#Chute Leech
greendragonette · 2 months
Ark Survival Evolved: No Engrams Challenge, day 29
Raising another female theri. Their youngest sibling had a misfortune to be male, so I sacrificed him with intention for argy saddle (didn't exactly work as intended). Used spare sarco egg to level ptera. Speaking of which, girl's decent for crate hunting, but I'd like to have another one or two for cargo and swapping. Tried and found two high level males, but lost sight on first when rex attacked me, and aimed badly at the other. Gave up for now, tranqed the first three digit male I saw, plied with prime and kited away a direbear about to stroll too close. Good enough for now, but will have to remember to get him some berries.
Carrying 'chutes paid off; I got way too close and personal to a level 110 rex at Far Peak and couldn't get on ptera, so jumped off instead and whistled follow. Travel took a while, but I landed perfectly safe (and lowered the following distance on ptera; multiple just-barely-out-of-reach situations got on my nerves).
Loot-wise, results are mixed:
-no better armor, although some can work as spares; current one is very decent, but some fur or more flak/riot wouldn't go amiss
-mastercraft sword! Poor penguins >:)
-got carno and shark saddle, plus a few blueprints (sloth, iguano, paracer - I really need more metal now)
-am about to go further with base building, got both materials and ideas for second floor (will be ugly because it's me, still gonna be proud it sucks a tiny bit less every time I try).
-generator blueprint, no fabricator
-no tranq or narc blueprint despite hitting every green crate I can get my hands on; combined with my aim means I'm depressingly low on tranqs and absolutely cannot go for anything with mid or high torpor
-mountains of trash thrown away straight from crate (a gazilionth sea pancake saddle, primitive leather armor, silencer etc.)
-beautiful things I'll never get to use - ascendant pump-action shotgun TnT
So progress is being made, but slowly and requires me to go at problems from new angles. Am gonna sedate dozing ptera a bit before night, build through the dark, and then go tame something while hopefully their offspring grows. Rn debating between tek paras and sharks. On one hand I could use self-growing metal and electronics, but I suspect manual feeding will change my mind on that idea, or a potentially hilarious knock out with a scorpion, and these SOBs are faster and hit harder than sarco, so if I ever get my hands on a high level pair I could potentially get a fishing stick. Would be nice, found a good leech blood place while looking for pteras.
Orrrrr tame a doedic? Anky near the top of a mountain? Another ptera? Something for sure! :D
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sleepsmackdown · 1 year
ARTHUR PROPAGANDA: I’m not even caught up with malevolent but my boy’s already been possessed, had his eyes stolen, lost his partner, gotten shot at, beat up, lost his arm to the possession, crashed a car, fell down some stairs, got attacked by a ghost, stabbed, bled out in a boat, had a month-long coma where he got interrogated by a Guy so it wasn’t even restful,
[deep breath] got attacked by a big spooky dog, fell down a laundry chute, almost got eaten by fog, fell off a cliff, had to crawl through a cave so tight he couldn’t breathe, got arrested, punched, shot three times, DIED, came back and immediately almost drowned,
[another deep breath] got attacked by rats, punched, had his blood stollen by a cult, got attacked by a giant spider, fell down another laundry chute, fell down an elevator, got attacked by a giant frog leech and its evil tadpole babies, burned his arm, got thrown into another dimension, had to bite off his own finger and then DiY cauterize it,
[final deep breath] got his face shredded by a sandstorm, electrocuted twice, got caught in an explosion and burned off his fingertips, almost got eaten by moss, fell off a MASSIVE cliff and injured his leg and back, got punched (big monster edition), rock dropped on him and dislocated his shoulder, and fell off a smaller cliff
Not counting the month-long eldritch interrogation coma? It has been FOUR DAYS Give the man a nap PLEASE
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kendrixtermina · 1 year
we are software, not hardware
we are the waves and not the ocean.
A secondary emergent thing, even,
on top of the emergence that is the flesh
it is only when the flesh-thing is functioning properly
that it can be bothered to produce our like
one does not appreciate how much constant effort goes
into the maintainment of homeostasis
until you come to a place of ardent cloying heat
and find yourself tired out within minutes
as the machinery aches to sustain itself
remember a time when,
you were far way past the shore,
your feet no longer touched ground and
you had realized that, right now,
it is only your constant effort that sustains you.
You float, but, you may float the wrong way,
only insofar as you contain air,
as the pressure expands it
only the strength of your arms keeps you upright
keeps the one right spot held to the air,
through the salty taste
deceptively only lie the rocks,
knife-sharp where they’re not slippery,
holes leeched into them by the long brine
the closer you get,
the stronger go the waves in the confined space now left to them
the more they may just pull you across the cutting foothold,
over and over, distance not contant,
up and down the surface goes,
the clefts of the waves left as a hilly surface
hilly surfaces themselves only slower waves
under not enough pressure
right around and under your feet,
the backwash of the wave cleans out the sand
washed clean the rocks,
mucky emulsion of dead seaweed,
cannot hold onto the edge, but then whence? Whence?
Suddenly stung by death,
one sustaining oneself must sink.
One must sustain oneself,
and everyone eventually tires -
even if one can keep going the warmth,  
they are helpless to the heat of their own tissues
nothing sustains us
nothing sustains anything that does not claw up its way
the gullet chute of being
in time, all things get tired
nothing sustains us
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shytastemakerthing · 2 years
ALR!!! GN is fine with me!! 🦀🦀🦀
I would like a romantic matchup for twisted wonderland!!
Here's the matchup info:::
My personality is basically the epitome of a drunk dude in a fever dream, literal chaos itself. I am extremely weird, && basically alternate between a calm && rational person to a complete chaotic idiot. I am obsessed with crabs && spade cards! Literally all i talk about is crabs, in my mind it's only crabs.
((if you're okay with swearing))
I am one foul mouthed motherfucker, i have a habit of cursing, either regular swear words or the most absurd sounding swear words come out of my mouth. (E.G. : “you blithering feculent shithole” “primitive fuckjam” “putrid shitsmoking cretins” “you dickreeking undulating fuckass” “fucksquatting pain in the waste chute” “heinous ravaging trash" “reprehensible sanctimonious jitterfuckery.”) I am completely incapable of uttering a single word without fucking cursing. I also create weird mash of words like:: ("diddlesnob" "smiddlewat" etc.)
I have no mental filter whatsoever i say weird shit like::: ("you smell like carbonated cucumbers on a hot summer night" "what if i just shat out amoxicillin" "it tasted like Mario was inside of your ass himself with a blow-dryer" "that was the most toe-wetting knee-curling thing I've ever seen" && "this feels like crunchy water") complete crackhead shit
Alongside my weird swears i often say stuff like::: "If jumping jacks take turns while jumping, how is a water fountain like a solid desk?" "Why is a croquet set like a baseball club?? " && "If bacteria eat chicken legs but not candycanes, why does a lamppost achieve the theory of evolution????" Basically some twisted riddles && questions. What can I say? The confusion of others amuses me.
