#you guys get two chapters since i love yall the most
"Aftercare" , a Zelda/reader fic
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mikodrawnnarratives · 10 months
*cracks knuckles* @paper-lilypie
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and brainrot. I've been sketching these ideas out for like, a year. And done nothing with them until this point
this has been festering. in my mind.
*note: I didn't get around to drawing it, but I imagine Sun, Moon, and Y/n say their vows at the Bell place thingie that I need to reread in the fic. Y'know, the place Moon climbs up to, to get away from y/n. Yeh they declare their love up there and smoochies*
I should really reread that bit actually lol
Before moving forward, I'm gonna rant about outfits
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this is the outfit that I base Sun and Moon's wedding look on because I just think it fits so well. I share this so you guys see the vision and forgive my inexperience with drawing these folds
Cool? cool.
Also, I went through several variations of what Y/n would wear before settling on this bc nothing that came up when I searched "gender neutral wedding gear" really fit
Wanted a mix between gown and suit and y'know this ended up being more suit but I like it a lot so we're going with that. It also came to me in a vision so that has to say something.
(Ok but I did envision Y/n having a dress similar to this one character's dress in Bad Guys but I couldn't draw it so I scrapped it)
(ok some details stayed but most of the concept had to go)
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so like- you see it right?
Btw. All of them (including guests) have pockets. just. to ease your mind.
ok back to actually drawn wedding shenanigans
Because, there are many, wedding shenanigans
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Y'know the trend of smashing wedding cake into the bride/groom/wedded partner's face right?
There's no way this wouldn't escalate and y/n wouldn't enlist their siblings in the chaos.
They'll get like- one or two good wedding pics before this.
the cake tasted good tho
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Let me just say. I am so proud of how I did these hands I'm oogling my own art I did so good GHGHHHHHHFDS
I like??? Want to do more?????
cuties shenanigans below they are obnoxious and they know it
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By the way by the way you may notice the flower dress
I WILL be getting around to Lily x DCA STUFF I WILL
Tho I got busy and had a really hard time drawing/finishing sketches when I did have time so. I chose to post what I have so far so it's out before November ends
well Ig u are safe
for nowwwww
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Bouquet toss real
fun fact I initially wanted to draw Sun, Moon, and Copper y/n tossing the bouquet together
but their arm lengths would NOT make that work kjfdkljsdklj
so y/n tosses the bouquet bc they are the specialest
(Or they won the round of monopoly)
(who's to say)
(we don't talk about game night)
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But all three of them are the criminal. masterminds. They planned this from the start. Holly and Chica HAD NO CHANCE after the role they played in getting Y/N AND SUN AND MOON together.
I think this video would also be something cute that I could see happening for their wedding lol
Y/n and the daycare attendants hand the bouquet to Holly and then she gets proposed to by Chica
Anyway I still have a whole list of wedding shenanigans I need to draw
Sarah and Yao being some because when I tried before I couldn't sketch them out to my liking.
And the more CCRT gets expanded on, the more I'm sure will be present in their wedding since there are only 3 chapters out so far and enough art for me to make my guesses dlkkldsf
I'm sure there are plenty of fun things that can be included into this wedding, or edited, once more is revealed of the characters and their relationships
and who would be wedding guests is a little more up in the air, for instance and... who'd be able to show up in the first place considering unknown state of... living
(*cough cough*-Glamrock Foxy-*cough cough*)
...and being on good terms! thats.. important too. y'know moon and foxy weren't really exes but it may still be a bit awkward if he got invited y'know yknow
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tonyboneysblog · 5 months
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: talks of abuse/ trauma!
notes: yall I cooked on this angst chapter (there’s comfort after I swear)
summary: You, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
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It’s been maybe a week or two since Fumikage, your precious angel, has spread his wings and joined U.A.
and today is currently your off day! Which isn’t completely rare but you still enjoy them.
Most the time you clean and tidy up the house, checking the fridge to see if you need to get groceries- which is your favorite because you love going to the grocery store and-…it’s full?
inside has a small note in Fumikages hand writing…
“Decide to go shopping for you so you could rest, Love Fumikage & Dark Shadow.”
darn your amazing son.
so now, you don’t have anything to do because your son decided he wanted to helpful.
So what do you do?
watch the news of course.
Nothing interesting is happening today really, maybe today is just a slow day!
those are your least favorite.
but then, your savior came, that one bird guy you saw at the restaurant!
apparently he was doing an interview today on channel 58, and you were only slightly interested in him.
So you switch to the channel obviously, seeing his amazing wings that were much bigger than yours…
you really don’t know how long you watched that interview- then decided to watch a few videos on his quote, “epic saves”.
Maybe it was the wings, they were bright and shiny- maybe it’s just a bird thing.
what’s not a bird thing though is going onto G-bay to find overpriced merch of him.
It’s like starting a really good show and hyper-fixating on the side character instead of the main one.
After about 20 minutes of scrolling, you finally found your holy grail.
a 15 inch hawks plush with metallic wings, now you really liked shiny things- which is why it caught your eye.
Probably just a bird thing.
It was 30 dollars though…well whatever you’ll regret this later.
now all you have to do is wait for your new shiny edition to your nest! and while waiting you don’t mind watching more-
your phone vibrates, it’s a call from the school?
Fumikage did warn you it would get kind of crazy up at U.A.- did he get hurt?
“Is this Ms.Tokoyami?”
you hesitate, “uhm yes, is something wrong with Fumikage at the school? did he get in a fight?”
Now it was the principals turn to hesitate, “ah, no ma’am, we just need to inform you that the school was attacked by villains-“
“I-is my son okay?!”
“Ma’am, please calm down-“
You immediately snap, “don’t you tell me to fucking calm down- your supposed to be the top hero school and you somehow get infiltrated by some thugs?!”
“Ma’am, please-“
You hang up, you know where Fumikage is.
So you get into your car and drive as fast as the law will let you.
You reach the school and immediately get out of your car looking for Fumikage.
You can see a group of students standing by multiple cops, and you finally spot Fumikage.
You sigh out of relief, he’s safe, he’s here, you’re here.
You start to run towards him, “Fumi!”
He instantly looks around for who called him, seeing you.
you can here his class gasp, repeating what he said.
You reach Fumikage, your beautiful boy, and hug him tightly.
“M-mother, what are you doing here?” He says with confusion.
“Principal called to notify me, so I came straight away.”
You pull back and cup his face, “are you a okay, Fumi?”
“M-mother not infront of the class…” he whispers with embarrassment.
“Fumi, you worried me sick! Are we able to leave now? I want you home.”
“Yes mother, I just gave my statement to-“
You grab Fumikages hand and drag him to the car, “good, let’s go then.”
Fumikage hops into the car, still with his hero costume on.
“Best hero school my ass…” you whisper angrily.
“It was the villains quirk, mama.”
“Yea well I expect better from U.A.- you better have not even been near those villains!”
Fumikage looks away.
“Fumi, please tell me they kept you away from the villains.”
“Well we got separated and-“
that’s definitely a fucking email.
You put your head onto the steering wheel.
“Do you not have any hope in my ability’s?!”Fumikage angrily bursts out.
“Excuse me- you shouldn’t have even been near those villains.” You say angrily.
“I can handle myself.”
“You could’ve gotten hurt!”
“I’m training to be a hero, mother!- I can get beaten up if I have to.”
“You shouldn’t have to!”
“Well dad did didn’t he? Is that why he left?!”
Then the car goes quiet.
You don’t like talking about Tokoyamis father, you always argued with him about how hard you worked and how hard he worked- training to become a hero.
He told you he didn’t need a “loose end” on his record, he didn’t need Fumikage.
you don’t like talking about him at all.
“Fumikage, I don’t like talking about him.”
“He was a hero, he worked for that didn’t he?”
You don’t understand why Fumikage wants to put him in a good light.
“He was barely a hero, he left you Fumikage.”
Fumikage whispers, “Maybe that was the right thing to do.”
You smack the steering wheel, “You needed a father Fumi, I couldn’t do all of that by myself- I…”
He raises his voice, “Is that why you let Ryuji do that to me, because you thought I needed a father?!”
“Fumikage, I didn’t know he was like that!” You plead with him.
“You were barely even home, you barely know me!”
“watch your tone, boy.”
Fumikage immediately stops, he always hated when you were angry with him.
So angry to the point you stopped using his name, the one you gave him.
You take the car out of park, and start the drive home.
it’s quiet, you like it like that anyways.
Ryuji was nice to Fumikage when you were home.
Sometimes you wish you could be at home all the time for Fumikage.
You wish that you could know him more, you just want him to live a good life.
It was four years ago, you decided to come home early, Fumikage and Ryuji were arguing about something stupid- you forgot what it was about.
You saw Ryuji pin Fumikage against the wall and then he started screaming at him, Fumikage was terrified.
You called the police while you tried to get Ryuji off of Fumikage, they ended up tasering him.
Fumikage slept in you bed for 2 months after that.
He said the nightmares would stop when he was with you.
You try your best to avoid that hallway now.
You eventually pull into your driveway, Fumikage goes inside first, you stay in the car for a moment.
You can’t protect Fumikage from everything, no matter how hard you try.
Walking into the house, you try to open Fumikages door to apologize to him, it’s locked.
So instead you go out to the balcony in your room, you’re able to see a lake peeking out from the trees.
And it’s quiet.
You like the quiet though.
Ryuji hated it so he always talked to fill up the space.
So now when it got quiet, you could faintly hear Ryuji talking about something that was never that important.
you hate the quiet now.
You can feel the tears falling down onto the dark wood below you, your curled into yourself on the lounge chair that’s outside
you haven’t really cried in awhile, never had the time.
you feel a weight sit next to you on the chair, you assume it’s Fumikage.
“F-Fumi, m’sorry baby- ma-“
“Fumi?” An energetic voices says playfully.
that’s not Fumikage…
You look up, only to see hawks…
“What’re you doing here…” you say hesitantly, confused on why the number three hero was here.
“I was on patrol..?”
“Why’re you here…?”
“I saw that my favorite nurse was upset!” He replies happily.
You nod and wipe your face.
“So, why’re you crying?” He cocks his head to the side with curiosity.
You sigh, “it’s nothing…”
“Clearly it isn’t.”
you rub your temples, “It’s just- everything’s been piling up.”
“Yea, I understand.” He rubs your back softly.
“M’sorry, you should go back to patrol-“
“No, the world doesn’t need me for a couple minutes, but you do.” He says with a carefree smile.
You sigh, trying to control you breathing so you don’t make even more of a fool out of yourself.
“You want a hug?” He opens his arms awkwardly, almost as if he’s never actually gave someone a genuine hug.
You open your arms as well, leaning into him and taking comfort in his warmth, he smells good too.
“Man, your wings are small…” he whispers softly.
“rude.” You scoff.
“N-not in a bad way! It’s uhm…cute!”
“Don’t say a woman is cute when she’s older than you.” You say while chuckling softly.
“What if I like older women?”
“I thought you were supposed to comfort me, not flirt.” You push yourself out of the warm hug.
“Sorry- second nature for me.” He stretches, his wing go with him, almost knocking over a plant.
“Your wings are too big…” you say in a retort to his earlier comment.
“I can make them smaller for you.”
“I bet mine are way softer.” You tease.
He laughs, “wanna bet?”
“No need too.”
You turn around, your back facing him, “go on and get a feel- might be your only time to.”
Hawks laughs and shakes his head, hesitantly he takes off his gloves and brushes his fingers through your wing span.
“You’re right, they’re soft..” he says softly.
“Told ya.”
“Mine are better though!” He says with a teasing tone.
You giggle softly, hawks has already made you forget a small bit about the days events.
“Y’know when I was younger, I thought if you touched a birds wings they’d get turned on.”
“Nah, not with mutant quirks usually” hawks says while putting back on his glove, “kids are always tugging on em so…I got used to it.”
“I used to let kids touch them if they were at the hospital for a while.” You stand up from the chair.
“Are you gonna touch mine?” Hawks says with a slight jitter in his movements.
You chuckle softly and pet his wings, “yknow, you’re much cooler on TV.”
You notice his wings puff up, “You watch me on TV?”
“Yea sometimes, very cool in my opinion.”
you can see his ears turn red, his wings twitch softly, and you hear a soft high pitched sound as well..? Almost similar to a bird chirping, weird.
“I’m glad you think that.”
Then it’s silent, you try to distract yourself with your thoughts but hawks continues to talk, reminds you of Ryuji.
“Was today your off day?” He asks curiously.
“Yea, ended up being a lot more stressful than they usual are.”
Maybe you could tell him the truth.
“I heard about the U.A. situation…is your son okay?”
“He’s fine, he had to fight apparently…I don’t want that for him.” you feel the tears coming back up.
“I understand that can be stressful for you.” He pats your back, his face still sporting a soft smile, it feels like he’s still in hero mode.
“Then in the car we fought- about his dad, about some of my…untasteful choices when he was younger.”
Your rambling, hawks probably doesn’t want to hear about this anyways.
“Untastful choices?” He chuckles.
“I used to date this guy when Fumikage was about 11, His name was Ryuji…he uhm.”
Hawks waits patiently for you to continue, he’s still smiling.
“He pinned him against the wall a-and he wouldn’t stop screaming.”
You can feel the tears going down your face.
“A-and i tried to get him off of Fumikage but he just threw me against the wall t-then he went back to him.”
Hawks isn’t smiling anymore.
“I-I had to call the cops and Fumikage just…wasn’t the same obviously, we wouldn’t sleep in his own bed, he became so quiet.”
Hawks is holding your forearms, his thumbs circle your skin in a smoothing manner.
why isn’t he smiling anymore?
“oh god- I’m a terrible mother.”
“Don’t say that.”
You fall into his chest and cry, what else could you do? you can’t change what Ryuji did to your son, your baby.
“Your amazing y/n, you…your a good mom I know you are.” He says quickly.
You don’t even know hawks real name, yet here you are crying to him about what you think is your own incompetence as a parent.
“I wish I knew how to make you feel better.” He says softly, he holds you.
“You should be on patrol..”
“My job is to help, and I want to help you.”
he holds you a little tighter, he smells good.
you can hear the soft static coming from his head gear, sounds like someone’s speaking.
You don’t want him to go yet.
“Mama?” You hear Fumikage call from your door way, luckily at this angle he can’t see you snug as a bug in a pros arms.
oh god- what are you doing??
You immediately jump out of hawks embrace, he looks incredibly confused by your sudden movements.
You look around quickly, Fumikage can’t see you like this, Not with some man!
You spot a weighted blanket, you got it for Fumikage when he was struggling to sleep without you- though he said it was too heavy and cold.
You immediately push hawks down into the chair and throw the blanket over him just in time for Fumikage to walk out into your balcony.
“Mom, what are you doing?” Fumikage says confused.
You sit down onto the lounge chair, mind you hawks is right under you being smothered by a blanket.
“J-just enjoying the view!”
The two of you just stare at each-other for a moment.
“So what did you need?”
Fumikage sighs and says something under his breath.
“Y’know I don’t have super hearing Fumikage.” You try to joke with him.
“I said that I was sorry..” he looks down at his feet, he looks ashamed.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you, your already stressed enough from work and-“
“And you’re always trying your best all the time and-and I’m so sorry I wasn’t appreciative of that!” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes, it breaks your heart.
“Fumi you don’t need to apologize…”
“But I do-“
“Shh, just come here okay?” You open up your arms.
Fumikage goes into your warm embrace, putting his weight onto you.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, we both made mistakes…I’ve made more than you though.”
“I shouldn’t have yelled-“
“I still love you Fumi…I love you so, so much- and I just want you to be safe, and happy, and I want you to be better than me.”
You ramble, Fumikage listens.
You and Fumikage never really understood eachother, sometimes it was like you were both ghosts haunting the same house.
But you tried so hard to understand eachother and the only thing you both understood is the love you had for the other.
Fumikage loved you so much, and Fumikage is the reason you’re still here in the world.
Fumikage sniffles, “mama..”
You rub his back, “what is it baby?”
“Why is this blanket so bulky…”
Ah yes, you totally forgot about hawks.
“I-I uhm, no reason…” you look away.
“Is someone under-“
“How about we go get something to eat?!” You quickly change the topic.
Fumikage stops his little investigation, and nods.
“Go on downstairs, I would like to change into some comfier clothes before we go out or eat!”
Fumikage smiles softly and pitter patters down stairs.
“Y’know, the blanket isn’t half bad” you hear hawks muffle out.
“Sorry…” you peel back the blanket to see a red faced hawks, most likely from the lack of air circulation under a thick weighted blanket.
“It’s fine, glad I got to hear you both make your amends” he shoots up a thumb.
“Well, have to go get some food..we haven’t had dinner yet.” You say sheepishly, tapping your fingers together.
“You wishing I could come, mama bird?” He teases.
“No, I’m telling you to leave and never come back, bird brain.” You say sarcastically.
Hawks chuckles, his laugh is nice.
Hawks is nice.
“You need to go back on patrol, I’ve kept you long enough…”
Hawks looks away for a moment, thinking.
“Can I keep the blanket?” He says almost too quickly.
“...can I keep the blanket? You can say no!” He quickly adds the last part.
“No, no, Fumikage doesn’t use it so- go ahead!”
“I’ll see you soon?” He says hesitantly.
You smile, “Course..”
“I’ll see you then.” He takes off into the sky, weighted blanket in hand.
You quickly run down the stairs to meet up with Fumikage, only to find him waiting outside in the already cranked car.
You hop in, “where to?”
Fumikage continues to stare at the house.
“Fumi?” You say hesitantly
“Why did I just see the number three hero fly away from our house…”
Well shit, how are you supposed to explain this one to Fumikage.
