#Core capsule
hallowsden · 1 year
Seeing the child staring at Nora, Victor sighed, massaging his brows, once he noticed the familiar features. Picking her up by the hood, he started walking outside his base, ignoring the pouting look the young girl had.
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Victor wonders how excited Nora would be having 2 children under their care, a 3rd if you ignore the fact they're in university. She would've teased him, after all, he always did have a habit of picking up strays in his younger years. (Grew fond of them quickly too, and it seems this transferred over to his new situation... Not that he'll complain, of course. It's nice to have company again that wasn't just Nora.)
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pebblezone · 1 year
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#hellsing#hellsing ultimate#seras victoria#alucard hellsing#walter c dornez#a#those like 2 seconds of dialogue between Walter and seras hands down best scene like DUUUUUUDE#*seras interacts with literally any character* ‘omg they have the best dynamic in all of hellsing’#I LOVE HER SO MUCH AHHHGHHGGH every dynamic is great because she at her core is such a loving and passionate person that it bleeds into all#other facets of her life like FUCK man even after the betrayal she thanks Walter like she’s been through hell and seen the worst in people#yet she still sees the good in them!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#unrelated but currently very emotional about my 3ds and Pokemon and the beauty of existing authentically#I found my first (caught) shinies!!!!! I found a rattata when I first got heartgold and my brother tried to coach me through but I killed it#so then I’d been playing b2 and was in the ranch and I got this patrat and azuril within 30 minutes of each other#and then seeing other Pokémon that I transferred up or that I got from my brother and the ones my friend traded me#and then like my 3ds is a Time Capsule to 2015 when I figured out I can use the internet on this thing#girlie was on ao3 and I’ll keep some of my dignity but it’s endearing in a sort of way. that was my life once!#people and the passage of time is so sexy. being able to grow and see yourself change as a person. Pokemon.#I got like this a few months ago going through the camera on my 3ds. I have like no photos of me from 8-12so it’s like. woah!! that’s me!!!
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goblingirlpicnic · 5 months
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I love this series so much ❤️
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july-19th-club · 10 months
temperance brennan my sweet beautiful baby who thinks jersey shore is a fascinating documentary (she's right)
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me-and-my-son-dingus · 7 months
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raspberry-beret · 2 years
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914 - Snap
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vampire-connoisseur · 18 days
ill be honest -cores are a lot more embarrassing to me than -kins. kins are all about embodying and being described by an idea, while cores are about conformity and finding identity through consumerism. at the most basic level, albeit with exceptions, kins are expressed through actions and cores are expressed through acquisition. do whatever you want obviously but to me cores are a symptom of a problem while kinnies, way less acceptable to the mainstream and way more authentic and creative in how they express the connection they feel, are genuinely cool people.
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sw5w · 4 months
Maul Kicks Obi-Wan's Lightsaber Over the Edge
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:02:16
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reportwire · 2 years
I've Lived in NYC for 17 Years, and This Is the Winter Capsule I Swear By
I’ve Lived in NYC for 17 Years, and This Is the Winter Capsule I Swear By
Dressing for winter and pulling it off in a stylish way can sometimes be a tall order. While a leather jacket and a few light layers are all that’s ever really needed to get by in the South and West, here on the East Coast, though, it’s another story. Enter Shalini Acharya, an influencer and veteran New Yorker. We routinely turn to this fashion creative for top-notch outfit ideas because of her…
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eli0004 · 2 months
Since you guys have been eating up my Levi HC content, i raise you another fun thought I’ve had recently:
Taking aphrodisiacs with him???😩😩😩 golden.
(Warning: 18+ content)
They come in many forms, pill capsules, chocolate candies, cigars. In this particular instance they are chocolates, given to you as a gag gift. You know the kind you get for $20-$30 at the adult store to spice up your sex life? There are two to a pack, and meant to be shared.
You absentmindedly toss them on the kitchen counter with the intent to throw them away, but when Levi comes over that evening, he, much to your surprise, seems interested in trying them out. He says he’s skeptical about how well they actually work for such a steep price, and only two to a pack. And “what’s the worst that could happen, a good fuck?” He says.
