#Carmen Sandiego fan fiction
jackiestarsister · 11 months
Red Crackle wedding fanfic
My Carmen Sandiego short story cycle, "A Road of Your Own Choosing," now has a chapter about Carmen and Gray's wedding, mostly from the point of view of Shadowsan and their other guests.
Read at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13564585/15/A-Road-of-Your-Own-Choosing
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Hey everyone! I plan on rewriting one of my Carmen Sandiego fan fictions that I ended up abandoning, which one would you like to see rewritten with better pacing and story telling? (This was previously the blog known as Carmen Sandiego Writings, I’m thinking about writing that sort of stuff again)
Where in the world is mon cher: After getting brought into custody El Topo gets his memory wiped and lives the humble life of a gardener in a plant nursery. Suddenly strange occurrences began to happen in his life as he meets new people who aren’t quite strangers like he thought they once were. (Pairing: Jeantonio)
Tiger’s Heart: After successfully escaping from prison, Tigress lives a normal civilian life until she’s notified of a high school reunion taking place in the small town she grew up in. She’s confronted by resurfacing feelings as she remembers her past as a lonely, bullied kid. As she goes there she meets the only person who inspired her to become tougher. (Pairing: Tigress x Fem Reader)
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historyhermann · 10 months
Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 4 Spoiler-Filled Review
Star Trek: Lower Decks is a mature animation which combines elements of the adventure, comedy, and sci-fi genres. Series creator Mike McMahan is known as a co-creator of Solar Opposites, a producer on Rick and Morty and as a consulting producer on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. This is the ninth series in the Star Trek franchise and second Star Trek animated series after Star Trek: The Animated…
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lefemmerougewriter · 9 months
Rise of the Scarlet Wildcat
Catra tells Adora to break-up with Pearl and it goes badly. She gets thrown out. Adora tries to search for Catra, with the assistance of friends, and is unsuccessful. One day, everything changes for the wildcat when she meets someone, dressed in a red trench-coat and fedora, that... she never expected. They have a much deeper connection than either had originally anticipated.
Characters: Catra, Adora, Pearl (implied), Carmen Sandiego
Friendships: N/A (?)
Romantic pairings: Catra / Adora / Pearl [formerly], Adora / Pearl, Catra / Adora [formerly], Catra / Carmen Sandiego [presently], Carmen Sandiego / Julia Argent [formerly]
Words: 1970
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52999234
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1413710022-rise-of-the-scarlet-wildcat
Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/16296028/Rise-of-the-Scarlet-Wildcat
A/N: After writing my Red Moonstone fic ("A Red Moonstone Shines Brightly"), and my Catsandra fic ("Cassandra and the Catgirl from the Sky"), both of which are inspirations for this story, I decided to write this one. It is a spinoff from my "An Unlikely Alliance" series. For the full context, please read that series, with some of the chapters of that series also listed as story inspiration for this fic. This is one crack ship I thought would be interesting considering what happened in that series.
It had been over a year since Catra, with assistance from the geeky princess, Entrapta, had gone through a portal from Etheria to Earth. She confessed to Adora, a girl and childhood friend that she slowly realized she had feelings for. However, Adora already was in a relationship with another woman: Pearl! Over time, she came around to Pearl. At the same time, Adora started to realize that she loved Catra as well. All three of them had become a trouple and returned to Earth, just in time for a dance party in Beach City.
Good things don’t always last. Pearl began to get on Catra’s nerves more and more every day. While she ignored it at first, one day she blew up. She demanded that Adora break up with Pearl. She explained that even though she deeply loved Adora, she found Pearl to be annoying, bossy, and inconsiderate. Adora took offense at this, explaining that she would not have "such toxicity" in her life. She asked Catra to leave. Bawling her eyes out, she flew out of the apartment window, with glass smashing around her. She had nothing but the shirt on her back. She vowed to never return.
Adora realized she had handled this badly. She had made a big mistake. Catra was gone. Adora stood on her apartment's balcony, sobbing as raindrops streaked down her cheeks. As the days passed, her friends on Earth searched for Catra high and low, in every nook and cranny. This was to no avail. Pearl comforted her in these dark days.
She realized something: Catra didn’t want to be found. She wanted to disappear. Adora accepted this and went on with her life. One day, this all changed.
Yawning, Catra stretched. She opened one eye and got up with a start. She didn't know where she was. After moving her arms a bit more, she realized that her dirty and soot-laden clothes had disappeared. Instead, she had on gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt. The front was emblazoned with the words "Black Sheep Incorporated." On the back was the saying "A Charity for the Masses." As she began to take off her shirt, a beautiful woman, wearing a red v-neck t-shirt and gray sweatpants, with a white drawstring, approached her. "Oh, you are finally up! I thought you might like some warm tea."