I also say "Nyeh" and "NYEHEHEHE" a lot. It is basically my signature laugh and confusion noise at this point!!!
I also have a permanent smile attached to my face! :]] Due to that and my overall personality my friend's call me "humanized remake of Cheshire Cat" Orr "Smiley bastard"
A/N: Thank youbfor your request! I certainly hope that you like it! I honestly had a lot of fun with this!🤣😊
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I match you with.......
Floyd Leech
• You + Floyd = Chaos, that's literally the relationship right there.
• All jokes aside, this lanky eel boy LIVES for your random drunk guy every and makes matters even worse by hyping you up about it! He's never bored when you're around!
• We have poor azul pulling at his hair in the background and Jade between the edge of having a crisis of now having to deal with two Floyd's and laughing in amusement as Azul's own reactions.
• Your random sayings and strange choices of curse words always have him wheezing! He doesn't think he's had this much fun in years! Now he repeats your sayings and curses while he's at work and Azul is beating his head on the desk.
• Speaking of work, please come visit him! Not only is the temperamental eel in a much better mood when you're around, he also tends fo work a lot better. (He may or may no have been bribed that if he works hard and gets his hobs done, then he can leave early)
• You LOVE his squeezes! Floyd is so used to people running in thr direction opposite of which he is coming, and then there's you. You're running up to him fir squeezes, or yoh standat the end of the hallway with wide open arms which is all Floyd needs to come charging at you.
• Please come to his basketball games! And the practices, too! He will have a nice spare jersey just for you to wear and cheer him on. It does wonders, Ace and Jamil can verify this. Come every game, they can't loose.
• You'll still always be Shrimpy (given that Ace is Crabby), but he will indulge in your Crab addled brain.
• Swimming with him in his mer form is a must! Don't worry, he'll try not to drown you (though he makes no promises). This means late night swims at Octavinelle, in the pool, or any other deep body of water the two of you can find.
• When he does get into one of his moods, he doesn't really feel like doing anything. This means, either you're in his room or he's in yours and you're a tangled mess of limbs, either passed out asleep, or he's asleep and your combing through his hair (something he finds soothing), or your letting him rant and vent out anything that may be frustrating him.
• Being with Floyd means various things. You get the 'you hurt my brother and I'll make your death look like an accident' from Jade, the 'break his heart anf no amount of blackmail will keep you safe' from Azul, talks. Past the threats, they care deeply for Floyd, and don't want to see him hurt (even if they will never admit to it outloud). After that, you have two more people who would do anything to protect you.
• Overall, chaos energies collide and come together in this tooth rotting relationship. Floyd doesn't plan on letting you go any time soon. He'll He'll anything if it means protecting you.
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lighting-rakurai · 3 years
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HD Chozo Memories - Metroid: Samus Returns
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sullustangin · 3 years
Fan Fic Writers Meme
I remembered one of the memes I wanted to do!  I saw this one on @walk-ng-d-saster‘s blog, so I’m doing it. 
How many works do you have on AO3?  26 (for some reason tumblr is making this answer huge in font size)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
492,356 (CHRIST)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Things I have completed and posted:  SWTOR (AO3), DC Animated (Bruce Timm/Paul Dini productions from the 90s and early 2000s) (AO3 and FF.Net),  FF7 (FF.net), Doctor Who (FF.NET), House (frigging forgot about that one until I saw it in my files, yikes)
Things I have completed but not posted:  Star Trek
Things I have not completed nor posted:  Law and Order: SVU, West Wing, FF6, Highlander, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes (ACD), the Mandalorian (now totally out of canon, thanks Luke), Tombstone, and Sin Takes a Holiday (a random Basil Rathbone 1930s film I latched onto like a leech for a few weeks and this mangled file is all that remains)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Parthenos, In Theory, and The Slow Road from DCAU (Wonderbat ship), then The Grand Reveal (Rishi fic, my latest complete multi-chapter), A Shan Family Tradition (possibly canon Baby!Shan fic), and Who She is In the Dark (the first fic in the SWTOR series I have running.
Do you respond to comments; why or why not?
I don’t when I feel guilty because nothing is in the chute. (Hi, Slow Road people.  I know. That whole kerfuffle about Batman earlier this summer took the wind out of my sails because I didn’t want it to come off as a Bat Stan... because if you read the series, you know what’s happening soonish and now I’m waiting for that to die off.)
I absolutely do when I’m still writing and creating content (Hi, SWTOR people)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t like ending my fics on an angsty note.  I like hope at the end, if there is nothing else left. 
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
When I was a young teenager, I plotted out an extensive FF6/FF7 crossover that paired Celes Chere and Vincent Valentine.  It never got written, but it was elaborately planned.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No.  I have received.... comments?  Statements? that could have been constructive and could have started a dialogue, but then the commenter’s follow-up behavior indicated they were not being sincere; they weren’t actually worried about the issues they presented, but rather, they were trying to get a reaction out of me. (They went on another platform and made snide remarks.)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do write smut but it’s unpublished at the moment.  I fail utterly at writing PWP (so far), so I can’t just have them do the thing and leave it at that.  I think (hope?) I’ll be more comfortable publishing smut once I get to that point in my plotted Yavin fic. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have had someone take my FF7 fic premise and poorly recycle it.  When I messaged them about it, I was then accused of stealing THEIR fic (somehow, in a time machine).
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be open to a collab with someone on a translation.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
In terms of what I write, there’s an ongoing thing of Relatively Orderly Guy/Relatively Chaotic Gal recurring.  
What are your writing strengths?
I can come up with an original plotline.  I do the research and I try to get things ‘right’ within a universe, so there are lots of details.  I have been told I can strike to the heart of a character’s dynamic with other people. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
I sometimes worry the details can be too overwhelming for people and they tune out.  I think I sometimes have too many ‘talking heads’ chapters where there’s lots of exposition -- too much tell, and not enough show.  Per spouse, I also get reaaaaally defensive about my writing (particularly professionally, but even in fan fic ), so I have to have a policy of letting the comment sit for a certain period of time before I attend to it.  The interim time is spent woe’ing and beating myself up.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Minus a few words that are sprinkled in (like how Mandalorian is used), I tend to just say they’re speaking in that language.  I do read a few languages, but dialogue is so much more informal and less stiff than the written word.  Also, it’s easier on the reader.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I have affection for the pieces on the cutting room floor; things I cut out or have never published that sort of stay on the hard drive as a monument to the effort and also a little bit of a cheat when I need a scene for something else.  For example, parts of the casino scenes from The Cosmic Deck were cannibalized from the unfinished, now totally AU Mandalorian fic I have.  I’ve taken a bar scene from one fic and redone it as another universe’s party.
