#DBK and PIF love Red Son very much
lmk-aus-galore · 1 month
Now I’ve seen a lot of people mention the whole ‘Macaque ate one of Wukong’s grandchildren’ and I have to digress that-
Even though it is canon that Demons are cannibals in LMK, it’s only directed at humans. Per say.
I don’t think that it’s canon that Macaque ate one of the monkeys. Especially since LMK has been rewriting HALF OF JTTW SINCE SEASON 2.
Rather I think that in LMK, demons only eat humans. Which is why MK and Mei have to disguise as demons as not to get eaten.
And again if you don’t like that rewrite.
Then you have to acknowledge every other rewrite the characters have. Like say I don’t know, THE FUCKING PILGRIMS??
And let’s not forget the absolute Womanizing Pervert Zhu Bajie was but LMK decided to change that because that was too ‘adult’ for kids to handle. So instead of seeing the kidnapped wife we get to see that the Pilgrims met Bajie and ate some of his food. (Yes, if you rewatch the episode where Subodhi was training the Monkie Kids, when Subodhi was talking to Pigsy you can see a flashback with Zhu Bajie, Ao Lie, Tripitaka and Wukong)
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dragzo · 5 months
oh Red Son no-
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quitealotofsodapop · 6 months
[You did send a less detailed version of this ask a few days ago, I just hadn't gone through my inbox enough XD] + [I love the detailed responses though! It's nice to see so much interest in my silly aus!]
okay! I thought I sent one but I couldn't quite remember if I did XD Sometimes I feel like I ramble too much so I'm glad you like these! if it's not to much trouble do you mind answer the og post, you don't have to actually make any comments on it contents but I'm keeping notes on Slow boiled au for the fanfic I'm writing and their might be some details in there I forgot about, thank you.
[Peaches. Some days his brain/body just decides "Eww no. bleh. Spit it out right now" and the nausea hits him hard. Wukong is dismayed whenever it happens.]
at some point in s3 MK walks in on Monkey King crying over a peach with a single bite taken out of it, Wukong having gotten emotional when he his body couldn't handle the peach + stress (I headcanon that part of his obsession with peaches are because peaches are a comfort food for him, so not being able to eat one when stressed hit him pretty hard).
[Think of it like the formation of a geode - it can do it either over a natural couple of centuries, or in a few months with intervention.]
the geode comparison is really cool! especially considering it's a stone egg.
[it's possible MK *remembers* being held by someone soft with a round belly + gold eyes. He assumes throughout his life that this person was his birth mother before he was given up/orphaned.]
imagine monkey king asking MK about his family, wantingto know how his brother's reincarnations are doing, and MK talks about them then mentions he was actually adopted and MK offhandedly mentioning the one memory he has of his "birth mother" to Monkey king and monkey king just being like "oh. oh no."
[So that Stone Egg been slow boiling from anywhere between 1394 to 1116 years. 0_o] + [Either way SWK has beaten Lao Tzu/Zi's mom (pregnant for 62-80 years), and def brags about that fact to whatever immortal will hear.]
honestly, after that long, he's earned bragging rights.
[DBK overhears LBD making threatening references to Wukong's conditon and immediately interrupts her villainy bs to yell at his sworn brother.]
LBD just giving up and leaving as the two bicker is hilarious. it also has the affect of eleveating some of Wukong's stress about LBD returning, and making him feel better about the rift between him and his brother once DBK accepts his proposal to be the egg's godparent. evn if offering such a title to someone other then Ao Lie leaves a bittersweet taste in his mouth. he knows Ao Lie would't mind him giving the title to someone he trusted, but he'd always been so sure that someone would be Ao Lie.
[After the initial shock wears off, PIF immediately summons a catalog to look for baby shower supplies. This is a monumentous occassion!]
all negitive feelings are forgotten when the excitement of a new baby within the sworn family is brought into everything + learning that Wukong very possibly could have lost his own child by helping with the Samadhi fire ritual, something he did becuase he was one of the few who could help them from losing their own child. from mother to mother(?), she understands how hard of a call that must have been to make.
[She ofc assumes it's Macaque's fault (she's not wrong XD) and that this might be her future sworn niece/nephew! She simply must organise everything for her idiot sworn brother and his mate!]
when Yuebei is born and has dark fur and glowing ears she feels it is confirmed that her assumption Macaque was the other parent was correct, no one corrects her about the bio parent situation.
[Red blinks in confusion before confronting the Monkie Kid gang about it later. Mei demands PIF's contact details right that second so that they can swap party ideas.]
red son is just going "WTH WTH WTH" the whole time as they explain, Mei would absolutely insert herself into baby shower planing the moment the idea is brought up.
[Macaque spends most of S3 trying to bat away any thoughts/predictive sounds of a happy domestic life him and Wukong cna have together.]
its dangerous to be thinking of such things with the lady bone demon breathing down his neck, but he can't help it. it gets overwhelming sometimes, the sounds of domestic moments from the past mixing with possible futures leave him questioning what it is exactly he wants anymore. but those are thoughts to process when LBD is defeated and the world isn't on the cusp of being destroyed. now of Wukong didn't put himself and the egg in one of the most compramising positions ever by being possessed in the meantime, that would be great. he makes up his mind the moment a just freed monkey king collapses into his arms crying like this is the only hug he's ever had in his life.
[Yuebei's first immortal kill is in fact LBD, preformed before she was even born. Once the switch "flipped" on the possesed SWK, the Egg recognised LBD as both a threat to her parent and a tasty source of Dao, hence; nom-nom-nom.] + [All thats left behind of the ancient bone demon is a picked-clean skull.]
not even out of the womb and already earning her "god killer" title. Wukong always guessed any kid that was solely his would be a menace, but now he's starting to get a little concerned.
I was doing some doodles for this au and I had the idea of Yuebei getting a staff of her own from her parents and I wanted it to have something to do with LBD's skull, but I couldn't make the design work. so I actually had the idea of her having her staff and wearing the front of LBD's skull like a mask. she legit wearing the skeletal face of her first kill, creepy, stylish, and effective at scaring off her enemies.
[Ah, a fellow party crasher, just like her baba.]
Wukong appreciates the hustle, but could she be a menace to everyone except him and is poor body please? he just got put through hell and now he's gotta get this egg outta him and that's probably gonna be less fun then getting possessed.
[Wukong and Macaque can barely enjoy the bowl of noodles they've stolen (in good humor) from MK when Wukong's face just drops from a shift in his body.]
Macaque feels Wukong's body suddenly go rigid and is confused, then he sees the look on Wukong's face and just knows. as soon as Wukong starts ordering Ne Zha to go get Guanyin he's instantly fussing and getting things ready for the undoubtedly long few hours ahead. surprisingly, the two monkeys are basically the only ones not panicking at this point, them and Guanyin once they're on the scene.
[Tang: "Oh gracious Buddha! The bodhisattva Guanyi herse-- oh gosh this is a lot grosser than I was expecting..." *gets woozy and hides face in Pigsy's chest*]
no matter the incarnation, every reincarnation of the golden cicada is squeamish.
[Imagine how much crying would be involved if little Yuebei just so happened to be born six-eared as well?] + [Hard to refute their claims when the little Monkey Princess has such lovely midnight-dark fur and glowing ears.]
I like to think that she wouldn't have his six sensitive ears because she didn't actually have the genetics for it, but her appearance could still be pushed so her ears do still glow a little.
even if their aren't six ears, the instant Macaque sees her ears glowing he would not be able to stop himself from squealing with joy and practically side tackling Wukong as he is incoherently babbling about how much he loves her.
[He def recorded a tape + wrote letters to Yuebei before she was born ala "For Steven" in Steven Universe... just in case his immortality didn't work in the end.]
he def let Guanyin know before hand so that if things did go wrong they'd know the tapes/letters were there to give to his infant.
[Little Yuebei spent so much time in the "final run" hearing show tunes, action movies, and the voices of Wukong's new found family/troop that she thinks theses are all "good noises"!]
this is super cute!
but to make a good thing angsty, what if she also has "bad noises" that she associates with certain things. what if when they first met Azure she was super aggressive towards him at first because she "remembers" hearing him being really mean and/or straight up hurting Wukong at some point in the journey. and what if she also isn't that trusting of macaque at first because she also only ever "heard" him when he was in the process of trying to hurt her baba and his friends, both in his first life and now in his second. this def upsets Macaque but also he did do that so he's the one who's gotta make up for it, luckily yuebei seems to warm up to him quickly when she sees him and Wukong being cuddly and reconciling.
[Yuebei decided that "Kitty" wasn't playing with her, wasn't holding her right, and wasn't even singing to her! And she wanted to make her frustrations known.]
c'mon Azure, if you're gonna hold a super strong baby that already doesn't like you the least you can do is try and keep her happy and preoccupied. he's got no one but himself to blame
sequel to this post!
Im uber excited to read more your fic btw!
[I headcanon that part of his obsession with peaches are because peaches are a comfort food for him, so not being able to eat one when stressed hit him pretty hard]
Wukong associates peaches with 1: Food security, 2: His Immortality, and most importantly, 3: His friendship/romance with Macaque. So his body deciding to reject peaches is a huge stresser for him, which leads to more stress and more nausea and less peaches, in an endless cycle. Peach chips at least dont seem to trigger the worst of his food adversion though, the crunchy chip texture seems to cancel it out.
[...MK talks about them then mentions he was actually adopted and MK offhandedly mentioning the one memory he has of his "birth mother" to Monkey king and monkey king just being like "oh. oh no."]
Oh MK sweetie no... :(
And the Monkey King is just silent cus he knows who MK is talking about [him], and even if SWK didn't create MK in the au, he was still the one to decide to send him to live among mortals for his own good. So the idea that MK potientially remembers Wukong from this time is a huge shock to him.
Wukong: "...your mother, what did they look like?"
MK, clueless: "Umm... their hair was a warm orange-y color. Like the sun. And I think their eyes was this really shiny yellow, or maybe amber colour? Oh! And they had this round stomach - I remember hugging it..." *gets kinda wistful* "I don't know why I'm not with them anymore, but hope they're doing ok if they're still out there."
Wukong, hand ghosting over his stomach: "You and me both bud."
[DBK accepts his proposal to be the egg's godparent. evn if offering such a title to someone other then Ao Lie leaves a bittersweet taste in his mouth. he knows Ao Lie would't mind him giving the title to someone he trusted, but he'd always been so sure that someone would be Ao Lie.]
Wukong def was hit hard by Ao Lie's passing. It pains him to give the godparent title to anyone else, but he knows when push comes to shove; his older sworn brother will be there to protect his infant. Ao Lie would just be glad that Wukong meant his offer all those centuries ago.
[all negitive feelings are forgotten when the excitement of a new baby within the sworn family is brought into everything + learning that Wukong very possibly could have lost his own child by helping with the Samadhi fire ritual, something he did becuase he was one of the few who could help them from losing their own child. from mother to mother(?), she understands how hard of a call that must have been to make.]
