ghostboy-chill · 3 months
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briry18 · 1 month
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stopstopstopit · 7 months
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Ulbrickson & Bolles matching+mirroring+in sync
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wordgirlexploration · 7 months
got some refs we can admire?
Absolutely! We just finished our third line up tonight in fact!
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hearties-circus · 2 months
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What do we do now?
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booasaur · 2 years
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NCIS: Hawai’i - 2x16
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c0de-0f-the-clans · 7 months
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another lineup for @raventhedracovis and i's au, villain school edition!
The Whammer | Invisi-Bill | Big Left Hand Guy | Ms. Question | The Coach
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savvylittlecoxswain · 5 months
Growing up, Bobby was accustomed to feeling pain when someone touched him. His body would ache so much from the infection running rampant in his body that he couldn’t even handle the loving touch of his parents, nevermind the doctors’ and nurses’ poking and prodding. Even now that he isn’t pain, he still carried an aversion to touch into his young adult years.
Most people don’t ask before touching him, so when Don asks he can’t help but cry.
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my son hes very small
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twisted-aces · 2 years
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It's Always Sunny in Wonderland
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I need help i accidentally followed my crush on insta, then immediately unfollowed and hes on my bus idk what to do
um, i have like, two grls on me rn but one im progresing with wich is good.......GUYS, i dunno, im like all sorts of gay but even though i am a guy, they are still a mystery......but to help you imma use me as an example.
#1: Don't panic.
-it makes you look scared and desperate (no offense)
-the more calm you are the better the situation will be handled.
#2: Talk to him irl.
-if you just, like, followed him and unfollwed hime he's definetly just gonna be like, "WTF? Who's this?"
-approach him, explain the situation, and make small talk.
#3: If all goes well and you continue talking, invite him to an upcomming event.
-Its the perfect way to get closer and have fun.
-You'll loosen up more and be up to talk about more things.
-And its better to go with someone than alone.
-It can be simply resolved.
-If he doesn't feel the same, talk. please just talk because then it's unresolved and the tension is MAD uncomfortable.
I really hope this helps mate.
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briry18 · 5 months
Yuuki: **being carried by Sebek** Remember to lift with your knees, boys!
Leona: I'm gonna lift your knees you damn cheater! *Increases speed*
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stopstopstopit · 7 months
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Al Ulbrickson bein' a little cutie actually smiling.
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wordgirlexploration · 7 months
i finally got the whole blog set up and fancified to my liking :3
now that that’s out of the way, hi, i’m ale, and design is my passion. i drew all of our refs for Exploration, and now i’d like to divulge some details about why we designed characters the way we did!
i’ll be going in lineup order, so feel free to pull those bad boys up and follow along :]
Cpt. Huggyface
at Raven’s request, we have made him look more like a creature. we really wanted him to look like no Earthling monkey, so that it was less obvious compared to Bob, the other monkey in Fair City.
we’ve removed his shirt. Huggy can change color at will, and blue is his most iconic color, so we decided to just. make him blue. 
his lightning bolt insignia is also blue. this is because it isn’t actually an insignia, it’s a scar. it’s grown over with fur now, but the color changing is still a little off in that area.
we gave him an aviator's helmet because he is one. it was a lot more interesting than his original.
his antenna curves slightly because i thought it looked stupid sticking straight up.
another note on his antenna: it's not part of his helmet, it's his actual antenna.
we have her a ponytail for her ease of flying and fighting people. keeps it from getting in her face.
one little flyaway on her ponytail is star-shaped - because stars are WordGirl’s shape :]
we also gave her a star-shaped mask to make it easier for her to conceal her identity.
the neck of her cape is now a little turtleneck, it keeps her warm in those high altitudes.
her gloves and boots are based off how they look in the comics. also i like drawing defined shoes :]
WordGirl has blue eyeshines because she has a nictitating membrane, like a cat. also, her eyes are star-shaped because those are her shape.
her sclera are slightly yellowish, due to her powers. her eyes are also more of a dark red for the same reason.
you can't see them, but she has little fangs. adds to her alienness.
