#Chicago PD fan Fiction
megamindsecretlair · 2 months
If I Took You Home, Part 2
Pairing: Dom!Kevin Atwater x Sub!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT. Food porn. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female receiving) teasing, masterbation (male), fingering (female receiving), cum play, size kink, dirty talk, praise kink, all consensual. D/s dynamics.
Summary: Your friends were all in relationships so that meant it was time to bug you about your singledom. Your blind date went a little too well. You expected the magic of the night to give away to clarity in the morning. You didn't know if you were breaking some kind of one night stand rules by spending the night. You try to sneak out undetected, but Kevin only proves that he knows how to wear us down.
Word Count: 7,041k
AO3 Link | Part 1
A/N: Hello, my loves. This was long, long, long overdue! I wanted to finish this yesterday. Ah well, what a sweet lullaby muahaha. Toss a coin to your blogger by leaving a comment, reblog, or unhinged ask.
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz @amethyst09 @ciaqui @harmshake @00aijia00 @judymfmoody @notapradagurl7 @miyuhpapayuh @twocentuar @westside-rot @yaachtynoboat711 @abeautifulmindexposed @blowmymbackout @bigsisbria @babybratzmaraj @darqchilddaydreamz @pinkpantheris @blackerthings @awerkofart @longpause-awkwardsmile @palmstreesallday @thadelightfulone @judymfmoody @eggnox @playgurlxoxo @shesstillshyy @multiversefanfics @tvchi
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Some things became clearer in the light of day. As wakefulness encroached upon the sweet lullaby of sleep, you blinked your eyes sleepily at the unfamiliar room. Panic made your heartbeat increase as you tried to remember where the fuck you were.
You shifted on the bed, a particular ache between your legs making you wince. Oh yeah. Memories flooded you of every single nasty thing you did last night and let this virtual stranger do to you. The way he commanded, demanded, and delivered. It brought heat to your cheeks as you tried to think of how you could explain your night without breaking into song and dance.
Sex that good had to warrant a little bit of razzle dazzle right? A little bit of jazz hands. A little bit ohmygodwhencanwedothatagain?!
Kevin snored gently beside you and you half turned in the bed to watch him. He looked damn good up close and in repose. He had long eyelashes that rested against his cheeks. Juicy lips that puckered in his sleep. He slept on his stomach, hugging the pillow to his chest. His massive arms curled adorably beneath him. 
In the light of the morning, or afternoon, whenever it was, your nerves came screaming back. What was the protocol here? You’d never done anything like this and you were completely out of your element. Was it awkward to stay? Was it awkward to leave? 
He asked you to stay, sure, but what if he changed his mind? You needed time and space to think. Preferably away from the sight and smell of him. It only served to confuse you. Get you thinking about forever, when this was only supposed to be something fun. 
You felt like you should leave. Maybe it was you being nervous or those manners your grandmother beat into your head. You didn’t necessarily want to leave Kevin, but you didn’t want to make him go through the whole song and dance of exchanging numbers just because you slept over. Then wait by the phone for a thousand years before you finally catch on that he asked for your number out of a sense of duty rather than any actual interest.
Been there, done that. To hell with your friends. If they felt awkward because they were booed up and you were not, that was strictly a “them” problem. You took slow, measured breaths as you extricated yourself from the tangle of Kevin’s sheets and the warmth of his body. It was like sleeping next to a damn furnace. 
You stuck one leg out of the bed and immediately snatched it back with a tiny yelp. It was freezing in his apartment! You looked back at Kevin to determine if your squeak woke him up. His cute face scrunched up but he returned to snoring. Your heart was hammering out of your chest. You felt like you were sneaking out after putting your hand in the cookie jar. 
You looked towards the ceiling and took a few more breaths to calm yourself down. You stuck your foot back out, freezing cold air raising goosebumps on your leg. 
You slid out of the bed and worried that Kevin would wake up and see your not so flexible acrobatics to get out of his huge bed. You already had to hop a little to climb out. You hopped from foot to foot as your feet touched the freezing ground. 
It was bad enough Chicago was one of the coldest places you’d ever been. The way he kept his apartment, you might as well be standing on the top of Mount Everest. Your hair was probably a mess. Your breath worse. You cupped your hand to your mouth to check. Not terrible but could be better.
You inwardly groaned as you hunted for your clothes. Last night’s game of undressing from room to room lit up in your mind’s eye. Rolling waves of heat rolled down your spine as you remembered the look in his eyes. You smirked as you found your panties finally and then your bra in the bathroom. 
You hunted through the apartment, gathering all of your things and your heels. You placed everything on the back of his couch so that you could get dressed in peace. No sooner had you stuck one leg through your undies, did a deep voice clear itself behind you.
You yelped, spinning around to see Kevin leaning into the doorway. His eyes were half mast, sleepy, and he looked adorable rubbing his eyes. He leaned on one arm, his hip dipped as he leaned against the frame. Naked as sin and twice as fucking hot with his dick soft against his thigh.
“No goodbye kiss?” He asked.
“You fucking scared me!” You screamed. Your heart was already in your damn throat from sneaking about. Getting caught by Kevin somehow felt worse. 
Kevin smirked at you. “Still waiting on that kiss,” he said. 
You bit the inside of your cheek and looked at him. You wanted to be the cool one here. The levelheaded one. No, your world was not rocked last night. No, you weren’t hearing wedding bells in your head already. 
Kevin crooked his finger, beckoning you closer. The deep, subconscious desire to be commanded immediately obeyed, walking closer to him before you knew what the hell you were doing. Kevin watched you walk closer, not moving until you were close in front of him. Naked as the day you were born. 
He used that same finger to lift your chin and look at him in the eyes. He stared for a moment, long enough to make you feel nervous. But all he did was look. “Do you want to go home? Did I scare you last night?” 
“What? N-No!” You stumbled over your words, emphatically shaking your head. Oh god. He couldn’t possibly think you were leaving because of him? You shook your head again. “No, no, I swear.” 
Kevin lifted an eyebrow. “Why are you running then?” He asked.
You scoffed. “I’m not running,” you said and rolled your eyes. You were a grown adult. You didn’t run from anything, least of all the likes of Kevin Atwater. 
Kevin playfully frowned and looked from you to the pile of clothes on his couch. When he looked back at you, you giggled and crossed your arms. “Maybe, I just wanted my dress off the floor.” 
Kevin looked at you. “Maybe I was burning up underneath all your damn body heat.” You laughed but quickly stopped when you noticed that Kevin wasn’t laughing with you. 
“I had a fantastic night last night. Did you?” He asked. 
You nodded. Fantastic wasn’t even the right word. What would be better? Amazing? Mind-blowing? Phenomenal? Hell, the word you needed hadn’t been invented yet. “Incredible,” you finally agreed. 
“So what are you really doing?” He asked. 
Claire didn’t mention that he was a damn mind reader. You looked at him and sighed. “I wanted to give you a smooth out, in case…” you shrugged. Fuck, this was hard. Why was this hard? “In case you changed your mind.” 
Kevin nodded. “I’m pretty sure I promised a few things I still wanted to do with you today. We just met yesterday, but I think we really have something here. If I’m wrong, let me know.” 
“You’re not wrong. I feel comfortable with you,” you said. Mushy ass feelings just wasn’t your jam. But you had to pull on your big girl pants and give it straight. “I get in my head sometimes. I didn’t want you to feel obligated to keep this going if all you wanted was booty last night.” 
“If all I wanted was some ass, I could get that day in and out. I want you. Do you want me?” He asked. 
No hesitation. You nodded. “Very much so.” You smiled and he smiled back. 
“Good. Is there anything you want to talk about last night? Anything you didn’t like?” He asked. He grabbed your hand with his and pulled you closer. You looked down at your entwined hands, loving the absolute pretty picture you two painted. The joining of two brown hands like branches of the same tree. 
Your eyes also clued in to the length of his dick, getting harder by the moment. You’d seen him fully erect, he wasn’t there yet. But it was damn close. “Honestly? No fucking notes at all.” You snickered as you remembered last night. God. It was like he reached into your head and read every single filthy thought that flittered across your mind. 
When was the last time you felt like that with your partner? Probably never. You never felt comfortable handing your pleasure to a man. They never fucking listened. You could be moaning, “don’t stop”, over and over and they took that as a clue to stop what they were doing. Or they began fingering you and got mad when you coached them on what you liked. The bar was truly in hell. 
Kevin smiled. “I always want your honesty. Anything you wish I did different?” He asked. His fingers slowly stroked the back of your hand, playing with your fingers. How could he make something so mundane be the hottest thing ever? 
With each glide of his thumbs on your skin, your legs tingled and your belly flipped. That inner sex demon stretched like a lazy cat inside of you. One touch. One look. You were down bad for Kevin Atwater. If he’d let you, this sexy ass man wouldn’t be able to breathe without you. 
You shook your head. “Remember when I said it was bad out here?” You asked.
Kevin nodded his head. “That was putting it mildly. I have enough horror stories to fill a library with the fucking audacity of men these days. I’m not saying you’re perfect, because I don’t want you to get a big head. But it’s truly, truly mind-boggling how no one has trapped you in a marriage or a baby. ‘Cause?” You fanned yourself for extra dramatics. 
Kevin laughed, a full throaty laugh that came from deep in his soul. You could listen to him laugh for the rest of your life and never get sick. 
“Ain’t nobody trap me ‘cause momma ain’t raise no fool,” he said. “But okay. I want to let you know that you are perfect.”
You pushed at his solid chest, rolling your eyes. “I’m serious. You bring out something in me. Something I’d like to explore more.” He licked his lips and looked at you up and down. 
He had to be doing this on purpose. Turning up his charm to a thousand and ten. You couldn’t take it. He was too fine. Too hot. Quite literally chiseled by the gods. He couldn’t be real and yet he was standing right in front of you, telling you that you were perfect. You pinched yourself to make sure you weren’t dreaming. 
You nodded. “I’d like to explore it too.”
“So no running?” He asked.
You grinned. “I was not running!” Liar, liar. Kevin tilted his head. You rolled your eyes and fought a grin, not successfully. “No running.”
Kevin nodded his head. He seemed to change right before your eyes. Turning from easy, sleepy, and relaxed right back to the man who was in charge last night. He stood up straighter. No longer leaning against the door frame, he reminded you with a simple action that he was tall. And big. A man. 
Your breathing caught in your throat as your heart began beating faster. Your fingers tingled. He inspected you from head to foot, took in your stance, took in your nakedness. You should be nervous about him seeing you, but you were being truthful earlier. You really did feel comfortable with him. Like you’d known him far longer than just one day. 
He clasped his hands behind his back and raised his chin, looking down at you. His eyes looked half closed from this position and you knew to interpret this as a warning. “I’m glad you said that. Because now, we have to talk about how you denied me the pleasure of waking you up with my tongue,” he said. 
You rubbed your thighs together and swallowed painfully. Your mouth dropped open in a surprised smirk, tongue rubbing against one of your teeth. Damn. What the hell did you say to something like that? 
You thought you had been playing in the big leagues with your level of nasty. Kevin showed you in so many subtle ways that you were playing with weak ass men before. Men who thought they owned something if money was involved. Whether it’s gifts, dinner, or quality time. Kevin just naturally oozed a lot of that masculinity that made you so attracted to men in the first place. 
“I went to bed dreaming about what you’d taste like fresh in the morning. Of how you’d look when you woke up to an orgasm. That little bit of surprise,” Kevin said. He closed his eyes briefly and bit his bottom lip as if he were recalling the dream at the moment.
He stalked closer to you. Instinctively, you began to back away. He looked like a man on a mission. A deviousness played in his warm brown eyes as he looked at your body like he wanted to gnaw on you like a dog with a bone. 
He took a deep, deep breath and let it go in one long sigh. “The things I was finna do to you in that bed.” He shook his head like he mourned the lost moment. 
“I’m sorry! We can go lay back down?” You asked. You continued to back away from his advancing form. Both scared and horny, you mentally kicked yourself. If you weren’t careful, you could get sucked into the vortex of Kevin Atwater. You weren’t entirely sure that was a bad thing. 
Kevin shook his head. “Naw, don’t work like that. Bad girls get punished,” he said. A downright wicked gleam entered his eyes with that comment. He reached out and grabbed your wrist, tugging you towards the couch. He sat down with you in front of him, in between his legs. 
Out of the protection of his body, the cold air hit you once more in full force. It battled with the natural heat of your body, leaving you in a push and pull of dueling temperatures. Your nipples beaded from desire and from the cold air, practically poking out in invitation. 
“I wasn’t bad,” you pouted. Sure punishment sounded fun, but you wanted what he promised last night. 
“I was gonna run you a bath, get you all nice and soapy and wet and…” He let the thought drift away as he tugged you to kneel before him. The soft rug by his couch was padded enough that you didn’t think you’d get rug burn, depending on what he had planned. 
“And what?” You asked. Your pussy clenched. Fuck, that sounded amazing. Getting all soaped up with Kevin, washing each other down, playing in the water. You got a full tour of his apartment and knew that his shower was big enough for his ass. It would fit the both of you comfortably. You needed it. 
Kevin smirked and grabbed his dick, stroking himself as he looked at you. You leaned forward, licking your lips. He was fully erect now. Thick and veiny, long. You licked your lips again, wondering what he tasted like.
“Hands behind your back,” he said. His voice grew rougher as he tugged on his meat and adjusting himself on the couch. 
You obeyed, putting your hands behind your back and grabbing your forearms. Your eyes never left his dick. His big hand gripped himself way harder than what you were ever comfortable with. Precum leaked from his tip. He gathered some of it on his thumb and swirled it around his tip. 
You moaned softly, watching him, mesmerized. Your grip on your forearms slackened as you leaned in a little more, scooting in between his legs. 
“Stay right there. I got a feeling that you’d like if I spanked you. And I’m not rewarding your rabbit ass with too many orgasms,” he groaned. He sank into his couch, groaning, as he pleasured himself. 
Your eyes followed the glide of his hand. He still wore the bracelets around his wrist. The strings moved with the force of his hand. It was a hell of a way to hypnotize you. He could ask for the Krabby Patty secret formula and you’d find a way to fess up to it. 
“I’ll be good,” you said, still staring at the way he stroked himself. You’d never been more jealous of a fucking hand. 
Your essence dripped out of you, slow like honey. You were unbearably wet. You moved your hand, more than capable of taking care of yourself. Kevin growled. “Don’t move.” 
You stopped and whined, adjusting your arms back behind you. Kevin groaned and leaned his head back against the couch cushion. After a moment or two, he collected himself and looked back at you. “If you be good and take this punishment, I’ll make it worth it,” he promised.
“I don’t even know what the punishment is,” you whined. Fuck being an adult. You wanted to take a ride on his dick and he was fucking playing games. 
“I’m gonna paint that gorgeous face of yours,” he said. “You don’t behave, you don’t get this dick. Fair?” He asked.
“No,” you pouted, poking your lips out and everything. Maybe if you were cute enough, he’d lose his composure and fuck you silly. 
Kevin only moaned, hand moving a little faster from all the precum leaking out of him. “Keep whining, it turns me on,” he said and winked. 
You fought the smile. This was not amusing. This was torture. This was cruel and unusual punishment. This had to be illegal. 
You were incredibly horny, sitting somewhere between too cold and too warm. Your body was confused. But your mind was far from it. You watched him like he was the single greatest porn scene you’d ever watched. 
Kevin groaned. “I love the way you lookin’ at me,” he said. His voice was rougher, like he’d been running for a long time. He was out of breath, stroking himself nice and smooth. He had a patch of dark hair at the base of his dick. His dick smooth like velvet, hard as a brick. 
“I could do a lot better than just look,” you said. You hadn’t had a chance to show off your own moves. Too busy with getting caught up in the way Kevin took care of business. You leaned up on your knees, getting excited at the prospect of giving him the gawk gawk 3000. That had him rolling his eyes and singing your praises. The kind of slobbering that had you caught up a few times, with men who swore they were in love with you. 
Kevin chuckled. “I bet you could. You look like you wanna eat me,” he said. His hips jerked as he said it, practically fucking his hand at this point. He let out a low string of curses as he closed his eyes briefly. 
“You have no idea how badly I want your dick in my mouth,” you said.
“Yeah? Tell me how badly,” he said. 
“I wanna taste you. I want to see how far back in my throat you can go,” you said, unashamed of your words. You were mad tripping earlier. That same connection you felt last night only seemed to strengthen in this moment. 
Kevin groaned, bucking his hips against his hand like he truly was fucking. You could picture bouncing on his dick in time with his hips moving. Was it possible to cum from no stimulation at all? You felt like you could cum at this very moment. This may be punishment, but fuck if it wasn’t beautiful to watch. 
Kevin’s jaw began to slacken, eyes tightly closed. He was close. He groaned, the sound slithering down your spine. Your pussy throbbed. Clit swollen and weeping, crying out to be played with. To be touched. To relieve this fucking tension in your bones. 
“Can’t wait to feel that mouth on this dick. Wanna see you struggle to take me. Looking up at me with those sexy eyes. Fuck. Would you cry?” He asked. He seemed more like he was talking to himself. He worked himself up with that particular fantasy. He scooted forward on the couch, stroking his dick once and then twice before moaning as he squirted his hot cum all over your face.