PIF has to give Wukong mega-respect; putting himself and his baby on the line for the health of her own. Even if she considers it so stupid to agree to such a dangerous ritual when Wukong knew he was carrying, PIF just looks over at Red Son, alive and healthy, and just hugs Wukong the next time she sees him. Although she hasn't been the most welcoming sworn sister-in-law, she vows to make it up to him for saving her child from the Samadhi Fire.
A decent proper baby shower is first on her list of repayments.
[when Yuebei is born and has dark fur and glowing ears she feels it is confirmed that her assumption Macaque was the other parent was correct, no one corrects her about the bio parent situation.]
PIF just side-eyeing Macaque whenever she sees him, convinced from the talk of the two's bad breakup + Macaque not initially knowing about the pregnancy; that her lil sworn bro is the baby-daddy. And when Yuebei is born having "imprinted" on Wukong's yearning/love for Macaque...
PIF: *seeing the baby's dark fur and glowing ears* PIF (whispering so not to wake the baby): "I fcking knew it." Macaque: *is too tired/proud to argue with her* "Yeaaah..." :')
[red son is just going "WTH WTH WTH" the whole time as they explain, Mei would absolutely insert herself into baby shower planing the moment the idea is brought up.]
Red has no idea what to do in response to all this baby talk, so he just; tries to apologise to SWK for setting him on fire a bunch as a toddler??
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Wukong appriciates the effort.
Mei, PIF and Jiuweihuli get talking and soon Wukong is looking at a baby shower akin to a red carpet event.
[...but those are thoughts to process when LBD is defeated and the world isn't on the cusp of being destroyed. now of Wukong didn't put himself and the egg in one of the most compramising positions ever by being possessed in the meantime, that would be great. he makes up his mind the moment a just freed monkey king collapses into his arms crying like this is the only hug he's ever had in his life.]
Macaque spends episodes asking himself he truly wants to rebuild his and Wukong's relationship, and when the king holds him tight like he's about to disappear - Macaque decides to stay for good.
[not even out of the womb and already earning her "god killer" title.]
Imagine you're a random Celestial or demon and you hear the dreaded "God Killer" is gonna be at an event, and it's a tiny baby monkey in a papoose strapped to the Monkey King, or his many terrifying sworn family members.
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You'd honestly be more afraid of that baby.
[I was doing some doodles for this au and I had the idea of Yuebei getting a staff of her own from her parents and I wanted it to have something to do with LBD's skull, but I couldn't make the design work. so I actually had the idea of her having her staff and wearing the front of LBD's skull like a mask. she legit wearing the skeletal face of her first kill, creepy, stylish, and effective at scaring off her enemies.]
Oh that sounds so cool!!! Her divine skull weapon being a mask made from the skull of her first kill that she uses to channel her deadly power - like turning the Medusa's head into a shield. Her staff being a gift from her parents that has no inate magic ability beyond the fact that she puts her trust in it as her first "real" weapon.
I can imagine she uses a glamour/quick magic to put the skull/mask on (like Dr Facillier in "Friends on the Other Side") as a way of saying "You're f*cked" to her opponents.
I'm excited to see how your drawings go!
[-the two monkeys are basically the only ones not panicking at this point, them and Guanyin once they're on the scene.]
Wukong and Macaque are def panicking, though its more an excited kind of panicking. Nezha and MK are def screaming. Guanyin is the only one with a cool head the entire time.
Pigsy is good at pretending he isn't worried, but he ends up tearing apart the campsight's kitchen in a hurry to make enough food for everyone. Especially when DBK and PIF realise what's happening, and are posted incase Wukong's baby causes as much trouble for him as Red did to them.
[I like to think that she wouldn't have his six sensitive ears because she didn't actually have the genetics for it, but her appearance could still be pushed so her ears do still glow a little.
even if their aren't six ears, the instant Macaque sees her ears glowing he would not be able to stop himself from squealing with joy and practically side tackling Wukong as he is incoherently babbling about how much he loves her.]
Oh gosh, Mac and Wukong just see Yuebei for the first time. She's still kinda gross, having *just* busted out of her thin ambiotic shell. Her fur dark... And her little ears glowing?! Both monkey parents are sobbing, especially when they learn that Yuebei was unconciously trying her best to look like Macaque's baby with the limited genetics available. Wukong has multiple centuries of love to dish out, and Macaque is catching up fast.
[he def let Guanyin know before hand so that if things did go wrong they'd know the tapes/letters were there to give to his infant.]
Guanyin has a secret stash in the Southern Ocean of all the letters and tapes (and even some drawings of what she might have looked like) Wukong ever made for Yuebei, in case he wasn't able to give them to her in person. Yuebei ends up finding them when she's a moody teenager, mad at her baba for something stupid.
Pre-series; In absense of any other godparent... I bet Wukong would have trusted Yuebei with Guanyin if possible. The goddess would have gladly taken the infant had Wukong not survived the birth, though it would pain her for many centuries to come.
[but to make a good thing angsty, what if she also has "bad noises" that she associates with certain things...] + [...and what if she also isn't that trusting of macaque at first because she also only ever "heard" him when he was in the process of trying to hurt her baba and his friends] + [...luckily yuebei seems to warm up to him quickly when she sees him and Wukong being cuddly and reconciling.]
ooohhhh :(
Wukong walks in after letting Mac take care of Yuebei while he was out, only to come back to see both of them crying. Yuebei is doing this sort of furious wailing while Mac just looks defeated.
Macaque: "She hates me!!" Wukong, picks up Yuebei: "No she doesn't plum. She cries at eveything." Yuebei: *calms down at sound of Wukong's voice* Macaque: "No! She started crying when I tried talking to her! And when I tried soothing her it just got worse and worse and-!!" (*Wukong places a soft hand on Mac's cheek, quieting him*) Wukong: "She'll warm up to you. Just be patient." Macaque: *leans into Wukong's hand, still crying." Yuebei: *looks confused before slapping a fat little hand on Mac's face in mimicry of her baba. chirping with delight* Macaque: :')
Once the relationship between Wukong and Mac improves, so does the baby's reaction to Mac's voice (symbolism). She finally starts to associate the "bad" voice with her bama, and soon it's not a "bad voice" anymore. Though there probably is a weird bridge-point where Mac has to put on silly accents/voices when he baby-talks to Yuebei or else she'll get mad at him.
[c'mon Azure, if you're gonna hold a super strong baby that already doesn't like you the least you can do is try and keep her happy and preoccupied. he's got no one but himself to blame]
I can just imagine Azure is too preoccupied with his plans for the Celestial Realm (and plans for Wukong), and fails to notice Yuebei getting more and more fussy as he holds her (poorly). Her face contorts like she's constipated and slowly gets redder and redder with anger.
Yellowtusk immediately notices and warns Azure to let the cub down so she can at least crawl and inspect her new surroundings. Peng laughs at the thought of letting "the hatchling" decide the terms of her imprisonment.
Then Peng feels a tiny, but powerful, hand grab their wing feathers...
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Yellowtusk leaves before the carnage reaches him.
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centuryberry · 7 days
I left this question on QOTM in the comments on AO3, I left it in Chapter 1, but I didn't really thought much about it. What if there's an AU where Yue was abandoned as a (sorta) newborn on FFM? Like, either her father, out of jealousy, decided to leave her there, or acting on her mother's wishes to protect Yue, Shanzha breaks through the wards, leaves Yue in a basket and runs off before she was caught. How would that work?
Who will be the one to find her? One of the Generals? A soldier? Wukong himself? And if someone does find her, perhaps they find a note by Yue's mother asking for Yue to be cared for, while also saying that her father's clan will most likely be cruel to her? If a soldier or one of the Generals find her and bring her to Wukong (and possibly Macaque?), how would Wukong react to baby!Yue? What about Macaque? Would they adopt her?
Who knows, but I'll admit that I'm especially curious how would the Brotherhood would react, especially DBK, PIF and Red Son when she's slightly older. Speaking of, how different would Yue be like if she was raised by Wukong on FFM?
Oh wow, I must've missed this one! Well, it's a good thing I'll answer this here!
(More below)
So, I can't imagine a likely scenario where Shanzha just up and leaves Yue at FFM's doorstep. Come over there with Yue? Yes. Leave her there and go back to LoES? Very not likely. Also, Yishen would've rather dropped Yue off a cliff instead of going through the effort of safely leaving her at an island paradise.
The best scenario I can come up with would be Sangshen, knowing that she didn't have much time left in the world and not trusting the Zodiac Clan at all, taking the initiative to send Yue away somewhere safe with the help of some artifact. Maybe some one-way transportation circle type thing. Either way, baby Yue ends up on FFM's figurative doorstep with a blanket, a milk bottle, and a note.
It's Beng who finds her. As he is in charge of patrolling the kingdom's borders and being a father himself, he was able to recognize the faint cries of a baby monkey even as the sounds of the forest almost completely drowned out her voice.
Yue's six ears almost immediately gain the General's attention and she's brought over to Macaque. Everyone by that point is convinced that Yue is his. While insistent that he's NOT the father, he still takes her as his own and accepts single fatherhood.
(Lol not on Wukong's watch.)
Wukong is super curious and definitely not-at all jealous about Macaque procreating without him involved, so he comes to meet the baby.
It's love at first sight. Baby Yue is so, so cute. Her little nose scrunches up so adorably. Everything comes out of her mouth in chirps and squeaks. Her ears were darling. And she looks so much like Macaque! Wukong eagerly helps out with child-rearing (since he's such a good friend) and unofficially takes the role of another father. They're both so disgustingly domestic.
All of FFM would hear about Yue's achievements and everything she did would be hot news. She grabbed Wukong's finger! She ate her solid foods for the first time! She's babbling! She's crawling! She's-
You get the point. Wukong even commissioned artists to make multiple paintings of her.
The Brotherhood would be far less antagonistic and threatening in this scenario though Azure would be salty as hell to see Shadowpeach live the domestic dream without actually being married. Yellowtusk would congratulate the new parents and look to Yue very fondly. Peng would be ambivalent.
The Demon Bull Family would react very differently. DBK would cry and hold bb!Yue so tenderly. She's so tiny! And PIF would spoil her with all the baby toys and clothes. Red Son would think she's pretty useless and boring at first but that changes as she grows.
Yue in this scenario would still grow up to be endlessly curious and super responsible, but she's also less tense and paranoid. She's a bit cheeky too. She would be so loved and so happy.
(Shanzha and RinRin would come to FFM for sanctuary one day but that would be another story...)
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
I love reading your tags- especially when theres just even MORE info dumping there.
The least favorite character ask made me giggle a bit, "This character that appeared for a single episode is actually pretty cool. And this character is really awesome in this particular context. But ALSO I really like this character with very little actual screentime."
You‘re absolutely right though! Characters whose only purpose is to fill a particular role are chosen really well too! Like the Host Girl; sure, she doesn’t really have a personality or anything, but she doesn’t NEED to have one. As you said, she‘s collateral damage. She gives us more insight to Wukong, she shows us just how ruthless he can be. He‘s willing to kill the epitome of innocence: A child. A defenseless little girl with a cutesy voice, who was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
(It‘s also worth a mention that, contrary to Wukong, she revealed a softer side of Macaque. Not to the extent the fandom built it up, but in an arguably more meaningful way. He‘s worried/feels bad for a total stranger. Even if it was only a concerned look, she once again gave us a deeper insight to a member of the main cast.)
