#Christmas is my 2nd favorite holiday
augustinapril · 7 months
theme change
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thatsthat24 · 9 months
Sanderstober 2023
Upon request, I’ve provided new art prompts for this year’s month of October!! As always, feel free to do all or some of these, pick and choose whichever stands out to you! If you missed a day’s prompt but still wanted to do art for it, absolutely do that and post it whenever you want, no worries whatsoever. It’s all completely laid back and just for fun! I’ve added to this list without consulting old ones, so if I used a repeat idea, it’s possible that I just was interested in seeing more of it again this year!! Hope you all enjoy! If you’re wanting me to check them out at all, you can use the tag, #Sanderstober2023 🎃
Oct. 1st: Give me a spooky or Halloween-y figure and how he looks on Sep. 30th (their off-time, go as comical as you’d like) and then how they look Oct. 1st (traditionally how they are known to look!).
Oct. 2nd: Give me a flower design inspired by a type of candy of your choice!
Oct. 3rd: In celebration of the awesomeness that is Fionna and Cake, I’d love to see you take a character, or characters from your fave series, and give them a multiverse makeover (what they’d look like in a different universe, under different circumstances)
Oct. 4th: Take any historic landmark, and give it an autumn or Halloween-y makeover
Oct. 5th: Since I’ve been on my D&D kick with Roleslaying with Roman, what would any Halloween- or spooky-themed character be in a D&D world? What would be their race? Their class? Their backstory??
Oct. 6th: Google a Random Color Generator and use it to give you three colors. Then use those three colors to create a new Halloween creature or character.
Oct. 7th: Along the lines of Spiderman Noir, take any character you want from some sort of fiction, and depict how they might look like in any other time period!
Oct. 8th: In the spirit of having fun with both Halloween AND Christmas, take a Halloween story/character and draw what they might appear as if they were actually a character talked or sung about in a Christmas story.
Oct. 9th: Take a group of characters from one of your favorite pieces of content and create tarot cards featuring them. Google tarot cards to get inspiration if you need!
Oct. 10th: Take a musical (one that I would suppose wouldn’t already be scary) and create a poster for it as if it were the title of a scary movie
Oct. 11th: Google a Disney character generator, pick out two characters, and create what a mash-up of those two characters would look like!
Oct.12th: Pumpkin spice latte obviously has its spotlight during the fall, but could you come up with another special coffee concoction for another season/holiday of the year?
Oct. 13th: Take a Fall/Halloween concept or character and use it as inspiration for a fashionable outfit
Oct. 14th: As a tribute to Barbenheimer this year, take any character from Barbie or Oppenheimer and depict how they’d appear in the other movie
Oct. 15th: Take the last text you received. Use all or part of it to base a whole movie off of it of any genre, and create a poster for it
Oct. 16th: Take one of the names of your current pet, old pet, or friend’s pet, and use that name as the inspiration for a superhero. What would that superhero look like?
Oct. 17th: Is there a phrase that one of your parents or friend says all the time? Take it and imagine it’s the name of a children’s book. What would that children’s book cover look like?
Oct. 18th: Take a Disney villain, and depict them as a Disney princess
Oct. 19th: Take a Disney Princess and depict them as a Disney villain!
Oct. 20th: Take any Greek god and imagine what their preferred activity might be on an average Fall day.
Oct. 21st: Take a board game (one that I would suppose wouldn’t be scary) and create a poster for it as if it were the title of a scary movie
Oct. 22nd: This is an annual favorite of mine - take take any character(s) from a piece of content of your choice and depict them like a Tim Burton character
Oct. 23rd: Take a famous brand logo (Toyota, Playstation, Campbell’s Soup, Facebook, literally any logo from anything) and design a Pokemon inspired by the logo and color palette! Bonus for naming it and giving it stats!
Oct. 24th: In the spirit AGAIN of having fun with both Halloween AND Christmas, now take a Christmas story/character and draw what they might appear as if they were actually a character talked or sung about in a Halloween story.
Oct. 25th: Another favorite of mine: take any character(s) from a piece of animated content you enjoy, and draw them in the style of another piece of animated content!
Oct. 26th: Go to the latest playlist you were listening to, put it on shuffle, and see what song it plays. Take the title of that song and use it as inspiration for a Halloween/Autumn themed drawing of your choice.
Oct. 27th: Take a favorite pair of characters from a piece of content you enjoy and depict what their matching Halloween costumes would be!
Oct. 28th: [Random event from this past year] … and Zombies!!
Oct. 29th: Every town’s got some local businesses with interesting names (Jerry’s Tire Barn Emporium, stuff like that). If you know of one in your local town, take that name, and imagine it to be the name of a Haunted House. Depict what that location may look like. I wanna learn about some funny local business names.
Oct. 30th: Take one item from your desk/workspace, anything you want. This item is now the inpiration of a brand NEW cryptid (like Sasquatch, Loch Ness, El Chupacabra, just some legendary creature we have yet to find hard evidence of). Depict what this cryptid would be!
Oct. 31st: And, of course, in typical fashion for the big day, give me any character(s) of your choice, from any piece of content, enjoying Halloween in whatever way seems appropriate to them!!
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL October! And hope you enjoy these different art ideas! Looking forward to anything it may bring about!
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peachdues · 1 year
Seasons in Love (modern college AU: Part 1/2)
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Sanemi meets Y/N in January and isn't a fan. As the seasons pass by, their evolving relationship becomes defined by a handful snapshots from the various holidays throughout the year.
A/N: part 1/2 of my college-AU fic to fulfill @shiverisms request for tooth-rotting Sanemi fluff. Part 1 covers January, the Spring and Summer festivals, Halloween and the week leading into finals in December. Part 2 will cover Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. This is unlike anything I’ve really written before, so sorry if it drags!!
CW: swearing, some suggestive stuff but nothing too bad. College-typical drinking and debauchery.
January 2nd – first day of the spring semester
Sanemi Shinazugawa hated many things. He hated the cold, because wearing too many layers made him feel like he was suffocating. He hated when the store was out of his favorite brand of dried seaweed. He hated whenever he saw that asshole, Douma, simpering his way across campus with a gaggle of unwitting freshmen trailing helplessly behind him.
But most of all, he hated change.
So, when Shinobu brought along a new face to their first family dinner of the new year, he’s not happy.
And initially, he felt vindicated by his reticence to welcome her as warmly into their friend group as some of the others, because, despite his friends’ kindness, she’d failed to even muster a grateful smile for her hosts.
Not once, during the entire affair, did the girl – Y/N -- so much as twitch her lips upwards; not when she met any of his friends, and certainly not at any of the jokes or fun they’d had.
It’s not that she’d been sullen and withdrawn — she’d participated in conversation just fine. But that bland stoicism on her face had really gotten under his skin, because it reminds him of Giyuu, and they’ve already got one of those.
Sanemi told Shinobu as much later that night as he kicked back in her worn, mismatched kitchen chair while the pharmacology student idly flipped through her biochemistry textbook.
“I’ll ignore the dig at Giyuu for now,” Shinobu said lightly, though her eyes flickered briefly up to his in warning, “but I would think you of all people would have a bit of compassion toward her, Sanemi.”
Sanemi reached out to snatch an apple from the little fruit bowl that Shinobu has on her kitchen table, taking a crude chomp out of it. “Why?” He asked, voice garbled by his thick mouthful.
Shinobu shot him a fleeting look of disgust at his lack of etiquette. “Do you remember that girl I was paired with in my mental health law seminar last semester? The one who dropped out of our final project last minute?”
Sanemi swallowed his mouthful of apple. “Yeah. You were pissed.”
And she had been. Shinobu had been stuck with doing the other half of an entire presentation just two days before it was due, and it had been on statutory interpretation which had not been Shinobu’s strongest area.
Shinobu’s scowled. “That’s because I didn’t know the reason,” she reached for a highlighter to mark text on the page open before her.
“Her little brother died. Cancer. He was only eleven.”
In one breath, all his prior irritation with the girl’s presence is extinguished within him.
Now, Sanemi felt like an asshole.
Because if anyone understood what it felt like to lose a loved one — especially one as young as eleven — it would’ve been him.
“Fuck,” Sanemi exhaled, apple falling to the table, forgotten. Absentmindedly, he reached his hand to rub at his chest, just over the jagged scar beneath his shirt that was one of the many souvenirs from the car wreck that had managed to kill everyone in his family but him.
That had been nine years ago — when Sanemi had barely been twelve.
He certainly hadn’t felt like smiling much after that, either. Truthfully, he’d probably be in far worse shape now had it not been for the people clustered in Shinobu’s and Mitsuri’s tiny apartment.
“She also got cheated on last semester,” Shinobu added after a moment.
Sanemi sighed heavily, feeling even worse. The poor girl had gone through what was arguably the worst semester, and he’d chapped her ass over not smiling.
“I didn’t know that — by who?” Tengen emerged from the adjacent living room, breezing by the table and into the kitchen to help himself to whatever was in the girls’ fridge.
Shinobu’s eyes hardened. “Douma,” her tone was poisonous.
Both Sanemi and Tengen groaned in unison.
“She deserves financial compensation for that one,” Sanemi muttered darkly, motioning for Tengen to toss him a beer. The sleazy, lazy, and arrogant student body President had earned the reputation of being a serial cheater around campus. Shinobu briefly had a fling with him their first year that she’d ended after only a few weeks, once it became all too clear that he was a master manipulator.
And, as Shinobu had referred to him, an utter man-whore.
Tengen padded out from the kitchen, beers in hand. “That explains why she doesn’t really have a friend group anymore, then.” He quipped, handing the extra beer to Sanemi before plopping down next to him at the table.
Shinobu hummed in agreement, hand seamlessly moving across the glossy page of her textbook as she made a small, precise note. “You know how Douma is — first he fucks you, and then he fucks you.”
Sanemi snorted, shaking his head. “So that’s why you feel so protective of her, huh?” He nudged her with his elbow. “You know what she’s going through.”
Shinobu shrugged him off. “Maybe; but so do you.” She said pointedly, hand flipping her textbook shut. “So maybe just try to be nice?”
“When the fuck am I not nice?” Sanemi demanded indignantly, and Shinobu shot him such a pitiful look that he felt his cheeks heat.
Tengen just laughed. “I think the real question is when are you ever?”
Sanemi glared at his loud-mouthed friend, but before he could respond with a snappy retort, Shinobu spoke.
“I’m not saying you have to be a saint, but I want Y/N to feel like she at least has some support here,” her tone was light but it carried that signature soft threat she used whenever she meant business. “so promise me you’ll at least try to get to know her.”
Sanemi groaned but acquiesced. “All right, all right,” he’d muttered, reaching back for his earlier-discarded apple. “I promise.”
March 23rd – Spring Festival
As winter melted way into spring and the cherry blossom buds had begun to bloom, so did Sanemi’s friendship with Y/N.
He promised Shinobu that he would try to make the girl feel part of their group, and Sanemi is a man true to his word – but in retrospect, he hadn’t expected it to be this easy to become friends with her.
It started when they realized they shared three out of their four classes together. Sanemi walked into his first seminar at the crack-ass of eight in the morning on the first day of spring classes when he’d spotted her sitting in the second row from the front. Sanemi didn’t like most of the other people in his class, so sitting beside her had seemed like a no-brainer.
It had been the best decision he could have made. Y/N was smart as a whip, and often went toe-to-toe with the self-professed “devil’s advocates” during class discussions, managing to weave in Shakespearean insults while simultaneously ripping apart their inane arguments.
Soon, they began to meet up for study sessions at Mitsuri and Shinobu’s apartment, as Y/N had also become incredibly close with the two girls. Sanemi began to find himself at the girls’ apartment far more than he was at his own. In March, he discovered they had precisely the same tastes in music; within a day she had sent him several specially-curated playlists that featured bands similar to his favorite artists.
By the end of March, Y/N had announced her plan to move in with Mitsuri and Shinobu.
It wouldn’t happen until the end of the semester, when Y/N’s solitary lease ended, but she’d planned to move in right before she spent a month at home with her family – which also marked the first time she’d return home since her brother had died.
Sanemi wasn’t surprised at how quickly Y/N had bonded with his other female friends; she had a sharp, dry wit that matched perfectly with Shinobu’s lofty, passive-aggressive attitude, yet also seemed to find delight in spending time with Mitsuri, with whom she’d rapidly become attached to at the hip. Part of Sanemi had hoped that her friendship with the two women would lighten the shadows that crossed her face every so often, and that maybe she would finally crack a smile.
It wasn’t as if Y/N wasn’t expressive – she was, particularly around her eyes. More often than not, she was scowling at him or rolling her eyes at his barbs, but there had been a few occasions when he’d thought that he’d caught something softer as she looked at him. Other times, he saw an amused twinkle in her eye whenever Mitsuri challenged Tengen to an arm-wrestling contest, as though she were on the precipice of laughter, though none ever came.
Shinobu had suggested Y/N’s failure to smile was just a way of her processing her trauma and grief, and that she was doing everything she could to cope. Sanemi had not yet broached the subject with Y/N, not wanting her to feel compelled to open up wounds she was trying so hard to stitch together, but he worried that she wasn’t getting the support she needed.
Near the end of the semester, Y/N had become slightly more irritable, constantly jiggling a foot whenever she sat down, or wringing her hands in her lap whenever she was in deep thought.
Sanemi had agreed to study with her for their last final, but was on his last nerve as she continuously clicked her pen, each press of her thumb against the cap harder than the last.
“You have to stop.” He finally snapped, throwing his own pen down on his notebook before him to glare at her. “I can’t hear myself think.”
Y/N’s eyes widened in surprise at his outburst before lowering, her arms folding insecurely in front of her chest.
“Sorry,” she murmured, her foot beginning to twitch beneath the table.
Sanemi sighed and slammed his book shut, folding his hands under his chin as he braced his elbows on the table. “All right, out with it; what’s got ya all bent out of shape?”
Y/N didn’t meet his eyes, instead toying idly with the ends of her hair. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Sanemi rolled his eyes and huffed. “You’ve been squirming nonstop for the last two weeks, and it’s only gotten worse,” he nodded pointedly at the way she kept twisting and untwisting a lock of her dark, silky hair around her index finger. “Somethin’s bothering you.”
Y/N remained quiet for a moment, but contemplative, weighing out the risks and the rewards of opening up to the scowling man sitting across from her.
“I haven’t been home since – since he died,” She began, shifting slightly in her seat. “And I’ve felt really closed off from my parents ever since the funeral. We haven’t talked much at all.” She bit her lip, staring intently at the wooden grain of the table. “I guess I’m just anxious about going back.”
Sanemi clicked his tongue. “I gotta say, I don’t envy you right now,”
“Thanks.” Y/N interjected coolly, but Sanemi held a hand up to quiet her.
“I mean, that car wreck just killed my whole family, so I didn’t have to deal with anyone else’s grief but my own,” Sanemi continued, and Y/N fell silent. “I can’t imagine having to deal with someone else’s.”
Y/N’s hand had fallen from her hair to the table, and it twitched toward him. She hestitated for a moment before finally reaching over and placing her small hand on Sanemi’s broad, scarred forearm.
“Sanemi, I had no idea,” she said, softly. “I’m so sorry.”
Sanemi surprised himself by not immediately shrugging off her touch, but he found it hard to meet her eyes. Most people looked at him with pity, and he’d long since lost the ability to stomach it.
Y/N slowly pulled her hand back from his arm, moving to wipe furiously at her eyes.
“Ah hell, I didn’t mean to make ya cry-“ Sanemi said, cursing himself for trudging up what had to be painful memories.
She shook her head furiously. “No, it’s not that,” she batted the tears from her eyes before meeting his gaze head-on. “I’ve just felt so…alone these last few months. Like I was drowning in my grief.”
Sanemi felt something within him stir at the intensity of her stare, something warm and comforting spreading through his chest. “But you’re not,” he said with equal quiet, offering her a small smile. “It’s the worst club to be a part of – the dead family club – but it’s nice knowin’ someone else in it.”
Y/N nodded, and Sanemi could swear he saw something like a ghost of a smile on her face, but it was gone as soon as it came.
“If things at home get too hard to deal with this summer,” Sanemi said after a pause, “just call me. Any time.”
And damn him if he didn’t feel like he could soar at the look of hope in her eyes.
