willing to do anything and everything and has done anything and everything! FOR MONEY!  She is narcissistic to the point of pathology. Please I’ve read a few people say she has schizophrenia or is “schizophrenic”. I have worked with dozens and dozens of people with schizophrenia, they do not possess narcissistic traits. Most of them are shy and embarrassed of their symptoms and most of them are young men who who just develop it in their early teens are in their 20s. I am not saying that women don’t develop schizophrenia they certainly do. But the majority of people that I worked with have developed our young men that have developed it in their late teens and 20s often as a result of the use of marijuana a lot of marijuana. They use marijuana to quiet the voices in their head. And it does work for some of them they say it does help. People with schizophrenia do not behave like this they’re thinking is disorganized, they live in an alternate reality even though they can often quite communicate or are mute. They are not capable of being this way and  this plot to this degree. I’m not saying they’re not capable, they can be employed and they’re wonderful people just like anybody else with diabetes or whatever. I truly wish that that Stigma and that those thoughts about schizophrenia would change. I really encourage you, if you if your care, if you care, just to do a little bit of reading even though Wikipedia reading of what schizophrenia is it’ll help you understand what millions of people struggle with on a daily basis. Back to Madam psychiatric diagnosis would be Axis ll narcissistic personality disorder or NPD.  I do also believe she possesses some Axis lll issues as well, by this time referring to her variety of hobbies be there a liquid or powder or any of the above. So we have gone through years now of the monarchy being dragged through this sea hags filth and worse yet our beloved prince Harry, through a young man’s foolish to date on a booty call, which I mean let’s face that millions of people do every day even famous people do every day. And the plans, she was, she was ready to the point where she was wearing Diana‘s favourite perfume. Olfactory memory is the strongest memory humans  possess. It is so powerful it triggers so much emotion. So when he walked in and sat down at the table to have a drink with her and smelled  her perfume just imagine the flood of endorphins and things that he may not even have been consciously aware of that were triggered and his brain just imagine just sit yourself down there and imagine. And then as things progressed you know the story.  And the filth has permeated the planet, it has permeated race relations, it has permeated in the resulting or sugars it has permeated in the Black Lives Matter fascist group That is being well funded by the people that plotted, the backers. They have just been laying in wait waiting for the right moment. Do you think all these people just happen to gather together and had weapons and stuff just at the drop of a hat?How would they know to go where to go, what to do, where to meet? Cities are huge and yet they all seem to go on the in the exact same area. Do you think that’s a coincidence? Do you think that’s a coincidence that it’s happening all over the United States and all over the UK and all over the world in different places? Do you think that’s OK? Do you think that’s a coincidence? I myself do not believe in coincidences. Go back to your high school or university physics Newtons law of physics, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Nothing happens by coincidence, everything we do whether it’s in  thought act or deed that is put out into the universe it affects something somebody or somehow. This was all planned. Her Majesty the Queen was wise enough to know this, as well as British intelligence, to be monitoring all these things to let her know and the government know. She was wise enough to call Lord Geidt back into service. Thank God he was agreeable! He immediately, I am certain recognized the severity of what the situation was. They have planned and they have played the long game, all while keeping calm and carrying on and looking beautiful. And due to the scale the Crown never fails! And what we see now are  the results of them playing the long game. Madam imploding upon herself due  to her own behaviour and her own narcissism. I do believe we’re near the end I do believe any day now as I said yesterday imminently, we will receive some announcement of some sort. Her Majesty is safely ensconced at Balmoral for three months usually her usual 12 weeks. I’m sure more security than she’s ever had there before and there’s more security around all the royal family members that we’ve ever ever had before. We will never see that security. We will never notice them. They are that good. They could be the seventy year old lady on the street, still able to be just as dangerous as any criminal. We are coming to a close Madam,is all that done. And the backers?? I’m not sure where things are at, but London scoop said this will involve the world but mostly the UK the United States and Australia. The United States is on fire with these antifa riots. The democratic cities mayors and governors of certain states are refusing to take action I’m naming Oregon and Washington in particular I feel so sorry for those people who have businesses and who live in those areas that are being rioted night after night after night especially in Portland I’m thinking of Portland