#Cubaneate Regina
lemonlyman-dotcom · 9 months
hi lemon! i’m here reporting for nice ass(k) week!
first off: this quote in your bio. love happens in a series of bursts and inches, and it is worth convincing the brain to do the work the heart is already capable of.
is this your quote or someone else’s?
also i know you love music. i do too, but have a very basic taste but love finding new music. do you have any recommendations? i’m pretty open to whatever!
do you drink coffee? if so what’s your coffee (or tea if you’re one of those non coffee drinkers) order? i love asking people how they take it!
Hi Rachel!! Thank you for your inquiry 🍑
I wish that quote was mine!! It is from Hanif Abdurraqib, who is one of my favorite writers and also just one of my favorite people in general. We share so many common values and I love his perspective so much (except for cheese. I cannot support this man’s cheese agenda). This quote is from an instagram story he posted talking about one of his favorite Frightened Rabbit songs.
Speaking of music and Hanif, I actually discovered his writing when I was listening to one of my favorite rappers, Loyle Carner, talk about his favorite rappers and he recommended Hanif’s book of essays, Go Ahead in the Rain, which is a love letter to A Tribe Called Quest. Who is one of my favorite rap groups, so I had to go buy and read the book immediately!
I am sure your music taste isn’t basic!! Mine is very, very eclectic! I make playlists for most of my fics, you can find them on Spotify here! I will make a list of some specific recommendations below!
For coffee, yes I am obsessed (but I don’t do caffeine for health reasons 🙈). I like just regular drip coffee with oat milk as a creamer, but I don’t like that burnt rubber coffee like Sbux. I want it to be strong and smooth! If I’m ordering espresso I love a nice cappuccino but generally I’ll go for an oat milk latte. Or a golden milk (Owen Strand core). I also really, really love tea. My favorite is Lady Gray, but I love a nice ginger or chai or Twinings buttermint. I love going to fancy tea houses!
Okay! Music recs! I will start with a few of my favorite albums from last year and then a few I’m looking forward to this year.
Kali Uchis - Red Moon in Venus (pop, Latin pop)
Recommended tracks: I Wish You Roses, Fantasy, Como Te Quiero Yo, Endlessly, Blue
Yussef Dayes - Black Classical Music (JAZZ)
Recommended tracks: Afro Cubanism, Rust, Pon di Plaza
Gabriels- Angels & Queens (Soul)
Recommended tracks: Taboo, Remember Me, Love & Hate at a Different Time
Tekno - The More The Better (Afrobeats, pop)
Recommended tracks: Peppermint, Peace of Mind, Regina
Captain Planet - Sounds Like Home (Brazilian Funk)
Recommended tracks: Destello, Moqueca, Kité Soufè
Drama - Till We Die (Funk, house)
Recommended tracks: Drama, Tighten it Up
June Freedom - 7 Seas (Afrobeats, pop)
Recommended tracks: Messi, Diana
KAROL G - Mañana Será Bonito (pop, Latin pop, raggeton)
Kali Uchis - Orquídeas (Pop, Latin pop) this one is coming on Friday and I am going to be VERY annoying about it!!
NewDad - MADRA (lo-fi, indie pop)
Yard Act - Where’s My Utopia (Brit pop, indie rock)
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dear-indies · 8 months
good timezone to you, finder of faces! i was hoping you could help a weary soul out and please suggest some latina female fcs with a tomboy vibe? ideally actors so i have resources to pull on it possible! thank you kindly!
Stephanie Beatriz (1981) Colombian [White, one quarter Sephardi Jewish, possibly other] / Bolivian [Unspecified Indigenous, White, possibly other] - is bisexual.
Maria-Elena Laas (1983) Puerto Rican - Vida.
Jennifer Cheon (1985) Mexican / Korean.
Monica Raymund (1986) Dominican Republic / English, Ashkenazi Jewish - is bisexual.
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - is queer.
Vaneza Oliveira (1988) Afro Brazilian - 3%.
Chelsea Rendon (1993) Mexican - Vida.
Seychelle Gabriel (1991) French, Mexican / White - Blood Fest.
Sky Ferreira (1992) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] / Ashkenazi Jewish, Ojibwe, Cree, Chippewa Cree, Cheyenne, White - has Chronic Lyme Disease.
Kehlani (1995) African-American, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Mexican, Filipino, White, Choctaw - non-binary womxn, lesbian and polyamorous (she/they) - is pro Palestine!
Lauren Jauregui (1996) Cuban [Spanish, possibly other], likely some Basque - is bisexual - is pro Palestine!
Kiana Ledé (1997) African-American, Mexican, Cherokee, and Swedish - is pro Palestine!
Alba Baptista (1997) Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly German and other] - Warrior Nun.
Regina Pavón (1998) Mexican - Oscuro Deseo.
Julia Dalavia (1998) Brazilian - Pantanal.
Rachelle Vinberg (1998) Colombian / White.
also I had to list these people too but they're not women:
Sara Ramirez (1975) Mexican - is non-binary (they/them) - is Pro Palestine!
Ariela Barer (1998) Mexican [75% Ashkenazi Jewish 25% Unspecified]- she/they - has since deleted their Instagram post stating their non-binary so I’m unsure if they still identify as non-binary.
Lizeth Selene (1999) Mexican [Black and Unspecified Indigenous] - is genderfluid (they/she).
Sivan Alyra Rose (1999) Chiricahua Apache / Afro-Puerto Rican, Creole - is genderfluid (she/they) and pansexual.
I'll 1x1 fight the word tomboy but I hope these are what you're looking for!
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I’m rewatching OUAT and Regina‘s horse is named Rocinante which means “worn-out horse” and “before” in Spanish. My headcanon for Regina is that Henry Sr. is a white passing Cuban man so Regina is half Cuban because Lana is Cuban and I love her.
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lamilanomagazine · 6 months
Roma: arrestato un 37enne di origini cubane poiché gravemente indiziato di rapina
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Roma: arrestato un 37enne di origini cubane poiché gravemente indiziato di rapina Gli agenti della Polizia di Stato del Commissariato Porta Maggiore hanno tratto in arresto, in esecuzione di un'ordinanza applicativa della misura cautelare della custodia in carcere, un 37enne cubano, poiché gravemente indiziato del reato di rapina. L'attività info-investigativa posta in essere dai poliziotti ha permesso di identificare l'uomo, autore di due rapine perpetrate, ai primi di marzo, nei confronti di due persone, adottando sempre il medesimo "modus operandi"; nello specifico, l'uomo aggrediva le sue vittime, prendendole alle spalle e, dopo averle bloccate con un braccio al collo all'altezza della giugulare, le rapinava dei loro effetti personali. Le serrate indagini hanno portato all'individuazione dell'autore delle condotte, un 37enne cubano, a carico del quale sono stati raccolti gli indizi di colpevolezza che hanno poi consentito al Pubblico Ministero della Procura presso il Tribunale di Roma di richiedere l'emissione di una misura cautelare detentiva. Terminate le attività di rito, l'uomo è stato tradotto presso la casa circondariale di Regina Coeli a disposizione dell'Autorità Giudiziaria. Ad ogni modo l'indagato è da ritenere presunto innocente, in considerazione dell'attuale fase del procedimento, ovvero quella delle indagini preliminari, fino a un definitivo accertamento di colpevolezza con sentenza irrevocabile.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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lilacmoon83 · 11 months
Lightning in a Bottle
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 84: Tailspin, Pt 1
Nine weeks. Nine long weeks away from Margaret, Henry, and Eden and he was just about at his wits end. The separation was wearing on his wife too. She was getting along with her father and they truly seemed to be mending their broken relationship, but they missed each other terribly. He still had Margaret supporting him and grounding him, but it wasn't quite the same as her being here and he could have used her gentle understanding at this moment, as he looked at his glowing hand again.
"Everything okay?" Emma asked.
"It's happening again…lighting up like a Christmas tree," David replied, as he showed her his hand.
"What do you think it means?" she asked. He shook his head.
"I don't know…it sounds insane, but I can feel the tailfin. It's like it's calling to me," he explained.
"What aren't you telling me?" she asked. He sighed.
"I called Vance and he's sending a car for me," David replied. Her eyes widened.
"Nine weeks of radio silence and he's suddenly sending you a car?" she asked.
"I told him about my hand," he confessed.
"David! He's working for the NSA again. They see this and you're a lab rat!" she exclaimed.
"He endangered his life to save mine. He's not going to let that happen," David insisted.
"David…" she started to protest.
"No matter who he works for…I trust him," David replied.
"And I trust you…that's why I told you where I'll be. Just in case," he said. She nodded.
"Be careful…MM expects you to be in one piece when she gets home," Emma replied. He smiled and kissed her forehead, before getting ready to leave.
"Hi, Mom," Olive said, as she answered her phone.
"Hi, honey. Excited for prom? Which dress did you settle on?" Margaret asked.
"I'm actually gonna skip it," Olive replied. Margaret frowned.
"What? Are you sure?" she asked.
"I doubt I'm missing much," Olive answered.
"I know you bought those tickets for you and TJ, but you might regret not going. It is prom," Margaret urged.
"I barely see those people anymore," Olive said.
"Yeah, but that's the point. One last rager," Margaret replied.
"Rager?" Olive questioned. Margaret winced.
"Not still a thing?" she asked.
"No, nobody says that," Olive replied, as she saw a car pull up from the window.
"Dad, your badass carriage awaits," she called. David grabbed his things.
"All right. Wish me luck," he said, as he left and Olive went back to talking to her Mom.
David got into the car and noticed that it was Vince, the man that had accompanied them to Cuba and then made sure he got out.
"Have you seen him?" he asked, as Vince drove and there was no answer.
"I'm assuming he's all right," David said and still nothing. He rolled his eyes.
"All right, how about this one. Where exactly are you taking me?" he asked. Nothing again, but his question was answered, as they pulled up to a plain looking building that
looked like an old factory or warehouse.
"You really think the tailfin is here? Just hiding in plain sight?" Vince asked, as he looked at the building. Vance came out of the building just as another car pulled up to drop
Regina off.
"Unmarked buildings, inconspicuous heavy security. Sounds about right," David said.
"What, you don't call, you don't write…" David said to Vance's stoic face.
"Regina, why don't you head inside? Mary at the security desk will take your phone and ID," Vance said. She did so, leaving Vance and David alone.
"All you had to do is sit tight and trust that I had things handled," Vance hissed.
"I couldn't let you rot in a Cuban prison," David insisted.
"You can't imagine the things I've answered for. So thanks for the favor, but I didn't need it. Anything you see, anything you learn is highly classified, never to be shared
beyond these walls," Vance warned.
