#Cyber Hygiene
drnic1 · 2 months
Beyond Change Healthcare
The continued onslaught of cybersecurity attacks which if anything are only getting worse have impacted the healthcare system in dramatic fashion with the payment network brought down by the attack on Change Healthcare. Healthcare under Cyber Attack I keep hoping that we all get better at combatting these attempts to breach our data and that overall vigilance rises as we become more wary of…
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kearneylemming55 · 4 months
Heads up: Threatening software detected; opening the file is prohibited.
In an era where the digital world is as intrinsic to our lives as the air we breathe, the relevance of cybersecurity can not be overemphasized. Secure mobile apps , every download, and every apparently innocuous online interaction brings with it the possible risk of inviting malicious software right into our digital sanctuaries. This write-up aims to illuminate why downloading and install or opening destructive programs on your computer system is not simply dangerous-- it belongs to unlocking to your electronic home to a host of unwelcome effects. Malicious software application, or "malware," is a wide term that encompasses numerous kinds of damaging software program, including viruses, trojans, worms, ransomware, and spyware, to name a few. These electronic threats are developed with purposes that vary from benign mischievousness to straight-out malevolent functions, such as stealing individual details, pirating computer resources, or securing documents for ransom money. Cyber hygiene of downloading or opening a documents that harbors malware can trigger a domino effect of occasions that jeopardize your computer's safety and security and honesty. Here's a failure of why it's perilous: 1. ** Personal Info Theft **: Many types of malware are created to stealthily infiltrate your system and pilfer delicate data such as passwords, financial details, and individual identity details. This information can then be made use of for illegal tasks, marketed on the dark internet, and even bring about identification burglary. 2. ** System Damage **: Certain malware variations can corrupt documents, alter or delete important system data, and in extreme instances, make a computer inoperable. This not only interrupts individual or company operations but can additionally result in the loss of important data. 3. ** Source Hijacking **: Some malicious programs, like cryptojacking malware, clandestinely use your computer system's sources to mine cryptocurrency, considerably decreasing your system and potentially creating lasting damage to elements as a result of overheating or overuse. 4. ** Ransomware **: Probably one of the most nefarious forms of malware, ransomware secures your files, securing you out of your very own data. The wrongdoers then demand a ransom for the decryption trick. Paying the ransom, nonetheless, does not ensure the return of your information and additional funds the cycle of cybercrime. 5. ** Personal privacy Violation **: Spyware and certain kinds of trojans can check your activities, log keystrokes, and even turn on video cameras and microphones without authorization, bring about an extensive intrusion of privacy. Shielding on your own from these digital threats entails a combination of watchfulness and the usage of cybersecurity tools. Always validate the resource of your downloads, avoid opening email add-ons or links from unidentified senders, and use thorough anti-viruses software application that supplies real-time defense, routine updates, and system scanning capabilities. Enlightening oneself on the characteristics of phishing attempts and rip-off sites is also important. These commonly function as the distribution devices for malware. Search for HTTPS in web addresses, and watch out for sites that display inadequate design, spelling, and grammar mistakes, or that request unnecessary personal information. To conclude, Secure coding standards is much better than remedy" has actually never ever been even more applicable than in the context of digital safety. The short-term adventure or benefit of downloading an unknown documents fades in contrast to the possible threats. By exercising safe surfing practices and arming your system with robust protection steps, you can substantially alleviate the risk of malware and guard not just your digital life, however your reality too.
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technicalfika · 10 months
Cybersecurity Analyst: Safeguarding the Digital Frontier - Who and what they do?
In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity stands as an impenetrable shield against the relentless wave of cyber threats. At the forefront of this defense are Cybersecurity Analysts, skilled professionals who protect organizations and individuals from malicious attacks on their digital assets. This article delves into the responsibilities and significance of a Cybersecurity Analyst and…
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bekaroth · 1 year
"My body is a temple" yeah, yeah, whatever
My body is currently Cyberpunk 2077 for the PS4
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murderousink23 · 2 years
10/01/2022 is National Cyber Security Awareness Month 🌏, Breast Cancer Awareness Month 🌏, Día del Pasillo Ecuatoriano 🇪🇨, International Raccoon Appreciation Day 🌏, Astronomy Day 🌏, International Coffee Day 🌏, National Hair Day 🇺🇲, National Homemade Cookies Day 🇺🇲, Disability Employment Awareness Month 🇺🇲, Polish American Heritage Month 🇺🇲, National Pizza Month 🇺🇲, Fire Pup Day 🇺🇲, National Dental Hygiene Month 🇺🇲, LGBT History Month 🇺🇲, World Vegetarian Day 🇬🇧, National Bookshop Day 🇬🇧, Unblocktober 🇬🇧, Black History Month 🇬🇧, International Day of Older Persons 🇺🇳
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calcomsoftware · 2 years
Protecting endpoints is a fundamental task in securing your organization from cyber-attacks. Endpoints are a popular attack vector used by malicious actors. Estimates suggest that 70% of all breaches originating in endpoint hardening refers to control over configuration changes in the endpoint’s operating system. In this Video, We will give you complete information about Windows 10 hardening. For more additional information contact us at www.calcomsoftware.com
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cupidlovesastro · 8 months
𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚒𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚞𝚜 𝟽𝟶𝟼𝟼 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎𝚜
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what does nessus represent?
nessus represents abusive behavior. also abuse that may have not happened to you, but was witnessed. other things this asteroid also represents is manipulation, unhealthy dynamics, harmful behavior, power, control, revenge, and guilt. this placement symbolizes ways you have been a victim, ways you may hurt others or be prone to hurting others, or both.
