#Castiel has a Dean kink
azrael08 · 10 months
Another NSFW (kinda) Destiel Headcanon - this ones more story centric but still:
Cas doesn’t really get horny as he’s stated to Dean before - much to dean’s disappointment - but assured Dean that he still very much likes and enjoys sex with him.
This all changes one day.
Dean has to go undercover at some highly religious/Angel-worshipping cult town and is forced to wear traditional biblical clothing that includes a gold belt, white cloth that only covers the back and front, gold bracelets around his wrists, ankles, and neck, a gold headpiece and enochian writing displayed across his naked chest. And the enochian is a prayer to the angel Castiel, becasuse Sam’s sneaky like that.
He complains to Sam about how hippy he looks for awhile but then, just before they leave Cas comes out saying he’s ready to go and stops once he sees Dean.
His eyes go wide, he’s silent, and they’ve never seen him so still.
Concerned Dean asks “what’s wrong Cas? Cas?” Dean steps closer and cups the angels face, Cas still hasn’t reacted, it’s like his eyes are solely focused on Dean’s pupils. Really worried now, Dean leans in a little more and whispers “….Castiel?” The next thing they know every light in the bunker explodes violently.
For the entire hunt Cas is very smiley and noticeably more lovey-dovey and touchy towards Dean than usual. It’s like he’s been put under a love spell or something Dean thinks. They have a total of 5 heavy make out sessions throughout the case, and once they get back to the bunker they go 7 rounds.
Now Dean isn’t complaining, he just doesn’t know what brought all this on? because he’s oblivious. Although, he’s more than accepting to the extra praise, touchiness, and romance Cas has been giving him, maybe this new cologne really does work? He thinks to himself at one point.
In the end Sam keeps the outfit as a favour for Dean. Cas loves the outfit and is going to make Dean wear it as often as possible.
(If anyone writes a fic about this pls credit and link it to me👍)
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smolbean7 · 2 months
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The first time Cas let Dean see the part of him no one else gets to (I like drawing wings) flash warning for the speedpaint below the cut!!
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drulalovescas · 2 years
Dean: learning about a case in Dodge City
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Dean: coming up with the idea to dress himself and Cas as cowboys
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Cas: realizing this silly human is gonna dress him up as a cowboy
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bisaster-energy · 5 months
I have to know what nut allergy means 🤲🏻
god i had forgotten about this one til u tagged me💀i got the idea cos of some tiktok someone made about putting ghost pepper in their food to catch whichever coworker was stealing their food and ppl in the notes were freaking out cos "wHAt iF sOMeOnE iS ALlErGiC" me and my friend luke were like "god how funny would it be if you just went in someone's fridge drank all their milk and shit yourself cos ur lactose intolerant and then blame them for trying to poison u that logic is so crazy...what if it was a destiel au"
it's really just a silly hospital au i never got around to finishing it's cringy and basic but it's funny to me so i kept it
so cas is a doctor ofc i have to reward dean somehow.
he's neurosurgeon because i did watch grey's anatomy and dr. sexy being a parody of derek shepherd who's played by patrick dempsey who also played a guy named cass who was in a polyamory with jensen ackle's character and marilyn monroe. i had to put it in
i couldnt decide if i wanted dean to be a doctor too or a nurse but i know i wanted him in peds
basically it's one sided enemies to lovers with dean having beef with cas for no reason (he's hot and this frustrates dean to no end). meanwhile cas has a crush bigger than texas on that man
maybe a competitive aspect too like derek and burke had but less animosity. i try to lean into the soap opera aspect of it as if they're in a medical drama more than a REAL HOSPITAL because it's easier than doing extensive research <3
so maybe dean is a bit more of an asshole to cas than strictly necessary and no one else gets why. cas essentially gives up on trying to have a normal conversation w/dean and thinks he really hates him so he settles to only talk to him in a professional capacity so he wont encroach on his space more than he has to
dean takes this personally. i love misunderstandings
etc etc it comes to a head when maybe something happens that really sets dean off about cas (i haven't figured what yet) and so to get back at him he nabs a cookie from his lunch (cas already established that anyone can indulge in them but dean missed the memo ig)
anyways ruh roh! his dumbass is allergic to one of the ingredients cos it came into contact with walnuts or smth idk
dean's embarrassed as hell and cas finds him all swollen and fucked up and i haven't gotten past this part but yeah i just wanted cas to stab dean with an epi-pen really
overall very mid and silly and dumb but here's an excerpt anyway:
The neurosurgeon is, in Dean's humble (but also right) opinion, the only one worthy of the term Asshole around here, with a capital A.
Well, not the only one. But still.
And it's not like Dean didn't try to get to know him! New doctor shows up, windswept hair tousled to perfection, lab coat flaring behind him like some sort of superhero, gaze focused and intense, and eyes so so blue-
Ahem. Of course Dean is going to be intrigued he's a human being! It's not like Castiel was interested anyway. Barely said three words to Dean before rushing off somewhere else, probably to bless some other coworker with his angelic ass sculpted by god. Dean tried a few times after that and still ended up with nothing more than stilted small talk. Dude made talking to a brick wall seem like a cake walk. There was always something going on that had to cut their conversations short, and Dean thought Cas was just a shy guy at first, nothing wrong with that. But he's seen Dr. Novak easily chat with other staff for longer than two (painfully awkward) minutes. Especially Masters. God that snake just loves to hang off Novak, like that's her job instead of being a damn nurse. Even Balthazar, their own personal sleazeball of an anesthesiologist, allegedly manages to drag the uptight doctor out from time to time.
Not that Dean has been stalking them or anything. He just heard it through the grapevine like every other godforsaken rumor at this high school of a hospital. And if the grapevine happened to just be Balthazar himself bragging about their nights out in the breakroom, well that's Dean's business.
"I still say you need to give him a chance, Dean," his mammoth of a brother insisted, brushing his mane out of his face. Seriously, dude, just get a haircut. "I don't get what your problem with him is. Castiel is great! A little awkward maybe, but it really adds to his charm." Dean rolls his eyes.
"Sammy, you do realize you sound like you're trying to get me to adopt a dog that's about to be sent to the pound? It didn't work when you were eight and it won't work now. And, for your information, I've given Cas plenty of chances to talk to me. He's the one with the issue. You should be selling him all this kumbaya bullshit. And don't you have some lawsuits to prevent?"
It's Sam's turn to roll his eyes. "Whatever, Dean. If you gave up on talking to him then why the hell do you call him by a nickname?" With another flip of his mop, his brother left Dean spluttering for a reasonable answer. Which there is, of course. But Sam's long gone by the time he manages a weak "Castiel is a mouthful, okay?" "I'll say," came an annoyingly sultry voice from behind. Without turning Dean lets out a sigh. "Can I help you, Masters?" He asks flatly, already resigning himself to an unpleasant encounter. "Oh, don't be like that, Dean," God, he can practically hear the obnoxious pout he knows she's wearing right now. "I thought we could bond over what a mouthful Clarence is!" That has him spinning around.
meg is cas' bestie she can't understand why he's hung up on dean but she supports his terrible terrible taste. and if she can manage to convince dean they're fucking in the meantime well. god forbid women do anything
the reason sam seems so invested is cos the hospital has a betting pool over if these 2 get together and when. bros tryna make bank
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riverwithoutbanks · 6 months
I think Crowley should have really leaned into stereotypes and called Castiel an arse bandit at least once
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justalittlejess · 6 months
s14e12. doctor!cas showing up on dean’s death tour. saved his life and you can’t tell me otherwise
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charliewrites99 · 8 months
Me describing characters from Supernatural without ever watching it, based on what I could put together from random tumblr posts
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Dean Winchester:
older brother
bi and the closet is glass
psycho-sexual relationship with his car
has a doctor kink
divorced married divorced married widowed by an angel
don't do this cas
was in hell at one point
shoulder hand print
red-blooded all american hunter manwhore
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Sam Winchester:
younger brother
straight representation (except Gabriel I guess)
Third wheel
dropped out of uni
was engaged to a blond woman (RIP)
a literal walking death sentence to anyone who kisses him
party city wig
was possesed???
the one with common sense???
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gay angel
world's saddest eyes
wet soggy orphan beagle
victim of the trench coat epidemic
powerful, but idk about where he lands on the scale
was brainwashed???
the daddy-est of issues (is his father god?)
fish out of water
ditched heaven for the beauty of humanity (Dean's dick)
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Jack Supernatural:
destiel child
may or may not be a new god
something celestial
floppy sad boi hair
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just here to have fun do drugs and flirt
Sam's Man Crush Monday
had his lips sewn together at one point
is he dead-dead? or just dead to the writers?
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Daddy Winchester:
did not know what he looked like until I went to google the pictures
the worst person to ever exist despite having god and the devil on this show
left the sons the trauma factory that is the family hunting business which killed their mom
doesn't know what hugging looks like probably
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Various female-looking objects:
dead girlfriends
that one redhead that called Dean a pussy for not knowing what fifth base is (she seems fun)
another redhead that played Poppy in The Magicians and almost killed Quentin (that I for some reason thought was from Doctor Who)
evil angel girlboss??
This was my contribution for this years November 5th celebration
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hauntedwitch04 · 8 months
Little one
Sam Winchester x reader
Words: about 3.9k words
Warnings: smut, smut, I forgot to say smut, DESTIEL BECAUSE I LOVE THEM, dirty talk
Author’s note: Hi loves! I finally managed to write some more after the crazy week I had. Hope you like it, your witch Becky
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KINKTOBER ...........-..........KINKTOBER TAGLIST 2023
DAY 5: Size kink
"Hey little one do you need a hand?" You hear Sam ask, hearing in his tone of voice that silly little sly smile you hate so much. You huff as still with your back turned you don't even turn to look at him, knowing you couldn't help but melt under the gaze of his green eyes. You feel him coming up behind you, his chest brushing against your back as you see his hand reach for the book you've been reaching for for more than ten minutes. His presence behind you almost makes your knees give way.