"Is the tailfin here?" David asked. He nodded.
"Along with a confluence of top scientific minds convened to study the phenomenon," Vance replied.
"This is it? This is the entire 828 investigation? Wait, you're part of it again?" David asked.
"I'm in charge of it," Vance corrected.
"I guess my contacting the NSA didn't turn out so bad for you after all," David replied.
"Well, I was about to negotiate my own release until you swooped in, caused a massive international incident and almost landed me in federal prison.
"Are we going in?" David asked. He nodded.
"Welcome to Eureka," Vance answered.
"Morning," Neal said, as he stood at the stove, making eggs for their first breakfast in their new home.
"Morning," Emma replied, greeting him with a kiss, before sipping at some orange juice he had put on the table for her.
"Still weird that this house is ours now," she mentioned. He smiled.
"Believe me, I know…it's the nicest place I've ever lived in," he replied, as he delivered their plates to the table and they sat down to eat.
"Something on your mind?" she asked, noticing his pensiveness.
"Yeah…I'm just not sure how to describe it," Neal replied.
"Did you have a Calling?" she asked anxiously. He hadn't had one since his miraculous resurrection at the lake.
"No…this is different. I think I can feel what other people are feeling. Pretty intensely," he said.
"Wait…like mind reading?" Emma asked.
"Not exactly…it's more that I can feel exactly what someone is feeling. Like you're feeling anxious about your family being apart," Neal replied.
"That's not a huge stretch to know that," Emma pointed out. He nodded.
"Fair. But it was how I knew you needed my help to distract Angelina's parents in Costa Rica. I felt exactly what you were feeling to the point that I could see it," he explained.
"This…this is new," she said, not sure what to make of it.
"You're also worried about David being anywhere near the tailfin and the NSA again," he said. She nodded.
"Yeah…he's desperate for answers and if they find out about his glowing hand, they're going to want to run tests on him. These people aren't above using us like lab rats," she
"I know…he'll do anything to keep his family safe," Neal said.
"That's what worries me," Emma replied, as they finished breakfast.
"So…what's on your agenda today?" she asked.
"I think I'll visit Dad and then get back to job hunting," he replied, as they shared a kiss.
"Good luck," she said.
"Thanks…with my background, I'll need it," he replied.
"So no phone or credit card activity after December 28th?" Killian asked. Bella shook her head.
"No, this is when I last spoke with her," she said, as he scanned the phone records.
"And this is you right here at 9:37 p.m.?" he asked, pointing to the call on the paper. She nodded.
"My mom told me she was getting off the ferry and headed home. But she never made it," Bella explained.
"I'm combing through all the police calls from that night. Still nothing," he said.
"There has to be something, I know it," she insisted.
"I'm gonna keep looking. We'll find your mother," Killian promised.
"Thank you for being so thorough. I'm really grateful," Bella said.
"Just doing my job. Listen, if you happen to remember anything else, please let me know. Okay?" he insisted. She nodded.
"You know, sometimes when she's had a hard day at work, she takes the long way home. Strolls through some park. Says it helps her leave work at the door," Bella
"I'm guessing she didn't say which park," Killian said.
"Sorry, she didn't and I never asked. I wish I had," Bella replied.
"It's okay. Looks like I got some homework to do. I'll let you know if I find anything out," he promised.
"Pete. Pete. Are you okay?" Angelina asked, as she stood outside his cell.
"You have to tell me. I'm trying to help you before it's too late," she added.
"You've been so nice. Coming here all the time. I don't deserve this," he insisted.
"Of course you do," she admonished.
"Why are you wasting your time with me?" he asked skeptically.
"How many times do I need to say it? I choose to be here with you. I was chosen to be with you," Angelina insisted.
"Whatever you're seeing, you don't need to be afraid. The callings saved me and they can save you," she said.
"No. I think I'm way past that," Pete insisted.
"No. No, you're not. Look, you drowned in that lake, but now you're back, breathing air. But this second chance has an expiration date. You have less than one week until your
Death Date," she warned.
"Even if everything you're saying is true... there's nothing I can do about it in here," Pete said, as he turned away from her. But she persisted by staying.
David looked around, as they were led into a room that was definitely a state of the art room designed for research and had everything imaginable.
"It's quite a step up from the clinic backroom. I miss the lollipops but we have a few more toys here" Vance said.
"What exactly are you researching?" David asked.
"We've undertaken a broad spectrum of projects surrounding 828," Vance replied, as Regina stepped up to one of the computers, completely enthralled by what she was
seeing. It was far more advanced than her tiny lab.
"Careful," a woman said, as she approached.
"We have everything from aeronautic engineering, to meteorology, neurology, biology," the woman, clearly a doctor of some kind, said.
"You're surveilling private homes?" David asked in disbelief.
"The inquiry's scope is necessarily all-encompassing," the woman answered.
"David Nolan and Regina Mills, meet Dr. Gupta, Director of Research," Vance said, as she regarded them.
"I still think it's a mistake to bring passengers in here. Not to mention they don't have clearance," she said sternly.
"You've made your point, Dr. Gupta, but they're with me.
"At the very least, we should be running full diagnostics on them," she insisted.
"Thank you, Doctor," Vance said, as he led them on through the facility.
"She's a very committed researcher, but after two years of doing things a certain way, new approaches can be challenging," Vance explained.
"What about the Major? What if she resurfaces?" David asked. Regina and Vance shared an uncomfortable glance.
"She won't," Vance insisted.
"You can't guarantee that. What happened to not trusting the government?" he asked.
"I demanded full oversight. And as you can see, I got it, thanks to the tailfin discovery," Vance answered.
"A discovery we made together," David insisted.
"Exactly. Which is why I let you come in here. Speaking of, what's this mystery development you called me about?" Vance questioned.
"I just...needed to see the tailfin. When can I see it up close?" David asked.
"Soon enough. I need to show you something first, Vance replied cryptically.
Emma came home later that afternoon and found that a lot of unpacking had been done.
"Wow…you've been busy," she said, as he greeted her with a tender kiss.
"Yeah…Dad and Belle wanted to see the new digs and came by for lunch. Then Belle insisted on helping do a little unpacking and I didn't turn down the help," he replied.
"I'm glad you and your father have mended things," she said.
"All part of staying sober," he replied.
"Yeah…I think it's a little more than that with family," she said. He smiled.
"Guess so…having a family definitely changes things," he replied, as there was a knock at the door and they saw that it was Angelina.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know where to go. You said if I ever needed anything…" she said.
"Of course. Come in," Neal said.
"Pete needs your help," Angelina replied.
"Did he say something about Jace? Where he might be?" Emma asked.
"No. Pete had a calling. I was there, I saw it. You said it's important to follow the callings if we want to survive. Pete's not like his brother. He can still be saved," she insisted.
"Maybe, but he has to work for it," Emma said.
"And he would. But how can he follow the calling if he's in jail?" Angelina asked. Emma sighed.
"Maybe we can follow it for him. And along the way, maybe get a lead on Jace," Neal suggested, making Angelina's eyes light up.
"Yeah, but Pete's gotta want to talk to me," Emma insisted.
"I'll come with, give Pete living proof the callings can save him. Please. He's almost out of time," Neal replied.
Ruby smirked, as she approached Killian's desk and saw him laboring over that same disappearance case and then sat back and sighed in frustration.
"You know, my dad always said that stubbornness in the face of an impossible obstacle is a waste of time," Killian said. She smirked again.
"I'm guessing you didn't listen," Ruby replied.
"Oh, I'm persistent, not stubborn," he corrected.
"Seriously, though, why so drilled down on finding this Fitz woman if she's such a Monster?" Ruby asked, as he looked at the file. Being that the woman was involved in
the military and intelligence and there was a lot of classified stuff, it was pretty clear that she was involved in some questionable things.
"Bella drew the short straw when it comes to moms, but she still deserves answers," Killian insisted.
"All right, we getting any closer?" Ruby asked.
"I'm trying. I literally pulled every 911 and nuisance call between the ferry and Fiona Black's apartment that night," he said, handing her the pages.
"Okay. Domestic dispute, drunk and disorderly…" Ruby said, as she reviewed the information.
"Most promising is a noise complaint in the park nearby. Bella said her mom used to walk through it," he said, as he played more of the video footage from the park.
"This seems like it might be something," Killian said.
"A Sanitation truck idles off-hours in a residential area? It's kind of weird," she agreed.
"What's even weirder, there's not another noise complaint in that area for the rest of the night," he said.
"Affluent areas pull a high volume of nuisance calls. Off-hours garbage truck? I mean, a bunch of entitled neighbors would've called that in. Makes you wonder whether the
truck wasn't on the job," he said, as they spotted a cop car in the video drive by. She smiled.
"I mean, at the very least, maybe a cop saw something suspicious," she replied. He smirked.
"Guess I'm not the only persistent one," Killian said.
Pete was led from his cell into the visiting area, but immediately turned back when he saw Emma.
"No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait! Pete, please. Angelina really wants us to help you. She cares about you a lot, okay?" Emma asked, as he noticed Neal and recognized him
from that night at the lake.
"You?" he asked.
"My name is Neal," he offered.
"You're the one. The one Angelina told me about. The one who survived," Pete said.
"Neal followed a calling and saved Henry's life and his own that night," Emma replied.
"Why are you telling me all this?" Pete asked.
"Because you have less than one week before your Death Date, Pete. Please tell us about the calling. Maybe we can help," Emma insisted.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Pete refuted.
"Weeks before my Death Date, frostbite started setting in. I was dying. It's started happening to you, too, hasn't it? You feel water in your lungs. Your time is running out,
Pete, but we're here to help you," Neal said. Pete looked surprised by that.
"How?" he asked, but then sighed.
"Okay...I was in some dark place and I ran and got nowhere, and everywhere I turned, there was this huge...clock. Counting down," he explained.
"Have you seen it before?" Emma asked.
"Our high school football field. Mom would work late so we would stay after practice and keep throwing around till night," Pete revealed.
"Who's we? You and Jace?" Neal asked. He nodded.
"And Kory and a couple others...till we got booted off the team. After that, life sort of went south," he replied.
"Who kicked you off?" Emma asked.
"Coach Hannity," Pete replied.
"Why? Why would he do that?" Emma asked.
"'Cause he could," Pete recalled bitterly.
Angelina peeked into Olive's room to see her getting a dress out of the closet.
"Tonight's your prom?" Angelina asked.
"Yeah, but I'm not going," Olive replied.
"I skipped mine, too. My parents thought prom was some high school version of Sodom and Gomorrah," Angelina said.