Unsure of how to respond, Catra fumbled her words. "Uh…sure…that’s fine." Before she could say anything more, Carmen interrupted. She sighed. She wanted to make sure that this woman was ok. When she found her the previous night, she didn’t look too good. "I’m sorry I had to change your clothes last night…I couldn’t turn my back on someone in need." Catra nodded. Carmen then added, "you were drunk…and at one of the BSI shelters…so I thought I'd help." This sounded a little fishy to Catra. This woman took her in after she was drunk. How could she be sure that this woman didn’t do anything to her during the night?
Carmen tried to lay off any suspicion. "Nothing happened last night, if that's what you are thinking…I'm not that type of person anymore." Catra raised an eyebrow. What the heck did this woman mean by that? Had she done something in the past? Carmen interjected once more to clarify. "I mean that I’m not in a relationship anymore. We parted ways. She’s still living in Tokyo and working at the VILE Museum."
Catra understood a little more. She recognized this woman, although she hadn't at first. She blurted out, "you’re Carmen Sandiego, aren’t you? The one that Adora kissed on the date in that lagoon? She told me about that." This took her aback. How could this woman know that? Who was she, anyway? Then a thought came to her mind. She must be the other woman she had heard about from her friends. She never saw that woman in person since she and Jules had missed the dance party in Beach City. "Uh, yes," she answered. This couldn’t be a coincidence. "Are you…Catra by chance?"
This was a little awkward. She knew that Adora had a crush on her. Later, something she learned made Pearl jealous. She also remembered the time, after she and Jules crashed into a skyscraper, that Adora visited her in a Japanese hospital. She was unaware how much it was common knowledge, among her many friends. How many people knew about the date she had with Adora in the lagoon?
Catra answered without hesitation. "Yeah, that’s me." Then she added, "I don’t use my last name for…certain reasons." Carmen was fine with that. Wanting to get back at Adora since she refused to dump Pearl, Catra came up with a devious plan. There was one hitch: it required Carmen's consent. What she was about to do would be risky. She hoped it would be worth it in the end.
"So…Carmen…can I kiss you?" This caught her completely by surprise. At the same time, it made as her happy as when Adora asked her out on a date, all that time ago. After all, she was bisexual. Even so, she was romantically drawn more to women than men. She struggled with taking off Catra’s clothes the previous night. She almost collapsed since touching another woman's body made her various embarrassed. Breathing deeply, and coming back to reality, Carmen answered, with a hint of hesitancy. "Yes?" She then added, "I don’t know you that well…yet…so, maybe we should take it slow?"
Gritting her teeth, Catra grabbed the reddish phone from a nearby table. She started to apologize. "I'm sorry in advance for what I’m about to do…I have to make someone jealous." Carmen nervously looked at her. The phone rang, with a new video call. A blonde-haired woman picked up. She was not expecting a call. "Carmen, we haven’t talked in such a long time…is everything ok?" Catra then looked into the camera and snickered loudly. She pulled Carmen close and turned her head toward the camera. "Adora, this is what happens when you dump me!"
Her lips touched the soft, succulent lips of her counterpart. Staring into her gray-blue eyes, Catra was entranced. Carmen’s lush auburn hair touched her forehead. If she had seen the trademark red trench-coat, and hat, like Adora had, that day she first spotted her in Beach City, she would have felt the same way. They both continued kissing, leading to further shock, and almost horror, from Adora.
Catra stopped for a second, breaking out of their tender embrace. She exclaimed, "and I’m dating her!" She clicked off the screen. Carmen wasn't sure what she had gotten herself into. What was Catra’s deal? Why did she want to get back at Adora? Putting that all aside, a cat-like woman, with slender and athletic build, had kissed her. And she couldn’t get enough of it. She smooched Catra on the cheek and whispered, "so, can I keep kissing you?" Catra shrugged. She could see now why Adora was so drawn in by her. As the night wore on, they cuddled. Carmen jokingly played with Catra. She used toys that would excite a cat, like a fake mouse and a ball of yarn.
As they lay on the couch next to one other, Carmen asked her what this was all about. She wanted to know. "Why did you call Adora...to make her jealous?" Catra cleared her throat. She had to tell the truth, even if it embarrassed her, at least this time. "I wanted to make her feel like she was missing out...since you were kind of her ex and all." Carmen laughed. She had only met Catra the previous night. But now she felt she couldn’t live without her. As she petted Catra behind her catlike ears, causing her to purr, she said "I know I said we should go slow, but...I really want to be with you...and I won't leave you behind."
Catra rubbed up against her. Resting her chin on Carmen’s chest, her almond heterochromatic eyes stared at Carmen. She felt so comfortable that the claws, on her toes and hands, had retracted. Her tail even began to wrap around Carmen’s body. They both felt safe with one another. As Carmen began stroking the wild, and spiked, cedar brown hair below Catra’s ears, Catra said softly, "Pearl is annoying, you know." Carmen nodded. She did find Pearl a bit extra sometimes. She then said, "I’ve heard that she can be controlling, has an inferiority complex, is pessimistic about humanity, can be selfish, and betrayed the trust of a Gem Warrior." Catra continued to purr. She couldn’t agree more with what Carmen was saying. Adora and Pearl had some sort of special bond, apparently forged on Etheria. It was much more than what she and Adora had. At least, that’s how it felt to her.