July 15th – Mid-Summer Festival
Summer had passed by slowly and lazy in the blazing heat.
Sanemi had spent the majority of their break at the Rengoku family lakehouse, working alongside his best friend as a lifeguard at the local swim club. When he wasn’t shouting at kids for being walking lawsuits as they ran alongside the pool and drinking cheap beer with Kyojuro, he had been texting Y/N – outside of their active group chat.
It was insane to him that she’d become as close with him as he was to Kyojuro. Sanemi had found her so easy to talk to, even over the phone, and eagerly checked for her messages the moment he awoke and the moment before he fell asleep. Once or twice, Kyojuro had even grumbled that Sanemi rarely texted the group chat back but seemed to have no trouble responding to one of Y/N’s many memes or song recommendations.
But now, the whole gang had reunited for a holiday weekend at the Rengoku lakehouse to celebrate the mid-summer festival with a cookout and fireworks.
Translation: they’d all come to get absolutely plastered while enjoying some fun in the picturesque water surrounding the generous estate.
It was day two of the festival weekend, and six of them were in the water, locked in a fierce battle of chicken. Y/N was perched on Sanemi’s shoulders as she wrestled Mitsuri, who was close to strangling a sputtering Kyojuro with her thighs as she desperately tried to remain upright. So far, he and Y/N had knocked out the other pair — Shinobu and Giyuu -- and were vying for the title of Chicken Champions.
Sanemi wouldn’t lie that he’d initially felt a bit smug over how Y/N had darted forward to grab his arm when Mitsuri announced the need to partner up. He’d thought it was because of his strength — he knew he was jacked, and he assumed that she had (correctly) concluded that she stood the best chance of winning if she climbed atop his shoulders.
“I won’t let you fall, princess.” He’d crooned, winking at her. She’d rolled her eyes at the use of his nickname for her, and he’d puffed his chest out, feeling a cocky sense of pride.
As it turned out, he’d been dead fucking wrong. Y/N hadn’t chosen him because he’d looked the strongest.
No. She’d chosen him because he was the only one she could get away with outright abusing in her ruthless play for the championship.
“Left, left, left!” She screeched, fingers snaring in his hair to wrench him harshly to the side, her heels digging sharply into his abdomen beneath the water as she desperately tried to steer him away from Mitsuri’s incoming flailing limbs.
Somehow, despite the searing pain in his scalp and the spray of lake water in his eyes, Sanemi had managed to follow her directions and the pair managed to narrowly avoid catastrophe. But Y/N wasn’t finished, as she tightened her shapely thighs around Sanemi’s neck to twist him back so she could lunge for the pinkette now unsteady atop of Kyojuro.
Sanemi had never been more grateful that the water covered him from the waist-down, as Y/N’s thighs clenched around his head once more as she shoved at her best friend with all her might.
Mitsuri had been too unbalanced to resist Y/N’s attack, and she finally toppled off Kyojuro’s shoulders and splashed into the water.
“Chicken Champs!” Tengen declared from the shoreline where he had been refereeing, more interested in working in a tan than he had been in getting in the water.
“I knew we’d win.” Y/N sniffed, tapping Sanemi’s head lightly. “I didn’t scalp you, did I?”
But Sanemi couldn’t answer because he was fighting a losing battle to conceal the growing bulge in his trunks, fearful that if any of his friends saw, they’d never let him live it down.
He’d known he was in trouble when she’d first emerged from the girls’ room in that tiny red bikini. For the last three hours, he’d been constantly reminding himself that she was his best friend and was therefore off-limits every time he’d caught his eyes lingering a second too long on her exposed skin and that he valued their friendship above all else.
But those rationalities were getting harder to remember the longer he felt her legs dangling over his chest, and his self-control was rapidly slipping.
So, upon Tengen declaring their victory, Sanemi did the only thing he could think of to escape his predicament— he slid his hands under her knees and dumped her into the water behind him, Y/N squeaking as she fell.
By the time Y/N’s head breached the surface of the lake, her eyes blazing and ready to fight, Sanemi had already been halfway back to the lake house, with nothing but a cold shower on his mind.
Later that night, once everyone was thoroughly shit-faced and Kyojuro and Tengen were itching to light the fireworks, Y/N was nowhere to be found. Sanemi broke away from the group, heading towards the boat dock just down a grassy hill when he’d spotted her sitting on the edge of the pier. She was leaning against one of the posts, legs dangling into the water below as she gazed up at the brilliant expanse of stars twinkling in the night sky.
“It’s about time to watch a bunch of drunk assholes blow shit up.” He said, crouching down to sit beside her.
Y/N merely turned her head toward him before looking away again, remaining quiet. Her eyes were clouded and wistful as she peered up at the sky, her lower lip wobbling slightly.
In moments like these, Sanemi had learned the best thing he could do was stay silent. If she wanted to talk, she would, but sometimes, she just wanted him near.
The two were quiet for a moment, the only sounds being the slow lap of the lake water as it broke against the wooden pier, and the distant echoes of laughter as Kyo and Tengen drunkenly tried to set up the firework display.
“It’s been eight months since he died,” Y/N broke the silence, her voice soft. “And I hadn’t even realized. I was so swept up in having fun that I forgot about him for a moment.” She looked down at her lap, fingers twisting nervously together. “I must be awful.”
Sanemi shook his head, his hand itching to reach out and pat her back, to offer her comfort, but it remained still on the wood beneath him. “Nah. Not awful.” He lifts his gaze up to the stars twinkling above them, the mid-summer night sky resplendent with light. “It’s shitty to say, but sometimes you’ve gotta remember that you’re still livin’— even if they’re not.”
Y/N snorted, bringing a hand up to wipe at the tears that had begun to cling to her eyelashes. “That’s a harsh way of putting it.”
Sanemi grimaced, resenting how poor he could be with words. “I meant that he wouldn’t want you to keep yourself from living just because of him.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “What brought it on, anyways? I mean, what reminded you?”
Y/N leaned her head back against the worn post of the pier, chewing on her lower lip in thought. “I guess when Kyo mentioned it was almost time for fireworks. My brother loved the summer festivals, but he really loved the fireworks.” Y/N’s eyes slid shut momentarily as she reminisced, echoes of vibrant colors and the sounds of her brother’s laughter echoing in the corners of her mind. “He’d beg my parents to stay up past his bedtime to watch them. They used to tell him ‘No,’ but he kept sneaking out to watch them anyways. They eventually just gave in.”
Y/N paused, as she wove the connection between the memory in her head with the heaving feeling in her heart. “I guess that’s why I came down here.” She shrugged, as though to deflect the pain and loneliness that curled her shoulders forward, that still lurked in the shadows beneath her eyes. “Didn’t wanna drag the group down, you know?”
Sanemi looked back to Y/N, so beautiful beneath the starlight, so kind, and so very sad.
“I don’t think anyone would think you’re bein’ a drag,” Sanemi murmured. “But tell ya what — if you’re ever feeling down again while we’re all together, how about you give me a signal and we can dip out together ‘til you feel better?”
Y/N sniffed eyeing him incredulously. “A signal?”
Sanemi nodded. “Yeah, like — I dunno — a code word or something?”
Y/N pursed her lips as she looked back over the still water of the inky lake, considering.
“How about ‘chicken?’ In honor of our win today?” She said after a moment.
Sanemi grinned. “Perfect.”
The telling whizz and whirr of fireworks being launched into the sky cut Y/N off before she could reply. With a resounding boom! the night sky filled with bright streaks of red, white, pink, and yellow. Between the pulsing claps of the thunder of the fireworks, Y/N and Sanemi could hear the distant whoops and hollers of their friends.
Y/N’s eyes were locked on the dazzling display of fire and spark above them, a mixture of sadness and wonder glistening within them.
Later that night, just as Sanemi had been on the precipice of sleep, he’d realized he had not seen a single firework that his friends had launched in celebration of the summer festival.
Because while Y/N’s eyes had been fixed on the beautiful show of color in the night sky, Sanemi had not been able to look at anything else but her.
October 31st -- Halloween
“Stop moving your face,” Y/N said exasperatedly to the scowling, white-haired man sitting before her. “You’re going to mess me up.”
Sanemi wanted to crack an eye to glare at her, but he feared she might stick one of her makeup brushes in his eye socket if he did. Instead, Sanemi clenched his jaw, fists balling in his lap.
“You’re taking for-fuckin’-ever,” he muttered, wincing slightly as Y/N dabbed a cold, gel-like substance against his cheek.
“I’m not the one who picked the most high-maintenance costume out of our entire group,” Y/N scoffs, pulling away from Sanemi to blend together a mixture of red, brown, and gray face paint to apply on the fake wound she has created along Sanemi’s sharp cheekbone.  “I mean seriously, a wolf demon? Why not just go as a regular werewolf?”
It is Halloween and Sanemi regrets ever agreeing to a group costume theme.
It had all started when Shinobu, Mitsuri, and Y/N had come to their weekly family dinner a month prior with wicked gleams in their eyes. They had waited until everyone else had been seated before Shinobu announced that not only had she gotten all their names down on an invite list for an exclusive Halloween party at the Wisteria House the following month, but they would all be dressing up as part of a group theme.
Tengen, Kyojuro, and Gyomei had each expressed excitement while Giyuu, Obanai, and Sanemi had remained silent, though the latter only did so because he was too busy gaping at the girls, his mouth full of food.
“Tell me you three’ve already figured out the theme,” Tengen had said, his magenta eyes alight with excitement. “I want to be the flashiest group in that fucker.”
Mitsuri’s smile had only grown wider. “Mythical monsters - specifically demons!”
Sanemi’s groan had been cut off by a sharp kick under the table from Y/N, who was glowering at him threateningly. One look from her, and he’d known arguing would be pointless.
And that was how Sanemi had found himself now, on Halloween night, sitting stiffly on the worn-out ottoman in the girls’ apartment while Y/N smeared liquid latex across his cheeks to create the fake appearance of claw marks.
Mitsuri was on the other side of Y/N, painting fake slits on either side of Obanai’s mouth to give him a more snake-like appearance to suit his Snake Demon attire. The moment Sanemi had seen Y/N’s hands free up after she had put the finishing touches on Shinobu’s Butterfly Demon makeup, he’d nearly toppled over the coffee table to claim her before Kyojuro could sit down and occupy her time.
Truthfully, Sanemi had just wanted the chance to be near her. She was already decked out in her full Spider demon costume; her face painted a ghostly shade of white and accented by red circles meant to mimic the appearance of spider eyes. Sanemi, however, had miscalculated one crucial detail in his haste to be the only one of the men that she touched to do their makeup — how skimpy her costume would be.
Y/N was clad in a thin, white wrap dress that cut short just above her mid-thigh. The dress, though sleeved, also boasted a deep v-neck, and Sanemi was avidly trying to avoid staring at her exposed cleavage, which had also been painted and dusted with a shimmering powder. Her legs were bare, covered in the same glitter as the rest of her skin, and she was already teetering around in heels that Sanemi knew damn well would not stay on her feet longer than an hour.
In fairness, Y/N’s costume wasn’t nearly as skimpy as her pink-haired friend’s. Mitsuri insisted she was going as a cat demon, but Sanemi failed to see the correlation between the black unitard with the plunging neckline and anything remotely feline.
Y/N’s fingers brushed against his cheeks as she dabbed a mixture of paint to create the appearance of blood and Sanemi wills them not to heat under her touch. The task is nearly impossible, however, because he felt like he was being electrocuted every time she brushes against him. That feeling was only accentuated every time she moved to lean over him and pick up yet another beauty tool, the sweet honey of her perfume more intoxicating than the shots Tengen had made them pound earlier.
Sanemi was so lost in thought as he reveled beneath Y/N’s heavenly touch that he failed to notice her step back, eyes scrutinizing his face as she considered her handiwork. Sanemi cracked an eye open and watched her nod in satisfaction, finally dropping her makeup brushes on the side table.
“You’re done.” She said, tapping his shoulder to motion him to stand. Y/N thrusted a tiny makeup mirror in his hand so he could inspect.
She’d turned his existing facial scars into fake, bloodied, fresh ones, but elongated them to give the appearance of claw marks. She added an additional vertical scar that extended from above his right eyebrow to nearly his cheek. All in all, Sanemi thought he looked -
“Scary!” Mitsuri exclaimed, eyes widening softly. “He’s sure on theme — he’ll terrify people!”
Y/N clicked her tongue in disagreement. “No, I don’t think he looks scary,” she tilted her head in thought, Sanemi feeling slightly embarrassed as the two girls continued to look him over.
“I think he looks…,” Y/N paused, her eyebrow quirking up suggestively as her eyes lit up, dancing with a challenge. “Feral.”
Sanemi grinned at her, purposefully bearing his teeth in an effort to look as wolf-like as possible.
Tengen came back into the living room from where he and Kyo were doing shots and winked at his silver-haired friend. “You’ll still be able to pick up girls looking like that, Shinazugawa.”
Sanemi doesn’t know why, but the comment irritated him, and he turned away from the group to hide his reddening face.
He doesn’t see the way Y/N’s eyebrows furrow at the comment.
It was two in the morning, and they are all utterly inebriated.
The Wisteria House — an exclusive club that Shinobu had only been able to get them into because of her connections to one of its proprietors — had been pulsing with music and lights as throngs of costumed revelers had ground to the thunderous beat of the music.
The group of them had thrived beneath the black light of the club dance floor, getting drunk on endless rounds of shots and mixed drinks that kept flowing from the bar like a waterfall of spirits.
But now, it was after two in the fucking morning, and somehow Sanemi had been stuck with corralling not one, but two drunk assholes back into their apartment despite being intoxicated himself.
The two assholes in question were also arguably the biggest lightweights out of all their friends — Mitsuri and Y/N.
Six of them had agreed to call an Uber to take them all back home to their apartments, but Kyojuro had gotten the whole group kicked out after he’d thrown up all over the driver’s pristine leather seats.
The blonde had been nearly unconscious when Tengen and Giyuu dragged him out the side of the car, and neither of them could stand to haul their blacked-out friend back to the boys’ apartment by themselves. But someone had to stay back to walk the two drunk girls back to their apartment because none of them were stupid enough to risk letting the girls walk by themselves - which was how Sanemi found himself in the position of the official babysitter of the two, shit-faced girls who stumbled along the pavement next to him.
“Kanroji — no, god dammit, st-op tryin’ to run,” Sanemi growled, his words a little slurred as he lunged to grab onto the pinkette’s arm as she tried yet again to take off into the night, giggling about how she wanted to run and feel free.
Mitsuri began wailing because Sanemi is a big meanie, but she shuffled along beside him in resigned obedience. Sanemi bit down on the litany of curses threatening to spill from his lips as he whipped around to lay eyes on the other girl he’d been charged with escorting safely home.
Y/N was limping along, about ten feet behind her friends, her legs quivering from exhaustion thanks to those fucking heels she’d insisted on wearing. How she’d managed to remain upright and not snap both her ankles was a mystery to Sanemi, but right then, he was annoyed and wanted nothing more than to slump home and pass out in his own bed.
“Y/N!” He barked behind him, the girl’s face blearily looking up in alarm. “March!”
“‘Nemiiii,” she whined, stumbling slightly as her balance shook. “I can’t — hiccup — go any faster.”
Sanemi ground his teeth. “Try harder.”
Y/N managed to flip him off before stumbling again. “Mitsuri’s right, you are a meanie.”
Sanemi had had it; it was nearly three in the goddamn morning, and somehow the man with the least amount of patience had been stuck with the two drunkest shitheads in his circle of friends, and those shitheads were keeping him from embracing the sweet oblivion of drunken sleep.
So, he snapped.
Hand still wrapped firmly around Mitsuri’s forearm, he stomped back to Y/N, tugging his other friend helplessly along behind him. Standing before her, Sanemi crouched and turned to glare up at his swaying best friend.
“Climb on. I ain’t arguing.” He ordered, and to her credit, Y/N complied, looping her arms across Sanemi’s sternum and locking her legs around his waist. He thinks she would have put up more of a fight had her feet not been about to fall off.
“No fair! I wanna be carried!” Mitsuri whined, tugging at his arm.