"I'm really sorry," Olive offered.
"What's your excuse?" Angelina asked.
"Well, I was supposed to go with TJ, but he's halfway around the world," Olive replied glumly.
"Maybe he wants to make sure he survives his Death Date so you guys have more time Together," Angelina suggested. Olive looked thoughtful at that.
"A few months apart now in exchange for happily ever after," she mused.
"I didn't peg you for such a romantic. You really think we can survive?" Angelina asked.
"Neal did. And I'm not going to stop trying until I make sure that my family, TJ and you do, too. So that's why I'm spending my prom day digging into some Egyptian
mythology," Olive said.
"Mind if I help?" Angelina asked. Olive smiled.
"Sure," she answered.
Neal and Emma arrived at the High School football field and spotted a coach on the sidelines.
"That must be him," Emma said.
"Think this will lead to finding Jace?" Neal asked.
"All I know is that while he and Kory are out there, Henry's in danger. This is the most Pete's talked in two months," Emma replied.
"So if we can solve this calling…maybe he turns on his brother," Neal said, finishing her thought, as they approached.
"Hi. Can I help you?" the coach asked. Emma flashed her badge.
"Terry Hannity, I'm Detective Nolan," she said.
"Well, what can I do for you, Detective?" he asked.
"I'm hoping you could recall a player from a ways back, Pete Baylor," Emma replied.
"The Baylor boys. Darkest moment of my career. Still haunts me," the coach recalled.
"How so?" Emma questioned.
"I never had kids of my own. These boys, they're all I have. When I found Derek dead in the locker room…" he said, trailing off.
"I'm sorry. Who's Derek? What happened?" Emma asked.
"Overdose. We searched the lockers, questioned the kids. Come to find out Pete sold Derek the drugs," the coach replied.
"You never suspected anything?" Emma asked.
"Well, I always knew his brother and that other kid they ran around with were trouble," the coach said.
"Jace and Kory," Emma replied.
"Yeah, exactly. But Pete denied he was selling for them. Insisted it was him alone. Ended up in juvie. I kicked those other two off my team. I couldn't risk it. Four young
lives ruined," he lamented.
Thank you for your help, Mr. Hannity," Emma said, as they walked away.
"Pretty big omission from Pete," Emma said to him.
"You didn't know?" Neal asked.
"No. His records as a minor are sealed. I think the callings want Pete to reckon with this teammate's death. You know, come to terms with his grief, his guilt. Sounds like the
three of us are a bit more alike than we realized," she answered.
Vance led David and Regina into the room where Flight 828 was now housed, complete with the tailfin once again.
"The hull of the Montego 828 plane that landed in New York has been housed here for study since it blew up on the tarmac, under the tightest security," Vance explained.
"So how does a piece end up in Cuba?" David asked.
"It's the first question I asked when I was reinstated," Vance replied, as he led them to a monitor.
"And then I saw this. Are you ready?" he asked. They nodded and watched the recording of the tailfin vanishing into the thin air.
"It vanished?" David asked.
"That's impossible," Regina replied.
"As a colleague of mine told me the day you landed, I think we've taken impossible off the table," Vance reminded her.
"So, the tailfin disappears from here and our Cuban friends happen to fish one out of the Ocean?" David asked. Vance nodded.
"Are you sure it wasn't stolen? The footage wasn't altered?" Regina asked.
"I'm certain, David, you were right. The Cuban tailfin is the real one," Vance replied.
"I'm glad you finally believe me," David said.
"There's more. Unlike the rest of the plane, the corrosion on the recovered tailfin is consistent with having spent seven years in saltwater," Vance said.
"The time elapsed since 828's original disappearance," David asked, as he saw the timestamp.
"Wait. The tailfin disappeared on the same night that Neal survived his Death Date and the Meth Heads drowned in that lake," he realized, making a connection that Vance's
colleagues had not yet…
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travelerbc · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage REGINA CIGAR T-shirt size XL.
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lovelyballetandmore · 4 years
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Ely Regina Hernandez Numa | Ballet Nacional de Cuba | The Cuban National Ballet
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aquaburst3 · 2 years
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Been seeing this meme going around lately, so I decided to give it a whirl with my own “Yuu” Adriana. Here are six main characters that inspired her creation. 
TWST Cores:
Yuu/The Player: Adriana is my stand-in for the player character. Since Yuu in this game is a blank slate with zero personality, almost nothing about them inspired Addie other than her being sassy and short. 
Jasmine: While Addie is part Mexican, Cuban and Sicilian, not MENA or Desi like her, but they share some things in common personality wise. They are both determined, fiery and courageous rich girls, who dish out all of the clap backs. They also have a strong connection with cats. Her wanting to stick Grim on jackasses was inspired by Jasmine unleashing Rajah on her suitors.
Alice: They're both outsiders from another world, who are analytical, creative and logical. Her being an atheist is also inspired by Alice, since it puts her at odds with a world filled with magic, fae and actual gods. Her being into art and photography are inspired by Lewis Carroll's love for these things.
Other Inspirations:
Naofumi from The Rise of the Shield Hero: While this show is problematic and I admit that I don't like it all too much, they are both the lowest rank in that society and forced to claw their way up. Sometimes by questionable means.
Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender: Mainly in the sense that they're both non-magical people in worlds where almost everyone has a super power, but use their wits and ingenuity to survive. They are both leaders within their friend group. And kinda goofy at times.
Ruby Matthews (Sex Education): One of my intentions with that character was to make Addie "twisted" in her own right while still making her sympathetic and layered as a character, so I made her a former popular mean girl. Outside of Regina George, Ruby was the main character of that archetype that I drew from.
Ruby seems like a more realistic version of that archetype. In that series, while Ruby can be a bitch at times, she is also a guarded person, who cares about her father and is scared about others finding out that she's from a modest background. While Addie is from a wealthier background, she also guarded, cut throat and secretive person with a soft and kind side as well.
I also can't help but see some parallels with Addie/Jamil and Ruby/Otis with them both being popular girls pairing off with socially awkward dorks. (Still pissed about Ruby/Otis not being endgame in that show, though.)
Proto Jasmine: For those of you who don't know, Howard Ashman's original draft of the Aladdin screenplay was much different than either the animated or live action movies. In that, Jasmine was a spoiled brat, who was described by Ashman as "Madeline Kahn or Bernadette Peters in a really bad mood." She got a song named "Call Me a Princess" where she shows off how shallow and obnoxious she is. She never ended up with Aladdin in the end, instead a girl named Abbi did.
I drew inspiration for some of her character flaws. Sure, Addie isn't a obnoxious brat like Proto Jasmine, but she can be rather materialistic, superficial, obsessed with her psychical appearance and vain thanks to her rich upbringing. In fact, part of the reason why she got the part time gig in her world was because her mom forced her to in order to teach her how to earn money and become more humble, because her mom had to claw her way up to gain her wealth. This is one of her flaws she must outgrow throughout the story.
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cyberfairyblog · 3 years
Miss-Adventures in Odyssey: Love is on the ground Pt.1
Summary: Tired of waiting for Vanessa and Jason to confess their feelings, Connie and a couple of friend set up a surprise date. What should be a dreamy affair turns into a nightmare when an old face from Jason's spy days shows up for revenge!
Note: I wrote everything as if it is a script of a real episode. Warning for future violence and child endangerment this is after all Adventures in Odyssey. Darla, Briana, Gia, Regina and Vanessa belong to me.
Setting: Triple J's Antiques: through a len's view outside the closed store we see a tall dark haired man JASON WHITTAKER cleaning up. He does not notice the pair of binoculars from a dark vehicle. The driver continues to observe JASON as he cuts the lights off and walks outside to lock the door.
The figure: You thought you could escape, well this game of hide and seek is not over just yet my friend~(chuckles devilishly before driving off)
JASON (notices the car driving real fast): Huh? They're in such a hurry (shakes his head in bemusement before walking home whistling a happy little tune)
The figure (on the phone): Boss you would not believe who I just saw!
We cut to a dark office of sorts filled with stolen artifacts and a book with a scarlet scorpion stamped on the cover.
The Boss: Ah. So he thought he was safe. Looks like our game of hide and seek has got a lot more interesting. You keep watch and don't let him out if your sights.
The Driver: Got it
The convo ends. THE BOSS puts out his cuban cigar and leans back in his chair.
The Boss: You have no idea how lucky you are Agent 1131 to face me one last time
He lets out a low cynical laugh,rears his hand back and hurls a knife at a picture of JASON glued to the other wall. The blade hitting right at the nose.
After the intro we go to beautiful ivory estate known as Whit's End, and into its ice cream parlor. A Black woman wearing blue shirt and jeans, VANESSA MARBLES, is sitting on the counter while JASON is doing the dishes
Vanessa: And then we went to the butterfly room and there were these gorgeous, almost like out of a fairytale, just the most beautiful butterflies you ever seen! Poor TJ cried when one landed on his nose.
Jason: I bet that one makes a nice photo for the album
Vanessa: Oh of course (takes out her phone and shows him gallery of that day)
Vanessa: I might run by the studio later on and print them out.
Jason: You know when I went to the Amazon some years back I saw a whole colony of rare butterflies, animals, and ants, and snakes. And wasps (shudders)
Vanessa: I wish I could to the The Amazon. If I had the money of course.
Jason: Oh the Amazon are amazing once you get past the humidity and mosquitos. Just absolutely gorgeous!
As they continue to converse we see CONNIE KENDALL, GIA TSOUKALOS AND REGINA BLACKGAARD sitting at a nearby table watching them with interest.
Connie: Guys I don't know if it's just me or have they gotten a little close to each other lately?
Gia: What do you mean?
Connie: They hang out almost every day and Vanessa's a lot more open with him. And the googly eyes, the held gaze, the sigh they both let out everytime they walk away from each other? (gasps) I think they're in love!
Regina: Come on Red many people do that over a simple crush. They can't be that into each other.
Connie: I've been in enough of these situations to know when a person truly fall in love. Just ask Eugene!
The women continue to sneak glances at VANESSA AND JASON, witnessing Vanessa rest her head on her face in a lovestruck expression while Jason had his back turned
Connie: I know that look! She needs our help!
Regina: Our?
Connie (nods): Yep! This looks like a job for Cupid!
Gia: Valentine's not for a month and already you playing matchmaker (shakes her head with a tsk) this is going to be chaos (takes a sip) i love chaos!
Regina: We should let them figure it out on their own. It worked for me and Summer.
Connie: At the rate they're going right now they'll never figure it out!
Later that day, we see several children sitting in the parlor after school. Two BLACK girls - DARLA SINGLETON and her best friend BRIANA WINFREY - were with Vanessa at the Estate's studio for art class.
