#Chang Chui
mitokenasia · 6 months
朝の始まりはオトモダチへのご挨拶から。 このランドリーの近くに住んでいるオトモダチはとてもフレンドリー。   朝食のあとはSiam Paragonでお土産ショッピング。 我が家で食べるジョークのほか、Taroなどのバラマキ菓子、紅茶などがっつり買いました。3年ぶりの買い出しです。 ちなみにカンナビス、こんな感じで製品化されているのね。健康に気を使っている人向けビタミンB12入り(笑) 日本に持って帰ったら間違いなく捕まるな。 っちゅーか、こうやってボトルに葉っぱが書かれていれば買わずに済むけど、タイ文字しか書かれてないボトルだったら怖いなー。   遅いお昼はMK そして念願のMKソースをゲット! これで我が家でもMKの味を楽しめます。楽しみだなー。   夕方からチャオプラヤ川沿いのNong taprachanへ。 夜、Chang Chui のNong…
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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Surprise! It's a throuple!!!
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shadow0-1 · 1 year
I mean i looove Valeria, i think she's portrayed nicely as a woman in a world dominated by men BUT what i don't get is how it goes over someone's head to call her a tragic hero instead of villain?? Aus and all that are fine, I'd do that too but she's literally murdering people in las almas to send a "message"??? She's a friggin drug crime lord that has possibly done god knows what to her city and beyond just because she acknowledged to herself her way is better.
And now she's going to fight fire with fire with Alejandro. C'mon like villains can be evil and they can still be great characters, no need to goodify them smh , sorry for a wee rant
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It's true and you should fucking say it
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venomsreviews · 2 years
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Is it just me, or is there a subtle change in emotion from Gao Ji (Sun Chien) in the scene above versus the one below? To me, it feels like he gets more annoyed or irritated when Meng Tianxia (Kuo Chui) grabs him for the second time. It's almost as if he is trying to keep up the demeanor and facade that he’s had for the whole film, even though he is clearly not very happy about being grabbed. It’s just the vibe I get from how Sun Chien laughs and smiles and the way he pulls Kuo Chui’s arm off his shoulder in terms of acting choice. It feels less friendly and understanding, imo.
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jofiel · 17 days
Waiting for the second lead couple in Melody of Golden Age to finally get some real screentime
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captain-mj · 1 year
I’m on my hands and knees BEGGING you for a stripper au 🙇🙇🙇🙇
Of course!! I've been dying to make one of these!!
Soap should not be here. He's a college professor for fuck's sake. He makes decent money but it's the principle of the things. Why would he go to a strip club when he could go to the bar and actually go home with someone?
But it was what his friends had invited him to do and he went along with it.
He tried not to overthink his clothing or the chances of him seeing any of his students there.
Soap ordered a scotch and tried to find somewhere to sit. It was a mixed club with men and women. It seemed... a little seedy despite the more expensive feeling of the place. Something about the entire thing felt off. He brushed off his feelings, blaming Catholic judgement for it.
Chuy had amassed a group of men and women around him to listen to his cryptid facts. He occasionally passed them money so they were making something but they were also choosing to stay next to him.
Gaz was staring at Chuy, trying to understand how he managed to do that.
Alejandro had disappeared... somewhere.
Soap took a sip of his drink, liking it at least. He doubted it was anything too fancy but it did the job just fine.
Pretty people went past him. Some flirted or tried to get him to take a lap dance, but he wasn't interested. They were nice, but not really his type. Nor did he want to blow a bunch of money just for the sake of it.
Soap found a place to sit where he could watch the stage, trying to see where everyone had disappeared to.
There was someone his type. Tall. Dressed in black. Broad shoulders and burly chest. Makeup all around his eyes. Pretty eyeliner.
The man, Ghost if his name tag meant anything, looked more like a bouncer than a stripper. But he was shirtless with just a mask and tight pants and he was eyeing Soap.
Big doe brown eyes staring into him, silently asking if he wanted his attention.
Soap was very happy there was an ATM nearby. With a confidence that was very much faked, he motioned for him to come over.
Ghost walked over. He didn't bat his eyelashes or immediately straddle him. He just stood between Soap's legs and looked down at him, almost like he inconvenienced him.
Soap put a twenty in Ghost's pocket and that look melted away, replaced with something much nicer.
"You look lonely."
Fucking Brits. Of course he was British. That didn't change that Soap's body had a visceral reaction to his voice.
"It's cause I am. Come to give me some company?"