Sanemi just trudged along, relief flooding him as the girls’ tiny apartment comes into view. “You know how to walk in heels, Kanroji. She doesn’t.” He jerked his head back to the half-unconscious girl clinging to his back.
By some miracle, Sanemi and the girls finally arrived at the apartment, and Mitsuri was at least coordinated enough to fumble for her key to unlock the front door.
Once inside, Sanemi kicked the door shut behind him, and Mitsuri broke free from his hold, half-sprinting into the kitchen to chug some water.  Sanemi readjusted his grip on Y/N’s legs and moved towards her closed bedroom door, ready to dump her on her bed and go the fuck home.
“We made it!” Y/N’s sleepy voice murmured in his ear. Sanemi grunted in response, moving to deposit her on the soft down of her mattress when he felt her lurch forward on his back.
He was about to snap at her for being difficult when he felt the sloppy press of a soft pair of lips against his ear.
“Thanks, ‘Nemi.” Y/N said sleepily, falling off his back in an unceremonious heap on her bed. She sunk into the ridiculous array of pillows and blankets she insisted on piling onto her mattress.
Sanemi realized she’d been aiming for his cheek, but had missed in her drunken stupor. Nonetheless, his ear burned where her mouth had been, and he felt slightly hot under the collar of his flannel shirt.
“Drink some water so you’re not violently hungover tomorrow, idiot.” Was all he said as he moved to leave her room and finally, finally, return to his apartment.
“‘M-Kay. Love you.” Y/N slurred, and Sanemi froze. “Love my ‘Nemi. You’re my bestest friend in the world.”
Sanemi’s heart thumped wildly in his ears, though the slight lead of disappointment sunk in his gut. She loved him like a brother, of course — not as anything — as anything more than that.
Sanemi moved to exit the apartment, checking to ensure Kanroji hadn’t fallen asleep on her back, and pausing only to place a trash can next to where she was passed out on the couch. He softly closed the door behind him and began to make his way back to the apartment he shared with Kyojuro and Tengen.
Sanemi’s feet stumbled slightly on his journey as his mind reeled. His ear still burned from Y/N’s kiss, and her words echoed and clanged around in his head until he could hear nothing else.
Somehow, Sanemi ends up in his bed, sleep rapidly creeping up on him as his eyelids grow heavy. In his haze, he thought about how, despite being in a club surrounded by her friends and drunk off her ass, she’d still failed to smile even once.
As he drifted off, he thought about how empty and cold he felt now that he is no longer bearing Y/N’s warm weight on his back. Though he’d only been carrying her, she had felt indescribably good in his arms, and Sanemi cannot think of much he wouldn’t do to be touched by her again.
December – one week before finals.
A snowstorm had blown through their city that afternoon.
Though, perhaps “snowstorm” was too light of a description; in a matter of hours, an outright blizzard had dumped nearly three feet of snow across town and had utterly and thoroughly fucked the roads. The university had no option but to cancel classes through at least the end of the week.
Sanemi had looked forward to a night in, preferably with some video games and maybe some of his boys. It had been a long, strenuous week; truthfully, he felt like killing some virtual monsters.
It seemed, however, that his friends had other ideas as to how to spend their newly-freed evening, and of course it involved doing the exact opposite of what Sanemi had hoped to do.
He’d been in the middle of frying an egg for dinner when his phone began vibrating. He’d ignored it at first, until it nearly buzzed itself off his counter, Sanemi having to jolt to catch it in his hand before it hit the cracked linoleum of his kitchen floor.
His phone was steadily buzzing with new messages in the group chat. Swearing slightly under his breath, Sanemi unlocked his phone and scrolled up to see the message that had prompted the flurry of reactions and enthusiastic agreements from his friends.
It had started with a message from Tengen.
Quad. 20 minutes. Snow ball fight.
Sanemi groaned and responded only to tell Tengen to fuck off. But then Y/N had replied that she and the girls were on their way, and she’d called him a baby bitch for sitting out, so he’d had no choice but to bundle up in his thickest flannel and sweater and head towards the quad.
By the time Sanemi trudged his way through the shin-deep wintry sludge, a full-on war was being waged on the campus green. Though it was nearly midnight, the snow illuminated the winter wonderland around them, and Sanemi could see all his friends and a few other straggling students engaged in a fierce battle.
He scanned the quad for a sign of Y/N and spied her about 20 feet away, swathed in a thick, wool coat and hat, crouched slightly behind a tree. Beside her was a small pile of densely packed snowballs, like a stockpiled winter arsenal.
“Ya know you’re supposed to throw the snowballs, right?” Sanemi chided, sidling up to where she stood, just off the snow-covered walk of the green. She had two snowballs clutched in her gloved hands, but her eyes were fixed on someone, her tongue darting out between her lips in concentration as she calculated her next move. “Like, actually throw ‘em at people.”
Y/N tore her eyes off whatever target she’d locked onto to give him a withering glare. “I’m trying, smart-ass, to figure out the best way to hit Gyomei in the face,” she turned away from him once more, resuming her careful assessment of the tallest target on the quad, who was busy pelting the back of Giyuu’s head with scary precision.
Sanemi’s grin turned wicked. “Kinda sadistic of you to target the blind guy, isn’t it?” He goaded, bending down to scoop up and a handful of snow for himself.
Y/N whipped around at him, eyes blazing. “He’s throwing snow chunks at people, you fuckhead, and all is fair in war-“
Y/N’s rant was cut off as a well-packed sphere of snow smashed into the side of her face. She dropped the snowballs she’d been holding, her hand jumping up to her cheek in shock, as the skin beneath it stung from the icy bite of the snow.
Sanemi let out a hearty laugh. Y/N stood there, mouth gaping and dark hair plastered to the wet of her cheek, an adorable mix of both shock and indignation on her face.
Behind him, Sanemi heard Mitsuri’s tinkling, mischievous laughter.
“Motherfucker,” Y/N breathed, staring after her roommate, her eyes lighting up with a promise of swift retribution.
“Oh come on,” Sanemi laughed again at her, open and deep. “You had it coming — that’s what you get for tryna hit the blind -“
An explosion of ice and water smacked into the side of his face, soaking his hair and the collar of his jacket.
Y/N whirled to see Obanai wink at her before he took off to join Mitsuri to guard her against the onslaught flying snowballs.
Y/N turned back to Sanemi and gasped.
Obanai had not just thrown a snowball packed from the generous coating of fresh, pristine powder that covered the green; rather, he’d made a small grenade, using snow and slush gathered from the side of the road.
Gray snow dripped from the side of Sanemi’s face, soiling his cheek, and staining the cream sweater he had on beneath his jacket. Sanemi was frozen in his surprise at being caught off guard until a small, unfamiliar sound snapped him out of it.
The source of the sound made his heart drop to his stomach.
It was Y/N, who was staring up at his soiled face, watching as the black snow slid down his cheek and dripped onto the ground below him.
And she was laughing. Laughing at him.
The sound that rattled from her chest was neither a snicker nor a snort; it was a raspy, raucous cackle. Her head was tipped back slightly, as she gawked up at him, her eyes crinkled with mirth as she vaguely gestured to the smear of gray on his cheek and dissolving into another fit of giggles.
Laughter subsiding slightly, Y/N stepped forward and swiped her hand through the sludge still gathered on Sanemi’s face in a poor attempt to wipe the gray stain away. She realized it was futile though and looked instead at her now-dirtied palm in slight distaste, wiping it against the black wool of her coat.
She peered back up at him and smiled, broad and radiant.
That exhilarating smile faded, however, as Sanemi stood there, motionless, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly parted, shocked into silence.
“Sanemi, what-“ Y/N started, a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“Do it again,” Sanemi whispered, breathless. He’d not blinked or dared to do so in case he might miss it. “Smile again.”
Y/N’s eyebrows knit in confusion before softening. She’d not realized she’d even done it.
But Sanemi looked so awestruck, so desperate that she couldn’t deny him. So, she grinned broadly at him, cheeks almost burning after months of non-use, though she could not find it within herself to care.
Sanemi slowly returned the smile, pure joy illuminating his features. And they both began to laugh, without restraint, even as snowballs continued to whizz by them.
By the time the snowball fight had ended, Sanemi was soaked to the bone.
Admittedly, he hadn’t been paying attention to the slushy projectiles that had been lobbed with precision by the carefree college students who had gathered on the quad. His attention had been exclusively on Y/N as she pranced and ducked through the snow, smiling and laughing with abandon.
She’d been exquisite to watch.
One by one, his other friends had caught notice, had pricked their ears at the sound of an unfamiliar laugh that rang through the campus green, and turned to identify the source. As they watched Y/N run and duck and throw with that broad grin on her face, they too, had fallen still, their eyes going soft as they realized the enormity of the moment.
Because when Y/N smiled, she was a completely different person.
She looked bright, carefree, and more radiant than the sun. The resplendence of her smile made the snow look ugly and dull in comparison.
Mitsuri had watched her best friend with tears in her eyes, and Shinobu had looked close to joining her.
All the while, Sanemi had been unable to tear his eyes from her, and the warmth that he felt spread through his numb fingers and cheeks made him swear that he would do anything, anything at all, to make Y/N smile again.
Sanemi felt as though he was levitating even after he dropped Y/N off back at her apartment. He may as well have been floating on a cloud as he made his way down the hallway of the dimly lit hallway of the girls’ apartment complex, because he’d finally seen Y/N smile, had seen her laugh, and it was goddamned glorious.
Mitsuri emerged from the hall stairwell, cheeks pink and eyes bright from the evening of fun in the cold. She giggled as she saw the gray stain still on Sanemi’s face from the sludge ball he took.
“I would say ‘sorry,’ but honestly, it was pretty funny,” Mitsuri teased, nodding at his disheveled appearance. Sanemi snorted, but he couldn’t feign annoyance or irritation because he felt so damn good.
“Tell your boyfriend to watch out tonight, or else he might find his bed outside.”
Mitsuri giggled again, but then fell quiet, something more serious crossing her face.
“When are you going to tell her you’re in love with her?” She asked, her voice low.
Just like that, Sanemi felt as though a bucket of ice water had been thrown over him, as though he was crashing right back down to earth under the weight of the accusation she wanted him to answer for.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said gruffly, averting his gaze so he did not have to meet Mitsuri’s knowing stare.
Sanemi knew Mitsuri could see right through his bullshit — could tell by the way she huffed at him and could see it out of his periphery in how her head was cocked at him. He looked back at her and nearly recoiled at the vast pity swimming in her jade eyes.
“Fuck, Mitsuri,” he groaned, leaning against the hall wall and letting his head fall back against it with a thud. He ran a hand over his exhausted face, and slightly resented the fact his friend had always been so discerning in the affairs of the heart.
“I can’t put that kind of pressure on her,” Sanemi admitted quietly after a long moment, arm falling back down to his side, limp.
Mitsuri had been right, of course, he was in love with Y/N. He’d suspected it for a while, but seeing her radiant smile that night only confirmed that the persistent twisting he had felt in his heart over the last few months had been more than mere longing. 
But Sanemi also knew he’d long been toeing a line that he can’t cross.
“If things between us went south, what then?” Sanemi continued, “We’ve been friends since we were kids. She’ll feel like she’s the one who has to leave, and I-“ Sanemi hesitated, shaking his head. A lump formed in his throat, threatening to suffocate the emotions that have been fighting to break free from his heart. 
“It would be fuckin’ selfish of me to take that from her after she’s tried so hard to build herself a support network. I can’t do that to her, ‘Suri.”
The pink-haired woman sighed and joined him as he leaned against the wall, the two staring off into the empty space before them.
“She is a part of our group, that’s true,” Mitsuri agreed, though contemplative. “But you, Sanemi, have been the biggest source of comfort for her.”
Sanemi scoffed. “Well, that’s what best friends are s’pposed to do.”
Mitsuri shook her head, a ghost of a smile tugging at her lips. “No, I’m her best friend,” she nudged him playfully with her elbow. “You though… you’re different. And I think she knows that, too.”
She kicked off the wall, and made her way towards her apartment door, pausing just as she reaches for the knob.
“After all, you’re the one she smiled for.”
Mitsuri and all her pink disappeared into her apartment, the door clicking softly shut behind her.
Sanemi remained against the wall for a while longer, his head and his heart a tangled web of hope and doubt.
The walk back to his place is solitary, and so Sanemi tried to sort through the snarled brambles of his mind. As he shuffled through the winter landscape, Sanemi thought that he’d never fully appreciated the snow before. He hadn’t noticed how beautiful snow-capped conifers looked, branches heavy with the sparkling ice; hadn’t realized how beautifully quiet the world could be when blanketed beneath a thick coat of white.
He thought about how Y/N looked standing amidst the chaos of the snowball fight, cheeks flushed with the cold and her own adrenaline, a smile as wide and bright plastered on her face. He basked in the warm echoes of her laughter as she lobbed yet another snowball at the back of Mitsuri’s head, squealing in delight when her friend returned her attack tenfold.
And Sanemi thinks that the snow wasn’t so bad after all.
Stick around for part 2 if you want to find out if Sanemi will finally confess (and how he’ll likely screw it up 😉)
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The Christmas Present
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This fic will cover my Dates Keep Getting Interrupted square on my 2nd @jacklesversebingo card. ❤️
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Summary: Y/N is beginning to wonder just where she fits into Jensen's life. Is she expendable?
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Pretty much all fluff. A wee tiny bit of smut. Just a wisp of oral (f receiving) and unprotected PinV sex. Nothing really explicit. Pretty much a smidge of angst and mostly fluff.
Pairings: Jensen x Reader
Word Count: 2,599
A/N: Here is the next request for my second @jacklesversebingo card. This one came from a lovely anon who asked this:
hi! how about an angsty “dates keep getting interrupted” with jensen? something along the lines of him being busy and just simply being swamped with work but reader feels like jensen might not be in love with them anymore.
I basically took that first idea in your request and ran with it sweetie! Hope you enjoy this one. It ran a bit fluffy, but I hope you like it.
The beautiful dividers used here are from @talesmaniac89
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Y/N inhaled deeply as she pulled the freshly made pumpkin pie out of the oven. She looked at it with pride; she’d made it from scratch because she knew it was Jensen’s favorite this time of year.
And he was finally coming home. 
For the last month and a half he’d been working all the way across the country and in all that time, they’d been relegated to nothing but video calls and texting. When he took the job the week before Thanksgiving she’d been disappointed they wouldn’t get to spend the holiday together. But as Jensen had assured her, it was only a month of shooting, and he was only one, six hour flight away; they’d visit lots and he’d be home a good week or more before Christmas.
But the shoot had dragged on and on with an inexperienced director and a picky and demanding producer. Everything was so disorganized that Jensen had made it home only one time in those six weeks, and he’d been swamped with press the entire time, as well as trying to fit in meetings with his manager, agent, and another producer considering him for a different project. It meant that in his one day at home Y/N had him to herself for barely more than an hour, during which, he'd been completely, understandably, exhausted.
Four other trips home had been planned, complete with date nights Y/N put together that would allow them to go out together, but also stay in together a lot too. But all four times  those trips and those dates had been canceled. Even a desperately planned skype dinner date had only lasted a half hour before one of the PAs came banging on Jensen's trailer to drag him away to help with some unforeseen dilemma on set.
Y/N was sick with missing him. She knew he missed her too, but lately she’d been wondering...just how much?
How hard was he really trying to get home? How important was she to him? Was she just a girlfriend he was saddled with, someone he was obligated to try and get home to see? Was she just a scheduling conflict - one of the smaller ones, easily brushed aside for something more important?
After their last canceled date, she'd even asked herself the question that terrified her...was he losing interest? After a year and three months of dating...was she still loving him while he had one foot out the door?
Her mind shied away from answering those questions. She wasn't sure she wanted to know the answers.
But two days ago he’d called her up to say he was finally going to be wrapped the following day, and he’d be home early Christmas morning. She’d seen his plane ticket and everything; it was going to be the best Christmas present she could get.
So she’d made his favorite pie in celebration.
As she set the pie on the rack to cool, she heard a notification bing, telling her she had a video call from Jensen. She felt knots form in her stomach, but decided he was probably just calling to say he was getting on the plane in a few hours. 
He’d just text you for that, she thought, but she brushed the thought aside.
She sat down at her kitchen table, and clicked her mouse to answer, smiling as Jensen’s face appeared on her laptop screen.
