#Chinese godess
yuniverjo · 11 months
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artnzeug · 4 months
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Second drawing for Mermay this year, well technicaly third cause I made a mermay the fourth drawing. This is for a prompt list over on Instagram taking inspiration from godesses from around the world, in this case the inspiration was Mazu from chinese mythology.
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mymangamemes · 1 year
Bad luck, or potassium deficiency?
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jedineedlove · 1 month
Legend VS LMK
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Mother Goddes, and Member of the Three Sovereigns of Chinese Mythology. The sister and wife of Fuxi. Nuwa is considered the goddess of creation and the female emperor of mankind. Her reverential name is Wahuang (Chinese: 媧皇; lit. 'Empress Wa'). That is due to Nuwa’s position of honor in the Chinese pantheon, Nuwa was given a character completely unique to her name – Wa. Nu is the character of woman and is often used as a prefix for goddesses.
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Shes is a godess in Chinese folk religion, Buddihsm, Confucianism and Taoism
She is one of the most venerated Chinese goddesses alongside Guanyin and Mazu.
Nuwa was created by her mother, the goddess Huaxu. While wandering the heavenly realms, Huaxu stepped into the footprint of the god of thunder Leigong and suddenly became pregnant. In the earliest versions of the myth, Huaxu gave birth in the earthly realm to only Nuwa.
In later versions, Huaxu gave birth to Nuwa and Fuxi. Nuwa and Fuxi were born with the bodies of snakes and the faces of humans, however, they could shapeshift into humanoid figures with two legs and a tail.
Nüwa & Fuxi Appearances:
The iconography of Fuxi and Nüwa vary in physical appearance depending on the time period and regional differences. In tomb murals and iconography, Fuxi and Nüwa generally have snake-like bodies and human faces or heads.
Nüwa is often depicted holding a compass or multiple compasses, which were a symbol of a dome-like sky. She was also thought to be an embodiment of the stars and the sky or a star god.
Fuxi and Nüwa can be depicted as individual figures arranged as a symmetrical pair or they can be depicted in double figures with intertwined snake-like bodies. Their snake-like tails can also be depicted stretching out towards each other. This is similar to the representation of Rahu and Ketu in Indian astrology.
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As some tales of Nüwa and Fuxi, both sprang from the same mother at the same time, Taoists believed that Nuwa was the primordial personification of yin energy (female, gentle, intuitive, and receptive) and Fuxi was representative of the yang (male, fast, active, fierce). Coming together symbolized the reunion of the yin and yang energies which then united to create human existence.
Fuxi and Nüwa can also appear individually on separate tomb bricks. They generally hold or embrace the sun or moon discs containing the images of a bird or a toad (sometimes a hare) which are the sun and moon symbolism respectively. Them holding the sun and the moon appear as early as the late Western Han dynasty.
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Other physical appearance variations, such as lower snake-like body shape, depictions of legs. and wings with feathers that protrude from their backs as found in the late Western Han Xinan Tomb or smaller quills found on their shoulders, and in hats and hairstyles.
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the Gansu murals dating to the Wei and Western Jin period, one of the most typical features of Fuxi is the "mountain-hat" which looks like a three-peaked cap while Nüwa is depicted wearing various hairstyles characteristic of Han women. Both deities dressed in wide-sleeved clothing, which reflects the typical Han clothing style also commonly depicted in Han dynasty art.
Nüwa and Fuxi Other Stories:
In one version of their myth, soon after the birth of Nuwa and Fuxi, a great flood struck the earth, and only Nuwa and Fuxi remained unharmed after escaping by boat. As the years passed, and with only each other to keep themselves company, Nuwa and Fuxi longed for companionship. Unwilling to violate the laws of heaven by sleeping together as brother and sister, they prayed together seeking a sign of approval.
As they were the only humanoids of their kind left upon the earth, the Emperor of Heaven accepted their union. After mating, Nuwa gave birth to humanity, becoming the matriarch of mankind by giving birth to a ball of meat. Nuwa and Fuxi then divided the meat into pieces shaped as humans and scattered them across the world.
In another version of the creation tale, found in the Classic of Mountains and Seas, Nuwa and Fuxi lived upon legendary Kunlun Mountain. Trying to keep warm on a cold night, the twins created two fires. As the fires burned, they eventually became one. While watching the fires merge, Nuwa and Fuxi joined together as husband and wife. Deciding that they would like to have children, they molded clay into the shape of humans. Using their powers to imbue the small figurines with life, Nuwa and Fuxi created humanity.
Duyi Zhi volume 3, written by LiRong over a thousand years ago, gives a slightly different account of the Chinese creation myth – “There was a brother and a sister living on the Kunlun Mountain, and there were no ordinary people at that time. The sister’s name was Nuwa. The brother and sister wished to become husband and wife but felt shy and guilty about this desire. So the brother took his younger sister to the top of the Kunlun Mountain and prayed: “If Heaven allows us to be man and wife, please let the smoke before us gather; if not, please let the smoke scatter.” The smoke before them gathered together. So Nuwa came to live with her elder brother. She made a fan with grass to hide her face. (The present custom of women covering their faces with fans originated from this story).”
"But most versions give sol credit of humanity's creation to Nuwa. But in some of those Fuxi is credited with introducing a number of innovations and inventions that made significant improvements to the lives of his wife’s beloved creations. One of these, for instance, is the invention of fishing and domesticating animals. "
After the goddess Hauxu gave birth to Nuwa, Nuwa roamed the earth alone. The earth was young and teeming with life, filled with blossoming trees and flowers. The lush grounds were covered with many types of animals, the skies were filled with birds, and the seas were full of fish. But while the earth was beautiful, Nuwa felt very lonely, despairing that there was no one to accompany her.
