#Cody needs a hug
jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Whumpril Day 30: Hand Holding
Fandom: Star Wars The Clone Wars
Warning: violence
Summary: Obi-wan and Cody really like holding hands. Also be careful of the shady guy in the trees.
  Obi-wan stood with his commander. The two liked being close. As they explained their mission plan they held hands; the table being high enough to hid it.
    The warmth of their hands together felt nice. It was gentle and loving. Both men found it comforting. It was risky but something they were willing to do.
    The Jedi's sin was on display when they stood so close together or held hands. Nither was big on pda but they liked being close; it made them feel safe.
    The meeting would end and the lovers walked to get ready for the mission. Everything had been going to plan; for once. Most of the droids had been defeated. Some escaped into the woods.
    After the scouts split off from the rest of its company they attempted to find some remaining droids. The trees stood tall, around 320 feet. The trunks were wide. The bark was a dark brown and the leaves where a variety of colors, mostly black and red.
    Something felt eerie about the forest.
Maybe it was just the trees looming over them. The scouts split off in groups of two and were instructed to go no further then half of a mile and to meet back in around 30 minutes.
    Obi-wan went with Cody. Wooly and Boil pushed for it. The group of people all seemed to push for it. Even though the two where suspicious of the reasoning they decided it was fine.
    Everyone split up. Obi-wan and Cody talked while they walked. When they got as far out as they were ment to go something cought the Jedi's eye. Someone was moving in the trees.
    The figure was tall. They seemed to fit in with the tree leaves. Then Kenobi realized who it was. His chest tightened and he grabbed Cody's hand and quickly pulled him behind the closet tree.
    He placed his back against the tree. He raised his other arm up and put a finger over Cody's mouth when he started to ask what was going on.   
   Obi-wan tighter his grip on Cody's hand. They stood only inches apart. The Jedi leaned over to the soldier; slightly on his tippy toes, to whisper something.  "Maul."
    Cody looked shocked. He pulled Obi-wan closer. He didn't need the force to know he was scared.
   "Go find the others. Get them far away from here" Obi-wan whispered.
    "Okay. Are you going to be okay?"
    The general didn't get a chance to answer. Maul turned the corner of the tree, "found you."
    Obi-wan turned quickly and grabbed at his lightsaber. He missed. Cody saw and pulled him back as Maul swung his own at the two. He swung again and Cody cought the blade. He yelped and stumbled back. However Obi-wan was still holding his hand.
    Not registering anything other than that Cody was hurt the Jedi moved in front of him, actually grabbing his lightsaber this time. He looked back at Cody and realized something. There was no way for him to still be holding his with as far as he was.
    Maul stood back to let the horrifying truth set in. Obi-wan lifted his right arm in front of him and screamed, dropping the hand that he had been holding on to. He looked back at Cody.
    Trying to shake that off the man turned his attention back to the sith, lightsaber now resting in both of his hands.
    "Commander, are you alright?"
    "Yes sir."
    "If you can, stay with what I told you."
    "Yes sir."
    Cody stood carefully. He held the area above where his hand had been severed.
    Maul started fighting Obi-wan; taunting him as he did. "Who's your friend Kenobi" he hissed.
    "That's my commander." Obi-wan feared losing him. He had already lost so much because of Maul. Qui-gon, Satine, innocent people, parts of himself all burned or laid to rest because of him. Cody wouldn't be added to that list, he couldn't.
    The commander made his way to the meeting place. Maul tried to kill him but Kenobi was able to stop him. Cody felt weak and sort of stumbled into the tiny clearing, still surrounded by trees.
    "Took you long enough, we were about to come" Wooly tone changed from joking to confused, "find you."
    "Commander." One of the soldiers ran up to him, helping him sit down. "I think you're missing something." He gestured to the other's arm.
    "I know."
    "Where is the general?" One of the other men asked.
    "There's a sith" he stated weakling.
    "We can't just stand here! We have to help him!"
    "We can't. He'll be okay."
    And he was. The match ended with Maul having to make a quick escape do to a problem with his lightsaber. Obi-wan didn't chase after him because of injuries. He looked down at where Cody's hand still lay. Debating if he should take it back to the ship he decided not to; it was too late to reattach it anyway.
    Obi-wan limped back to the Negotiator. The others were waiting. It might have been the first time that the Jedi went straight to the medical bay conscious. He always insisted there was something he could help with.
    When Obi-wan saw Cody he felt the relief wash over him. He walked over to his bed despite Wooly trying to get him to lay down. He was asleep or unconscious; he wasn't sure. The man smiled and allowed Wooly to help him over to a bed of his own.
    After both of them were released from the med bay the couple would talk. "You and Anakin match."
    "Ha, I guess we do."
    Cody took Obi-wan's hand and led him down the mall. The two walked to the generals quarters and went inside. They laid down; Cody morphing his body around Kenobi. He grabbed his hand and snuggled in. Everything would be just fine.
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felixeis003 · 2 years
cody headcanon
headcanon that cody grew so used to making tea every day for obi-wan that he still does so even after order 66 with his mind control chip even though he doesn’t really understand why
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izzystizzys · 3 months
TW: discussion of something approximating suicidal tendencies but with the usual crack programming of this blog
“Ah, High General Windu”, says Fox, pleasantly. “So we meet again.”
High General Windu raises an unimpressed eyebrow at him, Fox thinks, though it’s getting hard to tell with all the blood rushing to his head. “If I let you go, will you try to throw yourself out of another window?”
Fox makes a vague shrugging motion - or tries to, anyways. It’s hard to tell where any of his limbs are going, hanging upside down in the air as he is. “I am willing to discuss terms.” A bridge will do just fine.
Impossibly, the High General’s eyebrows climb even further up his forehead. “A compromise, then, esteemed Commander.” And so, he righths Fox the head way up in the air, but leaves him floating just above the ground, at which point several painted shells come skidding around the corner followed by billowing robes and screeches.
“You’ll short out your helmet mic”, Fox advises him, sagely. Fondly, he thinks back to decimating his own on only his second time in the newly-christened official Coruscant Guard Scream Closet. He’d just received the comm about the Zillo Beast being transported to 000, and made sure to take his bucket off thereafter to improve the quality of his closet time.
High General Windu’s face does something complicated between sympathy and constipation.