Oregon. There’s a presidential election in November this year. One would never know it usually all you see on the news are  debates and candidates and all that. But we’re not seeing that we’re seeing coronavirus and riots. And what I’ve seen of the democratic nominee, and the party as a whole has me very very concerned. He has yet, I don’t think  he has had a press conference.? I am not aware and when I have seen is a gentleman who is quite elderly who oh, I don’t want to insult anybody who is democratic here,but who is buying into these far left wing fascist agenda who seems to at times doesn’t know what city he’s in. And there was a video that I saw he was standing with a few couples who were with their children and I don’t know what awards he was giving out, but he was massaging the shoulders and pulled her close to him tightly with his arm around her, little girl next to him and you could could Around her shoulders and you could see the look on her face that she was so uncomfortable and she tried to pull closer to her parents who were holding another child and he pulled her back in. I’m telling you I don’t know where that was taken but it was so, it was so hard for me to watch, oh you know something I said I pray for that little girl I pray for that child. I’m not saying he’s he’s a paedophile anything don’t get me wrong but I’m just talking about boundaries just boundaries. Anyhow say what you will about President Trump many people do regularly! I’m gonna get myself in trouble here but I do believeI do believe if he does not win the reelection I fear the collapse of the United States. I don’t know how they’re even going to be able to have an election in the midst of this coronavirus, how do you know how long the quested are to vote to take their long long long long. Oh kids this is the expensive disinfecting and we all are paying a price and continue to and will continue to.
“ you’re a spot on gun Man Sydney!!”………… “ a privilege sir” ……… “ how’s the shoulder?” ……… “ I’ll recover sir “……… “ it’s stopped bleeding “ ……… “ just a flesh wound sir “ ……… “ next week Sydney? ……… “ I hear the Gillie comes highly recommend sir”……… “Ahh, spiffing!! “
Well we return to the beautiful vista that is Balmoral castle and it’s I will be 15,000acres acres in beautiful at the Aberdeenshire. I spent my share of time not at Balmoral but in Aberdeen Aberdeen sure all the first the Firth of Forth!!  Oh my it’s so beautiful I’ve taken so many pictures and hanging on my living room wall I have a black-and-white photo l took, I think it’s like 11 x 18 or something it’s so beautiful oh so beautiful the river there’s a bridge going over the river and the time I took the picture was an autumn so the leaves were all so gorgeous oh man it’s so beautiful. One of the first things that hit me the very first time I tasted tapwater in Scotland and I happen to be in her and I are just outside Aberdeen where I was staying with my friends and I have never had water that taste is so beautiful it was pure it was cold it was fresh it was free from chemicals no chlorine Teays know anything and there was no water filter on the top of their they did not have a reverse osmosis filter like everybody here has now it was so good oh and I just kept remarking on and everybody kept laughing at me how good the water was. Then we went out for lunch at all man I stupid Canadiana CanadianaWe are ordering lunch and came to my turn to order lunch should I order lunch and I want to more of that water and she looked at me and she said would you like flat or still and I I just like what what and I looked at my restaurant we want to find especially that I had came there to see and he was like she’ll have still ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. And then after I said what what is that and he says oh Blondie never mind ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha I’ll never forget that oh man that was so funny. anyhow back to Balmoral, sounds like the hunting trip had a bit of a Dick Cheney moment. If you don’t know who took Dick Cheney, he was an American politician and he accidentally shot another politician that he was hunting with a severe it was this it wasn’t severe but all man oh man. so himself is complementing Sydney on how well he is spotting him with the gun and making sure it’s ready and loaded and everything and just what a successful hunting day they had. And Sydney ever the dutiful a butler said yes he concurs it was just just smashing and then himself ask him how his shoulder is and he’s ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I can’t continue ha ha ha ha still funny way too funny ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.I shall continue I can come compose myself myself and continue. Himself ask Sydney how his shoulder is Sydney says it all recover all recover sir I am I shall recover, it stopped bleeding it stop bleeding and I shall recover in just a flesh room so just just a flesh room can you not hear the accent so can you hear the accent just a flesh wound sir! Capital , Sydney, Capital! Then planning for next weeks outing, Himself asks Sydney, are you ready for next weeks outing and he replies oh yes sir , I hear the Gilly comes high they recommended sir. Himself says sniffing smashing , wonderful , marvellous , looking forward to it and Sydney is just shivering in this boots. MM Anon, you have no idea how I can picture these things in my head and I was just all man’s took me forever to do because I was laughing so hard!
