#Crystal Quin
curtvilescomic · 1 year
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Catwoman cosplay by Crystal Quin 
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kvroii · 3 months
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A couple of lighting practice drawings I drew back in 2020! This is back when I used to do more painted-type drawings.
The characters are Quin Norris and Rerell Clerski from an old book of mine (Crystal Cursed, 2017) that will eventually be rereleased when I manage to get around to making a new cover without my deadname (and maybe even illustrating it...?) They're dragon ladies who each have a crush on the other (they won't admit it).
They actually originate from the same 2013 short story that Kori (Myrios Series) was designed for! But as the drafts diverged and they got written into different books, they no longer know each other.
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itsrheasgirl · 1 year
hello could write something like the reader and Dominik fight for the love of Rhea, in the end the reader stays with Rhea
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TAG LIST: @rebecca-quin @girlofpink
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You hadn’t taken your eyes off Rhea as she owned the ring against Liv Morgan, each slam and each throw sending vibrations up your spine as you thrived over just how unstoppable the Australian powerhouse truly was.
To you— she was breathtaking, not one flaw plagued her.
But you weren’t the only one to see her in such lights. You could see the same glimmer in Dominik’s eyes as he watched her just as closely as you did.
You didn’t want to cross boundaries. Put a toe out of line. But lately you’d started to feel closer to Rhea than you had before joining The Judgement Day. Ever since Dominik suggested you be the fifth member to their little family, you had spent your days pining after the dark haired temptress. She was definitely your type, but you knew you could never be hers. The way she always looked at Dominik proved that.
You didn’t realize you had been staring so hard until the loud ring of victory rang in your ears and the sound of Samantha’s voice echoed through your soul.
You didn’t question your actions as you slide across the apron and under the bottom rope, your petite frame sprinting across the expanse of the ring to joyously throw yourself into Rhea’s awaiting arms.
Your toned legs clamped around her waist as your forearms clung to her torso, raising your fist up into the air you didn’t even hesitate as you chastely pressed your plump lips briefly against her temple.
Liv hadn’t stood a chance against the women’s world champion, but Rhea had still battled with a few nerves before entering the ring. You’d promised her it would all work out and to no surprise you were right.
As your fellow stablemates entered the ring, your glistening gaze caught that of Dominik’s— he looked distraught as he took in your current position, his features lowering slightly in upset as he shifted to stand at Finn’s side.
You remained clung to Rhea like a baby koala as the ref took her free palm in his hand, raising it sky high to solidify her win over the tiny blonde as the roaring cheers of the crowd flooded the arena.
You expected Rhea to lower you back to the ground as the referee returned the championship belt to her, but to your surprise she kept one muscular arm wrapped tightly around your hips as she yanked the belt back to hold it high above her head.
Casting your crystal gaze over at Dominik as he stood at Finn’s side, you felt your heart sink slightly. You’d noticed more and more lately that you being around Rhea seemed to bother him. You hated seeing him this way— snubbed like a small child losing its favorite toy, but Rhea had been waiting for you. She’d welcomed your embrace, so why wouldn’t you take advantage of it?
Slowly unwinding your legs from around Rhea’s waist, you drop your feet down to the ring and release the fellow female from your grasp.
You really didn’t really want to make things worst for you and Dominik when it came to the public eye, things had been tense between the two of you for weeks now and being around him in Rhea’s presence was becoming a little unbearable.
You could see the confused look on Rhea’s features as you stepped away from her and allowed Damian to take the space between you, her lips parting as she went to mouth a singular word to you. Why?
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Rhea’s voice was crystal clear as she grasped at your wrist, gently pulling you into a small hidden alcove as the boys continued on ahead of you unaware. Her sapphire hues locked on your features as you slowly looked up to meet her gaze, the same perplexed expression she’d had in the ring masking across her face as she kept her hold around your wrist.
“Not now, Rhea”
You uttered, trying to pull yourself free from her grasp and attempting with no success to get back out into the hall.
“Yes, now.”
She stated with a firm tone.
“What is going on with you?”
What were you supposed to say? That sharing any kind of interaction with her— no matter what it was, was causing Dominik distress and you couldn’t bring yourself to hurt him even though being around her made you happier than you’d even been?
Swallowing back a nervous ball of saliva that pooled on your tongue, you chewed on the inside of your cheek. No matter how hard you thought you couldn’t think of a thing to say.
A small twitch shot down your spine as you felt the soft pads of Rhea’s fingertips dance under your chin, her gentle leverage tilting your jaw upward so you looked upon her features once more. Her eyes glistened— even in the darkness of the alcove, captivating you just like they always did.
“Y/N, talk to me.”
You’d zoned out thinking so hard, unaware that Dominik was making his way back in search of you and Rhea. The back stage area was so loud you didn’t hear his footsteps as he got closer, nor did you hear him calling out Rhea’s name until it was too late.
Rhea’s finger remained curled under your chin as Dominik turned the corner, her other palm still grasping onto your wrist as her shimmering gaze met that of his own.
It was like instinct, your entire frame shifting back to distance yourself from Rhea as quickly as you could. Your own gaze refusing to meet theirs as Rhea and Dominik remained in a staring match.
“You okay, Mami?”
Dominik asked. His gaze flitting between you and Rhea as his muscular forearms crossed over his chest. What was his problem? Why wouldn’t she be okay, and if she wasn’t what was he accusing you of?
“She’s fine.”
You snap as you shove past Dominik and back out into the hallway, not even bothering to look back as Rhea calls out your name. You needed to get away from them— both of them. You couldn’t be around Rhea without Dominik somehow finding his way into the situation and you were getting sick and tired of having to fight for her attention.
You weren’t sure if they were following you or if they’d taken a lovers moment to be together alone, but you refused to turn back. It hurt you to see them together and yet it hurt you more to be away from her, but you couldn’t figure out what was the best thing to do.
This was your career, The Judgement Day was your family and yet every second you were together it was eating you up inside. All you wanted was what Dominik and Rhea had— a relationship, but you couldn’t have her. She already belonged to someone else.
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You’d been sat alone at the hotel bar for what felt like hours, nursing you second rum and coke like it was the last drink you’d ever have. Swirling the last few ice cubes round and round the glass, you exhaled a long sigh. You knew you should be sleeping, you’re flight was in eight hours but you could allow yourself the peace to rest.
You couldn’t stop thinking about Rhea. About how she’d held you back in the ring. About the smile that had graced her lips when you’d kissed her skin. Why had she reacted in such a way with you after the match? What did it matter how you were feeling? Your feelings weren’t her priority.
Bringing the almost empty glass to your lips, you knocked back its contents before plopping the vessel back down on the bar top. You’d heard the approaching footsteps but chosen to ignore them, putting all your focus into the empty glass before you.
“So you want to tell me what I did, or..?”
You recognized the voice, but chose to keep your back facing away. You didn’t want to talk, especially not to him. After all he was part of the problem.
Dominik huffed as he stared at your back, not bothering to check your reflection in the bar back mirror as he spoke once more out of turn.
“Come on, don’t be a bitch.”
He didn’t mean it out of aggression, but with your current state of mind you took it otherwise. Pushing up off your bar stool you turned on heavy heels to face the taller male head on.