"I know she has pale skin, blue eyes, and peach-colored hair, and that she can be devoted. That might be something Adora needs. But I'm not part of that...and that’s okay." Carmen pulled Catra closer. She quickly fell asleep, with Catra in her arms. Both slept on the couch that night, getting closer than either one had imagined at the beginning of the day.
The sun shone through the apartment window. Carmen stretched and opened her eyes. Catra wasn't there! In a gesture of goodwill, she walked in with two teacups on a tray. "Good morning! Here’s your tea." Carmen carefully grabbed it off the tray and drank it. As she did so, she began to burn her tongue. She appreciated this. But she had to put the cup down before she hurt herself.
"I’d drink it but…it's too hot." Catra cringed. She half-expected this would happen. She began muttering and bowing her head. "I'm sorry…I won't do it again...I'm sorry, I won't disappoint you." Carmen got up. She hugged Catra tightly. She didn’t know everything that her feline friend had been through. But she guessed, rightly so, that Catra had been traumatized, in one way or another. "It’s okay, wildcat," she began. She then added, "you can take it easy...no need to apologize...I'll show you how it's done later."
Carmen was more chill than in the past. Recently, she had retired, discarding her original desire to become a model. Her friends Zack and Ivy had finally been returned to normal, after they were turned into caramelized monsters in a candy colony gone wrong. She barely talked to them anymore. Even Player had gone on to do his own thing. He became a member of ACME, so he could continue fighting evildoers. Even so, he had his doubts about private intelligence services becoming the salvation of the masses. The pay was good, so he stayed there.
"You are the best cat-person I know," Carmen exclaimed. She snickered, adding, "and the cutest." This made Catra's face warm. She began to blush. How could she have known that a woman who saved her from the dumps would be so nice and caring? If Adora had treated her like this, instead of staying with Pearl, then it might have been different. Maybe in some other universe, she and Adora were together, having a grand-old time, and traveled the galaxy together. However, in this world, she was happy where she was, and wouldn’t do anything differently.
At one point, Catra remarked, "together, we are the scarlet wildcat…and that’s alright." Carmen wasn’t sure exactly what she meant and she didn’t care. She gave her a peck on the cheek and continued hugging her. Even with war, famine, disease, and oppression across the world, for them, everything would be fine, no matter what happened next.
End note: This fic is also meant to show struggles in polyamorous relationships, as Catra / Adora / Pearl were in such a relationship before it fell apart. I used the “Carmen Sandiego (2019 character)” page on the Carmen Sandiego Wiki and the “Catra” page on the She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Wiki in this fic. I’m thinking of writing another fic which is like this one, but from Pearl’s perspective. I forgot how wild "An Unlikely Alliance" series was. After writing this fic, am inspired to rewrite it (on squidgeworld.org). A lot of this fic was written a while back (the file history on my computer says I started writing it in late December 2022). I'm in a different headspace nowadays and would probably write something differently. However, I wanted to get this story out there into the world. Where the story goes from here, I don't know! But I'm totally down to possibly continue this in the future.
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saijspellhart · 4 months
Tumblr keeps recommending me posts with some of the worst takes on Catra’s character. Always an//ti//Catradora posts. (Like, did we watch the same show? We couldn’t have possibly watched the same show. Why the fuck would anyone compare her trauma to Hordak? Because they are on two entirely different character journeys, at wildly different age ranges and maturity, and with wildly different amounts of time to grow and change. Never mind the constant outside negative authority influences on Catra all the fucking damn time, that Hordak never has to deal with until season 5. And fortunate for Hordak, Prime doesn’t allow him the free will to choose a path, so Hordak gets a free pass, his character growth and budding humanity remain intact.) Don’t get me started on this, I could write a whole critical analysis on why Catra is a wonderfully written complex character, and why comparing her to Hordak is fucking ludicrous. Honestly the lack of comprehension about writing, character, fantasy, narrative and trauma astounds me when I see some of these Catra hate posts pop up in my recommended feed.
Tumblr, hopefully your algorithm gets this, but I LOVE Catra. I love her. I love this tortured mess, I love the writing that went into her character, I love her waffling precarious hold on sanity and reason. I love how she struggles to cope with her trauma. I love the realism put into her character despite the fantasy setting. But I also love that they didn’t push the realism too far, because it is at the end of the day a fantasy story. I love the delicate balance they wove into her character. I love the complexity and thought put into her entire character arc through the whole series. (And before anyone comes to crucify me, I say I love Catra, as a person who suffered immense parental trauma and manipulation. As a victim of some of the worst of it. I shouldn’t even have to mention my own trauma to justify appreciating a FICTIONAL character. But here we are.)