The two of you have been playing this game for weeks now, provoking the other but at the same time neither of you seems to have the courage to take matters into their own hands and drag the other into your bedroom. A few days ago Sam realized how sensitive you are to the size difference between the two of you. You have never considered yourself short, you have always been average, but next to him you look little more than a smurf. He is literally a giant, and that doesn't mean he is merely tall, but because of the life you lead he has developed a lot of muscles in his arms and chest, as well as perfect abs, and that makes him imposing, and fuck if that isn't attractive. You get lost in thinking what it must be like to be under him, enclosed between his warm body and his bed, but almost immediately you are interrupted by a cough behind you. You turn and see him with a raised eyebrow looking at you amused. Now the two of you are face to face, or rather you have your face at his chest level, and in fact you have to look up to stare into his eyes.
The man in front of you seems to be quite amused by this, in fact he leans forward a little, thinking you would move for that movement, and instead you stand still, not showing weakness.
"Careful little one your neck will hurt if you keep holding it like that. Maybe we should buy a stepladder at least you'd be able to look me in the eye without any trouble." Says Sam, a breath away from your lips.
"You giant asshole, I swear I'll cut your balls off if-" You start to threaten him, but you are interrupted by a new voice. Castiel has just entered the room and is looking at you with a questioning expression before shouting.
"Dean they are doing it again." He says to the other hunter who immediately responds to the angel, threatening you as well.
"Home run before you see things you don't want to see. And you two stop circling around the fact that you want to fuck. There's too much sexual tension in the air and no one can take it anymore. You better find a solution or I swear I'll have the next witch I meet charm you." Says the brother of the man in front of you, from the kitchen, making both you and Sammy blush.
"Fuck you Dean." Sam manages to say, not looking you in the eye. Immediately you turn away from each other, going in different directions.
You arrive in your room, close the door, and lean against it as you take a breath of relief.
You can't deny that there is not that sexual tension between the two of you that Dean accuses you of, but at the same time you don't have the courage to take that extra step for fear of being rejected because treacherously you think Sam intends all that as a kind of game between the two of you, but nothing more. You stay for a moment thinking again about the feeling of his body so big and muscular against yours. You felt so small and helpless, and yet you were not afraid, in fact all your brain could process were rather spicy situations with the youngest of the Winchesters. Then suddenly you violently detach yourself from the door, as your mind was again training itself in those overly specific thoughts of what it would be like to be fucked by Sam, placed on all fours on his bed, while he on top of you, with his chest pressed against your back, holding the bed keyboard with one strong hand to make stronger, firmer thrusts. You get lost in thinking about what it must feel like to have his kisses on your bare back with the light beard he has, what one of his strong hands gripping one of your hips must feel like, or his cock pushing in. You decide it's time for a cold shower at the very moment you're left thinking about whether the size of his member is directly proportional to everything else, hoping that at least that might bring you back to your senses a little.
You've never been much of a person who likes to go to parties, but you certainly can't say no to a nice evening with your favorite people spent drinking and singing your favorite songs. By now it is very late and both Dean and Cas have gone to bed, no matter how much the last one doesn't sleep, but by now since they had declared themselves to each other they had created a routine, thanks to which the oldest of the Winchesters is finally able to sleep without nightmares. You are happy forni your friends, they both deserve the small portion of happiness that fate has reserved for them, and on the contrary you wish they had fi more. Since they've gone to bed, though, you and Sam are left alone, with more than ample amount of alcohol in your system, which is a bit dangerous considering the thoughts some days that led you to take a shower so cold that even penguins would beat their beaks for cold.
You and young Winchester spent those days avoiding each other, and when you couldn't, all you could do was avoid each other's gaze and not blush.
You remain silent again, enjoying that peace to which you are not very accustomed. You are sitting side by side, and you can't help but slowly move closer to his body, attracted by the warmth it produces.
It seems like hours go by, and maybe it's only a few minutes, but eventually he interrupts that state of stillness.
"Can I ask you a question?" Sammy asks, turning toward you, and you can't help but be a little annoyed by his question, but you nod as you down some more alcohol. He seems to consider what words to use.
"Have you ever thought of anything more than this between us?" The man asks, looking you in the eye. You pause with your glass in midair, petrified by that question. For a moment it crosses your mind that he has figured out how you feel about him, but then you look at him and see him waiting for your answer and realize that he is really only asking you out of pure curiosity.
"Why did you think of that?" You ask in turn defensively. You see him hesitate for a moment as you did a few seconds earlier, but eventually he flashes you a smile, regaining all the resourcefulness he has shown in this last period.
"Oh little one, I'm afraid I'd scare you if I told you all the things I've been thinking about doing with you." He says in a rough, sensual voice, and you immediately feel a shiver go down your spine. You feel him move closer to you, while you remain still, afraid that if you moved even a finger, this whole situation would vanish like a soap bubble. You think more than once that all this is a dream produced by the alcohol in your system, then you feel his lips on your neck and realize that it is all true.
"Well you could show me a couple of things you've imagined doing with me, and I'll tell you if they're the same things I've thought of." I say in a whisper, as he continues to nibble on my neck, leaving sweet kisses at times.
"You're going to fucking kill me sooner or later." Sam comments before standing up, and with a smooth, quick movement, hoisting me onto his shoulder. I let out a soft yelp, before starting to bombard him with threats and questions.
"Sam Winchester, let me go now! Where are you taking me?" I ask, trying not to give away that just that simple gesture that showcased his strength and how much bigger he was physically than you was turning you on.
"In the room, unless you want to be fucked here where anyone could walk in at any moment. I didn't take you for that kind of person, but we could always try it another time." He says chuckling, while you in response punch him lightly in the back. "Besides, from here I have a first-class view of your ass." He continues nonchalantly, and you can't help but blush.
"Sam!" You take him back, but he immediately doesn't give you time to continue.
"Little one, don't be an angel, because we both know how many times you've thought about doing dirty things with me, and you can't even lie because it was all over your face." Notices Sam, scolding you as one scolds a child who has eaten too much candy.
"Like you had a marble mask on, and you couldn't see all the times you looked at my boobs." You comment, as you try to figure out by now where you are, but the corridors of the bunker are all dark and you can't quite get your bearings.
"It's not my fault you have particularly nice tits." He replies, as if it were a given, and you can't help but laugh at the situation. Your laughter is interrupted, however, when Sam throws you onto what you recognize to be his bed.
The playful air that had been created disappears in an instant and gives way to a new tension, steeped in passion and mischief. The youngest Winchester slides all the way down your body until his plump lips are inches from yours. The feel of his body, so large compared to yours, is even better than you had imagined. He spends a few seconds teasing you, kissing all over your face and the area near your mouth, but he doesn't touch your lips a single time, until you slip your hands into his hair and force him to do so. He smiles against your lips, and when you pull away to get some air, he teases you.
"Someone is a little impatient, what can't you wait to feel my cock inside you anymore?" He asks rhetorically, while his hands begin working to remove the several layers of clothes you are wearing.
"All promises Winchester, it's time to keep them." You say, trying to answer him again in kind as pleasure begins to work its way through you.
"You'll regret this shamelessness little one, another time, not today, but next time I won't be as good to you as I will be this time."
Quickly he removes the few clothes you have on while you do the same to him, a little groggy from pleasure and a little from alcohol.
He kisses your neck, leaving red, biting marks as he slowly moves down to your breasts, to remove the bra you still have on. He takes one of your nipples in his teeth, while the other teases it with his hand.
Once he is done torturing your breasts, he goes down to your navel with his kisses and then gently bites your panties. A shiver runs through you again as you feel his lips graze the skin of your legs, while he stares into your eyes and pulls them off with such slowness that you feel faint before long at how hard your heart is beating.
"You better get moving Winchester." You try to threaten him, once he completely peels off the penultimate layer of clothing that stood between you and him, since he still has his boxers on.
"Or what small thing? I don't think you're in a position to threaten me." He comments amused, before returning to your center, and leaving sweet kisses all around in your inner thigh. You can't help but sigh as you slip a hand into his soft, long hair, trying to take him where you most desire.
"Fuck you." That's all you can say in response, and he can't help but laugh. Eventually Sam lets you guide him where you want him, and finally his lips meet those of your pussy. You can't help but let out a moan mixed with a scream as the man squeezes your clit between his teeth as he had done with your nipples earlier. With his tongue he continues to lick you, slowly increasing the pleasure.
Suasult when you also feel his fingers join in the torture, as he rhythmically works them into you. His fingers are long and big, enough to reach all the right places, and make you wriggle between the covers of the now unmade bed, making you clutch the sheet so tight you thought it would tear.
Eventually, faster than it had ever happened to you, you feel the orgasm coming, with the impetuosity of a wave ready to sweep whatever it meets in its path.
"Sam- fuck- please don't stop." You beg him, as you continue to move your hips under his mouth to create more friction.
"Oh my little one is cumming?" He asks, pulling away from you slightly.
"Sam, please." You beg him again as you run a hand through his hair again, and he can't help but moan as you do so.
He doesn't respond to you, but his actions speak for themselves as he again begins to lick your center as he speeds his fingers entering your pussy. A few minutes pass and you finally reach orgasm, and for a second you think you lose contact with the whole world. All you hear in your ears is blood pulsing, your eyes narrowed as your lips hold back a scream, while your hands continue to cling tightly to Sam's hair. Once you regain your breath and some clarity you stop and look at Sammy who is now looking at you seriously. Around your mouth you can still see the remnants of the otherworldly experience you just had.
"Are you okay?" He asks you as he licks his lips.
"Never felt better." You answer, as you signal for him to come up. He complies and comes with his face at the same height as yours. You kiss him softly, and he can't help but do the same. It is very different from the kiss you shared earlier, passionate and impetuous, but no less sensual and beautiful. Then suddenly you take him by surprise and reverse the situation by finding yourself on top of him.
