#Calamari Archive
marcogiovenale · 4 months
the 20th anniversary issue of 'sleepingfish' is now on line
This 20th anniversary issue features work by Steven Alvarez, Rosaire Appel, Ali Aktan Aşkın, Nat Baldwin, Niles Baldwin, Maeve Barry, Chiara Barzini, Mark Baumer, Emilio Carrero, Kim Chinquee, David-Baptiste Chirot, Bobby Crace, Anna DeForest, Federico Federici, Noah Eli Gordon, Mariangela Guatteri, John Haskell, Chelsea Hogue, Tim Horvath, Zebulon House (or Horse), Meiko Ko, Kelly Krumrie, Mary…
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i like Gerard Keay a normal amount
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krllkprzv · 1 month
fic recs
just some fics i've found myself returning to, or thinking about, recently (with my commentary attached). feel free to recommend me more! (or make your own posts because we should recommend fics more)
wait, is that...? by malk1ns g, 1748 words
cute, sweet, funny, and lighthearted. i love fics written from an outsider perspective looking in and i re-read this when i'm looking for something fluffy.
All is Fair by beggingwolf t, 3285 words
emotional post-retirement fic with established relationship that's on the rocks between sid and geno. sweet and romantic ending!
The Real Thing by sevenfists e, 34892 words
fics with time travel are always so interesting to me because it gives us a chance to contrast people in adulthood vs. adolescence. in the case of sid, not just as a player, but as a partner. it's lovely to see the way the author has characterized geno and how his affection for past vs. present sid and the differences between them.
anything that touches by saysthemagpie e, 48578 words
brutally (seriously, heed the warnings) angst-filled, but also incredibly... cathartic (?) read. depicts familial death, graphic violence, and non-consensual/dubiously consensual situations. tension is tightly written and maintained throughout the entire fic and that really elevates the tender moments that sid and geno share between all of the really bleak scenes. i have probably read this a dozen times or more.
Mating in Captivity by beggingwolf e, 25005 words
3.5 words: heartwrenching clownfish mpreg. it'll tug at your heartstrings and also teach you something about clownfish reproductive systems.
Uncontrollable by al-the-remix e, 15798 words
the image of sid cradling an octopus geno lovingly on ice to prevent him from becoming calamari is sweet enough to keep me coming back... amusing and funny, sweet, romantic, sometimes sad and emotional...
All I Ever Wanted by WolfSpider e, 18927 (and its sequel, (was to make you mine)) (jonas brodin/brock faber)
i actually first read this from @simmyfrobby's rec list and it's really good! brods' contemplation of his dynamic, experience on ice, and past with dumba altogether compared to being scented by brock is really interesting and is conceptually blended altogether in a lovely way that doesn't feel "too busy" at all! i liked jeek's role as a side character as well. also i listened to the basshunter song this fic was named after a lot growing up so...
A tale of crushes and de ageing and a very blonde Jeff Carter by Belzebubcat e, 1964 words (tristan jarry/jeff carter)
the world (archive of our own) needs more tristan jarry being paired with overly sincere and eager people (and by people i mean jeff carter)
play pretend by daisysusan e, 6417 words (matthew tkachuk/quinn hughes)
sad, but also hot-sexy.
all dolled up by nationalhorribleleague e, 2109 words (matthew tkachuk/quinn hughes)
hot-sexy, but also funny. recruited me into the eldest daughter 4 eldest daughter ranks.
count me in by Anonymous e, 6888 words (matt boldy/kirill kaprizov)
funny! i love how flirty the dialogue is between boldy and kirill and the wink-wink nudge-nudge ending for the potential of something more between them...
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br3adtoasty · 11 months
Piper Lewis
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.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・
Japanese パイパー・ルイス
Twisted From Peter Lukas (The Magnus Archives)
Gender Female (she/her)
Sexuality Lesbian
Age 53
Homeland Queendom of Roses
Family N/A
Occupation Janitor
Curriculum None
Dominant Hand Right
Favorite Food Calamari
Least Favorite Food Potluck (i know it’s not food but just the general idea y’know)
Dislike The Librarian.
Hobby Kayaking
Talents Building Ships in Bottles
Unique Magic: Boatswain’s Blues
Shrouding herself with fog, Piper can submerge within it and vanish out of sight, leaving not a trace behind. With enough amount of fog generated, she can create an area of which people can completely disappear into.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・
The Lewis family has helped funds many academic institutions, including Night Raven College. But none in the family is as dedicated as one Piper Lewis, who took matter to her own hands.
Grew up in wealth, Piper possesses the air and reserve of a noblewoman. So it’s a surprise to see a person of such status be stationed as a janitor. Perhaps it’s to keep track of where the money actually goes or to keep an eye on a certain headmaster…
Nevertheless, no one actually has seen the woman, as she always keeps her distance from others as much as possible, exchanging pleasantries only when necessary. Information regarding her only seems to come from word of mouth. There’s one that says “I heard she used to be a captain of a ship before coming to NRC!” Huh. Weird.
Despite being its longtime staff, only recently did Piper frequently show herself more. This event seems to coincide with the appearance of the newly-appointed librarian. Though, the two seems to be at odds with each other. Words say they have quite a harrowing history.
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Chapters: 1/?