Would I have loved one extra season to really explore her redemption more thoroughly? Yes of course. An extra season would have been delightful to explore a lot of the character relationships more thoroughly. But we didn’t get that, and what the show creators did give us was still wonderful and satisfying. (Even if I have some critiques on some things.) the writing of the show at the end of the day is still smart, and tight, and so so competent. (Looking at the myriad of other story driven cartoons and shows that fall apart in the later seasons or just have an overwhelming amount of inconsistencies and botched writing. **coughs** Voltron, Miraculous, YGO, Netflix Carmen Sandiego, Bleach, many animes in general, just to name a few. Not that I didn’t love and adore most of these shows too.) the fact that She-ra (2018) stayed consistently tight and snappy and smart with their writing, narrative, and characters from beginning to end is a treasure.
Anyway. Catra is great. I could write a character analysis going into why from a writing and storytelling standpoint. But honestly I don’t think anyone cares that deeply, and I don’t exactly have followers who are particularly interested in She-ra. Tumblr, you god forsaken windfall apple, please stop suggesting an//ti//Catra and an//ti//Catradora posts. I don’t want to see them. I support the canon relationships. And I support the non canon ships too. What I do not support is hating on shippers who like other ships. It breeds contempt in a fandom, and leads to a fandom canabalizing itself until there are no fans left. Also letting hate and disdain take up such a large amount of time and space in your brain, leads you down some dark paths mentally.
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sageourplanetmeow · 4 months
Ahem, so I have decided that in preparation for the possibility that I do commissions as part of a future job that I am going to practice doing that but for free. So the floor is open, go nuts with it! Basically go on the thing on my blog that says ‘Free Comissions’ and request something if you want.
It can be: a short comic, sketch or art piece and you can choose whether I do it on paper or digitally. For comics, there may be some possibility that I make an animatic but it would have to be relatively simple since I am still not that good at that. Practice would be nice though :>
Stuff I Would NOT Like To Do:
Revealing outfits
Right wing propaganda
Discriminatory/offensive content
Heavy HEAVY gore
Things I Would Prefer To Do:
Hazbin Hotel
Tangled The Series
Helluva Boss
The Owl House
MLP Gen 4 (preferably as humans but I’ll take a swing at their pony forms even if it’s difficult)
The Ghost And Molly McGee
The Amazing Digital Circus
Carmen Sandiego
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (the mutes would be difficult to draw especially Scarlamagne but I’d still be cool with trying)
Octonauts/Octonauts: Above & Beyond
Ducktales (either ducks or human versions would be fine)
Sophia The First (sue me Cedric is great)
Secret Life Of Boys (It’s a BBC thing)
Wallace and Gromit (it would have to be comical though because I don’t know how easy angst would be to draw)
The Emperors New Groove
Steven Universe
Dodger (the BBC series)
Hercules (Disney)
DC Superhero Girls (preferably the newer ones)
Thunderbirds (1960, I mean they’re puppets so it would be hard but I like them so)
Sherlock Holmes (black and white one or the BBC series)
Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (I find them hard to draw but I love Donatello so I would do my best)
Moral Orel (I haven’t drawn anyone from there yet so it might take some experimenting but again this would be cool to do)
Murder Most Unladylike
Greek Myths
Picture Of Dorian Grey
Empires SMP
FNAF Security Breach (preferably Sun and Moon)
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Tangled The Series
Disney Movies I dunno
Circe (by Madeline Miller) and the Odyssey
The Wizard Of Ozz
Cats (animals)
Sharks (less easy)
Minecraft Buildings but drawn
Your OCs
My OCs
Designs for certain concepts
Fanart of fan fictions/covers/illustrations for them (they might not be a consistent thing)
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misscammiedawn · 2 years
50 Days of HypnoKink - Day 49: Hypno in Media
My heavens... we made it to the finish line. Tomorrow is the final day.
I wanted to save an obvious one for the end because I do so enjoy MC in fiction so very much. So much, in fact, that I made a Twitter thread with 110 recommendations and never even came close to emptying my resources.
I know so many of these scenes, both that Twitter thread and this page are skimming the surface.
I'll be using some of those recommendations here but let's divide by category:
So let's get the obvious out of the way. You have
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A Danny Boyle thriller with a terrible plot and Rosario Dawson as a hypnotherapist trying to get hidden information from James McAvoy's mind. Silly movie but one that doesn't get brought up a lot. Dawson learned hypnosis to get into the role.
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Horror movie in which the director literally hypnotized the actress so any time she was being stalked by the titular killer she looked completely entranced. Link above is an interview discussing this.
