#Capy style
duncanor · 11 months
People shouldn't forget that if Milly gets mad at someone, she will absolutely beat the shit out of them with her own fists.
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skarloeyspa · 10 months
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making my dreams delusions a reality
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unitepeople · 2 months
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(via "Beyond Cute funny Capybara 90s Y2K Bootleg " Classic T-Shirt for Sale by Unitepeople)
Check out this funny Y2K bootleg capybara design! "Beyond Cute" features three adorable capybaras in a cosmic setting, blending retro vibes with modern whimsy. Perfect for capybara lovers and anyone who appreciates a quirky, nostalgic touch. This shirt is a unique mix of nostalgia and cuteness.🙈
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
day 3: favourite
i suppose my favourite thing is cats
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lexicorp · 1 year
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Capi (TOH CS)
Coresinth who struggles to fit in/ find a job
They weren't able to comprehend the science division, tho was there for quite a while.
They were disturbed and overwhelmed by the disciplinary division.
So they were sent to work with Mirros, hoping they would be able to be useful there
Any coresinths in toh are made captains first, then demoted if they can't do that. Capi is going to be the captain of the squad Ken and abs are gonna be assigned to and capi will after a series of screw ups, be demoted.
Stimm central in dis core, they are full of anxiety and repressed frustration
They are hella determined to be of use to coresinth society, but at the same time it is more for fear of being recycled than believing in the system. They agree with some things, but still fail to understand certain unsavory practices. And start leaning more away from it when they are surrounded by non coresinths
They are quite scatterbrained, so despite being rather intelligent/knowledgeable, they find it hard to communicate with others meaningfully and complete tasks with full focus, as they get distracted
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batterygarden · 2 years
okay also so gyaru is basically a genre of fashion, with a whole bunch of subcategories. Most common and well known for today at least is Kogal. Where students alter their uniforms so they won’t technically be breaking dress code violations!
I love Gyaru fashion a lot because it was a way to rebel against Japanese beauty standards, which is pale skin and natural hair. In modest neutral clothes. While Gyaru is tan with brightly colored hair in sometimes revealing outfits with lots of patterns and color!!
It’s something I truly truly love <3 -Capybara Anon
Ahhh thank u so much for this!! This is rlly interesting and cool I love learning ab fashion stuff so thank u for taking the time to inform ab it!! It looked cuuute when I was looking up aesthetic :)
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dangkst · 2 years
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affableramen · 13 days
when they try to woo you
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
tags: early stage of relationship ; suggestive ; minors dni
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Lots of, I’m telling you, lots of cuddling and hugging. Wrio is very touchy
He tries very hard to be a real gentleman with you however it results in funny, awkward situations (which is so endearing of him)
Will talk a lot about his piercing telling you a story of each
Lets you touch his hair because you want to touch it
Can’t choose the proper colour pallette for his formal suit and ends up wearing the most laughable socks ever
Wants to show off with his bike and will certainly give you a night ride
Will come to your date half-sleeping after late night shift but still see you
Would pull the chair for you at the restaurant 100%
Chooses the suit for your first date for a whole week in advance
Wants everyone to know that you’re his so will hold your hand at every possibility
He puts a lot of effort to be a perfect boyfriend so he’ll even offer to pick you up from work
Neuvi has a closed personality so he generally won’t be the first to kiss but if you do, he will certainly be the one to deepen it
Chooses the date place really attentively, remembering all your needs, food choices, allergies and the general vibe you give off
Is the person to spend the night with you completely without doing anything naughty besides sleeping
Would certainly wear a cologne with pheromones on your first date in order to woo you. Not that he’s insecure but he’d definitely like to add up to his charm
