#Caos x reader
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Masterlist Taglist ✰ He was a warlock and you were a mortal ✰ There was no reason for the two of you to meet, except for the fact that your younger brother, Harvey, was dating Sabrina ✰ You first met Ambrose when you were picking Harvey up from the Spellman mortuary one night ✰ Normally he would always be outside at the time you agreed, but he wasn't even answering your texts or phone calls, and you had enough ✰ Ambrose was walking towards the kitchen for a cup of tea when he heard the knocking at the door, and he wondered who could have been visiting at that hour of the night ✰ He couldn't believe his eyes when he opened the front door ✰ You were absolutely beautiful ✰ "Hi, i'm Y/N Kinkle, I'm here to pick up my brother, he's not answering his phone" ✰ He couldn't take his eyes off you which made you blush, but you couldn't keep your eyes off him either ✰ He invited you in for a cup of tea and you accepted, not seeing the harm in having tea with a cute boy ✰ You ended up giving him your phone number and you would text each other all the time ✰ You found yourself smiling when his name would appear on your phone ✰ That was when you knew you were in trouble ✰ You started visiting the mortuary more often, even if your brother wasn't there ✰ You and Ambrose would watch movies together ✰ Drink tea together ✰ Stargaze together ✰ Read together ✰ He quickly became your best friend, despite the fact that you found it odd that you never hung out outside his home ✰ But you never questioned it ✰ He was terrified to tell you about magic, after all those times he told Sabrina that witches and mortals couldn't mix ✰ To his surprise, and relief, you ended up having a very positive reaction ✰ You always had a feeling there was something magical about Greendale ✰ After the truth came out, you had an even closer bond than you did before ✰ He would show you all sorts of minor spells that left you amazed ✰ During the school year he would help you study for your college classes ✰ He was in awe about how smart you were ✰ It was one of the things he loved the most about you ✰ That and your never ending kindness towards others ✰ Sabrina shipped you two from the beginning, getting frustrated that the two of you denied your feelings ✰ She saw you as an older sister to look up to, coming to you with all her teenage problems ✰ The fact that you got along with his family is what really cemented his feelings for you ✰ He asked you out during one of your study sessions ✰ He had never been this nervous before, but he couldn't wait any longer ✰ He dressed nicely ✰ He made flowers appear out of nowhere ✰ He had prepared a whole speech ✰ He started panicking when you started tearing up, thinking he had said something wrong ✰ It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you ✰ He relaxed when you threw yourself into his arms, accepting his request, a huge grin taking over his face ✰ From then on you were both the happiest you had ever been ✰ He constantly had a hand on you ✰ Whether it was an arm around your shoulder, holding your hand, resting a hand on your thigh ✰ Your lips were addicting to him as well, he would take any opportunity to kiss you ✰ You would have home dates all the time ✰ He would call you darling and you would call him honey or love ✰ You would steal his clothes all the time, loving the smell of his cologne ✰ He thought they looked better on you anyway ✰ You would talk about the places you would visit together once he was no longer on house arrest ✰ He comforted you when Tommy died, holding you as you cried, knowing how much your brother meant to you ✰ You comforted him when he would get upset about his house arrest ✰ He would read to you while you were cuddled up in bed, his soothing voice lulling you to sleep ✰ He would place a gentle kiss on your forehead before drifting to sleep himself ✰ He no longer needed to dream because they all came true the moment you walked into his life
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povofjustme · 1 year
I want you
Summary: Whatever Dorcas wants, she gets. And She wanted you.
Warning : 0
Length:1673 words
Pairing: Dorcas Night x OC (fem) reader
PS- didn’t PR so have fun with that 🤣
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“Jake I already told you I have plans this weekend” Jake Hells once again was asking me to “hang out” this weekend with him. It’s not that I had anything to do this weekend. It’s just that he was one of the horniest guys I ever met. I mean Nick was one but he never harassed someone like this.
“Oh come on, it will be fun.” Jake could never take no for an answer. Never. “And maybe we could- '' He started to raise his hand to touch my hair but I gently pushed his hair out the way. “Jake, I already said I have plans' ' I need to get away from him, and far. But I just can’t. “Right, and with whom you have plans with,again?”
I don’t know why my mind went blank. He was making me uncomfortable. With that he was just getting closer and closer. I had to make up something, ANYTHING!
“She has plans with me, Jake” I couldn’t see who was coming up behind me but I could always recognize that sweet strong voice anywhere. Dorcas. “Yes, I have plans with Dorcas for the weekend” I look to my right and see the redhead. Her hair was in the braids crowns and her brown dress. She had a smile on her face that I couldn’t make out.
“And what plans do you have with a weird sister? I never seen y’all talk, like ever ""Will- I” for being a witch, I can be a bad lair. I started to mess with the bottom of my shirt. And a habit I had picked up over the years. I couldn't think of anything but Dorcas grabbed my hand into hers. Interlocking her fingers with mine.
“If you must know, she’s my girlfriend.” I looked at her with confusion but then I realized Jake was still in front of us. I just kept a smile on my face.
“So she has plans with her girlfriend for the weekend.” Dorcas kept it together. Holding my hand and giving Jake the death stare. At this moment, Jake looks like he is going to shit himself.
“Now if I see you come near or talk to her, well you know what my sisters and I can do. Come on bae, the girls are waiting for us” with another word, Dorcas pulled me with her. Not a single word comes out of our mouth. She still had her hands together walking down the hallway. I thought she was gonna let go once we were out of Jake's sight, but she never did. I don’t understand why I just went with it.
She walked me to the lunch room where most of the students in the academy were. Still hand in hand, she walked me to where her sisters were sitting. She sat across from them. “You can sit down, my love” Prudence and Agatha looked up at me from their conversation with a smile. Jake was right, I never been around the sisters. Let alone a conversation. I couldn’t run and hide. Everyone was looking. So I did what I was told. Why? I have know fucking idea!
“So sister, I see you found her” Prudence was the one to speak.
I was never scared of the sisters, I just know not to cross them. I’m very powerful myself but I never tried to show it. Coming from being a New Orleans witch and a harvests girl. I just come with a lot of responsibilities when people know who you really are. I just try to stay out of the spotlight with certain things.
They kept on talking, I wasn’t paying attention to anything with we’re saying. Until I could feel Dorcas hand on mine again. “Come with us”
Walking down the hallway, they were in the regular formation. I stayed in the back. Right behind Prudent. They took me into their dorm room. Walking in, the door closed behind me. Now that we are behind closed doors, I feel as if I can breathe and speak again.
“What the Heavens just happened?” All three of the sisters of Night looked at me.
“Helping me out with Jake, which I really appreciate by the way but calling me your girlfriend and then holding me hand in front of everyone” I need to get everything out of my chest. If it was a plan or anything going on, I at least had the right to know. “I just want, no. I need to know what that was about”
Dorcas come up to me and put me on the bed. Now she’s standing in front of me and Prudent and Agatha are standing on to the side. “You are my girlfriend now. And it will stay the way from a while” she said with know hesitation. “Why me, you could have anyone. Literally anyone from this academy”
“I wanted you” “why?” “There is know, why?” Am confused, so confused. I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. “Think of this, you can date me. And Jake won’t mess with you know more. Call it a win win” “I never agreed to this Dorcas, don’t get me wrong. You are a beautiful person but I never agree to this. I don’t know you” she got down on my level and touched my knee. Somehow. I got this sense of relaxation from someone who loves to hurt people in their free time.
“Okay, you really want to know?” “Yes, I do. '' Dorcas looked at her sister. They both gave her a head nod, and walked out the room. Once the doors were closed she started talking. “Today in class, I heard some boys talking about how Jake had a special surprise for you this weekend. And it wasn’t good. For some reason I had a feeling to protect you” she stopped mid way to look away from me. “I needed to do something. I overheard them talking about how Jake was going to be the first one to have you”
I have been at the academy for over 3 years now. I keep up with school work. I have only one friend and try to make my family proud. Having to learn double the spells from being a New Orleans witch and A sister of the night. I didn’t want to get mixed in with the people here. And that means dating. I guess the boys are keeping track. I just never thought Dorcas Night would be too.
“I didn’t want that. So I claimed you before anyone else did. So like I said, date me. You are going to be under my sisters and I's protection . And no boy will try anything” I didn’t know how to feel about any of this. But it doesn't seem so bad. But at the same time. I never asked for this. “Am sorry Dorcas but I can’t. Am sure I I’ll be fine” I knew I fucked up when I walked out the door but everything was going wrong for me. I needed to keep my head in the game.
“Okay witches and warlocks, that’s us for today. You may now leave” I grabbed the rest of my things that I had for the day and started to walk out the door. Around the corner, I came to see the one and fuckin only Jake Hells. He was just so pushy. He had his back against the wall with his feet crossed. Once he saw me I tried walking past him. “Hey, Hey, Hey. You’re not gonna say Hi to me”. The more I think about it. Jake is such a pick-me boy.
“What do you want Jake” not even stopping, he was still in my ass. “So, are we still on for this weekend?” “Heavens I could never get a break from you. Why are you so pushy?”
“I know you fake that shit with Dorcas Night, so come on.” I should have thought through what I was going to do next. But I didn’t. I saw Dorcas walking down the Hall with her sisters. I looked at Jake in the face with a good gummy smile. The closer the sister got, I turned my body to the girls.
“Watch and see,” I said to him.
When my back was away from him, I gave Dorcas the ‘help me get this fucker away’ from me eyes. Her and the sister stopped 6 feet away from us. “Hello Dorcas, Hello sisters' ' The girls all said hello at the same time. I walked up to Dorcas, give her a kiss. At this point I wanted it to be real. To get Jake off my back. I even pulled my left hand in her neck to make the kiss go deeper.
I pulled away from her with a soft small smile. She grabbed onto my hand so I could be by her side. “Did my sister worry about what would happen if you go near her girlfriend again?” Prudence started off with. “You can just not take the hint?” Agatha finishes off. “Now we have to go back on my word” Dorcas had a stone cold face.
“Sleep well tonight” they all said together.
Not giving Jake enough time to respond, Prudences pushed him out the way. Not far along, Dorcas had both of her hands on my arm. She leaned her chin on my shoulder.
“So what made you change your mind, my love” she whispered in my ear. I looked to my right to see her with a soft smile. “Maybe this won’t be a bad idea, I just want to know what comes out of it for you” I told her
“Like I said, I want you. And now I got you
Part 2?
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cemetarywoman · 8 months
Its come to my attention that no one writes fics about any of my interests so ill have to take one for the team and do it myself 🙏🤕
Ill take requests for:
-the chilling adventures of Sabrina
-ville valo
-motionless in white
I will write:
-platonic/family dynamics
-poly relationships
-fem/gender neutral reader (could possibly make exceptions for male readers occasionally)
I wont write:
-anything to do with Self harm, r@pe, or abuse
-obviously no weird shit like illegal age gaps, piss, or anything super weird LMAO
-i will not write angst, im far too sensitive for that sorry LMAO
-i dont like write the reader as a dom so I’ll probably do sub!reader only, sorry!! (Ill make some exceptions for this tho if i like the request enough lol)
(ill add more to this list later lmao but these are my favorite things atm)
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multimilfs · 2 years
The Weird Sisters x Fem!Reader: Beneath a Hungry Moon
Summary: The Weird Sisters + 101 -- "This feels dirty." "That's because it is."
Prompts found here!
A/N: This fic made me realize how much I miss CAOS. Might have to rewatch at some point soon!
Full Ficmas List
Tag List: @escapetodreamworld @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @multifandomfix
Warning(s): Unconventional Relationships
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For as long as you could remember, you dreamt of participating in the Lupercalia celebrations. The idea of running beneath the moon with someone and losing yourself in the pleasure that followed sent a shiver down your spine—or did, before you found three witches you couldn’t tear yourself away from, and realized the matching would tie you to a man for the night. 
You look down on the preparations with thinly veiled upset. Father Blackwood had forced your hand, all of your hands; you would participate in the Lupercalia celebrations or face strict punishment. His eyes had settled on Prudence when he let those words spill from his lips and you gave in to assuage the fear rolling from her. 
Forcing you to participate didn’t mean you would follow the rules, though. 
It’s a perfect plan. You’ll play along, circling the young warlocks until you inevitably have to choose one, but that will be as far as it goes. The night would be yours to experience with your three favorite witches with the tricks up your sleeve in play. 
Hands wrap around your waist and you lean back. A soft pair of lips kiss your neck. 
“What are you thinking?” Dorcas asks curiously. 
“Nothing,” You pat the hands around your waist, all too aware of listening ears, “Just taking in the scene.” 
“Are you still upset that we can't celebrate together?” 
You want to spill your whole plan because Dorcas sounds so sweet, worrying for you even though you know she’ll enjoy tonight no matter what. She has her eyes on a few of the more devious warlocks. Nick Scratch, if you’re being specific, though Sabrina Spellman will fight her every step of the way. 
Turning in her arms, you kiss her sweetly. She deserves nothing less for how considerate she’s being of you—how considerate she always is. 
“I’m not thrilled about it,” You say honestly, “but I want you to have fun.” 
“I don’t think I’ll participate—past the Matching, I mean.” 
You raise a brow, “Dorcas, you love warlocks.” 
“It will upset you.” 
“Sweetheart, I’ll be okay. Your heart will still be mine at the end of the night, won’t it?” You ask. 
Dorcas nods so hard you fear for her neck. As if to send the point home, she kisses you, pulling away to press similar kisses on any swath of skin she can see. It makes you laugh, holding tight to her. 
Her smile is relaxed and sweet and you know you’ve said the right thing. You haven’t lied—you don’t mind who any of your witches physically engage with, as long as their heart remains with you—but you don’t really intend on Dorcas enjoying whatever warlock she ends up with. It’ll just throw a wrench in your plans if she isn’t in the woods on Lupercalia. 
