#Copper Weiss
pokeracer93 · 9 months
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And now for day four! The journey starts, Trowa and his starter Ruby the Fuecoco and yes his Fuecoco is a girl. And Copper and his starter Chespin given to him by an elderly professor sycamore. Also congratulations @heretoreadmyfics Copper is officially cannon in my faller Ketchum AU.
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snowsisterskiss · 2 years
Weiss is a disaster bisexual with a preference for maturity. Here's how Copper Snowflakes can still-
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 7 months
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From my awesome friend @dae-stuff, I'm so happy to present the cover piece for my latest RWBY fic fixation, We May Fall!
When Weiss's secret faunus heritage comes out in one wild night, Team RWBY is linked together like never before in a way that could change the fate of Remnant.
(Plot with porn! Fluff and angst! Conspiracies! ACAB! Ancient Sumerian copper salesmen! Just crested 100k words!)
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Nora: Hey Jaune, I know your great granddaddy is famous, but what is he famous for?
Jaune: Oh, it's nothing really.
Weiss: His actions led to the surrender of Mantle during the Great War. I'd hardly call that nothing.
Jaune: Only if you don't know the story.
Weiss: That he led his men on a daring mission to cut off outside supplies from reaching Mantle, and end the nearly year long siege of the city.
Jaune: Well, that's not really true. You see, my great grandpa was separated from his men during the invasion of Mantle. And being stuck alone in the middle of the frozen tundra isn't exactly a great place to be.
Jaune: So, he decided to take one of the pervitin tablets, since he had his platoons supply of them when he was separated. The only problem was that the tablets had all kind of congealed together in his coat.
Jaune: So he had to take all of them at once. Which was like 30 something tablets.
Nora: What happened then?
Jaune: Nobody knows. He kind of just blacked out and well...
Jaune: They found him a few weeks later, but only after he stripped all the copper piping out of the entire kingdom of Mantle.
Nora: That's awesome!
Weiss: ...
Note: Inspired by the story of Aimo Koivunen
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
We know about Jaune team and Weiss team but who are the other teams? Like are some still cannon or there random?
Some Teams are still the same such as CFVY, FNKI, SSSN, and NDGO
However, there are also a few new teams like: COPR (Copper) & STIG (Stigma)
Team Copper consists of, Ciel Soliel, Trifa Oxford, Penny Polendina, and Russel Thrush. Team Stigma consists of, Winter Schnee, Fiona Thyme, Ivy Thickety, and Joanna Greenleaf
Ruby wasn't on a team since she was the only lone student in Beacon History, while Ren, Nora, and Blake live different lives with different backstories.
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Weiss: ... What's that on your lip?
Ruby: Oh, I just cut it when I fell.
Weiss: That doesn't answer my Question.
Ruby: It- It's Blood?
Weiss: What do you mean "It's Blood" Blood is Blue.
Ruby: No it isn't.
Weiss: Yes it is!
Yang: Are you trying to be funny?
Weiss: No, of course not! Blood is Blue!
Blake: Is your blood blue?
Weiss: Yes?!?! Is your's not?!?!
Ruby: NO!?!?
Blake: Can you prove your blood is blue?
Weiss: Yes- Here! *Pricks herself on Myrtenaster*
Yang: ... Oh my Gods your blood is blue.
Penny: My Blood is Green!
Ruby: We know Penny!
Fun Fact! Deep sea Crustaceans (Most well known being Horseshoe Crabs) Have Hemocyanin, A copper based protein that turns blue when oxidized, unlike our Hemoglobin, which is Iron based. Hemocyanin Works better in lower Temperatures.
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softly-potter · 6 months
Hollywood's Dead
Summary: Ruby sneaks into Atlas to see Weiss perform.
Pairing: Weiss x Ruby
Word Count: 1,176
Warning: none
A/N: loosely inspired by Hollywood's Dead by Lana Del Rey
Who am I to complain?
My lifes been spared so much pain.
Ruby clenches her skirt in her hands, digs her nails into the skin of her palms. Weiss’ voice is silky, draping over Ruby and holding her close, warming her.
This is the closest Ruby had been to the girl since the fall of Beacon, and she is unprepared. Her stomach churns, throat dry as she listens to Weiss sing along with the rest of Atlas. The audience is silent, listening on baited breath as Weiss clenches her hands together, her eyes scanning over the crowd. 
Born with all that I need, my comforts all guaranteed.
Ruby knows Weiss can’t see her, she made sure of it. Her hood is pulled low over her forehead, concealing her face, and she wore the clothing of a commoner, Crescent Rose perfectly hidden on her back. She knows Weiss is half blinded by the stage lights, unable to focus on those watching her, but she still hopes. Hopes her girl can at least feel her.
So what's the problem, what's keeping me? From moving forward, it’s hard to see.
Weiss spins, her blue and silver dress swishing around her ankles. Raising her arms, she clenches her fingers, the song pouring from her like silk.
I should be free now, I should be fine. But the life I fought for, still isn’t mine.
Ruby bites her lip, feels copper on her tongue. She wishes to run onto the stage, take Weiss’ hand and tug her from a world that had been so unfair. If only Ruby had been faster. If only she had helped Pyrrha when she fought Cinder, if she had run faster, would Prrya have lived? Would their school still be upright, instead of a pile of broken rubble? Would Weiss have said yes to Ruby’s unasked question?
Some believe in fairy stories, and the ghosts that they can’t see. I know that I could do so much, if I could just believe in me.
“She’s so talented.” Whispers a woman sitting to Ruby’s left. Unsure, Ruby nods, gives a weak smile.
“She really is.” Ruby whispers back. A man sitting on the opposite side of the woman nods enthusiastically.
“I expect nothing more from a Schnee.” The man laughs, and Ruby swallows hard.
Mirror mirror, tell me something, can I stop my fall?
Ruby licks her dry lips, refocusing her attention on the girl with silver hair. Weiss sways to the sound of the piano, her voice dripping with unbridled talent.