Very nice hair styling in gel and possibly perfumed shampoo with a sweet-spicy scent like amber
Neatly manicured nails (lol always in gloves)
Expensive gifts are must-have for him but sometimes he’s afraid he will scare you off with that so does that in moderation
Helps you do shopping, choosing the highest quality goods and balance your spending
Is actually a horny catastrophe but will never push you past kissing and cuddling if you are not ready. When you ask if he is ok with being patient, he nonchalantly responds that he is a grown man and can control his needs
Different mask on every date
Gifts you his vial earring as a token of his affection
He’s not very touchy and it is exactly the problem! He doesn’t want you to slip off his fingers because of his personality, that’s why he offers you lots of phone calls in order to compensate some other aspects…
Will help you make choices in absolutely different aspects of life because he’s older and also has a unique perspective on things
Can definitely answer your message in the late night if you feel upset
Buys you concert tickets before you do it
FLOWERS is a must have on every date with you. The bouquets he gives you are rich and radiant
He’s like a rose with sharp thorns and can demand lots of privacy in the early stages. If he doesn’t feel like it, he won’t go past hand holding and kissing
Asks you a lot about your previous relationships (if you have ones) because he genuinely want to learn more about you. Capi desperately needs to gather every single detail abt you in order to make his company as comfortable as possible for you
Will let you examine his helmet and will certainly let you braid his hair
Tells you epic stories about each one of his scars
Even exhausted from work and with tight schedule will agree to see you at least 3 times a week because he wants to stay close to you so much
Hardly talks, prefers listening to you
Lets you wear his headphones, but worried you might not like his choice in music (mostly lo fi)
Loves hand holding with you. Does that on every date
Will make sure to finish your dates with kisses even if brief, he just needs your lips on his
Provides you with fast access to Akademiya library if you ever need that
Sits never in front of you, but next to you
Will take you for a late night date only to gaze at the stars afterwards. He finds it romantic and dreamy
Chews mint gum and wears fresh-smelling cologne in order to attract you
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wdonnait · 12 years
Look: I Must have di questo autunno-inverno
Nuovo post pubblicato su https://wdonna.it/looki-must-have-autunno-inverno/15750?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr&utm_campaign=15750
Look: I Must have di questo autunno-inverno
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Ecco must have, ovvero i capi e accessori che  non potranno mancare nel nostro  guardaroba di questo autunno/inverno.
Innanzitutto il nostro armadio dovrà contenere necessariamente qualcosa di marrone, tortora, bordeaux, metal e verde. Le cinque tonalità fashion di questa stagione. Largo spazio ai capi vintage, ( sbirciate nell’armadio di vostra madre), preferibilmente nelle tonalità del marrone.
Come scarpe non potranno mancare le francesine, indubbiamente le più cool della stagione,  altissime o con un tacco medio, in camoscio, in pelle o in vernice l’importante è che siano le famose stringate. Via libera anche a  mocassini o décolleté col cinturino alla caviglia, mentre le borse di stagione saranno  la box-bag,  la borsa scatola, o accattivanti pochette nere borchiatissime. Come complementi, spille- maxi, colletti gioiello e occhiali tondi.
Erano le calzature destinate ai soldati, oggi sono il simbolo di molte culture rock e underground. Gli anfibi hanno attraversato le caserme militari fino ad arrivare alle passerelle del red carpet, divenendo un esclusivo accessorio di moda di chi ha un’anima ribelle.
Come non ricordare le celebri Dr. Martens, gli anfibi più famosi di tutta la storia che hanno addirittura segnato un’epoca.
Negli anni ’90 erano un cosiddetto Must Have, i primi ad indossarli furono i mods londinesi, sottocultura che nacque verso la fine degli anni ’50. In seguito divennero la componente principale dell’abbigliamento degli Skinhead, i queli volevano contrastare la classe sociale borghese e benestante rivendicando la loro appartenenza proletaria.
Gli anfibi hanno attraversato così numerose culture, rimanendo in ogni occasione sempre uguali a se stessi. All’origine la scarpa era in pelle nera, poi col passare degli anni si sono diffuse altre varianti, alcune più colorate e dalle fantasie azzardate.