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HORRIBLE movie on Netflix but Sleepyhead and I have hosted a number of watch parties and let me tell you, this is the PERFECT movie to watch with a bunch of rowdy hypnokinksters. The therapist is unethical to a laughable degree and his office looks like it's inside of the Death Star. He's a living breathing red flag. The movie does have a really hot freeze scene, a good ragdoll and the dollification sequence. It's just enjoyable because it's terrible. Check CWs first though, this movie has a bunch of things that can make it an uncomfortable viewing experience.
The Great Hypnotist
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This is a Not For Daja movie. A Chinese movie that doesn't get brought up a lot. Like Trance above it is a thriller with some twists and turns that I don't really want to spoil.
Stir of Echoes
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A visualization of a dissociation induction designed to make a person view events on a screen so they are separate from the memory. It's a remarkably well done scene.
Now You See Me 1/2
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The hypnosis in these movies is STUPID and I love it. The first movie has a punchline that every time Mark Rufallo's character makes a frustrated comment people who Woody Harrelson has hypnotized will start acting as if they're in an orchestra. Second movie has a twin Woody Harrelson as an evil hypnotist and he uses a pizza box as an evil induction. It's amazing.
Sherlock Holmes Woman in Green
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This induction is one of the coolest I've seen in a film and I try my hardest to channel the energy of this when I am doing a relaxation focused scene.
Charlies Angels
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This is bar none my favorite hypnosis scene in any fiction. The typewriter induction is amazing, the hypnotist has such a smooth voice, the entranced gazes are lovely. It's just perfect. Heck, the link above is "hypnosis scenes" from the episode and is 26 minutes long. From a single episode of television.
Doctor Who
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Sarah Jane gets hypnotized so often that I could make a list purely from her.
I just wanna link this one as it's one of those scenes that works so much better without context and the aesthetics are incredible. Plus who doesn't like Aubrey Plaza?
Quick Bonus Animation Round
Carmen Sandiego (Neflix) has a ton of mind control including the bad end to the interactive movie.
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Totally Spies is a meme for a reason
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And this one is a reason many of us are here <3
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DC vs Vampires
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I think the page speaks for itself. "Hypnosis isn't lying, Diana. It's speaking to your vulnerability."
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This sequence of Asami, brainwashed to hate the avatar, being deprogrammed is so good that someone on AO3 did an incredible fan-fiction which may well be one of my favorite hypnokink stories of all time.
Super Mario Comic
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I bring this one up as it was one of my earliest moments of "...oh... this is kind of making me feel some kind of way."
Video Games
A note that a full directory of video games featuring Mind Control can be found at mindcontrol.fun the MC Games Wiki, run by @soveryverytired
Nyx Gaming (Featured game: Enthralled)
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Nyx do incredible games which are designed to hypnotize the viewer and their consent practices are wonderful. They recently teamed up with Secret Subject to release a vampire enthrallment game and let me tell you, there is not a single word in that synopsis that doesn't make me happy.
Mind Melting Massaging Machine
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The best tool for VR hypnosis. Upload custom files and program spirals, subliminals and chose between static spiral or headtracking. I have had so much fun with this over the years. There's a desktop version too but VR is optimal for this experience.
Spiral Clicker
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It's such a simple concept. Click on the character and watch their will go away. Spiral Clicker is backed with a fun little universe, fun characters both original and community sourced, amazing art and a clever little gameplay loop that is quite addictive. Careful, the game features a constant spiral, you may find yourself falling in to trance. Don't worry. The game will wake you up. You can even ask the game to include suggestions for you :)
The sequel is being worked upon now and I cannot wait <3
Music Videos
Anna Soares - Hypnodoll (NSFW)
Straight up just a song and music video about hypnokink. If you click anything in this thread, click this one.
Little Big - Hypnodancer:
Silly antics but a fun music video.
Pharrell Williams - Hypnotize U
It's just Pharrell hanging out in a mansion with his hypnotized harem.
Grimes - We Appreciate Power
It's dronekink baby.
Andamiro - Hypnotize
Maid hypnotizes their employer.
I could do so many more in all areas. But the point is, media is hypnohorny. I never went over advertisements (UK ones especially), books, musicals (Phantom and Next To Normal for instance), anime (Sailor Moon) or manga.
But I write about a bunch more in my Twitter thread.
Day 48: Stealth Inductions
FINAL Day 50: Presentation
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that-one-raccoon · 13 days
Scrolling through the White Collar tag on Ao3 and I've noticed a lot of DC crossovers. Now, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, i personally eat that shit up, but theres so. much.
especially when there's so much potential for other pieces of media.
ex. Carmen Sandiego (2019)
idk i just think this would be a fun concept to explore,,, like what if Neal had been recruited for VILE then defected? What if he knew Cookie Booker? (y'know,, the lady who told Carmen to get into white collar crime because pays better??) I'd love to see Team Red or ACME shenanigans with the White Collar division
or maybe they're working on a case, and meet and/or team up with Carm and Team Red?
of course youd have to fuck with WC canon a bit to make it work, but it's fan-fiction. It's what we do.