Fandom: Dream SMP
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF)/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Sam | Awesamdude, Alexis | Quackity, Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Implied and mentioned c!dreamnoblade this is your warning, Both Dream and Cala are poly, Comedy, Fluff and Angst, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Suicidal Thoughts, Dissociation, Derealization, Hurt/Comfort, Strangers to Lovers, Dimension Travel, Implied emotional/psychological abuse, Violence, Implied/Referenced Torture, Post-Prison Arc (Dream SMP), Healing Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Healing, Intrusive Thoughts, this is very self indulgent, Threats of Violence, Death Threats, Happy Ending, Conventions, POV Multiple, POV Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Accidental Self Harm
After a rather traumatic year, Cala decides to take a break from it all by going to a convention she frequents every year. With her girlfriend sick at home, she experiences the con alone as she cosplays from the Dream SMP and tries to make light of it all.
However everything changes when she meets another Dream cosplayer who has an almost too good cosplay of the man. This interests her and they begin to venture the con together for the weekend, not realizing that she stumbled into a complicated mess! Will the con weekend go unscathed? Or will it all be in vain?
This is my fic adaption for my official Con AU on tumblr @ calamari-mcyt-corner! I hope you enjoy it :)
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nipotazzi · 3 months
The tuning up of a soul, Chapter 4: First impressions
“If it makes you feel better,” Pearl rudely interrupted, “you sing better than a lot of these self proclaimed artists.”
"Yeah, singing! I have never heard the Calamari Inkantation like that! And it was just two lines! Two! I would give away all of my money to have a voice like yours!”
“Comon now, you are exaggerating.”
Pearl immediately sprung up, and looked right at Marina, with a pointed finger:
“I am an artist," she heavily remarked, "I NEVER joke about something like this. If I were you, I would hit the city right this instant and sing on the streets, making yourself known! Any manager would give away everything they have just to hire you! you are like… like…. a siren of some kind! Your voice is that captivating!”
“But… I don't speak-”
“Nobody would give a damn if you didn't speak Inkling in your songs! People listen to all kinds of crap nowadays, and trust me, they wouldn't mind not getting the lyrics right if the tune is fire!”
The muse was shining of an unnatural light, fueled by her determination, and Marina was almost blinded by how bright it was. 
“You just have to try it! You want to waste your life away wandering the mountains, or reach the skies and be a shining star that everyone loves?”
Two troubled souls, bound together by fate, thanks to an Inkantation: Marina Ida, a deserter full of regrets that tries desperately to discover herself in the new world that is the surface, and Pearl Houzuki, a bratty rich kid who wants to prove to the world that money can’t buy talent. This is the story of how Pearl and Marina tuned each other's instruments, life, and souls up, ready to face the world, and let it Off The Hook!
Reblogs are always appreciated, and feedback is too. 
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dathomirdumpsterfire · 7 months
Chat writes the plot! Time for more 👑🐲🐟 KotD!
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Want to be on the tag list? Have an idea for next chapter? Clicked the wrong option? Reblog or Comment! New? Check the very bottom for the Ao3 link. Latest chapter is down below the cut!🔥
~King of the Dragonfish Chapter 6~
Kenobi moves in his sleep. A lot. Maul knows this, because the jedi rolls to a new position approximately every twenty minutes. Primarily, the other man seeks the heat of the magma rock, curling around it until he's over heated. Then, he flops away from the heat and over onto Maul.
This provides a series of interesting discoveries.
For one, Kenobi is affectionate when unconscious, pressing his face to the sith's chest, and holding onto him wherever his flopping arm lands. The jedi's warm breath tickles the soft skin of his gills, and his legs keep trying to tangle with another pair that isn't there.
Amused, Maul winds his tail over Kenobi's restless limbs, and finds that it settles the man. The jedi only wiggles closer, like he wants the weight.
This is oddly pleasing.
Another thing is that he mumbles in his sleep, talking to various people. Someone named Ahnahkin needs to clean his room. Someone named Qwin needs to go away. Various others are complained at or dismayed over. This is the first glimpse, however removed, that Maul has heard or seen of the outside world in years. With the gungan fleeing from him on site -as is right and proper- he has simply not had opportunity.
The dragonfish sith takes note of every name and mumbled secret. He puts together stories, hungry for mental stimulation.
The third thing he learns while watching Kenobi is that he can stay unconscious for a very long time. A. Very. Long. Time. Maul waits, unwilling to sleep while exposed, for what feels like twice the time he would normally rest himself. Still the jedi sleeps.
His bruising has faded away over the course of this hibernation, colorshifting until the skin is cream toned again, and the scrapes and abrasions are nothing but faint lines. On one hand, he is disappointed to see the markings fade. On the other, a blank canvas invites new paint…
Eventually, Maul grows too bored to tolerate. Even with a selection of fresh calamari to nibble on. He shakes the other man, calling him back from his endless rest, “Kenobi. Awaken.”
The jedi groans, burrowing closer.
“Jediiii,” Maul hisses, “Wake. Up.”
Kenobi rolls away, batting at the hands which shake him, wiggling to the magma rock instead.
Squinting, Maul pins exactly one hair from his head between two claws, and yanks.
The other man makes a sad noise, ducking his head further under the rock.
He pinches another hair, and yanks-
Kenobi comes half awake with an angry noise, elbowing him, then burrowing into his own arms.
Maul grins, entertained, and gets ahold of a single beard hair, and yanks-
The jedi punches him in the side of the head, making his ear fin sting something fierce.
“RrrraaaaahH!” Maul shrieks, somewhere between rage and glee, and grabs the other man by his tunics to rattle him about.