And the characters with less focus either have really genuine interactions (Yellow Tusk with Azure) that just endear you to them, or they drop a banger line (like the Jade Emperor) before their purpose is fulfilled.
Nothing wrong with being a plot device if it‘s done well!
This wasn‘t really much of an ask rather than me rambling. Sorry.
I welcome rambles in my ask box! Half of you that show up in my ask box could just write your own analysis posts.
And you're also totally right! There isn't anything wrong with characters that are there just to function as plot devices. Sometimes a child is there just to be a child, and that's all they need to be. I think I feel this way about Megapolis (a name for the city that hasn't even been mentioned in show). Like it's a city filled with innocent people, it's MK & the Gang's home, and that's all it kinda needs to be tbh. LMK has to be extremely tight with what it chooses to focus on because of time constraints, and it does that well. When it comes down to it, focusing on the characters/plot is more important than focusing on the setting (which I think debatably wouldn't contribute much anyways—like we don't need more of a reason to care about the city, you know?).
I have this same opinion when it comes to the Demon Bull Family, which may be an unpopular take, but the truth is that a lot of their development happened off-screen. After ROTSQ and until we see them again in 3x06, it's clear that there have been positive changes between Red Son and his parents. I think I've seen some folk want Red Son to cut off his parents entirely, but that kinda goes against the core of his character. Part of Red Son's appeal for me is his complete devotion to his family despite their flaws (saving them in ROTSQ and EYD, attempting to save them in 4x09). Red Son and Princess Iron Fan only ever wanted world domination because that's what DBK wanted, and after that failed—they gave up. They hit the bricks. Red Son then started a food business with his dad (jealous of MK and Pigsy's noodle shop mayhaps?), and I think it's telling that DBK would even agree to do that to begin with. DBK and PIF's disregard of Red Son may not be acknowledged in the way people want, and I get that, but it's not that it didn't happen. I'd say there's another jump in their development between the end of 3x14 and the beginning of 4x09, where the fact that DBK calls out for Red Son as he gets taken away shows a closeness between them that we hadn't seen before. It's also clear that DBK has grown past the person who only wanted to create the world in his own image, chastising Azure Lion:
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Demon Bull King: "How many times must you be struck down chasing this same foolish dream?"
(4x09 Roast of the Monkie Kids)
(Plus "This pursuit of yours has warped your mind brother—it is the only reason I could imagine that you would have the nerve to assault my home and harm my family!" echoing PIF in 1x10 "Come to your senses, this power has poisoned your mind!"; Azure unreasonably considers DBK a traitor like DBK had unreasonably considered Red Son a traitor, etc.)
DBK, unlike plenty of other antagonists in LMK (Spider Queen, LBD, and Azure specifically), learned to stop and accept the world as it was. He failed as a conqueror, but he still had his family, and he could try and not fail as a father for his "half-baked son"—or that's how I interpret DBK anyhow.
((I also want to bring up the fact that DBK didn't dare use the Samadhi Fire ring he had to power himself up with Red Son's furnace in AHIB. Like, even the Mr. Bull King has some restraint—there are prices too great to pay for the world, hence why he gave up on world domination after 1x10, when he almost killed his wife and son.))
To me it makes the Demon Bull Family feel like characters that exist outside of MK & the Gang, and can grow/change even when they're not on screen with our main characters, and I think that's cool. We also legitimately didn't have time for anything else.
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digitaldoeslmk · 8 months
Hi hi, i wonder if red son's parents (DBK and PIF) are gonna stop thying to conquer the world and mayyyybe try to pass more time with red son as family? maybe something happening to red son that made them go for him to assure he is safe or maybe they realized that, after all the time it happened, isn't it better try to fix their relationship with their son? or no hope for that? Also, how is the relationship between MK, Mei, Nesha and Red son?
well..... eventually, but it will take time. they have plenty of reason to hold on to their stubbornness and not change, but it's thanks to MK and the gang that they see how much they are hurting Red Son and by extension themselves with refusing to just, learn to let go and start over.
by the S1 finale, Red Son has a very emotional moment when his father is rescued, which is the first step for DBK and PIF to realize just how far things have gone. by S3 they help the gang to gather allies and support to face LBD and Macaque, and once that's done, they've pretty much resigned to just taking care of their own mountain home and renounce attempts to undermine Wukong's truce.
they are still hardasses and not as emotionally vulnerable as the rest of the gang, but tbh Red Son wouldn't want them to be. He just wants his parents' affection and care, just as they are, and that much they can do. At the end of the day, they are a family who love each other deeply; canonically PIF was ready to fight Wukong to the death in revenge for taking Red Son from her, same for DBK! they wouldn't do that if Red Son was disposable to them.
As for the group!! Red Son is an incredibly chill and direct guy; centuries of cultivating the dharma does that to ya xD he has his moments of flared temper and impatience, and he definitely is a bit dramatic, but nothing like we see in the show. overall him, MK and Mei get along quite well, the two energetic gremlins making him climb up the walls but affectionately xD
Nezha is technically Red Son's brother by bond; Muzha is also Guanyin's disciple of an older generation (by JTTW timeline), who is Nezha's second brother. they've met and interacted plenty of times in the celestial realm, and whenever Nezha had duties in the mortal realm, he often found the time to visit Red Son. Nezha cares about him since he knows he has a tendency to overstretch himself, but overall Nezha is still a hellraiser of a deity; if he can get along with MK and Mei at all, it's because Nezha primed him for a lot of bullshit lmao
Nezha, Mei and MK get along like a house on fire. Nezha knows them by name before the whole Monkie Kid business cus they prayed and left offerings to him so often, begging him to grant them some rare items on loot boxes and gacha games. so getting to know the two in the flesh is an amusing experience! Mei particularly prayed to Nezha for safety on her races and motorcycle joyrides, and they talk wheels a lot.
Nezha and Red Son are still celestial agents, and they can wear the serious face when they have to, but MK and Mei get to see that these two are pretty down-to-earth guys for deities.
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icy-watch · 2 months
So Spider Queen and her new bestie are planning something with the furnace. I'm going to have to sit down and research that a little bit (aka rewatch OSP's episodes and try to remember more about it) to try and figure out what they're gonna do with it.
Whatever it is, it won't be good. Like, world ending won't be good.
MK is becoming more and more like Sun Wukong as the series progresses. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.
There's also something more going on there, but I don't think I've found the right threads for that plot quite yet.
Red Son is def joining Team Monkie soon. I feel it in my bones.
Speaking of Red Son, she is definitely realizing just how much his dad loves them. This special really drove that in. I'm predicting that they will hug 1 time before the end of s2. And it is bc Red Son did something stupid to protect someone. And DBK was very worried.
I'm also wondering where PIF was thru all of this. A big part of me was just saying that she was smart and hiding away somewhere safe. But another part of me? I'm thinking our friend possessing Bai He managed to capture her.
But it's a small part that I'm not sure of quite yet.
Alright, 2 episodes tomorrow. As well as me responding to comments and replies from the last few days. Until then!
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criolla-star · 3 months
A Fiery Lovestory(Red Son x Mk)(part 1)
(hell i know very well i shouldn't be making a whole new story but im obsessed with this ship and can't stop thinking about it, sooo here's a spicynoodles fanfic also this is lego Monkie Kid not ninjago before anyone gets confused and Macaque and Red Son are friends and his parents are shit this is for the sake of the story i don't hate Pif and DBK Red son did not become a hero and doesn't know he created the Samadhi fire and yes Macaque does call Red Son kid even though he's over 500 and Mk is 19 and yes they did defeat LBD but dont know Red Son created the fire except Wukong and the others who was there when extracting the fire )
"C'mon kid why don't you just leave them they're shit to you either way" Macaque said to his fiery friend who was sitting on his bed, "and make myself seem like the laughing stock to those peasants? Fuck no" Red Son replied Macaque let out a sigh before sitting next to him, "listen kid...I know a thing or two about being around shitty crowds and sometimes it doesn't matter how much you embarrass yourself it's better to just leave" the monkey demon said, Red Son stared up at him, "That's not it, I just need to prove my worth to my parents, I'm barely worth being known as the son of the Great DBK if I can't prove myself and that's what i'm going to so" Red Son replied, blind to the consequences of his actions, he stood up and left leaving Macaque, "Poor kid..." he whispered to himself before slipping away into the shadows most likely following him.
(With Mk and his friends)"Mk when you're done with your deliveries we should go to the arcade" Mei said out joyfully staring at her friend, "Oooo can i come???" Wukong asked curiously, Mk stared at his mentor, "Sure! But you're gonna need to hide that tail" Mk replied as he continued packing orders in the truck which Wukong gave him a thumbs up. "Hurry up Mk! We don't got forever you better get all these orders otherwise you're fired!!!"Pigsy shouted from inside even though this was like the thousandth time he said he would've fired Mk. "Ok ok, see ya"Mk said packing this last order in and jumping into the van and driving off.
Mk put some music on and continued to drive around giving people their orders, "Today's surprisingly peaceful, no spiders, no bone demons, no DBK- ohHHH Shit!!" Mk shouted as the truck was suddenly lifted into the air by..... you guessed it DBK, "Ah shit i jinxed it...."Mk said before grabbing his staff and holding it closely. Suddenly the door to the van was opened by DBK. "Hand over the staff i've given enough chances and this is your last warning"DBK said angrily, Mk stared up at him, "Haha...nooo...?" Mk said out awkwardly. DBK let out a growl before throwing the van into a building. "whoaAAA-"Mk said before jumping out and transforming into a bird and flying away. "Honestly i love how worked up you get when you try to steal the staff from me"He laughed out teasing DBK, suddenly he roared and a blue beam emitted from his mouth due to his short temper.
(meanwhile with Wukong and the others) Red Son appeared at the front of the store, "Come out here and fight me you peasants!!!" Red Son shouted out angrily he waited for his father to appear and had to keep these idiots busy while he delt with Noodle Boy. The group came out of the noodle shop. "Oh would you look at that, DBK sent you to deal with us "Wukong teased, "Yea Red Boy!" Mei added causing Red Son to growl, "For the last time it's Red Son!!"The prince exclaimed as his hair lit on fire due to his outburst "Mei ,Sandy, Pigsy and Tang you all go and help anyone you can find" Wukong said Mei stared at him with a bit of doubt not realising the others left but when she was about to go, "Uh Uh uh~ You're not going anywhere" Red Son said out in a sing songy voice as he surrounded the three of them with a ring of fire stopping Mei from leaving. "Alright then !We can both beat you in our sleep "Mei laughed out.