“You’re so good to me.” Dorcas sighs dreamily. 
You hum, “Don’t let anyone else know that. It’ll be our little secret.” 
She giggles and steals another kiss, before rushing from your arms and back to her room in a whirlwind. You should be preparing too, but you’re more worried about getting everything in place than dolling yourself up.
A flash of color in the corner of your eye makes you turn. Leaning against the bannister, watching you with an inquisitive stare, is Sabrina Spellman. You’re really not in the mood for her dramatics but plaster on a pleasant enough look anyway. 
“How are you okay with it?” Sabrina asks. 
“Okay with what?” You ask, tilting your head. 
Sabrina moves closer and stands at your side, the two of you looking down on the set-up with matching expressions of distaste. One of you does a better job masking it than the other. 
“Dorcas spending the night with someone else.” 
Ah, you think. You shrug and try to see it through Sabrina’s eyes; it must be odd to go from the image of married perfection to a world where monogamy is an old idea. You can understand the institution of marriage, as your parents were married, but they both engaged in their fair share of witches and warlocks. Being a witch is sin and that’s never been something you saw as an issue. 
Looking at Sabrina, you try to take her in, wishing you could read her thoughts. Does the sin and lust bother her? Her aunts raised her, but how much did they really show her of her magical community? Maybe Sabrina’s idealism towards humanity isn’t entirely her own fault. 
“It’s just sex,” You shrug, “It’s fun and pleasure, but it isn’t what we have.” 
“But Dorcas is yours. They all are, aren’t they? You’re not bothered by someone else having them?” Sabrina prods. 
You sigh, “I don’t own anyone, Spellman, that’s the point. We share things. Bodies aren’t sacred things to be hidden away for witches and warlocks, their vessels of lust and greed and pleasure. Why would I ask my girls to deny the very thing we were all made for?” 
“You say witches and warlocks don’t consider bodies sacred, but my Father did.” 
“Your Father was an anomaly. He had a few points about getting along with mortals, sure. But his views were… are odd for our society.” 
Sabrina is the one examining you now. She looks at you like she’s missing something and the answer is in your face. When you give nothing away, she sighs and puts her head in her hand. 
Teen angst radiates off of her. Whether it’s a Sabrina thing or humanity thing, it’s annoying, and you put some distance between the two of you. You don’t completely walk away though. Something feels unsaid and you’re in no rush, so you follow her line of sight to none other than Nick Scratch. 
You bite back a laugh. 
Nick Scratch is an entertaining guy, sure, but you’ve never understood why all the witches fawn over him. You remember a whole host of stories Prudence used to tell you about him when they were going out and he seemed like any other warlock. But Sabrina has latched herself onto him and you feel a kind of empathy for her. 
It’s hard when you love someone more than they love you. You remember the feeling before you found your witches. Nobody deserves to feel it, not even Sabrina Spellman, magnet for chaos. 
“You were upset when the rules of the Matching were explained to you and now you’re not. Why?” Sabrina says. 
“I was upset I couldn’t spend the evening with my witches,” You shrug, “But my enjoyment and theirs doesn’t depend on if we’re together. I just wish we were.” 
“Witches are weird.” Sabrina decides. 
You laugh and pull back from the bannister, patting her on the shoulder, “Okay, half-witch.” 
Sabrina rolls her eyes so hard you can practically feel it, but you continue past her and down the stairs back to your room. Dorcas is nowhere to be found and neither is Prudence, though her things are laid on her bed. Agatha sits at the mirror painting her lips a shade close to black. 
You walk over and lay down on her bed, watching her work. Agatha tilts her head when she looks at you. 
“You’re not getting ready.” She says. 
“I will,” You shrug, “I’m not in any rush.” 
“Are you still upset?” 
“No, just… disappointed. Warlocks aren’t really my thing, so it cuts the enjoyment.” 
Agatha sets down her lipstick and comes to sit next to you. She runs a hand through your hair, looking down with a smile, curious. You try to sit up and kiss her. A hand in the center of your chest stops you, her small smile now a wide grin. 
You pout and lay back down, folding your arms over your chest. 
“Don’t pout, I just applied this lipstick.” 
“You can reapply it.” 
She pauses as if thinking it over and weighing the time she has. A small spark of hope sits in your chest and you turn, propping your head up on your hands. Agatha looks gorgeous in white. It’s rare to see the gloomy coven in bright color and you can’t say you mind the change; black is good for any occasion, but white makes them look good enough you forget the occasion. 
You’re most excited to catch a glimpse of Prudence. As long as you can remember, she’s wrapped herself in deep blacks and purples, even an occasional red. The only thing you recall being brighter is the cream-colored slip she wears to bed sometimes. 
A pair of lips is pressed to your own and you startle before Agatha’s hands on your face soothe you. She takes her time and thoroughly explores your mouth with her own. It’s like being drunk and you feel like you could sway despite sitting down, clasping her arms to remain upright. 
It’s different to Dorcas’ quick kisses and Prudence’s teasing ones, Agatha kisses like she’s putting you in a trance. And you almost hate to admit that it works every time. 
When you pull back and stare up with glossed eyes, Agatha giggles, and wipes at your mouth. The dark color is spread all across her face and you can only imagine how it looks on you. 
“Are you happy now?” Agatha asks. 
“Extremely.” You smile. 
She shakes her head, but looks just as happy, “You really should start getting ready.” 
You open your mouth to offer an excuse. 
“She’s right.” Another voice interrupts. 
Prudence stands in the doorway, clad in a figure-hugging white dress. It’s longer than either Agatha’s or Dorcas’ with a split up the right side, exposing one of her legs. She looks practically ethereal. Something about the color brings out the glow in her cheeks and makes you swoon. 
She walks down the steps and makes her way to your side. When she looks at you, there’s something in her eyes you can’t decipher. But you forget it just as easily when she leans down and kisses you, slowly, but not long enough. She laughs when she pulls away and you try to follow. 
“You agreed to participate, darling. It’s time for you to get ready.” 
“Why? I won’t get much from Lupercalia.” You challenge. 
Prudence’s eyes are knowing and she smirks, “Oh darling, I don’t believe that at all.” 
Somehow, she knows. You can’t ask how with Agatha in the room, but she knows, and you know it. You nod and get off of Agatha’s bed to get your things from your chest. Kneeling at the end of the bed, the lock is warm in your hands, a sign your spell is holding tight. 
There’s an audible click! When you whisper the incantation under your breath and the lock opens. You sift through your valuables until you find the outfit you chose for the evening. It stands apart from that of your witches, but isn’t different enough that it’ll make you feel alienated. It’s a lovely silver garment that feels like silk in your fingers. 
Agatha and Prudence eye it with interest, eyes curious and lustful, but say nothing as they leave the room to let you get ready. 
Everything goes according to plan at the Matching; everyone is paired up, including yourself. You luck out with your friend Zander. He’s like a taller, wider Ambrose Spellman, with dark dreads he’s dyed white at the ends. Fortunately for you, he shares your lack of… interest. 
You’re careful to go through the motions and not arouse suspicion. The Courting is actually fun for the two of you. You paint one another with the blood and milk but lay under the moon talking. It’s nice, a relief to be near a warlock who isn’t driven by his lust for the festivities of Lupercalia. 
Then comes the Hunt. 
Your witches look stunning. It takes everything in you to even let them out of your rooms, but you give in, if only because your real plans involve being in the forest together. 
Ambrose blows the horn to signal the start and the chase is on. You do your best to keep your eyes on Dorcas and Agatha; you trust that Prudence will appear when the time is right, since she’s managed to catch onto your plans. 
You catch Agatha and her match first. The place they’ve chosen isn’t hidden well and before he can lay another kiss on her, you’ve stuck an eldritch root under his nose. His eyes roll back in his head and he loses consciousness. 
“Are you going to help me?” You ask Agatha, laying her match gently on the ground. 
She’s pouting, “I was having a good time.” 
“I had plans for the four of us… but I guess if you’d rather stay with him…” 
“No, I’m coming.” Agatha sighs. 
You kiss her sweetly, just long enough to assuage any lingering upset. 
“I’ll let you have some extra fun with him at Dorian’s tomorrow.” You promise
Her beautiful face splits into a giddy smile and you laugh. Grabbing her hand, you pull her with you through the crowds of still-running matches, ignoring the screaming of a few girls, though it threatens to grate on your nerves. 
There’s dozens of girls wrapped in red, but you can’t seem to find the one with red hair. Then you hear it. Somewhere ahead is Dorcas’ voice, declaring something in hushed tones. 
You don’t look to see who she’s hanging on before shoving the root beneath his nose too. He drops and you catch Dorcas before she can fall too. She fights your hands and turns, freezing when she sees you and Agatha. 
“I see what’s going on here,” Dorcas giggles, “This feels dirty.” 
“That’s because it is.” Prudence says. 
She’s appeared seemingly out of nowhere and leans against the tree behind you. Her smile is devious. You can’t help the excitement in your chest at everything falling into place. 
“Shall we, darling?” Prudence asks you, making Agatha and Dorcas turn to you as well. 
With a smile, you flee into the woods, laughing. You hear them laughing and calling behind you. It doesn’t take long before you’re captured and the four of you finally engage in the Lupercalia celebration, mad with desire, beneath a hungry moon. 
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griffinsstories · 1 year
The Weird Sisters x Fem!Spellman Reader: Six Pills
Summary: You are Sabrina's older sister and instead of Sabrina being the one refusing to sign her name and being the cause of the events afterwards, it's you instead. Set a few months after the Church of Lilith has been established, you haven't been doing too well and with how busy your family has been in cleaning your messes, you mainly tried to stay out of trouble and avoid everyone as much as you could, wandering around the woods and backroads of Greendale...and on one occasion you meet a kind stranger...with less than noble intentions when he offers you something to help with the pain...
Warning: Drug Addiction, Withdrawal Symptoms, Allusions to Character Death (Not really you're just unconscious)
You stared up at the ceiling of the infirmary of the Academy of Unseen Arts, eyes unseeing as you lay down in one of the beds, barely registering the sounds of frantic arguing and panicked questions fluttering around you as you heard your Aunts, Ambrose, Nick and Lilith and the Weird Sisters talking loudly trying to figure out what was wrong with you, the Sister's having found you collapsed in the entrance hall of the school, unconscious and shivering.
Sabrina was holding onto your left hand tightly, and you felt her eyes on you, counting your breaths, assuring herself you were still breathing, you could hear the frustration in your Aunt Zelda’s voice but also the fear as she just didn’t know what was wrong nor did your Aunt Hilda or Ambrose or any of those surrounding your bed.
You couldn’t help but relish having your Aunts, older cousin/brother and your sister near you, though the fact Prudence, Agatha and Dorcas were also present made your heart flutter which was the sodding reason why you were in this mess in the first place. Your head turned to the side and then you spotted that damned bottle filled with those damn pills that left you reduced to this, someone had taken it out of your pockets as you were laid down on the bed.
You struggled to sit up, catching your head in your hands making the others snap in your direction as they watched for a moment as your eyes darted around the room as though trying to make sense of what you were seeing. You struggled to get your thoughts straight then as though finally you had gathered the strength to explain your latest mistake once more…seemed to be the only thing you could make these days as a merciless, self-hating smile spread across your face as your broken mind pulled into being the song you had come up with on one of your...trips.
You gazed directly at Nick and urged your best friend and sister’s boyfriend to listen which he did sitting on your bed and held your free hand, urging you to use him and Sabrina as a way to anchor you to the present. And so, you sang:
“In the woods I met a man.
Old as oak and staff in hand
Sunken eyes but gentle smile
We sat down and talked awhile”.
Lilith’s eyes narrowed at the description of the man but said nothing as you continued.
“And he said I can see it in your eyes.
You've been hurt a couple times.
I've got the perfect antidote.
To cure a heart of stone
Tiny red pills in a big blue bottle”
Your Aunts and Ambrose flinched at the comment of having a heart of stone while Lilith’s eyes narrowed onto the blue bottle of pills, an uneasy feeling in her chest began building in her chest.
“He put them right in my hands.
Said this stuff can do wonders take you to Nirvana.
Make you a better man”.
You smiled mirthless, your eyes straying to Agatha, your eyes on her neck exactly where you had slit her throat and once more the guilt began building in your chest and stomach making you pull your hands out of Sabrina’s and Nick’s clutching your chest shaking your head, your eyes closed tight but you kept singing, your tone irritated in the next two lines but shifting to numb as you continued.
“I should've known something was amiss.
When I saw his smile turn to a grin
Then as he left me
There so perplexed
He turned and said”.
You ticked off on your fingers, your eyes opening and staring directly into Ambrose's telling him to focus on what you were about to say…
“One to numb the hurt.
Two to ease the pain.
Three to clear your mind.
Forget all the hate.
Take as I advised.
Not more than prescribed.
Several weeks ahead
You'll be fine again”.
You ticked them off on your fingers again just as the old man did for you and what you recited on your way home.
“One to numb the hurt.
Two to ease the pain.
Three to clear your mind.
Forget all the hate.
Take as I advised.
Not more than prescribed.
Several weeks ahead
You'll be fine again”.
You sighed and shook your head angrily at yourself, your drugged and messed up mind repeating that you should have shown the pills to your Aunts or Ambrose when you got home but you didn’t.
“So, I went home.
My heart confused.
Didn't know just what to do.
I popped the cap.
And took a dose.
After all what could I lose”
You shrugged, a bitter tone on the last line but lightened with the next your eyes shining with childlike innocence.
“And then I touched the clouds and bathed in sky.
A magic broom a carpet ride
Before I fell and woke in bed”
You struggled as though acting out what you did yourself on that day, finding it hard to remember what he said.
“Tried to repeat the words he said.
One to numb the hurt.
Two to ease the pain.
Three to clear my mind.
Forget all my hate.
What did he say next?
I forget the rest.