“Hey.” She said, overly cheerful.
“Hey.” He said back, and she could hear the waver in his voice, but she ignored that too.
“How are you?” She asked.
His jaw clenched and she felt her stomach plummet further. 
“I’m…not good…I…” His green eyes looked at her through the screen, regret etched deep into his verdant irises. “I’m so sorry, baby - “ he began, but Y/N cut him off with a cry of disappointment.
“No! No!” She denied loudly. “What the hell? You said you’re wrapped, you said -”
“I know, I know. But they’ve decided they need a shit ton of reshoots, there’s a bunch of stuff they said they didn’t like, and…” He trailed off. “I’m so sorry.”
Y/N turned her face away from the camera as she nodded in heartbroken acceptance, trying to hide her eyes swimming in tears. “But…” she cleared her throat. “This is like the fifth time you’ve had to cancel, can’t they understand that? I mean, it’s Christmas. Why the hell do they need you to work on Christmas?” Her voice rose at the end, anger seeping through to fill in her cracked heart.
“I don’t know.” Jensen said with a shrug, and the gesture made her anger take a swift turn towards him. “It’s Hollywood, they don’t always give a shit about things like national holidays.”
“Well, they should!” She shouted. “I mean, what the hell? Do they think they own you? Why don’t you just tell them to fuck off?”
“Y/N -”
“Seriously, that’s basically what you’ve been telling me to do for the past six weeks, but you can't even tell them once?”
The muscle ticked in Jensen’s jaw again. “Y/N, I’ve spent the last day and a half doing nothing but trying to get them to listen to me, to agree to let me go for a day or two and then come back, but -”
“Wait!” Y/N cut him off. “You’ve known about this for a day and a half and you’re only telling me now?” Her voice was incensed and furious. 
Jensen threw up his hands. “I was hoping I could get out of it, Y/N! I was…look, I’m sorry." His anger was obvious but she couldn't tell if it was directed at her or not. "Don’t you think I’m disappointed too?”
“Are you?” Y/N asked before she could stop herself.
Jensen’s face grew suddenly calm. “What does that mean?” He asked.
Y/N shook her head. “Nothing. It just means that it’s been six weeks, and so many canceled dates and plans, I mean…”
“Five weeks.” Jensen interjected as she paused for a breath.
Y/N scowled at him. “What?”
“It’s only been five weeks.”
Y/N clenched her teeth. “Oh well, excuse me! Then, I guess - who cares?"
Jensen was shaking his head. “No, look I just meant to say that I’m well aware of how long it’s been since I’ve gotten to see you, but…” He looked slightly defeated. “I don’t…I mean, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.”
Y/N’s heart sank. She smiled sadly and nodded at him. “Yeah, well, you should know. That’s uh…” She sniffed and wiped her fingers across her cheeks. “That’s sort of the problem.”
Jensen opened his mouth to say something, but when he hesitated, Y/N just gave him another broken smile. 
“Merry Christmas.” She said softly before clicking off the call.
Y/N sat slumped on her couch with a half eaten pumpkin pie discarded on her coffee table. On the TV, Ebeneezer Scrooge was calling out Merry Christmas to everyone in the street below him, having realized the true meaning and value of Christmas. Y/N’s face was nothing but frowning lips and a scowl as she shut off her TV.
“Bah, humbug.” She countered quietly.
Her heart was actually hurting; a physical ache had taken up residence in her chest and she rubbed her palm over it trying to ease the sting. 
All she could see was Jensen’s face as she'd ended the call. And whenever she saw his face the fear started that it was going to be the last time she saw it - at least the last time off the silver screen.
She’d picked up the phone a dozen times to call him, but she never managed to hit “call” before tossing her phone down and crying some more. Now it was almost one in the morning and she picked it up again. This time she managed to press his name and hit the green call button.
It went straight to voicemail. The beep sounded and she contemplated hanging up. But after a pause she spoke, clearing her throat first.
“Hey, it’s me…but you probably saw that already.” Another long pause. “So…I was hoping you’d pick up, but…you’re probably sleeping. I just…wanted to…”
She paused long enough that she was worried she’d be cut off, so she rushed out the rest. “Just wanted to say I love you.” Her throat caught. “And Merry Christmas.” 
She heard a beep in her ear. “Oh,” she said, surprised, “I’ve got another call.” She saw Jensen’s name on the caller ID and hung up with the voicemail.
“Jensen?” She said tentatively as she answered.
“Hey.” He said softly.
“Hi. I was just…” She let out a burst of slightly nervous laughter. “I just left you a message.”
“Oh?” Jensen asked. “What did you say?”
“Just…just Merry Christmas, and…love you.” She answered, her voice almost shy. Then she burst out full voice. “Jensen I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to -”
But Jensen cut her off. “No, baby, I’m sorry. That’s the whole point.”
The tension eased slightly from their voices and Y/N tried to explain her disappointment. “I just miss you.”
“I know, believe me, I know.”
She was going to say something else, but Jensen spoke first. “I had something delivered to you.”
“You what?” Y/N asked with a laugh of surprise. “You had something delivered to me, from across the country, at one in the morning on Christmas Eve?”
“Yeah, it should have been there by now. It’s probably already sitting on your porch. Go check. But stay on the phone with me cause it’s after midnight.”
Y/N giggled a little breathlessly and ran to the front door. She grabbed her sweater from the peg beside it and pulled it on against the snowy chill outside. She opened the door and peered out, but she didn’t see anything. 
She stepped tentatively outside in her slippers. “There’s nothing here.” She told him. “I hope someone didn’t steal it.” She worried.
“No, it’s okay, I got it.”
Y/N's head whipped around as Jensen’s voice echoed tinnily through the phone. Her face froze as he walked towards her from the side of the porch, holding a box in his hand.
Y/N gasped loudly and then immediately screamed, running forward to throw herself into Jensen’s arms, making him drop the box. She wrapped her arms around him, holding on for dear life
His strong arms wrapped her up, cuddling her close against his thick, navy blue winter coat. She buried her face in his chest and wept unabashedly. He placed a kiss on the crown of her head and then kept his cheek pressed there while she cried her fill of happy tears. She finally pulled back to look up at him, with tear tracks mottling her skin. His big hands were cold as he pushed her hair back and cupped her cheeks.
“What are you doing here?” She asked. “How did you manage this? What did you tell them?”
Jensen shrugged. “Told ‘em to fuck off.” She choked on her laughter as he continued. “I told them in slightly more polite terms, but not by much.”
She shook her head, a worried smile on her face. “But Jensen, you’re gonna get in trouble.” 
“I don’t care.”
“You’re gonna get fired.” 
“I don’t care.”
When she opened her mouth to speak again, he kissed her, sucking away her breath and warming her from head to toe. Then he pulled away before pulling her close, tucking his face into the crook of her neck, and speaking against her skin. “I don’t care about anything more than I care about you.”
He pushed on her shoulders so he could look her in the eye. “You are everything to me Y/N and I need you to know that.”
He cupped her cheeks again, thumbs brushing away her newest tears. “So, to that end…” he bent down and scooped up the box he’d dropped. He brushed the fluffy snow from it and handed it to Y/N for her to open. “Merry Christmas.”
Y/N felt her heart race and then lodge in her throat as she cracked open the ring-sized box. Sure enough, nestled inside on a bed of velvet was a beautiful, elegant, gold engagement ring.
Jensen bent to one knee, and she started sobbing, trying desperately to hear him over her own noisy joy.
His bright, green gaze was sure and steady and overflowing with love. She wondered now, how she could ever have doubted it.
“I need you to know,” He began, “that I love you more than anything. That there is nothing,” he emphasized, “nothing more important to me than you. And for the rest of our lives I wanna be with you on all our Christmases and every New Year’s Eve, and Valentine’s Day, Fourth of Julys, hell, Arbor Days even!” he said with a watery chuckle. “It doesn’t matter what I’m celebrating, I wanna be celebrating it with you.”
He slipped the ring on her finger and she cried harder. After a minute he squeezed her hand. “Is there a yes in there, maybe - this snow’s cold on the knee.”
Y/N laughed merrily and threw her arms around his neck. “Yes!” She shouted, and squealed as he stood up, and spun her around in a dizzying circle. 
“Thank god.” He said quietly as he brushed his thumb across her mouth. “Fuck, I missed you, baby. Please say I can kiss you now.”
Y/N's belly clenched and her breathing kicked up a notch as she nodded and breathed against his cool lips. “Yes, god.” She sighed.
He kissed her deeply, sweeping his tongue past her lips and licking up into the roof of her mouth. Many breathless minutes later, Jensen pulled back and wore a contemplative look. “Mmm…you taste like pumpkin pie.”
Y/N smiled. “Oh yeah, I made you a pumpkin pie.” His eyes lit up. “But I ate it.”
Jensen laughed and began kissing and nibbling on her neck. “Well, then I guess I just gotta feast on you.”
He pushed her back through her front door and slammed it shut, kicking off his shoes and pulling off her sweater as he went. By the time he got her to her bedroom, he had them both stripped to nothing. They fell easily onto the bed, clinging to each other and savoring the closeness they’d missed for so long.
Jensen kissed her slowly, skating his lips across her skin, stopping to lick and nip at different peaks and valleys of her body, making her arch into him and card her fingers through his hair. She tugged on it as his soft, smooth beard tickled her skin, before moaning deeply as it scratched against the delicate skin of her inner thighs.
Jensen kept her coming on his tongue for a very long time, till she was shaking and shuddering and begging him to fill her up.
“Jensen, please,” she panted, “I need you so close to me.”
Jensen understood exactly what she meant. Seconds later he pushed into her welcoming heat, home at last, finding the bliss he always found in her arms, and giving it back to her. 
Christmas morning dawned bright and sunny and Y/N stretched languidly, rousing Jensen beside her, smiling as he gave out a sleepy moan. She turned to face him and gently traced her finger down the line of his nose and then began counting his cinnamon freckles, connecting them as she went.
Another small moan issued from Jensen’s throat. “S’early.” He mumbled. “Why’re you wake?”
She placed kisses all along his tight, square jaw before she answered. “I was just admiring my gift.”
He cracked one eye and looked at her left hand as it passed over his chest. A small smile lit his face and he ran a finger over her engagement ring. “You like, sweetheart?”
Y/N nodded. “Oh, definitely. The ring is gorgeous.” She moved quickly, climbing on top of him and straddling his hips, surprising a deep groan out of him; she could feel him harden beneath her. “But that’s not the gift I was talking about.”
She braced herself against his shoulders and rolled her hips against him before leaning down and pressing her lips softly to his, her voice teasing and full of love.
“Merry Christmas, Christmas present.”
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@lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman @mimi-luvzyu @jackles010378 @mayafatimakhan
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26 @slut-for-evans-stan
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @jensensgotyoudean @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous @k-slla @stoneyggirl2
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yuurei20 · 6 months
Good day Yuurei-San!
I wanted to ask why there is Christmas in TWST if Twisted Jesus is not a thing? Probably.
Is it because of how Christmas is in Japan or is there a in lore reason?
Hello hello!! Thank you so much for this question!
I was not able to find a lore-related reason for the Christmas-style furniture and maps that have turned up in the game!
A cursory search mostly results in people wondering why there isn't a Christmas-themed event in Twst like there is for Halloween, and there was this response on Yahoo! Answers of, "Santa only brings presents to good children so they don't have Christmas in Twst" ww.
The closest the game seems to come to acknowledging Christmas might be Book 4:
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The ghosts mention celebrating the new year with family, which is very Japan, but they also mention cake and gingerbread houses.
This might have been a little too on-the-nose for EN, where those foods were rewritten as pie and ham:
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But Trey referencing cake has been kept, and Christmas Cake is a big part of Japan Christmas:
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Theme cakes are not unusual, and there was a Twst Christmas cake offered back in 2021.
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There are a couple places in the game where EN added "holidays" to character dialogue, like Crewel:
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All he said was "when you go home," and going home is what New Year's is all about in Japan.
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But it's not just any home! New Years is when you go to stay at your 実家, where your parents (or their parents, or their parents' parents, etc., depending on how old you are) live.
This comes up in Grim's line where he explains to Jamil that he and the prefect don't have a 実家 to return to.
But the characters do reference unspecified "holidays" directly, even on JP!
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So what is being celebrated is possibly an unspecified combination of Christmas and New Years, together!
Christmas celebrations seem to vary by country and they may be particularly different in Japan, when viewed from the perspective of the EN server's target audience.
There are many English-language articles out there about how Christmas is celebrated in Japan, and this one might be my favorite:
"In Japan, Christmas in known as more of a time to spread happiness rather than a religious celebration...Another popular activity at Christmas in Japan, especially in Tokyo, is visiting Tokyo Disneyland (which opened in 1983) and seeing all the decorations and the parades. The Christmas 'season' at Tokyo Disneyland is from the 2nd week in November until Christmas Day. On December 26th, all the Christmas decorations are gone, ready for the New Year celebrations to start! New Year is a very big celebration in Japan. A 'Disney' style Christmas might have also influenced how Japanese culture celebrates Christmas as a fun and romantic time, rather than a religious one."
Much like Disney's influence on Japan's Halloween they have also had an influence on Japan's Christmas, which might be one of the reasons why certain elements are turning up in Twst!
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blackwidownat2814 · 6 months
Merry Christmas Lieutenant (J.Seresin)
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Pairing: Jake Seresin x female reader
Word Count: 1440 (ish)
A/N: Written for @sailor-aviator’s Christmas Writing Challenge. My word was candy cane. To be super honest, I completely forgot I had to write this until last night and went through about 5 ideas before I landed on this today. Thanks to @buckysdollforlife for the quick beta-ing they did earlier. Part of the Jake & Dewey ‘Verse. GIF by @babyrooster
Dividers by: @saradika (Go check out her others, they're awesome!!!)
Warnings: Super fluffy and honestly? The most suggestive thing I’ve written…ever. So yeah, implied future smut I guess?
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When you’d told Jake that your favorite thing about Christmas was candy canes and other peppermint flavored things, you didn’t think he’d go this hard with it.
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On December 1st, you shambled into the kitchen to see Jake standing at the island with a steaming mug in his hand and a big smile on his face.
“Merry Christmas sweetheart.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your lips and when you pulled away, you took a sip of your coffee.
“Jake! You made me a Peppermint Mocha?!”
“Of course I did, it’s your favorite.”
“Maybe you should change your callsign to 'Starbies'.”
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On December 2nd, you woke to find a big bag of the Ghirardelli Peppermint Bark Squares on your nightstand with a short note I love you so much baby. Enjoy your minty snack!
You took the bag with you to work and shared the love with your coworkers. On your lunch hour, you headed over to the Exchange to meet up with Bob for lunch and shared some with him, giving him extra to share with the other Daggers.
“Hey Bobbers? Could you give Jake something extra for me please?”
“Sure Dew, what is it?” You planted a kiss on Bob’s cheek and he turned red and smiled. “I can’t guarantee he’s going to appreciate it as much since it’s not coming from you.”
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It went like that for the next week or so. Candy cane themed gifts for you every day. Knee high socks covered in candy canes, some earrings you’d seen on TikTok, all kinds of candies that were putting out their peppermint flavored things.
Two weeks before Christmas, Jake came home with news that he and the other Daggers (Mav included) were going to be gone until a few days before the holiday to several Naval Air Stations starting in New Jersey and ending back home in San Diego. You didn’t know all the facts, because all Jake could tell you was that it had to do with the Uranium Mission (since you were Mickey’s only family and Jake’s partner, Mav had said that all you could really know was that it was dangerous and that the squad called it the Uranium Mission).
Jake promised his gifts would keep going in his absence, even when you told him they didn’t need to.
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The first day he was gone, you went to the Hard Deck to have dinner with Halo, a recent friend. Halo waved when she saw you walk in and you joined her at the end of the bar, where you greeted Penny.
“Hey Pen, missing Mav already?”
“Always do”, she replied with a smile. After you and Halo gave her your dinner order, she placed a glass down in front of you.
“What’s this?”
“Hangman asked me to get you a peppermint flavored drink every time you come in while they’re all gone.” She pulls a mini-candy cane from under the bar and sticks it in the glass. “This here is a Peppermint Piña Colada. Enjoy.”
