ana-bananya · 4 months
List of organizations and fundraisers you can donate to to help Sudan:
The numbers are simply to help me keep track of how many links I've added since tumblr has a 100 link limit on posts.
Most of these links will take you the posts I've made about these fundraisers that provide brief summaries so you can check for verification and see where your money is going.
‼️ indicates that a fundraiser has experienced a decrease in donations or has been without donations for some time
Last progress update done on Aug. 9th 2024
Sudanese American physicians association
Sudanese American Medical Association
Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
Save the Children
Sudan Solidarity Collective
Sudan diaspora networks Sudan benefit fundraiser
Darfur Women Action Group
Fight Hunger in Sudan: The Khartoum Kitchen appeal
Nas Al Sudan
Twitter thread with actions that can be taken to support Sudan
Help Sudan- Sudan Relief Fund
Relief and Rehabilitation for Disabilities Support (HRRDS)
Sara's (Bsonblast) link tree for Sudan
One Million Sustainable Pads Campaign (€42,744/€200,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Sunduq Al Sudan - support grassroots organizations in Sudan
School Supplies for Sudan - $10,000$10,016/$10,000 raised
Save El Geneina initiative
Food Baskets in Sudan
Action Against Hunger
Mutual Aim team fundraiser for Congo, Sudan, and Tigray ($39,223/$35,000)
Help house a homeless disabled Sudani in London (£4,158/£4,500) ‼️
Emergency Fund for Sudanese Family ($24,271 CAD/$25,000 CAD) ‼️
Help us escape the war in Sudan $55,210 raised
Help Sajida and her family evacuate from Sudan ($37,953 CAD/$50,000 CAD) ‼️
Help Eman and her family evacuate (£38,573/CHF38,475) ‼️
Help Eman's extended family evacuate ($1,126/$30,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Randa's family evacuate Sudan (€20,375/€27,000) ‼️
Support Sakina's Family's Journey to Safety ($10,030/$10,000)
Help Sudanese refugees stranded in Ethiopia (£38,573/£30,000)
Help Aalaa evacuate and get treatment for her mother ($13,525/$20,000 - VERY low on funds)
Support a Community Stuck In Sudan ($22,872/$40,000 - VERY low on funds)
Save Omiama's eyesight (€5,225/€14,725) ‼️
Help Abudjana rebuild after war (£3,195/£5,000) ‼️
Help a Sudanese student finish med school ($2,170/$2,500) ‼️
Help a family of 13 evacuate Sudan ($1,780/$20,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Refugee’s escape Sudan Conflict ($14,109 CAD/$31,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Safe Passage ممر آمن- Help a mom and her kids escape war ($6,299 CAD/$7,000 CAD) ‼️
Help Medical Students in Sudan (€1,586/€350,000 - VERY lowonfunds) ‼️
Help Mujtaba's Family Escape the war in Sudan ($5,775/$18,527 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Raise Money for Displaced Sudanese Families in Egypt this Eid
Amal for Women
Help dialysis patients in Sudan
Help Yumna's Family Escape War in Sudan - $5,066/$5,000 raised
Sudan Emergency Appeal
Help Mehad's Family Fly to Hope ($2,493/$5,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Medical and sanitary supplies to support women & children in Congo, Nigeria, and Sudan ($420 CAD/$3,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Sudanese Families escape from war (€10,351/€50,000 - VERY low on funds)
Help ThomaSerena recover from war (€1,814/€5,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Asjad and her Family Escape War in Sudan ($16,915/$20,000)
Help support families impacted by war (supporting the Basmat Wasal, Sameh Makki kitchen appeal, and medical supplies for Northern State hospital initiatives) (£59,133/£80,000)
Emergency aid for Ahmeds family to escape warzone in Sudan (£3,727/£10,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help A Family Flee Sudan’s War (£732/£10,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support families in Kalma IDP camp - £16,170/£16,000 raised
Help a Sudanese Doctor Continue her Education in Egypt ($3,232 AUD/$9,100 AUD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support financial aid for Gezira medical students in sudan (£1,347/£2,000) ‼️
Asala's family - evacuation and medical treatment ($4,777/$30,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help a Sudanese family flee war and afford medical funds (€3,242/€13,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Sudan Children's Cancer Organization ($16,739/$55,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support for Sudanese Refugees in Cairo ($6,050/$25,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support for family affected by recent events in Sennar paypal campaign ended - $2,514/$20,000 raised
Help Salma's family get to safety (£3,465/£6,000) ‼️
Bring Mohammad Esa's family back together (£1,345/£3,700 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help two medical students evacuate Sudan with their family ($754/$45,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help Nour Rebuild Her Life and Career (£551/£5,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help a displaced family escape Sudan Genocide (£10,683/£30,000 - VERY low on funds)
Support Muhammad's Artistic Journey Amid Sudan's Turmoil ($2,679/$25,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
10K for Sudan famine relief, organized by AUC_SICC ($8,317/10,000)
Al Geneina Trauma Center Gfm shut down Al Geneina's campaign, please see other ways to donate here
Support Alaa, her husband, and their children (£4,516/£5,000) ‼️
Help Yousif and his family evacuate ($35/$15,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
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fraserronald · 8 months
Kickstarting Nefertiti Into Overdrive
Pretty sure I made that joke last time I ran a Kickstarter for Nefertiti Overdrive. That was long ago enough to no longer count. But I am—once again—wading into the crowdfunding morass. Not thrilled with that, but I am thrilled with the opportunity to improve Nefertiti Overdrive. And if you haven’t seen the game, the Quickplay is now available.