Vanessa: And that's how I draw faces! See!
Darla: Wow that's so cool! I wish I could draw like that!
Vanessa (grinning): You can in no time with some practice of course. Now let's try it out for yourselves and don't worry about mistakes.
Darla and Briana: OK!
As they start to draw Briana notices something odd about Vanessa's sketch.
Briana: That's a nice drawing and all Miss Marbles but why does he look like Mr Jason?
Vanessa (flustered): Oh well *studders* he's my muse!
Briana: A moose? We don't have any moose around here. Do we?
Vanessa: No a muse. They're like a model, someone who you can look for inspiration to create works of art!
Briana: Gotcha!
The girls continue drawing; JASON comes by and VANESSA quickly hides her sketch.
Vanessa: Jason I thought you went out of town with your Dad?
Jason: Wow nice drawings girls! I should put them up for customers to see.
Darla: Thanks Mr. Whittaker! I know I'd want everyone to see my pictures (grins confidently)
Vanessa: Oh let me help you with that (turns to her students) y'all keep drawing while I help him. It'll be a few minutes.
The girls nod and Vanessa gets up and leaves with Jason. As soon as they're out of the room the girls begin to talk.
Briana (whispering): Do you think she and Mr. Whittaker like each other? I be seein' my parents make those kinda of faces all the time and they got me kinda thinking
Darla: I dunno. If they are then it's like my mama says it's nunya business.
Briana: What if they're married and we don't know?
Darla: Come on that's ridiculous besides I don't see no ring!
Vanessa (walks over with hands clasped): Alright loves, it looks about time to end today's session. We'll finish up the next time.
Briana: Thank you for teaching us again Miss Marbles! Goodnight!
Darla: Bye!
Briana and Darla wave goodbyes and leave out the studio. As they do they pass by an eerily familiar car.
The driver: I think this is his house. A lot of people come here. We might have to catch him when he's alone we don't want any witnesses.
After class BRIANA & DARLA catch up with Connie
Briana: Our teacher's been acting kind of weird lately
Connie: Oh?
Darla: Yeah she keeps drawing Mr. Jason. I think she's lost it
Connie: Well sometimes adults have crushes on other adults. It's perfectly normal
Briana: I know! We can set up a date for them
Darla: Briana we don't even have boyfriends how we know about dating?
Briana: Easy!
BRIANA takes out her phone and looks up dating tips on Bing.
Connie: Briana your a genius! We can set up a blind date for them.
Briana: You can have it at my parents' restaurant! Couples go there all the time!
Darla ponders for a moment
Darla: How much we getting?
Connie: (blinks) What?
Darla: I'm not going through all that trouble for free. If things go wrong I want compensation
Connie: Okay (grumbles) five dollars!
Darla: Only five?
Connie: Six dollars and fifty cents! And free soda and ice cream on the house!
Darla (smiles sweetly): I'll consider it
Briana: WE'LL DO IT! Miss Marbles done so much for us it's time we return the favor!
After BRIANA and DARLA'S departure, Connie and Vanessa are talking about their plans for the weekend.
Vanessa: I don't have much to do this Friday. Probably catch up on my art. It does gets pretty lonely being the only one at the studio
Connie: Fear no more! Vanessa: hm?
Connie: I've set you up on a date
Vanessa (stammers): A-a date???
Connie: See I have a friend who has the same problem. Maybe you and him might find something in common
Vanessa: Who is this friend?
Connie: A surprise!
Vanessa: Connie I- I don't know. I never dated anyone before.
Connie embraces Vanessa comfortingly.
Connie: Don't you worry I'll make sure everything works out between you two. We have the whole week to prepare!
Over the course of a montage we see Vanessa getting things ready; Vanessa looks at her mirror practicing how to look confident. But she is very afraid. Finally it is Friday, the day of the date. An hour before, Connie is in the MARBLES kitchen helping with makeup.
Vanessa: What if it doesn't work out?
Connie: Don't worry there's plenty of other fish in the sea! But just to be on safe side (she hands VANESSA a can of mace)
Connie: And WALLAH! And your all set for a magical night!
Vanessa: Thank you Connie. I'm just so nervous about tonight. I keep praying and wishing but I'm still not so sure.
Connie: Don't worry it'll work out fine. And remember if it don't?
Coincidentally Jason is also getting ready for a date of his own. He is getting ready and had just finished tying his bow tie when his father MR WHITTAKER appears
Whit: I hope you don't mind me interrupting but I think you'd need this
Jason: What is it?
Whit: Something I wore when you and your mother were dating.
Jason opens the box to see a bejeweled brooch.
Jason: Whoa this things gotta be worth a ton!
Mr. Whittaker: I knew you'd like it. It's been in our family for generations.
Jason (sighs): Do you think this night might lead to something else?
Mr. Whittaker: I don't know. That's gonna be up in God's hand. But even if it doesn't at least you'll have fun.
Jason: Thanks dad. I just don't want it to end up like last time
Whit: I understand. But life is too short to hold on to heartbreak. We can learn from it.
Connie: Alright she's coming in now. Is he already there
Jason smiles and he and his father leaves. Soon Jason is driving off but as he does another car - eerily the same from earlier - follows him. Connie drives Vanessa to WINFREY'S WINNERS - a restaurant owned by the Winfrey family. VANESSA walks up the steps she stops to inhale deeply as she tries to quell the butterflies in her stomach. She looks back and see Connie putting a thumb's up. Vanessa msuters a smile and walks inside. Connie takes out a walkie talkie and contacts Darla.
Darla: Yep. Briana it's showtime!
JASON is sitting at a table reserved for the night. He is dolled up in a crisp white blouse and black slacks, hair slicked back with gel. BRIANA pops up besides him in waiter's garb
Briana (beaming): Good evening sir!
Jason (surprised): Briana? What are you doing here?
Briana: I'll be serving you tonight (lowers her voice) and also because i work here (coughs) Anyways! Here's your menu while you wait for that special someone
BRIANA winks at him then scurries off to the kitchen leaving the man confounded. He shrugs and starts reading the menu. That's when Vanessa shows up in a flustered state.
Vanessa: I'm sorry I'm late O was trying to look for table number
Her voice trails off. Jason stops reading to stare at the gorgeous woman. Surprised that she was his coworker.
Jason (in shock): Vanessa???
Vanessa (squints then widens eyes): Jason??
The two stare at each other for a bit. Unknown to them another patron sitting nearby was the same man who had watched JASON from earlier that week. He has heard JASON'S name and looked over. Who was that woman? His wife? Girlfriend? That made things more complicated. Then a little evil idea formed in his head.
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praphit · 4 years
One Night in Miami (without cocaine?)
"One Night in Miami"
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When I first saw this title, I was brought back to my many nights in Miami. I looooove Miami! One day I’ll return, when it’s not covered and caked with COVID. It is my home away from home (Baltimore).
Bmore is like a nagging spouse; you love them (maybe), but... they make you feel a certain way, you know?? Miami is like... that vacation that you take, out near a special friend, who you know is now single. You're not going to do anything, but... (YOU'RE NOT), but you just wanna go near, have a lil bit of fun... and dream.
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Ha! People, don't listen to me :)
I thought that this movie was going to be about these four prominent black men spending one crazy night in Miami. A boxer, a singer, a football player, and Malcolm X enter a night club. I was thinking more of a Judd Apatow comedy.
Then, I watched the trailer - not so much, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyway.
This is a story (based off true events) about four famous, successful black men, coming together, for one night, in Miami, who come from very different worlds:
Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali)
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A world where he'll beat the hell out of you, and then dance and joke over your motionless body, as he makes his way to the cameras for a pose.
Sam Cooke
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A great singer and song writer, doing the things you'd expect someone of his caliber to do - a loose life, you know?? :)
They teach you in music class, that a career in music won't promise you money, fame, or fulfillment, but it will promise you getting laid, breaking hearts, , addiction, and quite probably child support payments.
A loose life :)
Jim Brown (NFL Legend)
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The strength of this man, in that game, at that time.
Don't get me started on the plantation that is the NFL, but back in that time, whew! There's a scene early in the film that will (should) piss you off. Something is said to Mr. Brown (with a casual N-Bomb), while trying to enter some old white dude's home. This person who is his "supporter" or even "friend" (ew) that... if it were me... maaaaan, this would have been a whole different movie. If I were in this movie, and that was said to me, I would have gone back to my trunk, calmly pulled out my samurai sword, calmly walked back into their home, and then things would not be so calm. X-rated for violence.
But, Jim had a strength and wisdom in that particular moment not to do that (though I'd debate that he should have:), but to store up and later redirect his anger towards progressive ends.
Malcolm X - 
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We all know this brotha. Not a violent world like boxing or football, but still plenty of violence around him by a world of words, oppression, and an expression of his truth.
These four decide to party it up!
Now, this is Miami - I'm thinking cocaine, brown booties dancing to awesome music, and at least one person (there's always AT LEAST one) who though doesn't speak any English, everything he/she says to you (that you might not understand), is infused by fun... and a certain level of shadiness. I love this person at the party, but beware :) At some point, the cops might show up to the party, looking for them.
I was thinking MIAMI! Cocaine! Maybe shady fun! Maybe shady booty! And some Cuban food!
I was thinking this, but I was wrong again:
Malcolm X was hosting this party. His style reminds me more of some old school Christian ministers I know. No drinking, limit the jokes, no touching, no dancing... well, you could dance, but you need to keep that COVID space, you know?? And there's a bit of a McCringleberry’s Ref vibe happening.
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Just vanilla ice cream and philosophy; that's all Malcolm needs at his parties, and that's all they got. Not even a board game in sight. No, Monopoly... NOTHING!
Though I imagine that playing Monopoly with Malcolm might be stressful - as some old white dude manipulates the rules for you, and might even refer to you as a dog or a dirty ass boot.
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Just four righteous, successful black men, hanging out in a room, in Miami, in the 60's.
I have to give high praise to these actors, the screenplay writer, the cinematographer, and Regina King (director). I loved everything about this movie!
Every scene in this picture is meaty. Whether you're meant to laugh, cry, grasp a point made, or just experience these brothas shootin the shit, you feel it.
The discourse between them is so good. Like I said, they all come from different worlds, but it's the struggle that brings them all together. Though they may each see the struggle differently, they can connect and draw strength from one another in the process. It of course gets heavy at times, as debates do, but it's not like a Facebook debate; they can get real, real ugly. Even as these guys fight and get legitimately angry at one another, you can still tell that they love and respect one another.
The movie isn't preachy either.