Quelli degli anfibi non è stato in realtà un ritorno improvviso dettato dalla moda o da uno stilista che ha deciso di rilanciarli in passerella; si tratta piuttosto di un interesse rinnovato. Verso quella scarpa che abbiamo acquistato dieci anni fa e poi magari non abbiamo più messo e abbiamo lasciato lì, ed ora abbiamo voglia di rispolverare per darle una nuova vita.
Gli anfibi dunque non conoscono stagioni nè età, possono essere indossati sia dalle adolescenti che dalle donne over 30. Tutto sta nello scegliere la variante più adatta a noi, e soprattutto abbinarla in modo coerente agli accessori giusti.
Street wear
il capo di riferimento sono i jeans abbondanti e i pantaloni baggy, quei pantaloni cascanti che hanno origine dal mondo hip hop, molto comodi e molto portabili perché stanno bene quasi a tutte. Paolo si diverte con un accostamento in forte contrasto: il pantalone baggy con la camicia elegante con fiocco che va tantissimo nella prossima stagione.. e un tacco stratosferico! Ricordate i suoi consigli: 1) INDIVIDUARE GLI ELEMENTI CHE CI CARATTERIZZANO: è fondamentale è capire quali sono i punti fermi che ci caratterizzano e che non dobbiamo abbandonare per evitare di snaturarci 2) PUNTARE A UNO STILE IBRIDO: sono un grande sostenitore delle contaminazioni perché ci fanno spaziare, divertire, osare, ci rendono sempre originali e soprattutto sono di gran moda! 3) VALUTARE ANCHE TESSUTI E MATERIALI: in realtà non dobbiamo mai dimenticarci di quanto la scelta dei tessuti, delle applicazioni e dei materiali in genere possa fare la differenza
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helen-with-an-a · 14 days
beautiful girl series: could you expand on the differences between Capi, Alexia, and Ale?
or story of someone (like Mapi) explaining the outside pov dynamics of Alexia and Amor to a new signing?
Outside Looking In - Beautiful Girl series
Hiiii, ok so here is the story of Mapí and Ingrid explaining to the new girls what it's like with Capi vs Alexia vs Ale
Beautiful Girl Masterlist
Alexia Putellas x Reader
Description: A little bit of an insight into what R and Alexia's relationship looks like for the new signings
Word Count: 2.3k
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It had always been this way for new signings at the club. The process was almost ritualistic, a carefully orchestrated introduction that set the tone for what was expected of them. Upon arrival, the new players would be introduced to Capitana Alexia, the heart and soul of the team. She was known for her polite yet stern demeanour, a leader who demanded excellence from herself and her teammates. In her eyes, only the best was acceptable, and she made that clear from the very beginning.
The initial meeting with Alexia was more than just a formality; it was a rite of passage. New signings would first encounter her during their tour of the facilities, usually after the ink had dried on their contracts. As they were guided through the state-of-the-art training grounds and the club’s illustrious history, they knew that their meeting with the Capitana was imminent. It was a moment that every new player anticipated with a mix of excitement and nerves. Alexia understood the significance of this moment and always ensured that it went smoothly.
Alexia's preparation for these meetings was meticulous. She made a point to study each new player before they even arrived, delving into their professional history, understanding their playing style, and noting key details about their career. She wanted to know who they were, where they came from, and what had brought them to this pivotal moment in their lives. Her approach was both strategic and personal. For Alexia, communication was key, so she would determine whether the player was more comfortable speaking in English or Spanish, adjusting her language accordingly to put them at ease.
When the moment came, Alexia would present herself with the same professionalism and composure that had made her a respected figure in the world of football. She would greet them with a firm handshake, her eyes meeting theirs with a look that conveyed both welcome and expectation. During the brief meeting, she would outline her role within the team, her philosophy as a leader, and what she expected from them as new members of the squad. It was clear from the outset that joining this club meant stepping into a legacy of excellence.
After their introduction, Alexia would pass them off to another member of the team or staff, but the impression she left lingered. For the new signings, meeting Capitana Alexia was a moment of realisation – it wasn't just about their talent or the contract they had signed. It was about becoming part of something bigger, a team that demanded the highest standards, led by a captain who embodied those standards every day.