It landed more so on your nose and cheek, dribbling onto your lips. “Lick that shit up,” Kevin said, voice deep and raspy. Deep enough to make you whimper. You licked your lips, licking up his cum and swallowing him down.
You moaned, finally getting to taste him. “Oh, my, god,” Kevin said, panting from the force of his climax. He collapsed onto his couch, breathing heavily. A beat passed and then two, before he turned back to you with a wink. 
He leaned forward, tugging you closer so that he could kiss you. You melted against him. He leaned back. “You did so fucking well for me,” he said. 
You whimpered. He helped you rise to your feet. Then brought you to the bathroom, where he rinsed off a washcloth and gently cleaned your face. He was not making it easy on you. In a minute, you were going to drop to your knees and propose to the man. He took such gentle care with you, cleaning your face softly. You watched his face. The absolute concentration. The little bit of tongue poking out between his lips. 
Done, he tugged your arms behind his back and kissed the absolute daylights out of you. Scorching. Hot. Enough to completely daze you as he brought the kiss to an end, lips still pressed together. He slowly withdrew, opening his eyes and looking up at you even though he was taller. 
“How about you run a bath while I get some breakfast going for us? You good with an omelet?” 
You nodded. “That sounds delicious,” you said. Your stomach rumbled, loudly, in the quiet bathroom. It was tastefully decorated in steel blue with complimentary towels. The rug underneath your feet was shaggy and comfortable, toes sinking into the fabric. You swayed a bit, suddenly so damn hungry you couldn’t think straight. 
Kevin kissed your cheek. “Forgive me, I’ve been a bad host,” he said. 
You smiled lazily at him. “You’ve been so amazing, I’m starting to think I’m having a really good dream or I’m in a really bad coma,” you said. 
Kevin chuckled. “Naw, baby. I’m real,” he said. He grabbed your chin and brought you closer for a sweet kiss, a light smacking of your lips on his. “I’ll come get you when the food is ready. There’s no rush.” 
Kevin left you with one final kiss, like he couldn’t help himself. Then, he grabbed a towel, wash cloth, and hand towel from a cabinet in the wall. You asked about grabbing your panties first, but Kevin shook his head.
“No underwear policy in this space,” he said. 
“Now sir,” you said and giggled. 
“You see me wearing one?” He asked. 
You looked down at his dick and licked your lips. Kevin grunted. “Don’t get hurt now.”
You giggled and shook your head. “I can’t walk around the apartment naked as hell. What about your windows?” You asked. 
Kevin made a face but then sighed. “Fine.” He walked out of the room without another word. You watched him cross the hall to his bedroom, opening his drawer, and pulling out a dark gray T-shirt. He returned to the bathroom and handed it to you. “No panties.” 
You accepted the shirt and smiled. “Thank you,” you said. “I’ll behave. That punishment was bullshit,” you said. You turned towards his tub, reaching over to turn on the water and plug it up. Kevin smacked your ass, hard, the slap echoing off of the tile. 
“Worked, didn’t it?” He asked. He waggled his eyebrows and then left you alone in his bathroom. You pinched yourself. You quietly squealed, running in place. You had to get the jitters out of your skin. 
No amount of pinching or screaming would convince you that this was real. That you were in this space, surrounded by this man that was a book boyfriend come to life. He said all the right things and did all the right things. Even when he was mean, he was still sweet and sexy. This connection between you was insane. Indescribable. How the hell would you even begin to try?
His tub was easy enough to work, the warm water filling up quickly. You raided his soap, looking for the one he used most often. He had a teakwood body wash that was almost gone so you helped yourself to it, wanting to smell like him. If this were a dream, then oh thee fuck well. You were never going to wake up from this. Never. 
You washed yourself up, sinking into the warm water and living through flashbacks of last night and a few moments ago. The water felt so good on your skin, easing up any aches and pains accrued over the night and from kneeling for so long. You were good and pruney, practically falling asleep, by the time Kevin knocked on the door.
“Okay to come in?” He asked. 
You sat up in the tub. “Yep!” You called out.
Kevin entered and leaned on the doorknob. He hummed in appreciation. “Giving me all kinds of ideas about that tub,” he said. 
“I aim to please,” you said and giggled. 
“Later, beautiful. Food’s up. If you need help drying off, just let me know,” he said. 
You laughed. “If you help me dry off, that food will get cold,” you said.
Kevin sighed but nodded with a small smile. “You right. Come on, gorgeous,” he said. 
The casual way that he dropped all of these terms of endearment only further solidified that you’d never find someone like Kevin. Out of the billions of people on the planet, you couldn’t find someone like him. Even if you were to clone him, Kevin was unique. Different. The total and complete package.
You’d have to find a way to abscond with Claire and marry her. Give her your first born. Something. How the hell had she been hiding all of this?! 
Kevin knocked on the door and then partially closed it, giving you enough privacy to get out of the tub and drain it. You dried off, smelling his sweet scent all over your skin. You hummed as you pulled on his shirt, amazed that it fit over your curves and rolls. Huh. How about that.
You’d never been able to experience the small pleasure of putting on your boyfriend’s clothes. It was always a smidge too small. And whoever you were with tried to make you feel better. As if it were their fault that their clothes weren’t bigger for you. It didn’t crush you, not really, but secretly you always wanted to. You liked the inherent pleasure in it. Like you were staking your claim with one piece of clothing. 
Kevin was big enough that the arms of his shirt hung loose. The shirt came down to the middle of your thighs, looking like a dress that was almost too short. Too indecent if you were to wear something like this in public with no shorts or leggings underneath. If you bent over, he’d get a good view of your pussy. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, the smirk that never left your lips. Your hair was a little wild, but that was okay. You smoothed it down. You looked like you’d been fucked. And fucked good. You grinned to yourself and finally left the bathroom.
The kitchen smelled amazing. It was still warm from what he cooked. He sat on the couch with a plate in his hand. He had an area to sit in the kitchen, but he patted the couch next to him. Your thighs tingled remembering what he did earlier. 
Your dress was draped across the accompanying recliner, laid out to smooth out the wrinkles that appeared because it had been bunched up all night. Your heels were on the floor and your purse was underneath the dress. 
Strangely, you felt no immediate need to grab your phone. Fuck the world. You were having fun in your little bubble. Kevin handed you a plate as you sat down. It looked good enough to be in a food magazine. Oh and the taste.
You moaned, fork scraping against the plate as you dug for another piece and another one. The egg was fluffy, flavorful, filled with little pieces of ham, cheese, and tomato. You looked at Kevin, licking your fork clean. When you released it, you smacked your lips. 
“Okay, this is really unfair. You look like that and cook like this? Fuck,” you said and shook your head.
Kevin laughed. “Couldn’t let my siblings grow up on mediocre ass food. I can throw down a little,” he said, being modest and ducking his head as he dug into a bigger version of your omelet. 
As you ate, you swapped family horror stories, both cracking up and nearly choking on food. Kevin ended up turning up the heater for your sake. You spent the late afternoon watching movies and pigging out on the couch. You found movies that you’d both seen so it wasn’t a big deal if you missed some of the movie by talking. 
And oh, did you talk about everything under the sun. Conversation flowed freely. The laughs were quick and loud. Sunlight filtered through his blinds, flecks of dust swirling in the beam. Your foot swung back and forth off of the couch before Kevin grabbed your foot and started to massage the heel. 
You moaned, resting your head against the back of the couch. You smiled at him, eyes drifting close as he found a particular ache in the arch. A soft sigh escaped you as you moaned with pleasure. His hands were perfect. Absolutely perfect. Immediately zeroing in on your most sensitive spots.
“Oh, that is so unfair,” you moaned. 
“What is?” Kevin looked from the TV to your face. You studied his half side profile. The line of his jaw. The peek of his lips surrounded by a neat, full beard. The way his hair twisted. The kind glow of his eyes. You were simply obsessed. 
“You’ve been doing nothing but making me feel good for the past day and some change,” you said. 
“I’d like to do it for longer than that,” he said. He gave you a rare, shy smile. “Too soon?” 
You shook your head. You moaned around him digging his thumb in. You brought your arm up to rest against your cheek. “It doesn’t scare me.”
“Good. I don’t ever want to scare you,” he said. 
You spent a few moments staring into each other’s eyes. His eyes reminded you of sitting outside a log cabin, crackling fire in front of you, bundled in sweaters and scarves. He was so warm. From the inside out. It made you feel lucky to be in his orbit. 
“You can’t ever scare me, I think. Is that weird?” You asked. 
“Naw, that’s not weird. But you can always tell me if I do,” he said. 
Kevin moved his hand, rubbing the top of your foot. His fingers brushed your toes and you yanked your foot back with a squeak. You could barely tolerate someone touching your feet. But touching your toes was out of the question.
Kevin gave you a funny look, reaching for your toes intentionally. You yanked your foot back, tucking it underneath you. You fought a laugh, fought the unbearable awkward sensation.
“You ticklish?” He asked. 
“No,” you said and shook your head.
Kevin’s face dropped in realization as he began to find other places you were ticklish. You squealed with laughter. There was something terrible and wonderful about being tickled. Your body didn’t like it but your brain recognized it as pleasurable. It was a weird headspace to be and you fought with all of your might against Kevin. 
He stopped once you were hysterically screaming for him to stop, laughing so hard that you were out of breath. Kevin held up his hands, laughing with you. “My bad, my bad. I ain’t know,” he said, still chuckling at your wheezing.
You eventually calmed down, sobering up while looking at him. “You are amazing,” you said. 
“And you are perfect,” he said. He leaned forward on the couch, covering your body with his. His powerful arms were on either side of you. He did one half push up and began kissing you. His lips smacked over yours, light little hums escaping him as if he were tasting something delicious. 
Your body lit up, warming from the inside out as you felt all of him imposing on top of you. He kept most of his weight off of you, but you wished he’d drop down so you could treat him like your personal weighted blanket. 
You ran your hands over his shoulders, feeling his smooth, wondrous skin beneath your fingers. He smelled heavenly. 
Kevin moaned. “You smell just like me,” he said. He moaned against your lips, kissing down your jaw and across your neck. Liquid heat followed where his tongue licked against your skin. “This was a turn on I didn’t know I had.”
Your giggles ended on a moan as he licked across your rapid thumping vein. The space between your thighs warmed up, turning into an inferno all its own. Kevin slid his knee between your legs, spreading you open for him. He hummed, staring at you all smug and shit. The light hairs on his thighs rubbed in the most delicious way. 
Your eyes fluttered, hands reaching out to push at his chest. Kevin used his imposing frame to lean down, putting pressure against your weak hand. Your hand dropped and Kevin smirked.
He knee was joined with one of his hands, gathering up your slick and juices, coating his fingers. He brought it to his lips, sucking on his fingers while he  stared into your eyes. You stared back, watching him gather up as much as he could. 
He moved down the length of your body, kissing in places and biting in others. Your sighs were choppy and quick, not allowing you to draw in a full breath. Kevin nosed through your wet folds, rubbing his nose in your pussy and humming to himself. His fingers dug into your thick, meaty thighs.
“Gahh damn, beautiful. You fuckin’ soaked,” he moaned. He lifted his head, dragging his tongue along the slit of your pussy. You whimpered, legs dropping open further so that he had enough room. Kevin adjusted himself on the couch and then used his tongue to push between, finding your clit with a precise lick.
“Oh, shit!” You cried out. Your nails raked across his back, digging in for purchase as he licked around your overly sensitive clit. His tongue flicked, dragging back and forth and made you speak in tongues. Your hands flew to his neck, pulling, pushing him down harder against your clit.
You gyrated your hips, fucking into his mouth. He moaned around you gushing around his mouth. The orgasm snuck up on you, too swift like a sniper. You moaned and cried against Kevin’s tongue, unrelenting, sucking harder.
“Oh god, oh god, oh god,” you cried, panicked cries echoing in the room. The TV played in the background, some random ass movie or show. You weren’t sure which. The afternoon light was gone, replaced with the warming embrace of night. 
You felt this orgasm start in the base of your spine, shooting forward, racing towards the forefront as you came undone from Kevin’s tongue. “Oh, shit. Kevin, Kevin, I’m–” Words got caught in your throat as you came and came, a rolling sort of pleasure that was nearing painful. 
You coughed and then gasped, pulling in lungfuls of air. You felt like your heart restarted or you blacked out for a moment. 
Kevin moaned, looking up at you with your essence dripping from his beard. He kissed up your body, leaving sloppy wet kisses on your belly and chest. He moved himself forward, mouth latching onto your nipple. You cried, the nipple sensitive as hell. 
Each pull of his tongue made your pussy clench. You had no moans to give and yet your moans escaped nonetheless. Your hands roamed over Kevin’s body. He grabbed your wrists and pinned it to the bed beside you, fingers squeezing and making you feel bound. 
You moaned as Kevin released your nipple and then moved on to the next. He gave that one the same care and attention, pulling and tugging, and making you move your hips, feeling empty as hell. 
You couldn’t think straight. You were too blissed out on feeling good. All you knew was his hands on your skin, his lips around your nipples, his deep rumbling moans vibrating against you. All you knew was that there was no past, no future, no present that did not include Kevin Atwater. 
Kevin moved up your body again, kissing along your chest until he licked a trail up your neck. He moaned, moving into position between your legs. You grew a little nervous. Even with all this foreplay, you weren’t sure he would fit again. Last night had to be a fluke. 
“Eyes on me,” he commanded. 
You dragged your eyes up to meet his. He smirked, kissing you and driving random thoughts from your mind. He lined himself up, dragging your legs higher on his hips. He leisurely slid inside of you, like he had all the time in the world.
He paused every so often, letting you adjust to his size and length. He sank deeper and deeper, stretching you to your absolute fullest. 
“Oh fuck, Kev, you’re so big,” you groaned. 
“Made for me,” he said. He kissed your cheek as he began to pull out and then pull back in. 
You practically growled in his ear as his tip brushed up against your cervix. He was so deep, filling up an essential part of you. You no longer felt empty. You felt so completely full that tears sprang to your eyes.
Your pussy clenched around his dick. Your loud squelching sounded painful, even to you. He groaned as you squeezed his dick, sliding out so slowly it felt like torture, before pushing back in. 
Your orgasm was vicious, wild, and crazy. Burrowing through your veins and spreading throughout your entire system. Useless drabble fell from your lips. If you were trying to say something, then you had no clue what. You doubted he was any wiser. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. Feel so fuckin’ good. You were made for this dick,” he moaned. 
“Fill me up, Kevin. Please fill me up,” you begged. 
Kevin’s strokes increased, pounding into you, ramming inside of you. Your ass slapped on his thighs. His balls slapped against your ass. Kevin gripped your ankles, pushing your legs against your chest and closer together.
He felt even bigger, sliding against your innermost walls and wrecking your shit. You pushed against his chest, tried to scratch at his hands around your ankles. “Please, baby, please, please,” you moaned. 
“Doing so good for me baby. Go ahead and let that shit go. I got you. I’m right here,” he said. He whispered against your skin, leaning against your legs that were leaning against your chest.
He made it slightly harder to breathe, fighting for every rasp and gasp. God, you were feeling incredible. Out of your skin. Like your consciousness mixed into the universe and poured into a galaxy. “I–” You couldn’t even get the sentence out before you were cumming once more, eyes rolling back into your head.
“There it is,” he moaned. “There it is. Don’t that feel better? Don’t I take care of you?” He asked.
He stroked once more before stilling, moaning, and spurting hot loads of cum inside of you. He bathed your insides, stuffing you completely with his seed. 
“Ohhhh, ohhh shit.
“Ohh shit. 
“Shit,” Kevin groaned, eyes closed, jaw slackened. He pulled out, wet gurgling following behind, before he slammed in. He repeated the action a few times. You groaned.
God, no more. No more. You didn’t have another one in you. You simply didn’t. Kevin collapsed on top of you, taking deep breaths and pressing into your skin. He rolled off of you, sliding out. He looked between your legs, pulling your legs apart to watch himself leak out. He hummed in appreciation and then got to his feet and padded away to the bathroom.
He returned with a warm washcloth and gently wiped up between your legs. He closed the cloth and then used the clean side to clean up lingering sweat. Done, he got rid of the cloth and then helped you to your feet.
You were too weak, too fucked out to hold yourself up. Kevin chuckled and swooped you into his arms without a grunt. He deposited you in the bathroom so that you could clean yourself up further. Then, he picked you up and put you on his bed and tucked you under the covers.  
“Yo ass better be in this bed in the morning,” he said. He kissed you on the lips and then joined you in bed. Even though he turned up the heater, you didn’t know true warmth under his scorching chest met your frozen back. You moaned and snuggled further into his body.
“A nigga like to cuddle in the morning,” he said. He buried his face in your neck and kissed the back of your ear.
“Mhm, yes, sir,” you sleepily mumbled before passing off into dreamland.