Because the Galaxy doesn’t hate Fox enough already and Cody wasn’t enough on his own, Wolffe elbows his way through their batch to plant himself in front of him, shoulders squared and shaking with repressed rage. “If you try that again, dickhead”, he begins, in a low growl that quite frankly sounds more cringe that intimidating, “I’m going to resurrect you and then kill you again.”
“Ah, Wolffe”, Plo Koon says, in his deep, shivery timbre, “Remember our conversations about effective conflict resolution and communication of needs?”
Wolffe’s eyes narrow at Fox, because all non-Guard are sweet summer children who walk around buckets off on 000 like absolute lunatics. Fox prays they never have to find out why that’s a bad idea. “I feel”, his ori’vod presses out between clenched teeth, “that if you make me watch you throw yourself out of another window, I’m going to jump after you and strangle you on the way down, you little bitch.”
“That’s fair”, says Fox, and watches High General Kenobi bury his face in his hands. Wolffe twitches in place and makes an aborted groaning noise, the hypocrite.
“Excuse me, High Marshall Commander Fox, but I fail to see what’s so dire about this situation that the Jedi High Council and your brothers cannot help you solve”, says Windu, the only sane one left on this Force-forsaken bloated corpse of a planet. Behind the gaggle of Jedi and ori’vode already gathered in front of Fox, the rest of them come veering around the corner in a commotion that’s quite frankly embarrassing. High General Yoda is mounted on Skywalker’s back like he’s a race-Eopie, which is Fox’ only consolation.
He got up this morning at 0300, bleary-eyed and with a pounding headache as always, and all was right in the world. And then Fox got called into the Jedi High Council’s chambers and was ceremoniously informed that in the wake of Chancellor Palpatine’s unfortunate demise (hah), and through the emergency state of the Senate, as well as several invented promotions foisted on Fox to make the delegation of any and all paperwork less shady, he was now next in the chain of command and-
Well, Fox is the acting Chancellor, in short.
Haha, he had said, and been meet with several seconds of silence, until it got both awkward and exceedingly painful. Wait, he’d said. You’re kriffing serious.
Kriffing serious, we are, had said High General Yoda, and thus Fox launched himself out the first best window with a maniacal cackle of, you’ll have to catch me first!
And catch him, High General Windu sure did.
“The will of the Force this is”, Yoda interrupts Fox’ train of thought. He scans him thoughtfully from beneath his wizened brow, and hems to himself. “Shake things up, this will. Determine the fate of the Galaxy, this shall. A feeling, I have, that a good Chancellor you will make. A better one, hmmm.”
“That’d be high praise, if not for the fact that a dead lemming would make for a better Chancellor than the last one”, says Fox, drawing and indignant gasp from Skywalker. He doesn’t bother with either that or the green goblin’s cackle, lost in the deep sense of resignation that settles over his shoulders like a suffocating blanket.
“Alright, then, get me Thorn on the comm. As my first act in office, I’m firing all the Jedi. No offense, but you’re kind of a disaster. Then, someone get me to the Chancellor’s office, I’m calling Dooku to let him know the war’s off. And please get me Judicial, they’ll be up all night working on my datafolders - I’m having the Senate arrested.”
“Who - is - arresting - “, Bly pants, hands on his knees from where he’s just come sprinting around the corner with his Jedi.
Underneath his bucket, Fox smiles a smile that’s all teeth. “The Senate”, he says, sweetly, wondering if he’s just imagined the shiver that’s gone through the room. “I’m suing the Senate, and taking them all into temporary custody for abuse of sentient rights.”
#commander fox#corrie guard deserves better#sw tcw fic idea#look fox has been planning this coup for a while okay he just needed to adjust and get over the initial reaction of Fuck No#if they’re sentient enough for their signatures to have authoritative quality on military reports and to be promoted to chancellor on a#technicality then they’re sentient enough for everything to be victims of systemic oppression and abuse#fox still does not want this position and will yeet it the literal second bail organa isn’t watching his step religiously#a custody battle ensues between Corries and GAR ori’vode for who grts to tackle him (affectionate)#it is solved by getting a bigger room so they can all do it at once#thorn makes a point of jamming his elbow in some soft places. cody and co are disgruntled but accepting of this#he has a bit of a point admittedly and wolffe has to promise not to threaten murder again#plo makes him go to another Effective Interpersonal Communication Seminar (it’s the fifth that year)#anakin is initially outraged on padme’s behalf but she could literally not be happier#fully supportive of being arrested in the name of Fox’ Good#we can still do book club though right she asks. visiting hours don’t apply to chancellor probably#fox shrugs. it’s his next act as chancellor#count dooku: live slug reaction#the systemic issues fuelling the war cannot be solved with a phone call but in absence of someone with two braincells to rub together#the whole thing loses steam and strategy steadily#look it was always a sham that house of cards of a republic/confederacy was waiting to be blown over by literally any light breeze#general grievous implodes from pure rage. legend has it his last word was KENOBAAYYYYY. wipes away tear#thorn laughs so hard when he hears all this he cracks a rib#another day another post of utter nonsense#ponds makes sure to give his fox’ika a hug as soon as he’s floated down bcs ponds is the best#which is why he didn’t get it in the last ficlet for anyone wondering#the only functional one#much like mace windu
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st4r-t3ars · 7 months
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Batch Cuddles
It’s Tooka time!
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tiny-planet-13 · 2 months
okay can we just talk about Jean being concerned about Cody's welfare for a second because my heart genuinely felt like a star going supernova in that moment like that was such a painful thing to read because he cares so so so much without even trying but no-one was ever there for him like that (I'm not counting Zane because fuck him I don't care) but I just ahhh jean you're gonna be the death of me that little scene meant so much
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erellenora · 2 years
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Along with Crosshair, Cody deserves happiness. Look how depressed and upset this man is, thinking he killed Obi-Wan and knowing how the Empire is doing things. His chip clearly isn’t working, or it is beginning to wear off.
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ourspaceshipedits · 2 years
I want to love you but 
I don't know if I can
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This is where I need to be rn.