"Now it's my turn to torture you a little." You whisper in his ear before moving down to his boxers. You slip them off him the same way he took off your underwear, which is with your teeth, and you hear him cursing as you brush against his now very obvious erection. Then unable to hold back you take his member with your hands, and like everything in your body it seems to be huge compared to you, but in this case you don't really know if it is your point of view or is objective. You tease his entire length with your tongue, before starting to suck lightly at the tip, while moving your hand along everything else you don't touch. Immediately his hand, almost as big as your head, gets stuck in your hair and begins to send you further and further down, at the pace he likes best. That's how Sam begins to fuck your mouth, at first slower, going steadily increasing, so that the last thrusts you feel his cock coming down your throat, and you can't help but get aroused when you feel the air miss you. He continues this game for a few minutes, until with a series of moans where he screams your name he doesn't cum in your mouth, and you swallow everything he gives you.
"That's my girl." Sammy comments as he catches his breath, but you see a spark in his eyes that tells you you're not even close to the end.
"So far we've been playing, now comes the main course." He continues, as again he reverses the situation, bringing you under him. You feel one of your thighs open, and with his knee he stimulates your pussy. Immediately you let out a scream that he silences with his lips. You begin to kiss more and more passionately as you feel him driving his cock in front of your entrance. The moment he is about to push in for the first time, you stop him by asking him a question?
"Are you sure it fits?" You ask slightly frightened by his size, and excited at the same time. He looks at you and chuckles a little, throwing his head into the crook of your neck.
"It's just that I've never had anyone so ...great, it's no laughing matter Winchester!" You continue, chuckling in turn. He kisses you gently on the nose before answering you.
"I promise in case it does you, you'll just have to tell me and we'll stop right away, okay?" He asks seriously, watching you as he moves a strand of hair away from your face. "Besides, I think the orgasm has prepared you well honey." He finishes by winking at you. He kisses you again but this one more gently, trying to distract you. You feel him enter you, and for a moment you think you have died and are in your own little piece of heaven.
"Are you okay little one?" Sam asks seeing your closed eyes and clenched fists holding the pillow.
"Oh God, Winchester you better move your ass and fuck me before I come at this exact moment." You whisper, as you release one hand to bring him to you and kiss him. You feel him begin to thrust in and out of you, picking up a rather fast pace as he stimulates one of your breasts with one hand and his lips are busy making more marks on your neck, lest he cry out your name in pleasure. You are not much better off, so much so that at one point you feel an iron taste of blood in your mouth from how much you bit your lips to keep Cas and Dean from hearing you. You keep moving in unison, seeking pure pleasure.
"God baby, you are so perfect. You don't know how much I've dreamed of having you under me, screaming my name, rocking your world." Sam comments, before kissing one of your breasts. "I love your body, so small compared to mine, so much that I'm afraid I'll break you every time I touch you, but at the same time so sinful that I can't stop myself from doing the worst sins they ever came up with even in hell."
You fail to respond too caught up in everything the boy is making you feel. You feel like it's the first time in years you've breathed again, the first time you've really tasted oxygen.
"Sam, please, I'm going to-" You are interrupted by a kiss from him.
"Me too baby." He replies after pulling away from your lips. "Your pussy is squeezing my cock so hard, I think I'm about to go crazy." He comments, and it seems that his words are the keys to reach again that already before, only with his fingers had you tasted, but that was but a paltry appetizer, this was of the magnitude of a wedding feast. Your whole body quivers with force, as your center, in pleasure, tightens even tighter around his size, making you feel the size of his member even more.
Just as Sam's words were for you, for him it seems that your orgasm triggers his, in fact when you finally seem to have regained some mental clarity, after spending several minutes with your mind clouded, drowsy with pleasure, you feel your womb being filled with his seed, and you have another orgasm, smaller than before, but still quite important.
It is some time before both of you have caught your breath, in each other's arms. You remain in silence enjoying the warmth of the naked body of the person you love by your side. Then without saying a word Sam moves to your side and encircles you with his arms, having spread a blanket over your uncovered bodies. You fall asleep within minutes, with a smile on your lips, both of you happy to be close to the one you love, and especially happy to know that the one you love loves you back.
BONUS (I can't help it, I love bonuses too much :) )
Dean sits at the kitchen table as Cas hands him a steaming cup of coffee. He thanks him with a whisper before sipping his drink in silence. The only noise in the room is that of the liquid slipping over his lips as the two lovers stare into the void, lost in their own thoughts. Eventually it is the angel who breaks the silence.
"We need to soundproof the rooms better." He comments, and Dean can make no more than a sound of approval. They had not slept a wink because of your shouting, and as happy as they were to know that now the tension between the two of you had been cleared up, they also did not want to hear how their nephew was created, since his brother and you had not made much effort to be quiet. And this was not the first time. Since you had come out to each other now almost a month ago, every night you had done nothing but shout each other's names in pleasure, so much so that often both Dean and Cas had decided to go for a drive, but they couldn't take it anymore.
"You're damn right." Dean says before taking another sip of coffee. "You know I almost preferred it when they hadn't come out, now I'm afraid to turn the corner and watch them procreate on the library table." Dean comments amused, finishing his drink as he sees his boyfriend shoot him a look and a smile.
"As if we never did." Cas says, laughing.
"But they don't know that." Dean replies, giving him a wink, then getting up and leaving a gentle kiss on his forehead and heading out of the room, obviously checking to make sure you are not in it.
@laurennnomg @deanwinchestersgirl87 @samanddeansannoyingsis @ash04w3 @l3viathanpup @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @wafflezo @the-house-of-rose-and-ember @shodowbane09 @acidicpickle @supernatural-lvr
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yesand87 · 2 years
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via-l0ve · 9 months
What kind of things do you think the Supernatural guys like in the bedroom? 🤔
SPN boys kinks!
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a/n: i made this into a full fledged thing!! enjoyyyy!! also literally nothing is ever too lewd for me trust me guys!!!! love ya love ya. also i’m sorry i took a lil break i’ve been depressed and also very busy but i’m here now!
warnings: smut references/kinks, nsfw!!
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dean loves a good striptease
loved to hear you and loved for you to hear him!
he’s a switch and i’m NOT accepting any criticism
he’ll get on his knees and beg you when he’s subbing and wowowowowow
he def likes to have his hand around your throat
he’s into mutual masturbation
he also enjoys temp. play. he dosent really know why but he does!
LOVES IT when you’re ontop of him
he gets pleasure from pleasing you
makes you cum before him
he’s very handsy
sam is a top
he loves having control
He can’t control himself
sometimes he’d be too rough but he’d feel so bad about it afterwards
sam gives such good oral sex
like omfg
tongue of a GOD.
he prioritizes aftercare
maybe not as much as dean but
my baby cas is a switch
he is kinda new to sex so you gotta show him the ropes
but once he gets it he gets it
(for the girls) he’ll finger you and literally curl his fingers inside and just barley brush over ur g-spot AGAGAGAGA
cas def has a restraint or bondage kink
using his tie to tie your hands back and just fucking you ruthlessly!! 🩷🩷🩷
he also enjoys being held back
with restraints or something
he makes sure you’re okay like every minute
which some ppl might find annoying but it’s cute you guys :(
crowley enjoys public sex ngl
i just feel it yk
makes you wear his clothes while he fucks ya
def into roleplay
he leaves hickeys all over
into size kinks and marking kinks
i feel like he’s also a switch
but c’mon
cant you just see a sub crowley on his knees begging you to fuck him while you sit on his throne???
i can!
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strawlessandbraless · 3 months
Since AO3 is still down I thought I’d share some of my favorite destiel fics from fanfiction.net to help in these trying times
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This is Not Convenient by cloudyjenn If Castiel doesn't find a mate soon, the council will assign him one. And Dean's not about to let that happen. Dean/Castiel slash
Heart Trouble » by Cerulea Dean's having a harder and harder time of denying what he feels for a certain blue-eyed friend of his. And it's making him a little ornery, and a lot confused
Tripping » by Hatteress That time the universe decided Dean belonged with Cas and wasn't afraid to pull out the big guns to make it so. Big guns in this case being obsessive fangirls, archangels turned tricksters and overly enthusiastic cupids. Welcome to Dean's life. First in the Tripping Verse
Destiel, Actually » by Cuboid Dean and Castiel are playing out your typical-and-not-so-typical rom-com cliché's. The culprit's obvious. Gabe's just trying to help - it was about time someone kicked the knuckleheads into gear. "And... ACTION!"
Ready To Fall » by Cerulea Castiel falls from Grace for Dean. This is the first fic I've posted!
Ache by HigherMagic Sam pulls wings out of Dean's back, which apparently you're not meant to do, and Castiel has to clean up the mess, then help the Hunter deal with them. AU, Wing!kink
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topofmythighs · 8 months
demon dean smut 👀👀👀
speaking in tongue
demon!dean winchester x she/her reader
rundown: it's gettin' hawt in here!!! demon!dean fucks his gf and that's basically it
word count: 3k
warnings: where do we start? corruption!kink, sub x dom themes, oral, p in v pen., master!kink, cnc???, pain!kink, breeding!kink,
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navigating the depths of her relationship with dean has always been difficult; he is the definition of closed off. working through typical relationship issues is easy for the two of them, but it’s the most profound secrets that dean keeps locked away even from sam that drive them apart. still, even with the disagreements and frequent pleas for dean to let her into his mind, she stays, because she promised she would.
it’s difficult, though, to not poke and prod at the mind of her lover as he shifts from mortal to demon.
dean’s more violent — hedonistic, even — but he’s almost more open than her true lover is. as the two of them sit across from each other at the bunker’s table, drinks in hand, she can’t help but purse her lips at the thought of asking more.
“go ahead, sweetheart,” dean smirks. 
she sighs as she stares into her drink, nervous to look up and see the green eyes of her lover replaced with depthless, soulless black ones. she wishes sam was here — she knows he would want to ask questions, too — but he had to flea the bunker with castiel. (he begrudgingly left her there, but with dean’s lack of plans to harm her, sam trusted that she would call him if something went wrong.) 