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There's more! The Secret Kevin Atwater Files | Part 1
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kiddbegins · 10 months
Sleeping - Kevin Atwater
Requested: yes
word count: 397
warnings: fluff
a/n: sorry this is short, ive never like written kev before so this is me getting a feel
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Morning afters at Kevin’s were probably your favorite thing. Actually, they were. There was genuinely nothing better than waking up next to him with his chest to your back and his arm over your side. 
Truly even sex itself would never come up to par with simply sleeping next to the man you loved. And Kev agreed fully. Half the time he opted for laying together, talking, running his hands through or over your hair.
Talking about anything and everything from work, to the sports game that was gonna be on the next night or that had just ended. Those late night conversations were the culprit of you convincing him to do facemasks and such with you as well.
They were heaven. And it always, always ended in the best night sleep of your entire life. As if each night together one upped the last. Falling asleep to his body heat, the way he softly hummed if he could tell you were still awake.
Everything about sleeping together was just… heavenly. Being with him in general, was straight up heaven. No seriously, you’ve heard his morning voice and truly nothing was sweeter in your ear. “Did you sleep well?” The same question every morning followed by a light kiss to your shoulder.
He did it without fail each time and no matter what it made your heart flutter. As usual you twisted under his hold, looking at him when you were finally eye to eye. “Always do with you,” You slid a hand up his arm, resting on his cheek. “You’re like the god of good sleep or something.” 
The man chuckled, turning his head just slightly to kiss the palm of your hand. “Yeah, you’re pretty comfortable too,” A slight grin cracked onto his mouth. “Helps when you tire me out,” Kevin teased, his hands snaking over you.
“Oh my god.” You muttered, face flushing before you curled into yourself, face against his chest. “Shut up.”
“Am I cliche if I say make me?” He countered, your head lifting to nod, leaning forward to press a firm kiss to his lips regardless. The man would always be a morning flirt and honestly, you’d never change it.
That was just another thing you adored about him. Always had been and always would be.
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tags: @wnbweasley
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teaandfiction-28 · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could Smut Prompt 9! Even though I love all those prompts this is the one that caught my attention! <3
Hi Anon! 🙂 
So, I’ve had this thought of Hank at prenatal classes living rent-free in my head ever since I wrote Perfect Storm so I really, really enjoyed writing this one. 
Hope you enjoy reading! 
Prompt: “Who knew you were this kinky?”
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: Smut, Language, Daddy Kink, Pregnancy Sex [18+ Only]
Timeline: Set just before C39 of Perfect Storm. 
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One word. Two syllables. Five letters.
He’d never really thought about the moniker in a sexual way until it had fallen unbidden from her lips in that sweet, sensual tone and, ever since, he hadn’t been able to think about it without his dick twitching in his pants. 
Not only was it incredibly inconvenient, it was becoming a fairly sizeable problem. 
‘And you must be daddy?’ The spritely, albeit slightly kooky, prenatal instructor had said as she welcomed them to their first class with a warm smile, entirely oblivious to the fact that she had just inadvertently transported him back to a few days prior when Kate had raked her nails down his sweaty chest and breathlessly begged for ‘more, please daddy!’.
He had forced what he’d hoped was a genuine smile onto his face and introduced himself by name but, in his peripheral vision, he could see Kate tugging her lower lip between her teeth in an effort not to laugh at his obvious discomfort. 
There was absolutely no doubt about it; she was going to be the death of him.
Later on as he sat behind her on a garish pink yoga mat kneading the tight muscles of her lower back with strong, nimble fingers, he waited for the instructor to divert her attention to a young couple on the other side of the room before leaning forwards and brushing his lips against the shell of her ear. 
“Is daddy making you feel good, hmm?”
Her response was instantaneous, head falling back to rest on his shoulder with a quiet groan, the familiar warmth of arousal blooming low in her belly as his breath ghosted over the sensitive patch of skin just below her ear. 
By the time they got back to her apartment, he had barely closed the door behind him when she pounced, her fingers gripping the front of his coat so that she could tug him down for a bruising kiss, her tongue immediately demanding entry to the hot cavern of his mouth. Clothes and shoes were strewn carelessly on the hardwood floor as they blindly moved towards the bedroom, hands sliding over warm flesh and urgent lips battling for dominance. 
Within minutes they were completely naked, Hank situated in the middle of the bed with his back against the headboard as Kate settled herself in his lap, knees braced on the soft mattress either side of his lean hips. 
“This how you want me?” He murmured, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the line of her jaw, his lips following the long cord of muscle down her neck towards her collarbones where he sucked a series of deep bruises into the tender flesh, his skin prickling with desire when her appreciative moan echoed around the darkened room. 
“Uh-huh, just like this.” She breathed, sliding a hand between them to align the wide crest of him with her soaking centre, lowering herself down inch by inch until he was buried to the hilt. She paused for a beat, her inner walls pulsing rhythmically around him, their open mouths pressed together sharing short, staccato breaths. After a few moments of stillness, she began to roll her hips in a slow, rocking motion, a tight whine accompanying a zing of lust down her spine every time her swollen bundle of nerves grazed against his pelvis just so.
This late into her pregnancy they were somewhat restricted by her burgeoning bump but, with a bit of patience and creativity, they were having some of the best sex of their lives.
“What do you need sweetheart?” He husked, voice deep and gritty with arousal as he skimmed his hands up and over her ribs to cup her heavy beasts in both palms, the pads of his thumbs repeatedly brushing over her stiff peaks and he couldn’t help but grin at the needy sound that tore from her throat. 
“More what?”
He knew exactly what she needed, he just wanted her to say it. Her eyes were closed, cheeks flushed an adorable shade of pink and her face was beginning to sheen with sweat as she braced her hands on his shoulders, writhing in his arms in a desperate attempt to find that perfect angle. 
Hank had always been naturally dominant in the bedroom but, when it came to Kate, it didn’t matter if he had her pinned to the mattress with his fingers wrapped around her long, beautiful throat, he was under no illusions that she was still very much the one in charge. And, quite frankly, he wouldn’t have it any other way. But hearing her vocalise just how much she needed him was just as much of a turn-on as having her submit to him; perhaps even more so. 
“Jesus Hank...please just touch me.” She whimpered, grasping one of his hands in hers, easing their entwined fingers down over her swollen stomach to where they were joined, guiding his fingertips to brush over her aching nub. 
When she was sure he had understood the assignment, she returned her hand to his shoulder, her nails biting into the rippling muscles as he edged her ever closer to that blissful peak. The pace and the pressure continued to build, Kate’s thighs trembling with exertion as she desperately rocked against him and, sensing she was close, Hank grasped a fistful of wavy locks and tugged her head backwards, forcing a slight change in angle that had bright lights flashing behind her eyelids. 
“You gonna come for daddy?”
His words were like pouring gasoline on an open flame, her entire body going completely rigid as she clamped down on him almost painfully, her hips jerking frantically as the wave of pleasure finally crested, her teeth sinking deep into the flesh of his shoulder. The pinch of pain combined with the impossible tightness pulsing around him was more than enough to tip him over the edge with a muffled grunt, shooting ribbon after ribbon of release inside of her with each upwards thrust until eventually he fell still, sweaty and spent. 
Kate lay completely boneless against his chest, her breath puffing against the damp skin of his throat as she fought to regulate her rapid heart rate. Hank’s fingertips danced soothingly up and down the length of her spine, absentmindedly tracing each vertebrae until eventually she shifted in his lap, a soft mewl escaping as he slipped from her body. 
“So...daddy, huh? Who knew you were this kinky?” He muttered wryly, pressing a soft kiss to her sweaty temple, his chest vibrating beneath her cheek with barely restrained laughter. 
“Let’s not get onto the topic of kinks, shall we?” She eased away from him slightly, lifting a coquettish eyebrow as she cupped his lightly stubbled jaw between her palms. “Not unless you’re ready for another round...Henry.”
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otter-love-asl · 7 months
(Delayed) Evil Author's Day
So I have weird hours at my job, so I lost track of days, but with all the WIPs I have going, this felt up my ally. Here's like 7 snippets from different things I have going. There's more, but I figured this was enough.
Chicago Fire #1
“Javi,” Joe calls to the ten-year old.  When Javi looks up from his bowl of cereal, he continues, “Remember, we have a home visit with Eddie after school today.”
“Okay,” he responds, before hesitantly asking, “Joe?”
“Yeah?”  Joe gives his attention to Javi, after putting his sandwich in his lunchbox.
“I can stay here?”
“We’ll find out more when we talk to Eddie,” Joe tells him, not wanting to lie.
“I know they’re still looking for an aunt… but I like it here with you and Chloe and Otis.”
Joe smiles sadly, “We like having you here too.  Last time we saw Eddie, they hadn’t found an aunt and the chances of finding one wasn’t going to get bigger.”
“But what if they found her?”
“If they found an aunt and you still want to stay with us, then we can figure out what options we have.”
“Okay,” Javi responds quietly into his cereal.
“Hey,” Joe waits until Javi looks at him.  “I want you to have a good day at school.  As long as it’s up to Chloe and me, you're not going anywhere.”
“Yes, really.  Finish your cereal, we need to get moving,” Joe squeezes Javi’s shoulder.
Chicago Fire #2
“With no family able to take them, we have no other choice nut to place the boys into foster care,” Griffin overhears the case worker tell his friend’s mom.
“They can stay wit us until Heather gets out,” she argues.
“I’m sorry,” the case worker apologizes, “but we can’t do that.”
“Are they going to be in the same home?”
“No, at this time we don’t have a foster home who have two open spots, who can take two boys,” he tells her.
“So what is going to happen now?”
“We place them in an emergency placement for now and hopefully we can get them in a more permanent placement by the end of the week.”
“Please these boys have been through a lot in the past year.  Let them stay here until you can get them a more permanent placement.  It would be moving them around less.”
He’s about to answer when his phone goes off, he glances at it before quickly responding, “I need to get going, one of my kids are n crisis.  Since this isn’t urgent either myself or another will be in contact by tomorrow.”
When the case workweek leaves, Griffin walks into the room, “Mrs. Carter, can I use your computer?”
“For what?”
“We have an uncle back in Chicago.  He took us in last time mom went to jail.  Maybe we can stay with him again.  He’s our guardian if anything happens to my parents. My dad is dead and mom’s in jail again.”
Chicago PD #1
“Okay, it’s just us,” Hailey looks to Jay while they cuddle on the couch.  “What’s going on?  You’re still acting off.”  Jay opens his mouth to answer, but is cut off by Hailey, “No lying.”
Jay sighs, “I’m just tired. And I don’t feel that good.”
Hailey’s brow furrows with worry as she reaches a hand to his forehead.  “You don’t feel warm,” she comments.
“Well, I still feel sick,” Jay mumbles annoyed.
“I know.  And I believe you.  Can I do anything to help?”  Hailey asks running her hand through his hair.
“Can we just stay like this?”
“Okay,” Hailey agrees pulling Jay down so he is laying across her lap.  No sooner does she have Jay laying down when Jay moves to get up.  “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.  Bathroom,” Jay answers.
When he is out of her sight, Hailey knows that she has waited long enough and that something is really wrong with Jay.  Hailey grabs her phone and calls Will to see if he can come by to check out his brother.
“Hey Hailey,” a familiar voice picks up.
“Hey, Will,” she greets.  “Listen, Jay’s safe, but I think somethings wrong,” she tells the red-head while looking at the bathroom door.
“What’s going on?”
“Jay was sick earlier this week.  Today was his first day back at work after being out for five days, but he still seems off.”
“Okay, what are his symptoms?”
“He’s been pretty tired and has had no energy-”
“That would be pretty normal if he had the flu.”
“I’ve seen Jay with the flu before.  I couldn’t get him to eat anything.  He’s been eating everything in sight and still seems hungry.  And it looks like he’s still been losing weight.”
“Is he staying hydrated?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure in the last week he’s drank half of Lake Michigan.”
This catches Will’s attention.  “Has he been urinating more than normal?”
“Probably, but with how much he’s been drinking, isn't that normal?”
Will doesn’t answer her, instead telling her, “Listen to me, I want you to bring him to Med right now.  I’ll meet you there, but I’m going to call Maggie and let her know to be expecting you guys.”
“Will, what’s happening?”
“I’ll explain when you get here, just get to Med.  If you’re not here in a half hour,” Will gives her, knowing the amount of time it takes to get from Hailey’s place to Med, “I’m going to send an ambulance to your place.”
Chicago PD #2
The intelligence unit takes a collective breath when they close their latest case.  Everyone’s worse nightmare when dealing with child victims.
“I don’t know about you guys but I could use a drink,” Adam looks to the rest of the team.
“I have to go home to Makayla,” Kim answers.
Vanessa and Kevin look to each other before agreeing to go to Molly’s with Adam.
Jay looks discreetly to Hailey before giving his answer, “Sorry, Adam.  I haven’t had much time with Lucas since we got this case.”
“Rain check,” Jay adds.
“Come on, Jay.  You got a date?”
“No, headache,” he lies.  “Just going to go home and sleep it off.
Hailey looks at him concerned for a second before her attention goes to her phone that just went off, likely a text from Lucas, Jay guesses.  Jay takes her being distracted as an opportunity to get out of the bullpen, normally she’d be the only one to notice his behavior.
Jay takes a deep breath once in the safety of his tuck.  He can feel himself starting to spin out, but knows he can’t bother Hailey.  His second option is his other best friend, Mouse, but he’s in a war zone overseas; so he decides on the only other option he has, his brother.
Jay pulls out his phone to shoot Will a text, but his hands are shaking too much.  Sighing in defeat, Jay decides on calling his brother instead.
“Hello?” Will answers a little distracted.
Chicago. PD #3
Jay takes off his shirt to revel dark bruises on his back, shoulders and torso.  Hailey gasps when she sees the state of her partner.
“Oh, Jay,” Natalie whispers, shocked by all the bruises.  “Put this on,” Natalie orders him handing him the thin hospital gown.  “I'm going to take care of the cut first and then we can figure out what’s going on with the bruises.”
Natalie gets what she needs for the stiches while Hailey pulls Jay’s attention to her.  Jay flinches when the needle with the numbing agent enters his skin.  She waits until his arm is numb before giving the stiches to close the cut.  The whole time, Hailey keeps Jay’s attention away from his injured arm.
“All done,” Natalie announces after seven stiches.  She puts a gauze pad over the injury and reminds him not to get it wet and to keep it clean.  “Hailey switch sides with me,” she asks so she can give the tetanus booster.
“Can I leave now?” Jay asks as soon as the needle is out of his skin.
“Not yet, we need to figure of why you have so many bruises.”
“I told you- I don’t exactly have a desk job.”
“Jay,” Hailey scolds.  Jay gives a mumbled apology.
“It’s alright.  I'm going to see if your blood work came back.  That could give us a starting point,” Natalie tells them before leaving the treatment room.
“Jay, why don’t you lay down?  You look tired and this might take a while,” Hailey asks Jay.  Jay looks at her unsure, “I'm not leaving,” Hailey answers his unanswered question.
Jay lays back on the bed staring up at the celling.  Hailey places her and on his forehead feeling the heat coming off of his skin.  Jay leans into her touch, the same way his mother used to check if he’d had a fever.  “I'm sorry.”
“For what?” Hailey asks confused.
“For being stuck here,” Jay answers guiltily.
“Don’t apologize for that,” Hailey stops him.  “Now, do you want to tell me how you got all these bruises without Natalie here?”
“I don’t know.”
9-1-1: Lone Star #1
Detective Paul Strickland walks into the 21st district, mentally trying to prepare for the day knowing that his sergeant and partner have been going off the rails a bit… again regarding police reform.  He shakes his head, hoping that Halstead is already in so they can work out a plan.
Before he can make it a few steps into the building, Sergeant Trudy Platt calls him over to her desk, “Strickland!”
“Yes, Sarge?”  he greets, used to the nickname.
“You got a visitor,” she jerks her head towards a conference room across from them.
Paul follows her glaze to the conference room across from her desk where a man about Voight’s age is sitting at the table.
“Who is he?”  Paul asks, looking from the white shirt to Trudy.
“Some bigshot from Texas,” she answers.
“Did I stutter?”  Trudy in a way only she can.  “He was pretty adamant that he sees you,” she adds.
“I didn’t ask,” she answers.  When he doesn’t respond she gives him a pointed look, “Go!”
Knowing that Platt is done with him, Paul makes his way into the conference room.  “Sergeant Platt said you wanted to speak with me?  I’m Paul Strickland.”
The man looks up from his files, “Detective Strickland, I’m Deputy Chief Clayton Carter, of Austin PD.”
“Nice to meet you, sir,” Paul shakes his hand.  “If you don’t mind me asking, what brings you to Chicago?”
“I’d like to recruit you,” Carter gets right to the point.
“Recruit me?”  Paul echoes.
“Austin PD is putting together an Intelligence Unit.  You have experience in such an elite unit, your record is impressive, and you have a natural talent as a detective.”
“You want me to leave Chicago PD?”  Paul questions.
“I see your potential and want to pull you in as second in command.”
“Why me?  I’m sure there are plenty of people from Austin, or even other places in the country.”
“You’ve got a stack full of Lifesaving Commendations, which tells me you’ve got a gift for threat assessment,” Carter answers.  “Would you say that has anything to do with being trans?”