✃1st house- destruction of identity, bad first impressions, criticized for appearance, scars/ scarring, intimidation, negative energy, negative aura, aggressive impression, overly dominant, visible power trips, lying about identity, misleading information about a person, no sense of self/ identity
✁2nd house- poor money management, unstable financial situation, using money to get away with things, bribery, using money as a reason to stay with someone, poverty, toxic work environment, toxic boss, unhealthy work ethic, poor spending habits, skewed priorities, believing money is the only thing that makes you happy, unpredictable day to day routines, workaholic, being forced to work, doing bad things for money, greediness, valuing objects over people, skewed morals and values, cycles of bad habits
✃3rd house- negative thinking habits, delusions, poor communication, manipulation, guilt tripping, gaslighting, bad relationship with siblings, black sheep out of siblings, antisocial, poor education, abusive school environment, bullying, cyber bullying, intrusive thoughts, suicidal thoughts, thoughts of harming others , mental abuse, mental illness, thoughts of superiority, revenge, power, and control, neurological disorders, depression, anxiety, social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder
✁4th house- toxic mother/ mother figure, bad family relationships, mommy issues, bad home life, abusive family, black sheep of the family, hard time connecting with women, bad relationships with women, issues with femininity, poor emotional development, hard time controlling emotions, thoughts of controlling, harming, over powering women, misogyny, bad emotional regulation, mood disorders, bad self image, little to no foundation, harming family, more aligned with your masculine side, toxic masculinity
✃5th house- toxic romantic relationship, horrible relationship dynamics, cheating, lying, manipulative partner(s), affairs, intense and short lived relationships, karmic relationships, one night stands, bad romantic influences, thoughts of harming, controlling, skewed beliefs of romantic relationships, seeking revenge on a partner, hatred for children, low fertility, miscarriages, child endangerment, neglect, abuse, poor or negative self expression, bad impressions, dramatic, drama seeking, over indulging into hobbies, not having enough or lacking hobbies, no creative outlet, being told your art is bad, distant from their inner child, deeply wounded inner child, depression, mood disorders, personality disorders
✁6th house- animal abuse, animal neglect, no stability, no rules, no boundaries, no restrictions, poor hygiene or lacking examples of proper hygiene, toxic work environment(s), toxic bosses or coworkers, sense of worthlessness, struggles with feeling like enough, neglect of hygienic needs, messy living area, being told your dirty or nasty, being forced to do house chores, workaholic, only sense of belonging is through accomplishments in jobs, doing jobs that make you lose dignity, lack of discipline
✃7th house- abusive relationships, abusive marriages, bad relationship dynamics, no sense of equality in the relationship, one sided dynamic, hot and cold partner, overly dominant partner, manipulation, unbalanced relationship, trust issues, wanting a partner to be completely dependent on you, need for control, clinginess, bad business partner(s), business partner who is unethical, greediness from a business partner, bad business deals, poor business decisions
✁8th house- sexual abuse, hypersexual , sex repulsed, fear of intimacy, fear of emotions intimacy, secrets, doing sneaky things, lying about stuff, never letting anyone in your heart/ mine, shared bank account being poorly managed, using nudes as blackmail, exploiting someone’s body, hard time unionizing with others, those that try to unionize are treated badly
✃9th house- moving place to place constantly which led to lack of stability, being told your beliefs are dumb , manipulated into believing negative things, religious trauma, toxic religious community, raised in a racist house hold, judgement towards race, culture, religion, ignorance for other people, being forced to drop out, being told college isn’t for you, dream crushing, bad at academics, toxic teachers, bullying, no justice faced, issues with the justice system, being belittled for your thoughts and opinions
✁10th house- joining careers that you never wanted to join, being treated badly in work environments, being told you weren’t going to succeed in life, being discouraged from long term goals, bad reputation, someone lying to create a bad reputation for someone else, rumors, gossiping, cancelation, being looked down upon by the public, toxic masculinity, more aligned with feminine side, wanting to cause harm to men, no father figure or a bad father figure, abuse from father figure, being famous for something bad, toxic femininity, daddy issues
✃11th house-abuse from a group of people, abuse from group homes, bullying from friends, fake friends, gossip, rumoring, hard time connecting with people on a platonic level, desires to control, hurt, dominate, or seek revenge on a friend, feeling like an outcast, apathy for humanity, desires to rule the world, cults, harmful communities, manipulation from communities, manipulation from friends, being told your dreams won’t come true, having your wishes be belittled, dream crushing, discouraged to look into a brighter future
✁12th house- never ending toxic cycles, nightmares of trauma, flash backs from trauma, unhealthy core beliefs, lacking closure, hard time healing, resistance to healing, someone not allowing someone else to heal, trauma around spirituality, religious trauma, having witchcraft done on someone, trauma from haunted area, connections with the after life, never coming forward about abuse, burying bad memories, not seeking help on trauma, karma, karmic relationships, hard time manifesting, blockages
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So last night was the first session of my new Lancer campaign, using @vexwerewolf 's In Golden Flame. This iteration of the Hell's Gate Strategic Response Team got a chance to socialize while doing maintenance work, chatted with residents and had lunch at the Happy Noodle Bar (with this version of the proprietor based on Maya Killsixbilliondemons), and were briefed on the station's woes and their next assignment by the terminally stressed Jerry. Next week, they will sortie in a brave endeavor to break the pirate blockade of the station!
This squad includes: -Sétanta "Set" Hawkins, Callsign 'Cornfed', heir to a family that has been part of the Hell's Gate militia since the pyrite age, passing down the callsign and their mech ever since (the latter of which has long ceased to contain any original parts, grandfather's axe style). He's aiming towards monarch parts to enact that one Megas XLR gif.
-Meadow Reaper, Callsign 'Reaper', a bubbly farmer from Asphodel with a militarized farming rig (counts-as a caliban) who joined up for adventure at the advice of a mysterious patron.
-Pale Sage, Callsign 'Porcelain', a hell's gate foundryworker who suffered a horrific industrial accident, only kept alive through donated HORUS tech. She awoke with a transformed body, a knowledge of a strange language of clashing metal, and an appreciation of the purity of the machine. Her new favourite podcaster (who is definitely not an Elesh-Norn-coded deimosian) occasionally sends her gifts. She will
-Hara Stevens, Callsign 'Junkyard', a feral little creechure of a raccoongirl with incredible tech skills, a cyber arm with integrated multitools, dubious personal hygiene, and an NHP puppygirl gf. Her ride is a salvaged IPS-N Kidd missing some core parts (counts as an Everest for now) which will be brought up to full spec, and she is so so eepy.
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reachartwork · 5 months
Hardening Your Electronics Against Technopathic Threats
Welcome to the not-so-gentle art of hardening your hardware against technopaths. Now, before you panic about some rogue superhuman frying your precious rig from the inside out, let's get a few things straight. This isn't about turning your PC into a tank, but about being smart. Think of it as cyber hygiene for the age of brainy hackers who skipped the keyboard and went straight to mind control.
So: Here's how we prevent these new-age hacker freaks from getting more intimate with your home network than you'd ever been with your girlfriend.
First things first: the "Principle of Least Resistance" in dynology. Sounds fancy, but it's simple. About 80% of superpowers that do shit do so in predictable ways. They're like that one annoying friend who only knows one joke. Once you've heard it a hundred times, it's easy to see coming and dodge. The good news is, this predictability is your armor. Sure, every technopath is unique, like a snowflake, but most of them melt the same way under heat.
So, what does this mean for hardening your electronics? It means don't freak out thinking you need to prepare for a million different powers. Most technopathic threats follow certain patterns, and if you can guard against those, you've covered your bases against the majority. Think of this guide as your cheat sheet to keeping your tech safe without breaking the bank or your brain. Let's dive in and show those brainy hackers that we're not just sitting ducks in this digital pond, and I'll teach you how to make your hardware tougher than a two dollar steak, well-done.
Common Technopathic Abilities: The Usual Suspects
Alright, let's talk about what these technopathic troublemakers can actually do. Most of them fall under a few basic categories, so don't worry, you won't need a PhD in Superhuman Studies to get this.
Direct Electronic Manipulation: These guys can chat with your electronics without saying a word. They might turn your devices on and off, mess with your settings, or even fry your circuits. It's like having a ghost in the machine, but less spooky and more annoying.
Data Messing: Think of these technopaths as the ultimate data thieves. They can read, rewrite, or delete your data. If you thought regular hackers were bad, these folks can do it without even touching a keyboard.
Signal Highjacking: Wireless signals? More like open invitations for these types. They can intercept, disrupt, or spoof wireless communications. Think of it as someone eavesdropping on your Wi-Fi conversation, but with the power to shout louder than you.
Power Surge Creators: Ever had your lights flicker during a storm? These technopaths can do that to your devices on purpose. They generate power surges to short-circuit your electronics. It's like giving your tech an unwanted electric shock therapy.
How These Abilities Wreck Your Hardware
These abilities aren't just cool party tricks; they can turn your beloved gadgets into expensive paperweights. Direct manipulation can damage your hardware's physical components, data interference can compromise your privacy and security, signal highjacking can cut you off from the digital world, and power surges... well, they're just bad news all around.