On the other side of town, hawks is at his own perch patrolling whilst holding on tightly to the weighted blanket.
The only thing on his mind is that it smells like you.
And when his patrol finally ends he flies home, hawks never really had blankets on his bed, always too stuffy for his wings to be comfortable.
This blanket would probably be even more stuffy since it was heavy and thick but…
He still slept with it.
He would never tell anyone that he slept like a baby that night, and the night after that, and the night after that one.
Maybe his little interest in you is worse than he originally thought…
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
dating colby headcannon
requested by anonymous: Could you possible write a dating Colby headcannon with the reader? Thank uuu
A/N: even tho i'm not taking requests, i figured i can do this real quick since it's a headcannon and i'm in the middle of finishing up the next chapter of the chosen daughter. so hopefully this holds yall over a bit longer while i finish that up :) and this is all gender neutral so anyone can read it ! lmk what you think and hope you enjoy.
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let's start with how you two met: i think you being a friend of a friend would be how it all starts.
maybe this friend in common gets invited to a party that snc are at, and you tag along. you get introduced to colby, and yall hit it off.
colby is very much into vibes and how well he meshes with another person. so for him to be interested, he has to like being around you. that man does not waste his time around people he doesn't care about.
and i think with colby, things would start off PAINSTAKINGLY SLOW. if you're into a slow burn… that's what your life will be like lol
colby hasn't dated in a long time, it's been almost exclusively hook ups and situationships. so i think the beginning stages will be a bit rough (in more ways than one *wink wink nudge nudge*). i think it would take a long time before anything major happened, just because he's not used to being vulnerable with someone.
that being said, i can see him hooking up with you once or twice before anything serious even remotely starts, since that's his usual go-to method. that doesn't have to be all the way - it could be like making out in the club or in a house party bathroom. a little hidden, a bit secretive, but that makes it all the more fun. it's exciting because he makes you feel like you are the sun in his galaxy, even if it's just for a few minutes. that's how intense he can be.
and maybe you realize, "oh shit i got feelings for him…. will this ever turn into something more?" and that's when you start hanging out with him more, or at least making plans to.
and i think as time goes on, he grows attached to you (because he is a clingy person, respectfully). and he enjoys the parts of his day when he gets to see you. and that's when he starts to feel the sparks. but knowing him, he probably won't act on them for a while.
but slowly, you two get really close, and eventually try to start something. once he can feel his walls crumble, and yours are also down, that's when yall truly start to have a wonderful relationship.
so as for dating him, what do i think that would be like?
colby is very busy guy, no surprising to anyone. so it's hard for yall to hang out as often as you want to (which would be like everyday if you could, and same goes for him).
but colby finds ways of seeing you or talking to you at least once a day.
even if it's just to check in on you, or ask you about your day. colby also likes to tell you about the stuff he was up to, give you little heads up on new projects before anyone else. but only when he knows they're happening bc he doesn't like talking about things that might not happen. very earth sign of him lol
i don't see him sending 'good morning' messages, but i could see him sending 'goodnight' ones. definitely with a black heart emoji somewhere thrown in there.
oooh, pet names. i'm seeing him using baby, babe, darling, sweetheart, love, and possibly honey. especially when he's drunk, he's extra affectionate.
when he goes on investigations, he comes back and HAS to tell you everything. he also loves being around you after because you make him feel so comfortable and at home. and he needs that after being paranormally hungover.
if you go with him on trips… omg, he will be protective. for sure. checking in on how you're feeling every couple minutes.
and if you get really scared, he's ready to send you home. he doesn't want to see you hurt or terrified at all. so sometimes he isn't the most favorable towards you going with him (unless you insist).
yall's biggest past time together: cuddling.
that man needs cuddles, AT LEAST, once a day. otherwise, he will be whiny lol (he might not show it at first, but once he's comfortable, he's gonna be a baby about cuddles, guarantee).
he needs to be touching you at all times, whether out in public or not. he doesn't seem like a crazy PDA type, so nothing too ~sexual~, but he will be holding your hand every chance he gets.
unless, of course, he's feeling a bit frisky… then you run the chance of having to go home early or finding a private area to have your fun sksks
i see him being the type to wrap his arms around you from behind, pulling you tight against him. especially if you're waiting in like a long line or something. he just wants you in his arms whenever he can.
like i mentioned before, he is a very busy man. so i see him doing a lot of at home dates. making pizzas together (or just dinners in general), setting up little pillow forts for movie nights, cute vibes all around. omg and of course - LOTS of camping outside and staring at the stars and talking for hours. that's 1000% for sure.
and maybe if you're the type that likes hiking, maybe you guys would go hiking together.
but i do see him also taking you out to exclusive clubs, bars, and restaurants since he has the hookup and the following to get into places that are new.
emotionally, i think you two would be so deeply into each other. i think being understanding and just getting one another is something major he wants in a relationship. so i think always being open and honest would be the main center point of your relationship.
he wants no drama, and wants love to come easy. and most likely you feel the same way, which is why you guys mesh well together.
physically… i mean, cmon. look at the material lol
he's definitely wants to make sure your needs are met. he's a people pleaser after all. and if you're his person, he's making sure you're pleased.
he's a very giving lover, is all i'm gonna say ;)
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cinnamonbear22 · 1 month
oblivious love (c.s x reader)
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chapter one
yall i know they’re sober okay it’s just for the story, i have like seven chapters of this written up n i just wanted to see how one part would do so far :) i might not get everything accurate but it is just a story so don’t come for me ! plz!
fem!reader, fluff, substance use
"did you want to stop anywhere else before we go?" nick turned to me as my bags were clustered together on my arms as he only had a few.
"i think im okay" i looked down at my purchases, not even remembering what i had bought within the last previous hours since i had just fully splurged without a second thought.
"i think so too" nick chuckled and pulled out his phone while we stood on the busy strip of shops and restaurants. "let me get an uber and we'll head back" he didn't look up from his phone as he spoke, his hair gently blew in the wind that had a hint of sea salt lingering behind it.
i felt exhausted. i had a busy day out with nick. we went to the beach, went shopping, ate dinner, basically spending our whole day together. but this wasn't even the most busy day i had within the last two weeks with them.
the sturniolo family and mine had grew up together for as long as i could remember, in fact, me and the triplets were only born a week or two apart. my mom and their mom were childhood best friends since seventh grade, so they had also grew up together as well. they’ve always had plans as little girls to have babies around the same time so they could through motherhood together. it was always a childhood fantasy until it had actually happened, and ever since i could recall me and the triplets have never been separated… up until they had moved out of our hometown and to los angeles. they had often come to visit, but unfortunately they were extremely busy now than ever since the fame had rapidly taken over.
but they had spoiled me and flew me out for three weeks with them after not seeing them for six months. it was an unexpected present they had sent me and watched me open it over facetime. and i'll never forget their and even my own reaction.
i was about a week and a half into my trip, and already i've been extremely spoiled and so nicely treated by them. it was nothing new, when we were younger they had always treated me like a princess and the princess treatment still carried over twenty years later.
after about five minutes our uber pulled up to the curb we were waiting at, and we carefully slid in with all of our items. we talked quietly amongst ourselves, both of us feeling extremely dreary from our long day out. "we should deliver ice cream or something" my eyes lazily scanned the crowded ice cream stand as we drove by it.
"you said you were full after dinner" nick averted his gaze from looking out his window and looked down at me, laughing softly.
"ice cream sound amazing though right?" i cocked a brow, knowing i am going to order the ice cream with or without him.
"you're right" he sighed in defeat, rubbing his mouth in a contemplative way. me and nick were always the closest out of the three. i loved them all with my entire heart, but nick was truly my best friend. we would be able to sit in silence for hours just comfortable with each other's presence, hanging out for hours on end and being able to talk about absolutely everything. "what are you going to wear to that party tomorrow?" he broke me out of my daydream as the roads became more familiar as we got closer to their home.
"i think that little black dress i bought would be nice, no?" i turned to him, sort of thinking about the idea.
"you can never go wrong with that" he agreed. "i'll wear all black with you if you end up wearing that" he offered, making me laugh a bit.
"that would be great" i said wittily, my dreary head shifted its way onto his shoulder. "i'm a little nervous for the party"
"how come?" he pursed his lips, his eyes now shifting down to connect with mine.
"well i wouldn't know anyone besides you guys" the uber stopped in front of the house so we can be let off. we politely thanked him before shuffling out, grabbing all of my bags with me.
"well, you don't need to know anyone else but us" nick reassured with a little smile as he began to punch in the gate code.
"i wouldn't want to be annoying though and just leech off of you guys the entire time" the gate opened and we started to walk through, quickly the front door swung open.
"trust me you aren't annoying anybody here (y/n)," nick continued to reassure me as my eyes watched matt slightly jog down the front porch steps and to us.
"why didn't you help her with her bags?" matt looked at nick and nick quickly defended himself from his brother.
"i tried to, but she wouldn't let me" nick locked the gate back up as matt grabbed some of the bags off my arms without even asking me.
"i could've carried them myself" i looked up at him with a smile.
"you looked like you were struggling on your way up" he didn't even look at me before taking the lead and walking back inside, me and nick following him. nick side eyed me behind matt's back with his lips curled into a scoff, making me slightly giggle.
"did you guys eat yet?" matt asked as i made my way to the guest room that was tucked away within the first floor.
"yes" i heard nicks footsteps go up the stairs and my other bags that matt was holding rustling behind me as i made my way to my room for the time being.
once i was in my room i set my bags down and sat down on the bed, watching matt set down everything else. "thank you" i reached down and began to untie my shoes, ready to get into my pajamas after the long day.
"of course" he smiled gently and looked at me for a few long seconds before speaking again. "chris was looking for you all day today" matt rubbed his eyes with a slight smile.
"really?" my brows furrowed together but i couldn't help that i was a bit excited from hearing that. the name 'chris' even has me in a chokehold. we all grew up together, we grew up the same way, we all seen each other just as frequently as the other, besides nick, who i was inevitably closer with and hungout much more one on one, but even ever since we were little kids, me and chris's bond has always been slightly different, and everyone would be able to tell that no matter who you are. but i would never let myself act on those different feelings. i never wanted the ruin the dynamic between all of us.
"mhm," matt hummed, making his way to the door. "let me know if you need anything" he shut it behind him as i stared down at my feet for a moment.
i pushed myself off my bed and made my way towards the bathroom that was connected to the guest room and began to do my nightly routine, thinking about what matt had said but not taking it too far into consideration. i put my glasses on as the last step of my routine and quickly changed out of my clothes and into my pajamas, plaid fleece bottoms and a little tank top.
i slipped on my beige slippers and grabbed my phone before heading to nicks room, but before i could even open my door three knocks startled me. "can i come in?" chris's voice was muffled on the other side of the door. i opened the door which he seemed surprised, his eyes were extremely droopy, his hair was messy, his pajama bottoms sagged slightly revealing his boxers and he didn't have a shirt on. "oh..." he took a step back. i smiled and moved out of the way, giving him entrance into my temporary bedroom. "where have you been all day?" he asked, launching himself onto my bed and instantly cuddling up in the blankets.
"i was out with nick, i told you that, but i guess it just turned into an all day thing" i turned around and looked at him, and now that he was in the light i could see his eyes were a bit pink as well. "are you only coming to me because you just smoked?" i still stood and watched him as he got comfortable.
"no, no, no" his droopy eyes quickly went wide and he sat up, "i missed you today that's all, and i just happened to smoke. coincidence"
"got it" i couldn't help but smile at him and i made my way towards the edge of the bed, keeping our distance although i felt my skin on fire. i wish that the feelings would go away, but after several years they never had.
"you got a little sunburn on your cheeks" he reached his hand up and gently brushed his thumb across my cheek.
"is it bad?" i pulled myself away from his hand and touched it with my own, feeling the slightly irritated skin. i didn't even notice it in the bathroom.
"no, not at all" his tired eyes locked with mine. "it's cute" he grinned, making me smile too. he knew what he was doing. i felt like he had known i had a crush on him, but sometimes i think he's completely oblivious to it. i am sort of hoping he's more on the oblivious side.
it wasn't unnoticed that i would get a little more nervous whenever he was around, a little more aware. with matt and nick i was fine but with chris, even though i knew i could be myself around him, i still felt a small edge.
"do you really think so" i said sarcastically and put my hand under my chin, posing my face so he could see all sides.
"i really do" he chuckled, putting his hands behind his head now as he laid back down. the soft light in my room prominently brought out his light muscle tone along his strong facial features. "what are you going to wear to the party?" he asked me, referring to tomorrow.
"i bought a little black dress today" i looked behind me at the plethora of bags scattered around my room.
"that's always a classic" he nodded, the corners of his lips upturned.
"i spent so much money..." i sighed, still looking at the bags.
"did you use my card like i told you to?" he asked, now propping himself up on his elbow.
"as guilty as i am, i did" i scratched the back of my head and looked at him, his face washed over with excitement.
"well technically..." he now had deceitful look in his eyes, making my stomach churn. "i bought all these clothes so you have to give me a haul"
"you want a haul?" i couldn't help but to giggle a bit.
"please" his icy blue eyes looked up at me as i began to stand up, sending chills through every part of my body. "especially the victoria secret bag, i want a try on haul"
"cut it out" i turned my head to him as he was smirking at his little remark. "thank you by the way, you seriously did not have to give me any money"
"i wanted to" he watched me carefully now as i picked up all the bags and set them down on the bed. "so what did you get?" he sat himself up now and leaned against the headboard. "show me the dress"
i shuffled and dug around into some bags until i found the dress, his face immediately dropped as soon as i pulled it out. "what? is it ugly?" i was taken aback from his reaction.
"no not at all" he was looking between me and the dress. "it's just that..." he hesitated before speaking making me more nervous.
"just say it! am i too big for this dress? will it not compliment me?" i started to panic now, of course my thoughts quickly spiraling. that was nothing new to me.
"no! absolutely not!" he jumped up in quick defense, still looking at the dress. "it just looks like the size of a t-shirt…" he mumbled so softly, making me laugh that all the anticipation was for nothing. "it's not funny, it's too short" he started to laugh along with me, snatching the luxurious dress away from my hands. "are you sure this says dress on it? are you sure you didn't get it in the shirt section?" he started to look at it closely now, looking at the tags and everything. "it's so silky" he started to rub it against his face like a child with a blanket. "this is silk right?"
"stop it" i took it back from him with a smile, his eyes were still somewhat in a trance on the dress. "yes it is"
"i'll have to keep an eye on you all night if you wear that" he huffed, running his fingers through his hair. "are you going to wear like," his gaze averted up to my eyes, and i held it strongly. "wear a jacket..? like one that goes to the floor and you just button it up all the way and the dress underneath it so technically you're still wearing it out"
"i'm in los angeles, i didn't think i needed a jacket" i scoffed, neatly laying the dress across the desk chair that was in the room. he looked like he was in deep thought now. he licked his lips and wiped his mouth, all of his subconscious habits coming into play. i was now standing at the foot of my bed as he looked contemplated, but i was ready to go into more of the haul.
"nick let you buy that dress? for how short it is?" his pink eyes looked me up and down making me tense.
"christopher" i snapped at him, shooting my eyes up to meet his. "it's not that short"
"what shoes are you wearing?" he asked. he crossed his arms in such a graceful manner, accentuating his chest.
"i was just going to show you" i dug into another bag and pulled out a shoe box. inside the box revealed gorgeous, sleek, simple, shiny black stiletto heels. "what do you think?"
"i think that maybe with those on you'll look a normal height" he snarked, earning glare.
"seriously?" i cocked my head to the side, challenging him to see if he'd go any further.
"sorry" he pressed his lips together to try and mask his smile. "all i know is that you're definitely going to be the center of attention"
"yeah right" i put the heels back in the box and had also set them down by my dress. "im not going to know anyone there besides you guys, ill be following you guys around like a lost puppy" i retorted, moving some of the bags aside on my bed and sitting back down.
"there's no issue with that" he seemed a bit relieved taking in the fact that i would be near him all night. "i would be glad to accompany you to this party" he bowed his head like a prince would and spoke in an extremely formal accent, earning a small laugh. "i'll wear all black too"
"i think nick already is" i remembered him saying something about that in the uber.
"but i want to match with you though" he slightly whined and pouted like a child.
"well that has to be arranged between you guys" i put my hands up in defense and his eyes seemed to drift from mine and fixate my chest area. "what are you doing?" i covered my chest with my hands, watching his eyes carefully.
"i was looking at your necklace" he scoffed, and i quickly set my arms back down.
"oh" i giggled lightly and scooted a bit closer to him. "do you like it?" i asked him as his fingers gently brushed against my chest, and he held the small gold lion pendant.
"i do" he looked up softly at me. "did your boyfriend back at home get it for you?"
"you're such a dick" i slapped his arm away and a smile slowly crept up on his face. "me and that guy dated for a month, he cheated on me anyway, you know this..." i felt humiliated. "why do you still tease me for it?"
"because i told you he was a walking red flag" chris leaned back against the headboard, crossing his arms like how he had them before.
"please forgive me for being young and naive" i said in a snide tone, shaking my head. "what about you?" i asked him with a stern tone.
"what?" he cocked a brow.
"have you been with anyone within the last two years?" i asked him, sort of hoping the answer would only go one way.
"absolutely not" he shook his head, still holding eye contact with me. "(y/n) you would've known"
"well," i placed my hands in my lap. "do you have any interest in anyone? you've had to have met so many people in l.a."
"why are you asking me these questions?" his face began to hue a pink, just like his eyes. it gave me a small ego boost, seeing that i could also make him nervous.
"what? you can bust my balls all you want but i can't?" i teased him and he bit his lip nervously.