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kotekenobii · 2 years
The more I think about Cody in the tbb s2 trailer the more insane I feel about it and the more sorry I feel for him. Put yourself in his shoes. He’s got something in his head that’s not letting him think straight, let alone make his own choices. That something in his head told him to shoot and kill the love of his life (or if you don't subscribe to that, one of his very closest friends). He no longer has Obi-Wan or Rex or anyone else to lean on for support: he’s all alone. He doesn't have anyone he can trust. And so, in desperation, he is talking to the one person in his life who he still has a bit of a connection with - Crosshair, who he helped as best as he could before the war ended through his involvement with the Bad Batch (I'd love to know the full canonical extent of how much Cody had to do with the Bad Batch, and have many thoughts of my own about it, but that's for some other time). "Rumours are, more and more clones have been questioning the order." Cody's a smart man. He knows he can’t say what’s really on his mind, that he’s feeling terrible for having carried out Order 66, that he knows it was wrong, that he feels too much guilt and regret to ever voice or be able to put into words and that the pain is eating him alive. So he takes the tactical approach. He is testing Crosshair - probing the waters and seeing if perhaps he can trust him, wanting to know if he's not alone. If there are others struggling with the consequences of Order 66. But Crosshair says the exact opposite of what he needs to hear - whe says that those clones are then traitors, like the Jedi. And Cody, who is known for his loyalty, who is meant to set a prime example to those around him, who is in charge of so much and has shouldered so much responsibility for all his life - and who is now struggling with this unimaginable, unspeakable grief and guilt, is confronted with this sudden realisation of being a traitor and it’s so incredibly confusing and heartbreaking and all he wants is to talk to Obi-Wan, but he murdered Obi-Wan and he really is lost and alone. He can't trust anyone. He can't trust Crosshair, sure, but what's worst of all is that he knows he can't even trust himself and his own mind.
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jedi-lothwolf · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 24: Bloody Clothes
Fandom: Star Wars
Timeline: The Clone Wars
      Pain doesn't always register. Sometimes the adrenaline of trying to stay alive and keep your men alive; all while trying to win the battle in front of you, drowns out body signals. The warm blood mixed with sweat and become unnoticeable to Obi-wan. The gash in his side didn't bother him other then an uncomfortable feeling he couldn't pay attention to. It has come from a flying piece of debris. Stuff like that could move so quickly no one even knew.
    As the battle came to a close Obi-wan started to get dizzy. The uncomfortable feeling grew from when it appeared a few minutes ago. When the 212th overtook the Separatist base they knew soon they could rest. It only took a few minutes to overrun the remainder of the droids and the few sentient beings that occupied the base.
    Obi-wan searched for triage. He wanted to help prepare the men before they were taken somewhere for better help. Quickly the bloody fabric around the wound was noticed. "Sir!" The clone rushed up to their injured general.
    "Yes?" Kenobi felt lightheaded. He blamed it on dehydration.
    "You're hurt."
    "Huh? Where?" Obi-wan looked down at himself. The bright red liquid surprised him. The cloth clung to his skin. Blood allowed the man to find other injuries easier.
    Now the pain hit. The feeling brought Obi-wan to his knees. His breathing sped up and he pulled his brown robe off his shoulders and balled it up, careful to not get anymore dirt in the wound.
    The clone called for a medic and kneeled down to their general to help keep him from bleeding out. A medic would arrive and the Jedi was taken to triage.
    Once at triage the cloak was removed from the injury and thrown off to the side. Not long after Obi-wan would be moved.
    Cody had made his way to triage. He intended to help where he could as well. Seeing the blood-covered cloak struck fear into the man's heart. Cody loved Obi-wan; not that he'd ever tell him. He'd have to look later. For now he had a responsibility to help his men.
    When everything calmed Cody finally got the chance to find his general. He was fine. Visibly he relaxed and walked over to talk to him. "How are you feeling?"
    "Fine" he answered. "How are you?"
    "I'm alright. I saw your cape and got concerned. I thought I'd come check up on you."
    "That's awfully sweet of you." The two would talk about any known casualties, the next step to take, and anything else they needed to say.
    "Looks like I'll be needing a new set of robes." The general joked.
    "Looks like it."
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rexmeshlasblog · 1 year
It’s easy if you’d do it right Part 2
Commander Cody x Jedi Reader
Click here for part 1
Summary: After their meeting in the trainings hall the Jedi avoids the Commander…turns out he doesn’t likes it.
Word count: 1793
Warnings: feelings, fluff, mentions of war, use of Y/N, fmc, mentions of loss, intimate moment, lots of sexual tension, let’s just say no walls were harmed, angry Commander Cody, Obi-Wan being a wingman, angsty, swearing
A/N: Here is finally part 2 of “it’s easy if you’d do it right”. I hope you like the last part of this little one shot. Originally this had an other kinda outcome with more angsty Cody, but I guess this one’s better, but idk. Let me know if you want to read the other one as well.
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“And that’s how we’ll do it. Anakin and the 501st will help us after.” Master Kenobi ended the briefing for us. We were heading to a mission in the outer rim and suspected Grievous there. There was a good chance that we could finally catch him and destroy his army of clankers and bring a bit more peace to the galaxy.
„Commander, Admiral you are dismissed“, Obi-Wan finished and gave me his full attention as they left us alone. I raised my eyebrows. When he looked at me with that look I felt like I’d done something wrong. Massively wrong.
„What is it Obi-Wan?“, I sighed rubbing my temples displeased.
His arms crossed while his face turned from full serious to an huge smile as he noticed that everyone else had left us behind.
“My dear, what did you do to our beloved Commander?”, he asked eyebrows raising slowly and smile widening. I never saw Obi-Wan like that before and I knew him a while now since he kinda adopted me to his -now our- battalion. Excited and fully invested in someone else’s drama if you’d call it that. This man was here for the tea. I always thought he was the calm and sticking to the rules type of guy and not like Skywalker. A man who gave a kriff about rules and just did his mission like he likes it.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, I mumbled under my breath turning slightly away from him, but he was a Jedi Master. Looking right through me and my flustered behaviour. And he also knew his Commander very well and noticed that Cody behaved different than normally. Not visible for someone who didn’t know him as well as we did, but still kinda obvious if you’re looking for a change in his mood.
“We both know that this is a lie. You’re both acting weird since a few days and you’re ignoring him completely. What happed to you and your friendship? Did Cody do something wrong?” Master Kenobi was worried. I could sense it, but behind his worry was something else as well. Hope. But hope for what?
“Master”, I began, but he disrupted me.
“He tried talking to you, but you’re avoiding him. I saw it the other day.”