While walking one day, Nuwa was struck by the idea of creating living beings herself. First, she made a new type of bird that could not fly away from her by creating chickens. Then she wanted to make an animal that would be a constant companion, and Nuwa created dogs. On the third day, she made sheep. Then pigs. Then cows. On day six, Nuwa made horses On day seven, while Nuwa walked along a riverbank, she stopped to admire her reflection. As she stroked the hair from her face, she was struck with inspiration and thought to make life forms that looked like her. Nuwa began to scoop and mold yellow clay into figures that had arms and could stand upright upon legs. As she worked the mud in her hands, the figures came alive and began to move and speak. Soon, the creations began to sing and dance around Nuwa while honoring her. All of the loneliness Nuwa had known went away.
Thrilled at her results and filled with passion for her creation, Nuwa desired to make more humans faster. She realized that she could drag rope across the mud and mass produce them, as creating every person individually was beginning to take too much time and hurting her hands. Soon she began to whip the rope, flinging mud and making people faster and faster.
The people Nuwa molded by hand became the wealthy nobility. The ones she made by dragging the rope became commoners. And finally, the ones Nuwa made by whipping the rope became the servant class. As she finished making the last batch of humans it began to rain. Because some of these figures had not yet dried, the rain began to mark them and melt them. The last batch of humans that Nuwa created were damaged by the rain, and thus were the ancestors of those with sickness and deformities.
"She molded humans individually by hand with yellow clay. In other stories where she fulfills this role, she only created nobles and/or the rich out of yellow soil. The stories vary on the other details about humanity's creation, but it was a tradition commonly believed in ancient China that she created commoners from brown mud."
The Pillars:
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One of the enduring myths of Nuwa is that of the repairing of the Pillar of Heaven. In the early days of earth’s existence, The earth was separated from the sky by four large pillars which had once been the arms and legs of the creator god, Pangu.
During these early days, the god of water, Gong Gong, and the god of fire, Zhu Rong, had been at odds for many years. Unable to hold back their fury at one another, they engaged in battle to determine who would be the god of the heavens. As they fought, fires raged and floods began to destroy the new earth.
Gong Gong was finally subdued by Zhu Rong, but in his rage, he slammed his head against Buzhou Mountain, one of the four pillars of heaven that had once been Pangu’s leg. An earthquake shook the earth, and the pillar collapsed tearing a hole in the skies.
Looking upon the earth, Nuwa was filled with compassion for her children who were suffering. The new creation of earth had been torn to shreds from the battle between the water and fire gods. Fires burned out of control and water poured in a deluge from the hole in the sky. Nuwa desired to help her children, so she sought out the sky turtle, Ao.
Nuwa threw herself at Ao’s mercy, hoping for a miracle to save her many children. The sky turtle, feeling compassion for the mother of humanity, took Nuwa’s sword and cut off one of his legs, offering it as a substitute pillar. After leaving Ao, Nuwa collected five colored stones (red, yellow, blue, white, and black) and melted them together to repair the hole in the heavens, while using Ao’s leg to replace the pillar.
( The five-colored stones symbolize the five Chinese elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water)
Waters poured on her relentlessly as she pushed the leg into position, and once in place, she shoved the ashes of burnt reeds into the remaining holes to plug the leaks. After replacing the pillar and stopping the deluge, Nuwa fell exhausted upon the earth and died.
While many are familiar with the Chinese myth of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, some areas of south China revere Nuwa as one of the Three Sovereigns, reigning as Empress Wa after the death of Fuxi and the rise of Shennong.
Tying into China’s strong ancient matriarchal beliefs, after the reign of Fuxi, the Empress Wa’s rule was challenged by a neighboring tribal chieftan. After defeating the chief in battle, Nuwa dragged her enemy to the peak of Mount Buzhou. Filled with shame, the chief banged his head upon the mountain, tearing a hole in the sky.
As the waters poured from the heavens, the entire world soon flooded, killing all of creation except for her army which was protected by her godhood. Nuwa then found five colored stones and melted them together, patching the hole in the sky.
In other versions of the Pillar of Heaven myth, when Nuwa attempted to fix the sky with the five melted stones she soon found that there was not enough to fix the hole in the sky. Knowing there was no other choice, Nuwa used her own body to fix the remaining hole, sacrificing her life to keep her children safe. With the hole repaired the deluge ended, and humanity was able to thrive and multiply again.
"In all of the myths of the repair of the Pillar of Heaven, due to Ao’s leg being slightly shorter than the original pillars, Nuwa could not align the sky and earth the same as they were before. The sky slanted to the northwest. The earth slanted southeast.
Since the repair, the sun, moon, and stars all rise from the east and set to the west, and all of the rivers in China flow southeast. And due to the use of the multi-colored stones, the clouds of heaven now had different colors."
In southwest China, many of the minority groups still celebrate Nuwa as their primary goddess and honor her with the yearly Water-Splashing Festival. There are many temples to Nuwa and Fuxi, but the largest temple to the pair lies in Hebei Province, believed to be the ancestral home of all humanity.
The Classic of Mountains and Seas, dated between the Warring States period and the Han dynasty, describes Nüwa's intestines as being scattered into ten spirits.
