#Carina Butterfly
mayasdeluca · 1 year
There is a exact moment during their kiss at the office where Maya kinda pins Carina to the desk and she *gasps* and this person quoted it with "when Carina fell in love". I know we have better answers and moments for when we think she actually fell in love with Maya but I can also see the office moment as a really important one for Carina, it was too early to call it love but she realized she wasn't able to leave her, even with all the red flags there. She knew Maya wouldnt be just another one
Do you mean in 3x07 or 3x14? Because I think in 3x07 it was definitely clear to Carina that she wasn't able to leave Maya and she already had a pull on her (and just look at the puppy dog eyes Maya gives her!!) and then in 3x14 I think it's Carina who kind of pins Maya to the desk so I'm not sure which moment exactly you're talking about lol
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love--t · 2 years
Love From Italy | Part One
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Pairing: Seonghwa X Reader
Genere: Fluff, love at first sight, Strangers to lovers.
Warnings: mentions of smoking, Indications that reader is Female
Word count: 2255K
a/n: Hello everyone! i hope you're doing amazing. This story is set in italy, i am not italian so i'm sorry if the language is not accurate or the setting but i did make sure to do my research.
Please like and reblog. feed back is high appreciated, thank you for reading :)
Love from Italy | Part Two
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Park Seonghwa ran his hands through his freshly cut blonde hair. A cigarette resting between his pink plush lips as he leaned against the glass balcony door of his small apartment, he took in the dark, breathing out a sigh of relief.
The streets of his rome neighborhood were quiet except for the loud muffled music and the hectic shouting of his friends fighting over UNO coming from his living room.
Don't get the man wrong, he loves his friends, but, he sometimes needs to recharge his social batteries alone and with that, he lit the cigarette and leaned against the railing of his balcony, exhaling the smoke through his nose and letting his body relax.
The quietness of the night is suddenly disturbed by the sound of a melodious laugh ringing out through the night and the barking of an all familiar dog.
Seonghwa snaps his attention to the figure on the street in front of him cooing at the dog he has seen for years roaming around the neighborhood. The scenery brought a small smile to his lips and a beat to his "cold" heart  for the first time in years.
His hard gaze softened when he was met with the most exquisite pair of eyes.
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Your laughter rang out through the starry night as you made your way back to the house you're staying at.
It had been your dream since you were a child to come to the city of Rome and when your best friend had decided to have her wedding in italy you obviously couldn't shy away at her offer of paying for your ticket.
After a round of drinks with friends that live in the beautiful city , it was time for you to go home, but on your way you were joined by a dog trying to bite the flowing trail of your dress.
"Let's go!" you shouted to the stray dog as you ran down the cobble road for it to chase you.
The small dog ran after you, its tail wagging wildly from side to side ,barking from happiness as the dog caught up to you.
"Aww you caught me!" You squealed as the dog jumped and laid his paws on your waist as if it were hugging you.
You smiled down at the dog as it panted from happiness, sitting down in front of the K9, you scratched at the base of its ear making the animal flutter its eyes shut leaning into your touch, you cooed at the action and squealed when he started moving his paw.
"Carina" A deep smooth voice Spoke loudly.
You gasped in fright, scrambling to get to your feet, as you searched around for the voice, but a deep blush decorated your cheeks when you were met with the dark eyes of a stranger.
You stared up at the handsome man in front of you, watching as his muscular arms flexed, as he slowly stood to his full height, his sharp eyes not once leaving yours, he let out a chuckle of disbelief at what was happening.
It wasn't possible that Seonghwa had fallen in love at first sight. He didn't believe when his parents told him their story and he definitely didn't believe when his best friends Wooyoung and san spoke about how they fell in love when their eyes locked.
To him the thought of falling in love was a lie, his heart once being broken by the person he thought he would marry only for it to end.
But the way his body is reacting made him believe that maybe just maybe it was true, that maybe all the shit San spewed about destiny and soulmates was real.
A Strange feeling washed over you as your heart started beating faster, palms sweating and stomach squeezing from butterflies flying rapidly.
Little did you know the stranger in front of you was feeling the exact same way, he couldn't see or hear anything but you, he grabbed onto the railing, knuckles turning white from the force of his grip, making sure not to fall to his knees from the faintness that washed over him.
A few moments passed till you chuckled, snapping the man out of his daze.
You looked behind you, scratching your head, looking at anything but him, you let out a soft cough as you mustered up the courage to look back at his captivating eyes.
"um... i'm sorry i don't speak italian"
Seonghwa tensed at the sound of your voice.
"I said Cute," he replied in a deep english voice while taking a drag of the cigarette.
You blushed at his words and looked down at the dog who was now lying on his back. You hummed in reply to his words, bending down as you spoke out.
"Do you say that to all of the stray dogs?"
"No," He answered "only to cute strangers that like to play with dogs"
You stopped caressing the dog, your whole body freezing as a flush of warmth coursed through your body.
Clearing your throat, you gave the dog one last pat and got back to your feet.
A few moments of silence passed as you shyly glanced back at the stranger, only to realize he had already been looking at you, red covering both of your faces at being caught making eyes.
"Well" you started, "it was nice meeting you but it's getting late and i have to go"
You didn't want the night to end but you had to go back to your reality, you'd be leaving in a few days and you'd never see him again.
"Wait!" the boy exclaimed "let me walk you home"
"No, No it's literally just - " You protested, but before you could finish  he had already put out the bud of his cigarette and made his way into his home.
A few seconds of silence passed when all of a sudden  chanting  could be heard through the open door, causing giggles to erupt from you.
A smaller boy with a big smile walked out onto the balcony, leaning against the railing to get a better look at you.
"Guys!" he Screeched looking behind him "she's real!" You stared up at the boy with wide eyes.
"Wooyoung get back in here!" came another voice, belonging to a blonde cat eyed boy. He grabbed his boyfriend by the ear and apologized for his actions while he dragged him back into the living room, the boy known as wooyoung, Whining to whoever else was in the apartment about how pretty you are.
Suddenly a door opens and there is Seonghwa in all of his glory, now sporting a black leather jacket.
"Hi" He Whispers as he stops in front of you.
" Hello" you whisper back, a small smile forming onto your face.
"You know, your friends are quite something" You said, your gaze slowly trailing up to his balcony.
The blonde boy looked at you confused, his eyes landing on the group of 7 boys looking down at both of you with amused smiles on their faces.
"I swear to god if you guys don't go back into the living room i'm making you clean the house for a month." Seonghwa threatened jokingly, making the boys scramble back into the house, not wanting to feel the wrath of the eldest.
"Are they always like that?" you questioned, your gaze scanning his side profile.
He sighed, placing his hands on his hips and throwing his head back.
"Annoying? yeah"
You chuckled at his response, making the boy smile, showing his pearly white teeth.
"Lead the way" He said, letting you walk in front of him.