Ghost laughed at him. It made Soap shrink back and his cheeks flushed. If anything though, it made him a little harder in his jeans. "You're cute. Name?"
Soap looked down his body, admiring the hard muscle and the slightly softer stomach. His hands fidgeted. "Soap."
"You can touch. And my name is Ghost."
Soap was immediately all over him. He'd like to use his mouth but that would be a little much in such a public area.
It would occur to him in exactly six hours that one of the biggest rules about strip clubs is you don't touch the dancer. And that Ghost had not let anyone else touch him that night. That would be in six hours though and right now, he was just marveling at the scarring along Ghost's body.
They were impossible to see with the club lighting, but he could feel them under his fingertips. The texture similar to a scar he had on his hand from dropping a knife.
He squeezed his eyes tight and gripped Ghost's sides. Ghost's hand grabbed his chin and made him look up. Dark eyes inches from his face.
"You alright, love?"
Soap shoved more money into Ghost's hands. "How much for a private dance?"
"I don't usually do those."
Soap must've looked distressed because Ghost, the saint, took pity on him. "Fine. How much do you have?"
"Three hundred dollars."
"I'll give you an hour."
Soap nodded and followed him excitedly. He didn't miss Ghost's amused glance.
The man grabbed the pole, slowly spinning around it as he watched Soap sit down. "You're adorable."
Soap blushed more and dropped his money at Ghost's feet. "Going to lose the mask?"
"You don't want me to. Trust me." Ghost jumped up and spun faster, suspending himself and expose his chest more.
"You ugly under there?"
"Quite the opposite."
"Worried I'll fall in love with you?"
"Absolutely." Ghost spun around slowly and arched his back. "Can't have you following me home, vying for me attention."
Soap felt himself getting hard. His body moved with such fluidity and grace that it was hard to not think of how it would feel to be underneath him. To have Ghost grabbing his hips. Would he prefer to be on top or bottom? He was more than happy either way. As long as those fucking abs were pressed against him, he could live with it.
Ghost crossed over to him and straddled him. He was so much bigger. So much fucking bigger. "Your hands go below my belt and I'll get you banned."
"Yes, sir."
"I like sir."
"Anything you want, sir." Soap smiled at him and put his hands on Ghost's waist. He ground down on him, the pressure against his body making him half crazy. His hips jerked up and Ghost paused, glaring.
"Don't move."
Soap took a deep breath and nodded. Ghost started to move again, letting Soap get a good look on him. It was so easy to imagine less clothing. God, he'd bankrupt himself to have Ghost riding him like this. His pants had slid down to see his v-line.
Soap slid his hands further up and touched his throat. Ghost purred and pressed in harder. "You're a pretty guy, you know that?"
Soap blushed more. "Thank you, sir."
Ghost stood up and trailed his hands between Soap's thighs, so tempting. Was he actually going to?? To touch?? him?? He was hoping for a lot here but his hands were getting so close.
Gaz knocked quickly. "Hey, Johnny, we gotta go. Right now. We're getting kicked out. Alejandro flirted a little too much with his favorite stripper."
Soap felt his heart sink. "Wai-"
Ghost stood up and fixed his pants. "Oh. You're Vargas's friend?"
Soap cringed. "Ah. Is that a bad thing?"
"Get out."
Soap moped the entire night, being extra mean to Alejandro for ruining that for him.
"I think I just missed the love of my life."
"He was a stripper. He just wanted your money." Chuy pointed out. He was currently washing the phone numbers off his arm. All of them were glaring at him.
Soap went to bed and maybe cried a little. Just a little. He refused to be that heartbroken over a guy he met for five minutes. His dick was heartbroken though.
Fucking Vargas.
He couldn't blame him too much. It was Rodolfo he had been flirting with. Those two had been chasing each other for ages and now Alejandro just blew as much money on him as he could until he ran out and Rodolfo kicked him out for it.
Soap crawled out of bed that day and went to work. He passed all of his colleagues, still thinking of those dark eyes and gorgeous body.
"Professor MacTavish." One of his colleagues greeted him as he passed.
Soap froze and turned around. Dark eyes. Gorgeous body. Ginger hair.
Professor Riley, someone Soap barely interacted with, stood there. Cardigan wrapped around him. He wore a medical mask thanks to self proclaimed "hideous" scarring.
Ghost looked at him. "Yes, MacTavish?"
Ghost tilted his head, looking confused. "Something wrong?"
Soap shook his head. "No..."
Ghost nodded and turned away to keep making his tea.