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bellhung · 4 years
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*     THE  DEPTHS     /     @adoranoia​  whispered   :   gluttony, from six! <3 bc. y'know. maw, asdfghjkl     (     biblical  &.  historical  sins  prompts  .     )
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        —————  ₍ 🛎️ ₎      the  maw  creaked  and  the  maw  groaned  ,  as  if  it  could  feel  every  slow  step  taken  through  it’s  wrought  iron  walls  ———  the  bellman  does  not  visit  here  often  ,  the  depths  of  the  vessel  that  ached  like  a  starving  stomach  .  but  ,  when  he  does  ,  he  comes  bearing  offerings   :   luggage  all  shapes  and  sizes ,  dropped  down  chutes  from  the  railing  like  bodies  into  a  grave     /     proof  from  above  that  the  beast  had  been  fed  .     it  is  a  familiar  routine  ,   even  if  rare  ,  and  one  like  clockwork  .  he  comes  ,  and  he  goes  .
     although  ,  as  he  descends  a  short  staircase  and  makes  a  sharp  left  turn  ,  ducking  past  rows  of  steaming  pipes  ,  a  far  -  from  -  often  -  heard  sound  assaults  the  senses   ;   a  series  of  squelching  ,  wet  and  tender  ,  and  the  bellman  turns  over  his  shoulder  to  glance  over  a  small  ledge  and  ———  ah  .
     it’s  unmistakable  ,  even  in  the  dark  .  the  mucus  -  coated  ,  squirming  shapes  of  leeches  .     an  involuntary  shiver  grips  his  narrow  shoulders  .   disgusting  things  ,  not  unlike  the  guests  above  ,  gorging  themselves  on  anything  warm  with  blood  and  soft  with  flesh  ,  gorging  themselves  until  their  own  blood  -  bag  bodies  could  hardly  move  and  even  then  still  crawling  after  the  slightest  morsel  .  wriggling  ,  gaping  .  though  he  found  guests  more  tolerable  ,  a  shepherd  is  always  more  fond  of  his  herd   .   .   .   and  guests  never  crawl  under  his  sleeves  and  stay  for  dinner  when  he  slips  on  wet  metal  and  falls  off  the  platforms  .     (     lightheaded  for  hours  after  that  one  .     )
     .     .     .     but     .     .     .     there’s  something  else  down  there  too  ,  even  more  unmistakable  in  the  blackness   ,  a  flash  of  warm  color  in  the  sewage  .  the  bellman  leans  over  ,  squints  ,  trying  to  get  a  better  look  and  ———  almost  promptly  drops  a  suitcase  in  shock  .     a  little  figure  narrowly  avoiding  the  ever  -  feasting  creatures  ,  a  girl !     perhaps  ,  there  is  a  miscommunication  between  workers  of  different  floors  .  maybe  to  some  ,  a  seemingly  escaped  child  is  better  left  to  whatever  catches  them  ,  but  the  bellman  remembers  farmland  of  the  villages  above   ;   does  a  farmer  merely  sit  by  as  a  cow  wanders  to  the  woods ?  or  in  this  case  ,  close  to  being  swarmed  by  blood  -  sucking  parasites ?  of  course  not !  it  is  to  be  led  back  and  returned  .  slinging  what  bags  he  can  over  a  shoulder  to  free  at  least  one  hand  ,  a  too  -  long  and  too  -  frail  arm  cranes  over  the  platform  edge  ,  just  barely  grabbing  hold  of  a  yellow  hood  as  the  girl  runs  by  ,  swiftly  plucked  up  and  raised  above  toothy  jaws  to  eye  -  level     /     his  head  slowly  ,  curiously  tilting  to  one  side  .
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Severed Bonds (Chapter 12)
Summary: Edge, Jedi Knight, is lost in a Galaxy without the Jedi Order and the only one left to him is one who already betrayed them all.
Tags/Warnings: Spicyhoney, Star Wars AU, Darkfic, Angst, Minor Character Deaths, Friends to Enemies to ?, Hatesex…?, Trauma, Implied Possible Insanity, Rough Sex, Lemons, Mentions of Prostitution,  Violence, Possessiveness
Severed Bonds: a Spicyhoney SW AU
CH1 | CH2 | CH3 | CH4: Interlude | CH5 | CH6: Interlude 2 | CH7 | CH8 | CH9 | CH10 | CH11 | 
Read Chapter 12 on AO3
Read it here!
The mines were never empty.
No matter the hour, whether or not the dual suns were in the skies, there were workers of any species in the long tunnels that snaked beneath the ground. Digging for the rich dorium ore, alone or in groups, working as many or as few hours as they cared. All that mattered to the Company was the amount of ore they brought in and each worker took company credit for their pay.
It was accepted for goods in the little mining town and no other place in the galaxy, keeping them trapped by their own funds on this desolate planet. That and the stims they could purchase with their credits and when a worker fell in one of the dank tunnels, sickened from breathing in the ore dust or simply dead, there would be a mad scramble for their half-filled bucket.
And the cycle continued.
One worker, a Kel Dor by their distinctive breathing apparatus and face mask, worked long hours every day, filling only slightly more buckets of ore as any other.
They worked alone and the thugs that preyed on the solo workers followed them the first few days, eager for a fresh victim.
Only to halt in confusion as they seemed to vanish within the depths of the mine, leaving the would-be thieves to fight amongst themselves over who allowed them to get away.
Two days after their arrival, something happened within the gangs, a bloody affair spoken of in whispers, and no further attempts were made to follow them. They were left alone to fill their buckets, hours of backbreaking work for a pittance and if they were given an extra credit or two at the ore exchange, no one stood close enough to notice a subtle flick of a hand or a low, persuasive murmur through the voice synth.
The mining town was in truth little more than a few rows of shanties manned by rotten-tooth proprietors selling cheap goods and stims. They came out only to shriek at any miner who collapsed by their shack, kicking them vigorously and spitting curses. Until the unfortunate either stumbled out of the way of their ire or were otherwise dragged away by the stoic cleaners, their bodies cast into one of the large, open pits scattered across the wasteland.
The Kel Dor stopped at one of the food stalls, using their credits to purchase a few containers of greasy noodles and packages of the thin, bland nutritional wafers. Another stall sold them a few jogan fruits with only a few dark places softened with rot.
Normally the Kel Dor would set his packages into a rucksack and be on their way with that, but this day they paused, considering. Finally, they made a last purchase, a small grease-spotted box that they added to the rest.