After a few days of settling in, the new players would finally meet Alexia, the steady presence at the heart of the team. Alexia was known for her calm and dependable nature, a leader who could always be counted on in both high-pressure situations and the everyday rhythm of team life. There was a warmth to her that made her approachable, and her ability to take a joke well instantly put others at ease. Despite her serious commitment to the game, she had a lightness about her that balanced the intensity of the sport with the camaraderie essential to a successful team.
When the time came to formally welcome the newcomer, it was often Alexia who took the lead. She understood the importance of making a new player feel integrated, and she approached this task with the same dedication she brought to the pitch. With a smile and a few lighthearted comments to break the ice, she would introduce herself more fully, making sure the newcomer knew that she was there not just as a captain, but as a teammate and friend.
Alexia would then guide the new player through the team’s inner workings, offering more than just a surface-level introduction. She would walk them through the locker room, pointing out where everyone typically sat, and introduce them to each member of the squad, sharing little titbits about their personalities and quirks. This wasn’t just about putting names to faces; it was about helping the newcomer understand the team’s unique dynamics – the bonds that had been formed, the unspoken rules, and the different roles that each player played both on and off the field.
As she introduced the team, Alexia would also subtly highlight the culture of respect and support that defined the group. She would explain how the team functioned as a unit, emphasising the importance of teamwork and mutual trust. Whether it was sharing a funny anecdote about a teammate or offering advice on how to navigate certain situations, Alexia ensured that the new player felt both informed and included. She made it clear that while they were joining a team with high expectations, they were also joining a family that looked out for one another.
By the end of the day, the newcomer would have a much clearer sense of what it meant to be part of this team, and a large part of that understanding came from Alexia’s thoughtful and engaging introduction. Her calm presence reassured them that they weren’t alone in this new chapter of their career; they had a dependable captain who would be there to guide them every step of the way.
After a few weeks of settling into the team, the new player would eventually find themselves at one of the monthly team bonding sessions, a cherished tradition within the squad. These gatherings were more than just social events – they were a chance for everyone to unwind, to let their guard down, and to forge deeper connections beyond the pressures of training and competition. It was during these relaxed, often playful get-togethers that the new player would meet Ale. Ale was a stark contrast to the composed, authoritative figure they had first encountered. At these bonding sessions, the walls that usually surrounded the team's captain seemed to disappear, revealing a side of her that was far more vulnerable and endearing. Ale was known for being clingy, her craving for physical closeness and affection with you was one she no longer denied. Ale was often seen with a soft, almost dreamy expression, her eyes full of adoration as they you wherever you went. It was as if nothing else in the room mattered, and her attention rarely wavered from the person who held her heart.
Despite her usual confidence, Ale had a shy streak that surfaced when you looked at her for too long. Her cheeks would flush, and she would quickly glance away, a bashful smile tugging at her lips as if she wasn’t quite sure how to handle the attention. Her touchiness was another trait that everyone noticed. Ale seemed to have a constant need for contact, often keeping her hand tucked under your shirt, her fingers tracing soothing patterns on your skin.
“Hey Ingrid, can we ask you something?” Ellie’s voice broke the comfortable buzz of activity in the locker room. It was the first training session after the team bonding night, and the new girls were still reeling from what they had witnessed. The air was thick with a mix of curiosity and confusion, and they had finally mustered up the courage to seek some answers.
“Of course,” Ingrid replied with a warm smile, though her eyebrows knitted together in concern as she noticed the seriousness in Ellie’s tone. She could sense that something was on their minds, and she was more than willing to help.
“It’s about Alexia,” Kika added, her voice a little hesitant. As soon as Alexia’s name was mentioned, Mapí, who had been lacing up her boots nearby, instantly perked up. She turned her head slightly, her curiosity piqued. Alexia was her best friend, and any conversation involving her was one she didn’t want to miss.