In the next sections, we'll cover how to turn your devices from sitting ducks into digital fortresses.
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 2 months
Hey! I'm sooooo happy to finally find another person that ships Scarecrow and Batman! This is ship is so underrated and it deserves MUCH more recognition 👏☺️ Also, I love your art and analysis of these characters!
I don't know if you've answered this before, but what do you think about the Arkhamverse version of them? I would prefer Arkham Knight, but if you feel uncomfortable with it, Arkham Asylum is fine (I love both). I don't know what to think of it at the moment and I'm trying to form an opinion!
I hope you have an amazing day!! ❤️❤️
Can I be 🐓 anon if you allow anons?
hello there!! i’m also happy to meet another fellow-minded scarebat believer out there! scarebat is just such a fascinating ship. i’m honestly go uwu when i see other people enjoying it too! this pair indeed deserve more recognition an’ love! an’ aw, heck, thank you! it makes me blush knowing that someone can have fun with those lil, whimsical things i do! 
an’ oh, nope. i didn’t answer this one! arkhamverse’s content is smth that i see circulating around a lot, but i didn’t see much content for that version of scarebat. i guess, the constant choking, an’ ‘get on your knees now, crane’ wasn’t enough to awaken smth in anyone *besides me an’ 2-3 other fine wine enjoyers*. which is once again too bad, bc even design wise, they’re kinda a banger in their own right. whichever version we take, it’s just a good contrast between batman’s heavy armour an’ jon’s typical rags *with some cyber-punk touch later on*. like, while i’m a simple gal who tends to simp for ‘classic’ outlooks, i do appreciate what the game did. gotta love crane’s freddy krueger syringe glove, an’ how he got it embedded into bruce’s neck an’ chest, an’ then got stabbed with it himself lol. there is a lot of homoerotic stuff, which can be done with it! esp bc it’s such a close range weapon, an’ each version of akrham’s crane used it differently. in arkham asylum, he injected the poison into bruce’s arm. the desperate, angry action kinda reminded me of a pissy, bristling animal, that would bite your hand, when if you try to grab it. in the next game, jon was way more vicious, less of a thrashing opossum that you find in your garage an’ more of a snake, that you accidentally step on, while you climbing down your porch. the vast difference between his mental states then an’ later on is an interesting theme for speculations. esp bc bruce is also worse to wear in the next game. in fact, i’d say that arkham knight sorta depicts them at their subjective ‘worst’ almost. an’ it says smth, bc i don’t think that either of them are ever in good mental place. 
i kinda find it interesting how some people would assume, that if person acts cold an’ detached, it means that they’re ‘in control’, when sometimes, it’s the opposite. in bruce’s case for sure. but i’d like this for some versions of crane as well, bc it suits his psychotype as well. not to mention, that jon’s hygiene in arkham knight is at its lowest too, which says a few things about his mental state right off the bat. or how he didn’t seem to properly treat his own wounds, just instantly throwing himself into his biggest scheme. a man truly possessed by revenge. 
but welp, if we go into specifics of each separate version of arkhamverse, i guess, i will start with arkham asylum! my memories about those games are a bit rusty, but i’ll go with what i remember. providing more emphasis on arkham knight, since they do have more going on an’ you seem more interested in that specific version too! 
still, first things first, i love how jonathan was half-naked during the first game lol. it’s just so funny to me, bc he is usually covered from head to toe, but in there, he was shirtless, wearing pants that held for dear life on those skinny hips an’ i’ll bet dude had nothing underneath them either. he’s never was the most proper person, admittingly, but idk, running around the dirty asylum an’ hunting your enemy while showing off your nips an’ stomach is…smth else. esp for a prude like crane. but i guess, at that point of time, he seemed to be so deranged, that his usual body issues no longer worried him. besides, poison ivy walked around in her underwear an’ blouse that was held together by one durable button, why can’t he do the same? it’s not like batman would comment on it, even if he wanted to. but like, honestly, all the hints of possible spooky + sexy times were there, so it’s a shocker, that no one has done anything about it yet. i mean, you literally have jonathan, who was flashing the bat for 20 minutes straight, an’ it’s not smth that the majority of cranes would ever have the guts to do in any other set-up. btas an’ comicverse ones would downright combust, before they’d be walking around batman shirtless. but not that gremlin. he was all about it. even if i do think, that he wasn't fully aware about what it means, an’ that it’s kinda embarrassing to do smth like that, while you are trying to be intimidating. he’s not bane. it’s not like he has some crazy muscular mass to show off. but it is very stimulating to think about the ways it all can be used in. the cold bat’s armour to exposed skin of a spooky toothpick. batman grips scarecrow’s clothes, when they fight. in there, it’ll be almost all naked skin. that’s a sexy imagery to have! 
as for the substance of the arkham asylum on itself, i don’t think that scarecrow was in there a lot. but then again, maybe i just remember it this way. it is however curious how fast crane goes from campy looney to more serious, jarred person, we see in the next game. an’ his whole motivation shifts from ‘you’re just like us and have fears’ to ‘there is no saviour. no hope’. almost like he was very, very let down, when batman failed to save him that one time lol. but considering that arkhamverse kept jonathan’s comic origin, it’s safe to assume that yeah, he took that very-very personally. he isn’t the joker, who kinda never brings up how many times, batman casually let him ‘die’. the btas alone has like 3 occasions like that lmao. meanwhile, jon went into a scornful cold rage, after just one epic fail, which, at the end of the day, is very him lol. the drugged up bat didn’t save him, that’s it. no one’s supremacy, fuck gotham. an’ i’m only partly jeering here. 
which leads us straight to to arkham knight version, an’ to bruce instantly going up there an’ choking the living hell out of jon, the second he sees him. what a reunion! esp with that whole head hitting an’ throwing crane onto floor, like a ragdoll. batman just had to assert his dominance, even when jonathan barely opened his mouth. *bc yeah, you stay down, bottom*. i like how crane tried his hardest to be serious an’ imposing during that whole deal, but the bat just wasn't super amused. yet, like usual, he did give the scarecrow room to speak later on. allowing him to walk around him. an’ boy, gotta appreciate that ‘bad guy's sly hips play’ as scarecrow circled the bat. it was quite a vision. even with fucked up leg, he managed to pull that off. i wish there were more moments like this. they had a lot of potential for more brutal scarebat interactions, than some other versions of them. all the cues for it were there. batman was hallucinating a ghost of a dead clown, who wouldn’t shut up about whatever, an’ jonathan was all about his ‘end goal’, not caring what he had to do to get to it. what an explosive combo. i was low-key surprised, that bruce didn’t wipe the floor with crane just out of pure frustration, an’ then some. an’ considering how fucked up they both are in that version, it wouldn’t put it past the ghost!joker to suggest they’d do smth else with crane, if batman is unwilling to kill him. there is actually a lot of leeway, with bruce blaming some stuff on his personal brain damage, while joker just keeps on pouring gasoline into the fire. i even had this one idea about the joker playing a horrible matchmaker just to make everyone even more miserable, but mostly just bruce. all while not expecting crane to be able to return the sentiment in his own messed up manner. 
