#Chronic Sinus Disease
thewrightent · 5 months
Septoplasty Surgery | The Wright ENT
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Septoplasty surgery » will straighten the cartilage and bone of the nose is managing the symptoms is insufficient. This surgery is not very invasive and scarring, swelling, and bruising is minimal. In most cases, you will not have to stay overnight after the surgery. For more information call: 954-368-8519
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tuptastic · 5 months
Disability, especially with a rare condition, is so difficult in so many small ways.
It's the stares you get when you walk around and they see your gait, unusual and unstable and a clear sign something is wrong.
It's being ignored in favor of your companions because the person in a wheelchair obviously can't speak for themselves, right?
It's being followed in stores because of your service animal, and being photographed and touched without your consent and having medical episodes expanded on because strangers approach you when you're down to ask questions and refuse to allow her to work.
It's having to plan trips carefully because you know there are areas you can't access and things you can't do anymore, and seeing your friends faces flicker with emotions you can't describe even though they try so hard for you.
It's having to work twice as hard as your classmates to achieve the same results, because you physically can't handle the same effort they put in.
It's seeing the shocked looks when you remind people that accessibility is done to the bare minimum, and that there are places I can't access because it's deemed a financial burden to change.
It's knowing the look on a doctors face when they have once again found no answers, and when you're going home again with nothing despite everyone telling you something is wrong. And that's at best - at worst, you go through another period of mistreatment and neglect, or you end up back on a treatment that almost kills you.
It's never having a community because there is no one else out there like you. You can get close, but you will never find your people.
It's painful. It's terrifying. And it's so hard.
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yesmissnyx · 4 months
The stormy weather and every grain of pollen I've snorted up into my nasal cavity: ;)
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toomanyacronyms · 3 months
I'm going to do it, guys. Today is the say where I ask my job, "If I obtain a doctor's note explaining why I can't do certain tasks, how will that affect my employment status here?"
If I remember, I'll edit this post with how they respond.
EDIT: Well, I ended up chickening out asking my job. But I have a doctor's appointment next week. I'm still asking for a doctor's note.
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little-pissbaby · 4 months
this is gonna get TMI and it will get sad and whiny so please don't feel obligated to keep reading.
it takes so many steps to be alive. all of the things you do subconsciously suddenly become arduous tasks when you have to do them manually. things like eating, drinking, sleeping, breathing, using the bathroom, it's exhausting having to think about and consciously or manually do even just one of those things.
I was officially diagnosed with dysautonomia a few months ago, although I have been struggling with my symptoms for over a decade and I've been in treatment for several years. I was also diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder that same month. this means I have to catheterize myself 3-4 times a day every day for the rest of my life, or until I can get a suprapubic catheter placed.
Y'ALL. self-cathing is beyond exhausting. it's a little bit of a genuine workout, especially when you're morbidly obese like me. I hate that I've gotten really good at it and that it doesn't take me long at all now. I didn't want to get good at it, I didn't want to have to have this skillset. I already have to know how to draw up and give an IM injection, how to flush an IV, how to reduce dislocated joints in myself and others... I am TIRED.
I'm sure a colostomy is also in my near future. I have the same problems in my colon that I have in my bladder, only it's also complicated by endometriosis in the walls of my colon and rectum. they haven't been completely infiltrated yet, but if this IUD doesn't do its job, then I'm definitely gonna start losing organs and my mind.
at this point I'm out of words to explain why I'm so cosmically fatigued but if I tag every diagnosis/condition I have maybe y'all can sorta get an idea.
sorry for ranting. I have to go cath myself now.
at least I do it under the supervision of the best medical advisor ever <3 all she asks for in return are kisses, cuddles, and crunchies <3<3
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aelianated-star · 4 months
Idk how else to cope with the fact that my dysautonomia is so severe and nothing seems to work. Corlanor was helping for a few weeks and now it’s just not anymore. I could definitely increase the dose, as well as my midodrine but how many meds do I have to be on to even have some semblance of normal. I’m literally on LDN, Corlanor, Midodrine, and get IV fluids for prescription management and have salt pills I take daily/regularly! I can’t tolerate the abdominal compression thing my old cardiologist recommended due to my gastrointestinal paralysis (especially now with my GJ tube) and high quality compression socks are impossible to find/afford. Ik I need to get my AAG (autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy) and PAF (pure autonomic failure) testing done but I’ve legit been in and out of the hospital for months where they also found I have a fucking hole in my heart?? 🫠 screams. I wish I wasn’t broke and so sick bc I would benefit so much from having a SD
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yamimichi · 1 year
Today has not been a good day for me. I've been in so much pain. It starts to go away and then comes back stronger. I've gotten out of bed only to <tmi>.
One plus side: The last time I checked my blood sugar it was in the normal range.
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icepixie · 2 years
Medical Specialty Bingo
For those of us whose meatsacks are uncooperative throughout a variety of systems, I bring you...medical specialty bingo! Cross off each specialty you've seen.
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Consider all of these to include pediatric or adult medicine as needed.
Disclaimer: I based this on the sprawling hospital/outpatient system I frequent. There are other ways to merge or separate specialties. It's entirely possible I left some off. Feel free to take this and edit as you like.