“Alexia and Y/N, actually,” Ewa chimed in, correcting Kika with a slight smile.
Ingrid’s smile softened as she pieced together what the girls were getting at. “Ah, I see,” she said, nodding slightly. She exchanged a knowing glance with Mapí, who was now fully engaged. The new girls were clearly trying to make sense of the dynamic they had seen between Alexia and you, something that had likely surprised them during the bonding session.
“What’s on your mind?” Ingrid asked gently, encouraging them to continue. She knew that the relationship between Alexia and you were something of a mystery to the new players, and it was only natural that they had questions.
Ellie exchanged a look with Kika and Ewa before speaking up again. “We just… we noticed how different Alexia is when she’s around Y/N. It’s like she’s a completely different person – so soft and affectionate.”
Kika nodded in agreement. “Yeah, and we were just wondering… is that how she always is with her? It’s kind of surprising after seeing how she is during training and matches.”
Mapí couldn’t help but chuckle softly at their words. “You could say that,” she replied, a hint of amusement colouring her tone as she thought back to the many times she had witnessed Alexia turn into mush on your presence.
“María,” Ingrid chided gently, a slight frown tugging at the corners of her lips as she glanced down at her girlfriend. There was a touch of disapproval in her eyes, though it was softened by the affection she always held for Mapí. She knew her partner’s teasing ways all too well.
Mapí shrugged innocently, but there was a mischievous glint in her eyes. “What? You know how much I love them, but sometimes it’s just too much,” she defended herself, a playful grin spreading across her face. “All that lovey-dovey stuff – ugh, it’s disgusting,” she added with a dramatic shudder, though her tone made it clear that her words were all in good fun.
As if on instinct, the small group turned their heads to where you and Alexia stood, momentarily forgetting their conversation. The two of you seemed completely absorbed in each other, the world around you fading into the background as if it didn’t exist. Alexia’s hands gently cupped your cheeks, her fingers tracing soft, reassuring patterns along your skin. She stood close, nestled comfortably between your legs as you sat perched on the bench, the space between you almost non-existent.
Your touch mirrored her tenderness, your fingers lightly dancing up and down the back of her thighs in a rhythm that was both soothing and intimate. There was a quiet comfort in the way you connected, a kind of silent communication that spoke volumes without the need for words. The look on both of your faces was one of pure adoration, as if you were each gazing at the most precious thing in the world.
Alexia’s eyes were soft, the usual sharp focus she carried on the pitch replaced by a warmth that seemed to glow from within. Her expression was unguarded, showing a side of her that only a few were privileged to see. Every now and then, her thumb would brush across your cheek, a tender gesture that seemed almost instinctual, as if she couldn’t help but touch you, to remind herself that you were there, real and hers.
Meanwhile, your own face mirrored that same emotion. There was a peaceful contentment in your expression, the kind that only comes from being in the presence of someone you love deeply. Your eyes held a softness that was reserved for Alexia alone, a look that spoke of trust, affection, and a bond that went beyond mere words. The way you looked at her made it clear that, in that moment, nothing else mattered – no worries, no distractions, just the two of you in your own little bubble of happiness.
To the group watching, it was a sight that left them momentarily speechless. There was something mesmerising about the way you and Alexia interacted, a kind of effortless intimacy that was both beautiful and enviable. It was clear that this connection wasn’t just a fleeting moment of affection, but rather the foundation of something deeper – an unspoken understanding and love that ran through every touch, every glance.
For a brief second, the group felt like they were intruding on something private, something almost sacred, but at the same time, they couldn’t look away. It was as if they were witnessing a rare glimpse into the very heart of what made Alexia the person she was, not just as their captain, but as someone capable of immense love and tenderness. In that moment, it was easy to see why Alexia was so deeply cherished, not just as a leader, but as a partner, a lover, and a friend.
Ingrid rolled her eyes fondly, a small smile breaking through her earlier disapproval. “You’re just jealous because they back you look bad.”