Years of scorn will leave you cold, ‘forget your dream, do what you’re told’
Gritting her teeth, Ruby’s eyes flick up to the balcony. Jacque Schnee sits with a leg bent at the knee, ankle balancing perfectly over one thigh. With his hands tented, he seems to be inspecting Weiss, measuring her up mentally, and it makes Ruby’s blood boil.
When disapproval all you’re shown, the safest palace becomes alone.
Ruby lets out a short gasp, dropping her chin in case anyone in the audience heard her. Did Weiss really believe the song she was singing? Was she so far gone that Ruby couldn’t reach her?
And isolation’s the price you pay, and every friendship is pushed away.
Twirling again, Weiss places her hands upon her chest, her pale face aimed to the heavens as she continues the melody, and Ruby can no longer listen. Standing, she quietly moves through the crowd, keeping her cloak tightly against her as she weaves in between members. When she’s finally freed, she hastily makes her way to the corridors, eyes scanning for the nearest exit. She spies the restroom, and decides to make the best of it. Pushing open the door, she lurches to the sink, bending over the porcelain. 
But bit by bit now, a step each day, I’m slowly starting to find my way.
Flicking on the faucet, Ruby splashes cool water against her face, lets the droplets run down her skin as she looks at her reflection.
“She’s lost,” Ruby whispers, silver eyes welling and she bats them away quickly. “She’s just lost.” leaning back under the faucet, Ruby shuts her eyes, lets the water run over her chin and tongue.
“I thought that was you.”
Some believe in fairy stories, and ghosts they can’t see.
Ruby jumps, water spraying over her clothing and stares at the door. Weiss smiles shyly, tugs on the edge of her sleeve.
“Hi.” Ruby whispers and her voice feels like sandpaper. She stands in shock, her feet rooted to the spot and Weiss looks away, a pretty flush gracing her cheeks.
“What're you doing here, Ruby? And what are you wearing?”
I know that I could do so much, if I could just believe in me.
Ruby shuffles, her gaze breaking and drops to her clothing. She shrugs, looks away hopelessly. “I had to fit in. The red would have… stuck out.”
“Ah,” Weiss says softly, clasping her hands together. She takes a singular step forward, her head bending to the side. “I see. But you didn't answer my first question.”
Mirror mirror, I’ll tell you something.
Ruby sighs, runs a hand down her face. “You have to know.”
“Do I?” Weiss counters, her dress swishing as she takes a step. “Know what?”
I think I might change it all.
“Don’t, please,” Ruby whispers, holding a hand up. “Don’t play dumb. It isn’t nice. You're not an idiot, you’ve always known.”
Weiss chuckles, the sound soft and breathy, and when she grabs Ruby’s wrist, her eyes are bright. “Of course I know. I just…” she pauses, her voice dropping an octave. “Wanted to hear you say it.”
Rushing forward, Ruby presses her mouth to Weiss’. Weiss lets out a surprised sound, before her lips go placid and she kisses Ruby back. It’s chaste and quick and everything Ruby had every thought kissing Weiss would be like.
Pulling back, Ruby takes a breath. “Don’t tell me it's over.” She whispers. Cupping Weiss’s face, she strokes a thumb across her cheek. Weiss shakes her head, lets out a soft laugh again. Leaning forward, she presses her forehead against Ruby’s and her eyes flutter shut.
“No, it isn't over.” Weiss says, her cool breath fanning over Ruby’s mouth. Ruby swallows, nodding as she cups Weiss’ face with both her hands. 
“You’ll come with me won’t you?” Ruby asks gently, worried she’s asking too much. Weiss’ brows crinkle and she nods quickly, grips Ruby’s wrists.
“My Hollywood career has long been dead anyways,” she says with a light laugh, and Ruby breathes out a sigh of relief. Hesitantly, she leans forward and Weiss meets her half way, her lips soft as they move in sequence. Slipping her tongue along Ruby’s lower lip, Weiss hums happily.
Pulling back, Ruby grins. “Y’now, in this lighting, you're… so beautiful,” she says, admiring how Weiss blushes. “On that stage? So sickeningly beautiful.”
Weiss rolls her eyes but keeps her grip on Ruby's wrist, moving her fingers to incase Ruby’s and she gives her skin a squeeze.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
Endings And Beginnings
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It's just a new beginning It's just a different ending
This phrase sums up how I feel about the ending as a whole! It was adequate in the sense that we were given what needed to happen. At the same time, it was not as bombastic as it could have been and to me it felt more as a huge set-up for the future, rather than a conclusion.
Don't get me wrong, it manages to wrap up the volume well and it gives an ending to Ruby's journey. And yet, this journey feels more like a first step, than a last one :) And the same can be said about all the other characters.
This volume as a whole doesn't solve character arcs, but rather sets up future struggles, while letting the characters get through the inner work to face their final challenges in Vacuo, much like volume 4 did.
Ruby - She is the protagonist of the volume and gets the focus, as she should. Her arc is to start the process of grieving and of self-actualization. I don't think she has finished neither process btw. Her feelings for both Summer and Penny are not completely solved. The same goes for who she is:
Will I ever be (Complete?) When will I become all of me?
The major step she takes in the season is to simply separate who she si from who Summer is. Or to better say. From who she thought Summer was. She breaks Summer's pedestal and so she can see her own self better.
Jaune - He is the character who gets the most focus after Ruby. And yet, in the end what he gets is simply another chance at self-actualization. Differently from Ruby he doesn't choose himself, but is helped by Alyx, the girl he failed to save. This is not by chance because Alyx is honestly a stand-in for all the girls he failed to save (Pyrrha and Penny) and the one he did/will (Weiss and Cinder).
Alyx's role in Jaune's arc this volume is Pyrrha's role in the whole series. Jaune failed to save Pyrrha, but Pyrrha is the one who gives him the chance to grow and to become the man he wants to be.
Alyx leaves something behind, just like Penny did, in order to help someone else. Penny leaves the powers to Winter, while Alyx leaves her knife to Jaune.