“What’s with all the peppermint?” asked Callie.
“Last month, I told Jake that one of my favorite things about Christmas was candy canes and peppermint flavored stuff. Since December 1st, he’s given me something peppermint flavored or candy cane themed every single day.” You took a sip of your drink, “Oof…that’s actually better than I thought it would be.”
“Oh. So that’s why Hangman asked me to give you this.” Callie pulled a small red and white gift bag from the bar stool beside her and slid it your way. “He said to tell you not to open it until tomorrow though.”
“Ugh! But I want to open it now!”
“He said, and I quote: ‘One a day Dewey, that’s the rule. Be a good girl and follow the rules.’” Callie made a face like she wanted to vomit. “I don’t kink shame, but I did not need to know that.”
You’re not sure how long you laughed after that.
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The next day, Callie came to visit you at the library.
“So, what was in the bag?” she asked. “Wait. After that message, I’m not sure I want to know.” You gave a small laugh as you placed two small spray bottles on your desk.
“He got me hand sanitizer spray in Twisted Peppermint from Bath & Body Works. One for the office and one to carry in my bag.”
“Can I have some?”
“Sure!” You give her a couple sprays and she rubbed her hands together.
“This smells awesome. Like I’d dipped my hands in Christmas or something.”
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While he was gone, Jake had cookies from Tiff’s Treats (a dozen minty chocolate) delivered, a box of only peppermint chocolates from Copper Coast Confections, a new red and white striped apron from Hedley & Bennett with your name embroidered on the front. After watching Next Level Chef a few months ago, you’d expressed to him how you wanted an apron from H&B one day and that it might take you a while because they were pretty expensive. You couldn’t believe he’d remembered. After that, when you invited Callie and Penny over and the three of you would cook or bake together, you smiled big as you sported your new apron.
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Finally, the day Jake and the rest of the Daggers were due home arrived. They weren’t due until late afternoon, so you changed in your office at the library. You wore your candy cane earrings, striped Santa hat, bright red lipstick with peppermint gloss, and made sure your new manicure (candy cane themed of course) shone brightly.
You stood with Penny and the other families that waited for their sailors. You hugged Bob and Phoenix when they walked over to you guys and when Reuben and your brother arrived, they both gave you a big wet kiss on either cheek. Distracted as you were wiping your cheeks off while laughing, you didn’t see or hear Jake approaching.
“What are you doin’ givin’ my girl kisses, Payback?”
“JAKE!” You whirled around with a scream.
“Hey sweetheart.” You practically jumped into his arms and pulled his face to yours (thank goodness for long lasting liquid lipsticks!). Jake took it a step further and dipped you backwards while still kissing you…like that sailor kissing a nurse in New York City on VJ Day in 1945.
“What am I?” you heard Mickey ask. “Chopped liver?”
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Later that night, you were in bed reading while Jake finished his shower. You could smell the shower gel he used because it was one he’d gotten you while he was gone (a delicious pepperminty scent from LUSH), and he finally emerged from the bathroom in a peppermint scented cloud.
“Boy, am I happy to be home.”
“I’m glad you’re home too, Jake.” You pecked him on the lips when he leaned down over you. “I missed you and even though I loved absolutely everything you got me--especially the candy cane themed flower bouquet--none of it replaces having you here with me.”
“You sap.”
“Shut up. You love how sappy I am.”
“True.” He put on his sleep pants and got in bed next to you. “Do you want today’s present?”
“I thought you were today’s present?”
“I’m just the bonus”, he said with his traditional Jake Seresin smile (it was your favorite of his smiles).
“Then gimme!” You put your book down and made grabby hands at him.
“Here you go m’darlin.” He handed you a small box with a red and white bow on it.
“Jake. Jake. This isn’t…?”
“No, it isn’t. I wouldn’t do that without Mickey being present.”
“Oh okay. It’s not that I don’t want to…”
“Baby, don’t worry, I understand.”
“I love you.”
“I know.” He winked at you and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
“Nerd.” You turn back to the small box and open it. Inside was a necklace with a small ruby and diamond encrusted candy cane on it. “Holy shit.”
“I take it that means you like it.”
“I love it Jake.” You settle onto his lap and kiss him. When you pull apart, he takes the necklace from the box and moves to put it on you. “Thanks cowboy. I think this is going to beat one of my gifts to you for sure.”
“Oh? Do tell.” You hop off his lap and run into your closet. A few minutes later, you emerge wearing your new candy cane themed robe and your necklace.
“I wanted to put on my necklace and see what you think about how it looks.”
“Let’s see it.” Jake’s jaw drops comically when you throw off your robe, because standing in front of him is you. In your necklace.
Just your necklace.
“Merry Christmas Lieutenant.”
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zyonsay · 6 months
150 Follower special MV1,LN4,OP81
Thank you guys so much! I don't think that 150 is much to other creators here on Tumblr but i am absolutely SPEECHLESS. 150 People deemed my blog good enough to follow and im thankful for every single one of you pookies! You guys motivated me to continue writing, and you may not know me well yet, but i suck at continuing things i started- So chapeau to you guys!!
I wanted to make 150 headcanons at first, but when i began writing, i realized that i was a bit too confident haha. I hope 15 headcanons are alright too though! Once again, thank you so, so much! <3
SO! Here's how the headcanons work:
These are headcanons about Max Verstappen, Lando Norris and Oscar Piastri, 5 each. Genderneutral Reader.
1st: What they like about you physically 2nd: Their favorite activity with you 3rd: Something you helped them accomplish 4th: Their favorite clothing piece/outfit on you 5th: Something they like about your sex life
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Max Verstappen MV1
He likes your hands a lot, whether it’s when you guide him through a crowd with your hand on his back, or the way you softly brush against his knuckles under the table while visiting friends for dinner. He loves your soft, innocent touches. The way you hold his arm or give him a reassuring squeeze has him melting.
His favorite thing to do with you is stay at home and cook something together while his cats circle your legs in hopes of a treat. You can bet that you two will be baking a lot during festive times like Christmas or other holidays. "Oh Max, come here. You have a bit of flour on your nose", you say as you wipe it off and press a peck to his lips.
It used to be a challenge for Max to talk about his feelings, especially about his negative ones. Even if he still has a hard time doing that, he now know that he has someone who will listen and support him. His worries are valid and he loves that you taught him that.
Max loves it when you wear a comfortable, but fancy outfit to sit in a yacht club and sip champagne with him. His arm around your shoulder while you two talk and laugh under a clear night. He won't be able to take his eyes off of you!
During your more intimate times, it drives him crazy when you choke him. Even if only lightly, having you in power turns him on, because in every other situation he is seen as THE dominating force. If only others knew how whiny he can get. 'Please y/n, please', his voice sounded weak and desperate.
Lando Norris LN4
Lando loves your eyes, no matter what color. He catches himself getting lost in them very often, but he absolutely loves it. You’re focused, Lando sneakily gawks at your eyes and when you turn your head to look at him, he quickly looks away and flushes. The only thing he can mutter is 'You're pretty', while his face turns redder by the second.
He absolutely loves to get comfy on the couch and watch your favorite movies together. You sitting between his legs, while he rubs your back, paired with hot chocolate and a few snacks, makes him the happiest man alive.
Lando learned a lot from you. Not that he was stupid before, but the things you talk about intrigue him, so he asks about it and is willing to learn more. Like this man did not know that manatees eat 7-15% of their body weight each day, but now he does.
His favorite clothing pieces on you are his hoodies since he has a whole collection of them. It’s the typical high school scenario of stealing your boyfriends hoodies.
The brit’s favorite thing in the bedroom is soft sex. Not that your ‘wilder’ nights aren’t good too, but he loves having passionate, sweet, and soft sex after a rough day. Gentle moans and sweet whispers rung trough the air, as Lando brushed his finger over your thighs. 'Love you', he adoringly looked into your eyes.
Oscar Piastri OP81
Oscar adores your hair. Whenever you two are laying on your bed, he gently runs his fingers through it. Or when you get up in the morning, hair all messed up, he loves to brush it for you, while leaving gentle kisses on your shoulders.
The Aussie loves going out with you. Not the typical restaurant date, but for example going to the Aquariums or visiting a Museum together. He'd also take you along to an art Exhibition or the Zoo. 'Look at this one!', he pulled you towards an Aquarium full of beautiful sharks.
Oscar learned to be more vocal about his needs and wants. Sure, he is still reserved, but he is now more comfortable with coming out of his shell. You are the most empowering being in his life and showed him that it's ok to need and demand things.
His favorite outfit on you are your pajamas. A big, loose tee with a pair of shorts or whatever you usually wear and this man’s heart is doing somersaults. He loves the casual, cozy you, snuggled up to him on the couch while it's absolutely pouring down outside.
Oscar loves when you mark him up. His pale skin reddens quickly when you suck, nibble or full on bite it. He won't admit it out loud, but waking up in the morning with your marks all over his body does it for him. You appear behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso which is littered with love bites. He groans lightly as you trace your fingers over the red spots.
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fennecfiree · 6 months
(copy and pasting some of my older posts btw)
ALSO! Ask me any of my other headcanons with the ask feature thingy, for example, creek hcs, clyde hcs, or anything like that. ill answer!
Stan: Blue eyes, short black greasy hair ( he never washes his frickin hair ) he has some acne, he's the 2nd tallest in the main 4, he's thin, has earrings, he has a slipknot pin on his hat, and has some eye bags because he never sleeps 😱 he's bisexual ( girl pref ) and Demi boy. He has autism, and asthma. special interest is bored games, he listens to Slipknot, MCR, deftones, Korn, his fav song is Duality. his fav food is m&ms, his fav video game is Roblox, he also plays RimWorld, terrified of snakes, his fav shows are Stranger things, The simpsons, Spongebob, and Rick and morty, cares more for animals than most people, gets annoyed when people talk to much. His phone is full of pictures of Sparky. whenever he's home alone he chugs some of Randy's beer 😭 his phone is always on do not disturb. still keeps in touch with the goth kids. he's very close with Tolkien, which Kyle got mad about since Stan was jealous when Kyle was making tiktoks with Tolkien. he gets B-. Loves horror games and movies and forces kyle to play them with him, paints his nails black. asks for a cat every Christmas, has a Bart Simpson sad pfp ( you know those.. ) really into creepy pastas. he watched TheOddOnesOut, and SomethingElseYT
Kyle: he has olive eyes, really curly short ginger hair, he has braces, and a bigger nose, he's pretty pale and has freckles, the shortest out of the 4, and he's chubby. he's bisexual and asexual ( he ofc found out when he's older ). he has type 1 diabetes (and is really embarrassed about it). anxiety, autism ( his special interest is ocean creatures ) and bad anger issues. he listens to AJR, Green day, The cure, Weezer, The offspring. his fav song is Pretty fly for a white guy. his fav food is stew, and and he drinks monster sometimes. His fav game is Minecraft and Fnaf 1. He's a giant germaphobe, he washes his hands after every time he goes somewhere. he's also scared of gore. he watches Gravity Falls, BfDI. Spongebob, Him and Ike watch Yo gabba gabba together 😭😭 He cant watch horror movies, and cant play scary games. He talks A LOT. He has a handsanitizer bottle on his desk. His favorite holiday is Halloween, he gets A+ most of the time, but sometimes he gets A-. he spends 2 hours doing his hair, he studies really hard, and gets furious if someone else in class gets a higher grade ( its usually Wendy ) he try's to draw good, and thinks he does, but its very poorly drawn cartoon drawings with detailed eyes. he try's to straighten his hair but it just looks very weird, and it made him sad 😓HIM AND STAN WATCH SPONGEBOB TOGETHER AND THEY LOAD UP ON EVERYSINGLE SNACK. he's insecure about his looks. he looks up to his dad a lot, he cry's when his teachers don't respond to him putting up his hand 😭. doesn't notice when he's raising his voice. sleeps with his orca whale plushie 😎 He watches Markiplier, Flamingo, and LS Mark.
Cartman: 1 brown eye, 1 blue eye, short light brown messy hair, he has long eyelashes and some acne, he has a tooth gap, he's the tallest of the 4, and ofc he's a fatass 😭 he's gay, lactose intolerant and has heterochromia (left is brown, right is blue) He listens to Lady gaga, Britney spears, Taylor swift. and his fav song is Poker face. His fav food is Cheesy Poofs, and Pancakes. His fav game is Happy wheels and People playground. he has Trypanophobia. He watches Saw, The Human Centipede, and Happy tree friends. when he plays Minecraft with people he refuses to share a house with someone cuz it's gay, he scams kids in Roblox adopt me. Him and Shelly play smash or pass together with celebrities 😭 he has a Instagram account for Mr Kitty. He's an iPad kid 🤪🤪🤪🤪 goes on Omegle (let's pretend it's still up) and pretends to be a girl. Has an account on Twitter just for making fun of Kyle, listens to true crime. Collects stickers 😊😊 begs his mom to give him robux, he also has another Twitter account that's a Stan account for lady Gaga. Terrified of Wendy 😭😲 the coon is his fursona, he also pretends that he hates furrys but secretly is one 😭 Gets C-. reddit user.. says "MY CONTROLLER BROKE" when he loses a game, he's fluent in German. He's really smart, sometimes even smarter than Kyle, but doesn't care to use it for good, he just uses it for asshole shit. Sleeps with all 10000 of his stuffed animals. he hates fathers day. he watches Trisha paytas, ishowspeed, and shane dawson. 😭😭
Kenny: Blue eyes, messy blonde hair, he has a tooth gap, and his clothes are really dirty, he's the 2nd shortest of the 4, and he's pretty skinny, he's pansexual and genderfluid. he listens to Cardi B, Gorillaz, Vengaboys. and his fav song is Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom!! his fav food is Grilled cheese. His fav game is DDLC and FNF (he plays on butters pc) He watches Pokemon, MPL ( originally Karen forced him to watch it but he kinda likes it LMAO ) and Sailor moon. he falls asleep in class a lot. He gets B+. therapist friend, zones out a lot. He sometimes comes to school with pigtails that Karen gave him. He never fights with his siblings. Stan always gives him some of his school lunch. his clothes are covered in holes and stains. he loves playing truth or dare and always picks dare. he loves birthday party's and always take a ton of food to bring to his family. he wants a pet rat so bad. he likes Stan the best out of the main 4, he sometimes finds Kyle super annoying and cartman... well its cartman.. goes outside and burns pieces of paper for fun. he watches Mr Beast ( he comments on every video "please help me") Gawr Gura, Ironmouse, and Pokimane.
Butters: Blue eyes, very short blonde hair, a scar on his right eye. he's the same height as Kenny, slim, has a couple freckles but not NEARLY as much as Kyle 😨he's Bisexual. He has PTSD. He listens to BTS, Disney songs, his fav song is Butter 🙀 His fav food is Ice cream ( strawberry ) His fav game is Hello Kitty Island Adventure, and Roblox. He watches Hello kitty (ofc) MLP ( him and Kenny watch it together) and Spongebob. He loves pastel colors. VERY bad memory, likes the taste of milk, Bites his nails, He still has the Marjorine clothes and likes to dance around in them, HIM AND BRADLEY ARE PEN PALS. Has to sing the ABCs to know the placements Gets A-. He also cant watch horror movies or play scary games like Kyle. He starts celebrating Christmas in October. watches those boys vrs girls gacha life music videos. USES THOSE VERY CURLY STRAWS IN CHOCOLOTE MILK AND BLOWS BUBBLES IN THEM!!! He's an art kid. He watches DanTDM, and Stampy
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thesoupinursocks · 2 years
harry james potter hc list i've compiled over a week or two---
part one??
-can fall asleep anywhere. literally. people have found him sleeping in the weirdest places around the castle 24/7 and the first years are always confused but everyone else is like "yeah no just leave him be, he's got a lot of shit going on."
-when sirius told him that harry could live with him if he wanted to, harry was so exited and nervous and like overwhelmed that on the way back to the castle he puked in a bush (he makes ron and hermione swear to never mention it to anyone ever)
-his memory is actually so shit, and he has no clue as to why it is. you tell him anything and he will immediately ask you "wait say that again"
-when remus was his professor, he would wait after class and risk being late because he knew remus would give him one of those bite sized chocolates he always has in his pockets.