“Don’t be a bitch! Are you serious?”
You snapped. The tone in your voice full of menace. You had chosen to keep your back to him in attempts to avoid any kind of confrontation, but clearly Dominik had other plans. If he wanted to be defensive, you could be defensive.
“What do you want Dom?”
You were surprised Dominik was alone, he was more often than not attached to Rhea at the hip. Following her constantly, always laughing and joking. She never got time to be alone when it came to him and it bothered you.
“Have you seen Rhea?”
He didn’t know where she was? Now that was new.
“How should I know where your girlfriend is?”
Dominik’s features shift slightly. He didn’t expect you to be so standoffish and yet you were speaking to him like you’d had a falling out. He knew nothing of how you felt. Of how him being with Rhea tore at your heart like knives. Why would he, because he saw non of it. Or at least that’s what you thought. In your mind all Dominik cared about was Rhea. All he ever saw was Rhea. And nothing challenged that. She was his and that’s the way it was going to stay.
Leaning your elbows back onto the bar top, you arched a brow out of annoyance. You didn’t want it to be personal, but your feeling for Rhea were getting to the point where you didn’t know how much longer you could hide them and the only thing that stood in your way was Dominik.
“She’s not actually my girlfriend, Y/N.”
“Yeah well you sure as hell act like she is.”
You snap.
“Following her around like a puppy dog, making sure her attention is always on you.”
The relationship Dominik and Rhea have is scripted and you knew that, but you saw the way he looked at her. The way even the slightest thing she did made him smile and you knew— he loved her.
You knew because you felt the same.
Dominik had only ever looked at one other girl in his life the way he looked at Rhea and you knew all too well that it was love.
“What is going on with you?”
Dominik questioned, his thick brow raising skyward as he simply watched you. Judged you.
“Why are you acting so jealous?”
You didn’t understand why he was acting so clueless and making you out to be the bad guy, he knew why you were acting in such a way he just refused to admit it. You may be jealous about him giving Rhea attention, but he was jealous too.
You push off the bar top and stand toe to toe with Dominik, he was much taller than you but that didn’t stop you from meeting his gaze with a menacing glare. If he wanted to call you out, then you’d call him out. All truths on the table.
“You think I’m jealous. You’re one to talk.”
Dominik scoffed at your words, his broad shoulders flexing as he towered over you.
“And what would I have to be jealous over?”
An eat shit smirk claimed your lips as you didn’t faulted one inch in your footing, keeping your petite frame as close to Dominik’s as you could. What did he have to be jealous of? Oh you’d let him know.
“I’ve seen how childish you get when Rhea even looks at me. We can’t even breathe the same air without you butting yourself into our conversation and it’s pathetic! You’re a grown man Dom Dom—”
Your tone dripped with mockery as you uttered Rhea’s little pet name for him, knowing it would trigger his defenses because only Rhea got to call him that.
“You need to stop acting like the nerdy high school kid who thinks he has a chance with the head cheerleader.”
You could see the burning behind his eyes as each word you spoke poked at a fire inside of him, twisting a hot poker into his side as you degraded his stature within your group.
“You’re no quarterback, Dom Dom. Maybe it’s time to let someone else try and steal her heart.”
Dominik’s demeanor had shifted, his cocky attitude morphing into that of anger. You didn’t expect him to react, he wasn’t one for yelling at women but something about the topic of conversation triggered him.
“You think you stand a chance with her? She’s nice to you because I asked her to be, she doesn’t care about you. It’s all an act.”
Dominik’s words twisted in you heart, causing your breath to catch in your throat as you kept a burning gaze locked on his features. It wasn’t an act, you could tell it wasn’t. Those few choice moments you got with Rhea— just the two of you, you could see she felt something. The way she acted around you wasn’t a game to her, the sadness you’d see on her face when you walked away because as per usual Dominik had made an appearance.
Pressing your lips into a firm line, you tried your best to fight back an outburst. You didn’t want to make a scene, yes it was late— but the bar wasn’t empty.
“You’re a liar.”
You uttered softly.
“You’re a fucking liar.”
Dominik scoffed once more, leaning forward, causing you to stumble back against the bar top. Both his palms slamming down against the solid oak as he bounced his brows, his lips curving into a malicious grin.
“It’s all a game to her. She’s playing you.”
You didn’t want to believe a word Dominik was saying. Rhea wasn’t playing you. Today in the ring she’d been so disappointed when you’d climbed out of her arms. When the match was over she’d pulled you aside to make sure things were okay, to see what was going on with you. Those weren’t actions of someone who didn’t care for another. Those weren’t the actions of someone playing games with someone else’s heart.
With his arms pinning you in place, you glare up at Dominik through thick lashes. Would he stoop as low as to lie in order to keep Rhea for himself?
You wanted to scream at him. To call him out in his lies, but you couldn’t be sure of any of it. What if he was telling the truth? It would have been so easy for The Judgement Day to lie to you, they acted everyday of their lives when it came to their work. Maybe that’s all you were. A lie at work.
“Isn’t that what she’s doing with you? Pretending to be something she isn’t. You don’t stand a chance with her outside of the ring, Dom. And you know it. So instead of acting like a man and stepping aside for someone who actually stands a chance, you’d rather bully me into thinking she’s not interested in me.”
You hadn’t been paying any attention to the few people scattered around the hotel bar, nor had you been keeping track of the surrounding. All you’d been focused on was Dominik, blissfully unaware of a shimmering set of sapphire hues watching you both from the corner of the lobby.
Rhea’s plush lips pressed into a firm line as she watched the way Dominik was treating you. Locking you against the bar as he spun lie after lie about how she was just doing as he suggested. Showing you attention because he had requested she do so.
“You think she’s actually into you? Damn Y/N you’re stupider than I thought.”
Your fists balled at your sides as he continued to throw jabs your way, his words like a tone of bricks crushing you.
“This is low Dominik, even for you. And here I was thinking you’d got over it.”
Dominik’s posture faltered slightly as his gaze fixated on you, your palms darting out to shove at his chest, causing him to stumble back as you kept the distance closed.
You didn’t have to stay here and listen to him belittle you, his attitude to your words giving you the perfect out.
Placing both your palms against his chest, you reached up on your tiptoe and pressed your lips to his ear.
“You’re not the only person who could love me Dominik, move on and let me go.”
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babblingeccentric · 2 months
Your Grace
I wrote most of this in a haze of divinely inspired lust after @quinloki posted the first few chapters of Dragon's Clause. I let it sit for a little bit and then realized it would make a great gift. So I polished it up and posted it.
Happy Birthday Quin! I made you pornography.
CONTAINS: Sabo x Reader, Reader with breasts and a vagina, power play, titles, rough tit play, fingering, mild bondage, pet names "angel" and "darling"
Sabo is as polite and gentle as ever as he leads you to a wooden chair in the middle of the room. He holds your arm as you bend to arrange your skirts and waits until you’re comfortable before taking out his handkerchief, handing it to you, and then undoing his cravat. He takes one of your small hands in his black gloved one and rests it on the arm of the chair. And then he ties it there with his cravat, tight and immovable. He told you he would do it, and yet it still makes your heart jump.