an’ speaking of sentiment, i do think that it can be here as well. it’ll be buried under layers an’ layers of pseudo-resentment, but that’s like typical scarebat. no one ever talk about their real emotions in that ship lol. well, not in a normal way. in arkham knight, i suppose the joker can be a narrator of bruce an’ crane’s relationships. not missing a beat to tell them *well, bruce* how much they suck. an’ he won’t even be wrong, batman abandoning some of his duties, bc well, this. an’ crane as per usual getting confused by feelings, that isn’t hatred or fear. they can enter those intense relationships with the worst kind of miscommunication. bc they awful at it, when they’re not super unstable *or at least one of them isn’t*, an’ now they can be godawful at it, bc batman is close to breaking point, an’ jonathan is at his bitterests an’ pettiest. crane also can assume, that he can ‘unmade’ the bat this way, all while messing up his own scheme in the process. with god’s help, they might even survive this. idk about gotham tho lol. the joker being a third wheel an’ technically a cuck in that situation just adds how messed up it all is. but maybe with jon’s ‘help’, they can deal with that problem too. i don’t think, crane would like to share in any way. i mean, he would have been pissed off, if he learned that batman had a mini-devil on his shoulder the whole time. in a way, it kinda defeats the purpose of it all. it would almost like taking all the credit from him, an’ he won’t stand for it. crane combating bruce’s personal ghosts for his own selfish, possessive needs is smth, i would have liked to see for them. jonathan accidently being a good psychiatrist to bruce is my peak scarebat dark comedy. similar to how in ‘kings of fear’, it was basically ‘i can fix him, but bitch, you’re worse’ kind of deal too. in return, bruce can try an’ help crane actually put some proper garnet for his leg on, an’ look a bit less like a sickly *even if scary-spooky-cool* animal. they can find some middle ground, even if for questionable reasons, or they can have that slow-burn from enemies to lovers thing too. heck, i mean, it’s a wonder how come that scarecrow didn’t kidnap bruce first to try an’ break him a tad more, before making gotham see ‘that they had no hope’ an’ all that. 
on less game plot related notes, i do like to play around with what can be done about jon’s state in arkham knight. like his face being all messed up, half of his body moving way more stiffly, there are a lot of things that can be done with it. an’ the parallel of batman being crippled on the inside an’ crane being pretty much this an’ then also damaged outside of it….mmm, that’s just good. also we all know that nolanverse crane moaned ‘batman’ like a whore while his hair were pulled, but what about arkham knight’s scarecrow lil gay gasps an’ whimpers, when bruce held him by the throat an’ injected him with his own toxin? if gordon an’ jason weren’t there, i wonder what might have happened lol. love scarecrow’s scared expressions in that game btw, somehow they still manage to make him look cute. 
an’ now for a bit of nitpicky bit. when i look back at arkham knight, like some other folks, i do wish there was less…joker in it. he did add some fun elements there or here, but he should have been a background segment tbh. i really wanted to see more of mindbending stuff similar to level in arkham asylum. batman ‘given into’ hallucination joker’s cheers to kill crane, even if it was all a mindfuck bit was tasteless for me. if they wanna make bruce kinda walk that route, i’d rather see him doing it by his own misgivings an’ rage. tho, i do give credit where it’s duo, crane saying ‘you’ve changed’ an’ not sounding esp thrilled about it was curious smth. 
but omg, that’s got long, haha. hope, it’s not too troublesome. i’m kinda chatty an’ rambly kind of person, esp when i talk about things i love. can’t talk short in most cases. 
thank you for the ask btw! i do enjoy talking about scarebat a lot, no matter what version. an’ i hope, that your day is going great as well! i do apologise for how late some of my responses are coming through. i tend to pick at questions for a couple of days or so, just to make sure that i kinda give it my utmost thoughts, haha. hopefully, my answer helped you to form your own vision on the matter better or gave you an idea how different / similar you see smth, when it comes to those two. 
an’ sure thing! that’s a cute symbole btw!
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Unit Y-0U
Chapter One: A Hazy Introduction
Okay so Gabriela is a POC Deaf Mermaid that came from the lil mermaid series and I believe she deserves more recognition. Anyways you actually get isakied in ch 2 cause this got too long. Sorry bros
This is better on AO3
Many years have passed since the day you declared war on the Horned King. Many journalists and historians are recording it as “The Last of the Mage Wars” since this may be the last war ever fought with magic. You are a young adult now but are way beyond your years with all you have experienced. Leading this rebellion wasn’t easy as a teen, and it still isn’t now.
The years have been hard on your mind and body, especially your mind, as you wake up every day in what feels like a flesh prison. That damned king made you into this, and you will never forgive him for it. Even now, you still aren’t used to your ‘new’ cyber-flesh body, even though you’ve been in it for years. You have grown to tolerate it over time; however, there is no room to be picky with the current situations that are unraveling.
You stare at yourself in a cracked full-body mirror within your cramped personal quarters, privacy both a luxury and privilege you were grateful (and, in your mind, undeserving) to have, even if your office was small. The room was made up of a metal sleep capsule room, salvaged from the crashed aerial ships the king's men used. The capsule had enough space for a narrow bed and a ‘desk’ consisting of a welded-on thin piece of metal to the wall. The old and worn information sticker on the door advertised it as having ‘4x6x5(1.2x2x1.5m) feet of space. However, it might even be smaller due to how dented it is.
Still, to have your own small space rather than a cubby in the barracks meant a lot to you. A small part of you thinks that maybe no one wants to interact with you; Your creators didn’t, so why would anyone else? Sitting on the thin and moth-bitten mattress of your bed, you stare at your nude body in the mirror.
Years’ worth of horrific wounds and surgery scars adorned your flesh. Missing parts, discolored veins and skin, tattooed sigils, burns, frost marks, and other scars made up the tapestry that was your body. You traced the sigils of your familiars along with the scars on your body before resting your hand on your chest.
You remember when you first fused with those seven mages— now your parents, how your chest seemed to glow as multi-colored lights swirled around the fragments embedded in your soul. How their voices, now clear, were once garbled and unintelligible. Even now, when you push your magic— or rather the seven’s magic— too hard, you can sometimes see your chest glow. 
You pat down your head and rub your scarred face with your scarred hands. You weren’t used to this body. This human body. Were you always a human? You’re unsure; those king loyalists never bothered to tell you anything about yourself. You were starved for weeks and not even allowed basic hygiene. You remember how your hair would get so matted they would just shave it off. Injecting you with hormones and chemicals to make you stronger, taller, faster, the perfect weapon.
You are pretty out of your prime, though. Now scrawny with how rare food has become. You would often skip out on meals as well. Why should you eat when a soldier on the front lines or a starving kid would have more use for it? Maybe you don't deserve food. You would happily starve if it meant your soldiers were fine.
“Um… Unit… Is that your name? Ahem, sorry. We have run out of food, and the farms and livestock have become infected!” 
“What?! This isn’t good! Is there any way to combat this?”
“It is currently under treatment, but we will be weeks without food. There has been one suggestion by another leader?”
“A lot of the bodies, especially fae that can contain trace amounts of restorative magic with them, are recent and still very fresh.”
“… You don't mean…” You stared into the soldier's eyes as they avoided your gaze.
“… Do what needs to be done, but be transparent… And give the families a choice as well…”
‘Come on, kiddo, wakey wakey, get dressed. It's a big day today, remember?’ A certain gravelly voice whispers. ‘Oooh yeah yeah, we fight the king today,’ A particular hyena, Ed, mutters from within your head; you can feel his sigil move across your skin and buzz in excitement. ‘Stupid. We plan today, remember? Fighting that big ol bag o’ bones doesn’t happen for another week.’ Shenzi scolds. Soon the other familiars join in, and you can hear Raven and Diaval try to hush them before Scar lets out a roar telling them to silence.
