#Chrome browser extensions
earnmoneynowonline21 · 11 months
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cacodaemonia · 7 months
For Star Wars folks, there doesn't seem to be an indie version of wookieepedia, but this extension can also send your request through Breezewiki, which cleans up the ads and other garbage on fandom.com
From the link above:
On an internet dominated by ads and corporate-run websites, Indie Wiki Buddy is a browser extension that helps you easily find and support independent wikis. When you visit a wiki on Fandom or Fextralife, this extension will notify or automatically redirect you to quality independent wikis when they're available. Search results in Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Brave, Ecosia, and Startpage can also be filtered, guiding you to visit an independent counterpart instead. Indie Wiki Buddy supports over 100 independent wikis across 7 languages. And you're in full control -- you can choose your experience wiki-by-wiki! Indie Wiki Buddy also supports BreezeWiki, a service that renders Fandom wikis without ads or bloat. Once enabled, BreezeWiki provides a more enjoyable reading experience when an independent wiki isn't available!
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onyourstageleft · 1 month
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#dan and phil#weed#besties i am so high rn i am losing it#i took like one too many bong hits#started playing flight rising on the desktop computer bc it loads so much faster than my chromebook#opened youtube to have something on the second monitor#found dan and phil's fuckin lofi album???#lost my absolute shit about it#went to post about it from tumblr mobile but wanted to make this meme to do it justice so pulled up a meme editor on my desktop#(the meme editor had so many advanced text options since when have meme editors come this far??)#anyway made the meme realized my phone is at super low battery so decided to just log on to tumblr to post it directly from the desktop#even though i'm nearly exclusively a mobile user now and have been for years#so i have to log in to tumblr and now i'm experiencing making a post from the desktop site while still pretty blitzed#is it firefox that allows me to edit the tags after i've typed them or is that a desktop thing now#oh shit do i have any extensions on#depending on what imported from chrome when i changed my browser like six months ago this may be some sort of extension#whatever it is im okay with it this is great#i'm having such a good time right now genuinely#also watched chappell roan's hot to go music video for the first time during an interlude in the whole meme making process#there is currently a restoration video playing in the other tab that's been going for 10 minutes while i've been making this post#this is me living my best life honestly#i need at least one person to acknowledge the journey of tags on this post if only so i know I'm not alone in knowing my experience
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I'm ready to tear my hair out, I want to comfortably use Docs without staring into a flashbang, can someone recommend a functional dark mode for using google docs? All the extensions I've looked at just darken the page and makes the text unreadable so then the whole document has to be edited to change the font (pain in the ass) and/or does not function on the google docs selection page, like the list of my documents is still fuck off bright so it is irritating to move between documents
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Not usually the kind of thing I post, but!
I found a browser extension called postlight reader that helps remove ads and random distracting stuff from most websites. (It also helps get past paywalls on a lot of news sites). In my experience, it's very helpful if you have ADHD because I have ADHD and that's my experience. And obviously distractions are especially distracting if you have the distractions are eating your brain disorder. But obviously distractions and paywalls are pretty unilaterally annoying so. Here's a link in case it's helpful to anyone idk.
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flowercrowncrip · 1 year
Think Tumblr is convinced that my dictation/voice control software browser add-on is an ad blocker. I keep getting a thing at the bottom of my page saying I'm using one and should pay for ad free browsing instead when there's an advert literally right above it
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kurtle · 19 days
Everybody should be using firefox because it has an in-built article-saving extension that allows you to easily bypass any paywall.
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transgenderboobs · 9 months
cool so my dash just Doesn't work on firefox anymore
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dreamingofimpalas · 2 months
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So I don't know if you guys know about Tabliss yet, but I just found this extension for Chrome and I absolutely love it. I got really tired of Google's unnecessarily big ass logo blocking out my backgrounds, so this is what I found. Hopefully it helps someone else, too!