Sabo takes the hankie from your hand and does the same to the other hand. Smiling, he looks up at you.
“Ah- fine” you answer.
“No shooting pains?” 
You shake your head.
“No? Can you wiggle your fingers for me?”
You oblige and Sabo leans back on his heels after you move each of your fingers, “Perfect!”
Something in his face changes then as he kneels between your legs. He starts to look like the maddened duke of court rumors, shadows limning his face and scar stark and horrifying. You could believe he cares not a whit for anything but his own amusements.
You freeze as his long fingered hands stroke your sides, square palms sweeping over your bosom to arrive at the top of the line of buttons running down your front. He watches you for a moment, long gloved fingers resting in the hollow of your throat. Your heart beats no slower, but you relax your shoulders and breathe again. 
Sabo smiles and then turns his focus to his fingers. He undoes the cloth covered button at your throat. You feel his warm breath on the skin of your neck. He doesn't take off his gloves.
Each tiny button is a great effort for him to undo with covered fingers. There is a silver buttonhook on the bureau that he used to button up your bodice this morning. You don’t mention it to him. It would feel wrong. It’s not your prerogative to tear the heavy blanket of silence over the two of you. Sabo never does anything he doesn’t intend to.
Somehow, instead of being silly or awkward, his head bent close to you and his gloved hands patiently struggling to undo your bodice create a hushed anticipation. You're barely breathing as you silently watch him work his way down your chest, each button feeling like a step closer to the sun. 
The only sound is your breaths.
Finally, as he watches you from under his lashes, he undoes the last button. 
Like unwrapping a delicate piece of crystal he pulls aside your bodice to reveal your heaving chest pushed upwards by your corset and uncovered by the low neck of your shift. You don’t know when you started panting. 
You feel much too hot to be so undressed.
Sabo caresses the swell of your cleavage with the smooth leather of his gloves, fanning the heat somewhere in your breastbone.
“Sabo…” You whimper, and he looks up at you, eyebrow arched in reprove.
“Angel…” he says danger in his voice
“Your Grace.” You hastily correct yourself
“Yes?” He answers archly
You stutter, not expecting to get this far.
“Nothing to say? You should think before you speak.”
He pushes the collar of your shift off your shoulders and carefully scoops your breasts out of the cups of your corset. 
The sudden cool air of the bedroom on your nipples makes you shudder, and Sabo smiles self satisfiedly at it. 
Gently he swipes his leather clad thumbs over your nipples, watching your expression like a predator.
Your lips part gently in the surprise of him finally touching you, but your carefully cultivated control of your face keeps anything else from leaking through. The air is thick and muggy with tension.
Sabo loves a challenge though, and presses his lips to the mounds of your chest leaving soft chaste kisses as his thumbs begin to circle your nipples. Your hands clench at the arms of the chair they are tied to, and your thighs press together under your skirts. The tension is excruciating. 
You arch your back trying to press yourself into Sabo’s hands and mouth and he smiles against your skin.
“Do you want something, angel?” He asks
Your breath catches in your throat. 
“I- ah.” words stumble in your mouth. “I would like more, please, Your Grace” You manage.
“Very polite.” He says smilingly. “I shouldn’t deny such a sweetly made request, should I?” 
You shake your head rapidly. It’s insane, Sabo has barely touched you, just a few caresses of your breasts and you feel like you’re losing your mind to want. You almost suspect sorcery.
Achingly slowly his mouth envelops your nipple, and then he sucks. It sends a frisson of heat zipping through your spine. His mouth is warm and wet and soft and he looks up at you as he does it. Even with your arms tied down it’s his gaze that really makes you feel pinned. He’s watching you like a hunting cat, studying your expression with intimidating intensity as he caresses you. You shut your eyes.
One of his gloved hands moves from your side to cup the neglected breast. He pinches and rolls the nipple gently in his fingers and it pulls a high breathy sound from your throat.
You feel him grin at that and he makes a path of wet open mouthed kisses across your chest to your other nipple. 
He repeats this switch several times until your nipples are puffy and your chest wet with saliva. You are squirming in your seat, some hot hollow in your stomach driving you to crave.
“More, please! Sabo, harder!” slips from your lips and everything freezes.
He pulls off your tit with a pop.
“Sabo?” He says.
You rush to correct your mistake, “Your Grace! I’m sorry, Your Grace. Please, Your Grace.”
He pauses, deciding your fate. You feel like the sword of Damocles, suspended by the thinnest thread. 
Finally, Sabo returns to your breasts. This time rougher, digging his teeth into your areola and tugging on your nipples, sending rushes of pain and pleasure through you.
You moan, low and long into the air, the punishment more a reward. 
Your face flushes from the lewd noise you make and Sabo grins smugly up at you.
“Aw, who knew my darling could moan like a whore just from a little tit touching.” He says meanly.
Your breath catches in a sob.
“I wonder…” He muses airily. “If I could make you come from this alone?”
You wail. You’re already desperate for something to touch your cunt, the idea of him spending ages just slowly playing with your breasts as you lose more and more of your mind until you’re a wailing paragon of unsatisfied lust is absolutely torturous. 
“No! No, Sa- Your Grace! I can’t. I can’t! Please…” You beg.
He relents a little at your frenzied begging. That may be a little much for a first time, after all. And you do beg splendidly for someone who’s never done this sort of thing before. He’ll be lenient. 
“Alright, alright,” he yields, “Perhaps another time.” 
Your breathing slows and Sabo continues to play with your nipples as he watches your face. You’re flushed and sweaty with glazed eyes and parted lips, the very picture of debauchery. It really is incredible he’s managed to elicit this just with a little tit play and tying your hands.
“Now, what do you need, Angel?” He asks
“I need you to touch me, Your Grace!” And before he can smugly say he’s already touching you, you add “Under my skirts! Please, Your Grace, make me cum.” 
And really, how can he deny that? Sabo thinks. You even have the beginning of tears in your eyes.
“As you wish.” He says and bends his blond head to your breast as one black gloved hand slips under your skirts.
The feel of the smooth leather makes you moan as he swipes his fingers through your slit. Removing his hand Sabo marvels at the gathered wetness.
“Oh, Wow, angel.” He says awed as he spreads his fingers making the clear slick form dripping strings. “You really did need this.”
You can’t look at him, embarrassed by your desire. And then he pops his gloved and glossy fingers into his mouth and sucks them clean with an appreciative hum. 
You squeal and jerk your bound hands in an attempt to cover your face at the humiliation of watching him do that.
He laughs at you and presses a chaste kiss to your jaw. “I’ll save eating you for another time, darling.” 
“The rumors are true! You really are a man eating ogre.” You gibe thoughtlessly.
Sabo cackles at that, shoulders shaking as he laughs harder than you’ve ever seen him. 
Finally he calms down and returns to press soft kisses against your face. 
“I did say I would make you cum, didn’t I?” He says as he pulls away.
You nod eagerly, wiggling in the chair he has you tied to.
“I hate to break my promises.” Sabo says as he presses a wet kiss to your parted lips, his gloved hands returning to your breasts and the apex of your thighs.