You both walked side by side down the streets at a slow pace, Conversation coming easy as if you were friends seeing each other again after years apart and hearts feeling fuller than ever.
During the walk you both sat down on a park bench, in front of the house you're staying at.
"So," He started, "What brings you to rome?"
You glanced up at the night, hands by your side on the bench "I'm here for a wedding, my best friend is getting married".
He hummed at your answer, his hand slowly inching its way towards you  "Congratulations to her, when's the big day?"
"A week from now"  you smiled at the thought of seeing your friend get her happy ending.
Seonghwas chest swelled with happiness at your smile, he barely even knew you but he already knew he wanted to see that smile everyday.
“You’re boyfriend is one lucky man to be taking you to the wedding”
You glanced back at the boy who was waiting eagerly for your next words. "It's just  me," you replied, moving your hand to push away a strand of her, making the boy pull his hand away without you noticing. “No boyfriend or anyone” you whispered the last few words.
You heard him let out a sigh of relief, making you raise your eyebrow, a small smirk gracing your face, you shook your head at the thought of the beautiful man wanting to take you to the wedding, remembering that you are strangers.
"Thank you for walking me home"
"The pleasure was mine," he replied with a smile.
Silently you both got up, hands brushing against each other. Timidly you wrapped your pinky with his, both of your breaths hitching at the  feeling of electricity.
Once at your door he let go of your pinky, letting you fish out your keys.
"Carina" He whispered, Leaning in and giving you a soft peck on the cheek.
"May we meet again" He trailed his hand down your shoulder, to your forearm and last to your hand where he gripped it tightly before sliding his own down your finger tips as he walked backwards from you leaving both of your hands in the air for a second as you both brought it down slowly, eyes not once leaving till he turned around and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
You opened the door wish shaky hands, taking deep breaths as you closed it softly, making sure to not wake up your bestfriend and her fiance as they slept on the second floor
You leaned against the closed door, trying to get your  racing heart to slow down, what had this man done to you?
you ran up the stairs to the room you're using and opened the balcony door slowly.
Only to see the blond still standing there with a big smile on his face.when suddenly  threw his fist up in the air and did a little dance that made you chuckle.
You shook your head and closed the door, throwing yourself to your bed, When suddenly a feeling of pain blossomed in your chest at the thought of the man.
You forgot to ask his name.
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Come on y/n! make a wish" Screamed your friend over the sound of bustling tourists and street music floating around the center of rome.
You sighed, turning your gaze to the perfectly carved statue of Neptune that sat above the  waters of the infamous Trevi Fountain.
"You know i don't believe in that," you rolled your eyes, staring back at your hopeful friend, holding up a  golden coin to you.
"Please?" She pouted, making bambi eyes at you.
You huffed out and snatched the coin from her awaiting hand, making her jump up and down from happiness.
"You know they say that if you throw two coins you will find love in Rome"
The girl slid another golden coin into your hands, giving you a little smile and a pat on your shoulder, walking away to her fiance who was taking a photo of the fountain. With a hint of sadness in your eyes  you watched as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, making you caress your own at the thought of the soft lips that were there just a few hours ago.
You turned your back to the fountain, took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
What do I even wish for?
You wracked your brain for the most barbaric thing you could ask for just to prove once and for all to the universe that you weren't their favorite child.
You chuckled loudly to yourself once your thoughts landed on the blonde mysterious man from last night. You thought about the way he made you feel from just one look.
Maybe, just maybe if the gods granted you this one wish, you might just believe in love again.
You felt the wait of the second coin in your left hand, deciding to bring both coins into your right hand. You whispered your wish to yourself, kissed the coins and threw it over your left shoulder. Waiting for the sounds of the coins plopping into the water never came.  You slowly opened your eyes, only for your breath to hitch, a big smile forming onto your face at the sight in front of you.
"Carina" Seonghwa smiled, taking off his sunglasses as he made his way towards.
"I'm Seonghwa"
He held his hand out for you to shake.
You stared into his eyes, searching for something in them, only to see a future full of love.
"I'm Y/N"
He smiled big at your name, leaning in he whispered lowly into your ear, making you shiver.
"I guess we have the Universe to thank for this moment”
He pulled away slightly, only to kiss your cheek once again.
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a/n: This story was meant to be long but i decided to just write up to here. If anyone wants me to keep going, i'll make this into a mini series. Please remember that Tumblr works off of reblogs and please send in messages, it means alot to us writers.
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englishstrawbie · 5 months
Marina + number 7 please and thank you 🤍
Here you go, my friend, I hope you like it! 😊
Carina moves around the room on full charm offensive, cosying up to potential benefactors as she persuades them to donate their money to the Elena Bailey Memorial Clinic. She finds it an easy task; a friendly tone to her voice, a hand on their arm, the tilt of her head as laughs at their jokes. She has always found people easy to manipulate with a little bit of flirting and, so far, she has secured over $100,000 thanks to a particularly generous woman who has made her fortunes selling a wellbeing lifestyle. All nonsense, as far as Carina is concerned, but if it means money for the clinic then she is more than willing to boost the woman’s ego.
As she moves on to the next group of people, she can feel a pair of blue eyes watching her from a distance. She knows she looks good in a strapless black dress that clings to her slim body, accentuating her hips that Maya loves to grab and exposing her neck that Maya loves to kiss. But still, she doesn’t dare look over her shoulder at where those blue eyes are coming from because she doesn’t need any distractions.
And her wife is certainly a distraction tonight.
Bailey had roped in 19 to help with the fundraiser and they had dutifully agreed. They might have shown up almost thirty minutes late (thanks to an ember that had blown from a fireplace into a nearby pile of blankets, setting them alight and starting a house fire less than one hour before the end of their shift), but they had turned up suited and booted in their Class A uniforms, ready to sell as many raffle tickets as possible.
The first time Carina had seen Maya in her Class As, she had not been able to take her eyes off her. Travis had reminded her more than once to close her gaping mouth. Who could blame her though? The crisp white shirt tucked into tight black pants that show off the curve of her ass; the tie, neat under her starched collar; and the jacket that fits smartly over her broad shoulders.
Carina groans inwardly at the image that won’t leave her mind and tries to concentrate on what the man next to her is telling her about the water quality in the bay. She picks up on the important stuff – he owns a yacht that he keeps in the marina, which means he has money; and he has fifteen-year-old twin daughters, which means he is interested in women’s rights. She secures another $20,000 for the clinic before taking a break and heading towards the bar.
It takes her a few minutes to get the attention of the barman, but just as she is about to order, she feels a hand on the small of her back and a familiar voice beside her.
“Water please. And she’ll have a white wine,” Maya says.
“Oh, will I?” Carina arches an eyebrow in amusement.
Maya smiles cockily as she leans in and kisses her wife lightly. “Hi.”
“Hi bella,” Carina says softly.
Her eyes sweep Maya up and down, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she appreciates her wife in her formal wear; except the smile on her face fades away when she notices the purple bruise on Maya’s cheek, hidden by a thick layer of make-up.