In Shuowen Jiezi (c. 58 – 147 AD), China's earliest dictionary, under the entry for Nüwa author Xu Shen describes her as being both the sister and the wife of Fuxi. Nüwa and Fuxi were pictured as having snake-like tails interlocked in an Eastern Han dynasty mural in the Wuliang Temple in Jiaxiang county, Shandong province.
In the collection Four Great Books of Song (c. 960 – 1279 AD), compiled by Li Fang and others, Volume 78 of the book Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era contains a chapter "Customs by Yingshao of the Han Dynasty" in which it is stated that there were no men when the sky and the earth were separated. Thus Nüwa used yellow clay to make people. But the clay was not strong enough so she put ropes into the clay to make the bodies erect. It is also said that she prayed to gods to let her be the goddess of marital affairs.
In Ming dynasty myths about the transition from the Shang dynasty to the Zhou dynasty, Nüwa made evil decisions that ultimately benefited China, such as sending a fox spirit to encourage the debauchery of King Zhou, which led to him being deposed. Other tales have her and Fuxi as exclusively the "great gentle protectors of humanity" unwilling to use subterfuge Another telling of that story is from the famed Ming Dynasty novel Fengshen Bang. Nüwa is revered since Xia dynasty for creating the five-colored stones to mend the heavens, which tilted after Gonggong toppled one of the heavenly pillars, Mount Buzhou. Shang Rong asked King Zhou of Shang to pay her a visit as a sign of deep respect. Upon seeing her statue, Zhou was completely overcome with lust at the sight of the beautiful ancient goddess Nüwa. He wrote an erotic poem on a neighboring wall and took his leave. When Nüwa later returned to her temple after visiting the Yellow Emperor, she saw the foulness of Zhou's words. In her anger, she swore that the Shang dynasty would end in payment for his offense. In her rage, Nüwa personally ascended to the palace in an attempt to kill the king, but was suddenly struck back by two large beams of red light. After Nüwa realized that King Zhou was already destined to rule the kingdom for twenty-six more years, Nüwa summoned her three subordinates—the Thousand-Year Vixen (later becoming Daji), the Jade Pipa, and the Nine-Headed Pheasant. With these words, Nüwa brought destined chaos to the Shang dynasty, "The luck Cheng Tang won six hundred years ago is dimming. I speak to you of a new mandate of heaven which sets the destiny for all. You three are to enter King Zhou's palace, where you are to bewitch him. Whatever you do, do not harm anyone else. If you do my bidding, and do it well, you will be permitted to reincarnate as human beings." With these words, Nüwa was never heard of again, but was still a major indirect factor towards the Shang dynasty's fall.
Nüwa and Fuxi were also thought to be gods of silk
Long ago, Nüwa sculpted humanity out of clay and mud. She believed her children would not survive the primordial sea of chaos, so she built the Pillar of Heaven and forged the cycles to protect them. But, a cataclysmic event left the pillar shattered. Nüwa crafted five-colored stones and reconstructed the pillar back to its original state. She entrusted four stones to the Four Symbols: the Vermillion Bird, the Black Tortoise, the White Tiger, and the Teal Dragon, the final one to be guarded by the Jade Emperor. After Monkey King's birth, Nüwa repurposed his stone to carry the Harbinger of Chaos. She was saddened by the creature's existence to sacrifice himself but knew that this was a necessary sacrifice to keep her children safe from the chaos beyond.
Throughout the whole research into her real-world mythology. She has been credited for creating a few animals though monkeys are not mentioned that could be just my research or something else. But I actually found something similar to her pillar story number 3 that nearly matches the LMK version of her fixing the pillars. She was never in the JTTW. But some other thoughts on Nuwa and the pillars I think when she fixed the pillars she accidentally made Wukong. I don't remember where I read this but I think there was a version of JTTW that had the Jade Emperor say something about " Made with the essence of fragments of Godess Nuwas Power" Even if that might not be what I remember right. Maybe it could be in the LMK universe when the crew fought the Nine-headed demon, he used his chaos powers to bind them to certain sections of the wall.
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MK is placed over his mural self, the silhouette of his destiny. And the others are placed over the sotnes that would later be them when they smashed them.
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But then look at Wukong who is placed in Nuwas hand in the mural of her molding and creating humans.
This could be foreshadowing that it might be revealed and it might hold something of importance later. It might also explain why the goddess chose Wukong as the templet for her harbinger of chaos.
Other Media:
She does appear in the film "The Monkey King: Havoc in Heaven's Palace" and "Journey to the West II", both of which feature Nüwa creating Sun Wukong using one of the five-colored stones. The former film also features Nüwa sacrificing herself to rebuild Heaven, similar to her actions previous to Season 5.
Thnak you for reading if you have something i missed please leave it in the comments thank you :)
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cherllyio · 3 months
Nüwa is going to sacfrice herself, not Wukong - A Season 5 Theory
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Now, I do like the "Wukong is going to sacrifice himself theory", i acutally think its really cool!
But... While looking at the LEGO sets (more specifically "The Celistial Pagoda Set"), i noticed something... interesting about Nüwa's characther design. (in this picture)
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As you can see, in Nüwa's hair decoration is acutally the home of the last magical stone, the yellow stone. (Which is also placed right over her)
So, she is clearly in some way related to that stone.
But it doesnt stop there! For right underneath the stone, in her hair, is a symbol of a yellow dragon. More Specifically The Yellow Dragon from Chinese Constellations.
