#LGBT issues
petewentzwombtattoo · 8 months
terfs and radfems love to say they advocate for trans men/mascs and then continuously misgender us, objectify us, send us death and rape threats, harrass us, call us delusional women (and when they want to sprinkle in a little homophobia, "confused lesbians"), tell us we're mutilating ourselves, spread fearmongering misinformation about bottom surgery (especially phalloplasty), make fun of trans men/mascs looks, make fun of feminine trans men/mascs, make fun of masculine trans men/mascs, make fun of androgynous trans men/mascs, call us gay men fetishizers, tell us to stay away from gay men, call us predatory in general, make us feel like we're not allowed to date anyone, if we're gay and t4t call us lesbians, and countless other horrific behaviours like who the hell do you think you're fooling?
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castielsprostate · 27 days
can we stop trying to erase sexualities already? it's 2024, why are we still doing all this "ew she got a boyfriend? i thought she was bisexual" shit? this goes for everyone btw, including the lgbt+ community. stop trying to say a bisexual woman is a lesbian because she got with a woman, and stop saying a pansexual man is straight for having a girlfriend. stop pushing the narrative that people have to pick a side to either be "gay enough" to fit in, or be "straight enough" to not be seen as queer. it's not cute and it erases sexualities and invalidates identities
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The 25-year-old man, who came to Canada in 2018 as an international student, and has since worked in Edmonton, Alberta as a nurse, ran out of options this year when his work visa expired and his application for refugee status was rejected. Uganda has become one of the most dangerous countries for LGBTQ+ people this year, with the introduction of its harsh Anti-Homosexuality Act. The act, which was signed into law in May, calls for the death penalty for certain same-sex activities, and has prompted a torrent of abuse against LGBTQ+ people in the country, from both citizens and police.
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intothestacks · 7 months
A handful of states are eyeing laws that would allow criminal charges against school librarians for distributing books that contain "obscene matter."
Why it matters: GOP state lawmakers have in recent years increased their efforts to ban material they deem inappropriate from schools and libraries.
That material includes books on gender identity and sexual orientation.
Critics, including the American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia, said the bill "is designed to create confusion for educators about what kinds of materials can be taught or displayed."
The American Library Association said this type of legislation would allow for "advocacy groups and parents to sue or prosecute library workers" for providing books and other materials that present "accurate medical information about sex or puberty, describe sexual behavior, or reflect the experiences of LGBTQ+ persons."
The ALA noted that such legal action would be "based on the false claim that any material that includes information about sex, sexuality, gender identity, or sexual orientation is legally obscene and inappropriate for minors."
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0venatrix · 2 months
”singular they isn’t correct English” “neopronouns arnt correct English”
We made language the fuck up. We made gender the fuck up. So you can shut the fuck up.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
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LGB getting kicked out of the acronym in some places then I see
Not oppressed enough anymore I suppose
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skylie-spiderlillis · 4 months
"Me? Oh yeah I'm lesbian I'm sure of that-"
* Jayden Revri as Charles Rowland comes in to my life *
...... Guess I'm bi spec.
(Fuck you Charles Rowland. Thanks for that mess again).
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bobcatblahs · 16 days
Not the Trump campaign sending texts to my INFERTILE, intersex sister talking about “it’s a woman’s sacred duty to carry children for our future”
Bestie that’s a lesbian with a close for business bakery.
That’s not how you win over voters.
(Not that she’d even consider him)
If a political candidate texts you- they pay PER MESSAGE for that. So text the Trump spammers back. Keep them going. They’re wasting their money anyway, but help them spend it faster
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davidisnotmyname · 10 months
hey you 🫵 fellow queer person
this is your daily reminder that infighting within our community doesn’t help us. It only makes our oppressors stronger. So if you don’t understand someone’s identity or feel it doesn’t fit your idea of how that identity should be used, just LEAVE IT BE. We need to focus on the people who want us illegal and dead. The meowgender it/its user and the bisexual cis woman are hated by bigots just the same.