No one paid them any mind. Most of the others were scurrying to purchase their daily stims and food was an afterthought. All of them scrawny, skeletal beings who would be replaced by others who looked the same, an endless line of spiritual twins who would mine the ore till death replaced them with the next.
The Kel Dor went past them, the huddled groups already sagging to the ground in chemical bliss. They walked out of town to the dusty outskirts where few lived. On a rickety rack, a speeder was locked into place along with sparse collection of other vehicles and any brave enough to lay a hand on it earned a nasty shock for their trouble.
The Kel Dor straddled it without concern, shifting to guide it over the cracked, parched ground out into the wastelands.
When they were out of view of the ramshackle town, a small droid wriggled free of a side pouch, chirping happily as it clambered up to nestle into the rider’s lap.
The droid earned a gentle pat for the effort, and they rode on with only the roaring motor breaking the silence.
The first sun was creasing the horizon when the ship came into view. They pulled up next to it, parking the speeder within the protection grid before the Kel Dor stripped off the respirator, peeling away the mask to breathe in great gulps of sweltering air.
Edge wiped wearily at his sweaty skull despite the filth of his gloves. The arid climate was all the more unpleasant for having to wear a disguise, but it worked well enough.
Plenty of species needed a breathing apparatus in different environments. No one had given him a second glance here past gauging how easily he would be robbed, and those looks had been easily dissuaded with a little subterfuge and Force persuasion.
He gathered up the day’s supplies along with the sweaty mask and started for the boarding ramp.
“Shall we join Rus for dinner?” Edge asked, pausing to allow BD-7 a chance to scramble up and sit on his shoulder.
It made a rude sound at that and Edge struggled not to laugh, if only to keep from encouraging it. The little droid hadn't grown any fonder of Rus over the weeks they’d been here and took any opportunity it could to lay siege on his ankles. Rus’s boots were covered in a fine collection of little scuffs and no amount of Edge’s scolding could convince BD to stop.
For some reason, Rus found this hilarious, never lashing out at the little droid. Small, strange things could spark his temper, but always he nudged the little droid aside without leaving so much as a scratch, striding away from the string of chirping abuse that BD-7 hurled at him daily with nothing more than a chuckle.
That odd acceptance wasn’t enough for Edge to trust them alone while he worked. BD-7 always traveled with him during the day, keeping guard over their vehicle while Edge gathered enough ore for the credits they needed.
It was exhausting work even with a judicious use of Force, but physical labor Edge could manage. If the credits were barely a quarter of what a laborer would earn on a civilized planet, they were in no position to negotiate. What was more difficult was walking past the other miners, feeling the aura of death around them, their lives leeching away in hard work and an endless cloud of mind-fogging drugs.
He couldn’t help them. Even if Edge spent all his hard-earned credits on extra food, they wouldn’t accept it, slapping away a generous hand if it wasn’t holding out a stim.
All he could do was earn enough to keep them in meals and fuel. His work at least gave them an appearance of legitimacy, for whatever it was Rus was doing in the late hours certainly was not.
Most nights after their evening meal was shared, Rus would take the respirator and speeder, heading out to earn credits his own way.
Not sex, Edge didn’t think. Rus came back to him bearing no unusual bruises, and always with republic credits rather than company ones, adding them to their stash.
He didn’t ask how Rus was earning credits. Better, perhaps, not to know when he unable to claim Rus, at least not the way he did Edge.
Love, Edge could allow, offering it for Rus to cast away or silently accept, depending on his mood. Jealousy Edge could not let take root; his unsettled emotions were difficult enough to deal with during his daily meditations. Rus’s bones belonged to no one but himself.
The opposite was not true. A claim had been laid down on Naiver-12 that Edge did not refute.
That Edge belonged to Rus would have upset him, once. Once he would have been disgusted by the very idea. These days he was more than willing to give over his body to Rus, opening to him, only to him.
Unequal, yes, and Edge didn’t care. Rus’s body was for anyone and his body was only for Rus. He’d accepted that from the beginning.
But their minds and souls were only to be shared with each other. Edge’s soul would accept nothing less and he could feel Rus’s acceptance of that every time they opened their bond.
His body was not his soul, but even with that unspoken agreement, it was still a relief to know no one was laying rough hands on Rus those nights.
Sharing the respirator, on the other hand, was a minor annoyance, but until they could afford another, it would have to do. It did make Edge wonder what Rus had done wearing their shared face that turned the thugs’ gazes of greedy interest to fear when they saw him. Not enough to ask.
But breathing in Rus’s scent every morning, the sweetness of his sweat, was not unpleasant. It lingered for the first hours of his day, a small comfort in the midst of hard work.
There were baths in the encampment, but even if Edge dared stripping down to reveal his bones, he wouldn’t want to bathe in filthy, stagnant water that probably held countless diseases. A sonic shower was better than slow death from plague, if only barely.
There was a sanitary station directly next to the ship’s entrance. Edge stripped out of his jumpsuit and sent it down the cleaning chute for the morning, stepping beneath the quick, uncomfortable sweep of the sonics. Bare, he walked to their quarters, BD-7 clinging easily to his shoulder, only hopping off reluctantly when Edge dressed in his robes. A thin protection to face his…lover?...but better than nudity.
Only then did he make his way to the galley.
Rus was lying on one of the benches at the table, his long legs sprawled off the end. He didn’t sit up until Edge set out the food containers and the heavy, rich scent of cooked food filled the air.
“what are you killing us with today?” Rus asked at last, swinging his legs under the table.
He snagged one of the flimsicard containers, pulling out a noodle with his bare fingers and slurping it noisily. Rus only laughed when Edge slapped the back of his skull unhesitatingly, dropping an eating utensil in front of Rus with a pointed clatter.
“the creche master isn’t here to scold me,” Rus said coyly. A subtle dig, that one. He must’ve slept well while Edge was gone to be more playful than cruel.
There was some relief at that, outside of the tiny cut of his words; Rus’s nightmares were growing steadily worse.
On the nights that he didn’t run his mysterious errands, he always woke screaming, his sockets blank and dark, whatever memories haunting him concealed behind a wall in his mind.
He seemed rested enough today. Perhaps sleeping in the daylight hours was better for now despite the heat of the suns testing the cooling systems. Anything was better than waking to those awful screams.
Rus was making steady progress on the noodles and Edge opened his own container, suppressed hunger breaking free of its bonds.
The noodles were just this side of too salty, but the broth they were swimming in was satisfyingly rich. Slices of some fungi floated in it and the vegetables were unknown but crunched with alluring freshness. A meat option was available but Edge never ordered it. Unknown vegetables were acceptable in most cases, unknown meat, almost never.
