#Cupid shuffle
stephreynaart · 11 months
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I like thinking about how awkward Ford was at Soos and Melody’s wedding trying to dance
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saydesole · 7 months
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Alexa play The Fresh Prince Ft DJ Jazzy Jeff Summertime 🌞
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starchaserdreams · 2 years
Wolfstar Microfic: Cupid
“I’m not dancing, Sirius.”
“C’mon, Moony, please??”
Sirius was having fun losing himself dancing in the middle of the partygoers, but he couldn’t help but feel himself distracted by the one person in the room who was unwilling to dance. 
“Do it for me, please?”
Remus rolled his eyes. 
Sirius would have to figure out another tactic, since this obviously wasn’t working. He tried to think through his firewhiskey addled brain, tried to come up with something, anything that might work on Remus. 
Finally, it hit him.
“I’ll let you have my leather jacket!”
Remus’ eyes widened.
“I know you like it, I’ve seen you eyeing it sometimes, you can have it!”
Remus shook his head, looking bemused, but there was a slight pink tinge to his cheeks that Sirius hadn’t noticed before. 
“I don’t want to wear it, I like it on you. I mean, it looks good on you. You wear it.”
Remus took a long sip from his drink while Sirius thought through those words. Remus held the drink up for so long Sirius wondered if he was trying to drown in it.
“Okay, I’ll wear it!” he said, grinning. 
Remus shook his head, but from the hint of a smile on his face, Sirius could tell he’d won. 
Sirius flipped up the collar and knew he looked cool doing it. 
“So you’ll dance with me right? We’ll look cool: me, in my jacket, and you, with your hair.”
Remus’ eyes widened and his hand went to his hair reflexively. 
“What’s wrong with my hair??”
Sirius grinned. “Nothing, like I said, it’s cool. You’ve been running your hands through it so many times it’s all tousled and crazy, kinda like sex hair.”
“Sirius!” Remus responded, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. 
“It’s sexy,” Sirius said with a wink, running his hand through it once. “So you’ll dance with me?”
“One song,” Remus bit out, seeming overwhelmed. He was staring at Sirius, and Sirius could tell he had him rattled.
Sirius grinned, feeling like he’d won. He liked Remus like this.
The song changed, and the firewhiskey in Sirius started to dance along immediately. 
“The Cupid Shuffle!” Remus looked up at the ceiling as though he could will the song to change with his mind.
Sirius shook his head. “Nuh uh, you said you would, c’mon, one dance!”
Remus allowed himself to be led into the crowd that was forming into lines to do the dance. Sirius stood next to him and grinned, very entertained by Remus’ resigned attempts at a dance.
(Down, down, do your dance, do your dance)
Remus alternated between giving it his best shot, and shooting Sirius looks that were almost wicked. Sirius felt hot under his collar each time, though he couldn’t imagine why.
(We got a brand new dance)
The cupid shuffle was not a hard dance; it more or less repeated the same five steps a hundred times. So there was no excuse for Sirius to trip up and step wrong when Remus looked at him like that - and there was certainly no excuse for it to happen three times.
(To the right, to the right, to the right, to the right)
Even with Remus throwing looks at him, and the chaos of Sirius’ heart at the moment, Sirius couldn’t help but feel like the moment was perfect
(To the left, to the left, to the left, to the left)
Sirius threw his head back and laughed when the world seemed just right.
(Now kick, now kick, now kick, now kick)
Remus tripped over something - who knew what, possibly just the alcohol he’d had - and fell to the ground, but he was laughing even so. 
Sirius reached out a hand to pull him up, but Remus yanked him down, and Sirius fell directly on top of him. 
Remus’ look of shock was immediate; he hadn’t intended for this to happen, hadn’t really thought that Sirius would fall. 
(A let me see ya do the Cupid)
But Sirius didn’t let go. He was suddenly aware of just how much he didn’t want to let go.
The dance seemed to go on around them, so even though they were on the side of a dance floor, it felt like they were on an island of their own. 
(A let me see ya do the Cupid, shuffle the Cupid Cupid shuffle)
Remus still hadn’t said anything. And Sirius didn’t want him to. 
Instead of using his words, Sirius brought his hand up to hold the side of Remus’ face, very gently. 
(Now let me see you do the)
Remus’ eyes widened for only a fraction of a second before he seemed to get the message, and he surged up to kiss Sirius. 
It was amazing. Sirius got absolutely lost in it.
(Cupid shuffle)
Somewhere in the background, Sirius heard a wolf whistle. But he didn’t take his eyes off Remus, who looked rather pleased with him. 
And the feeling was very mutual.
On AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44982076/chapters/113184919
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diamondbrickz · 5 months
tumblrers come check out my touhou mashup i worked really hard and rearranged the cupid shuffle to 5/4 time at some points. i also killed 5 million flandres in gmod. maybe
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yagirlyubnub · 10 months
seeing a fuck ton of old people doing the Cupid shuffle in PERFECT sync like it’s high school musical is like really fucking scary
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ace-of-whatever · 7 months
I'm asexual so I would never make a sex playlist. I don't even know what kind of songs would go on a sex playlist.