but there's so many possibilities and i've only ever seen one other of this crossover ;-;;
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rolling-in-guano · 2 years
31DOD Day 7
I've been reading fan fiction for so many years in so many different places that is hard to track down all the good stuff. Here is a sampling of fics I've enjoyed more recently:
1. "Got Stepped On All Over" by whaleofatime
Probably one of my favorites of all time at this point. This story feels like it could be a one shot that really exists within the DC universe. The story focuses on Dick and Bruce's relationship and is told from Bruce's perspective (also done really well). The story also has a tight plot that involves solving a mystery (more mysteries please!) that is wrapped up in a fun way. I also love a little bit of Carmen Sandiego in all of my stories in the way that I want characters to go to a place an learn something cool about it's culture/geography/history and then use that to save the day or make the story more interesting. This has that! GIVE THIS STORY MORE LOVE!!!!
2. "New year bets" by Fleur_de_Violette
I love this fic because it really shows off Dick's workaholic nature in a way that feels very true to the comics and his Bludhaven days. It also has a fun relationship between him and Jason. I felt it put the characters in a direction that could lead to character growth if this were a oneshot in an actual comic. Loved it!
3. "i was not born to drown" by daringyounggrayson
Dick Grayson's poor skull has been abused pretty badly. This fic takes a look into the aftermath of Dick getting shot in the head by Dr. Hurt (which really was glossed over) and how he deals with the healing process. The way daringyounggrayson depicts chronic pain and disability was really heart wrenching because the frustration coming from everyone was hitting home. Overall, the fic deals with accepting a new normal and I enjoyed it.
4. "Picture Me Better" by Led_Sneakers
This lovely work shows the friendship (and romantic/sexual tension) I have been missing between Dick and Roy. Their relationship was always incredibly interesting, especially in the Titans and Outsiders era. I love their old married couple vibe. Whether they end up lifelong friends or partners, their relationship is way interesting. The RHATO series really did him and Kory dirty. I think Rose Wilson and Jason should hang out. I also didn't hate the Dark Trinity but they put the kibosh on that too quickly for it to really go anywhere.
5. RedAlert98
For you Young Justice cartoon fans, this was one of my favorite authors when that show was coming out. All the fics are fun and are about friendship! RedAlert98 appears to be retired from the DC fandom, but their work is still pretty awesome so I encourage you to take a look.
6. "And Just For Tonight" by Mashpotatoe Queen
Another Young Justice cartoon fic that was my favorite back when it was first published. It's just a sweet little fic that gives Dick and Roy a more brotherly dynamic.
Well those are my top picks for this post :)
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mintleafkitty72 · 3 months
📱 Show your phone lock screen and/or home screen
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
🕹 Video game you are currently playing
🌡 Fave season
Answer as many or as little as you like :]
Lock screen:
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A friend of mine made it for me and it's been my lock screen since.
Home screen:
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Credits go to @Sea_CuPPY (I'm not sure on what platform though). I'm a huge Leo fan (if you couldn't tell lol 😅)
I have so many favorite fictional characters but as of answering this right now, it's probably John Watson from Sherlock and Gray/Graham Calloway from Carmen Sandiego. I've been watching Sherlock recently and I finished rewatching Carmen Sandiego and ajdldjnskaksks I'm not okay /j
I don't really play video games very often 😅 but last time I did it it was this Demon Slayer game where you get to play as Tanjiro and either fight demons or go on adventures. Besides that, I have a coloring app/game and a game where you have certain letters that correlate to a number and you have to decode a message if that makes sense? I don't know if those count tho 😂
My favorite season is autumn/fall. The colors, the vibes, the weather, I literally love everything about autumn.
Thanks for the ask! This was a lot of fun 😁
I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night!! 😊
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jackiestarsister · 11 months
Updated my Carmen Sandiego short story cycle! Now featuring Shadowsan and others' reactions to the newest member of the Callaway family!
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silvereestars · 1 year
My Interests!
Here’s a list of all the fandoms I’m in/was into! (WARNING: Very long post ahead! If you want to see what fandoms I’m w/o the reading, just look at the tags!)
EDIT: NEVERMIND, THE TAG LIMIT FOILED ME /GEN /LH I am SO sorry, but the last few fandoms got cut out from the tag list! You’ll have to scroll down to the bottom to see them-
Crowned: These fandoms are VERY near and dear to my heart- and I’m ALWAYS willing to talk about them!
The Legend of Zelda: This is the fandom that introduced me to the internet back in 2019 (I’m a late bloomer, I know- XDDD), and kickstarted me making theories and analyses!
Friday Night Funkin: Hate it or love it, you can’t deny there are some amazing individuals out there! And for you modders out there, this game is actually heavily moddable- and one mod in particular was what caused FNF to blow up in the first place! This is actually the fandom I’m hyper fixating on right now-
Favorites: While they aren’t as important to me as the “crowned” ones, they still managed to hold my attention for a month or so- and that’s something to admire, considering how hyper my brain is!