“it’s hard to not pick your brain,” she finally says, looking up slowly at dean.
he smirks, taking a swig of his drink. “i’m an open book.”
“yeah, but, he’s not.” she sighs, also taking a drink of her whiskey. “i just - i want to know what he thinks of me. i need to know. i know he loves me — we’ve been together for what feels like forever — but he’s just so shut-out and--“
“and don’t you think it’s time you know what he thinks of you, sweetheart?” dean asks, looking at her with a quizzed look so human that she almost believes she’s talking to dean. within an instant, he’s at her side, leaning against the table. his warm, calloused hand, the same as dean's, cups her jaw, forcing her to look up at him. she swallows thickly as her blood freezes up in her body. “you know he loves you, sweetheart. i’ve always been here — watching, waiting to come out and talk to you. to tell you what he thinks of you, how he feels about you.”
“do i want to know?” she whispers, feeling the grip on her jaw tighten. 
she’s scared and flustered. her mind is swirling, trying to wrap around itself that this is not dean in any other way than physically. he lets her jaw go with a quick jerk, crouching down in front of her. 
“he thinks about you all the time. touching you, fucking you,” he purrs. he watches the blush rise on her face, and just to be an asshole, he tacks on, “it’s gross, to be honest.”
“keep it in your pants,” she mutters, glaring at him and drinking down her whiskey. 
he spins her chair to face him. sitting down on his knees, he places his hands on hers, gripping hard. 
“ow,” she winces. “please,” she says, “please take your hands off of me.”
“ah, ah, ah. what you aren’t getting, sweetheart,” he says coldly, “is that even if you hate me, you love him.” he pushes himself up off of the ground and leans in close to her. “and right now, we are one.”
she stares into his eyes and shakily puts her hands on his cheeks as his hands grip tight on the arms of the chair. “baby,” she whispers, pleading. “if you can hear me, please know i’m here.”
“he knows, sweetheart,” dean whispers. “he can hear you. we can hear you.” dean looks into her eyes, smiling pridefully at her. 
she takes a deep breath in, looking one last time into his green eyes, before guiding his lips to hers. she kisses him deeply, trying to feel dean amidst the demon.
“not so fast,” dean says. his ultimate speed has their positions flipped within seconds. she sits on his lap, hands still on his cheeks. “if we’re doing this, and trust me, we want this,” he purrs, “you need to understand that you don’t control me.” she nods quickly, frightened to do anything he doesn’t want her to. “but just because i’m some cold-blooded killer that has it out for every mortal around him,” he chuckles, “doesn’t mean i’m gonna hurt you, sweetheart. i don't want no angels or hunters after me. i don’t have a death wish.”
“they couldn’t stop you anyway,” she whispers, feeling herself relax into his hands that are tight on her hips.
he smiles at her. “that’s my girl.” 
his hands find her hair quickly, pulling her down into a deep kiss. her arms wrap around his neck as her body slowly sinks down onto his. she’s still unsure if her heart has stopped beating, but she feels his hand find her lower back and gently press her body down more.
“you’re okay, sweetheart,” dean murmers, and she swears that was really him. her legs finally relax and settle themselves on either side of his thigh, feeling the denim-to-denim contact. her arms tighten around him, and her lips find his neck where she places small kisses up and down it. 
testing the waters, she grabs a fistful of dean’s hair at the back of his neck as she kisses it, and she feels his hips buck up to hers.
“god,” dean whispers. “don’t make me feel like some desperate teenager here, baby girl.”
she smiles as she continues to kiss. she gently grinds her hips down against his thigh, staying very close to his body and keeping her movements slow. “don’t mean to,” she whispers back. “just trying to enjoy all of you.”
"we've got time, baby," he purrs, his hands roaming her thighs. he tilts his head back, savouring the wet, open-mouthed kisses that she continues to leave all over his throat.
the grip his hands have on her thighs leaves a searing pain behind, so she pushes herself away from his delicious skin to peek and see if the denim of her jeans has been burned away. she grabs his shoulders to steady herself, wincing as he squeezes harder.
she stares at her thighs, expecting burning flesh to be escaping the denim, but there's nothing there.
"ow," she whines, eyes meeting the demon's soulless black ones.
he smirks at her, peeling his hands off her thighs. "feel that?"
"yeah, it hurts like hell," she mumbles.
her jaw is grabbed once again by the familiar calloused hand, and her mouth hangs open slightly.
"i didn't ask for the attitude, sweetheart," dean snarls. "all that pain? means your little boyfriend is here, feeling all of this and watching us like a pervert in a movie theatre."
his eyes melt green again, and the combination of a mention of a mortal dean mixed with his luscious green eyes allows her body to fall slack. she drops back down onto dean's thighs and drools, coating his hand in spit. he smiles slyly at her, pulling his hand off her face before leaving a hard, aggressive slap to her cheek. he places his thumb in her still-open mouth and forces her face back to his. her mouth instinctively closes around his thumb.
"my good girl," he says, a hand finding her waist.
she smiles around his thumb, her cheek wet from her own spit being slapped onto it. she very slowly leans forward until her head rests on dean's shoulder and gently grabs hold of dean's wrist. she rests against him for a moment, feeling the pulse of his cock against her core every time she sucks on his thumb (she swears her heartbeat matches the rhythm of his dick.). her body goes slack, recovering from the pain in her thighs and on her face.
if she was in any other state of mind, she would be the utmost apprehensive woman in the world. if dean truly is watching, she has no doubt in her mind that he will condemn her for feeling safe in the arms of a demon. but as she lays here with her head on his shoulder and his protective arm around her, she wonders if there's some form of loneliness that drives a demon's anarchy.
she sits up, tired of thinking. she gently pulls his thumb out of her mouth, then presses a kiss to his lips. her shakey fingers unbutton his red shirt, and she feels a surge of wetness overtake her when she feels how incredibly hot dean's skin is.
dean can't help but admire her. he watches her as she licks her lips, and he feels his shirt coming undone. her eyes are huge and innocent, glistening like she's experiencing this for the first time. he knows she's focusing too much on the heat of his skin, overthinking about how close dean of the subconscious is watching, so he guides her hands to the tent in his jeans.
"we want you, sweetheart," he purrs, his hand looming over hers.
"take me," she whispers, so quiet that even with exaggerated senses, dean can barely hear her.
his inhumane speed brings her up onto the table with her jeans pulled off her legs. he smirks at her soaked thong - once a baby pink turned a deep rose from the amount of wetness her body has made. he pulls her to the edge of the table, kneeling down on the floor to press kisses to her thighs.
her hands try to push his head away. "no, please! he hasn't - it's been too long! i don't want you there, i want him."
dean smiles up at her from in between her thighs. "he's always here, babygirl."
he pulls her underwear to the side, immediately licking up all of the slick that her warm pussy made. she releases a loud, pornstar moan, her hands finding dean's hair quickly. he kisses her pussy, and she swears she can hear him growling from in between her thighs. she moans louder, hoping his dick throbs harder.
it must have, because his mouth finds her clit and sucks hard, eliciting a long, loud whine from her spit-covered lips. her hands are tight in his hair, the tension in her body having nowhere to escape but her hands. dean continues to lick and suck at her clit, making her whine and moan like she's never been touched before.
"need, need you," she groans, feeling dean's fingers dig deep into her thighs.
he comes up for air, pressing kisses anywhere he can. she swears she feels her dean here with her.
"need me?" dean whispers, his eyes staring into hers. she moans at his deep voice, swearing it rumbles through her. her head tilts back, and, within mere seconds, her body bounces off of dean's soft, memory foam mattress. she hears her breath catch in her throat, to which he smirks. "too fast for you, sweetheart?"
she shakes her head quickly as her hands find his belt and button. "like it," she mutters, her thoughts flowing too quickly to focus on anything but touching dean's cock.
when it sits in the palm of her hand, hard and hot, she whines and feels a gush of wetness fall over the tops of her thighs. she immediately tries to position his cock against her entrance, but he grabs her wrist.
"one thing about us, sweetheart," dean says, "is nothing turns us on more than watching those angel eyes suck cock." he smirks at her as she nods feverishly.
he flips their positions, allowing himself to sit against the headboard while she lays in between his thighs. her ass is high in the air as she wraps her hand around his cock again, licking up his long, veiny cock. he grabs her hair immediately, allowing her brain to turn off and her mouth to be used.
"pretty girl," dean mumbles, moaning as he face fucks her. her eyes are glazed over when she looks up at him, and she moans around his cock as those beautiful, green eyes watch her suck his cock. he holds her head down, her nose just an inch away from his pelvis. she gags, and usually dean would let up, but this time, he holds her head still.
she moves her hands up his thighs, digging her nails into them, letting him know it's too much. he doesn't let up until she draws blood just one gag later.
"bitch," he mutters, as he pulls her up by her hair. he watches his doll catch her breath, a long line of spit keeping her mouth connected to his cock. her eyes are watery, and a few tears have slipped down her face. small traces of makeup are smeared over her face.
their eyes meet, and his black, soulless ones switch back to his crystal clear, serpentine green eyes. he immediately pulls her onto him, his large protective hands rubbing her back. "i'm sorry, angel," he mutters.
she pulls herself up, and her legs straddle his hips. she keeps herself close to him as he kisses her head. his kisses lead onto her face, eliciting a small, fucked-out smile from her.
"it's okay, master," she whispers, peeling his hands from her face and pressing kisses onto his wrists, desperate to feel the human in him. as she does, he rubs his cock over her wet pussy, making her whine and hide her face in his hand.
she grabs his hand and tangles their fingers together, pushing herself up onto her knees to sink down onto his cock. she watches her boyfriend's face fall into the expression it always does when she takes it all; his mouth open, eyes closed, and his chest tight with air.