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦🇬🇧🇦🇺🇳🇿
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Entertainment purposes 
Thank you PG💜💜💜💜💜💜
21 notes · View notes
spaceskam · 4 years
our fainted thrill carries on (11/13)
warning: mentions of anxiety, kidnapping, child abuse, etc
Regardless of their ambiguous relationship status, Alex had promised to let Michael know when he got to the motel safely.
Midnight passed.
1 A.M. passed.
3 A.M.
5 A.M.
7 A.M.
“You just forgot, right? You got back and went to sleep, right?” Michael asked, leaving his 5th voicemail of the night. He’d called 30 times and texted even more, spending the whole night curled up on the couch and biting his nails until they hurt. “You’re gonna call me when you wake up and you’re gonna be so pissed that I blew up your phone. I checked four times, you brought your charger, so if you’re ignoring me on purpose, then… Please be okay. I need you to be okay. I love you, bye.”
When Alex had gotten up the morning after their talk and just started packing a bag to still head out to meet the active Camerons, Michael had been stressed beyond belief. No matter how much he said it was a bad idea, Alex deemed it necessary. Then when Michael tried to invite himself along, Alex told him no.
“I swear to God, I am going to kill you when you get home. You can’t just not return my calls, that’s a real dick move,” Michael spat, taking a shaky breath, “I miss you, come home.”
He’d bothered him for the rest of the week, trying his damnedest to either get Alex to stay or get him to let him tag along. It would’ve been fun, he’d said, a road trip with all of them. Alex had banished him to yard work after too many minutes of failed, teenage-esque coercion.
“I’m worried,” Michael sniffled at 8 A.M. Alex should’ve taken his medication by now. Had he done his morning PT? “Please call me. I won’t be mad, I just need you. I need to know you’re okay.”
They’d been slowly trying to build trust again and now he wasn’t answering. Was he hurt? Was he avoiding him? Was he just having so much fun he forgot? Did someone take him?
“Alex,” Michael said, stress crying into his palms at this point as his whole body shook with a new, unknown level of anxiety, “I need… Just one response, okay? Just one. So I know you’re alright. I love you. Please take your medicine and eat something if you haven’t. I love you.”
For years, Michael had gotten accustomed to never being able to talk to Alex when he wanted to. He was overseas playing G.I. Joe and Michael avoided even trying. But now, now after months of Alex picking up when he needed him, months of spending so much time together, months of needing him to breathe… Now it felt like his entire world was crumbling and suddenly he was considering filing a missing person’s report.
“But that’d be stupid, right? You’re on a secret mission, I’m a… redacted… so I just gotta wait. Just gotta… Please be okay. I love you more than anything and I meant what I said. So, you know, if someone took you and is listening... Tell them I’ll fucking kill them. I won’t hesitate. Don’t worry.”
Michael pushed the heels of his hands against his eyes, trying to will himself to feel better. His hand seized up and his body hurt. He just needed Alex to be okay and alive and home. He needed him to come home.
“The person you are trying to reach is not available. Mailbox full. Goodbye.”