Mapí’s grin widened, and she leaned into Ingrid’s nudge. “Maybe,” she admitted with a laugh. “But seriously, have you seen them? It’s like they’re stuck in a permanent honeymoon phase. Sometimes I have to look away before I get cavities from all the sweetness.”
The new players couldn’t help but laugh at Mapí’s exaggerated antics. It was clear that despite her teasing, she held a deep affection for both you and Alexia.
“Don’t listen to her,” Ingrid said, turning to the new players with a reassuring smile. “She pretends to be grossed out, but she’s one of their biggest supporters.”
Mapí nodded in agreement, though she couldn’t resist adding one last quip. “Yeah, yeah, I support them, if it wasn’t for us, they wouldn’t be together. As long as they keep their PDA to a minimum during team meetings, I’m fine” she said, rolling her eyes dramatically for effect.
Ingrid shook her head, a soft laugh escaping her lips. “You’re impossible, María.”
Mapí simply grinned wider, her playful spirit undimmed. “That’s why you love me,” she shot back, before turning to the new players. “But seriously, don’t worry too much about Alexia and Y/N. What you saw at the bonding session is just them being themselves. It might take some getting used to, but trust me, it’s harmless. Just be prepared for a lot of eye-rolling if you’re around them for too long.”
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skarloeyspa · 2 years
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went to da engine shed to see if the centennials wanted to gamble, they asked how i said mahjong duke said oh im sure
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mrs-snape5984 · 8 months
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“Let your arms be a place, she feels safe in…”
“On days when it feels like the whole world might cave in, stand side by side and you’ll make it.” (“If you love her” by Forest Blakk)
Having Severus as my comfort character for almost 21 years feels like a safe place in my troubled heart and mind. He’s always there for me, when I’m needing him the most…just like now, when I’m struggling with this hell of a disease ME/CFS.
I’ve often imagined his robes as his very own shelter from the world. The way, Severus is buttoning himself up in his robes and his widely billowing cloak seems to be his personal protection from everything, that is outside of his own bubble. And when the world becomes too much for me, Severus invites me into his bubble, taking me under his cloak…into his protective arms!
With exactly this image in my mind, I commissioned the incredibly talented and extremely lovely @capysnapeart for another piece of art in her personal style. My dearest Capy, you did a wonderful job with the way, you made my imagination come to life!
In hard times like these, I need an immense extra portion of comfort from Severus and your artwork is like another piece, that is woven into my very personal safety blanket. You can’t imagine, how grateful I am for your art and every kind word of yours in this process. You’re a gem of a soul and I’m very lucky that I found you here.
🖤 Severus & Julia 🖤
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pandakong · 5 months
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Capypril Day 19 - Animal
Capy in the style of when I drew little animals for the letters of the alphabet in 2020
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dairy-farmer · 8 months
Sexy Videos Informer Au? owo?
Consider this! Nightwing? NOT in space. Cannon is what cannon does, but now with Extra Nightwing Action(tm)! Jason and him bond. Nearly die! Get beat to hell and back. Nearly die HARDER. But Do Not!
They ARE laid up in the hospital though. Bruce is playing the "it's all my faaaaault" game. More focused on beating people up then investigating serious crimes. Not good.
Enter stage: Literally Next Door! Timmy! *polite applause*
He has a shameful, shameful hobby! No it's not THAT. (Yet.) You see, on the internet? There are, and I should warn you to brace yourself, perverts and NERDS! Gasps, pearls clutched, questions asked of parliament! I know, I know. I too, was shocked. SHOCKED I say! But it's true.
And our dear Tim? Largely unsupervised.
He stumbled upon... Interesting(tm) internet communities. One of which was the "Capies". Individuals with Hero-sonas.
Yes it is EXACTLY as problematic as it sounds. People have accidentally gotten shot. No, it has not stopped them. And yes, it routinely gives the JLA a raging headache. Luckily, most of the costumes aren't very good.
MOST of them.
