#Camp Hammond
elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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Reptil has been added to the MCOC Wishlist.
we played an #MCOCWishlistNameGame to tease him
his history of community hype (to the extent we’ve recorded it)
Be heard! Go vote on the the MCOC Wishlist now!
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a-crappy-art1st · 2 years
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Donna Troy x Thor Girl(Tarene/The Designate)
She was sculpted out of clay as a a weapon to hunt down and kill the gods, but was stopped by the Wonder Woman, Thor. She was mind wiped and trained and taught to believe she was raised by the Amasgaurdians. She became the Wonder Woman's sidekick and started the Young Avenging League with Richard Parker(Spider-Bat) and eventually became a hero in her own right
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cowplant-snacks · 3 months
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The twins are making new friends including with Sprig, the neighborhood raccoon. 🦝
OMG I need to bring Sprig home with them. Might be time to try out this mod so I can keep the kittens too.
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swan2swan · 1 month
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This shot is...well, it's a lot. Let's break it down:
FIRST: I wanna see the storyboarding for this. The direction. The concepts. They pulled off a 270-degree rotation in the whole environment to illustrate several beats of a fight scene. That's REALLY COOL, and a perfect use of the three-dimensional medium. That's the ambition I love to see.
However, the ambition is...well, obviously limited by the assets. It's a big void. We know from the movie just how much more complex the wreckage of Main Street is, and everything just sort of hits the pavement...
...BUT speaking of hitting the pavement, the camera shakes when it gets close to Rexy's feet. They went into this shot and said "When the camera gets close, shake the camera to simulate the weight." It might also just be because of the proximity, but the camera shakes when Rexy snaps her jaws shut--which any Jurassic superfan will know was a brilliant technique used in the final battle of the original Jurassic World.
Now, the character movements are...somewhat choreographed, it feels, but there's also a definite path to all of them. Mitch and Tiff run, Tiff runs into a table. Throws the table, which turns upside-down (the camera even passes in front of it!), runs, panicks and covers herself as Mitch running in from behind an umbrella, Mitch stabs Rexy, who gets mad, throws the table in pain, and the table lands on the guns Sammy is carrying, yanking her back. Darius has to come and rescue her.
Final point: I love that Rexy is using everything in this battle. Teeth, legs, tail, she's a machine. She's a Boss Battle, and the crew is struggling to escape and stay alive.
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ineffablejaymee · 1 month
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tohjwcc · 4 months
Did y'all realize that Jurassic world camp cretaceous hidden adventure and the first Jurassic park movie has a crazy bonding?
Maybe it's just crazy to me, but Sammy and Donald Gennaro say the exact same thing at one point, for the exact same reason as well!
When John Hammond shows Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Ian Malcolm and Donald Gennaro around in that "ride" thing, sort of an "attraction" idk what to call it. They have these safety things on, right? And when the others push them off, Donald says "You can't do that. Can they do that?". And FUN FACT, that is exactly what Sammy says when the campers push those safety things up when they're about to climb down that ladder. She's like "You can't do that. Can they do that?" as well!
This is just something I realized last time I watched Jurassic park 1 (I'm rewatching it again right now, and remembered my discovery lol).
So yeah. I'm probably not the first one to notice that, but I just wanted to share it.
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kingoftheu · 1 year
Yaz is obsessed with Theme Park Deaths she canonically watches Defunctland guys.
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pocoslip · 7 months
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Herbivorous Dinosaurs are No Peaceful Pacifists
(i want the hammond collection jp3 ankylosaurus but never found them in any stores)
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jurassicateer · 9 months
Jurassic World Character Experiences
Is that a dinosaur on Main Street? Not to worry, it isn't a containment anomaly! Meet some of your favorite Jurassic World characters and personalities all throughout the park! Here are some of the famous faces you might see when you're out and about:
Mr. DNA: Your favorite authority on genetic engineering! Mr. DNA is often found hanging around the Innovation Center, usually outside the doors of the Mr. DNA's Genetic Journey virtual reality show, or popping in at the Jurassic Kids Clubhouse.
Professor Merriweather: Star of Jurassic World's Site B video game and host of the Dino Wrangler Circus at the Amphitheatre, the daring if bumbling explorer has a poor sense of direction. Guests can often find him consulting maps on the Boardwalk, or occasionally further afield on any of our scenic hiking trails.
Pterry Pteranodon: Don't be scared; he's much friendlier than his cousins in the aviary, and he'll be happy to pose for a picture before you board the River Adventure!
Stegosaurus Kick Liners: Now's there's something you don't see every day! These costumed dancers strut their stuff for a mini parade of kicks and tricks outside the Botanical Gardens.
John Hammond: That's right! The man himself (or at least an incredible likeness) is ready to welcome you to Isla Nublar as you disembark at Ferry Landing!
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my full time job is encouraging people to read the jurassic park books
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elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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Name Game: “Occasional Dinobutt”
Correct guess: racheyjj (bonus points for not directly giving it away early!)
