weeblmaodotcom · 1 year
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Horikoshi cleverly hints Re-Destro 11 years before his debut in a Guitar Hero: World Tour Quickplay menu?? :o , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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sathiray · 24 days
CleverlyBox Review- Maximum Delivery of High Email with system
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In today's fast-paced world, where efficiency and productivity are crucial, the right tools can significantly impact your success. CleverlyBox is the ultimate personal assistant, crafted to simplify your daily tasks and boost your productivity. This cutting-edge platform blends advanced technology with an intuitive interface, making it an essential tool for both personal and professional life. With CleverlyBox, you can manage your time more efficiently, stay organized, and effortlessly achieve your goals.
Generate More Leads from LinkedIn
Cleverly excels at helping users generate more leads and boost sales through LinkedIn. It’s one of the most highly-rated and successful LinkedIn-focused platforms available today.
A Range of Additional Services
While LinkedIn lead generation is its primary focus, Cleverly also offers other services, such as SEO content and blog writing, LinkedIn recruitment, white-label lead generation, and more.
Minimal Effort Required
One of the key benefits of Cleverly is that the platform handles much of the heavy lifting for you. With automation in list building and message sending, your workload is significantly reduced.
Learn More About LinkedIn Selling
Cleverly serves as an educational resource, enhancing your understanding of LinkedIn as a powerful sales channel. Many users report a significant increase in their LinkedIn knowledge after using the platform.
Excellent Customer Support
Cleverly stands out for its top-tier customer support. The team is not only responsive and friendly but also offers US-based account managers for subscribers, providing personalized strategy calls and advice.
Cleverly is a fully online service, meaning there's no need to download software or install files on your device. To get started, simply visit the Cleverly platform using your internet browser and set up an account.
If you’re new to Cleverly, it’s a good idea to begin with a free consultation. This initial step helps you understand how the platform can support your business growth by generating additional leads through LinkedIn, ultimately expanding your network of contacts.
After the consultation (if you choose to have one), the next step is to select a payment plan that suits your needs and finalize your account setup. Once your account is ready, you can log in and start using Cleverly to build your prospect list.
Cleverly excels at this stage, utilizing high-performing data to create a targeted and qualified list of your ideal LinkedIn prospects. You can search for prospects based on various criteria such as industry, company size, and job title, ensuring that your list is highly relevant.
With your prospect list in hand, the next step is to craft personalized messages to send out. Cleverly is known for its data-driven, customized messaging, which tends to yield better responses compared to generic, AI-generated messages.
After sending out your messages, all that’s left to do is wait for responses. As replies start coming in, you can take over manually, engage with prospects, and work towards closing deals and making sales.
CleverlyBox is a sophisticated email marketing automation tool built to streamline and elevate your business's email marketing operations. Serving as an all-in-one solution, it integrates the features of multiple email marketing tools into a single, powerful platform, making it perfect for managing transactional emails, marketing campaigns, and cold outreach.
read more : https://bit.ly/4gngAFF
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imspardagus · 7 months
The nice Mr Cleverly
Back in the 50s, my family drove through the rural backwaters of Middlesex in our Old Ford Anglia (the model before the one with racy styling that Harry Potter trashed, built like a set of boxes on wheels. The sort of thing Childe Boris might have constructed out of cornflake packets and painted as black as his heart). We were headed to the village (you heard me) of Kenton to visit my surviving Great Uncle and his two sisters.
The sisters were “maiden aunts”. I should explain for the younger audience that a “maiden aunt” was, in those days, an aunt who had the good sense to avoid, or lacked the qualities needed to attract, a husband. I don’t know if there was an actual equivalent descriptor for an uncle who had had similar good fortune, but there were numerous examples of brothers and sisters living out their lives in platonic mutuality. This was before social media and any aspersions cast upon such people were left to village gossips.
But I digress. The point I was headed for when I rudely interrupted myself was that, of the two ageing ladies, one was known as “the nice Miss Colbert”. And the reason she was thus known was because she wasn’t always unpleasant to people.
What a great accolade! To be regarded as nice simply because from time to time you curbed your waspish proclivities. Even as a child, hearing my usually reticent Dad (he would have said “diplomatic” or “discreet”; he was a lifelong civil servant) describe her thus, I felt that this was not something to take pride in. My Mum’s take on “good manners” was “never offending other people” (which I also came to question in time. Some people are so offensive that you cannot help offending them. Just be nice about it!).