He dropped the phone onto the couch, raking his hands through his hair and pulling hard as he tried to calm himself. This wasn’t just anyone, this was Alex. If Michael trusted anyone to get themselves out of a sticky situation, it was Alex Manes. He was strong and smart and ungodly talented. He should be okay.
So then why wasn’t he answering his fucking phone?
“Whoa, what’s going on here?”
Michael looked up at the sound of Rosa’s voice. She was staring at him in concern which was new, but he couldn’t even take time to register it. He was shaking and felt like he was suffocating, his whole mind blurry and thinking of the worst-case scenario.
“Alex won’t answer and he’s not home and I can’t get in touch with him and it’s been hours and, and he said he would call or text or, or, or, or‒”
“Hey, it’s Alex, I’m sure he’s fine,” Rosa insisted. Michael shook his head, pulling on his hair a little harder.
“No,” he whispered, shaking his head, “No, he said‒”
“Did you try Kyle or Jenna? See if they’d pick up? Maybe Alex lost his phone,” she tried, coming closer. The couch shifted as she sat beside him and he tried to take a grounding breath just like Alex showed him. Identify the trigger and breathe. Except he knew the fucking trigger and he couldn’t breathe because it was an actual problem.
“No, I didn’t call them,” he said, staring at his phone. His messages were still unread and it brought a whole new wave of panic. He’d never felt so fucking helpless in his life. He just wanted Alex.
“Give me your phone,” Rosa instructed, taking it before he could actually hand it over. Which was valid because he felt like his skin was being turned inside out. He should’ve followed him or put a tracker on him or put a fucking handprint on him or something. Anything.
Anything would be better than this.
“Okay, let me try Jenna,” she said after Kyle’s went to voicemail. Michael groaned pathetically, shrinking in on himself again.
A few more minutes, a few more calls unanswered, and all it did was make Michael’s anxiety grow to insane levels. What happened? What the fuck could’ve taken them out? Sure, Kyle he could understand, but Cam and Alex? What kind of manpower did these people have?
“Oh my God, he’s dead,” Michael breathed‒or, tried to breathe, “He’s dead. He’s dead and the last thing he remembers is me being a total dick. He’s dead.”
“Hey, don’t say shit like that, he’s not dead,” Rosa insisted, swatting his leg. Michael just choked his tears, rocking slightly. Horrible, intrusive images of Alex’s dead body flooded through his mind. Bloody, beaten, shot, destroyed. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. “It’s Alex, he’s not dead, stop.”
 “Then where is he, huh?! If he’s not dead, where is he?!” Michael demanded. Rosa glared at him.
“Acting like this will get us nowhere,” Rosa said, standing to her feet and gesturing for him to do the same. He was pretty sure his feet wouldn’t work if he tried. She rolled her eyes when he didn’t move. “Listen, I want you to really think about what’s going on right now. If something is wrong, your most useful people are out of commission. You have to actually put in the effort.”
“I don’t know where to begin,” Michael argued. 
“You sure about that?” Rosa prodded.
She stared him down for a moment and he carefully took a few grounding breaths. He had to be logical at least a little bit. If he was going to get Alex back, he had to at least have a starting place. So he closed his eyes, focusing on changing that anxiety and sadness into anger. It wasn’t hard. It felt like a reflex.
He took a few more breaths before he opened his eyes.
“I know where to go.”
Michael Guerin let himself into the Manes’ residence for the second time in one week.
Jesse Manes was sat at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and not even bothering to stand in fear like last time. Instead, he just looked up at Michael. His fingers itched, eager to just throw him into the wall. But he waited.
“Tell me where Alex is.”
Jesse paused, looking at him over the top of his mug. He looked genuinely confused, but Michael didn’t buy that for a second. 
“Did you warn them that Alex was thinking about going out there? Did you tell them about him?” Michael demanded. Jesse slowly lowered his cup.
“Now, son, I thought we were getting along last t‒”
“Answer me!” Michael demanded, throwing the mug across the room and slamming it into the wall. It was a perfect demonstration of what he’d do to Jesse if he didn’t get an answer.