The corners of your mouth perk up in a smile at their bickering, distracting you from the dysphoria that threatens to overtake you. Your bodysuit overtakes your skin right before your eyes, the thin, black, and skin-tight suit materializing on you. The cybernetic suit hums a bit, scanning your vitals to send to your phone as you look through the built-in shelves in your room for something presentable to wear.
A simple and rather loose beige shirt and some simple slacks are what you find in one cubby. The cybersuit camouflages against your skin, now invisible, allowing your arms to show. You materialized your scanner and your phone from the bodysuit pocket-dimension inventory, making sure you had everything. Rations, water, all of your weapons, and other such things as you check the time on your phone. The suit has already sent a report of your surroundings and health to your scanner, displaying everything on the paper-thin tablet.
[Seek Calorie Intake…]
Your leg bounced as yours on a creaky chair within the tactician room. The hyenas sit next to you, cackling and occasionally roughhousing to pass the time. ‘I can’t believe you actually let them out,’ Scar huffs. You can feel him stretching and rolling over to his side and sleeping again. ‘Well, they have been behaving well.’ ‘You should take the Jabberwock out on a walk too,’ The queen of Hearts says. ‘Not a bad idea…’
Queen Clarion's hum snaps you out of your thoughts. You watch as your fellow leader looks down at the wooden table, scratched up from all the daggers that have stabbed into it. The fae representative locks eyes with you and sends a reassuring smile that you return. She sits regally despite the circumstances, her youthful appearance deceptive from her actual age.
On your left, Gabriela, a black and deaf mermaid, adjusts the gem that allows her to breathe and float on land. The representative of the merfolk was always kind to you, and you even waved hello and signed ‘it’s tense today’ when she noticed your leg bouncing. You smile and force your body to stay still, signing back at your friend. Finally, behind Gabriela was Mowgli, a boy around your age who was chosen to represent the beast folk since they raised him. You remember his passionate speeches about the atrocities he has witnessed against the beast folk. The removal of ears and tails, the discrimination, the destruction of their homes which he swears to correct, he was a passionate young man.
They were all excellent leaders with you. Ensuring that each side of their arguments is heard and checking to see if each race has its needs met. A map is laid by Mowgli’s retainer, Bagheera, a panther man who often scouts the battlefields. Soon the other retainers and tacticians join. Another noticeable one was a fairy with rather large goggles, respectively, named Bobble. The fae was a fantastic mechanic and an even better tactician. Then came in a group of three little crab-mers, who often report on how the Mets were doing, Clawdia, Buster, and Tuffy.
Bobble's wings flutter as he sits down and clears his throat. “G-greetings, everybody! I, uh, went over the plans regarding the invasion of the castle and made some minor adjustments to it. Some old pirates have been operating the airships we’ll use to move our fleet. I think the main one was led by uh…. Captain Ja…ack, I think?” He chuckles dorkily, alleviating some stress as you listen intently. “Anyways…”
Gabriela notices your nervous expression and nudges you. You glance at her and the little octopus in her lap as she signs slowly and quietly, ‘There’s no need to worry. We got this.’ You smile and sign back ‘Thank you.’ ‘Pay attention, little diamond.’ Jafar scolds,
Bagheera glances at you from across the table. “Um Mx…” Bagheera pauses as he draws a blank at your lack of name, “Unit… You grew up on the castle grounds, correct?” “That is right, sir.” “The schematics and original mappings of the moat amendment mountains that the castle was built on are useless. There are too many waterways, and the king has started to cast fog all around the castle. Many paths and buildings are blocked or destroyed, and our fliers were blown back by gusts of wind before getting shot down.” You nodded.
“The sanctum is where he put weather protections around the castle. I know the castle well enough to break in and shut it off.” Bagheera and Bobble look at you with surprise, and the triplets look bored out of their mind. Bobble clears his throat again, “Then I think… You might be the only one capable of raiding the castle to open it up for invasion…” “Understood..” Everyone in the room looks at you, surprised you agreed so quickly.
“What?” You huff, “I have a plan.” You strut up to the map and move the pins out of the way. “The king is planning for us. He will probably put all his soldiers outside his castle's moat to prevent us from getting in the first place. That’s not to say the inside is safe from traps, though…” You trail off and close your eyes in concentration. “I will ensure our fleets are ready, and while the frontlines are overwhelmed and distracted, I’ll sneak in through the moat windows and disable the weather protection, allowing for the final push.” 
Everyone stares at you in silence, and Mowgli speaks in disbelief, “By yourself?” “I have my familiars.” “And if you run into the king?” You examine your nails for a second before replying bluntly and nonchalantly. “Then I’ll give him hell.”
You held onto Jetsam's back as he leaped out of the water, catching air. The eel jumped another small hill before landing in a pool of water below. The once flat plain you traverse is now filled with small ridges and depressions that fill with brackish and river water from the bodies of water and ocean near it. It was a perfect sanctuary for merfolk. You can see certain pools dedicated to families or soldiers prepping for battle.
A familiar mermaid waves you down, and you tap on Jetsam’s gills softly to get him to stop. He swims over to the edge of the pool on the hill before unceremoniously dumping you off and snickering, making you curse him under your breath. The eel then circles Gabriela in the water a few times before swimming back to you.
‘I didn’t think you would see me,’ she signs.
‘I have a keen eye…. So do you need something?’
Gabriela swims up to you, her hands twitching a bit, hesitant as she thinks of what to sign next. Her octopus Ollie looks between the two of you. Gabriela gets over her hesitation before she shoves something in your hand. You freeze and examine what she gave you: the magic relic that allows her on land.
“I… You’re giving this to me?” You ask, dumbfounded. Gabriela nods, reading your lips, and Ollie speaks up. “Gabriela wants you to have it for after the war ends and we win. She says that she hopes to return home to the ocean and that you can use it to visit us.” You stiffen before relaxing. “I promise I will visit you both.”
“Diaval, change form!” Maleficent’s magic coursed through you and the crow on your finger transformed before your eyes into a dragon. You send a happy and soothing feeling through your bond with him before hopping onto his back. The crow— now dragon— tilted his head up to look at you before taking off into the sky.
Mowgli hoots as you fly off to the Pi-air Ship in the sky. The dragon turned its body upside-down over the ship, allowing you to land on the deck before reverting to his original form and returning to you. You pop your back a bit before looking around the large ship, filled to the brim with fairies. You turned to where the captain stood near the wheel, his tankard filled with rum dripping down the sides. He looks over at you for a second before raising his mug. “There ya are, kid! Want a drink before the big fight?”
‘No! No drinking before war, queen's orders!’ The Red Queen huffs. ‘I mean, it might make things go more smoothly, Mary.’ Hade's jokes, his two henchmen murmuring in agreement. ‘My lady is right. It is too great of a risk,’ The deep guttural voice of the Jabberwock hisses, making the queen preen. ‘You and your familiar are all about rules. I mean, come ooon! Rules are so much fun to break!’ You can feel Hades talking with his hands, making Jafar roll his eyes. ‘They are not. They are there for a reason!’ ‘Oh, like you are one to talk, advisor-boy—‘
‘Quiet.’ You whisper in your head before shaking it. “No, thank you, Mr. Sparrow. I’m actually here to tell you and Queen Clarion to get ready.’