The nutritional wafers were put away with the other preservable supplies. The small, grease-stained box, however, was pushed silently over to Rus.
Who opened it with wary curiosity to reveal a small, sugar-crusted cake. It cost an entire credit on its own, an almost unknown indulgence on this planet that Edge bought on impulse. Rus had always had a sweet tooth.
Rus didn’t comment on the cake, but his moan of appreciation as he devoured it spoke volumes. When it was gone, he licked a bony finger and dabbled in the box for the last of the crumbs. This time Edge let his lack of manners go. It might be some time before there were sweets again.
It was a pleasant meal, all things considered. So Edge was taken off guard when Rus abruptly asked, “what were you going to do after they killed me?”
“What do you mean? When who killed you?” It wasn’t uncommon for Rus to wander off on a mental tangent, leaving Edge struggling to catch up.
Rus slanted him a sideways look. The darkened circles beneath his sockets were ones of permanence, and his eye lights were coldly amused. “the jedi, of course. the council sent jedi to kill me.”
“I wasn’t there to kill you.” It was more truth than not.
Not enough. Rus’s smile curled into a sneer. “how charming, you were going to save me, were you?” He shook his head, pityingly. “do you really think that was the plan for the others?”
No. He didn’t. But he was sick of playing the role of enemy, sick of being the villain in Rus’s story. Distance gave some clarity and there were wrongs committed on both sides between them, Jedi and Sith, Edge and Rus, and Edge was weary of being the whipping boy. A cracked skull and the loss of all the Jedi was enough penance for anyone.
“what were you doing there?” Edge countered.
“me?” Rus looked at him in surprise. “my master sent me to javin for negotiations. it was beneath my skills, to be honest, and it seems he somehow forgot to tell me not only about the jedi hunting me down, but also about his little plan with the clone troopers.” He tutted sadly, but his fury colored the Force around them with bitter heat. “mind must be going, poor old thing.”
Rus’s grin was sour. “what i am sure about is that i wasn’t supposed to survive that little rendezvous. either the jedi were supposed to kill me or the clone troopers. you and i should be dead, jedi….ouch! stop, you brat!” Rus reached down and there was a clang from the slap of bone against metal, not nearly as loud as it could have been. “i wasn’t threatening him, i was stating a fact! would you mind calling off your watchdog before i kick him into a black hole?”
It was an idle threat but perhaps better to not take chances.
“BD-7, come here.” For a wonder, he did as he was told for once, sullenly trudging over to Edge. Honestly, he hadn’t realized droids had the capacity to glare before meeting this one.
But oddly, the growing tension was broken. The glowing rage in Rus’s eye lights dimmed to something thoughtful.
“why don’t you put your pet in a time out,” Rus said suddenly, “and you can come over here and fuck me.”
“You told me we were planning our next move tonight.” But the flare of heat in his soul and between his legs was willing to postpone.
“i am,” Rus licked his teeth, and the banked heat in his sockets was enticing rather than alarming. “i think better when i’m relaxed.”
By the time Edge wrangled the small, furious droid out the door, the empty food containers were scattered on the floor and Rus was atop the table, bare femurs spread and his legs dangling off the end from his bent knees.
Edge leaned over him, bracing his hands on the table, eye lights trailing over those slim, scarred bones. Rus tipped his skull up for a kiss and his heated amusement turned to confusion when Edge didn’t take it.
“You were right,” Edge told him, low. “If I couldn’t save you, I was going to kill you.”
“ah, there we are,” Rus only smirked up at him, a glittery shine in his eye lights. “well, according to jedi thinking, by killing me you would be saving me. what about now? have you learned to think for yourself, yet?”
“I wouldn’t hurt you,” Edge tried. It was a promise they’d shared before, both of them, broken time and again. It shouldn’t hurt when Rus called him on it.
“awww, you’ve already hurt me plenty, haven’t you, sweetheart.” And the laughter beneath those words was a wound of its own. “but if you’re promising not to kill me, i may take you up on it.” The sudden softness on his face, uncertain gentleness, sent another pang through Edge’s soul, a more tender wound. “thinking on your own, though, that takes a while, jedi. took me a long time. now, are you going to fuck me or are you waiting for me to top?”
Edge didn’t answer, couldn’t find the words for any part of that. Instead, he slid down, cutting off Rus’s startled protests by pressing his face to the softness between his legs, his cunt softer than any other part of Rus, even his soul.
He buried his tongue in that sweetness, over and over, until fingers were scrabbling at his skull and Rus was swearing in broken gasps. Until Rus braced a foot against his shoulder and pushed, only enough to give him leverage to pull Edge on top of him.
Both of them fumbled together at his trousers, fingers tangled with fabric and each other. When his cock was finally free, Edge wasted no time, only briefly slicking through those wet folds before pressing inside.
“ah, yes…fuck…hard-harder!” Rus slurred out. He didn’t wait, wrapped both legs around Edge’s pelvis and tried to drag him in.
Edge resisted, pressed in deep, waiting as Rus pleaded and clawed at him, waiting until that hoarse, begging voice broke.
Then he slowly withdrew, only to plunge back in in one long, hard stroke. Rus wailed as Edge rode him relentlessly, driving into him while Rus begged without shame. Their bodies crashed together, the table creaked and screeched with every thrust, jittering across the floor. Until it hit the wall and there it thumped, once, twice, and Edge threw his head back with a harsh groan as he came in that wet, trembling heat.
Gasping, he sagged down on Rus, ignoring his frustrated swearing. With effort, he managed to work a hand between them. Edge rocked his pelvis in short thrusts even as he softened inside him, circled the hard nub of his clit with a thumb until Rus shuddered, hands and cunt tightening convulsively as he toppled over his own peak.
Then there was nothing but panting, their sweat mingling as Edge managed to rise up shakily on his elbows. Rus didn’t quite respond to his soft kiss, parted his teeth drowsily but his tongue was lax against Edge’s coaxing one.
He didn’t protest when Edge shifted, breathed out a contented sigh as Edge carefully withdrew and fastened his trousers. Only snuggled into Edge’s arms when he picked Rus up, kicking aside the crushed food containers to carry Rus to their bed.
Edge set him gently onto the blankets and it was only a moment’s work to pull off his own robes, settling next to him. Their bond wasn’t opened, but softened, inviting a light press of thoughts and Edge did, curling up against Rus’s mind as he did the same to his body.
But the nightmare still came. Rus woke screaming in his arms and all Edge could do was hold him, soothe him with useless words.
Slowly, Rus settled. His body, always and never Edge’s, was thin and trembling beneath the blankets. His mind was a brick wall. Lying in the darkness, holding him close, Edge could only wonder at what was hidden behind the closed shutters of Rus’s mind.