“Growing up the way I did, there was a lot of folks who wanted to hurt me, so, I guess I learned to figure out who they were before they figured out who I was.”
“How would you feel about relocation to Austin?  “Austin PD is striving for change from the inside, we believe you can bring something with your style of policing.”
One Chicago #1
Hailey walks down the hallway of the Hogwarts Express, trying to find somewhere to sit for the journey to her new school.  Hailey pokes her head into a compartment where she sees two boys; both with brown hair and a bit on the scrawny side.  One has blue eyes and the other has green eyes and freckles across his face.
“Can I sit here?”  she asks.
The two boys stop their conversation.  “Yeah,” the boy with green eyes answers while the other nods.
“Thanks, everywhere else was either full or the people in there looked,” she hesitates not knowing who to word it.
The boys share a knowing look, before answering.  “Yeah, we know what you mean.  I’m Jay Halstead and this is Mouse,” the green-eyed boy introduced them.
“It’s a nickname.  I’m Greg Gerwitz.”
“Hailey Upton.”
“So, what House do you guys think you’ll be in?” Jay questions.
“I think I’ll be in Ravenclaw, but I wouldn’t mind Gryffindor or Hufflepuff,” Mouse answers.
“House?”  Hailey questions.
“When we get to the school, we get sorted into one of four houses.  Its where we will live for the next seven years.”
“Oh.  How do we get sorted?”
“My brother said we get sorted by a hat,” Jay answers, face skeptical.
“Muggle-born?”  Mouse asks curiously.
“What?”  Hailey asks confused.
“Your parents aren’t magic,” Jay clarifies.
“Yeah, they're not; neither are my brothers.  Is that bad?”
“No.  There are a lot of muggle-borns,” Jay answers
“I wouldn’t say a lot,” Mouse corrects his friend, “but there are defiantly more than you think.”
“So, there’s a word for what we are?”
“Like witch and wizard?”  Jay clarifies.
“No, like muggle-born.”
“Yes,” Jay answers cautiously, “but it doesn’t really matter.  The only people who care are pure-blood supremacists.”
“Are you?”  Hailey looks to Mouse.
“Muggle-born?  No, I’m a pure-blood.  My mom is a witch and my dad is a wizard, but my stepdad and his family are muggles.”
“No, I meant a pure-blood supremacist.  But I guess you're not since your stepdad is a muggle.”
“No, I was just asking since you didn’t know about the Houses.  I figured that you were either muggle-born or muggle-raised.”
“Some are,” Jay adds.  “Some like to disown the muggles in their family and pretend they're a true pure-blood.  But this one isn’t.  He will even watch soccer.”
“Hey, its good.  And my cousins taught me, so there’s always a game going when we go to my grandparents.”
“I guess, but it’s not as good as quidditch.”
“What’s quidditch?”
“The best wizarding sport there is,” Jay answers.
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poisonedjoinery · 9 months
Hello beautiful, just wanted to thank for writing stories and giving us reader some of your time. I don't know if you are open for requests but I give it a try. 🤍🙏 I'm in desperate need of a voightx reader fic, angsty hurt and comfort and fluff. Maybe you like my idea or get some inspiration to write something similar.
The reader is working with intelligence and Voight is instantly taken aback by her appearance. She is also attracted to Hank. But they keep their feelings for each other hidden. One night the goes out for drinks and in their tipsy state the reader and Hank make out.... The next day Voight is giving her the silent treatment and is also cold and unfriendly to her, just ignoring the fact they kissed. His unfair behavior goes on for days until she gets him to talk to her, telling her that is was was mistake and she should move on leaves her feeling more hurt and heartbreak than ever. The situation is also taking a physically toll on her, with no appetite and her deathly sick appearance the team instantly worries.
We all know Voight would think he can't give her what she needs or be good enough fir this kind and beautiful girl.
Later on there's a guy hitting on her and Voight pushes her to date the stranger (secretly dying from jealousy, but believing another man can give her all she needs). The date ends catastrophic when she realizes that the guy drugged her, secretly and in panic she calls voight in her dizzy and weakening state and manages to tell him the bar they're currently. Not able to defend herself in her drugged state the guy is able to drag her to his car in the parking lot. She's struggling and fighting for her life, he gets frustrated and beat her up..... Voight comes just in time and keeps the guy from kidnapping her. Nearly conscious and beaten Hank takes her to his house to attend her injuries and to take care of her. Some fluffy end in which he admits his feelings for her... 🤍🙏
Currently I am sucker for caretaker fics, with sick and hurt reader. The intelligence team would be soo cute taking care and at a Hank Voight who hides his feelings and worries for the girl just get me 😍
I am soooo sorry for this long request, but I have this idea in my head since forever and I just needed it to share, in desperate hope a talented writer might create a good story. Don't hesitate to tell me if this sucks.
Lot's of love 🤍
Eat the World Raw
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Authors Notes: This is an anon request, of super protective yet jealous Voight. I hope I have done your request justice anon, my apologies for the serious delay on this I have a hideously busy job these days and I find it hard to find writing time.
Summary: Reader is a new starter on the Intelligence Unit, and is instantly taken with Voight. After sharing a drunken moment, Voight pushes reader away. But a panicked phone call changes everything.
Warnings: Mentions of drink spiking and assault. Angst and fluff too. If you feel there should be any other warnings, please do let me know.
Gif by: @shelby-love
"Hey Boss, the new recruit is here." Antonio called out to Voight, as he walked you to your new desk. Dropping your bag to the side, you pulled off your coat.
"Thank you Detective, I appreciate your help." Smiling, Antonio nodded his head,
"Call me Tonio, everyone else does. Come on, we can get you some coffee, you're gonna need it." Nodding, you followed him to the break room. Tonio gave you the rundown of the most recent case the team was working on. A gang was currently running drugs through the city, and the intelligence unit was still unsure of how they were managing to go undetected.
"Wow... that sounds like a lot. You know, I worked a case once where a gang was using the postal service to distribute their drugs. The leaders brother used to work for them, and kept a master mailbox key." Antonio looked surprised,
"Huh... that... could actually be plausible."
"'TONIO!" Whipping his head round, he watched as Voight stalked in, a deep frown on his face.
"I thought you said the new starter was... here..." His voice trailed off as his gaze focused on you. You felt your breath leave you, as though you had been gut punched. You'd been told a lot about Voight, had been told what a hardass he was. Never taking no for an answer, scaring off more teammates and pissing off coworkers more than anyone else in the CPD. What you wasn't prepared for, was for how handsome he was. Yes, he was at least twenty years older than you but you couldn't help yourself, you let your eyes roam over him. From his boots, all the way to the black button down shirt with a black leather jacket over the top.
Clearing his throat, Antonio stepped forward.
"Boss this is (Y/N). I've already brought her up to speed with the case, and she's actually given a decent idea of how the drugs could be being moved around the city." Antonio frowned, looking at Voight, and then to you.
"Huh... yeah?" Clearing his throat, Voight gave a tight smile and held out his hand.
"Nice to meet you (Y/N), glad you're all caught up." Averting his gaze, he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Uh... Tonio, I need you to run down a lead. It's the one that Ruzek brought us yesterday, take the newbie." Looking back up at you, he gave a small smile and quickly turned around heading back to his office.
"Um... he seems... intense." Your voice sounded shaky. You quickly took a large gulp of coffee, wincing as it scolded your throat.
"Yeah he um... I think he's a bit stressed right now." Tonio frowned, then quickly smiled.
"Okay, let's go." Striding back out, you grabbed your coat and badge. Risking a quick glance behind you, you saw Voight in his office watching you.
The case took a nasty turn. The gang that was peddling drugs, seemed to have looped kids into their dealings. Picking the weak and neglected kids whose parents wouldn't give a shit as to their whereabouts. You kept your head down, working hard and not getting underfoot. Learning the ways and methods the team worked, but you could start to feel the pressure of this case sinking into your bones. You felt angry that innocent kids were being used, and made to believe that they were cared for. You rubbed your face, the night had settled around you causing the light from your screen to become harsh to your eyes.
"Hey (Y/N), it's late. Come on, we're all going for a drink." Glancing up, Halstead smiled from his desk as everyone else pulled on their coats, shutting down their computers. huffing out a sigh your stretched.
"Yeah sure... okay sounds good."
You all headed to Molly's, grabbing a booth in the back you sat and powered through a few beers. As the mood lightened, jokes started to fly around along with casual conversation. Soon you found yourself laughing at Ruzek and his ridiculous stories.
"There room for one more?" Glancing behind you, you found Voight staring down at you intently. Swallowing hard, you nodded and shifted your chair over.
"Sure thing Boss." Voight grabbed a chair and sat next to you.
"Thanks, and when we're not on shift, you can call me Hank." Smiling, you took a sip of your drink. Feeling more confident, mainly because of the ten or so beers flowing through you, you leant in closer to Voight.
"Thanks. So... Hank... how has your day been?" Smiling, Hank watched you for a moment, then lent in further.
"Well it has been busy... but I think we are making good progress, and the drinks are certainly helping right now." With that he took a large gulp of bourbon, causing a colour to rise in his cheeks.
The night continued, with the team drinking and laughing. The more you drank, you found yourself relaxing into your seat which incidentally lead to you leaning further into Hank. You enjoyed the warmth that came from him, the smell of his cologne, the deep laugh that vibrated out of his chest. You tried not to squirm as you felt yourself becoming flushed with excitement.
"Okay guys... I need to get to bed. I'd like it to be at least a month before I drunkenly embarrass myself. " The others laughed and jeered, trying to persuade you to stay as you pulled on your coat.
"I'm gonna head off too, (Y/N) I'll walk you out." Waving bye to everyone, you headed to the door, your mind racing at the thought of Hank being so close behind you. Rummaging in your bag you found your phone, pulling up a taxi app.
"How you getting home?" Looking up, you smiled and showed him your phone.
"I was going to get a cab."
"Ah, don't worry about that I'll give you a ride. Come on."
"Oh you don't have to..."
"I know I don't have to, but I want to. It's late and I can at least know you're safe." Dropping your phone back into your bag, you pulled your jacket closer around you.
"Then lead the way Boss." Smirking at him, as he raised an eyebrow, he lead you across the street to his truck. Climbing in, you sank into a soft leather chair. The air was heavy with Hanks smell, and coffee.
"So... where do you live?" Shutting the door behind him, Hank started the truck and turned on the heater. Giving him your address, you pulled your seatbelt on. The drive was quiet, but not uncomfortable. Hank maneuvered the truck smoothly through the light city traffic, occasionally asking you questions about your previous jobs. Before you knew it, you were outside your house. Stopping the truck, he placed his arm behind your chair, quietly watching you.
"Thank you, Voight. I appreciate the lift."
"You're welcome sweethear'." You felt a heat creep over your face at the endearment. You dropped your gaze not wanting him to see.
"Well um... goodnight. I..." Before you could finish your sentence, Hank had tilted your face up, his hand remaining under your jaw.
"Just... a taste." You blinked and felt as his lips pressed against yours. Moaning quietly, you reached your hand up grazing the back of his neck. Pulling him in closer to you. You're not sure at what point it happened, but you ended up pulled into Hanks lap, slowly kissing him for what felt like hours. Humming quietly, he pressed his head against yours.
"I um... I should probably go. I need to be fresh for tomorrow... I don't want my boss to get pissed at me." Smiling, Hank let you shift out of his lap and into the passenger seat again.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bright and early boss." Climbing out you headed into your house, Hank remaining outside until you had locked your front door. Hank rubbed his face and pulled his truck out onto the main road. What the fuck had he done.
The next morning Hank got to the office bright and early. He didn't want to be disturbed by anyone. This case was starting to piss him off, and he didn't want to fuck around chasing any more dead beat leads. He noticed as the rest of the team trickled in, all of them having a haggard look that suggested they'd all drunk a bit too much last night. He noticed how you watched him through the blinds of his office, like you was waiting for him to call you in for a chat. He probably should talk to you, but he just couldn't do it right now. He was too pissed at himself to even consider having a civilised conversation.
He made sure he kept busy for the rest of the day, he didn't want to speak to anyone unless needed. He chased down lead after lead until he managed to find one that was promising. After ten hours, and a painful conversation with a local informant, Voight managed to track the ring leader down and haul him and his gang into lockup. He left Antonio and Burgess shutting down the lab, and bagging up evidence.
"(Y/N), with me." nodding quickly, you followed Voight out into the stations car park.
"I'm sorry about last night, I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have kissed you."
"I didn't mind Hank, I actually enjoyed..."
"No... it won't be happening again. I am too old for you, and I won't be able to give you anything that you want. So it's best to just... forget about it okay." It killed him to see the pain and hurt in your eyes.
"Hank I..."
"It was a mistake (Y/N), okay?" He didn't meant to raise his voice, but he saw the anger building in you.
"Not a problem Boss, I've already forgotten." Watching you march back into the building, he groaned inwardly, kicking himself for his tactless approach.
For the next few weeks, Voight watched as you worked alongside the team, effortlessly working leads and solving case after case. He couldn't stand how pale you had become, how when everyone else had lunch you seemed to find a reason not to eat with them.
"(Y/N), eat something will you. I don't want you passing out on shift." Whipping your head round, you glared at Voight as he stalked past you. Grinding your teeth, you forced yourself to answer.
"Sir." Grabbing your coat, you nodded to 'Tonio.
"I'm heading out for some food, want anything?" 'Tonio shook his head,
"Na I'm good, thanks (Y/N)." Nodding, you headed out.
You didn't realise how hungry you were until you were half way through a footlong sub from the local deli. Your stomach ached in protest and delight at the amount of food you were consuming. You couldn't help but think about how Voight had kissed you that night, it had felt glorious. You hadn't dated anyone for a few years, hadn't really had the time. You'd enjoyed your job too much. But when Voight had kissed you, you felt a new rush, a new thrill. Then the fucker had ditched you.
"Asshole." Throwing your rubbish in the bin, you headed back into the office. Taking the stairs two at a time, you wasn't focused on the people around you and you slammed into someone.
"Shit... I'm sorry I wasn't watching." Glancing up you found a guy in front of you smiling.
"(Y/N)! Christ I haven't seen you in years." Focusing on the face attached to the voice, you saw it was Jacob. A guy you had gone through the academy with. Huffing out a breath, you gave a wane smile.
"Hey, Jacob. How you doing?" Nodding, he grinned, stepping closer to you.
"Yeah I'm good thanks, I'm working over with homicide now."
"Sweet." You shifted your gaze, looking up to where you wanted to go. He glanced behind you, eyes going wide.
"Are you... you up in Intelligence?"
"Holy shit that is amazing, I've heard Voight is a right hardass... is that true?"
"I can be when pushed." Jacobs eyes widened as he spun round.
"Um... sorry Sir, I didn't mean anything by it." Smirking Voight clapped him on the shoulder,
"Don't sweat it. (Y/N), when you're ready we've got a lead to run down." Turning, Voight headed up the stairs to the rest of the team.
"I should head up." Moving to follow Voight, Jacob caught your arm.
"Hey do you fancy grabbing a drink tonight, after work?" Glancing up the stairs you saw Voight had slowed down, probably trying to over hear your conversation.
"Um... yeah I'll uh... I'll let you know. Big case, not sure what time I'll be finished."
"Yeah... yeah okay sounds good." Heading up the stairs, you caught Voights eye.
"Hey... you dating that guy?" Frowning, you glanced up at him.
"I... no I went through the academy with him. He just asked if I wanted to meet for a drink."
"Hmm... you should go. You're a young woman, you should get out from behind the desk." Watching him closely, you leaned in looking for any hint of a joke.
"You... okay sure, why not." Turning on your heel you marched into the office heading straight to your desk to phone Jacob. If Voight insisted you go, then you'll go. If only you'd turned round, you'd have seen the fury burning in his eyes.
Checking your reflection, you smiled. You'd picked your best emerald green dress, it dipped low at the front and hugged at your hips just right. You felt good for the first time in a while.
"Forget Voight." Grabbing your coat and bag, you headed out the door.
You found Jacob at the bar sipping on a beer, spotting you he grinned.
"Wow... you look amazing!" Grinning, you pulled your coat off and placed it over the bar stool.
"Thank you, you scrub up well yourself." Gesturing to the bartender, you ordered a red wine.
"Cheers." Taking a big sip you smiled. You looked around the bar, seeing all the different people chatting and drinking. You felt yourself relax a bit into your seat.
"So... how's your case going?" Looking up, you were stalled for moment.
"Uh... yeah it's going okay. It's a tough case but we're getting there." You didn't overly want to chat about work, as it reminded you of Voight. Jacob seemed to get the hint as you didn't expand any further on the subject. You sat quietly for a moment, just sipping on your drink. After a while, you both seemed to just relax into a conversation, reliving the academy days minutes passing into hours.
"You feeling okay?" Jacobs voice seemed to pull you out of a blurred moment that you didn't remember going into.
"Hmm? oh... yeah I'm fine, I'm just... gonna head to the bathroom okay?" Smiling, he nodded.
"Okay, well uh... shall we head out after this? Maybe find somewhere to get food?" Standing up, you nodded holding onto your chair for dear life.