“It’s happening?”
“It's happening.”
“RALLY, EVERYONE! CHAAAARRRGGEE’ Mowgli yells with his soldiers as he leads them to charge to the castle walls. He watched as his soldiers began hacking down every one of the king's guards that stood in the way of the moat. Along the river ways around the battlefield, Gabriela signs to Ollie. Ollie speaks up, “Everyone! Flood the battlefield to the moat, support our front liners!” The mer chitter and click in agreement, more amphibious ones getting their weapons ready to begin invading.
Queen Clarion struts along the airship's deck in her golden pixie dust armor. “Cover the Unit as they descend and do not attempt to invade the castle until the barrier is destroyed! Understood?” As they agreed and prepared, the queen approached the bowsprit of the ship where you stand, overlooking the ground below you. You glance at the queen as she offers you a small bag of gold and azure pixie dust. “It can help you in a pinch” She smiles, and you gently take the bag and thank her.
As you approach the castle, you adjust your hooded cloak and light armor. On your side, you grabbed a cyber mask and modified it to your face to protect you from breathing in anything potentially toxic. You had everything, bow, arrows, potions, claymores, swords, polearms, daggers, and much more within your inventory. Your scanner tells you your heart rate is increasing. You take a deep breath as all the fae get ready to drop. Jumping onto the bowsprit, you walked backward until you reached the end. You looked into the queen's eyes and saluted her before dropping down.
Wings sprouted from your back as you fell, wings none other than Maleficent’s herself. Fae, pegasi, insect-folk, and harpies crowded around you to keep you from being spotted as you dove into the battlefield, some even sticking out their hands for a high-five. Looking up, you see the ships in the air fire at the castle walls, their cannonballs getting stuck in some sort of invisible barrier in the air, allowing only a few to leave a small dent or cracks in the wall. It was the perfect distraction you needed to fly through the window and land.
You tucked your wings away to save energy and remain stealthy as you scanned around. The garden changed a lot from when you were a kid. All of the plants were shriveled up and covered in what seemed like some black, inky substance. This strange ink, perhaps ichor, spread across the castle grounds like a disease. The ink you step on sticks to your boots as it tries to pull you down into it.
‘Try to avoid whatever that is guppy. My magic feels strange around it…’ Ursula trails off. ‘This castle is empty.’ Scar notes. ‘Where is everyone?’ You hear the red queen whisper. ‘Be careful, diamond, stay vigilant.’
You looked into the distance of the castle—a massive winding path leading up several mountains upon which the castle is built. A colossal bridge at the very top connects to the sanctum. It seems the only way to get there right now is the path, as the waterways look infected with ink, and flying would put a massive target on you. Furthermore, it would be best if you preserved all your magic and strength for the fight afterward.
You adjusted your mask and scarf before dashing on your tiptoes, quick and stealthily. The castle grounds felt empty, aside from a few bots here and there. Where was everyone? Are they perhaps hiding from that strange ink outside? Something was off. You followed the broken winding path up the sheer mountains to the castle. The air pressure is lowering, and the cold nips at your skin. You can feel light snowfall hitting your hood as fog sets in.
‘Something is wrong. Where is everybody?’ Queen Grimhilde speaks up in your head, making you jump from the sudden voice. ‘This has to be a trap. Iago, go scout ahead!’ Jafar orders and the commanding voice triggers a tattooed sigil on your body. A colorful parrot emerged from it, squawking a bit as he adjusted, muttering to himself. “Yeah, yeah, I’m goin!
You trail behind Iago as he disappears into the fog to scout. Just as quickly as he flew off, you see him return frantically. Flapping his wings manically, Iago dives into you, merging back within your body. “TRAP! IT'S A TRAP! TURN AROUND, TURN AROUND!!!” You dash to the side of the path near the cliff that it spirals up, watching as a giant cauldron-born bot charges ahead with a large claymore. The bot skids on the broken path and ends up falling off of the side of the spiral path. You felt it when the bot hit the ground.
Judging by the sounds of mechanical gears clicking, that cauldrot from before wasn’t the only one. You mutter an incantation under your breath while lifting your polearm to use it to cast. The fog around you started to fade and fly away, revealing three mechanical warriors thrice your size in front of you. One raised their legs to approach you, a lounge clunk ringing out with each step they took. The others ready their weapons, and one even locks onto you, ready to deploy its laser beam.
You take a deep breath with your polearm in hand before yelling out and charging the bot that approaches you, using your momentum to run up its leg and scale it. You use your spare hand that holds your polearm to jam it into the optics of the bot, making its whole body stutter. The second bot from earlier fires its beam at you, one you easily avoid, allowing it to hit the bot you were on.
Grabbing the small bag of pixie dust earlier, you sprinkle just a trace amount onto yourself to allow you longer jumps and slow falling. Springing off from the bots leg, you swap your polearm for another weapon. A blaster wouldn’t do much to these guys, you realize, and diving down with a claymore this high up the castle is risky. You instead opt for the bow resting on your back.
Two arrows, two targets. You must hit them both at once unless you want them to smite you out of the air. Pulling the bowstring back and aiming, you close your eyes and focus. The tips of the arrows erupt into blue flames before you release them, watching as blue beams of fiery light hit your target dead in the optics. The sound of them shattering and the feeling of the heat from the arrows you shot die down as the bots fall with a screech of metal.
‘Bullseye! Good going, kiddo; I knew showing you how to use some fire would come in handy. No need to thank me!’ You scoff a bit at Lord Hades' sass. ‘Come on, let's get to the top already and show these bastards what’s coming!’ Iago squawks a bit at you from earlier. ‘You’re crazy, you know?!’ You chuckle a bit, using your slow falling to land carefully. 
Without the fog covering everything in front of you, you look around where the sanctum is. You have crossed the bridge you needed to. Now you were looking up at a sheer mountain that pierced the clouds above it. The spiraling staircase that led up to it was in ruins. If you fly, they will spot you and shoot you down, and there were no waterfalls to try and swim up. Your only hope was to climb and use what remains of the stairs as a cover.
Right as you go to climb, you are reminded that if there is a god, they hate you. Black clouds swirl and form around the sanctum tower above you. Lightning strikes, and it begins to pour down rain and hail. You let out a breath and ignored the wind and cold water hitting you as you used bandaged hands to grasp onto the side of the cliff, making your way up. At some point, you start climbing one-handed, using your other hand to adjust your mask, and pull out a sword as you hear squelching from above.
You were on autopilot from doing this for so long, adventuring and fighting. You didn’t even realize that you were hacking down flying abominations of flesh that tried to attack you as you braved the weather and rock you climbed. “So after this… then what?” You say aloud; there was no one around you, and no need to be overly stealthy anyways.
‘I dunno, actually, we’re not the heroes that got a happy ending.’ Hades huffs bitterly, his voice getting quiet. You remember what the seven have told you of their pasts. Though they didn’t tell you everything, you couldn’t help but feel bad for their treatment. ‘Villains never get a happy ending, yet all those spoiled brats that ruined their lives do!’ Mary huffs. The Red Queen's anger is quieter, like she gets when she’s down. You frown with her.