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This is based of the evidence, that we know the other four constelations are the magical creatures we see in the trailer, which are as following:
The Azure Dragon of the East
The White Tiger of the West
The Vermilion of the South
The Black Tortoise of the North (which is beheind MK)
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@lu-zijing explained it in great detail here, if you are interested in more, but anyway-
The Last Constellation was, the Yellow Dragon, represents the center of cosmos, the element of earth, dualism or just shortly said: Yin and Yang.
And as i talked about here, Nüwa is heavily related to:
The Cosmos (Did you know she is also a star godess?)
An abstract mindset
And she is also the grandaughter of Pangu (the one who split heaven and earth)
But... this would then also mean, that if The Azure Dragon and The White Tiger had to sacrifice themselves, to give MK and co the stones...
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Yea... thats not a good sign for our dear Nüwa...
And in some versions of the "Nüwa mending the heavens myth", she acutally does sacfice herself to mend the heavens!
(as I was told by @AggroAggron in a little conversation we had in the comments) in that video i linked to earlier)
Conclusion: The ammount of angst this would result in is crazy. Like Nüwa is the closest thing MK has to a biological mother.
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fanfics4all · 9 months
Deep Sleep
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Request: Yes / No  List was made by @alpaca-clouds
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
FP Jones x Daughter!Reader 
Word count: 533
Warnings: Nothing!
Y/N: Your Name 
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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*Fp’s POV*
She was so tired. Her head was falling forward as she started nodding off, her eyes heavy as they flutter shut. She was too damn stubborn to admit it though. It was late and we were just watching a movie together.
“You should go to bed, kiddo.” I mentioned. She shook her head, but lent on my shoulder. We watched the movie for a bit longer, until Y/N started falling asleep again and slipped off my shoulder. Her head snapped up and looked around slightly dazed. 
“Come on, Queenie.” I said as I pat my thighs. 
“Mmm…” She hummed as her head rested against my thigh. I smiled and gently combed my fingers through her hair. Her breathing quickly evened out and she was asleep in no time. 
Once the movie was over I looked down at my daughter, she was still fast asleep. I grabbed the remote and turned the T.V. off. I stretched slightly, careful not to wake her. 
“Alright, let’s get you to bed.” I said to myself. I gently placed my hands under her back and knees. I picked her up easily and she stirred slightly. 
“I got you kiddo.” I whispered. She mumbled something quietly and her eyes fluttered. 
“Relax, I’m just gettin’ you to bed.” I said with a smile. 
“Thanks Daddy.” She mumbled and I chuckled slightly. I gently laid her on her bed, pulling the covers over her and kiss her head. Her soft snores filled the room and I smiled. She needed as much sleep as she could get right now. I left the room and decided to watch a bit more T.V. while I waited for Jughead to come home. 
An hour later the front door was loudly opened and in walked my son. I turned off the T.V. and sent him a glare. He head right for the kitchen and started loudly looking for something to eat. 
“Boy you better quiet down.” I said and he looked up at me. 
“Why?” He asked confused. 
“Your sister’s asleep and she ain’t been sleeping well.” I said and he looked into the hallway. I got up and sent to go check on her. She was still in bed asleep and slightly drolling. I smiled and shook my head a bit. I walked back out to find Jug eating some left over chinese we had gotten. 
“Did I wake her?” He asked and I shook my head. 
“She’s out like a light. Make sure you’re quiet when you go to bed, I don’t want her wakin’ up tonight.” I said and he nodded. 
“She still stressing about school?” He asked and I sighed. 
“Yeah… She’s been up studying for weeks.” I answered. 
“I’ll try and distract her tomorrow, she needs to relax a bit.” He said and I smiled. 
“Good luck, she’s damn stubborn.” I said and Jughead laughed. 
“Oh, I know.” He said as he finished the food. 
“I’m gonna head to bed, night Dad.” He said. 
“Night, son.” I said and watched him quietly sneak into the room he shared with his sister. I yawned and decided it was time for me to head to bed too. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13 @adamsbubblegumbitch
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chang’e (chinese moon godess) taking subway with her jade bunny by 澜溪原创汉服
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beastiary · 3 months
Fox spirits:
Below are linked sources. In each name is further info.
Vulpine or fox spirits in Japan are normally referred to as "Koshin" [狐神], from the Chinese equivalent of "Yāohú" [妖狐] . Koshin, are neutral in nature. Where as their Chinese counterpart are more inclined to bring harm. Koshin are widely worshiped in Japan.
Aslo funny note, foxes can't growl. They just drop their jaws and scream. It's very funny.
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The specifics:
Kitsune ([狐] [きつね])
Foxes, or kitsune, are found all across Japan. They are identical to wild foxes found elsewhere in the world apart from their incredible magical powers
There are two major variations of kitsune.
Holy foxes are servants of the Shinto deity Inari. Legends tell of celestial foxes providing wisdom or service to good and pious humans. These holy foxes act as messengers of the gods and mediums between the celestial and human worlds.
More common are the wild foxes, which delight in mischief, pranks, or evil. There are stories in which wild foxes trick or even possess humans and cause them to behave strangely.
Yōko ([妖狐] [ようこ]) sometimes spelled Yako
The Kitsune, the ones who like fried tofu even as omnivores, also bake gitsune is used for
With a literal translating of "strange fox" this is the vulpine from folklore used in most Western culture if somewhat incorrectly,
Yōko appear identical to ordinary, non-magical foxes. As they grow older and more powerful, they undergo physical changes. For every hundred years of life, they acquire an additional tail, up to a maximum of nine. This holds true against all gitsune unless stated otherwise.
Kinko ([金狐] [きんこ])
Kingitsune, with the translation meaning gold fox.