Fine by you.
So you open the packaging and each take one, before settling down to watch a movie.
The first 30 minutes is pretty uneventful and you begin to think Levi was right to be suspicious. He’s snuggled up on the couch with you, nestled between your thighs with his back to your chest, and showing no signs of overwhelming horniness.
Ten more minutes, however and you’re absentmindedly tracing shapes against his thigh, thinking thoughts that are far from innocent. Levi has begun squirming in his seat, sweat beading at his hairline but his body feels cold. Suddenly his resolve is slipping and he’s struggling to control his thoughts. Your featherlight touches against his thigh feel teasingly pleasurable, and all he can think about is how desperate he is to be touched properly. If you brought your hand close enough, Levi thinks he’d shamelessly rut himself against it, just to get some relief.
It’s you that breaks the silence, beckoning him to turn around to face you. That’s when the sloppy, hasty kissing begins, your hand is dipping below his waistband, and Levi is excessively vocal. The desperation is evident in his furrowed brow, burning cheeks and lust blown pupils. He burries his face into your sweaty neck as you stroke him with your hand tightly shoved down the front of his jeans, but it’s not enough, god damn he would hump your leg like a dog if you’d let him.
The first time he cums it’s so intense he loses his hearing for a moment, legs shaking and it just won’t stop coming out of him. He’s moaning against the skin of your neck, and it feels like it goes on forever. He stays hard as a rock. The second time he cums, you yank his hair back and force him to look at you and you can see him visibly staring to float away. He’s making little “ah ah ah” sounds and you tell him he’s doing so well and sounding so cute for you. The third time he cums, he’s boneless, trembling all over and clawing to pull you as close as possible, grabbing your hands to hold and keep him grounded. His tummy feels tight and his core muscles are exhausted but he doesn’t want to stop.
You give him one more, a fourth one, grinding down on his over sensitive, twitchy cock. He has tears welling up on his lower lash line and he looks absolutely ruined. When you’re done with him, he’ll crawl between your legs and get you off until you’re well past satisfied.
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moe-broey · 2 years
Currently subjecting myself to Pokemon Sun starter hunt. Btw.
I mean I figure after spending actual years on and off hunting for Eevee in Leaf Green and finally getting it in June, I can handle anything. Extremely long resets w 4096 odds means nothing to me (40 resets in LMFAOOOOO we'll see if I change my tune.)
Going for Rowlet btw!!! I've never done a SuMo run w one, and I think it has the best shiny out of the three!
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Realistic Tips & Tricks to Become "That Girl"
Some alternatives to having an entire day before 9am that allow you to enjoy your life and help you find pleasure in reaching your goals. Enjoy xx
Focus on a consistent sleep schedule, not select times: Structure your day around your energy, not an idealized schedule is guaranteed to not work for everyone. Wake up at 6-7 am, if you're a true early riser, and head to the gym to get your day started. Otherwise, there's no reason why waking up at 8-9am and getting in an evening-time workout session is lesser than.
Plan your days & week around your energy peaks: Figure out the times of the day when you're most focused, productive, creative, fidgety, sleepy, etc., and structure your days/weeks/month around your internal clock to the best of your ability. While this may be slightly difficult if you have a 9-5 or go to school during the day, think about what blocks of time are best dedicated to meetings, creative work, planning, routine tasks, emails, studying, etc. For those with uteruses, consider your energy throughout your cycle to help you plan the month.
Create "bookend" routines: While these will often be your morning and nighttime routines, consider how you prime and unwind your mind from your biggest tasks of the day (for most of us, this will be work, school, and chores on the weekends). Some reading, light movement, and upbeat music can create momentum before starting your daily tasks. A long walk and some journaling are a simple yet productive combination to decompress from the day.
Embrace the power of 3s: Create a daily primer routine, workday, and relaxation routine around 3 core tasks/projects/rituals. For example: Mornings can include using your 5-Minute Journal, doing a quick 10-minute meditation/yoga/dancing session to get in some movement, and spending 10 minutes reading; Your workday should be focused on completing your "Big Three" tasks, projects, or meetings of the day; Evenings can include a quick 5-10 minute planning session for the next day, a 15-60 minute walk or workout (depending on how you're feeling), and some journaling/reading time after dinner. You don't need to do it all. Consistency is key.