But that is just the background to my point, which I will now attempt to make.
James Cleverly, probably the most inappropriately named member of the present government now that Chris Pincher has left, has acquired a reputation for being – yes an idiot – but a benign idiot. But hearing him acting up to the populist draw of his recent appointment as Home Secretary (which, let’s face it, had more to do with making room for that pink-faced PR liability, Cameron than with any ministerial merit on Mr Cleverly’s part), I can’t help drawing comparisons with the “nice” Miss Colbert.
In short, do we only think of him as the “nice” Mr Cleverly because he is not always a viscous Tory arsehole? Looking at his most recent positional takes, I am beginning to think that we do.
I accept that, unlike my maiden aunt, Mr Cleverly has the excuse that despite, or possibly because of, his legendary stupidity, he retains an astonishing ambition, not merely to remain a member of the gross insult to the Conservative Party that the nasty racist rabble current holding the party to ransom have made of it, but to lead it. Why is beyond me to reason. I could better understand the egregious Matt Hancock’s desire to participate in “I’m a Celebrity”. Maybe he is short of the readies but frankly prostitution, or writing for the Guardian, would be a more honourable way of filling his bank account if so.
But I find it hard to believe that James Cleverly is happy with the level of unprincipled wickedness he is espousing. He’s got the job, he doesn’t have to try to outdo his two morally repugnant predecessors.
You don’t have to be left wing to see that the Rwanda concentration camp model that the Home Office has been wedded to under Braverman and Patel as a “solution” to the refugee crisis is utterly devoid of merit even as a bit of electoral PR. The figures alone do not add up (one jumbo jet’s load of refugees for £400 millions: £1.8 millions per refugee, according to the NAO). And the want of humanity is staggering.
And now he is limbering up to place further curbs on political protest. “Political protest” is, of course, a tautology. All protest, other perhaps than a child’s protest at having to eat up all his greens, is political. Politics, as my old constitutional law lecturer tried to drum into us, is about power. Protest happens because the people with the power are not listening to the people without it. It may not be textbook democratic, but, pitched against that standard, it beats the office of Home Secretary hands down. Or any of the other ministerial and sub-ministerial unelected appointments, for that matter.
The present Administration of All the Shysters has made catastrophically damaging inroads into our age-old right to protest and done so on the most specious of grounds, threat to national security, for which there is no, repeat, no, evidence. Their true motivation is to control the message – in other words, to exercise a monopolistic command over what we hear each other saying - which, let’s face it, is all they have. But, and I wish there was a less dramatic word I could use here, that is a core fascistic ambition. Straight from the playbook of the worst examples of tyrannous depravity.
It is no use trying to persuade us that if we don’t like our government our answer is through the ballot box. This is not a democratic nation. The main parties have, across the centuries, made sure of that. And even if the electoral system did enable the making of free and informed choices, which it does not, once in four or five years is just not good enough. As we have seen with “austerity” and brexit and the environment and the economy and public services, a lot of lasting damage can be done in four years. A government is not just for Christmas. It is supposed to act in the best interests of the nation, and be accountable to the nation, at all times. Protest is a part of that. A legitimate part of it.
So, back to the “nice” Mr Cleverly. What we are getting from him just now is not at all nice. It is, in fact, authoritarian, manipulative and downright shameful: anti-British, if you like. Is that who he is, or just how he thinks he has to pretend to be? And if it is the latter, can he just think it out again, please? I really don’t think he is a bad man, but it would be “nice” if he didn’t think he has to be.
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moongalovesbally · 1 year
From London with Love💕 UK invests over £3 Billion in Zambia
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The UK will invest £2.5 billion in Zambia's mining x renewable energy sectors x also inject a whooping £650 million into Zambian SMEs, bringing the total investment to a dazzling £3.15 BILLION🥳
This financial infusion will generate multitude of jobs in Zambia while also flourishing the economies of both our nations🇬🇧😍🇿🇲
This exciting progress comes on the heels of the recent visit by UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly to Zambia.
His visit marks a historic milestone in the enhancement of UK-Zambia relations, as Cleverly becomes the first foreign secretary to visit Zambia in 37 years.
A heartfelt round of applause goes out to the UK, Cleverly x President Hichilema, whose collective efforts have orchestrated this grand x monumental undertaking.