Animator Vs Animation: This is the fandom that introduced me to Tumblr and AO3 back in the late summer of 2021- don’t worry, @ann-aha, you’re not alone! XDDD
Oh, and I can’t talk about “AvA” without mentioning the rest of the stick figure community! Shout out to Henry Stickmin, Rock Hard Gladiators/Hyun’s Dojo, Hyun, and Gildedguy! :D
Genshin Impact: Contrary to popular opinion, this game isn’t just for “nerds” or people who can afford to splurge thousands of dollars- I managed to complete the current (back then!) storyline as a free-to-player! While I’m not in the fandom anymore, at least give this one a chance?
Undertale: Ah yes, the funny skeleton man fandom /j /lh But seriously, this fandom isn’t all “Sans Fangirls”- just search up animations and artwork! Or, better yet- search up a full play through of the game (I recommend this order for newcomers- Neutral, Pacifist, Genocide) and let the story and gameplay do the talking! ^^
Just Shapes and Beats: Exactly what it says on the tin. Pro tip- once you’ve seen the full story mode, go check out KofiKrumble!
Minecraft: Of course I’d be into this fandom at some point, everyone will! I’m not into DreamSMP (please don’t kill me I’m just not interested in stuff like server-wide wars), but I AM fond of Hermitcraft and Empires!
Normal: I don’t really think about these fandoms too often, but they deserve a mention! 
Harry Potter
Voltron: Legendary Defender
My Hero Academia
The Owl House (hey, while this fandom isn’t one of my favorites, you bet I watched the finale and cried the whole time!)
Doki Doki Literature Club (somewhat- in my master post, I mentioned I hate horror, so I avoid gameplay and stick to tvtropes/summaries- sorry- ^^;)
Kipo & The Age of Wonderbeasts
How To Train Your Dragon
Marvel (The Avengers!)
Trollhunters (and the rest of the Tales of Arcadia! I LOVED that series- except for Rise of The Titans. We don’t talk about Rise of The Titans. /gen /lh)
Carmen Sandiego
“The Big Three”: These were the fandoms I was into as a little kid, and inspired me to start making fan fiction & headcanons!
Kung Fu Panda: Oh my god, I loved this series- and a 4th movie’s coming in 2024!
Big Hero Six: This is the OG- the first fandom I EVER got into! :D
Wakfu: Yugo accidentally inspired an OC (no info- yet! Not unless I learn how to draw!), so it’d be a crime to not include this fandom!
Well, I think that’s all- for now! If you want to learn about favorite characters, theories, head canons and the like- just ask! :D
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lefemmerougewriter · 24 days
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Thanks to Procastinatingprocrastinator for leaving kudos on one of my favorite fics, which is a crossover which brings Cass and Carmen Sandiego together unexpectedly!
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Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six (1999)
The Machiavelli Club, mentioned on pages 34-35 of Gathering of the Sinister Six, as well as pages 162-163 of Revenge of the Sinister Six, was founded by Professor James Moriarty, from the Sherlock Holmes stories "The Final Problem," "The Adventure of the Empty House," and the novel The Valley of Fear.  Its members include various rogues from comic books, movies, prose fiction, and so forth:
* The waiter at the Macchiavelli Club is Henry from Asimov's BLACK WIDOWER stories. * Wilson Fisk (The Kingpin) * Obadiah Stane (The Iron Monger) from Iron Man. * Gruber brothers: Anton Gruber first appeared in the prose novel Nothing Lasts Forever by Roderick Thorp (a sequel to his homosexual murder mystery The Detective).  Anton Gruber was basically a Baader-Meinof/Red Army Faction-style terrorist.  He was renamed Franz Gruber for the film Die Hard, while his brother Simon appeared in Die Hard With a Vengeance. * Doctor Fu Manchu is obviously "the long-lived oriental gentleman" that the Gentleman refers to.  (Although later on it is said that the Gentleman harbors prejudice against the Chinese, he makes no snide remarks about Doctor Fu Manchu.)  The Gentleman believes that Doctor Fu Manchu is dead due to the events of Master of Kung Fu #118, though he showed up alive and well in Marvel Knights I #4.  Marvel currently refers to him as the Ghost, due to licensing issues. * Auric is Auric Goldfinger, from the Ian Fleming novel.  Auric is derived from the Latin word for gold, from which its elemental symbol, Au, is derived. * Lex is Lex Luthor. * Justin Hammer is an Iron Man villain. * "The German Herr Taubman."  An alias used by a recurring villain called "The Deaf Man" in "The 87th Precinct" novels by Ed McBain.  Great novels BTW.  (Taubman is German for deaf man as I recall.)  Here's a clip from a fan site. * The Wrightsville Diedrich Van Horn is from the Ellery Queen novel Ten Day's Wonder, written by Ellery Queen.  (Ellery Queen was a sleuth created by two cousins who adopted his name as their pen name.  He went to a town called Wrightsville for vacations.  In the movies, Ralph Bellamy played Ellery Queen-Bellamy also appeared in two Eddie Murphy movies as one of the Duke brothers.) * Ras is Ra's Al Ghul, from the Distinguished Competition. * Soze is from the film The Usual Suspects. * Hannibal is Hannibal Lecter, from the novel Red Dragon by Thomas Harris, and later Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal. * Carmen is Carmen San Diego from the computer game and cartoon show. * Mr. Glass is from the film Unbreakable, as played by Samuel Jackson. * Napier refers to the Jack Napier, the Joker, from the 1989 Batman film. * Ernst is Ernst Blofeld from the Ian Fleming novel Thunderball. * Randolph and Mortimer Duke are from two Eddie Murphy films, Trading Places and Coming to America.  While in both these films Randolph and Mortimer Duke, insider traders, were played by the same actors (Don Ameche and Ralph Bellamy), Eddie Murphy was not playing the same person in these films, which were otherwise unrelated.