Also, I merged OB/GYN and Urology because many people without female reproductive organs basically could not ever see OB/GYN, so it seemed unfair to have a space some could never mark off.
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hoclinical · 8 months
H & O Clinical PLLC
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Website: https://www.hoclinical.com
Address: 2025 Central Park Avenue, STE 203, Yonkers, NY 10710 and 10 North Wood Avenue, STE B2, Linden, New Jersey 07036, USA
H & O Clinical PLLC specializes in telehealth services, offering a comprehensive range of medical solutions including family medicine, mental health services, and various health tests. With a focus on virtual consultations and a commitment to personalized care, they cater to non-emergent symptoms and chronic disease management. Their services extend to weight loss programs, medication management, and more, ensuring accessible and quality healthcare for all.
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nicejewishgirl · 1 year
I’ve literally been up every 30 minutes and need to be out of the house and arrived at by destination by 8:30 along w/ taking care of everything related to my family/dogs/household. I should try to sleep for another hour… hell who am I kidding… another possible 30 minutes but then it’s always harder to wake up. ahhh the life of an insomniac. getting to sleep isn’t even my problem anymore (it used to be so bad) but it’s staying asleep that just is impossible (especially on antibiotics and some of my other meds). that whole saga in the notes.
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sabakos · 21 days
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im pretty sure this post just. isnt true. as in, i googled dangers of stagnant water and most sources seem to indicate its fine as long as you dont swim in it? which doesn't seem to have anything to do with equipping a respirator
But I was also curious so I looked up "Katrina cough" on wikipedia:
The Louisiana Office of Public Health conducted a case-control study of emergency department visits in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The OPH distributed a questionnaire to patients seeking treatment for cough, sinus drip, sneezing, wheezing, chest congestion, swollen red and puffy eye(s) and sore throat. According to the study, state epidemiologists found no increase in the rate of New Orleans-area respiratory illnesses. Although rates were found to be no different in comparison to state and country rates, the study showed that people with chronic sinus or respiratory symptoms were more affected by the hurricane.
State epidemiologist Dr. Raoult Ratard disputed the existence of any disease cluster associated with the hurricane in 2006: "There is no such thing as a single condition such as ‘Katrina Cough’ that would be different from the bacterial and viral respiratory conditions we would expect to see at that time of year...no such outbreak occurred because of Hurricane Katrina."[2]
so i think probably the author of this post is a member of an epistemic community founded more on personal narratives than on scientific naturalism.
but yeah the original post has almost 20k notes which is a good reminder of how easily unverifiable information can spread on the internet
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ashswordsman859 · 5 months
the effects of the gases used by the bigger bodied smiling critters
Bobby bear hug: rose helps with stress, seizers, aging, and diabetes. (Nurse?)
Hoppy hopscotch: peppermint helps with pain management, digestive issues, common cold, sinus infection, and headaches. (Child care?)
Kicken chicken: ylang ylang is good for anxiety, depression,mood enhancement, and cognitive function. (Councilor?)
Craftycorn: jasmine is useful for immune support, blood circulation, optimizing hormone levels and relieving stress. (Nurse?)
Picky piggy: citrus is useful for heart health, help maintain cell health in brain tissue, prevents heart disease, kidney stones, brain dysfunction, and emotional regulation. (Food?)
Bubba bubbaphant: lemon grass helps with menstrual issues, improve digestion, nausea, headaches, muscle cramps, spasms, rheumatism (joint pain), high cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, bloating, and boosting red blood cell counts. (Child care for kids with chronic issues?)
Dogday: vanilla as said before helps relax and calm people by reducing anxiety and calms the nerves but also helps with fevers, spasms,blood clotting, although from what I found large amounts can lead to sleep issues but I don't know how accurate that is so take that with a grain of salt. (Kid care?)
Catnap: poppy flower as known does cause a fatigue affect but also has traces of opioids, along with that it also analgesia (inability to feel pain.), euphoria (the laughter), respiratory depression (breath shallow leading to build up of carbon dioxide in the blood.), decreased gastrointestinal mobility (digestive problems resulted when nerves or muscles in the gut do not work in a coordinated way.), and physical & psychological dependency.
eat your heart out au makers!
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The 15 minute clinic visit model should be considered a crime. Do you really think you can adequately address a patient's A1C of 11.5 (while they refuse to adhere to a diabetic diet or take their meds, so you have to explain why these things are important and that no, Metformin did not cause Uncle John to develop Rheumatoid Arthritis), blood pressure of 187/98, ongoing chest pains, chronic back pain, inability to sleep, explain to them what it means to have chronic kidney disease and what meds they need to avoid + go through their current meds to renally dose them, update their foot and eye exam, and talk about changing the medications for their bipolar disorder... in 15 minutes?
Keep in mind the patient keeps interrupting to tell you about their sister Shirley's birthday party and ask irrelevant questions like, "Hey doc, is it true going outside in the cold gets you sick? Is it true babies don't have bones?"