Becky has two upward flyaways on her head. this is because she has a bee motif (spelling bee), and those are the antenna
her headband has a small gold thing at the end, because it doubles as the headband for her helmet.
also has star-shaped eyes, but hers are slightly smaller, and less obviously noticeable.
has a bee necklace, because of her bee motif.
the pleated skirt was an accident i drew before looking at a reference. but i drew those pleats, so i had to keep them.
we gave her skirt pockets, because pockets are a nice thing for skirts to have!
we kinked her and Wordgirl's hair. she deserves curly hair with volume <3
he has stupid hair. one of his cowlicks looked very awkward, so i decided to make it reminiscent of his robits antennae.
he has sectoral heterochromia - we agree that Tobey has heterochromia, but we agree slightly stronger that his eyes are blue.
his knees are a little scuffed up. i picture he's fallen off the robits a few times and scraped em.
his socks are lowered slightly. he's older now, so we thought his socks should be more reasonable.
Steven Boxleitner + Two-Brains + Squeaky
Steven's ref is chocked full of references to his fate as Two-Brains.
first is the tail-like flyaway on the back of his head. it's inspired by a comic character, and is meant to be reminiscent of a mouse tail.
the same goes for Two-Brains's two brain, it's shaped like a mouse to resemble Squeaky, and the flyaway of the hair tuft under it is meant to be her tail.
i noticed that Squeaky actually has a little bit of a snaggletooth, so i gave that, along with the normal mouse chompers, to Two-Brains.
his bowtie resembles mouse ears
on Steven, his lab coat sleeves are actually tucked into his long gloves. on Two-Brains, they are cut off.
Steven wears a button-up shirt tucked into his pants. Two-Brains wears a t-shirt.
Two-Brains belt is falling out, because Squeaky does not care for clothes and TB must put them on as fast as possible.
inspired by the same comic character as before, the tail of his labcoat is also meant to resemble the tail of a mouse.
Steven has dressy shoes, with spat-like coloring that matches with Becky's. Two-Brains has sneakers that are inspired by a lot of furry art i see where their toes are out - TB does not have his toes out, but the lines are meant to resemble paws.
Squeaky does not let TB tie his laces.
Squeaky herself resembles a dumbo rat, despite being a mouse. Her not looking like the ideal mouse is what lead to her being on sale.
Two-Brains has little chin whiskers, because mice have So Darn many. that's also what his little zigzag flyaway is meant to resemble.
Chuck's lettuce is a bit more leafy and his eyes are dots to add to his innocent, cuteness factor.
Raven told me he has pickles, so i drew a little pickle on him.
Chuck has freckles that resemble the crumb of white bread. or he has a crumb that resembles freckles.
he has a turtleneck, we didn't think his ma would want him to go out without a sweater.
we couldn't figure out his shoes - so we decided to make them rainboots that look like green olives.
we gave him blue eyes because it's good contrast.
i gave him a little face bandage because i thought it would be funny if he cut himself shaving.
i gave him a little chest hair. you can probably guess why :,]
gave him generic loafers based on a line where he mentioned his shoes not having laces.
Lil' Mittens
gave him mittens <3
he now has a little red collar with a bell, because i think once Butcher lost him once, he had to make sure he never lost him again. his collar is red because it's the meatiest color.
The Whammer
we once came across a furry wordgirl au, and started to think about what the other characters would be. obviously, we decided that Whammer was a bull. we decided to take that idea and run with it, and make him a cute little cowboy.
he has cow ears. Raven pitched the idea, and initially i put them on his helmet, and then where human ears would go. Raven eventually had to kick me and tell me to put them were cow ears would go. Raven was right.
i think cow eartags are really cute, so i had to give him one.
initially, i gave Whammer an anti-nursing tag on his nose. Raven thought it was too much and told me to make it a nose ring. you know, like a BULL.
i get nervous when a character design uses too many colors, and everyone agreed that Whammer's outfit was really ugly. so we decided to make it purple and orange, like his mask, to make those "his" colors.
Invisi-Bill is a neat little creature, and ever since i started drawing him, i decided to give him elf ears for no real reason than to make him more creaturelike.
in A Questionable Pair, it's shown Invisi-Bill has his ears pierced. i look advantage of his long ears and gave him an earring with a chain.
he has I cufflinks because he's Invisi-Bill! yay!
he has a tooth gap because he is my favorite and i have a tooth gap :]
he has 2-tone wingtip shoes because he is my favorite i like 2-tone wingtip shoes :]
Big Left Hand Guy
blhg has slightly darker skin, because i think he's related to the stout, tan-skinned bank guard.
i gave him a cane based on a mention in the fanfic BLHG's Big Dilemma by DandyMaximilian. helps him not stand knocked over slightly.
he has one gay earring, based on the designs of rootbeertime. i just put it on the right ear. i think it's funny he would do that.