Create a "pleasure" and "pain" list. Own your inner masochist: Open up a fresh journal page or web document. Create two separate lists titled "Pleasure" and "Pain." The first list captures all of the simple pleasures that make your days enjoyable (from coffee rituals and your skincare routine to small work successes, daily movement, and indulgent evening treats, like a favorite TV show, a glass of wine, tea, etc.). The second list captures the tasks you regularly dread or procrastinate out of hatred and overwhelm (includes tedious or mentally-draining work tasks, meetings, chores, difficult workout sessions, necessary conversations with emotionally immature people, etc.). Looking over these two lists gives you an overview of your daily experience to help you (realistically) optimize your day for more ease and enjoyment.
Incorporate a pleasurable element into every ritual: Find ways to pair these more "painful" activities with something pleasurable. Examples include having a favorite coffee or tea while working on a draining work project, listening to a fun playlist, taking a walk/doing a face mask or massage while having a less enjoyable conversation, etc.)
Leverage habit stacking: Build habits on top of one another to set yourself up for success. Use a nearly mindless or enjoyable "cue" to spark action that results in habit formation. For example, use sipping your morning coffee as a cue to read your 10 daily pages or do some journaling. Leave your workout clothes out beside your bed with your yoga mat all laid out to make it stupidly easy to get your workout done right away. Have a playlist curated and opened to let you press "start" immediately when you need to begin your work day.
Create a capsule menu/wardrobe: Streamline your everyday meals and outfits by curating a handful of healthy breakfasts/lunches/dinners/snacks and outfits that you can put together mindlessly throughout the week. While creativity in these areas is fun, pre-determined options for busy days can help minimize decision fatigue. Know what staple groceries you need in your kitchen to make these recipes, and ensure to keep them in stock when going on your weekly grocery run. Have a few go-to outfits for work, running errands, working out, and social outings. Choose 5-10 well-fitting wardrobe staples that pair well together in the front of your closet at all times.
Become a playlist master: Curate different playlists for particular tasks, activities, and times of the day. Having playlists for creative/admin work tasks, reading, working out, cleaning, waking up, and winding down for the day can give you the energy to focus and not procrastinate or simply enjoy a necessary task more.
Focus on systems, not habits: Consider the domino effect of each practice and activity. Determine whether your current strategies and routines align with your energy, goals, and desired outcomes. Reflect on the parts of your routine that increase/decrease your energy and motivation. See how you can create a system – a pattern of consistently-practiced habits – that supports your goals and desired lifestyle that does not compromise your overall life satisfaction and well-being.
Experiment until you find an achievable balance: Focus on progress, not perfection. While there may be days or even seasons where hard work and fewer pleasures take priority, life is meant to bring you joy, peace, and satisfaction at the end of the day. Remaining in your comfort zone does you no good. However, learning ways to find pleasure in the process remains the key to long-lasting discipline and the energy necessary to maintain the determination required for success.
Sending you healthy and prosperous vibes xx
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todays-xkcd · 8 months
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The Earth's magnetic field is primarily generated by currents in the liquid outer core, though some geophysicists argue that an unexplained mismatch with models suggests that the Kinder toy contains a magnet.
Earth Layers [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
The layers of the Earth
Lithosphere/crust (50/50 blend)
Upper mantle
Deep mantle
Vitreous humor
Mechanical/HVAC layer
Outer core
Inner core
Secret core
Kinder toy capsule
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deep-space-netwerk · 8 months
So I wanna tell y'all about something very near and dear to my heart.
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This is the Psyche asteroid, or, at least an artist's representation - we don't know what it actually looks like yet, but this is a fair enough guess. It's a roughly 200 mile wide asteroid in the asteroid belt, and it's made almost entirely out of metal. Its composition makes it unique; it’s the only large metallic body we know of in the entire solar system.
We think it might be the core of what used to be a planet.