Jesse sighed, looking longingly at the shattered mug for a moment before turning his attention back to Michael. He was too calm. There was nothing calm about this situation. Nothing at all. Alex was missing. So were Kyle and Cam.
“I didn’t warn them, but they already know who Alex is. He’s got Manes features and every active member knows of every family member of the other factions for safety purposes. If they took Alex, it was because of you,” Jesse said simply. Michael’s heart dropped into his stomach and his breathing threatened to choke him all over again.
“Bullshit,” Michael spat. Jesse sighed and gestured to the chair across from him. Michael was hesitant to do so. Last time they sat and spoke cordially, Alex went missing over the very thing they spoke about.
But, then again, Jesse had warned him.
Michael reluctantly took a seat.
“They have a theory that says any human who gets involved with an alien is just as dangerous and corrupt,” Jesse said. Michael scoffed.
“You think that too.”
“I don’t think that,” he said, still oh so calm, “I think it shows weakness and is a symptom of being overly empathetic to creatures that aren’t worth it, but I don’t think it’s something one can’t come back from. Alex has… other compromising issues. He’s disabled, he’s got PTSD, CPTSD‒we’re just scratching the surface. I understand why you’re worried.”
There was a level of coldness to him that Michael couldn’t comprehend. It was like there was a legit disconnect and he didn’t see Alex as his son. He viewed Alex, not as the man he was, but as the idea of what he was. A disabled, queer veteran. End sentence.
“He’s your son,” Michael said, eyebrows drawn together and shaking his head, “He’s your son, why don’t you care? Why aren’t you worried? I-I’ve seen so many shitty parents in my day, but most of the time they at least pretend. You can’t even give him that.”
“Alex made it clear he doesn’t want me pretending,” Jesse said simply, “And I learned a long time ago there’s no reason in being worried for him. Worry doesn’t change what that boy does. If anything, it makes him run towards the fire. He’s made his bed.”
Michael shook his head, leaning back in his seat and looking up towards the ceiling as he tried to collect himself.
“Alex is… He is the strongest person I know. And I have no idea how the fuck he became that with you as a father,” Michael scoffed, “No matter what bullshit is thrown at him, he can be kind. He can still love so much. He doesn’t trust you, but he still loves you. He doesn’t trust me, but he still loves me. Do you not understand how fucking incredible that is?”
Michael looked at Jesse, seeing that he was basically unphased. It didn’t make sense. How many years had this man put effort into becoming something that he forgot how to be human? How had Michael spent years trying to avoid falling into the cold arms of humanity and failed, but Jesse Manes had successfully evaded it completely?
“I’ve encountered a lot of monsters,” Michael said, leaning a bit closer and making sure he held eye contact, “I’ve encountered so many and, despite the fact that I’ve also met my fair share of loving people, I still became one. I’m still this. But Alex? Alex has been wronged by every goddamn person he’s ever met and he’s still good. He is unapologetically good. And you know what? He deserves to see that there’s a point to it.”
“How exactly do you expect to do that?”
With a simple thought, Michael bound Jesse Manes’ wrists with an invisible string. Jesse managed to hide any type of alarm.
“We’re goin’ on a road trip.”
Alex’s head hurt ungodly bad.
“Alex, hey, welcome back to life.”
He squinted and saw Kyle looking down at him, shirtless for some reason. He tried to move, but it just hurt worse so he stayed put.
“What’s going on?”
“We may or may not be trapped in a cellar,” Kyle said softly, lifting something. It was then that Alex realized Kyle’s missing shirt was being pressed to his head. “But it’s okay, we’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.”
“Me? What happened?”
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Kyle asked. Alex closed his eyes and thought really hard. He felt disoriented and achy and probably had everything to do with that head wound he couldn’t really feel.
“Um, getting to the club?” Alex said, trying to remember what happened after, but it was blurry, “Did I get any information?”