Personally, I'm tired of preachy movies, whether religious, socially aware, save the planet, etc. This movie does a good job of sticking to the story of how these characters, these heroes of that time, would relate to one another, and not forcing anything upon the audience.
Grade A, baby!
Now, I don't know if any of this story "based off true events" is, you know?? - TRUE. I know that they were really friends, and they did meet in Miami for one night, back in the day. But... maybe it all went down like this.
Maybe they did play a very intense, racially charged game of Monopoly, pray, and then go to sleep.
Or maybe they went to the strip club and shared fart jokes with one another, I don't know!
Regardless, this version here is def worth your time.
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zukkaoru · 3 years
I misread ouat as odaat and I was like ????? why is there an outlaw queen in a sitcom about a Cuban family??? That was not the case,,,,,
ksjdgfdj yeah definitely not odaat, though i did watch that show too! (at least like,, the first three seasons i think?)
anyway yeah no. outlaw queen is the ship name for regina & robin from ouat and i miss them Every Day
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aengusnatureking · 4 years
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Un sentito ringraziamento a @iridialair per la grafica.  Il primo giorno d’autunno {Navarra – metà Settembre – 85 epoca Nuova} La torrida estate dell’ottantacinquesimo anno dell’epoca Nuova è volta al termine lasciando spazio al primo giorno d’autunno; delicato l’odor d’una tisana appena versata invade la camera dall’alte finestre occupata dal giovanissimo Enebro il qual si desta con una certa riluttanza, disturbato da un raggio dell’ancor possente sole settembrino il cui raggi con incredibil calibratura si son insinuati tra le lise tende solleticandogli il viso, d’aranciate lentiggini cosparso; le palpebre si spalancan sovra i grandi occhi verdi, stiracchiandosi e sbadigliando rumorosamente si leva dal letto preparandosi alla giornata. Albeggia ma dal pian terreno della lignea dimora eode lievi rumori: la fata dev’aver già troato il modo d’intrattenersi così il fanciullo si veste in fretta correndo a piedi nudi lungo la scalinata, attraversa il salone per giunger in cucina. “Buongiorno abuelita.” Saluta posando guardo sulla minuta figura alata intenta a scalar colline cartacee, pagine d’uno spesso volume di ricette aperto sul tavolo ch’ella è intenta a leggere; il sole l’illumina i crini un tempo rossi conferendo lor ramati riflessi a sovrastar il grigiore della vecchiaia chel giovin osserva mentre versa l’infuso caldo nella propria tazza da madreperla rivestita. “Buenos dias Enebro, come mai ti sei svegliato così presto? Per caso…Hai di nuovo fatto brutti sogni?” Dimanda Orquidea turnando ad egli il capo, egli si stringe nelle spalle sciogliendo l’ansie che velan gl’altrui occhi di cielo tinti. “M‘andava solo di svegliarmi. Però devo trovare delle tende nuove.” L’anziana fata gl’allarga allor un sorriso sornione svolazzando divertita tra le lettere del tomo. “Avrò un motivo in più per andare al mercato allora.” “Vorrei accompagnarti questa volta: il guaritore ha detto di non affaticarti ma in questo periodo non l’hai ascoltato molto. Ci vediamo questo pomeriggio quando esco da scuola, va bene abuelita?” La regina delle fate cubane annuisce al nipote disquisendo con lui mentre consuma la colazione, pria ch’egli varcasse la soglia lo chiama demandandogli cortesia. “Visto che sei in così largo anticipo ti spiace portare i vestiti che ho confezionato per la signora Fajra? Ho aggiunto anche un piccolo presente per Chama.” “Certamente, son di strada! Ci vediamo dopo sulla piazza del mercato.” Replica ponendo nella propria tracolla il voluminoso pacchetto indicato dalla fata ed indossando i sandali. “Sta attento e per favore, cerca di non strappare anche questi pantaloni!” Si raccomanda ella vedendolo scomparire dietro la curva del vialetto. Enebro, trotterellando, imbocca il cammino silvestre in cui già le foglie inizian ad ingiallire, ei l’osserva colto da lieve nostalgia subito scacciata da fulmineo pensiero: tra poco più d’un mese avrebbe compiuto 15 anni e così sarebbe potuto partire anch’egli per lunghi viaggi scolastici. Erano anni che le sue mani fan girare il mappamondo/ quello che gli regalò la ninfa ch’insegnava canto/ con tanta perizia le proprie dita son solite seguire l’inchiostro delineante terre che mai occhio suso avea visto e svariate altre invece avean indugiato sull’isola lontana che mancava così profondamente alla dolce fata che stava incanutendosi oltre l’oceano; avea inseguito paesaggi favolosi e tra poco l’avrebbe potuti vedere coi propri occhi verificando di persona le nozioni ch’avea letto ed imparandone di nuove; magari sarebbe potuto andare assieme agl’amici Finnian, Mariposa e Marisol nell’assolata Grecia ad assisster ai famosi dibattiti degl’alfar, oppure sarebbe partito per la più prossima Francia ov’apprender l’arte sottile del far pozioni dal competente druido Silverio oppure ancora sarebbe salpato per porti dai nomi che mai avea letto su libro alcuno. Eccitato dalle mille possibilità il bimbo inizia a correr nella foresta ispanica agitando dietro se le foglie aranciate che già son cadute, ei percorre il sentiero spensierato, allegro, canticchiando fino a che non giunge presso il cancello dell’edificio scolastico ma non accede al portone principale scartando a sinistra verso gl’alloggi dedicati agl’ospiti; bussa alla porta d’una delle tante casette, quella di betulla, ove dal mese precedente alloggiano una lince e l’amica alfar del fuoco giunte in visita dal Portogallo: ad aprir capita la dama dai capelli neri come il carbone el temperamento arzillo la qual s’era esibita la notte precedente per celebrar l’ultimo giorno d’estate in una meravigliosa danza col fuoco, affiancata dall’affettuoso felino che non perde tempo per strofinarsi sulle gambe del cubano il qual prontamente contraccambia grattandole il mento. Nel veder il giovanotto alla propria porta la donna gli sorride gaiamente esclamando. “Giusto te volevo vedere, Enebro. Sai quello che hai fatto ier sera ci ha colpite.” Lievemente imbarazzato il piccolo s’alza in piedi, allunga verso l’alfar il pacchetto datogli dalla nonna. “Ma non ho fatto nulla, io… Comunque questi te li manda Orqidea, ora devo proprio andare, arrivederci signora Fajra e a te cara Chama.” Balbetta pria di svicolare il discorso e scappare, letteralmente, rifugiandosi in classe. [La sera precedente] Sulle rive sabbiose del lago Balsa de Pulguer s’era radunato il popolo gaio di Navarra per celebrare la festa della fine dell’estate: quell’anno assistettero all’infuocate danze dell’alfar del fuoco e la lince che l’è compagna le quali eran ospitate presso l’istituto Alta-fronda, la scuola ch’accoglieva esseri umani e creature della Corte Lieta, la seconda che preparava quest’ultimi a districarsi anche nell’Epoca Vecchia. Enebro assistette a tale peculiare spettacolo con gran piacere osservando meravigliato i moti impetuosi ed armonici dell’alfar, il felino e l’elemento scarlatto che con tanta sintonia si muovea assieme a loro; poi, sul finir della serata la dama intonò antiche canzoni di cui fece stornellare qualche frammento al pubblico, quando il suo dito si fermò sul druido egli proseguì la strofa ma appenal fece dal braciere crepitante una striscia di fuoco, incantata dalla sua voce, lo circondò volteggiandogli attorno e turbinando come fosse un caldo fiore d’arancio tinto; egli si sentì pervaso da grande energia, una scoppiettante scarica d’adrenalina gli consentì d’emular i moti appena visti dalla mora ballerina. Era fuoco. Per un istante si percepì inondato di fiamme le quali non lo bruciavano affatto, anzi, eran parte di lui. N’appena finì di cantare le lingue fulve vanirono, ritirandosi da donde eran giunte lasciando incantati gli spettatori i quali gli fecero molti complimenti accompagnandoli ad altrettanti quesiti ma egli, intimidito da tutti quegl’occhi che lo fissavano, si defilò senza lasciar alcuna spiegazione considerato che n’era sguarnito.