Perhaps it was time to find out.
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italianfish · 5 years
Here’s some things that I’ve overheard recently
- That bridge was created by erosion
- Holy tolino that’s a nice tree!
- Ivy! There’s the guy we don’t like (Trump in a car)
- Why wouldn’t you want to be king? You could get corgis, they’re adorable
- That’s not an allergy, that’s a life choice
- Are you that one guy? Are you DongleMc DongleSon?
- Woooo! CHEMEX!
- I wonder what animal that is? Oh wait, it’s a log
- Just a cone, no ice cream. I don’t like ice cream
- My chicken BLT came without the chicken!
- I should have kept the headband from the tampons
- You’ve been reduced to a codename
- Hug, Marry, Exile, the Brucified sleepover game
- It’s just the toes
- Parf Tarts
- It’s crispy?!?!
- When I’m like, 60, I’m going to do drugs
- What really is life without watching Bob Ross?
- 13 YEARS!!!
- Stacy’s mom is Parker’s grandma~
- EmBruce it
- It’s not a water break, it’s a hydration break
- That bird is using a crosswalk!
- I don’t know any colleges in Massachusetts!
- What even is frick without frack
- I’m emotionally offended by your haircut
- That’s like a cat fart
- Someone just shat
- I’ll sue that movie, they stole my idea (Just finished watching Hotel Transylvania 3)
- See, Amanda. That’s your noise
- My mom told me that if you sleep with your phone under your pillow you get fat
- If he were gay he’d be adorable
- He’s racist to chairs
- Flarion is my boob
- Don’t throw the ball at the referee, it’ll hurt his feelings
- Fuck yeah, your name’s Keith
- Can you deep throat a firecracker?
- Your earlobe is soft
- I would sell my toes for my old hair
- It’s like eating a period, NO
- What a funny looking animal (Giraffe)
- Giraffes are the most ridiculous animals
- Ew, keep your ebola away from me
- Look at that glass shard, that must be uncomfortable
- Do sloths have ears?
- Lip jellies freak me out
- A: I have three boobs (Sloth in shirt) B: I have uh.... Arthritis
- Instagram knows I’m lonely
- Knock on any Nonna’s door and tell them you’re Jewish and they’ll pity you and throw you a feast
- But this time it’s just the nose
- I want Granny panties
- Why do we only have confidence when our shirts are off?
- Why is an 8 year old twerking on my leg
- She has curves, you have rectangles
- I’m depressed, give me your water
- Dude! I look like a freaking lion!
- My loofa unraveled...
- I’m eating ramen with a singular coffee straw
- These walls better be soundproof (Amanda loudly singing in the background)
- I’m ready for my 4am Taco Bell runs
- Wifi in Spanish is wee-fee
- I didn’t see the body
- We should crochet together
- Yeah! I was a baby model.
- I don’t know if he likes me or if he’s just the gay best friend
- Have you pooped this week? You need to poop
- You’ve got all your limbs and you’re ready to go
- I need affection
- Diego’s eating rocks again~
- Wait. You’re instagramming my dog?
- I love letting people know what I’m up to
- It’s so funny, it’s like the ying and the yang
- You’re in my world now Grandma
- Two nipples? I don’t need nipples
- You are one gassy fellow
- You’ve got a lot of nerve showing up on our side of the bus
- I can never tell if you’re just depressed or listening to music
- I’ve got a photo shoot coming up for a calendar, for hot teachers with 6-packs. I’m October
- 38 on rotten potatoes!
- I’m hungry, I’m delirious
- I love clapping thighs in the evening
- Dude, I’m so ready to mingle
- Do you have a magician book
- Let’s taste those minerals
- The sauce is forever
- Why is everything so straight
- The right nipples don’t deserve rights
- We used to have a zebra and he was vicious
- Very important, I forgot shoes
- You look like a lumber snack
- A: I’m the only one here who looks like a hobo B: Really? Say that again A: We can be hobos together
- Woah dude! Can we take a picture of you? *Truck next to the bus*
- What were you guys doing? Bathing yourselves in the toilet?
- I want to be those people in Wii sports (The background characters that make the noises)
- Then we can have a dance party in a prison cell!
- Most of the bible sounds like gay fanfics
- It’s Frozen all over again!
- I have my metal bus on the straw
- My mom told my Dad to not be a weenie
- I’m going to build my house doors really short so you can’t come in
- Do you want to be black with me?
- Are you the black man?
- How did chutes and ladders go sexual?
- What if there was a rotisserie chicken hanging from the ceiling
- No one said Californians are smart, they’re just hippies who smoke weed
- Stop losing me in airport bathrooms
- What’s with those muscular kneecaps
- Queers doesn’t shake hands
- I’m drowning! I’m not even in the water
- Is this baptism?
- Breakfast doesn’t deserve grace
- It’s not just airport bathrooms
- Ice Age, watch it, absorb it
- I call first waz
- If you’re saying waz you’re not fancy
- I have so many bodily fluids to get rid of
- Don’t eat the lotion samples
- Why are our shoes not curved
- I’m just a fat guy so everything is delicious
- My name is Gay Fieri
- *Monotone iCarly theme song*
- I love Chipoodle
- The others are just Bat-ships
- You ever tie a banana to a tree?
- Can we have a fashion show?
- I’m gonna waz myself
- That’s the Death Star again
- Why do you have glitter on you?
- I smoke the mara-ja-wanna
- I have a gelato emergency
- This is our entertainment for the day (Watching a (probably) crazy man dance)
- I have a lot of questions about pottery
- Ever since I was a small child I have found myself goo-goo-ga-ga
- There are too many cans
- We need to stop canning beans
- Forks are way better than spoons
- I hate spoons
- Do you not want two hours of smooth jazz
- A man just stole my nut
- That’s a really bad name for a gay bar
- Is your tongue comfortable in your mouth
- I’m a penguin enthusiast
- He kept force feeding me marshmallows
- Why would you judge a girl by her neck?
- Are there shampoo bars?
- Why would you want a shampoo bar?
- Don’t burn down the house
- Halloween is my day
- You want to be hydrated?
- Are you kidding me? Right in front of my salad?
- We can still cartwheel into a fiery ball
- It’s your last day of camp, why are you trying to land a plane
- There’s a scale from dude to bro to sir
- Gotta vacuum the bird
- I’m teaching my rabbit spanish
- Ok, who got the cheese on a bun???
- I feel like a wet lasagna
- You can get a star for Jazz???