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politik-starnberg · 11 months
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ISEK Söcking - was ist zu tun?
(Quelle: ISEK Söcking - Bestandsaufnahme - Straßen, Wege und Plätze - Abbildung 8- Bestandsanalyse Straßen, Wege und Plätze)
Im Prinzip sind die "Problemzonen" in Söcking allen bereits bekannt. Leider ist das Verändern zumeist weitaus schwieriger als das Erkennen von Potentialen. Denn zum Umsetzen braucht es nicht nur Geld, sondern häufig auch Veränderungen auf privatem Grund. Und die kosten den Eigentümer zumeist auch einen erwähnenswerten Betrag, der Nutzen lässt sich dann leider nicht genauso klar und deutlich messen.
Ein Eigentümer soll also Geld investieren, damit die Allgemeinheit einen Nutzen hat. Bei der öffentlichen Hand - also auf öffentlichen Grundstücken - kann argumentiert werden, dass auch dafür die gezahlten Steuern der Bürger herangezogen werden dürfen und sollen. Für Privatgrundstücke ist diese Argument wohl kaum anwendbar.
Wie gewinnt man private Eigentümer dafür, in das Allgemeinwohl zu investieren? Wäre da eine Unterstützung durch Crowd-Funding eine Option? Alle Bürger, die durch die Veränderungen auf privaten, aber öffentlich zugänglichem Grund einen Nutzen haben, beteiligen sich mit einem kleinen Beitrag?
Wenn wir mal annehmen, dass sich jeder der ca. 6.000 Einwohner Söckings mit 100 € an der Verbesserung der Aufenthaltsqualität des Ortszentrums auf den Flächen beteiligt, die nicht der Stadt Starnberg gehören, wäre das ein Budget von 600.000 €.
Mir ist natürlich klar, dass es da auch Bürgerinnen und Bürger geben wird, denen das völlig egal ist. Es wird denke ich aber auch Bürgerinnen und Bürger geben, denen das mehr als 100 € wert wäre.
Voraussetzung ist dabei natürlich immer ein generelles Interesse der Stadt Starnberg und der anliegenden Eigentümer, überhaupt einmal eine Verbesserung der Aufenthaltsqualität in Angriff nehmen zu wollen.
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sequentialcanada · 1 year
Crowdfundr celebrates Independent Canadian artists with spotlight on the True North!
This follows up our post of their earlier press here: Vancouver-based platform Crowdfundr has launched its Canadian Creators crowdfunding Spotlight. The stated goal is bringing more awareness to the wealth of talent that exists within Canada’s art scene, which is kind of our thing too, for comics at least! So happy to point out their efforts. We should mention our Magazine editor and publisher…
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parasiticstars · 2 months
If you see an ask with the starter “I know this is a long shot/shoot” then goes on about diabetes and insulin treatment, it’s a scam profiting off of Palestinians who actually need help.
Multiple different accounts have sent me the exact same story with only a few words changed and I’ve seen it boosted on others.
Do not boost or answer it.
A list of vetted donations.
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vurelly · 3 months
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I'm in need of a new printer!