-somtime he explores the castle at night when he gets nervous about the O.W.L.S, and it calms him down
-he once had to send hedwig out to get him quills because he always looses them and he apologized so many times to her because of how she was going to have to,, "carry her family's plucked out feathers" back to him.
-he can walk in heels effortlessly and he has no clue how
-his favorite color is actually purple but he tells everyone it's red
-he hates socks. despises them. will actually refuse to wear them in his shoes no matter how hard hermione begs him to.
-he still has the sweater molly made for him in his first year because that was the first christmas present he had ever gotten
-is secretly is a cat person but can't find it in himself to tell sirius
-he hates holidays, and despises halloween the most. he doesn't tell remus and sirius though because he knows that was the last week of their lives that everything was ok for them and everyone was alive and happy, and he'd feel horrible ruining that for them.
-goes on "dates" with luna in muggle restaurants just to "propose" to her so they can get free cake. they have hit at least 23 places with this method and it hasn't once failed.
-didn't know how to read very well until hermione taught him in 2nd year
-ron and him are literally the most homoromantic best friends out there and half the school is convinced their dating
-has shaky hands and can't tie his shoes that well
-is quite literally the casanova of griffindor tower and remus finds this hilarious
-grows his hair out to his shoulders and eventually cuts it all off when he's 18.
-he asks hermione how to shave because he has to much pride to ask remus or sirus
-sirius ties his tie for him because no matter how hard he trys he just can't get it right. sirius thinks of his brother every time he does this for him, and when harry grew his hair out and it looked almost identical to regulus's, he cryed.
-harry has such a horrible sleeping schedule that somtimes he just passes out and literally had no control over it. like one moment he's awake and the next hes on the floor snoring.
-stayed up with ron for like 4 hours in his first year one night making a cool looking signature for himself because so many ppl were asking for it
-buys ron anything he wants off the trolly and refuses to let him feel bad for it because it's "only twice a year ron" and "let me spoil my best mate alright?"
-thought had a crush on hermione in first year because he had those "butterflies" that everyone always talks about, but it turned out that he was just going to be sick.
-has the immune system of the average toddler. bro breaths and hes like dead on the common room couch for 3 days under mrs. weasleys hand made quilt, being hand fed soup
-has said "fuck it, we ball" on one to many occasions.
-knows a surprising amount of french because of a french-english/english-french dictionary he found in the closet he use to sleep in.
-is the kind of person to say "whoopsies" when he does literally anything
-anytime he drops somthing he says "that wasn't me"
-has no concept of time. what's the day? he has no clue. time? month? what even are those. he just guesses when he writes the date on his papers.
-prefers the blue gatorade to the red one
-he hates carbonated drinks. literally cant stand them.
i might post a part two if anyone wants it
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bleach-your-panties · 6 months
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Sincember Event❄️❄️
Rating: Smut🍡
**Jean was the 2nd place poll winner with 23.3% of the vote!**
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Christmas has always been your favorite holiday, ever since you were a little girl.
When it came time for you to leave for college, you feared that you wouldn't be able to continue participating in your traditional family holiday activities since you'd be going to college out of the country, let alone out of state.
That was when your long-term boyfriend, Jean, suggested that the two of you make the long journey back to your hometown in the United States for the holidays this year.
When he made the suggestion, you were a bit hesitant since plane tickets from Germany to the U.S. are quite expensive, but he told you not to worry about the cost.
Your family members get along extremely well with Jean upon their first meeting.
He's charismatic, funny, polite, and just an overall joy to be around; especially a hit with your aunties and older female cousins.
You even had to check a couple of them (more than once) when you caught them trying to down talk you and up play themselves in fruitless efforts to try and get Jean to look their way.
That would never work, of course, because this man is irrevocably, undeniably in love with you.
After the commencement of dinner, most of the guests broke off into separate groups, classified by either age or interests. 
Many of your older family members were still seated in the kitchen, sharing old stories and downing a large pitcher of spiked eggnog. 
They may fuss and disagree over a lot of things, but alcohol seems to be the one mediator that will keep everyone from choking each other out. 
A few of your cousins’ girlfriends pulled you away, probably so they could ask you about Jean while the oldheads got drunk in the kitchen and gossiped about their children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews.
“Hey, Y/N! Your boy in there to’ up! Big boy can’t handle his liquor too well!” One of your male cousins laughed as he stepped out onto the back porch. Immediately, you sprung up out of your chair and sprinted through the back door into the house to get to Jean.
You know as well as Jean that he cannot handle his liquor, and, more likely than not, your male cousins had been goading him into drinking above his tolerance.
“Elijah! Y’all just sat here and let him drink all of this!?!” You fussed as your eyes scanned over all of the empty decorative pint glasses.
“Aye, that’s a grown ass man. What was I ‘posed to do, tell him no? He was just having fun!”
Jean was a mess: slumped against the kitchen bar stool and giggling, barely hanging on to the countertop. 
“At least help me get him upstairs so he can lie down. Ain’t this some shit…”
So Elijah helped you get Jean into one of the spare bedrooms. 
His long body flopped unceremoniously onto the quilt laid out on top of the bedspread. You glanced at the door once to make sure that it was locked before turning your disgruntled expression onto your inebriated boyfriend.
Jean was really fucked up; he had a dopey smile spread across his lips that, you couldn't deny, did make him look undeniably cute and handsome.
“Mmm, baby you look so sexy in your Christmas outfit. Want you so bad right now..”
Those sneaky fingers edged along the covers, crawling up to rest on the curve of your covered ass.
“Jean, we can’t fuck in my relatives’ house! Everybody will hear us! You're already loud enough when you're not drunk.” You hissed between your teeth. 
“Please, baby.  I promise I'll be quiet. I'll be a good boy, just please. Please please, fuck me, Mommy, please!” 
Normally you wouldn't have played into his hands during a situation like this, but his desperate begging made a switch turn on in your brain that couldn't be turned off even if you wanted to.
Before you knew it, your fingers were unbuttoning your cardigan and unlatching your bra while Jean smiled up at you drunkenly and tugged your leggings down your thighs.  
“O-oh fuck..” 
Jean’s wet, throbbing dick slapped against your pussy lips as he tried (and failed) to get it into your hole. 
“Here, baby. Let me help you.” Very gently, you took hold of his thick cock and began guiding it between your folds.
As soon as Jean got inside you, he came.
“What the fuck did they put in that eggnog? An aphrodisiac?” You couldn’t believe your fucking eyes right now.
“Fuck, your hands feel so good on me baby, couldn’t control myself. Please let me get inside you, again. Wanna make you feel good, too~”
“F~uuuck, pussy clenching me so fucking good..!” Jean slurred, hazel eyes rolled to the back of his head while he caged you beneath his much larger body.
“Shit, you cumming again, baby?” 
That question became a rhetorical one once you felt his hot speed spurting out of his dick and filling you to the brim once again. Your pussy lips were puffy and swollen from Jean’s overenthusiastic thrusting.
You were going to have to find a way to sneak that quilt up out of here and have it dry cleaned.
“Mmmm-shit. So good~ Need more. Can we go again, please Mommy?” He breathed against the side of your face. Breath sickly sweet, just like eggnog mixed with rum and peppermint vodka.
ʳᵉᵇˡᵒᵍˢ ᵃʳᵉ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵉᶜⁱᵃᵗᵉᵈ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ🫶🏽
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corffee · 9 months
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❅*⋆Production has started! More information down below!⋆*❅
You heard it! I am finally starting my own merch series! After realizing that there aren’t many Sonic standees out there, I wanted to take some action and change that! These acrylic standees will feature your favorite sonic characters, either in different outfits or just cool poses! Some will be seasonal or tri-monthly, limited edition or in stock for a long limited time. The size of the standees will be 7 inches (2.54 cm). There will also be polls deciding which characters should be featured next, like this series! *Note: THEY WILL NOT BE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE! CONTINENTAL U.S. SHIPPING ONLY!!!*
For the Holiday Series, there will be two rounds. The first round is open now, but will end on the 17th. It will consist of two questions each with three characters. Then whoever gets the lowest votes in both questions will not go on to the final round. The link to the poll is down below so go cast your vote ASAP!!
The final round will decide which two characters will be featured (Sept. 18th). Right after the poll ends, I will get to work on the designs. I’m giving myself 20 days starting on the 25th of September. When I finish the designs, I will order them on Vograce (May be ordered on Oct. 16th). The production time is 2-6 days and the shipping transit time for standard is 8-16 days. After the prototypes are delivered, I will spend time on any changes that they might need, coloring, size, shipping time, add-ons, etc. Then I will open the Standee Pre-Order on my Ko-Fi, hopefully by the 1st or 2nd week of November. The pre-orders will close on the 29th or 30th of November. Right after that, I will order them on Vograce. Hopefully, they will come and I can ship them off before my Christmas break ( Dec. 21st). My goal for this first project is at least 50 orders, and I will be so grateful if it comes true. And I will definitely continue creating Sonic Standees for you all if you support me.
Future notifications on the production of the standees will be rebloged to this post, so keep an eye out! If you have any questions, comment on this post or send an ask!
LINK TO POLL: https://forms.gle/Zx1brS5t8HuiJXNS8
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collecting-stories · 2 years
Vampires - Remus Lupin
Summary: You're somewhat mildly embarrassed by your muggle mother's love of Halloween.
A/N: Went to the Harry Potter exhibit this week for the 2nd time and just got in a total I-need-to-write-HP-fanfics mood. I even watched the 3rd movie today (while I was supposed to be working) cause it's my favorite. Also...assuming they graduated in '78, VHS players were invented in '76 so this is historically accurate.
Harry Potter Masterlist <- really just my misc. masterlist
☽☽ ❍ ☾☾
Growing up with a muggle for a mother, and an American one at that, Halloween had been a cause for immense celebration in your home. For the first few years, of which you had little memory, your father was severely against the “silliness of Halloween” but then your parents divorced and the holiday became a thing of legend in your home. Decorations went up at the end of August and stayed until Thanksgiving. Pieces of Halloween lingered through Christmas (ornaments that resembled infamous movie characters) and even off season you had a beloved stuffed animal that had once been a ghost (now it appeared more as an off-white, lumpy, blob).  
When you got your letter in the mail it was as if your mom’s intensity for the holiday grew and suddenly you understood your father’s resistance to the spectacle.  
“BOO!” You jumped, knees hitting the wooden table and the glittery orange greeting card from your mom dropping onto your empty breakfast plate. Hands gripped your shoulders and when someone began laughing in your ear you shoved your elbow back, digging it into their rib cage just enough to get them to back up and release you, “oh come off it, you’re no fun.” Sirius, of course, wedging himself in to the seat beside you.  
It was only then that you realized Remus was sitting across the way, Peter beside him. Leaving James to squeeze in on the other side of you. He took the liberty of snatching up the card you’d received that morning, an atrocity (as far as you were concerned) from your mother wishing you a happy halloween.  
“Ooo what’s this?” He read the letter out loud while you buried your face in your hands, not daring to look up at any of them, least of all Remus. The front of the card was decorated with the faces of the old horror classics, Dracula, Frankenstein’s monster, the Wolfman, and the Invisible man.  
“Your mum’s still on her Halloween kick?” Sirius asked, taking the card away from James and looking it over. He held it up to Remus, “uncanny really,” and laughed when the other boy swatted his hand away.  
“My mum’s always on her Halloween kick…it’s embarrassing.” You took the card and shoved it in your bag. “Not worth bothering me about either.”  
“Might be,” Sirius replied, eyeing your bag, “she didn’t happen to send along any candies this year did she?”  
“No,” you lied, shifting awkwardly out of the seat between James and Sirius, trying not to trip off the bench and fall like you had countless times before, “I’ve got to get to class.”  
You were already thinking up a scathing reply to your mother (that would admonish the card while still avoiding the topic of your boyfriend’s lycanthropy…or that you had a boyfriend at all…and the general existence of werewolves). You made it all the way to the fat lady’s portrait when someone jump-scared you for the second time that day, though this was somehow less abrupt.  
“Remus,” you swatted his hands away from your sides as you turned toward him unable to keep the smile off your face.  
“Careful love,” he held your waist, guiding you closer to him on the small landing, “there might be vampires lurking about,” he leaned closer still, ignoring the obvious cough from the fat lady as she scrutinised the both of you (it was her that had told James and Sirius you were dating in fifth year, before you’d even managed to let them in on the news) “or werewolves.” His lips brushed your ear as he whispered the last bit and you couldn’t stop the laugh that bubbled up out of your chest.  
“Or ghosts, right?” You questioned, offering a kiss as you parted, Nearly Headless Nick whizzing passed. You raised an eyebrow and Remus grinned.  
“Downright spooky is what it is…all sorts of creatures coming out this Halloween.” He knew how you felt about the holiday and he’d met your mother (once in Flourish and Blotts when you tumbled through an introduction with burning cheeks after she’d nearly caught you kissing behind a bookcase) but he didn’t find any real harm in it. More so, like Sirius, he enjoyed teasing you. And stealing a few candies that your mother sent along.  
“You’re going to tell me I shouldn’t be bothered by her letter aren’t you?”  
“I’m simply saying, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.” Remus replied, shrugging. He offered the fat lady the password, finally admitting the two of you into the common room. “So she wants to prattle on about Halloween, at least she sends along some splendid chocolate.”  
“It’s all just a bit embarrassing now…I mean really, she bloody talks about me being here as if it’s all some fantasy. As if the only thing important about me is that I’m her own living, breathing, Halloween doll.” You complained, “and the card! Atrocious!”  
“I found it rather funny.” Remus admitted, “and I’m quite curious about these characters.” He’d pulled the card out of your discarded bag, looking at them in interest.  
“We could watch the movies,” you offered, thinking of the films you had at home. “You could come by over winter break? James said you’re staying with him.”  
“I thought Halloween stuff was embarrassing?” He teased.  
“Well not if you want to see it,” you replied hastily. If Remus declared that Halloween was his favorite holiday you were more than certain you’d celebrate with him, it was just that it was your mom and it felt all a bit too manufactured, as if you were a prop to her.  
“If I’m coming by on winter break, does this mean meeting your mum?” He asked, a slow smile working its way to his face. He’d mentioned sometime last year, close to spring, that he wouldn’t mind seeing you over the summer (and meeting your mum).  
“I don’t know why you want to,” you huffed, “she’ll just badger you about magical things.”  
“Conveniently, I’m a wizard,” he joked, “any badgering I’m apt to handle.”  
“Fine, yes, you’ll meet my mum…now can we stop talking about Halloween and go to class?”  
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natsbaby · 2 years
I Do
Pairing: Entrepreneur!Scarlett Johansson x Lawyer!Reader
Summary: with your current rocky relationship with the love of your life and long time girlfriend, you’re trying to salvage what is left but only after a fatal accident did Scarlett realize her mistake
Warnings: car crash so reader being in the hospital, some flashbacks on their relationship, some curse words
A/N: phew this was a long one! I initially released I Do and hated it so now I finally got the chance to redo it so hopefully this was worth the wait! I wanted to change the basis of the story a bit, but keeping the main storyline as well (i think)! Thank you guys so much for being really patient with me since I’m finishing up college and job hunting <33 hope you guys like this one!
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Christmas has always been your favorite time of the year, it held a lot of fond memories in your life you tend to look back to. You adopted your first dog as a gift by your parents as a child, you started your first ever job on December a few years back, and you met the love of your life in a party hosted by a mutual friend during the holiday season. Sadly while it held your fondest memories, it now holds your saddest ones as well.
“I left the files for the deposition on your table okay?” You start as you pack up your things into your bag while your best friend, Lizzie Olsen. She hums in acknowledgement as you rapid fire last minute tasks or reminders. “Oh and I left your Christmas gift too, Merry Christmas Lizzie”
She chuckles as you suddenly stop your actions to give her that cute dopey grin as part of the greeting. She walks up to you, hugging you while patting her hand on your back gently. “Thanks Y/N/N, enjoy the holidays okay? Let me know how your trip with Scarlett goes”
You sigh sadly as you hug her back, pulling back and smiling softly at her. Your mood shifting as you remembered your conversation with Scarlett the night before. “I think the trip won’t push through”
“What? Why?” She asks in shock as she holds you by arms length. “I thought this was your gift to her? And how you have plans there?”