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windowsloth · 6 months
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zhak vo’n’ash duj, source of my bruises
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bunedycom · 2 years
İngiltere'den çok sert İran açıklaması
İngiltere’den çok sert İran açıklaması
İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanı James Cleverly, diplomatların da katıldığı İngiltere Dışişleri Bakanlığında düzenlenen bir programda, İngiliz dış politikasına ilişkin konuştu. Ülkesinin bugüne kadar elde ettiği başarıyı en iyi şekilde sürdürebilmesi için uluslararası müttefikleri ve yeni ortaklarıyla çalışması gerektiğini belirten Cleverly, şu değerlendirmelerde bulundu: “Önümüzdeki yıllarda, dünya…
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keydekyie · 10 months
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Go you funky little SecUnit! Go!
(One of my favorite scenes from the newest Murderbot novel: System Collapse)
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sayruq · 6 months
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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The excellent Hillywood Show parodies of Good Omens (with a bit of Staged) and Doctor Who ...or a collection of Hilly Hindi being David Tennant
Congratulations to @thehillywoodshow for yet another extremely clever, gorgeous parody with amazing attention to detail! Well done!
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imspardagus · 10 months
Cleverly pulls it off again
The shiny private jet plane touched down and skidded to a halt. Almost immediately the door in the fuselage swung open and steps unfolded then out stepped a bulky, bearded, dark-suited man. He paused at the top of the steps and blinked at the vast whiteness of Antarctica that lay before him, then waved a cheery greeting to no-one in particular. If the wave had had a voice it would have called, “Look at me. Aren’t I wonderful?”
James Cleverly had been upset about giving up his Foreign Secretary role. He liked traversing the world in the luxury of his tax-payer funded jet, pretending that he mattered. Okay, Rishi’s taxpayer-funded jet, but he had got to use it a lot before the reshuffle. Now, as Home Secretary, he had had to settle for the PM’s helicopter when Rishi didn’t need it to pop out to the shops down the road.  So when the chance arose to head off around the world in search of somewhere to dump refugees he’d jumped at it. 
“Get me on a plane, now,” he’d barked at his private office, “and take me somewhere “safe”. Somewhere with no human rights problems.”
He was in luck, David Cameron was at the tailor’s looking at ermine swatches and Rishi was hiding under the desk so the jet was free.
Skipping down the steps, flashing his favourite scarlet Father Christmas socks, James approached the waiting crowd. It was a good turnout. He estimated possibly a thousand smartly dressed individuals all in close formation. This was his kind of audience, regimented and respectful, and, above all, paying him attention.
As he approached the welcoming party, he was struck by how alike they all looked. It was just like addressing the party conference. He walked confidently up to one of them and, in the slightly loud, slightly slow voice that he had perfected for talking to foreigners, asked, “Are you the Head of State round here?”
The figure in front him blinked and shuffled slightly, then replied amiably, “That’ll be Eric. He’s an emperor. I’m just a king. Name’s Charlie.”
Cleverly liked the idea of doing business with an actual emperor. It suited his sense of self-worth. A great man like him should be talking to the organ grinder, not the monkey. “Which one is Eric, then?” he asked. 
“The big ones, over there,” replied Charlie. He extended a wing in the direction of a small group of appreciably larger birds occupying a slightly raised hillock of snow.
“Lovely talking to you, your … your Majesty,” Cleverly gabbled and strode off towards the group. Talking penguins, eh? Of course! Another triumph for Mickey’s Levelling Up programme, I guess. He must have seen all this white powder and wanted his snout in the trough.
As he neared them he was again aware of how difficult it was to tell them apart, so, using his powerful intellect, he quickly came up with a ruse, one that justified his name, “Er, which one of you is Eric?” he enquired, boldly.
“We all are,” came the concerted reply, “‘Cept for the females. They’re Erica.” The ruse had, for some reason not clear to Cleverly, failed. 
“No,” Cleverly faltered, “I mean Eric the Emperor.”
‘Like we said, we all are, ‘cept for the females. They’re Erica.”
It’s just like being in the Tory Party, Cleverly thought. Everyone believes he’s in charge. He tried a different tack. “I was told by King Charlie that one of you was the actual leader.”
“Which King Charlie,” the reply again in unison.  “They are all King Charlies. ‘Cept for the females, they’re…”
“Charlottes?” offered Cleverly, eager to move things along.
“Carolines,” came the reply. Cleverly had the feeling he wasn’t getting anywhere.