“Maya, your face,” she says, running a finger lightly over the blemish and watching as Maya winces a little under her touch.
“It’s okay,” Maya reassures her immediately. “It was stupid, I was coming out of a basement and tripped on a loose step. I wasn’t in any danger, the fire was already out. I landed awkwardly, that’s all.”
She must see that Carina isn’t convinced because she slides her hand into Carina’s and squeezes it gently. “I’m okay, I promise.”
Her eyes are bright and honest, and Carina lets the worry go. She nods and smiles, stealing another kiss from her wife. The drinks are placed on the bar in front of them and they take them, Maya guiding Carina away from the crowd towards a small table nearby.
“So, the fundraising seems to be going well,” Maya says.
She gives Carina a sideways glance, a playful accusatory tone to her voice. Carina smirks, brushing her hair back and watching as Maya’s eyes land on her bare shoulder, a lick of her lips giving away her thoughts.
“It’s work, bambina,” Carina says. She can’t deny it though, she does enjoy making Maya a little jealous.
“Hmm,” Maya says knowingly. A glint in her eye, she slowly unbuttons her jacket.
“Maya,” Carina warns her.
Maya lifts her eyebrows. “What?”
A low growl escapes from the back of Carina’s throat. Maya chuckles and pushes her glass towards her, an innocent look on her face.
"You need some water, babe?”
Carina ignores her and closes the gap between them. “Maya Bishop,” she says under her breath, “don’t tease me. You know how mad Doctor Bailey will be if we leave early.”
It is Maya’s turn to grin, the use of her full name means she knows her plan to weaken Carina’s resolve is working.
“But you know we could be having a lot more fun at home,” she says. “Because the more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave.”
“We can’t,” Carina tries to argue, but when Maya’s hand comes to rest on her hip, pinching her waist lightly, her body betrays her and she lets out a small gasp.
“Are you sure?”
Carina narrows her eyes, knows that Maya’s choice of phrase is supposed to remind her of the night they met, to play on Carina’s fondness for nostalgia. She sighs, close to relenting.
“But the party…”
“I bet you’ve already raised more money for the clinic than everyone else in the room combined,” Maya says. “And I have sold every raffle ticket in my book already.”
“Of course you have,” Carina says, shooting her an amused look.
She looks around and spots Bailey and Ben on the other side of the room, chatting to another couple who are dressed in what look to be very expensive clothes. Carina is pretty sure a donation from them would solve the clinic’s budget issues for at least a couple of years. She watches as Bailey’s face breaks out into a wide smile and she shakes the hands of the clinic’s latest benefactors with vigour.
She feels Maya step closer, her warm breath on her neck.
“I think that’s our sign we can leave, don’t you?”
When Carina turns towards her wife, her breath gets caught in her throat when she notices that Maya has loosened her tie and unfastened the top three buttons of her shirt, revealing her collarbone.
“Yes, bambina,” Carina says, grabbing Maya’s hand and yanking her towards the door, all patience gone. “Let’s go.”
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Joining Station 19 and dating Andrea Herrera (female!reader) please?
Joining Station 19 and dating Andrea Herrera hc
Navigation | Station 19 Masterlist
Andy Herrera
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When you joined Station 19, Andy was fresh out of her divorce with Sulivan.
You befriend yourself quickly with Travis and Maya. Who were also queer and sadly to you the only ones. Cause you may or may not found Andy incredible hot. But Maya broke your fantasy of dating this Woman, who is and I may quote super Straight.
So you tried to put the aadmiration you have to this woman beside. But just wouldn't leave your side. Andy wanted to be your friend and not just any she wanted to be close to you. But didn't even know why and it confussed you.
One thing Andy didn't want, was falling in love that fast again. But shit happens.
And this was more confussion than any other crush she had, who ended up to be boys.
She got this butterflies like when she crushed on a boy when you touched her arm unintentionally. Or when you smile to her. Once she wondered what it feels like to kiss a girl or better kissing you. As she couldn't hold it any longer for herself, so she talked with Maya about this. The blonde freacked completely out.
But Andy was not the only who felt this way. You also got little crush on her. It was the typical queer woman falls for straight woman thrope. So told your frustration to Carina, who also happened to be a close friend of your.
So with both Maya and Carina knowing you have a crush on each other, they played wingwomen. Both tried the other to build up the courage to ask the other out.
But nothing happened. You just couldn't believe that straight Andy isn't straight. So kept it all to yourself.
Your relationship started on a night shift. Both of you laid on top the truck the one where tey always lay on when something happened just don't know the name anymore
You both looked at each other, starring into each others eyes with glanced to the lips. This was the first time Andy felt confident about herself and sexuality, she doesn't wanna label.
So she was the first to lean in. You followed.
Your lips touched each other and started to move. The moment you realized what's happening you stopped the kiss and apologized and ran away. Andy right behind you.
"Look I'm so sorry for that. I know your Straight and-" She kissed you again.
This was just the start of a beautiful relationship.
You both went slowly with your relationship. The opposite of what Andy is usualy used too. Maya was confussed how the 'I fell fast and everything in my relationship goes fast' latina to 'let's starts slowly with everything'. It was your idea to go slowly. First of all it's your type of starting a relationship and it was Andys first relationship with a woman.
You helped Andy to find herself and to come out to her friends, family and the Station. Everyone was shocked but didn't make it a big deal. Sulivan was also there and her and you the best luck
Since this is her first relationship with a woman she's a little scared to do something wrong. But she quickly realized that there's nothing different.
You're getting invited to her families weekly park afternoon.
She's telling you about her family drama, the death of her bestfriend and father. When you first heard that, you didn't know what to say but just hug her.
When anything is in her life she goes to you and visca versa
She helps you with your insecurities
Going to Joes after day shifts alone or with the team.
Babysitting Pru together and putting her against Miller and Hughes
Since Andy lives with Maya and Carina and they time alone need, since they are married, Andy asked you if she could move in with you. Of course you said yes. You were happy that you both make the next step.
You always wanted to speak Spanish because it sounds sexy as fuck, so you found a teacher in Andy. Who needs a lot of patience.
She is always worried about you when you both are not in the same team. And asked Maya always to put you into the same team. Something she can do everytime, so still has to worry when your out.
You both would run into a building of fire for each other and fight everyone who gets in their way.
She fell fast, again. But this shouldn't end like her last relationship. She married to soon. She loved him but it looks like it was not enough. So she got a little scared. But you prove her everytime she doesn't need to be scared.
This relationship is perfect. The perfect dream she deserves. And she definitive wants to marry you in a few years. With no rush. Just pure love. And time.
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butterfly-eye · 1 month
Gravity Falls OC Blog
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Carrie Valentino is the youngest member of the Valentino family, and she’s just as eccentric as the rest of them. She’s energetic, playful, and used to spend every afternoon in the cemetery talking to random graves. She still does this, mind, but it’s now just one in a long list of unusual tendencies.