Weiss and Alyx are the 2 characters, who help Jaune the most this volume. Weiss starts the process Alyx ends. It is thanks to both of them if Jaune is able to move on.
Alyx has an off-screen redemption arc. She starts the story by trying to kill Jaune, but in the end she saves him. I think Cinder will have a similar trajectory, just not with Jaune, but with the world as a whole.
Jaune's arc is to let go of his knight persona to integrate his feminine parts and bloom into a maiden able to inspire others, like Ruby and Pyrrha are. This is why it makes sense he is saved by the one he seizes up as the damsel in distress. As for the focus on Alyx, compared to the other and more important girls, the reason is simple. Volume 9 is the story of the Rusted Knight. RWBY as a whole will tell us the story of Jaune arc. Alyx gives Jaune a conclusion to his struggles in the Ever After. His struggles in Remnant are still to be finished.
I also think Jaune's journey through the 7 metals of alchemy keeps going:
Lead > Vale - he is rough around the edges and his armor is gray and juxtaposed with Pyrrha's gold
Tin > Mistral - he integrates Pyrrha's metal and changes his armor
Iron > Atlas - he changes hir armor once again and becomes more self-assured and competent
Copper > Ever After (more or less) - Copper is the most perfected of the base metals and is associated with Penny (a copper penny). Jaune as Iron fails to save Copper and this leads him to stagnate. Hence his armor gets rusted
Mercury (?) > Vacuo (?) > I think Alyx's dagger helps Jaune transition from Iron to Mercury, which is the first of the 3 refined metals
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The light of Jaune's transformation looks to me like neither gold nor silver, but a different kind of gray and by the end of it, Jaune is back to his old self. Or almost:
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He gains white hair (wisdom) and shows she has done another step into integration. I think next volume he will have some interaction with Mercury (the character associated with the Metal) and will finally become gold.
Neo - I think Neo's arc is ironically the most complete by the end of the volume. This makes sense because it is overall far less complex than the others. That said, she still gets a beautiful conclusion. Her saying goodbye to Torchwick and choosing to ascend in a way which mirrors Ruby (Ruby does so out of a self-destructive wish, while Neo does it in order to change) were both beautiful.
WBY - Despite getting their far share of screentime, I think WBY did not make great progresses this volume. Personally, I think Weiss and Blake's arc are almost over and their roles will mostly be to assist other characters. That said, both have their own moments:
Weiss has a mini-arc, where she starts grieving Atlas and mad at herself and ends accepting her own failure and healing, in order to help Jaune. She also grows strong enough to summon her Nevermore, which commens her team's state of mind. She summons the wings while fighting alongside Blake and Yang and is finally able to summon the whole thing when Ruby finds herself once again.
Blake gets a top off with Yang. She is the one who invites Yang to open up and validates her feelings immediately. Apart from this, she simply shows her positive development this volume and gives us a hint of how much she has grown.
Yang is the one I see having still a little bit to go together with Ruby. Personally, this volume felt like set-up and foreshadowing of the pieces she still has to take care of:
Jinxy's asking for "the feeling of being loved" is left unexplored. It clearly hints at Yang's vision of love as conditional.
Yang seeing Ruby's suicide attempt and her feelings over letting her go are definately gonna be elaborate more later on.
Whatever happened between Summer and Raven is definately going to be important for her.
Volume 9 probably foreshadows the ending. Specifically:
The Tree is the Gods (not in a literal sense)
Salem is the CC
Neo is Cinder
The Tree and her Fruits
The Tree is the Mother of the Gods (Mother Tree indeed). This makes sense with the alchemical journey the characters are going through. After all, this volume was a part of the yellow phase (Citrinitas) and what is the archetype associated with this phase, exactly?
The Wise Man/The Wise Woman also known as the Great Mother
Psychologically, Citrinitas is the first step into self-actualization, which is actually realizing you do not overlap with your parent, but are your own person.
This once again can be applied both when it comes to the macrochosm and to the microchosm:
Ruby starts the journey to become her true self by choosing herself over Summer
The Tree is the Mother of the Brothers themselves and we discover Darkness and Light are in a journey of self-actualization, as well
I am expecting a final meeting between RWBY and the Gods in the finale, but with an opposite end-result. The Tree here teaches RWBY the theme, while I think RWBY will teach the Gods the theme in the end. After all, the whole speech foreshadows this.
From the Brothers' endless fight:
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To Ruby finding balance within herself (microchosm):
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To RWBY as a whole representing a new found balance (macrochosm):
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To the 4 girls becoming full-fledged individuals (microchosm again):
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The sense is clear. From the 2 Dragons of Alchemy to the 4 Phases of alchemy, which will lead to the philosopher stone. Aka RWBY is gonna teach the Gods a new kind of balance.
Speaking of the Gods, I guess you can read the Curious Cat and the Jabberwalker as personification of them (they are their first creations, after all). Still, I also think the Curious Cat is a stand-in for Salem.
The Curious Cat (and the Jabberwalker)
The CC and the Jabberwalker are the 2 first creations of the Gods. They are both incomplete in the sense the CC is Knowledge without Choice, while the Jabberwalker is Destruction without Creation. This is why the CC is shown willing to change/transform, while the Jabberwalker is shown willing to "fix" something.
Interestingly, they are both killed by Neo, a human, and I do wonder if deep down this is what they needed to properly ascend and change. Sure, we are told the Jabberwalkers woul make it impossible for Afterans to ascend. Still, after this episode I am not so sure. Do Neo's Jabberwalkers work in the same way? Or since they are "not real" they will simply lead an Afteran to ascend? Just like her killing Little gives birth to Somewhat?
I mean:
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The bird the CC sacrifided to Neo's Jabberwalker seems to be the creations the Blacksmith is currently repairing, so... is it possible the CC and the Jabberwalker will get a new chance, as well?