I bit my lip. Regret waved like flames through me. I knew that he wanted to talk. I sensed it, but after all meetings I just raced away so we didn’t have to talk about it. After our meeting in the trainings hall I thought he just wanted to forget about it and keep moving on without lending it a second thought. Cody had seemed so unbothered like it was and meant nothing to him when my comm interrupted us, so I tried to calm my nerves and feels for him as I suggested that I didn’t have a chance if I tried talking to him. He seemed uninterested in me. Like he didn’t have the same feelings as I had for him.
“I’m sorry.” The apology was weak and Obi-Wan knew that as well. But at least it was honest.
“Don’t say that to me. Speak with Cody. He isn’t himself anymore and I worry about him as much as I do for you, my dear.” Fathers like he patted my shoulder before I left to go to my room. I had to clean my thoughts before I could finally speak with Cody ‘cause Obi-Wan was right. I had to talk to him. We worked together and things would not turn out well on the battle field if we didn’t clarify everything.
But for now I had to clear my thoughts. Otherwise I’d just mumble nonsense plus announce things he didn’t want to know about. Like my romantic feelings for him. My not-so-Jedi-like attachment to him.
Deep in thoughts, as I walked to my barracks, I didn’t notice the person following and quickly catching up on me before dragging me into an empty room and pressing me into the wall. The air in my lungs leaving them quickly as my eyes were going wide as I took the person, pressing me to the wall, in. Cody. Kriff no. He always had the baddest timings.
“What the hell is going on with you?”, he shouted. His eyes were blazing with fire as he pressed me further into the wall. A deep furrow between his eyebrows. He was angry. Fucking angry. I never saw him like that before. Sure, I’d seen him mad if Waxer or Boil had done something stupid again. But not like that. He was for real not himself. His three days beard wasn’t shaved and he looked like a mess and nothing like the Commander everyone respected and looked up to. Deep rings were under his eyes and his eyes itself were entirely sad and exhausted. They no longer had that shine which I adored. And I hadn’t noticed till now. Was too focused to keep myself together to see Cody’s struggle.
“What do you mean?” Was my slow respond. Not very clever, because I didn’t know how to start this conversation and what I should say or even where I should start.
Cody laughed bitter, “You’re avoiding me. You’re fucking acting like nothing had happened between us.”
I gasped for air. The room between us too small to breath clearly. All I could sense was Cody. The Commanders smell was hypnotising and the proximity was almost too much to handle. But even now I enjoyed his company. Even when he yelled at me. I wasn’t scared of him, he was just done with me and my acting. Obviously, I would feel the same way if he’d act like I did.
„Commander I-“
„No, don’t call me by my title. The moment in the trainings hall, I have to know, did it mean something to you? Or was it just a moment you got lost in, ‘cause you Jedi aren’t allowed to have something like that. Because for me it meant something more.“
My breath hitched. There were no thoughts left inside my brain. But there were also no needed, because the next second he pressed his lips into mine. His large hands were on me. My hips, my waist all over me while my own found it’s way around his neck to scrub his scalp with my nails making him moan slightly and parting his lips. He parted mine rough with his tongue and I happily obeyed. Cody was all over me as he kissed me with his teeth, mouth and tongue. But it wasn’t just a kiss. It was a kiss on my body and soul. With his hole body looming all over mine and tying me in. Cody was here and he meant this kiss with his hole entire being. I sensed it through the force as it waved like fire right through me. Cody not just wanted me. He wanted me to be his reason to life and fight. And I wanted him to be my reason. A reason that’s every fight and every war worth.
We only broke away from each other to catch a breath. As soon as he wasn’t all over me anymore I missed him and wanted to be this close to him again. I needed him. Needed to feel him as clearly as I had seconds ago.
Our chests were rising and falling heavily as we tried to steady ourselves. Foreheads touching each other while Cody held me close to him. His thumbs making gentle circles around my waist. Spreading goosebumps like he did the other day in the trainings hall. I didn’t look at him, but I felt his eyes on me. Worried that he did something wrong and crossed a line, but also hopeful that I felt the same way as he did.
“You mean more to me, then you should and it scares me so kriffing much. It scares me that I can’t be with you all time to protect you even though I know that you’re able to protect yourself. I can’t loose you and I need you.” His words were almost just a whisper. Full of angst and the fear of loss. Cody lost too many. His brothers and friends. Family. Sometimes it was harder to survive than to die.
As I looked up into his eyes, they were already lingering on me. Searching for a sign that this was okay and I also wanted it.
“Cody”, I breathed his name and sensed how he shifted uncomfortable as his hands on my waist tightens his grip slightly. Like he didn’t want to loose me. Cody was scared of my reaction and I’d feel the same if I had told him straight about my feelings like he just did.
“When I’m not with you I feel incomplete. Whenever I see you around my heart jumps so much and makes me want to forget about the Jedi codex. It scares me to see you on a battle field, ‘cause every time you’re standing there, could be the last time I sense and feel you. See you alive. And I’m pretty sure if I had to see you death on a battle field I’d lose myself.”
My answer was honest and clear. Told him straight how I felt and was absolute right. I never felt as good in my life before. A huge weight was took from my heart.
His forehead found its way against mine again. I felt my one heart nearly jumping out of my chest. Suddenly there was a warmth inside of me that just had to come from Cody and his body. He took a deep breath in, before he said his next words. “What do we now?”
I sighed, “Keeping us a secret till the end of the war. And then we run away together if they want to us to break up.”
Cody sighed heavily. “This will be difficult.”
“But we have to try. Or they kill us both.”
He knew that I was right. Everybody knew about the severe penalties for clones who did not follow the rules and orders.
There was a pause between us. Silence, before Cody broke it again.
“May I kiss you again?”
I smiled while he chuckled slightly, before our eyes met. The sadness was all washed from him. Cody looked relieved and felt relieved as I touched him through the force. A better future for us. That was it what we were fighting for. A new hope for some kind of peace. A future were we didn’t have to fight anymore to be free and could do and feel how we’d liked.
I leaned up a bit to meet him half way, “Yes, Commander.”
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starfirekvg · 1 year
I decided to share the clone wars wallpaper I made 💙
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fanfic-obsessed · 2 years
Fall and Rise
This is another not really a fix-it, though it does fix some things. It is important to know, going in, that the Creche was slowly emptied throughout the war. The children were grouped by species and hidden with creche masters in the most difficult to reach places for each species (deep underwater on worlds non aquatic species had a hard time for the aquatic species, A mountains world for Avian species and so forth), following an indistinct warning in the Force, so there were only a handful of children (the ones that did not need specialized environment) and two crechmasters left in the temple at the time of Order 66. It is also important to know that Anakin/Vader did not kill the remaining children, though he still marched on the temple and killed everyone else. In this universe the children were just a step too far.  