"she's going to be at the party tomorrow" he said, making my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach. i always set myself up to self sabotage, but it's better for me to find out from him than anyone else.
"yeah?" i kept a smile on my face, staying strong.
"mhm" he hummed, licking his lips and keeping his gaze in my eyes. a small bit of tension built up in the room and i felt like it was my fault.
"then you better not match with me because she might take it the wrong way" i anxiously began to fidget with the rings on my fingers.
"no, she better like it" he quickly came back making me a little confused but still a bit dejected.
"you're bold christopher" i slightly tilted my head to the side, taking in his dominate tone.
"i really wish i was" he sighed and stared at me with a slight look of regret in his eyes. it was a little off putting since it was hard to read him in this moment, the tension now flooded the room and it felt like i was drowning in it.
"then why aren't you?" i pushed him a little further.
"because i'm scared" he still looked strongly at me.
"scared of what?" my fingers made their way back to fidgeting with my rings. the vibe in this room was so off putting yet i still feel extremely relaxed with chris.
"rejection" his eyes became even more droopier as he spoke. "commitment"
"chris you know you could have any girl that you want" i couldn't help but to laugh a tiny bit, chris, scared of rejection? seriously? i understand commitment, he's always had an issue with that.
"there's only one i want" he held his pointer finger up in my face, indicating the number one.
"well," i softly pushed his large hand away from my face, but he ended up resting it in my lap on top of my hands lazily. "why not make your move at the party tomorrow? you said she'd be there right?" his hand started to feel all the rings on my finger, sending shivers down my spine with how gentle he's being.
"i will" he stared at our hands mingling, looking deep in thought. "you mess with your rings a lot, even the other day in the restaurant when you were ordering when we all went out to eat"
"i guess it's a nervous habit" i tried to pull my hand out of his soft grip, but he harshly grabbed it back.
"i wasn't done looking yet" he didn't even look up at me, just softly held my hands with his one.
"i think you're just trying to hold my hands" i grinned and looked up at him, and his eyes returned back to mine.
"so what?" his head lazily tilted to the side. "is it okay?" i nodded and watched his every move. "just like when we were younger" he chuckled to himself.
"i know" i sighed, laughing at the memories. "you did not let go of my hand when you were a toddler" he reached his other hand over now and started to play with both my hands. "i was dragged along everywhere with you"
"you wear so many rings" he held up my wrist to his face, inevitably pulling me in closer to him. "you don't like being dragged along with me?" his voice became tired now, but it was even more attractive.
"what more could i want in life?" i retorted, earning a small, sleepy evil eye from him. "you look so tired"
"im tired of you" he said scornfully, causing me to withdraw my hands from him and lean back with fake shock.
"you're extremely sassy tonight" i gave him a fake sad look and his face softened.
"i didn't mean it, come on" he quickly reached over and grabbed my arm, yanking me towards him and quickly engulfing me into a big hug. "you know you're my favorite person" he mumbled into my hair as i laughed at the sudden movements, being a bit taken back.
"you're my favorite boy ever" i told him, and i couldn't help but to wrap my arms around him as well. i was so happy to be in l.a. with all of them again. ever since they've been moving around back and forth i always felt a little empty without them in my hometown. i know that they were always one call away, but it would never be the same than me riding my bike to their house like i did when i was young, knowing i could go to them whenever i needed to.
"what about nick?" chris didn't let me go, but i wasn't upset about it. his hugs were always my favorite.
"that's our secret then" i pulled away from him as his arms still lingered around my middle, and we sat there just staring at each other for a moment.
"can we have a sleepover?" he asked, excitement filled his tired eyes.
"i guess" i laughed a little, my hands subconsciously rubbed his arm that was resting on me. ever since we were children chris has always been touchy with me, never in a weird way, so i never really accounted on that for a yes or no confirmation if he had similar feelings for me or not.
"hooray" he geek-ily smiled at me, earning a little laugh. "we haven't had a sleepover since sixth grade"
"i don't know what you're talking about, i was practically at your house every weekend in high school sleeping over" i cocked my brow, taking my hand away from his arm.
"yeah but you were always with nick" he rubbed his eyes with one of his hands, the other still loosely holding me.
"we're you jealous?" i teased him, but he just rolled his eyes.
"really?" he said in a dull tone, his eyes looking like they were trying to fight awake.
"i'm teasing you" i couldn't help but to feel the sleepiness as well.
"tell me about it" he groaned, covering his eyes with both his hands now and he looked up at the ceiling.
i giggled a little and swung my legs over the mattress, and started to move off all the rest of my bags off the bed that i hadn't shown him yet. "aren't you going to show me everything?"
"tomorrow, i'm tired" i set down all my bags on the floor and tossed him the television remote. "turn something on" he caught it with ease and i made my way to the light switch.
the only light that filled the room now was the t.v. and the moon spilling in from outside. it was such a calming scene, especially with chris in the room. as nervous as he made me he will always, always put me at ease.
i crawled into my bed, keeping as much distance as i could from chris. i didn't want to seem like i was pushing it at all, or annoying him in anyway. i pulled the blanket up to my chin, tucking myself in next time him, grabbing hold of the teddy bear that was gifted to me several years ago from the triplets and hugging it to my chest. "you still have that?" chris's groggy voice was close to me now.
"of course" my eyes focused on the t.v., seeing he had put on some movie. i wasn't sure what it was though. i was too tired to care right now.
"you took it with you on your trip?" he still sat up against the headboard, slouching a little as he looked down at me.
"it's like my security blanket" i looked up at him, his face being dimly lit by the television.
"awe that's adorable" he cooed at me, a slight pout formed on my lips. "why don't you hold me like that?" at this point he had to be taunting me.
"i don't think you're a teddy bear" my fingers laced in the teddy bears slightly matted fur.
"let me me be your teddy bear" he sang to me in his sleepy voice, referring to the elvis song.
"oh my goodness" my face was flush, but im sure the sunburn covered it up.
"please" he begged, pouting his lip out and widening his eyes like a puppy. i knew he was just high, and he probably wouldn't mention any of this in the morning, but it was also just how our dynamic worked.
"c'mere" i set my teddy aside freeing the space and opened up my arms to welcome him.
"yes" he said joyful to himself, quickly shifting himself on top of me. i grunted a little at the weight, since he plopped himself on me without any hesitation.
i wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him slightly as he got comfortable with his head on my chest. his fluffy hair tickled my face and i gently pushed it away with my fingers. "you're such a baby" my fingertips softly traced along his back, my eyes shifted to the screen.
"remember in middle school at that one little party we went to" he murmured into my skin, his hot breath against me made my hair standup.
"not really" one of my hands began to play with his soft hair. "that was so long ago, how do you even remember middle school"
"i don't know" he mumbled.
"why?" i was talking softly now.
"i remember it was the first girl-boy party we ever went to and how exciting it was" he rambled with slurred words here and there. "and we played spin the bottle remember?"
"sort of..?" i tried to dig deep into the memory but it wasn't really anywhere to be found.
"it was your turn and you were so nervous" he chuckled lowly, but i was still confused to the point he was trying to make. "but it landed on me"
the embarrassing memory instantly came back.
"oh god" i sighed, rolling my eyes a little at the story. "why are bringing this up?"
"i don't know i just remembered it" i could tell he was lying. i didn't want to push the conversation further. "was i a bad kisser? is that why you don't remember?"
"christopher..!" i whisper yelled at him, taking my hands out of his hair and off him and tried to push his shoulders off me but he didn't budge. he probably had felt the heat radiating off my body from how embarrassed i was.
"what?" he chuckled slightly at my reaction, resisting to move off of me. "put your hand back in my hair please" he mumbled but i didn't listen to him. "please, it feels so good" he whined wearily, my heart began to pick up at the choice of words he used. "remember when you used to do my hair as a kid"
"why do you remember so much?" i put my hands back in his hair, softly pressing my nails into his scalp and lacing my fingers through his locks.
"god, i don't know but i just love this feeling" he groaned, nestling more in my chest. "i missed you" he blurted out, his eyes shut all the way now. he talks so much, i wouldn't doubt that he sleep-talks as well. but i never ever minded it. the way he could change the subject and talk to people and never make it awkward was just such a strong quality of his. "i miss being at home and you're so close to me-" he cut himself off quickly. "well i meant us"
"i missed you too chris" i let my eyes fall since they were fighting to stay awake at this point. "a lot"
he continued to talk, but it was hard for me to process what he was saying. he was slurring and mumbling, and i was drifting in and out of consciousness, responding to him with only 'mhm's and 'yeah's. but his voice was lulling me to sleep, so i didn't mind. i would never mind moments like this.
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem! Reader Series
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Party Guessed | Fury
Prompt: Joining forces with Derek was difficult to say the least. Not only because he wanted to do things differently but it also meant you had to spend more time with Isaac.
a/n: heyyyy everybody! another chapter is here! super grateful for all the love you guys have been giving me seriously, thank you guys so much! ALSO YALL I DIDNT REALIZE I WAS SPELLING MR. HARRIS AS MR. HARRISON UNTIL JUST NOW. WHY DIDNT YALL TELL ME!?!? i went back and changed them so we should be good now lol
"Oh, what the hell is this?"
You and Stiles were sitting at the station with food for Sheriff, who was very unhappy with what he had been given. "Veggie burger," sang Stiles as he rearranged the contents around the table. He handed you yours before setting his salad in front of him.
"Stiles, I asked for a hamburger," complained Sheriff his mouth still full.
"Well, veggie is healthier. We're being healthy," Stiles argued. You nodded along as you rustled your fork through your own salad to mix the contents around equally. Sheriff sighed but went back to unpacking his food, when he uncovered the basket of carrots and celery his face took on the look of disappointment once more, "Oh, hell, why are you trying to ruin my life?"
You gave the older man a pointed look, "That's very dramatic, don't you think? We just do this because we care." You weren't lying, Melissa may have been the one that took you in permanently but the Sheriff had always been like a father to you just as Melissa had been like a mother.
"I'm trying to extend your life, okay? Could you just eat it, please? And tell us what you found."
Sheriff disagreed, "No! I'm not sharing confidential police work with teenagers." That didn't stop you two from looking behind the man and at the wall. You pointed to it as Stiles called attention to the board, "Is that it on the board behind you?" He turned to look at it, "Don't look at that." Stiles continued to not listen, his eyes glued onto the wall.
"Avert your eyes. Hey!"
"I see arrows pointing at pictures," Stiles said move about in his chair.
He finally gave up when he realized that you two were not going to listen. "Okay, okay, stop! Fine. I found something." Both you and Stiles brought your attentions to him, instantly satisfied with his words.
"Mechanic and the couple who were murdered. They all had something in common."
"All three," you and Stiles asked.
"Yeah. You know what I always say. One's an incident. Two's coincidence-."
"Three's a pattern," Stiles finished for his father.
"The mechanic, the husband, and the wife- all the same age. All twenty-four."
Your eyebrows scrunched together, "Then what about Mr. Lahey?" Stiles looked over at you and agreed, "Isaac's dad isn't anywhere near twenty-four."
Sheriff had stuck his finger out, stopping your questions, "Which made me think either 'A,' Lahey's murder wasn't connected or 'B,' the ages were a coincidence, until I found this," he rolled his chair backwards a little and turned. Grabbing the file and handing it you, you opened it so both of you could expect the contents.
"Which would be 'C.' Did you know that Isaac Lahey has an older brother named Camden?" Even though the question was in general, meant for both of you, Sheriff did make the most eye contact with you. You shook your head, going back to reading the words.
"'Died in combat,'" whispered Stiles.
"But if he were alive today, take one guess as to how old he'd be."
"Twenty-four," you said.
Eating was apparently going to have to wait, since both men stood up and began to go over the board. "Man, I really just wanted to eat," you whined begrudgingly getting out of your chair. Your complainants were completely ignored as they started to plot.
"Now what if same age means same class- I mean did you think of that?" Sheriff brushed off his son's question with a slight wave, "Yeah, yeah." There was a brief moment of dead air until Sheriff confessed he hadn't thought of it.
"Well I would've. I mean- look I just got Lahey's file two hours ago." Even though the statement made sense to you, Stiles didn't accept that.
"TWO HOURS? Dad, people could be dying!"
"Yeah, I'm aware of that, thank you."
You placed a hand on Stiles' shoulders to make your presence known, "He can only keep looking at this stuff for so long, Stiles. Sometimes you need to step back to refresh your eyes."
Both guys settled down at your words, before turning towards the photos, "Same class," murmured Stiles. You all shared a look, "Do you have any old yearbooks, Sheriff," you asked.
Like on cue, they scrambled to get any old yearbooks and school files they could get their hands on. To be honest, your glad they didn't need your help on that because truth be told, you really were hungry. You only got a moment to stuff your face with food because they came rushing back soon after slamming all contents on the desk.
Stiles had found the file he was looking for, "Okay this is it, class of 2006. They all went to Beacon Hills."
"Including, Isaac's brother," stated Sheriff.
"Meaning they could've, theoretically, known each other," you said finishing your carrot before standing up once more.
"Two of them were married- so maybe they all just hung out."
Sheriff shook his head lightly, "Well, they could have had the same classes together. They could've-." You saw the man's face fall into a look of recognition. Stiles had caught it too, "What?"
"Same teacher." Mr. Harris' picture was on the page, clear as day.
"All four. Now I don't know how Mr. Lahey fits in, but this- kids, this is definitely a pattern. Alright, get me the 2006 yearbook. These names, we need faces."
"Which ones," you asked as Sheriff went to make a phone call. "Everyone in that chemistry class," he answered, "If the killer's not done killing..."
"One of them is next," Stiles said.
Later that night, you had promised to meet Scott at the clinic to relay everything you just found out. He wanted you there though because Derek was planning to show up and he figured a three versus one when it came to opinions would work better in his favor.
"So, you weren't able to get tickets," you asked currently perched on the half wall in the lobby. The boy confirmed your question, "Nope, but we need to find some because Jackson seemed very hell bent on getting them."
You nodded slowly, "Meaning whoever is controlling him, desperately wants to be there." Scott agreed and then his head perked up, looking at the clinic door. You figured it was because he heard Derek so you felt no need to stand up from your position.
Scott walked over, unlocking the door letting Derek in, "What's he doing here," you heard him asked.
You looked up and felt your breath get caught in your throat, you weren't expecting Isaac to come. Guess it was only fair since Derek wasn't informed of your presence either. "I need him," the Alpha said bluntly.
"I don't trust him," Scott shot back. Mean while all you could do was stare and the Beta made eye contact with you for just a second.
"Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you either," you would be lying if you were to say that his voice didn't make your heart flutter. Once he finished his sentence he walked passed both the other werewolves standing close to where you were sitting on the wall.
"You know what and Derek really doesn't care."
You raised your hands as you blurted out, "Oh my god, one more person talks in third person and (Y/N) might just punch you all in your throats." You heard Isaac snort out a quiet laugh as he turned his head to look at you. His eyes gleamed like stars when they met yours.
Derek had interrupted your little moment, "Now where's the vet? Is he gonna help us or not?" You scoffed at the Alpha, "What great patience you have there, grumpy." You hopped off the wall and crossed the little group to stand next to Scott, just in time for Deaton to come out of the back room.
"That depends, your friend Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?"
"Save him," you and Scott synced.
"Kill him," Derek had said at the same time.
You and Scott both whipped around looking at the dark haired werewolf in disbelief, "Save him," Scott argued once more before looking at you. Your eyes both met and stared at each other for a moment, like a form of silent communication. You nodded at him once more before both of you turned back to Deaton and synced again, "Save him."
Deaton had a small smile on his face and nodded, gesturing for you all to follow him. Derek had silently walked passed definitely grumpy of being out numbered. Scott followed a second later, leaving you and Isaac alone for just a moment.
You turned to him quickly whispering, "Derek made you come?" He nodded in response, "And now I'm glad he did because I get to see my favorite girl." He stood next to you, throwing his arm around your shoulder, keeping you from walking towards the back room door. You chuckled lightly, rolling your eyes, "You're never gonna stop with the nicknames, are you?"
You moved passed him, his arm falling back to his side and you spoke once more, your voice still lowered, "Fine but we still need to talk everything through. After this is all over." He nodded with a smile on his face following behind you and into the room with the others. He took his place in between the other two werewolves and you stood next to Deaton and helped him lay everything out. The sound of Derek's voice made you look up.
"Watch what you touch," he said with Isaac's arm in his hand. Deaton had picked up a jar reading it then showing you the label and pointing to the ingredient in the book laid out in front of you. He had become some what like a teacher to you, every chance you got you were here, learning, reading, practicing and he would guide you. Seems like he thought now was still a good time to show you some things.
Isaac had leaned down resting his arms on the table and now at eye level with you. He smirked when he saw your attention on him before asking his question to Deaton, "So, what are you, some kind of witch?"
"No, I'm a veterinarian."
Deaton's reply made you shake your head in amusement. You saw Isaac process the answer with his lips taking an "oh" shape silently, before he looked at you again. It felt like every chance he got, his eyes were stuck on you.
"Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin. Except for when (Y/N) is able to learn healing abilities, but even then, that could take time we don't have and it would really only be effective after the fact." Your head shot up, your body still leaned over from reading the pages. You glanced at everyone in the room before meeting Deaton's eyes.
"Wait, I can do that?" Deaton chuckled at your astonishment and nodded, "Well that's news to me," you said looking at your best friend.
"We're open to suggestions," Derek continued to conversation. "What about an effective offense," asked Isaac.
"Unlikely," you scoffed as Derek began speaking again, "We already tried, I nearly took its head off. And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up."