He strokes your cunt gently as his fingers tug cruelly at your nipples, his hot mouth pressing biting kisses to your breasts. The flame in the pit of your stomach is roaring.
His fingers circle your clit as he torments your chest, a smooth counterpoint to the frissions of pain he creates. It’s divine and he propels you rapidly along to your finish. You’re dripping onto your petticoats now you’re so wet.
You’re panting and bucking against his hands now, too preoccupied by pleasure to be embarrassed at the soft wet sounds coming from his mouth and your pussy. 
“Come on, angel. Can you come for me? I know you can.” You realize he’s cooing at you between kisses. You’re so, so close. 
All it takes is one more harsh tug at your breast and you’re coming, cunt fluttering against Sabo’s hand. He gentles you through it, holding you until the spasms stop. He unties your hands, and pulls you on unsteady legs into his arms as he takes your seat.
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valkeakuulas · 2 months
@marbled-polecat I want you to know that this was my very first Fox/Quinlan/Riyo fic ever, so I hope it's good. I chose to the B1 pose because it just spoke to me in away the other didn't.
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When Quinlan walked into Riyo’s parlor, he froze at the sight that waited for him there.
Fox and Riyo had changed into casual, comfortable clothes, and they had clearly been expecting him. That part wasn’t surprising since it was their date night.
But what was surprising was the fact that Riyo was standing on top of her elaborately carved caf table wearing, Quinlan noticed with confusion, what got to be her highest heels.  While Fox was barefooted, for some reason even he was standing on a small footstool.
“Do I even want to know?” Quinlan asked as he took off his robe, laying it on top of some fancy crystal statue that he had always thought to look like a pile of bantha droppings.
The action deserved a frown from Riyo, although there was no true heat to it, considering Quinlan had seen her do the same thing with her clothes more than once.
“Depends,” Fox drawled with a knowing smirk, and oh, didn’t that make the clone look handsome.
“Depends on what?” Quinland inquired as he approached the pair before right stopping before them. Curious, he looked at their positions, noticing how close they were. Honestly, were they any closer, they could be hugging each other.
“Depends on how much longer you’re going to stand there,” Riyo replied instead of Fox, her bright smile barely hiding the mischievousness sparkling in her eyes.
Before Quinlan could say anything to that, Fox grabbed the front of his tunic and unceremoniously pulled him forward until the Jedi was standing between them. He blinked, having to tilt his head up to look at Riyo because with the kaf table and the strappy heels she was wearing, for once their tiny lover was actually taller than either Quinlan or Fox.
“Huh, I don’t usually get to see you from this angle without being on my knees,” Quinlan commented, a small smirk spreading on his lips from the way Riyo flushed a little, Fox’s amused chuckles carrying from behind him.
Quinlan made a small sound when Fox pressed against his back to hug him, and Quinlan was amused to notice that he too was taller than normally thanks to the footstool.
But it wasn’t until Riyo leaned forward, wrapping her arms around both of them as best as he could, that Quinlan understood what was going on, his eyes widening in realisation.
Oh, this was quite nice actually.
This embrace, this was how he and Fox usually held Riyo, cradling her smaller body between their much larger ones.
Quinlan felt his body relax as his lovers embraced him, slumping slightly as he did so. He couldn’t remember the last time he had felt this small, as weird as it sounded. Small and treasured, to be more accurate.  
“What brought this on?” Quinlan couldn’t help but ask as he rested his head on Riyo’s breast.
She hummed, and Quinlan could feel the vibrations travel through him. “We just wanted to try something.”
“And seems like we were right,” Fox added, sounding downright smug but when he nuzzled Quinlan’s locs, it was done with pure affection.
Laughing at the cryptic replies, Quinlan let his eyes close as he basked in the warmth and love pouring from the two.
“Thank you. I didn’t realise I needed this.”
There was another hum from Riyo, her lips brushing against Quinlan’s forehead and from behind him Quinlan could feel Fox press a kiss on his shoulder.
“You’re welcome, Quin.”
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A/N: Yes, the fact that they match the colors of the prompt trio was done on purpose. xD
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Listen I just think it would be hilarious if Din went back in time to Melida|Daan and finds Obi-Wan who is all ‘??????’ Cause this guy got a Jedi baby and Din is all ‘!!!!!!’ Cause he just found ANOTHER Jedi baby he’s keeping this one too and helps them stop their war and asks Obi is he got a ride off this place and Obi is all ‘…I can call Quin’ and calls up Quinlan and him and Tholme come get him (Tholme is DELIGHTED to have full proof that Qui-Gon lied to the council AND took a child’s saber crystal???? Even if Qui-Gon was to take a saber he never should have taken the crystal and that’s the hill I’ll die on and he’s gonna tell the council all Qui-Gon’s bullshit) and Din is in the background holding Obi-Wan and now Quinlan captive in his arms like ‘oh my god they’re such little Jetii I love them’ and he’s just going around stealing every baby Jedi he can find while Tholme deals with council bullshit.
Bonus points if Tholme and Din fall in love over the course of protecting the children and now Quinlan never has any hope of committing mischief ever again him and Obi ARE well fed and cared for tho so that’s nice. The True Mandos are like 0.0 when they realize a shiny Mando is hanging out with Jedi and stealing their kids and come over to figure out what’s up.
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whumperofworlds · 1 year
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Here are all of our tributes (tagged under the readmore!)
Just a heads up that it's gonna be a long post!
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
The Joker To My Harley (N.R)
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
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Summary: While Natasha is trying to hide her fear, she gets another surprise. (College AU)
A/n: Welcome to the first fic of my Halloween event! Happy reading!
Warning: Just fluff with Nat, with a little humor and swearing words. lol.
Requested: Yes by @marvelwoman-sugarbaby .
Prompts: 10. "Nope, I'm Not Scared. Not at all." , 11. "Is that red syrup? Please tell me it's red syrup." 12. "I paid $50.00 for this haunted house. I better die."
Halloween Masterlist || Main Masterlist
Halloween, one of the main things besides the crunchy dead reddish orange leaves that Natasha loves from Fall season. For some reason, Natasha always thought that Fall has a romantic vibe with a little spooky touch in the beginning of it. She loves it that the air feels crisp and cool with falling leaves, let alone the color around. For the spooky side, she loves halloween’s eerie vibes with all the fake decorations but mostly, Natasha loves all the parties.
For people who don’t know her, It is really surprising to know that she loves to party. They will think that she is one of those medical students who loves to study all the time.
Natasha has very good grades in her classes. She loves the major she picks. Sports are her other interest and that’s why she is one of the best softball players in her college team. Like a cherry on top, she also practices martial arts.
Despite all of those interests and qualities she has, there is one thing that nobody really knows, Natasha hates haunted houses. Well, scratch that. Actually, she is scared of them. She thinks it’s ridiculous for one to pay to get in just to be scared in a maze that is called a house. Of course, she doesn’t want anybody to know her weakness, not even her best friend, Wanda.
The idea of telling you about her being scared of going to haunted houses is also a big NO. She likes you, a lot. She wants to give you the best impressions she can. She wants you to see her as someone who is strong and can protect you even though you are older and taller than her.