This is more or less what I am expecting for Salem and Ozpin tbh.. just like... with death instead of ascension. I am expecting them both to move on and find peace. Similarly, I think Salem will get empathy, like the CC does, but also she is going to receive consequences and her position is gonna be framed as wrong. I mean, this is what happens to the CC:
Curious Cat: You are broken! You break everything you touch! Like all humans... Weak! Confused! Incomplete!
In the end, the Cat loses because they understimate humanity. They do not consider Neo's feelings, which force them to come out from her body. They also do not understand humans in general. They only see these creatures as breakable and frails, but fails to consider they are also able to heal and to fix their mistakes.
Personally, I think Salem will lose for the same reason. Not only will she understimate her enemies, but she will understimate her own humanity. She herself thinks she is not human anymore, but she is and this is something both the protagonists and Salem herself need to validate.
Finally, I think that thematically, the CC and the Jabberwalker also foreshadow 2 declinations of Destruction:
The Curious Cat was made to make sure the Afterans would change > Transformation
The Jabberwalker was made to finish Afterans once and for all > Death
A Destruction that leads to re-creation, a Destruction, which is an end.
Neo and Cinder
I think what happens to Neo here is similar to what will happen to Cinder. Personally, I think Salem is going to turn Cinder into a Grimm she can control. Still, Ruby will save her and Jaune will inspire her to make a final defining choice, which will help saving the world.
In short, I think helping saving Neo is a first step into the development, which will make Ruby and Jaune ready to save Cinder.
Jaune is the one who indirectly saves Neo, by burning the leaves to exorcise her from the CC
Ruby is shown to feel empathy for Neo and Neo is inspired by Ruby to try and change
In my opinion, the dynamic with Cinder will be inversed. Her experiences in the Ever After will help Ruby develop enough empathy for Cinder to save her. His experiences in the Ever After will make Jaune strong enough to inspire Cinder, when the time comes.
Neo herself is the one who kills the CC and later on she jumps into the Tree and makes a self-actualizing choice (she chooses she wants to change). I think Cinder will make a self-actualizing choice, which will lead in Salem's defeat. A difference is that as for now I think Cinder's choice will lead to her death. After all, this volume confirmed death is still an important theme for the series and for humans in particular:
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Alyx was killed by the Curious Cat and did not ascend, but died for real. And yet, her life was not useless as her actions help out Jaune and give him a second chance. This volume has no deaths (except the CC and the Jabberwalkers and even they could be ascending), but this is also because:
The Blacksmith: Yes, only Lewis returned home. The Girl Who Fell Through The World is the story as he wished it had happen.
The whole volume deals with grief and its different stages. Specifically it is also a metaphor of how fiction can help you deal with grief. This is why the protagonists find themselves in a fairy tale world.
Lewis wrote The Girl Who Fell Through The World to grieve the loss of his sister.
Summer read this same fairy tale to Yang and Ruby before disappearing.
This fairy tale then becomes symbolic of the process of grieving for Ruby and the other characters. It also becomes a mean for them to face their shortcomings in a setting, which is ironically not as dangerous as their home-world. This is especially true for Ruby, Jaune and Neo.
Ruby luckily goes through her depressive phase here, where drinking the tea-leaves brings her to the Tree to be fixed instead than just leading her to die. Not only that, but through the Tree and the Ever After she manages to make some progress in grieving both Penny and Summer:
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Jaune and Neo deal with their problems through entering their favourite stories.
Jaune steps into the story and plays the part of the hero
Neo comes into the story and starts adding parts to it and inventing characters (kind of like a fanfic-writer :P)
Both risk to lose themselves in the narration. Jaune gets stuck in the story for years and Neo symbolically is possessed by a character in the fairy tale. Both are also unable to leave for opposite reasons. Jaune has attachments in Remnant, but can't reach the tree. Neo can find the tree, but can't go through the door. Jaune can't stop playing his character and leaving the paper pleasers. Neo loses herself in her own fantasies. Both esplores fiction as escapism and its dangers.
And yet, in the end fiction is also what helps them both. Jaune is saved by the protagonist of the story (Alyx) and Neo is given the chance to use the magical world of the fairy tale to change.
This leaves us with the Curious Cat, who ironically is just the haters :P They hate the writers, the world and everything, but still must keep on reading because THEY MUST KNOW! They are also very smart and well informed, except they miss the main theme completely:
Curious Cat: Just more fairy tale nonsense!
Sure, Alyx's story is more complex than the fairy tale, but still the fairy tale stands true in its main ideas:
The Tree is the key to going home and finding yourself
Alyx in the end becomes a hero as her final act is not one of hate or selfishness, but of love and selflessness:
Blacksmith: When Alyx's life ended, she chose to leave a part of herself behind. A wish to fix what she had broken.
The same goes for Summer. She was not perfect, like Ruby believed. And yet she still loved her children completely. In the end, Summer saves Ruby. Not as a Huntress, but as a Mother:
Summer: I love you. Just the way you are.
I'm not sure. I'd like to think we did at leas... a little good?
And they did. Ruby's small act of kindness in the beginning inspires little into wanting to become more and in the end, they appear changed into Somewhat.
Little is a highly symbolic character and Ruby and Somewhat's final meeting wraps up Ruby's progression beautifully. She doesn't know who she is exactly, but she also knows it is alright because she will figure it out. She doesn't need a fixed identity just yet. The transformation from Little to Somewhat also clearly marks Ruby leaving childhood and stepping into adolescence. Where things are not so simple. So black and white. And yet, it is also a phase of self-discovery and growth.
At the same time, Ruby's goodbye to somewhat shows us the progress she has made on the theme of grief.
On the one hand, RWBY describe Somewhat with attributes that fit Penny perfectly: a friend, a guide, a protector, adorable. On the other hand Somewhat's feelings for Ruby articulate what she herself feels about Summer:
Somewhat: You do feel... familiar. Like a happy dream I can't remember.
Red like roses fills my dreams
This volume Summer went from a dream haunting Ruby to one she can remember fondly and that can Guide Her Way.