He orders the children not to be harmed and taken off Coruscant. The security tapes cut out before that point so no one knows what happened to the children later.
To set the stage we have an Obi Wan who is on the very edge of falling, vacillating wildly between duty and his attachment (to Anakin, to Cody, to his men). In another world, the death of the children tipped the scales, forcing Obi Wan past his blind spot where Anakin is concerned. Even watching the march on the temple, without the added horror of the children being slaughtered, Obi Wan is left with the feeling that Anakin must have had a good reason for what he did (he is thinking the same of the Clones).
Yoda, who has just as big a blind spot for Obi Wan as Obi Wan has for Anakin, still sends Obi Wan after Anakin.  He doesn’t seem to perceive where Obi Wan is, mentally, just presumes that the younger Jedi would do his duty. 
Padme still ends up confronting Anakin on Mustafar, Obi Wan still ends up stowing away. But before Anakin can lash out at Padme, Obi Wan (still flickering between the light and the dark) makes himself known. And instead of fighting Obi Wan is asking him what’s going on, and if Anakin knows what happened to the Clones. If he knows if there is a way to fix it.
This manages to derail the confrontation as both Padme and Anakin stare at the Jedi Master literally begging Anakin for answers.  Anakin doesn’t know what changed about the Clones and answers thus. 
It should be noted that both Anakin and Obi Wan kind of assume that whatever happened, overwrote the clones for lack of a better term. They do not know, or do not make the connection, to the chips. So they assume that who the Clones were before Order 66 is gone, forever. 
The idea that his men are lost forever, on top of the death and the darkening of his bond to Anakin, drops Obi Wan into the Dark(in another world it took Anakin slaughtering the younglings for Obi Wan to fall on the side of duty and even then he could not strike the final blow). He does not become a Sith, no that takes an additional deliberate atrocity (Which is why Canon Anakin did not become a Sith with his first genocide), but he does fall into darkness. This has the weird effect of drawing Anakin back toward the light, partly because of shock.
It is not difficult for Padme and a Fallen Obi Wan to convince Anakin to come with them. On the way off planet Padme goes into labor. She still dies in childbirth, and through handwaving plot related reasons our fallen duo know that Palpatine is behind her death. 
Now our half fallen duo are left with twins, Padme’s corpse, and the knowledge that Palpatine is very much their enemy. They are also faced with the realization that they are about to be forced into roles they are not comfortable with. 
Because they can agree on two things, they need more information and the new Emperor cannot know about the twins. Anakin is the only one who can go undercover (the undercover part being that he still follows the emperor), find out what is happening and potentially kill Palpatine. Obi Wan is used to being at the center of every fight, the front lines…but he is the only one who Anakin trusts with the twins and there is only one place they can go, one place that they can hide…Tatooine. They reason that if no one knew Anakin, the little powerhouse that he has always been, existed until after he left Tatooine, then something about the planet must hide force sensitives. They also decide to send the younglings with him. 
Knowing that Anakin is still able to order the clones, or whoever they are now, Obi Wan asks that Cody be sent with him. He is just selfish enough to want the man with him, even if he is not the same as he was.
So Anakin goes back under the pretense of being Vader; and he did slaughter everyone in the temple, save those handful of younglings. He brings back Padme’s corpse, looking pregnant, and visibly grieves.  He knows nothing of Yoda’s continued survival, the budding rebellion, or survivors of Order 66 going to ground. His focus is to find out what is going on with the clones and destroy the emperor (Made harder by the fact that Palpatine is not an idiot, he no longer meets in person with Anakin after Padme’s death). While doing this he very carefully tries to undermine the Empire (If he can get away with it, releasing prisoners and blaming it on the officers. Fouling up campaigns, but only in ways that will not see his people punished) and he thinks he is being subtle but he isn’t (Again the Emperor is not an idiot and Anakin is not all that good at being subtle, but it is amusing the Emperor to go along with it).
Obi Wan takes the younglings, the twins, and Cody (mostly personalityless at this point. He has been ordered by Anakin to treat this as a deep cover mission, and that Obi Wan was not a traitor. He has also been ordered to follow Obi Wan’s lead) to Tatooine. They are not quite as good at going under the radar as canon Obi Wan, but quickly establish a small compound in the Jutland wastes and a ‘Don’t fuck with us’ reputation. Once every six months a call is made to Anakin, letting him see his children.  Over time Cody begins to develop a personality again, not quite the same as his Order 66 self, but close enough that he and Obi Wan grow into a romantic relationship. 
Five years in there is an incident with the Hutts that makes staying on Tatooine impossible. Neither Anakin or Obi Wan know about the chips, but Anakin has long realized that he could get the clones acting something like themselves if it is for an ‘undercover mission’. So he sends the 212th to pick up Obi Wan and Co. The ‘mission’ the 212th is given is to pick up their commanding officers and ‘defect’ running around the outer rim and wild space until Obi Wan has finished ‘collecting evidence’. 
Given time and the space all of the clones, like Cody, begin to develop their own personalities again.  Part of the chips has, for lack of a better term, disconnected them from their previous memories and experiences but did not touch the ability to make new memories and develop personalities based on their new experiences (given the opportunity, which most Imperial clones were not, the 501st and the 212th being exceptions). Cody, for the most part, is so similar to earlier self because Obi Wan unconsciously treated him as Cody. 
Another five years pass before the rebellion finally gets someone in to see Vader. This someone is codename: Fulcrum.  They had realized fairly early on that Vader was not as committed to the empire as he seemed (In that he would release prisoners any time he could get away with it. A few Rebels have stories of Vader dropping a datastick, with good intel, looking down at it meaningfully, looking at the hiding rebel, then deliberately directing his troops in the opposite direction) but also that, like any other undercover agent, he will kill Rebels if he needs to maintain his cover.
So Ahsoka finally gets to see Anakin after almost a decade. Anakin is ecstatic because he believed that she and Rex had been killed. They have a frank conversation about the fact that Anakin did actually fall, and what he was still doing with the Empire (He was bound and determined to kill the emperor, but hadn’t had the chance yet).  At some point the talk turns to the clones and Ahsoka asks how many of them have been dechipped.