“Well yea but..” you trail off, shrugging. “She said she couldn’t miss a really important meeting set on the 27th and the trip is from the 23rd to the 2nd of January. The wifi there does suck honestly since its in my parents’ old cabin in the mountains… and she didn’t want to negotiate”
Both Lizzie and Scarlett knew how much solace that place gives you especially with the kind of work you have as a lawyer and her as an entrepreneur. That’s why during your first few years in your relationship, you both would go there for the holidays as a breather before the hell that is the first quarter of the year comes. Sadly as of last year, things had gone rocky with the sudden growth in your careers.
“Oh sweetheart” Lizzie cooes softly as she watches your defeated form sadly. She leads you to sitting on you chair as she leans on the table, changing the topic so you wouldn’t get as sad anymore. “How’s Scarlett? Still busy with her skincare line?”
“She’s still in the testing stage but she said the probably found something that would help them stand out from the competition. You know how she is” you say while fiddling with your fingers. “I’m happy for her though, she deserves success after working on that venture for years”
“But you also deserve to have an emotionally present girlfriend, you know” Lizzie says softly and sincerely as she takes your hand in hers, gently rubbing the pad of her thumbs across your knuckles knowing you’d eventually pick at your fingers due to the nerves.
Okay yea that one definitely hurt, the gutted feeling digging a hole in your heart even further. It’s been hard for you and Scarlett lately because ever since she had that eureka moment to start a skincare line, she became emotionally absent. She spends a lot of her time trying to perfect the formula and making the brand image she desires. The spark between the both of you started to flicker, threatening its death at any moment where things could end just like that. You had your own suspicions on why that was the case ranging from just complete and total devotion to make this venture work, or the possibility of her meeting someone new who’s more aligned with her desires from the company. But you knew her, she’d never go that far and she’s just really working hard… right?
“Y/N..?” Lizzie asks softly, effectively bringing you back to earth as she gently wipes a tear away with the pad of her thumb. “Oh sweetheart, you can stay with me and the boys for the holidays if you want. Scarlett’s not gonna notice if she’s gonna stay holed up in her office the whole holidays”
You chuckle waterly at the teasing tone because it is something she’d do and has done once or twice, but you sniffle as you grab a piece of tissue from your bag and clean yourself up a little.
“It’s fine, she’s still my girlfriend and I’m sure she’d make time for me before and after that meeting of hers.” You start as you stand up, picking up your bag and placing the shoulder strap on your shoulder as you smile at Lizzie gratefully. “Thanks Lizzie for the offer, but I’m gonna make the effort to make it work this holidays.. even if it’s only one sided, i love her after all, you know?”
“Yea of course” she starts as she pulls you into a hug one last time, gently caressing the back of your head as your body physically relaxes at the touch. “Take care on the way home okay? The snow’s starting to fall again so the roads aren’t as safe right now”
“Yea yea, I’ll be careful” you chuckle as you pull back from the hug, waving goodbye as you head to your car parked in the basement parking of the really nice building.
As you start to drive home, you start to think about how your once loved relationship with the woman of your dreams came to be. You still remembered the times where Scarlett would actively skip meetings just so she could surprise you before your cases, wishing you luck as you tend to get incredibly nervous before each trial. She even flew in from Copenhagen just so she could watch you conquer the first trial in your career, ready to cheer for you as you won that case and made partner a few months later. You couldn’t remember what the very first fight was, but you knew that was the last time you’ve seen the Scarlett you fell in love with and it breaks your heart to think what if she doesn’t love you anymore or her meeting someone new.
You sigh heavily as you stop by the red light, gently placing your forehead against the wheel as you try to stop your overthinking. Before you could dwell into the situation further, you hear the familiar text tone causing you to look over at your bag that’s sitting on the passenger’s seat. You lean over a little, digging around and grunting as you hear it ring again.
“Oh come on you lil shit” you mumble annoyingly as you lean in further so you could get a better look, but your bag tips over so the content falls out of the floor, along with your phone. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me?”
You sigh in defeat and frustration as you unbuckle your seatbelt so you could grab your phone on the floor. As you read the message while getting back up, you suddenly hear a really loud screeching and a lot of screams from civilians in the area. Before you could do anything else or process whats going on, a huge truck comes speeding down the streets of Manhattan and collides against your side of the car. The impact pushed your car a solid 2-3 blocks down the road, immediately blacking you out as it was an almost direct hit.
[around the same time as the accident]
“The revised samples and packaging should arrive here at the headquarters before New Years so someone should pass by here so we could have it tested and reviewed by the 3rd of January or maybe the 5th” Scarlett says with authority to her employees as they conduct their last meeting of the year.
Scarlett has always been the kind of person that’s a perfectionist, especially if her passion lies on it. While she can be a rather demanding boss, she’s also fair to her partners and employees; she always makes sure that they’re all well taken care of as long as they’re under her care. With some years in the making and only a half a year till launch, she has been working nonstop to ensure that all their hard work will pay off in a few months.
“Well that is all, thank you everyone for your time and see you after the holidays” the chair dragging and varying Christmas greetings fills the room as Scarlett slides her laptop into her laptop sleeve, and taking her phone out to see if there are any important messages that was sent in during her two hour long meeting.
“Ready for the holidays and some hubby time, Johansson?” Robert Downey Jr asks in a teasing tone, causing the blonde to scoff slightly with a roll of her eyes.
Both Robert and Scarlett decided to get into this venture together a few years back since Scarlett owns a rather famous business consulting firm with a variety of companies in her belt and Downey owns and co-owns a lot of pharmaceutical companies across the country, soon the world. With their combined resources and knowledge (and honestly money), it was not a surprise by their competitors that they’d get into business together.
“We plan to stay in the city for the holidays this year, I told Y/N about the 27th meeting we couldn’t miss with the investors and she… well tried to understand but I don’t know; we fought” Scarlett explains as she doesn’t look up from her phone, replying to some of her important messages.
RDJ hums in thought as he grabs a snack pack from the back of the meeting room that has all the snacks for Robert to feast on. “Hmm that sucks, she was really looking forward to it this year specifically”
“What do you mean?” Scarlett asks as she briefly looks up at Robert as she watches him open his blueberries and pop one in his mouth, shaking her head before mumbling a ‘no thanks’ on his way after being offered some.
“Isn’t it tradition for you guys to go up for the holidays? This year has been hard on the both of you career wise so I wouldn’t be surprised if she wanted to go really badly this year” he shrugs in thought as he leans against the table as Scarlett sits back on the swivel chair she was sitting on for the meeting.
“Yea well she knew how important this is, but I promised to make it up to her” she says, albeit a little reluctantly, in her defense.
“You don’t sound so confident there” he teases softly as the both of them chuckle, but he also sighs softly as he places down the finished wrapper on the table. “You’ve been neglecting her, Scar.. everyone could see it. Make it up to her this Christmas okay? You both are made for each other and I don’t like my two friends fight”
“Robert..” Scarlett starts before RDJ cut her off with a slightly raised hand.
“I’m not here to give you relationship advice, but Olsen told me about Y/N recently.. I think you should talk to her and go from there” he says as he gets up, throwing the wrapper in the bin. “If you want, I can deal with the investors so you both could go up for the holidays.. treat it as my Christmas gift for my favorite lovebirds”
“Are you sure? You know how much of an asshole those investors are” Scarlett asks worriedly causing Robert to laugh at her warning.
“Oh come on Scarlett, you’re not the only self made billionaire here” he starts with a smirk. “We both handled crap investors on our own before working together, I think I can handle them. You haven’t had a vacation in years, let me help out a little you workaholic”
Scarlett stares at him for a moment, waiting for him to break and regret his decision but sighs gratefully as she gets up, hugging her best friend who quickly hugs her back. “Thank you, Y/N will be really happy to hear”
“Anytime Scar” he mumbles but quickly pulls back as Scarlett’s phone starts to ring violently. “Sweet jesus you need a new ringtone, that always gives me a heart attack”
“Sorry” she chuckles as she takes her phone, looking at her phone curiously at the unknown number before answering it. “Hello?”
“Is this Ms Johansson?” The woman on the other side of the phone asks before starting again as Scarlett answers a quick ‘yes, speaking’.
“This is the Manhattan General Hospital, your girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N has you as her emergency contact. She just got into a fatal car accident and…”
Thankfully, Robert was there to catch the very pale Scarlett and took over the phone call as all kinds of thoughts run through her mind. How badly injured were you? How fatal are we talking about? What was your last conversation with her and does she have any regrets?
The weight of the situation suddenly falls on her shoulders as Robert ends the call, quickly holding onto her shoulders as he looks at her firmly.
“Scarlett you gotta listen to me okay?” He pauses for a moment, nodding slightly as Scarlett slowly nods in understanding. “Okay we’re going to the hospital now, don’t pass out on me okay? Everything will be fine, she’s a fighter. Now come on, let’s go see her”
The sterile smell of hospital could make anyone nauseous, Scarlett included but this time, her cause of nausea is the thought of the love of her life leaving her. Sadly they couldn’t see you just yet, which means Scarlett��s already bad anxiety just got shot through the roof and maybe around the orbit a few times. The deep rooted sense of dread just clouds Scarlett’s judgements which forced Downey to deal with the doctors and nurses as she paces around the private waiting room she demanded as she wanted complete privacy for what has to come.
“Scarlett, you’re gonna burn a hole sit down” he coaxes Scarlett gently as she shakes her head no. “Your pacing won’t make the doctors work faster, you need to be calm and collected when we see Y/N/N so come on”
She sighs in defeat as she slumps down besides him. “I’m so scared”
Genuinely speaking, Scarlett was never the kind to get nervous or be afraid of things, its why made her a great entrepreneur. When it comes to you however, anything is possible and that scares the crap out of her.
Robert sighs softly, gently patting her back gently. “I know, we’ll only know when we talk to the doctor but for now we should just hope for the best.. do you want anything to eat? Drink maybe?”
“Do they have vodka in this place” she mumbles under her breathe while leaning forward, resting her elbows onto her thighs so she could rest her chin onto the palms of her hands while Robert laughs at her slight joke, getting up and stretching.
“Okay I’ll try my best, text me if the doctor comes and I’m not back yet, go ahead if ever okay?” She just hums back in acknowledgement as RDJ leaves her alone to her own thoughts.
Scarlett has heard of people spending their time regretting decisions or wishing things were different when a loved one suffers from a life threatening situation and she knew that first hand when her grandmother died as a kid, she was close with her grandparents who took care of her and her siblings whenever her parents were out on business meetings. Her grandmother was a beautiful old woman, mind, soul and body, and spent a lot of her childhood looking up to the older woman despite her devil-child tendencies with her twin brother. The woman taught her how to be vulnerable for the right people while her parents taught her how to be the best entrepreneur/business woman she could be so it was like someone ripped a part of her heart when she heard the news of her grandmother’s passing. She wished she spent more time with her grandmother, especially the day before when she had to raincheck an afternoon with her because of after school curriculars. She thought that would have been her greatest pain, not realizing you’d take the icing off the cake easily considering your last conversation before today.
[Night before the accident]
“You’re overreacting, Y/N! Of course I want to go but I just don’t have the time!” Scarlett tries to explain as you walk out of your shared room and head to the kitchen where you grabbed your favorite vodka, cracking it open and chugging straight from the bottle.
Both you and Scarlett had tough days from work where you had to deal with a failed trial and Scarlett’s supplier delaying the delivery of the first batch of products for another month. Stress radiated heavily off the both of you so it was only matter of time before one of you snapped, apparently it was you who was first to break.
“I’m not overreacting Scarlett! I told you about this trip months ago and you said we’d go! It would have been the first time in a year or so! Please, I’ve been trying to make time for the both of us may it be a trip out of town for the weekend or just a movie night, but you’re just too busy in 24/7 meetings or already asleep by the time I’m home!” You yell out exasperatedly as you slam the bottle down at the counter as Scarlett turns red from rage and her hands clenching into a fist by her sides. “It’s like I have a roommate, not a girlfriend!”
“Well at least roommates can leave you be to do whatever and not force you to go out of town when they know there’s something important in the city!” She yells out in frustration, close to throwing a chair across the room if need be. “GOSH! you’re so clingy it’s driving me insane! If you want to go to your parents’ cabin for the holidays then be my guest! I’ll be staying here, enjoying my time away from you!!”
The rage you feel in this moment was nothing you’ve ever felt in your years of walking this lifetime, but also the tight grip on your stomach and heart you felt in this moment could rival any heartbreak your past relationships caused 5 times over.
“Okay fine whatever! Screw you Scarlett Johansson, screw you!” You yell out, grabbing the bottle as you walk out of the kitchen and to your shared room, slamming the door closed.
[Present Time]
“Miss Johansson?” The doctor asks Scarlett, effectively bringing Scarlett out of her thoughts as she stands up abruptly.
“U-uh yes that’s me, is Y/N alright?” She asks worriedly, wringing her hands from the nerves.
“Thankfully she made it out, although we did lose her a few times so we’d have to monitor her a while to see the effects it has on her brain” the doctor explains as he leads Scarlett to your room. “She might wake up soon so you may see her and wait”
“Thank you so much doctor, I really appreciate it” she says gratefully as she shakes the hand of the doctor, waving goodbye before facing your door. With a deep breathe, she gently turns the knob of your door and opens it to reveal you staring off at the window, your focus off at the distance.
“Y/N?” She asks, more shocked to see you awake already than the damages the crash caused you. You’re currently sporting a cast on your left arm as it was closest to the impact, and a few bandages littering on your face and a long strip of gauze wrapped around your head.
“..I’m sorry.. who are you?” You asked in confusion with a slight tilt on the head as you readjust your arm that’s currently on a cast, but hissing in pain at the sudden movement.
“W-wait I’m sorry I’ll answer your question in a bit but don’t move okay?” She quickly goes up to your side, gently assisting you to make sure you’re comfortable. “You don’t remember me? Scarlett?”
“Wait.. you’re Robert’s friend right? The entrepreneur?” You ask with a slight smile on your lips.
“Uhm.. gosh i’m too scared to ask this” Scarlett mumbles her breathe before asking the thing she’s dreading the most. “what’s the last you remember?”
“Robert’s Christmas party in 2010.. i think?” You trail off slightly as you try to remember, but groaning in pain as a migraine starts to develop.
“It’s.. 2021 now, Y/N” she says softly as she sits on the bed with a decent distance between the both of you while calling for the nurse using the call button on your bed. “You have some catching up to do”
“Home sweet home” Scarlett says as she helps you into your shared home, Robert trailing behind the both of you with your bags.
The doctor did confirm that you do have a mild case of amnesia and it would take some time for your arm and the wounds on your face and head to heal, and for you to get your memories back. Both you and Scarlett thought it would be a good idea to just continue whatever routine the both of you have in hopes to bring back at least some bits and pieces.
You knew [past] Scarlett was the kind to be confident, cocky even so it was rather shocking for her to be really careful and shy around you. Even when you jokingly mentioned it to her, she just shrugged saying she’s always been like this around you and that’s not completely wrong. To tell you the truth, she feels horrible that the last thing you both talked about was the fight and her being a bitch to you. She promised that she’d make it up to you, and it’ll start with your healing.
“Thank you so much Robert for the help” Scarlett says gratefully as she takes the bags from him while you take a look around, taking in your new/old home.
“Anytime, I’ll email you any updates. You sure you wanna work at home?” He asks as he quickly looks behind Scarlett before looking back at her, speaking in a soft tone so you wouldn’t hear. “The investor’s meeting is the day after tomorrow”
“I know” she starts, sighing softly as she crosses her arms in thought. “I have to make it up to her, I can’t lose her again. Besides, I’ll answer in case of emergencies so feel free to use it”
“Or treat this as a vacation already” he teases gently, but understands the situation entirely. He knows in his heart and mind that if this was his situation and it was his wife who got into the accident, he’d do the same.
Greeting you both a farewell and an additional hug to Scarlett, he bids his goodbye leaving the both of you in your home. Scarlett sighs softly after closing the door, gently resting her forehead against the door and closes her eyes in thought. “God if you’re listening, gosh help us please”
“Uhm.. I’ll go take a shower if that’s fine” you mumble shyly. “But I think I need help wrapping my cast so it doesn’t get wet”
“Ah right yea of course sweetheart, come on” she gently says as she lets you go ahead while she goes and grabs a plastic bag for your cast.