Something similar happens with Jaune and Juniper:
Jaune: Will you look after Juniper? She means the world to me.
Juniper being called like Jaune's old team (with Pyrrha in it) and her being a she specifically sounds highly symbolic to me. Jaune's whole arc is centered around Pyrrha and I think that even if we still need to address several points, he has made some progress in grieving her and finding acceptance.
So, it is as a part of Penny and Pyrrha is left by Ruby and Jaune in the Ever After, as a precious part of their childhood and past, while they move forward. And are ready to grow more mature.
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The group reaches Vacuo some time in the future and even if the sky is till yellow, the earth looks reddish. It seems we are saying goodbye to Citrinitas and approaching Rubedo, aka the final stage.
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howlingday · 2 years
Salem: That's right, Team RWBY! In a few moments, my Dark Cannon will fire, spreading my Grimm all over Remnant! And I don't even have a target in mind! I'm just gonna shoot wildly and see where it hits!
Ruby: Wait! No, let's talk about this!
Salem: Sure, what's up?
Ruby: Wait, really?
Salem: No, you idiots! Why would you think that would work?
Jaune: (Suddenly next to Salem) Well, maybe you should have heard her out, Salem!
Salem: Ah, if it isn't... Uh...
Jaune: Jaune.
Salem: Jaune! I could have figured it out. Well, I'm sorry to say, my armored foe, that my Cannon is ready to fire!
Jaune: Well, don't get too confident, Salem, because there's something I can still do!
Salem: Oh, and what might that b- Is that a sword? OGH! AGH! UGH! OOF! ACK! AGH! OOGH! OH! ARGH! UGH!
Jaune: ...Well, that just happened.
RWBY: (Cries of mixed repulsion)
Jaune: Sorry, I, uh... I thought a quip might lighten the mood.
Weiss: I think we're talking about how you hacked Salem to death with a fucking sword!
Jaune: What? No, no, no! She's still alive, see?
Salem: (Weakly lifts arm, Hand broken) My mouth... tastes like copper...
Blake: I want to stop him, but I don't want to get flagged.
Jaune: Hoo! Got 'er! But, uh... I don't think that was a gun. I think her bones were just protruding out of her skin and it looked like a gun.
Yang: I told you, guys! I told you that we can't trust an emotionally disturbed man with a medieval weapon!
Jaune: Now, now, Yang. This is no time for jokes!
Yang: What?!
Jaune: Look, we beat Salem! We win! Go us!
Jaune: ...Did you guys hear something?
Blake: Yes! That's the cannon that we came here to destroy! That's the whole reason we're here!
Jaune: Oh, yeah...
Ruby: How did you not notice the fucking Quantum Theory cannon behind you?!
Jaune: Sorry, sorry... When I get into this hero business, I kind of get a tunnel vision and I sort of lose my grip on humanity for a second... Just kind of go into, like, a primal, feral state. You know how it is.
Yang: NO! None of us know what you're talking about!
Jaune: No, you know, it's like, uh... Like the... I-It's a meme. You have to really see it to get it...
Jaune: Right, right, right! I'll get right on that and... She's right behind me, isn't she?
Cinder: Ah, so you believe you've won simply because you've bested Salem-
Ruby: CINDER! Cinder, listen to me! Just- Just get out of here! Just leave, alright? You don't want any part of this!
Jaune: Not so fast, Cinder! Why don't you get a taste of this?! (Stabs for her eye, GIF not found) Huh... Dodging... My one, true weakness.
Cinder: D-Did you just try to stab my eye?! And what is this black, goopy stuff?
Ruby: Jaune, why don't you take this as a sign, okay? You don't need to solve all your problems with a sword! Or a lethal strike! There's other ways to solve this!
Jaune: Other, non-lethal ways?
Weiss: Yes! You fucking psychopath!
Jaune: Non-lethal... Psychopath...
Jaune: Wow, guys. I never really thought of that. Boy, do I have mud on my face. And blood!
Ruby: That's great, Jaune! So just put down the sword and-
Jaune: (Whips out a pistol)
Ruby: JAUNE, NO!
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pilot-boi · 1 year
Hey, not-so-long-time lurker here. I’ve only discovered your blog recently but I absolutely ADORE everything you do, especially the stuff centered around Jaune lately. Now, I know you have a separate AU of Jaune in the EA, but if you don’t mind I had an idea.
There was recently a fanart of Pyrrha if she somehow was the rusted knight instead of Jaune, where her armor was rusted green instead since she has copper-ish armor. I also saw one of your asks ending up with Jaune braiding his hair, and I can’t help but think if both Pyrrha AND Jaune were in the EA that the reason Jaune even knows how to braid it is because Pyrrha taught him since she was already used to long hair. Thoughts?
Hello and welcome, lurker! It’s always nice to hear from y’all :]
Oh yeah @davidellisartworkstuff ‘s Tarnished Spartan AU! I don’t know much of the lore about it, you’ll have to ask them if you want more details, but I am a fan
Personally I’ve always headcanoned that Jaune knows how to braid from doing his sisters’ hair, especially the younger ones who don’t quite have the coordination yet
In fact, I headcanon that Jaune is the one who braided Weiss’s hair for V7, since she probably had a servant to do anything particularly fancy to it
But braiding on YOURSELF is a whole different beast. It’s like how people know how to tie a tie on themselves but can’t do it for themselves. So yeah I can totally see Pyrrha (Tarnished or otherwise) teaching Jaune to braid his own hair
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Arculus Ribbed for her pleasure
God I feel nervous about this. I would appreciate feedback, because I want to write smut, but I never have. So I hope this is good?
Penny’s Heart fluttered in excitement. Her and Jaune had officially been dating for a year, and she wanted to make it special for the both of them. 
Her and Jaune were currently at an High Quality restaurant, Penny trading in her usual olive skirt and white shirt for a deep green Drop Waist dress, with a deep cut in the front providing her beloved blond with an ample view of her cleavage, perfect for what she had planned tonight.