"i'll always let you do whatever you want to me, sir," she says, rocking her hips back and forth on his dick.
he smacks her ass, and a deep burning sensation flows through her veins. she knows her dean is gone again, taken over by the demon yet again.
"good girl," he says, watching her intently. he watches exactly where their bodies connect.
whether it's the demon's energy coursing through her boyfriend's body or the fact that she hasn't been fucked this hard in a few months, she finds it hard to take all of dean's cock. still, she does her best, feeling electricity course through her pussy whenever she sinks down all the way. she knows from the burning that dean is there. trapped in his mind, but he's there.
knowing he's there brings her an odd source of comfort. she wants to put on a show for him, and she wants to stay on this demon's good side. she hopes that he can feel everything the way she is. she rocks her hips again, feeling dean's fat cock hit her g-spot. she lets out a very loud moan, squeezing dean's hand harder as she rides.
dean groans, too. "fuck, babygirl," he mutters. "so fucking wet."
she caresses his face with her free hand, stilling her hips. "sir?" she asks quietly.
he smirks at her shyness, bucking his hips up into her. "yes, sweetheart?"
she squeezes his hand again, and to her surprise, he squeezes back. her hands feel like she's touching a hot stove. she blushes, knowing dean's right there. "make me squirt?"
his eyes roll back as he groans, and his lightning speed flips them into doggy quickly. he places her head into the pillows and grabs her hips, fucking her soaking wet pussy hard and fast.
"sir, sir, fuck!" she screams, feeling her hips burn where his fingertips squeeze. "i need," she moans. "need your cum."
"fuck, sweetheart," dean says, slowing down his speed a bit. he chuckles. "your boyfriend in here does not want me to do that."
her laboured breathing makes her choke out, "since when did you care?"
he laughs again. "you're a dirty whore. i like it."
she smiles into the pillows and wiggles her ass, begging for him to fuck her harder. he finds his rhythm again, and within a moment, she's finding his wrist and squeezing hard as she cums around his cock.
"don't stop, sir, please, don't stop!" she can feel the tension in her tummy build up again, and she's excited to see how worked up her mortal body can make a demon.
he keeps his pace, slapping her ass and fucking her pussy deep.
"fuck, your pussy is so good, doll," he mutters. "you want a demon to cum in you?"
she nods her head yes. "want your babies," she whispers, instantly regretting her dirty words.
dean haults, flipping her onto her back. "gonna watch that pretty face."
she smiles, grabbing his face for a kiss. his hands fist the pillow around her head, and he fucks her wet, warm pussy until his cum spills into her. the feeling of his thick load inside her makes that rope in her tummy snap, and she's begging him to fuck her hard again. he does, and she squirts as he fucks his cum deeper into her.
she cries out loudly as her body winds down from its high. dean switches them so she can lay on his chest. he rubs her body all over, and if her mind wasn't gone, she would easily overthink why he's showing her any sort of care.
her leg loosely wraps around his hips, and her arms wrap around his chest. he presses kisses to her head, petting her hair.
"y'know," he starts. "takes a real strong man to fight off total possession." she nods dumbly against his chest, just happy to feel the vibrations of his voice from his chest in her ear. "your man's got a lot of willpower to get back to you, sweetheart."
she nods again, pulling herself onto him more. "thank you for not hurting me, dean."
he smiles at her, and his hands continue to rub all over her body. "i still don't have a death wish, babygirl."
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Destiel Trope Collection 2024 | Day 5: Touch-Starved
A Gentleman and A Scholar | @Taymarpigeon Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1,963 Main Tags/Warnings: Human Castiel (Supernatural), Human Dean Winchester, Alternate Universe, Soft Castiel/Dean Winchester, Needy Dean Winchester, Dom/sub Undertones, Silver Fox Castiel, References to childhood trauma, References to past abuse, Praise Kink, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Fluff and Smut, Comfort Sex, Comfort No Hurt, Touch-Starved Dean Winchester, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Age Difference, bottom Dean Winchester/top Castiel Summary: As you approach your fifties you expect life to slow down, worries and concerns ebbing as you set out on the next stage of your life. Not for Castiel though. Oh he's settled down for sure, married to a hot twenty-seven-year-old that certainly keeps him young at heart, financially stable and well-respected amongst his peers. However, his husband led a turbulent life before Castiel rescued him, the scars of it showing through in private moments and snowy days. When it comes to Dean Winchester there is nothing Castiel won't do, no thought of flight when it's Dean he's being called to fight for. Not that violence is on the cards today, no. Today Dean doesn't need Castiel to be his knight in shining armour, he needs him to be his lover, his attentive, affectionate, softly dommy husband that enjoys nothing better than having Dean curled up in his lap. Castiel would argue this is how anyone should hope to spend their life, regardless of age.
The Liminal Moment | @blessyourhondahurley Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 2,552 Main Tags/Warnings: alternate universe, massage, meet-cute Summary: After he throws out his back, Dean gets sent to a mysterious location...
An Angel Is Passing By | @melancholictearz Rating: General Word Count: 3,412 Main Tags/Warnings: AU - Castiel Meets Faith!Dean, Selectively Mute Dean, Deaf Castiel, Guardian Angel Castiel, Comfort, No Angst, Sign Language, Holding Hands, Cuddle for Warmth, Fluff Summary: SILENCE WAS HIS WORLD. THEN CASTIEL REVEALED A NEW ONE. In French, "an angel is passing by" is the literal translation of a saying used as silence sets in after a conversation. The kind of awkward seconds hanging in the air whenever someone speaks to Dean and the words won’t come out of his throat despite how much he wants to be heard. Meeting the angel Castiel doesn’t give him much more faith nor resolve the curse of his mutism either. But for an entire night, locked in a church and on the edge of death, Castiel’s tender eyes make Dean feel like he is listened to. Between them, the world goes quiet in a way Dean never experienced.
The First Language We Speak | @blessyourhondahurley Rating: General Word Count: 4,955 Main Tags/Warnings: alternate universe, autistic castiel, massage, touch-starved castiel, fluff, cheeseburgers Summary: A news article about the importance of touch leads Castiel to realize some uncomfortable things about himself and his life. These realizations lead him to Dean, a masseur, who becomes his friend and then more.
One Light In One Room | @notastupidbird Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,926 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Season/Series 05, Post-Episode: s05e22 Swan Song (Supernatural), Fallen Angel Castiel (Supernatural), Touch-Starved Castiel (Supernatural), Touch-Starved Dean Winchester, First Kiss, First Time, Anal Sex, Coming Untouched, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Porn with Feelings, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia, Pining, POV Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: After losing his brother in the showdown at Stull Cemetery, Dean has gone into self-imposed exile. He's plagued by insomnia, and the only way he seems to get any sleep at all is when Castiel puts him out with a single touch. When this still doesn't prove enough to bring Dean any real relief from his grief and sleeplessness, Castiel wonders if what Dean really needs is another type of comfort altogether.
Asterism of an F-Series Ford Pick Up | @disabled-dean Rating: Mature Word Count: 17,408 Main Tags/Warnings: Road trip, case fic, ambiguously set in season 12, ptsd, recovery, hell trauma, unresolved sexual tension, unresolved romantic tension, touch starved Dean Winchester, touch adverse Dean Winchester, Cas drives his truck for a case and Dean is incredibly horny about it, only one truck bed, stargazing, sex dreams, nightmares, mild body horror, implied top!castiel, implied bottom!dean winchester, the truck is a metaphor, Dear God Is The Truck A Metaphor Summary: When you've been to hell, desire is isolating and ugly. Or: Cas drives his truck for a case and Dean is exceptionally horny about it. “Once on a hunt when he was a teenager, Dean had been caught too close to an explosive when it had gone off. There had been the moment when the projectile hit, and the moment when it had detonated. And just before it had, there had also been a moment when he had believed that maybe it wouldn’t. He had thought about that moment for years, over and over again, until something else had taken its place. And the way that that moment was quiet, the way it was still- that is how this feels. To lie beside Cas in the bed of his truck, their shoulders barely touching.”
Profound Kisses | @verobatto Rating: Explicit Word Count: 20,729 Main Tags/Warnings: Pining, slow burn, top!Dean/bottom!Castiel, firsts, Destiel kisses, canonverse Summary: Dean knows he's screwed. He discovers he is in love with Castiel in Purgatory, and now he can't even have the angel in front of him, because he knows it's a one sided love. It’s Valentine's day and Dean tries very hard to hook up as always, but he can't get Cas out of his mind. So he drives back to the motel, drunk, and he finds Castiel trying to help him. Then, when Dean asks Castiel for some experimental kisses and the angel accepts, Dean starts a very dangerous game… finding in Castiel's kisses the most delicious experiences, but also, his own perdition. Will Castiel fall in love with him? Or will he stay emotionless as always?
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welldonebeca · 3 months
The Groupie (2)
Summary: When Team Free Will, your favourite band, stopped by your town, you decide to make the night memorable by visiting their tour bus. And then you are found. (And fucked.) Pairing: TFW (Sam, Dean, Castiel) x F!Reader. WC: 1.3k words Warnings: Smut. Tension. Dirty talking. Fingering. A bit of exhibitionism. Foursome. Degrading kink. Oral sex.
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Your face burned when you flushed in embarrassment, and Castiel looked back at his bandmates, not even caring.
"I have a visitor," he said simply.
The two brothers stood over you, tall and impressive.
"Castiel, is she of age?" Sam asked, and you frowned at him.
With everything happening, that was what he asked?
"Sammy, look at those tits,” Dean pointed at you. “Only girls over 18 have those tits."
The tall bassist moved to your bag, which you'd left on the first seat of the bus, taking your wallet and checking on your ID and your Diver's licence.
"2002," he read, and you could see his shoulders relaxing. "She's 22."
"See?" you panted.
Castiel clicked his tongue, and you wondered if he even cared.
Dean was watching you close, eyeing your tits as he sat down, and your cheeks flushed even more in embarrassment for all the eyes on you.