But several weeks ahead
I'll be fine again”.
You shrugged your bright usual happy smile back again at the thought of being fine making your Aunts and Ambrose flinch at the confirmation you weren’t fine, while Sabrina and Nick tightened their hold on your hands. The Sister's reaction however shocked you as Dorcas had visible tears in her eyes though they didn’t fall while the tightness around Agatha’s eyes and her clenched fists said plenty, Prudence’s eyes were filled with protective rage and promise of vengeance on the one who made you like this, as her lips tightened near turning them white even through her dark lipstick.
“One to numb the hurt.
Two to ease the pain.
Three to clear my mind.
Forget all my hate.
Five could never hurt.
Just to calm my nerves
Several weeks ahead
I'll be fine again”.
You scratched your head looking up as you tried to remember the number of pills the man said you should take but shrugged as if it didn’t matter and continued, your expression going dark and you pulled a knee to your chest.
“Tiny red pills in a big blue bottle
Wish I had the strength back then.
Need to get a refill chase away the evil
All the whispers in my head”
You shook your head once more, your hands going to your ears as you shook it again as though trying to make the whispers going away.
“But I can't find the man I knocked on his door.
His neighbours say no one lived there before.
So now all my days
Just blur in a haze
They go like this”.
You sat back in despair, perplexed at the fact the man didn’t exist but merely confirming Lilith’s suspicions but she waited till the end just to be sure.
“One to stop the chills"
Your body broke out into chills.
"Two to ease the pain."
You clutched at your chest, the pain and guilt surging through your body.
"Three to wash my guilt.
Forget all my shame."
You flashback through everything, you’d done that put your family and the girls you loved in danger all because you couldn’t leave well enough alone.
"Five could never hurt.
Six couldn't be worse.
Seven days it's been.
Here we go again”.
Your eyes darted everywhere before zeroing in on that blue bottle and you sprang for it only to be caught by Ambrose and Nick as they held you up while you struggled to try to get to the bottle needing the words and murmurs in your head to quiet down all the while you sang desperately.
“One to stop the chills”.
Your body once more broke into chills.
“Two to ease the pain”.
You clutched your chest above your heart.
“Three to wash my guilt”.
“Forget all my shame”.
Your eyes darted to Agatha again, hers, Prudence and Dorcas eyes widening along with Ambrose, Nick’s and Sabrina’s as they realised what you were referring to.
“Five could never hurt.
Six couldn't be worse.
Seven days it's been”.
Tears began tracking down your face a broken smile on it as you doubled over once more the two boys picking you up and laying you on your bed as they all watched in suffering as your activeness wore you down you murmured the last few words.
“Here we go again.
Here we go again.
Here we go again.
To stop the pain
Forget my shame.
Your head rested on a pillow your eyes connecting with each person as you counted.
Aunt Zelda and Lilith
Aunt Hilda
With the last number, your eyes met the Sisters, a small sweet smile on your face as you somehow gazed into the three of them at once your view began to darken and as everything faded to black you barely managed to get out the last three words:…. “I love you”.
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"Aftercare" , a Zelda/reader fic
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frost-queen · 11 months
Witches hour (Reader x Ambrose Spellman)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are but a mortal friend of the Spellman's, working with Hilda in her shop as you become off interest to the Weird sisters and one wicked boy. They find it funny to scare you till it gets out of hand and you get hurt. Afraid and frightend you run to the Spellman's because you are too scared to be alone. Ambrose comforts you and considers to tell you magic is real and how he feels about you.
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“Ambrose.” – you called out as he was blocking your way in the small row between shelves. He chuckled leaning with his arm on top of the shelves. – “I’m just standing here.” – he answered smiley. – “Yes in my way.” – you laughed out picking a book from the few books you were carrying. With a small novel you hit Ambrose against his shoulder. It startled him making him flinch. – “You know how much your aunt hates you slouching against her books.” – you said teasingly. Ambrose smiled sheepishly, rubbing his arm as you moved past him. You went to the next row to set the books you were carrying away. Noticing Ambrose had followed you. – “Shouldn’t you be at home helping your aunt Zelda?” – you questioned.
Ambrose pulled his shoulders up. – “Maybe?” – he replied mischievous. – “Wait till your aunt Hilda sees you here.” – you joked out. – “Alright, alright you sure can pester one way.” – Ambrose answered bothered as it made you laugh loud. – “Now go.” – you said slapping another book playfully at him. Ambrose moved his hands up, backing out of the row. – “Go.” – you mouthed laughable to him, seeing him linger. Looking over your shoulder you looked to see if Hilda was coming out of the back door or not. Ambrose exited with a grand gesture making you laugh loud. You kept laughing till you heard Hilda’s footsteps. She had come out of the back area carrying a box.
“Was.. was that Ambrose?” – she questioned seeing the last of a shim disappear into the night. – “Sure not, Ambrose is at home as he is supposed to.” – you told her with a cheeky smile. Aunt Hilda quirked her eyebrow up but was gullible enough to believe you. – “I’m just going to set this box away and we can start locking up for tonight.” – Hilda spoke showing the box your way. You hummed loud in response. Hilda left as you continued to stock the few remaining books away in your hand. On top of a shelf laid pumpkin lights as you smiled upon them. You blinked confused seeing a pumpkin light flicker. It was so briefly you weren’t sure if it was a trick of the eye or true. The lights appearing normal now. Leaning in closer you stared at the pumpkin light.
From the corner of your eye, you saw another pumpkin light flicker. Turning your head you saw it flicker clear as day. More lights started to flicker making you be stunned at bit, not knowing what to do. Then the flickering stopped, all the lights turned off from itself. Curious and confused you leaned closer once more, pointing your finger out to tap the light. The moment your finger touched the light you saw a scarier face appear on the light. It had scared you so much you dropped the book in your hand, jumping back against the bookcase behind you.
“Everything alright Y/n?” – Hilda asked lifting her head up from across the shop near the window. Looking back at the lights, they were normal again. – “Yes… everything is alright.” – you answered to pick up the fallen book. You quickly put it away. Meeting up with Hilda, you said your goodbye’s. – “See you tomorrow Y/n.” – she spoke giving you a hug. – “Happy spooky season.” – you called back to her, waving your goodbyes, knowing how much Hilda loved the spooky season of October. Only a few days till it would Halloween.
A cold breeze would creep up on you once you were outside. Leaves dancing in circles on the ground carried by the wind’s orchestra. Looking up to the night sky you saw a crescent moon. You started walking home in the dark of night. The trees rustling as a breeze swept underneath your coat sending your scarf up. It caught you off guard making you turn a bit around as if someone had touched you without permission. Your eyes went slowly up seeing a figure stand at the end of the street. Lighted up by a streetlight. It came you the chills. A loud scream carried away by the wind made you cover up your ears and duck down. Looking back up the shadow was gone. Panting and frightened you turned around only to be met up with the shadow.
You screamed your lungs out, swaying your arms around and take a run for it. You started running for your life, wondering if you had seen too many scary movies last night with Sabrina, Theo, Harvie and Rosie. That must be it. Your mind was still thinking about the scary movies you had seen. A dog barked loud making you jump away, picking up more speed to hurry up home. Out of breath you reached your house, hurrying to get the keys. Panicking his much you dropped them.
Scrambling to get them, your hand shook as you tried to stick the key in the keyhole. With one last scream of feeling rushed, you opened the door jumping inside. Without looking back, you shut the door behind you. Locking it immediately. Switching on the lights you felt more at ease. You jumped out of your skin seeing three girls in your living room. One of them sitting down, the other two sitting each on a side. – “Well hello mortal.” – the one in the middle purred out while checking out her nails.
 “Who are you?” – you asked loudly. – “What are you doing in my house!” – The girl that sat clicked her tongue swaying her finger to the side. – “We’re but friends mortal.” – she slowly got up. – “Shall we play a game?” – she asked not expecting an answer from you. – “This one is called.” – the redhead on her left said. – “Hide and scream.” – the black-haired girl on her right filled in. With the snap of a finger went the power off. You squealed loud at the sudden darkness. – “Now run!” – A loud whisper filled your ears coming from behind. Lightning stuck all of the sudden, lighting up the room. You screamed loud seeing that the girl’s faces had become horrifying. Almost demonic. You started running for your life up the stairs. Hearing their loud giggling and cackling surround you.
You ran into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. – “Oh mortal let us in.” – one of them spoke, knocking gently on your door. Covering your mouth to silence your breathing, you backed away. – “We only want to play.” – one of the other spoke. You backed up against your bed as it startled you. A sudden grip around your ankle made your eyes widen. Before you could utter a scream you got pulled at your ankle.
Falling flat forwards, your face smacking hard against the ground. Looking over your shoulder you saw a boy hide underneath your bed. His face half caught by a shadow. His wicked smile reflecting against the darkness. You screamed it out, kicking your feet at him. What is going on? You thought. Rushing up to your feet, you wanted to run for your door, remembering in the last second that those three girls were just outside.
The boy came crawling from under your bed. Your eyes stood wide with fright, pressed against the door. He started to rise his hands as fire light up from your flooring. Forming a circle around you. You screamed it out as he could only laugh. What kind of witchcraft was this? Your head was spinning trying to process the magic just happening in your room while trying to deal with the fear. – “Leave me alone!” – you called out to him. He pouted his lips. – “But we were just making fun.” – he slashed his hand down as it made your head turn with a gasp. Feeling a sting on your cheek.
With trembling hands you went to touch it. Fingers stained with blood when you looked at them. He had left a cut on your cheek. – “You’re the devil!” – you called out. – “Oh honey I assure you I’m not. I am merely a child of night.” – he answered with a grin. Not wanting stay here with him, you jumped over the fires to the back of your room. – “Oh we got a runner.” – The boy called out swiping his hand across. A force picking you up as you got flung out of the window. Glass shattering as you crashed through it. You fell onto the lower roof part of your porch, rolling over it to drop to the ground, landing in a bush.
Groaning loud you got up seeing the cuts all over your arms and legs. You got up, running for your life. Limping at bit from the fall as you didn’t want to be home alone anymore. The boy was watching you run from up your room. The three girls coming to stand beside him. – “Great you’ve chased her away.” – Dorcas said slapping his arm. Agatha sighed loud. – “Ambrose would be furious if he finds out we scared his little mortal friend.” – she spoke making Prudence roll her eyes.
“I do not care one bit for that Spellman. He should know better than to mingle with lame mortals.” – Prudence chuckled deep. – “Shame I couldn’t make her bleed more.” – the boy said with a shrug of his shoulder. Dorcas and Agatha quirking their eyebrow at him. – “We don’t want her dead you moron! We just want her scared.” – Dorcas called out. The boy rolled with his eyes not caring much.
“Ambrose!” – you shouted loud. Huffing and puffing out of breath as you reached the Spellman’s house. – “Ambrose!” – you shouted again running up the porch. – “Ambrose! Ambrose please open up!” – you panicked banging loudly at their door. The door opened as you exhaled deep pushing yourself inside, not wanting to be one minute longer in the dark. – “Y/n what are you doing here?” – Sabrina asked as she had opened the door. – “I…I…” – you tried to speak. – “What happened?” – Sabrina wanted to know as Ambrose came down the stairs. – “Y/n?” – he said widening his eyes at the cuts on your body.
“What happened!” – Ambrose demanded to know, rushing up to you. – “I…I…I fell out of my window.” – you told him still catching your breath. – “What?” – Sabrina called out. Ambrose stared confused and slightly worried at you. Sabrina pulled her shoulders up as she had no clue as well. – “Come.” – Ambrose said wrapping his arm around you to lead you upstairs. Sabrina closed the door giving her cousin one last worried glance. Upstairs seated Ambrose you down on his bed. – “Now Y/n tell me what happened. How did you get these cuts?” – he spoke worriedly.
You looked frightened at him. – “There were these girls in my house.” – you told him. – “Girls?” – Ambrose repeated confused. – “Three of them. Demanding to play a game with me. All the lights went out!” – you panicked explaining your story to him. – “Then upstairs in my room was a boy, hiding under my bed. Fire! Ambrose there was fire!” – you grasped for his hand, startling him with your sudden loud voice. – “Fire?” – he questioned. – “Yes. Poof fire.” – you gestured out. – “It was like he created it out of thin air.” – you said as Ambrose’s eyes widened. – “He gave me this cut without touching me.” – you showed your cheek to Ambrose to show him.
“When I wanted to run I got thrown out of the window by a force. Leading to my appearance.” – Exhaling deep you felt yourself slowly come at ease. – “Darn witches.” – Ambrose mumbled under his breath. – “Huh?” – you said hearing a whiff of his words. Ambrose chuckled nervously. – “Have I gone crazy, or did they do magic?” – you asked to be certain you weren’t losing your mind. Ambrose slightly nodded, not wanting you to feel insane. He carefully watched your reaction trying to see if it was perhaps a good idea to tell you he was a witch as well. – “Okay…” – you replied neutral not sure how to react to it.
“Why… why would they taunt me? Is it because it is almost Halloween?” – you slapped Ambrose his hand out of pure over-reaction. Ambrose shook his head. – “It is because you are with me.” – he told you making you furrow your brows. – “Why would they do that?” – you wanted to know. Ambrose took a deep breath pulling you closer to him by your shoulders. – “Y/n I’m going to tell you something and I hope this doesn’t change anything… or at least maybe a bit.” -  he started.
“Ambrose you are scaring me a bit.” – you answered. – “Don’t be.” – he made sure. He took another deep breath before speaking. – “I am like them. I am also a witch, so is Sarbina and my aunties.” – your mouth fell open with shock. – “But I assure you we mean you no harm Y/n. We aren’t all bad, besides we adore you. Specially me… I…I…like…no love you Y/n. That… that is why the weird sisters, and that boy tormented you. It is because they can see I care for you, and I am so sorry for that.” – he finished.