Ripensando a tali accadimenti il giovin druido esce dalla scuola una volta terminate le lezioni; dirigendosi verso il paese ei osserva gl’orti ed i campi coltivati su cui troneggia, come pingue matrona, la zucca: egli ne vede d’ogni dimensione e colore, alcune son ancora minute, pallidamente tinte, altre invece già maturano nel loro caldo colore arancio, disposte in graziose file come un sentiero opimo su cui le foglie autunnali cadendo s’adagian alla stregua d’elegante mantello. Fermatosi ad osservar un giardino particolarmente ricco di tali frutti Enebro vien affiancato da una coppia di figure: una gli si strofina sulle gambe, era Chama, levando il capo trova alla sua destra Fajra; entrambe sembran aver l’intenzione di venirgli dietro dato ch’egli, n’appena le vede, da abbrivio al cammino. “Stai andando al mercato?” Gli domanda il felino, egli annuisce cercando di non intrecciar l’altrui sguardi. “Bene, andiamo dalla stessa parte allora.” Continua l’alfar. Non potendo evitar l’imminente confronto il cubano prende grossi respiri tentando di prepararsi psicologicamente al fin d’esprimersi con raziocinio e frenar le proprie emozioni. “Come t’accennavo stamane quello che è successo ier sera è stato meraviglioso, t’era mai accaduto prima?” Chiede la lince. “Non esattamente, non col fuoco almeno. A volte i fiumi danzano e anche la pioggia o la terra ch’è generosa nei suoi doni si muove diversamente dal solito e gl’alberi fan lo stesso… Ma io non faccio nulla, canto solamente: son gl’elementi a decidere di esprimersi in quei momenti.” Chiarisce imbarazzato il fanciullo. “Allora ho avuto giusta premonizione.” Asserì la fuochista a cui il puero turna il morello capo ed arresta il piè sul centro della piazza, trai carri e bancarelle. “Una premonizione?” Le chiede, ripetendo confuso l’ultimo lemma audito. Ella gli risponde con gran sorriso comunicante sincera ammirazione: gli pone ambo le mani sulle spalle chinandosi affiche i propri occhi, tinti di rubino sfavillante, potessero specchiarsi negl’altrui, grandi e dall’iride verde come il muschio autunnale. “Tu hai un immane talento, farai grandi cose con la tua magia.” “Di questo ne siamo sicure: è stato il fuoco a rivelarcelo mentre ti danzava attorno.” Conclude la gentil Chama che, guardando il fanciullo con aria misteriosa socchiude l’occhi d’oro pria di congedarsi dall’amica antropomorfa. Ancora frastornato da tal rivelazione Enebro si volge alla piazza ove scorge tosto l’ali colorate d’Orquidea a cui s’appropinqua. “Oh eccoti qui, cariño. Guarda che bei tessuti, ti piacciono?” Dimanda indicando una pila di lana il cui sol aspetto lascia trasparir morbidezza e tepore; il cubano pon su d’essi la man destra percependo quanto in effetti fosse soffice e gradevole al tatto, anche il colore gli piace: arancione, ciò gli fa pensar al calore ch’avrebbero condotto una volta divenuti abiti. “Con questo ti ci farò un bel maglione, e quest’altro potrà facilmente divenire una sciarpa. Ora però mi servono anche delle tende.” Annuncia verbiando poi col mercante che le illustrò altra merce, terminati gli scambi i due ringraziarono il pellegrino mercante prendendo da lui congedo. Con la fata seduta sulla spalla destra il bambino visita banconi e baracchini soffermandosi or su quello or sull’altro a seconda dell’esigenze così da far provviste per l’inverno, preparandosi al meglio per accoglierlo; ritornando il naso, già sensibile, del druido vien catturato dall’inconfondibile odore delicato dello zucchero e la melassa: la bancarella dei dolciumi attrae inevitabilmente la sua attenzione, passandovi innanzi avverte l’acquolina nelle faci nel veder caramelle d’ogni sorta, pasticcini e confetture far bella mostra sui ripiani lindi. Immediatamente volge sguardo alla fata, sguardo talmente eloquente che non necessita d’esser accompagnato da lemma alcuno. “Dai, prendi quello che vuoi.” L’invita con aria bonaria suscitando in risposta tenero sorriso ch’ella ammirò e restituì. Con un bastoncino di zucchero al sapore d’arancia in bocca e del mais caramellato nella bricolla il fanciullo e la regina tornano a casa: fan appena in tempo a varcar l’uscio della dimora chel cielo muta repentinamente colore incupendosi, il sol coperto da grigio nuvolone svanisce lasciando posto al temporale autunnale; con la pioggia che gentilmente picchietta il tetto i due ordinano quanto comperato poi il puero si reca nel soggiorno, solleva il proprio mappamondo e sceglie il terzo volume sotto d’esso da legger accomodato sul divano sul qual la fata siede già ma ella ha testé mutato le proprie dimensioni: se non fosse stato per l’ali la si potea scambiar per una bella signora sulla sessantina. “Oh abuelita, l’incanto di camuffamento è molto dispendioso, sai che non devi sforzarti.” “Non l’ho fatto: sei stato tu a portare tutto il peso, me inclusa, dal mercato. Adesso perché non smetti di preoccuparti e siedi qui? Non mi dirai che sei troppo cresciuto per farti coccolare dalla tua abuelita?” “Non sarò mai troppo cresciuto per questo.” Risponde dunque troando calda accoglienza sul sofà ove inizia a leggere ad alta voce per se e per la cara nonna che sapientemente gl’accarezza i crini castano scuro, ella continua anche quando l’altrui voce n’inizia a vacillare fino a spegnersi: Enebro s’è assopito sognando di chissà quali meraviglie da scoprire trai faggeti settembrini, nei campi di zucche o sotto al cielo aranciato del crepuscolo autunnale. 
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dear-indies · 2 years
Hello lovely! Since Z*e K*avitz is disgusting now I was wondering if you please have any suggestions for a replacement to her Selina Kyle? I def would like them to still be a woc. Thank you so much!! Have a wonderful day xoxo
Based on movie casting:
Regina King (1971) African-American. 
Florence Kasumba (1976) Ugandan.
Danai Gurira (1978) Shona Zimbabwean. 
Melina Matsoukas (1981) Afro Cuban, Afro Jamaican / Greek, Ashkenazi Jewish.
Lesley-Ann Brandt (1981) Black South African [English, East Indian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Khoisan, Ashkenazi Jewish].
Folake Olowofoyeku (1984) Nigerian. 
Lupita Nyong'o (1983) Luo Kenyan.
Cush Jumbo (1985) Nigerian / English. 
Wunmi Mosaku (1986) Nigerian.
Jodie Turner-Smith (1986) Afro-Jamaican. 
Jurnee Smollett (1986) African-American, possibly other / Ashkenazi Jewish.
Jessica Parker Kennedy (1984) Black Canadian, Italian, Russian.
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic.
Lashana Lynch (1987) Afro-Jamaican.
Nafessa Williams (1989) African-American.
Kylie Bunbury (1989) Afro-Guyanese / Swedish, as well as Polish, English, and German.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian.
Damaris Lewis (1990) Afro-Kittian.
Lisa-Kaindé Diaz (1994) Afro-Cuban [Yoruba] / Venezuelan [Spanish, some Italian], Tunisian Jewish.
Naomi Diaz (1994) Afro-Cuban [Yoruba] / Venezuelan [Spanish, some Italian], Tunisian Jewish.
Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American / Korean.
Based on the comics since I’m told she’s half Cuban!
Gina Torres (1969) Afro-Cuban, likely other. 
Melina Matsoukas (1981) Afro Cuban, Afro Jamaican / Greek, Ashkenazi Jewish.
Lisa-Kaindé Diaz (1994) Afro-Cuban [Yoruba] / Venezuelan [Spanish, some Italian], Tunisian Jewish.
Naomi Diaz (1994) Afro-Cuban [Yoruba] / Venezuelan [Spanish, some Italian], Tunisian Jewish.
Other suggestions too! 
Poorna Jagannathan (1972) Tamil Indian. 
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan (1973) Tuluva Indian.
Maggie Q (1979) Vietnamese / Irish, Polish, French.
Bérénice Marlohe (1979) Chinese, Cambodian / French.
Olivia Cheng (1979) Chinese.
Du Juan (1982) Chinese.
Dichen Lachman (1982) Nepalese Tibetan / German, English, some Scottish.
Cara Gee (1983) Ojibwe.
Alba Flores (1983) Romani and Spanish.
Florence Faivre (1983) Thai / French.
Franciska Farkas (1984) Romani.
Jessica Matten (1985) Métis, Saulteaux-Cree / Chinese and British.
Sonoya Mizuno (1986) Japanese / English, Argentinian - has short hair in Devs.
Meng'er Zhang (1987) Chinese - has short hair in Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.
JuJu Chan (1989) Hongkonger.
Andy Allo (1989) Cameroonian / German, Irish, Welsh, English.
Paloma Ayana Stoecker / Delilah (1990) Cuban, Jamaican, Nigerian and English.
Tanaya Beatty (1991) Da’naxda’xw / Himalayan.
Medalion Rahimi (1992) Iranian, Mizrahi Jewish - she/they.
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / English.
Han So Hee (1994) Korean - has short hair in My Name.
Hong Seo Young (1995) Korean.
Includes some people have already been cast in the DC universe but they’re in different universes and/or would work really well so worth a mention! 
HERE’s an ask for general alts for her too! 
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mikenewtonhateblog · 4 years
My oc’s aka too long of a gd post
The “BL” Crew (does not stand for boys love I’m just a moron who made that abbreviation before knowing what it stands for). My main crew and main series, a lot is a big WIP right now as I’m slowly redoing the first book and all the lore. Why? I love torture. Book is fantasy type but I won’t specify what.
Lacie, the protagonist. God tier idiot, bisexual bipolar depressed MESS, insomniac, former theater kid, doesn’t know what she wants out of life but currently it is not This(plot of book). Hot headed, impulsive, crude, rude, Mommy IssuesTM, would rather be taking a nap right now, rules are made to be broken, absolutely fucking FERAL, more bags under her eyes than the airport lost and found. 5’5, 130lbs, Aries, age 18, white as shit like literally the whitest human you have ever seen, strawberry blonde hair in a 2011 Hayley Willaims haircut with long bangs, the darkest brown eyes you’ve ever seen that stare directly into your soul. Lanky, no curves, body of a 12 year old boy but works out so she can and will kick your ass and thats a threat. Not human?
Josh. Soft boy, smart, Lacie’s cousin and only friend for like the first 18 years of her life, autistic anxious mess who’s special interest is anchient egyptian history, is in honors classes, despises math, passes out when his girlfriend looks too cute, just needs a hug. Can eat a whole carton of easy mac if left alone, whole wardobe is the same outfit just different colors/hoodies, sensory issues, seriously can someone give this guy a hug. 5’9, 150lbs, Pisces, age 18, mixed (half whatever flavor of white Lacie’s family is [they don’t even know its just some scandanavian shit and irish], and half mexican on his mom’s side), medium olive skin with freckles and moles, dark chocolate brown hair that’s a bit of a 2009 Beiber cut, warm brown eyes, not beefy, a lil thicc and self concious about it but squishy boys are GOOD. Gets bit by a werewolf so now he is one his mood on it is “thats a lot to unpack but let’s just throw the whole suitcase away”.
Zander. There is not one braincell in this man, himbo KING, pansexual dumbass with undiagnosed ADHD, no impulse control, head empty and full at the same time, PTSD, his fashion sense should be an actual crime, gets in fights to feel something, basic requirements for him to be attracted to you: kick his ass. Drinks his respect women juice, sees a folding table and must immediately launch himself on it, chaotic, cannot drive a car and will not, food aggression and eats enough for 3 people but never gains weight which is ILLEGAL, him and Lacie may be a couple.....but in this house we stan slow burn, he talks in caps and every sentence either ends with a question mark or exclaimation point, likes romcoms. 6’2, 190lbs, Sagittarius, age 19, austrailian roots and has the accent but is from [REDACTED FOR STORY REASONS], white, dorito shaped with long legs, blueish black hair that’s long and messy, dark navy eyes that match his hair, bigass neck scar from [REDACTED]. Not human
Peter. Gay dad friend who is TIRED of having to be in charge of a bunch of teenagers, only one with full functioning braincells, lowkey a genius who loves engineering, mixes magical technology with human technology because he likes to play god, is he ever sober? No one knows, will kill for a bottle of single malt, his fashion sense? Tastefully expensive suits perfectly tailored. Likes building his own weapons that no one else knows how to even use, generally non-threatening but can get scary if needed. 6’4, 140lbs string bean man, Scorpio, age 179 but looks early 30s, I know I said Lacie is the whitest human but he’s even paler like a literal sheet of paper with scandanavian roots/ancestors were vikings or some shit, blonde hair styled like 2013 Brendon Urie lmfao, light crystal blue eyes. He’s a vampire and was born one.