Finally, Kenobi truly wakes, muzzily batting him off and rolling away with a groan. “Ye gods, you're a monster, and it has very little to do with your career choices.”
Maul preens. “You brought it on yourself, jedi scum. You would not wake.”
“Have you considered that, perhaps, that was because I needed more sleep?” the man snaps in a cranky rasp, kicking him.
Maul wacks him with his tail fin.
Kenobi kicks him again, harder.
It quickly escalates. The jedi yanks on his horns, making Maul gasp as a strange zing runs down his spine. He gut punches Kenobi for the trouble. Maul snaps his many sharp teeth at an offending arm, and tears a hole in his robes that makes the man cry out in dismay.
The dragonfish sith is tossed across the room with the force, and immediately shows the jedi how terrible of an idea that was by springing back at him like a compressed coil.
Both of them are bleeding a bit by the time Maul is satisfied. Not that Kenobi seemed settled, but it is hard to effectively complain with hundreds of pounds of amphibious sith on top of you.
Maul pins the jedi's shoulders as he leans over him. “We are done now.”
“Go kriff yourself, Maul,” the other man says dryly, flat on his back and trapped under the weight. “I haven't done anything, I've been nothing but compliant! Why are you beating me?”
The dragonfish sith grins, all teeth. The jedi may act disdainful, but his body shows interest in the fight. His pulse is fast, he's supressing a grin, he feels excited in the force, and his blood isn't the only thing that's up.
Good. Maul likes to fight. “You would not wake up, and, you kicked me.”
“I was tired and you woke me up by pulling out my hair.” Kenobi says defensively.
“I was bored. You slept for half a day, at least,” Maul returns, “Such weakness.”
Kenobi sighs heavily, scrubbing hands over his face. “Yes yes, weak as a babe.”
The dragonfish sith giggles like water tossed on a campfire, and licks the trail of blood running from the jedi's split lip where it drips down into his beard. He mouths at the bloodied chin, stealing away all the iron taste. Kenobi makes a choking noise, eyes going wide as he freezes in place.
Maul’s grin only grows, broad and sharp and cunning.
“Must you… do that?” the man complains, cheeks turning red and barely managing a scowl as he looks at the ceiling over Maul's shoulder.
“Yesss,” the sith affirms with a spiteful laugh, writhing his tail over the legs pinned beneath him. He moves just so, and Kenobi’s back arches up off the ground, head tilting back as he moans.
Maul's brain empties itself as he sees throat bared to him.
Thin skin.
A pulse, a fraction away from the surface, that would font if nicked in the slightest..
His hindbrain gibbers mixed signals at him like a badly tuned radio. The dragonfish in him says ‘food’, the zabrak says ‘submission’ and ‘trust’, the sith lord and trained assassin says ‘opportunity’... and the man that is all of those things and more just stares at that enticing expanse of throat.
He makes a little noise when it goes away.
No no… he… what was that? He…
Maul roils over top of Kenobi again, hoping to elicit that same…
The jedi paws at him, blinking rapidly. He looks confused with himself. "I, ah..."
“Again!” Maul demands.
“Mngh?” the man asks, limp underneath him.
“Your throat! Show me-
Kenobi makes more choking noises, scrambling out from under him in a flail of limbs and putting his back to a wall.
The jedi swallows, but it is so dry his throat clicks loud enough to hear “...force, I am so thirsty. Very thirsty! And hungry. I'm really wasting away here. Aren't you going to feed me? I'm probably losing kidney function as we speak.”
Maul makes a face, slowly rising up and looking towards the water, considering. “You cannot drink salt water…?”
“... no,” the jedi confirms. “That will kill me in hours.”
“Mnngnngn,” the sith replies. Yes... yes he knew that. “There are… fruits I can bring?”
Kenobi perks up, “Fruit sounds wonderful.”
“Mnnn,” he decides, “Fruit it is. First, we must move you to a more secure location. If one gorogoro found you here, more could come.”
The jedi makes a face himself, glances over at the water, then rotates his neck to look around the walls. “Move… how? I don't see any other caves.”
Maul sloughs over toward the water, pulling on the jedi's arm, “Through the tunnels. Come.”
Kenobi scoots away. “Or, consider, we could… not do that.”
A growl of annoyance rolls out of him. “Kenobi.”
Blue eyes flash at him, challenging. “The water is cold. I'm not well. My robes are covered in dried octopus viscera and crunch with salt, and there's no fresh water to bathe in. I don't want to be wet again on top of all that.”
Maul sneers at him, but pulls back, fists clenching and unclenching as he tries to think through what of that was whining pathetic jedi and which parts could actually kill him.
Dehydration… deadly fast.
Cold… deadly fast.
Poor hygiene… deadly eventually.
Maul hisses in annoyance, he did not like those results.
“I will… mnnnh… I will get a new heat stone, first. I will put fruit there. Hnnn… I will make it warm enough that you do not need clothes.”
“What, no,” the man says.
The sith nods. Yes, this will work. Not cold, not unclean, not hungry, and only wet briefly.
“Maul,” Kenobi says, pained, “You're going to the surface for fruit, yes? Please, just, bring me a container of fresh water? Please do not make me walk around naked. Leave me some dignity.”
The sith thunks his fist on his forehead a few times, then discards all of the difficult thoughts in favor of action. “I will consider it, jedi. For now, I will make the safer room… better.”
“Wait!” the other man calls.
“Mnh?” He turns.
Kenobi licks his cracked lips, “What if another octopus comes while you're gone? Leave me a way to defend myself.”