Tim Drake is NOT a mediocre child who settles for "good enough". HIS Hero-Sona, Magpie, wears MILITARY-grade reinforced clothing! It's styled of Batman's get up. He feels Really Cool when he wears it.
But... thing it? He only every wore it around the house. He's not a REAL hero. Not like his Robins. But? He IS pretty sneaky! And with a few additions? He bets he can help? Just a little.
"A little" he says.
He blows five smuggling rings wide open. And so begins Bruce's ongoing stress migraine. The very fast child with DANGEROUS information, who's clearly been spying on MOB BOSSES and ROUGES, that he can't catch! Not him. Not Robin, once he recovers. Not even Nightwing!
YEARS pass. And he's only getting FASTER. Bruce is starting to legitimately consider Dick's offer to have the Speedsters grab him. Magpie may not be Bat trained, but he's clearly an Ally, and they NEED to talk.
Meanwhile? Tim found out for a lot of Capies, it's a sex thing. Not a cosplay thing. He... learned some stuff about himself.
Decided to document himself, learning about himself. For, you know, when he's a good enough hacker he won't INSTANTLY get caught the second his costume shows up on the internet. Frickin Oracle.
His first videos are kinda clumsy. Good angles, obviously, but he didn't know WHAT to do with himself. Was embarrassed to spread his legs that wide. But then he figured it out. Got his toys.
Probes to reach reeeeal deep and plugs that pop wetly in and out. Dildos he learned how to work into himself. How to rock his hips in a way that felt so, so good. How not to be embarrassed. Let himself moan and gasp, whimper and whine as loud as he wanted.
Learned how many little vibrating eggs would FIT. Pushed in, one after another, til he was all gushy and full to the brim. Learned how many times he could gush. He even got a sybian!
He kept his videos all on a flash drive. On him, obviously, so they'd be safe.
Until they WEREN'T safe. Batman came out of NO WHERE. They struggle. Batman goes to pin him! And? Tim sacrifices his jacket to escape. It's only when he's home and ready to unwind that horror sets in. The flash drive was in his chest pocket.
Batman has his sex tapes.
And he more the just has them. He is actively WATCHING them. Watching as Tim works himself over. As his poor little hole is stretched and fucked. Made sloppy, twitching, and wet. Denied the real thing at every turn.
Watchs him play with his little chest. Stroke along his body, as he admits to- And Bruce brain screeches to a halt. Watching as Tim desperately rides a toy he's dubbed "Batman". Listening to him gasp and whine. Catching EVERY "Br-" that cuts to a "Bat", as Magpie catches himself.
Magpie knows who he is.
Wants him. BADLY. And was not planning on revealing it. These videos have yet to be edited. More then one sort of thrill runs through Bruce at the thought. He wonders what sorts of incriminating information Magpie forgot to remove, from the background of his videos? He'll have to watch them to know.
It's hardly a hardship, he muses, watching Magpie twitch and gasp through an orgasm. He can already spot no less then three different identifiable routes of investigation in the background. With every one he spots, he's narrowing down his suspect pool.
And Tim? Seriously considering BURNING his costume. No one can knooooow. He... he should skip town. Leave the country! Become a HERMIT! Oh god, Batman know he masturbates to him!!! His life is OVER. There's no coming back from thi-! *casual knock on a window*
Is that Batman on his balcony?
Huh. It is.
He doesn't even make to the door. Bruce is full on Victorious Shark grinning and Tim should NOT find that hot, since he's OBVIOUSLY about to die here.
He doesn't die. He ends up naked, pinned to his own bed, fucked deep and slow on the biggest cock he's ever taken in his LIFE, as Bruce casually explains what's GOING to happen. Tim WILL being joining them. WILL be receiving training. WILL be accompanying to several upcoming galas, dress nicely, and then he's GOING to be fucking Tim through the mattress.
No more running. Understood?
Tim is pretty sure he can TASTE the dick in him. Would agree to pretty much anything to make Bruce move faster. To make him stop TEASING. Yep. Anything you say. First born? All yours.