"Yeah that's fine." Grabbing your bag, you headed to the bathroom, feeling your legs wobble and your head start to swirl. Pulling in a deep breath, you focused on the toilet door, not wanting to look more drunk than you were.
Pushing open the door, you leant on the sink and stared at your reflection. Your pupils looked blown, but you couldn't tell. You couldn't focus. You tried to remember how many drinks you'd had, tried to remember anything but it was all becoming a hazy dream.
"Shit.." Stumbling into a toilet stall, you locked the door behind you and rummaged in your bag pulling out your phone. You truly hoped you'd punched in the right number.
"(Y/N)?" Hanks voice cut through the phone, relief flooded through you.
"Han..k... I need... come help... been drugged."
"Where are you!" You felt yourself slowly drifting off.
"I... I'm ... bar...South side... bird...bird... Spar..." Your voice drifted off,
"Bird... the Sparrow... you at the Sparrow!"
"Yea... bathro." Your world went black.
Voight drove like a madman, sirens blaring not caring who he cut off in the process. Hold on, please god hold on. The streets were a blur as they flashed past him in a haze of lights and noise. Pulling into the car park, Voight spotted a guy hauling a woman to his car. Stepping out, he recognised it as Jacob. Picking up his pace, he started towards him catching your voice as he got closer.
"No... get off you sick fuck."
"Stop struggling... you know you're going to love it." Hank watched as you swung at him catching him in the mouth, but it didn't stop there. Jacob slapped you, and punched you in the stomach. Hank was at his back within seconds. Grabbing him by the hair, he slammed his face into the side of the car, continuing to punch him as he slid to the ground. He wouldn't have stopped, could have killed him had it not been for your voice calling to him.
"Hank..." Looking behind him, he saw you stirring on the floor blood pouring from your mouth.
"Shit... (Y/N), I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Scooping you up, he carried you to his car putting you in the passenger seat. Peeling out of the car park, he sped away from the bar. Glancing over at you he took your hand,
"Hey, (Y/N) stay awake alright. We're nearly there." You let your head lull to the side, the warm air from the heater and the blow to the head making you sleepy.
"Where's there?" you murmured out.
Waking up, your head felt heavy, your vision blurred. Rubbing a hand over your face, you realised you no longer had your dress on but a soft t-shirt with the letter CPD stamped on the chest. Your body ached, and yet you felt content in the soft confines of the duvet.
"Hmm... s'good."
"(Y/N)?" Glancing to the side, you found Voight sitting in a chair next to your bed.
"Hey, um... what am I doing here?" Reaching out, Voight took your hand and held onto it gently.
"You rang me last night, you went out for a drink with the Jacob guy and ah... he um... he spiked your drink." Frowning, you tried to remember but all you could think of was the toilet stall you had sat in.
"I got there just as he was dragging into his car, but you resisted and uh.. he hit you a few times."
"I um... christ I don't remember much I'm sorry Boss. Guess that's why my head hurts hmm?"
"What! No, don't be sorry, that scumbag is the one who should be sorry not you! I'm... I'm just glad I was able to get you out before... well I'm glad I got to you." Smiling you squeezed his hand with yours,
"Thanks Boss."
"'Tonio checked into your boy, and he's not a cop, well not any more at least. He didn't make it passed being a beat cop, he assaulted two women so he got fired." You felt your stomach churn.
"Well... maybe next time I should get you guys to run a background check on whoever I plan on going for a drink with hmm?" Dropping your head back into the pillow you winced as pain flared through your eyes. Looking around the room, you saw that it was rather warm and, oddly enough, cosy.
"We won't need to do that." Voight sounded a little nervous, something you had never thought he could be. Tilting your head, you gazed at him intently,
"And why's that hmm?"
"Because I'm not a creep who preys on women, so you'll be safe."
"Wha..?" Sighing, he shifted out of his chair to sit on the edge of the bed, running his other hand over your hair. It only occured to you now that this was Hanks house, Hanks bedroom, Hanks shirt that you were wearing.
"I shouldn't have encouraged you to go on a date with that guy. What I should have done, was date you myself. But instead I... I got nervous. Nervous that you'd see I wasn't anything but an old, beat up cop too stuck in his ways to make you happy in the ways that matter." Sitting yourself up, you leaned into Voight and kissed him. You wasn't sure how long it lasted, or when he had gently pushed you back leaning into you. Running your hands up his arms, you traced your fingers over his broad back. Breaking away, you pressed your head against his,
"You know, you never even asked what makes me happy. If you'd had just asked, I think we would have saved a lot of time... and spiked drinks." Smirking at him, he shook his head.
"Yeah I know, I'm a dumbass." Laughing at him, you brushed your hand over his jaw.
"I'll let you off, on one condition." Voight raised an eyebrow, and hummed quietly.
" You um... take these jeans off and stay in bed with me for the day hmm?"
"Yes Ma'am, you don't have to ask me twice." Standing he slowly unbuckled his belt, and unbuttoned the jeans. You felt a heat build in your face and stomach. This was going to be... an interesting day.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
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Requests are opened!
This Masterlist does have 18+ fics in it so please heed the warnings.
All fics are separated but I do:
9-1-1 Lone Star
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Criminal Minds
One Chicago (Chicago Med, PD, and Fire)
The Rookie
Top Gun
Top Gun Maverick
I will do:
x Reader
A/N: All fics not underlined means that they are planned and a wip this just helps me to keep track of what fics I need to do.
A/N 2: All fics are fem!reader unless stated otherwise or requested otherwise.
My Daughter, My Heart (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, OC!Elizabeth Taylor x Daughter!Reader)
Here Comes The Storm (Tyler Owens x Harding!Reader, Tyler Owens x OC!Son! Chase Storm Owens, Reader x OC!Son! Chase Storm Owens, Bill Harding x Daughter!Reader, Jo Harding x Daughter!Reader)
(Discontinued) I'm Already There (Bradshaw!Sister)
Whisper in the Wind (Natasha Trace x OC!Benjamin Bradshaw, Natasha Trace x Daughter!Reader, OC!Benjamin Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x OC!Wife!Leah Winters)
Storm Warning (Javi Rivera x OC!Wife!Olivia Owens, Javi Rivera x Daughter!Reader, OC! Olivia Owens x Daughter!Reader, Tyler Owens x OC!Sister!Olivia Owens, Tyler Owens x Niece!Reader)
A Forever Home (Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader and Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Grace Ryder x Judd Ryder)
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter (Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader, Lucy Chen x Tim Bradford)
Blizzard (IceMav x Daughter!Reader, Maverick x Iceman)
Firecracker (Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader)
Little Birdie (Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader)
Littlest Halstead (Jay Halstead x Daughter!Reader)
Little Nash (Bobby Nash x Daughter!Reader)
Lil' Severide (Kelly Severide x Daughter!Reader)
Mini TK (TK Strand x Daughter!Reader, Carlos Reyes x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Carlos Reyes)
Our Little Girl (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw)
The Firehouse Miracle (Eddie Diaz x Daughter!Reader, Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader, Eddie Diaz x Evan Buckley)
x Daughter!Reader
Top Gun
One Chicago
9-1-1 Lone Star
The Rookie
x Sister!Reader
Top Gun
One Chicago
Top Gun
One Chicago
The Rookie
9-1-1 Lone Star
Fight to Survive (9-1-1 x Criminal Minds) (Evan Buckley x Nash!FBI!Reader)
Burning Jealousy (One Chicago x The Rookie) (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader)
Love in the Danger Zone (One Chicago x Top Gun Maverick) (Bradley Bradshaw x Halstead!Pilot!Reader and Kelly Severide x Halstead!Pilot!Reader)
Operation: Mischief (9-1-1 x 9-1-1 Lonestar) (Owen Strand x Wife!Reader)
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alicewritez · 7 months
Late Night Love - Hank Voight
word count: 1221
summary: after a tough day at work, hank comes home to find you soundly asleep and all he needs is some of your loving to have him feeling like himself again
Hank Voight x Reader
authors note: implied smut, but nothing too descriptive or explicit. apologises for any mistakes, i’m just getting the feel for writing again but i hope you enjoy anyway 💖
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The case was tough but ended in a drug bust and a peaceful drive home. Hank entered the house and shook off his coat, hanging it up on a hook while heading upstairs. The house was quiet and dark, with the only light being shone through the curtains from nearby streetlights. He gently opened the door to his bedroom before his gaze quickly landed on you, his fiancé, who was fast asleep in their bed. He smiled softly and slipped into bed, his arms snaking around around your waist, pulling you closer.
You slowly stir awake against his chest. He smiled as he pulled you even closer, kissing your forehead and running his hands down your back before slipping one under your t-shirt, his thumb rubbing against your bare skin to tease you, placing another kiss to your forehead.
"Don't start something you can't finish." You mumbled into his chest, the sleep slowly washing away.
Hank grinned, hooking a finger under your chin and tilting your head up to look at him, giving you a sly smile. "Don't threaten me with a good time."
"I just did." You tease back, a playfulness dancing over your features. Two could play at his game.
Hank chuckled, tracing a hand up your sides and giving your waist a gentle squeeze. His free hand traced patterns on the base of your back.
"How was your day?" You ask softly, pulling away to look up at him. You could tell by the look on his face that the day had been a long and tiring one and that he was happy to just be at home.
He smiled at your concern and at the warm feeling that washed over him as he lay with you. All of his worries had gone the minute he'd laid eyes on you. "A lot better now that I'm with you."
Hank squeezed your waist, taking in a breath, thinking as you rubbed his bicep. He didn't want to lie to you, to hide how things had been weighing on his mind, but as you laid together in your bed, it was the safest place he felt he could be; feeling like he could be vulnerable, if only for a minute, and the person he needed was the one that was in his arms: you. "No.. not tonight."
"Okay," you responded gently. "But if you do want to talk.. you know I'll listen." You don't push the subject further, knowing he'll open up when he feels ready.
Hank smiled lightly, his eyes softening. Your compassion and understanding was something that he cherished, you never pushed, never tried to pry him open, you just let him come to you on his own terms. "I know. That's one of the reasons why I'm marrying you."
You smile then change the subject to something more lighthearted to take his mind off the day. "We should do something.. just me and you."
Hank nodded, grinning from ear-to-ear as his hands ran up your sides, squeezing gently as he looked down at you. "Anything you want to do, just name it."
"I don't know." You sigh. "I just think it would do you good to take a break."
He chuckled as he leaned down and kissed your forehead, his eyes gazing deeply into your own. "I mean, we could have an early honeymoon."
"I think you're forgetting one major part of that.. we're not married." You raise a brow with a playful smirk adorning your face.
He lets out a playful scoff as he leaned back on the bed and took his hand from underneath your shirt, moving to brush away stray strands of hair from your eyes. "Are you trying to tell me I can't drag you to the courthouse and get you married to me tonight?"
You scrunch your nose. "Not at eleven at night.. no."
Hank laughed and his free hand pulled you on top of him, gently kissing your neck before moving his lips next to your ear, whispering huskily. "You'd be surprised at the things I can do past eleven."
You laugh into his shoulder. "I liked the idea.." she shrugs, "but we're not married so.. think again mister."
He gave you a playful shove with a smirk before leaning forwards and kissing you. "You know what? I still might take you to that courthouse if this is the way you'll be treating your future husband."
You raise a brow, shaking your head before lying back down into the bed beside him, closing your eyes. "I'll believe that when I see it."
Hank smirked as his fingers played along the side of your stomach, his hand slipping back under your shirt, teasing you. "I hope you're not saying that as a challenge, 'cause I'm not afraid to take it on."
"Believe me, I don't doubt that." A smile creeps its way onto your face. Hank just grins as he squeezes your sides a little tighter, his fingertips continuing to dance against your sides. One hand makes its way underneath your shirt as he begins to tickle your side, making you giggle and squirm under him.
"Hank! Stop it!" You giggle into his chest, the wide smile never once leaving your face. The smile on his face widened as he saw you giggling and squirming under him, tickling your sides with a light giggle of his own. "Not a chance, I'm not letting you sleep until you're a blushing mess who's begging me to stop."
A flash of playfulness crosses your face before you speak. "I know what else I could beg you for." You giggle again.
Hank lets out a laugh as he squeezes your side once again, a low groan escaping from him as teases. "Oh yeah? What do you have in mind Mrs.-almost-Voight?" His smirk widens.
“You know exactly what I have in mind.” You mirror his smirk, a feeling of lust washing over you as you grind into him.
He lets out a low groan at the feeling as his hands shift from your side to your hips, his mouth curling into a sly smirk. He knew how much this drove you crazy so he pressed against you further against him, making you moan. “Hank.. please..”
Hank’s breath hitched as he heard you moan his name and the feeling of you grinding against him sent shivers down his spine as he squeezed you tighter. He decided to tease you further, slowly shifting his fingers to your leg and running them along your thigh. “Please what Y/N?”
“I need you Hank.. please.” You plead with him, becoming frustrated. He grinned, his eyes widening as he took a sharp breath and the feeling and sounds of you pleading sent warmth and lust racing through him as his voice became more gruff. “I’ve never heard you sound so desperate before… you sure you want this, baby?”
You nod quickly. “More than sure.”
Hank grinned as he pressed himself closer, sliding his body against yours as he leans down to kiss your forehead. He leans back, his eyes flickering all over your body, drinking in the sight of you underneath him. His lips hovered above yours as he breathed steadily, gazing into your eyes.“I’m gonna make this night something worth remembering.”
And that he did.
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realityescapee01 · 1 year
A Little More Often Than Usual
Jay Halstead x Reader
Y/N is the new caretaker of the records downstairs. She was briefed and trained properly to follow lawful procedures, but she was also told that that isn't always the case. Sometimes, detectives need data without a case number to solve an urgent case. And sometimes they need it for personal reasons.
One of those detectives is Jay Halstead, Y/N's crush. Gave Y/N "bribes" in form of chocolates.
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Y/N worries because the under the table requests from Jay became more often than usual.
In Chicago PD, patrolmen and detectives asks favors around, sometimes favors that doesn't really follow the proper procedures.
And sometimes personal favors.
Y/N's mentor taught her how to do the job well and also taught her that sometimes, under the table requests happens.
For them to search or give out data, they need a case number for it. Sometimes, officials asks for data search without a case number, and that it is in their discretion to do it or not. But be careful and cover records that prove the search.
And Y/N did a few favors like that, mostly for the Intelligence Unit. Quite a lot of times from Voight and Olinsky, and sometimes, from her crush - Jay Halstead.
Jay first came to Y/N for a database search for a girl named Cherry. Then another one for a Jimmy Sanguinetty. The first request was valid, case linked. The second wasn't. Because Jay offered a handful of kitkat chocolates.
Probably picked it up from the other detectives that had asked her favors like this before.
Not that Jay had to do that, because Y/N would happily do it without the bribes.
Y/N has had a huge crush on Jay Halstead since she saw him. She'd get all happy and giddy whenever he sees him. And specially so when she sees him in full gear when they have an operation.
They had a few interactions outside of work, mostly at Molly's when there's a PD celebration. Just small talks. But Y/N considered those big things already.
Jay was kind and courteous most of the times. Short talks with a group, little laughs here and there.
They also bump into each other in the cafe near the department. Sometimes in the diner near too. They'd talk there and then. They became quite good friends.
But now, the requests became more often. Y/N got worried about Jay. She really hoped Jay is okay and also has not become a dirty cop. She just doesn't believe it.
So lunchtime came, Y/N was in line at the foodtruck.
Y/N was startled a little bit. A guy from behind suddenly talked to her.
"H-Hey, Jay. Buying lunch too?" -Y/N was glad to see and talk to Jay. She doesn't always get to lately, Intelligence Unit was quite busy.
"Y/N. Yeah, they say food here is good."
"It is. I vouch." Y/N smiled and laughed a little. Jay laughed with her too.
Y/N got her food. "Hey, Jay. I'm heading back."
Y/N was a few steps ahead when Jay chased her.
"Hey, Y/N, uhm, later... I'm gonna need some files."
"Oh... okay."
Y/N walked again but she went back because she was worried. She asked Jay about it.
"Jay, are you okay?"
"Huh? What do you mean?" -Jay was genuinely confused.
"You're asking files quite often... and... we all know you could get in trouble. I can get in trouble."
"No. Everything's good. Just... We have some time sensitive cases lately, paperworks are late. Don't worry about it." -Jay assured her.
"Hey, later still good?"
Y/N went back to the department and had her lunch. Worried and thinking what files she'd be printing for Jay this time.
It's well past 4pm now, Y/N's about to clock out when Jay stepped in.
"Hey, uh, you stepping out?" Jay was rubbing the back of his neck and was hiding his other hand behind his back.
Probably the chocolate bribes in exchange for whatever files he needs from Y/N.
"Yeah, about too. So, what do I search?" -Y/N sat in front the computer, ready to type.
"Uh, yeah. About that."
Jay stepped closer to the counter, closer to Y/N, and placed the bribe on it.
This time they aren't chocolates.
They are flowers. A small, cute, rose bouquet.
"J-Jay? What the hell?"