They are theriosed to represent the sun, and their counterpart ginko represent the moon; in a yin-yang essence. Though ginko are not considered evil.
They are pure, holy spirits. They represent the moon and sun and usually work together as a pair.
Ginko ([銀狐] [ぎんこ])
The silver fox, or the gingitsune.
Ginko are popularly believed to symbolize the moon, serving as a counterpart to kinko, who symbolize the sun.
Byakko ([白狐] [びゃっこ]) the fox not tiger.
Also called the shirogitsune, Shiro usually means grey but used as white here, the white fox.
White coat vulpine, 1-9 tails dependent on age.
Byakko are seen as messengers of the gods, or vessels of the gods, and therefore seen as good.
Kokuko ([黒狐] [こくこ])
Black fox, kurogitsune, kuroko, kokko, genko. All names of the Kokuko.
They are rare kitsune that only show during the rain of a peaceful leader. With a thick black coat and are larger than any other fox.
They have pure, good hearts.
Zenko ([善狐] [ぜんこ])
The good fox, virtuous fox. Called also Reiko [霊狐] and inari kitsune.
The older a kitsune grows, they seem to be more benevolent and noble.
Tenko ([天狐] [てんこ])
Heavenly fox, possessing devine power and knowledge these beings are pure and kind.
Usually holding at least for tails. Possessing golden, silver, or white fur. Even appearing as beautiful godess like women there to protect and care.
Tenko are seen as goddesses or god-like.
Kiko ([気狐] [きこ])
Sometimes called senko (wizard fox) or spirit fox. Most kiko are white-furred foxes (byakko)
Kiko are good kitsune, less power then tenko and kūko. In general, kiko are between five hundred and one thousand years of age. They are spiritual beings without true physical bodies, and can take many different forms.
When a kitsune gains the rank of kiko, it sheds its body and begins to live a spiritual existence. Their duty is to act as servants and messengers
Chiko ([地狐] [ちこ])
The earth fox
No longer do these kitsune look like ordinary, non-magical foxes, as they begin to sprout additional tails based on their age. This is the highest rank which wicked foxes, or nogitsune, can achieve.
Most chiko are between one hundred and five hundred years of age. For kitsune who wish to continue to advance in society, this is a period of intense ascetic practice.
Nogitsune ([野狐] [のぎつね])
wild fox, alternatively called yako, yakan; many local variations exist as well.
Low ranking, wild kitsune that do not have a divine soul or serve as messengers of the gods. In folktales where humans are tormented, tricked, or possessed by kitsune, the culprit is almost always a nogitsune.
Kitsunetsuki—possession by a fox spirit—is also commonly performed by nogitsune. Sometimes it is to punish humans they don’t like, other times it is just for the nogitsune’s own amusement.
Nogitsune are cautious creatures with a keen danger sense. They dislike bright light, and hide from the sun during the daytime. They are also afraid of bladed objects, and will avoid swords and knives.
Kūko ([空狐] [くうこ])
The sky fox, Inari kūko.
Kūko are zenko, or good kitsune, which have lived for an extremely long time and achieved the highest ranks of kitsune society.
They do not have physical bodies and exist as being of pure spirit. They are telepathic and clairvoyant and can even see into the future. Their level of magical power is the highest it will ever be: on par with the gods.
Ashirei ([阿紫霊] [あしれい])
“Azi” spirit, ashi, ashireiko.
It is one of the only purely carnivorous kitsune. Ashirei are low ranking kitsune. They are for the most part indistinguishable from non-magical foxes. Ashirei is the lowest social rank of kitsune. It is held from infancy until the age of one hundred
Other notes:
Yao no kitsune are powerful kitsune with eight tails.
Kitsune tsuki ([狐憑き] [きつねつき]) Translation: fox possession
Articles are linked below, though the validity is questionable.
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kayssweetdreams · 4 months
The Perfect Finale CH63
Meanwhile, with Mei...
After Yang had granted her the power of a maestro, Mei discovered that she not only had the standard power set for a maestro (such as flight and superspeed) But she now had an extra ability: control over fire. She zoomed through the streets as she rushed back to find Jett, where she hoped he was still unconscious in the auditorium.
When she reached the building, she saw that one of Yin's monstrous Negati was already attacking the building, and with Prim on its back. "Come now dear Negati! The sooner that we bring that dreadful demon back to Yin, the sooner you can eat some costumes." She soothed in her still drugged voice. The dragon Negati just continued to try and break into the building, shooting blasts of fire at it.
Mei narrowed her eyes at Prim. Even drugged up and not knowing what was going on, she STILL did terrible things. However, she wasn't alone. Sneaking up behind Prim was a maestro powered Rebecca, who was holding up a cartoon like bomb. The girl then launched it at the Dragon Negati, making it vanish in a puff of red smoke. "Go! Help Jett! I'll take care of this threat." She shouted at Mei, bringing out a large mallet "It's HAMMER TIME!" She shouted, jumping up at Prim.
Mei nodded as she rushed inside. Amidst the burning fire and smoke, she saw Jett's body still unconscious. "Jett! Wake up! We need to leave! Unless your charred remains you want Yin to receive!" She yelled, as she shook his body. The demon slowly started to wake up. "U-Ugh...Mei?" He croaked. Mei smiled, but her happiness was cut short by a falling beam nearly hitting them. "C'mon! We gotta go. We have bigger fish to fry you know." She said.