‘I say we take over this kingdom as our own.’ A vizier offers, just to get denied by a tired growl. ‘Honestly, after years of this, I don't see why you can’t just rest and ‘retire’ as you humans say…’ ‘What the fuck do you mean by retire?!” Flotsam sasses, both questioning and scandalized, making you and Ursula chuckle.
‘Enough. This isn’t our decision to make. This is up to them.’ Maleficent’s voice reverberates in your head. You pause your climbing for a moment as a moment of realization washes over you. For once, you were going to be free. To be in charge of your own life! To no longer be hit or starved, or taken advantage of ever again! The sound of squelching from a flying eyeball snaps you out of your thoughts. You huff and use your sword to slice it down the center before it even has a chance to hit you.
Your spare hand put the sword away for a minute to feel your pocket. The bulkiness of Gabriela’s gem in your pocket comforts you as you remember her words from earlier. “I think maybe… having a place of my own would be nice. But exploring also sounds fun…” You hum as you slash down a few more bats and other enemies. “Make friends… explore… I think I just really want some stability in my life… I don’t know. I never thought I’d make it this far.”
‘Is the little guppy thinking of someone?~’ Ursula teases. ‘Is it that little mermaid friend of yours?’ You puff out your cheeks slightly. “I mean, she did say to visit her after all of this…” Ursula pauses thoughtfully; you think she is getting ready to tease you again. ‘Little you loved the ocean. I’m sure you will find peace within the waves.’ ‘Oh, how I would love to host parties and have fun and start a big rose garden!’ ‘Regardless, I have no intention of allowing you to slack off after this is all over. Your manners and knowledge in all things shall be refined! You are to be cultured and strong.’ ‘Queen Grimhilde is right, little one. You have plenty of talent and potential that I refuse to let you waste.’ Jafar replies. 
‘Did I not just say to let the child decide for themselves? Despicable…’ ‘Now, now, my lady,' Diaval soothes, and you can hear Grimhilde’s Raven chuckle. ‘I’m sure we are all just excited that this will all be over soon.’
Aside from the enemies and the occasional turret you would have to dodge, the climb went by pretty quickly. You looked down at the clouds from where you were before gripping onto the very top of the mountain and pulling yourself up. You were right in front of the door to the sanctum. You stroll, allowing yourself some time to breathe and take in the view of the broken stone plaza and the clouds and setting sun that surrounded you. The stained glass walls of the sanctum were still beautiful, even when some strange inky substance was covering them.
Yet, despite the astounding feat of strength you displayed, some idiots had the gall to try and stop you. You allowed the few guards there were to charge at you before quickly stepping out the way and letting them stumble. Mages and soldiers shook in their boots as you approached them, their weapons drawn and pointed.
You huff, waving your hand to collect the rainwater around you into a ball of concentrated magic as a few more guards swung at you with predictable attacks. You easily dodged them without a single scratch on you as you unleashed the spell onto the other mages and guards that looked like they had some fight in them, knocking them down but not damaging them… yet…
“I do not have time for this. Either you die here, or you let me in. Killing you would be so much quicker than a hypnosis spell. Do you all understand?” The mages and the guards looked up at you, some shaking, some nodding. “Good. Now out of my sight if you know what’s good for you.” You walk forward, allowing the men and women from before to scramble out of your way. ‘They grow up so fast!’ Hades sniffs, and you can feel a rare chuckle from Queen Grimhilde. ‘I taught you well.’
You allowed yourself to take off your mask and breath the fresh and thin air around you. The smell of wet concrete and gravel was comforting after having to do so much while stuck in a stuffy mask. Pushing open the loud wooden door to the sanctum, you strode in, taking in the vastness and beauty of it all.
The area inside was a giant circle with a few wooden benches and notes, probably from the mages earlier. The floor was decorated with a beautiful mosaic depicting the black cauldron. The reflections from the stained glass windows highlighted the room beautifully. It was so quiet you could hear the thunder and pitter-patter of the rain against glass.
A large chalk sigil was drawn on the wall in the front of the room, and in the center was a glowing ruby—the magic barrier control. You grabbed your claymore with one hand and held it over your head. Magic surged through you before you slammed the claymore down, shattering the ruby. You paused a bit before smiling to yourself. You did it! You really did it! Now the others can invite the castle grounds, and this battle will be won! The war will be over! Before you can even go outside to check if the barriers are genuinely down, a low guttural voice interrupts you.  
“We meet again, you traitor child.”
Your heartbeat quickened and pounded in your head. Gripping your blade, you turned to see him—the Horned King in all his decaying glory. The skeletal figures rotting eyes bore into yours as his robes flowed in the wind. “Do you really think you can kill what is already dead?” The skeletal freak lets out a dry cackle that echoes in the room.
“Fine then, child. Allow us to settle what you started years ago.”
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I wasn’t easy for me to be a Muslim and to be LGBT….and a life of confusion….
My name is Inaaya Mukhtar age 12 in a half when in was 5 way long ago I had everything I had Mom and Dad I had my family even friends soon in was getting but I was getting older things took a turn for me…when started everything changed for the world and I thought because it was all to do with us for what we done…but soon in was going to go to term 5 but Covid started and everyone change later on and people were dying there was no hope until they had a cure but soon when we met our families and friends and it was scary coming after lock down and kids in my age didn’t want to do the work or anything anymore and it was that changed it was my mother changed she never reached or helped that much not even hygiene I had to take a shower once a week cause she said so disgusting right? And brush my teeth day or night, and I never do homework since idk I was still 8 or something but I do it now, and she was always on her phone calls to other men even know we were Muslim and this was a bad sign and call for that matter, so later on she started go well a bit more mean towards me she tormented me for about 5 or 4 years and I had disorder eating problems and I went skinny and dark and pale skin and darker eyes and was still confused didn’t speak much until one day I saw tumblr and I was like I liked that fav fandom and so I asked my dad for permission he said yes so he done it I was like yay so I explored around tumblr and they always made me feel better even my online friends and one day I was still but i posted my irl pics of myself and I showed my mum by mistake and she told my dad and I was in trouble….so I stopped doing….and they’re were haters out there we’re cyber bullying and I also I had problems ready since I had deslyxia or whatever but I was still pronouncing word by word since I was slow learner at the time I also couldn’t put conditioner on my hair since my mum didn’t want me too but I do it now, And sooner I had trauma since my mum used to always traumatised me that badly and I always had deep depression and I had suffered a lot of pain and sooner or later we went to squdi Arabia and I thought we had a good time but my mum said she wanted to do Umrah but Nooooo she went shopping instead and I didn’t tell anyone about this but my mum blamed me for watching “P0rn stuff online” even know it was her… I was demonstrating I was scared but we went to Arabia and my mum and dad had a argument of a life time I was really traumatised cause my mom threatened my dad and throwed a chair at him also hit his head or leg or arm it could’ve been anything! But my said to me you should’ve recorded it in the first place on iPad then we will get proof of evidence, but yeah that’s what happened so my uncle and my grandparents came in but before that my mum banged her head on the door like she was mental, and so they were talking in Urdu and my mom was acting like a karen saying that he hit me! Even know my dad trying to protect himself since you were the one tortured us for years! And she said there’s a bruise even know there’s nothing there so she looked at me and she said ask inaaya she saw who done it I mentally scarred for life and I did not say anything everybody left the room except me and my mum she said to me why did I not say anything and I got my bag and was about open the door and she was like u want me to move back to Pakistan and i was like IF YOU WANT! So I slammed the door and you know what my auntie said to me that I couldn’t believe that actually happened my mum was nearly cheating on my dad and she also kidnapped my grandma and they said she crossed the limit so…and me and Amity Blight are the same person, that’s pt1 for yeah are you sure you want pt2 be honest there’s more to this story then you will ever know of…we will get to the LGBT part soon I’ll promise you guys…
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dreamsclock · 10 months
just learned about cyber hygiene Absolutely horrified by how much of my data is On The Internet TM
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distopea · 2 years
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Random headcanons about Astra 
His favorite things in mathematics are the Lucky Numbers. Basically a maths’ little trick between primal and natural numbers, often used in complex equations. He has based an entire thesis about the lucky numbers in an astronomical context.  