"Yeah... I figured the chocolates ain't making it clear."
"W-What... what is this, really? Are you-"
"I like you and would like a date... I thought I was being obvious."
"The chocolates? In exchange for files isn't exactly obvious."
"Yeah, I figured this lunch when you asked me."
"So, those files you asked, you don't really need?"
"Yeah, excuses to give you chocolates." -Jay had a sheepish smile on.
"A very risky excuse."
Y/N looked at the roses on the counter. She couldn't believe it. She reached for it and grabbed it and looked up at Jay.
"So, is that a yes?"
-+-+-+ ( complete ) +-+-+-
thank you. more on my master list here
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a/n: this was inspired by the episode where Bunny introduces Erin's "dad", Jimmy and Jay looked into him through the database, offering chocolates to the lady there in exchange.
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adri-2022 · 2 years
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x FemReader / Olivia "Liv" Halstead
Warnings: fluff/ platonic
Word count: 1745
Jay Halstead Materlist
A/N: Hello guys. So I’m not entirely in love with this, I’m sorry if it’s not that good and I'm sorry for being a little disconnected. As Olivia "Liv" Halstead is Maggie Elizabeth Jones. Hope everyone likes this original idea.
Don't be afraid to leave your comment!
Being a kindergarten teacher had its perks. For once you worked with the young, creative minds and had the chance to potentially make a positive impact on them. But other times it really sucked, for example like a couple of hours ago.
You were in your classroom having lunch by yourself as usual. When one of your students Olivia came to you with a troubled expression. Obviously you thought the worst about it, call it instinct.
“Hi, miss Y/N” her sweet voice said as she took a seat in front of your desk. You smiled at her being met with a small one in return.
“Hello sunshine. Are you okay?” you asked immediately putting your lunch on pause and giving your full attention to her.
“I’m sad” she said casting her eyes down, this made you furrow your eyebrows
“Can I help you? We can talk about why you’re sad” you asked warily but gently giving her a sympathetic smile while you searched for her eyes
“I don’t want to make you upset miss Y/N” she said as she fiddled with her little hands.
Why would you be upset? But then again, Liv was probably the most selfless child you have ever met and obviously she would say something like this. Even in her short years of age she always thought of others first, she was a really empathic kid.
“Little miss Olivia. It’s alright to talk about feelings, they are valid, and you would never make me upset” you said in a serious manner as you nodded encouragingly
“Even if it’s sadness, Miss Y/N?” “Even if it’s sadness” you confirmed nodding
“I don’t have a mom for mother daughter day party” she said looking at you with big green doe eyes as if you held the answer to every question. But before you could say something, she continued.
“My daddy said my mom went to a place called heaven and that she watches over me” she said sighing as she crossed her arms over your desk placing her chin on top. At her words you sighed too
“My mom went to heaven too, when I was your age” you said lips tight as you tried to keep your emotions at bay
“Why?” she curiously asked, making you avert your gaze before looking back at her and mustering a smile
“That’s how life works. Sometimes heaven needs more people to help watch over us” you said taking a deep breath
But how could you explain the concept of death to a little girl. You were sure that her dad had done the absolute best at it. Although you had only briefly talked a couple of times between drop out and pick up, and at teacher parent conference day. Nevertheless never touching the topic about Olivia’s mother. Jay Halstead seemed like a really great father to this little girl and quite frankly you didn’t want to overstep. You were broken out of your thought as you heard a little sob,
“But I don’t want her there” Olivia said as her little voice broke slightly along with your soul.
“Oh Liv. I’m sorry. I promise you, it will be better, one day you’ll understand” you said as you reached her side. Kneeling to her height and caressing her head as you hugged her
That conversation going on in circles in your head as you waited patiently biting good mornings to each of your students and their mothers at the drop line. While there was another conversation taking place in a car, as the passenger was getting ready for the drop off at school.
“Liv I’m so sorry I can’t come to your get together” Jay said guiltily as he sighed looking at his daughter through the review mirror. He was heartbroken knowing he had hurt and possibly disappointed the only important person in his life.
“You promised you would come” Olivia sadly said as she blinked rapidly in order to not let the tears fall as she avoided her father’s gaze
“I know. I know baby. But I have to go chase bad guys remember” Jay said turning to look at her once he parked in the drop line. A pained expression took place on his face when he saw her little tears.
“Hey-” he started as he was about to reach for her hand, stopping
“I know…” she whispered disappointed brushing her tears away before Jay could see her, but of course he already had
Before Jay could muster a response the back door was opened, and Jay met your eyes. Big smile on your face as Olivia climbed out of the truck, hand in yours for support.
“Hello little miss Liv” you said enthusiastically but as a response Olivia mustered an unenthusiastic ‘hello’. You glanced at Jay again smiling sadly before Liv waved goodbye to her father still not meeting his eyes.
“Hi I’m sorry. She’s in a bit of a mood. I broke a promise” Jay said as sad eyes followed his daughters retrieving figure.
“No worries. I understand. I’ll look after her, she’ll have a good time, I promise” you said smiling,
“Thanks for that. Have a good day” Jay shared a smile as he shook his head before biting goodbyes
You both had a thing for each other, but neither had made a move upon it. You had always stayed professional for the sake of Olivia and so has he. There were always lingering looks at parent-teacher conferences, but they were ones of admiration. Add obviously the fact that you are his daughters teacher, so being in a relationship would stir up a lot of drama between the other parents including your superiors.
When you entered your classroom all of the mom’s were sitting with their kids already doing the activities and eating the snacks you had brought for the occasion. With the exception of Olivia, who was sitting at a little table all by herself and this stirred something inside you.
In the district Jay was struggling to concentrate and the guilt was eating him alive. The look and the tears that he saw on Olivia’s face hunting him relentlessly.
“Hey, didn’t you have little nugget’s mom-daughter thing today?” Kevin asked as he walked into the breakroom
“Don’t remind me. She’s gonna hate me” Jay said as he stirred his coffee
“Man. Don’t tell me you’re missing it” Kevin asked leaning besides Jay, being met with a hum in confirmation
“There will be more in the future, I just-” Jay was interrupted by the other detective
“Hell na, man. You go do what you gotta do” Kevin started looking at his friend like if he had grown two heads
“Don’t let her down, bro. I’ll cover for you. Go” at this Jay looked at his friend trying to get his thoughts in place.
Kevin took a deep breath before taking ahold of Jay, dragging him into the bullpen and practically throwing Jay’s stuff in his arms before rushing him out to his truck.
“You go be a dad. I got your back” Kevin told Jay as the latter turned his truck on.
“Thanks, man, I’ll owe you big time” “Don’t worry about it, a beer at Molly’s can work for me”
Guiltily he thought of the brief conversation he had with Olivia and the mistake he would be committing if he didn’t make it. As he parked in the school he knew he wasn’t about to let his daughter be by herself, he wasn’t going to let her down.
Entering the classroom he looked over the heads and tables trying to identify his daughter. There she was on a table gluing something, but before he could move he saw you sitting beside her. Now noticing Liv’s laugh mixed with your own.
“So Liv, what’s your favorite color?” you asked as you colored the paper you had prepared for everyone, but Olivia didn’t respond. As you heard a gasp leave her mouth your head snapped up to her face following her eyesight to the door.
“He came, miss Y/N” Hazel excitedly said before leaping to her feet and running into her father’s awaiting arms, the latter picking her up kissing her cheek
“Hey baby!” Jay said with a smile on his face, as he saw how Olivia beamed happily
“Daddy you came” “Of course, I made a promise remember” he said matching her excitement.
At the same time he walked to the table Olivia was occupying as you stood up looking at them with a shy smile. When they reached the table Liv sat down explaining to her dad what she was doing, to which he nodded smiling with excitement. You took that as your signal to go back to your desk,
“Hey, uh, Miss Y/N” Jay said as he walked over to where you had stopped and turned to him
“Just Y/N it’s fine” you waved him off with a kind smile
“I’m sorry for intruding-” “It’s-”
“She told about her mom; thought I could help” you rambled with a remorse expression waiting as you felt a hand being placed on your shoulder
“Take a deep breath” Jay said as he chuckled, to which you scratched the back of your neck nervously
“Thank you, you didn’t have to- but you did, and I really appreciate it” he said smiling sadly as you both looked back towards Olivia, before you shook your head again
“She’s a great girl, really smart” you said smiling slightly as you returned Olivia’s wave
“Yeah she is. That’s all her” he answered turning back to look at you
“I deeply apologize, the school should really mind what they write. If it was up to me it should be parent-child day” you said as you tilted your head, before Jay could answer another voice interrupted
“Dad. Can miss Y/N sit with us? She was going to braid my hair next” Liv said excitedly as she looked up to Jay
“Sure. If she’s not too busy, remember she has adult responsibilities” he answered looking down at Liv’s big eyes
“She’s not! She can teach you how to braid my hair, dad” Olivia answered. You bit your lips trying to fight the laugh that was trying to surface when you watched Jay’s mouth hanging
“Damn, why do you have to wound me like that, pumpkin” Jay said looking at you to see if you had heard. Shaking his head as you placed a hand over your mouth chuckling.
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poison-in-my-pen · 1 year
A Piece of Mine
A/N: After watching S10: Epi 21 and then rewatching S10: Epi 4. A thought came to me, how would Dante's girlfriend react to seeing his unbounded rage?
The car ride home was quiet. I gazed at the images out of the passenger side window that was blurred by the rain. Was I overreacting? I’ve never seen him enraged like this before and it unleashed a hurricane in my head that he doesn’t know about, whose name I haven’t thought about until this moment. Dante’s stoicism, his gentle voice, his shyness, his vulnerability, his pensive stares, it all endeared me to him. But was all of that a facade to counter the rage that lived beneath the surface of his being? Was my judgment clouded because of it? I should've seen it, why didn't I see it? I’ve been here before, but this was not then, Dante is the complete opposite of him, or is he? 
"Babe, let me explain." His voice pulled me from my melancholy reverie. He reached out and rested his hand on my knee. 
I instinctively pushed his hand away, “don’t touch me.”
The acid in my voice caught us both off guard, I felt him stiffen next to me and my anger rushed forth like a tsunami wave because how dare he flinch when I just saw him bring a man twice his size down to his knees, hands in prayer as if Dante was his God begging for mercy. How dare he!
“Everything was a lie.”
“I never lied to you.”
“How did I miss this? How could I have been so stupid?”
“Babe, please.”
“You never get angry, you don’t raise your voice, not once when most people react, you just…I shrugged and trailed off. “How can someone as shy as you have this level of rage inside of them?”
He pointed at himself, “I never said I was shy, you assumed that because of my quiet nature. I’m a guy, all guys have different levels of aggression, it all comes down to how you choose to deal with that pent up anger. The gym, boxing is the way I release most of that energy and you are never around to see it, so I understand why you’re reacting like this.”
I scoffed, “you can’t possibly understand how I feel. Have you ever killed anyone with your bare hands?”
His fingers tightened on the steering wheel, “anyone can kill another with their bare hands.”
“I’m not talking about anyone, Dante, I’m talking about you? Have you killed a man with your bare hands?”
He looked at his hands for a beat, his eyes flashed over to me piercing my own before they turned back to the road. His expressive eyes spoke sentences, but his lips replied with one word. “No.”
“But you could?”
“Any cop can, anyone in law enforcement can, man or woman.”
“Again with the deflecting.”
I gazed out the window watching his reflection as the car stopped and he turned off the engine. He closed his eyes and rolled his neck to the right,  the way he does when he becomes exasperated, then to his left; he opened his eyes and exhaled. He turned to me and unhooked my seatbelt. I opened the car door, stepping out before he had the chance to open his door and get to my door. He hated when I opened my own door and I slammed it shut knowing it would add to his exasperation that was building. 
I didn’t have the key, so I waited as he opened the door to our apartment. I stepped in front of him, kicked off my shoes and continued down the hall, feeling his presence behind me as he followed me into the bedroom. 
“You want the truth?”
I had my back to him, he spun me around and took a step forward into my personal space and before my brain could relay the action to my body, he spoke, coolly “don’t move.” With his dark eyes fixed on my face, I felt the energy in the air shift as the heat from his body coalesced with the cold chill that escaped my core and scraped across my spine. 
I could taste the peppermint scent emitting from his lips, I felt myself sway hypnotically, one kiss would end this argument. 
“Are you afraid of me?” My breath hitched, my internal goddess hissed, yesssss. I shook my head. His lips brushed against my ear and I shivered, “I need to hear you say it. Remember, use your words.”
Those three words transported me to another time, our first time where he held me under a similar trance that I was unprepared for, where my body no longer belonged to me, but to him. 
I found my words hidden behind my ribcage. “No.”
“No, what?”
The air became thick.
My body hummed. 
“No, I’m not afraid of you.”
“Good.” He wrapped his hand around my neck and his thumb pressed lightly against my jugular, feeling my pulse hammer jacking against the pad of his thumb. “Yes, I can kill a man with my bare hands. When I was younger, I had this rage within me, an anger that made me lash out at any and everyone who looked at me the wrong way. Growing up the way I did, you never knew who would do you harm, so I had my guard up all the time and then I went to juvie.” He nudged my chin with his hand, “look at me.” I gazed at him, the green edges of his hazel eyes softened, “the rage you say you see is not the same rage that had a hold on me then. What you saw was rage controlled, I control it, it doesn’t control me. My psych eval says I’m nonreactive, which is true for the most part. There are situations like the one you saw tonight where I come close to the edge, but I will never step over. Now if someone did something to you or my mama,” he shrugs, “then who knows.” He dropped his hand to his side, “but, these are not the hands of a killer, these are the hands of your Danty, I’m the same man you met when you clumsily fell into my arms.” 
I laughed and he laughed as we both remembered that moment, the mood in the air shifted, the energy was still charged but it swung to the opposite direction.
This time I reached for him first, lifting his shirt and pulling the buckle to his belt. “I’m sorry for overreacting.”
His fingers trailed upwards under my dress, pulling my panties down to my ankle, he knelt down on his knees and lifted my leg over his shoulder, tossing my underwear across the room. He kissed my thigh, the warmth filled my apex. “Am I forgiven?”
I nodded. My eyes closed giving in to the sensation of his stubble against my inner thigh, his kisses stopped and my eyes flew open to find him staring up at me, “use your words.” 
“Yes, you are forgiven.” I said aloud.
He didn't have to speak his hazel eyes with the green edges became liquid gold, his fingers pushed against my opening and my warmth trickled onto his fingers. I moaned, grabbing his head. He lifted me up onto the edge of our bed, while he remained kneeled on the floor, his hands firmly pinned my wrists to my side, while his head was bowed at my altar.
“Dante, I screamed.
I could feel him smiling and I heard his voice in my head before he spoke.
“Use your words, baby.”  
Post note: Dante's character is a fun one to explore. Not guaranteed that I'll write more fics, but this was fun to write....
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kanerallels · 5 months
If I had a nickel for every time I started watching a show with my family, found out a bunch of spoilers then went "oh well, I just won't get invested in the characters so this won't devastate me when it happens" and then proceeded to get DEEPLY invested, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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megamindsecretlair · 7 months
Fall Into You
Pairing: Kevin Atwater x Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT. PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (female and male receiving) teasing/mocking, cum play, size kink, dirty talk, praise kink, all consensual. Slight power imbalance, Kevin is a landlord and reader is the tenant. No sexual favors being exchanged.
Summary: Hoping to beat the storm, Kevin comes over to fix your sink. However, the power goes out and you get to know your new landlord a little better.
Word Count: 7,402k
AO3 Link
A/N: Hello, my loves. This has been on my brain for a while and a special gift for @babybratzmaraj. I guess I should stop apologizing for writing so much, the story gon' need what it needs. ONE SHOT. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @thecookiebratz
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The doorbell tore you from your thoughts as you looked out of your window. The TV stated that the storm was only getting started. Only getting started…
You inwardly groaned and fixed your glasses, heading to your door and checking the peephole. Kevin Atwater stood on the other side and your heart fluttered just seeing him. You stepped back, took a deep breath, and opened the door.
“Kevin! Thank you! You didn’t have to come today. This storm looks nasty,” you said. 
Kevin smiled and shook his head. He wore a black puffer jacket zipped up and carried a small toolbox. “No problem, I promise. Chicago’s seen worse and you need a working sink,” he said. 
You stepped back and let him inside, hoping that your glasses didn’t fog up from the sheer sexiness that entered your apartment. 
“Huh, you decorated since last time,” he said.
You looked around at the cozy space. The walls were standard, plain cream, but you made sure to dress it up with paintings in soothing blue and ocean pieces that reminded you of your hometown. The boxes had been cleared away since the last time Kevin was over to fix your bedroom door.
“Yeah, had to make it look like I actually live here,” you said with a giggle. 
Kevin laughed with you. He placed the toolbox on your small, round kitchen table and took off his jacket. You busied yourself with tidying up your clean apartment. You picked up the bowl of fruit just to…put it right back down on the sink. 
You had to look anywhere but at the deep burgundy button up he wore. Or the peek of a black tank underneath. His bulging arms or the way his hips sloped just so. You had to look away so that he wouldn’t see the neon “horny” sign on your forehead.
