classycookiexo · 3 months
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agentbobr · 10 months
pissed abt the new discord mobile update so heres my rant.
the new hud is ugly, laggy and impractical. the lil servers button will ALWAYS have a blue light unless you read every server message which is dumb. they should have an option to turn that off or revert it back to the old HUD (like how reddit has its current site and its "old site HUD" verision), it feels laggy to swap between servers and messages and its slow, making it hard to balance having two conversations at once. you cant even see which people are online in servers by swiping to the side anymore and have to press the search button (which takes a moment to even load, adding more to the lag factor), not to mention, messages look weird now since you ALSO cant side swipe to see whos online/status messages, you must press the search tab and then itll lag to load and show up like how instagrams messaging system does, with it separating the media sent, link and some other stuff. overly complex and unneeded.
not to mention, the new "midnight" color background doesnt even look midnight, you'd expect it to be pitch black on all parts but instead they made it blueish, which is dumb and knowing current discord, they'd put pitch black behind the discord nitro color themed backgrounds (which is also stupid but thats a whole other can of worms.)
overall the new interface is annoying, laggy, UGLY, and hard to traverse, the seperation of areas was unneeded, made worse by the fact that discord themself have said that a setting to make it go back to normal wont be made and if anyone doesnt like it, to delete their accounts. (most likely not caring due to the fact that they have no competition in purely texting apps), it is also full of glitches such as: people being able to send messages but it STILL being in the text box, being so laggy its unuseable and from what ive seen, nobody online is happy as it completely removes all user-friendly access to things and makes it generally hard to use.
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you-need-not-apply · 1 year
What’s up with people who don’t like being ‘spam liked’ like I’m sorry for enjoying your content mx. I’ll try harder to hate it now you’ve said to not like it
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necarion · 4 months
Youtube, I wanted to look up different versions of Hubert Parry's "Te deum". Hence why I used the terms "Hubert Parry" and "Te deum" in the search bar. I was not interested in other versions of the "Te deum" by composers such as Charpantier, Stanford", or Haydn (hence, why I used "Hubert Parry" in the search bar), nor was I interested in the piece "I was glad" by Hubert Parry (hence, why I used the term "Te deum" in the search bar).
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legogradstudent · 2 years
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Submitting his final grades, the grad student awaits the inevitable arrival of undergrad emails contesting them.
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theonlinevegan · 7 months
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toastful · 2 months
Excuse me! I have a formal complaint! The other day I had purchased one of your rainbow sprinkle cupcakes from your cupcake ATMs in a strange yellow room. Not only was I chased through said room by a very aggressive fellow, when I finally ate your product, it triggered by IBS so bad that I thought I was going to pass away. I was stuck on the toilet until sunrise this morning. It was a brutal experience. I thought I would surely expire. Though I survived, I am now fuming!
What horrors do you put in your cakes? Also, why would you put a vending machine in such a dangerous location?? Not very good for business if you ask me!
I DEMAND compensation for my suffering!! I better get a response of I will be contacting your corporate office.
Good day!
-Greg Schmitty
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alfiely-art · 5 months
Hey fandom can we stop taking women who do bad/morally gray actions and pinning all of the blame on a guy in the story and making the woman out to be a helpless damsel in distress victim thank you !!!
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topaz616 · 3 months
The universe freaking hates me. Yesterday it gave me a seizure and I chipped two teeth in the front of my mouth and now I have to bite down with the side of my mouth. I'm on an anti-seizure medication now that makes me really tired. My entire body is sore from seizing up for a minute and a half to two minutes.
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unhingedkorean · 16 days
I think strict restrictions on drugs have worked out okay for South Korea for the most part but it’s kind of infuriating that people who actually clinically need certain meds need to jump through insane number of hoops WHILE NOT RECEIVING THE NECESSARY TREATMENT. “Oh you can get a permit for banned pharmaceuticals if you legitimately need it” yea like my ADHD is so bad that the usual treatment options aren’t really working and you think I’ll have the wherewithal to file all that paperwork???? I need to complete tasks to get medicine for my “can’t complete tasks” disorder???? Not to mention the costs are higher because of this convoluted acquisition channel. Like my “can’t complete tasks” disorder isn’t already costing me money. Help.
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hbbitch · 9 months
just wanted to vent abt stuff real quick cause im blowing up my partner's discord lmao
the underage heart stuff on youtube makes me so uncomfortable :// absolutely hate the idea of already consenting adults pushing themselves for the sake of other ppl on the internet rather than their own enjoyment. but to see teenagers do it is so awful, speaks to something larger i feel and i haate it . i dont want to "reach out" to these kids because that feels wrong already, i'm not looking for that kind of content and don't want to interact with it further. but god damn! the heart is still one of our most important organs and i rly doubt a lot of us actually have gone on to realize the long term effects of what we do (not implying we don't make it, but that it hasn't been very extensively 'documented' as it has with the internet in recent years).
just take care of yourselves everyone, and maybe age restrict your videos if you'd be so inclined ♡
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savagechickens · 1 year
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There Are Concerns.
And more pirates.
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sympathyfrthedevil · 5 months
Three is NOT a Crowd
I've been once again getting into Being Human US and I need to know why I have only found three Sally/Aidan ship fics, THREE?! This is wrong, this is injustice!
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j-august · 8 months
"The Marquis of Wu has sent me to inquire after your honorable complaint," said Lu Xun. "How distressed I am that the state of my wretched carcass has caused the Marquis the inconvenience of inquiring," replied Lu Meng.
Luo Guanzhong, Romance of the Three Kingdoms (trans. C.H. Brewitt-Taylor)
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atticollateral · 12 days
Atti Life Update! [Autism Assesment Complaint Letter Update]
I'm currently working on finishing my complaint documents to the psych board! They should be finished sometime within the next week, but I wanted to share some of my progress and writing. The opening paragraph after a self introduction: " I find the way that the autism assessment via the [program name] I had undergone was administered in a demonstrably gross way, not only in the way I was regarded, treated, perceived, and clearly misunderstood by the assessors and administrators of and within the practice I was referred to by the gov., but in the way the practice handled the assessment process in its whole. " A line on the lack of communication (not providing the 'informed' part of informed consent) AKA. Defining Coercive Consent to trained & educated professionals. " This is a form of coercive consent; making it so the other party will be made to give their “consent” for an otherwise unsavoury and ill preferred choice, for any reason. I would like to clearly rescind that kind of behaviour; I do not stand for it in any situation, whether against me or my colleagues. It is highly unprofessional, especially in an environment in which you swear “to do no harm” as a practitioner of Psychiatry. " A hard line I really liked: " I do not tolerate infantilization in any capacity, even to people who are considered “incompetent”, as they are still people. Even children understand when you are treating them differently; Upon many other things I find this kind of treatment unacceptable and irrefutably unprofessional. " [All lines are self written, please don't plagiarize me, i will find you /hj :3]
But yeah! That's how that's coming. That's all.
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galacticgraffiti · 1 year
@staff give us an option to opt out of the damn tumblr live i don’t care for it and for the love of anything and anyone put the create post button back where it belongs this is driving me insane
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