#Chris Pratt imagine
archieimagines · 2 years
You Don’t Get To | Owen Grady One Shot
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here’s our first new work from the lovely jay, and of course she stays faithful to mr grady! this is the heavily requested part 2 to one of our old imagines, so read that first here! warnings: this is all you need to hit your weekly recommended intake of ANGST. let’s all hope miss jay is ok after banging this one out. love you <3 word count: 1.1k  written by: jay
Rain hammered against the roof with the occasional thunderclap to accompany it, which only added to your bad mood, and your best friend couldn’t help it no matter how hard she tried.
“You hungry?”
No reply.
“Hey... Is anybody in there?”
A flick to the side of your head brought you out of your trance. “Hm?”
“I said, are you hungry?”
You shook your head, earning a sigh in response. “Look, I know you miss him and I know you're worried about him but you need to eat, shower-- You need to do something! It’s been... It’s been god knows how long and all you’ve done is mope around your house, avoid going anywhere near the raptor paddock, and cry.”
“I know,” you agreed. She was right, but you couldn’t shake the dark cloud that was hanging over you. Owen was your best friend, your other half and he’d turned into someone you didn’t know anymore. It had been weeks, he didn’t come to check if you were okay; there had been no texts, no phone calls. It was as though you didn’t even exist to him anymore and filling that person-sized hole inside you was harder than you’d have ever imagined. “He isn’t worth it.”
“That’s the problem, I still think he is.” 
“I’m making you some tea and we are going to put on a horror film and hopefully scare the sad out of you.” You stifled a laugh, curling your legs underneath you on the sofa as you waited for your friend to return. 
The storm had worsened outside, thunder and lightning now occurring at more regular intervals and the rain was becoming almost deafening. 
“Find a movie! Do something useful!”
“Fine!” You sighed, dragging your body off the sofa to look through the shelves of movies that littered shelves around the living room. Within half an hour, you were curled up on the sofa with a mug of hot tea and some toast with some crap horror on TV; You weren't sure what was really happening in the movie because your mind was, as per usual, elsewhere.
A knock at the door pulled you back to reality once more. “Who would be out in weather like this?” You wondered aloud, making your way over to check through the window. You pulled back the curtain and, illuminated by a flash of lightning, was the last person you expected to see.
Owen Grady.
Rain dripped from the ends of his hair, his shirt was sticking to him and he had mud splattered up the front of his legs. You flung the door open, ready to unleash hellfire on the man who had dropped you for someone who he barely knew, but “Wha-” Was all you could muster before the dishevelled raptor trainer collapsed into your arms, sobbing.
Something was tragically wrong. Owen was one of the strongest men you’d ever met, seeing him look so small and fragile pulled at your heartstrings in a way you never thought possible. “Owen, what-?“
“She left me,” he choked out, his face nestled in your neck. “I came home and her stuff was gone, no explanation, nothing. I thought something had happened-” he took a breath. “She went back to her ex, got the earliest flight out this morning.”
You wanted so desperately to feel sorry for him, to welcome him back with open arms as though the whole thing hadn't happened but it was almost as though there was some sort of wall between you. He looked like Owen, he sounded like Owen but he wasn't the Owen you had grown to love. Not anymore. But… you weren’t completely heartless. 
“Come and get dry.”
You piled Owen into the shower, shoved his clothes in the dryer and dug through your drawers from some clothes that he’d left behind what felt like a lifetime ago. “
There’s clothes outside the bathroom,” you called, retreating back into the living room which was now empty. You must’ve missed your friend’s calls of goodbye. It seemed that you had been left alone to deal with the situation without a spectator, which you were thankful for.
You settled on the sofa once more, listening to the sound of the rain hitting the porch, waiting for the shower to switch off. The more you sat there, the more you had time to mull over how Owen had treated you over the past six months and it made you angry. Now everything has gone off the deep end for him, he comes crawling back and expects you to just forget everything.
But you weren't going to let him get away with it. Not without making sure he knew what he’d done to you.