She knows you keep them in a drawer in the kitchen but she silently curses her memory because it seems like you moved it.
“Gosh where the hell are you” she grumbles as she opens some drawers and finally decides to check up the cabinets.
She leans up, aimlessly feeling around until she feels something velvet and square-ish. Out of curiosity, she takes it from its hiding spot. Upon inspection, she realizes that this specific box was something she never saw before so you probably own this box.
“Why are you here..” she wonders out loud before realizing how she’d never check that place, considering she can’t cook for shit and with how busy she is.
She chuckles softly at the thought and how smart you are before slowly opening it to reveal the most gorgeous ring she has ever seen in her life, causing a soft gasp to escape her lips unintentionally.
It’s a gold band with a small diamond at the center with both your and Scarlett’s birthstones at either side, shining bright under the fluorescent lights. She slowly walks up to the country while taking the ring out of the box, inspecting it closely to realize that there’s an engraving on the inner band which is the date of their first date. With shaky hands, she tries to put it on her finger and of course it fits perfectly and of course it looks absolutely beautiful on her hand.
The sudden tight grip on her heart and bottomless pit in her stomach becomes really intense as she realizes that you wouldn’t remember any intentions of proposing but what hurts more was how she finally pieced everything together. No wonder you wanted to go to your parents’ cabin for the holidays, you had intentions of proposing there where you both told each other for the first time that you liked each other and wanted to get together. The regret she felt in that moment made her lightheaded as a sob escapes from her lips.
A tear first runs down her cheek, then a second, then shortly after more falls down her cheeks as the weight of the whole situation finally comes crashing down. She finally realizes how much she has neglected you over the past year and how you’re still trying your hardest to make it work. Sobs wreck through Scarlett’s body as she tries to keep quiet by placing a hand over her mouth, the ring shining mockingly with how stupid she actually is. In that moment, she vows to do everything and anything in her power to make it up to you and it would start right now.
“Scarlett? You okay?” You call out from your room causing Scarlett to jump in surprise, quickly removing the ring and placing it back in its box and its hiding space.
“I’ll come back for you some other time, for now I gotta win my girl back”
“Hey Scarlett?” You ask while browsing through the photo album you both have. She quickly looks at you, then walks up to you to see what you’re up to. “When was this?”
It’s been a few days since you came back from the accident and you both have been adapting really well with the situation. Luckily, you’re very slowly starting to get your memories back so progress is progress in your book. You were helping (well, as best as you could with a cast) with cleaning up the place since today’s Scarlett’s investors’ meeting so she’s been too anxious to let Downey do it on his own despite the experience. You thought since the penthouse looks like a pigsty, she could use the distraction and cleaning up would be a good bonding activity too. #WinWinForEveryone.
Scarlett thinks for a moment as she looks at the photos. She sits down besides you on the couch with a respectable distance between the both of you. “Oh this was taken somewhere in 2011 I believe, you just won your first trial after law school”
“I finished law school?” You ask shyly, knowing you were on the brick of dropping out by the time you met Scarlett. She chuckles softly at your shy demure before nodding fondly at you.
“You definitely did, totally crushed the lawyer you were against that day” she smiles softly as she recalls that day with you.
[2011 - 1 year into your friendship, not yet romantically together]
“I declare the defendant on this case, guilty on 3 accounts of murder. Case dismissed” the judge hits his gavel three times, signaling the end of the brutal case you just won your first case as a baby attorney for the state prosecution office. You quickly say your congratulations to your client and dealing with the other necessities before leaving the courthouse to be greeted by a great surprise who’s currently leaning against your car. “Scarlett?”
“How’s my favorite attorney?” She asks with a proud smile as she holds up a small bouquet of flowers for you. You chuckle softly as you quickly walk up to her, jumping into her arms as she holds you up and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
“I thought you’re in Copenhagen right now?” You mumble as you nuzzle your face into her neck, breathing in her sweet vanilla and lavender perfume she always wears.
“Came home early to surprise you, couldn’t miss my best friend’s first trial win after-all” she mumbles as she tenderly presses a kiss on the top of your head, holding you close into her arms as you cling onto her like a koala. “You tired?”
You hum yes in response as you sigh softly, completely slumping against your girlfriend as you finally get to relax after a brutal 5 hours in court. “Thank you for coming”
“Hmm anytime, my ever so brutal prosecutor fri- OW! Okay okay take 2, my bestestfriend ever”
“Ever since then, you had a few more cases where your firm eventually made you the fastest and youngest person ever to become partner” she explains as you flip through the photo album and by this time, you’re resting against Scarlett’s body as she holds you close with her arm over your shoulders.
“Hmm what about this?” You ask as you point at a photo of the two of you in a restaurant with the biggest grins on your faces.
“Ah I took you to the UK once for your birthday” she says as she motions the little double decker bus sitting on your shelf with the other knickknacks from your trips together. “You know, you tried spotted dick for the first time that week?”
[2017 - 7 years into your friendship, 3 years into your relationship]
“Scarlett I swear to God! Are you seriously not gonna tell me where the hell we’re going?” You groan in exaggerated agony as Scarlett chuckles, tightening the blindfold behind your head.
“Don’t look or you’ll ruin the surprise, it’s a surprise and you like surprises right?” She waits for a moment before humming in approval at your slow nod. “See, so come on I’ll take care of you and will make sure you don’t trip”
“Okay good cuz I don’t wanna embarrass myself by falling face first in the airport” you grunt in response, your mood quickly changing as Scarlett presses a soft kiss against your lips. You smile into the kiss as you kiss her back, melting into her arms as you try to deepen it but sadly she pulls back making you scowl. “Unfair”
“I know I know now come on” she rolls her eyes fondly as she leads you into the airport and after checking in for the both of you (and quietly explaining to customs that you’re not being trafficked across the globe and in fact about to have the greatest surprise in your life), she finally leads you to the travel board and places your ticket in your hand.
“Okay you can open your eyes now” you quickly make work with the blindfold, allowing your eyes to blink rapidly from the brightness of the board.
“Okay what-“
“Look at the ticket in your hand” you look at her curiously and look down to see in fact that there is a plane ticket in your hand that says you’re doing to London. Complete shock and disbelief was your initial reaction especially because you’ve been saying nonstop about how much you wanted to go but never had the time. Then eventually your excitement starts to kick in as the realization finally sank in, allowing yourself to bounce on the spot while glancing up to the flights board and back down to your ticket to see if this is real.
“Oh my god Scarlett…” you trail off, honestly speechless with the whole ordeal so you just started to cry. You couldn’t help the tears start to fall down as she chuckles fondly at you, wrapping her arms around your waist as you sob.
“I know how much you’ve wanted to go to the UK, well Europe generally, and eat all the sweets available so this is my birthday gift to you! We’ll spend your birth week there so eating anything and everything you want so.. happy birthday baby” she explains softly, gently wiping your tears away with a soft smile.
You sob harder as your tears continue to fall down your face before cupping Scarlett’s cheeks gently, looking at her with all the love you could muster in your tiny excited body. “Gosh I love you so much”
“We ate so much food that week you know” she chuckles in amusement as you giggle back. “I thought you’d explode from trying to keep your giggles in when you tried to order the spotted dick”
“So.. it’s not a real spotted dick?” You pout in faux disappointment as Scarlett laughs at that.
“You said the exact same thing” she says laughing as you slowly grin at the sound, sighing dreamily as you look at her with heart eyes. “I wish I could remember it”
“I could always take you back you know” she smiles as she tucks a stray strand piece of hair behind your ear.
“Yeah I’d like that, might help with the memories” you tease lightly even though there’s some truth to that.
“We can go to Copenhagen if you’d like. Honestly, been some time since we last went out of the country together so it would be fun” you hum in thought at her confession, looking back down at the photo album as you go through it in silence.
A comfortable silence falls over the both of you with Scarlett watching you as you try to remember some old memories. This gave Scarlett the chance to look over you for the first time in a really long time. She noticed how much more defined you jaw line became this past year or so since you started going to the gym as a stress reliever from work.
She still remembers the day you told her and how she made a bet with you that you wouldn’t last a year, you definitely won that one. She notices also how your eyes lost its sparkle, something she never realized would happen considering how you always had this childlike innocence and curiosity in you. All these differences made Scarlett realize how much she did neglect you and your needs, furthering her guilt. While this may sound selfish, there’s a side in her that wishes for you to never remember the night of your fight. Who knows though, she might be lucky.
“You okay?” You mumble softly as you turn your head so you could look at you. “You’re watching me rather intensely there”
“My apologies” she says softly as she gently caresses your cheek with the tips of her fingers causing you to blush. “Just wondering where the time had gone, that’s all”
“It says here in the album that the UK trip in 2014 was our last trip together” scarlett nods in confirmation, allowing you to continue your train of thought. “Why didn’t we go back? Got too busy?”
“Well..” she trails off as she tries to articulate her thoughts. “Yes basically. We got really busy with me and my skincare line and you being partner, but we always made the effort to go to your parents’ cabin every Christmas so we could catch up”
“We do that?” You ask softly, your heart melting at the thought of you spending your holidays together like that. “That sounds nice”
“It really is honestly” she admits with a soft smile. “But honestly this past 2 years or so, we’ve been.. well”
“Let me guess, fighting?” You ask, chuckling softly at Scarlett’s shocked reaction. “I kinda had an idea we didn’t had a good last interaction before the accident, you were very careful around me and I just pieced it together”
“I- well yea basically” she sighs heavily as she leans back against the couch, rubbing her templates gently. “It was my fault honestly. I was a complete douche to you and you still stuck around.. I don’t deserve you”
“Tell me how it started” you mumble, hoping for Scarlett to tell the story to which she does.
“Well.. it didnt start out bad, but eventually it became really petty honestly”
[2019 - 9 years into your friendship, 5 years into your relationship]
“This is nice” you mumble as you cuddle in front of the fireplace in your parents’ cabin. Scarlett hums back in content as she presses her lips against the top of your head, causing you to snuggle deeper into her arms.
You both just got into the cabin that same day and have been here for a total of 3 years consecutively now, and it’s honestly been a dream. Whenever you guys enter the clearing where the cabin’s placed, the weight of work automatically lifts from your shoulders and brains.
“Honestly I think I’d enjoy this a bit more if my skin wouldn’t get so dry from the cold” you sigh sadly and pout as Scarlett chuckles.
“You forgot moisturizer?” She asks, genuinely curious as you’re the kind of person that isn’t very picky with what you do to your face with the lack of time you already have for yourself.
“No I think I just need a different one that’ll work for the cold temperature” you chuckle to yourself before groaning a little. “Gosh such small problems for such minor things yet it makes such a difference, how annoying is that?”
“Hmm don’t worry, I get you” she chuckles softly, nuzzling her face into your hair as she enjoys the quality time you’re both having. That was, before Scarlett had her eureka moment.
“Hey baby.. I have an idea” Scarlett says as she looks at you, causing you to shift so you could look back at her without straining your neck or leaving her hold on you, urging her to say it. “I think I’ll open my own skincare line”
“Your own skincare line?” You ask curiously. “Well.. you starting a new business venture isn’t new but a skincare line? When all Korean skincare products are already competitive as it is?”
“Think about it” she starts with a grin. “A skincare line that’s clean, simple and can be incorporated into anyone’s existing routine, might be worth looking into”
“Yea I think so too, but you’ve been dealing with technological ventures lately, do you have any idea how to handle a skincare line?” While you’re genuinely asking and coming from a place where you’re worried it would become another failed venture like that crypto-gaming idea Scarlett had last year, but for some reason this just made Scarlett snap.
“What does that supposed to mean?” She asks with a raised eyebrow. “You don’t think this would work out well?”
“What-? No of course not I’m just saying you don’t have the credentials for starting a skincare line considering you’re starting from a completely different area” you try to explain your case but it seems like this just made Scarlett even more pissed, irrationally so.
“This isn’t like that crypto game you know” she mumbles as she scoots back, the warmth of her embrace quickly being replaced by the cold temperature.
“Yea of course sweetheart I know that but I’m just worried that if this fails, you’d be really crushed and I don’t want that” you try to say as calmly as you could but to Scarlett, this didn’t sit well with her which caused her to roll her eyes in disgust and get up.
“This won’t end badly, just you wait”
“It was my fault honestly” Scarlett says sadly. “I think I was still really stressed from work so I took it out on you that night”
“Based on what you said, I feel like I should apologize also” you sigh sadly as you close the album, placing it on the coffee table as you turn so you could properly face her. “Knowing me, I probably came across as defensive or trying to rationalize it when I should be supportive of you no matter what”
“But you did everything right” she starts as she takes your free hand with hers, kissing the back of your hand softly. “You’ve always been good to me, way more that I deserve and I just realized too late that you didn’t deserve all the crap I gave you this past year”
“We’re a team, Scarlett” you say as you scootch closer to her. “Even though my memories are still blurry, I know in my heart that I love you and only you. I should have been more supportive but I think what matters now is what we should do from now on”
She looks into your eyes to see if there’s any genuine truth to that and lo and behold, the same spark that she fell in love with is back and that made her smile lovingly at you. “I promise for now on, we’ll be a team no matter what. I will always love you, even if we both came from hell in work”
You giggle at the silliness of it, but smile back just as lovingly at her. “And I promise to always support you unconditionally, no matter how insane your ideas are and that even if I lose my memories, my heart will always be yours no matter what. Always and forever baby”
Her heart melts at that, leaning in so she could press a tender kiss on your forehead as she whispers to you.
“I Do”
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wettestnjaay · 1 year
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the two boys may have only met her once or only twice when they’d passed her up in the hall of the school, HAWKINS HIGH, or on the street.. but it was different the pass days, no seeing her on the streets, in the halls or even in the classrooms or the cafeteria,, but now, the next night on the news was ‘her’
their world did not end in a bang, or a whisper, but rather, one scream of fear and a cry of whimper.
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Picture yourself, a highschool student—pretty, fun, cute, everything perfect beside.., you having a small little crush on a geek,, named Todd.. and teases him and his friend Dave., a lot… Maybe they kept you joking around, or bullying them, but it’s all it cover up for your crush on the boy, from you going to the comic book store to see all of the three friends all today in a window, you’d finally see the beauty in his friend asf well,, you were slowly falling inlove with the two boys without even thinking, but maybe you’ll invite them to your party and pop up with a confession for the both of them.
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The 2nd most popular cheerleader,, beautiful, cute, sexy, adorable but with great beauty there comes pain, and pain is within throughs of other people putting you down, and telling you, your not worth it but the DnD-Freaks; Edward "Eddie the Banish" Munson, and his closest friend, Gareth "Gare the Great" Emerson sell you drugs and cover up all your pain by getting high with you, and maybe doing a little more and causing thinks that aren't suppose to happen actual happen within seconds of having the best weed ever with a couple of sweetheart mental head boys an, curly haired burnet and dark brown longed haired wavy haired one, but their is a 1st time for everything, 1st time having weed/drugs, a 1st time of stepping out of your shell, and lastly a first time getting letting a boy boys doing this to you also..
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toonycatuwu · 7 months
im so glad my boi tobes got 2 HOLIDAY EPISODES (Tobey's Tricks and Treats & Guess Who's Coming to Thanksgiving Dinner, Halloween is my first fav and Thanksgiving is my 3rd favorite holiday) and made an appearance in another holiday episode (Oh, Holiday Cheese i think thats the name, that's Christmas my 2nd favorite holiday) SO I CAN CELEBRATE THEM AND CHERISH THEM SO MUCH MORE FRRRRR 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖✨💖
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daystilchristmas · 2 years
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Favorite Christmas Specials Countdown #4
Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas (1977)
First Aired: December 4, 1977 on CBC
Favorite Quote: “Got to expect cold weather this close to Christmas!”
The next 3 specials are all tied for 2nd Place in my countdown. It was really hard to decide which position each would take. For my family watching Emmet Otter together on Christmas Eve is one of our favorite traditions. I think that Emmet and Ma’s desire to buy each other the perfect Christmas present is relatable and shows how much they love each other. The music is top tier for the Muppets and “When the River Meets the Sea” is one of my favorite songs ever. I really think this is a piece of art and hope that you all give it a watch this holiday season.
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