(With Mk)"Honestly i've seen toddlers more aggressive than you and hell they probably could've been able to beat me which means you are weak!"Mk teased sending DBK into another rage fit at this point Mk was just playing with him at this point, he heard a whoosh and saw fire in the sky, "oh no...my friends..."Mk whispered realising that the fire was right in front of Pigsys' noodle shop. Mk suddenly had a mood switch and took this seriously and he began beating DBK easily eventually he had to retreat with the help of his wife. The moment he left he sped towards his friends.
(With Wukong and Mei) Mei had Red Son on the ground with her sword at his neck, "You might as well give up now your not gonna win against me and i doubt you could last 5minutes if Monkey King was actually trying"Mei said. Red Son stared at her before using his free hand to burn heat up the swords handle. "Oh shit!Hot hot hot!!!' Mei said before throwing her sword to the side and clutching her right hand and Wukong coming over to her, "I'll have you know that i'm no idiot and I don't fall for simple tricks such as that" Red Son hissed before standing up. Suddenly the fire surrounding them was put out and Mk swooped down. "Mei you okay?"He asked his best friend as he kept eye contact with Red Son. "Y-yea! just a lil burnt on the hands that's all"She responded. "It's kinda ironic how your father always leaves you here when he retreats"Mk said earning a growl from Red Son. Mk jumped at Red Son grabbing him by the throat and pushing him against the ground, Wukong went up to Mk, "DBK was here?"the mentor asked which Mk responded with a nod, keeping his eyes on Red Son, the poor prince was beaten up badly he had a brusie on his cheek, his nose was bleeding he was covered in cuts and his clothes were ripped and he ooked like he was gonna pass out. "Listen Red Son, we'll make an offer you try changing your ways or your father or you could refuse and it could all end right now"Mk said out annoyingly.
"I'm afraid to tell you but your offer is declined"a familiar voice said suddenly Macaque jumped out of Red Sons' shadow punching Mk away. "Macaque!?" Wukong hissed before catching Mk before he could hit something. "You good kid?"Macaque asked helping Red Son get up, Red son simply nodded, "I'd love to stay here and take this dance with you Wukong but i've got someone to help"Macaque said noticing how beat up his friend looked, before retreating back into the shadows with Red Son.
Tang, Sandy and Pigsy came back, "W-we helped everyone we could find"Tang said, 'Did everything go alright here?"Pigsy asked earning a nod from Mei, Wukong and Mk were both confused as to when Macaque wad affiliated with Red Son, "MK you alright?"Pigsy asked, earning a nod from Mk, "Well... we should go inside and you guys can tell us what happened"Sandy said as everyone agreed before going inside.
The group went inside and Pigsy made some noodle for everyone saying it was on the house. Tang applied some aloe vera cream to Meis' hand as her hand was slightly burned. Mei began explaining what happened while Mk and Wukong were sitting there confused and annoyed. "So you're telling us that fucking Macaque is friends with the demon bull prince!"Pigsy said out annoyingly Mei nodded being stuffing her mouth with noodles, "Pigsy language"Tang said. Mk got up before going up to his apartment he changed and lied down on his bed before drifting off to sleep. who knows what other adventures await......
(Well that's part 1 hope you enjoy and god damn is this long also Mk is bisexual while Red Son is gay and the noodle shop is right below Mks' apartment which has two bedrooms so basically they're both connected please excuse and spelling mistakes i wrote this in 20minutes)
(EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: The samadhi fire Mei holds isn't as strong as the original and basically is just a much downgraded version of the original remember this)
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lmk-aus-galore · 5 months
Something to tell fans.
LMK is not gonna follow JTTW to a script.
If it did then the show would be rated 18+ instead.
It’s a cartoon directed for kids and considering China’s very STRICT cartoon censorship which BANNED bloody, vulgar and violent cartoons from being aired, meaning you need to take creative liberties in order to sustain the cartoon you’re making.
Especially since LMK is being broadcasted in CHINA first. (Since it is a sort of adaptation/fanfiction of the original legend)
I’ve seen people get SO mad at Macaque’s inaccuracy and shit, but what about, Wukong, Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie, Tang Sanzang, Ao Lie, Red Son, DBK, Princess Iron Fan and a bunch of different villains that aren’t completely accurate to the original?
Wukong was a murderer.
Sha Wujing ate Tripitaka’s last Nine Lives yet is still friendly with them.
Zhu Bajie was more than a flirt, he was straight up a pervert.
Tang Sanzang was a pathetic human whose only character development was him not falling off his horse every 3 seconds and a pathetic human who always got kidnapped that at this point the a fly could kidnap him.
Ao Lie was…not really a very impactful character since he doesn’t do much in the story?
Red Son was an adult when he met Wukong, not a child and he kidnapped Tripitaka so that he and DBK would eat him.
I don’t know if OSP is right, but apparently DBK and Iron Fan are divorced. And PIF was a more redeemable character.
DBK loves Red Son to the point he always remembered when his birthday was.
LBD wasn’t powerful as shit and she sure as hell didn’t have a henchman.
And The Camel Ridge Trio weren’t even sworn brothers with Wukong, the only one accurate was DBK. Macaque also wasn’t a sworn brother, that was a theory made by someone else years after the book was published.
And with the Camel Ridge Trio, Azure wasn’t the leader, it was Peng.
Obviously the show’s inaccurate to the original, what the hell did you expect with Macaque?!
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
(resending because it looks like some of my asks got deleted)
[Im uber excited to read more your fic btw!]
I'm glad that you're excited for the fic! I'm going to split up the story arcs into their own fics and turn it into a series! book 1 will feature Wukong's journey and following isolation up to a hero is born.
[...Peach chips at least dont seem to trigger the worst of his food adversion though, the crunchy chip texture seems to cancel it out.]
at least he can still get the flavor through the chips
[...So the idea that MK potientially remembers Wukong from this time is a huge shock to him.] + [MK, clueless: "Umm... their hair was a warm orange-y color. Like the sun. And I think their eyes was this really shiny yellow, or maybe amber colour? Oh! And they had this round stomach - I remember hugging it..." *gets kinda wistful* "I don't know why I'm not with them anymore, but hope they're doing ok if they're still out there."]
upon learning that MK kinda remembers him Wukong def feels guilty about not being able to raise himself, especially with the fact that MK doesn't hold anything against his "birth mother" for giving him up.
but then MK being a monkey comes out of the bag in s4 and MK and Wukong actually get to talk about it. it's a very emotional conversation, with Wukong having come to terms while in the scroll about all of his reasons for not being able to raise MK, and MK just being the sweetest most understanding boy ever, even if he wishes he could have known sooner. they come out of that conversation stronger.
what if after MK learned he was a monkey when he and Macaque go into the scroll to get Wukong they stumble upon a memory of a tiny baby monkey that looks like his monkey form cuddling into Wukong's stomach like MK remembers doing with his "birth mom" and that's how he realizes that Wukong was the person he thought was his mom. when he faced the scroll's curse he got flashes of his life before the noodle shop, but nothing that revealed anything about his birth mom except the small flash of Nuwa, so the sudden, proper reveal still takes him by surprise. he also stumbles upon the memory of Wukong crying as he makes the decision to and give away MK.
[Wukong def was hit hard by Ao Lie's passing. It pains him to give the godparent title to anyone else...]
In a way, giving the title to anyone else probably feels like the final straw of admitting that Ao Lie really is truly gone. but admitting that finally means learning to let go, allowing Wukong to grow and heal from his grief which in turn will lead to him isolating himself less. character development ya'know, and in the end he probably feels like moving on is one of the best things to honor his late brother's memory, Ao Lie would want him to move on and find joy in what he has now.
[...PIF just looks over at Red Son, alive and healthy, and just hugs Wukong the next time she sees him.]
Wukong is def very confused when he and DBK go to tell PIF that they have a plan to stop the bone demon but it involves giving the fire back to Red Son, and before he can even say hi she has him in a bear hug. he isn't used to this, he is very confused.
[And when Yuebei is born having "imprinted" on Wukong's yearning/love for Macaque...] + [Both monkey parents are sobbing, especially when they learn that Yuebei was unconciously trying her best to look like Macaque's baby with the limited genetics available. Wukong has multiple centuries of love to dish out, and Macaque is catching up fast.]
Macaque, as happy as he is that she looks enough like him that he can pass as the baby-daddy, def feels a bit guilty upon learning that the only reason that is is because of how how much Wukong missed him after he left. he loves being a parent to Yuebei, but as much as he loves people assuming that she is his their likeness also serves as a reminder that he wasn't there.
he has a lot of time to make up for, and he plans on getting right on that.
[PIF: *seeing the baby's dark fur and glowing ears* PIF (whispering so not to wake the baby): "I fcking knew it." Macaque: *is too tired/proud to argue with her* "Yeaaah..." :')]
Macaque is honestly just happy he's allowed to be involved in baby's life.
[Red has no idea what to do in response to all this baby talk, so he just; tries to apologise to SWK for setting him on fire a bunch as a toddler??] + [Mei, PIF and Jiuweihuli get talking and soon Wukong is looking at a baby shower akin to a red carpet event.]
hey, it was a delicious cake. though Wukong is pretty sure cakes aren't supposed to be spicy.
the attention Mei and the older ladies are giving him over the pregnancy is honestly a little overwhelming at times due to how unexpected it is. especially from PIF and Macaque's adopted mom figure, he'd thought the two of them would be far more mad about mac dying then anything else. he does apologizes to Jiuweihuli about bonking her over the head that one time when he was hormonal and stressed when they get a proper chance to talk.
[You'd honestly be more afraid of that baby.]
if the infamous "god killer" is set to show up and then you learn that the god killer is the child of the Sun Wukong, menace to the heavens, and earned her title before she was even out if the womb, that is terrifying. imagine what she'll be like when she gets older and starts combat training.
[like turning the Medusa's head into a shield.] +[Her staff being a gift from her parents that has no inate magic ability beyond the fact that she puts her trust in it as her first "real" weapon.] + [I can imagine she uses a glamour/quick magic to put the skull/mask on (like Dr Facillier in "Friends on the Other Side") as a way of saying "You're f*cked" to her opponents.]
the medusa comparison is awesome and on point!
I love idea she puts so much trust she puts into the staff because it was her first proper weapon. I feel she also puts a lot of trust into it because it's from her parents.
I love the Dr. Facillier comparison, I was thinking of her swishing her mask on like a miraculous lady bug transformation.
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[I'm excited to see how your drawings go!]
I'll be sure to share soon!
[Wukong and Macaque are def panicking, though its more an excited kind of panicking. Nezha and MK are def screaming. Guanyin is the only one with a cool head the entire time.] + [Pigsy is good at pretending he isn't worried, but he ends up tearing apart the campsight's kitchen in a hurry to make enough food for everyone.]
everyone is panicking, just to different lengths. Wukong for his own sake is trying to keep his excitement to a manageable level, Macaque is notably not, portaling warm blankets and pillows and water and towels to the campsite or wherever the end up settling for Wukong's labor to play out (i like to think Guanyin takes everyone to the south sea). Mei and MK are shaking each other and screaming while Red Son tries to calm them down, Ne Zha is running around doing everything Guanyin asks of him to keep himself distanced from hyperventilating. Tang is torn between trying not to be sick and writing about what's going on, Pigsy is already tearing apart the kitchen, and Sandy is politely calling the Demon Bull parents to let them know where they are, that they're all safe, and that the baby is on the way! while keeping LBD's host preoccupied.