Danielle. Tiny, sweet, queen of girls supporting girls, comments on all her friends instagram posts with 20 emojis, LOVES fashion and has a wardrobe that would make anyone jealous, oozes feminine energy, only child and parents are in love still, gets exactly 8 hours of sleep each night and wakes up looking like a disney princess. Just because she is small and cute doesn’t mean you should underestimate her she WILL fuck your shit up. Quiet when angey which is terrifying. Josh is her bf and she loves him so much but also loves teashing the shit out of him. Legally cannot cuss, polite, used her high heels as a weapon once, speaks like 5 languages because studying them is her hobby, gardens, hugs everyone. 5’0, 110, Taurus, age 18, mixed (half french-american, half Korean-american), glowy skin always, PETITE frame aka the friend everyone can pick up when they hug, long past her waist curly brown hair, bright green eyes. She’s not fully human as she has fae blood in her and this gives her the ability to talk to and control plants. Flower crowns for everyone
Becca. Theater kid who would die to sing in Wicked and has the vocal range to do so, cannot wait to graduate and go to her dream college which she got into and a scholarship, closeted lesbian bc her whole giant family is extremely catholic and she feels like not dealing with it, “no boys allowed in bedroom” rule is her favorite joke, chill, middle child of 5 siblings and just wants some peace and quiet for ONCE. Her fashion sense is “I’m dropping subtle hints I’m gay but only to other gays”, has a black belt and took self defense classes. 5’6, 145lbs, Virgo, age 18, Latina (cuban and mexican mix), darker brown skin with light freckles over her nose, athletic build, eyebrows on POINT, bright caramel eyes, short light brown hair cut in a bob, has a tiny nose stud, always wears a blue friendship bracelet her gf made her. Human
Anika. Calling her a bitch/slut is a compliment, bisexual, a bit of a mean girl but she grows out of it give her time!!! Is always Too Much, the horny friend, favorite color is red so thats almost all of her outfits, loves to show off her body as much as she can because she’s hot and knows it and thrives in her own confidence. Her mom is literally like Regina George’s mom from Mean Girls but married a rich man 20 years older than her, Anika doesn’t know her bio dad but thats fine neither does her mom and her step dad is nice and does his best to be a dad. Becca’s gf, always hanging out at her home so Becca can get some quiet because Anika’s an only child and has a pool. 5’9, 135lbs, Gemini, age 18, white, long layered dark reddish brown hair, teal-blue eyes, swimmers body type (I normally do not mention bust size but she would want the internet to know she was blessed with big bahoogles so there you go), can sprint in heels. Half mermaid (boy was that a surprise considering her mom doesn’t know who her father is LOL)
Rex. Nb uses they/them he/him pronouns but honestly will respond to any, goth lite, only attracted to men and ace, can read minds so knows all your secrets, mischevious little shit, great friends with Zander and enjoys his dumbass thoughts and that he’s basically a human version of Jackass, wears too many rings, goth boots for kicking and fashion babey, always has the freshest memes and will not hesitate to roast in the group chat, hangs with the girls most of the time. Chaos god who loves making art, be gay do crime, skateboard and spraypaint. 5’8”, 165lbs, Leo, age 18, Native American, masculine frame, dark brown skin, blue eyes, firetruck red shoulder length hair that’s usually in a ponytail, knock-off gucci sunglasses just for judging their friends. Has magic in their blood so not entirely human and can cast spells and shit (don’t roast me its a wip and I’m doing my research)
Sam. Boho goddess, aromantic, makeup and nails are always instagram worthy, quiet and stoic type but losens up around close friends, Rex is her best friend, has some trauma and doesn’t want to talk about it, emotionally numbed out a bit and wants to purely vibe. Has seen some of the worst parts of humanity and wishes she hadn’t, finds no point in being bitter or resentful though because that won’t change anything, loves cats and once she moves out shes adopting one or three. Has wine aunt energy. 5’4, 200lbs PLUS SIZE QUEEN, Scorpio, age 18, Filipino (her parents are immigrants fun fact!), really olive skin sometimes has a grey/green tinge to it, dark brown almost black shoulder length hair, gold-hazel eyes. Sam’s the victim of a family curse that requires her to consume human hearts to survive, she can transform into a pretty scary looking being and uses this curse to hunt down pedoph*les, r*pists, murderers, and abusers. The less often she feeds the less human she looks, hence the constant grey/green tinge to her skin. 
Andy. Baby of the group, must be protected at all costs, 100% didn’t sign up to be in a friendgroup of 90% monsters but highkey loves it, trans, bi, anxiety MAXED, just wants to draw comics and cosplay spiderman, has to babysit his two younger sisters a lot because his parents are....not great, and as a result now knows all the lines to Tangled and The Little Mermaid. Big nerd energy, has to draw on everything including homework, gets inspiration for comics from his friends, awkward and socially anxious, drinks way too much tea and will accidentally steal your pens. Fears include: crowds, thunder, tall angry men, tiny spaces. Just trying his best. 5’2, 100lbs BEANPOLE BOY, Leo, age 16, white (irish and scottish roots), freckles absolutely EVERYWHERE, orangey red hair thats in desperate need of a haircut, chocolate brown eyes, braces, chronic nail biter. Human and kinda wishes he wasn’t.
That’s it for now if you read all this bless u thank u here is my whole heart. Please no discourse, literally these are fictional people I’ll never publish the books they go to.
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comradesummers · 5 years
I’m curious about 1. Top 5 TV shows, 11. Top 5 female characters and 20. Top 5 overrated characters
Hi, thanks for asking!
Top 5 TV shows
(This list is based on my current mood, and will probably change tomorrow)
1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
Yeah, I know, what a shocker. It may be flawed, and old, and a little corny, but well, there’s a reason I dedicated a blog to it. No show means more to me than Buffy, and no show probably ever will.
2. Legends of Tomorrow
You know what, more shows need to be as batshit fucking crazy as Legends of Tomorrow is. More shows need to save the day via our main characters joining together to create a giant stuffed animal that hugs the bad guy to death. More shows need to give us killer unicorns, and sentient nipples, and hot girls with weapons who make out with each other.
Fuck the golden age of television, fuck everyone taking everything so goddamn seriously. Give me a pure, unadulterated, chaotic, drug-addled (I can only assume), queer, joyful, wonderful mess, and I will love and treasure it forever.
3. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Look, it’s just really good. I don’t really have much to say, beyond just like, it’s great, and it has great songs, and great comedy, and great drama, and great acting, and great writing, etc. It’s not perfect, because nothing is, but I do genuinely believe that it’s one of the best uses of the medium of television that I’ve ever seen. If any show could make me buy into the golden age of television bullshit, it’s probably Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
4. One Day at a Time
So there’s this interview with Gloria Calderón Kellett and Mike Royce, where they talk about how the basic structure of any episode of the show, is that there is a topic at hand, whatever it may be, and then we hear the conservative argument (Lydia), the progressive argument (Elena), and the mediator (Penelope). And like, yeah, that’s it, that’s the show. In that sense it’s super reminiscent of Norman Lear’s work in the 70′s - All in the Family was also basically just one big argument.
So, in addition to everything that’s obviously incredible about the show (funny, well written, loving, the representation, Rita Moreno’s very existence being a gift to us all, etc.), there’s just something so brilliant about the simplicity of the basic premise, the argument about traditionalism vs. progress, which is made far more poignant and interesting because the characters are Cuban American. Lydia isn’t Archie Bunker, because her desire to preserve her traditions isn’t rooted in bigotry, it’s rooted in the culture that she was forced to leave behind. And Elena, as admirable as her quest for progress is, often fails to see the importance of preserving that culture (illustrated most obviously by the fact that she doesn’t speak Spanish). And although Penelope represents the middle ground, she isn’t always right either.
Everyone has a point, and that’s what makes each new conflict so fun to watch.
5. Queer Eye
Queer Eye makes me happy. It really is as simple as that. It has perfected the formula of bringing joy to the world, and I think that is a truly impressive feat.
Top 5 female characters
(I’m going to keep it to one character per show, because otherwise I'd be here all day. Also, again, this list is based on my current mood. It could change tomorrow.)
1. Buffy Summers 
Again, what a shocker. I don’t think I need to explain this one.
2. Elena Alvarez 
I really had to struggle to choose between Lydia, Penelope, and Elena, because I love all three of them so so much. But I went with Elena because she’s the person I aspire to be. She’s awkward, and weird, and struggles socially, and she’s not always right, but she also fights for what she believes in, actively. It’s not just about arguing with her grandmother, it’s about taking action, even if that action can be a little awkward and Elena-y. And well, seeing a character like her, who isn’t just the regular armchair activist young person that’s so common on TV, is really important and inspiring and I love her.
3. Rebecca Bunch 
She’s just kind of one of those characters that was iconic right out of the gate. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character like Rebecca before, ever. And I haven’t seen any since honestly. It’s small stuff, like the fact that a character with Rachel Bloom’s body type is allowed to be aggressively sexual without being seen as disgusting or villainous for it. And it’s big stuff, like the portrayal of her mental illness, the fact that she was never written to be “likable” or whatever the fuck that means, but we loved her so much anyway. The show may have occasionally faltered, but Rebecca Bunch was always its center and its greatest achievement, and I will forever be grateful for her.
4. Regina Mills and Santana Lopez 
Yeah, I’m cheating, this one’s a tie. My justification for the cheating is that these two are in the same category for me, in terms of characters that I love, but I’m kind of ashamed of choosing because of their garbage source material. So yeah, it would probably be more accurate to say that I’ve chosen the fanfiction versions of both of these characters, but in my defense, the fics are a lot better than the shows they’re based on. Also, kudos to both of these actresses for somehow making these characters interesting in spite of the writing they had to work with.
5. Petra Solano 
Look, if it wasn’t already evident that I like type A control freaks, bonus points if they’re super fucked up, and extra bonus points if they’re into women, well it should be clear now. Petra in particular manages to walk the fine line of being easily the most tragic character of the show, and also easily one of the funniest, while also having one of the best redemption arcs I’ve ever seen. Idk how Grobglas and the writers managed to do all that, but it was really incredible to behold.
(I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to Veronica Mars, Amy Santiago, Rosa Diaz, Sara Lance, Zari Tomaz, and a bunch of other characters who have probably slipped my mind, all of whom would have made the list if I was in a different mood, or was currently obsessed with them. I love them all.)
Top 5 overrated characters
1. Wesley Wyndam Pryce
So, full disclosure, I’m just really not a fan of broody men who’s character development involves them being violent towards women and then brooding about it.