Anakin asks, very quietly “What?”
A room two corridors away may have exploded as Ahsoka explained about the chips, what they do, how to detect them, and that they can be removed.  Anakin promptly starts with the medics in dechipping the 501st. They found pretty quickly that some clones woke up with no memories at all, some woke up with nothing past half an hour prior to Order 66, some wake up just as they were before the surgery except they no longer felt compelled to follow orders, a handful remained in a vegetative state, and a very few woke up with both sets of memories (and trying to integrate the disparate personalities that went along with having two very different set of memories).
After the process has been tested Anakin packages up the information and sends it to Obi Wan. 
Obi Wan reads through the information and carefully presents it to the 212th (phrased to not set off ‘they are traitors’ and get everyone into a bigger mess). He then gives every clone a choice, to remove the chip or not.  If it had been at the beginning, when they were all so mechanical, then he would have simply had them dechipped, but it had been ten years and these men had become individuals all over again. Obi Wan was selfish enough to want his people with him, he was not selfish enough to force them to have brain surgery on the off chance the personality he remembered would wake up (and really even if there was 100% chance, they deserved to decide). 
Some decide to remain chipped, knowing what it meant (The ones that remained chipped would not be able to use the communications array, for fear of receiving some order that would do them all harm. They would also be watched and sequestered away from nat borns when needed). Boil, in particular, knew he had lost someone in the war and had still been grieving Waxer when the Order had gone out.  He did not want to potentially wake up in the middle of that grieving all over again. 
Cody thinks about it. He thinks about it for a long time. He is not the same person he had been during the war, Obi Wan had admitted that early on. He didn’t know, as there was no one left to tell him, if he had loved Obi Wan during the war. And if he did, if that version would love this version of Obi Wan (Obi Wan was still suspended between the dark and the light, and was not the same man he had been before Order 66) There was no way to tell which version of him, or another blank slate, would wake up. He might lose all the memories of his children (the twins and the younglings, plus a dozen other children they had found over the years who needed a home). Would the morals he had during the war even fit in their family? On the other hand, the chip meant he could be controlled (This version of Cody could not think the Emperor would abuse that power, but could admit that there were those who would).
During this reflection, Obi Wan is waiting patiently to one side.  Even though the length of their relationship would normally give him the right to an opinion in such a large change, even if he didn’t get a vote, in this he felt he could not give an opinion. In part because it would read as an order to the chip. He is Dark enough not to feel guilty about the past 10 years (Realistically, no matter how he felt about Cody or how slow their relationship went, he has almost a decade in a relationship with a man who was not capable of saying no. There was a good chance that the chip caused some or all Cody's feelings, rationalizing Obi Wan’s desires as his own). He is Light enough to ensure that Cody gets to make his choice as free of Obi Wan’s influence as possible. 
Finally, Cody says, “If the chip stays I will always be a danger to our children.”
Obi Wan can’t argue that. If it had been just him, he likely would have been willing to risk it to have Cody for sure, even with the danger. But the children would be in danger.
Cody decides to have the chip taken out, he could not let himself become even a potential danger to his children. 
They spend one last day together, all of them, before the surgery. Both Obi Wan and Cody are careful to explain what was going on (there were a total of 15 children ranging from young adults to 5 years old) and what might happen. That Cody, no matter what, would always love them. Even if he didn’t know it. But he would rather never wake up again rather than being any kind of danger to them.  
Obi Wan and Cody also spent that last night holding each other. Neither are willing or able to offer a reassurance that might prove false. It is the right thing, taking the chip out, choosing freedom. But they both felt like they were sacrificing something, sacrificing happiness, and it hurt. 
The operation is a success and Cody does wake. He is lucky as he wakes up with both sets of memories, and he is unlucky in that he is emotionally disconnected from both.  Like he remembers loving his children but does not feel it at first (Though he very quickly comes to love them again).  And he remembers how deeply he loved his brothers, Pre Order 66 (after they were friends and comrades but not brothers in the same way), but can’t connect that to a feeling. And both versions loved Obi Wan, but the memories do not contain the feelings. 
And he spends a fair amount of time trying to figure out who he is, with all these memories playing like a movie but with no emotional connection. And he is trying to figure out if he loves Obi Wan, or if it was the chip, and even if he did love Obi Wan, could he reconcile who the man was with who he is.  
And Obi Wan is trying, ok. He is trying to be happy that at least their children didn’t lose their Cody. He is trying to not put any pressure on Cody while he is figuring out who he is, but he forgets sometimes that he is not currently allowed to flirt, or touch with intent (Unfortunately Cody’s body remembers Obi Wan very well, so he will reciprocate before either realizes it). So it is awkward and even as they begin to fall in love for the third time there is a constant ‘do they really feel that or is a remnant of before’ from both of them. By the time that all of the 212th that were interested in having their chips removed, had them removed (It takes about three months and is 95% of the 212th), they realize they have been sharing a bed again for a week.  
After the great dechipping, Obi Wan reaches back out to Anakin to get in contact with the Rebellion.  At some point they start talking about the dechipping and Obi Wan says that everyone who chose to have it removed has, and he would be looking into how to shut off the compulsion to obey for the rest, about 25 clones (taking into account potential size of the 212th, less potential losses in the 5 years they were full with the empire). 
Anakin blinks a bit and goes ‘you're letting them choose’. Everyone listening just kind of sighs deeply (Though they have no way to track it yet, actively choosing to have the chip removed increases the chance of having one or both sets of memories, and decreases the full amnesia and vegetative reactions). All of the 501st have been dechipped. About half of the remaining clones have been dechipped and are carefully being coached so that the actions are not being noticed (By this point Anakin has actually learned something that resembles subtlety, so they are fooling everyone, including the emperor). With the help of the Rebellion, they have reached out to some of the clones that were dechipped clone medics who are able to go undercover to speed up the removal. One of the last full groups left is Palpatine’s personal guard, the remnants of the Coruscant Guard, and it is nearly impossible to get someone, even another clone, in there for enough time to dechip anyone. 