You and Natasha met at the campus three days seminar that she organized. You were one of the sports medicine doctors at that time. Chemistries and sparks were there between you two. On the last day, she finally gathered herself to ask for your number. Since then, you and Natasha have been talking, spending time or going out together.
“I can’t believe you guys make me do this.” Nat complains complete with a pout and shaking her head.
“Nat, cheer up. It’s not that bad. It will be fun.” Wanda tries to convince her as they are in line to go to a huge haunted house.
“I paid $ 50.00 for this haunted house. I better die.” the redhead with the blonde wig retorts, annoyance sounds crystal clear in her tone. “Well, don’t die please. Don’t you remember that we are going to Bucky’s party after this? You know how he throws parties, it will be awesome!” Pietro’s accent floats into her ears.
“Yeah, Romanoff. You have been excited for this party. Why are you so cranky? Is it because your girlfriend can’t come?” Tony teases through his question.
“Because I don’t know what’s the fun of going to this haunted house before we go to Bucky’s party, all dressed up in our costumes. Like I always say, it’s stupid to pay to go to haunted house just to be scared by the people who works here. Also, y/n is not my girlfriend..yet.” Natasha’s disappointment shows up on her face as she said the last sentence.
Natasha almost didn’t want to come to the party after she found out that you can’t come with her due to your work trip to another state. She has been talking about this party and telling their best friends how much she hopes that she will go with you as a couple. As much as she wants it to happen, you haven't made your move just yet and it starts to concern her if you really want to be in a relationship with her.
If it wasn't for her friends' constant teasing and invitation, she wouldn't be standing here in her Harley Quin costume.
"Not yet? I thought that you two had been going out together many times?" Vision expresses his curiosity as he hugs Wanda from behind.
"Yes, they have, Vis but y/n haven't made a move yet." Wanda answers on her behalf.
“Yeah, maybe she’s too busy with her work to think about it.” The Russian asserts. Her hopes disintegrated.
“Then make a move. Why wait for her? You have been the one who do it. You asked her number and you asked her out too. So, take control of it.” The silver haired Maximoff twins chimes in nonchalantly
“Pietro is right, Nat. Just ask her when she comes back. Then see what she said and you know what to do after that.” The younger Sokovian shows her agreement with her brother.
“Yeah, even if I’m gonna do it, she’s not here now. This is ridiculous, I’m here all dressed up like Harley Quinn but without my Joker, to get jump scared before going to a party.” she stated as her jaw clenched right after that. Disappointment sagged through her. She gave you a hint a few times how much she is really into you and wants to be your girlfriend and her halloween costume is one of them. She told you that she will be Harley Quin and you’ll be her Joker. You laughed as you agreed to her easily but that was it. She started to think if you are that oblivious.
“Well, alright Joker-less Harley, stop complaining…because it is our turn to get in. Ladies first..” Tony teases his shorter best friend and swings his hand towards the entrance of the haunted house to let Natasha to walk in first.
"And.. Why do I have to go in first?” She asks.
“Uh, because we are in the front line.” Tony replied quickly. With that Natasha walks in, followed by the rest of them. Little does she know, Tony and the others are helping you to plan for Nat a surprise visit so she can go to the party with you, as a couple.
Fake screams fill the room. Sudden loud bangs force its way to be heard and Natasha jumps a little because of that. Everybody knows Nat swears but the frightening intensity in the room really brings the amount of swearing words jumps out of her lips a lot more. She bit back a scream so she won’t look like a scaredy pants. Tony and Pietro are here so she knows better not to scream if she doesn’t want them to keep making fun of her for the whole semester.
Sinister laughs echo loudly. Her heart pounding fast, she swears she can hear it. She grabs Tony’s hand so tightly. “Argh, Romanoff, you are killing me. That hurts!” Tony exclaimed.
“Shut up Tony! That’s what you got when you make me to go into this fucking haunted house.” She answers but her eyes carefully looking around, preparing if someone jumps in front of her again. Wanda follows behind her with Vision and Pietro.
Wanda notices how tense Natasha is but it doesn’t stop her to poke fun out of it. “Watch out over there, Nat!” She screams behind her with a sudden fake warning to scare her. Of course, Natasha lets out a panic scream as her body jolts and she raises both of her hands up. “Arrgh! What the hell, Wanda?!” she complains in such exasperation after she realizes what Wanda was up to. Her eyebrows furrowed, the color drained out of her face. Wanda laughs out loud with the others.
“I didn’t know that the tough Natasha is actually a scaredy cat.” Vision joked as he snorted a laugh. “Aw, Natty, are you scared?” Pietro asks her in a teasing baby-talk then laughs a little more as they all keep walking, slowly.
“Nope, I’m not scared. Not at all.” Natasha denies it wholeheartedly even though she is internally screaming.
“Then walk in front of us if you are not scared.” Tony slightly pushes Natasha to walk in front of everybody as if she is the leader of the group. “Gosh, I hate you guys.” she mumbles under her breath as she continues to walk further to save her dignity. One killer clown shows up and growls so loud in front of her. Natasha screams “Oh for fuck sake! Come on! A fucking killer clown? Seriously? I swear I will kick–” before even Natasha can finish her words, fog was blown and floating in her surroundings. The loud sound of the fog machine's sudden blows really made her stomach knotted.
“Tony, you better walk side by side with me.” Natasha demands, vexation sounds obvious in her voice. She didn’t get any response from Tony and that’s when she realizes that his hand is no longer in her grip. She doesn’t hear her friends’ voices nor laughters. She turns around only to find none of them there.
“Guys? Oh come on! This is not funny! Get your asses here right this second!” Natasha yells in whispers frustratedly. She still gets no answer as she looks around to find them.
“Wanda! If you don’t show up, you're gonna have to cook and do dishes for a freaking whole month for me, Wands!” She warns her roommate. “Tony, I don’t care, your dad is going to pay hospital bill of any ghosts or clowns or whoever jumps in front of my fucking face again that I will punch!” This time her warning is louder. She waits for a few seconds, hoping they will show up but it’s all the same.
“Alright! All of you forgot I drove here with you guys. I’m gonna leave you guys here! I swear I will!” Natasha drops her last ultimatum. She takes a deep breath and positions her clenched fists in front of her as if she is ready to fight while she walks further.
You chuckle a little behind the stack of hays, seeing how adorable yet feisty she is. Fortunately, she didn’t hear it. Tony’s friend let you hide before they came, you are all dressed up as The Joker to match with her couple theme costume. You tiptoe slowly, get closer from behind. You are thrilled that your plan works.
As soon as your hand gently grabs her shoulder, Natasha gasps and turns around quickly. Everything happens so fast, you didn’t even see her fist come to you. Before you know it, a hard punch lands on your nose. You saw a flash of light for a second. Pain shoots up to your nose.
In a millisecond, you scream in pain. “Ouuuch! MY NOSE!!!” both of your hands cover your hurt nose. “Oh my God! That hurts!” You exclaimed in agony one more time as you randomly paced back and forth, then slightly bending over with your eyes closed, trying to suppress the pain. She instantly recognizes your voice.