“Well, I don’t know, you don’t remember,” Kyle sighed, “I’m sure it’ll come back to you. Right now, just stay put.”
“What’s going on?”
“A couple of guy’s cornered me. I don’t know how they knew I was with you, but they cornered me and threw me in the back of a van. Same with you, but you were already unconscious by then. Not sure what happened, but you’ve got a pretty nasty head wound.”
“That’s it?” Alex wondered, “Where’s Cam?”
“Shh,” Kyle hushed, looking around and stroking Alex’s cheek as if that would cover up what he said. Maybe it would. He leaned down and put his lips right by Alex’s ear. “Don’t talk about that or we’re never gonna escape. They can’t know she’s involved with us, okay? Just play along.”
Alex gave a microscopic nod as Kyle sat back up.
“I think you’ll be okay. It stopped bleeding,” Kyle told him.
“Good, I need to kick someone’s ass,” Ale said, groaning as he tried to shift again. His body still felt too heavy. “What the fuck, I’ve had a head wound before. They don’t usually feel so… They… I…”
Carefully, Kyle hand traveled from his cheek down to his arm. He carefully put a little pressure over a spot just below the inside of his elbow. Alex jumped, his body reacting to the spike of pain. Kyle whispered his apology, but it was clearly something had happened to his arm. Kyle reached down more, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers together. When he sat up straight, it brought Alex’s arm right into his line of view.
Branded into his arm was that familiar three men Neptune symbol, tiny and yet so, so obvious. In the first head, the one meaning Manes, was a little red dot, the product of an injection. His eyes went up to meet Kyle’s. His face was schooled, but his eyes showed his worry.
“And you?” Alex asked. He shook his head, saying they hadn’t done it to him.
Alex took a deep breath and nodded. 
This is why he hated going in blind.
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izzyhunterscar · 4 years
Juuzou Suzuya X Ghoul!Reader
    You stood in front of the CCG, eyes full of mischief. 
        Walking right in you eyed the "Ghoul Detectors". You inwardly scoffed. Please, any ghoul could get through that if they know how to hide their genes, you wanted to make a scene to emphasize your entrance though.
        Turning to one of the worker you simply smiled and stood in your place.
        "Ma'am, please walk though. If you want to get in you have to go through here." His voice sounded bored.
        "Sorry but no. Could you possibly get Juuzou out here? I believe he is looking for me." You calmly denied his request and asked your own.
        "Ma'am, please walk though the gate."
        "I can't do that." You stated with a closed eye smile.
        "Why?" The worker asked exaspeatedly.
        "Cause I would set it off."  You smile widened, showing all your white teeth.
        The worked seemed stunned before activating lockdown mode by pressing a button near him. He swung out his quinque, alarms blaring and audible clicks of the building securing itself.
        Amon, Juuzou, and other members burst out of doors to the front to meet you. Weapons were at the ready as they stood surrounding the gates with you a distance away.
        "State your business ghoul. It was not wise for you to come here alone." Amon called out it you.
        "Who said I cam here alone?" You replied opening your eyes, wide smile still present.
        The investigators became alert, eyes darting for an ambush.
        You giggled, raising your hand to attempt to hide it. "I'm kidding silly! I just really wanted to say that! Didn't I sound so cool? I really am alone!" You then spotted the white haired male, clutching his scythe and smiling at you. "NO! OMG! This can't be real! JUUZOU! You came out here for me?!" You batted your eyelashes in a flirty manner and overdramatizized your gestures and words.
        Amon's eyes narrowed at you. "Ghoul, do not fool around. We have you surrounded and outnumbered, you are out of your league here."
        You gasped. "How dare you assume my species! I hate to break it to you but how would you know if I'm a ghoul? You really wouldn't know."
        "What do you mean?" Amon was getting tired of your games and simply played along to speed up the process.
        "Ahha! Now we are getting somewhere! You see Mr. Trigger finger over there got a little too excited and pressed the oh no ghoul button when I never walked through the detector thingy."