Jett had to blink in disbelief when he got a better look at Mei. She looked like a Chinese godess now. She led him out of the burning building, and the two of them saw Prim and Rebecca still fighting, Random items were scattered around. "C'mon Prim. I can do this all day. Besides, for besting you, I have another way." Rebecca said, pulling out a rocket launcher. She open fired at the brainwashed headmistress, leaving her charred and tired.
"Hey...I just realized something Mei. If Yin and Prim were together a lot, then she must now about Yin and his "toys" weak spot." Rebecca said. Jett and Mei looked down at the tired, brainwashed "maestro" "You are most definitely right. But sometimes tells me Prim won't talk with all her might. No matter, Two can play rough. Jett...How would you like for your payback on Prim to be tough?"
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Jett belongs to @jettthespeeddemon
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oraclekleo · 1 year
Tarot Games - Masterlist
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I, Villain - Tarot Game -> CLOSED
@saintfool I, Villain -> Result + Feedback
@lili-fcv I, Villain -> Result & Feedback
🌞♎ Anon I, Villain -> Result & Feedback
A anon I, Villain -> Result & Feedback
@moon-godess I, Villain -> Result & Feedback
@kittywatching I, Villain -> Result & Feedback
Storyteller - Tarot Game
@alaezasmystery235 - Sirius Black -> Result & Feedback
@lepoulpe-blog - Jim Hawkins (aged up)
@gwynethphagthrow - Lalo Salamanca
🌞♒ Anon - Neji
@angelicinu - Geralt from The Witcher
S.S.H.A Anon - geto from Jujutsu Kaisen
Good Girl / Bad Girl / Dominatrix / Mommy - Tarot Game -> CLOSED
(You can take the quiz, only I don't accept requests for readings)
@lepoulpe-blog - Bad Girl -> Result & Feedback
Anon ♊ - Dominatrix & Mommy -> Result & Feedback
@lili-fcv - Bad Girl & Mommy -> Result & Feedback
@saintfool - Good Girl -> Result & Feedback
@lovelysana - Good Girl & Bad Girl -> Result & Feedback
Marie 🦄 - Good Girl -> Result & Feedback
@luckybubblegum147 - Good Girl -> Result & Feedback
@kittywatching - Good Girl -> Result & Feedback
🌞♊ Anon - Mommy -> Result & Feedback
@veronafineline - Good Girl -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
🌞♎ Anon - Bad Girl -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
@prettymysticalrose - Good Girl & Mommy -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
♂♏ Anon - Bad Girl -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
@kay-selene-207 - Bad Girl -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
K 🥝 Anon - Good Girl & Bad Girl -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
@meghla-btsarmy - Mommy -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
@wolfakira - Bad Girl -> Result & Feedback 1 + Feedback 2
@lakeli - Good Girl -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
🎭 Anon - Good Girl, Bad Girl -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
S.S.A Anon - Good Girl -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
Girl Crush - Share Game -> OPEN
Girl Crush - Winter (Aespa)
Girl Crush - Kwon Eunbin
Girl Crush - Yunjin (Le Sserafim)
Girl Crush - Ryujin (Itzy), Seulgi (Red Velvet), Giselle (Aespa), Yuzuka Rei (Japanese Actress), Ayaka Miyoshi (Japanese Actress), Lee Joo Young (K-Actress)
Girl Crush - Jihyon & Sana (Twice)
Girl Crush - Rose (Black Pink)
Girl Crush - Jeongyeon (TWICE) & Solar (Mamamoo)
Girl Crush - Ni Ni (Chinese Actress), Hwasa (Mamamoo), Sunmi (Soloist), Han So Hee (Korean Actress), Kim Seo Hyung (Korean Actress)
[18+] The BHS Tarot Game -> CLOSED
@alaezasmystery235 + Park Seo Joon, Wi Ha Joon, Ji Chang Wook - BHS Tarot -> Result & Feedback
@kittywatching + Park Seo Joon, Wi Ha Joon, Ji Chang Wook - BHS Tarot -> Result & Feedback
@sarakeir22 + Park Seo Joon, Wi Ha Joon, Ji Chang Wook - BHS Tarot -> Result & Feedback (WIP)
@a-secretkey + Park Seo Joon, Wi Ha Joon, Ji Chang Wook - BHS Tarot -> Result & Feedback
@kattyaskat + Park Seo Joon, Wi Ha Joon, Ji Chang Wook - BHS Tarot -> Result & Feedback
Practice Tarot with Kleo -> CLOSED
Message you need to hear right now -> CLOSED
DatingDoor (21+) -> CLOSED
I, Dom (21+) -> CLOSED
There are no deadlines for your results of the games to be posted. I'm very busy person, you might wait for your result for months. Take it into consideration. Feedback is mandatory. You are not allowed to request other readings if you don't provide a feedback for the one you have received. It takes me at least an hour to do your reading (often much much more), it's not so much to ask for your 10 minutes.