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Hey guys, I need y'all's honest opinion and "expertise" on this subject. (Ace's + Aro's ECT)
So, I don't know how to explain my romantic attraction exactly.. Its obsessive and never goes away and I'm a little in love with everyone I meet. I've been going by Aro bc I have NO interest in an official romantic relationship, though I do experience EXTREME romantic attraction.
Is there anything to describe this? And if so does it fall under the category of aromantic?
Edit: thought I should add context. Just in case. What I mean by not being interested in an official romantic relationship is that I simply don't get why they exist if it makes any sense? And the thought of being in a romantic relationship genuinely kind of scares me. Lol I just don't see the appeal of being in a romantic relationship with someone, or doing things that normal "couples" would do
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petewentzwombtattoo · 6 months
"i bet [transmasc person] will end up as a terf anyway lmao" you know thats a fucked up thing to say right? you know it's fucked up to say that when terfs actively try to groom transmasc people, especially young transmasc people, into becoming terfs right? Right?
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oh-dear-sally · 2 months
I know Kalvin Garrah is kind of old news at this point, but I just feel the need to talk about my feelings about this because ultimately it impacted me a ton.
I was a Kalvin Garrah fan in middle school (I know, awful.) I had been in the midst of an identity crisis since I was 10 and started looking towards YouTube at that time. I was a MEGA fan of Kalvin’s. I watched all of his content and genuinely became such an insufferable, annoying, person as a result. I KNEW I was trans, but from watching his content I convinced myself I could only be a binary trans person. I told myself I was a man and forced myself to be hyper masculine as a result. I hated myself so much and finally decided I wasn’t man enough and never would be (because, news flash, I was not a man.) After that it took me years to come to terms with my identity, to accept that I am non-binary and to stop hating myself.
And I have read stories from other people, young trans kids, in these spaces online that just felt so uncomfortable in their transness. Kalvin Garrah, and other transmeds (trans scum, etc) had such a major impact on trans people and it is STILL HAPPENING with trans people trying to cater to conservative people.
Just please keep an eye on any young trans people you know, and be a shoulder to cry on when they eventually realize how this affected them. Only reason I was able to start loving myself, and transness as a whole, was thanks to my lovely friends and other content creators that made me feel welcome and safe.
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In the 1970s, some gay community leaders turned their backs on the “less respectable” (read: trans, gender-weird, drag-performing, poor, racialized and/or flaming) members of their community in a cynical ploy to gain acceptance and power for themselves—at the expense of their more marginalized peers. There’s no better example than when, in 1973, the New York Pride Committee tried to bar trailblazing trans women of colour Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera from participating in the Pride parade because they were giving the organization “a bad name.” This decision by the local Pride committee exemplified a broader trend where some gay activists sought to push out more marginalized community members to win respectability and influence.  Flash forward 50 years and history is repeating itself in Canadian politics. As anti-LGBTQ2S+ hate rises across Canada, with even CSIS sounding the alarm, and trans lives being used as a political punching bag by far-right groups, Melissa Lantsman and Eric Duncan, the two (and only two) openly gay Conservative MPs, and other Conservative MPs who’ve called themselves our allies, are turning their backs on LGBTQ2S+ rights.
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fionapplespiano · 4 months
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bearjam · 3 months
Somethings the queer community does that I will never understand as a queer person:
1) why people in the community invalidate other peoples sexualities ex: bi/pan and aspec. Yall know we’re apart of the acronym right?
2) why some folks want “LBG without the T” congrats idiots. You have trans black women to thank for most of your rights today
3) why queer people “assign sexualities” to other queer people (usually aspec) or straight people who “don’t act straight” like ??? A) the closet is a closet for a reason. Some people aren’t comfortable or don’t feel safe coming out and B) don’t invalidate someone’s identity or label?? It’s what’s working for them at the time they’re discovering them self???
4) hate on queer people who may not be “loud and proud at pride” and vise versa. Like it’s their pride. Let them display it how they want as long as it isn’t hurting anyone else. I literally wore jeans and a black button up to my first pride (I’m just not into loud colors)
I’ll probably add more later idk these are the things that are currently in my mind this pride month.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
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Watch your backs over there, watch each others backs too.
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