        "What." Everyone murmured and glared at the worke ryou pointed out.
        "She said she would set it off!" He attempted to defend himself.
        "I did say that, didn't I? Learn what a joke it!" You giggled again, worrying the few who were paying attention to your psych.
        "Prove it!" The worker challenged, attempting to redeem himself.
        "If I go through the gate thingy, I get to see Juuzou, right?" 
        Everyone looked at Juuzou, who excitedly swung his scythe and nodded maniaclly as well. "I'm ready for either outcome!"
        "They're both crazy..." The investigators thought to themselves.
        "I guess, just walk through the gate please."
        You sighed dramatically and made a big scene of hesitating. "You sure it's safe?" You smirked as you acted guilty.
        "Stop stalling, woman."
        "Oooh name change! Whatever though, you take the fun out of everything." You straightened your back and walked through the gate while looking at your nails boredly.
        The light turned green idicating human, causing some officers to sigh in reliege and to glare at the worker who panicked. "Don't waste time like that." They scolded him.
        You heard him getting reprimanded but you were running into the arms of Juuzou. He swung his scythe at you out of instinct, the swing was quick and swirled dust around. Gasps were heard from the workers and a worried Amon called out to him. Amon didn't know what to do if they had a dead civilian on their hands because of an officer. 
        You were not worried as you dodged around the swing and wrapped your arms around his neck, snuggling into his arms.
        Juuzou supported your weight when you clung onto him, your legs wrapping around him. "How did you dodge that!?" He excitedly whispered into your ear.
        "That's what years of boxing does for you." You murmured into his neck, breath tickling his throat.
        Unsure of what to do now, the stitched up man simply skipped back to the offices with you clung onto him like a koala.
        After the office disengaged from lockdown, everything seemed normal again at the office. Granted you were still there, refusing to let go of Juuzou.
        "So...what did you say your name was again?" A woman officer asked, standing next to Amon.
        "I didn't." You yawned and if it was possible you snuggled more into Juuzou, who assumed a sitting position in a spinny chair.
        "How do you know Juuzou?" The same woman pried again.
        "Oh, so do you like him?"
        Your head shot up from Juuzou's shoulder at the question. "Like him? Are you insane?"
        Unbeknonwst to everyone, Juuzou was slightly disappointed as you were the only person to show interest in him.
        "Sorry I didn't real-" The woman attempted to apologize.
        You cut her off. "I LOVE HIM! He is my everything! If I so much as hear a ghoul going after my love, I kill them! I made sure everyone knows that he is mine and HANDS OFF.." You continued to rambled about this was your territory and no one will every hurt Juuzou on your watch.
        The officers were once again alert at the tell tale signs that you were a ghoul. Juuzou was now sitting up with you still on his laps but his hands found their way to your ass, supporting you as you waved your arms around and rambled.
        "And how exactly do you kill these ghouls without a quinque?" Amon questioned, silver briefcase in his hand, his eyes narrowing at you once again.
        "Whoops, said too much!" You innocently curled your lips up to a small smile.
        "No! I would like to know too!" The white haired male pulled you close as an act of persuasion. 
        You let out a squeak of surprise at his forwardness and stuttered out. "I-I can't tell you! You'll hate me! You'll kill me! It's not my fault! I love you, Juuzou! Please don't hate me!" You sobbed out before abruptedly grabbing Juuzou's cheeks. You pulled him in, lips molding together. Juuzou worked over his shock and drifted his hands upwards tangling in your hair kissing back. You put years of longing and wanting in the kiss, your tongues battling.
        The officers were uncomfortable, to say the least, and some looked away with red stained cheeks.
        You finally broke apart, a string of saliva still connecting you two together. You pulled back and got off his lap, ready to make a run for it.
