#Carmen Sandiego fanfic
frozenwolftemplar · 11 months
Somehow, the Carmen Sandiego brainrot has taken hold even though I haven't watched an episode in months (no idea how that happened). So, how's about some headcanons? (feel free to play with any or all if they strike your fancy)
-- Carmen's room in headquarters has two wall clocks, one set to San Diego time and one to Ontario because
-- Player has a veritable army of cousins. Carmen never got a straight number because just when she thinks she's got them down, he'll offhandedly mention someone having a baby or something; quite honestly, he can't keep track either.
-- Carmen is nearly hopeless with numbers. Time zones, exchange rates, converting to imperial units when she's in the U.S., she never got the hang of any of it and has learned to just consult Player.
-- "Okay, that guy at the front desk said I'm ten miles from the Grand Canyon. How many-" "Sixteen, Red. Keep an eye out, it's easy to miss." "Very funny."
-- It drove the Faculty absolutely nuts that their 'golden opportunity' is math-stupid; they chalked it up to something she got from her mother's side.
-- It's not. Dexter Wolfe was just *that* good at hiding his dyscalculia.
-- The one math-y thing she can do is card counting, a key component of being an incorrigible cheat at board/card games. Because she will cheat at anything and everything.
-- Seriously, one time Zach and Ivy found an old Candyland game (just lying around the warehouse, don't ask) and Carmen, who had never seen the game in her life, positively trounced them.
-- They just *know* she has to be cheating but can't prove it.
-- Ivy, bewildered, to Carmen's cat-that-got-the-canary face: "How does someone cheat at Candyland?!?" She's just that good.
-- Whenever Shadowsan plays her in cards, it takes all of two minutes for the game to devolve from 'whatever they were supposed to be playing' to 'who's better at sleight of hand.' Not that he condones cheating, mind, but if Carmen's going to, well, he's not just going to let her get away with that.
-- Carmen as a kid was a very picky eater (her adventurous spirit not extending to the culinary world); the Faculty was as helpful as you'd expect.
-- "Dammit, Saira, I told you to quit trying to feed her that rice!" "Well I need someone to taste test-" (absolutely no sense of taste on Saira; lab accident, we don't talk about it) "-and you certainly haven't volunteered. Besides, this newest formula is fortified with three essential vitamins and minerals (at least, I think they're essential), which is more than those sweets you keep plying her with." "At least she eats those!"
-- Ivy and Zach are high school dropouts, figuring they could get ahead better with racing than with academics. As part of joining ACME they get their GED's (since they require *at least* a high school diploma) and the whole team (plus Chase and Julia) help out and are so proud when they pass.
-- The first thing Carmen always does in the morning, something that doesn't change post-series, is call Player. It's also the last thing she does before turning in at night. She can't imagine being any other way, and neither can he. (crud, they're just the bestest friends, I love them so much)
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the-ghost-17 · 7 months
I need this
I need a juletheif fanfic that's just like them being together during the show, so like chase has no clue carmen and jules are dating and when he finds out he's just like
"So you knew where she was this whole time!"
"Well not necessarily..."
"Why have we been chasing this woman around the globe for months, you could have just told me 'Oh me and le femme Rouge fuck' then I would have just dropped the case but no we have been chasing down your girlfriend for months, MONTHS!"
Listen I'm already writing ghosts background story and writing a juletheif/cleobellum fic at the same time I'd really appreciate it if someone wrote this for me lol
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fedorah-the-explorah · 6 months
The Missing Memory Murder Caper Chapter Two
“Devineaux, I’m shocked. I thought we were besties.” “Non. Non!” He gestures between the two of them, “How long has this been going on?” “Uncle, you’ve known about us for the past two and a half years. You actively choose to forget every time!” “That does not sound like me at all!” “Hey, how’s Jules doing?” “Je suis à la point de devenir homophobe.”
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Based on this fic. I kinda wanted to do art for it. (Also a present for the author). might to more of these "gifts" for other authors. ALSOO i focused on my coloring for once so this piece is def my fav at the moment.
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domxmarvel · 3 months
Carmen sandiego 
Carmen x Female!Reader
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The past three days you woke up to your girlfriend screaming in her sleep,nightmare after nightmare. And tonight was no different,you woke her up and wrapped your arms around her. She slowly came back to reality, leaning into your touch, her breathing becoming more steady.
“I’m s-sorry” She whispered softly, her voice trembling slightly.
“Hey,it’s okay. You don’t have to apologize” She was crying in your arms,wrapping the blanket around her as you pulled her closer to you. She buried her face in the crook of your neck and wrapped her arms around you tightly, trembling slightly as her tears fell onto your skin.
“N-no, I should be over this by now.” She whispered, her voice muffled.
"It's okay to take your time,you don't have to rush your feelings" You kissed her forehead.