Ms Question
has yellow sclera, because that's the color her eyes were when she first got her powers.
i've seen at least two fanarts of her with question mark earrings, and i think it's really, really cute.
we thought that her little black wrist braces were silly. we decided to full-on give her black gloves.
Raven really loved the little gold trim of WordGirl's boots in the comics, and wanted to give this lady also with red boots the same touch.
The Coach
none of us really care for The Coach, so he is basically the same as canon. except for his cuffs!!! i had to fix his cuffs!! they were the wrong color!!!
Kid Math
when we decided to give Becky a bee motif, we also decided that Kid Math should also have a bug. we decided on making him a termite, because Hexagon is a math-based society, and architecture is pretty mathy.
we replaced his cape with wings. it adds to his alien nature. additionally, winged termites are young creatures who are sent out to scout for new territory. Kid Math is young, and it relates slightly to our arc for him.
he has hexagon-shaped eyes to contrast WordGirl's star-shaped ones. 
he has compound eyes like a fly, and orangey sclera, to add to his buginess and alienness.
he has little fangs.
Mr. Big
mostly the same as canon, but i upped his bunnyness and fancied his shoes.
his tie is now striped to resemble his mind control beams.
i thought the little kerchief in his pocket looked ugly, so i replaced it with a itty bitty squishy bunny.
he also has bunny cufflinks :]
The Squishy Bunnies, i guess
i just made them cute. i couldn't bring myself to draw their canon designs
basically the same as canon, but bunnyed her up a little. we thought it would be funny if Mr. Big had no dress code, aside from "one bunny item", so we gave her a bunny hairclip and bunny earrings.
her choker is black now because we didn't think the purple really needed to be there
Granny May
made her hair more curly, because she is a black woman.
made her pearls slightly more yellow, because they're old.
her pearl necklace has a little diamond shape on it as a button to turn into her metal suit.
made the band on her dress green and a bow, because we thought it was cute and old ladyish :]
gave her a cane, because she's a little older than she used to be. also, it's a new weapon against WordGirl
Colonel Mustard
gave him some hair back. mostly because i thought his exposed cheek was ugly, and figured i'd give him the paws back while i was at it.
Victoria Best
we thought it would be fun if she wasn't really blonde.
i lowered her pigtails and made her ties bows, because she's a little older now, and the bows were cuter.
at the request of Robin, she now has freckles to resemble her brother.
we gave her slightly pinkish nudey eyeshadow, because we felt like she would be the type to wear it.
her eyes are inspired by ocular albinism, her eyes are blue, but in certain lights, become red, like when her eyes glow.
her skirt is pleats now, like Becky.
we gave her mary janes, because they're kinda like Becky's silly shoes, but Better.
Lady Redundant Woman
we made her slightly paler, to resemble a blank piece of printer paper.
made her eyes CMY, like a printer.
her downward-facing eyelashes are meant to resemble ink dripping from her eyes.
canonically she has lips, but none of us thought the pink suited her. so we gave her a cute black upper lip, like ink.
we pinked her suit slightly to moreso resemble the magenta of a printer.
i made her belt a floppy disk. i just thought it'd be funny.
we gave her boots a white trim, because Raven thought her boots were white.
Maria, Charlie, Meatball
basically unchanged from canon
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poisonedstar2000 · 4 months
Angry Beyond Measure Descendants Jay oneshot fic
They tired to help, tried to control it, tried to help get energy out but it never worked, Jay was always so angry with everyone, the world.
Fairy Godmother tried first with the remedial goodness but it only served to make him dislike her. Then Coach Jenkins tried, with Jay on the Tourney team, it worked with some of the anger but stopped after some time.
Jay was angry, always angry, under his to sharp smiles and guarded eyes there was always anger just sitting there waiting to burst every second.