Even more so than the rest of her family, she seems to have a unique way of seeing the world- perhaps literally.
(edit 2/9/24: updated reference sheet with some minor changes)
More Below!
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General + RP Information
Some posts are RP, others are OOC information on her.
If you want to ask something in-character, please address Carrie directly!
In-character text for Carrie will be red.
Canon + OCs welcome to interact!
Tags are always OOC!
Name: Carina Valentino
Age: 13
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Zodiac: Butterfly
Blood Type: B
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potc-musical · 6 months
Since spring is here
My favorite thing about making a fan concept of Dmtnt musical adaptation is the flowers/spring symbolisms
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I realized that some of my costumes have floral details.
I will use these three as examples
Daffodils on Will's coat symbol of new beginnings
Cherry blossom on Elizabeth's vest symbol renewal, new beginnings, and rebirth
Most of Carina's costumes are floral pattern designs.
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This pattern is called chintz
This pattern has several details and it shows Carina's true character
Red details of chintz shows Carina's suffering
And butterfly symbol of growth. Same goes to flowers. Flowers had a lot ot symbolisms. Carina's character development is like a flower
Bird details shows that she's free like a bird
Fun fact: did you know chintz was banned by British parliament in first half of 18th century due to economic concerns of trading chintz fabric from India.
Spring Uprising
The name of the event of the show Spring Uprising is about resistance against tyranny and oppression.
The season of spring is the symbol of new beginnings
A lot over revolutions like American Revolution wanted to start new beginnings after British rule of America
A lot of revolutionists using flowers as symbol like red carnation.
Daisy as a symbol of resistance that was actually used in Dutch resistance against occupiers. I find out that's perfect to use this flower for my concept
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The Crystal was replaced from Poseidon's trident in my concept
If you're a Sailor Moon fan, you know the legendary silver crystal.
I've drawn inspirations from that magical crystal
The Crystal is a shape of a lotus flower. Lotus is the symbol of rebirth and resilience
The musical of Dmtnt will be about resistance and new beginnings
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dusksimulacre · 4 months
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all of the Maxis children
Miki Akiyama/ Taku Akiyama/ Katarina Astle/ Orange Bailey-Moon/ Trinity Barron/ Atom Beaker/ Ceres Beaker/ Elsa Bjergsen
Bash Boiler/ Smash Boiler/ Johnny Brock/ Lucy Burb/ Pierce Delgato/ Ximena Diehl/ Kyle Flynn/ Betsy Giordano
Paxton Giordano/ Gabe Gonzalez/ Alexander Goth/ Wren Grove/ Buck Grunt/ Gideon Harris/ Nanami Ito/ Billie Jang
Abbey Keye/ Olivia Kim-Lewis/ Adrien Landgraab/ Todd Landgraab/ Jace Laurent/ Daesung Lee/ Karmine Luna/ Tomi Markovic
Leonardo Martinez/ Sofia Martinez/ Atlas Michaelson/ Bristol Muller/ Lucas Munch/ Eddie Newbie/ Edna Newbie/ Tane Ngata
Karan Parikh/ Karishma Parikh/ Carina Piper/ Kent Platt/ Amy Prescott/ Jayden Price/ Bobby Purdue/ Cali Purdue
Parker Rockwell/ Cam Sadya/ Chase Schwarz/ Christie Sigworth/ Marie Simmons/ Jill Smith/ Olive Tinker/ Cecilia Valentino
Max Villareal/ Leila Wainscott/ Imran Watson/ Maira Watson/ Michael Zhao/ Tiffany Zhao
Teachers: Jean Barnes/ Dylan Flynn/ Vivian Lewis/ Zoe Patel
The Llamas/ The Outsiders/ The Butterflies/ The Pterodactyls/ The Picassos/ Matisse/ The Brainiacs/ The Whiz Kids
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
i like being aesthetically attracted to people, but wow was it confusing when i was questioning if i was aroace (but it makes me happy now, when i know that aroace fits). it’s like… wow, oh my gosh, your hair is so lovely and your hands are soft and i’d do anything to make you smile. it’s like, i don’t feel nervous around you or get butterflies in my stomach or anything of the sort though. nope, i just wanna admire your hair and your shoulders and flap my hands back and forth when you wear pretty outfits!
i may be romance favourable and open to that — but attraction isn’t in the picture for me, it‘s more of ‘i love you very much in the ways i can, and traditionally romantic things seem right up my alley if they’re what you want too’. but yeah, oh my goodness… some people have really pretty hair, and sometimes you just have to stare off into the distance and smile while you’re acknowledging that — content that it’s not a crush, content that it’s closer to… like, the warm feeling i got in my chest when i was painting the carina nebula and had an excuse to just stare at a picture of it for an hour.
(just realised that i have, in fact, described people as the carina nebula in attempt to explain how i feel aesthetic attraction… i guess you could say that i put the ‘ace’ in space—)
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theyoungoneed · 1 year
The Brave Barista Part 1
(Klaus Mikaelson x Reader)
Summary: Carina Newman just moved to New Orleans not long ago from New York. While at work working as a barista she meets the infamous hybrid Klaus Mikaelson whom invites her to a family event at the Mikaelson compound. Things take a turn and Carina's courage is tested.
Word Count: 2,638
Warnings: blood, killing
A/N: inspired by Klamille and how Klaus called Cami the brave bartender, only this time I got the idea of the brave barista.
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Carina Newman brewed what must have been her one-hundredth cup of coffee of the day (or of that day). Moving to New Orleans only a few weeks ago, she happened to work at the busiest corner cafe on Frenchmen Street. She loved the rush and chaos of it all, although at times it was overwhelming. In fifteen minutes her shift would be over and Carina can finally take a breath. Finishing taking an order from a table outside, a certain man catches her attention. That’s a new face she thought. Carina saw numerous people a day, some were regulars, others only stopping by, but something about this man was mysterious. He sat leaning back in his chair at the last table under the shade of an umbrella. 
Black sunglasses covered his eyes as his index finger tapped on the menu. Carina nervously made her way toward his table. 
“Hi, what can I get for you today sir?” The man slowly looked up at her, removing his sunglasses. 
“Hello love,” he said in a British accent, grinning with gleaming dark-blue green eyes which stared into the soul. They were like hooks digging deep, enchanting, hypnotizing, intriguing, wanting to know more. Strands of his dark blonde hair swayed in the wind. Carina now had a closer look at the man, she absolutely thought he was attractive. Little did she know, she had been staring at him for a good ten seconds until she was brought back to reality when she realized he was speaking to her. 
“I’m sorry,” she cleared her throat, “what did- what did you order?” The man chuckles to himself looking down at the ground. 
“It’s alright love, I tend to have that sort of effect on people, being charming and taking their breath away, “ he said in a cocky tone of voice grinning alluringly. Carina gives out a nervous laugh trying to hide her flushed face and a nervous habit of fidgeting with her pen when taking orders. 