[Especially when DBK and PIF realise what's happening, and are posted incase Wukong's baby causes as much trouble for him as Red did to them.]
the bull family are on their way the second they hear about what's going on. they aren't missing the birth for anything, and they wanna be there for their family. also they need to check in on Red Son
[Guanyin has a secret stash in the Southern Ocean of all the letters and tapes (and even some drawings of what she might have looked like) Wukong ever made for Yuebei, in case he wasn't able to give them to her in person. Yuebei ends up finding them when she's a moody teenager, mad at her baba for something stupid.]
Guanyin is there to go through all them with her, Yuebei is amazed at much her baba loved her well before she was ever born, even if it becomes a little bittersweet after she learns that he could have died for her to be born and was willing to go through with the pregnancy anyway, for the sake of the baby he loved so much he may have never been able to meet. when she goes home she gives her baba a big hug. Yuebei: *walks into to the house* BABA Wukong: *not expecting her back so soon* oh! Yuebei, are you okay, I'm sorry about the fight earlier I was- Yuebei: *tackles him into a hug, muffled talking with her face buried in her Baba's chest* m'sorry, I love you. Wukong: *a little surprised but happy* love you too little one ps: what do you think Wukong would use as an affectionate nickname for Yuebei in this au? also, at what point do you think her name was decided on.
[Pre-series; In absense of any other godparent... I bet Wukong would have trusted Yuebei with Guanyin if possible. The goddess would have gladly taken the infant had Wukong not survived the birth, though it would pain her for many centuries to come.]
they absolutely would, even if looking at Yuebei would always be bittersweet long after it stopped actually hurting whenever she saw Wukong in her. I feel like in the event she was left in Guanyn's care, Guanyin wouldn't hide her parentage, and the first time Yuebei asks about details at like 10yo or something and they spend the next few hours going through the things Wukong left for her (except for anything specifically for certain dates/milestones).
[Once the relationship between Wukong and Mac improves, so does the baby's reaction to Mac's voice (symbolism). She finally starts to associate the "bad" voice with her bama, and soon it's not a "bad voice" anymore. Though there probably is a weird bridge-point where Mac has to put on silly accents/voices when he baby-talks to Yuebei or else she'll get mad at him.]
Macaque def cries at every big relationship milestone between him and Yuebei (and him and Wukong, seeing how much Wukong has changed for the better makes him very hopeful they could have the life they promised each other, but seeing how much Wukong has also been hurting he is very grateful he has the oppurtunity to make things better. ultimately, he is very grateful he made the decision to stay and not squander the chance). but there's def a period of time in there where anytime Macaque and Wukong get in a fight (because healing and reconciliation isn't linear) it sets his relationship with Yuebei back a couple squares.
I always thought that Macaque having six sensitive ears and being a theater performer would make him a killer at vocals, and he can change his voice pretty much at will to something completely random, someone else's voice if he hears them, or mimic the sounds of animals and/or other non-living objects that produce sounds. so he would absolutely nail and accents and voices he needs to do to keep Yuebei appeased. he probably at some point mimics Wukong's voice in order to calm her down, because out of all her "good sounds" her baba's is the most "safe".
[Yellowtusk immediately notices and warns Azure to let the cub down so she can at least crawl and inspect her new surroundings. Peng laughs at the thought of letting "the hatchling" decide the terms of her imprisonment.] + [Then Peng feels a tiny, but powerful, hand grab their wing feathers...] + [Yellowtusk leaves before the carnage reaches him.]
the brotherhood assumes Yuebei is also Macaque's kid like everyone else, and because of this Peng def is not above teasing the already fussy infant monkey. Yellowtusk is looking at his brothers either ignore or "torment" the infant of at least one if not two of their other sworn brothers. he realizes in that moment that the other two aren't who he thought they were, or at the very least they aren't anymore, but most importantly they aren't the type of people he wants to be involved with. the change of heart leads him to not feeling to bad when leaving his brothers to their fate when Yuebei has enough for the sake of his own safety.
(dont worry you asks didnt get deleted, Im just very lazy/bust with college)
referencing this previous Slow boiled au post.
[I'm glad that you're excited for the fic! I'm going to split up the story arcs into their own fics and turn it into a series! book 1 will feature Wukong's journey and following isolation up to a hero is born.]
I wait with bated subscribe button.
[upon learning that MK kinda remembers him Wukong def feels guilty about not being able to raise himself, especially with the fact that MK doesn't hold anything against his "birth mother" for giving him up. but then MK being a monkey comes out of the bag in s4 and MK and Wukong actually get to talk about it. it's a very emotional conversation, with Wukong having come to terms while in the scroll about all of his reasons for not being able to raise MK, and MK just being the sweetest most understanding boy ever, even if he wishes he could have known sooner. they come out of that conversation stronger. what if after MK learned he was a monkey when he and Macaque go into the scroll to get Wukong they stumble upon a memory of a tiny baby monkey that looks like his monkey form cuddling into Wukong's stomach like MK remembers doing with his "birth mom" and that's how he realizes that Wukong was the person he thought was his mom. when he faced the scroll's curse he got flashes of his life before the noodle shop, but nothing that revealed anything about his birth mom except the small flash of Nuwa, so the sudden, proper reveal still takes him by surprise. he also stumbles upon the memory of Wukong crying as he makes the decision to and give away MK.]
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Wukong doesn't want to tell MK the truth cus he think's he'll hate him for having to give him up.
When MK and Mac see the memory of a baby monkey demon hugging (a much more sad-looking) Wukong's stomach, the memories all come flooding back to MK about who he thought was his "birth mother" . Even though he knows the Monkey King isn't really his birth parent (glaring at Nuwa), he knew that the choice to raise MK fell on his heavy shoulders. Even if MK is a *little* upset when he finds out via S4 Memory Scroll-ing with Macaque that he's a monkey demon, MK understands that the Monkey King was simply unable to care for him while he lacked a support system. Wukong wanted MK to have a "normal" childhood that he was denied, and that simply wasn't possible on FFM at the time.
Ultimately MK is glad that Wukong had the good judgement to leave MK with Pigsy all those years ago, no matter how much it hurt.
They find the memory of Wukong standing outside in the city streets, affixing a strong glamour spell to the baby's head, and sobbing as he forces himself to stop holding them long enough to disappear and make a noise that alerts the pig chef inside the shop. It's very Meet the Robinson's esque.
The first thing MK does when he reunites with Wukong, is hug him tight and say "I never blamed you." Wukong is confused until the realisation that MK was in his memories kicks in, and he starts sobbing too.
[In a way, giving the title to anyone else probably feels like the final straw of admitting that Ao Lie really is truly gone. but admitting that finally means learning to let go, allowing Wukong to grow and heal from his grief which in turn will lead to him isolating himself less. character development ya'know,]
Yeah, even if the decision to give DBK the title of "Godfather" was pretty rash in the moment, Wukong eventually hits a point where him and DBK end up having a talk about the monkey's "late younger brother" when Wukong hesistate to make it official.
DBK is understanding of why Wukong finds it hard to move on from Ao Lie's passing. He wouldn't know what he would have done if he'd lost his Xiandi all those centuries ago. DBK is patient enough to let his little bro come to terms with this emotional hurdle. He just wished he had more time to know this odd, horse-like dragon that Wukong adored as a brother.
The convo probably happens at the same time they decide to give Red Son back the Samadhi Fire + PIF giving Wukong's an unexpected hug.
[Macaque, as happy as he is that she looks enough like him that he can pass as the baby-daddy, def feels a bit guilty upon learning that the only reason that is is because of how how much Wukong missed him after he left. he loves being a parent to Yuebei, but as much as he loves people assuming that she is his their likeness also serves as a reminder that he wasn't there. he has a lot of time to make up for, and he plans on getting right on that.]
OH you better believe post S3 Macaque is running up that Dad hill full sprint to be there for Yuebei. Even if him and Wukong take a while to confront their issues, and have a fight or two, Mac ultimately wants to BE THERE for the King who missed him so much, and the cub that changed it's appearance to reflect that.
S4 is Macaque busting on through, resolving any petty fights him and Wukong had in the past, saving his mate and cub, and developing a fatherly attitude towards MK. This is THEIR happy ending, and Mac's not gonna let Azure take that away from them.
Fun fact; since Stone Eggs are able to "steal" the Dao of others, it ws common in Stone Monkey days for widowed monkeys to start the egg-making process while buried next to their mate in hopes that both of their traits lived on in the baby. It's influenced a lot by yearning/want of the parent for their mate (the supernatural "other parent").
[the attention Mei and the older ladies are giving him over the pregnancy is honestly a little overwhelming at times due to how unexpected it is. especially from PIF and Macaque's adopted mom figure, he'd thought the two of them would be far more mad about mac dying then anything else.]
Wukong is def confused but amused by how much PIF and Jiuweihuli are adoring of him, but are shooting Mac the stinkeye. PIF has already declared herself the baby's Godmother in partnership with her husband's title, and Jiuweihuli is treating the situation as if she's expecting a grandchild. Even when Wukong explains that Mac only "started the process", that doesn't deter the demonesses.
Wukong is ofc overwhelmed by the positive attention, and scurries away for a break once the womens' backs are turned. Red Son offering him a confused, but tasty spiced cake is like a breath of fresh air.
[if the infamous "god killer" is set to show up and then you learn that the god killer is the child of the Sun Wukong, menace to the heavens, and earned her title before she was even out if the womb is terrifying. imagine what she'll be like when she gets older and starts combat training.]
Yuebei, aka "The God Killer" toddles into a fancy heavenly party and all the Celestials scatter like they saw a tiger enter the room. The infant monkey just jumps on the banquet table and starts chowing down on the hors d'oeuvres like her baba before her.
[I love idea she puts so much trust she puts into the staff because it was her first proper weapon. I feel she also puts a lot of trust into it because it's from her parents. I love the Dr. Facillier comparison, I was thinking of her swishing her mask on like a miraculous lady bug transformation.]
Yuebei and her big bro MK share the trait of "I believe, so it is", and that includes her super-cool FIRST STAFF that was probably made from a completely normal stalk of bamboo by Wukong and Mac as a birthday gift.
Ooo I like that Ladybug idea for her skull-mask. Magical girl transformation except she's dressed to reap souls. >:3
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Oh gosh now Im thinking of little Yuebei being obsessed with Sailor Moon. XD
[everyone is panicking, just to different lengths.] + [while keeping LBD's host preoccupied.]
The campsite is just a warzone of panicking found family members as they scramble to get things ready for the baby's arrival. I love the idea of Sandy having enough sense to call DBK and PIF on the phone to give them a heads-up.