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vsnotresponding · 1 year
oc name meaning
@dotr-rose-love tagged me on this a while ago <3
tagging @sunset-a-story @mjjune and @e-klair
i did one a while ago in here, in case you are curious about more name meanings
i'll do as i did in that post and chose a name or two from each category of how i name my characters:
this name came to me in a dream and I have no idea what it means:
Arus: apparently there's a polish name that's Aruś, diminutive of Arkadiusz, polish for Arkadios (greek), a word that derives from the word for bear. it's also the name of a saint and martyr
okay idk how but the fact that the word leads back to something related to a BEAR??? for ARUS???? this coincidence is blowing my mind
Aira: variant of the finnish word Airi, apparently, meaning messanger or herald
kinda fitting for her ngl (i chose it because i relate aira to air lol)
chosen for the actual meaning:
Sher: lion in persian
i mean yeah
scrambled a word in another language to get the name:
Emhi: inspired by caoimhe, an irish name meaning gentle or beloved
i basically was like, áine needs a gf, let's name her beloved
chosen for symbolic/thematic reasons:
Ceres: roman godess of agriculture
i chose this name for the dwarf planet near Mars, because her and Marte are besties <3
Sûn: apparently the name Sṳ̀n in hakka chinese is a form of chen, which means morning
i chose sûn because. the Sun, you know. Aira's the air and Sûn, the, uh, sun. so, yeah
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graceandfamily · 1 year
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17th March 1969, Princess Grace of Monaco wearing a Chinese godess's headdress at a ball in Monte Carlo,
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Arelis Raices/Israel Roots, Leader, Queen, Empress, God’s Lioness
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My threads is https://www.threads.net/arelisraicesthequeen or in the threads app search @arelisraicesthequeen Some of my posts on threads are viewable but, create and log into threads to view all of my posts on threads. My website is https://arelisraicesleaderqueenempress.com My new twitter/X is @Arelisleader https://twitter.com/Arelisleader  To view my twitter/X, you have to have a twitter/X account and log in. My Tik Tok@arelisisraelraicesroots Thank you Jewish Life TV Channel 469 in Manhattan, New York and in California Channel 270 and Brad Pomerance TV show host of shows on Jewish Life TV for following me on twitter/X @Arelisleader All other boroughs and states check with your cable provider. Also, thank you Alex Band lead singer of The Calling whom has appeared on MTV from Hollywood, California for following me on my Instagram @arelisraicesthequeen. To view all of my tweets on twitter/X @Arelisleader My artistic and activitism twitters/X @arelisplaylist1 @musicplaylist23 @FemmeFataleCat @2016MarylMonroe @Activitism @Sailawaysun and my posts on Instagram @arelisraicesthequeen @therapyservicepups @universequeen2017 you have to have a twitter/X and Instagram account and log in. My Sun Godess Theme Song, Frank Sinatra, Come fly with me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmQq6yLe2ww
I, Arelis/Israel Raices/Roots, Leader, Queen, Empress am Puertorican, Greek, Egyptian, Israeli, Chinese, Russian, Saudi Arabic and Iraqi. All Praise Be To The Almighty God/Yahweh Crowned with The Gold Lioness Crown And Inherited The Gold Lioness ring. Blessed be The God of Israel In Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese and Russian ευλογημένος ο θεός του Ισραήλ יתברך אלוהי ישראל مبارك إله إسرائيل 以色列的神是应当称颂的 благословен бог Израиля. Egyptian, Israeli and Chinese Imperial Dynasty Royalty music played in my palace The Rabbinic Messianic Kingdom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blGoTO7hHHY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyoEkeYRX4s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqZbR16Qs1o
Arelis Raices/Israel Roots, Leader, Queen, Empress, God’s Lioness of The Rabbinic Messianic Kingdom
 Arelis Raices/Israel’s Roots, Leader, Queen, Empress, God’s Lioness, All SelfMade Artistic SurNames I Created which Represent My Creativity And Artistry, SunFlower SunShine, EarthlyVirgo, MoonInPisces=MoonIntuitivePisces, Roaring Rampaging Lioness, 2015 The Year Of The Sheep SurNames, On The Virgo/Rooster side,  VirgoLioness, Lioness Of Judah, On The Moon/Pisces Side, Midnight Moonlight, flowergirl,  Springflower, Fairytale flower, 2015ThisYearBjorkMyFavoriteArtistIsWhomIResembleMore.
1+1=2, 1 and 2 Being 12 The 12 Tribes of Israel, 1+1=2, 2+2=4, 2 and 4 Being 2 and 4. 24 hours of Arelis/Israel Raices/Roots Judaism                       
Yahrastafarism Thumbelinaflower Fairytaleflowerette OneAndOnlySunflowerSunshine IsraelsRootsVirgoLioness https://www.facebook.com/IsraelRootsLeaderQueenEmpressGodsLioness         theyearofthesheep2015artistry https://arelisraicesleaderqueenempress.tumblr.com
This Concludes The Year Of The Sheep 2015, I Am A Reminder Of What is worth protecting,  My Realm is Spirituality and Artistry, Everything I Touch Blossoms, Destroying negativity, Embracing Positivity, I Am The Sheep.    
https://www.instagram.com/arelisraicesthequeen/         https://www.instagram.com/therapyservicepups/ therapyservicepups is a program that my dog lily white rose visits patients in the hospital.                        