You mumbled lightly, "I'm really glad I haven't had to fight this thing." The boys looked at you, a certain Alpha showing a very obvious annoyance, "What? I'm sorry, okay. Stiles isn't here to voice my thoughts like he always seems to, I can't help it."
Deaton looked at all of you, "Has it shown any weaknesses?"
Derek answered his question, "Well one- it can't swim."
"Does that go for Jackson as well?"
"No," Scott interjected as you shook your head, your posture now straight and your arms crossed. You continued for the Omega, "He's the captain of the swim team." Deaton nodded along at both inputs, "Essentially, you're trying to catch two people."
He turned grabbing something from a drawer, he show you an amulet, "A puppet... and a puppeteer." He set it on the table and continued, "One killed the husband but the other had to take care of the wife, do we know why?"
Scott piped up gaining everyone's attention, "I don't think Jackson could do it. His mother died pregnant too, and she was maybe murder. I think he couldn't let the same happen to someone else."
"How do you know it's not part of the rules?" Isaac's eyes were slightly glazed over as he stared at the table. When his eyes blinked and his attention was no longer stuck, he continued, "The Kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies too."
He looked at Scott and when he did, you felt your body jolt. It was the weirdest sensation and you didn't understand why it happened. It wasn't a normal reaction so your only guess could've been it was something supernatural. You checked to see if anyone noticed and when you confirmed no one did, you made a mental note to ask Deaton about it later.
"Does that mean your father was a murderer," Scott questioned.
"Wouldn't surprise me if he was." His eyes were back in your direction only his focus was on the wall behind you; you were okay with that though, you didn't want him to see the frown you had.
"Hold on. The book says they're bonded, right?" Deaton's hand was held out as he hypothesized, "What if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson, but from the person controlling him." You nodded along adding to his words, "Like they're not only bonded as in partners but mentally." Deaton pointed to you grabbing a small jar.
"What if something that affects the Kanima also affects its master." He circled the sand like substance around the amulet on the table, "Meaning what," Isaac asked.
"Meaning we can catch them," Scott started.
"Both of them," you finished.
The next morning consisted of both you and Scott telling Stiles everything on the way to school. "There's got to be some other way to get tickets, right?" Scott hopped out of Roscoe as he finished his question, helping you out as well. Stiles met you both on the sidewalk, "It's a secret show, there's only one way, and it's a secret." You adjusted your bag onto your shoulders, "Real helpful, Stiles," you joked.
All three of you turned to find Matt, "You guys know why no one's getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?"
"Just forget about it, nobody got hurt," Stiles tried to convince him. Matt gave him a confused look, "I-I had a concussion." You turned your head and laid it into Scott's shoulder, hiding your small laugh threatening to come out.
"Okay well no one got seriously hurt."
"I was in the E.R. for six hours."
"Okay, do you want to know the truth, Matt? Your little bump on the head is about this high on our list of problems right now." Stiles had proven his point even more by leaning over and placing his hand just inches from the concrete. Your cover of your amusement was taken from you when Scott moved forward to ask if Matt was alright.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, now. So, you didn't get any tickets last night either."
"Are they selling?"
"Uh, no, but I managed to find two online. You should keep trying. Sounds like everyone's going to be there." He gave Scott a friendly fist to the shoulder before walking away.
"I don't like him," You and Stiles both said, once he was far enough.
"Hey, are you sure about this," he asked Scott. "Last time, whoever's controlling Jackson had to kill somebody because he didn't finish the job," Scott said.
You chimed in, "So, what do you think he's going to do this time?"
Stiles sighed, "Be there to make sure it happens," He shook his head before both boys turned, taking their places beside you as you walked in the school.
"Can anybody tell me where the hell Jackson is and why he missed morning practice?"
Coach was right, practice was already over and there was no sign of Jackson. Everyone shook their heads and Stiles leaned over so you and Scott could hear him better, "I thought I told you to keep an eye on him."
"STILINSKI!" You three straighten and looked at Coach, "Jackson!" Stiles shrugged, "Sorry, Coach I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him."
"Oh, and when was that?"
"The last time I saw him was definitely the time I saw him last."
"Again, Danny, tell Jackson no missing practice this close to the championships, okay," Coach was leaned over in Danny's eyesight. The boy nodded, "Sure, Coach." Coach started to back up into his office, "That goes for all of you. I should be coaching college." He started to close his door but just before he did, he looked at you, "(Y/N), I'm going to need to see you later for game plans."
You nodded, "You got it." He finally closed his door, which allowed the boys to go back to talking to Danny. "Sorry, but I only got two myself," Danny said.
"What- do you even have a date, yet?" Your head snapped to Stiles, your arm shooting out to smack him in the stomach, "Really?"
Danny's tone changed, "I'm working on it."
"Okay, okay, hear me out. You give us the tickets, and you devote your life to abstinence and just-." Before Stiles could finished both him and Scott were pulled away and you felt someone right behind you, "How do you two losers even survive?" It was Isaac, you looked behind you to see him looking between the two boys, his hands still gripping their shirts.
You scoffed and pointed to yourself, "That would be thanks to me, actually." Isaac looked at you and smirked, acknowledging your answer. Scott huffed, "What are we supposed to do? No one's even selling." He gestured to the whole locker room, where all the boys stood around, probably waiting for you to leave so they could begin changing.
Isaac's eyes were focused somewhere in the distance, you felts hands lightly place themselves on your waist guiding you closer to Scott. The tall werewolf patted Stiles on the chest, moving passed him, "Wait here, boys."
All of you gave each other looks of confusion, Scott asking, "What is he-?" But he never got to finish, thanks to the crash caused by Isaac. You guys flinched at the loudness, "Ow," you commented.
"Yup, that's excessive," Stiles added on, the sounds only getting louder as Isaac continued his actions. "That'll bruise."
"Ow," Scott repeated your first comment.
"Wow, okay." Isaac walked back over, tickets in hand, he handed you each one before turning around his hand in his pocket, "Enjoy the show."
You guys were in shock until you broke it with your words, "That was... so hot." Both boys looked at you, wide-eyed, when you saw them you just shrugged, "What? He's on our side now, I can say that."
Stiles pointed at you, "I thought you were mad at him?" Scott nodded in agreement.
You rocked your head from side to side, "I was and still kind of am, but that doesn't mean I can't find that," you circled your hand motioning to the boy walking away, "Extremely attractive." Scott and Stiles both scoffed, the spastic both pushing you slightly, "Get out of here, you dummy, let us change."
You laughed and walked out the room, only making it a few steps out the door before you heard your name once more. You turned to see the boy you were just talking about leaning against the wall, "I heard you." You smiled as cluelessly as you could and walked closer until you were inches from his figure, "Heard what, exactly?"
His arm came around your waist again, this time turning you so your back was pressed up against the wall and his body was trapping you. "You find me attractive, huh?" His eyes were on you, glancing at your lips before reaching your eyes once more, "Always did," you answered. You leaned a little closer missing his lips and bringing yours close to his ear and whispered, "See, isn't it so much more fun when you're on our side?"
You grabbed the wrist of his hand that was laying itself on your waist, removing it gently and sliding out of his grip, "I'll see you tonight, Isaac."
"It's the same stuff we use on the dogs, just a higher dosage."
Deaton set down the syringe and bottle, "If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him enough to buy you some time." He turned picking up a jar with that same sand from the other night, "This is some of what you will use to create the barrier. This part is for you, Stiles. Only you." He placed it down and Stiles picked it up his eyebrow raised, "Uh, that sounds like a lot of pressure. Can we maybe find a less pressure-filled task for me?"
"It's from the mountain ash tree, which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural." He gestured to the walls, "This office is lined with ashwood, making it difficult for someone like Scott or (Y/N) to cause me any trouble."
We turned back to Stiles to see him still confused, "Okay, so then what? I just spread this around the whole building and then neither Jackson or whoever's controlling him can't cross it?"
"They'll be trapped," Deaton confirmed.
"Doesn't sound too hard," Scott reassured.
"Not all there is," Deaton said. You sighed and slumped your posture, "There's always something."
"Think of it like gunpowder. It's just powder until a spark ignites it." He pointed to Stiles, "You have to be that spark, Stiles."
"If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that."
Scott looked at Stiles worried and then you to which you rolled your eyes. Deaton gave a silent chuckle, "Let me try a different analogy. I used to golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish."
Stiles mumbled, "Force of will." You grabbed his hand, "You got this, no sweat."
"If this is going to work Stiles, you have to believe it."
The night had finally arrived, your nerves were definitely getting to you. It also didn't help that the car ride over seemed really awkward. Stiles was oddly quiet and you could tell that Scott noticed as well.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, why?"
You and Scott shrugged lightly and you spoke, "You didn't say anything the whole way here." Stiles grabbed the bag out of the Jeep and looked at you both, "No, I'm fine. Let's grab the other bag."
Scott looked at Stiles, "We can't, remember Deaton said you have to do this alone."
"Okay, this plan is really starting to suck."
You smiled, "There's our Stiles."
"No, not here, not now."
You turned to see Scott running off, panicked you looked at Stiles who was just as bewildered as you. "What," Stiles said.
"Scott!" You called as Stiles continued on, "What am I supposed to- plan officially sucks!" He looked at you and you just shrugged. "I'm going to go look for Isaac and Erica, you got this Stiles." He waved his hands at you in frustration, "Yeah, whatever, go make out with your boyfriend." You gasped, "He's not my boyfriend!"
You pointed behind him, "Go play with your sand." He huffed a laugh and you turned to make your way into the building. The music could already be heard from inside but still it was quite a shock on how loud it actually was. The lights were blinding, you squinted to try and find the two Betas but to no avail they were no where to be seen in the sea of people.
Deciding that staying on the outskirts was your best course of action, you began to make your way to the side where a line of pillars were. You leaned on one of them as you scanned the area again, looking for any signs of any werewolves.
"You planning on dancing tonight?"
You jumped at the sound of Isaac's voice right in your ear. You turned and you were sure you looked like a deer in headlights considering the boy only started laughing when he saw your face. You punched his shoulder and he faked a wince, "Don't do that! Where's Erica?"
He nudged his head in the direction of the crowd behind you, "In there, thought I would come look for you while she looked for Jackson."
"You and Scott."
You scoffed, "You said me." He smiled making the motion to press his forehead against yours, "Okay, it was mainly for you." You laughed and moved your head away, leaning back on the pillar, "My, you're quite the flirt these days." He shrugged leaning against the pillar with you, one hand in his pocket. He looked down and crossed your pinky with his.
"You're not as mad at me as you have been, it's a little easier now."
You chuckled and nodded, "True, true."
You saw Scott come around the corner, you let go of Isaac and that caused him to look where you were looking. You dashed towards the Omega and hugged him quickly, "Where did you go?"
"Allison's here."
You looked at him, "That means her dad is here." He nodded and started making his way to Isaac, who was still leaning against the pillar watching you guys. Scott handed him the syringe, "Why me," Isaac asked. They were standing side by side while you stood just slightly off from them.
"Because I got to make sure that Argent doesn't completely ruin the plan. Okay, look, you gotta do it intravenously, which means in the vein. When you find him, you pull back on this plunger right here. The neck is probably gonna be the easiest, so you find a vein, you jam it in there, and pull back on this trigger right here. Be careful."
Scott had given him a whole lecture on the plan, Isaac chuckled, "Oh, I doubt it'll even slightly hurt him." Scott shook his head, "No, I mean you. I don't want you to get hurt." Isaac's head shot to the side in surprise. There was this moment of silence between them and that's when you felt it... another jolt. This time it was stronger.
What was going on? Why has it happened twice now?
Your thoughts were broken when hands grabbed your shoulders. You blinked and refocused on Scott, "And you be careful too, okay? Stay out of the way." You scoffed, "Okay, Mom."
"(Y/N), I'm serious."
You laughed and pushed him away, "Yes, I know, I'll be careful. Now go growl at middle aged men." He smiled at you before running off. You and Isaac were left alone once again. He seemed to still be in shock at the conversation he just had.
"I told you so."
"I told you, we care about you guys." He turned to see your smirk wearing face. He snickered, "You always have to be right, don't you." You gave a bright smile and a quick nod, "Yep," you grabbed his hand, "Seriously, be careful."
He used the grip you already had on his hand to bring you closer, his forehead back to resting on yours, "I will but it would be nice to have some incentive." You let your eyes lock with his, "Okay, you get out of this alive and I'll forgive you completely." His face practically lit up and he tried to hide it but you saw the bright expression just before he went back to his usual resting smirk.
"Now that's what I like to hear," his head shifted upwards and you felt his lips on your forehead. He pressed them there ever so gently before letting them leave your skin. "I'll see you soon, beautiful," he made the move of leaving first but was stopped by you grabbing the front of his shirt.
"You do anything too sexual with Erica and I'll kill you, Lahey, understand?"
He smirked, "Yes, ma'am."
You went to find Stiles after you had set up the area you guys were planning to keep Jackson. You guys had caught each other at the front entrance and you were now making your way towards the room, listening to Stiles excitement on how he had done his task.
You two had made it to the door and when you opened it you had startled the two Beta wolves. "Uh, no, no, no, just us. It's just us. Don't freak," Stiles rambled. You let out a breath of relief when you saw Isaac was alright and it looked like Isaac had done the same when he saw you.
"Is he okay," your best friend asked.
Isaac walked over to Jackson, raising his claw up, "Well... let's find out." When he went to swipe at Jackson his hand was caught as the lizard boy started to crush his hand. Isaac let out a groan of pain and he pulled back as hard as he could. He backed up to guys and you instantly grabbed his arm, "Are you okay?" Even when he was still grunting in pain, he nodded.
"Okay, no one does anything like that again, okay," Stiles pointed to everyone and he received unanimous nods. Isaac groaned one more time, "I thought the ketamine was supposed to put him out."
"Yeah, well, apparently this is all we're gonna get, so let's just hope that whoever's controlling him just decided to show up tonight."
Almost as if on cue, Jackson's eyes opened. You erratically began tapping Stiles and Isaac, "Guys, guys. Something's happening." Everyone watched Jackson as he started to speak, "I'm here." His voiced echoed and you could hear not just Jackson but someone else. It had to be the person controlling him.
"I'm right here with you."
You and Stiles looked at each other and slowly stepped towards the boy in the chair. "(Y/N), come back here." You ignored Isaac's words and crouched next to Stiles.
"Jackson, is that you," you asked quietly.
"Us. We're all here."
Stiles was taken aback by the answer, glancing over his shoulder at the werewolves behind you. "Are you the one killing people," Stiles questioned.
"We're the ones killing murderers."
His voice was full of venom and it was nearly as paralyzing as his actual toxin. It made you shiver out of fear. "So all the people you've killed so far-."
"Deserved it." He cut off Stiles violently.
"We got a little rule book that says you only go after murderers."
"Anything can break if enough pressure is applied."
You looked at Stiles again and took over the questioning, "Alright, so the people you're killing are all murderers then?"
"All. Each. Every one."
"Well, who'd they murder?"
"Me." His reply to your question truly stunned you, "They murdered me." Jackson's eyes rolled into his slitted ones and his head turned straight, "They murdered me." You and Stiles got up and started to back your way to the other two. Isaac had a small grip on your hip, keeping you close. You started to see Jackson's hands move, breaking free from its previous stillness.
"Alright," Stiles panicked, "Ketamine, the man needs more ketamine."
Isaac picked up the bottle, "We don't have anymore." Your best friend whipped around, "You used the whole bottle?" You saw Erica tap Stiles and you all looked to see Jackson standing, he hissed and his head began to shake violently.
"Okay, out, everybody out," you pushed Erica and Stiles forward. They needed no help from you though, all four of you rushed out of the room, bumping into each other until you closed the door. Everyone pressed their back on it and Stiles gave out instruction, "Okay, (Y/N), make a barrier hurry." It was too late, Jackson had busted through the wall and had made a break for it.
You guys all ran for the front door as everyone began leaving, you and Stiles made it outside and he crossed the line meeting Derek who was jogging over.
"Hey so we kind of lost Jackson inside, but it's-," Stiles' attention was on you and the two Betas who had also just walked out. You three were right on the line, they looked at you for reassurance and you raised your hand coming in contact with an invisible wall, it glowed a blueish color as you put more pressure on it.
"Oh, my god! It's working! Oh this is- yes! I did something!"
You heard a roar, it was so guttural. You felt the heat in your eyes, this time it was intense, if you weren't used to it by now it might have actually bugged you.
"Scott?" Derek had voiced your thought, he looked at you, he saw your eyes glow and he heard it too. The roar of a dying Scott.
"What," Stiles turned to Derek.
"Break it."
"What? No way!"
"Scott's dying!"
"What? How do you know that?"
"Oh, my god, Stiles! I just know! Break it!" Stiles broke the line and Derek took off. You could feel your feet moving before you could even think as you started to try and run too. You were stopped, however, by Isaac grabbing you, both arms wrapped around you.
"NO! LET GO! ISAAC! LET GO! SCOTT HE- HE'S HURT! YOU HAVE TO LET ME GO!" It was almost manic how much you thrashed to try and get out of the boy's hold. He held on tighter, "(Y/N), no, okay you can't, you can't fight yet. Derek will save him, okay, Derek will save him."
Your eyes were pouring tears at this point, "No, no, Scott he needs help, he needs me," you whimpered as you fell to the ground, Isaac coming with you but his arms never leaving their position around you.
His lips pressed against your hair and he just continued to comfort you, "I know, baby, I know. But he's gonna be okay. Derek's gonna save him. You have to stay here, okay, baby?"
You nodded still crying now holding onto Isaac like your life depended on it, muttering the same thing over and over again, "Scott he's- he's dying. He's dying- he's-."