Because of the nature of freeing the clones, the 26 clones from the 212th are the only ones who have been given the choice of remaining chipped, but some members of the rebellion have been trying to research a way to shut off the compulsion to obey from all of their still chipped brothers.  This means that those 26, representing the only free clones with chips, were a valuable resource for. The dechipped clones (and Obi Wan) never let anyone forget that the chipped clones were also people. The Rebellion never intentionally forgets that but, for the older members, there is an awful lot of trauma surrounding the rise of the Empire and the trauma wears the face of the chipped clone troopers (Particularly if they were Jedi or Jedi adjacent). For the younger they are used to the Chipped troopers being very robotic (who would shoot anyone without hesitation upon being ordered to), as very few outside of the 501st and the 212th were given the opportunity to develop a personality in the post Order 66 world.  
There is just…so much trauma. On both sides. Outside of the 212th, who all actually get it (because they all thought about what it meant to have the chips removed, and how tempting it was to have everything remain as it was, chips included), everyone looks at those 26 clones in askance at wanting to remain chipped.  Eventually a way to deactivate only the compulsion to obey and the active Order 66 parts of the chips is discovered. It is a specific multilayered frequency, and once it is discovered there is a mission undertaken to to have this frequency broadcasted throughout the galaxy. 
Palpatine’s personal guard, still led by Fox, are alone in the room with Palpatine  when the compulsion shuts off. It is telling that without any memory, with barely any of their old personality and no new ones, the first act of all the clones in the room once the compulsion fades is to shoot Palpatine until the charges run out on their blasters. There was no malice, no anger, and no hesitation. Palpatine was a cunning, powerful Sith. There is no doubt. But even he trusted the obedience of the clones, trusted the chips that have made them his for the last 10 years, that does breed a certain amount of complacency. Without the malice or anger, there is nothing for the Force to pick up on before they start firing. 
There were 50 clones with the Emperor at all times, spread throughout whatever space he was. They always had the most up to date equipment, as their only charge was to protect the Emperor by any means necessary. The newest model of blaster can fire continuously, a rate of 5 bolts per second, for precisely 86 minutes (though the power of those bolts will drop significantly after 60 minutes, then continue at a steady decline of halving the power every ten bolts after that point). 
Palpatine held off the blaster bolts for an impressive 20 minutes and 6 seconds; it took all of his power so he could not go on the offense. In that time he held off a total of 301,500 blaster bolts fired by 50 clones (All accurate without the chips suppressing some of their skills). Even after the Emperor fell to the floor, dead, the clones kept firing (Though no one will ever know, Fox was the one who fired the shot that killed the Emperor). Forty minutes in, someone calls Lord Vader, because there was a noise, there is now a blackened smoking corpse, the clones are still firing (in total silence, which somehow makes it creepier) and no one can find the Emperor (no one actually thinks the smoking corpse is the Emperor and until the clones stop firing, no one can check).
Anakin, with his 501st, arrives at the Imperial Center and into the throne room 84 minutes later.  At 86 minutes all of the blasters stop firing at once and the room seems dimmer for a moment. The only thing Fox says is that he thought that would be more satisfying than it was. 
It takes 6 hours, three inquisitors, 7 different mops, and what had to be a misuse of the force to scrape enough of the corpse up for testing. That testing confirms that the Emperor was now dead (Anakin will have to live forever with the disappointment that he did not get to decapitate the Emperor personally, though they eventually let him take a single swing with his lightsaber at the bucket holding the remains to stop him from pouting). The Emperor did not build his empire to outlast him, there is no succession.  No one is even sure if the imperial senate, the inquisitors, or anyone has the power to take charge.  The closest thing they have is Anakin who, having not been rotting his brain with constant pain and hatred for a decade, decidedly wants nothing to do with ruling.  He doesn’t know what he wants, since his only goal for 10 years was to kill the Emperor, but he does know, not that (He barely remembers he has children at this point, also they are ten years old and have had different parents for those ten years). 
Once they find out that Obi Wan is still alive, some of the Senate try to tag him in to help fix things. His ‘Fuck no’ is mostly polite, at first. The second is a little more emphatic. The third comes accompanied by the severed limb of the asker. When the fourth came complete with one of the heads of the asker (the species had two heads, so survived, but severely maimed) everyone decided to leave him on his own. He, the clones (as many as wanted to, which most did), and the children retreated to a planet in wild space. Over time other survivors of Order 66, including Yoda, found their way toward their planet. Most didn’t stay (I cannot emphasize enough how much trauma there is for all parties, and sometimes even knowing that the clones were not in control of themselves at the time of Order 66 is not enough) but some did.  
Anakin does come around frequently, he eventually goes on to be a mechanic for Hondo Ohnaka’s crew, but can’t stay in one place.  He becomes something of an uncle to all of Obi Wan’s children (including the twins). He never gets romantically involved again, as no one ever measures up to Padme in his mind (Also the few times he tries his partner tells him his actions, behaviors, and beliefs about relationships are really unhealthy, he just takes that as confirmation that Padme was the only one for him).  Ironically he is the one who will eventually introduce Leia to Han, and facilitate their elopement. 
After a number of years of hard work Bail and Breha Organa get enough of a structure in place to try and fix things. Breha ends up Empress for about 8 years before they can transition back to a Republic. Though it is built better in many ways, there always feels like there is something missing, because they built it with a place for the Jedi. And the Jedi are, by and large, gone.  What is left won’t fit in the place made for the Jedi of old.  
Ahsoka stays with the Rebellion as Bail Organa restructures it to take the power of the empire.  She both understands, but also judges Obi Wan and Anakin for leaving the Empire to its own mess.  She is a half trained war padawan, and the closest thing that the galaxy has to a traditional Jedi (even Yoda is so so done, he barely leaves Dagobah and feels that the Jedi died on the day of Order 66, as he had no idea that there was ever hope in the form of Luke Skywalker), most of the wisdom and traditions of her people are gone, and due to her upbringing she missed out on many of them. She does her best to recreate it.  She is moderately successful, gathering force sensitive younglings to teach, finding a temple (Not the one on the newly renamed Coruscant) to teach them at. She is even able to find a few teachers in the wandering Jedi, the immortals that wander the Galaxy following the Force. She has a leg up on Canon Luke, as she actually lived as a Jedi (instead of getting the 4 month crash course and saying it is good).  It will take generations for Jedi to find their footing enough to take part in the Republic fully again. On that day Yoda, still living on Dagobah and coming to the temple every few decades, will feel something in the Force settle. And he will travel to Coruscant for the last time to join the Force in what was once the Coruscant temple. 