Although not mentioned as a member of the Machiavelli Club, Caspar Gutman worked with the Gentleman in the past, per page 166 of Secret of the Sinister Six. Casper Gutman comes from the Dashiell Hammett novel The Maltese Falcon, published in 1929.
Source: Marvel Universe Appendix
Carmen Sandiego is part of the Machiavelli Club, along with Jack Napier, Hannibal Lecter and Mr. Glass. Among others. Moriarty was a founding member, and the Gruber Brothers and a villain from an Ellery Queen novel have been members. The Gentleman briefly converses with two brothers, Randolph and Mortimer, who made their money on the futures exchange, and wonders how they earned a place at the club as they are no more 'evil' than standard stockbrokers.
Though not mentioned by name, Clint Eastwood, Robert Downey Jr. and Sylvester Stallone are all heavily implied to be attending Brick Johnson's funeral.
The cast from Scooby-Doo shows up at the end of the final book.
The 27th Precinct's Detective Briscoe takes statements.
Dr. Christian Szell is an old associate of The Gentleman.
Quentin Beck passes Cassady and Jesse.
In the third book, the Gentleman credits the inspiration for his overall Evil Plan to be a late associate of his named Auric.
One of the police officers in the third book is implied to be the son of Marge Gunderson.
Source: TV Tropes
(image via Amazon)
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
🦋Blog Introduction🦋
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Patty, I go by any pronouns and this is my little space where I talk about my self inserts and F/o’s. 
I like to draw, write, and make up my own stories and characters. 
I used to go by Carmen Sandiego Writings but I decided to branch out. I apologize to those who are wanting Carmen Sandiego related posts but that might be a while. I love Carmen Sandiego and I will not be deleting any of my writings but I hope not to be defined as “The person who wrote Carmen Sandiego fan fictions in the past.” 
I’m going to be opening up quite a bit on this blog and I don’t want to be defined on what things I have written in the past even if I am proud of them. 
Recently I’ve been big on self shipping (⚠️Pro shippers dni⚠️)  my F/o’s bring me a lot of comfort and I hope to make some friends with other self shippers. 
My F/o’s are: 
Momo - Stray 🤖
Eleanor - Fnaf, to be beautiful 💋
Popee/Hanabishi - Popee the Performer & Chinchikurin 💣
Alice Abernathy - Resident Evil Movies ☢️ (Just to clarify I love the character not the actress and I know they are not one in the same)
If you do not like how my blog is now, that’s 100% fine! No hard feelings and you are free to unfollow. My inbox is always open for questions or discussions although anything hateful will not be recognized.
❌ Dni ❌
18+/nsfw blogs 
You will not be entertained, you will be blocked immediately if you interact with me and my blog. (Also you might get run over with a truck but that’s a story for another day) 
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herocentral · 4 years
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Cooper & Sandiego Thieves united: Sly in disguise: By Hero Central 16/1/2021:
After seeing the finale of Netflix’s Carmen Sandiego my mind has been buzzing with ideas for my crossover story with her and Sly Cooper. I have a time frame in mind, and the story takes place after the events of Sly Thieves in time. The idea being that instead of being sent to ancient Egypt he gets catapulted through space and time landing in a parallel universe Paris (Carmen Sandiego). It’ll also be based somewhere in season 1 of CS before the Fishy Doubloon Caper. 
So he needed to lay low until his crew could find him. So I decided he would need a disguise for blending in. So he would wear a blue trench coat and his racoon ears would be hidden under his hat and his tail under his coat whilst wearing sun glasses.
You could say he's the thief in blue ha ha. Anyway I’ll have the first few chapters written when I’m either close to finishing one of my other stories.
Until then heres some art of Sly in his disguise. 
Carmen Sandiego 2019 (c) Netflix
Sly Cooper (c) Sucker Punch productions 
Art (c) A.Montgomery,2021-2023
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