"It's okay, baby, it's gonna be okay."
a/n: I finally gave you guys more isaac and y/n, aren't you guys happy with me? lol anyways hope you guys enjoy! let me know what you think!
taglist: @somiaw @vvicaddiction @mushroomelephant @breadbrobin @traumverloren-anderswelt @fandom-princess-forevermore @vanessa-boo
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koooslys · 9 months
ugly love ~ jjk
genre- fluff, angst, explicit ( basically all in one ) 
pairing- jungkook x female reader 
summary : this is inspired by the book ugly love by colleen hoover, jungkook nd y/n are best friends but grow to have a mutual attraction between each other, therefore they decide that an fwb relationship would be just right for them, however, they claim that it wont take a toll on their friendship but the fights, the quarrels and the toxicity says otherwise. Rules get broken and promises gets shattered, love gets ugly. Enjoy.
Chapter One ll 001 
i cant lose, when im with you, how could i snooze and miss the moment-- 
the loudness of your music lowers down, realising one side of your earbuds had been pulled out, your two friends, jimin, and yoongi, suddenly in sight. "jeez y/n we've been calling your phone since last period, its lunch right now" jimin, one of your friends say
"sorry guys, i turned off my notifs, mrs kim has a problem with notifications dinging in class" you explain, pulling off your other earbud and reaching into your school bag for your wallet before standing up
Your eyes glance around, looking for your third friend, "Hey, wheres jungkook?" 
"Well hes-" jimin subtly looks behind you, before he could finish his sentence 
Two hands grab your shoulder suddenly, earning a shriek to slip out of you, as the male figure behind you laughs, before putting an arm around you and moving to stand beside you 
"missed me?" he teases as you swat his hand away, even though he brings it back to rest around you 
"Like hell i do, so that was your master plan? To arrive late just so you could scare me?" you speak, you let your eyes roll 
"Mhm, and from the looks of it, it worked" He smiles, as jimin lets out a soft laugh
"can yall hurry up, ive been starving since math and yall are going to kill me by keeping me here" yoongi thats lazily sat in the chair infront of you speaks up 
"someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today" you giggle seeing him glare at you lazily from his seat, as the two other male figures beside you chuckle
"come on yoongles" you sing song,walking towards him before pulling him up and interlocking your arms with him dragging him towards the cafeteria as he whines, the two other male figures behind you laughing
You jimin yoongi and jungkook had been best friends for around five years, ever since the last year of middle school up to your guys's fourth year in high school. You guys practically do everything together, sure you guys have other friends, but you guys hang out with each other the most, showing up at each others houses unannounced, facetiming at 3 in the morning, late night walks/drives, hanging out after school. You guys were locked in and were each others closest friends.
Jimin and Jungkook were somewhat popular, the girls drool over them and are often questioning why they arent as close with them as you are.But you dont and couldnt give a care in the world. Yoongi on the other hand is well known, girls and boys both like him, but nobody dares to make conversation with him, for obvious reasons, he just has a resting bitch face that everybodys afraid of
Nevertheless, you love them with your entire heart and you know they do too.
"yoongi wait! mind getting me apple juice, i forgot to order it" you call out before yoongi walks away to buy his food, feeling jimin sit next to you
he simply nods before you feel somebody hover over from behind you and steal two of your fries "Hey!" you call out, hitting jungkooks shoulder before he walks and sits infront you and jimin laughing. "you always steal my food, so i get to steal yours" he mocks while shoving your fries down his throat
your eyes roll, leaning over to take two of jimins fries, "Hey?! hes the one who stole your food not me" he bickers, "Gimme" he says and aggressively takes a slice of bread from your tray
Yoongi comes back with your drink, thanking him, the four of you continue with lunch, before a guy approaches your table, earning your attention
"hey y/n right?" the guy says, his eyes focused on you and you only
"O-h yeah, josh right? whats good" you speak out
"i was just wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends this weekend, to watch the new conjuring movie" he explains, confusion running through your body, this was weird. Nobodys ever asked you to hang out with their friendgroup, especially when you barely know each other 
your eyes glance at jungkook and yoongi, whos eyes are down at their food, glancing up at you when your head turns towards them 
"Oh, thats ... sweet but why me? we barely know each other" you slightly laugh, noticing the intensity.
"Well me and my friends have always thought you were pretty cool, just never had the courage to ask you to hangout with us" Now you didnt know if you liked this, his friendgroup consisted of him, mark and two other girls, sunmi and alexa. And lets say you and your friends werent really that fond of them, especially the girls
"Well-" before you could speak, yoongi spoke up noticing the uncomfortable atmosphere
"She dosent really hangout with anybody else but us, and isnt it weird asking some random girl you barely know to hang out with people she dosent even converse with?" his words come off rather harsh, but the three of you knew it was just how he talks
You mentally smile, thats one thing you love about yours and yoongis friendship, nobody could read the both of you better than each other, thats why the both of you are that close, he never thought hed ever be close with a girl, but the both of you are THAT similar. You basically see him as a brother, actually no, you absolutely literally see him as a brother, thats how close you guys are
You notice joshs jaw slightly clench, "I see, if thats the case, you three are welcome to come if youd like, we just want to hangout" 
"Still pretty weird if you ask me" jungkook whispers under his breath , looking back at his food to take a bite, his jaw clenching slightly but neither of you besides jimin notice that
you see josh sighing out of annoyance, but he plays it off cool "So, whatd you say y/n?" he turns back to you
You glance at jimin, he gives you an "its up to you" look, so you decide to accept the offer out of kindness, but only and literally because he offered for your friends to come along
You nod, "Yeah, why not"
Josh smiles, "Alright then, see yall at shaws theatre at six today? Dont be late" He smiles at you before turning to your friends after his smile drops, glancing at them and walking away
yoongi eyes him walking away until hes out of sight 
"I dont like that guy" Jungkook whispers, leaning closer 
"Neither do i, and sunmi and alexa are going to be there, fuck we literally hate them" Yoongi sighs
"Looks like hes into y/n.." jimins voice trails off, subtly glancing at jungkook, but besides jungkook, neither of you noticed
Jungkook clears his voice, "Since when were you friends with josh baby" he asks, putting a spoonful of rice into his mouth
You and jungkook had a confusing friendship, you guys are the most flirtatious with each other, but yet yall always cringe at others when they ship you two together. You guys were that close to call each other pet names even though it meant nothing to the two of you, you guys were just friends.
"Im not, honestly he kinda creeped me out today, but whatever, its just one hang out and definitely the last" Your friends nod
"Figured, just stick with us alright?" Jimin says, you smile and nod, appreciating him caring.
"You know, its not too late to back out now y/n, we could go to the rooftop and smoke, like always" Yoongi speaks from beside you, eyes on his phone
You four were in the mall, finally making your way towards the movie theatre after stalling for so long in the car
"Ive been saying, i swear theyre just gonna be annoying the fuck outta me" Jimin speaks up from behind, agreeing with Yoongi
"Its fine you guys, lets just get this over with, and i kind of feel bad, plus its not like we're going to hangout with them again
Yoongi sighs, eyes never leaving his phone as you guys eventually reach the theatre 
"Here we go" Jungkook sighs from behind you and yoongi "You sure you wanna do this?" Jimin asks, earning a simple nod from you
Mark notices you guys walking over and nudges josh
"Hey, yall made it! Was starting to think you guys would bail" Josh says, slightly walking closer
You let out an awkward chuckle, "We would never" you let out, jungkook and jimin glancing at each other from behind, knowing that thats not the conversation yall had on the car ride here 
"Well, im guessing you guys already know each other but this is mark, sunmi and alexa" He introduces his friends, you guys glancing at each one of them
Mark however, eyes you up and down, and that dosent go unnoticed by yoongi
"That outfits quite revealing dont you think? Especially for a movie theatre, arent you going to be cold?" The male says, his girl friends behind him snicker subtly
He comments on your outfit as you frown, your style was usually either super laid back or super dressed up, it depends on what you prefer to wear on that day
You glance down at your outfit, you were wearing a tight tubed plain black top, followed with black jean shorts that rested just above the middle of your thighs
Yoongis head snaps towards him, all four of your eyebrows furrow, before you could say something, you hear jungkook speak
"I think shes allowed to wear what she wants" He says, not liking another guy looking at you in such a way, he didnt like you, but the thought of another guy looking at you made his stomach uneasy, and he never knew why, mark smiles and raises his hands up in defence 
"Never said she couldnt, was just worried, you know? As a friend" He smiles, eyes turned to you, inching slightly closer, in which yoongi pulls you closer and slightly behind him away from the other male, Yoongi wasnt trying to hide that, hes the last person you could think of that would give a fuvk about what people think of him.
Mark notices as his smile widens even more, amused by the four of you
"Thank you, but i think ill be just fine" You say and smile 
Wasting no more time, josh suggests yall go over to the food area to buy some food before yall made your way into the theatre 
Jungkook makes his way to stand next to you, your eyes looking up at the big screen that showcased the food menu
"Why do you even bother, youre going to get two hotdogs anyways" He teases as you glare at him 
"Surprising you remember" You tease back
"Bummer you think that way, considering i know everything about you" He speaks 
"Wrong, you missed out something" You smile 
"Two hot dogs with mayo and chilli" He says, you smile and speak to correct him but he cuts you off before you do
"And they cant be on the hotdog, theyd have to be squirted at the side, or put in a plastic cup if they have one" He smiles mockingly
"You forgot my drink" 
"You dont get one love, you never finish it so you make me share my drink with you, isnt that why i always order a large?"
You smile at how well he knows you, not being able to say anything, you roll your eyes playfully and push him towards the cashier with the rest of the guys
Sunmi and alexa watch the two of you conversing from behind and soon make their way to speak to you
"Didnt know you and jungkook were a thing" Sunmi speaks, your head turns to beside you noticing she was talking to you 
You laugh slightly, "Oh, we're not a thing" 
Her eyebrows raise "A guy thats not even your boyfriend calls you 'love' " Alexa questions
"Its just a thing we do, i guess its just how close we are" You speak, not knowing what you just said had enraged Sunmi.
"Thats kinda pathetic, what if a girl thats into him gets the wrong idea? Arent you just ruining his chances of getting a girlfriend" 
You never thought about it that way, you always felt safe with him, to the point him calling you pet names became normalised, but you didnt care, she knew nothing about the relationship between you and jungkook and the way she spoke to you annoyed you
"Honestly, i dont think thats any of your business, are you-" before you could finish your sentence, your friends walk towards you with theirs and your food
Jungkook hands you your food, while sipping his drink
You didnt know why, but the moment you knew that your closeness with jungkook was somewhat annoying to them, you felt the urge and excitement to show it off 
Without thinking, you pull jungkook closer to you by his drink, the straw slipping out of his mouth abruptly as you bring your face closer to his to reach the drinks straw
You take a sip, jungkook still flustered because it happened so suddenly, and quite literally because your face was right infront of his 
You pull away to look up at him "Sorry love, i was thirsty" You smile, he didnt have enough time to process the petname you called him, because its usually him that uses it on you, but he chuckles whispering an 'its okay' 
"lets go?" You speak, turning towards your friends, seeing them nod as yall walk past the girls infront of you, you didnt even have to glance at them to know that Sunmi was furious, and at that moment you knew she had a thing for jungkook, and you were determined to make her feel like ass, not because youre jealous or anything, you dont even like him. Right?
Taking a seat in between jimin and jungkook, yoongis seated at the corner beside jimin, the rest seated in a line after jungkook
"If youre cold, let me know okay?" Jungkook says from beside you as you simply nod 
"Actually, im kind of cold right now" You whisper of embarrassment as Jungkook chuckles softly 
"C'mere" He gestures, pulling off his large ass jacket from one arm, placing it around you, in that way the both of you are covered. His arm rests around you and on your arm, rubbing it slightly for warmth
"This okay?" You snuggle closer and nod
Mark watches the both of you from beside Jungkook, he stares subtly before wanting to make conversation with you 
"Y/n, have you watched the first conjuring movie already?" He leans in and tries to ask, but you were too comfortable at the moment, you had your eyes closed, drowning out all the sound around you 
Jungkook notices and nudges you with his body slightly "Hes talking to you baby" The petname rolling off his tongue on purpose 
That dosent go un noticed by Mark, his eyes snap towards Jungkook, confused.
You still dont realise somebodys talking to you so Mark takes that opportunity to question Jungkook, "You guys are together?" He asks as Jungkook smiles, he got what he wanted.
"Nope" He replies shortly, turning away to use his phone, not giving him a proper explanation on why he was able to call you that, and thats what he wanted. He wanted to leave Mark in confusion, he wanted to deny his question but leave him knowing that y/n was not available. He didnt even realise what he was doing until he was left in silence for a few minutes 
He turned to look at you, resting peacefully against him. He stares at the arm he wrapped around you. And he didnt know why it never occurred to him that this may not be the most normal thing between opposite genders, until now. But he knew he had no feelings for you, and he knew you had no feelings for him. It was clear the both of you were just friends. Just friends.
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katnissmellarkkk · 6 months
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Yall I did it!!! I actually finished the chapter! Okay so now I was thinking seriously of splitting this chapter in two parts but in the end, I couldn’t find a good, satisfying place to break them in half so… here’s a really long chapter! Hopefully you guys don’t mind 🩷🩷🩷🩷
Okay well anyways, God bless all of you and thank you so much for continuing to read my stuff, following my page here, giving me kudos and especially all the really nice, wonderful comments! Those are like instant serotonin to my brain 🤍.
Anyways hope you enjoy!
It doesn’t take long for Peeta to arrive home. After our call ended, with me tearfully proclaiming I need you, all I could manage to do was stare at the clock. Stare at it and count the minutes until my husband was here with me and not lingering in town, vulnerable and unaware of the most recent turn of events.
Not lingering in town, where Vulcan could find him and follow through with his threat to take Peeta’s life.
I almost choke as the possibility dawns on me. For some reason, in the hours since I awoke, the prospect of Vulcan the Stalker harming Peeta had yet to even cross my mind.
And my head wound throbs and my side aches something awful as the image fills my mind. The image of the person I love most in the world, lying in a pool of his own blood, slowly dying from a wound inflicted by a monster, who for some deranged reason chose me to be the object of his affection. My chest hurts at the very concept that Peeta could be gravely injured and I would be none the wiser. The mere idea quite literally takes my breath away.
The mere idea that what happened to me could happen to Peeta makes my eyes fill up, and I wonder if I begin to hyperventilate how much it’ll damage the stitches in my side. How much can I move before I damage the seams holding my hip together and keeping me from bleeding out all over the bed.
But — thankfully — I don’t have time to find out. Because before I can have a full meltdown, much like the one I already had upon waking up and finding myself stitched together like one of Prim’s old rag dolls, my husband’s stomp booms as he comes up the stairs, apparently taking them three at a time.
And I’ve never been so grateful for his gait. I’ve never been so grateful that he’s as loud as a bear on a wild chase.
I only wish we could be alone. I wish we could just have a moment to ourselves. But there’s still Enforcers in our hall, conferring quietly among themselves, with no end to their visit in sight. Actually, it’s not just the hall. There is still Enforcers everywhere on our property.
On our lawn, in our kitchen, on the porch, in the living room, the office, the backyard, down the road.
And especially in the spare room where I painted the floor scarlet with my blood. They’ve all been taking turns rotating in and out of that room for as long as I’ve been coherent.
One of the Enforcers — a younger male, who I haven’t had to personally speak to — attempts to stop Peeta as he rushes to get to me, his eyes dark and wild and intense.
“Sir, I’m sorry,” the young lawman says, his tone all business and detached. Like my near death experience is nothing but a bore to him. “This whole house is a crime scene. You can’t be in here-”
“She’s my wife,” Peeta simply states, as if that changes everything.
Because it does. To me and to him.
Because for as long as that handcrafted ring is on my finger, wherever I am, he belongs too. There’s nowhere I could be that Peeta wouldn’t follow. There’s nothing that could keep me away from him.
Read The Rest On AO3
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soaps-mohawk · 7 months
The amount of power you hold by making this series is INSANE LIKE I HAVE SO MANY QUESTION AND THEORIES
Like the institute, was it a bad experience? A good one? A mix? Does Omega! Reader have any specific memories that don't seem to leave? Maybe the omega's who had behavioral issues were punished but no one spoke of the punishments? I HAVE SO MANH THOUGHTS
That's what I love about reading fic series is that the readers talk to the writers and I feel like yall just sit and laugh like 'these guys have no idea how much pain I'm about to cause them' LMFAO like your the person behind the slaughter
No but really y'all have no idea what's coming. Even here very soon...y'all have no idea lmaooo
(please don't hate me I promise it has a happy ending 😬)
Institutes are not good places. I'll just clear that up right now, even though that's going to be kind of brought up here in a couple chapters. They are not good places and they never really have been. They were started in the late 19th century as a place to send omegas that had behavioral issues, health issues, all sorts of issues or perhaps were unwanted by families that couldn't support them or didn't want to have to deal with the work that goes into omegas. So think like mental institutions. They were run by "doctors and professionals" that "understood omegas" and could cure/fix/care for them.
Of course as the years went on people started to realize maybe not everything that goes on in them is so good and after some investigations and such there was a huge reform on institutes and they became more like they are in the present day in the fic. Actual institutes that "care for omegas and prepare them for pack life." Originally omegas didn't leave institutes after they were handed over, but then people realized there was money in institutes so naturally, they started dumping money into them to train omegas and then pretty much sell them off. Not directly like selling humans, but most institutes require application payments and then there's fees for all sorts of things like testing, files, anything they can legally charge for, they will.