- I have 3 bottles of hand sanitizer
- A- We make children cry! B- NO WE DON’T
- A- Can I have chicken on a plate? B- Chicken on a plate? A- Chicken on a plate
- I want to go to band to get sweaty
- Proactive, it helps your face
- The cult meeting is next week from 2-7
- This is so vegany
- I have shrimp for later
- It burns my eyes, I love it
- It’s not that we hate you, it’s just that sometimes we can’t stand you
- Locked and loaded for a photoshoot first period
- This chalk keeps following me
- Kinda like a Starbucks atmosphere
- How dare she learn how to drive
- You have to sing our anthem with us
- It fits right into the squiggle
- I’m immune to hot sauce (Downs little cup of hot sauce)
- How was fake meatloaf?
- Can you train a fish?
- I haven’t worn pants in a year
- It smells like yogurt
- I have ties for every holiday
- There’s no laws on the moon, so like, you could kill someone???
- Optional means I don’t do it
- I’m gonna cook your dog!!!
- Is that where we almost went to park jail?
- We don’t condone sporting
- I want to turn orange
- Let’s make a buzfeed quiz that tells you what bridge you are
- (In Spanish) Where is the milk?
- If silence is gold, duct tape is silver
- A: So, what are you guys doing? B: Drugs.
- Young successful jewish boy
- A: I’m fun size! *Friend laughter* B: I’m just short...
- A: Where’s my medal??? B: Up your ass
- I’m a leech
- If anyone’s getting salmonella, it’s going to be me
- Does it involve backflips?
- I get to see all the little children getting confused as you disappear into a chair
- I think someone stole my balls by now
- A- A plastic knife can cut another plastic knife B- Why did you cut a plastic knife? A- Dedication!
- A- Oh my god! B- What does this have to do with god? C- *Whispering* Everything
- You’re probably going to die of liver
- I’m a five year old! You can’t have that profanity in here!
- Hey kids get in the van, we’ve got free wifi
- That’s worse than 10 babies hanging from a tree
- Are you from the piggers of creation???
- A- You’re like an old married couple B- (From the distance) He started it!
- I am a Jesus Christ in a person!
- I will implant a chip in your ankle! And you won’t know which one!
- I’M AN AVATAR! AIR! (Nothing happens) AIR! (Still nothing)
- When I was on a plane, we started dropping 200 feet at a time, the funny thing was that half of the plane had just gotten their drinks so half the plane was soaked
- Is Christianity a cult?
- A- Do you have experiences with holes B- (Very Unsure) Yes
- I’m her bitch, not your bitch
- He has the IQ of half a ferret
- A- Did you read the game manual? B- The gay manual??
- I want the pleasure of whipping you
- One time I poured a glass of apple cider vinegar and I drank it
- I changed my name to Johnyay West
- Too much damage done to the duner
- On a scale to 1 to Bill Cosby
- Ariana Grande is a criminal
- A- It’s sticky B- Can I take that out of context? A- No
- It’s half past a freckle
- I need the crotch
- I don’t have imaginary friends. I don’t have friends.
- It’s like a mini fridge for pillows
- You hurt yourself with a stationary elbow
- My parents met at Burger King
- A- What’s the capital of Ohio B- Arkansas...?
- A- What do you do after school? B- Eat C- Sleep D- Cry
- Ask for cocaine, not Coca-Cola
- You stole my meme bro
- A- Where you the one who drank chocolate sauce? B- (Seemingly proud) Yes.
- The Kardashians are necessary in our society!!!
- I feel like a homeless prostitute
- Ya wanna share a fork
- Now you have a pile of hot cheese
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igonecrazy · 3 years
I.....I just...... something happened!
So here I was watching a dream..I was in an underground metro (rapid transit system) in my home city..which there is a metro in my city but not like what my brain has come up with..it has shuttle chute system for sending people to the ground alright..this is tangent.. anyway..I was down there and ...there was someone there who had been told to kill otherwise he'd be killed.. whatever had told him to kill had left a neat dangling arm pressing a lift button as sing that that would happen to the man if he doesn't and so he is like he'd have to kill..now the man was supposed to kill just one person but he took a bunch hostage..they were all familiar with each other since like daily transit buddies kinda..so now..he divides them up in group and is like those of you who survive imma let go..there's a couple of sisters in a group..and they're like..one of them is like leeching off the other with her partner..and well..so he's not feeding them..and I like..so they feed her pills to make her ill and then sell off her property to "buy" meds for her.. so he's not feeding them and I think the deal is the first one to ask for food dies and he lets the others go..and they look at the other sis like you know they're gonna eat her if it comes to it and even the guy is like 'huh? cannibalism?'
At this moment,
I had been feeling a tingling sensation in my leg..I'm between sleep..I feel my right thigh being caressed..and it's a heavy caress..it starts at my knee and at first am like it's in dream..and then am like what's happening..and then by the time it reaches close to my hip..now I'm fully up but the caress doesn't stop..i pick up my phone increase the brightness..I throw my blanket and I'm still feeling it on my leg..am sat up the caressing has stopped I turn on the torch on my phone look around of course there's nothing..I get out of bed..rush out of the door..on my way out I distinctly remember I turned the light on.. because that's what you gotta do to drive the ghouls away right? I HAD DONE THAT!
which is weird coz my mom looks at me as I walk up to her shooketh..and is like "what happened? Why didnt you turn the lights on!" For context I already am injured in my left leg..so she was worried I got hurt again..
And I'm like she'd realise that I did turn on when she goes to look so I don't bother answering that..I in my shook state..tell her something happened.. I tell her I felt something on my leg..now she goes to my room to check for intruder..which is when I'm standing watching her walk into my room and seeing her actually turn the light on..which as y'all remember I HAD!!!!
Now am in fucking tears..and my mom realises am not kidding..she tells me to check my bp 🙈 it's a lil high and my pulse rate was 90..which I was like expected!! I just had the spook of my life!
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Use A Self Mulching Lawn Mower For A Healthier And Greener Lawn
The easiest way to mulch your grass is by purchasing a self mulching lawn mower. As you mow, the grass clippings are dispersed evenly over the lawn. There are several benefits to mulching your grass clippings.
Food and Nutrients for Your Lawn
By returning the mulched grass to the lawn, you are putting nutrients and organic matter back into the soil. Did you know that by mulching, you can save up to 25% of your fertilizer costs? It's true! It's like a circle of life; as you cut down the grass, the nutrients in the decomposing clippings are helping the remaining grass to grow stronger and lusher.
Providing Weed Control
Having a layer of mulch on your lawn prevents the growth of weeds. By covering the lawn with mulch, weeds do not get the necessary sunlight needed to grow, so they will not leech valuable nutrients from the grass.
Keeping Soil Cool and Moist
Especially during the summer when it's hot and dry, mulching can help keep the soil cool and moist. Cool and moist soil is the optimum environment for growing a healthy lawn. It also cuts down on watering the lawn. Water conservation is a major issue, and in many parts of the country, there are strict rules on how often you can water your lawn. If you practice mulching, you can help conserve water.