Still, your pussy fluttered around nothing, and you felt Castiel's fingers tightening on your thigh just as you felt your wetness sliding down, and he inhaled deeply.
"What did she agree to?" Dean asked, ignoring him.
"Me," he hummed, moving a finger to your clit and petting it slowly. "Just me, Dean."
Dean rolled his eyes.
"Oh, come on," he groaned.
You squirmed, whining as Castiel played with you slowly.
"What, you want to fuck her?" he asked.
You moaned under him, breathless and warm under him.
"Castiel," you panted.
"You like being watched, don't you?" he asked. "You're dripping right down to the couch."
Sam clicked his tongue, and you pouted when looking at him, finding his eyes dark and hard.
"You're making such a mess," he shook his head.
Castiel looked back at them at then at you.
"You know... she did say all her holes were available," he noticed. "Didn't you?"
You looked at him, and he waited. There was no pressure in his eyes, just a question.
"Yes," you whimpered.
"Yes!" Dean celebrated. "I call her pussy."
Sam glared at him.
"You can't call dibs right away!" he interrupted him. "And Castiel is literally there!"
"Then I call her mouth," Dean decided.
His little brother didn't look any happy.
"You can't switch it, Dean!" he argued.
"Well, you should have been faster, Sammy," he crossed his arms.
They started bickering, and your eyes crossed when Castiel straight up pinched your clit.
"See how much they want you, drippy whore?" he looked at your face. "And how unfair, to only be given one of your holes."
You whined, needy.
"Please," you arched your hips to him.
"And such a sweet, wet pussy..." he pushed two fingers into you. "How selfish it is to only let one of us have it."
You nodded. It was very selfish, it was.
"Or maybe," he pulled his fingers out, and traced them down your perineum and circled your ass. "We can let Sammy have a special little treat."
You whined.
"Sammy?" you moaned.
Sam looked right back at you.
"Have you ever, leaky whore?" Castiel asked.
You shook your head.
Sam licked his lips.
"I love little virgins," he declared. "Anywhere."
"And Dean can have your pretty lips, of course," Castiel decided. "He has called dibs, after all."
You moaned, and he stopped, holding your hips.
"Bend over the table," he commanded. "Present yourself to him."
You complied quickly, readily bending over their dining table and showing your ass to Sam.
"Fuck, look at that," he grabbed your ass, squeezing it.
Dean whistled as Sam spread your cheeks, taking some of your wetness and using it to coat your asshole.
"No one's fucked this ass, yet?" he hummed, pushing a finger into you.
"I didn't know if it'd feel good," you whined.
He hummed a little.
"Let me show you, then, princess."
He pulled you to his lap and spread your legs, and you could see his cock right against your pussy as he pulled a condom out and placed it over him.
"Pretty, pretty leaky whore," he kissed your cheek, cooing and humming. "Do you want my cock in your ass?"
"Please," you squirmed on top of him.
You were so needy. Castiel had been edging you this whole time!
Before you could beg more, he lifted you up, and Dean moved to your side, pushing his fingers into your hair, and you were surprised to see he already had his cock out.
"Wanna suck my cock, leaky whore?"
He pressed the head against your lips, and you felt cold lube coating your ass before Sam pushed his fingers inside you, and licked the head of Dean's cock, slowly taking him into your mouth.
"There you go," Sam cooed. "Good girl, good baby slut for us."
Dean groaned, pushing in, and you sucked on him dutifully.
"So perfect," he moaned. "Must be a fucking pro on sucking dick, aren't you?"
He moved slowly to your side, holding your head slowly, and you gasped when you felt Sam shifting under you and lips on your pussy.
"We can't forget about Cas," Sam hummed. "He was so nice sharing you with us."
You moaned, not even knowing what you could be focusing on right now. Dean was filling your mouth, Sam was stretching your ass, and Castiel was just devouring your pussy like nothing else was happening or mattered in the world.
Before you could even start working towards your orgasm, he pulled away.
“If you’re gonna fuck her there, you should get your dick nice and wet,” Dean said, pulling out.
You whined, trying to lean closer and take his dick again, but Sam used his free hand to grab your throat and pull you back.
You moaned loudly and almost fucking came right there.
Dean chuckled, stroking his cock with your spit as Castiel pulled his own out, and God, his dick was just as huge as you'd imagined, thick and pink, already leaking precum.
He placed the head of his cock on your lower lip, smearing it over your skin, and pulled back when you tried to wrap your lips around it.
"Careful, little thing," he hummed. "You take what we give you."
Dean chuckled.
"Hungry cockslut," he tilted his head, watching you. "She's got three cocks here for her and already wants more?"
You whined.
"Inside me," you begged, eyeing Castiel's cock hungrily. "Please."
Sam tightened his grip on your neck.
"Which one?" he spread his fingers inside you, already three fingers deep into you.
Castiel pushed the head of his cock into your lips.
"Don't suck," he commanded. "Just let it sit inside you."
You nodded obediently, and opened your jaw more, as his cock filled your mouth completely.
"Gorgeous," Dean hummed. "Fuck, want to take a picture."
"Don't," Sam moved his free hand down, squeezing your tit.
His brother scoffed.
"I'm not stupid, Sammy," he caressed your hair, pushing it back gently. "We need to ask when she's not all horned up. We need her brain to work when we ask hard questions."
Castiel pushed and pushed, and you carefully let yourself swallow him, your gag reflex worked out of you long ago.
"No gag reflex," he grunted.
Dean smiled largely.
"We found the gold at the end of the rainbow!"
"Are you done?" Sam pulled his fingers out. "We got holes to fill."
Sam squirted some more lube onto your ass, and Castiel pulled out of your mouth.
"Let's get to the love room first," he decided.
Love room?
Sam picked you up, and you just resigned to behave as he walked you to the end of the bus where a single giant bed - it had to be a King - waited, made and clean.
It wasn't a big room, it was literally just a bed with red sheets.
"Do you like it," Sam whispered into your ear. "We got it for little groupies like you."
. . .
“The Groupie” was posted on my Patreon in January 2023. To read it and its 5-part sequel now, subscribe to my page! It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega
Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23 @imagefanfictionlover @smalltowndivaj @tayrae515 @afanofmanystuffs @oneshoeshort @andkatiethings @wakanda-sometimes @akshi8278 @xoxabs88xox @izbelross @isabelle-faith @flamencodiva @lyarr24
Supernatural Kinky Fics (+18): @stoneyggirl2 @phoenixblack89 @that-dark-girl
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happilyfeatherafter · 4 months
Happilyfeatherafter’s ficrec Fridays
Happy Friday everyone, sneaking in a little bit late (I've been afk on a fun visit to the UK's biggest LGBTQ+ and Kink archive in London, and it was truly fascinating! Pay it a visit if you're in London.) But now I'm back with more fics that I've read and loved recently.
If you missed last week’s you can find my previous rec lists here for more!
9 February 2024
The Real Prize by @doctorprofessorsong is part two of River's glorious Dean x The Cartwright Twins fics. Dean is reunited with baseball player Joe, now retired, after an eventful case. After introducing his partner Cas, they get to reminiscing, fun, and a boat load of feelings. Only River can make you get this emotional over the aftermath of a gangbang and some voyeuristic partner sharing!
Good Times, Bad Times, Past Times by @lazarus-rose (art by @avalonlights) is another fantastic @deancasbigbang fic that gave me all the time travel feels. Dean doesn't see much of a future for himself with his demon deal looming, but then he meets a future version of himself from 2023. This Dean has his happily ever after with Cas after defeating Chuck and semi-retiring from hunting. But, there's a rogue angel who has gone back in time to kill Dean before he ever went to Hell. Time for tfw to reunite for one last hunt. Brilliantly executed, and masterfully characterised. I just love it when Dean meets Dean!
five minutes to six by saintedcastiel (@aliveboydean) is giving me The Morning Show / Newsroom / Newscaster Castiel! He's been the co-host of Good Morning, Lawrence! for a little over ten years when he stumbles across the story of a lifetime. But after the segment is pulled, he is desperate to unearth the corruption behind the scenes, whilst keeping his co-host, and the man he loves, in the dark. It's got mystery, it's got espionage, it's got heist vibes, it's got intrigue!
becoming of a man by wylf_storm (@denimshortsdean) is another stunning poem, from @winchester-reload's Suptober prompt liminal. Exploring intersecting boundaries, thresholds and transitional stages. Beautifully Dean and Cas, and really layered, every time I read it I find something new.
(we are) two queens by @luckshiptoshore for everyone who's been enjoying Luck's Are You Writing From The Heart? but might have missed this prior gem! Glorious fish out of water meets stubborn self-denial King. And for all your ‘Dean’s inner critic/homosexuality narrator sounds like Crowley’ needs. In which Cas mishears an idiom and chaos (and sexual tension) ensues. The pure joy of there's only one bed fic. Hilarious, sweet, and brimming with frustrated sexual tension as ever!
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gococogo · 9 months
Day 10: Priest/Demon
Kinktober 2023 masterlist will be after October
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「Synopsis 」 : Castiel is a priest that has a bad habit of calling upon a certain incubus. It's becoming a pattern that it has the demon, Dean questioning what Cas does outside of the church. But the priest doesn't like sharing is outside life.
「Word count」 : 4.4K
-> Genre: Supernatural Smut
Paring: Demon!Dean Winchester and Priest!Castiel
[Warnings] :Smut/Degrading/hints of dubcon/Demon!Dean/Priest!Cas/Top!Dean/Bottom!Cas/Anal/Choking/Tongue Fucking/Man Handling/Size Kink/Biting/Sadism/Masochism/Blood/nsfw/READ WITH A HINT OF SALT
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The symbols are a mess and the chalk breaks in half for the third time. Castiel breathes frantically as he draws the insignias in the circle. He needs to make this deal. It’s the only way to help him. He’s the only one in the church but hopefully not for long. Only the candles and lanterns are lit in the church to give light since the waxing moon outside isn’t giving much tonight.