In terms of accessories and makeup, Penny had bought a brilliant brass and copper necklace that once again drew attention towards her chest, with matching pearl earrings. Ruby and Weiss had provided her with - in her opinion - absolutely gorgeous purple eyeliner, pale orange lipstick, just bright enough to make her lips noticeable against her own pale skin. Yang had mentioned that the combination of colors, as well as the way Penny had wanted the make up applied, “made her look like an … Escort.” 
Penny was fully aware of what she looked like, which was the point. She wanted to seduce Jaune, to be ravished by him, to have … Sex! The thought sent shivers down her spine, as well as other areas of her body. Not to mention Jaune, ever the gentleman, was doing his damndest to not make a complete fool of himself, or stare too long at Her assets. Yet every time his gaze lingered a moment more than he had meant for it to, Her desire grew.
“Yes, Jaune?”
“Are you okay? Having Fun?”
“Of course! The food is wonderful, I’m spending time with you, and we haven’t gone out for dinner for two months, so it’s a good change of pace as it were!”
“Good! Good ...” Jaune paused, scanning over her once again, only pausing on her face, staring directly into her eyes. Penny’s blush had grown nearly red enough to drown the freckles out of her cheeks. 
“You l-look absolutely stunning tonight, Pen.” His own face was flushed, clearly trying to keep his cool.
“I’m well Aware Jaune~” Penny was getting very excited about all the teasing, and glances Jaune tried so hard to resist. She knew it was time to lay the sensuality of her outfit on thick, draw him in, make him Hers.
Penny didn’t know where that thought had come from. The thought felt good though. Really good. She wanted Him. He would be Hers!
That Idea of Captivating Her boyfriend to the point of making him act so Flustered, and Horny, that he couldn’t keep her Eyes off her~
It made Penny’s slit nearly drip in excitement.
She reached across the table running her hands down Jaunes arms, pushing her breasts together.
“I’m pretty full of Food. I’d Like to be full of Something Else~”
Jaune lit up like a christmas tree, eyes wide from the shock of Penny of all people saying that. Penny! Sweet, innocent, socially unaware Penny!
“W- Where did all this come from Penny?”
Penny Shrunk back slightly, the confidence she put up wavering somewhat as she responded “Well … It’s our first anniversary of being together … And I want it to be special, because you mean a lot to me! You’ve helped me experience things just as much as Ruby has,” She took a breath and a sip of her water, trying to calm her nerves before continuing, “But there is something I want to experience with you that Ruby can’t give me, seeing as We’re both in closed relationships separate from each other.” Penny took one more deep breath before staring into the soft cerulean of her Lover’s eyes.
“I want you to want me, Jaune. I want you to want me carnally, sexually, I want you to give me all you are, and all you can. We’ve seen each other naked, We’ve been close to each other physically, but I want there to be no more barriers between us. No clothes, no glass doors of showers, only us.”
Jaune, in response, simply stared at her, eyes wide, mouth agape. Penny Felt a little hurt by the lack of response. 
Seeing her face fall shocked Jaune back into reality. “Sorry! Sorry. I was, uh, Surprised by what you said! I … I really do want you Penny. I was worried about pushing you into something, so I didn't bring it up. You didn’t need to get all dressed up like this to seduce me.”
Penny felt a twinge of irritation at that, but mostly she felt love. A great deal of it, her heart aching to take him, here and now. It was somewhat unfortunate that it would be a social Faux Pas to have intercourse in public.
“Although I do really appreciate you putting all this on for me. You really know how to make a guy feel special!”
“I’m going to ride you until neither of us walk properly tomorrow.”
“With your consent of course! Though to deny your loving girlfriend what she desires would be cruel~”
“ … Waiter!”
The car ride home was excruciating. Penny kept rubbing her thighs together, tugging her panties higher into her crotch, desperate for someone, something to solve the tightness in her core! The fact that each minute she spent in the car more and more of her arousal seeped into the seat turned her on more.
The second the car stopped at Jaune’s apartment Penny was on him like a starved cat on a fresh caught Tuna. Jaune lifted her, holding her in one arm while she kissed and sucked and nipped at his neck, holding him in a bear hug that was so strong it was more like a bear trap.
They were like that for two staircases, and a half dozen doors before they reached the apartment. Once inside, Jaune set Penny on the couch, nearly tore his shoes off, as Penny kicked her heels off, and grabbed Jaune behind the head, mashing their lips together, causing their teeth to knock against each other, as they began to strip.
When they eventually reached the bedroom, Penny had already dropped her hair band, letting loose the absolute tidal wave of Orange that accompanied her, her dress had slipped down her arms, her small freckled breasts barely covered, with the faintest hints of pink peeking over the hem of her dress. 
Jaune, for his part, had lost all but his briefs and undershirt, his cock straining against the fabric, precum staining the front of the fabric. Tearing the shirt off and sending buttons everywhere, he dove between Penny’s thighs, burying his face in her Muff, trimmed red pubes tickling his nose.
Arching her back, and crying out at the sudden, deeply welcomed intrusion, Penny wrapped her legs around his head, grabbing his hair in one hand, while running the other through her own hair. She gasped as Jaune’s tongue dug as deep as her biggest toys, pressing into areas she hadn’t even known before!
“F-fuck! Jaune! RIGHT THERE!” Her Thighs squeezed his head as he twisted his tongue, causing her whole body to shake like she was riding Bumblebee.
“MMM~” Was Jaunes only response, as he savored the bitter, salty flavors of his girlfriend's pussy, invigorated by the cuss words she struggled to keep in. That and the fact her thighs were as soft and thick as they were strong, heat enveloping his head like an oven of deadly squish.
“AH! Fuck” Penny blushed more and more with each swear that slipped by her lips. She was having her pussy eaten, yet she was blushing like a schoolgirl over a couple words. The blond expertly sucked her clit while pressing into each and every inch of her walls that his tongue could reach. 