Maul hisses again, leaning forward, “You think I would give you a weapon? You would use it against me!”
“Just! Just think about it,” the jedi pleads. “If one comes, I can only dodge it. One slip up, and I'll be dead on the ground and half eaten before you ever get back.”
The sith shrieks his denial at that result. “No!”
Kenobi approaches him by the water's edge, reaching out to touch fingertips to Maul's left wrist. “I solemnly swear, on the force, if you give me my lightsaber to defend myself, when you return I will relinquish it without complaint or hesitation. Please. That… that pain. I don't want to die that way.”
Maul vibrates in place with displeasure. The jedi had a point. The jedi was certainly lying. What was the worst risk? Which result was less good?
… he would not lose his revenge to a mollusk.
“Fine,” he snaps, “stay here.”
The sith takes to the water with no small amount of aggravation. Down and through the warren of caves, he goes quickly to the distant nook where he had buried the blade and rebreather. Quick as he can, Maul returns to the unsecure prison cave.
He emerges just enough to check that a gorogoro has not appeared in the interim minutes. Seeing nothing but a pacing Kenobi, he rises up enough to catch the man's attention, and then tosses the hilt at him before quickly diving again before he can attack.
They can fight again, later, after there is food and water and warmth waiting for his fragile prisoner. A place for the jedi to recover after he is beaten for his lies.
The dragonfish sith gathers another magma ball, rolling it up and carrying it back in the force. The new cave is a little smaller, and does not have the under-floor water ways that the original one did -which Maul had intended to use to harass the jedi- but, it is much more defensible. Two ways in and out, plenty of oxygen and bioluminescent plants, various boulders, and a relatively flat floor. Also, none of it is splattered in blue blood.
He takes a brief moment to check on the jedi, who is curled up by his heat source, before taking off for the surface. It is not a short trip to the islands with the fruit trees, so he plans to take many.
The sith also steals the laundry off the line of a fishing boat, and uses a sheet to bundle all the things together, but then he has to stop scavenging and descend. It is too bright up here, and the air feels wrong in his lungs. Too thin.
Maul dives for the depths again, eyes scanning the water for escaped jedi, or, conspicuous corpses floating upward. To his surprise, pleasure, and suspicion Kenobi is still in the cave where Maul had left him. He makes a lap to drop off his finds, and returns for their fight.
“Kenobi~” the sith sings, “I am back. Will you kneel before me and hand over your saber?”
The jedi master turns towards him, then looks down at his unlit blade.
-Tag list- (Comment if you want added!)
@obimaulartfire @savageopressbignaturals @icequeen8043
New? Start from Chapter 1! 👇🏽
🔥🔥 don't forget to reblog tysm! 🔥🔥
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mad-komet · 5 months
PLS drop the Spit Kink Approved list... pls
Well, if you insist... just keep a few things in mind:
This is solely based on the use of spitting, which I've defined as "with a focus on saliva, which must be expelled from the mouth with intent." Spit as lube does not count, that's something else, and niether does the mere presence of saliva, even if it's mentioned a lot.
I am only referencing the m/m fics in the Spit, Spitting, and Spit Kink tags. (there are actually eight which make the grade) Surely there is spitting in other fics that haven't listed it in the tags, but I am not reading all that.
Total 22 tagged fics; Spit (2), Spitting (4), and Spit Kink (16). A few x reader fics excluded on the basis of not being gay, sue me.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not including ratings, archive warnings, or the like for my own convenience - if you look these up to read for yourself, it's at your own discretion.
That said, here is the Certified Spit Fics List
Chronological by Date Updated
An Attempt to Tip the Scales by Borderlinemediocre
“I’m not stopping, babe. And you’re not gonna stop me. Give up.” Charlie says, punctuating his words by spitting on Carlo’s face. Brandon’s lightheaded, and not just from the choking.
Charlie finally, finally lets up and Brandon takes a huge breath in, chest expanding as much as possible. Charlie laughs at him, reaches down to spread his spit around a bit, thumb sliding into Carlo’s mouth.
Woah mama, this one is hot. They only spit once, but oh how economical and effective it is! This, to me, gets it just right irt spitting; it's degrading and intimate and uninhibited.
🔒Calamari by Fresh_penguin
He used his thumb to pull my bottom lip, opening my mouth. He spits into my mouth. Well, not really, drooled might be a better word. I could watch the glob of saliva leave his mouth and slowly make its way to mine. I stuck my tongue out just to make sure it hit.
The only one that was in first person. First instance of spitting into the mouth, which is by far the most common. Not quite as dirty as spitting on someone, but still very hot.
🔒[pkane advisory] With you, I'm badder than I've ever been (let's make the devil smile) by Anonymous
"Open up, babe, got a gift for ya," Patrick grins, thumb on Brendan's chin pulling his slack jaw down, Brendan's brain still too offline to comprehend what's happening, and then Patrick works his jaw and, eyes gleaming, spits the remnants of Brendan's own come, [sic] now thoroughly mixed with Patrick's spit, back into Brendan's mouth. He pats Brendan's cheek. "Swallow, baby girl."
Ah, this one is pretty dirty, but barely any spitting, and it's just cum. Not really for me, but maybe it's for you?
🔒couldn't help it by jesuisgrace
He pulls back out of his space and looks down, a wicked smirk on his face when he peeks back up at TK. He purses his lips - fuck have his lips always been that fucking pretty? - and spits right onto the head of his dick. TK’s moan echoes through the locker room as Patty smears his spit down the length of him. His hand is so fuckin’ big it’s like he can feel him everywhere, long fingers dragging up as he slides his palm around the head.