Bruce? Fucks him UNCONSCIOUS. Stays nice and deep, to keep himself warm and keep Tim full. Goes full marathon until he gets Tim to agree to join Team Bat and pretty much anything else he can think off. You know, like a cheater. Because Tim, as he quickly learns, will agree to pretty much ANYTHING when Bruce is pounding him.
😍😍😍😍😍 tim making little sex tapes and bruce getting ahold of them!!!😍😍
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tubborucho · 8 months
I hope today’s Tubbo stream will be a cartoonish style episode of them actually building a shack in a woods and having fun maybe with capys joining or any eggs if they want. I dont want them to run away completely, but for a day.
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tomiartlog · 4 months
Art of the Day: My 1st fur OC CapyBARA
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Day 13: I am an Embarrassment to myself
I've read all the rules before I post anything to any subreddit but I always get my first post deleted with something so stupid that I put in, thinking I was being precise and conclusive but I conclude too much & triggered every auto-bot with my precised words. I want to crawl up in a hedgehog ball.
Here's his story if u made it past my rant, you deserved it:
CabyBARA lore:
He was once a capybaby, adopted by kangaroos.
Capibaby thought he was a kanga-baby, so he worked out super hard as his parents were BUFF.
Lately he developed a tiny tiny crush to Lady Sicilia Snake, the librarian.
He started reading more.
He daydream about being an old, healthy capy, with lots of stories to tell, and possibly, Sicilia by his side.
"How do others give out their best first impression?" CapyBARA wondered.
His kangaroo parents met on stage at a boxing match. So their love story weren't really helpful here.
I ended coz I ran out of ideas and thought I'd get some comments on the subreddit, & I typed everything for so long. My eyes dried up & now's perfect to cry. Following is a long promo for my FREE (+ paid) art sale.
Free sketch includes:
Monochrome / lineart for ONE fur-oc / fur-fanart / fursuit / fursona / any non-100%-human creature.
Default size in square canvas. Change can be requested.
From headshot only, half body, to full body, can be requested.
SFW or NSFW, clothes to naked, can be requested.
Pose is decided by Tomi, for studying anatomy.
A name : your human name / username / fursona's name.
Tomi's watermark-signature. Unremovable.
Gratitude from CapyBARA.
A request from Tomi to share the sketch on social media / portfolios. You can say yes or no if you own the character.
Sketching for anatomy study purposes, & possible friendships.
Sketch is protected by copyright laws. ASK for PERMISSION to RE-DISTRIBUTE sketches.
NOs: 100% guarantee offers / multiple offers to 1 human / re-doing finished offers.
If you want to have more in the artwork / to support CapyBARA + Tomi: (Paypal) - USD 4.20: The above + specified pose + specified angle - USD 6.90: The above + base colours - USD 9.60: Detailed clean line art + base colours - USD 19.98: Detailed clean line art + detailed shaded colours + simple background - USD 24.68: The above + background line art - USD 30.62: The above + detailed background - USD 42.00: Full art with detailed line art, shaded colours, and background - USD 69.00: The above with 2 characters - USD 96.00: The above with 3 to 5 character (+ less or more than USD 10.00 : per request)
If you just want the basic free one, you probably skipped, so here's more to read:
By requesting for a sketch, you allowed Tomi Limbo to use the requested character in the said sketch, with aforementioned conditions. If the character is not yours, it should be a personal use fanart or you received the original creator's permission for Tomi to draw. Tomi do not own any legal responsibilities if drawing the requested character was not permitted.
If you want the free art, please give the following info to Tomi in a legal, and friendly to CapyBARA manner:
The character's name, Your name
The character's species
The character's appearance / important features / signature outfit
Head / shoulders / knees / toes. Or be greedy for full body;)
Any gender / nationality / personal identities important to the character
Answer yes or no, if you allow Tomi to post it, as mentioned above
Possible reference images of the character
Possible reference to your prefer art style (E.g. "Disney" or "Ghibli" styles, NO asking for independent artist's styles)
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