Obviously we're beginning to realize a bit at this point that not everything the reader learned at the institute is...right. What omegas are taught and how they're taught varies institute to institute, usually based on the types of alphas that are seeking omegas from the institute. So institutes that have higher standing, more funding, tend to teach more subservience and obedience because that's where you have the rich alphas and the politicians and government looking at omegas. Lower level institutes might teach more how to serve and keep a pack since they might have the upper middle class, future family pack omegas. The lowest level institutes might also teach subservience and obedience less in an "I have an appearance to uphold" type of way and more of a "these are not good alphas picking up these omeags and we know that" type of way.
So, the reader didn't have a good experience because there is no real good experience at an institute. They're very strict, controlling, almost abusive in some instances (kneeling for two hours anyone?) Not every omega gets sent to an institute either. Some omegas live with their families until they're old enough to start seeking an alpha themselves. I think I did touch on that briefly in a chapter somewhere.
There's so much I could talk about on institutes omg. This is probably way more than you expected 😅 I just love this stuff so much.
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iamknicole · 9 months
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Chapter Eight
A/N: This is going to be the last chapter of 2024! Enjoy and excuse any typos!
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of abortion, 18+, MINORS DNI
Chapter Seven
“You know when you said you would pay me back I thought you were gonna take me to dinner, not have me melting in the hot ass sun.”
After some bargaining at the hospital, Toni had given Bronco her number and after more bargaining over the span of two weeks, she finally gave in to his invitation to go out with him. Now she sat beside him in the bleachers watching his brother’s baseball practice.
“I told you to dress comfortable and in something lightweight,” he chuckled. “Where did you think I was takin you with that dress code? Mickey D’s?”
She laughed, pushing his shoulder. “Shut up and I would have been just fine with McDonalds thank you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, Ms. Toni.” He joked dodging her hit. “But I figured we could sit out here and talk and stuff without the interruptions. If that’s okay with you. Plus you said you needed to talk to me about something anyway.”
She nodded watching the boys on the field for a moment. “You and Zilla are pretty close right?”
Bronco nodded, looking between her and the field. “Yeah we are. Something wrong?”
“Yes and no.” She shrugged. “I’ve been trying to talk to Moriah about it but she’s already got a lot going on. I know she needs to know but I don’t wanna add onto her stress.”
A frown replaced Bronco’s small smile.
“What you seen him creepin or somethin? Cause I can dead that shit real quick. Just let me know what’s up.”
“No, no, no,” she replied quickly putting her hands out to stop him, “No, Zilla is not cheating on her. No. Breathe.”
“Oh,” he blew hard, “I was about to get that man, my friends don’t do that shit.”
“Well I’m glad you hold your friends accountable. Not a lot of men do that,” she praised offering him a smile, “But when her mom was in town a few weeks ago for Thanksgiving, her mom came up to the hospital.”
“Maybe she was tryna talk to Rye after everything.”
“Nope, she wasn’t there to see Rye, Rye wasn’t even working. I overheard her talking to Thomas while I was up on the pediatrics floor.”
His face turned up at her words. “Thomas? Rye’s ex that almost got his ass beat? Him?”
“Yes him,” she chuckled.
“Wait, they fuckin?”
Laughing, Toni pushed him again telling him to shut up. “You just shut up and listen. You get on my nerves. Now, she was telling him to lay low with trying to get Moriah back and to leave the rest of the planning to her after he almost got his ass beat by yall. She said she knew how to get him to leave Moriah since she won't just leave.”
“The two of them in on this together, That’s fucked up, Zilla ain’t even a bad guy. I don’t get it.”
“More of she’s using him as a pawn and he’s too dumb to realize it.”
“She got the right dumbass then from what I’ve seen but she do know Zilla ain’t leavin that girl? He love her mean ass too much to take that lady side or word for anything.”
“That’s the thing though.What she tells him might make him leave. Which is why I wanted to talk to her so she can tell him before her mom does. Or see if you can talk to her.”
“Well what is it that’s so bad?”
While Toni was explaining what she’d overheard, she had to keep reminding him to lower his voice and not get himself upset. Based on his reaction, she knew that the reaction Moriah gets will be even worse. By the end of their conversation Bronco was red from the tips of his ears to the tips of his fingers, Toni was sure if she looked closely she could see steam coming from his ears. It took a lot of convincing for Bronco not to go to the hospital and prove to Thomas that the security wait time wasn’t shit. But he told her if she didn’t let Moriah know, that he would.
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After the NXT tapings for the holidays, Zilla and Moriah were on their flight within the hour heading back to Texas. Zilla slept with his head in Moriah’s lap most of the flight but sleep completely missed her. Her mind was moving a mile a minute, worrying. Toni had been trying to have a conversation about Nadine for the past couple of weeks which she brushed off until Toni put her foot down. She told Zilla to make sure Moriah called her as soon as they got situated if she wanted to be off for his next match. Moriah wasn’t sure if she had done something wrong at work or if Toni just wanted to talk about Bronco. Along with that, Moriah stressed about if her mother was going to try and see her and what would happen when she had to be in the same room with her on Christmas since it was the only way she’d see her grandmother and auntie. Before she could get a good grasp on either dilemma, the couple were in their uber headed to Leata’s house. 
They went around to the back of the house and slipped in to surprise everybody. Zilla sat their bags down, then led Moriah through the kitchen to the living room. While Zilla was sneaking up behind Leata, Moriah went to jump into Zilla’s second oldest brother, Ejay’s lap and hugged his neck tight. Leata screamed seeing both of her babies.
“I thought you two weren’t coming for two more days!” 
“We wanted to surprise yall,” Zilla chuckled squeezing her tight.
Moriah continued to squeeze and hug Ejay, laughing. “Hug me back, Ejay! Don’t be mean! Mama, tell him don’t be mean!”.
“Be nice to her, Ejay. She’s been putting up with your brother all by herself. She needs some love,” Leata joked. 
“That’s right and that ain’t easy! He hard headed! He don’t listen! Annnnd … he eats all of my snacks.”
Zilla stared at her playfully. “I’m hard headed and don’t listen? Me?”
Moriah nodded. “That’s right, you.They all know that you’re hard headed and don’t listen. Right, Mama? Right, brothers?”
“Nope, Mama is not in this. I’m gonna go straighten up the room for you two.” She laughed softly as she left the room.
Moriah shrugged getting up. “That just means she doesn’t wanna hurt his feelings. I know my favorite brothers don’t care so…. Naio, Ejay ….  tell him. Please and thank you.”
“Why are we in the middle?” Ejay asked, laughing.
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“They not cause they know it’s you, fat head,” Zilla thumped her forehead then stepped back to dodge her hit.”Don’t be mad at me cause you hard headed and don’t listen.”
The couple started to argue while his brothers watched and laughed. They did miss their arguments simply because they never had to get involved. Being ref was their moms job.
“Aye, aye, aye. It’s too much noise in here!”
The arguing stopped, they both turned to the doorway of the living room ready to fuss at whoever it was.
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As Moriah was running towards him, Zilla pulled her back and pushed her playfully onto the sofa so he could get to his oldest brother. Laughing, Arthur hugged his brother tight.
“Why you do that?”
“Don’t worry about her, she’ll be aight,” he laughed, “Her fat ass head saved her.”
Moriah huffed standing back up from the sofa and marched over to them, plucking Zilla’s ear.
“I hope it’s funny when you on the sofa tonight.”
“You can’t put me on the sofa in my mama house. She ain’t gon let  you.”
“She let me do it before so I hope you enjoy it.”
Laughing, Zilla pulled her close putting his face in her neck making her giggle.
“Let me go, Fatu” She giggled trying to move away from him.
“Come on, Fat.” He pleaded, still holding onto her, “Don’t do me like that. You know I love you.”
Moriah giggled louder trying to get away from his kisses and tickles. 
“Moriah! Come here!”.
After a little more of their tug of war, Zilla let her go from his grasp so she could answer Leata’s call. Arthur guided his baby brother over to the sofa, both of them flop down on it.
“I thought yall were sickening while yall were here but since yall been in Florida, yall have gotten so much worse,” Ejay joked. “I mean do yall argue at all?”
“Yeah we argue, not a lot but sometimes.” 
“I know what it is,” Naio snickered while his brothers watched him, waiting for him to finish. “It's that sofa.”
They all laughed, Arthur smacked his baby brother’s chest playfully.
“Why did your ass tell her mama that? You knew she almost popped a blood vessel.”
He shrugged. “She was tryna be funny so I was hilarious. I ain’t gon lie to yall that lady lucky I love Fat as much as I do.”
“Shit, I don’t think love would’ve been enough to get me off her ass,” Naio admitted messing with his twists, “I woulda told Moriah to go to the hotel and get her lick back. That bruise was big as shit.”
EJay squinted. “What bruise?”
“You remember I told you Nadine slapped her?” Zilla asked speaking in a low tone to which he nodded. “The bruise from that.”
“She slapped her that hard? Hell nah, she needed her ass beat.”
Zilla shrugged. “That’s her mom, I agree but you know. Rye ain’t talked to her since. Nadine call and shit, her ass even called me tryna get to her.”
“You answered the phone,” Arthur inquired.
“I answered one time and reminded her that she didn’t like me and told her not to call my phone no more. Like I was gon make Fat talk to her.”
While the brothers were talking, Moriah helped Leata make the bed in Zilla’s old bedroom. The two women moved in a comfortable silence. Peace and love radiated through the house, it gave Moriah that warm feeling she missed when they were at home in Florida. If Moriah could bottle it up and take it with her to spread around in their own home she would. When the bed was done, Moriah sat on the side of it watching Leata search the small walk in closet.
“The other day I came in here to look for something and I found something I never realized I left in here,” Leata explained still searching the closet. “I must have put it in here after you two left cause I imagine you or him would’ve found it.”
“Oh? What you got?”
A quiet moment passed between them before Leata emerged from the closet holding the item close to her chest. She closed and locked the bedroom door before going to sit beside Moriah on the bed.
“Do you remember this?” She asked handing the piece of clothing over to Moriah. 
Moriah laughed a little. The shirt she held in her hands had a collage of pictures of her and Zilla, only slightly faded.. “He hated it but he wore it to make me happy.”
“I remember the night you gave it to him in front of all of us. I had never seen him roll his eyes so hard,” she laughed, “His brothers didn’t make it any better. He knew that it meant a lot to you though.”
“I remember the way his face turned up,” she laughed, “But he hugged me and told me he loved it. I knew better though.”
“We all did. I wasn’t 100% sure until that moment that you and him liked each other,” she chuckled, “14 years old and acted like an old married couple.”
Moriah shrugged, finally looking up from the shirt. “I didn’t know exactly what I was feeling but I knew that as long as I had him it didn’t matter.”
“Have you told him yet?”
“No, not yet. I know I need to.”
“I know you’re afraid of his reaction. If you want, I’ll be there while you tell him.”
She shook her head, “No, well … maybe. I gotta do something else first though.”
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On Christmas Eve, Moriah slipped away from the Fatu family to visit her own. Her grandmother and aunt were in town to see her, in order to see them she had to bite the bullet and go to her childhood home. Zilla offered to go with her and when she turned him down, he told her he would be accompanying her. The couple stood on the front porch wrapped in each other’s arms, kissing and whispering softly to each other. Zilla wanted her to be in the best mood possible before entering a space he knew wouldn’t be conducive to her mental health.
“I must have missed the mistletoe out here.”
Moriah pulled away laughing. “Auntie Kami! I missed you!”
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Kamille Parker, the younger sister of Nadine and the one that was given all the sense if you asked Moriah. The two hugged and rocked from side to side while Zilla watched with a small smile. Kamille kissed her head after she pulled away. 
“I missed you too but I see my nephew is keeping you nice and busy.” She joked, going to hug him. “Hey, Zilla. How are you? I saw your match too. You did that.”
“Thank you, Auntie. You look beautiful as always.”
“That’s because I know how to act and treat people,” she joked, “I keep telling my fat head sister that but we all know she doesn’t listen very well. She’s gonna start aging like milk.”
The young couple laughed as they followed her into the house. Her mother’s voice carried through the house, she sounded happy but Moriah knew as soon as she saw Zilla that was going to change, 
Kamille nudged her, “Stop thinking so hard. Especially about her. You didn’t come to see her anyway, you came to see me and Mama. Fuck her.”
“Auntie,” Moriah laughed softly. 
“No seriously, fuck her, Moriah. You worry about you, she did this to herself. Don’t you agree, Zilla?”
Moriah stared between the two of them, playfully shaking her head. “Alright, Auntie but don’t be all buddy buddy with him. I’m the favorite here, not him.”
Zilla thumped her ear playfully, “You so jealous. Ion say shit when Mama pick your side over mine.”
“You do so,” she fired back, “Just before we left the house you made her apologize for taking my side.”
“Blah, blah, blah, proof or it didn’t happen.”
Laughing, Kamille stopped the couple from arguing before they got too carried away. They stood in the foyer a little longer to talk, both Zilla and Kamille could tell Moriah needed a little more time. 
“Look what Santa left on the porch,” Kamille announced happily as they entered the living room. 
Trenice Parker, the matriarch of the Parker family, stood from her seat on the sofa with a beautiful smile stretched across her face and her eyes lit up at the sight of her granddaughter. She waved her oldest daughter off when she attempted to keep their conversation going.
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“Look at my beautiful babygirl. Spin around let me see this outfit, Rye.”
Giggling, Moriah did a quick spin then went in to hug her grandmother. While they were hugging, Nadine and Zilla made eye contact and he made no move to avert his eyes. There was a slow burning fire in her eyes at the sight of him. 
“Florida has been treating you well, I see. And I assume so has Isayah,” she joked, going to hug him. “How are you doing, baby?”
“I’m good, Mrs. Parker. How you doin?” 
“I’m well better now that the two of you are here. Wait .. wait,” she called out, “I called you the wrong name. Tell me the name again.” 
“Its aight, you can call me Isayah. I don’t mind.”
“Only if you call me Umi like I asked.”
Moriah frowned pushing between them. “Uhn uhn. You’re my Umi, not his. He don’t get to call you that.”
“You always were a jealous little thing,” Trenice laughed, “You’ll always be my number one, Rye. If he’s gonna be in the family then he should call me what you call me. Right?”
Nadine scoffed under her breath, Trenice winked at the young couple.
“You say something, big sis?”
“Kamille, mind your business.” She retorted. “Mama, that boy is not in the family. He can call you Mrs. Parker. Moriah, you don’t see me sitting here?”
“Nadine, stop it. You are just like your father, mean as a snake and for what? It’s Christmas time and I want to enjoy my babies. Now you hush.”
Zilla made eye contact with Nadine again and gave her a wide smile.
“Moriah, I asked you a question.”
Kamille tapped Zilla’s arm, “I need to borrow your muscles for a second. Come on.” Zilla looked unsure between his girlfriend and Kamille. “She’s good. She’ll be good.”
After letting his girlfriend know to call him if she needed him, Zilla followed Kamille out of the room. The generations of Parker women remained, the oldest looking between the others. Trenice clasped her hands in front of her, a smile still on her face.
“Moriah, would you like to speak to your mother?”
“No ma'am. I came here to see you and Auntie Kami.”
Trenice cut Nadine off when she started to speak. “I understand that but what would it hurt to greet her? You don't have to talk to her, only greet.”
Moriah glanced over at her mother, starting to feel herself feeling bad. She took a few moments to take a few breaths. “I'm sorry, Umi. No. I don't want to talk to her and I'm not.”
“See? I told you, Mama.” Nadine scoffed. “Just let her have her little tantrum, she'll be fine.”
Moriah bit her tongue to keep herself from engaging into the argument her mother wanted from her. She had thought about at least speaking to her mother since she was in her house but that thought was long gone. 
“Well if this is how you're gonna act then I wouldn't speak to you either. You should be trying to fix the problem,” Trenice chastised. “Not making it worse, Nadine.”
Nadine groaned. 
“Not you too. I told the girl that I didn't mean to slap her that hard, I apologized for that.”
“You shouldn't have slapped her period, Nadine. Have I ever done that to you?”
“No, but-,”
“So why would you think it's an okay thing to do to her?”
“She was being disrespectful, Mama. I was never a disrespectful child.”
Trenice snorted, “Like hell you weren't.”
Moriah's phone vibrated while they were talking, she slipped out of the room to answer it. She went to sit on the stairs and answered. 
“The ED missing me already? Or you got Bronco tea?”
Toni laughed softly. “The ED does miss you and no tea. Are you busy?”
“Yeah but I needed a break from it.”
Toni noticed the far away tone and became concerned. “Everything okay? You and Zilla alright?”
“Yeah, yeah, we're good. At my mom's house to see my Auntie and Umi.”
“Oooh and your mom is being herself.”
“Right but anyway,” she sighed, “I'm sorry for not calling. Zilla did remind me but Mama had me so busy. She's missed me being here with her. What did you wanna talk about?”
“Well first, where's Zilla?”
She chuckled. “I tried to leave him with his brothers but he put his foot down and came with me. He's helping my Aunt with something.”
Toni paused trying to figure out how she reached to say what she needed to say. She wished Moriah would've called before she went to get mother's house. 
“In just gonna rip the bandaid off,” she sighed, “When your mom was here, she came to the hospital to talk to Thomas. She's using him to try and break you and Zilla up.”
Moriah's hold on her phone became tighter. “What?”
“Yeah but clearly she's realized that's not working so she's got another plan,” Toni explained. 
“Which is what?”
“Rye, she's gonna tell him. She knows that you haven't told him.”
The line went quiet but Toni knew she was still there. Moriah's body started to heat up from anger and some fear. She was planning on telling him on her own time but now she didn't have that option.
“She told Thomas?”
“Yes. I'm sorry, Rye. I'm sorry she made you do that.”