Oh yeah! Plenty of spit from good ol' tknp, and this one has a link to visual reference of np spitting ... fuck yes.
🔒[mattdrai advisory] The Day Leon Draisaitl Swore Never To Buy Another Apple Product Again by irrelevanttous
At the same time, ignoring the ringing in his ears and static in his vision, he pries Tkachuk’s lips further apart with his thumb. He squishes Tkachuk’s cheeks to hold him open and leans forward again, draping his chest all over Tkachuk’s to pin him in place. Then he spits right into Tkachuk’s open mouth.
Not a lot of spitting here, and only into the mouth, but hey that counts!
🔒I wore his jacket for the longest time by rain_over_coruscant (<3)
Dahlin snorts. “You can give it better than you take it.”
“Fuck,” Auston chokes, spitting out blood-snot onto Dahlin’s socks. Through the tears, he can see Dahlin cringe, and a horrible worm of an idea drops bright and stupid into his brain. Before he can back down, he gathers up more blood and spit in his mouth and spits it at Dahlin’s face. Dahlin lets out the squeal of someone just as squeamish as Auston and shoves him backwards, leaving him stumbling all the way back against the bed, blood still pouring from him.
Woah man, this one is hot. A winner's room fic, and it's the only Rasmus Dahlin/Auston Matthews fic. It's also the only one on this list that mixes spit with blood, makes it extra juicy. Not exactly what I was looking for, but I like what I got anyway.
🔒[penguins petplay advisory] skills competition by cuprun
Kris tightens his grip just a little, using it to tug Sid’s mouth open fully, and then he leans forward, gathering all the saliva he collected to the front of his mouth and spitting it where Sid’s mouth is open and waiting for it.
Petplay is not for me, but who wouldn't appreciate Kris spitting in your mouth?
🔒it would be a sin not to sin by tapedsleeves(pp tiny) for Lurlur
Adam spits on his tongue. Vince writhes harder under him, but he can’t go anywhere. He doesn’t want to, he just has to do something with how that makes him feel. Adam’s fingers dig into Vince’s mouth, his hands held firmly by Adam’s weight. “Swallow.” Adam says, firm.
Again, spitting into the mouth, and that's about it, but still hot and orally fixated.
Undoubtedly these are all hot in their own right, but only two of these really hit the nail on the head for what I was looking for in a "Spit Kink" fic.
That aside, 8 out of 34,101 is a meagre 0.023% ... that is truly slim for Men's Hockey RPF where it is the job of these men to spit! (So it's our job to write about it, amen.)
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Clash of Justice Arc - RP: The Inkopolis Family (RP with alphaservnetwork)
It has all lead to this...
The final votes have been casted. But something big and terrible is coming to Inkopolis City Hall where votes are being counted. And Agent 7 must call up his Splatoon and his allies to defend it. With the help of Yakuza Shiro, and surprisingly the activities of the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook, an arrangement was made to bring bundles of documents from a Calamari County archive to this city hall. I think I found the truth about Abigail, but I have to transfer the heavy secrets this way. If anything happens at city hall, chances are those documents will be lost. We need it to assure that Abigail never seeks the Mayoral position next elections while putting an end to the Inkopolis Family.
Agent 7 has called on Alpha Serv Network to help defend Inkopolis City Hall along with Calypso and her organization Leviathan, Octo-Squardron Megalodon, and the Quintet from Mitakihara. More allies are also coming as the Network arrive outside the ground of the City Hall.
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skylerskyhigh · 1 year
Get your food everybody! We're serving Kraang calamari!
It's 2am and I have work at 8am.
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Hi and happy summer all! How's the heat been treating you (if you're in the Northern Hemisphere)? Are you feeling a little cooped up because of the fires up north making it not so great to be outside? Well, here's a little bit of reading material to keep you company, whether you're shivering Down Under, sweating up above, or trying to avoid all that smoky air. It's all really great stuff right here in our Weekly Round-Up!
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And if you're looking for a fun group to join, to get some kick-ass bingo prompts, check us out and sign up here (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ggqpGfVFxDc1rd5-CAD80m64-hvd7M5aF_hYFnXkHaM/viewform?edit_requested=true). Join our Discord family (https://discord.gg/TVTTrYzvrU) as well for great conversation and sharing of art, stories, and fun events!