https://www.twitter.com/arelisplaylist1  https://www.twitter.com/musicplaylist23  https://twitter.com/FemmeFataleCat                                                           https://twitter.com/Activitism                              https://twitter.com/2016MarylMonroe                                                         https://twitter.com/Sailawaysun                  https://www.facebook.com/IsraelRootsLeaderQueenEmpressGodsGoldLioness   TheRabbianicMessianicKingdom                             IsraelRootsGreekIsraeli    ArelisRaicesEgyptianPharoess   IsraelRootsArabicGoldQueen                                                ArelisTheEuroRussianFederation                                                                                                                                                                           This Concludes The Year Of The Fire Monkey 2016, My Curiosity leads to my Mischievousness, My Mischeivousness leads me to play the gameplaying the game leads to my adventures. I am The Fire Monkey.                                                              
The Year Of The Fire Rooster, Begins Jan. 28, 2017, My Year-   I Am The One Whom Awakens the morning, I am The First To Arrive And The Last To Leave, I Am Alert, Observant of all my surroundings, I Am Colorful And Bright, I Am An Excellent Judge of character, I work towards Excellence, Never giving in neither backing down, I am perceptive and challenging, I am The Rooster. Also, with my brown hair and red hair. Myself performing my poetry at Michael Geffner’s Inspired Word open mic. Michael Geffner follows me on Instagram @arelisraicesthequeen and on twitter/X @Arelisleader Follow Michael Geffner on social media @inspiredwordnyc Also, at The Russian Tea Room and the video is of myself promoting an Egyptian restaurant. Let Jewish Life TV in Manhattan, New York channel 469 elevate your Shabbat experience by bringing the most profound and spirited Jewish contemporary musical voices from across the country - featuring Neshama Carlebach recorded at the Bitter End in the Greenwich Village in Manhattan, New York
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Thank you Jewish Life TV Channel 469 in Manhattan, New York and in California Channel 270 and Brad Pomerance TV show host of shows on Jewish Life TV for following me on twitter/X @Arelisleader All other boroughs and states check with your cable provider. Stay informed on the war between Israel and Hamas and other news on Israel on ILTV News @iltv_israel on Jewish Life TV in Manhattan, New York on Channel 469 at 7 pm Sunday through Friday. Also, thank you Alex Band lead singer of The Calling whom has appeared on MTV from Hollywood, California for following me on my Instagram @arelisraicesthequeen.
Alex Band music videos Adrienne - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnUEiEW8lmc
Wherever You Wil Go - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0sRqJq_6dE
We're Forgiven - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPylSCz8tJ0
Things Don't Always Turn Out That Way - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qn8Bsgfjn8
My musicplaylists on twitter/X @arelisplaylist1 and @musicplaylist23 has r&b, hip hop, rock, reggae and reggaeton
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sylphidess · 8 months
the chinese really said hebe THE GODESS of youth
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solarbeamz · 8 months
🎭🌞🎉🧭🪄 For the Pagan/polytheist ask game
🎭 - What is an emotionally impactful or a silly worship-related experience you've had? well- we once were having a fit of insomnia, and what we belive to be Hypnus*, our major patron god, instructed us to drink water and sleep in a certin way and we fell asleap almost instantly after he joked and said goodnight. (*Were a system, so its possible it was a headmate, but we dont think so) 🌞 - Which deity(ies) are you closest to/do you worship the most often? Mainly we worship Hypnus, but occasionaly make sacrifices to Venus, as per one of our headmates requests. We also do what could be considerd pop culture worship(?) due to certian headmates choosing to worship gods from their sources.
🎉 - Do you celebrate any festivals? If so, which ones? We generally celebrate the witches wheel, but put importance on the eqinoxes and solcastes as important days in general. Were also considering celebrating the chinese new year/lunar new year.
🧭 - What led you to your practice? Honestly, a combination of not feeling that christanity was the right way for us (how we were raised, along with a growing respect and love of nature and its children.
🪄 - Do you practice witchcraft? If yes, do you keep it separate from your deity worship?
Not exactly... usually when we practice witchcraft its intertwined with gods and godesses, but sometimes we will worship and cast for the mother/father earth itself.
Send us more asks! we love answering!
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rice-locks-10 · 1 year
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They look so cute toghether in their prom dresses💙💗. OKK LEMME EXPLAIN TO YOU WHO ARE THESE GIRLS. They are the characters from my book "Ilaria e Basta" (in English Just Ilaria, or Hillary if It's more Easy 4 you. The ravenette girl It's Hillary, She Is 12 during the story. The book starts with her childhood: shes the daughter of a lawyer and a model. They are pretty well off but her parents Hardly payed Any attention to her. She had her babysitter as her best friend: Venus. Hillary realized She was bisexual at 8 y/o when She had a crush on a girl in her class and After She told Venus about her feeling, She was very Proud and Happy for her. Hillary decided to confess to this girl but in the end She realized that the girl was Just narcisistic and told her that She was no longer in love with her. Obviously, She outed her to the whole school. Hillary was even beat up by some 8th graders, while She was only in 3rd grade! When her mom found out She was livid, not because her daughter had got beat up...but because She was bi!! She fired Venus and said to Hillary that She was a disgrace to the family. The poor girl spend the whole night crying, until a magic woman appeared in her room (She was her babysitter Venus, who was the godess of love Aphrodite undercover) and they made and agreement: Aphrodite would remove the Memory of Hillary's coming out but the girl Will have to wear a Cloud on top of her head, the Cloud functions depending on her emotions (Example: Sad: Rain. Angry:storm ecc.)and when She Will meet her soulmate She Will have a rainbow on her head. With this agreement, Hillary started to change. She started to be more competitive, popular and started to hang out with the popular girls from school. Until a girl in 7th grade joins her class: Gwen. She's a cute girl with purple hair and glasses, and Hillary immediatley falls in love with her. After She defended Gwen from the popular girls, Hillary joined this "Coming out club" that Gwen was a part of. There where four other Kids: Vichy, trans girl (MTF) and a childhood friend of Hillary. A Hawaian boy called Avi (pansexual) and in love with Vichy. A Rebel asexual girl called Frankie and a Chinese straight ally girl called Ling. While Gwen is a lesbian. During the rest of the story, Hillary Explores her sexuality and in the end Her and Gwen got toghether (Yeah also Avi and Vichy 😏) and this Is their prom drawing. I know It's kinda cringe...but i like It so😎
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