Moriah’s heart fluttered in her chest as tears burned her eyes. “Thank you for telling me. I'll call you later or something.”
“Call if you need me, I'm serious.”
After hanging up, Moriah went to the bathroom to collect herself before her aunt or Zilla saw her. 
“I assume you needed something heavy moved.”
“Nope,” Kamille responded handing him a water bottle, “Nadine had been complaining about how Moriah acts differently in front of me, you, her dad and your family so I was proving a point.”
“Thanks. Yeah? I'm not shocked. She think we brainwashed her or some shit but it's really all her doin.” He shrugged taking a long drink from the bottle. 
“We know that but she acts like she doesn't. How has my baby been? She tells me she's fine but I know better.”
He chuckled, “She was taking it pretty hard at first but she's doin better. I'm happy she standin up for herself.”
“So am I. Now what about you? Found a new therapist yet?” Zilla scrunched his face up at her, making her laugh. “You thought I forgot, didn't you?”
He shrugged playfully. “I was hopin you did. Ain't found one, honestly ain't been lookin.”
Kamille snorted. “At least you're honest. I'm giving you a month to find one. If you don't find one, I'll do it for you. Got it?”
“Yes ma'am.”
“What are you trying to accomplish with this attitude, Nadine?”
Nadine rolled her eyes. “The same thing all of you should want … him away from my child.”
Trenice stared at her daughter at a loss. The way that her daughter had gone from being best friends with the family to public enemy number one had her flabbergasted. 
“What is it that you think is gonna happen if you don't get him away from Rye?”
“She gonna be unhappy, mistreated and neglected for the rest of her life. I went through that and I don't want that for her.” Nadine fussed.
Trenice clapped her hands and pointed, “There you go. You're protecting your feelings onto her. Just because you feel like that happened to you, doesn't mean it'll happen to her. You have to let her live her life and be happy.”
“Wait,” Nadine frowned, “Because I feel like? No, that is what happened. Hassan was a terrible husband and you know that.”
“Do I, Nadine? For almost twenty years I watched that man dote on you, love you and take care of you. Where were these other undesirable moments that you speak of?” Trenice raised a brow hearing her daughter scoff. “And if you scoff, suck your teeth or roll your eyes at me again, you'll be picking eyes and teeth up off the floor.”
“When he decided he was gonna abandon his career and his family for a dream. He was always gone, never had time for us, Mama. Don't act like you remember.”
Trenice stared. “Is that really how you remember that?”
“It's how it happened.” Nadine shot back. 
“No, that's how you're remembering it. He lost his best friend and he decided to live life which still included you and Moriah. But because that's how you're choosing to remember it, you've decided to try to ruin your daughter's happiness instead of talking about it.”
“Mama,” she groaned, “I'm trying to save her from the heartache. I saved her once before and I thought she would've understood and been grateful but look at her.”
“What you did to her was not to save her so save that hero act, Nadine.” Trenice fussed starting intently at her daughter, “You did that to hurt her because you knew by hurting her, you could hurt him.”
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Christmas always brought different emotions for Moriah. It was her favorite holiday, she loved the togetherness, the decorations and the gifts but it always bought that pang of sadness. Having to spend every other Christmas without her father and every one without those who were gone. She always woke up before any one else did on Christmas and this year was no different. After making herself a mug of hot cocoa, Moriah went to sit on the front porch to watch the sunrise.
Six weeks had passed since Zilla's incarceration, his family and Moriah were still figuring out how to deal with the loss. Moriah spent all the time she could with Leata, wanting to be close to what reminded her of him as she was taking him being gone outwardly the hardest. 
“Rye, come eat. I know you haven't eaten all day.”
Leata sat on the side of her son's bed where Moriah laid under his covers. 
“I'm not hungry, Ma.”
“Didn't ask if you were hungry,” she explained softly, “I told you to come eat. Arthur's here, he came to see you specifically.”
Slowly, she sat up from the bed and let Leata help her up. Leata hugged her tight before they left the room for the kitchen. 
“A sight for sore eyes,” Arthur joked going to hug her. “I got your favorite.”
At that, Moriah perked up going to sit at the kitchen table with him. Leata went to grab their plates laughing softly to herself. 
“Most excited I've seen you in a while, Rye.”
“Beef barbacoa does it every time,” Arthur laughed, “How you feel, lil sis?”
Moriah shrugged and thanked Leata. “Been okay, I guess. It's weird.”
“Yeah, it's weird, I feel the same way. Ma said you been sick, you got the cooties?”
She laughed a little. “Don't have the cooties. Prolly just a cold or something.”
Arthur and Leata briefly made eye contact with each other. Moriah happily bit into her taco, humming as she chewed it up. 
“Your other friends been sick too?”
When she opened her mouth to answer she started to gag uncontrollably. After a few moments, she ran to the nearest bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach into the toilet leaving the mother and son to sit in silence. Once she was sure she was fine, Moriah washed up and brushed her teeth before going back to the table.
“Sorry, sorry. I haven't eaten all day, guess I ate too fast.”
Arthur grabbed the Walmart bag from the table and passed it to her, a small smile on his face. She took it wearily. 
“What's this? A gift?”
“Something like that,” he answered softly.
Moriah looked in the bag then quickly closed it and shook her head. “No, it's just a cold or the flu. I'm not … no.”
“Manamea, it's not a cold. I'll go take it with you.”
She shook her head again starting to cry. “I can't be. I can't,  not without Zay.”
Arthur rubbed her back trying to comfort her. “Breathe, Rye. In and out,” he instructed doing it with her, “There you go, breathe. It's okay, we're here with you.”
Two weeks later, Moriah sat in the exam room with Leata, Hassan, Nadine and her OBGYN. Having gotten over her initial shock, Nadine had seemingly come around to her grandchild and was willing to be present and helpful. 
“Everything with mom and baby looks good, I don't see any reason to worry.” The doctor informed them happily. “We’re just going to take a look at the baby before you go.”
Hassan helped Moriah lie back on the exam table, he offered her a small smile and kissed the top of her head. They watched the screen intently, Hassan and Leata with tears in their eyes. Moriah was honestly confused the first few moments about what she was looking at. 
“That thing is my baby?” She asked. 
The doctor laughed, “Yes, that's Baby DeBreaux. I know baby looks a little funny now but we're only at week 10 so he or she is still growing.”
“Fatu,” Moriah whispered.
“I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, dear.”
“You said Baby DeBreaux,” Moriah answered softly, “Baby Fatu.”
“Oh I'm sorry, I should have asked. Well Baby Fatu is growing and healthy.”
“Thank you.”
Nadine mumbled under her breath which didn't go unnoticed by Hassan and Leata. 
“When is the due date?” Hassan asked holding onto his daughter'shand. 
“March 24th. Give or take a few days if he or she is stubborn.”
A soft gasp left Leata, her tears finally slipping out.
“Hmm well maybe they'll give the father a weekend pass to see the birth of his child or do prisons not do that anymore?”
Moriah stared up at the ceiling while Leata and Hassan glared at Nadine. The doctor cleared her throat. 
“Would you all like to hear the heartbeat?”
“Yes,” Hassan answered still staring at his ex wife, “Please.”
As soon as the sound of the baby's heartbeat filled the room, Nadine's rude remark was forgotten. Moriah cried softly, her hand instinctively went to her belly. 
Another two weeks passed, news of Moriah's pregnancy hadn't spread beyond her parents, Leata, Arthur, her aunts and grandparents. They had yet to figure out how to tell Zilla the news as they were worried about how it would affect him not being able to be there for his own child for ten years. When Moriah wasn't at school she was baby shopping with Leata and on some occasions with Nadine as well. 
“Where are you going?” Nadine asked seeing Moriah pull on her shoes. 
“Zilla's mom is coming to get me. We’re gonna go look at some stuff.”
Nadine shook her head. “Call her and tell her that you can't go. You've got an appointment.”
“Uuh on a Saturday? I thought my next one wasn't for a few weeks.” She said genuinely confused. 
“Yes on a Saturday. This is with a different doctor, I just wanna make sure everything is okay.” Nadine explained sweetly.
Moriah smiled. “Oh okay then I'll see if she wants to come.”
“No, no. I want this to be just me and you,” Nadine suggested getting up from her seat, “Afterwards maybe we can go look at some baby stuff. What do you think?”
Even though she was surprised and slightly skeptical, Moriah agreed and relayed the information to Leata, who was skeptical as well. An hour later, Moriah was sitting in the waiting room of an unfamiliar clinic while her mother filled out paperwork beside her. Whenever she tried to ask a question, Nadine changed the subject or told her not to worry about it. 
Getting called to the back, Moriah was extremely uncomfortable and panicking. The looks the nurse gave her were troubling, she wanted to ask but with her mom in the room, Moriah knew she wouldn't get an answer. When the doctor entered, he spoke to them both but Nadine was the only one responding and not for lack of trying on Moriah's part. The doctor took his time explaining the vacuum aspiration to Moriah as they prepped her. At a loss for words, Moriah sat completely still and stared at the doctor as if he was speaking another language. 
“You'll have to take it easy for a few days but after that you should be fine. I'm sure your mother will take good care of you.”
At the mention, Moriah looked over at Nadine, who had a small smile on her face. 
“Mama, I want my baby. I don't wanna do this.”
“You'll thank me later, Moriah.”
She shook her head, wrapping her arms around her belly protectively. “I wanna keep my baby. You said you were happy.”
“If you two need to discuss this more, I can step out,” the doctor offers. 
Nadine shook her head, “No, there's nothing to discuss. She's 15, I'm her parent and I say it goes. Get rid of it or I'll find someone who will, doctor.”
Tears stung Moriah's eyes at her mother's words. 
“You're gonna let them kill my baby, Mama?”
“I am and they are. Get rid of it and you can move on with your life. Stop crying and let them do their job.”
The week that followed the procedure, Moriah stayed in her room, crying, sleeping and avoiding contact with anyone. From her room, she could hear Nadine happily telling her aunt and Umi how she got rid of their problem and how she never wanted ‘it’ anyway. 
Nadine burst into her room, bouncing over to her windows to open her curtains. 
“Alright, Rye, it's time to get out of that bed. I've let you sulk long enough.”
Moriah pulled her comforter over her head ignoring her mother's commands. 
“Oh no no no,” Nadine drug out pulling the comforter back, “Pity party is over. Get up and get dressed.”
“For what?” She huffed finally sitting up. 
“Well, for one because I said so and two, so Leata will stop calling me,” Nadine huffed. “You can go over there and tell her that you got rid of it so she'll leave us alone finally.”
Moriah glared at her mother. “I didn't do anything. You killed my baby.”
“Tomato, tamato. Either way it's dead and we're moving on with our lives so you need to tell her. Be a big girl, just like you were when you got pregnant.”
“I hate you.”
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Feeling someone sit beside her brought Moriah out of her thoughts. She looked to her right finding a sleepy Zilla and a soft giggle passed her lips. 
“Good morning, sleepy head.”
“Mornin,” he yawned. “What you doin up so early? Santa ain't come to see you. You been bad.”
Moriah laughed softly. “He ain't come to see you either, you been mean all year.” She leaned over to kiss him. “How'd you sleep?”
“Good till I realized you wasn't in bed with me. Bad dream?” He asked taking a sip from her mug.
“No, I'm always up early on Christmas. You forgot?”
He shrugged. “Didn't forget, just didn't expect you to get up this year. Don't ask why.”
“I won't. Anybody else up?”
“Nah, just us. Why?” He asked taking another sip then wiggled his eyebrows. “Fat tryna get busy?”
At that, Moriah laughed loudly standing up from her seat. “Boy, no. I was gonna say we can go get breakfast for everybody before your niece wakes the whole house.”
Zilla scrunched his face, “Eeh, I like Zilla's idea better but okay. But when we have kids, they ain't gettin up before 9.”
Moriah slightly frowned at his words but recovered before he noticed. “And why is that?”
“Cause Zilla tryna get busy on Christmas morning. That way I'm happy, you happy and the kids happy as it should be.”
Moriah stared at him trying not to laugh. “Its not often that I dislike you and this is one of those moments. You know how to ruin a nice day.”
“Oh I'm ruinin it cause I'm tryna give you some dick? I bet Mrs. Claus wouldn't turn it down.”
“Don't get Mrs. Claus and you fucked up now, Isayah,” Moriah threatened playfully. 
Zilla smacked her ass and wiggled his brows at her. “You know I like it when you get all jealous and threaten me, girl.”
“I'm about to go get breakfast by myself if you don't stop,” she laughed. 
Zilla got up from his seat, wrapping his arms around her careful not to spill the leftover cocoa in the mug on her. He kissed her head, her forehead her nose then her lips and stared down at her. 
“I don't know what all your mama did to you while I was gone and I'm sorry that I wasn't here to help you and be there for you,” he said softly. “But I'm here now. Whenever you're ready to tell me, I'll be here to listen and help in anyway that I can. And regardless of whatever it is that she did, I love you, Moriah. Ain't shit she can do to change that.”
Moriah blinked away tears. “Isayah, you're gonna make me melt.”
Zilla chuckled, kissing her again. “I ain't mean to make you melt, just wanted to tell you.”
Moriah laid her head on his chest, enjoying how it felt in his arms. At least she could enjoy today. 
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A.N: Wellcome guys! This is my first try at a series and fanfiction overall so all types of comments, messages, or criticism works for me. Also, English is not my first language so be considerate regarding that, I´m going to try my best. I´m really excited about this one, it´s going to be a titanic job, I´ve been working a lot on it, and I´m going to try and upload every Saturday since most of the outline is done! it´s looking up to be between 24-30 chapters so I hope yall get along for the ride!
Warnings (will be updated as the series progress): bisexual!reader, fem!reader (this is me but I image reader being not-hegemonic) sexism, drugs, homophobia, angst, love triangle? Almost?, unrequited love, slow burn, fluff, friends to lovers.
Pairing: Daisy Jones x reader, Eddie Roundtree x reader
Playlist of the series: Dreams
When the rain washes you clean you'll know (Album one)
track one: I´d do anything just to feel with you
track two: My words shoot to kill when I'm mad
track three: Move on up
track four: I keep your picture with me, Daisy
track five: How strange when life unfolds this way
track six: L.A. Woman, Sunny Afternoon
track seven: One more bad break could bring a fall 
track eight:
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Hello, i am here with a take that people might hate me for but we'll see.
Xander is the worst sibling out of all of the siblings and Ryoma is better in quite a few aspects (keep in mind all the siblings are my favorite characters and both these two are rather low on my list of fave sibs)
Don't get me wrong i don't hate him, i actually really like him, i might out myself saying this but one of my fave ships of Xander is with my favorite sister and one of my favorite characters in the game, Hinoka; it's great support that give actual royal courting vibes and he is very nice with her it's just sweet.
But, besides the fact he becomes obsessed with killing us in Birthright, being Takumi's counterpart, in Conquest he is not really that better. Besides the fact he attacks us in his reintroduction after a (for me, i'm not that great :,v) lowkey traumatic battle just to "keep us in our toes" like bruh read the room.
Like it's a lot more beliveable if we killed Hans in like chapter 10 and being like hey thems the breaks and kill Iago after than waiting until winning the conquest and being like "oh we missed a rogue soldier and killed them" like bruh you are so dumb and Garon would have given literally 0 fucks, maybe bring some new people but if we kill em too he would be like oh i guess my pawns- wait sorry, children are just built different, like honestly-
Which connects to my other point, his speech of Justice is an illusion infuriated me because, taking the upper point in consideration and the fact he does have a lot of power in goverment is a fucking joke, CEO crying when people complain about them without doing anything to make their employes lives better type of pathetic.
He is not a good brother in general, a parentified brother maybe, but not a good brother, everytime he would say "i am always on your side, nothing could ever change that" it just boiled my blood, i was just mentally screaming YOU FUCKING- LIAAAAAAR like that one Kardashian clip everytime cuz WTH that's a fucking lie.
Ryoma's reintroduction is him defending us of a Bully basically (in this case it was Leo and like come on both Leo and Takumi are, they are the same guy) and his interactions in story are just so nice man, he just screams big brother and in Conquest he continues, his sacrifice fucking broke me because he really cared for us.
"Oh but his obsession of bringing us back is weird because we are not blood related" I hear you whine and, my sibling by the gods, you do not understand this family dynamic and that's sad for you; but if you take into consideration that Mikoto was not only married and loved Sumeragi, she most likely loved and married Ikona as well, since both Sakura and Takumi are younger than Corrin. They had a very close knit family relationship and they were, in fact, chosen siblings in a way.
In general people have a lot more empathy towards the Nohr siblings than the Hoshidan siblings which i think it's fucking stupid because not only is all of Hoshido martyred and victims of crimes AGAINST HUMANITY (worse than war crimes) like everyday, their family was ruptured by an assasination and a kidnapping on the. Same. Day.
"Oh but he is very detached from Sakura and Takumi" Of course he is, he is taking care of a fucking kingdom in the middle of a war, as we see he has a lot more responsabilities and say in everything relating to the kingdom than Xander since the beginning AND in their supports he really comes through in fixing his mistakes, unlike Xander that fucking SPAT at Elise's sacrifice when he could have done so much more and in his supports with her he is, honestly, a little bitch that doesn't want to listen until the last support where he sees results and he is still like uh idk if i should choose peace or whatever.
I get yall want to ride this conqueror, rizzless, white man dick, i get it. But don't say he is better than Ryoma, i do see his flaws but also, just like Takumi and Leo, they are the same guy.
Just one is white and the other asian (yes i just spoke of their differences but i know you guys WILL get counterpoints from mine and that will prove this last point, they are very balanced!
They are at most on the same level and honestly I still don't see it, I think Ryoma is just better.