You slowly smiled kissing Ambrose by surprise. Ambrose pulled startled away. – “I’m not scared anymore, knowing you won’t let anything happen to me.” – you told him. Ambrose nodded still trying to process the surprise kiss. – “Also I like…no love you too Ambrose. I just didn’t think you saw me in that way.” – Ambrose laughed loud, grabbing a hold of you to kiss you. This time longer and deeper. – “I promise you no harm will ever come to you.”
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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zeldas-cigarrette · 11 months
ೃ⁀➷ Imagine Zelda comforting you during a thunderstorm ·˚ ༘
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Both you and Zelda had spent the afternoon at the kitchen table, each following their own trail of thoughts, when suddenly a loud rumbling from outside started to sound. A lightning strike followed. You flinched at the abrupt sound, making Zelda jolt from your sudden movement. “Scared of a little thunderstorm now, are we?”, Zelda sighed heavily and put down her newspaper. Brushing a strand of hair out of her forehead, she decided to soften her expression.
“No… I just didn’t expect the sound”, you folded your arms in front of your chest. Unwilling to believe your hesitant stuttering, Zelda got up and motioned with her hand to follow her. The older witch stood in front of the great living room window waiting for you to join. You’ve always hated thunderstorms, something unpredictable about them creeped you out. You slowly walked over to her unbeknownst to what she wanted you to do now. As you stood next to her, Zelda wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to her. The witch pointed out to her yard, which was currently watered by the heavy rain that accompanied the ongoing thunderstorm.
"There, there, my dear. Thunderstorms are a part of nature's grand performance”, her raspy voice was almost soothing. “Think of it as the sky's way of cleansing the earth. The storm will pass and you'll see, it won't last forever”, Zelda brushed her lips against your temple and swiftly caressed your side before taking a step back from you. You remained at the window, recalling your girlfriend's words. Although it seemed messy, the storm slowly appeared calming to you and your fears were slightly calmed.
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sunshyni · 9 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤPenn U – Mark
Notas: eu realmente não sei o que tá acontecendo comigo KKKKKK Mas enfim, gostariam de ouvir a palavra de Mark hoje? KKKKKK Tá, isso daqui é mais uma introdução do plot que eu tive para o Mark do que o conto em si, (no mesmo esquema dos contos do Johnny) escrevi mais porque tava na minha cabeça e quando isso acontece a gente tem que externalizar, não é mesmo?
Muito, muito obrigada por todo carinho pelo último post! Eu tô verdadeiramente feliz com todo o feedback, fico um tanto eufórica quando descubro que alguém gostou do que eu fiz, vocês são demais, na moral 🤭
OBS: @ncdreaming obrigada por isso aqui, você é tipo minha idola 🙏
w.c: 1k
WARNINGS: tá bem de boas, bem family friendly, menção a alguns desenhos nostálgicos da infância, um Mark bem abobalhado apaixonadinho pela fem!reader, e no mais é isso! Continuação dessa loucurinha aqui.
Boa leitura, docinhos! 🧩
“Action, romance, or comedy? Comedy? You're just like me” – Text me, DPR Live.
Os dedos de Mark se moviam rapidamente sobre o teclado do celular, Jaemin, com toda sua bondade de líder do time, tinha ofertado um período de intervalo durante o treino, apesar deles estarem próximos de um jogo importante de um campeonato disputado entre as universidades Ivy League. Mark não perdeu tempo para sair da pista de gelo e tirar os patins, sentando-se em um dos bancos da arquibancada calçando apenas meias desbotadas com estampa dos “Ursinhos carinhosos”, um presente de Johnny de algum dos amigos secretos que eles participaram no natal de um ano favorável.
Fazia apenas meia hora que vocês não se falavam, mas como o assunto nunca era escasso, você não demorou muito para responder uma foto dos pés de Mark adornados pela meia rosa infantil, a descrição era doce, bem como a pessoa quem a enviara “Johnny me contou uma vez que eu parecia o azul, mas eles não são todos iguais?”, você enviou uma risadinha e disse ser mais do time “Teletubbies”, o que atiçou a curiosidade de Mark sobre o seu desenho favorito da infância.
— É aquela garota de novo? — Jaehyun questionou da pista, debruçado sobre a proteção que dividia a plateia do rinque dos jogadores, o Lee pouco se importou em elevar os olhos o mínimo que fosse na direção do amigo para respondê-lo, ele estava ocupado demais tentando convencer você de que “Scooby-Doo” certamente era a melhor animação existente na face da Terra, mesmo seu gosto por “Tom & Jerry” sendo bastante concreto — Sério, Mark. Acho que você não tá sabendo, mas a gente divide um quarto e eu sou obrigado a ouvir esse barulhinho irritante de você digitando e apagando mensagens, às vezes você até ri alto sabia?
— Fazer o que se ela é uma ótima piadista — O Lee respondeu com um sorriso de orelha a orelha, finalmente desviando o olhar do celular para o amigo, que elevava uma sobrancelha como se dissesse “Você é o tipo de pessoa que tem crise de riso com vídeos de cachorrinhos fofos tropeçando”, e Mark realmente se enquadrava nesse grupo seleto de pessoas que constantemente riam à toa e por coisas muito idiotas, no bom sentido, Johnny sabia disso melhor do que qualquer outra pessoa, dado o fato de que ele com frequência era o motivo das altas gargalhadas que Mark deixava fluir no decorrer do dia na república em que eles compartilhavam — É sério, ela tem um pleno senso de humor, sem brincadeira.
— É ela de novo? Essa é o que? A nona vez? — Johnny se aproximou, atacando as pernas de Jaehyun com o taco do esporte, esse que chiou em resposta mas não devolveu na mesma moeda. Quanto a sua pergunta, Mark constantemente parava de fazer as coisas nas quais estava comprometido para digitar no celular, sorrir para o aparelho como se sua cartinha para o Papai Noel tivesse sido respondida e eles finalmente trocariam o PS4 pelo moderno PS5, mas estranhamente esse não era o caso, não daquela vez — Mostra uma foto dessa garota que tá te fazendo sorrir mais do que eu.
— Não vou não — E agora Mark Lee de fato parecia uma autêntica criança hiperativa com as suas meias coloridas. Ele tinha te conhecido por causa de uma venda aleatória num desses aplicativos de desapego de itens, Mark estava tentando se livrar de um quebra cabeça de mil peças que não teve coragem de começar a montar, e diante de nicknames estranhos e sem significado algum como “user62819” e “mk028”, vocês começaram a conversar e gostaram da companhia um do outro.
Vocês migraram do chat limitado do aplicativo para o aplicativo de mensagens e começaram a compartilhar fotos e mais fotos de acontecimentos do cotidiano, uma roupa em promoção, um casaco de dinossauros que Mark achou na internet e se flagrou tentado em colocar no seu carrinho de compras, uma noite no show do Bruno Mars e Mark pirando porque simplesmente esqueceu da data e não pôde comparecer, uma música que poderia facilmente fazer parte do seu repertório musical. Absolutamente tudo, vocês conversavam sobre absolutamente tudo.
A única coisa que vocês preferiam não falar e deixar para outro momento, era o fato de existir um grande elefante colorido dividindo o mesmo espaço que vocês, Mark obviamente estava caidinho por você, no entanto você só não queria admitir e havia um motivo para isso, um motivo bastante plausível que poderia vir a tona com toda sua magnitude e acabar estragando toda a magia.
— Tô achando que ela é meio lerdinha — Mark admitiu sem maldade, algo que não dava pra se questionar levando em consideração o sorriso enorme estampado em seu lindo rosto — Eu tento flertar e ela recua, mas não é porque não é recíproco, parece que ela só não quer me ver pessoalmente.
— Talvez porque ela seja na verdade um golpista tentando te extorquir — Ten ofereceu uma garrafinha de água para o Lee, descansando seu capacete no assento ao lado do amigo, que olhou confuso para o tailandês e balançou a cabeça para afirmar que você era real, tão real quanto a sensação boa na boca do estômago que ele sentia toda vez que escrevia linhas de texto para te enviar — Por que você não convida ela pra sair?
— Convida ela pro jogo — Jaemin surgiu do além com a sugestão enquanto colocava novamente suas luvas, Mark tomou um longo gole da garrafinha que Ten o entregou, ponderando a respeito da ideia, seria como matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só, eles ganhavam o jogo, Mark poderia se amostrar para a sua futura ficante e ambos poderiam encerrar a noite no bar próximo ao campus com bebidas e amassos ao som de alguma música antiga da jukebox.
Antes de Jaemin começar a apressar o time todo a se reunir de volta no centro da pista, Mark respirou fundo, respondeu as mensagens pendentes sem adicionar novos assuntos a conta e perguntou, cuidadoso:
“Por acaso, 'cê tá a fim de me ver jogar na próxima sexta?”
Mark guardou o celular na mochila preta o mais rápido que pôde, como se a bateria do aparelho estivesse prestes a explodir na sua cara ou o pequeno computadorzinho estivesse em chamas na palma da sua mão.
Um singelo “visualizado mas não respondido” nunca machucou tanto o Lee como naquele dia.
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multifandomfix · 1 year
Zelda Spellman Fluff Alphabet
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A = Aroma (What do they smell like?)
Zelda smells of rosewood and patchouli.
B = Babe (What would they use as pet names? Do they use them a lot?)
Darling and dearest are often used when she wants something from you. She uses pet names on a regular basis, but usually when the two of you are alone.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Sometimes, when she’s in the mood for them, then hell yes she’s a cuddler, but when she’s not feeling it, best keep your distance.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? What would they think about living together?)
She wouldn’t mind settling down, though she does fear that will make her seem old.
E = Emotion (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
She’s affectionate in subtle ways. A whispered praise, a quick peck on the cheek. She doesn’t like to make a whole public display of it.
F = Flirt (How do they flirt? Are they smooth or awkward?)
She’s an incredibly smooth flirt. Direct and seductive.
G = Gifts (Are they a gift giver? What kind of gifts do they give?)
She’s not a huge gift giver, though boy oh boy does she love being on the receiving end. She’ll occasionally buy you flowers and the occasional surprise gift.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
She’s alright with hugs, and she does give good ones, but they’re not near the top of the list on her favorite types of affection.
I = I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It’ll take a while to get that out of her. She might be thinking and feeling it, but it does take some time for her to admit it to herself, and even longer to say it to you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She can get majorly jealous. She’ll snap at whoever brings out the jealousy in her and it can be amusing to watch. She gets all red in the face and kind of possessive.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?)
Zelda’s kisses are generally very passionate when it’s just the two of you. When around others, she tends to let it be more casual and chaste.
L = Little ones (How are they around children? Would they want some of their own?)
She’s good with children, though doesn’t often consider having her own, considering how Sabrina is such a handful. But she could be reminded of their better points and be convinced to give it a go with you to help out.
M = Meet (How did they meet you?)
She met you in the woods. She was preparing for a celebration with the church of night and you were out picking herbs and flowers. You caught her eye, smiled and she struck up a conversation.
N = Nurture (Are they good at taking care of you if you’re hurt/sick?)
She can be, though she often assigns that sort of thing to Hilda, who is better at it. She’d want you to have the best care possible, rather than her care.
O = Out (What’s a typical date night with them like?)
Candles, an incredible meal and slow dancing to an old record. Classic romance, but perhaps with a bit of a darker twist.
P = Propose (When do you/they propose? How does the proposal go?)
You propose the night before her birthday. She’s so busy worrying about what her family will have planned for her that she doesn’t see it coming. Though she does graciously and tearfully accept.
Q = Quirk (What small habit/feature/quirk do they have that you find especially endearing?)
The way she pays so much time and attention on her appearance when she has such natural beauty already. Watching her put on her makeup or choose an outfit is an art form that you never get tired of seeing.
R = Routine (What does a typical day together look like? Routines, schedules, habits?)
Your bedtime routine often involves you helping her unwind, which she is eternally grateful for.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
She can be protective, casting spells to help ensure your safety or having Hilda keep an eye on you when she can’t.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, etc?)
She can really go all out if she has a mind to. She’ll plan everything down to the last detail to impress you, not that she has any need to go to so much trouble.
U = Unique (What’s something they’d only do for you?)
Wear pink. She is adamant that pink is not her color, and she’s right, but if for some reason you wanted to see her in it, she’d begrudgingly oblige.
V = Vulnerable (How long does it take them to feel comfortable being vulnerable around you?)
It’s definitely going to take Zelda a while to really open up to you. She can be fairly closed off until she gets to know someone.
W = Wardrobe (What would they wear to impress you?)
A suit. You’ve seen her don a million beautiful dresses and skirts, so if she really wants to blow you away she’d do it with a designer pantsuit.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Zelda isn’t a morning person. You don’t dare wake her until she’s good and ready to get up on her own.
Y = You (What are some things they would like in a partner?)
Zelda wants someone who won’t threaten her independence. She still wants to maintain her own life and interests outside of the relationship and if you can’t get on board with that, she’s out.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
Zelda can be a deep sleeper, and she does on occasion softly snore. She’d deny it if accused, but it’s that kind of snoring that is more cute than bothersome.
For @zennyreadsbooks
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Zelda Spellman (CAOS): @derry-n, @riveranddoctorsong123, @jona-lea, @allthemoresapphic, @akeldamasemele, @320viada, @theroyalgaymess, @lady-darkswan3
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povofjustme · 1 year
Both Prudence blackwood and Ambrose Spellman wanting you
You being a witch
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I would like to think Prudence and Ambrose would already be together
You had been at the school most of your life but they never noticed you
You had some class with Prudence but she never once looked your way
Maybe you were in a different group of friends or you was just shy
They both were the type to be outgoing and live in the moment
Which to you, was just trying to finish the academy in one piece
Never go out and party
Or do the same exact curricula in the magic school
Now this is how the 3 of you met
You had just got done with exams and your friend Elapeth wanted to celebrate. There was a party happening at the school and she wanted you to go with her
You didn’t want to go. Party’s are not your thing
But she convinced you to go, talking about how she was going to be lonely and it was going to be a one-time thing
So you agreed, not thinking you were going to be doing what you did
Elapeth got out an outfit that she knows you was going to look good it. And make you look hot as
At first, you were just watching your friend have fun. Dancing with everyone around her. You stayed at the bar and watch
Dorian saw you, asking if you wanted a drink. At first you said no but the more he was talking about a drink that he thinking you would like. The more you wanted it.