“Y/n? Y/n, is that you?” Natasha looks closer to you.
“Yes, Natty! It’s me!” You answered as you shook your head as if it helps to shake the pain away.
“Oh my God! Why are you– What are you doing here?!” She asks and she grabs you by your shoulder, to look at you and make sure you are okay. Confusion screams loud through her facial expression.
“Why did you punch me?” You ask and finally Wanda, Vision, Tony and Pietro show up.
“Well, you grabbed my shoulder when you are all in psycho criminal clown makeup in the middle of a haunted house, what do you expect?” she points out her reason while she helps you to stand up straight.
“Oh my god, y/n! Are you okay?” Wanda asks worriedly. “Geez, Nat. You punched her pretty good.” Pietro comments.
“I told you, this would be a bad idea.” Tony casually remarks at you.
“Wait, you guys know that Y/n was here?” Natasha questions. “Yes, Nat. They know. I wanted to give you–” You halfway answer her until Nat interrupts her in such a panic tone.
“Is that red syrup? Please tell me it’s red syrup.” Her eyes widened as she pointed at the blood that slowly flows out of your nose and asks. “What do you expect to come out after you punch someone in the nose, Nat?” You return her own words in a playful sarcasm after you try to hold your nose, preventing more blood from coming out. Medic came with a first aid kit and security led all of you out of the haunted house safely.
"I'm sorry y/n. I didn't know it was you." She apologizes genuinely as her hand rubs your back. "It's okay, Nat. I just want to surprise you because my work was done early." You explain.
"Well, you really did." She giggles and her cheeks turn rosie. Nat is very excited that you came back from your trip, her eyes drinking the view of you in awe.
Seeing you put effort into wearing the joker costume just how she wants it to go to the party with her makes her feel giddy. Her green eyes sparkling with little hearts but she is more concerned about your pain and she selflessly decides "Guys, I'm not gonna go to the party. I will drop you off and I will take care of Y/n, she is still in pain." Natasha announced.
Her friends look as surprised as you are with what they just heard and then they avert their gaze at you because they know that it's not your plan. "What? No.. No.. I’m okay. We are still going. That's why I'm here, to go to the party with you, as your girlfriend." You hold her hand and you look her in the eye.
Nat softly gasps from your words. Her heart skittered. She can't help herself to smile. Her eyes twinkle. "W-what?" She asks in excited disbelief.
"Yes, Natasha. You have my heart since the first time our eyes met. Every little thing you do, I adore them all. Can I be your girlfriend?” You ask as both of you stand closer to each other, one of your hands gently pushes away her red hair. Her spirit soared and happiness bloomed inside her. Your heart leaped, exultation surged through you.
The gap between your and her face is slowly thinning. “Yes, of course. I thought you’d never ask.” she answers in soft whisper, her soothing voice sounds like melody. Her smile is one of the best things about her you see. As soon as your lips almost reach her into a kiss you hear a phone camera click. Both of you look at where the sound comes from.
“I will definitely not forget this picture. Where else can you see a joker with a napkin shoved up in her nose almost kissing her Harley Quinn with a messy crooked wig, right?” Tony teases and then shows it to Wanda, Pietro and Vision.
Pietro laughs out loud. “I am so not letting this go for the whole semester, Romanoff.”
Wanda laughs a little. “Guys, come on. Let them have their moment. Okay, Y/n, Nat, don’t listen to these idiots and have your kiss.” She looks at both of you in adoration then pulls Tony and Pietro by their ears to walk away from you and Nat.
You pull out the napkin out of your nose. “There, no more napkins in the nose.” You joke. “Be careful, I don’t want the red syrup all over my face after I kiss you.” Natasha replies with another joke and with that her hands cup your face and pull you to give you her sweet kiss. Her kiss that’s sweeter than any halloween treats.
A/n: Welp, that's all for today! Let me know what you think. Follow me for more. Reblog and comments are highly appreciated!
Taglist: @madamevirgo @musicinourlips @unstable-sapphic-hoe @fanboy7794 @chloe7076 @b0mbdotc0m @trikruismybitch @ichala @californianwhiterabbit @honey-sweet-hiraeth @imfuckinggenius @sxfwap @chaekhan @daenerys713 @luvmcgrath @stupidsapphicsstuff @pattypavo @frvny @franfineashell @heyyoweveryone @ygtft-chen @yaaskasey @sweeet-likeeee-cinnamonn @paumxmff @dopeyouth @beaniejennie @ineedafinghug @idkwhatimwriting @lucydiibi @mainly-rebloging-fics-i-like @gloriousfoxruins @grxvitye @mcubreakdown101 @aos22 @wandanatstan @paulawand @yeeterthekeeper @femalehomosexual666 @snowdrop1026 @modernmonalisa @nothingisrealanyway @idamaemann @sweeterlust @royalityofmultifandom @playboysaleen @peabrain112 @gwhaley127 @harleyswanda @bodhi-j @darth-rain @cristin-rjd , 
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
Where does this lead? (Short Snip)
They held up a pinky, "pinky swear you won't run away."
He twisted in the relatively loose coils, "you don't plan on killing me and adding my bones to your collection, do you?" His pinky hesitantly went up to meet theirs.
"Definitely not, no, no, never." They answered without hesitation. Their crystal blue hue couldn't hold a lie without showing it.
"Then go ahead, show me this special place of yours." Their pink was utterly encompassed by their friends. He thought he had explored every aspect of this cavern, but according to them, he was wrong.
Their smile jumped with giddy delight and then wavered with worry. "O-okay." They swallowed, and he waited to be unwrapped from the coils entirely. Instead, his friend's tail tip pressed his back forward in the coils, closer to his friend's face.
A little closer, aren't we? What are they gonna say? Were they kidding? They didn't think I'd call their bluff? He chuckled softly at his thoughts. His eyes finally focused, seeing he was way too close. He had never seen their features so prominently, the slight curve to their nose, their smooth tawny skin, and the light scars at their lips. Speaking of, he started to feel his heart thumping. They're not going to kiss me, are they? I'm not that big; they'll cover my whole chest and face.
He said in his head. Even though he was flustered, he couldn't stop staring. He sincerely assumed his friend wanted to give him a kiss. He didn't know what that would mean for their relationship. He hadn't known them long, maybe a week at most. They were the first being he had seen in a while. They didn't move any closer. They kept a couple of inches distance.
He assumed they were waiting for him to move in the other ten percent. Oh, no, I...do I feel the same? Should I recuperate feelings? I want to avoid leading them on. I could ask for their cheek instead; that's friendly enough! He opened his mouth to say something, and his friend did first. They omitted a very light hiss when they opened it. He always thought that was cute, and their tongue stretched outward like they did when they yawned.
Except this time, it pressed at him due to their closeness. That's what he assumed at least. He expected them to pull back immediately, not for their tongue to caress more of his head and rest around his neck and shoulders.
Its pointed edge pressed his glasses upward and it's slick wetness made him shiver. He didn't wish to offend them.
"Quin, your tongue has taken quite a liking to me..." the last word of his jest barely left him. The unclosed, widely stretched jaw hovered over his head. Then their tongues muscle started to pull and guide him inside...