But if I did make one, I would put the Cupid Shuffle on there so we could have a nice dance break.
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audinosaur · 1 year
i think a truly dystopian society would be one where they don't play cupid shuffle at school dances. it's an ultimate low for humanity.
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imthefailedartist · 7 months
Dance to the Music
Sly and the Family Stone have been telling us that for decades. Why'd y'all stop listening?
Someone pointed out that a lot of these new choreographers and tiktok dancers only dance to the lyrics, and now I can't unsee it, and it annoys me to no avail because why are you not dancing to the beat?!?!
I bet if you put an instrumental on, they'd spasm lost with no lyrics to guide them.
They're all scrambling to be the chosen line dance for Beyoncé's Texas Hold Em, and they are all failing because they're only dancing to her words. I don't know if you know this, but the way a singer sings is different throughout the whole song, so there is no way to repeat the steps for the whole song. Which is the point of a line dance!
You do know what is consistent throughout the runtime of a song? The beat dammit. It's pretty much the same beginning to end.
In conclusion dance to the mother fucking beat!!!
I say I didn't notice it until it was pointed out, but that's not true. I did notice I just couldn't put my finger on why I don't like certain dances and dancers from the last seven or so years. A part of it is that nothing is smooth anymore. Most are doing this jerky, pop and lock, robot, tick, tutting, krumping, and I hate it. They do that shit to r&b. Like, what? Make it make sense. No one matches the vibe of the song. Why are you krumping to 1+1 Rebecca?!
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calliexluvspaigee5 · 8 months
Bro Paige is the best dancer out there fs.
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importantkidspyfarm · 8 months
I pray that if I'm ever in a relationship, it must be with a man who dances.
I'm not looking for a professional. I will take one who can't find the rhythm just as long as we are on the dance floor.
So many of my major family functions devolve into dance circles of women and step songs because none of their husband's and boyfriends dance with them. I spent enough time being the girl nobody asked to dance to end up with a man who won't even two-step. Hell, we can just sway singing in each other's faces.
A girl can only Turbo Time so many times, and I don't have the capacity to learn a new one.
It didn't used to be like this. The men who danced have gotten older. However, the problem is twofold. Most of the men and women just want to drink and smoke. Imagine spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on a hall and a DJ just for your guests to spend the event in the parking lot smoking weed and drinking.
Men take Mary J. Blige's advice and get your ass on the dance floor!
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Ya know what, it's not even just a wedding thing. It's a club thing, too. They don't have dance floors anymore they have sections because y'all have fallen for the scam of bottle service. Guess what guys the bottle girl didn't want to fuck you she wants you to empty your wallet. How you expect to meet people in your velvet rope cubical?
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lethalramifications · 8 months
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She looks into a store window. There is an assortment of new sweets looking right back at her.
"Commencing purchase of all of them."
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playingplayer2 · 10 months
Cha Cha Slide came out in 2000
Cupid Shuffle came out in 2007
Why tf do if feel old over this lmfao
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bvmbl3b0x · 1 year
you get too close while im doing the cupid shuffle or the church clap what happens is no longer my problem. i will continue to dance on your dead body until the song is over
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beckleboo · 2 years
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ainawgsd · 2 years
Right before the exhibition they broke out the Cupid Shuffle. And when I tell you the kids lost their minds, they LOST THEIR GODDAMN MINDS!
I have NEVER seen that many people jump up and dance at a show choir competition. They formed a ring all around the gym. I saw a spectator get swept away. Oh, you were just looking for a seat? Too bad, you're dancing now!
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emilyrox · 1 year
3 14, 17, 26, and 30 for the music asks!
3: A song that reminds you of summertime
Best Friends by The Weeknd (and honestly Dawn FM as a whole): https://youtu.be/jkEzNvdKGeA
Not because of the subject matter of the song, but because of how often I listened to it over this past summer.
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
Cupid Shuffle by Cupid: https://youtu.be/uPna1dIeUHQ
If this song doesn't play at my wedding reception then it's not a real wedding
17: A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
I.D. by Go! Child: https://youtu.be/6F637Qq7d3o
Fun fact: My sophomore year of high school in Phys Ed. had a dance unit, and we needed to get into groups to choreograph a dance to any song. Me and a friend chose this song (I got her obsessed with it) and we did the dopest Phys Ed dance you have ever seen.
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
Enchanting Grom Fright (Luz and Amity Dance Score): https://youtu.be/yBuIsmOIcak
If you have seen The Owl House, you will need no explanation.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
C’mon, Just Praise Me for Living, Please! English Cover by JubyPhonic: https://youtu.be/3QW3XPJcNcU
This is honestly one of the most relatable vocaloid songs I've ever listened to.
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