It started with one drink but it was so good that you had about 6 of them
You didn’t know what he up in them but it made you feel good. Made you wanna dance
So you did just that, first dancing with Elapeth and the others around you
Everyone was pretty much on top of each other but you were paying know mind.
Just dance your little heart out
You could feel eyes on you
But like who wouldn’t, you are FINE ASF)
There was someone behind you, holding on to your hips and moving to the music
You put your head back to whoever it was
Surprise, surprise
It was Prudences
She gave you a devil's smile
You never seen her so close before
But the music was moving your body too much to care
She started to whisper in your ear
“I never knew you could dance like this. You even got Ambrose mesmerized”
You looked straight across to see the famous Ambrose
He had a drink in his hand, arm spread out above the couch. Man spreading
The look in his eyes didn’t make you want to look away
You can tell he was looking at your body, prudence was placing her hands
On satan’s life, you never thought this would happen to you
The next song was slow and desirable
You close your eyes for a second and then he is there
Ambrose was in front of you
You were in the middle with them, doing things you never thought would happen to you
Prudence kissing your neck while Ambrose was sucking the soul out of you
( I mean kissing 😏)
And then they switch positions
The whole night it was just the 3
At one point in time, they shared a look
Pulling you away from it all
(Let me know, I will add more details for a different story )
You woke up at a house you had never been to before
You looked under the covers to see that all your clothes were missing
You didn’t know what Dorian did you those drinks - you didn’t know if it was a good things or a bad thing
But all of a sudden you could feel someone shifting onto your side, laying an arm across your stomach
You look to see it to be the one and only Ambrose in your right
Your eyes widen out
He was still sound asleep
You look the other way to see Prudence facing the wall to your left
Your first thought was that you had to get it out of there
Slowly, quickly, and quickly as you can, put your clothes on. Walked out to the hallway so you didn’t wake them
And teleported yourself back to the Academy
Taking a shower and looking into the mirror
Hickeys !!! All over
You had to put on a black fitted turtleneck shirt on 
You thought that they weren’t going to remember you. That you was just a one night stand
You knew you could
So you walked down the hallways of the school hung out but walked like nothing happened
But heaven you were wrong
Remember the class you have with her now
You walked in and sat in your normal spot, next to Melvin
You were behind the two other weird sisters (Dorcas & Agatha)
Prudence counted a glimpse of you and walked over
Once again you didn’t think largely of it but not until you saw Melvin packing his things and walking to a different place
But you didn’t care, you led on the cold table
But didn’t say a word to you in the lesson
Waking out of the class, it was time for lunch
You sat in your regular seat, you sitting on the outside while Elapeth sat on the inside
Just talking about upcoming words for some classic
Out of nowhere, you had Ambrose on your right side and Prudence on your left
Just like the night before
Now you thought you didn’t get people's attention
Prudence moved closer to you
“You thought you were going to get away that easy?” - prudence
“What are you talking about?” - you
“Last night, you made quite that show” - Ambrose
You got up from the table to get away from the eyes
“Where do you think you going little dancer?” - Ambrose
“Away from you both, I don’t know what happened last night but it was a mistake” - you
“Oh no it wasn’t, we had a taste of you. And won’t stop until we can have all of you “ - Ambrose
“You belong to us now. And everyone will know it!” Prudence
“For satan's sake, what are you talking about!”- you
“Look at your neck, arms, back and inner thigh. It says otherwise” - Prudence
You better pray to satan that you are dreaming this all
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cemetarywoman · 5 months
Can you pls write for Ambrose Spellman? 🤍
Yes i can!! Anything specific that you want me to write? I could just do some dating headcanons if you want lol😇
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multimilfs · 2 years
Zelda Spellman x Fem!Reader: On The Basis of Understanding
Summary: ghostsunderstoodmysoul requested "Hi, darling! I didn't want to bother you so quickly, especially since you just wrote something at my request. But sorry, I couldn't resist seeing that Zelda is also on your masterlist. I was thinking about something where the reader was bitten by a werewolf and every now and then turns into one herself. She can't deal with the fact that something independent of her is taking control of her body, and she can't do much about it. And here comes Zelda, who also suffered a similar trauma when the Caligari spell was placed on her, and she herself had no power over her body. Maybe something in the context of their developing relationship? They both support each other, Zelda teaches the sensitive reader to overcome her fears and helps her control her "powers", and in return she shows Zelda what tenderness, affection and care mean. Thank you in advance and have a lovely day!"
A/N: Now I hope you all don't think I forgot about the requests in my asks.... I didn't! They're just taking a while to get to, you know, with the burnout and all. This was the first one I ever tried to write again so it was written over the course of a few months, forgive any errors or lack of fluidity on that end.
Happy halloween!!! 🎃
Tag List: @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @multifandomfix @escapetodreamworld @angel7376
Warning(s): Brief descriptions of violence
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It’s that time again. The time when your skin itches unpleasantly, breaking out into a permanent set of goosebumps and your nail beds ache, the skin splitting like a bad hangnail. You wrap bandages around your fingers in hopes of quelling some of the pain until your transformation. 
The physical changes are only a temporary side effect, one that you welcome. They mean peace for a few days after; no voices, no urges, just blissful quiet and energy eventually floods your body like you’d slept for days. 
Then it ends. You open your eyes to a heavy feeling in your chest. Voices, whispers in the back of your mind prod you without end—eat this, do that, kill them. The little control you have goes to staving off those urges. 
No one notices, praise Lilith, but it's miserable. 
A hand settles on your arm and you turn to meet inquiring eyes. Zelda examines your face like she can understand exactly how you feel. Most of the time, she wasn’t too far off. 
“Have you prepared for this evening?” Zelda’s eyes dart briefly to your wrapped fingers. 
“As much as I normally do.” You answer. 
This prompts an eyeroll. Her hand leaves your arm, coming to rest on her hip as the other holds a lit cigarette. She inhales slowly, breathing it out in a quick puff. Then once more just for flair. 
“Which is to say you’ve done nothing.” She states—no question in her tone, just a knowing glare. 
“It’s a little counterproductive to prepare for something you can’t predict.” 
“Perhaps it would be more predictable if you were.” 
You laugh. A bitter note creeps into your chest, tinging the amusement with something angry. If only it could be that easy. You thrive on routine, but this… beast inside of you does everything to fight against it. Being predictable would go against its very nature. 
“If you say so, Zelda.” 
“You know this could be avoided if you allowed me to be there,” She says, inclining her head and flourishing with a hand as she speaks, “but you choose to doubt my skills.” “There is nothing about doubting your skill involved. I’m choosing not to put you in danger.” You say. The conversation alone is giving you a headache, though it’s one you have often. 
“I’m quite capable of protecting myself.” 
Humming, you let the conversation lapse into silence. It isn’t comfortable now, but soon enough it will be. You greatly admire Zelda’s willingness to help, the problem is that by helping she puts herself in danger. Too many people have been willing to put her at risk and you refuse to do the same. 
This is something you’ll figure out alone. If you hurt someone, especially Zelda, you will never forgive yourself. 
Your shoulders tense, flashes of images running behind your eyes; cruel nightmares brought on by your affliction. Nightmares of the beast taking over, rendered useless as it tears the woman apart. Bile rises in your throat as your stomach turns. 
Her hand settles on your arm once more, eyes apologetic. You give her a small smile. 
“The wards will allow you in, should you need my help.” Zelda murmurs. 
“Thank you.” 
The staccato of heels grows quiet as she walks down the hall and into her office. You let out a breath, closing your eyes and trying to push away the horrid images. Why is this your fate, of all things? Is it too much to ask for control over your own mind? 
Class doors open around you, forcing your movement. Your free period is over. In a few minutes, a class will await you, full of curious young witches and warlocks who are completely oblivious to their professor’s lack of control, lack of being. 
With your mind clouded by worry, the rest of the day passes quickly. It’s like a blur where you feel in control and yet, not present. It isn’t you speaking or moving; you watch from outside yourself as it all happens. You would blame it on the other part of yourself, but it has no involvement. It’s too busy getting ready for the full moon. 
Fear creeps in slowly, leaving you frozen in your living room. That’s all you remember before everything goes black. 
Something… hard is pressed against the side of your body. Not hot or cold, but lacking in any sort of temperature, and uncomfortable. You shift and something tugs at your arm. A pin-prick of pressure, pulled and released in an instant. The groan that leaves your mouth is something less than human, forcing you to open your eyes and look down. 
Splayed in front of you are two long legs covered in fur. You shift from laying on your side to laying on your stomach, feeling that familiar prickling as the wooden boards pull at your fur. The only thing allowing you to see in the surrounding darkness is an overhead light and your enhanced vision. You’re on a porch, one you don’t recognize until glancing at the door. 
Zelda Spellman stands in the doorway, leaning against the wood, smoke framing her face. She watches you with only a curious glance. You can’t believe you hadn’t caught the cigarette before, it’s stench overwhelming; unpleasant if not for the way it mingled with Zelda’s perfume. 
“Took you long enough.” She sighs, further framing herself with the smoke, “Come inside.” 
Your body moves before your mind can catch up. As if you’re on autopilot, you stand on aching haunches, moving towards her. It isn’t until your mind becomes present that you stop. That familiar voice, though faint, was ordering you not to obey—not to follow the orders of a witch. 
Before, this voice’s desires would be law, forcing you onto an alternate path. Now it was a suggestion. You continue in spite of its angry cries, following Zelda up the steps and into a room you’ve seen before. You hesitate. 
“I’ve had the sheets changed for you, go on.” Zelda urges.
Unfamiliar warmth fills your chest as you leap onto the bed. She had no idea you’d come, but made the effort anyway. The covers, no matter how old and worn, were reserved for you. You have some small place in the Spellman house. Even if it is temporary, it’s more than you had before. 
You turn, working out lumps that aren’t there. Curling in on your body, your ears twitch. A soft sigh catches them before the door closes and you’re alone. Left with the faint scent of cigarette smoke and Zelda, you settle in for the remaining hours of the night. 
“Hilda, don’t disturb her. She’s had a long night.” A voice hisses through your exhaustion. 
“I’m giving her some clothes.” Hilda hisses back. 
The lack of twitching in your ears is reassurance of being human once more. You try not to move too much or breathe too fast, so Hilda won’t worry that she’d woken you. If Zelda got on her case, you’d feel horrible. 
“You’ve done more than enough, now shoo.” Zelda whispers, her voice losing some of its bite. 
“I’m going, I’m going!” 
Hilda’s steps fade, but you can still feel a presence. Zelda. Her warmth seeps into your body despite her place across the room. Eyes pierce your flesh and continue to do so until you open your own. 
“Good morning.” You murmur, meeting her eyes. 
“It’s closer to the afternoon, but yes, good morning.” Zelda says. 
“Why didn’t you wake me?” 
You shoot up, just managing to remember your state of dress before the blanket falls. Some time during the night you burrowed below the covers. Now, they’re the only layer between you and Zelda’s stare. 
The near-slip makaes Zelda’s lips twitch, a smirk beginning to form. You would glare if the energy was available to you. But when you shoot up, your vision begins to spin, and your head feels heavy. 
“I’m not in the habit of giving my guests a schedule. You needed the rest.” 
“Still, I feel… rude for intruding on your home and then missing breakfast.” 
“As if Hilda could think of you as anything other than a delight. She’s saved you more than a fair portion of her food and excitement.” Zelda scoffs, but can’t hide the note of fondness when talking about her sister. 
“Thank her for me, will you? For that and the clothes.” You smile, motioning to the neatly folded shirt and pants at your feet. 
“You can thank her yourself after you get dressed.” 
Zelda makes no effort to move and you glare. Rolling her eyes, she covers them. She sees no point in your efforts to conceal your form, being around for ages makes the stigma around the human anatomy trivial to her, especially since she’s of the same sex. But she respects your desire for privacy. 
“Something was different last night, wasn’t it?” She asks, eyes still covered as you dress. 
Now that you think of it… something had been different. Though you can’t quite place your finger on it. All you know is that you felt better this morning, less tired than after previous transformations. 
“It was, I believe. Though I’m not sure what changed.” You answer honestly, finally coming to button the pants you were offered, “You can look now.” 
Zelda lowers her hand, taking in your appearance and nodding. Then she sits back in her chair. You notice a short glass on the table next to her, no doubt filled with a sophisticated mix of alcohol, despite the early hour. 
“You seemed more like yourself when you arrived. Less… aggressive.” 
“Aggressive?” You ask, a note of panic seeping in. Have you hurt her before? 
“You’ve never done anything physical, though a fair bit of snarling anytime I came near you. You were far more annoying than dangerous.” 
Swirling the liquid in her glass, she takes a slow sip. Her eyes watch over the rim as you relax. Many times the two of you have discussed your fears, especially those related to hurting others. Causing any pain to people around you would blemish your caring spirit. 
“I had more awareness when I arrived. You told me to come inside and I could, I didn’t have to fight with… it to do what I wanted.” You admit. 
“You have to stop referring to your other half as an ‘it.’” Zelda sighs, exhausted with the effort of repeating herself, “Every time you’ve ventured closer to acceptance, you’ve gained more control. You can’t fight for the rest of your life.” “Says who?” You snap. 
It’s pure, unfiltered anger that you direct her way. She hesitates, filling you with guilt, before moving forward without acknowledgement. 