Save Time, Energy and Money
When we mulch, we're not contributing to the waste in our landfills. Mulch is an organic matter that not only decomposes but provides nutrients to our lawn. Why waste time bagging when you can just leave the mulch to do its job? You're not only saving time and energy that would've been spent on bagging the clippings; you're also saving money by not having to buy garbage bags. The best leaf mulching lawn mowers are specially designed to cut grass into smaller pieces and spread them evenly over your lawn. The key difference between a leaf mulcher vs. a non-mulching mower is how well the grass clippings are distributed across the lawn surface. If the clippings are not uniformly distributed, they will not decompose properly, causing a thatch problem on your lawn. The Advanced Chute System is a type of mower accessory that can easily fit all zero-turn mowers.It offers several advantages, including reduced clean up time, increased safety, a decrease in the liability, and more. So, if you are looking for a suitable accessory for your lawnmower, the Advanced Chute System is the right choice. For more information, feel free to call at 870-698-1835 or 866-698-1835 (Toll-Free). You can also visit https://advancedchutesystem.com.
0 notes
calebhpeters · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
waiting since 2004 for a new sidescrolling metroid !!! finally
make sure to look at the printable version—the back is barely legible on the presentation for some reason, might try to fix that later somehow.
IMAGE CREDS: Omega Metroid: http://methuselah3000.deviantart.com Metroid (back), Waver, Chute Leech, Hornoad : http://yedi.deviantart.com Metroid (front), Metroid Hatchling: http://lancer-idenoure.deviantart.com Template: Edward Pines' ( http://etschannel.deviantart.com ) Cartridge Template: Nerdysimmer ( http://vgboxart.com/resource/1505/3ds-template/ ) Everything else came from the E3 2017 official press kit.
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beetleboo · 7 years
0 notes
Sailing Beginner Terms - Sails
In this article of cruising novice, I will be talking about cruising terms related with sails. All in all there are three general sorts of sails known as the Mainsail, Jib, and the Spinnaker utilized for downwind cruising. The principle cruise is ordinarily triangular fit as a fiddle and the highest point of the sail is known as the head where the halyard rope is appended for raising it up on the pole. The base of the sail is known as the Foot.
The Tack is the place the sail is joined to the blast and is situated on the base luff side of the mainsail or the side nearest to the pole. The Clew is the place the sail is appended to the blast and is situated on the base parasite side of the mainsail on the inverse end of the pole. As said the Luff is on the pole side of the mainsail and runs the length of it. The Leech is the inverse side of the mainsail and runs the whole length from the base or the foot to the head or best of the sail.
In spite of the fact that there are different sorts of sails, the mainsail is the workhorse of all. It permits the cruising vessel the capacity to cruise up or down breeze. All things considered, as a cruising tenderfoot, you might need to utilize only the mainsail at first when attaching upwind. Else it can be overpowering to control two sails without a moment's delay particularly in high winds! The mainsail can likewise be reefed in high winds, which is just lessening the region of the sail. More about reefing in my next article. So fundamentally the mainsail is the most adaptable of the three general sorts of sails since it can be utilized as a part of all cruising applications, procedures, and unfavorable climate conditions.
The following kind of sail utilized is known as a Jib and this is the thing that I have on my Renken stash cruiser. Jibs are situated before the pole, triangular fit as a fiddle, and are the principle wellspring of impetus while going upwind or cruising into the breeze. The Genoa is like the jib, yet covers the mainsail when set up, dissimilar to the jib's parasite side that remaining parts before the mainsail. The Gennaker is a half and half of both the genoa and a spinnaker that was created in the 1990's and is utilized fundamentally to race. Most regular of the three are jibs and in all likelihood as a cruising tenderfoot, it's undoubtedly the sail you will utilization of the accessible headsails.
Likewise as an expression of alert, please make an effort to remain cautious utilizing the jib when cruising in high winds, particularly on the off chance that you are cruising opposite to the breeze. Just as of late while cruising, I was swindled into imagining that the breeze was not too awful and raised my jib cruise while cruising downwind. It was smooth cruising up to that point until the point when I was compelled to make a starboard turn since I needed to explore around a state of arrive on my port side. I controlled my cruising vessel into a port correspond or gybe, and the greater part of the sudden a blast of twist of more than 15 ties hit me so hard that I was barely shy of taking in water on my port side.
Now, my adrenaline place me into high apparatus and I put as a lot of my weight on the starboard side practically sitting straightforwardly in favor of the vessel, and was pondering on hopping on the bottom on the off chance that I was capable. It was either that or escape!
For this situation, I settled on the split choice to remain on board. So with my hands white knuckled to the tiller pushed far from me, I could balance the drive of the breeze and upright my vessel. Mind you this is a 1,200 pound sailboat with a capsize 400 pounds! Furthermore, I was courageous cruising that day, however I was capable with much trouble to recover the jib while I had my Renken in irons while amidst the lake.
The last most ordinarily utilized of the three general sorts of sails is the spinnaker. The Spinnaker likewise called the Kite or Chute is utilized for cruising downwind or when the breeze is behind you. Much like a parachute, the spinnaker tops off with air and makes a greatest measure of lift, subsequently impelling the cruising vessel forward while going downwind. Since a spinnaker can be double the measure of the mainsail, it requires more push to raise and to recover it. I trust that this gives you a general thought of the cruising rudiments related with sails. In my next article, I will examine reefing. Upbeat Sailing!
0 notes
blinksmiles · 7 years
Happy Birthday
Nineteen years ago,
You picked up a bag of sand
And carried it with you 
Across countries.
Nineteen years ago,
You let a leech suck on your flesh
And drain you from life.
You let it stay.
Three years ago,
You started to slow down
And maybe considered leaving the bag of sand;
Maybe considered pulling out the leech.
One year ago,
The sand got heavier
And the leech got thirstier,
But you kept pushing forward.
One month ago,
I broke a few things
That I could not fix;
That I could not replace.
You looked at me
As if I was a stone in your shoe;
Something you wished were gone;
And suddenly I wished I was.
One week ago,
I broke myself.
I could not be fixed,
And I remembered what I am.
I am a bag of sand.
I am a leech.
I am nineteen years of wasted time.
I am nineteen years of punishment.
Throw me down the garbage chute
Or leave me in the street;
Turn back the time;
Rewind to 98.
Make me disappear.
Push me away.
Spare yourself 
From this heavy weight.
Nineteen years ago,
An unwanted child was born.
Crying in fear;
Crying in pain.
Nineteen years ago,
A child should not have been born.
But happy birthday anyway.
Please send me away.
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