#Cps Corruption
pjshermann · 8 months
can i just talk to whoever was running the South Dakota CPS hm? bc who's bright fucking idea was it to just hand over a vulnerable, helpless baby to a group of creepy catholic clergymen living in the middle of fucking nowhere? i wouldnt hand over a child to a member of the clergy alone in a room w fifteen security cameras, and they just GAVE a child to a whole group of them and then? never checked up on said child? which staff member had beef w baby Jude
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These articles are both from today, April 7, 2023. I’ve combined different quotes from both articles below for a fuller picture of this case.
Two weeks ago, Dallas parents Temecia and Rodney Jackson opted for a home birth for their newborn daughter, Mila, with licensed midwife Cheryl Edinbyrd.
Shortly after Mila’s birth last month, upon taking her to see their pediatrician, they learned she had developed a case of jaundice—a highly common condition in newborns resulting in the yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, which typically goes away without treatment within one to two weeks.
Temecia and her husband, Rodney Jackson, said they were following their midwife's care protocol for their baby's jaundice.
Dr. Anand Bhatt said the case was severe enough that they should take her to the hospital for phototherapy treatment, but the Jacksons opted to do the same phototherapy treatment for Mila in their home under Edinbyrd’s guidance.
Within days, the Jacksons say Dallas police officers and CPS agents arrived at their doorstep at around 5 a.m., informing the family that their pediatrician had reported them and demanding that they turn her over. The officers eventually left their home when the Jacksons refused—only to return hours later and tell the family that Mila was legally in the custody of Dallas CPS. The Jacksons again refused to turn over their newborn and instead reached out to their midwife for help. “Our midwife then reached out to the pediatrician, just letting him know that he had traumatized us, that we were woken up by police banging our door at 4 a.m., 5 a.m. Then after she gave him all the credentials he’d requested from her, he pretty much said he was going to leave our care and our midwife teams,” Temecia said at a Thursday press conference organized by the Afiya Center.
Over the next few days, everything seemed fine. But last Tuesday, as Rodney was walking the family’s dog outside their house, the police returned. He refused to surrender the baby when they confronted him, so they placed him under arrest, seized his keys, and used them to enter his home. There, officers took Mila from Temecia while she was alone.
"When they came in and took her from me, I requested that I needed to see the paperwork. They insisted, 'No, give her first, give her first,'" Temecia Jackson said at the press conference. "So they took her from my arms and they gave me paperwork. When they left, I looked at the paperwork and the paperwork had another mother's name on it."
Temecia claims the warrant that the Desoto Police Department and CPS agents used to take Mila didn’t even list her own name, instead listing [Mila’s] mother as another woman who’s previously had run-ins with CPS. The Jacksons still don’t even have Mila’s birth certificate because she wasn’t born in a hospital.
“Instantly, I felt like they had stolen my baby as I had a home birth and they are trying to say that my baby belonged to this other woman,” the mom continued, holding back tears. “I did not know where to turn. They had taken my husband from me and then took my daughter from me and I was left by myself.”
Temecia Jackson says her husband was not initially listed on the warrant. Later, she says the document was updated to list Rodney Jackson as the “alleged father."
Mila remains in Dallas CPS custody and under the care of a foster family. The couple's hearing with the Dallas County's juvenile board was originally scheduled for April 6. That morning, the couple says the hearing was abruptly postponed until April 20.
The Jacksons say they have been allowed only a few supervised visits with their daughter, which they say have taken place at CPS offices and in the presence of police officers.
During the press conference, the couple said they "feel like criminals" during their visits, and claim their attempts to deliver breast milk to their newborn daughter have been denied.
The couple told reporters that at their latest visit on Wednesday, they noticed Mila had developed some irritation in and around her genitals. When they raised this to CPS workers, they were told the foster family would handle this, and they weren’t permitted to take Mila to get care. “With the foster parents is where this build-up and irritation [in Mila’s genitals] occurred, and yet you’re sending her back to the same foster family. We just feel helpless in this situation as we wait,” Temecia said. She and Rodney are already missing a critical postpartum period for parental bonding—now, they also have to worry about whether she’s safe in the care of strangers.
According to one 2016 academic study, 53% of Black children experience child welfare investigations before their 18th birthday, compared to 28% of white children. Once in custody, research shows Black children are less likely than white children to be placed with a family member or ever returned to their families.
From 2019 to 2020, more people of color chose to give birth outside a hospital setting, according to a 2022 report released by the National Partnership for Women and Families (NPWF), a nonpartisan and nonprofit advocacy organization that works on public policies and education about women and families.
The increase was greatest among Black parents (30%), followed by Indigenous (26%) and Latinx (24%) parents — likely a response to "the higher risk of maternal mortality and morbidity they face and the impact of discrimination and structural racism in hospitals that result in lower-quality care," the report said.