“It isn’t healthy. You know this, you’re just too stubborn to admit it.” 
“Because this thing, this curse? It isn’t me. It will never be me. How can it be, when I can’t even control it?” 
The look in Zelda’s eyes leaves you uneasy. Worse than pity or sadness, it’s an understanding. She knows what it's like to lose control and it terrifies you. You’re keenly reminded of her own experience, your stomach turning unpleasantly. 
“Whether you like it or not, lycanthropy is a permanent affliction. You lose nothing from trying to accept it.” 
“I lose myself!” Tears pull at the corners of your eyes, threatening to fall with each breath. How many times will you have this conversation before she understands? 
Zelda looks into your eyes. Her mouth is open, lips poised to speak, when she pauses. A nerve has clearly been struck. It's only natural, but there will never be a conversation on this topic that didn’t strike a nerve. The open wound in your heart will know no peace. 
“In order to become what it is, it needs you, Y/N. Mind and body. It is fueled by magic, but lives only with your essence. Losing yourself is impossible.” Zelda stands, crossing the room. She stops before you, forcing your eyes to meet her own, “The being you believe is in your head? It has to bend to your will. All you need to do is accept its presence and it will fall in line.” 
You let some of the tears fall, emotion tightening in your chest. A hand wipes away the tears, delicate eyes following the trails of them. Can it really be so simple? 
Months; you’ve fought this feeling for months. So many words have left Zelda’s lips in that time. Reassurances, urges—all to accept the situation as it was. The things she said bounced off of your mind, never taking purchase, until now.
Relief should flood through your veins. The tears in your eyes should be happy, joyous. Instead, grief drags your heart from the joy it craves. You’ve prolonged this pain for months, when it could’ve changed in days, all because of your fear. 
You have no idea if Zelda will understand, but you don’t need to know. Not when she pulls you against her. Tears soak her blouse, she says nothing. Your hands clutch onto any part of her available. 
“I’m… scared.” Wincing against the grit in your voice, you try to pull away. Zelda doesn’t let you. 
“I know,” Zelda says, rubbing a hand over your back, “but one day you won’t be.” 
You hated to admit she’s right, and over time, she is. Instead of shutting the animalistic thoughts and urges out, you redirect them; picking up something to do or eating to keep your jaws busy. The fear is still ever present. As small as it is, it holds you back. 
Zelda takes on exercises to attune you to your own senses and now you stand in a large field, eyes closed as she instructs you. 
“What do you smell?” She calls from across the space. 
“I don’t know. Flowers?” 
The sigh she releases makes you grin. Then comes a click, metal on metal; Zelda’s lighter. You hear the sound dozens of times per day, enough for its absence to worry you. 
“Attune your senses to my cigarette. Expand your breadth, take it in.” 
Hands clench at your sides, you make the effort to open yourself to the surroundings. It's like unplugging your nose after swimming in a pool. For a moment, scents meld together. The mixture is like a stain on your sense of smell. Then they begin to separate, splitting like a cell. 
Petrichor clings to every blade of grass and leaf, enhancing the pungence of the sweet florals. Some are fresh, strong, their blooms new to the world. Others brown at the edges and give off musky nodes. Standing out among the natural scents is the familiar burning of Zelda’s cigarette. The tobacco is new, though the paper is damp. 
All of it is so defined now, clear and original. It was overwhelming before you latched onto Zelda. Now, in your mind’s eye, you can confirm her position based on the tobacco. It struggles to blot out the fresh blossoms on your left. If you hadn’t heard her voice come from that way before, you would locate her now. 
The more you think, the more you know it isn’t her cigarette that gives her away. Plenty of witches at the academy smoke. None of them wear the same scent, bear that same unintentional fragrance of soil like she does. It is her. As if it was written into her very DNA, you know this to be true. 
“Tell me what you know.” Zelda says. 
“They’re new, but you went out to smoke this morning. The paper was already damp before coming out here.” 
“What brand?” 
“Heavens Zelda, seriously? That’s impossible!” 
“Focus. Don’t make excuses.” She hardens her tone, sending a chill down your spine. 
You try to focus, but you can’t get a hint from the tobacco itself. Sometimes the box can give a hint of where it’s been. Nothing. You have little knowledge about cigarettes and can’t pinpoint anything. 
“I don’t know.” Your shoulders sag and you open your eyes. 
The red and white box catches your eye, you grit your teeth. It’d been so simple. Marlboro reds are popular, but that was the reason you didn’t name them. Zelda isn’t someone who ordinarily goes with the popular choice. 
“Do you normally smoke those?” 
“If I want an easy option, yes.” 
“What the hell does that mean?” A laugh escapes you, walking closer to her.
“I roll my own cigarettes, darling, that is what it means.” Zelda says. 
You raise an eyebrow at that. Everyday you learn something new about her, something obscure. She is a woman of refined taste and knowledge. The idea that she rolls her own cigarettes shouldn’t surprise you. 
Though that begs the question; if she rolls them, does she grow her own tobacco? The mortuary does reek of it, but you’d put that down to Zelda’s constant consumption. That would explain the ever present scents of less… legal plants coming from the attic as well. You guess that was just Ambrose’s doing. 
“Alright, Coach, what next?” Crossing the field to stand at her side, you offer her a grin. A small smile pulls fondly at her mouth. 
“I’m afraid I’m cutting it short today. I have far too many papers to grade this evening.” She sighs. 
Zelda pinches the bridge of her nose with two fingers, cigarette nearly burnt through in her other hand. You take it and stub it out on the bottom of your shoe. The entire moment, your eyes never leave her. The tense set of her shoulders, barely shaking hand, and creases on her forehead create a worrying picture. 
“Zelda, when was the last time you slept?” You ask. 
“Last night.” 
Her answer is quick, too quick. When your eyes meet, you can see the exhaustion reflected back in them. You reach out to rub a worry line from her forehead. It’s an unusual desire, but she allows it, despite her surprise. She even leans into it slightly. 
“And how long did you sleep last night?” You prod. 
There is no hiding the sheepish, caught expression on her face. It mingles perfectly with her typical indignation at being managed, “...Three hours.” 
“I thought as much. Come on.” 
You give her no time to adjust before taking her by the hand, pulling her across the green space in the direction of the academy. She stumbles for a brief moment. She attempts to pull her hand from your own, but your gentle grip is firm. An over dramatic sigh comes from behind you. 
“Must you manhandle me? I’m perfectly capable of walking.” Zelda says. 
“Are you?” You throw back without thinking, “Because you’re not capable of basic self care. It makes me wonder.” 
That is another piece of your affliction you are adjusting to; your natural shyness is nowhere to be found, replaced with a quick-wit that often surprises others. Zelda inhales sharply, but says nothing. She’s becoming used to your easy quips. There is nothing for her to argue against, though, as you’re right. 
It isn’t until you’re surrounded by the walls of Zelda’s office that you release her. Then you begin rifling through her desk, making her raise an eyebrow. She crosses her arms as she watches the scene, “What in Lilith’s name are you looking for?” 
“Your answer key.” You throw back distractedly. 
She’s at your side in an instant, unlocking the top left drawer and handing over a stack of papers. You scowl while she smirks. 
“What are you doing with them?” 
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m going to grade your papers.” You smile. 
Zelda freezes in place. She looks as if she’s never seen you before. You wait, in awe of a truly speechless Zelda Spellman. Finally she speaks again. 
“Why?” She asks breathlessly. 
“You need papers graded and you need a nap. You can’t do both, so I can take care of one for you.” 
Her flinty, suspicious eyes soften into warm pools. Indecision keeps her from speaking. You say nothing, not wanting to interrupt the thoughts running through her mind. Is your offer really so shocking? It feels like a trifle compared to all she’s done for you. 
“I can’t let you do that, Y/N.” Zelda tries, but her voice lacks conviction. 
“You can. Now, lay on the couch, I’ll go grab a blanket from my classroom!” 
You rush from the room before she can mount an argument. Left behind in the office, Zelda sits down heavily on the leather couch. She stares at the doorway in disbelief. A tumultuous swirl of emotions pulses through her chest, a mixture of pain and longing. Somewhere relief worms in. 
When is the last time someone went out of their way for her? Someone who isn’t her family, that was. She can’t recall. The number of friends she has can be counted on a single hand—a single finger, even, as she counts only you. Her heart aches. 
You rush back into the room, a large green blanket piled in your arms. Behind the mountain of fabric, she catches the smile you aim at her. Her heart ceases in its ache, instead overwhelmed with warmth. 
“I had to dig through my chest, but I remembered you liked this one last time,” You comment, missing the shaky smile on her lips, “Now lay down and don’t worry about a thing. I’ve got it all under control.” 
For once, Zelda has nothing to say. She lays her head on the arm of the couch, letting you drape the blanket over her. Her eyes follow you to her desk where you sit. Then they slip closed briefly. 
When they open again, she tries not to move. She’s content to watch you; the way you fiddle with the pen in your hand, eyes darting back and forth over the papers on the desk. You bite your lip in concentration and a fond smile breaks out on her features. 
Over the weeks of work, you’ve become sure of yourself. More than ever before. And in that, you begin to take extra steps for her. Though she’s coming to realize they’ve always been there. Your care isn’t new, just more obvious under her constant attention. Like your affections, she’s also failed to acknowledge her own. 
“Damn.” She hears you mutter, tapping the pen to the wood rapidly. Then you meet her eyes. 
A brief expression of surprise flits over your face, before you smile. Zelda lets her own smile remain. What was it she said to you—that accepting your situation would make you happier, offer more control? Perhaps accepting this feeling in her chest will do the same for her. 
“Has something stumped you?” 
“Maybe,” You say, smile never wavering, “Did you enjoy your rest?” 
“I did. It seems you need some now.” 
“I’m okay, Zelda-” 
“You can’t enforce self care on me and then refuse it yourself. It’s remarkably hypocritical.” Zelda says, raising a challenging eyebrow, “Come here.” 
Knowing you’ve been caught, you stand and cross the room. You plop unceremoniously down next to her. The action draws a chuckle from her lips, husky with sleep. 
Zelda offers a portion of the blanket to you. Rather than trade spots with you, she remains seated, waiting for your decision. It takes no time for you to take the offered warmth. In the silence of the room, you snuggle into her side. She leans back into you. 
It takes only moments before you drift into sleep. She traces a finger over your cheek, sleep pulling at her once more. Before joining you in unconsciousness, Zelda presses a sweet kiss to the crown of your head. You are safe—loved. And so is she. 
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aboutcustardcreams · 3 months
The monster within you
part three here
Lilith/Madam Satan x reader (most of all)
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The air is crispy outside, the setting sun is turning the sky into a bluish tinge. A light breeze blows through your hair, and gently tickles your already rosy cheeks. Lifting your knees up, you rest your chin above them, then lazily circle your legs with your arms.
The relic is right next to you, on the porch bench where you too are sitting. The temptation to put it on is so strong to cause you a wave of sickness in your stomach. But you made a promise to both Zelda and Cordelia, that you intended to keep.
As you stare anywhere but there, you find yourself spiraling, thinking of all the possible scenarios regarding your family history. On one hand, you wish your parents were alive. It's true they gave you up, but maybe they had no choice in the matter.
It soothes you to think they wanted to offer you a better chance in life. However, there was another side of you that didn't believe that. It could be that they gave you up for selfish reasons only, or a tragic accident occurred, and just like that you were left orphaned.
You crinkle your nose and fidget slightly.
Turning around, your eyes bore into that piece of cloth again. As you do, you feel a chill run up your spine, both due to the chilly air outside and the irrational fear of the unknown.
You aren't scared of the possibility of getting physically hurt. It's more the emotional damage that keeps you stalling. You find yourself reviving your memories that dated back to your life with them, before Greendale, New Orleans, Zelda and Cordelia. You really thought they loved you. Up to a point, at least, they did.
When magic showed up, everything went south.
"My, my, aren't your thoughts loud?", it's the voice of a woman you've never heard before.
Blinking softly, you lift your chin and find a slim figure standing in front of you. Your eyes bore into hers, and when you do, you're sure to have never seen a clearer hue of blue before. Before you can ask her who she is and what she is doing there, the woman talks again.
"You need to be more careful, princess," her admission is meant to sound like a scold, but her gaze is soft and kind. "I've been watching you for quite a while and you never noticed," she chants with an arched eyebrow, as to prove a point.
You scoff lightly and can't help the amused smile curving your lips, "I wonder what's so interesting about me today to have so many visitors my way", there's a hint of sarcasm in your voice that doesn't go unnoticed.
The woman steps closer and hums, "many things."
You chuckle slightly, "careful there or I'll end up believing I'm special," you tease.
"You most certainly are," the brunette remarks firmly.
Your brows knit in confusion, failing to grasp her point. She lets out a sigh and takes the remaining steps left to close the gap between the two of you. She gestures to the empty spot next to you, as a permission to sit down. When you give her a hesitant nod of your head, she beams down at you.
"Every witch, of course, guards something special, and you aren't less of them."
"What's your name?", you inquire, completely ignoring her previous statement.
She gives you a subtle grin, eyeing you with the corner of her eye so as not to miss your reaction, "I'm Lilith, and before you wonder, yes, that Lilith."
Blinking in utter disbelief, your mouth parts slightly ajar, unsure of what's the best to say. Then, you shoot up, "I-I'm so sorry your... majesty, I had no idea," your cheeks flush a darker hue of pink.
Her calm response surprises you.
"There is no need to apologize, princess. And please, let's keep aside the formalities. Lilith will do," she insists, eyes roaming over you without any malice.
You blink softly, still partially in trance.
That behavior of yours elicits a fond smile to tug at her red lips. With a single finger the first witch prompts you to sit down again next to her and you oblige quickly, maybe too quickly because she laughs again.
"Do you wish to come inside?", you ask awkwardly.