“I’ll have a cup of your finest hot coffee with one cream and no sugar.” 
“One cream and no sugar, coming right up.” She smiled as she turned around going back inside. Carina was burning hot with embarrassment. She allowed herself to take a few deep breaths behind the counter before making his coffee. Who was he? She felt as if she was being put in a trance. His confident demeanor made her heart skip a beat and create butterflies in her stomach. Carina anxiously prepared his order hoping to not mess anything up. She even added a cheesy touch of her signature latte art heart. Carefully, without spilling, she brought his cup of coffee and placed it before him. 
“Thank you, love.” He seemed satisfied with the heart. 
‘Enjoy,” she tells him. Right as she was about to leave the man stops her. 
“You’re not from around here, are you?” 
“No-I um just moved here two weeks ago from New York.” 
“What brings you to New Orleans?” He studied her slowly moving his eyes to the nametag on her shirt. “Carina,” he points out. 
“Just Cari is fine,” she tells him. “To answer your question, I moved here to get away from complicated family drama.” 
“Now that we have something in common,” he says, taking a sip of his coffee. Carina lets out a heavy sigh. 
“Family. You can’t live with them, you can’t live without them, am I right?”
“I couldn’t agree more, love.” Every time he said the word “love” Carina would get shivers down her spine. Anxiously she played with her fingers trying to buy time until her shift was over and make small talk. 
“So, have you been here long or-” He lets out a sharp chuckle as if the question was some sort of inside joke. 
“I used to live here a long time ago with my family. It feels as if a hundred years have gone by, but now we recently moved back.” He traced the rim of the cup with his finger and displayed a wide cheeky grin. Carina noticed he was finished with his coffee. 
“I can get you another one if you want,” she said, grabbing the empty cup. 
“No, that’s alright love,” he replied getting up from his chair. He was taller than I expected, she thought. Intimidating even. “Carina?” he asked. “My family is throwing a ball tonight and I was wondering if you would like to attend?” Carina hesitates. She only just met this mysterious man, let alone doesn’t even know his name. 
“I- I don’t know. I don’t even know your name.”
“Pardon me, love, where are my manners? Klaus Mikaelson.” That’s a name, she thought. 
“Klaus,” she said. “That’s an old name. “ He chuckles at her remark.
“Here,” he reaches into his inside jacket pocket and hands her a white envelope. 
“This is the invitation. The address is on the back. I hope to see you, Carina.” His side smile made her blush. Carina looked down at the white envelope and opened the invitation which read: PLEASE JOIN THE Mikaelson Family THIS EVENING AT SEVEN O’ CLOCK FOR DANCING, COCKTAILS, AND CELEBRATION. Before Carina had a chance to say anything else, she looked up and he was gone.
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The dress hugged her body, the off-white fabric laid against her beautiful pale skin. Her light brown hair was in wavy curls, cascading down her shoulders. After touching up her makeup and applying some lip gloss, Carina was ready to leave. She took a taxi to the address on the invitation. During the ride, Carina’s stomach was in knots. She had no family here, no friends, how can she trust a stranger she has only met a few hours ago? The location of the ball was at the Abattoir in the French Quarter. It was a very large house dating back to the 17th century. 
The light brown bricks shone under the setting sun. Two floors of the house contained porches that stretched around the building. Carina got out of the taxi, her white heels clicking behind her. Flocks of people started entering the building with shining gowns, fancy suits, and masquerade masks. The place was grand. Bright blue lights flashed all around, glitter fluttered down from above, with acrobats hanging from the ceiling on pieces of cloth. Fire breathers and tall towers of flowing champagne were everywhere. 
Carina scoured the room for Klaus. Her eyes gazed through the crowd, wandering, searching. Suddenly she feels a presence behind her. 
“Carina,” said a voice. She turned around and their eyes met. His black suit and dark blue tie fit him nicely. “Thank you for coming, you look beautiful.” Carina blushed at the compliment. 
“Thank you. You don’t look so bad yourself.” Carina admired the place. “Wow I can’t believe you live here, it’s beautiful.” 
“It has been in the family for centuries. 
“Really? I didn’t know you were royalty,” she teased. 
“Would you care for a dance, love? A King needs his queen.” Carina bit up her lip. 
“I’d love one,” she replied. He gently took her by the hand and guided her onto the dancefloor. His fingers brushed the side of her waist before placing his hand on the small of her back. They held each other’s hands as they swayed slowly from side to side. Carina softly placed her hand on his shoulder. Their cheeks were almost touching. The two of them took in the moment not saying a word, letting the music sweep them away. Carina’s heart was pounding out of her chest as they danced. She tried to control her breathing but the presence of him being so close to her made it impossible. 
“Are you alright, love?” He looked at her with deep concern. 
“Yes, I’m just a little bit nervous, that’s all.” 
“There’s nothing to be nervous about. You’re with me,” he tells her, smiling.  His facial expression was alluring. Klaus gazed into her eyes as he cupped her cheeks in his hands, leaning closer. 
“You are alright,” he stated. “There is nothing to fear.” His shrunk and dilated as they stared into Carine’s eyes intensively. Slowly, he removed his hands from her cheeks. 
“Now love, how are you feeling?”
“I am alright and there is nothing I should fear,” she replied. Confused, Carina broke away from his stare blinking rapidly. It felt as if she had been hypnotized. She didn’t know how or why but she knew she no longer felt nervous. 
“Wow,” Carina said surprisingly. “I don’t feel nervous anymore. How did you?-
“He compelled you, darling,” said a woman in a tight shimmering black dress with blonde hair. Carina gave her a quizzical look. 
“He what?”
“Oh come on brother. You know better than to compel your date.” Brother? Carina turned to Klaus. 
“What is she talking about?” 
“No need to worry about that, love,” Klaus told her. “Carina, meet my lovely annoying sister Rebekah. Rebekah, Carina.” 
“Charmed,” she said, faking a smile. Suddenly a man approaches us bringing Klaus into a big embrace.
“Klaus Mikaelson!” 
“Marcel, fancy seeing you here.” The man puts his hands on Klaus’s shoulders. “Let’s get you a drink. I have a lot of important things to tell you.” Klaus quickly glances at Carina and then back at the man. 
“Marcel, this is Carina.” The man turned around to face her. 
“Pleasure to meet you. Me and Klaus go way back.”  The two made small talk until Marcel slowly whispered something into Klaus’s ear which made his jaw tighten. Carina couldn’t help but notice the grave expression on his face. 
“Rebekah, would you be so kind and take Carina to get something to drink while I have a little chat with Marcel?” 
“Why do I have to?” she whined. 
“Go or I’ll compel you, little sister.” That word again. Before Carina had time to process, she was staring deep into Klaus’s eyes. 