Jay paced back and forth in his room, his anger simmering just beneath the surface like a dormant volcano ready to erupt(It did everyday but it never left). He could never shake off the bitterness that ate at him day in and day out. Auradon, with its pristine streets and gleaming palaces, was nothing but a facade to him. Behind the facade, there lay a reality that Auradon turned a blind eye to – the suffering of those who didn't fit into their perfect ideals.
He stared out of the window, watching the Auradon sun with a mixture of resentment and anger. How could Auradon be so blind? How could they turn away from the pain and suffering of others, pretending that everything was perfect in their little utopia?
It wasn't perfect. Not for him. Not for the children of villains who were treated like third-class citizens, lower than dirt, as if they were tainted by the sins of their parents. Jay's childhood had been a nightmare, overshadowed by the constant abuse and manipulation of his father.
He clenched his fists, feeling the anger bubbling up inside him like a pot of boiling water. He blamed Auradon for everything, for turning a blind eye to the Isle suffering, for allowing villains like his father have their own children who were little more than slaves and punching bags.
He felt the familiar rage and hate grow in his chest and he felt a few cracks of pure energy around his hands when, "Kid!" Coach Jenkins called from the hall. Jays head snapped to him, "Practice was changed from 3-4:30," Coach said. Jay nodded, feeling his anger ebb ever so slightly. Tourney was always good to get anger out but it's been working less and less lately.
"Alright" Jay nodded, pushing down the flare of anger knowing he had remedial goodness next...
When Jay left remedial goodness he was seething. Who the hell did that Fae think she was scolding them and treating them like children for something they didn't even do. Jay was headed off to Tourney practice hoping it will help with the rage clawing at his chest trying to get out...
It only helped a little when he tackled Chad down hard. That fact his anger ebbed slightly at hurting someone would have been worrying but it was Chad, so. It didn't matter. All to soon practice was over and he was given a lot of side glances, his team could tell he was more angry than usual and they were bound to be sore from the tackles Jay gave.
His team? Where the hell did that come from. Jay pushed it off and was planning to do some more runs alone when Coach called him over looking vaguely worried. "Walk with me to my office please kid, no you're not in trouble" Coach reassured.
Jay bit his tongue fighting off the anger at his plans being interrupted.
As Coach Jenkins led Jay down the familiar corridors of the Tourney arena towards his office, Jay's muscles tensed with every step. He knew this couldn't be good despite Coach Jenkins words. His mind raced with thoughts while still trying to get rid of the anger and possibility of his eyes glowing.
When they finally reached the coach's office, Jay hesitated before stepping inside. His heart sank like a stone but anger flared as he laid eyes on the unexpected guests seated across from Coach Jenkins. Aladdin and Jasmine, the very symbols of everything Jay despised about Auradon.
Aladdin, with his easy smile and noble demeanor, and Jasmine, with her regal grace and kindness, were the epitome of everything Jay's father had sought to destroy. They were his father's greatest enemies, the ones who had ultimately defeated Jafar and sealed his fate on the Isle where Jay was then born and abused non-stop.
Jay felt the familiar surge of rage bubbling within him, threatening to consume him whole. His fists clenched at his sides, his nails digging into his palms drawing as he struggled to keep his composure. He glared at Coach Jenkins, silently accusing him of betrayal.
But as Jay's gaze darted around the room, scanning for possible escape routes, he noticed something that gave him pause with confusion. The windows were wide open, as were the back door and even the vents. It was as if they had been left purposely, tempting him with the of choice freedom.
A sense of realization washed over Jay, dulling the edge of his anger ever so slightly. They had set this up, he realized. Aladdin and Jasmine, the very people he blamed for his abuse, had orchestrated this meeting, but still gave him a way out.
In that moment, Jay felt his anger fade, not gone just dormant. Perhaps they weren't all like his father. Perhaps there was still some things he didn't have to be angry about.
With a heavy sigh, Jay reluctantly took a seat opposite Aladdin and Jasmine, his anger simmering beneath the surface but no longer threatening to boil over as they began to talk.
"Hey kid how was practice?" Aladdin asked with an easy grin, the knowing look he had in his eyes when Jay sat down confirmed his suspicion that Aladdin was the one who had left the doors and windows open, giving Jay an option.
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archivingbarca · 5 months
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andresiniesta8: Feliz cumpleaños, Juan Carlos!
Un ejemplo a seguir en todos los sentidos. Siempre en tu equipo! 🎂❤️
(twitter, 22/04/24)
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