Subsequent correct guesses 1 2 3
Incorrect guesses: Viper, Valeria Richards, Ronan
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cowplant-snacks · 3 months
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The Hammonds have arrived at Camp Stanley!!!! 🏕️
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angstintensifer · 2 years
It’s nice to know the knowledge that a scared teenager like Ben Pincus survived compys and the old asshole like Hammond (book version) fell on his ankle and didn’t survive
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heresthefanfiction · 2 years
Is This the End?
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A job offer. A kidnapped clone. Two missing velociraptors and the mysterious locusts. Ten survivors.
One can't help but wonder, is this the end?
Prologue is up now!
"John Hammond used to say that he wanted to show people something that wasn't an illusion, something that was real, something they could see and touch. He wasn't quite able to achieve his dream within his lifetime; only a handful of people ever got to truly see his creations."
@decennia @lizisshortforlizard @themaradaniels @untestedtheory @amazingwynter @claryxjackson @foxesandmagic @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @oliviabelova @zeleniafic @arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @txlktomerooster @wordspin-shares
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tjhmnd-a · 2 years
i just had a really great interview ayyyy
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stevethehairington · 1 year
i watched a movie last night about this couple that goes on a hiking/camping trip and on their way to the site they stop at this little roadside restaurant called "bigfoot's burger shack" and my brain immediately went omg but what if wayne and eddie owned a little diner off the side of the road on the way to a forest famous for "bigfoot sightings" and their restaurant was like totally cryptid themed. and then my brain spiralled...
it's dustin's birthday and he's in his cryptid era right now, so of course he is desperate to visit the forest best known for having the most bigfoot sightings.
robin is just as interested in cryptids as dutsin is (she's not a full blown conspiracy theorist or anything but she DOES get wildly entertained by them, and she loves to read up on them even if she doesn't necessarily believe/agree with some of them).
and because robin and dustin are so into it, steve gets roped along. although, is it getting roped along if you're the one that offers to drive and also plan the whole camping trip while you're at it? (plus, hey, steve's curious too.)
so steve robin and dustin head out to "bigfoot forest" or whatever fun name the locals and tourists alike have given it.
on the drive there they pass this little diner on the outskirts of the nearby town and decide to stop for a bite to eat before they finish the last stretch of the drive to the campsite. this place is one of those like cozy diner style places that's full of like locally handcarved furnishings and every square inch of the walls is covered in framed photographs and various signage and knick knacks of all kinds. except this place has fully capitalized on the nearby forest, because it's basically like a cryptid cafe - those photos on the wall are various "bigfoot sightings" and newspaper articles and clippings about bigfoot and other various cryptids. it's fun and it's very clearly a good business model lol.
this place, of course, is owned and operated by none other than wayne and eddie munson.
(i'm thinking the place is maybe called "benny's bigfoot buffet" and they took it over for benny hammond after he either died or mysteriously disappeared or just moved on.)
but anyways, steve robin and dustin stop there for lunch and they meet eddie and wayne and they all get to chatting and blah blah. eddie and wayne tell them plenty of stories of sightings - both ones they've heard from other people as well as their own (because of course they're believers).
eventually, steve robin and dustin have to leave because it's getting later and they want to make it to the campsite before it gets dark so they can set up.
blah blah blah. the first night is relatively normal, they hear some sounds and steve teases robin about it being bigfoot, and dustin gets excited about that. but they make it through the night. the next day they explore a bit. then when night falls, weird things happen. more sounds, only closer, louder, and they sound... like something. like an animal, like a creature. dustin and robin obviously go bigfoot but steve isn't so convinced. but then dustin runs out of the tent because he wants to try to get a photo or something and steve and robin chase after him and. and. annnnnnd.
he goes missing.
steve and robin comb the forest that night calling for dustin, searching for him. they don't find him though. but steve sees something. he sees bigfoot. (or what he is absolutely convinced is bigfoot now.)
they head to the munson's diner so they can use their phone to call the local police, and hopper callahan and powell roll up onto the scene and ask what happened and steve and robin tell them, and at first steve doesn't want to tell them about what he thinks he saw because he knows how that's going to play out. they're going to think he's crazy. but robin convinces him to maybe? or maybe she just tells them herself. but, as expected, they laugh at that. they tell them that bigfoot isn't real. blah blah.
of course, during all of this eddie and wayne were listening, they heard it all. and after hopper and co talk to them, eddie corners steve and is like tell me what you saw and there's something about him that makes steve feel like safe almost? like he can tell eddie and he won't laugh like the cops, he won't judge steve, he won't call him crazy. so he tells eddie and eddie looks spooked, but also excited and he tells steve yeah. that sounds like bigfoot.
and blah blah they end up taking things into their own hands and doing the investigating themselves, steve robin and eddie. (maybe they call in some reinforcements in the form of eddie's friends from town? local journalist nancy wheeler, photographer jonathan byers, max mayfield, fellow cryptid enthusiast)
and i literally have not thought of anything past this or what actually happened to dustin or how they find him or if bigfoot is actually real in this or if they end up unconvering some huge government conspiracy instead or something lmaoo. but yeahhhhhhh. oh and also ofc steddie happens along the way lol.
just. cryptids. bigfoot. spoooooooky. pacific northwest forest vibes. appalachian munsons. yeahhhhhh.
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