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Title: The dirt that’s on your knees Author: Wolfsheart Card #: MRP-NSFW03 Square Filled: Sex in an Adult Shop Card (choice) #: 03 Pairing: Justin Hammer/Loki Rating: Explicit Warnings: No real warnings. Smut. Summary: Just another night at the adult video store he worked at. Another night of same sleazy customers and mopping up after them, and Justin was already done with it. Wasn't even his shift anyway. At least, until the bell dinged against the door and brought the most interesting customer of Justin's life. Word Count: 6558 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48017164
Title: Weird That It Happened More Than Once, Chapter 3: Murdock Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: G4 — Blind date Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Matt Murdock Rating: Mature Warnings: Secret Identity, Minor Injuries, One Night Stands Summary: Darcy receives the unexpected visit of a vigilante. Word Count: 987 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46836514/chapters/121591336
Title: “You're Insane and I love you” Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: I2 — Confessions Pairing: Makkari/Ava Starr Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Childhood Memories, Grief/Mourning, Angst with a Happy Ending Summary: Makkari is helping Ava unpack when they find something from her childhood that brings back a bittersweet feeling, and which Makkari is determined to change. Word Count: 1153 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48216502
Title: Quoting You, “Not Necessary” Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: Antique faire/shop (Pride Month SFW card #3) Pairing: Peggy Carter/Maria Rambeau Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Married Life, Domestic Fluff, Teasing Summary: Maria stole Peggy's favourite mug, for like four seconds. Word Count: 567 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48216139
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Title: What Comes Next Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: Volunteering (Pride Month SFW card #1) Pairing: Peggy Carter/Natasha Romanov Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Time Travel, Angst, Trust, Ambiguous/Open Ending Summary: One second she was fighting, as Barnes had called it, the calamari, and the next one she was in Washington? Word Count: 902 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48217210
Title: Bonding Like A Babe Author: BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose Card #: MRP-034 Square Filled: I2: War is a Mess Pairing: Loki & Jörmungandr Rating: T Warnings /Tags: Family bonding, Prequel Summary: Hanging out on Midgard, Loki takes the opportunity to visit one of his children. After the attack he aided on New York City where Jörmungandr lives, how can he not? It left him with a mix wave of emotions that has him cherishing the comfort. He doesn’t know how to take the fact that the man of iron is bonding with his son, whether it be under the guise of Peter Parker or not. Word Count: 2189 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48086560
Title: Consider It Incentive Author: BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose Card #: MRP-034 Square Filled: One Night Stand Card (choice) #: 01 Pairing: Matt Murdock/Frank Castle Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: Frank has a late appointment with a familiar, popular lawyer that takes on the less-than-ideal cases. Why? He isn't quite sure besides having some questions about how to keep out of jail in the future. The next step questions evaporated pretty quick though once Matt invaded his personal space, either out of seriousness or seduction. It's a good thing he doesn't really give a damn, especially when distracted with finally getting to play with a pretty nice ass. Word Count: 1875 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47938189
Title: Something Between Ridiculous & Sublime Author:  purpleicedteas Card #: MRP-048 Square Filled: I3: Taking Care of a Sick Friend/Lover Pairing: Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy Rating: Teen Warnings: Grief/Mourning, Epistolary, Letters, Peter Parker is a Mess, Depressed Peter Parker, Therapy, Loss Summary: Peter's new therapist tasks him to write a letter to someone he's grieving. He writes to Gwen. Word Count: 1202 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48105556
Title: And So It Goes Author: Purple Card #: MRP-048 Square Filled: O1 - Single Father Pairing: Tony/Bucky Rating: M Warnings: Single Dad Tony, Recluse Bucky, Brief mention of Pepper's breast cancer and death Summary: Bucky Barnes was a retired FBI agent living as a recluse. Content with a solitary lifestyle, he lived for years with only the company of Alpine, his feline companion. When the empty home next to theirs is filled with new neighbors, Alpine and Bucky find their lives weaving with the handsome engineer and his daughter. Word Count: 9,456 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48050740
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Title: Right Here Waiting (Chapter 1 & 2) Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: MRP: Summer Splash/Pride Month: SFW #3: Snuggling, Kissing Pairing: Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes Rating: Mature Warnings/Tags: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Not Peggy Carter Friendly, Canon-Typical Violence, Established Relationship, Tension, Confrontations, Pride, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Drama, Angst and Feels, Fluff, Angst and Romance, Past Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Swearing, Adult Content, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary: It's June and Steve's still struggling with coping over discovering the truth about Bucky and Tony's relationship. When Pepper plans a post-birthday celebration party for Tony's birthday to bring everyone closer together, the scene erupts when tension reaches a boiling point. In the aftermath Tony takes matters into his own hands and has a few surprises in store for those around him. After a tense night at the tower, Tony takes Bucky back to where it all began for them decades earlier. As they explore the past they left behind them, Tony decides to take Bucky to his very first Pride where the two share a day filled with romantic surprises. Word Count: 15,556 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48149374/chapters/121418080
Title: Now What? Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: MRP: Summer Splash/Pride Month: SFW #3: Cooking Together Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Natasha Romanov/Clint Barton Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: Idiots in Love, Threesome, Sexual Content, Apologies, Making Up, Cooking, Massage, Polyamory, Swearing Summary: When Natasha leaves the tower after getting frustrated with Clint and Bucky's repeating fighting, the two are left wondering if this is the end of their relationship. Fearing the worst the two work together to try to get in good graces with Natasha all over again. Word Count: 6669 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48200101