You could not crush on your landlord. It was several kinds of wrong. But how could you not? He was so tall, charming, funny, and sweet. His juicy pink lips have been the star of multiple fantasies lately. 
“...help you with that,” Kevin was saying.
“Huh? Sorry…” you said and gave him a sheepish smile. Your mind tended to go on little vacations. Especially where Kevin Atwater was concerned. 
He smiled at you and began rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “I said what did you do with the boxes? I told you I could help you with that,” he said.
You waved him off and dropped down into a nearby kitchen chair. “You already do so much for me, Kevin. I really should be paying you,” you said. 
“Rent’s just fine with me. I told you to call me for whatever you need,” he said. His eyes lingered on you a second too long before he licked his lips and started rummaging around in his toolbox. 
You were incapable of thinking anything but dirty thoughts when he spoke. Whether he meant it that way or not. He brought the toolbox closer to your sink. He flipped the faucet and the pipes groaned. A loud, groaning sound as if there were ghosts dancing in the pipes. 
He flipped it back off and gave you a look. “You ain’t tell me it was making that kind of a noise,” he said.
“I told you it was a noise,” you said. You shrugged your shoulders and he chuckled, licking his lips as he went back to looking at the sink. 
“I was thinking it was a small noise. Like something just needed some WD-40,” he said. “That…sound bad, right?” He asked.
“You’re asking me?” You shook your head dramatically. “If I knew anything about fixing sinks, I wouldn’t have asked you here during a storm.” You still felt guilty about that. You told Kevin that you could wait until it passed, that running water wasn’t that important in the grand scheme of things. You had bottles of water and the bathroom sink worked just fine to wash your hands. 
As your mind wandered, you weren’t paying attention to Kevin getting closer. You didn’t notice as he stood in front of you and dropped down to a squat to look you in the eye. You shrieked when you finally saw him as he seemed to have teleported from the sink. 
“There is no way in hell I’ma let my favorite tenant live here with no running water. So no more need to apologize, right?” 
His raspy voice made you lose all coherent thought. You twiddled your fingers since he was too close and you gave him a light, nervous giggle. “Stop. I’m not your favorite tenant. I’ve seen the way Mrs. Brennan looks at you. Like you hang the moon,” you said.
Kevin chuckled and stood up, going back to the sink with the toolbox in his hand. He hummed. “I helped her out with something and now she keeps trying to set me up with her granddaughter,” he said. 
“Oh? Does Kevin Atwater have trouble meeting women?” You teased. 
He laughed as he opened the cabinet underneath. You hadn’t had a chance to get to the store for proper cleaning supplies. So far, all you had was bleach and Pinesol, a small bucket, and a pack of sponges. It was on your long, long, long list of things you needed in order to feel settled in this place. 
The wind roared outside and it shook the windows. It howled. The heater was on but did little to combat the chill in the air. You would never feel settled here. The winters were a different breed. Designed to freeze you to the toes and wrack your body with uncontrollable shivers. 
“I meet plenty of women. But timing and circumstances are never there,” Kevin said. He settled onto his back and turned off the water to the sink. He began working, leaning forward to grab a tool and then use it under the sink. 
His shirt rode up revealing a soft middle that you wanted to sink your teeth into. He was solid and stocky, built for sturdiness. 
“What do you mean by timing and circumstance?” You asked.
“Well, I did have a thing with someone but wasn’t exactly healthy. She didn’t like that I’m a cop,” he said. 
“Hate to break it to you, but you’ll find that a lot of people won’t like that you’re a cop,” you said. For you, it was always, “fuck cops”. After meeting Kevin, now it was, “want to fuck that cop in particular”. 
You looked useless sitting there at the kitchen table, but what else were you supposed to do? You still had some unpacking to do but you didn’t feel right leaving him alone. The place didn’t feel like yours yet. Your manners prevented you from leaving him to it as if he were some servant only here to do a job. 
“That’s fair. But can’t stop me from trying,” he said.
“That’s the spirit. Are you a romantic?” You asked. You heard the words after you spoke them and shook your head, not that he could see. “Sorry, that’s rude. You don’t have to answer that.” You pushed your glasses back up your nose and blew out a quiet sigh. 
“Nah, it’s cool. I guess, yeah, I would say I’m a romantic. Just waiting for the right girl. How ‘bout you come help me? Hand me that wrench,” he said. He pointed to something in his toolbox.
You stood up and got closer to him, getting down to your knees and sitting back on your legs. You picked up the nearest wrench and handed it to his outstretched hand. You shared a look with him as he took it from you and began loosening a bolt on the pipe. 
“You? You into the whole thing about romance?” He asked.
“Uh, yeah. I believe it exists. How anyone can find love here when you’re freezing your ass off is beyond me,” you said.
“It’s all about layers. Undershirt, thermal, overshirt, sweater, hoodie, jacket. You’ll be warm enough,” he said.
You giggled. “Warm enough? I’d be sweating worse than…” You successfully caught yourself before mentioning sex. You bit the corners of your mouth to prevent you from giggling about that. Something about Kevin Atwater turned you into a giggling mess like some kid with a crush. 
“Worse than what?” Kevin asked. 
You glanced at him. His pink tongue poked out between his lips as he worked on the bolt. The screeching from the metal grated a bit and you winced. 
“Worse than a sauna,” you finished lamely. He flicked a glance at you as if he knew that wasn’t what you were going to say originally. He left it alone as he hummed and returned to the bolt. 
“You get used to it,” he said.
“This type of cold? No thanks,” you said.
Kevin chuckled. He sat up from the sink and fixed his shirt, lowering it over the glimpse of his stomach. He looked at you and smiled. “There’s more to Chicago than just the winter time. We have the best pizza. Everybody friendly, they just loud about it. Tell you what, why don’t you finally take me up on my offer to take you to Molly’s? It’s run by a couple of friends. They’re nice people, we’d all protect you, and you’d be able to get out and enjoy some things around here,” he said. 
“A bar full of cops, doctors, and firemen? I’d feel so intimidated,” you said. You shook your head and giggled. 
“Don’t. You need to get out,” he said.
“Pot, meet kettle. How many times have you been out this week?” 
“Fair. But if you go out, I will too,” he said. 
You held his stare and bit the corners of your mouth again. “I have so much to do here already,” you said. You didn’t like that you kept turning him down but the thought of meeting that many people at once? You wouldn’t survive it. 
You knew Kevin would be nice and show you around but being at the center of attention was unbearable. 
“One day I’ll get you to say yes. If you’re gonna be here, you may as well make some friends. I think you’d get along with Stella. You remind me of her,” he said. 
“Yeah, tough, no nonsense, funny, sweet,” he said. 
“Please,” you said and giggled. Was this Stella single? Did they have something going? 
Kevin opened his mouth to say something else when the wind howled louder, tearing your gaze to the window. The window shook and the lights began to flicker before they spasmed out. You shrieked as you were shrouded in darkness. 
The pale, white glow of the outside gave your apartment a blue and gray tint. Like waking up in the morning and the sun was still hiding behind clouds. You stood up and went to the window but you weren’t sure what you were looking for. Only that the snow and hail seemed to fall harder, peppering the ground. 
“Shoot,” you said. 
Kevin stood up and moved behind you, placing one hand on your hip while he leaned behind you to look outside as well. His warm hand scorched your skin as he looked one way and then another. 
“Let me see if it’s just us. Lock this door behind me,” he said.
You’d never seen this side of him yet. The kind that took charge. A new authority entered his voice, one that did not entertain disobedience. He turned and walked out and you followed behind to close and lock the door. 
You paced your kitchen as you waited. You didn’t know why. Lights went out all the time. He was perfectly safe going to the basement to check the circuit breaker. Minutes passed while you piddled around, cleaning up runaway socks on the floor around the hamper. 
Still had things to unload in the bathroom, but without light, you couldn’t see what you were pulling out of the box. It was too awkward holding your phone’s flashlight and the items. 
A knock on your door made you jump but then you checked the peephole. Kevin stood there with his hands in his pockets, glancing around. You opened the door and let him back inside. 
“Power’s out on the whole block. I already put in a call with utilities. With this kind of storm, there’s no telling when they’ll get out,” he said.
You sighed. “Oh, Kevin, I’m so sorry!” You said. You should have pushed him harder to stay home. To fix it another day. 
“Hey, what did we say about apologizing?” He asked.
“Sorry! I just feel so bad. Oh! I said it again, sorry,” you said. You slapped a hand over your mouth as you couldn’t stop apologizing for trapping him here. Now what were you going to do? He couldn’t fix your sink in the dark and there was no power to cook so you couldn’t offer him a meal. 
Kevin crossed towards you, invading your personal space. “No more apologizing. It’s okay,” he said.
“Well, I was going to save these until after. Since you’re stuck with me, we have cookies to hold us over,” you said. 
“If I had to be stuck anywhere, I’m glad it’s with you,” he said. 
You smiled and tugged on the sleeves of your purple shirt. Now that the power was out, that meant your heater was too. “Shit,” you said, realizing.
You told Kevin and he nodded. “Have you unpacked something to drink? I’ll show you how us Chicagoans stay warm,” he said. 
“That’s the first thing I unpacked,” you said. You left his overwhelming presence and went to your kitchen. The plate of cookies were wrapped on the short sink so that he wouldn’t have seen it. You wanted to surprise him with gratitude for all the hard work he did around your place.
You opened a cabinet and grabbed two glasses. They clinked together as you placed them on the sink and went to a small pantry, taking out a bottle of whiskey. Kevin joined you in the kitchen to help and he whistled at the bottle. “Basil Hayden?” He asked.
“Did you expect something girly?” You asked. 
“No ma’am, just didn’t take you for a whiskey type,” he said. He grinned and joined you at the table. 
“Now, we don’t want to get wasted but the goal is to keep a steady drink going to stay warm. So how ‘bout some questions to get to know each other? Since we got all this time,” he said. 
“Is this an interrogation?” You asked with a giggle. 
“Naw, just two friends getting to know each other. So we either answer truthfully or take shots. Up for it?” He asked. 
“I’m game if you are,” you said. Kevin took the lead by pouring tiny shots for you both in each glass. He pushed your glass towards you.
“You can go first,” he said.
You tapped the glass and thought about a good question to ask. “I’ll go easy. What’s a secret you’ve never told anyone?” 
“That’s easy?” He asked.
You nodded. You pointed to his glass. “You can always drink up if that’s too hard on you,” you said.
He smirked. “A secret I’ve never told anyone…I once met my celebrity crush at a mall signing. She signed a poster for me. I…still have it,” he said and smiled.
“Who! Who’s your secret crush?” You asked.
“Aht, it’s my turn. Worst heartbreak?” He asked.
“Easy questions, huh?” You asked.
He shrugged. “You don’t become friends by finding out each other’s favorite colors.”
You thought about it and nodded. You told him about your worst heartbreak and how you dealt with it. How difficult it was to move on from it. 
You went back and forth asking safe, but deep questions that required more than yes or no answers. You learned more about him and if it was possible, you fell for him even more.
“How in the world are you single?” You asked when it was your turn again. 
Kevin chuckled and played with his glass. So far, you had taken a few shots too nervous to answer the questions he asked. He had only taken two. One for when you asked about his parents and one when you asked about his first love. 
“I wish I knew. I date; you make it sound like I hide in my house after work. The shit I see every day, sometimes I just need to get it out of my head. Dating on top of that just seems cruel,” he said. 
You nodded. You could respect that. You had no idea what it was like being a cop. Seeing the worst humanity had to offer and still have to come up with hope for the people who survived. Dealing with the press and the community painting cops as modern day boogeyman. Still. He was too sweet and strong to not have someone. It was criminal. 
“How come you don’t have anyone?” He asked.
You fixed your glasses and shrugged. “May be a surprise to you but guys these days are…nasty. They send unsolicited dick pics, they can’t hold a conversation, and think women owe them something for buying them a drink. Like…I didn’t ask for the drink so why does that mean I have to open my legs or suck them off? Especially when they won’t even go down on a woman!” 
Kevin’s surprised face made you suddenly feel the alcohol loosening your limbs and warming you up. It definitely loosened your tongue. You groaned and rubbed your forehead. “Sorry, that’s TMI,” you said. 
“I would say take a drink every time you apologize, but then this bottle would be gone.”
The word was on the tip of your tongue and you bit it to keep from speaking it. He smirked at your attempt and you rolled your eyes. “You don’t know everything,” you said. Well, the door was open…
“What is your ideal woman?” You asked.
“Ideal? Shit, I just want someone I vibe with. That thinks like me. Has goals,” he said. 
“Beauty? Brains?” You asked.
“Why won’t you go to Molly’s with me?” He asked.
You smiled, remembering that it was only one question per person. “I don’t know anyone. Meeting new people sucks. I don’t have the personality for great first impressions,” you said.
“You know me,” he said. “I would make sure you’re good. And you are great at first impressions. I wouldn’t have rented to you otherwise.”
“You are just being nice like always. Why is it important for me to go to Molly’s?” 
“I want you to feel welcome here. Feel like you belong so you can stay,” he said. 
You ducked your head, playing with your glass. The soft slide of glass on the table was the only sound in the room. Outside, the wind continued to howl as the storm carried on. You shivered, despite feeling toasty from the whiskey. Your skin felt icy. “I moved here, Kevin. That’s about as permanent as it gets.” 
Kevin scooted closer. He had to spread his legs wider to accommodate your chair. The smell of him invaded your senses. The smell of whiskey on him made your head fuzzy. He brought his hand up to caress your cheek. He gently turned your head to look at him.
“This may be the drink talkin’, but you feel this too, right? Between us? If I’m imagining it, let me know now,” he said. 
You looked at his lips and then back up to his eyes. He caught the movement and did the same, his gaze drifting down your face and then back up again. 
“You’re not imagining it,” you said. 
Kevin leaned over and captured your lips in a sweet, tender kiss that warmed you up quicker than the whiskey. You returned the kiss, sighing, tongues dueling with each other. 
“Hmm, knew you’d taste sweet,” he said. He pecked your lips once, twice, and then lingered on the third time humming. 
Emboldened by his actions, you leaned out of your chair. You climbed into his lap, wrapping your hands around his shoulders. Kevin sighed and put his hands on your hips, squeezing every so often. 
“You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with,” he said.
You smiled and kissed him again, rolling your hips. He groaned and his hands went lower to grab your ass. He gripped and massaged your ass, squeezing painfully enough to make you cry into his mouth. He growled hearing the sound, kissing you with more passion after each kiss. 
“I want you, Kevin Atwater,” you said against his lips. 
“Are you sure?” He asked. He leaned back and looked into your eyes. “If you’ve had too much to drink–” 
“Shut up,” you said with a grin and kissed him. 
You had been playing this subtle game between each other for weeks as you signed your lease and moved in. The first time you called him to tell him about your stuck doors, he showed up the next day he was free. He made conversation easy as he fixed the doors. He immediately put you at ease. 
He found that your closet door was stuck too but he didn’t have time to fix it at the time. He told you that he would be back and again, he made it so easy to talk to him and time flew by when he was around. It was like you didn’t have time to think about being nervous when he was telling you about must see attractions to Chicago. He kept talking about the pizza and promised to bring one over.
He made moving there for work not feel so lonely. You were worried if you would find friends outside of work. No matter what, work friends were not true friends. 
You kissed him again, your hands drifting down to start unbuttoning his shirt. The alcohol wasn’t affecting you in the way he thought. It only lowered your natural anxiousness about being bolder. Funner. More open. Going after what you wanted.
Now that you knew you weren’t crazy, that he wanted you as well, a dam broke. Kevin matched your desperateness to get your clothes off as well. 
“I know another way to stay warm,” you said. 
Kevin chuckled. “I told you I can help with whatever you need,” he said. “I keep my promises.” 
You finally got his shirt loose and pushed it off of his shoulders. He had huge muscles, showing off a physique that made you lick your lips in anticipation. His thighs bunched underneath you and you moaned, rolling your hips against his pelvis. 
His erection was thick against his jeans. Kevin grabbed the edges of your shirt and pulled it off you, revealing your bra. He moaned and kissed around your chest. His hands traveled up and down your back, warming it up just like he promised. 
The black tank he wore underneath looked damn good on him but it had to go. He stopped kissing your chest long enough to let you remove it.  Your hands explored his chest while he put his mouth over your nipple through the fabric. 
You moaned, throwing your head back and giving him better access. He took the opportunity you presented and sucked on your titty until the fabric was soaked with his saliva. Your nipple became increasingly sensitive under his attention. You were hissing and shaking by the time he finally let go and admired his handiwork.
He switched to your other nipple, giving it the same love and attention as the first. You squirmed in his lap, unable to stop moving. Your hands moved to the back of his neck and held him to you. He groaned and continued to tug and suckle on your nipple until it was sensitive as well. 
As a big girl, it was not easy to feel small. Dainty. Delicate. But you felt like that in Kevin’s capable hands. You felt worshiped. Adored. The soft light coming from outside made the room feel like a bubble. Like time stopped somewhere outside and you were free to explore. To breathe. To cherish this moment with Kevin. 