And poor Bai He. Just got over being possessed for x-amount of months by an ancient world-ending demon, and now she's just swept up in the chaos that a baby is coming!? She probably "heard" things while being piloted by LDB, so she knows "someone" is having a baby, she just doesn't understand the context. Especially considering that the monkey demon couple (one's the Monkey King?!) have been tending to her like parents the whole trip home. and- "Is that lady Guanyin?"
Bai He def has a "she's so cute!"-moment when she sees Yuebei for the first time. She's cuter than a kitten! :3
[the bull family are on their way the second they hear about what's going on. they will do what they have to for their family.]
The second that the Bull Couple learn that Wukong is ok after LBD's defeat, they're flying over to see if their Xiandi is ok. DBK has to be reprimanded for almost getting into a fight with Nezha over their protective instincts towards Wukong in this state.
[Guanyin is there to go through all them with her, Yuebei is amazed at much her baba loved her well before she was ever born, even if it becomes a little bittersweet after she learns that he could have died for her to be born and was willing to go through with the pregnancy anyway, for the sake of the baby he loved so much he may have never been able to meet. when she goes home she gives her baba a big hug. Yuebei: *walks into to the house* BABA Wukong: *not expecting her back so soon* oh! Yuebei, are you okay, I'm sorry about the fight earlier I was- Yuebei: *tackles him into a hug, muffled talking with her face buried in her Baba's chest* m'sorry, I love you. Wukong: *a little surprised but happy* love you too little one]
OOOOUHHH!! Yuebei having the realisation in her teens about how much Wukong sacrificed/could have lost to ensure she was born safetly!! Yuebei def stares at the tapes Guanyn provides in silence, tears rolling down her face as she sees and hears her Baba in different eras, telling his baby that they may never meet but that he loves them no matter what!!
Yuebei would feel so guilty for running off after a petty fight with her Baba! Especially if one of the things she yelled at Wukong was along the lines of; "You never do anything for me!"
Wukong is just relieved that his daughter came home safe and sound. Guanyin def did the divine version of a text message telling Wukong that Yuebei came to her island, but Wukong was still worried.
[ps: what do you think Wukong would use as an affectionate nickname for Yuebei in this au? also, at what point do you think her name was decided on.]
Wukong's nickname for Yuebei is "Egg" much like MK in the TMKATI au. Hard to get rid of the moniker when Wukojng had been using it for almost a thousand years. One of the rarer nicknames he had for her was "little moonlight" whenever he was particularly wistful.
Macaque calls the baby cuter things like "starlight" or "sunspot" cus she's "a little Sun" (pun).
The name "Yuebei" aka "Lunar Apogee" was only decided in the later months leading up to her birth. Wukong had wanted to wait until the Egg was born to decide. And ofc with his "moonlight" finally back at his side, Wukong's brain went towards moon-themed names...
[they absolutely would, even if looking at Yuebei would always be bittersweet long after it stopped actually hurting whenever she saw Wukong in her.]
Guanyin would 100% refer to herself as being Yuebei's "grandmother" in the scenario that Wukong had not survived/woken up. Little Yuebei would have grown up on Fragrant Mountain in the Southern Oceans as beloved as any creature under Guanyin's protection. Safe from teh eyes of Heaven. Wukong knows he would have made a good choice.
[Macaque def cries at every big relationship milestone between him and Yuebei (and him and Wukong, seeing how much Wukong has changed for the better makes him very hopeful they could have the life they promised each other, but seeing how much Wukong has also been hurting he is very grateful he has the oppurtunity to make things better. ultimately, he is very grateful he made the decision to stay and not squander the chance). but there's def a period of time in there where anytime Macaque and Wukong get in a fight (because healing and reconciliation isn't linear) it sets his relationship with Yuebei back a couple squares.]
Macaque and Wukong I think would have had a fight just prior to S4, likely over how MK is being trained as Wukong's successor - Wukong want's to be careful and soft on the kid, while Macaque was more the mindset of preparing MK for the worst-case scenarios. It caused the two to be on not-speaking terms, even though they were still both technically co-parenting the baby. Wukong had walked out on the most recent fight, and taken Yuebei to the old stone palace to decompress when MK found the memory scroll.
The subsetquent hours is Macaque fellign like sh*t for making Wukong hate him again + Yuebei crying when Mac raised his voice. He's convinced that he F-d Up Big, and that Wukong would never trust him again- oh hey a text from Mei.
Mei, texting: "Scroll thingy ate Monkey King!! *shocked emoji*" Mac, on an ancient nokia: "WHAT!? Where's the baby!?" Mei: "Being babysat rn. Don't worry, we're on the case!" *thumbs up* + "100 emoji" Mac: "oh thank buddha."
Macaque still goes to Water Curtain Cave to see whats up... only to find no Monkey Kids, and the smell of a familar lion...
[I always thought that Macaque having six sensitive ears and being a theater performer would make him a killer at vocals, and he can change his voice pretty much at will to something completely random, someone else's voice if he hears them, or mimic the sounds of animals and/or other non-living objects that produce sounds. so he would absolutely nail and accents and voices he needs to do to keep Yuebei appeased. he probably at some point mimics Wukong's voice in order to calm her down, because out of all her "good sounds" her baba's is the most "safe".]
Macaque canonically can nail voices and animal sounds! He pretended to be Mo meowing when he split the vans up.
I can just imagine him setting a fussy Yuebei down for sleep and trying to read her a story like;
Macaque, normal voice: "Bustopher Jone-"
Yuebei: *gives him a stank face* >:(
Macaque: "Oh ok, little miss high-standards."
Macaque: *clears throat*
Macaque, now in a goofy falsetto ala Ed Wynn: "Bustopher Jones is not skin and bones— In fact, he's remarkably fat. He doesn't haunt pubs—he has eight or nine clubs, For he's the St. James's Street Cat!"
Yuebei: *delighted giggling!* :D
Wukong: *secretly watching from the doorway, falling in love with his Warrior all over again*
[the brotherhood assumes Yuebei is also Macaque's kid like everyone else, and because of this Peng def is not above teasing the already fussy infant monkey. Yellowtusk is looking at his brothers either ignore or "torment" the infant of at least one if not two of their other sworn brothers. he realizes in that moment that the other two aren't who he thought they were, or at the very least they aren't anymore, but most importantly they aren't the type of people he wants to be involved with. the change of heart leads him to not feeling to bad when leaving his brothers to their fate when Yuebei has enough for the sake of his own safety.]
Yellowtusk is the only one of the Brotherhood trio who recognises that people have changed in the last few hundred years.
The Pilgrims are dead and gone, and their decendants are far different from their originals. Brother Bull is a family man who would do anything for his wife and son.
Brother Wukong is, from what Yellowtusk overheard, has become far wiser and more cautious. And not to say the acts of heroism he's heard attributed to Brother Macaque! (Defying and saving the world from the icy bone demon that resurrected him is no mere feat - it was the talk of the celestial and demon worlds for weeks). Not to mention the tiny dark-furred infant monkey that Azure holds, squirming in his grip...
And he also recognises that his own two companions have changed... but not for the better.
The selfless leadership once held by Azure Lion has become warped into a form of tyrany, one where their new Emperor holds their sworn brothers' infant hostage and openly fantasizes about taking Brother Wukong as his consort.
The curt bluntness he had appriciated in Peng's words have become needlessly harsh and tormenting. Even towards something as small and blameless as the infant they hold hostage.
Yellowtusk recognises that perhaps even he has changed. Being made to relive your mistakes throught the Scroll can do that. He realises that he should have said more to defend his shyer brothers, and wishes that he had the foresight to know that the Jade Emperor would have succeeded in their haphazard coup.
Yellowtusk is Wise because he recognises that the best option is to jump this sinking ship now while there's still time.
He goes to take the hostage infant away from Azure's grasp when the little girl suddenly grabs hard on one of Peng's flight feathers, the gold plating crumbling away in her grip...
Yellowtusk backs out of the throne room as the child of Sun Wukong destroys the two grown warriors like they were toys to be broken. He's thankfull that his calmer treatment of the infant only leaves him with a sore trunk from the little monkey tugging on it to guesture that she was hungry.
Sorry it took so long to answer! I've been very lazy over xmas :3
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revlischarm · 1 year
I have some questions abou the noodle shop ghost au.
Would Morro be someone who when talking about someone, specifically say their physically/mentally tired or would he just say their tired?
You've mentioned Morro being recognised as Macaque's successor by spirits of something (I can't remember). Does that mean he gets Mac's powers? If he does, would Macaque have to seal away some of the powers like Wukong did with MK?
What is PIF's opinion on Morro? You know, with Morro's elemental power and stuff.
Would Morro even recognise the ninja at first when he meets them? You know, with their designs and stuff, when he last saw them they looked like their old designs. Would he recognise their voices (excluding Lloyd)? Would Wu immediately recognise his old student, no matter how much he's changed (physically and mentally)?
Let's say he meets the ninja and the ninja recognise him first, will they attack him out of reflex or something or will they leave it and wait until he does something that gives them reason to attack. Would Kai just immediately pounce of Morro without hesitation? Would Lloyd have a mental breakdown?
Let's say that Morro recognises the ninja first, what would he do? Would he have a mental breakdown or will he just exist the room silently?
What would the reactions of the LMK cast be lik? Would Wu and Macaque have a custody fight over Morro? Would Kai pick a fight with Red Son over "stealing his thing (Which is fire)"? Would Pigsy just look at all the ninja and decide that these are his kids now?
Those are all my questions. For now at least. You don't have to answer all of them but the questions I want answered the most is one and three.
Hooooooo boy. Okay. So.
1. Mentally tired more than anything, it takes a lot to wear Morro down physically—especially since they refuse to admit to such ever.
2. It’s a technicality! He’s technically recognized as Macaque’s, although it’s probably just Heaven trying to mess with Macaque for the fun of it lol. No, he won’t be automatically gaining Mac’s powers, anything Morro learns is something that Mac teaches them. As of season 4, Morro can only manipulate shadows visually, teleport via shadow, hide in shadows (to a small extent) and they’re currently working on figuring out like…shadow attacks. They don’t automatically get all of Mac’s powers. I need more information from whenever season 5 comes out about MK and his whole deal before I do anymore concrete Morro and Mac successor lore stuff.
3. Since I personally love the idea that Mac is sworn siblings with both DBK and PIF, I’m keeping that idea in. Morro and Red Son are cousins. PIF is like an aunt sorta. After the whole LBD stuff/DBK getting possessed that one time, they’re on better terms! Red Son can and will threaten the ninja if they show up that Morro’s under the protection of the Demon Bull family.
But yeah PIF and Morro vibing and you do not want to fight them. Combined, their wind powers are…a whole lot.
4. Morro would definitely recognize them. They’re very recognizable. Although in the fic that’s being worked on (heheheheh thank you coolest friend ever) and in my original ideas, Morro doesn’t meet the ninja first; the ninja end up interacting with the LMK gang beforehand who then realize from Morro’s previous descriptions that these are the Ninja (and because Jay mentions Ninjago) and one of them texts Morro as a forewarning and it really freaks Morro out. More to come on that, hehe.
