#Chicken or Fish?
the-zapped-part-timer · 4 months
Penn Zerothon Day 2
Chicken or Fish?🧜🏼‍♂️
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My Ramblings: So this episode is already showing us Boone has a fear of water, straight to the point.
My question is why is the Prince of Oceanaquariopolis fleeing? I don't think they knew the octopus army was attacking that day so I assume it's the duty of being a prince was weighing heavily on him and just didn't want to do it anymore. Totally understandable, really. But the more important question is... why does he have socks?
I wonder what the origin of the super clap is, did the prince train for that power or was he born with it? Either pretty neat to have, if you don't accidentally high-five anyone.
"The full-time prince couldn't unlock the war trident. We have to unlock the trident and use it to protect Oceanaquariopolis from the evil octopus people."
That's the mission at hand. I'd say that's why the prince left but he knows the Wise One, but the Wise One is on the island and the prince didn't know perhaps? Because I'm sure the Wise One wouldn't just hide away but only is because of Boone zapping as him and hiding from the ocean. But they do have phones. I still kinda like my theory.
Penn being confused by gender. Also something that bugs me a little, he doesn't have the same features at the other merpeople and the prince. I get it, it's to know that he zapped into that body or whatever but you can still communicate. Just something I picked up. I'd say Sashi too, but we don't know what her form looked before the zap. He and Sashi do have slightly yellow sclera. Rippen and Larry also still have noses when the army doesn't, so there's that too.
I want a shell phone so bad, I have a liking to flip phones and tackiness so it's perfect. It's also got video call on it!
I don't know why but every time I see the ocean of blood I'm just surprised that was allowed, and another scene I'll bring up later. It shouldn't surprise me but I think a lot of Disney shows were or still are very censored, I don't know for all shows to what degrees but just seeing blood so casually even as a joke feels different to me. It's like the whole PiB: The Last Wish blood thing being a huge deal (I know there are other animated shows and movies but those are older). I don't hate it! Just something I think about.
I wanna know how Boone sculpted with those claws!
Gotta say, all the people who voice the merpeople? I love each and every one if them. All so very distinct.
Love the bananas scene and Christmas tree scene. Also we get our first instance of vore in the show.
Is there a reason the octopus people are evil? Like did something happen between the merpeople and octopus people we should know about? We get some reasons for other villain missions. Do they just want the trident to rule the ocean? I don't know. Also, what does an octopus/squid high-five feel like?
Also why didn't Rippen at least try to stop Boone when he had his discovery and just swam right past him? Larry, I get. But, Rip? Buddy? Big guy! Do something!
The prince's throne has a dead pufferfish on it... I guess let's not talk about that.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: I love that Penn, after laughing at how Boone does bathe, still doesn't make him feel dumb for his aquaphobia. He's a good friend and just wants to help him, even if his "gentle" methods aren't very gentle. But I get why, there's a mission at hand. But still a bit forceful at times but he means well. Also, everyone! Don't forget that shark!
Boone Wiseman: Boone can sometimes be hit or miss for me. I understand why he didn't spill the beans about his aquaphobia, it's embarrassing. I'd be embarrassed to if I couldn't take proper baths or showers because of my fear. But I'm not Boone, I express when I'm highly uncomfortable or scared of something... or people can tell by my face. I don't ir can't hide it, I'm Rippen like that.
I do also wonder if Boone's parents ever tried to help him with it, I'm sure they did. Maybe that's why he cleans himself the way he does because of them.
Also him just out right basically saying: "naw fam, screw the mission." Kinda pisses me off but I'd also probably be like that. I actually don't really like water that much myself. At least he discovers that water isn't that bad, but I hope he remembers that back at home he can't breathe underwater.
Sashi Kobayashi: She kicks octo-butt and deals with cowardly fish people... that's pretty much it. I like her ear-scratching giggles.
Rippen: Him and Larry didn't do all that much, didn't even participate in the battle. Just listening to Larry ramble and get stuck in his tentacles. But he would use "hugging" against people, wouldn't he?
Larry: Again, didn't do much. But we got to hear his Christmas tree story!
Dimension(s): Not a whole lot for me, just... ocean. There is the island but we didn't see too much stuff on it. Don't hate it, I like the idea of this world more in the next episode we see it in.
Forms: Merpeople and octopuses people... neat! My favorite is Sashi's mer-seahorse, I love the colors!
The Old Old West🦖
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My Ramblings: VONNIE AND BROCK CALL! I love this couple! But this also this implies that the Trio possibly already fought werewolves and I'm mad, I wanna see werewolves in this show! Werewolf World! Is it the same world where Rippen was a vampire (and Larry a mummy)? Anyways hope that rash cleared up!
It's neat when Penn isn't obvious heroes like a sheriff, he's just some guy. Also he complimenting Sashi's outfit but not in the best way, like think before you speak, goof.