Title: Lost in Fantasy Author:  scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: O5 Praise Kink Pairing: Steve Rogers/Scott Summers/Tony Stark Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: Shameless Smut, Threesome-M/M/M, Blindfolds, Restraints, Light Bondage, Bottom Scott Summers, Submissive Scott Summers, Praise Kink, Aftercare, Scott Summers-centric, Dirty Talk, past Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Summary: Scott Summers has always had a secret fantasy that he wasn't brave enough to share until his new boyfriend encouraged Scott to be honest with what he wanted. In doing so, Scott's boyfriend pulls together a sexy night of fun with a guest sure to turn Scott's world around as the two Avengers are more than ready to show Scott exactly what he needs. Word Count: 7509 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47122333
Title: The Morning After Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square(s) Filled: G1:Won't Fall in Love...Oops, In Love. Rating: Explicit Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Warnings/Tags: Morning After, Misunderstandings, Light Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sexual Content, Pining, Insecurity, Vulnerability, One Night Stands, Idiots in Love Summary: The morning after Tony and Bucky threw caution to the wind and took their flirtation to the next level, Tony wakes up wondering if their time together was a one night thing or if there is the potential for something more between them after waking up the morning after changes all the rules between them. Word Count: 3925 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47477581
Title: What If? Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square(s) Filled: G1:Won't Fall in Love...Oops, In Love. Rating: Teen and Up Pairing: Bruce Banner/Tony Stark Warnings/Tags:  Pining, Light Angst, Feelings Realization, Anxiety, Self-Reflection, Cuddling & Snuggling Summary: A long night in the lab leaves Bruce questioning his decision to keep himself closed off from the rest of the world as Tony proves to be far too much of a distraction for him. Convinced that letting go isn't an option, Bruce falls into an uncomfortable place questioning what Tony truly means to him. Word Count: 2969 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47573488
Title: Home Again (Chapter 30) Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: N3: Free Square Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: Mature Warnings/Tags: Post-Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Supernatural Elements, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, References to Depression, Bucky Barnes Has PTSD, Bucky Barnes & Sam Wilson Friendship, Pre-Relationship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Angst and Romance, Blood Loss, Adult Content, Explicit Language, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Blood and Injury, Dreams and Nightmares, Slow Burn, Sexual Content Summary: Bucky experiences a painful reunion and pours his heart out to an old friend as his grief over what he lost consumes him. Just when it seems all hope is lost, Sam offers Bucky a surprise that could change everything. Meanwhile Tony and Ramsay share a heart to heart that could potentially put Tony on the right track after his time with Bucky was stolen from his memory. Word Count: 10319 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38259688/chapters/120843835
Title: Never Have I Ever Author: scottxlogan Card #: MRP-131 Square Filled: B4: Leaving Bite/Suck Marks Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings/Triggers: Sexual Content, Jealousy, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Past Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Past Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Minor Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, Light Bondage, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Blindfolds, Restraints, Declarations Of Love, Established Relationship, Angst, Alcoholic Tony Stark, Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism Summary: When the team gets together to spend a night under the stars playing a game of Never Have I Ever, it opens the door to a tense situation where Bucky and Tony are left facing an uncomfortable truth about the history they have with Steve. Will it prove to be the think that pulls their blossoming relationship apart or will it bring them closer together when everything is said and done? Word Count: 14368 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48269416
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gavinisqueer · 8 months
This year's Gavin Birthday Gangbang is finally up! Enjoy and please let me know what you think!
Gavin insists on helping plan his birthday gift this year, convincing Nines by promising to share one of his stranger fantasies if it means it can be fulfilled. Nines relents, but he's not going to give Gavin what he wants that easily - or rather, he's going to give him exactly what he wants, and more.
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meteormind · 1 year
MerMay 2023! 🦐 katsuki x izuku 🐙
I apologize beforehand. You'll understand.
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Midoriya Inko Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, MerMay, MerMay 2023, POV Bakugou Katsuki, POV Midoriya Izuku, POV Alternating, Soft Bakugou Katsuki, Squishy Midoriya Izuku, Meet-Cute, Falling In Love, they're so in love it's sickening, they're also kids, kid fluff, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, so much fluff the author is embarrassed, Mating Rituals, strange mer anatomy, Sort Of, nothing radical I promise, Pistol Shrimp Bakugou Katsuki, Dumbo Octopus Midoriya Izuku, shark abuse, Mild Blood, Light Angst, for taste, it's probably an exaggeration to call it angst, is there a milder word for angst, Ang, like a pinch of salt on your ebi fry and calamari, the author is here to heal your heart and steal your teeth Summary:
With those huge green eyes beading with pearly tears, he looked about as threatening as a limpet with its shell torn off. Katsuki squinted at the waving tentacles, wondering how they tasted, remembering the crunching chew he'd had the chance to appreciate the rare times he'd cornered a few of those shy creatures.
Then he remembered that he couldn't eat mer. It was frowned upon. Katsuki glared down at the merboy, his excitement fading into disappointment when he realized he probably wouldn't even get to punch something. "The hell are you lookin’ at?"
"S-sorry! It’s not-I wasn't trying to spy on you or a-a-anything!" the boy said at last, throwing his many squiggly appendages about his face. "I-I-I—"
Oh. It was a loser!
🦐 pistol shrimp katsuki x dumbo octopus izuku 🐙
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kedicatt-cotl · 11 months
Cult of the Baabaa kids link archive
This is the post with links to posts about the Baabaa kids AU from unspecified timepoints.
The plot events are linked in the timeline post
The important links
Everything that you wanted to ask may have already been asked before.