“Look,” he ventured, “Cut to the chase, since the woke lefty judges spoiled our little Rwanda plan, we have an urgent need to find somewhere else to offload our illegal immigrants – you know the sort of thing, make their lives so uncomfortable they will want to go home. I have a treaty here,” he patted his breast pocket, “which would guarantee you millions of pounds if you could take a few hundred of them.”
“Not much use to us, mate,” said one of the emperors, “Even Amazon don’t deliver out here. Now if you was talking millions of fish we might be interested.”
Cleverly was stumped. He knew one of the upsides of Brexit had been the destruction of the UK’s fishing industry, as a direct result of which deaths at sea had plummeted to an all-time low but suicides had gone up, at a great saving to the public purse. Another win. But did the penguins know that? He’d be lucky to find 400 fish, let alone 400 million. Using all the skills of a Cabinet Minister, he lied. 
“Okay, 400 million assorted fish. We can do business. But first I need to check, you don’t have any human rights problems round here, do you?”
The penguin he had been addressing snorted. “No humans, mate. Not for miles.”
Cleverly felt a great wave of relief engulf him. Here was another success to chalk up.
“Great, well let’s seal the deal.”
At the word “seal” there was great consternation. The message quickly spread across all the penguins present. “He said seal! Where? Where?” and they all turned about and waddled off as fast as they could.
“Was it something I said?” Cleverly whimpered. “I thought we were having a whale of a time.”
A little while later, as they watched the shiny jet plane take off, King Charlie leaned over to Emperor Eric and whispered, “Whoever named that species “Cleverly” got that seriously wrong.” 
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juniemunie · 8 months
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Broskis ts!underswap is so fun. every single part of it is *chefs kiss*
I went in completely blind and honestly i think it was the best move i could have made
i love how its just swapped roles but not personalities so it leads to stuff like this its so creative
Anyways have some more self insert sansnomaly (and chara)
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dezimaton · 4 months
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a fan of his new gold touched eye & queen's blood'n 🟡🩸
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theraedar · 11 months
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Happy Halloween from the Schoenheit family 🎃🧡 there’s 3 hidden mickeys this time!
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doverstar · 6 months
was today years old when discovering that the eleventh doctor wears leather trousers. his trousers are made of black leather. Black leather with the ends rolled up and I. have no idea what to think-
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shepherds-of-haven · 7 months
You should make the "You brilliant bitch" line a running gag. Like whenever a character other than MC does or says something smart, there should be an option to say it.
Imagine saying that to Riel or Blade 😭
Blade: "I'm sending our big players away from base so that they're conveniently 'on missions' during the Inquisitors' inspection"
MC: "You brilliant bitch"
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jevilowo · 30 days
SO one of Sniper's character descriptions (either the one on the website or the wiki) claims that he spent his time before the gravel wars as "a tracker of dangerous game". On top of that, we know that comic 4 confirms he's about thirty in 1973, and so would have been hired at about 19/20 in 1962.
This almost seems to imply Sniper’s first actual assassination job was the gravel wars, and before that he only hunted animals. Thinking about it, that actually kind of explains stuff about his character!
In Meet the Sniper, Sniper is DETERMINEDLY professional, and won't shut up about how actually it's a Great Job and he has Ethics and a Moral Code and STANDARDS! Meanwhile in the game he's a lunatic who yells slurs at the enemy team and pisses in jars.
If we look at this erratic behaviour, one's first thought is "man they really went and retconned him for his trailer lol". If we look at it again, with the assumption that he only just started killing people like a month ago (the meet the team vids are Very Early on the timeline), it's giving
"gamer boy who has to say erm achtually gaming doesnt cause violence it improves motor skills and creativity every three seconds and then in the next breath wishes death upon whoever suggested gaming could possibly have negative effects on people"
Imagine. You are young and just got this pretty cool albeit questionable job sniping and this fuckass director and your dad have the gall to SUGGEST sniping is not in fact a good job mate?? LAY ON THE FUCKING CHARM! Tell them all the wonderful things about killing people for money, and erm achtually everything they say (youre not a crazed gunman and you dont have feelings!! Jeez).
And once they've buggered off go back to your regularly scheduled piss throwing. Who cares. It gets the job done. Get rekt.
CONCLUSION, he's sillay. And he's way more jaded in the lore comics because he's older and wiser and his parents are dead :( And he now has the maturity to genuinely stick to his moral code (as seen when he kills the classic sniper immediately and only berates him afterwards for not being professional - polite, efficient, plan to kill yadda yadda).
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