What an entrance, Rippen. Too bad I can't be intimidated when you follow it up with one of your goofy lines. I love it. Also love his stubby T-Rex. Speaking of dinos! I like that Penn has a Allosaur and not a T-Rex, I'm surprised they didn't but hey, T-Rex's in most media are "evil" so. Hadrosaur and Cow-osaur (or a Triceratops of sorts)! Also, they were just gonna steal those dinos?
I swear that guy behind the barrels was pissing! Was that the joke?
Realistically speaking, if those slingshots were the actual guns their substituting for, Sheriff Scaley Briggs would have either shot at or straight up shot that man, which, not cool man! Maybe that's a reason Penn didn't zap as him. Also way to assume some one is bad if they're wearing a cool, black cowboy hat, Sheriff. It does makes sense for TV and movie logic.
Another Wilhelm Scream!
"Around here. We got a saying. Bandit rustlin's like walls on an outhouse, having four's better than three." Fair enough to me but I also get why they don't want him before he screws up, he's getting on in years and he did just lock them up. Also, who's watching the town, Sheriff?
Love that the T-Rex is terrified of such a little snake. It's like some cats with mice, you'd think they'll just kill it but nope! Terrified!
Second song of the show! Again, Boone starts it. It's fine, the word "butt" isn't funny to me, personally. I'm Sashi.
HANG ON! His full name is Sheriff Scaley Jebediah Harland Winifred Josephina Briggs!?
T-Rex is such a cat, Rippen can't handle being a dino-dad. Also, first hint to Larry's wealth. He's also eating Jerk-o-Saur Terky.
Also do yourself a favor, when watching this, watch when Sheriff Scaley Briggs tries to get up, look at his legs. Damn...
This damn T-Rex's waddle towards Scaley's keys will never not be adorable and funny. Dinosaurs are giant cats and toddlers!
Funny to see Briggs' reaction to Penn saying the outhouse thing back at him, kinda looks like he doesn't have a clue to what he's talking about. I swear this man has dementia or alzheimer's, especially the next time we see him. It is sad to see him forget about them the next few times. They had a connection.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: Enjoyed him not being the main hero of the world and is instead teamed up with an washed-up hero, it's an interesting dynamic. I like that it takes a bit to get around to Sheriff Scaley Briggs and then becoming worried about him going alone after finding out he duped them.
Boone Wiseman: Boone's background arc? Becoming a milk business man and damn if he isn't on his way! Cans and everything!
Sashi Kobayashi: Sashi is ok with cannibalism and that she really hates old people. That's my take away for her in this episode.
Rippen: Main his thing in this is get the money over the town line. But instead is forced to be a dino-dad to an aloof T-Rex. But such a cutie none the less, I'd take him!
Larry: He's along for the ride! And being unhelpful as always!
Will say this, we see Larry ride a raptor in the intro but never in the show. Why?
Dimension(s): COWBOY DINOSAUR WORLD! Now that is a fun concept! I like cowboys, I like dinos, so why not both!? That's all I need, I wanna see more dino incorporated stuff!
Forms: All solid! Like the detail of Boone's flipflop spurs. I adore Sashi's over-the-top southern belle look... but my favorite has got to be Rippen's. Look at him!
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letmypepesgo · 1 year
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Chicken or fish?
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triggerblaze345 · 1 year
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copepods · 9 days
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messy trackpad study of my beautiful daughter(s)
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
Anthony Bourdain Goes to Gaza
CNN didn’t want him to air this. He fought for it.
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bluuscreen · 26 days
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triple masterminds ?
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maybe-boys-do-love · 1 month
Mix Sahaphap gets to perform (and has the performance chops to perform) in a style that I’ve never seen any other male actor get to embody. Mix gets to unironically play the #strongfemalecharacter. The Beatrice, the Elizabeth Bennett, the Jo March. Strong-willed, emotional, kind-hearted.
Not only do the plot points line up, but Mix, more than any BL actor I’ve seen, fully leans into the embodiment of this archetype. In his roles, he rolls his eyes, pouts, banters flirtatiously, softens his posture and expression at small details. He doesn’t over-exaggerate and imposition other characters but his face also doesn’t hold back his character’s thoughts and judgments. And when the moments arrive, he lets all the hurt and anguish pour out in shatters of tears and visible heartbreak—the star-counting scene, anyone????—in a way that harkens to the operatic emotionality of well-done melodramas, soap-operas, and their contemporary Thai equivalent of Lakorn. It’s only that these have never been men’s roles in those.
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It’s no surprise that one of Mix’s roles—Cupid’s Last Wish—is explicitly a gender body-swap, and Tian in A Tale of Thousand Stars is (albeit explicitly denied within the show) heavily connected to gender body-swapping. What Mix specializes in as an actor, and does exceptionally well, has been defined as feminine. To depict a kind of queer expression in this style is novel because it’s not camp, it’s not okama, it’s not a soft or femboy, it’s not a BL twink (Mix has been mostly excluded from the schoolyards and quads of the BL universe except for a role as a senior crush in Fish Upon the Sky). It’s too sincere and too adult for any of that.