When solar systems form, they start out as disks made of interstellar gas and dust, called protoplanetary disks. Here's a picture of HL Tauri, one of the best images of a protoplanetary disk we have.
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That dust globs together into larger and larger pieces, and eventually forms hundreds of "planetesimals", which are rocky bodies about a kilometer across. Planetesimals had very erratic orbits compared to the modern planets - the dust of the protoplanetary disk caused friction and drag, which threw them off course.
They frequently collided with each other, and either broke apart or stuck together and grew even larger. Arrokoth is actually a leftover planetesimal, a time capsule from the early solar system, and we were able to visit it wayyy out in the Kuiper belt with the New Horizons probe!
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Once planetesimals get to be about the size of the moon, we call them "protoplanets". Protoplanets were fundamentally different from their planetesimal siblings - we believe they were differentiated. When an object in space gets big enough, a combination of radioactive decay, impacts, and gravitational pressure causes them to heat up and melt. Denser materials like iron and nickel sink towards their centers, while the lighter materials rise to the surface. The differentiation process is why Earth's core is made of iron, while the surface is primarily rock.
While protoplanet orbits were much more stable than those of planetesimals, they still eventually collided with each other until everything settled into the planets we see today (though gas giants had a few extra steps - that's a different post!).
We think the Psyche asteroid was a protoplanet, well on its way to becoming a bona fide planet, when an impact struck it hard enough to strip away its rocky layers, leaving behind the dense, metallic core - like in this illustration.
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More and more, we think  the properties of a planet's core are fundamental to its long-term evolution. Venus, Earth, and Mars are all roughly the same size and roughly the same distance from the sun, cosmically speaking, yet they're so different! Venus has hell death clouds, Earth is home, and Mars is dry and dead - why?
The Psyche asteroid gives us the unique opportunity to actually observe a planetary core directly - it's much harder to dig to the center of a planet than it is to go to space, so that's exactly what we're going to do!
On Thursday October 12th at 10:16am Eastern, the Psyche spacecraft will launch and begin its journey to the asteroid belt! You can watch at https://www.nasa.gov/nasatv/!
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I've been a part of this mission for over four years now, and I can't speak highly enough of the team that made it happen through all of the ups and downs. Good luck out there, buddy. We're all rooting for you :')
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shantalangel · 10 days
Since new canon information is here, I decided to make a list of all non-human and semi-human species of creatures that are currently present in Trigun Stampede. There are surprisingly many of them here; much more than in manga! Which is very intriguing, because it will certainly create new story arcs.
1) I called it Proto-Angel for clarity; on the art it is simply named "Plant". The mummy of a certain humanoid alien, which humans found during excavations on Earth – before Gunsmoke. For a long time they could not understand who it was and whose flesh it was, then they decided to resurrect it, but succeeded only by mixing it's DNA with human DNA.
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2) And thus Plants were created. One of the first experimental ones had the same type of power as Vash - the opposite of most Plants, sucking energy from the surrounding world rather than producing it, - and with its help destroyed the laboratory of the creators (maybe it was Tesla? It’s not for nothing that her and Vash’s files on the ship were in the same folder). Most Plants are clones of each other. A small percentage are born by breeding (both subtypes with each other).
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For convenience or some specific purposes, two types of Plants were created:
- Dependent: female humanoids living in water or some liquid (since the concept art of Rem is shown on the same slide with them, I now wonder if it was her DNA that was used...), playing the role of a bioprinter, energy source and gravity generator, but unable to live without connections to certain equipment (as far as I remember, they need some kind of artificial regulation of the energy supply)
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- Independent: ground-based and autonomous, wielding bio-weapons of enormous power (maybe everyone has them or only specific individuals. In manga, according to Nai, Tesla did not have weapon, but in both manga and anime her hand was held in a separate capsule, while Independent’ weapons are generated from the hand). And capable of merging both with Independent and Dependent; if that one being is not stronger than the other and their consciousnesses do not conflict. Both sexes; I think the Proto-Angel was asexual, and the sex of Plant is determined by female and male human genes - this would explain why in the first subtype there are only women, while in the second are both.