Black people are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In Texas, at least 118 women died and nearly 200 children were left without a mother in 2019, according the state's 2022 Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee's biennial report.
Discrimination contributed to 12% of pregnancy-related deaths in 2019, according to the same report.
As of Thursday, the infant remains in the custody of Dallas Child Protective Services in what the Jacksons and their advocates at the Dallas-based, Black-women-led birth and reproductive justice organization The Afiya Center have likened to a “kidnapping.”
"What did happen was misogyny. What did happen is white patriarchy. The intentional denial of Dr. Cheryl's ability to birth — that happened," Jones said. "The same thing that happened last week happened after Reconstruction with Black granny midwives — that happened. The removal of Black people's ability to take care of Black people — that happened."
D’Adra Willis, a birth justice coordinator at the Afiya Center, told Jezebel that the Jacksons’ experience is part of a broader issue with the racist over-policing of Black families by law enforcement and child welfare system. “It’s a prime example of over-policing of Black children, Black families, Black women, Black community workers, and also the Black midwife, who’s not being trusted of what she’s capable of doing when she’s licensed and certified to do so,” Willis said.
“It would not be going this way if they were a white family,” Qiana Lewis-Arnold, a birth justice associate at Afiya, told Jezebel. “Police have always been a threat to Black families. And that includes CPS, which is the family police. They treat Black people as just guilty or wrong, without an investigation, and they’ll just take action and figure it out later while we suffer through the process.”
Edinbyrd, the Jacksons’ midwife, was also present at the Jacksons’ Thursday press conference and has continued to support the family as they await their rescheduled hearing in two weeks. “This child was being nurtured. This child was being supported. And this child was being loved. And this child was kidnapped,” Edinbyrd said. “Mila needs to be returned home.”
I cannot imagine the pain and trauma Temecia must be experiencing, and the fear she feels not knowing what is happening with her daughter and when she will be returned to her.
And now the hearing to decide if this abducted baby will be returned has been pushed back to April 20th, at which time Mila, who was taken at only a few days old, will have spent the majority of her life being kept from her family.
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orangebake1 · 3 months
Demand Social Work England To Investigate Social Worker Samantha Gibson!!!! Sign, Share, and Chip-in!!!!!!!!!!!!
This child, Isimioluwa Ekerendu was taken into care unlawfully by Social Services on the 30th of October 2020. Samantha Gibson told lies to the court saying that her daughter has a squint. 3 days later after she was taken, she went for an eye test at Boots Opticians. Boots Opticians then informed Samantha that the child does NOT have a squint. But instead of sending her back to her mother, Samantha Gibson in 2021 went and forged an eye test from Specsavers to go and obtain a full care order in June. This is a criminal offense that should not be excused. For over three years, this child has been isolated, lonely, distressed and falsely imprisoned. In the foster carer's house, she was placed under lock and key. She could not leave her house on her own or even go out to stand outside the door to get fresh air. As a result of this illegality from Samantha Gibson, this child has been incarcerated for more than 3 years with no access to family or friends. She has not had any education, they have just continued to HANG onto her for no reason whatsoever. The guardians, lawyers, the police and the court of appeal are absolutely no help at all.
This is an underground evil practice that has been going on in the UK for years. This cannot continue. Families are being broken up by social services and they are being made to keep quiet and not say anything about it or else face prison. They constantly patronize families and deceive everybody who hears about social services into thinking that they are good. Such horrible misconduct must be exposed and brought out into the light. Everybody! Please sign and share this petition!!! Please also chip in so that Social Work England can step in and investigate this social worker and find her guilty.
If you want to read more about what this child has suffered in care, please read this Wattpad story which is real life and non-fiction: Demand Investigation For Social Worker Samantha Gibson.
Thank you.
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What's something you do to de-stress?
Nothing. I wait for it to bottle up until I break.
Very effective, 10/10.
If you wanted Picky's response...
I cook! Or bake. One of the two.
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cluelesspigeons · 2 years
This is written for the song ‘Bones’ by Imagine Dragons from @drarrymicrofic
Word count: 148
Drarry microfic: patient
Cw: dark!drarry (kinda?)
Draco was shaving the last bits of his stubble as the door to the bathroom opened and Harry walked in. He immediately wrapped his arms around Draco’s waist from behind, his chin resting on his shoulder.
He sighed in Draco’s ear. “I can’t just keep waiting.”
Careful not to cut himself on the sharp blades, Draco put down his razor and looked at Harry through the mirror. “You’ll have to be a bit more patient.”
“But,” Harry started, “we have a plan. We know what to do. And the longer we wait, the more I feel like I’m going to lose control.”