The shower switched off and Owen shuffled about in the background, changing into the fresh clothes you had left for him. He wandered into the lounge, hesitant as he made his way over.
“Hey,” Owen sank into the sofa next to you, sheepish. 
“Save it, Owen. I’m not interested in your apologies.”
“I just-”
You stood up, exasperated. “I said, don’t!” You sighed, running your hands through your hair. “You don't get to come back here and act like you weren’t an absolute asshole to me! All in the name of some whirlwind romance that swept you off your feet and turned you into someone monstrous.”
“You’re right,” he looked at his lap, wringing his hands.
“I know I am. You broke my heart and you didn’t even care, you turned into someone I didn’t recognise, Owen. I had to sit back and watch my best friend, the man I loved, fade away and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I tried. God, I tried so hard- But you just- You stopped listening and-” 
A tear slipped down your face, making you groan in frustration.
“...And you just let me slip away.”
Owen fell silent, any words he had to say evaporated into thin air and the only thing he could manage was “Loved?”
“You said ‘man you loved’. As in, past tense?” He looked up at you, eyes filled with tears once more.
“Don’t. You don’t get to come back here and make me- you just don’t get to do that.”
“Do what?” He was stood now, stepping towards you.
“Do what?” He repeated. He was right in front of you now, lacing his fingers with yours. He was close enough that you could feel his breath against your face and smell the shampoo he had used in the shower… He smelled safe, like home.
“Say it.”
“You don’t get to come back here and make me fall in love with you again, it’s not fair,” you mumbled, barely speaking above a whisper.
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Flashback scenes? More like a cry your heart out session
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hunnam · 1 year
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Chris Pratt as Peter Quill Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Deleted/Behind the scenes extras
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Celebrating 10 years of Guardians of the Galaxy.
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amasterpieceofmadness · 7 months
How the Marvel men treat you on Valentines Day
pairings Peter Quill x reader warnings none, teeth rotting fluff
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At first you thought he wouldn’t even remember about it. After all you are in a spaceship million and millions of miles away from earth. Does Valentines Day even exist here? Therefore, you were more than surprised to find Quill standing in front of you with a little gift in his hands, wrapped in some simple paper, looking at you with a snug smirk and puppy eyes. “Okay, how did you mess up this time?” You ask a little confused, which makes him only chuckle softly. “I didn’t mess up. In fact, I think I’m doing something right for once” His smirk gets even bigger as he walks over to you and pulls you into a hug, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I love you” he whispers into your year before handing you the little gift. As you open the gift it turns out to be a little cassette – Happy Valentines Day” Mix Vol. 1. You look up surprised, he really remembered that day? Without another word he happily takes the cassette from you again and puts it into a music player. He starts to dance to it, a little out of track, and with a high-pitched voice he sings “I can’t stop this feeling, deep inside of me. Girl you just don’t realize, what you do to me” You can’t help but giggle as he pulls you in and the two of you start to dance together do the songs all night long.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
Do I want to write another Owen Grady book....yes?? Do I have an idea in mind yet no
Any suggestions??
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@annielr @abaker74 @oldmanwithashield
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sonknuxadow · 3 months
people who are worried about the future of the sonic movies and associated content always remember that even if the third movie ends up being really bad it could still be much worse because they were originally considering chris pratt for sonic
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Maybe. Drabble
He's watching you on the train and he remembered one of his favorite memories if not his favorite minus your wedding.
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18+ just incase
Warning just fluffy. There is angst sorry I forgot to mention it I dont think its any smutt But just incase its a married couldpe taking a shower the "he" is a celebrity who lost his wife well sort of you can find part 1 here just pick your own celeb for "he"
He watched you sitting on the train and remembered.
One of his favorite memories was just after you two had gotten married and moved in together. You both needed a shower and both needed to leave quickly.
He had convinced you to take a shower with him "just for times sake."
Its not like he hadn't seen you naked before.
He had convinced you to to take a bath with him. Something you had later admitted you wanted but was just nervous about.