3) Conrad decided to create modified humans who would find it easier to survive on Gunsmoke. How exactly he wanted to do it is unclear - given that Plants may have many of their unique characteristic because their body always connected to an alternative dimension through the Gate; where is their energy source and their mind lives in the form of the Core. Conrad began to somehow crossbreed humans with Plants. So, it’s already the formula of triple hybrid: (Proto-Angel + human DNA) + human.
The result was Nicholas, Livio, Monev (Rollo), E.G. Mine (the guy in bandages from 3 episodes); other test subjects did not survive. How far this four are from humans and how closer to Plants, with what and how they were modified, is still unclear. Can they do something superhuman like Elendira in the next experiment with hybrids is also a very intriguing question. But at least the healing blue liquid has the same glow as Plants.
4) But the first experiments didn’t turn human into Independent Plant, so Conrad started others. Judging by his words from episode 10, he began to genetically modify not children, but human embryos, resulting in Elendira. In the context of this process cloning and Nai’s help are mentioned, but who is whose clone and a genetic relative is not yet clear. Based on Elendira's apparently implanted eye, maybe this time humans were transplanted with Plant's entire organ - like in the old anime Vash's arm was transplanted to Legato and from it he received all his abilities, - and such a hybrid became closer to the Independents than to humans (including bio-weapons). Or that was some kind of attempt to create a human embryo through a sisters’ “bioprinter”: that is, they seem to be human, but at the same time human genes are Plant cells converted into them.
What is the fundamental difference between such hybrids from №4 and №5, the Independents and Nai’s future biological children is not yet clear to me. Perhaps new hybrids are weaker in terms of abilities, although they also have bio-weapons (Elendira’s nails). Whether hybrids can grow together into a single being and whether they have Cores in another dimension is a very interesting question.
5) In the same room with Elendira are several capsules with other newborn cubs of indeterminate gender, similar in appearance to little sisters, but with strange fur or feathers on their arms and legs. After the art below, I had a guess that these are the pilots of Gray 9 Lives.
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Gray in this anime is a giant robot the size of a mountain, inside of which are spheres with control devices and certain creatures connected to them, whom are literally built into it without the possibility of escape. On the art below, the pilots clearly resemble these babies because they have Plant's petal appendages on their heads.
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And here, in the center of a small city, apparently lies the same sphere, around which people built a fence and carefully covered it with a tent. The light inside is exactly the same as Plants’ one.
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In other concept art, though, the pilots look completely different and completely mysterious, because they are not even close to any of the creatures on this long list. These are not humans, and not Plants, and probably not even mutants (although in manga there were also very strange creatures - the golem servant of Legato, the original Gray and one mercenary with a face of the undead and big tusks from his chin). What is this even, who was it born from?!
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6) Nai and sisters’ biological children. How they might differ from other Plants, and hybrids from №4, and why he even needed this whole “ritual”, I have no idea.
7) And, finally, Legato - he is a separate interesting person.
Manga: a completely inhuman long narrow tongue, the ability to control the flesh (but not the mind) and the processes of many living organisms at the same time (including animals and dying - cut in half Nai after July), as well as in his own body (judging by the battle with Vash in at the end of the manga, he could even heal himself, or at least improve body characteristics), and even resurrect the dead (the head of the maniac who kept him in slavery; the murdered Elendira). I very much doubt that an ordinary human would have any possibility to do this, even with some special gadget with wires. Legato's connection is essentially a weaker version of the Plants' merge. Not to mention control over Nai (in the fortress, when he was a slave - did not allow to kill himself with other people) and Vash, whom he restrained for 7 months in a row. Plus, in one art, Legato has huge black claws on his hand.
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Old anime: Vash's arm was transplanted to him, and he received all his abilities from it. It’s just gorgeous when Plants just merge with humans like that, even without consequences. 
New anime: beside controlling others gained new ability - to crush giant parts of mechanisms like tin cans, on a very big distance. Also, as far as I remember, only in Stampede his hands are completely covered with gloves.
His child concept art, in addition to another version of the gadget, has some interesting device on those eye that is always covered with bangs.
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Another interesting art, where he is holding some kind of complex automaton. Apparently, an analogue of those controlled by Leonoff.
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