Wesley in particular, I get why people like him, he is a very well written and well acted example of this kind of character. But I’ve seen multiple people suggest that he’s the best character in the Buffyverse, and that drives me a little crazy. Like, no. Wesley becoming a broody asshole doesn’t make him a better character than Buffy or Willow or Cordelia or Gunn or Faith or anyone else, and I am so sick of that kind of broody man story being prioritized over every other kind of story.
2. Logan Echolls (please don’t kill me)
I actually like Logan, I think he’s a good character. I just wish the show, and subsequently the fandom, hadn’t prioritized his character over pretty much everyone else not named Veronica. But I do like him, to be clear.
3. Illyria (I’m so sorry)
Like really, I wish I liked her more. I guess it’s just because I was pissed they had to kill off Fred for Illyria, and she spent all of her time with Wesley, which didn’t do much to endear me to her. I guess maybe if she’d spent time with anyone else, I’d get why people like her, beyond Amy Acker being really good at her job. But she didn’t, and I just don’t get it.
I couldn’t think of a fourth and fifth one. As it turns out, I’m not a fan of the concept of something being overrated. All of the characters I named just aren’t necessarily my cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean I think they’re bad, they’re just not for me. And I don’t really like saying that people are wrong to like things. Plus, I just really couldn’t come up with anybody, and I really tried, I’m sorry.
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irenedonati · 5 years
Why Wanlov the Kubolor's "Swim" is the most relevant piece of content we have experienced in Ghana in a while and why we should talk about it.
Wanlov The Kubolor, Ghanaian rapper, songwriter, producer, video maker, and performance artists  recently released a new video and a song called “Swim." 
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I don't want to spend too much time talking about who decided, for instance, to report the content on Instagram because their susceptible soul was insulted by the nudity portrayed in the video. Can we blame people for not understanding? Or should we blame a system that keeps brainwashing people through religion and politics so they do their dirty job for them of silencing any voice that sounds too loud?
I realized that we shouldn't draw more attention to ignorance: as Eckhart Tolle says — “Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.” So I am not going to spend time strengthening ignorance; I will spend time on what deserves attention, strength, and power.
I have admired Wanlov's work for many years, way before we connected in real life, and now I am able to understand him more as well as explore his energy. I consider him a friend and an ally in the fight for human rights, especially LGBTQ and women’s rights.
I feel Wanlov’s work is becoming more profound and even more fascinating. I recently had some long conversations about him with a friend who is a performance artist. We started tracking analogies that helped me explore the beauty of Wanlov's work and message.
After days of research, thinking, and re-writing from different angles, I realized that we could compare Wanlov’s work to many performance artists who used their bodies to make political statements. I am not comparing to validate. Wanlov doesn't need validation. It is however quite interesting to realize that artists from very different backgrounds and circumstances have ended up using a similar form of expression for related messages or fights. Again, I am not comparing to validate but to show how far from mental freedom those who keep finding offense in a meaningful artistic expression are.
Even though it's an unusual type of performance I watch "Swim" and I think "SOMETIMES DOING SOMETHING POETIC CAN BECOME POLITICAL AND SOMETIMES DOING SOMETHING POLITICAL CAN BECOME POETIC," which is text from the inspiring work of Belgian artist Francis Alÿs and is a poignant description of "Swim".
"A compulsive wanderer, Francis Alÿs is known for his in-depth projects in a wide range of media including documentary film, painting, photography, performance, and video. Many of his works involve intense observation and recording of the social, cultural, and economic conditions of particular places, usually conceived during walks through urban areas".
Even though it's an entirely different performance, "Swim" is something poetic that can become political. It's also indeed political and still incredibly poetic: the statement of swimming naked in an ocean of plastic in a country that is very good at having politicians taking selfies with celebrities, but can't seem to solve fundamental issues like the filth on our streets and shores; to the tone of the voice pronouncing the lyrics; to the music.
I could stop here and you would already have enough to think about.
But I want to go deeper because Francis Alÿs performances are not directly comparable to Wanlov’s, if not by intention. Pushing an ice block through the streets of Mexico City until it melts might look extremely different from swimming naked in plastic or walking barefoot everywhere around the world, but is it that different?
Is Wanlov's use of his naked body different from Ana Mendieta's use of her nude body?
Ana Mendieta is a celebrated Cuban-born artist who used her body as a statement for her entire career. Body Art is an expression that has always forced "the audiences to partake in oftentimes violent, jarring, shocking, or unimaginable experience, asking its viewers to consider the role they were playing in the dark and uncomfortable spaces between innocent bystander and culpable voyeur."
Ana Mendieta started using her body to make statements about the political abuse of bodies of women and about rape. She used her naked body in contact with water, earth, and other natural elements (including blood) to express her pain and her rage and to denounce sexual abuse/violence.
Is it that different from what Wanlov keeps doing in the fight for women’s rights and gay rights? 
The reason why we are disturbed or moved by naked bodies in a non-sexy or non-pornographic state is that they represent the vulnerability of human nature. And we don't want to be vulnerable because vulnerability is considered a "feminine or gay issue:" Naked men are supposed to send dick pics or show their sexual power ( the wrong way ). 
Wanlov is swimming naked in a polluted ocean. Wanlov is making his body look more feminine with clothes and makeup to dissolve gender roles. Wanlov is not afraid to show his naked body in a non-sexual way. People will whisper: "He must be gay," or comment on social media “Stop being gay.”
Is he so different from artists like Ana Mendieta swimming naked in her "Ocean Bird" performance? And is Mendieta applying male facial hair on her face different from Wanlov using makeup and jewelry and clothes to deconstruct gender?
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Untitled (Facial Hair Transplant), Ana Mendieta, 1972 Source: Galerie Lelong 
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Wanlov: backstage “Mr. Casanova” 2020 - Shooting in Madrid w/Alvar Alonso
The "vagina has always  expanded opportunities to unravel the feminine mystique and multiple voices as a loud and reverberating denouncement of the traditional male gaze." But this was 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago when this work could simply not be produced by a man. 
We have now learned that the intrinsic definition of gender is an issue. So can’t a man use his body to make a similar statement and, at the same time, help to protect the over-sexualization of female bodies, which is an unintentional consequence of some expressions of the feminist movement?
Can a vulnerable male body be leveling the playing field and help to break gender barriers? I have no doubt that Wanlov’s body is carrying a feminist message.
We are recently learning that a body is no more the expression of gender. Trans women and men have taught us that you can be born in a body and not be what that body supposedly represents. In this scenario, Wanlov's sexual life and orientation shouldn’t be the subject of the conversation.
Still, somebody always tries to make it the only part of the conversation so that we don't focus on the critical message.
I am even more keen to believe that Wanlov's work is genius and authentic because of his spontaneity and because, like many true artists, he does it because he feels it, not consciously thinking of all the layers that I am now deconstructing.
"Swim" is offending people because it's telling us in a raw and familiar way that we are bystanders and voyeurs in the destruction of the Ghanaian shores, nature, forests, and with them, the people, the cultures and the dignity of many human beings.
And so it's easy for people just to dumb him down as the weird guy who walks barefoot and without underwear and showed his penis on TV, so they convince themselves that he's not a great artist, but just a controversial lunatic. I find it funny (non-literal please) that we still think we have to use the adjective “controversial” to define artists. All artists should endeavor to be controversial enough to spark a conversation. Or should music artistes simply be “yes” people?
What about being barefoot as an artistic expression? Being barefoot, besides being part of almost all traditional cultures (definitely apart from the Inupiats), is a symbol of innocence and pure energetic exchange with the earth. There's a reason why saints, gurus, and spiritual leaders are usually portrayed barefoot. 
And let’s not forget the children as well. I think Wanlov's inner child vibrates very high.
The same people who are offended by nudity will never understand that walking barefoot is not an action supposed to make them laugh. In a recent conversation with Wanlov, he randomly said something that almost blew me away and sparkled the idea of Wanlov being a Synesthetic artist. 
Could it be that his walking barefoot and continuously experiencing the world with an uncovered part of his body is transferred in his art in a synesthetic way?
Are his music, poetry, performances result of sensations that travel through the constant contact of his skin with the earth?
Is he a sort of superhuman because he's been able to feel and experience the world in ways that we ordinary human beings cannot?
But being myself a believer of energy exchange with the Universe, I find an act of extreme courage the ability to allow yourself to feel so much, especially in a world where desensitization and detachment are a new way of surviving. Preservation at a maximum level is what is guiding individuals who hide behind ridiculous concepts of self-care and self-expression to justify any selfish and stupid act.
Is this form of body art telling us that our level of detaching ourselves from the Universe is indeed creating monsters and destroying human interconnections?
Is he so different from artists like Regina Jose Galindo and her work "Quien puede Borrar las huellas," in which she walks barefoot whit his feet soaking in blood to criticize Guatemalan violence coming from the misconception of morality and gender?
Why is Wanlov's use of his body barefoot with makeup and female clothes and jewelry not awarded and glorified as the Galindo one at art Biennales, as the men who uses his body to criticize the abuse on women and members of the LGBTQ community in Ghana? Is it because he's not a woman? Is it because he's not gay? So he has to be considered funny or weird or crazy?
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And I could write for another day if we decided to start talking about his music, his lyrics, and his music videos.
Because Wanlov comedy is Monty Python's deep. I hardly laugh for more than a couple of seconds, and, after a couple of seconds, I squeeze my face, and I think "sheeeit that was deep."
If I have to draw another parallelism, imagine Dave Chapelle barefoot, in a skirt, with makeup and jewelry sending low blows to politicians, religious leaders, foolish humans, and useless institutions. 
And using Pidgin English to dignify a language that could unify the African population, being at the same time hilarious but extremely serious. 
My point: you have not seen anyone like this. And that’s why the way this Ghanaian artist is underestimated is highly disturbing.
I wish we lived in a world where people had the chance to be more receptive to something different and not classified in categories created to make us feel comfortable.
Being attacked for saying truths people don't like to confront and not conforming to what I’m expected to say as a woman in the presence of men and “bosses" has cost me professionally and emotionally. I feel slightly deformed by the systematic punishment put in place via a very subtle system of oppression perpetrated equally by men and women. I had gone into hiding because I felt my courage and vocals chords shrink. So when I see a fellow human being with the courage to keep their voice loud and stay principled no matter what, I can't avoid feeling deep admiration, gratitude, and love.
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Thank you Emmanuel Owusu Bonsu aka Wanlov the Kubolor. We need more people like you in the world, and we need more people in the world to know about you.
( Thank you, Guildor Gallo, for the conversation that inspired my words. http://guildor.com/  )
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