Castiel is just glad this ritual doesn’t need any specific moon phase or a certain hour of the night or a certain person to do it. Because he knows for a sure that a priest like himself wouldn’t be able to make a lot of rituals for where he stands in the church. For this ritual though, anyone can do it because the demon will take any soul. They don’t care, they don’t meet any requirements to give out your wish, just your soul.
Now see, Castiel has worked his way around this. Never in the demon’s word do they say that they need your soul. Castiel still has the entirety of his soul intact and will keep it like this. He would like to go to heaven when he dies and not some demon’s pet. He knows what lies beyond. But would he ascend for the stuff he has done? Or would he be damned where all the demons and the devil lies in wait. They must find this one big joke, a priest dealing with them more than once.
He finally stands up and looks over his work. He walks over to one of the church chairs and picks up the small jar that has a small soul flittering around inside. Somewhat like a firefly. One would think that souls would be bigger and yes, they do pack a large amount of energy. The source itself is quite small. Doesn’t take much for a demon to go feral over.  
Castiel places the jar in the middle of the circle and steps backwards until he’s out of it. He’s careful where he steps, not wanting to smudge the chalk. He begins speaking an old, forgotten language only known to living demons now. The chalk begins to glow a red, crackling and sparking like live wiring. The soul begins to frantically bump around in the jar. It knows what’s going on.  
A hand reaches out from under the jar and grabs it, black fingers wrapping around it and dragging it into the ground. A chuckle comes from the spot in the circle and Castiel doesn’t let it sway him from his words. He keeps speaking, reciting the lines to allow the demon to cross over. The chalk bursts into flames and Castiel has to step back to not get burnt. The flames all lean and flicker towards the centre of the circle and the priest just hopes that no one calls the fire department. He’s had it done to him once before and it was an embarrassing thing that had happened.
Suddenly, in the centre of the flames rises the demon. The fire licks his structured body but it does not burn him. His light brown hair is short to his head and he doesn’t wear much. As the fire slowly dies down. Castiel is able to see the old scars that line the demon’s body. He’s finally able to stop his reciting and let the ritual finish itself. Let it stabilize so the demon can leave the circle without harm.
Pitch black eyes stare at the priest before they flicker over to more human eyes that are always the same sage green. A smirk comes across his face as he sees who has called upon him. He has dealt with this priest multiple times. He stopped asking a while ago where and how he got his souls. The priest said it was a secret, so the demon never pushed.
“Cas!” The demon calls out. “It’s good to see you again.”
“Dean,” the priest keeps it short.
Dean is a demon that makes deal. But he isn’t any type of crossroads or bargaining demon. He’s an incubus. One that makes deals for a soul. The deal made with something more than blood or a signature. And for some reason, Dean always finds himself in front of this particular priest.
“What do you need tonight?” Dean asks as he places his hands on his hips.
“I need you to erase all evidence of me in the police records,” the priest says with a little haste.
Dean raises his eyebrow at that and begins walking closer Cas. His thin tail flicks from behind him. It’s a cliché demon tail with an arrow like tip on the end. It’s a charcoal black, like the line that runs from his neck down the centre of his back to the tail.
“Oh, so someone has been a naughty boy again?” Dean tsks and lightly pinches Castiel’s chin between his thumb and pointer finger. “What do you do outside of being this priest?”
Castiel looks up Dean’s up and meets his eyes. “That’s for me to know,” he says a little too confidently that lean towards cocky.
That leads to the incubus to raise an eyebrow. “The answer is always the same, Cas. When will I get to know you?” He asks.
“Never,” the priest says bluntly. “This is strictly business.”
Dean doesn’t believe that. He looks the priest up and down, waiting for the punch line. There is none. He sighs and turns around, facing his back to Cas and he lets his tail feel up the priest from the crotch to his chin, flicking him on the nose. The priest stiffens up, blushing bright but never taking his eyes off the demon in front of him.
“If this is strictly business, then you could make this deal with any other incubus. But…” Dean says as he turns back around to the priest, “you always ask for me. I think this is a little more than business, Cas. Don’t you think?”
Dean gets real close to the priest now and sees the reddens that flushes his cheeks. It’s cute. Castiel looks away but it’s very hard when he is nose to nose with a demon. But the look is all Dean needs to tell him everything.
“So, you want me to get rid of all evidence of you in any of the laws hands?” Dean asks, his lips inches away from Castiel’s.
The priest looks back to Dean from under hooded eyes. He slowly brings his hands up to grab onto the demon’s arms. He’s warm. Almost burning to the touch.
“Yes,” Castiel breathes.
The demon’s hands come up Cas’s sides, sending a chill down his back. If Cas has to be honest, he would say he isn’t the best priest in town. All because the seal in the deal is something he always looks forward to. Or dealing with a literal demon would make him the worst priest. That would be a starter.
Dean backs Cas up with a hand on his chest until his calves hit the front pew chair. With a shove, Cas is pushed down onto the bench with a grunt. All without taking his eyes off the demon. Dean looks down at the priest with a sly grin, showing his fangs off. 
“Someone has definitely been a bad boy then,” Dean chuckles lightly to himself.
The name goes straight to Cas’s crotch and he can’t help it. Outside of this Castiel wouldn’t let a single soul know what his true desires are. Not even when he has another in bed, he’s the one in charge. He has to be otherwise he won’t enjoy it. But then there’s Dean. A literal demon that has the priest’s knees turn to jelly every time he summons him.
“Come on,” Cas bites back.
Dean tsks at him with his brows furrowed. “No no, tonight isn’t going to go how you like, dearie. Tonight I want some answers from you if you like it or not,” the demon says playfully.
“What?” Is all Castiel is able to get out before Dean grabs him by the front of his shirt and lifts him up. He swings him around and pushes the priest back into the ritual circle. Castiel trips over his own feet and lands heavily on the floor with a grunt. His ass hurts now and he feels like he’s sprained his right wrist.
This is not what Castiel was expecting tonight. He needs his name wiped now otherwise police are going to be here by morning. He goes to stand up but Dean presses a foot to his throat and the back of his head hits the floor. Castiel grabs onto his leg and tries to lift it off of him but the demon doesn’t budge.
“Get off me,” the priest wheezes out through his teeth.
Dean only shakes his head, “I will when you tell me what kind of person you are. Every time I leave when we have one of our one night stands you always leave me with questions. Where you get your souls so you can keep your own and,” he bends down so he’s still pressing on Castiel’s neck but he can get right into his face, “why you seem to be on the run from the police every time we meet.”
Castiel tries to speak but his windpipe is currently being crushed so his words come out as little rasps and grunts. He hits the demon’s leg but yet again, Dean doesn’t budge. He can’t breathe properly and the grip he has on the demon’s leg starts to slip. Black dots start to come to his vision.
Dean all but watches as Castiel’s face becomes red. Before the priest blacks out, he takes the pressure off of his neck. Castiel takes a large inhale in, gripping on his leg tightly. He breathes deeply, getting air back into his lungs. His chest burns and he coughs and splutters.  
“What the fuck!” Castiel snaps, his voice hoarse.
“I’m curious is all,” Dean replies.
The priest sighs a, “Fine.”
Dean doesn’t move from his spot, knowing damn well that this priest is going to do something if he lets up. He can see it in the dark blue eyes of his that he wants to buck and claw. As much as Dean wants to continue this deal his curiosity has gotten the best of him. This priest isn’t the goody two shoe he makes himself out to be.
“I punish the sinners of my church,” Castiel confesses.
It almost feels like he’s one of his victims in his confessing booth. Dean has heard of priests like this. He never thought that Castiel would be one of them. But now thinking about it he should have seen it coming.
“So, they confess to you their bad shit. You see it as a sin that can’t be forgiven and take it into your own hands, hmm?” Dean sums it out. “Am I right?”
Castiel stares up at him. “I’m committing an act of service for my lord.”
Dean rolls his eyes and takes his foot off the priest’s neck only to press it down onto Castiel’s crotch. He doesn’t step down hard but it’s enough for it to sting and Castiel to hiss. His hands come to grab at Dean again but he stops himself, balling his hands into fists and holding himself tense.
“I never took you for one of those priests,” Dean says with a smirk.
Cas looks up at him, trying to hold himself together but he pants lightly and a sheen of sweat is starting to form on his forehead. He’s hard and he knows Dean can feel it. He’s enjoying this rough housing a little too much for his own liking.
“I’m filled with surprises,” Castiel breathes out. “Now are we going to continue this deal?” He asks a little urgently.
Dean purses his lips and thinks for a moment. It would be a waste not to. He takes his foot off of the priest and takes a step back. The priest already looks a mess and he hasn’t even done anything to him yet. His hair a mess and his shirt sticking to him from the sweat.
“Take your clothes off,” Dean orders down to him.
All while looking up at the demon through his lashes, Castiel hooks his finger into his white collar and takes it off without hesitation. Without it, he looks like an average man in all black. He begins unbuttoning his shirt to reveal an average build. He isn’t built or anything but he’s got a v line that accents his hipbones. After chucking the shirt aside, Dean watches with hungry eyes as the priest begins shuffling off his dress pants. He shucks off his shoes and then he’s able to get his pants off properly.
Castiel is hard and his dick sits between his legs with an eagerness. He lays back on his elbows in the centre of the ritual, waiting for the incubus to make a move. Dean soaks up the sight a little longer before sinking down to Castiel on his hands and knees.
“You’re sloppy at your job. That’s why you’re always coming back here to get me to cover your ass,” Dean smirks into his lightly said words.
The priest’s face screws up. “Even though I told you about what I do doesn’t mean you need to bring it up,” he snaps.
Dean chuckles. “Oh, but I’ve learned something new about my favourite customer,” he smiles as he ventures down Castiel’s body, trailing his fingers down his belly. “It makes you all that much interesting.”