Draco took one of Harry’s hands in his own and tangled their fingers together. “It won’t be too long anymore, love,” he said quietly, his voice low and an ominous glow visible in his silver eyes. “We will take over the Ministry before anyone even notices.”
Prompt from October 14th
<< previous microfic
next microfic >>
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chroniceverything · 1 year
TW: Getting Away With It
Staring with a trigger warning of domestic abuse against women and children… Family court also mentioned TW This article may be from 2018, but it’s sadly not at all unique. I just happen to know the author. I’m also currently in the “justice system” in Midwest, USA. X (that’s the name, period) abused my 6 children and I for over a decade. Trigger Warning: Domestic Violence Abuse is abuse.…
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eandtheks1 · 2 years
Child Protective Services (CPS)
This is a bit of an oldie but very interesting and I hope it will help another person. Several years ago my husband, John, at the time was removed from our home because he was abusive. (I will discuss this at another time (August of 2016?) As our divorce started he was regularly more neglectful and abusive towards our 3 children. At the time, I became ill with what they thought was a cancer mass…
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kidjacked · 2 years
12 Years.
12 years ago today my life changed. It was the day that evil showed themselves to me with a simple knock on my door.
"We are from the government and we are here to help..."
Basically in a nutshell.
I remember the day as I looked upon my children's faces who appreciated the little that we had, which was love, laughter and each other.
I looked on them play with one another on a rainy day sharing Mc Donalds. Well, it was all I could afford.
This was a day where police officers failed my children and myself as a scared woman for being kidnapped and placed in a shelter when we have family.
This was a day where my refusal to stay in a homeless dwelling and to go to my mothers house was denied and my crying children were snatched from my arms.
It was the day my trust in our government died.
It was the day my trust in the medical system died.
It was the day my trust in our legal system died.
It was the day that I was forced to take medication for an illness that my psychiatrist and therapist said I didn't have. That all I needed was "talk therapy".
It was the day I died. October 14, 2010.
I was a soulness and spiritless woman in a daze wondering who I was and why I got here. It was the anxiety of wondering where my children were constantly.
It was my lack of coorperation for asserting that I knew my rights.
I hadn't harmed my children, I hadn't abused them mentally or spiritually, physically, but was only allowed to visit once an hour for 2 years. Visits denied due to negligence and injuries.
Broken arm for one child, knot on the forehead for another, ringworm for both...
That judge sat on that bench as I begged for her removal for being partial and biased and conflict of interest for presiding over my abuse case...
Somehow I went from being assaulted by my sons father and being a victim, to then being mentally ill.
I have always said there would be hell to pay for as long as my lungs allow air...
But I say this to any parent that is undergoing a CPS investigation or CPS case to have a look at my detailed blog from the last 12 years.
What you are going through is TEXTBOOK, and you must do whatever you can to escape your city once there is an UNFOUNDED investigation.
Unfounded doesn't mean they go away forever. Unfounded just means they will continue to dig until they FIND something. That was a critical mistake on my part, but I didn't know any better as a young mother in New York.
I tell you, I wouldn't wish the pain that I have gone through on my darkest enemy. Especially in a post pandemic world and a massive nuclear threat of world war.
But, I take this moment to pray for my children, and I ask you to pray for them and their safe return back to momma. I have one more year for my oldest.
Thank you for being here.
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idgeface · 2 months
Yet another glorious F*ck up by CPS.
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townpostin · 3 months
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survivorsareus · 4 months
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woc-f4t · 11 months
American Gestapo: A victim speaks
No agency has encountered as much controversy, or hatred, as that of CPS/DFS. The courts are rigged, the families destroyed, and the countless children who go missing are just a few of the problems within these agencies. But what of the children who grew up? What stories could they tell? While ‘War on Corruption’ does not cover individual cases, we are going to share one story from a survivor; a…
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uglybutterfly81 · 1 year
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jenforjustice · 2 years
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iridescentalchemyst · 2 years
My Email to TEDPartnerships
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You know shit's bad in your abusive house when you move to a different house which can also be classified as abusive but it feels much safer because the toxicity is less
I'm currently staying at my aunt's place for the dust from the kitchen renovation left the place unlivable for me because allergies reasons and it's definitely dysfunctional - there are a lot of screaming fights between her (a perfectionist who wants everything to be perfect) and my cousin (who has nearly diagnosed adhd and has problems with focus in school because of it), and just the level of general hostility in their interactions is very high, but for me? I don't even have fight or flight triggered when they fight, because in comparison to the usual death-threat-suicide-threat-physical-violence tango that the fights in my parents' house are, a little bit of light yelling is nothing. Like, there ain't even a gun. What is there to be scared of?
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