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minsarasarahair · 4 months
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I think one of the reason why I'm attached to Tuannba's style is because their work is one of my introduction to try manhua. These are the artists that open the door for me in the world of manhua.
Xia Da (夏达) - She's known for Chang Ge Xing (Song of the Long March) manhua aka the same 1st manhua I became attached with. I fell in love easily with the characters like Sun Ashina, and Li Changge. Its in hiatus because she fought for the rights to continue it. She's currently busy in her new work Bu Tian Ge (Song of the Sky Pacers) but she stated she will continue Chang Ge Xing once she's done with Bu Tian Ge.
Ibuki Satsuki (伊吹五月) - She's Chinese but she has Japanese pen name. Her arts is all over social media like Pininterest, Facebook, Twitter etc. reposted without credits. I like the style so I searched about who made it and I even read her comics Yi Chui Wu Yue Tiao Man Ji or Ibuki Satsuki's Comic Collection. I think it was fancomics for JX3 online game? It has many pairings but my favorite one is the doctor x female general story. They are very cute. I love how the faithful husband wait for his wife's return.
Tuannba (罐一一) - I used to see their works all over the social media as well but idk what its for and who made it. The sleeping Gu Yun art is the first one I saw from this artist and I don't even know its SPL Gu Yun because I'm not into Danmei back then. I just thought that Gu Yun illustration gives me a relaxing feeling. Turns out this artist is one of the strongest Sha Po Lang artist who keep producing official SPL goods not only for CN community but also now 7seas manage to get this artist work for the vol. 2-onwards EN edition of SPL book. So maybe my obsession to SPL is deeply rooted from this artist's work as well?
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Oh No! Here Comes Trouble Character Meta: Guangyan
Your Honor, I have no excuse for any of this. I live by the meta and die by the meta, and the storytelling in this show is so phenomenal…the thing is, there is sooo much to look at in this drama. I’d like to thank @avenuex123 for her video talking about it, because it sold me on trying the show for the first time (she does amazing drama reviews if you haven’t watched her on YouTube yet). I wanted to start out with these characters by exploring Guangyan—to be completely frank, my favorite character—because I think that in a way he experiences the most development in the series; his whole life and worldview change, and he goes from prioritizing his identity as a standoffish and praise-seeking overachiever to being a loyal and empathetic friend to Chuying and soulmate to Yiyong.
(tbh the resemblance between Yiyong and Guangyan and Elphaba and Galinda in Wicked CANNOT be overstated, look at the lyrics from “What is this Feeling?” and “For Good” and tell me that’s not their arc right there)
Let’s explore Guangyan through his various identities in this show.
I want to be clear at the start that although the show is not explicitly written as a BL, I do see queer undertones in his relationship with Yiyong, and that does inform my meta. Regardless of any kinds of undertones, this relationship right here is the best development of the entire series.
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The Medical Student
I start here because this is one of the first things that Guangyan introduced himself with, something that he initially thinks makes him better than Yiyong, and in the last scene where he and Guangyan actually talk, it’s the thing that he wants Yiyong’s advice on pursuing. You know how you consult your calligraphy friends for pre-med advice?
Confession: I get Guangyan’s whole attitude at the start of the show. I hate it but I get it. Because I’ve been that overachiever kid (right down to the clothes, swear to god) and it’s really tempting, especially if you are younger, insecure, and/or starting out somewhere, to define yourself by and remind everyone about your most successful identity, regardless of whether it’s something you care about. Anyone who’s worn a mask of their own accomplishments knows that it’s a double edged sword—it traps you in an image, a state of being, in the minds of others.
And that is why I LOVE Guangyan’s developing interest in Forensic Medicine near the end of the show— because this is something he didn’t just choose to look good or respectable or worthy of praise, this is a really long road (just looking at the years of school required in my country), this is something he’s choosing because it can help make a difference, it can help with investigations Yiyong and Chuying work on.
The Boy Next Door
Yes, this is where my queer meta begins and doesn’t end. Apologies to Chuying, she doesn’t get much mention in this post but she will get her own whole post soon.
Guangyan’s relationship with Yiyong literally changes the course of his life. He is such a different person by the end of the series—granted, he’s still fussy and the pastel tsundere of the pre-meds, but he has actual friends, he is honest about what he’s feeling, he has dreams for the future, and he’s kinder, rather than just nice. I need season 2 for many reasons, one of which is that I need Guangyan trying to become a supernatural CSI.