Astra was a disaster as a student in university, not because he was not good at what he was majoring (physics and mathematics) but because he was a slack, drunk, and too many times late for classes and too much of a troublemaker with the other students.
Astra was kicked off the university but he still was able to graduate. The reasons behind his expulsion was because of the illegal money bets he was holding for card games.  
He doesn’t like sweets, but he would always have dark chocolate during the day, mostly for magnesium purpose. It helps with the brain and to remain focus. 
His favorite drink are dry martinis, manhattan cocktails, or red wine. He doesn’t like rosé wine at all, he finds the taste particularly vulgar and girlish. 
Astra owns at least five different apartments downtown, and other houses in the suburbs. It’s mostly in case he needs to hide somewhere and has to hide. He likes to deceive people with fake addresses. Two apartments are expensive with a rooftop locations, and others are more modest. 
Astra favorite’s song his Killer Queen by Queen. That’s also why he has picked the name Anthony Queen. There’s also another hidden clue regarding his real name in that decision. 
Most of the records regarding Astra stopped around the age of 22 years old and no one has been able to retrace his life before that. That was when he was forced to enter the Lenio to reimburse his debts. All traces of his true identity have been destroyed by cyber pirates organizations, paid by Astra. 
There are several guns hidden inside Astra’s apartments and office, but he would rather never use them for hygienic purpose. 
He has a B- blood type. 
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odaibadivisio · 2 years
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Kaori Katō is the second member of Odaiba Division, being in charge of the IT of the team. He created an AI that uses the government cameras, social media research and the Odaiba Division app to keep an eye on other microphone users, alerting the members in case they´re needed. He brags about how genius he is and how his AI is the best ever done.
He works for the cyber security department of a multi billion company that can't be discussed because of a confidential agreement. Usually has bags in his eyes because he is on call and lately there has been some asshole who keeps breaking security just for fun, so needs to fix the breach asap. At least they pay him really well for the extra hours.
Has a really good apartment in the same building as Mine, so they have their division + manager (Umi´s boyfriend) there. Has a server room, a bunch of pcs and components splattered around to test new inventions and a lot of plants, that are the only things that aren't a mess in his apartment. 
Kaori always have a messy short black cut and some simple glasses covering his aquamarine eyes,
He normally just puts on whatever, but after some pestering from his friends; they got to an agreement that they´ll have him have a “self care day” in which he goes to wherever they ask him to (hairdresser, shopping, manicure…) and have his AI selecting his outfits, after Umi tested it thoroughly. Once they tricked him into having a highlight, but he liked it so much, he kept it.
Hypnosis Microphone
His microphone is a helmet with leds that plays effect according to his “health” or to his lyrics.
His speaker is just a big LED screen with thin bars of sound on the left and right sides, showing lyrics or images that emphasize his lyrics. Kaori´s rap ability is “Dark mode”, which creates a dark barrier that makes it difficult for the rivals to hit them.
He mixes self depreciation with a superiority complex, that causes more confusion that damage, but his true ability is how easily he can follow up any of his teammates lines or counterargument his enemies. He is not afraid of being a bad mouthed and likes to inject some of his recent anime/game watches to his lyrics.
Kaori- Means fragrance
Katō- With the kanjis for much/a lot and wisteria
Kaori is left-handed.
He is more of a seasonal anime fan, but has 2 eternal waifus always on his heart: Nico Yazawa and Rei Ayanami.
He had a crush on Mine, but after finally talking to her, they just became bros.
He really wants to meet up with the hacker that can´t stop messing with his work, but not at the same time no. He tends to make an image of people and ends up disappointed (see an example above).
Despite his dislike of taking care of his personal image or keeping his apartment tidy, he has an abnormally high level of hygiene and likes to make a lot of things with the plants he has in his house which makes him smell floral.
He is slowly putting an urban garden with tomatoes and other vegetables and aromatic herbs.
He mostly avoids conflict and is kind to anyone, but can be very protective over things important to him.
Twitter self ending jokes and shitpost are his humor.
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purvakulkarni23 · 1 year
Cyber Hygiene For Students: 6 Interesting Methods You Can Follow
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With advancements in technology, there is a rapid transition from offline to online. Almost all of our daily activities are dependent on the cyber world now. This growth is excellent in terms of advancement, but due to increasing users and activities worldwide, security online is a concern for all. 
Protecting yourself and your data is a challenge for all individuals from all age groups, but students are the most vulnerable to cyber-attacks. The reason behind this is simply a need for more knowledge and experience. Students are more susceptible to getting deceived as they are gullible. But here are a few ways all students can ensure their safety online without compromising their fun. Read ahead to know more.
What Is Cyber Hygiene?
Cyber Hygiene is just like our personal hygiene but on a cyber level. It is the practice used to protect devices, data, and individuals from malicious users or software. It is a daily routine that individuals practice to safeguard their system and identity online. 
We look after our bodies by practicing hygiene to fight germs and prevent illnesses. Similarly, cyber hygiene is a set of rules that an individual must practice daily to keep oneself safe and away from cyber-attacks and stay happy and healthy online. 
How To Stay Cyber Hygienic?
Practicing cyber hygiene might sound like a lot to do with our already packed schedules, but it is easy if you understand it well and practice it consistently. Here are a few simple methods you can practice to stay cyber-hygienic:
Unique is the new safe: Keep unique passwords for different social media platforms. Keeping the same password for all the platforms might put you at risk of getting all your accounts hacked, as on receiving the credentials for one, the hacker might end up getting access to all other accounts you own.
Complicate it: Simpler your password is, the easier it becomes for a hacker to guess your password. So, make it a point to complicate your passwords. To prevent malicious users from guessing it. 
Limit it: We never know what intentions a particular user has online. Limiting your friends or connections helps to prevent getting in contact with harmful people. So, make it a point to have only genuine friends online. 
Set up your walls: Over-sharing your personal and sensitive information online can make you more likely to cyber-attacks. Sharing filtered and limited content online is the key to staying safe.
Sharing is not caring: Sharing your passwords with anyone is unsafe. Share your passwords only with the people you trust i.e. family or friends. 
Back it up: Storing all of your data on one source is not a good idea. Having other platforms to store data is important as it protects your data if it gets breached on one source. 
Cyber hygiene is a set of rules and practices done to safeguard individuals online. The cyber world is full of strangers whose intentions are unknown. It is essential to follow a proper cyber hygiene regime to save ourselves from people with malicious intentions. Including simple measures in our routine like setting different passwords, keeping the passwords difficult to guess, not sharing too much personal information online, having only genuine friends online, and backing up our data can help prevent cyber-attacks and ensure our safety online.
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