And yeah they’d recognize Morro, his voice is the same and he’s still. Well. Morro.
5. Lloyd will not be having a mental breakdown because I don’t feel like that would be his reaction to Morro?? A reflexive panic, maybe, but Lloyd is still a ninja through and through. His first line of defense is actual defense. Put up a front of confidence and all that. Although you’re correct to guess that Kai is straight up trying to launch himself at Morro lmao
Although the LMK gang won’t exactly be very pleased about that hehehehe
The girls are fighting, y’all :]
6. Mental breakdown when they receive the text 100000%. Shadow-travels to Mac’s place immediately. Very upset and freaked out.
7. Everyone is fucking battling it out okay no one is safe. Although Wu is back in Ninjago for reasons. Anyways.
There’s gonna be a really awesome fight thing it’ll be great so look forward to hehe
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'Help' AU Chapter 15. (part two)
Although no one could help the king when his illness suddenly caught up with him. How was that day.
The day was beautiful then.
''Hi. Wouldn't you prefer to stay home today?” the warrior asked.
''Oh stop, nothing will happen. Besides, we can't let our nephew down."
"I'm surprised the kid liked you so much..."
"Me too, so let's not spoil it"
"Okay" the warrior opened a shadow portal. The king took the warrior's arm and they passed through the portal.
They were in the main room. The DBK family was already waiting for them. They said hello.
"So Red Son are you ready to train?" Macaque asked.
"Yes," Red said excitedly.
"We're all going to watch your Macaque training today," DBK said.
"What?" said Red in surprise.
"Yes, father and I want to see how you're doing." She told PIF.
"Okay, mother"
Everyone went to the training room.
"Don't stress yourself," Wukong said with a smile. And he went to the audience along with PIF and DBK.
"Thanks, uncle" and they started training. Macaque always gave Red Son a hard time. Although Macaque always won, Red  got better every year. The warrior was even glad that he had a good apprentice. Wukong watched this with fascination.
“What would you like to fight?” said DBK.
“Very,” replied Wukong.
Red Son lost. He was knocked to the ground. Macaque give his hand. Red grabbed it and got up.
''Next time you will succeed. You're getting better and better." Said the warrior.
The spectators approached them.
"Well, I told you you'd do well kid," said Wukong.
“Macaque, would you like to drink wine with us?” asked PIF.
"I'd love to," replied the warrior. At which the indignant king looked.
''And why don't you ask me?''
"You can't," said Macaque
''But you don't even know if something will happen''
''No way Wukong. I don't even want to try. Besides, alcohol always had a bad effect on you."
''That's true. Haha..'' said DBK.
"Now it's your turn to train with the kid," said Macaque.
''All right. Come on nephew."
''ok.'' said Red Son enthusiastically.
"Red if anything happens..." The warrior started to say but was interrupted by Wukong who said "Ehh.. don't worry nothing will happen, we'll meditate a bit and that's it"
"I'm always worried about you"
Wukong and Red went to Red's room.
And PIF and DBK and Macaque went to the main lounge. DBK poured everyone wine.
“How is he doing?” said PIF.
"Illness prevents him from doing most things," the guilty sipped.
"But I can see he's better," said DBK.
''Yes, although sometimes there are very bad moments. Then nothing helps him, not even tea.. Did your doctor find something?''
"Unfortunately not," said DBK.
''He's still looking. And you?'' said PIF.
"Neither do I."
"Red is almost an adult now.." said DBK.
"It won't be long my love, you will come out of the shadows and show them all.." she told PIF.
"We will show," said DBK, looking at his wife with eyes full of love.
"Okay, back to earth..." interrupted Macaque.
"Yes, continue," said DBK.
''Discontent is growing in the demon realm. And your ex-generals are starting to incite the people."
“How do you know that?” DBK asked.
"Shadows are everywhere."
"What are they up to there?" said PIF.
''I'm not sure, but definitely nothing good. Half of them still insist that you remarry one of the generals and if you don't, they'll choose your husband themselves."
''let them try it and they'll regret it'' said PIF.
''Immediately after the whole show. I'll tear them apart..'' DBK said angrily.
''good idea. And now the details. Wukong is already working with Red on a certain glove that your son will raise the staff with. You see, we can't be involved in this...''
"Yes, we understand.." said PIF.
''How will you gain staff. You can make a buzz in the city, but so desirable. Your clone army will take control of the city. When the demons see that their rightful ruler has returned and caused chaos, no one will question your right to rule. And that Red will be an adult, the generals will no longer be able to underestimate. Of course, once everyone is intimidated, you can freely return to the palace and call the council of demons and then.. you can do whatever you want with them DBK.” He said with a sly smile on his face, sipping his wine.
"It's a good plan," said PIF.
''I know''
“And does Wukong know the plan?” DBK asked.
"Yes, but he just needs to guide your son right now and everything will be fine," said the warrior.
Everyone laughed.
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purble-turble · 2 years
(Hope I’m doing this right but here goes nothing!)
Here’s kind of a scenario for the Prince Red AU(or whichever AU you prefer). About how in the aftermath of the Spider Queens attack, or just a dangerous fight in general, Prince Red is seriously injured.
So much so; that while MK, and everyone else is trying to help him, he ends up shaking and making this… honk??? It sounds like a dying squeaker crossed with a buzzer, and a moo. Prince Red is making the sound with every exhale(breath in, honk and repeat). The team is, understandably, freaking out(except for Wukong, who is more focused on scanning the horizon with gold vision than the injured prince) until the ground starts to shake and the wind picks up speed.
Next thing anyone knows , an army of Monkey King clones has bulldozed the team away from the injured fire demon. The source of the tremors revealing itself in the form of a very angry DBK & PIF, glowing purple eyes and all. Monkey King and his clones being the only thing standing between the two sides duking it out.
Monkey King is surprisingly calm as he talked to the two; saying that they didn’t hurt Prince Red, they were only trying to help, ect.
The couple turns their attention back to their son, DBK picking up the injured demon with one hand. Which makes MK see red as five more clones were added to his pile to keep him pinned. Only stopping in his struggles when he hears the cries Prince Red had been making start to slowly die out. DBK nuzzling the prince while his wife was humming audibly enough for the heroes to hear.
Whatever the two were doing, it was working, and MK didn’t know how to feel about that. Scratch that he does. Concern. Concerned about what exactly they were doing this for(there’s no way they don’t have some hidden motives, right?), and why his mentor was letting it happen in the first place was gonna be a whole other conversation later. When he asks now, all his teacher says is “never get in the way of bull demons and a distressing calf, learned that one the hard way.”
Kinda bare and bones, but I couldn’t get the thought of Prince Red making distressed calf noises and his parents just charging in from who knows where out of my head. And this being one of the few times Monkey King knows better than to intervene and tries to be responsible.
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Aaaaaaaaaa Anon, you are definitely doing it right and I love this so much!! Red making cow noises and having cow traits is always fun, but adding it together into a scene where he's hurt and making it a lil angsty is just too good!
Of course, by the time the Spider Queen attacked, Prince Red is on MK's side, so he wouldn't ever consciously call on his parents for help, since he thinks they hate him and think of him as a traitor.. but if he's injured enough, calling out like that might just be an instinctive reaction that he can't help, which, honestly, is even more fun. And it would be such a nice moment for his parents to actually show that they DO still care about their son. Whether or not he his aware enough of what's happening to remember the scene or he has to have it described to him later by an incredulous MK is a different matter lol
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cyptic-underground · 2 years
In times of be going against my personal promise to not change my profile appearance to make it Macaque- I'm thinking about sitcom! Mac once more.
I just think he's neat 🥰 but here's some on the spot things about him:
Is very protective of Bai He
Also shows an immense amount of favoritism towards her, she can do no wrong in his eyes :)
He calls her strawberry, originally I was thinking blueberry but I think after LBD they would stay away from blue associate things
Is known to spoil his love ones, not as much as swk and in different ways but still
Is very competent at knowing when people are stressed when, especially when the person is hiding it(*cough* *cough* wukong and mk *cough*)
He'll treat them out or make them do something to relax them
In cases of the person overworking themselves, he'll get them to take a nap and organize their work space so it isn't as chaotic but things are still easy to find
Then when they still look tired but still frustrated with what they were doing, maq will have them talk through it and what they're struggling and give tips and after they usually are ready to jump back into the task
I've seen a few other people hc maq to stress bake and I think that's really fitting for him! So that's in my au too
I think he would be a pretty decent cook too, at least more than swk
He hates getting wet/soaked, the sensation of clothes filled with water is just atrocious to him
Is the kind of bitch to go to a pool just to sit on a lawn chair under an umbrella with a big sun hat and glasses
Wears bright red eye liner
Was nicknamed "Six-Earred Macaque" because of his sensitive hearing always causing him to hear better than most, even sometimes things he shouldn't;)
The nickname came from his childhood bullies but he started owning it as he got older; partially thanks to wukong but also because the usefulness it gave him when Mac made eavesdropping his job
Has the most diverse music taste out of the entire group because ofc
He owns a motorcycle like Mei and he goes to her for repairs
Is one of the few people that have permission to use the kitchen, as long as he doesn't move the place of his knives or spices and cleans up after he's done
Becomes instant besties with PIF when he becomes apart of the pta
Is very competitive and petty during bake sales
Got really pissed when a parent had complained to him about Bai He wearing "boy clothes" to school
He had swk, dbk wear dresses with him while pif wore a suit to the next pta after that
The ultimate party thrower even though he isn't the biggest fan of them
Helped plan Mk 's birthday when he first began staying with him and swk
Threw Bai He the biggest party she'd ever had the first year of her living with him
He had planned most of it a few months in advance, though the actual party's theme was decided closer to the day just incase he wasn't running around last minute because Bai He wanted something different instead (she wouldn't of but still
It was based off her favorite movie at the time: Coraline.
It was a costume party and everyone dressed up as characters from the film and ended with a sleepover where they watched the movie
Mac as the mom, Bai He as coraline, mk as normal wilby, Tang and pigsy were the two old ladies, sandy was Mr. B, pif and dbk were the other parents, swk was the dad, and red son and Mei were the two of coraline's friends.
Most of the party activities were based off of scenes in the movies: finding the kids eyes, the performances and the ending
Safe to say Mac went all out
Is that Instagram person that takes pictures of their food, not to post though just to document incase he wants to order the same thing and can't think of the name
Does it with things he gets Bai He or anyone for that matter
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krystaldeath · 2 years
Hmm…how about the Traffic Light Trio having a sleep over? Like, what would they do, who’s house would they stay in and how would the parents feel about it (depending on where they are of course)?
I’m gonna assume this was meant for my BBU au and if it wasn’t I hope you don’t mind I’m going with that (Also this got… way longer than it shouldve so I’m gonna put it under a read more)
I imagine Mei and Red had sleepovers with just the two of them growing up, usually at Red’s place bc Mei’s parents didn’t want two children running around their priceless artifacts and such. When MK joins its especially not happening at Mei’s place, and since I don’t think MK, Pigsy & Tang have a very big living space (probably an apartment that just barely fits the three of them), they’d probably still be at Red’s.