But this “bully” turned neighbor turned friend had that effect on him. Yiyong never told him to change, but Guangyan changed himself through his interactions with Yiyong. He’s becoming someone who wants to help people in a career that won’t be as automatically praised as a doctor. Find yourself someone who challenges your ideas and makes you reevaluate your ego while still believing you’re smart and good at things.
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Ah yes, the Simping for A Hooligan Smile.
But importantly, this very quick bit right near the end of the show, when Guangyan pays his respects to Yiyong’s father and grandfather and shows them one of Yiyong’s comics he has saved on his phone, which even Yiyong’s mother giggles over as looking stupid…and there’s the drawing he snuck away that Yiyong did earlier in the series, as his phone cover…and with that bit there’s this:
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Give me one heterosexual explanation for that. ONE.
But like I said, in the bigger picture it’s about the growth that is really key to seeing what Yiyong and Guangyan have changed about each other.
The reluctant frenemy ally…
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becomes this:
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I love the idea that Guangyan is around Yiyong’s house so much now that he is this comfortable just chilling, and I love that he’s mirroring Yiyong completely here—he could be in a chair, he could be sitting propped against the wall, but he’s chosen to lie down next to Yiyong like they’re still sharing a bed.
The Denial Expert
The show handles it sooo well—it never outright says, “Guangyan has so bought into this serious student-image that he refuses to let himself have things he really wants,” but we see evidence of it in every single episode. Actions: he won’t get a taxi when he needs one, he won’t admit to Yiyong that he’s a fan, he refuses the big bedroom bc he claims his father needs it for remote work. Possessions: he loves the amusement park toy that Yiyong won for him and attaches it to his bag, he thinks the doll is cute, he even hides his sneakily acquired Yiyong comics. Taste: he is the only one to love the cupcake made by the evil baker, and it’s only when he’s supposedly “following the kidnapping suspect” during the amusement park date with Yiyong that he eagerly order a parfait for himself and debates getting himself ice cream. You know, to blend in.
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Local Housecat Wastes Time and Money in Company of Exasperated Puppy
It’s the little things—getting a bandana hand-made for him, tagging along with Yiyong to the cemetery (he so didn’t need the walking stick, you just know it was for the adventurous aesthetic), even him slowly taking more of the blanket to share as he grows more comfortable with Yiyong sharing his bed—all these things that show his growth in these episodes.
Pu Yiyong’s Comics Fan
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Anyway. It’s just so important that Guangyan is the only person to really see Yiyong as an artist. Like most things Yiyong cares about, he doesn’t talk much about this passion of his; in the scene where they are writing their career plans in school, we see Yiyong is hesitant to write “cartoonist.” But he loves it, it’s something he’s put time and effort into building. And Guangyan is quite literally the only person who likes—loves—his art. Even his friends only support his website to be supportive. Anyway, I’m hoping in season 2 (which has to happen please please please) Yiyong finally finds out about his fan.
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logogreffe · 28 days
Can you make like a list on all the use cases of "même" in French (like sayings and phrases, cause I feel like it changes its meaning in every new sentence I read/hear)
(if you haven't already done that)
Salut ! Je suis dessus ! dessus = above Je suis dessus = I'm on it / I'm working on it ! [Note : Because it can not be this easy, a lot of us will pronounce it : chuis d'su]
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Chuy or Enzo would fuck as the unnamed captain change my mind
I have no desire to change your mind because you’re right. At this point I almost don’t even want you choose one, just let readers decide who their captain is
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callsign-bunnie · 1 year
also to piggyback off my last ask: what is everyone’s job ? like i get that simon alejandro and alex are line cooks nd rudy is a server and valeria is a bartender but idk anyone else’s im sorry if this is annoying i should know everyone’s jobs i binged all of the au the other day lol
also my user used to be sunshiinegaz but changed it back to my original user idk if you even noticed me before lmao but just in case you did
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Uhhhh, I'll be honest, you might have been sunshiinegaz when I was focused on other things so I wasn't really on tumblr! But i do recognize your current user! You're in my notes a lot! Anyway, new character list because I have become incredibly attached to a lot of the operators and are adding them to this AU (more tweets will be coming, I just need to do some shit)
Okay so, you are right, Alejandro, Ghost, and Alex are linecooks. Koenig used to be as well, but O'Conor has opened a restaurant right across the street, so now he's a linecook there. There's essentially three workplaces right now:
Shadow Supply Company Unquatrun Restaurant Kortac Pub
I'll go through each company and list employees
Shadow Supply Company:
Graves obviously is owner. He supplies to both Unquatrun because his husband in Alejandro's nephew and Lucas will tear him a new one if he doesn't, and Kortac Pub.