“You will go with my sister and have a drink. Forget everything you heard her say. I will find you shortly.” Next thing she knew she was at the bar staring at a full shot of glass of vodka. Carina watched as Rebekah drowned down a shot, slamming it on the bar counter. 
“Your turn.” Deep down Carina didn’t want to drink, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that she had to. The alcohol burned her throat as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. 
“So, is Klaus your only brother?” 
“No, I have three other older brothers, but they’re not here tonight,” she says, taking a sip of champagne. 
“How come?” 
“Family squabbles tend to push them away,” she tells her. It was obvious to Carina that Rebekah did not want to engage in any sort of conversation with her. Although, there was something Carina was curious to get off her chest. 
“Earlier, I couldn’t help but overhear the word compel being thrown around-”
“Listen sweetheart. You seem like a nice girl, but I would rather be anywhere else than be sharing a drink with you. Oh, and by the way,” she continued, “stay away from Klaus. He is not who he thinks he is and frankly, you do not want to stick around and find out. Cheers.’” she said walking away leaving Carina all by herself. At this point, she wanted to leave the party alltogether, until she felt a gentle touch at the small of her back. 
“Are you alright, love?” Klaus asked, holding two champagne glasses. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she lied. 
“It seems like you need a drink,” he tells her, handing her a glass of champagne. 
“I think I’m going to need more than that,” she chuckles. “Thank you.” Klaus watched as she drowned down her champagne, clearly seeing she was agitated. 
“Don’t mind my sister Rebekah she can be-” 
“A bitch,” Carina interrupted. Klaus laughs at her response. 
“But in all seriousness, you shouldn’t let her get to you.” 
“Duly noted.” They stare into each other’s eyes before Carina broke eye contact. 
“She got all mad because I mentioned the word compel and I don’t even know-
“Listen, there are some things that are hard to explain-” 
“What is hard to explain? What’s going on here? It’s like part of me feels like I am in some sort of hypnosis doing things I don’t want to do but for some weird reason have to.”
“Carina listen-”
“No, you listen.” Carina became furious. “Who are you? Your sister told me you are not who you really are and that I should stay away from you.” 
“Do you want to know who I am? I am a man damaged by his demons. I don’t want to be controlled by them. I admit that I may not be the one for you because of it. Yes, there are things you do not know about me but it is best for your protection that you do not know.”
“Protection? Protection from what?”  His mouth slightly opened but his eyes moved in a different direction to something in the distance. 
“Get behind me,” he said, grabbing Carina by the arm. “Stay close to me.” All of a sudden a group of people in nice tailored suits entered the party. Without hesitation, a woman with long black hair quickly grabs the closest person in the crowd. Opens her mouth revealing sharp fangs, and bites their neck. Chaos unfolds, screams break out, and everyone is scattering to get out. Klaus takes Carina by the arm and with great speed sprints with her behind a wall, hiding. How did we get here so fast? Am I that drunk? Carina watched in horror as more people were being attacked and blood spilled on the floor. Carina thought she must be imagining all this. Come on wake up, she told herself. 
“Who are they?”
“Werewolves.” Klaus looked back at her and smiled. 
“I knew you wouldn’t believe me, love.” 
“Werewolves?” Carina starts laughing hysterically. “This is a joke right?” 
“No, love werewolves are very much real, and so are vampires,” he tells her. “Stay here.” Klaus ran in a flash towards one of the attackers snapping their neck. Carina watched him with great force, threw them across the room, and ripped out their hearts. I must be going crazy, she thought. She hid deeper behind the wall shaking. Forget who he was, what was he? Carina didn’t know if she should run or wait for Klaus to return. As she peeked behind the wall the odds were not in Klaus’s favor. Blood ran down his face and he had taken a large gash on his side. Not only was he being cornered by ten or more werewolves but so were Rebekah and his friend Marcel. 
Carina felt a rush of adrenaline through her veins as she noticed a broken pipe laying on the ground. Quickly, she picked up the pipe and with all her might, as crazy as she thought this whole thing was, she ran towards the werewolf about to attack Klaus, and plunges the pipe into their back. The werewolf flopped on the floor. Carina gasped out of breath. With the werewolf dead, that gave Klaus an advantage. One by one the werewolves dropped dead. All of a sudden a werewolf runs up behind Carina although her fast reflexes made the werewolf only scratch her arm. She winced in pain. 
The werewolf continued running towards Klaus but Carina was faster. She got in front of the werewolf and plunged the pipe into his heart. The werewolf fell to his knees gagging blood, yet with one quick move Klaus ripped its heart out and it was over. Blood trickled down Carina’s arm. The dead werewolf’s heart was still beating in Klaus’s hands. They looked up at each other out of breath. A smile crept on Klaus’s face. 
“The brave barista.”
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astronomypolls · 8 months
Round 1 is here!
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sorry for the two brackets, Bracket HQ wouldn't let me do 64. I'll be treating them like they're all one bracket though.
Links to polls:
NGC 2440 vs Hen 2-47
NGC 6572 vs Fetus Nebula
Eagle Nebula vs Cone Nebula
Butterfly Nebula vs Fine Ring Nebula
Heart Nebula vs Ghost Nebula
Baby Eagle Nebula vs Veil Nebula
Cat's Eye Nebula vs Crab Nebula
NGC 3576 vs Horsehead Nebula
LDN 1165 vs Tarantula Nebula
Tulip Nebula vs Robin's Egg Nebula
Rosette Nebula vs Helix Nebula
Lemon Slice Nebula vs Ghostly Hand Nebula
Carina Nebula vs Ghost of Jupiter Nebula
Bubble Nebula vs Jewel Bug Nebula
Red Rectangle Nebula vs NGC 1514
Crescent Nebula vs Witch Head Nebula
NGC 7219 vs Thor's Helmet Nebula
Dragon's Head Nebula vs Spirograph Nebula
Eye of Sauron Nebula vs Seagull Nebula
Celestial Snow Angel vs Tycho's Supernova
Shark Nebula vs Spaghetti Nebula
N159 vs Glowing Eye Nebula
Hourglass Nebula vs CG4
Cleopatra's Eye Nebula vs Pencil Nebula
Cosmic Bat Nebula vs Orion Nebula
California Nebula vs Flaming Tree Nebula
Cassiopeia A vs Jellyfish Nebula
Ant Nebula vs Red Spider Nebula
Ring Nebula vs NGC 2392
NGC 6826 vs NGC 6881
Clamshell Nebula vs NGC 6729
Skull Nebula vs Cat's Paw Nebula
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can-of-pringles · 2 months
Your characters have all been given wings (for those that don't already have them lol)! What kind of wings do they have - not just bird, bat, or insect, but what specific species?
Very interesting...
Arline Lanes: Magpie wings?
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Fox: Masked Flying Fox Bat wings (these bats slightly give me uncanny vibes but also they're weirdly cute so idk)
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Carina Shepherd: Peahen wings?