She shakes her head, "that won't be necessary, no. Unless you want to," Lilith doesn't fail to notice the little goosebumps that have risen over your skin.
"I'm okay," you state quietly.
Lilith stares right into your eyes, as to make sure you are being honest with her. A part of her thinks you're not, but she decides not to pressure you further.
"Do you plan to use it?", she questions, referring to Lucia's relic, folded between the two of you.
You blink and look down, "I think so. It's the sole way that can help me understand who I am," your voice comes out almost whispered. It causes Madame Satan to feel a weird pang in her chest.
Taking it in between your hands, you later ask, "can you tell me more about it?"
Lilith shifts in her spot, scooting closer to you, "well, it's complex and unpredictable," her expression hides a veil of concern as she speaks.
"I've been told," you nod, a tad discouraged and frustrated to be honest.
"The relic's both blessed and cursed, and that's what makes it so powerful," when she tries to take it from your hands, you let her.
"Could it turn me blind?", your voice is hesitant and a bit fearful.
The way her eyes shoot open at your unexpected question almost elicits a giggle out of you.
"What in the world are you saying now?"
"Not my thought, but Zelda's," you clarify.
You spot a hint of amusement veiling Lilith's eyes, a warm flush to her cheeks as she shakes her head, remembering the redhead witch's temperament very well.
"When I mentioned that the relic belonged to Lucia, Saint Lucia, she totally freaked out."
Lilith hums amusedly, "I'd have been surprised if she did not," you feel yourself nodding at that.
"She's a weird witch, your partner. The softest matriarch I've ever encountered."
Scrunching up your nose, you comment, "You don't want to say that to her face."
It was funny how despite Lilith being Queen of Hell, you still 'feared' Zelda's reaction the most.
Lilith scoffs and pats your knee, "I already have, on several occasions," she mutters in a whisper, as if that was supposed to stay a secret between the two of you.
You never thought the Queen of Hell could be that fun. But you sure expected her to be more...intimidating. It was strange that she looked exactly like you expected her to be. Of a timeless elegance and graciousness, like someone that could bend everyone to her will, both with violence and softness. That's what probably intrigued you about her.
"To answer your question, I don't think the relic has the power to turn someone blind, simply because it's not its purpose."
You nod at that, reasoning out loud, "it's meant to help people see."
"True, but I'd advise you to be cautious regardless," she adds apprehensively. When she brushes some hair from your face, you're genuinely taken aback by what appeared to be an odd and unexpected display of affection.
You blurt out, "I will. I can do this," the intent to reassure her has also the aim to encourage yourself.
Playfully humming, she nods, "you do look like a badass."
"That's a huge compliment, thank you," your tongue peeks out of your mouth as you smile. A gesture that makes Lilith's insides melt and twist.
She scoots closer, and stays silent for a moment, staring into the starry sky above you. A pause follows in which both of you are comfortable, adjusting to each other's presence.
"You've got a nice family here, haven't you?", when she suddenly speaks again, your eyebrows shoot up. "Zelda and Cordelia are taking good care of you, are they not?"
At the mention of your girlfriends' name, your cheeks turn a deep hue of pink. You silently wonder how she knows of all these things about you, despite having a slight idea yourself.
"How do you know about that? About me?"
Playfully tapping your knee again, she says, "I'm Queen of Hell, princess. Nothing gets past me."
That answer seems reasonable enough. Sighing, you look up at the sky, only to close your eyes a moment after, "I just want to know where my place is; well, where it used to be," you exhale softly, trying to imagine the face of your mother and your father.
Lilith glances at you with soft eyes, remaining wordless. She reaches for your shoulder, offering you a light, encouraging squeeze. Another display of affection in which you find a surprising comfort.
"Wait, considering you know so much about everything, any chances you know about my parents too?"
That question stunned Lilith, however she tried her best not to show. Her mouth falls agape, in search for an answer buried deep down her throat. And suddenly her chest feels too small for her heart to fit, for her to breathe.
"I'm just joking. Don't try so hard," you tilt your head to the side, chuckling slightly.
"Right, sure," she admits with a wry smile. You frown, feeling like there's something she isn't telling you. Maybe you caused offense, without noticing?
"About your adoptive family," your breath halts in your chest as she speaks again, "what was it like?"
Her face dims a little, when you take an extra minute to think about it.
"I had a happy childhood," your voice is thick with emotion, there's honesty in your words, mingled with some blatant white lies you hoped she wouldn't notice. "Everything a kid could wish for: a nice house, the prettiest room— a couple of close friends in the neighborhood."
Leaning forward, the Demoness runs a hand across your back, up to the tip of your hair. You crane your neck towards her, and she takes advantage of the opportunity to tug a piece of hair from your face, to better grasp the shades of your eyes.
"They loved me until they couldn't."
You blink away the beginning of some tears, while Lilith's hand freezes on the spot that's now your cheek, "What does it mean?", you bite your lip, your eyes are slightly averted now.
"When they discovered I was a witch, everything changed and they started ...fearing me," you sniffle, eyes shutting closed for a moment, "but they failed to see that behind my powers rising, there was still the same old Celeste. Their... daughter."
Feeling her hand brushing against your cheek, you turn around, to look back into those icy eyes. "Oh, princess," she coos sadly, and you try your best to compose yourself. The pain in your eyes is hard to mask and stabs Lilith's chest like dozens of celestial daggers.
You exhale shakily, forcing a smile out of you, "when I decided to leave and they made no effort to stop me, I knew it was for the best."
Lilith's features morph into so many different emotions that you struggle to identify. She appears haunted by questions piling up into fragile sand castles swaying in the wind. You're not sure anymore if she is mostly mad, concerned or incredulous. It's probably a mix of these.
"Yet you think of them as good people, why?", she breathes out in disbelief. Her features hardened a bit, as well as her posture, however, her eyes remained soft, even veiled with tears she wasn't allowing herself to shed.
The answer came out as easily as ever.
"They took me in, loved me in their own way. Even if I wasn't theirs," you point out.
Lilith tries to say something but you beat her to it.
"I will not discredit that love just because it didn't last forever," it sounded reasonable to you, despite the deep crease between your brows.
Lilith swallows a lump in her throat and stays quiet, despite having many things to say.
"You're so sickly sweet," that's the response she decides to go for.
Your hum quizzically, "why does it sound like an insult?"
Lilith bites back a laugh as she takes in the priceless expression on your face, "maybe because it is," she jokes, with an arched eyebrow.
You roll your eyes, but smile amusedly, "you know, for being the Queen of Hell, you're wildly nice."
"Excuse me!", Lilith fake gasps and pats your hand, shooting you a glare. "You got some nerve saying that to me, princess," there is no seriousness in her features, despite her best attempts. You see a spark of joy in her eyes, but you could be wrong.
"What in Hecate's name is going on here?", you'd recognize her voice anywhere.
You suck in a breath before pressing your lips in a thin line.
"Zelda, my dear friend," Lilith makes a face before begrudgingly pulling away from you to take in the two witches standing at the front door. "It's so nice to see you again," there's a hint of sarcasm in her tone that makes you sputter.
How bold and fearless she can be?
The witch stares at Lilith eerily still and calm, too calm, "I must admit you got a great timing," she reasons with a scoff, "always showing up when there are matters to sort out."
It sounded like an accusation to you, a devious one but still.
Lilith groans and waves a hand nonchalantly.
"Celeste, who's this?", Cordelia asks you, a look of concern in her brown eyes.
"Well, she...", you sit up, leaning a bit forward, as if in need to introduce her properly and with due respect. However, the first witch spares you the trouble.
"I go by many names, I'm known as the mother of demons, the dawn of doom, Queen of Hell, but you can call me Lilith."
Zelda winces in disgust, whereas Cordelia's eyes grow bigger. Her brain momentarily feels like going short-circuit. "Oh my," her mouth parts slightly, "It's a pleasure meeting you, your majesty," she bows her head as a form of respect, causing Lilith to grin from ear to ear.
She likes being praised, you thought.
"Cut the crap, and state your business," Zelda spats.
Both you and the Supreme glance at the redhead as if she had grown a tail. As for Lilith, she remains unshaken, absolutely unbothered by her tone and ways in her regards. Probably because she was used to being treated like that by the eldest of the Spellmans.
Sighing, she gets up and smoothing her skirt while doing so.
"Can't I answer the prayers of one of my witches in need?", she asks, sure to have a point.
You decide to keep to yourself that that was a lie. You didn't know why you felt the need to have her back. Maybe because she had yours without even waiting for you to ask.
"Celeste's name is not even in the Book of the Beast, why would you care about her?", she questions, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I do not discriminate, for your information," the Demoness states as calmly as possible.
Zelda lets out a humorless chuckle, "since when you're so benevolent?"
You knew of their troubled history, as you have been told by Zelda herself, plus the perspective of both Hilda and Ambrose. They didn't start off on the right foot, but eventually things went better. You knew Lilith had manipulated Sabrina into following the path of the Dark Lord, but you also knew that in the end, Lilith turned her back on him, and killed him herself. It wasn't exactly a redemption, you're well aware of that, but who, in this life, is sinless?
Lilith's aura gets a bit darker, a clear sign she is growing impatient, "do I need to remind you I kept your beloved Sabrina alive countless of times, while you were totally unaware of her doings?"
Low blow. You suck in a shaky breath, spotting your girlfriend's face turning pale. Cordelia, as well, winces as if she had been the one to take the blow.
"Wipe your mouth before talking about my niece," she warns, dangerously low. "We both know you did what you did because it was convenient to you."
"I believe we already talked about this," Lilith talks back. She later drops her shoulders, and when she does you realize her last intention is to fight with her or anyone of you. "I do come in peace, Zelda. No funny business."
"It's true," you decide to intervene on her behalf, standing tall next to her. "She's been nothing but nice to me. If you don't want to believe her, believe me."
"Nice?", Zelda echoes in disbelief. "Since when the Queen of Hell performs kindness on a daily basis?", she asks you, but eyes her.
"Ah, you know, I felt up for a change today," Lilith pipes up with a fake smile.
Chuckling bitterly, she comments, "say that to someone that doesn't know you."
You feel yourself rolling your eyes, before tiredly pinching the root of your nose. Why did everything turn out to be a big deal?
"Alright Celeste," a brief, nervous smile crosses the Supreme's face, "you should come inside," reaching out a hand towards you, she eyes you with hope in her eyes. Concern hidden behind a mask of composure.
You open your mouth to say something but Lilith precedes you once again.
"She is right" when you frown in response, she continues, "you're actually freezing out there, aren't you?"
"Maybe a little," you concede, with a small smile that Lilith soon reciprocates. You Cordelia draw you close and can't deny the fact that you feel immediately warmer and better in her arms. However, you feel sorry for Lilith. A part of you doesn't want to say goodbye yet.
"Would you like to stay?"
She laughs softly and shakes her head, "I think I've intruded enough. You three should rest, it's pretty late now."
"That's probably for the best, yes," the redhead agrees with a firm nod of her head. She takes a mental note to ask you as to why in Hecate's name you would invite the Queen of Hell for a sleepover.
Your pout doesn't go unnoticed by Lilith, whose lips half rise in a brief smirk. She approaches closer and nudges you playfully, "don't be sad, princess. I'm not dying."
She's right and you know it. "Will you be back?", Zelda raises an eyebrow at you. Even Cordelia remains stunned by your sudden interest towards the Queen of Hell. "I mean, if I need a piece of advice," you mutter tentatively.
Lilith couldn't hide her pride, if she tried. "I'm only one prayer away, princess," she promises, her voice barely above a whisper.
Zelda is sure to have never heard her use such a soft tone before. Maybe just once or twice, but in very different circumstances. Your eyes mirror the flames of Hell as Lilith disappears into a vortex of fire, back to Hell.
Woah, very scenic, you think to yourself.
Cordelia takes a sigh of relief right after. She holds you closer to her front, and buries her face in your hair, "you got us worried, again,” there is a hint of playfulness in her tone, but you know it’s not just it.
"Sorry I lost track of time," you mutter apologetically.
Zelda's nose scrunches up as she narrows her eyes at you, "what was that?"
Shrugging cutely, you echo innocently, "what was what?"
The redhead rolls her eyes at your antics, while Cordelia lets out a warm chuckle. Placing both hands upon her hips, she continues, "shouldn't we talk about what happened tonight?"
Suddenly feeling tired, you let out a yawn in response.
"Maybe tomorrow," it's Cordelia's response, her lips press a kiss on top of your head and your lashes flutter slightly.
Zelda huffs and rolls her eyes before looking at the two of you alternatively, "You two go ahead, I'll catch you up in a minute," she mutters, suddenly in need to have a smoke.
"Don't be long," you mutter lazily. She brushes her hand against your cheek, telling you not to worry.
While you and Cordelia walk inside, Zelda sits on the porch's bench. Tired, confused, worried. Her eyes glance down at Lucia's relic still there, as a reminder that troubles have not finished yet, if anything they've just started. Summoning a cigarette in her hand, she lights it up, before taking a long, well deserved drag.
"Whatever it is you're not telling, Lilith?", she asks in a faint whisper, letting out a big puff of smoke, "What were you doing here?"
The Queen of Hell hears her loud and clear, while sitting uncomfortably on her throne. Running a hand through her hair, she lets out a sigh. Her eyes fall close, as she breathes softly in and out. Hearts pounding in her chest, annoyingly. She wish she knew. 
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cakexblankett · 9 months
You looked around, only then noticing the amount of couples there were. You were in the middle of the crowd, it was packed with people, holding hands or hugging eachother, and then there was you, alone. You looked up at the dark blue sky, stars shining bright above you. The moon was full and bright, lighting slightly the night.
You had a flashback of the year that passed. You cried, you laughed, you found love...
You remembered the day you met her. You had only started your first year of university, and your first subject of the day was about to start. You waited patiently for the professor to arrive, sitting at the last row. You chatted a bit with the girl beside you. She was nice but you hadn't too much in common so it was a bit hard communicating.