You both had discussed moving in together and the. Getting married just cause your mom said she would have done that. So you wanted her to be happy with you and Chris well why would he object to having yiu around all the time.
But the shower was really for time's sake. His phone had been in the shower before so he knew it was water proof. You both had taken turns under the shower head singing off you had just rinsed conditioner off as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders giving you a kiss on your shoulder. You giggle making him smile. It always made him smile. He brought the camera up for a selfie.
"Say cheese"
Oh my God baby no" he saw on the camera how wide your eyes had gotten
"Only shoulders up I promise.
"Come on," he kissed closer to your neck. "Our first shower."
You roll your eyes
"Please baby I promise"
Another kiss on the neck
"Shoulders up thats all."
He kisses you again.
"Ok okay I need a cold shower now though."
He tells you a joke but he can't remember the joke now it had to be shower related or made rain. He wished to God he could remember the joke. But whatever it was it made you laugh out loud holding on to his arm which was wrapped around you
And he had quickly taken a few pictures one where he was looking down and another where he was looking over at you. You were unaware still laughing out and he had no idea until he took a look at the photo how he was looking at you so adoringly. In love he was in love he knew but he never saw how he looked at you. And the next one was you looking up at him with the same look of adoration and love and joy.
The last one was of both of you looking at the camera. Cheesy smiles but you both were so happy, content.
He'd give almost anything for thay feeling again..give anything but you that is.
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@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @patzammit @sparklybarbarianninja @hawkeyes-queen
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sakurabloom48 · 2 years
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My favorite Marvel memes😂🤣
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Oh how I miss writing Hybrid Trainer (Owen fic) and just writing for his character in general 😢 ❤️
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kluuter-time · 2 years
Imagine if he was azure lion's eng va
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archieimagines · 2 years
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Imagine going to the beach with Owen Grady.
yes, jay has a rocket up her ass this week. we love to see it! requested by: anon. three requests rolled into one! warnings: beach-related half nudity! written by: jay
Summer at Jurassic World had been busy -unexpectedly busy- so staff had been run off their feet since the hordes of school children and families flocked to the park at the beginning of August. Restaurant staff were exhausted, trainers overworked and everyone was overdue a day off before the summer nights dimmed and fall rolled in, time to relax and enjoy the sights Isla Nublar had to offer away from the hustle and bustle of the park. Bosses soon realised that staff did need a day off if their businesses were to run smoothly and, by some miracle, you were granted two whole days off in the last week of August.
Once you’d closed up the restaurant for the last time before a well-earned break, you headed back to your bunglow on the outskirts of the island and prepared for two days of doing absolutely nothing; Finally you could just enjoy the hot sun, blue skies and the peace that the island provided away from the park. 
“We’re going the beach,” Owen announced as he walked into your bedroom the following morning.
“The beach?”
“Yeah. The beach.” Owen repeated, his signature smirk etched onto his face as he pulled open your curtains, sunlight flooding in. 
“Y’know. The sun, the sea… Hot girls in bikinis…”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, pulling the duvet up over your head. 
“Hey, I’m kidding!” He laughed. “Not about the sun and sea but the other part.” 
“I wanted to do nothing. Not go out and see people, of all creatures.” 
“Aw, c’mon,” he pouted, jumping on the end of your bed. With a pillow in hand he began smacking you under the duvet, laughing to himself.
“Okay, okay!” You kicked off the duvet and glared at him, arms folded across your chest. “You’re an idiot.”
“So is that a yes?”
“Yes, we can go to the beach.”
A while later, you were sat in the passenger side of Owen’s jeep with the picnic packed, music blaring and ready to enjoy what summer had to offer. You had been driving for god knows how long to seemingly nowhere when Owen started to slow down.
“Did you actually pack a swimsuit?” He questioned, eyeing your outfit as he pulled onto the side of the road.
“Maybe,” you mumbled, not really paying attention to what he was asking.
“Where are we?”
“The beach!”
You looked around. Grass… Trees. Nothing but green. “Uh Owen, I don't see a beach… Or another human being, for that matter.”