Castiel doesn’t comment on that as he’s too concentrated on the incubus hovering over his dick. But that’s all Dean does, he hovers. He doesn’t touch it or spit on it. He instead grabs the back of Castiel’s thighs and lifts his ass up into the air. It takes him by surprise and he has to plant his back fully on the ground so he’s not folded awkwardly in half and it doesn’t hurt his back.
“You know,” Dean says without taking his eyes off Cas’s ass. It makes the priest feel exposed and he knows the demon is going to talk more about this new found information he just found out. “Knowing you’re not this goody two shoes makes me like you more. I love me a bad boy,” he says.
Before Cas can reply he’s stopped by the sight of a long tongue flicking out of Dean’s mouth. Without a warning, he licks a long hot strip along the priest’s ass. He flinches at how hot and wet it is. The second long lick is a little less surprising than the last but it still has Castiel holding his breath the entire way. Then, Dean dives his tongue into his ass. It draws a shuddering breath out of Cas at the foreign feeling.
They’ve never done anything like this. He didn’t even know that Dean’s tongue could get so long. And it feels like it just keeps going and going as it thrusts into his ass. Dean licks and brings his tongue out to only go in a little bit further than before. It’s hot and wet and thick and Cas quickly finds that he really likes this. His dick is hard and twitch at every new sensation the demon is bringing to him. Dean grips onto his thighs tighter as he buries his nose into the priest’s balls to get that little further into him. He draws back, breathing in deeply before going back in.
Cas can’t help the whine the comes back him. He tries to hold onto something but there’s nothing around him but the ground he can claw at. He finds his eyes drifting up to the ceiling and he gets lost in the hot pleasure that Dean is giving him.
Dean pushes Castiel’s thighs more so that his knees are beside his face. The tongue is pulled all the way out and the priest releases a short exhales at the sudden loss of feeling full. Dean licks a long strip from his ass to his balls to his sensitive dick. A shiver runs down Castiel’s spine. The priest locks his hands behind his knees so that he has something to grab onto as Dean runs another hot strip from ass to dick. The tongue is shoved deep into Castiel’s ass once more making him flinch. He tongues his ass for a little longer, making sure the priest is ready and a panting mess. All Castiel can do is watch as the tongue disappears into him, feeling himself become hot from the wet appendage. He feels full now, but he knows how big Dean is. He knows what Dean is doing right now. The demon normally prepares him with just fingers and a little time. But Dean seems desperate to get him ready for his cock.
When the incubus is satisfied, he pulls his tongue out with a saliva string connecting them. Dean lets go of his thighs but Castiel holds onto his own legs. The demon removes his garments, chucking them to the side. He looks back down at the sight in front of him and can’t help but stare. Castiel is all his. He’s beautiful. Ready for him.                                                                                                                                                                                   
Dean lowers himself over the priest and presses his hip against Castiel’s ass. Castiel lets go of his legs and wraps them around the demon’s waist as he comes face to face Dean. Green eyes stare at plush lips. Dean wants to kiss him but he resists for a moment.
“Do you collect these souls to see me?” Dean asks with a smirk.
Castiel can’t help his face become redder than it is and he wants to looks away. Anywhere but the demon but he can’t look away. He can’t bring himself to.
“What if I do?” The priest asks with his own cockiness.
Dean pulls away slightly, his smile growing and fangs showing. “I’d be flattered,” he chuckles deeply. “But like I said, you’ve been a bad priest. You haven’t been following the acts of your lord, dear Cas. Someone has to punish you for the sins you’ve committed.”
The thought of punishment should waver this moment but it only makes the priest curious and interested. His eagerness must be readable because it brings another smirk to Dean’s face. He grabs onto Castiel’s waist and lines himself up. His cock is thicker than his tongue and Castiel knows from experience that it’s longer as well. And it does take a bit getting use to.
Pushing the head to Castiel’s hole, the priest’s breathing quickens. Dean takes notice but he doesn’t care as he pushes in rather quickly. The feeling is very different to the soft wet tongue. The sting doesn’t hurt, he’s felt far worse but it’s uncomfortable. Yet it grounding. He likes the sting. He likes the fullness that comes with every bit of himself that Dean pushes in. He thrusts in a little bit and comes out all the way only to come back down a little bit further.
Castiel finds himself whining with each thrust forward. He can’t help the noises that are forces from his throat. Dean concentrates on getting all of him into the priest, holding Castiel’s hips so tight that there’s going to be bruises there tomorrow. Castiel quickly gets lost in the pain that slowly brews in his gut, holding onto Dean’s shoulders for support.
There’s an inch that Dean can’t fit in and it frustrates him. He changes his angle slightly, moving forward so he can put his hands on the floor near Castiel’s head. With pushing forward he lifts Castiel’s hips into the air again so he can drive straight down into his ass. He pulls out and slams his hips down, pushing his entire length into the priest. Castiel feels like he’s just had the wind knocked out of him. His mouth is wide open and only a silent groan is heard as he exhales. He shakily inhales in, closing his eyes tightly at the painful throb emitting in his gut. Now, it’s getting a little much.  
Dean stays still for a moment. Feeling Castiel clench around him. Feeling his warmth and listening to him squirm brings a sadistic feeling to him. His hands slithers around the priest’s throat and he holds it there, looking at those pretty blues staring back waiting for his next move. Then he starts squeezing.
Castiel grabs on his arms but doesn’t pull him away or tell him to stop. His face turns up into a grimace but that’s the only indication that Dean gets that he’s uncomfortable. Either Castiel trusts Dean not to snap his neck right now or he’s stupid. Either way it’s both. Dean squeezes a little harder as he pulls his dick out halfway. He watches the priest’s pained expression as he slams back in. Castiel breathes out of his mouth raggedly, a moan cut short as he isn’t getting enough air into his lungs.
Dean quickens his pace, slamming his dick down into the priest with determination. Castiel wheezes with each thrust but it’s getting very hard to breath as Dean keeps pushing down a little harder each time. He finally grabs onto the hands that are holding him in place as he feels himself become light headed. His head swirls as there’s so much happening through his body. Dean notices, coming out of his high and but only squeezes a little bit harder.
Castiel chokes, not being able to draw in breath. He begins panicking as his body goes into flight. But Dean takes his hands off his throat completely before the black dots dancing around the room become bigger. The relief that floods through his body at that first inhale is blissful. It’s very hard for the priest to catch his breath though when he has a demon hitting his prostate with every thrust.
“Dean,” Castiel chokes out, his voice boxed abused.
The demon tsks as he grabs the priest’s wrists and brings them above his head. Dean pushes in dick in further and almost folds Castiel in half again. He stays there for a moment, giving the priest the privilege to catch his breath. The mix of pain and pleasure that washes over Castiel creates a fogginess over his mind that is almost intoxicating. He lays there just taking Dean’s abuse, his half hard dick bobbing against his stomach.
He begins to phase out, drowning himself in the buzz that is slowly taking over his body. But it all changes when Dean comes down and bites hard at Castiel’s nape. This, this the priest reacts to badly. He flails and screams silently as he grabs onto the demon, trying to push him off as he can feel his fangs sink into his flesh. But Dean holds on, claws digging into his arms as he holds Castiel in place.
Dean lets go finally and licks at the bite mark. Without having to look, Castiel knows he’s bleeding. The entire time, Dean had not let up his pace on him. The demon chuckles darkly in his ear before pulling away from the panting priest. Castiel looks up to him through hooded eyes, suddenly not having the energy to do anything else. Blood covers the demon’s mouth and chin and all he does is lick it up.
“You taste sickly sweet, Cas,” Dean purrs out.
All the priest can respond with is a grunt and a groan. He can feel himself coming close but he’s right on the edge. He can’t tip over to seal the deal. He needs to finish it. But the fucking demon above him smile wickedly, knowing what Castiel wants, knowing what he won’t give him.
Dean wraps a hand around his cock, but he doesn’t stroke it gently or firmly. He squeezes the base roughly so that if Castiel does want to come, he can’t. This, this has Castiel breathing heavily, his heart beating loudly in his ears. Dean is going to lengthen this out the best he can.
But Castiel doesn’t have all night. He grabs onto Dean’s wrist and tries to pry it off. But the stubborn demon holds tight, snarling down at him.
“Let me finish this, Dean,” Castiel urges firmly.
“Why should I?” The demon hisses as blood drips from his chin.
“I won’t call upon you next time,” the priest bites back.
Dean’s movement faulters and his eyes widen slightly. A flicker of desperation crosses over the demon’s face. Something along the line of uncertainty. It all turns into a toothy scowl as he lowers himself down to Castiel’s face.
“And why shouldn’t I kill you now so there isn’t a next time?” Dean threatens lowly in his face.
“Because if you do, there won’t be a next time.”
Now Castiel’s seem to hit home. It strikes harder than Dean’s hollow threat. The priest knows far too well that this demon likes this way too much. Likes the idea of fucking a priest on holy ground because he can. Because a priest is letting him. A dirty priest let it be known. Dean finds that humorous and he wouldn’t give that up.
Because this is the best fun he’s had in eons.
He snarls and begins harshly stroking the priest’s dick to the timing of his thrusts. Now he’s on a mission. His head becomes bowed, his tail flicking aggressively behind him as he works Castiel.
And this, this has Castiel panting through his nose and biting his tongue to keep the grunts and groans from escaping his mouth. But Dean’s fingers come to his mouth, prying his jaw open so that all the priest can do his moan out loud. He holds onto Dean as he starts to come close again, his noises becoming louder and louder. It’s very hard not to when each and every time the demon pounds into him it’s straight into his prostate. It feels like his entire gut is on fire at this point.
When Castiel comes, it wracks his entire body. His vision goes black and spotty and his nerves feel like they’re fizzing out like a fire sparkler.
He comes back to Dean coming deep in ass with a growl. His claws dig into his thighs, holding him in his place. The sensation of being filled sends a shiver up Castiel’s spine as whatever cum was left in his dick comes out onto his stomach.
He’s a mess. But the deal is done.
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