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Dannie Karim: Luna Moth Wings
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Ryn Halvorsen: Barn Owl wings
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Silas Petersson: Crow wings
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Pigeon: ... Pigeon wings, probably a Feral or classic Rock Pigeon type.
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Eliška Hašek: Atlas Moth wings
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Marigold Rosales: Monarch Butterfly wings (I ran out of picture slots)
Rosie Rosales-Maximoff: Duck wings lol. Mini Silver Appleyard.
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Allison Dahir: Also duck wings... Black East Indian because look at those colors!
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mayasdeluca · 1 year
A Marina kiss that gives you the *butterflies*
A great question that of course I couldn't choose just one for and made gifs for the occasion!
3x14: This whole makeout scene was just 🔥 and I wish we got more make out sessions in Maya's office while she was Captain.
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5x07: The emotions and vulnerability in this scene is everything. It's so soft and pure and this kiss is just so sweet.
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5x17: The domesticity of the good morning kiss that Maya gives Carina when coming home from her shift...the cutest. (I also love how they do double kisses so often.)
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6x13: While the angle of this kiss is less than great, the fact that it's their first time kissing after everything that had happened in Season 6, the anticipation and emotion that it brings out and their reactions afterwards (especially Carina's) really gets me and makes me feel things.
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6x15: The shower kisses...doesn't really need to be explained. Danielle and Stefania went all out for the minimal content we got and we thank them endlessly for it.
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6x18: Speaking of going all out, another kiss that you could just feel how much Maya and Carina missed each other and putting their hands on each other (Carina expressing exactly that) and the want and hunger in this kiss is beyond sexy.
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harajuku-cookie · 4 months
IkeVamp OC Profile: Carina
The Beloved Songbird “Wherever I may go, the melodies will always follow.”
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Name: Carina Sakamoto Pronouns: She/Her Voice: Nana Mizuki Birthday: May 3 Race: human (becomes lesser vampire later on), half-Mexican/half-Japanese Hair: Long, wavy pink (light mauve) hair Eye: raspberry Skin tone: olive Extra Features: hourglass figure with large bust Orientation: pan
More info about her under the cut!
Notes: •Eldest daughter to a Mexican mother (Milagros Pilar) and Japanese father (Tadashi Sakamoto), both actors/theater performers. Also has a younger brother named Kou, both of them were born in Japan. •Her parents met in Paris for a theater production that they were taking part in and fell in love and eventually got married. It was a whirlwind romance, but it felt like fate to them and to this day they're still deeply in love. Even though it was a little unstable to raise children while traveling, they made it work. So Carina and her brother grew up surrounded by the performing arts while being homeschooled. •She traveled a lot growing up because of her parents' careers and started acting in various productions, movies, and TV shows since she was little. This is also where she developed her love of traveling and learning new languages because she wanted to be able to communicate with others wherever she went. •Classically trained in opera like her mother as well as piano like her father •Knows a little bit of most dances. Usually when a role calls for dance, she works hard to learn the type needed. And sometimes when her family have get-togethers, they all love to dance for fun. Some of her favorites are ballet, paso doble, flamenco, waltz, and ballet folklórico. •Since her brother, Kou, works as a music producer and composer, they tend to work together and collaborate on music •Instead of being a travel agent like the canon MC/Mitsuki, she is a theater performer/actress and singer who doubles as a travel vlogger. She travels a lot for her work, so she loves to save her memories via video recordings and an online blog, especially to share with her extended family back in their home countries. •Grew up in a healthy family, her parents being the best example of a healthy relationship. They always made sure to teach her and her brother how to be kind and respectful of others, to always communicate clearly, to never let anyone talk down to them, and stand your ground. •Her nicknames are "Cari" and "CariBear" because she loves bears (also a play on Care Bear). Some people also like to call her "Cupid" because of her hair and eye color reminding them of the colors of love and how much of a romantic she is. •Knows self-defense and is pretty strong despite her stature. Also has a black belt in taekwondo. •When she goes back in time to the 19th century and decides to stay there, she eventually adopts a Pomeranian and names her Oso ("bear" in Spanish) •Shipped with Isaac. The best way to describe their relationship dynamic would probably be like “golden retriever and black cat”, with Carina being the bubbly social butterfly who helps Isaac out of his shell (but never pushes, always gives him a choice and space when he needs it), while Isaac is the calmer, more introverted of the pair who helps Carina enjoy and appreciate the peaceful quiet moments together. •She does make a contract with Comte to become a vampire within a year of her and Isaac’s relationship. At first Isaac felt really conflicted with Carina's decision to become a vampire. On one hand they would have more time together, which he loves since he loves her so much. On the other hand, he's worried about the possibility of her becoming an aberrant like him. It causes him grief to be one and he doesn't want her to go through the same thing and regret her decision. Although he's unsure, he does realize that ultimately it's her decision. Carina hears Isaac's concerns and understands where he's coming from and offers to come up with a plan in case the "worst" case scenario happens. She reassures him that if she does become an aberrant, she'll find a way to work through it. Plus they have the support of Comte and the others, so they'll be okay. After talking it out some more with each other and then with Comte, Carina finally takes the plunge and becomes a vampire, and to Isaac's relief, is a normal lesser vampire just like the others. It's a bit of an adjustment period to get used to her new form, but he and the others are with her every step of the way.
Extra Note: Outfit is still pending. I may go with the one on the in-game avatar, just in warmer colors. I just wanted to add a picture in for reference.
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klimkovsky · 5 months
Cosmic Butterfly, The Great Eta Carinae Nebula
The famous Carina Nebula, or Eta Carinae Nebula
Carina is a constellation in the southern celestial hemisphere. Once upon a time there was a huge constellation "Ship Argo", but it was so large that astronomers found it inconvenient to count the stars in it - no Greek alphabet would be enough. Therefore, the Ship was “cut up” into the Keel, Stern, Sails and Compass. There was one, now there are four. And it is now easier to count stars in this area of the sky.
But this constellation never rises in the middle nirthern latitudes. Therefore, we cannot see this magnificent nebula - perhaps the brightest in the entire sky (its integral magnitude is equal to unity - like the star Spica or Regulus) from here. Well, let's look at least through the Internet (they say it pierces the Earth right through!)
This gigantic region of star formation is located in the spiral Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy - it is ours, local. But still, very distant - more than eight thousand light years separate the Solar System and the Perseus-Orion arm (in which we live) and the Sagittarius arm.
The shape of the nebula is quite bizarre. Some astronomers (with a particularly rich imagination) see a “Butterfly” here. The wingspan of such a “Butterfly” can reach 230 light years.
«Cosmic Butterfly, The Great Eta Carinae Nebula» by Matt Hughes
The author of the photo on which the video is based is astrophotographer Matt Hughes. This photo turned out to be the best in one of the periodic competitions held on the website AstroBin
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englishstrawbie · 2 years
hi! how are you?
i recently saw your lyric prompt challenge and i like your writing, so i thought i’d send one :)
i really like the song Quiet by Camila Cabello and maybe it could make a nice marina fanfiction. to be honest i love the lyrics to the entire song haha but i’m gonna send you the chorus because it sort of reminds me of the maya/carina dynamic.