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In Moonlight Chicken we get to see, without the pretense of gendered mysticism, this performance style’s seduction, warmth, wit, and explosiveness within the framework of a general gay form of expression. It says that this kind of femininity might just be a gay thing. Not all gay men exhibit it, obviously—queer men aren’t a monolith. Still, it gives us something to consider about how we observe performance of queerness on screen, especially in front of an audience that puts so much more emphasis on ships, heat, and pairing chemistry to assess how well they perform a BL role. Could we look for other features to judge performance of queerness instead of how well they kiss?
Seme and uke roles would be the major performance style categories loyal BL fans assess actors with, yet even within the archetype his character’s fill within BL narratives, Mix’s performances differ from the typical uke depiction in BL because he really doesn’t perform them as passive. Rather, Mix’s characters and his portrayal of them are dynamic and demanding. It certainly fits certain stereotypes of ukes (Gilbert!) and their gay stereotype equivalent of bottoms as pillow princesses and brats. Mix’s characters, though, have more drive, agency, and compassion than that, and he plays them with all of those currents running underneath.
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We certainly have openly gay writer/director Aof Noppharnach to thank for writing this kind of queer character for Mix to play in Tian and Wen. But for Mix’s specific commitment to the performance starting off with his (debut!?) role in ATOTS, we first have Earth to thank for believing in Mix’s ability and recommending him to portray the role of Tian, and then Aof’s acceptance despite his differing initial expectations for the character. Mix, Earth, and Aof have all been open about how Mix in his personal life and nature holds a lot of similarities to both his role as Tian in ATOTS and Wen in Moonlight Chicken. Some people might knock points off his performances because he’s like them. But his relationship to the characters, rather than dampening my enthusiasm for Mix’s performances, helps me appreciate his willingness to give an authentic performance in a style that hasn’t been encouraged on screens previously. It’s made more impactful that he chose to risk vulnerability to bring something personal that had previously been excluded from screens because of its gender deviance (and in broader society explicitly condemned). This doesn’t make a claim on Mix’s actual identity, but simply shows his willingness to understand and perform the expressions of his queer characters with an effort at empathy that many other actors would feel challenged to bring.
Some actors are chameleons, but some actors have a gift of a type within which they can explore depths and range that no one else can best. For me, that’s what Mix does in his work when directors and casting understands his talent. There’s a BTS video of Mix actually fainting during a scene while in Earth/Phupa’s embrace on the mountain that immediately brought to mind the wildly famous final scene in the film Camille where Greta Garbo as Marguerite dies in her lover’s arms.
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For Mix, it was a serious incident due to regrettably extreme conditions and requiring the on-set paramedics, but these levels of theatrics, for me, are emblematic of what Mix is capable of as a performer, as well. After all, he had to faint in Phupa’s arms multiple times on purpose. It’s the kinds of Old Hollywood and heightened sentimental romance realms Mix takes his performances to! Then he can turn around and make it look easy to take that same character into grounded quips or dedicated everyday tasks. It only takes writers, directors, and audiences willing to see that men can feel this way and act this way. Mix has paved the way.
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lizardsaredinosaurs · 2 months
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✨Sticker Preorders!! ✨
I promised stickers and here you have them! :D
Each sticker is 3 inches at the longest point.
$5 each or $15 for the set.
I'm testing out a variety of animals to see what's popular, so you get to choose from:
a sarcastic whooping crane
a lekking prairie chicken
a handsome gulo gulo (wolverine)
a pallid sturgeon with his ghostie Cretacean ancestor
Place your order in the shop
Preorders will be open for 2 weeks until August 14th! Stickers will ship around August 21-27th.
Free US shipping, add $1 for international.
They'll be shipped in a regular envelope - if you want a rigid mailer for extra protection, add $3 for US shipping, $11 for international.
Please reblog!
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akantorrr · 11 months
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The Goldfish and The Kraken
Speedpaint and alternate versions under the cut :>
I really, REALLY could not decide if I liked the blue version more than the black and white ;w; I am suffering, they both look really gooddd
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buffetlicious · 1 month
Made my way to the coffee shop a couple of away from my place to buy dinner. Mum asked for the Saba Fish Bento from the Korean/Japanese stall. Half a pan-fried blue mackerel over a bed of shredded cabbages drizzled in teriyaki sauce occupied the largest compartment. White rice filled up the next biggest space with a side of kimchi and a lime.
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Me went with the Economy Rice (菜饭) option and chose three dishes for my takeaway meal. Starting from the left to right, bitter gourd & egg stir-fry, stewed fried egg tofu and crispy chicken cutlet over white rice.
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phrandallanton · 1 month
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fattributes · 8 months
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Red Curry Laksa Noodle Soup
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skoople · 1 year
don't tap the glass they hate it when you do that
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goshyesvintageads · 2 months
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Van Camp Sea Food Co, 1939
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yexiushands · 12 days
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No context fuki.
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