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perkwunos · 6 months
A philosophically satisfying account has to take into consideration the historical fact that the “great revolution in rigor” in mathematical analysis, led by the German mathematicians Cantor, Dedekind, and Weierstrass (henceforth, CDW), took place when philosophy in Germany was dominated by various currents of neo-Kantian philosophy. Some of the neo-Kantian philosophers had a keen interest in science and mathematics. Indeed, the issue of the infinitesimal was vigorously debated in neo-Kantian quarters… Our main thesis is that the Marburg neo-Kantians elaborated a philosophically sophisticated approach towards the problems raised by the concepts of limits and infinitesimals. They neither clung to the obsolete traditional approach of logically and metaphysically dubious infinites- imals,1 nor whiggishly subscribed to the new orthodoxy of the “great triumvirate” (Cantor, Dedekind, Weierstrass) that insisted on the elimination of infinitesimals from any respectable mathematical discourse in favor of a new approach based on the epsilontic doctrine. Instead, the Marburg school developed a complex array of sophisticated, albeit not always crystal-clear, positions that sought to make sense of both infinitesimals and limit concepts. With the hindsight enabled by Robinson’s non-standard analysis, the Marburg stance seems wiser than that of Russell, Carnap, and Quine who unconditionally accepted the orthodox epsilontic doctrine, along with its simplistic philosophical ramifications stemming from a strawman characterisation of infinitesimals as a pseudo-concept.
Thomas Mormann and Mikhail G. Katz, “Infinitesimals as an Issue of Neo-Kantian Philosophy of Science”
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lec743 · 1 year
Yay! I have my participants for my Art Challenge <3
Faith and Collin my FNAF OCs
Aug. 2 - @oobbbear's Ikati OC and bonus drawing
Tina chilling with some toons
Aug. 4 - @spaciebabie's Katherine Quin OC
Aug. 5 - @s-s-ironnie's Iris OC
Aug. 6 - @laurzzz's The Greatest Showmen Y/N
Aug. 7 - @justfangirlstuffs's Enthralling You Enthralling Me Y/N
First attempt at drawing my ROTTMNT oc Itsuki Kurama, Tina's adopted father
Aug. 9 - @rheawritesforfun's Cammie OC
Crystal my Adventure Time OC
Aug. 11 - @meat-holf's Honk OC
Aug. 12 - @morning-sun-brah's May OC
Aug. 13 - @skellebonez's Li-Ming OC
Aug. 14 - @sourtomatola's Low Key OC
My un-named Spider-verse Spider-man oc
Aug. 16 - @starrspice's Muse Y/N
My DND Tiefling OC Hope
Aug. 18 - @mysticboombox's Mystic OC
Aug. 19 - @loonasketches's Nova OC
Aug. 20 - @callummarino's Ranvir OC
Aug. 21 - @enigmaticcattic's Cowboy Eclipse OC
Not really an oc, more like a character type design
Aug. 23 - @foxineory-fox's Sona
My ROTTMNT OC Tina Kurama.
Aug. 25 - @house-full-of-spiders's Sol OC
Aug. 26 - Discord Friend's Tassi OC
Aug. 27 - @lilydragonartist-roleplayer's Agni OC
Aug. 28 - @tapakah0's Sona
Casual Itsuki Kurama
Aug. 30 - @sewerninno's Nova OC
my lil sona
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hollywoodfamerp · 2 years
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Welcome to the Soneva Jani! 
“Soneva Jani is nestled within the tranquil waters of the Noonu Atoll, where sun-drenched blue skies and azure seas stretch out in every direction. One of the world’s lowest density resorts, there are just 51 over-water and three island residences, the largest and most luxurious villas in the Maldives, each designed for the ultimate privacy, space and breathtaking ocean views. Relax in iconic Water or Island Villas for the ultimate indulgence.”
Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or were not in the ships list - you were included in the generator. If you do not see your FCs name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know - sometimes a name gets missed getting put into the generator. We’re human and it happens! At the same time, if your FC is on there twice by any chance then please let us know. Again, mistakes happen. As we accept new applications and people come into the group before AND during the event, this list will be updated. Same will go for if people get unfollowed or ask to leave the group. We posted the pairings in advance so that you may reach out to your roommate and get new interactions going! Even if a mun is on hiatus, be sure to reach out to them so that you can see if you can head-canon some interactions or plan for something when they are off hiatus. All trips are to encourage new interactions and unlikely connections!
Akanishi Jin and Lee Sunmi
Alexis Kaufman (Alexa Bliss) and Taylor Swift
Ana de Armas and Eiza Gonzalez
Andrew Garfield and Lily James
Andy Biersack and Camila Mendes
Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow
Anya Taylor-Joy and Renee Paquette (Renee Young)
Ariana Grande and Florence Pugh
Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair) and Billie Eilish
Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings
Austin Butler and Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Ava Max and Geoff Wigington
Awsten Knight and Miley Cyrus
Bella Hadid and Nick Robinson
Ben Platt and Emily Bett Rickards
Beyonce Knowles and Gong Yoo
Bill Skarsgard and Lucy Hale
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds
Brett Tucker and Sarah Drew
Brittany Baker and Tyler Hoechlin
Bruno Mars and Shelley Hennig
Byun Baekhyun and Timothee Chalamet
Camille Rowe and Elizabeth Gillies
Carrie Underwood and Molly-Mae Hague
Cate Blanchett and Julianna Margulies
Chace Crawford and Kaia Gerber
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten) and Jackson Wang
Choi Minho and Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Choi San and Jeon Junkook
Chris Evans and Jade Chynoweth
Christian Yu and Kim Jisoo
Christopher Bang (Bang Chan) and Hwang Hyunjin
Cindy Kimberly and Niall Horan
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) and Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Crystal Reed and Valentina Zenere
Damiano David and Olivia DeJonge
Diamante Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie) and Kim Hongjoong
Dove Cameron and Noah Cyrus
Dua Lipa and Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Dylan O’Brien and Maika Monroe
Dylan Sprouse and Madelyn Cline
Eduardo Franco and Peyton Meyer
Emilia Clarke and Jake Gyllenhaal
Emily Osment and Meryl Streep
Emma Mackey and Nick Jonas
Emma Stone and Maura Higgins
Florence Welch and Gigi Hadid
George MacKay and Saoirse Ronan
Grace Van Dien and Harry Kane
Grace Van Patten and Lily Collins
Hailey Baldwin and Joey King
Huh Yunjin and Jerome Flynn
Jamie Campbell Bower and Zendaya Coleman
Jesse Lingard and Ryan Gosling
Jessica Chastain and Robert Pattinson
Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson
Joe Keery and Maya Hawke
Joseph Quinn and Riley Keough
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) and Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi and Karlie Kloss
Kathryn Hahn and Liam Hemsworth
Kehlani Parrish and Selena Gomez
Kim Jongin and Lee Taemin
Kim Jungwoo and Lucas Wong
Kim Namjoon and Min Yoongi
Kim Taehyung and Jung Wooyoung
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) and Mark Lee
Lee Felix and Lee Know (Minho)
Lili Reinhart and Zoe Kravitz
Louis Tomlinson and Ross Lynch
Lupita Nyong’o and Tessa Thompson
Madelaine Petsch and Otto Wood
Maia Mitchell and Mike Faist
Margot Robbie and Sebastian Stan
Mason Mount and Taylor Hill
Mazz Murray and Shay Mitchell
Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion) and Park Seonghwa
Meghann Fahy and Victoria De Angelis
Mercedes Varnado (Sasha Banks) and Pamela Martinez (Bayley)
Natalia Dyer and Tom Holland
Perrie Edwards and Sabrina Carpenter
Shawn Mendes and Sydney Sweeney
Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
Xiao Dejun (Xiajun) and Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Lauren Jauregui and Elizabeth Olsen
Zoey Deutch and Park Jinyoung 
Alycia Debnam Carey and Hailee Steinfeld
Pedro Pascal and Sadie Sink
Avril Lavigne and Olivia Rodrigo
Sarah Hyland and Jenna Ortega 
Jade Thirlwall and Kathryn Newton
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orithereticent · 1 year
You fully gave me brainworms(/pos) with the last post and I have a thought that only just registered. Ashley and I had been talking the other day about the reality of post S1 MI I going by their names again and or being back in town if their families are still alive and with that in mind:
Adds a whole nother layer to the scene in Beware the Scarebear when Ricky tries to get the kids arrested and in general if he’s Quinlan and Mayor Nettles’ cousin. Because while we have no clue about the parents, we do know that those two are alive and in Crystal Cove to find out “Hey MI didn’t die when they disappeared and they’ve all changed in bad ways(minus Cassidy) since then!”