He licked the swell of your breast outside of your bra and you moaned. He kissed up your neck until his lips found yours. Until he was nibbling on your lips and licking away the sting. He sucked on your bottom lip and you felt the tug in your pussy. 
You were uncomfortably wet. You felt your arousal dampening your panties. You didn’t know how much longer you would hold out. Or survive. 
“You squirming a lot there. You feelin’ good?” He asked.
“Yes,” you moaned. 
“What I’m gon’ find when I take them panties off?” He asked. 
“Me, excited. Ready for you,” you said.
“Ohh, you a little naughty on top of being sweet?” 
You didn’t have time to answer. Kevin stood up, holding you, cupping your ass so you didn’t slip. He kissed you while he held you. But your heart was thumping. Thundering. “I got you, don’t you even worry,” he whispered against your lips.
The apartment was small so he crossed the space in a few steps to get to your bed. He gently laid you down and stepped back to admire how needy you were. How you stretched out on the bed and made a sublime vision of wantonness. 
He bit his lip with a smirk as he unbuttoned your jeans and tugged them off your hips. Your breathing was rapid, out of control. Your chest rose and fell in quick succession. Your skin felt alive and electric. Like he needed to enter you right this second or you’d spontaneously combust.
“Look at you. Needy little thing,” he commented. His hands spanned the expanse of your thighs, rubbing and kneading. 
“Oh, Kevin,” you moaned. 
“So you ready for me, huh?” He asked. You watched through slitted eyes as he tilted his head. How could he be in control right now? Had it been that long for you? 
You were too busy packing and saying goodbye to family and friends to worry about getting your rocks off. You were too busy working and unpacking in Chicago to worry about finding someone to relieve the pressure. The past few weeks, it had been you and Roman the Rose. 
“I’m so ready,” you said, making him chuckle. 
He took off his shoes, socks, and jeans and you watched him unveil parts of his body you imagined. Lusted over. Pictured way too often to ever tell him the truth. 
“Mhm, we gon’ see,” he said. He joined you on the bed. Kneeling on it, the bed groaned under his weight and you smiled. Your bed had been previously unprepared for someone of his size. He dropped his lips to your chest slowly. When his breath fanned over your nipples, you moaned and twisted away from him.
He completely covered you, however, so there was no place to go. He licked the swell of your breasts again, glancing up at your reactions. You were mesmerized by him. Under his spell. One of his hands slipped up your thigh and you twinged. Goosebumps pebbled your skin but you felt like you were on fire. 
He pressed a thumb over your panties and pushed in, digging the fabric past your pussy lips and groaned at the wet glide of it already. “Oh shit,” you moaned. 
“Hm, look what I found,” he said against your skin. 
His fingers played with your pussy over your panties and you kept moving, twisting, writhing against your bed and underneath him. Every so often, his thumb would grace your pussy lips. That hint of skin to skin contact made you hiss and roll your hips against his hand. 
Kevin used his teeth to drag down the cup of your bra. He grinned finding your dark nipple and then he latched on, swirling his tongue around it in a way that let you know he’d do the same to your pussy when given the chance. 
Your breaths were choppy. Belly flipping. Pussy throbbing. Hands clutching your sheets and yanking. 
Your orgasm was tearing through you, stealing your breath like a thief. Stars exploded behind your eyelids as rippling pleasure traveled throughout your body. Kevin hummed through it all. 
“Look so damn pretty when you cum. Gon’ look even better when I get in there. I bet you’re gonna feel good ridin’ this dick,” he said. His raspy voice was its own brand of magic. Your nipples were still sensitive under his ministrations and the painful tug felt delicious. 
You whimpered. He used his teeth to drag down your other cup and gave it attention as well. His tongue flicking across the dark areola. “Shit!” You moaned.
“Mhm, let me hear it,” he said. His warm breath fanned across the wet spots he left behind and you shuddered. 
“Kevin, please,” you begged.
“Naw, that beggin’ shit don’t work on me,” he said. 
You whimpered once more as he rolled your nipple between his teeth. His hand went back to rubbing your pussy but this time, he finally slipped underneath. His thumb teased the area around your clit, never quite hitting it and teasing you with no mercy. 
“Oh fuuck,” you moaned. You turned your head to the side and bit your sheets, turning distraught at the realization that he was going to take his time with your body. He was an explorer. He was a master conductor fine tuning your body and learning the sounds you were capable of producing. 
He sucked hard on your nipple and your back left the soft sheets, arching away from the bed. “Augh,” moaned. 
At the same time, he dipped a finger into your entrance getting his finger wet up to the knuckle. “Nice and fuckin’ wet. Fuck,” he moaned. 
You hissed as he moved his finger in and out. His thumb continued to tease your clit, never directly touching it. It was a dual sensation that drove you insane and contracted on his finger.
“You gon’ feel this good squeezing on my dick?” He asked.
“Uh-huh,” you said and nodded. Hell yes you would. He just needed to believe you and get inside you already. You moved your hips against his finger and he hummed in appreciation. 
“Oh, impatient too. You wanna cum again?” He asked.
You nodded. “Yes, please, I wanna cum,” you whined, your voice tinny and weak. 
“Good girl, using your words without me having to tell you. A’right, I’ll let you cum,” he said. He pushed a second finger inside you and then began pumping in earnest. His thumb moved to rub circles around your clit and you came instantly, shouting and twitching.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you moaned as you came, eyes rolling into the back of your head. Kevin placed kisses along your chest as you did so, keeping up his particular brand of torture. He slowed down as your breathing returned to normal. 
“Hmm-mm,” I can get used to that,” he said.
You struggled to your elbows and looked at him. “Fuck,” you panted.
He grinned and stood up. He slipped his fingers out of you and then licked them one by one. He moaned, closing his eyes. Fuck. It was the hottest thing you’d ever seen. He licked his fingers like runaway scoops of brownie mix left on the spatula. 
You were getting worked up looking at him. He was distracted. You smirked as you leaned forward and pressed kisses to his stomach. He tensed up at the contact and you looked up at him. 
He grinned at you, grabbing you by the throat. Your eyes fluttered closed. He hummed. He pulled you into a kiss. A wet, sloppy, loud one that made you hiss and scoot closer to him. You were dripping, soaked. Every movement you made called attention to the fact that you were wet as hell.
“I got somethin’ for you, but I wanna eat first. We didn’t get to them cookies you baked,” he said. 
Your eyes turned watery. “Please, let me touch you, Kevin,” you said. 
He planted another kiss on your lips, lingering to swipe his tongue around your lips and diving inside. Your pussy ached. You’d never felt so empty in your entire life. “You’ll get your chance to make sure my dick wet for you. I don’t wanna hurt you when I finally fuck you,” he said.
You sighed painfully through your nose. Your vision swam with tears. You were beyond horny. You didn’t think you were this insatiable. You had two orgasms already but you wanted more. You wanted more from him. 
Kevin licked his lips and removed his hand from your neck.. He rubbed your lips with his thumb and then gave you a sweeter kiss this time around. “Now lean back and let me get to eatin’,” he commanded.
You needed no further encouragement as you flopped back onto the bed. He peeled your panties off, cooing at the dripping mess you were. “Hm-mm,” he sighed. He kissed your thighs as he slipped your panties off. He licked your calf. He threw your panties somewhere behind him and it landed with a soft, wet plop. 
You would have felt embarrassed usually. But there was nothing but pure, uncut lust. You could taste it in the air. Feel it burning you inside and out. 
Kevin hummed, stroking himself through his briefs. He spread your legs and watched as your arousal slowly leaked out of you. You felt it roll down the crack of your ass and shivered. Cool air blasted from somewhere. The wind continued to howl, adding to the soft orchestra of sounds you were currently making. 
Kevin knelt down slowly and got into position between your legs. He put them over his shoulders and yanked you down to the edge of the bed. His arms hooked underneath your legs and spread you open for his meal.
He blew slowly across your wet clit and you shivered. The anticipation was worse. You couldn’t stop moving, shaking, yearning. Kevin laughed and kissed your clit. He hummed. “Taste so fuckin’ good already. You’re so wet, baby,” he said. “Gonna drown in this pretty pussy.” 
“Fuck, Kevin!” You shrieked. 
He chuckled. “Calm down, what you cussin’ for? I ain’t even do nothin’ yet,” he said. 
You whined, rolling your hips. “Please, please, please,” you begged. You couldn’t take this teasing. You weren’t used to it. Had you even had sex before this? You thought you had decent lovers before. Men who knew what they were doing and had you screaming until the cows came home.
But Kevin? Kevin eclipsed any man that came before. You were a virgin all over again. This was your first time and your partner was an expert. A sex demon sent straight from hell. 
“The more you beg, the longer I take,” he said. He licked outside of your pussy lips. He went as far as the seam and pulled back, licking down ‘till he reached your entrance. His tongue just crested the surface of it. 
“Okay, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” You yelled and huffed. 
Kevin continued to tease you, drawing curses and screams and yells as he explored your body. Your thighs shook violently. Tingles turned to pinpricks against your legs the longer he held them open. 
Wave upon wave of desire flooded your system. Your hands played in his hair as he worked, savoring you. He hummed every so often when you tugged on his hair or made a sound that sounded like you were near death. Near leaving this plane of existence forever.
You stopped trying to plead with him. You become engrossed in the pleasure he was giving you. You and it were one and you surrendered to the feel of him. He finally pushed in further, drawing his tongue close to your clit.
“Auhh,” you croaked.
Kevin kept going, swirling his tongue. His sloppy, loud eating was seduction personified. He sucked so hard that he made noises with your pussy. 
You couldn’t say anything to let him know that you were enjoying yourself. You couldn’t encourage him to keep doing what he was doing. Your mind was gone. Gone on a different trip this time. 
He sighed against your pussy and then flicked his tongue on your clit. It was your undoing. You cried out, pupils blown wide as you came and came and came. Shivers wracked your body. Kevin held you down in his powerful arms, helping you weather the tempest rushing through you.
Your fingers dug into his wild hair and pulled. It didn’t seem to faze Kevin. He continued to eat you out as if searching for the next meal course. He ate you on the way down from the high. You moaned and bit your lip, hoping pain would help dull this type of ecstasy. It did not. 
Kevin smacked his lips as he slowly stopped, rolling his tongue one more time. He leaned back and surveyed his work. You heard him smacking his lips. “Makin’ such a big mess for me,” he whispered. He kissed your pussy and then leaned back. 
Your eyes found his. He smirked. His beard dripped with your essence. Entire lower jaw was wet and you saw trails of your slick in his beard. He rubbed it in, moving his hand to work in what you left on him. 
“How you feelin’, gorgeous?” He asked. 
“Like I died,” you said.
He chuckled. “Well, now you got some work to do. Get this dick wet,” he said.
He helped you into a sitting position. You yelped, feeling the giant pool you made on the edge of the bed. You were definitely going to have to wash these immediately. He grabbed your throat, tearing your thoughts away from the bed and back onto him. 
He leaned down and kissed you. Fuck, you tasted good on him. You smelled yourself and it only turned you on more. He sucked on your bottom lip and then swiped his tongue up. He made out with you and you somehow dripped more. You were a veritable slip and slide at this point. If he entered you, he’d face no resistance.
He pulled back and you smiled goofily at him. He smiled back. “Even better than I been dreamin’,” he said. He leaned back and let you go. You watched as he removed his briefs. Your eyes widened at the size of him. 
He was long and thick, a deadly combination. Maybe all the prep time was more from necessity. Had he tried entering you without lube or without foreplay, that shit would hurt. You were no punk though.
You fixed your glasses and greedily took him into your mouth. You were not as nuanced as he was. You did not have time for games. You had been desperate to touch him, taste him, and explore him in the same way he did to you. You sucked the tip of him and he hissed, hands going to the side of your face.
You pushed past his hands, sucking as much of him down as you could. You used your hands on the area you couldn’t get to. You spat on his dick and used it to let your hands glide better. 
“Sweet fuck,” he moaned. 
You sucked on him, remembering to breathe through your nose so that you didn’t pass out doing this. Your pussy throbbed as he continued to moan and throw his head back, rolling his neck. Your drool slipped past your lips and coated his shaft. You flicked your tongue across his tip and he jerked his hips forward.
His hands on the side of your head gripped you harder and pushed you down on his dick. Deeper than you would normally take someone. You had been worried that you would puke or something. However, you relaxed your throat and worked together to soak his dick with your saliva and make sure that he wouldn’t hurt you on entry. 
“Fuck, right there. Right there,” he moaned. 
You moaned right back, loving the way he took control of his pleasure and used you. “Let me cum in that pussy, baby,” he said.
You looked up at him and he licked his lips. You nodded. “Yef,” you said around his dick.
He slipped out of your mouth and you sucked in deep breaths. Your head was light. Floating. Soaring. You licked your lips and rubbed your cheeks to get the ache out. But Kevin grabbed you roughly and flipped you over on the bed.
“Ouee, shit,” you groaned. You sniffled. Fuck, he was ruining you for any other guy. You would never be able to have sex with anyone else ever again! Was it too early to propose? Was it too early to ask him to move into this tiny apartment with you and deliver this every night on demand? Would that scare him away? 
His large hands wrapped around your waist and pulled you back. One hand left as he guided his dick to your entrance. You sighed. There was no reason to beg him not to tease you. He wouldn’t listen either way. 
Kevin shoved inside in one hard thrust that brought those stars back to your mind’s eye. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuh,” you moaned. 
As suspected, he slipped in easily thanks to the foreplay and you sucking him off. He groaned as he was fully seated and began rolling his hips, giving you long, deep strokes. He grinded in your pussy and you began to shake and shiver on him. 
“Throw that shit back like you want it,” he said. 
You listened, throwing it back. He was stroking so hard that you couldn’t brace yourself. You dropped down to your elbows and raised your ass higher. He moaned as he stroked deeper, hitting your sweet spot and making your toes curl. 
“Kevin, Kevin, Kevin,” you chanted.
“Yeah, I know I’m hittin’ that shit. Bounce it back,” he said.
You moved your hips faster, matching his pace. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked back. Your head snapped back, a bite of pain on your scalp. “Auh, auh, auh,” you croaked.
His thrusts made your ass clap on him. “Mhm, gripping that shit,” he moaned. He twisted your hair again, yanking your head back a little more and stroking into you with precision. 
“Oue, baby, I’m gonna cum,” you moaned. “I’m cumming, baby.”
“Cum on then. Cum on this dick so I can nut in this pussy,” he said.
You cried. You exploded. You were ripped apart as the orgasm burrowed through your system. Your legs shook and twitched. Your pussy gripped him tight, making him snug as he pounded. 
Kevin continued stroking until he groaned and busted inside of you. Hot pulses of cum signed his name in the crevices of your pussy and you moaned with him. 
He slammed inside of you two more times and stilled, panting. He slowly worked his way out of you and you groaned. You immediately flopped onto the bed. Strength left you. Your energy was gone. 
Kevin’s quiet huffs let you track him through the apartment. You heard water running and then he was back, cleaning you up. You whined, crying and pushing away from him. He cooed at you and gently cleaned you up. 
Sleep tugged at you. You yawned. Kevin returned. You were putty in his hands as he moved you away from the mess you made. “I know another way to warm you up too,” he said.
“Hm,” you sighed. 
He chuckled as he got you out of the puddle. You sighed, curling up now that you were in a dry spot. Kevin placed something onto the wet spot and then got in bed with you, pulling your back into his chest. He spread out covers over you. 
You had just enough thought to take off your glasses and put it on the nightstand next to you. 
His hand came around to rest against your titty, still clad in your bra. He threw one leg over you and your body instantly warmed up. He was a space heater. You snuggled into his warmth and were out like a light, with a giant smile on your face.
The END.
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The Secret Kevin Atwater Files
388 notes · View notes
kiddbegins · 11 months
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Tracklist via the characters:
Will “One single thread of gold tied me to you”
This is me trying
Invisible string
Connor “It would have been fun, if you could’ve been the one”
The 1
The lakes
Olivia “Look at this godforsaken mess that you’ve made me”
The last great American dynasty
My tears ricochet
Illicit affairs
Mad woman
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teaandfiction-28 · 2 years
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Hello lovely readers 🙂
So, the final chapter of Brand New Day is now up 🥹 
With that in mind, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has engaged with both this story and Perfect Storm. I’ve been diligently writing for almost a year at this point and I’ve been bowled over by the love and support shown to these stories and the portrayal of the characters from Chicago PD that we all know and love. 
I’ve still got some one shots to write and I’ll 100% be leaving my asks *open* so please continue to send in your requests...perhaps I’ll have some time to actually get them posted now! 😅
So thank you, once again - you’re all the bestest 💛
Perfect Storm - Ao3 | Wattpad
Brand New Day - Ao3 | Wattpad
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This blog is a branch of the Criminal Ink Fanfic Guild which can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Discord. Featured here are various fanworks from across the fictional universe created by Dick Wolf (aka the Wolfverse).
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Message or tag this blog if you would like your fic and/or art reblogged. The Guild will also be re-blogging various fanworks set within the Wolfverse as we stumble across them here on Tumblr.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 6 months
I hate that I have all these ideas but can’t write them yet.
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