“I just feel so weak..” She mumbled softly, her voice lined with insecurity. “I don’t want to keep you up with my stupid nightmares..”
"I'd rather be up with you,rather than having you deal with this by yourself" She looked up at you, her eyes watery and red from crying. 
“I just.. I feel like I’m burdening you with all of these nightmares.” She mumbled, still feeling guilty for waking you up multiple times at night.
"You're never a burden to me" You gave her a kiss,brushing her hair back. "How about I run you a warm bath with a back rub and some snacks?"
“That sounds perfect” She whispered, her eyes looking a little brighter.
"Alright,stay here" You tossed her towel in the dryer so it would be warm. You started the water, added a bath bomb and lit some candles. You set out a new pair of pajamas,and made some crackers with cheese. You went back to her. "Follow me" She undressed and got into the bathtub. She sank into the warm water. 
“This is perfect” She mumbled.  You poured some oil on your hands and massaged her shoulders and neck. She let out a soft moan as you began massaging her shoulders and neck. The oil helped your hands glide easily across her skin, and the soothing motion of your fingers helped loosen up her tense muscles. She leaned her head forward and closed her eyes,you worked your way down her back. She let out another soft moan as your hands wandered down her back, working their magic on her sore muscles. The combination of the hot water and your skilled touch had her melting into a puddle of relaxation. “Mmm.. that feels amazing” She mumbled, her voice thick with pleasure.She leaned back against the edge of the tub, completely relaxed and content. Once you were done with her back you moved to her legs,carefully moving your hands so she wouldn't slip. You finished up and let her soak for a while.
"Let me know when you wanna get out,so I can go get your towel" She nodded.
“I’m not sure if I ever want to get out..” She mumbled jokingly, her eyes closed as she leaned back against the edge of the tub. But after a few more minutes, she finally spoke up again. “Okay, I think I’m ready to get out now” You left to get her towel,she drained the bathtub and was already standing outside it when you returned. You wrapped the towel around her,she moved so you ended up facing the mirror. You kissed her neck,your hand on her hip. She let out a soft moan as you kissed her neck, her body responding to your touch immediately. She pressed herself against you, wanting to feel more of your touch. “Mmm.. that feels nice..” She mumbled softly, her eyes glancing towards the mirror. 
"Get changed and I'll give you more" She let out a soft giggle at your suggestion, knowing exactly what you meant. She quickly dried herself off and got changed into the new pair of pajamas that you had set out for her.
“All done” She said playfully as she turned to face you, a small smirk on her lips. 
"You just want more of me,don't you?" You chuckled,leading her back to your room.
“Maybe I do want more of you.. is that so bad?” She said softly, a teasing tone in her voice as she looked up at you with a cheeky grin on her face.
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jackiestarsister · 11 months
Red Crackle wedding fanfic
My Carmen Sandiego short story cycle, "A Road of Your Own Choosing," now has a chapter about Carmen and Gray's wedding, mostly from the point of view of Shadowsan and their other guests.
Read at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13564585/15/A-Road-of-Your-Own-Choosing
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random-lil-illing · 6 months
off topic but uh. im writing a carmen sandiego fanfiction. specifically a 'the characters react to the show' fanfic. maybe you should check it out :] (im shit at advertising)
it has scene kid player in it :)
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fluffytheocelot · 1 year
y’all i have literally been planning this one for so LONG omygods.
anyways art from the chapter is under the cut
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Carmen is straight up not having a good time
also i drew these like. 6 months apart jssksk thats how long this has been in the works y’all
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frozenwolftemplar · 4 months
I thought of this while chatting with @rueitae and @mmaricarmen23 the other night and decided to put it to the proverbial page. It's shorter and lighter than the one-shot I want to try and get up this month, but hopefully still a fun read.
To anyone who's interested in Player trying to convince Carmen to replace her dying laptop, happy reading!
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the-ghost-17 · 6 months
Do you ever just think about how Zach and ivy could've been vile agents?
Like they fit the bill alright, orphaned, desperate, and without any money
Just think, if they didn't decide to go into racing, they could've became one of viles elite operatives working alot like the mechanic and the driver, ivy would've been saira bellums protégé and Zach would've been cleos.
They most likely would've even met blacksheep at some point too.
Idk I've just been thinking about this alot idk.
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To think these little cuties could've been vile operatives 😭
Im glad carmen got to them before vile.
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Hello!!! The final chapter for silent diamond is out now!!!
The cover art for this was done by the amazing @cyanothi !! Her art is amazing and she is to vibe with!! Thank you so much for this awesome art!!
Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy :>
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fedorah-the-explorah · 10 months
The Lady Lazarus Caper
The thing about discovering your new and exciting ability to self-resurrect is that first you must endure the trouble that is dying. Carmen is managing well.
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The drive back home to the headquarters was silent. Spinkick and Flytrap looked at eachother, noticing how quiet Amaryllis has been with disappointment probably stirring up inside of him.