Oh, and the patient reminds you as you think you're wrapping up that they need you to check their shoulder because they fell on it yesterday and also they think they have a sinus infection...and then you remember you haven't reviewed their health maintenance gaps yet, either.
The above is not a hyperbole. This is the average patient I see in my clinic as a rural family medicine doctor. I have people fitting this profile scheduled every 15 minutes because it is our health system's standard policy. It makes me furious because these patients deserve to have all of their issues addressed, but it is not possible. They taken time off work, some of them driving over an hour, to see me. These are serious problems and serious misunderstandings that deserve my full attention for as long as is required, not to have me rush, half addressing their concerns or not addressing them at all.
We can't be doctors in this system. We are just little reimbursement machines.
And the icing on the cake: after you talk to the patient and finally compromise on medications the patient agrees to take, the insurance company denies them all.
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toomanyacronyms · 4 months
Life feels weird to me right now.
My IST is in a what I like to call "waning stage" where I actually feel like a normal person.
I am trying to see if I can get my GERD better through diet. My doctor hopes I can get off my GI medications.
I am going to college this fall after dropping out back in 2018. I'm just waiting for FAFSA to go through.
I just feel very lonely and like I can't celebrate things because the person I tell everything to is acting like I'm trying to compete with them when I'm not.
I am currently trying to build my credit score so I can hopefully start the process of buying myself a custom wheelchair next year. I would only use it part-time and in very specific circumstances.
Life just feels weird right now.
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leanstooneside · 2 months
Being rendered helpless (PANOPTICON)
• Rita Ora's thumb (Encounter for aftercare following multiple organ transplant)
• Florence Welch's thumb (Laceration with foreign body of right ring finger with damage to nail)
• Winona Ryder's thumb (Secondary lacrimal gland atrophy)
• Lucy Hale's thumb (Failure in dosage during unspecified surgical and medical care)
• Conan O'Brien's thumb (Influenza due to other identified influenza virus with otitis media)
• Tyra Banks's thumb (Malignant neoplasm of overlapping sites of other and unspecified parts of mouth)
• AnnaSophia Robb's thumb (Laceration of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of left middle finger at forearm level)
• Minka Kelly's thumb (Acute tonsillitis, unspecified)
• Djimon Hounsou's thumb (Cyst and mucocele of nose and nasal sinus)
• Forest Whitaker's thumb (Meningococcal myocarditis)
• Jimmy Buffett's thumb (Other disorders of continuity of bone, right radius)
• Kate Bosworth's thumb (Other hyperparathyroidism)
• Kristen Bell's thumb (Solitary bone cyst, left ulna and radius)
• Matt Bomer's thumb (Laceration of other muscles, fascia and tendons at shoulder and upper arm level, unspecified arm)
• Prince Harry's thumb (Laceration without foreign body of back wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity)
• Avril Lavigne's thumb (Calcification and ossification of muscle)
• Demi Lovato's thumb (Nondisplaced fracture of lateral condyle of unspecified femur)
• Carmen Electra's thumb (Salter Harris Type III physeal fracture of upper end of humerus, left arm)
• Mary-Louise Parker's thumb (Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with intermittent claudication, left leg)
• Vince Vaughn's thumb (Toxic effect of contact with other venomous marine animals, assault)
• Sean Lennon's thumb (Unspecified open wound of left front wall of thorax without penetration into thoracic cavity)
• Tate Donovan's thumb (Osseous and subluxation stenosis of intervertebral foramina of abdomen and other regions)
• Jennifer Aniston's thumb (Alcohol abuse with intoxication)
• Zachary Quinto's thumb (Mooren's corneal ulcer, unspecified eye)
• Tracy Morgan's thumb (Preterm labor without delivery, unspecified trimester)
• Jenna Elfman's thumb (Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified)
• Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting's thumb (Perforated corneal ulcer, unspecified eye)
• DJ AM's thumb (Kaschin-Beck disease, left knee)
• Gordon Ramsay's thumb (Unspecified injury of extensor muscle, fascia and tendon of right index finger at forearm level)
• Elle Fanning's thumb (Benign neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue of unspecified upper limb, including shoulder)
• Scott Speedman's thumb (Encounter for routine postpartum follow-up)
• Curtis Stone's thumb (Swimmer's ear, left ear)
• Uma Thurman's thumb (Altered mental status, unspecified)
• Khloe Kardashian's thumb (Retinal hemorrhage, left eye)
• Maria Menounos's thumb (Passenger in three-wheeled motor vehicle injured in collision with fixed or stationary object in nontraffic accident)
• Miranda Kerr's thumb (Other combined immunodeficiencies)
• Brooklyn Decker's thumb (Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with intermittent claudication, left leg)
• Ellie Goulding's thumb (Osteonecrosis in diseases classified elsewhere, thigh)
• Bethenny Frankel's thumb (Other chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis, left humerus)
• Judi Dench's thumb (Resistance to unspecified beta lactam antibiotics)
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aelianated-star · 1 year
After a few very mild dysautonomia days, I can easily say today was *not* a good day. My resting heart rate was 160, and I don’t even want to talk about my standing 💀
I love genuinely feeling like I’m dying! Send spoons and a shit ton of 🧂
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