Between manufacturing costs and the way my current printer eats ink, I can't afford to keep up with it. So! A proposed trade off: If you'd like to contribute to my printer fund on my throne, you can take one of these prints!
These will not be going up for sale in my shop, they were just prints made for a friend and myself so these are the extras. I've got 3 of the large prints and 4 of the smaller ones. (And if you're still following me for the DCA I've still got four prints of my Split in Two piece, if you'd rather that instead.)
We're already at 75% of the goal, so if you'd like to contribute you can find my throne here!
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musingmanor · 2 days
Hey guys could you guys kindly donate to my Kofi, Not only do i need new tablet + software (i make money thru my art) , but i need some extra funds bc not only am i not employed but after being duped into a scam (i was talkint to these ppl for days and was under the impression i was going to be hired but foundout a bit too late they were a fraud place) my mom has cut me off finacially deeming me unworthy of her funds and i have like $80 in my bank acc alone. this isnt really good for my mental health esp since i have an ab/usive parent and may be homeless since she isnt starting to cut me off bit by bit after draining me for years finacially.
edit: If you wanna buy some adopts off my shop theyre still up
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ohfucccnaw · 10 months
tw: death
My last post lost traction, and I’m still in desperate need of help. On November 21st, 2023, my father who I cared for and my cat passed away in a house fire while I was at an appointment. I am beyond devastated, I have lost everything and am starting completely over. Anything helps, even just a share of the fundraiser created for me, or a reblog. Thank you.
V3nmo: @m0th28
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wittyworm · 8 months
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Forgot to post this on friday but we were able to get him a room for a week!! Shorty wanted to thank everyone.
We are still both so amazed at the amount of support everyone has given him. Our hearts are full. when he sat on the bed he said,
"is this what a bed feels like?!"
Theres still a lot we need to get situated. I'm going to give him a haircut, and my lovely neighbor was able to give us some info for a program that helps with medical care!
He's been getting lots of rest, and after cleaning up, his legs are looking SO much better.
We are still waiting for the rest of the funds to transfer, so there will be more updates in the coming weeks.
Thank you all again! 💚
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ana-bananya · 5 months
This campaign was started by @/atute_insp on tiktok and her team Mutual Aim to collect money for the DRC, Sudan, and Tigray. The donations will be divided between the three causes. If you would like do donate but don't have the funds to donate to multiple campaigns, this is a great way to help both the Congo, Sudan, and Tigray.
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wormonastringtheory · 8 months
Commit to reoccurring reparations.
One of my friends runs The Snack Sack, a Mutual Aid Organization that supports low-income racialized families, with an emphasis on Black families in need. She recently put out this urgent call.
The Snack Sack is running low on supplies, but there's no shortage of families that need our help to stay safe and fed and make ends meet.
The good news is that every dollar adds up. If even 10% of our followers read this post and sign up to donate $5 a month, it would add up to hundreds of snack sacks.
That's hundreds of families stepping into wraparound support that we just can't provide right now.
That's countless diapers bought, prescriptions paid, safe shelter provided in the midst of emergencies, and moments of joy created with care and dignity.
Your support will truly make a difference for a family in need.
You don't have to make a big donation to make a big impact. Pick the apple that fits your budget and become a monthly donor today."
Because no child should ever go hungry.🍎
Become a reoccuring donor here: https://donorbox.org/snack-sack-donations
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banana-peppers · 1 year
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Faith Over Fear by Bri Pippens
Protect Your Magic by Bri Pippens
I am traveling to Morocco at the end of this month and I am trying to sell art to fund the trip. If you are interested in purchasing any of my artwork visit: www.bananapeppersart.com/shop
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eve-was-framed · 5 months
Here’s a gofundme that was posted on r/pornismisogyny for a trafficking survivor who is currently trying to escape abuse. Every little bit counts!!
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openyourwallett · 21 days
TW: sexual assault
A Non Binary person who was recently sexually assaulted while not consciously aware to give consent needs $350 for an emergency abortion. This is massively time sensitive and must be met within two weeks.
Venmo: @inclusivetoday
Cashapp: $ItsOYW
PayPal: dm us
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pezilla · 3 months
First episode pilot is live!
Give it a listen then throw them some money to pay for the wonderful people who made it
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thekeymonster · 1 year
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Get one here ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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