He licked against every sensitive fold, every soft spot, as not one part of her in his reach was left unloved.
“Jaune! J-JAUNE!” Penny’s whole body stiffened, her legs pulling him almost painfully hard into her labia, her insides clenching around his tongue like a vice, as bitter fluid flooded his mouth.
Jaune pulled himself from the now limp redhead, as they each gasped for air, squirt coating his mouth, chin and chest. He crawled on top of Penny, giving her a deep kiss. She licked his mouth, tasting herself all over him, pulling him into the deepest kiss the two had shared, tongues wrapping around each other, rubbing across the other’s teeth. Jaune retreated first, grinning ear to ear. “How was that?” 
Penny’s eyes sparkled, as she grabbed his right arm, hooked his right leg, and rolled them so that she had him pinned.
“Sensational~” She said, beginning to trail kisses down his torso, “But Now (Mwah!)  it’s time (Mwah) I repay (Mwah) the Favor~” When she reached the straining cloth that barely restrained his member, She pressed the biggest, wettest kiss she could manage through the cotton, Causing Jaune to buck his hips, desperate for release.
“Uh-Uh-Uh! We’re going at my pace now~”
“P-Penny! What’s gotten into you?”
“I’m not exactly certain, but it feels Quite good~ Though perhaps something else that will get in me will feel even better” She pressed a finger into the swollen tip, twirling it like one would a joystick on a controller.
Penny wasn’t lying. It felt Good, not ‘fine’, not ‘nice’, it felt good to have control over a situation, to have someone begging for her mercy.
She bit the hem of Jaune’s underwear, finally freeing his dick, springing to its full nine inches, eliciting a deep groan in response.
Precum drooled from it, engorged, with veins almost visibly throbbing. It would get its attention in time, but for now Penny placed three kisses along the shaft, before placing her nose against Jaune’s nuts, taking a deep whiff of his musk.
“Oh~ Jaune, you smell so strongly! it’s making my head spin~” 
She sucked one of his testes into her mouth, savoring the deep, salty, sweaty flavor, Grabbing his cock in one hand, gently massaging it, spreading precum all over, his hips jerking and bucking, trying so hard to get stimulation on his painfully erect rod.
“Penny! P-Please!”
Penny released her suction on his ball, and paused to ask a question “Is this good for you, or are you actually hurting?” 
Jaune, in response, took a couple breaths, before finally meeting her gaze. “I’m doing Fine, just. It’s a little intense? I can go like this for a couple more minutes, but I’d appreciate, uh, getting there soon.” He Flushed as he said ‘getting there’ like he was a virgin, which Penny knew wasn’t true.
“May I continue then?”
“Just loosen your grip. Please.”
Penny gripped his dick a little more lightly, pushing her face back between his legs, sucking a little less roughly on the remaining nut, sniffing his dense, unshaved pubes. Her other hand slipped between her own legs, fingers pushing into her labia, pinching her clit between her palm and her thumb.
Her Humming caused his back to straighten, and legs to flex. Interesting. She Popped his sack out of her mouth, thick layers of spit coating the loose leather pouch, as she took some of Jaune’s length in her mouth.
It practically Burned her tongue, a hand finding itself on the back of her head. Penny looked up at Jaune, as her cheek bulged with Jaunes length, as there was no way she was going to try throating this thing.
Jaune Bucked, fingers gripping her hair, as he did his best to restrain himself from forcing his dick into the hot, tight hole of the Redheads throat, having to clench his teeth. She licked all over, coating his cock in her warm, wet saliva, strands of it connecting from her lips to the head.
“Shouldn’t I get a condom first?”
“If you’re concerned about the potential of pregnancy, it is roughly 15 to 25% likely to occur between two healthy adults. I also have acquired Day-After Contraceptives. If you’re that worried, I don’t mind if you use a condom, I simply wish to feel you as much as possible.”
“Alright then Penny. I want to feel you as much as possible to.”
He grabbed the hem of her dress, pulling it up over her head. As the sweat-soaked garment fell away from her, her nipples became even harder as cool air she hadn’t felt before made itself known.
Penny’s heart rattled in her chest, as she set her legs on either side of his hips, Rubbing her lips on his penis, their natural lubricants mixing together, as Penny hesitated for the first time tonight
He was Big, at least twice as long as her toys, and three times as thick.
Would he even fit? Was she able to make him cum? Most of his other partners had, and a lot of them had experience. What if she wasn’t enough? What if -
“Penny? You look worried. What’s wrong?”
She looked her handsome, kind boyfriend in the eyes, his countenance an expression of worry.
“Sorry, I simply got caught up in anxiety. I’d like to start now.”
Penny lifted herself up, guiding Jaune into her pussy.
“Oh Fuck Penny! You’re tight!”
“I’d have been to tight if you H-HADN’T - ” She Clenched around his member as it hit a sensitive spot in her walls. “Hadn’t p-provided your oral ministrations~”
“I - Hah! Do my best!”
Jaune slid deeper and deeper, more and more fluids leaking down his shaft, hot and fresh, until finally their pubes caught in each other.
Her perfectly trim orange tufts met his own yellow bush, as Penny moaned almost as loud as when she had cum on his face.
“You’re v-Very Large! Oh my god you are large!” Penny’s voice shook, almost laughing in ecstasy.
“Ready to start Moving?” 
“Yes. I believe so.”
Penny slowly, meticulously rose, savoring every last inch, and once the tip was back at her entrance, she lowered herself slowly back down, repeating this process for a few minutes, gradually gaining speed. Jaune placed his hands on her Hips at some point, encouraging her to go faster, Before eventually moving his own hips in time with hers.
“J-JAUNE! FUCK!” Penny grit her teeth as she screamed through her second orgasm of the night, throwing her rhythm off, but she kept Riding, determined to Get Jaune off, beginning to roll her hips.
She felt His Grip on her hips get stronger, as they began to fall out of time with each other, tearing through another climax, as Jaune was Reaching his.