Velikan and Arthur both drive the supply trucks. Arthur to Unquatrun and Velikan to Kortac Pub. Arthur lets Merlin ride in the truck and the linecooks adore that dog, it's the best part of their week at this rate.
Oz and Mila work in... um... illegal supplies, but they also do quality testing and generally just bug both restaurants when they have nothing to do, which is most of the time.
I would put Velikan and Arthur both younger than expected at 20, Oz and Mila are both 26. Graves is 28, Lucas is 22.
Unquatrun Restaurant:
Alejandro, Alex, and Ghost are back to being the only linecooks. They're all 25. Alejandro and Ghost are actually only a month apart with Alejandro being a month older. Alex is two days older than Ghost, yes they jokingly call him the baby. I'm also introducing Reyes, who is a linecook, and he's also 25, but still older than Ghost, as he's a January baby
Rudy, Gaz, and Farah are full servers and are the main servers, though Laswell occasionally helps out when it's really busy. Rudy and Farah are full time, with full pay as well as tips, and Gaz is full time but relies mostly on tips as he doesn't really need the income and he'd rather that go back into the restaurant, so he takes the minimum they have to pay him. Farah and Rudy are both 24, but Gaz is 23. (I fucked up on the profiles and I'm changing some stuff)
Originally, Valeria and Horangi were bartenders, but both have quit and went to Kortac Pub. However! I have introduced Chuy, who is now a bartender, and he's 24. In fact, he and Rodolfo are almost twins by being one day apart. Laswell also helps out the bar when it gets busy and Rodolfo bartends on bar nights, and after they close the dining room and switch to bar seating only.
Soap and Roach are both hosts, full time. Soap has trouble reading the menus, and the POS is in a dyslexic friendly font. Roach is selectively mute because of autism, so it's just better for them to be hosts. Soap will bartend but only if ABSOLUTELY necessary, because reading tickets is a bitch for him. That receipt font is horrible, by the way, 0/10. Anyway, Soap is 24, and Roach is 22.
Price and Laswell co-own the restaurant and they've basically split duties between them, with Laswell running the entire front and Price handling the back. At first, they thought this might change as Laswell would have more duties, but the linecooks, especially with Reyes added, are a massive handful so... no, it didn't change. Both are 38.
Kortac Pub:
They're a bit smaller of a restaurant since they're a pub, I don't have emotional attachment to many of the Kortac members, but Roze and Koenig are both linecooks. They work semi well together. Roze is 26, Koenig is 25.
Horangi and Valeria still bartend, but Horangi will also be a server if necessary, since they only have Calisto and Stiletto as servers at the moment. Valeria isn't nice enough to the customers to be a server. Horangi is 25, Valeria is 24.
There is no official Host right now, but Nikto and Mace are both bouncers but only on the weekend.
I have put together so many new world details about this damn fucking AU so I am begging you guys to ask me more about it
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xinyuehui · 1 year
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Four Treasures of the Study · 文房四宝
蒲一永 Pu Yi Yong · The Brush
Eight Principles of Yong. Traditionally, it was believed that practicing the eight common strokes in regular script, all of which can be found in the character "Yong," could lead to writing all characters well. According to legend, it was created by Wang Xizhi in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, "Yong" is also the first character in his famous work 蘭亭集序 Lantingji Xu (Preface to the Poems Collected from the Orchid Pavilion). The surname "Pu" could potentially be a homage to the famous Chinese writer Pu Songling in the Qing Dynasty. In his most popular work 聊齋誌異 Liaozhai Zhiyi (Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio), the focus of the tales are on the emotional entanglements between humans and supernatural beings in the world.
陳楮英 Chen Chu Ying · The Paper
Chu, which refers to the paper mulberry plant, was historically used in ancient China as the raw material for making mulberry paper and Xuan paper. Additionally, "Chu" was used as a term synonymous with paper in ancient times. In EP4, Chuying mentioned that the "chu" in her name means paper.
曹光硯 Cao Guang Yan · The Inkstone
Yan, also known as Yantai, is the name of the inkstone used in calligraphy. The inkstone is used to grind the ink stick into powder, which is then mixed with water on the inkstone to create ink suitable for calligraphy.
執念 The Obsessions · The Ink
The obsessions are one of the ever-changing elements in the show, the elegiac couplets are uniquely written with whole heart and mind for the different obsessions.