        At that moment, (He knew, he fucked up. XD jk) familar sirens ran throughout the office once again. The sound of an intercom came on, a voice following after. "This is not a drill! The Blackdogs have entered the building! Backup needed at the lobby entrance!" Investigators scrambled for their quinques and rushed out to aid their comrades, somehow still looking professional all the while. You saw the battle first hand, sneaking after them through the commotion. The CCG was losing, which surprised you. You saw Amon and Juuzou and that woman doing very well, but the others...not so much. Turns out a lot of the higher ranks were gone on long term missions or this was their day off.
        The ghouls were still low level, there just were a ton of them. You racked your brain as you swear you've heard the name Blackdogs before. Oh. It was those losers.
        One of the Blackdogs member had entered your grounds and had come after Juuzou right away. Juuzou had already finished him off, but you noticed the numbers that followed that small ghoul. You were quick to take care of it and beat some information out of one ghoul, while sending another ghoul with your message to leave your territory. 
        This pissed you off as you specifically told them to leave or you would rip them to shreds only to watch their limbs grow back and repeat. You growled and yelled out.
        "STOP YOU FILTHY DOGS! WHO GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO STEP INTO MY TERRITORY? TO TRY AND HURT MY JUUZOU!" Your eyes turned black and your irises shrunk to red. Your kagune crawled out of your back, eight spider like appendages swung around from your back. Your hair grew longer and string like and dyed a pure white. You disappeared for a second, before reappearing in front of one small group of ghouls, your kagune each found a target and stabbed into their hearts. After your kagunes went through, the ends encompassed them completely and squished them into a flesh ball.
        Looks of realization came from both sides. The SSS+ rated ghoul Spider Queen, sports a eight eyed mask and long white silky string like hair. With eight leg like kagunes that act as offense, defense, and arms and legs as well. They were long with a black base color, a glowing white highlight in each. 
        You hissed out. "Who is your leader? Or was the leader such a coward to fall behind the group~" You saw a ghoul close to on of the entrances they blew in, he was creeping back, kagune not out but eyes a black red. "Found you~" Your crawled over there in a spider like manner with your Kagune. You were quick and took up a large amount of space when you rose yourself up with your kagune. You picked him up with one of your spider like appendages and brought him to eye level, since you were raised up by some of your "legs". 
        You patted his orange flat hair and spat in his face. "You chose the wrong territory to invade. Did I not warn you the first time you came after my love and dirtied my city with your face? You are dead meat." You then did what you had done to the other ghouls unlucky enough to stand in your way and compressed him into a flesh ball. Your left hand reached for the flesh ball that had fallen to the floor and your took a large bite out of it, before swallowing the rest whole.
        The other ghouls had begin to retreat and you snatched a few more snacks on your way to the escape hole yourself. "Tell everyone of what transpired today, little ghouls, that is if I haven't eaten you yet!" The words slipped out before you realized what you implied. Any educated CCG investigator would know that ghoul cannibalizing other ghouls gave a rare chance that they could gain a special kagune, kakuja. They could make an educated guess that you had one since you never seemed to have any visible scratches from rubble or an attack, not that anyone could get close enough to attack you.
        You glanced at Juuzou with a sad smile, watching him process that he kissed a ghoul. "Bye, love.." You whispered to yourself before speeding off.
        The investigators were knocked out of their trance when you left, still processing that THE Spider Queen had infiltrated headquarters with no problem and then HELPED the CCG. 
        Juuzou was shook. (Jungshook xD)
        He was intrigued by you, but at the same time wanted to be the one who killed you. You were a ghoul after all. 
        You sat on the very top of a construction crane, feet dangling and eyes still black and red. You didn't stay long enough to find out what happened after the invasion.You saved your love and left. 
        This one sided love. How long will it last?
This has been sitting for a while on paper. I had written about 2/3 of it on paper and decided to finish it. I want to write a story about Juuzou X Reader, but never had the motivation so it's just a one shot or maybe twoshot if I decide to continue it and the readers like it. 
  I’ve always loved Juuzou so I wanted to do something dedicated to him. I know he would most likely kill MC since she is a ghoul, but I like to dream ;-;
Your fellow warrior,
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