“PENNY! I’M -”
Penny Slammed her Hips down as hard as she could, Spraying all over his crotch, Dragging marks across his chest with her Nails, As a new warmth filled her.
She collapsed onto Jaune’s chest, gasping for air as The Blond wrapped his arms around her, gently running his fingers through her hair as she came down from the biggest high of her life.
After A few Minutes Penny Spoke again. “That … Was Sensational.”
Jaune smirked at her. “Always glad to hear it. We should brush our teeth though. The aftertaste isn’t great, and we should probably wash the sheets too.”
“Ah. We should get on that then.” Penny Tried to get on her feet, she found her hips were too sore to walk. “I need assistance getting to the Restroom Jaune …”
Jaune picked her up Bridal Style, getting an indignant squeak from His girlfriend.
“You feel nice in my arms, Pen. Almost like you’re meant to be there!”
“It f-feels very nice to be held like this …” Her face was hot, burning in embarrassment from the position she found herself in. “I’d Actually like to bathe if you could set me in the tub. I hate sleeping when I’m sweaty.”
“Of course Pen.”
When Penny got out of the Bath, all the sheets were off the bed, and there was a bowl of orange slices with a note on the nightstand.
“Hey Penny, I Don’t really know what a good snack to have after a session like that is. Or any session, I guess, but I know you like oranges, so I figured that would be fine. Of course, my home is your home and you may feel free to have anything you’d like. I’m at the laundromat washing the sheets, I’ll be back by 10:15. 
-with Much love, Jaune.”
Penny Loved that doofus.
Next Time Neither of them would be able to walk afterwards for sure.
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thuskindlyshescatters · 3 months
For the ask game (and sketch ideas): 4, 14, and 26!
4. Pick a design choice for the new outfits
I support the return of Weiss's ponytail 100%. I also hope that Ruby continues to stray from taking after Summer -- keep bits and pieces, but becoming something unique.
14. Favorite background character design
I actually made a post about specifically randomly-generated characters in Argus. I just loved the looks of them (Sanctum Academy students?) Those, and the archers in Humanity 1.0's army.
26. What would be your aura color/color theme?
I tend to wear mostly red, black, and grey, so I'd love to instead be associated with, like, copper orange and green!
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logo-comics · 8 months
RWBY Moon: (Penny x Weiss) Winter and Willow Title: Three Silvers And A Copper: In A Golden Comedy
In which there is a lot of explaining to do. Such as, where has Weiss been since she ran away?!
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intcritus · 10 months
022. a wishing fountain, based line with copper coins of past wishes. / @nvrcmplt
twinkling stars dot the sky, the midnight hour looms over them and apollo finds himself wandering aimlessly with weiss at his side. it's one of those nights where he can't really sleep and he finds himself comforted at such an hour with weis''s silence at his side. he's a warm presence that brings a rogue smile to athe fallen's lips.
but the weather isn't exactly kind at this time, especially with the falling temperatures. shrugging off his jacket, he lays it over weiss's shoulders, making sure to slip the hellhound's arms into the sleeves, before leading him further down the path where he'd discovered a wishing well. ❝ ━ i found this awhile ago. it seems to be hidden away,❞ there's a wistfulness to his tone as he peers down at the many copper and silver coins that line the bottom of it as though a plethora of wishes had been needed. did mortals wish for material things or something more dear to the heart ?
it mattered not to apollo, all wishes were just as important as the one who bowed their head to pray upon it. slipping his hand into his pocket, he pulls out a nickel, gesturing for weiss to hold his hand out, when he did, the fallen placed it in his hand and juts his chin at the well. ❝ ━ no one's here but you and me. we all have wishes we want, even if it's a good night's sleep. ❞ he nudges the other with his shoulder, breath frosting from smiling lips.
taking out his own coin, he flips it through his fingers , unsure of what he wants to wish for. to live peacefully with weiss by his side ? is that why he's yet to retire ? because he needs an excuse to spend more time with the hellhound ? it's pathetic, but no less true. there was no one like weiss and probably would never captivate apollo like the hound. bowing his head over closed fist, he breathes out before tossing the coin into the well, the gentle splash as it pierces the water then the metallic clink as it hits the bottom makes him grin. ❝ ━ come on, it's your turn. but you can't tell me your wish. or else it won't come true. ❞
later, when they're back inside the warmth of his apartment, apollo finds himself dozing off, wondering just where he went right. then he thinks back to his wish : please let me keep him by my side. i won't ask for much else. he's…..so precious to me. i deserve that, don't i ?
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curewhimsy · 1 year
A bunch of theme colors for characters in my RWBY Crossover AU
I do realize some theme colors’ names are established characters’ names (like Ruby lol) but I wanted a LOT of characters in this universe
Also I might put major established characters with these colors (Like Penny with Copper)
RWBY AU colors
Red (Ruby)
White (Weiss)
Black (Blake)
Yellow (Yang)
Blue (Taya)
Indigo (
Purple (Uta)
Pink (Amelie)
Peach (Momo)
Cerise (Teto)
Scarlet (Ritsu)
Orange (Koto)
Snow (Haku)
Ochre (Neru)
Crimson (Akaito)
Cobalt (Rhona)
Teal (Luana)
Magenta (Nagisa)
Carnation (Joy)
Aqua (
Lavender (
Chartreuse (Rie)
Turquoise (Miku)
Silver (Dell)
Azure (Kaito)
Strawberry (Doremi)
Auburn (Hazuki)
Cerulean (Aiko)
Puce (Edgeworth)
Navy (Phoenix)
Violet (Maya)
Aegean (Franziska)
Ink (Nagisa Misumi)
Moonlight (Honoka Yukishiro)
Copper (Penny)
Bubblegum (Nora)
Fuchsia (Ren)
Lemon (Jaune)
Flame (Pyrrha)
Garnet (Octavia)
Jet (Reina)
Wintergreen (Sonata)
Burgundy (Candela)
Ultramarine (Blanche)
Gold (Spark)
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