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protect-namine · 5 months
mitsuki's role in weekend lesson is so interesting, because... there's no challenge for him? why doesn't the mean casting director in neji want to challenge him?
(disclaimer that I'm on suzu's route and have only done kisa's route before this)
like, okay, so neji finds out that amber isn't participating in univeil's summer performance. his strategy would be something like a mix of fall and winter: aim to win, but also use the opportunity to train your new actors. since there isn't a chui to beat in this scenario, he and fumi can relax and risk a bit of the performance to train the new guys. alright, makes sense, cool cool.
so neji writes the characters and assigns the roles, right. the third years have some inner conflicts to overcome, and the first years have some growing to do. we have fumi playing the talented genius who quit competitive dancing, and kai who plays as someone that limits himself or is otherwise unambitious for the sake of supporting others. okay, same conflicts, let's see if the character development transfers from role to actor.
we have suzu playing louis who has pages and pages of monologue specifically, because suzu is bad at memorizing lines unless it's built around a conversation with another person (opposite of sou, who can memorize lines on his own). and also he has to do it while dancing, which he also needs to improve on. sou plays a jeanne who is cheerful, sociable, literally acts as the glue that binds everyone together through instigating the competition -- a departure from sou's own personality (plus sou, at this point I think, still wanted to play jack roles, though idk if neji knew this, or if it mattered to him). kisa plays a jack role for the first time, while also dancing and singing, and had to deal with neji sending her off to spy/steal ideas from other classes for her own improvement (in the guise of letting other classes try to poach her from quartz). neji always pushes a little harder on kisa, because he's always amazed that kisa will just do any of his own unreasonable demands (he says something to this effect if you let kisa choose neji to help her during one of the rehearsals).
so, okay, we've got a training plan down for everyone... except mitsuki. mitsuki doesn't get a challenge. shiroma is a side character, a prize to be won, very flat compared to even mukai (who has more depth to his personality even without the last minute improv). neji even throws in the random jazz lounge singer just so mitsuki can sing, which ends up looking more like a favor to mitsuki (since he only likes singing) and a "might as well use your talents somewhere" scenario.
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(lmao shut up mitsuki, you got an easy role. sou has to dance both the great galleon and the random social dance kanna does in the background in andou's studio, and the dance she does with louis. the only characters who don't dance as much are mukai and employees A and B).
neji seems to place mitsuki in the same category as otori and himself: reliable in the roles they're good at, with no need to push for improvement compared to the others. but that's so interesting to me because like... why wouldn't he push mitsuki more? why wait until late into the year during the winter performance? and even then, initially, he wanted mitsuki as al jeanne more so to train kisa and fumi, rather than mitsuki himself. like, this is the scriptwriter who has no problems using other people's own inner conflicts as inspiration for his writing. neji can be a mean casting director when he wants to be. there's no reason why mitsuki is an exception.
I guess shiroma being a prize to be won and nothing more does mimic how mitsuki is valued for being a tresor and nothing more. but there is no space in the play for shiroma or mitsuki to do anything about that, unlike fumi and kai whose characters (andou and hasekura) both change throughout the play. mitsuki himself realizes very late into rehearsals (like, around a week before the performance) how he can connect with shiroma
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and I mean, sure, that sounds compelling, but I don't think that's what neji intended nor do I think mitsuki is just talking about shiroma at this point, but hey this is the "theater is a metaphor" game sooooooo
anyway. I just think it's so odd that neji doesn't push mitsuki that much... but then I think about otori. I'd bet if otori wasn't so hilariously antagonistic to suzukisasou, he would also get the mean director neji treatment. not because of otori himself but more like. neji writes around actor chemistry and otori's rapport with the other actors is just less inspiring for drama and more inspiring for comedy LMAO (sorry otori). chui himself had a missing takihime bc he didn't really vibe with anyone on the stage.
and maybe that's it? mitsuki is also a person who distances himself from other people, and doesn't really put in the effort until later in the game. and before he even makes the effort for quartz (that neji sees), he really only made an effort for kisa. (I still maintain that mitsuki cares a lot about quartz even from the beginning, but whatever, I guess early game mitsuki that wasn't compelling enough for neji)
and I think it makes more sense why neji couldn't write anything for mitsuki. early game mitsuki doesn't have interesting relationships that neji could see. neji could write fumi and kai together and let their own internal conflicts be reflected in their relationship onstage. hasekura lets andou shine. mary jane wanted an equal (some form of it, a "friend" in the play) and that's why she created jacob. neji sees suzu and sou fighting in the hallway and in the next play writes jire and fugio fighting over chicchi. neji sees otori... being otori, and either writes him as funny side character A or a small-time antagonist to kisa.