The trio got out of the car. Amaryllis slams the car door shut, making the other two flinch slightly. They walk back into the headquarters, Amaryllis sat at his designated desk.
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“What…The Heck.”
The two looked at him,
“What the heck…was that?!” He scolds them. “It was the perfect time to screw her up! To finally destroy her, and yet you two idiots decided to let her go?!” He slams his fists down the table, startling the two again!
Even so, Spinkick decided to speak. “Amaryllis…We’re—“
“Not sorry.” Spinkick’s eyes widened as Flytrap interrupts him, glaring at Amaryllis. Amaryllis squints his eyes, “What? Not sorry that you ruined the thing we worked the hardest for?! You two could have gotten yourself harmed and back to prison!”
Spinkick hugged himself tightly, but nevertheless, he took a deep breath in. “Litz, you know what..?” He took a step closer, towering over his teammate. “Yeah. To be honest, we’re not sorry.”
Amaryllis frowned and furrowed his brows, he looked down at the floor, and then back at Spinkick. “I thought you guys would help me! You are my family! I—“
“Yes, we wanted to destroy Carmen as well, but deep down, all we ever wanted was to be a family! With you, Amaryllis!” Spinkick yelled with deep, sorrowful passion in his voice.
“W—We wanted…to be a part of a family. Not to destroy someone else’s. And it’s…clearly hurting the both of us.” Flytrap looked at him, clearly concerned and stressed.
Amaryllis, who ran out of words to say, looked at the both of them. Sadness fueled him, but not as fast as anger did. Not as fast as the rage that reached his throat.
“THEN LEAVE! If I’m really hurting you this much, why don’t you just go?!”
“GO AWAY!” He turned away, a lump forming in his throat. “I can’t let you guys stay with me if all you’ll do is put yourself in danger.. I honestly can’t focus with you two acting like total idiots.” He murmured, walking silently to his room.
Spinkick and Flytrap looked at eachother. Flytrap cupped Spinkick’s teary eyed, red face…She wipes a tear away with her thumb. “Let’s go somewhere, okay…?” She whispers.
“I wanna tell her…”
“Okay.” Flytrap answered.
On the other hand, Amaryllis was enraged…He hinted a clue to where the next heist would be.
The next heist, Carmen appeared to the meeting place...It was a dark, and lightless place…that was until a green electric spark lit the darkness…a crackle rod.
“You…” Amaryllis growled lowly, looking at Carmen with his angriest eyes. “You took them away from me…”
“Let me guess. You’re not here to steal? You’re getting real predictable nowadays…” Carmen smirked.
“Oh? Then if I’m so predictable you should already be prepared…BECAUSE IM GONNA KILL YOU!”
Amaryllis charged towards Carmen, but Carmen stood still.
“I AM prepared.”
Suddenly, Spinkick and Flytrap jumped right in front of Carmen, stopping Amaryllis in his tracks.
“You…You two…betrayed me…” Amaryllis whimpered, his hands shaking a little. He felt his heart sink, and the lump in his throat reform.
“W—Well then…that just means I have nothing left to lose..”
He stammered, powering up the crackle rod to it’s highest, directing it right in front of them..all he had to do was shoot…
The two were scared, Amaryllis could strike any moment now, and they wouldn’t know how to dodge.
No strike yet?…
Tears formed in Amaryllis’s eyes…his hands kept shaking, he couldn’t, he just couldn’t do it…Not to them. Why couldn’t he do it?…
The crackle rod slips out of his hands, as tears streamed down his face..
What should he do now?…he felt so much. Embarrassed, betrayed, afraid, sad, angry…he just feels…
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citrineleaf · 2 years
It’s Player Week time, folks!!! Get your gremlin hackers ready!!! @playerappreciationweek
(Written alt prompt 1, "Get ready to rack up more frequent flyer miles!")
Coarse ropes bite into Player’s skin, cloth fabric covers his eyes. His bindings are tough, knotted by expert, practiced hands. He’s not the first person they’ve done this to, and if history repeats itself, he will not be the last. Some have escaped, others haven’t, but both were far more skilled than Player. He’s no operative, he’s no trained thief, he’s a tiny, scrawny little hacker, and he’s- “Oh, calm down, Player!” He squawks as an arm wrap around his neck, inhibiting his ability to breathe as his attacker drags him closer. “You’re being so dramatic!” -Been kidnapped. By his own friends.
-- Or, alternatively:
For his nineteenth birthday, all Player wants to do is curl up in bed and sleep. Unfortunately for him, he ends up kidnapped by two overzealous red-heads.
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bigmilk-13 · 4 months
listen to Six Feet Under by Billie Eilish while reading this, it matches so well help me GODDDD
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jackiestarsister · 11 months
Updated my Carmen Sandiego short story cycle! Now featuring Shadowsan and others' reactions to the newest member of the Callaway family!
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