Some of the features:
You can customize what widgets you want (widget list also includes custom CSS, NBA scores, quotes, weather, work hours, etc.)
Choose where you want everything aligned and the sizing for each individual widget
Customize the icons for your links
Choose whether or not links are hidden/shown by default (they're under my search bar, on the far right)
ADD YOUR NAME(S)??? (hello, LGBTQ+ friendly addition - I see you ❤)
Add custom messages, To-Do lists, and notes!!!
The literary clock is *chefs kiss* (I absolutely love that, because normal clocks are boring to me - but yes, you do have the option for a boring clock, too 😂)
Customize your background or choose a default theme, including from GIPHY, Unsplash, or sold/gradient colors
Import / export your Tabliss so that you can switch between them, keep previous ones for archive purposes, etc.
Choose to full screen the page OR hide everything, so it's just a background, like below (controls are in the top left)
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jusiri · 9 months
i do not understand why everyone says Firefox is so great on mobile
its one of the worst mobile browsers ive used
i keep seing people say 'oh its so fast, you can use all the extensions you need, everythinga so much smoother' and i dont know what version yall are using but that aint the case in my experience
for me i cant seem to save pictures, you have a very small selection of extensions to choose from, half the pages dont load, and the ones that do load dont work
theres so many times i tried to use firefox to download something and the page wont work, like the download button is unclickable or never shows up
then i use it in chrome and it goes right through
so idk if people are literally just saying it so people dont use chrome, understandable because chrome/Google are the worst, or if it just hates specifically me
but until the day it actually functions im stuck using chrome or whatever chrome equivalent if i ever find one that works better
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wewontbesleeping · 5 months
also i finally switched to firefox after meaning to for ages
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zmyaro · 6 months
A while back, Trello inexplicably decided to make text selection highlights invisible. I finally got frustrated enough by that to make a browser extension that fixes it.
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draconicrose · 9 months
Here's a cool extension I just learned about. It redirects you automatically (if enabled) from corporate, bloated wikis to independent, community-run wikis. This is especially useful for gamers.
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ivanca · 9 months
Hide Job Listings From Companies You Are Not Interested On LinkedIn (extension for Firefox & Chrome)
Have you noticed that some companies have a bit too many job listings on LinkedIn? Have you ever wanted to hide some of those companies from your suggestions? With the help of this Chrome extension "Hide Items By Link" you can do just that, as the name suggests you can hide elements by a given link on them, but it also supports hidding by any text you have selected! Select the name of the company then right-click it and click "Hide items that contain this text" and that's it; here is a gif showing as much:
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This extension is also available for Firefox, which is important to notice has a more granular security model because it requires you to grant access to the extension for each domain (Firefox will show such prompt at the top right corner after you try to use it for the first time).
What else can it do?
Another useful thing you can do with this is to hide Google results from sources you don't want to see, as seen in the following gif:
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It can also help you hide channels you dislike from the search results at YouTube, just right-click over the channel name and select "Hide items with this link".
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this method is a bit more reliable than text selection but on many websites items do not share a common link (like the channel link in this case) so its not always possible to use this.
While you are here...
My name is Ivan and I'm the creator of this extension, I live in Colombia and at the moment I'm looking for a remote job as Full-Stack Engineer so if you or you company are interested in hiring just let me know! My target salary is 48k (yearly) I have more than 10 years of experience with JavaScript, as well as a few years with TypeScript, React, Python, PHP, Git, Node and many other technologies, as well as software practices such as SOLID architecture, unit testing, regression testing, and e2e testing. You may write me to ivanca at gmáil.
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nbnezumi · 9 months
new post editor is not usable without a reference list of every tag u have ever used (which ive tried to generate before but no good).
little ghost png that shows up on a back layer of the loading screen? i love that
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raspberrybluejeans · 10 months
I was already wanting to explode this professor with my mind but I just saw that we have to use Chrome for this class. I’m going to scream
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