-🧟‍♀️Zombie anon out
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dragon-fuccer · 2 months
Hi!!! If u're reading this u're probably the author of this absolutely amazing fic ✨
And if u're not, go read it;!! It's so good u won't regret it<33
First some fanart jumpscare !!! (I hope u're ok w it bc I haven't asked for permission 😭)
It's just how I imagine Jack to look with a few smaller headcannons based on the fic, and there will be more fic related doodles soon, so prepare for that >;D (ofc as long as u're ok with it!!)
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Second, the thing I lured ya here with, aka mine n my bfs ocs, art and description for ya to use in the fic if u want to ^^
TYSM for this offer, both me and my bf feel hella honored and it actually gave us a ton of motivation to actually expand on these two!
Tws : body horror, brief description of violence n death, mentioned suicide and brief description of murder
Smokey belongs to my bf and Something is mine !
Normal text is all written by me and green text was written by him ^^
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Art and design by my dearly beloved:
Real name : Victor Wilson
Age : around 26 yo
possible victor lore
used to be victor by marble hornets standards known as smokey
a dropout uni student with raging nicotine addiction (smokey did not retain any uni info but vic used to be psych student (projecting much lol))
prolly watched marble hornets with friends for fun and against better judgement decided to give a visit to rosswood park thinking its a film project in the beginning
turns out its not and they spotted the lanky guy
smokey the horror movie enthusiast wants out at that point before shize goes down but its late and they r deep in the forest so comes to conclusion they r all p much dead at this point
peeps want to go hunt for the lanky man cus cool and internet views
my guy is like f that yall r following basic horror lore of everyone dies im not playin like that and straight up says hes not going and hed rather go and sleep in the burned down psych ward
he gets called a wimp but decides if hes gonna die hes not dying an idiot and decides to vidtape everything on his mid tier phone camera
not sure what happens to the rest but they do their meet cute w slendy and prolly with time like half of em ends up in the arko e way or another
smokey manages most of the night fine but like luck would have it still end up meeting the guy
does not go well
wakes up in the burned down hospital not remembering the last unknown time and broken phone beyond repair
decides oho this is bad lets go back to uni and never talk abt it
meets with most friends back at uni but like 2 of em r missing and they just pretend nothing happened, friend group dissolves
after that he starts slowly having memory gaps, waking up in other places
all comes to head when it turns out he missed 5 months of uni after he wakes up back in rosswood really far from home and skinnier than ever and suddenly no more uni student
after that victor surfaces less and less till hes just kinda gone at that point
Smokey first shows up the night victor goes with friends to rosewood
in the beginning surfaces confused unsure who they are and what is their purpose
with time smokey goes through both phone and computer of vics
binges whole marble hornets in one sitting and decides he has a personal vendetta against the operator
since then they work on somehow stoping it (and terribly fails given the lack of information) leading to continuous trips back to rosewood and sleepovers in the rubble of the ex psych ward
figuring out the nicotine addiction takes a bit of time and leads to pretty nasty withdrawal symptoms as well as a very wrecked dorm room (he does find the cigarettes tho and is smart enough to connect the dots (smart cookie, here have a star sticker))
smokey learns asl and isolates themself a lot in the months of operator research
he still maintains two personas to some extends which is one the masked smokey who uses mostly asl and rarely speaks (to some extent also a tactic against being caught by police) and times when he goes without mask on library searches and grocery shoppings
smokey starts a yt channel dedicated to catching the operator and ending it which attracts at best some people commenting on obvious marble hornets ripoff and few cents into his wallet
with passing time they do start finding victims in order to keep themselves alive n appease the the big slinky leading to series of alleged suicides then turned to series of murders
he starts off with two of his ex friends who go back to rosewood and start showing symptoms he learned from mh
When they commit murder they hide in the trunk of the car and basically hotbox the whole thing due to smoking making the victim whoozy and confused, moving on they connect a pipe (like garden hose or whatevs) to the exhaustion pipe and suffocate their victims with the car smoke
the thing that tips off the police is the nicotine in the system of every victim and an account of almost to be one that got stalked by smokey who upon being discovered (also while smoking and which earned him the name) decided to bolt
since then he continues on just about the same, aka researching the operator, finding new victims and surviving untill they meet Something
His hoodie is dark green, the mask is greyish from the grime n dirt, the big cross on it is black so are his pants and hair
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Real name : Rae Dyer
Age : 23 before transformation, currently unknown
Something used to be a cryptid fan. They worked at a radio station and had a small night show where they played old rock and often rambled about the latest creature they heard about. While out, looking for a new creature to maybe see, they stumbled upon the Slenderman and became obsessed to document it somehow, quickly spiraling out of control and slowly, bit by bit became a creature themselves.
Something doesn't remember much from it's past life. It used to just wander, guided by the static in it's head towards it's victims, always terrified itself but not knowing why. After Smokey found it, they started wandering together. At first they had serious communication issues - Something only able to speak in tap code and Smokey mainly using ASL - but with time they learned to speak with each other, and now they can understand the other almost without words.
Something doesn't really eat, it survives on fear and between itself and Smokey, it always has more than enough of it. It does steal food for Smokey tho, cigarettes as well, usually leaving them in whatever ruined building he decided to stay in for the night. Something got also addicted to nicotine by just being around Smokey so much, leading to separation anxiety fueled by withdrawal when they're apart.
Something cannot speak, and can only communicate using tap code. When it's particularly worried or scared it does emit a small noise, that sounds like a particularly breathy whine, and more commonly when it tries to speak, quiet spider like ticking can be heard coming from it's mouths.
It usually walks hunched over, used to having to duck under branches, entryways, etc bc of it's height.
Something has pale skin reminiscent of porcelain, and is usually wearing a v neck sweater with a white undershirt and jeans or other pants. It's hair is very thin and scarce, floating around it's head down to it's lower back
Also a tiny doodle bonus of how I imagine these two showing up on Jacks doorstep xjbxbcbcb
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We think the most probable case of them showing up would be Smokey getting bonked on a mission (probably by a car or a would be victim) and Something bringing them over to Jacks cabin to get pached up, tho feel free to do something else ya might think fits =w=
Again, thank you so much for the offer, we're both so honored to have the opportunity to show these two off and maybe if you're so inclined getting them a chapter in ur amazing fic<3
If u have any questions you need answered Abt the two don't hesitate to ask them as well! ^^
-Kai n Bean
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planetseph · 3 months
inside my love
I. Hello, I Love You
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plot: It’s 2024 in Gotham City, NJ. Bruce Wayne is a college student (for no real reason but Alfred insisted he get out of the house during the day for once). (Y/N) (L/N) is a somewhat stable college student with a whole bunch of personality. These two might change each other’s lives.
pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x black!reader
words: 904 words
a/n: hey y'all!! this is my first ever ff (that ive posted), so i rlly hope everybody likes it!! updates might be slow moving but ive already posted the first three chapters on ao3 under jasontoddsdayone, so im gonna post them all here. this was written with a black girl in mind, but anyone can read it!! i hope yall enjoy mwah <3
chapter 2: heart to heart
Being a junior in college is just about as hellish as being a junior in high school. Both times you should be on the verge of “success”, but instead you feel like everything’s collapsing on you at once and you’re being thrown into a world you don’t know yet. At least, that’s what (y/n) believed. How could all these years have passed and she still felt the same? Shouldn’t she have something to show for her supposed growth? She was 21 now, she was able to legally drink, gamble at casinos, and even adopt a child. But despite it all, she still felt like the 17-year-old girl she was four years ago. 
She shook those thoughts out of her head and got ready for class. Her earliest class is at 8 A.M which is a particular type of hell, she swore the administration had it out for her. 
“(y/n) you want some breakfast?” Her roommate and best friend, Autumn, asked.
“Nah, I’m good. I’ll just get a granola on the way there or something.” 
“Girl if you say so.” 
Autumn and (y/n) had been friends for years, going back to kindergarten. Growing up it's important to have some sort of comrade by your side, lucky for them they found each other quickly. Autumn’s full name was Autumn Sinclair which was a rather unique decision on her parent’s part, but the name fit her. Her brown skin always shimmered incandescently in the autumn sunlight, it was as if the world knew she was meant to be the epitome of fall beauty.  
(y/n) throws on a simple outfit because it’s too early in the morning to try to look nice. She wears a simple red crop top paired with mid-length gray shorts and some sneakers to make it look sorta cute. As she makes her way out the door and says her goodbyes to Autumn and their cat, Baby Blue, she grabs the granola as promised and steps outside to feel the spring weather. 
Her walk to class is short since her apartment is only a couple of miles away from the building. The class is decently sized and she recognizes most faces, except for the guy who sits in the back all by himself and never wears any color except black. He’s probably just as fed up as her with the excruciating morning class. She sits down in the third row, close enough for her to see while still maintaining some distance. Her professor, Mr. Dulmtin, finds great joy in “surprising” his students and keeping things “exciting”. (Y/n) doesn’t mind the man, but he gotta read the room sometimes. 
“Class, our assignment today will be a bit…adventurous.” He chuckles at what she guess is his wording. 
Everyone’s eyes raise a little and they wait to hear what torture he’ll inflict on them next. 
“Yes, you see for this project, it’ll take place over a span of three months, so mostly until the end of second semester.” Gasps could be heard around the room, this would be a huge part of their grade then, is he some sort of sadist? “And not only will it be over three months, but you will also work with a partner that I have specifically hand-chosen for you all.” He smirks a dirty smirk, the smirk of a man who loves to ruin the day of 20-somethings. 
Everyone has pretty much the same reaction, groans and mumbles. He, however, shuts everyone up by naming the partners on a list he has.
“...Bruce Wayne and (y/n) (l/n)”
A hush fell over the room. Everyone was quiet, most people had their eyes widened. (Y/n) quirked her eye and tilted her head. Who the hell was Bruce Wayne? He must be known since everyone was muttering about it, but she had never heard of that man in her life. His name did sound familiar though. Mr. Dulmtin shuts everyone up again and continues reading down the list. He finishes it up quickly and lectures about the assignment and what the requirements are. (Y/n) wanted to slam her head against the desk. 
Soon, the class ends, and everyone meets up with their partners. Well, everyone except for (y/n) who still has no idea who the hell Bruce Wayne is. 
“You’re (y/n) right?” A deep voice behind her asks.
“Yeah, I’m-” She turns and it’s the guy from the back of the class. He’s Bruce Wayne? Why was everyone so excited about this guy? He seems like a regular dude to her. “Sorry, yeah, I’m (y/n).”
He does a little nod as he hears that and a tight-lipped grimace. He’s obviously uncomfortable and out of his element, but for the time being he was going to have to suck it up because both of their grades depended on it. 
“Well if you have nothing to do for the next hour or so, maybe we could go to a cafe or something and discuss our plan for the project?” She asked him tentatively. 
“...Alright then.”
The two left side by side in the most awkward way possible. They made no eye contact and didn’t speak to each other until they made it to the cafe. Anyone who passed them would know that they were just punished with Mr. Dulmtin’s annual “duo” project which was known to cause great horror among all students.
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seijorhi · 1 year
Hey, god it’s me again. 😔 LOL
I think that at this point of my life your beautiful and flawless fic ‘means to an end’ has physical intertwined with me. It is a part of my mind, soul, and body. 😩 Everything about it is chefs kiss.
I wish I could just kiss that beautiful big brain of yours for coming up with such delicious ideas. The way it’s on my mind daily since the moment I read it is SICKENING (in a good way obvi 😏).
I will go through my day and out of nowhere something will remind me of it and along will come a question. You did this to me Rhi 🫵.
NOW I know you’re very busy with getting your new fic ready (absolutely excited btw, I love Gojo and knowing your beautiful mind , anything you write will be to die for!!!!) but I wanted to ask a couple questions (I know, shocker right?). Since I know you’re busy, don’t feel obligated to answer these questions. In fact, I’ll be very happy if you even reply with a heart. (I simply just wanted to let you know deeply I appreciate/admire your work.)
But here are my troublesome questions:
- Did the guys on their volleyball team know about their obsession with the reader?
- I know you mentioned Atsumu having girlfriends through highschool but did that apply to Osamu too? (Especially since he liked the reader first?)
- This is sort of like my first question but did the girlfriends know as well? And if they did, did they feel any jealousy? (Jealousy from their boyfriend giving his attention to someone else.)
- Since there was a long period of time of not seeing the reader, did they have hopes of seeing her again? (before Atsumu found ame)
- While in that period of time did the twins still date around?
That’s all but please if you have anything else to add , it’s definitely welcomed. 🫶 (also I’m sorry if these questions sound silly or stupid but they’ve been taking up my mind for awhile and I’m sorry to everyone for constantly bringing up ‘means to an end’ but that fic has a strong grip on me yall. Like I’m down bad on my knees for this version/fic of the Miya twins 😔.)
OFF TOPIC: I’ve been trying very hard to be more active with my favorite writers to show love and support but still find the idea to be very scary. I still get nervous sending in messages or asks but I’m trying to take baby steps. I also want to gain the confidence of not having to press the anonymous button because I want you to know who I am but as a second baby step , I will now be signing my post with my nickname since I want you to (sort of) know who I am ☺️ (and not just some crazed fan lol.)
-🌬️🌫️ katia
(I keep on forgetting which emojis I used on the previous questions I sent but I hope I got it right this time 🥲)
(Edit: you’ll probably see the same message again but that’s because I’m sending it to you again because I forgot to mention this in the pervious one 😰.
You’ve inspired me to start taking a more darker route in my writing. I began writing maybe a month ago and it’s a romance novel. (So far I’ve got two chapters 🫠).
But these past couple days I’ve been REALL REALLY wanting to write more darker content (like the kind you write, you’ve inspired me a great deal with your writing technique).
But the problem is I don’t know how to write yandere/horror/gore. So I was wondering if it wasn’t to much of a bother, if you could give me some tips or advice. (Im very new to writing and I have my struggles but I want to branch out to more darker themes, like you and fairy.) Still learning the ropes but I hope with your guidance, I’ll get there 🫡. )
hello my love!
okay so first of all if ur gonna keep being so cute and complimentary i will melt into a soft gooey puddle and be of no use to anybody so be warned.
as for your questions:
i would say that most people who spent a decent amount of time around the twins, i.e. their teammates and classmates, would have at least an inkling about their interest in bullying her. the miyas are many things, subtle isn't one of them. having said that, i think out of everyone, suna was probably the only one who saw it for what it was
hookups yes, 'girlfriends' no
again, anyone who spent a significant amount of time around the twins was bound to eventually put two and two together. which isn't to say that they were all blind going in – some undoubtedly thought they could snag his attention once they were officially dating, only to find themselves bitterly disappointed
they 100% both kept tabs on the reader, it was more a case of biding their time and waiting for the right moment
yes. not serious, long term relationships (aside from ame) as neither one of them would be capable of faking it for more than a few months but relationships all the same
advice wise, i dug up this old post which hopefully will be at least a little helpful??
beyond that, all i can really say is that for me, good yandere/horror fics balance emotion with tension, and the build up of both. the characterisation is also really important – what makes you love to loathe them, or alternatively, not see them coming until it's entirely too late. nothing bores me more in a yan fic than when the writer hasn't bothered to give their yan a personality beyond a cookie cutter obsession.
but congrats on getting started with writing! i'm proud of you bby <33
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lionheart-giddings · 11 months
first and foremost, i want to say that your perception of a power imbalance is very skewed. laura only has the opportunity to kill travis a few times. nearly all of those are with a gun, as opposed to the instances where travis can overpower her and kill her. the only time she can kill him without the use of a fucking fire arm is when she's a werewolf.
she may be in "power" but she's still in fucking danger. travis knows what he's doing is wrong and that she has every right to be pissed at him. so why the hell does he cut her to ribbons with the mirror for trying to defend herself in chapter 7? he's an untrustworthy cop, and he never sees her as an equal. an equal wouldn't withhold information and put you in proximity of a dangerous monster, causing you to lose your eye. laura was literally fighting with him as he chained her to the fucking pipe, she didn't want to be there. just because she had a few instances where she was stronger than him does not negate the majority of the story where she was ultimately trapped and held captive by him. yall seem to forget that she lost two fucking months of her life to him. two months she will never get back. and to someone as young as her, that's detrimental.
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i find it funny that you say this, with how grossly misinterpreted her character is by yall. i never see thirsty posts about siobhan or laura posted by you hackearney shippers. it's somehow always ted! you guys must appreciate her in quiet if you love her just as much as travis.
the only thing i can agree with you on are the traits you've listed for her. however, i fail to see hackearney shippers adhere to them and correctly characterize laura...and travis. the minute laura shows any indication of overpowering travis, it causes him to react violently. not "uwu submissive cop man". he's a very real threat to her when cornered, as is she. I'd also like to ask you what it is that drives her determination that you love so much. oh yeah, saving max and herself. her determination is never once fueled by anything remotely related to travis, and she can in fact be done with everything once chris is dead.
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it's also really funny to see you say that it's not "boring". i've seen way better executed enemies to lovers ships than this. it's not hard to do. what i have seen hackearney shippers do is take jabs at lauramax for being too "vanilla". it's ironic, considering the standard you guys seem to set for your angsty ships. what's more angsty than your loved one turning into a monster and dooming you to the same fate, while the moral guilt eats away at them? if anything, Laura's badassery shines through greater through the lens of any other ship outside hackearney. she's the one who takes charge in every instance travis isn't around. we never get to see that when he's present.
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just stop pretending you care about laura as a character and admit to using her to project onto. y/n fics suck most of the time, and since all you hackearney shippers are connoisseurs of finner things, you'd much rather use a well fleshed out character to live out your ted raimi fantasies.
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