which makes it extra hilarious why neji didn't understand oh rama havenna. neji wanted to experiment with fumi as a jack and kisa as a lead role. and mitsuki finally, coincidentally slots in as someone who could fill in the gaps left by fumi not being the al jeanne, and as someone who has a good relationship with kisa. and yet. mitsuki excels above and beyond during oh rama havenna, precisely because he makes rukiora his own character (as opposed to how neji initially wrote rukiora based on a younger version of himself; hence rukiora's relationship with domina) and rukiora's chemistry with chicchi reflects mitsuki's own relationship with kisa.
idk, I think all of this is just neat. kinda wish neji pushed mitsuki a little bit earlier, but also I think it's cute that he kept giving mitsuki easy roles for a while. he can push and prod the other actors, but he's making sure the princess doesn't have too much to complain about.
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whimsicorner · 5 months
Jack Jeanne posting, I am working my way thru routes (finished Suzu and Mitsuki and working on Fumi) and I love the ensemble cast....I really enjoyed the contrast between the second-years in Quartz, Rhodonite, and Onyx vs the situation in Amber where (as noted by Mitsuki) Chui isn't doing a good job of, like, mentoring the freshmen? Mitsuki and Minorikawa helping teach others and Sugachi helping support the lads vs Kamiya in Amber being 5 seconds away from a tantrum or a meltdown at all times and Tanakamigi just kinda not helping him understand what he needs to do to grow in a way he would accept
(Oh, to be a teenage boy put on a pedestal by other teenage boys and even the faculty to the point that the entire class is focusing their talent on supporting one person instead of working as a balanced team and thereby creating what I can only describe as a functional hot mess—everyone goes on about Quartz after Tsuki left but what will become of Amber if they don't change it?)
Fic where Sugachi, Minorikawa, and Mitsuki have a very awkward friending moment with Tanakamigi in their 3rd year....maybe.... (since Chui seems to start understanding the appeal of social links at the end of people's routes so far)
(I also cackle because Mitsuki is like an angry terrier next to a borzoi when they're on screen at the same time)
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blurry-mask · 2 years
《The BOOK OF LIFE》°characters°: {Walking in on you}
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Poor baby so flustered he can't even apologize properly to save his life
Good thing he's in a relationship with you because you're so sweet you're not even bothered by it
Doesn't matter whether you're bothered or not, he's a gentleman, which you appreciate
Joaquin just finished up his training and was dying to get back to you and receive his daily kisses and praise.
Unbeknownst to him you were getting yourself ready for bed. You were in your undergarments and were just about to put on your nightgown on.
When suddenly the door quickly opens, you jolt upright and swiftly turn to the door.
Joaquin's eyes widen as he sees your near completely bare skin and he stumbles on his own words trying to apologize properly.
"Ah!- I- uh I didn't mean to- um HMM!"
Joaquin then covers his face, which was heating up a LOT.
You calmed down immediately when you realized it was your husband and chuckled a little when you witnessed him panicking.
You walk up to him, which,when he noticed this, caused him to get even more flustered and panicked.
You removed his hand from his eyes and say, " Mi amor, you do realize we're married? You don't have to feel embarrassed" you said.
Joaquin looked at you and felt his heart quicken more than it did before. You're hands stroke his to sooth him.
You're night gown was covering you enough, so it wouldn't freak him out.
You bring your hand to his face caressing his cheek.
He leans his face into you're hand and gives it a small kiss.
He is so lucky to have you.
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Maria doesn't get flustered much because she knocks first and she's seen you in that state before many times
So it's unlikely she walks in on you, but she has once or twice cause she doesn't expect you to be there
When she does she complements you and leaves the room for you to change
Maria was walking around the house looking for Chuy, the last place she looks is the room you two share together.
The room you just happened to be changing in.
So when she walks in she sees you removing you're shirt.
The door opening startles you as you quickly pull your shirt down again. Maria was also flinched at your presents for she hadn't known you'd be in there.
You both exhale softly, relieved it was your own lover.
"Cariño, you scared me", Maria claimed, her hand still on her heart.
"I'm sorry but you did scare me too" you admit and continued what you were previously doing.
Maria chuckled at your response and noticed Chuy sleeping on your shared bed.
'Found him', she thought with a smile.