Character introductions: Meet the Baabaa kids: Belomor Meet the Baabaa kids: Vlastislava Meet the Baabaa kids: Buyana Meet the Baabaa kids: 3 years later The cult followers: Pubrebre and Micola Meet Kallamar’s partners: Tihomira Meet Kallamar’s partners: Blagoslava Meet Kallamar’s partners: Rada Meet Kallamar’s partners: Lan
General AU informations: Cult of the Baabaa kids: design info Guide to clothes in the Baabaa cult The books of the different cults Predator and prey animals live in peace [ask]
Other information: The Cult and the the Crown: Baabaa isn't biologically a ram Baabaa is not his actual name Lamb and the followers + calling Ratau “mom” [ask] Cult parties (1, 2)[ask] Cult rituals [ask] Lamb's favourite fleece [ask] Skeleton followers [ask] The Red Crown Lamb, Red Crown skills, summoning skeletons [ask] Teaching the followers about death [ask] Lamb's reaction to ??? [ask] Cooking in the cult [ask]
The bishops: Reactions of the bishops to being indoctrinated (text answer) [ask] [here temporarily] The bishops didn’t have their senses improve [ask] Bishops didn’t suffer side effects of unbounding [ask] Bishops react to someone confessing to them [ask] Leshy eating camellias? (1, 2) [ask] Everyone's favourite tasks to do around the cult [ask] Narinder spending time with his siblings [ask] Leshy and Heket chatting [ask]
The Baabaa family: Narinder’s third eye [ask] Narinder: comforting the kids, personality, singing voice [ask] How Narinder feels about crippling his siblings [ask] The books in the Narilamb falmily [ask] Byuana and words Best hugger/cuddler [ask] Leshy and Narinder hugs [ask] The cult music band [ask] Bishops picking favourites [ask] Aym training [ask]
The follower OCs: How well do Kallamar's spouces get along [ask] The mortality of Kallamar's spouces [ask]
Other characters: Ratau is the family friend Forneus immortality Lamb gambling [ask] Imaginary scenarios: Baabaa kids modern AU [ask] The Lamb multiverse [ask] Lambs meeting [ask]
The unimportant links
Doodles without lore background to them.
Narilamb art collection: Just the two of them [video] POV: your husband is a cat Lamb is sick Lamb napping after an expedition Narinder responds to pspsps [ask] Inspired by Good Omens S2 Did lamb become monogamous [ask]
Other: Narinder having a great time Aym being happy Heket smiling, wednesday my dudes Kallamar hugging follower, calamari, takoyaki Kallamar’s weed smoking girlfriends Cotl anniversary week (1, 2, 3)
Non-canon: Baabaa kids, Terriermon and Lopmon [ask] Narinder tries the Grimace shake [ask] Balladeer Baal, Scaramouche Aym, Wanderer Narinder Everyone gets Mcdonalds [ask]
Not canon yet (Shamura posting): “One becomes two becomes three becomes four becomes five” Shamura and Belomor (by kunpaw)
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just the two of us
Pairing: Karyn Faro/Hera Syndulla Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None. Although please note that this is set in a larger AU where Karyn defected to the Rebellion and became a Fulcrum agent.
I don't know why I do this to myself, but I did create a ship that I can't get out of my brain. Have whatever the heck this is.
“Where are you going that you’re in such a rush?” Karyn asks. She sits up in their bed, brow furrowed as she watches the green Twi’lek shove random items into her hands, her lekuu swinging furiously behind her. 
“Well we overslept,” Hera gestures at the chrono, which did indeed show that it was two hours past where Karyn thought it was. “And I have a meeting with the defense council, and I have to run a patrol at 1500, and Jacen needs to be fed, and I forgot to check the Ghost ’s steering yesterday, and-”
Karyn cuts her girlfriend off. “Hey, hey, breathe.” She climbs out of the bed and walks over the Hera, placing her hands on her shoulders. “Breathe, love.” Hera does as Karyn asks and her lekuu start to calm themselves. Good.
Karyn takes a moment before speaking. She knows she can’t fix all of Hera’s problems, but she can do some things to help her girlfriend calm down. 
“You go to your meeting first,” Karyn says. “I can watch Jacen while you do that, and the two of us can also check the Ghost ’s steering. Then everything will be ready for your patrol later today. Does that sound good?”
Hera frowns. “You don’t have to do that. I’m more than capable.”
“I know that.” Karyn cups Hera’s face in her hands. “But unless you strongly object to it, I want to help you. And since all I have is a written report due tonight, I can help take stuff off of your to-do list. Okay?”
Much to Karyn’s relief, Hera finally takes a breath. “Okay,” she agrees. “Except for the part about the Ghost . You know how I feel about other people touching my ship.” She smiles and Karyn lets out a laugh. How she loves this woman. 
“Alright then. I’ll just entertain Jacen all day. No messing with your ship required.”
“Thank you, love,” Hera says.
She steps closer, pressing a kiss to Karyn’s lips. After they pull away, Karyn leans in for a hug, which the Twi’lek grants. Karyn takes a moment to breathe in her girlfriend, knowing that she probably won’t see her till tomorrow at the earliest. Although…
“Do you think Jacen could do my report on the conflict between the Quarren and Mon Calamari? He is very smart for a four year old.”
ao3 link!
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ao3feed-gav900 · 8 months
Calamari Climax / Year 4
https://ift.tt/bVOJ1jL by ListeningBoy Gavin insists on helping plan his birthday gift this year, convincing Nines by promising to share one of his stranger fantasies if it means it can be fulfilled. Nines relents, but he's not going to give Gavin what he wants that easily - or rather, he's going to give him exactly what he wants, and more. Words: 8905, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of Gavin's Birthday Gangbangs Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, RK900 Android(s) (Detroit: Become Human) Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed/RK900 Android(s) Additional Tags: Birthday, Birthday Sex, Smut, Gangbang, Group Sex, Safe Sane and Consensual, Safewords, Tentacles, Tentacle Sex, Double Penetration, Double Anal Penetration, Double Penetration in One Hole, (it counts if the DPing is done by one person right? lol), Anal Sex, Anal Beads, Kinda, Sounding, Multiple Orgasms, Some Humor, Fluff and Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Outdoor Sex, Water Sex, I'm Bad At Titles
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