Then she arrived, in all her glory. The professor cleared her voice and scrutinized the crowd. You looked at her in awe. She had red curls, blue eyes and lips that seemed so kissable, you wanted to jump at her and see if that theory was true.
You then started attending her every lecture, discarding the others. You just wanted to see her, you didn't even pay that much attention to the lesson. You watched her every move; how she motioned her hands while she spoke, how she quirked her eyebrow when somebody said something idiotic, how her lips motioned upwards when somebody said something intelligent. Her voice was soft like summer rain, and sweet like peaches.
Everyday, you tried to find a reason to talk to her. At times, you consulted her because you didn't understand something- and that was true, since you only paid attention to how her lips moved but not to the words escaping them. When it was a festivity, you gifted her chocolates or flowers, ignoring the looks of the other students.
At first, she was cold and distant. She replied briefly, asking you to pay more attention during the lecture. But slowly, she started accepting your gifts.
She even let you call her by her first name: Zelda. You repeated her name like a mantra, when you woke up, when you were arriving to the lecture, when you left the class, when you were on the train, when you arrived back home, before saying goodnight. Her name sounded fantastic, and it was so her. She looked like a Zelda.
One day, you received an e-mail from her. You were ecstatic. You opened it immediately. She asked you to go see her in her office. You giggled, starstrucked. You prepared yourself in less than five minutes and literally ran to her. You talked about how was the studying going, diverting then to talking about anything and everything.
She made you feel at ease, feel secure. For her birthday, you surprised her with a birthday cake made from scratch by you. It didn't look that fancy, and it didn't taste that good, but she complimented you nonetheless. You blushed, smiling.
Then you confessed. You told her your feelings, and it all crumbled down. She explained to you that she was your professor, she couldn't be with you, even she liked to be.
And so she began acting colder and colder by day, she returned to replying to you with short sentences, she didn't accept any more gifts. You cried and cried, for months.
"... 10..."
You shook your head, making those memories go away. You took a sip of you champagne, looking at the crowd.
"... 9..."
Your heart ached. You tried to forget her, but you were unable to. She was ingrained in your memory.
"... 8..."
You just wished she was there, even if only as your professor. You wished to start the year with her.
"... 7..."
You finished your glass. A hand slithered around your stomach. You gasped, looking behind you.
"... 6..."
Your jaw dropped.
"Hello dear."
She smirked. You stared at her in disbelief, her hand now on your hip. The contact of her palm on your clothed skin made you shiver.
"... 5..."
You tried talking but you couldn't emanate a sound. Her eyes pierced into you.
"You don't have to say anything."
You closed you mouth, gulping.
"... 4..."
She came closer, you two were so close you could feel her perfume. She smelled like peaches. You loved that fruit.
"... 3..."
She looked at your lips, then back at your eyes.
"... 2..."
Her lips were so close, they barely touched yours. You closed your eyes.
"... 1..."
She whispered something but you couldn't hear it, since the cloud went feral, screaming at the top of their lungs.
And then she kissed you. Her lips were soft, and she tasted like cherry. Your second favourite fruit. Then the kiss stopped. You opened your eyes.
"Happy new year, Y/N."
You smiled.
"Happy new year, Zelda."
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frost-queen · 7 months
Where angels fall (Reader x Caliban)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22,@elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are Sabrina's friend and brought down from the heavens. When you meet Caliban, he is very suspicious you might be more than a mortal. When Caliban and you grow closer and fall in love, you decide to tell him one day about how you are an angel. Caliban wanting nothing more but to have you all for himself, corrupts you into giving up your wings to be with him.
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The sky rumbled. Thick clouds covering up the clear sky. Another rumble thundered behind the clouds. Then a light lighting up some of the clouds. It got brighter as it made the clouds part. Creating a way as the light busted out, hitting the ground hard. For a moment it lighted the brightest till it dimmed out.
The light being swallowed back up. The clouds drawing closer again. On the ground a figure kneeling till it slowly rose. Taking a deep breath. Greendale. Your newly home for as long as he ordered you. The faint glow from around you dimmed out. You took your first step. Stumbling. The next one steadier. As you walked on earth for the first time. Being far away from home.
“Hey Y/n!” – Sabrina said when she entered the library. She approached you as you were seated down reading a book with much interest. – “Hey Sabrina.” – you replied glancing briefly up from your book when she came closer to your table. She smiled at you, resting her hand on the table as you suddenly heard another voice. One you didn’t knew. – “Sabrina!” – the voice called out as you noticed Sabrina rolling with her eyes.
Clearly she didn’t like this person this much. Glancing to the side you saw a young boy approach. Blonde and very attractive. – “I wasn’t done talking to you back in ...” – the boy said as Sabrina cleared her throat stopping the last of his words. She hinted with her head at you as the boy chuckled humorously.
“A memory wipe can be easy on your mortal friend Sabrina.” – he said all cocky. – “Caliban!” – Sabrina groaned out, clearly annoyed with him. – “Yet.” – Caliban continued approaching your table. You lowered your book when he set his hand by your side, coming to hover over your shoulder. He took a deep breath, taking in your smell. – “This mortal doesn’t smell mortal enough.”
You grabbed your book, lifted it up and slapped it up right in Caliban’s face. It startled him, making him stumble back and away from you. – “Personal space is a thing creep!” – you called out, shoving your chair back. Sabrina snickered silently as Caliban was touching his nose where you had hit him. You had gotten up, keeping the book under your armpit. Coming face to face with the creep that was sniffing you. Now you had a clear look of him. And he off you. – “Feisty that one is.” – he said to Sabrina.
Sabrina pulled her shoulders up with an innocent smile. You threw him a sarcastic smile to annoy him. – “So not so mortal, who are you?” – he wanted to know, dying with curiosity. There was something about you that was a mystery. There were some parts of you human, but not all. Something supernatural. When you remained silent went Caliban down in a bow. – “Caliban, prince of hell!” – he exaggerated with some flair.
Sabrina sighed loud with a roll of her eyes. – “Pleasure.” – you responded dull and unbothered. Caliban chuckled nervously when you didn’t seem impressed at all. – “And yours? Who are you?” – he asked taking a step closer to you. – “Wouldn’t you like to know.” – you answered witty taking your leave. Caliban stared stunned back at you. – “Sabrina?” – he asked, pleading with her for answers. Sabrina pulled her shoulders and hands up, not getting involved with it.
After a few classes you went up to your locker. Shutting the door, you were surprised by Caliban standing by your locker. A smug smile on his lips. – “So?” – he said leaning with his hand against the lockers. – “Must I guess or drag it out of you?” – he offered. You laughed at his eagerness. – “I’ll give you my name if you get on your knees and beg.” – you said just to tease him.
Caliban blinked surprised but then slowly went down to one knee, palms up as if bringing you a piece offering. – “Oh my!” – you said astonished that he was foolish enough to do so. You laughed loud, turning around and leaving before his other knee could touch the ground. – “But…” – Caliban muttered out, watching you leave.
“What are you doing?” – he turned his head seeing Sabrina stare confused at him. – “Nothing.” – Caliban replied bitsy, getting up quickly. Still snickering you clutched your books closer to your chest. It was kind of fun seeing the prince of hell throw himself at you like that. If only he knew you were his opposite. Pure and light.
A few days later you were at the library again. A hidden section in a corner at an hour most had gone home. You were reading informative when you heard a whish of flames burning. You immediately shut your book, sliding it down on your lap. For it could only be one person that appeared out of thin air like that. – “So here you are hiding, not so mortal.” – you heard Caliban speak as his footsteps approached from behind.
He set his hand down on the table again, coming to hover over your shoulder. He brought his head down against your ear. – “So you like playing games.” – he whispered as it felt intimate and fluttering. – “Only with you.” – you teased letting your head fall back to look at him. Caliban came hovering over your face with his, smiling flirtatious. – “For a name I shall get on my knees, I will go to hell and bring you the brightest jewel just to hear your name from your lips.” – he spoke making you smile.
“Please don’t.” – you chuckled out bringing your head back. You got up making Caliban move back to give you space. You went to a bookshelf, placing the book you had read back before Caliban could notice it. Caliban picked up another book, opening it uninterested. – “So what must I do?” – he asked. – “To hear that glorious name of yours.” – he added coming nearer.
You turned back to him, leaning against the bookcase. – “Why? Is the prince of hell interested in a mortal?” – you asked as he kept coming closer. He shut the book, dropping it on the table before he neared you. His arm he rested above your head against the bookshelf. – “Very.” – he spoke lowly. You felt yourself supress a squeal at how flirtatious that was of him.
“Not so mortal.” – he finished tilting your chin a bit back with his thumb. You took a deep breath, debating hard. Yet there was no harm in sharing a name. That still didn’t gave away what you truly were. One send from above, his sworn enemy. – “Y/n.” – you told him. Caliban’s smile widened. He was still touching your chin with his thumb. – “Y/n, a name for a princess.”
You punched him in the armpit for being so ridiculous. Caliban only chuckled as if not effected by the pain. You pushed him away returning to the table. From behind you, you could hear him mumble your name. Saying it like a mantra over and over. As if he thought he’d forget about it. It made you snicker quietly at how ridiculously cute it was. – “Caliban, saying my name three times isn’t going to summon me like bloody Mary!” – you called out to him.
Caliban smiled sheepishly, being caught by you. He hastened himself to your side, pulling a chair back to sit down with you. – “Maybe I like saying it. Y/n.” – he spoke leaning with his chin on his hand. You rolled your eyes at him. Caliban gawked in disbelieve at you. – “Don’t roll your eyes at me, not so mortal.” – he said grabbing your wrist and holding it down on the table.
His sense of immaturity only made you laugh louder. – “Don’t mock me not so mortal Y/n!” – he called out pulling at your wrist. You fell forwards coming face to face with him. Noses inches away from each other. Laughter had stopped as you could only remain still before pulling aware away. Hoping your cheeks weren’t too flushed.
Walking home that night, you gently tapped your hand against your forehead. – “Stop, stop, stop.” – you muttered out trying to knock some sense into you. – “Stop liking him.” – you slapped yourself hard, a bit too hard, making you rub the area with shame. Taking a deep breath you kept telling yourself to not fall for him. No good would come from it. The prince of hell with an angel from the heavens.
Not falling for Caliban was hard. Harder than any other task you had even been given. He wasn’t even school bound yet he kept appearing out of nowhere just to see you. His acts towards you were always full of flirts and charm. There had been a few close encounters where you had almost kissed him. The urge haven grown so desperate, you barely had any control over yourself.
Caliban was doing something to you and you couldn’t stop it. It was too late for that. There was no point in denying it that you liked Caliban and that he liked you in return. Perhaps telling him the truth about yourself wouldn’t be such a bad idea. You felt comfortable and loved enough around him to share your true self. You would do anything for him. That is how deep you had fallen for him. The prince of hell had you on your knees.
It was getting darker as Caliban was walking you home. Biting your lip, you took his hand, pulling him away from the main road over some grass fields. – “This isn’t your usual route home.” – he commented, blindly following you. – “I know.” – you answered going over a pumpkin patch, watching out carefully to not step on one. – “So where are we going Y/n?” – he asked nearly stepping on a pumpkin.
You remained silent walking over to a near small forest. You needed to be away from spying eyes if you were to reveal your true self to Caliban. Near an abandoned playground in the woods you came to a halt. – “Romantic.” – Caliban commented with a chuckle as you shushed him. – “Caliban, you were right, I’m not a mortal.” – you told him. – “I knew it!” – he called out with glory. – “I smelled it on you right away.” – you slapped him to stop interrupting you.
“Caliban listen!” – you made clear. You took a deep breath as Caliban could only stare at you. Was perhaps finally his burning desire off knowing going to be fulfilled? – “I’m going to show you who I truly am, but please don’t feel repulsed.” – you begged him. – “How can I be repulsed by you, princess?” – he answered brushing his fingers down your cheek.
You took his hands taking a step back. You closed your eyes. Caliban stared in awe at you when you started to glow. Light up with a soft bright light. Then with the sound of feathers appeared two white wings from your back. Opening briefly to its full length, before settling behind you. Caliban gawked in love at you. Going down on his knees for you as he bestowed upon your light. – “I am a child of the heavens.” – you told him after having opened your eyes once more.
“You are angelic Y/n.” – he complimented in wonder. He kissed your glowing hands making you smile flustered. Aware of your own self and Caliban’s nature, you looked saddened away. The heavens and the hell couldn’t be together. They never could. Caliban noticed the sadness on your face. He got back up stroking your cheek with his thumb. – “I want you so badly Y/n, but He and Lucifer will never allow us to be.” – Caliban spoke. – “I want you too.” – you answered bringing his hand down from your cheek to hold.
“What if we keep it secret?” – you asked. Caliban shook his head.  – “Yours and mine, would never let it pass. He will cut off your wings for loving a hell bound prince.” – he went on. – “He is forgiving.” – you told Caliban. – “He is not, not about this. We shouldn’t be.” – Caliban pushed your hand away, turning himself away. – “No!” – you called out as Caliban smirked half.
“I want to be with you. I want to be yours. I love you Caliban.” – you said desperately wanting him back. – “I love you too Y/n, but your wings prevent us from being together.” – he said saddened. – “Then I don’t want them!” – you shouted. Caliban smiled. His corruption working. – “Are you sure? There is no return Y/n.” – he had turned himself back to you. You nodded. – “I love you, I don’t want my wings if I can’t be yours.” – you told him clearly.
Caliban smiled cupping your cheek. – “Then be my princess.” – he whispered before kissing you. The moment your lips touched his, your wings started to disintegrate. The glow on you fading out to nothing. But a mortal appearance you had. Letting the change pass by you, you kept kissing Caliban. Now I have you for eternity Caliban thought.
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