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*sigh* Manolo where do I even begin
Alright so mans has a look when ever he looks at you he just falls in love with you all over again
When he sees you in THIS kind of way he has a freaking Heartattack,, of course he sees you as goregous but he can't help but feel flustered, arguably more than Joaquin
He's the same with Maria, he knocks before entering a room he's aware you're in . . . . . That being said "a room he's aware YOU'RE IN"
If he has no idea you're in a certain room he doesn't feel obligated to knock, so that's basically how this situation started. It was an accident.
But you're not bothered. In fact, you had no clue he was in the room with you. He is quiet as a mouse.
Manolo was feeling pretty sleepy, more than usual, and that's to be expected when having a day out with Joaquin.
You always remind him whenever he's feeling sleepy to take a nap or just to sleep early and he takes this advice because it always helps.
So he starts heading to you're shared bed room.
What he didn't know is that you had gotten home before him and had just finished bathing.
A towel was covering you exposed body, however this will not help.
Manolo has now reached the room, he opens the door quietly and he when he realizes your current state . . . His face burns like fire.
Manolo stands there for a while, then without you noticing him there he swiftly yet quietly closes the door.
After doing so he doesn't really know what to do now. He pretty much just shut down.
The only thing he says is, "Dios mío", while putting both hands over his burning face.
His heart can't take this.
[A/n: I'm baaaack hope you enjoyed this I very much enjoyed this. Take care of yourselves my dears 🌸💗🌸]
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indefenseofkara · 1 year
MWII Operator headcanons: Specgru edition
Hello! I think the multi-player operators deserve more love, so here are some headcanons for the base Spegru team. This doesn’t included people who were in the campaign because there’s plenty of stuff about them already. The pictures are just screenshots of my game, lol.
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Jesus “Chuy” Ordaz
(the COD blog post I’m getting some of these full names from says his first name is Manuel, but his bio says Jesus?)
has terrible handwriting
but as my poetry instructor once said, “the worse the handwriting, the better the work”
and he does write poetry
been through a lot, but still a romantic at heart
really great with kids
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Gustavo “Gus” Rodriguez
you could not pay this man to shave his mustache
once he grew that mustache, he knew he could never go back
looks like a literal baby when shaved clean, like people will start asking "who let that preteen in here?"
really proud of his career and the fact that he gets to work with Special Forces since he’s not military (because technically there was no military for him to join)
will not bring up surfing, but has a bunch of cool surfing videos ready to go at a moment's notice. you know, just in case
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Zhiqiang “Zimo” Wong
precious bean, i love him
cinnamon roll but serious
doesn't mean he can't be brutal, he is a soldier
kind of intense overall, which intimidates some people
really cherishes platonic relationships
movie buff who might smack you if you say you don’t watch foreign films because you don’t like reading subtitles
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Kleópatros “Kleo” Gavras
(fuck, I accidentally deleted my notes on her. :( I’m sorry Kleo, I have to wing it!)
likes to dress up. will put on a whole fit and makeup just to hang around the house every once and a while
it's a nice contrast to her usual military get up
good at every sport
also very good a chess
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Nila “Nova” Brown
really great eyesight
misses flying, tbh. jumps at the chance to do some piloting for a mission
seriously considered becoming an astronaut
worked with Kortac briefly, but changed to Specgru as soon as her initial contract was up
(that one’s a deep dive for anyone who remembers that she was a Kortac operator during the beta)
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Sobiesław “Gromsko” Kościuszko
Polish pride (idk, everyone I know who is Polish or has Polish heritage is very proud of that)
plays some quirky instrument like the accordion or keytar or hurdy-gurdy
uses reading glasses
knits. while wearing the reading glasses. looks like a literal grandmother
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Enzo “Reyes”
will never admit it as a proud Canadian, but he doesn't like hockey
a Swiftie
flirts with everyone
pansexual, so no one is safe
(that's a joke)
(I'm not trying to do the "bi/pan people are sluts" thing)
(I just think this man is attractive and charismatic)
(and wants to share that with the world)
(blame the Valentine's day skin)
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Tse “Luna” Míngzhū
really amicable
will actually hit you up after saying "we should hang out some time!"
loves attending sporting events and cheers very loudly
it's not mentioned in her bio, but she grew up in Virginia, near Washington DC, so 9/11 probably had a big impact on her and her career choice
(pulling on my own experience for that one)
(not job experience, but growing up in DC suburbs when 9/11 happened experience)
lots of frustration with generic military gear because it's all way too big on her
Thanks for reading! My Kortac headcanon post can be found here.
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