But now your hands are touchin' my waist
In the back of the car, you just couldn't wait
And now my hands are movin' in ways
Like I need you right now, I just couldn't wait
And my, my mind's made so much noise for so long and it's gone
'Cause when you kiss me, it's quiet
Oh, it's quiet
im sorry if this message was longer than necessary 😅 byee
There is really no need to apologise! Thank you for sending this one, I love the lyrics and I know what you mean, these lyrics feel very them. It also gave me the chance to write a little bit about what their reconciliation might look like. I hope you enjoy it! 😊
A link to the song
It had been Maya’s idea for a date night. Something fun and different – plus, they are showing Dirty Dancing. Maya doesn’t tell many people, but it is her favourite movie, something that Carina finds both surprising and amusing.
They are still getting used to being in each other’s company again after three months apart; still healing from the traumas they have both been through. Maya continues to see Diane on a weekly basis, back at work now and settled into her role as lieutenant. Carina is still staying at the Archfield and sees her own therapist once-a-week to figure out her own thoughts and feelings.
They both still wear their wedding rings, both still committed to the idea that they can find their way back to being happily married again, but it is going to take time. So they start with dates – breakfast at Carina’s favourite coffee shop on Jeremy Street in between the end of Maya’s shift and the start of Carina’s; lunch at Enzo’s, where Carina shares stories from her childhood in Italy; dinner at The Everest, where they reminisce about their first proper date.
It is becoming easier, there are less awkward silences and fewer lulls in their conversation. There is a little teasing and flirting sometimes, but Maya doesn’t push it any further than that and Carina needs more time before she will let those walls come down. The most intimacy they have shared is a soft kiss on the cheek before they say goodbye, sometimes lingering, taking in the scent of each other’s perfume that fills their senses with memories.
Carina drives, the large trunk of her Porsche providing the perfect spot to curl up and watch the movie. She has filled it with blankets and cushions to make it comfortable, even gone so far as to put up twinkle lights to soften the mood.
Maya is responsible for the snacks and she brings an ice box full of sodas and sparkling water, popcorn and candy – plus a selection of desserts from Little Roma, the same they enjoyed the first night they met. Too much for just the two of them, but she still gets butterflies in her stomach whenever she knows she will in Carina’s company.
“Are you comfortable?” Carina asks, plumping a cushion a little before resting her back against it.
Maya’s breath hitches in her throat as a waft of Carina’s shampoo fills her nostrils. She had bought her own bottle the day after Carina had visited the apartment for more of her belongings, the smell still one of Maya’s favourite things.
“Yeah,” she says eventually, trying to ignore the way Carina’s legs are resting against hers under the thick blanket as they stretch out in the back of her SUV.
In hindsight, maybe she shouldn’t have suggested spending the evening cosied up in such a small space. It is a little bit of torture, being so close but not being able to touch her – not in the way she would like.
“I can’t believe you convinced me to see Dirty Dancing again,” Carina laughs as the opening titles start to play and The Ronettes start to sing, the sound coming from her car stereo behind them. “How many times have you seen this movie?”
“Not enough,” Maya says with a grin, throwing a piece of popcorn into her mouth. “It’s a classic!”
“You know, I’m not sure inviting me on a date where I have to watch you swoon over Patrick Swayze is as romantic as you think it is,” Carina teases lightly.
Maya blushes. Romance – is that what she’s trying to achieve with this?
“Yeah, but it made you smile.”
Their eyes lock for a moment before Carina looks away and helps herself to a cannolo. She bites into it, the pastry cracking and leaving a smear of lemon cream on her lips. Maya watches as she licks it away with her tongue, sinking her teeth into her own bottom lip to stop herself from expressing her frustration out loud.
They fall into silence as the movie plays, watching as the story unfolds. Carina giggles like she always does at the ‘I carried a watermelon’ moment (“it’s so corny!” she always says), and watches Maya during the dancing scene.
Maya’s cheeks burn, knowing that Carina is watching her.
“Stop looking at me,” she says with a playful shove of Carina’s ribs.
Carina laughs. “I can’t help it. You always look so…” She pauses as she looks for the right word. “…smitten whenever he moves his hips. You never look as enamoured at anyone else.”
“Only when I’m looking at you.”
The words tumble out of her mouth before she realises what she is saying and Maya scrunches her face.
“Sorry, that was…”
“What?” Carina asks.
The soft tone to her voice takes Maya by surprise and she looks at her cautiously.
“Too much?”
She sees Carina shake her head. “No, bella, not too much.”
She doesn’t know who makes the first move, but before she knows it their lips are crashing against each other, the bag of popcorn falling to one side and making a mess as their hands slip under the blanket to find each other. Carina’s fingers find a gap underneath her sweater and grasp at her skin, the physical contact after so long making Maya’s body scream with delight.
The movie is forgotten, the noise around them fading as all Maya knows is Carina’s lips against hers and Carina’s hands on her body. In that moment, it is like all of the pain and anger and fear and loneliness of the last few months is gone in a flash, and all that is left is love.
Carina tastes of sugar and lemon and cola, and Maya feels her head start to spin. And then Carina’s lips are on her neck, sucking and nipping at her earlobe, and a moan escapes from Maya’s mouth.
“God, I’ve missed you,” she murmurs.
“I’ve missed you too, bella, so much,” Carina whispers in her ear, before guiding Maya’s lips back towards her own.
Suddenly, they sense a light on them as a flashlight shines into the back of the car. A security guard looks at them sternly and they break apart, waving their apology at being caught breaking the rules. Maya falls back against the cushion, breathless, as Carina drops her head onto her shoulder, slipping her hand into Maya’s and holding it close to her hips.
“That was…”
They sit in silence as they become reacquainted with the movie, neither knowing what else to say. Carina starts to laugh first, Maya joining in quickly. It feels good, like they have found a piece of them again. A piece that is easy and fun and free from hurt.
“I guess Patrick Swayze wasn’t a bad choice for a date movie after all,” Carina muses.
“Oh yeah? Well, maybe we should do this again.”
Carina lifts her head from Maya’s shoulder, her eyebrow cocked curiously. Maya grins at her.
“They’re showing Ghost next weekend.”
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oneshotnewbie · 7 months
Any new Marina Family one shots in the works? Or just station-19 as a whole!? If you need ideas I’d love to work up some of them for you :) they mainly have their child/Sibling being the main character but they are obviously still very much in the story too haha
Hope you’re doing well love! -🦋
Hey butterfly, I have eight stories about Station 19 that I have already finished writing. Unfortunately, none of them involve a child from Maya and Carina. If you like, you can send me a few with a reader as a child and I'll see what I can conjure up for you! ♥♥
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