Oh yeah! (I had this idea like a year ago and never did anything with it.)
I'm sort of picturing their dynamic as Quin being the youngest at like 12, Janet being the middle at 14, and Ricky being the oldest at 16/17 when he disappeared. But Ricky babysat them a lot when they were young, particularly Quin. He occasionally brought them with him on mysteries much to the annoyance of Brad, Judy, and Pericles. Cassidy didn't mind but worried about them getting hurt.
Quin always had anxiety, but her anxiety worsened, because her older cousin, who she thought was so brave and capable, vanished without a trace. It affected her severely into her adulthood, and once she learned what had become of Ricky, she freaked, badly. She called Janet right away, and Janet came over to help calm her down.
Janet spent a long time searching for Ricky as a teenager, but once she was a bit older, came to the conclusion that he had died. She left Crystal Cove and never really wanted to come back, but the real reason she did was because of how scared Quin was, and Quin refused to leave. Anyway, she learns that Ricky is alive before Quin, and doesn't tell her. She's very angry about it, and very nearly slaps him when he shows up at the police station, but keeps her calm. Ricky, who is so consumed by the curse at that point, doesn't even really register that Janet is his little cousin. Janet did however, talk to Cassidy, and Cassidy explained a little bit.
Pretty much as soon as Ricky left the sheriff's office, and she was able to leave, she went to go stay with Quin for the night. Just so angry at what her cousin had become, poisoning the environment, and hurting children.
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quinloki · 8 months
Ah also, on an unrelated note, Rexxy has been wanting to ask if he can draw Quill for a long time, but he's just too damn shy to, so I'll ask for permission for him.
I will happily take any and all art anyone feels inspired to draw, related to my stories, OCs, or even like myself if one is so inclined.
\o/ art and comment and shares and flailing are all like dilithium crystals and I am the QUIN-Enterprise.
Send me off on warp drive ❤️🥰
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sarahtunn · 1 year
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Gin Hawke for the Valip Punch, 08/04/21
Hettie Piera (47), pictured here at his day job as logistics officer for the Guardians of Pangaea, has won his fifth chess championship trophy in a grueling 13 hour match against the talented new up-and-comer Quin Dove (22). Held on the 4th of April, the event saw an immense turn out of die-hard fans and newcomers alike.
Born to a large family of crystal miners on the outskirts of Valip in 1974, Piera was drawn to chess as a means of escaping the rough and tumble of his six brothers and four sisters.
"I'd head to the school library during lunch to practice and read the chess books. I'd even go after school sometimes, when I knew my siblings would all be home. All they'd want to do would be to try to emulate the wrestlers they saw on the 'reels. I think Mum was actually glad that at least one of us preferred a quieter hobby."
Piera is a gracious victor. "Honestly, Quin nearly had me a few times. I reckon they're a shoe-in for the victory next year for sure." When asked if that meant he'd be retiring from the game, Piera merely touched a sly finger to his nose (broken when, after his second championship victory, a sour fan of his opponent broke through the barrier and assaulted him) and walked away.
Quin Dove declined an interview, saying it was "a hard match... I need time to recuperate." '
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ratking-pkmn · 1 year
Hi, I found out about the blog from Quin from Mirage Mews and I have a question regarding the timeline. You say that the story would be set 40 years after the events of red and green in generation 7 but here is my question, in what timeline? There are three timelines in the main games: the Gameboy universe, the Gameboy advance universe and the mega universe This image was made by a Spanish-speaking youtuber that I follow shows it better
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so in what timeline? although the Pokémon origins miniseries would be located in the mega universe
firstly I love you good sir for being the first ask. smooch for you.
this is gonna be a long one so buckle in. putting it under the cut so some poor guy doesn't have to see my eight billion word novel about how I'm ignoring Pokémon canon and dancing atop it's grave.
So let's start with your question. What of the three timelines is it in? None fuckit I'm doing all if it call it the Dean Timeline (/j do not do that plz.)
I guess the most obvious indicator of timeline to most people is Mega Evolution. At the moment that kind of hangs up in the air for me, but for now I'm going to say yes, it does exist, though it isn't particularly story relevant so kind of put it into the limbo area of 'probably exists.'
"so if there's mega evolution it's in that timeline-" NOPE GET EXPLODED. all the other battle gimmicks? z-crystals, dynamax, terastallizaton? we riding it with all of it babie!!!! Although some are region locked.
And as for the "40 years after" comment I made honestly that was like a vague approximation. What I really meant was more 'it's been a hot minute all your faves are old now.' While again these characters aren't super relevant to the story I'm aiming to tell, Red and Blue/Green/Gary ("SMELL YA LATER" guy, you know who I mean) are in their mid fifties by now.
prof oak dead fr by now
While the story does absolutely focus on the cast of Gen 7, it does not take place during the events of Gen 7. They're all older too now. Lillie, Hau, Gladion, all our little guys are in their early-mid thirties now. Also, I'm mixing together the events of SM and USUM to make the story more interesting. The games offered a lot of cool concepts and I'm going to push them to their furthest extent by picking and choosing what I use and what I don't.
I have my lore preplanned, so worry not! There will be more consistency than somebody making stuff up on the fly. I even have a whole notebook assigned to this verse! >:3
OOPS as a side note try not to assign human earth real life years to events that take place in my content. While the games were first released in 1996, the history of humanity on the Pokemon world earth is drastically different than our own. Basically everything is different, from the shape of the land, to the very basics of biology, and how technology has developed are all different. So what's the current year in my verse? Well it's [REDACTED] duh. When's [REDACTED] exactly? Approximately 55-ish years after Red was born. yea.
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