“Well,” he hopped out and swung the bag onto his back. “You said you didn't want to see people, so you don't have to.”
“I think you've caught too much sun. There is no beach anywhere!” you followed him around the jeep, shaking your head when he started piling dinosaur shaped floaties into your arms. “What the-”
“Zip! No more talking.”
“Shhh!” He held his finger up to your lips, locked the doors to his jeep and started off down a trail through the foliage. You stared after him, eyebrows raised. 
Where the hell was he going?
“You comin’ or what?”
When you finally managed to catch up to him, barely managing to stay upright with the floaties blocking for you vision, the beach finally came into view. It was beautiful, clean white sand and shimmering blue as far as you could see. 
“Owen..” you gasped “How did you find this place?” 
He shrugged and set down the picnic blanket and basket before taking the items in your arms. “Let’s just say I scouted the place out a couple weeks ago for…” He winked. “Reasons.”
Once everything was laid out, drinks, food, towels and even an umbrella, you were beginning to finally unwind, the knots in your shoulders already beginning to loosen; Maybe the sun and salty sea air were actually just the thing you needed. 
“Hey! You comin’?” 
Owen’s voice pulled you from your daze, your face flushed when you realised that he was already topless and waist deep in the ocean. 
“Um…” Whatever words you had suddenly died in your throat. He looked like he’d walked straight out of a movie, muscles rippling and glistening under the summer sun. 
“Like what you see?” You could practically feel the smirk on his face and you could feel yourself blush. 
You hated that he had such an effect on you, it didn’t matter how hard you tried. You couldn’t help but fall for him. With a sigh you stood up, pulled off your clothes and revealed the spotted bikini you had on underneath. You could tell that Owen was watching your every move, like he was entranced; It made you nervous. 
By the time you reached the shoreline it was as though you could barely breathe, you almost chickened out and ran back up the beach. You hadn’t noticed that Owen had waded into the shallows but it was as though he had read your mind. His hand snaked around your waist and he practically carried you further into the water. Whilst your feet could comfortably touch the bottom his other arm found its way around you and held you firmly against his chest. His touch was electric, sending shockwaves through you, you were so close you could feel his breath against your nose - you didn’t dare look him in the eye. 
“You never answered me.” His voice was barely above a whisper, as if saying it any louder would shatter the moment into tiny pieces. 
“Do you like what you see?” Any ounce of smugness had evaporated, it was like he was afraid of the answer he’d get. “Because... I like what I see.” 
Your breath truly caught in your throat and your ability to speak vanished, was this really happening? 
“Hey.” His hand came to your chin, tilting your face so that you were looking at him.
Yes, this was really happening.
Before you could back out, you wrapped your arms around his neck and brought your lips to his in a short but breathtaking kiss. 
“Does that answer your question?”
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scyaxe · 2 years
do people even still remember what animated movies were like when there were dedicated voice actors instead of whatever celebrity is hot?
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lemonsweet · 2 years
Nintendo pulling a similar stunt to what they did when they fixed ugly sonic but they just dub over mario with an actual voice actor
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Be honest, Chris Pratt is the first name you are thinking of with the Booster Gold news.
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nicosraf · 1 year
hi i love your book more than life itself!! have you ever done a like a cast for the angels? i saw someone ask about abm being adapted to another type of media and that made me wonder if you had ever thought of what the cast would be if it was put on the screen??
!!!Thank you for liking my book!!! Please love your life more but thank you!!! Also, I was asked something sorta similar to this in the past and, tbh with you, I just?? have no idea ,,
I think the angels just look too ethereal in my brain for any real actor/actress to come to mind (and personally I'd care more about the performance than the Look), though I have to say that Lucifer is basically described as Shakira ASHJAKDS
Sometimes I entertain Tenoch Huerta Michael but Tenoch lacks The Curls. Still, younger Tenoch is close to what I imagine Michael's face to look like.
Ohh and this just came to me but I think Lupita Nyong'o could pull off an excellent Uriel.
God could be Chris Pratt just for fun
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