Obi Wan and Cody, almost against their will, become leaders on the planet they settle on (after they pass into the Force it is named Kencody after them both).  They both are just a bit too efficient at leading not to be tagged in. It is much more low key than the leadership positions from the past (mostly part time). Much more willingly they start something like an orphanage, providing a safe place for children of all ages, races, and all types of Force abilities. Many parents with force sensitive children, who don’t wish to give them up to Ahsoka’s Jedi, will move to the area around their orphanage, so that their children can still be taught. Cody never quite regains his emotional connection to the memories he made from before his chip was removed but he was able to make many new memories with his surviving brothers.
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I think one of the hardest things for Cody in the OP X RB Crossover is deciding if he should go back to Griffin Rock to be a part of the Rescue Team.
The thing is, even if he didn't want to, he hurt people.
Sure, most of the time it was pirates or Marines who were trying to hunt down Kid and attacked first. But it was also something Kid ordered he participated in to be useful to the crew of fet a decent bounty.
But Cody had to shoot at ships, and when it was brought down, ignore the fact there were people in the water.
That wasn't what a Rescue Team member does.
They don't hurt people and just abandon them.
How could he ever face his team, his siblings, his dad again with what he did?
And how would they react?
It would hurt, BUT IS GOING TO HURT. There would be a big difference if we say that he was just a few months in One Piece vs he and the others staying until they found the One Piece...
His family and the Bots would do anything in their power to help Cody, tell him that everything would be okay, that the nightmare was over, that he and the others were back home ¨safe¨
But the damage was done and there was no way to fix it...
Chase would be the most horrified of all. As a police Bot, he had met Cody not only as his guide but also as his first friend. A kind child with a big bright smile was replaced with the shadow of who he once was... and hearing all the bad things Cody did just to live and see them again... makes not only him but everyone as if they have failed...
Time can still heal and Cody will recover from what Kid, the Marines, and others had done to him. But he would also not forget the friends he made and the people he could help.
Cody will also use all the things he learned from his time in OP to help. The job that he feels could suit him better is a Zookeeper or at least anything that is not ¨helping¨ people.
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sheepgirl3 · 11 months
heya! for the WIP asks 36. (Title your WIP like an article headline ) or 14. (Rewrite a scene from your WIP from another character’s perspective.) for 'Everyone Belongs Somewhere' from your whumptober series? no pressure of course, hope you have a good day ((((:
Ahhhhh thank you so much for the ask! And I love the story that you chose, since I’m actively writing the second chapter right now. So I decided to answer both!
Ask 36: “Younger brother struggles to understand the concept of family” or alternatively, “Dogma’s No Good, Terrible, Very Bad Life: Coming Soon on Netflix!”
And here, I present Cody’s perspective of the first chapter!
Link to the story on ao3 and the missing scene below!
They’d been looking for Clone Trooper Dogma for two days and Cody was starting to fear the worst.
They’d been searching for Dogma ever since the 212th finished their last engagement and Rex had contacted Cody, desperate and without options. The 501st was called back to Coruscant without any flexibility and they weren’t able to look for Dogma. It had been a few days before the 212th had been able to start searching and Cody was worried.
The trooper was in handcuffs and without armor, according to Rex. He wouldn’t be any sort of match against the wilds of Umbara and Cody couldn’t help but wonder if the Umbarans or their planetary nightmares had already gotten to him. It was hard to pick up any sort of trail, the only signs of clone life coming from the armies that had been there before.
It was Boil that found the first clue, as they traversed wilderness that showed no signs of their armies passing through.
“Commander!” He held up a ration wrapper that had been laying on the ground. “It’s not been here long, sir. Couple days, tops, from the look of it. Troopers weren’t in this area.”
Cody twisted his head, looking around. “He can’t be far. Captain Rex said he didn’t have any supplies, so even if the ration was his, he didn’t have much else.”
“If he’s even still alive, sir.” Boil scowled, not an uncommon expression on his face but even more so since Waxer had died. “I’ll run the scans again, see what I can find.”
Cody nodded and turned away, only to pause as he caught sight of something unusual. Underneath one of the nearby plants, one with big leafy growth that glowed unnaturally, the shadows didn’t look quite right. He took a step closer and could just make out what seemed to be a hand.
“Over here!”
Cody reached the vod first, taking in the sight before him. The trooper looked to be almost dead, curled into a fetal position with only a thin blanket wrapped around his shoulders, protecting him from little of the elements. Cody felt his neck and wrist for a pulse, breathing easier once he found it. They weren’t too late yet. Cody pulled him into a sitting position and hooked his arms under the vod’s knees and shoulders, picking him up.
He weighed concerningly little.
“He’s alive.” Boil was right behind Cody, looking at the younger clone in surprise. “I wasn’t sure he would be.”
“He won’t be if we don’t get him to Helix.” Their chief medic was in another search party at the moment. “Radio the rest of the search parties and have them report back to base, stat.”
“Yes Commander.”
Cody looked down and was startled to see Dogma’s eyes open, unfocused and confused, blinking as he took in his surroundings. He looked up at Cody as if he couldn’t believe he was real.
“There you go, kid. Rest, vod. We’ve got you.” Cody watched as the young clone’s eyes slid closed again and felt a surge of protectiveness. They just needed to keep him alive and they’d figure it out from there.
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maestraejc · 1 year
Collateral Damage (44k+ words, ongoing multi-chapter)
Rating: Mature (graphic depictions of violence)
Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Cody, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano
Much whump. Much tragedy. Slow-burn CodyWan.
General Obi-Wan Kenobi, notorious for being the model of wartime professionalism, makes a terrible fatal mistake. For the first time in his adult life he finds himself having to lean on those around him as he journeys through inconsolable grief and crushing guilt back to the light.
Excerpt: (TW: death of an Umbaran child)
It all had happened with such a swiftness that Cody hadn’t spun fully around before the threat was neutralized, but when he did, the sight before him was amongst the worst he had ever been privy to.
On the ground, at Kenobi’s feet, were the two pieces of another young Umbaran child. General Kenobi stood, two hands gripping his still ignited lightsaber in an offensive stance, staring down at the corpse with an expression Cody already wished he’d never seen. The blue blade hissed back into its hilt as Kenobi dropped weakly to his knees and gently picked up the torso of the child he had just slain.
Chapter 10 is posted! Read the rest at Ao3!
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