Mei’s parents don’t exactly care much about what happens since they’re not gonna be there, but they do give Mei tons of rules and give her lectures on how to act when she’s staying over at a non-family members house (which she only half listens to).
PIF, while a bit wary of Mei (her great xhowever many times it’s takes to be correct grandfather was friends to the guy who imprisoned her husband, and while that’s a rather remote connection, still stings a bit) at first, and then MK later on, the two grow on her and so she’s happy to host them. It also gives her the opportunity to tell embarrassing baby stories about Red to his two closest friends!
Pigsy is always nervous about letting his boy be out of his sight and being unable to immediately check on him, but Tang soothes his worries. Their son may be a tad but reckless at times, but he can handle himself! He’s got two dependable friends with him as well! And that mom of Red’s would never let any harm come to any children in her presence (supposedly) so there’s really nothing to worry about! (MK doesn’t get to have any sleepovers for a while after the day he came home with a choppy new haircut courtesy of Mei, and then Red who insisted they could fix it/make it better)
As for what they’d do, probably play a ton of video games! MK would want to watch Monkey Cop and other such Monkey King franchises, but since they normally have sleepovers at Red’s… yeah that’s not happening. It’s okay though they just watch a Power Rangers-like show (that ends up having a arc based off of JTTW that they almost break the tv trying to hide from PIF; she knows and feels conflicted about it, though if she leaves the room quickly so the kids can fully enjoy themselves, no one would have to know).
Bonus: When they get closer to Bai He they have her join them too (which terrifies her monkey dads bc 1. She’s only ever been out of their reach for 9 hours tops before and 2. It’s gonna be at PIF’s place and she is BOUND to figure something out). When Wukong (Macaque had to do something idk maybe he has a job) comes by in a human disguise to pick her up the next morning, PIF gives him a knowing look, then tells the teens to watch the girl as she has a “private talk” with him and has him walk with her through the house. He’s terrified she’s gonna try and fight him and that it’ll somehow get the kids caught up in the crossfire and that he’ll have to reveal he’s the Monkey King and have Bai He never interact with any of them again, but instead the unthinkable happens. She tells him she doesn’t hate him, not anymore. She figured it was the right thing to do, DBK was terrorizing citizens and he is expected to protect mankind; it also couldn’t have been an easy decision for him, considering he and her husband once considered each other brothers. Plus, holding a grudge for centuries can be rather exhausting when you’re a single mother. So, until she finds some way to free her love, they will have a truce. ———— Help the “Bonus” is longer than the actual answers so sorry lol
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
alright- new AU time bitches lets go
tagging @winterpower98 cause i’ve been rambling about it to her for like the past could of days or so
so this is called the Fruit Smoothie AU
and basically,
starts off with Dragonfruit, ends with Chimerashipping
(also Shadowpeach is here too because I was struck with the funniest fucking idea ever and ran with it)
at the start of this AU, Mei is acting as a solo hero for the city (Hero name is Snapdragon)
Red Son falls in love with her the instant she beats him in a fight. takes him a lot longer so realize that though (DBK and PIF figure it out rather quick. “son why don’t you invite your.. friend over for dinner” “father why the fuck would i invite the hero over to my secret hideout” “....” “father. father look at me. father i do not like the hero”. and then, later, while he’s in the middle of working on a new invention, “oh shit i like the hero”)
Mei doesn’t really care about him that much at first- she’s kind of a “beat the bad guy, resolve the situation, call it a day” kind of hero at first
and then she and Red Son get trapped in an on fire building (not Red Son’s fault surprisingly. they still don’t know what caused the fire)
Red Son saves Mei from a piece of falling debris, and after making sure she gets out safe, teleports away, which makes her realize that oh. Red Son could’ve escaped on his own at any time. which is when Mei starts to develop feelings.
eventually, during one of their fights, another demon tries to kidnap Red Son, dragging him into the ocean. Mei follows, not really expecting that she’ll need to do much, but wanting to keep an eye on things.
only she finds that Red Son is struggling, and she realizes that oh, he can’t use his fire-
she summons her sword, cutting the ropes holding Red Son down, growls at the villain, her eyes glowing, energy crackling off of her- the villain backs down and leaves.
Mei has to give Red Son cpr
Mei actively refuses to let Red Son out of her sight for about a week after this, which is where most of their Bonding happens.
surprisingly enough, Red Son confesses first. he rambles it out nervously before turning and running away at top speed. Mei has to chase him and tackle him. “I’m not letting go of you- I’m worried you’ll run off to try and escape from your emotions again.”
anyways, thats the Main Start. fast forward like a few years or so, Mei and Red Son are both operating as heroes (Red Son’s hero name is Sunshine. Mei picked it for him.) while also running a food truck that mainly sells smoothies and cookies
one day, they hear news of a new vigilante hero on the block, reports only saying something about a flash of gold, no clear details otherwise.
so imagine their surprise when a person wearing a yellow hoodie and with a visor covering his eyes crashes into the back of their smoothie truck
he’s injured, and Red Son and Mei take him back to their apartment to help him. at first he won’t talk to them, or take off his visor, but after a few days..... he gives in, since he already knows their Secret Identities its “only fair” that they know his, and he takes off his visor and introduces himself as MK
(Red Son has like a momentary Bi Shutdown upon seeing MK’s eyes and Mei finds it incredibly hilarious)
what MK leaves out of his introduction however, is the fact that he is currently the Monkey King’s successor.
he comes up with some bullshit cover story of him being from a very reclusive demon family
(neither Mei nor Red Son fully believe this and have Many Theories about him)
Mei and Red Son latch onto him rather quick, making him their friend, even having him join their superhero group, and letting him work at the smoothie shop
.....well, he’s allowed to work at the smoothie stand with supervision. they kinda stopped trusting him after he broke his fourth blender in a row
since Mei and Red Son don’t initially know about MK being Wukong’s successor, it leads to moments like- Red Son: we need to figure out this guy’s weakness! MK, using his golden sight: there! above his elbow! Red Son, after the fight: how did you know his weak spot? MK: i can uh... see through glamours? Red Son: see through glamours huh....that sounds kind of familiar... MK: HA HA SURELY NOT I INHERITED THIS POWER FROM MY NOT WELL KNOWN DEMON FAMILY YOU PROBABLY NEVER HEARD OF IT-
when they eventually figure it out though, is when a fight starts going south, and MK is about to get hit, and neither Mei nor Red Son will make it in time- but the Monkey King suddenly arrives, stopping the attacking demon in it’s tracks MK: oh... hi dad Red Son and Mei: DAD???? Mei: THE MONKEY KING IS YOUR DAD??? MK: I mean.. he only adopted me like a week or so ago,,, i was his successor before that- Red Son: THE MONKEY KING IS YOUR D A D????
Red Son is literally shaking MK by the shoulders like “what the fuck, why didn’t you tell us this, what the fuck, this is important information-” while Mei is in the background letting Red Son handle the yelling and is taking pictures with a very confused Wukong.
anyways. on to a bit of the chimerashipping-
Red Son and Mei share a bed. Red Son literally screams into his pillow over how much he likes MK while Mei just lays beside him casually scrolling through her phone
Mei: i give you permission to date my boyfriend MK: wh- Mei: it’s called polyamory MK you get used to it. now here’s my 20 step plan on how you can woo Red- MK: how did you know I liked him
Red Son just absolutely SHOWERS the both of them in gifts like. its to the point its insanely ridiculous hdkfsjldfkdlf
Macaque stops by the smoothie truck once after the Episode 9 incident and Red Son just throws a smoothie at him
however. post-shadow play.
Macaque needs somewhere to hide from LBD, and what better place to do that than with the heroes?
so he throws on a human glamour, shows up at the smoothie truck, and gets a part time job. (hey, they’ve gotta have someone running the truck when they’re out doing heroing stuff)
so of course. it’s just his luck that one day, when MK and the others are out doing their usual Hero Business, Wukong stops by in his human glamour-
Macaque spends like the first few minutes while taking Wukong’s order like “why the fuck is this guy so hot?” and then, while inputting things into the blender, the dots finally connect of “OH SHIT THATS WUKONG-”
Macaque pulls an MK and accidentally destroys the blender because he’s so flustered
MK and the others come back to an destroyed blender and an “Amaranthine” (Macaque went for the most dramatic cover name) that refuses to talk about it
things dont end there though
Wukong: y’know that clumsy guy that works part time at your smoothie truck is kinda cute MK, figured out that it was Macaque ages ago: *(chokes)*
MK spends a full minute just running mental calculations trying to figure out if Wukong knows it’s Macaque (spoiler alert, he does not)
MK sends Mei a text asking for help and gets back “THATS MACAQUE???” “oh shit i forgot you guys didn’t know-” “YOU LET US HIRE MACAQUE?” “hes becoming a better person now-” “YOU LET US HIRE MA C AQUE???”
Mei and Red Son had no clue he was Macaque hsfksjdlksdfjd. he very much gets threatened that day but is allowed to stay
Mei suggests MK try and set Macaque and Wukong up because holy shit, this is funnier than any kind of romcom she’s seen
they basically end up just repeatedly causing incidents for Wukong to end up at the smoothie truck while Macaque is running it
Macaque accidentally compliments Wukong during one of those interactions and Wukong literally breaks the cup he was holding on accident like- Wukong: heh, you’re pretty clumsy aren’t you Macaque: maybe i’d be a bit more coordinated if i didn’t have the literal definition of sunshine incarnate blinding me every day Wukong: a h 
Macaque and Wukong kinda dance around each other like that for a while, until the kids decide they’ve Had Enough
MK: why don't you just confess to him?? you've been flirting for ages Macaque: because then i'd have to reveal its me and he might not like me anymore- Mei, MK, and Red Son believe that to be complete and utter bullshit MK even checks with Wukong like "yknow, if Macaque ever became a better person, would you have wanted to get back together with him?" and the answer was "yes as long as we talk things out first" so he knows it would go well
Red Son “accidentally” trips, pouring an ice cold smoothie down Macaque’s back, and Macaque is so startled by the temperature change his glamour vanishes
Wukong: Macaque???? Macaque: uh- yeah. hi? Wukong: i cant fucking believe this Macaque: yeah ill just leave- Wukong: no no you're staying here- im not that surprised i should've seen it coming that i'd fall for you again- Macaque: wh- Wukong: but im gonna have to talk to you later because right now i have three children that need to be reprimanded MK: guys i think we should run- Mei: good plan Red Son: yeah i agree- Wukong, picking all three of them up by the back of their clothes: where do you think you three are going? MK: we have a business to run and hero work to do- Wukong: that can wait.
Wukong makes them all have a smoothie drinking contest with him (he wins and the trio gets brainfreeze. Macaque watches this all go down with intense confusion)
the smoothie contest is partially a cover up for how flustered he feels. he was kinda hoping he’d get a brain freeze long enough to knock himself out for a couple of hours hdfkdlfjldkfd
...and that’s all i have thus far hdfksjlkdd fsd its mostly comedy but i dont care
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