pallastrology · 1 year
the ascendant and descendant
aries on the ascendant makes for a powerhouse of a native; they are feisty, straightforward and motivated. there is a sharpness to them, when it comes to their minds, tongues and even behaviours. they’re fast-paced and sometimes quite impatient, which can make them seem rude at times. aries risings are never intentionally rude, but their quick-wittedness mixed with their tendency to act before thinking can mean they come across pretty badly. aries risings have an interesting dichotomy to them, in that they are both extraordinarily motivated, driven and passionate, and very easily bored and disenchanted. they can pursue a project with unstoppable force, then just abruptly quit when it no longers serves them. with aries on the ascendant, their libra descendant has them searching for balance, peace of mind, reflection. aries risings are fiercely independent and driven, but they can lack patience and sticking power, losing interest and motivation quickly. they sometimes need a cheerleader, a supportive figure to encourage them and help them over the hurdles. it’s partnership that aries risings need, more than anything; an equal, someone who won’t hold them back but won’t just sit by and watch them go up in flames. aries risings do beautifully alone, but they can sometimes fall into thinking that they’re better off that way, that they aren’t able to deal with people, or love, or even family at times. but we all need connection in life, it’s just part of being human. the right people aren’t always easy, but they aren’t the explosive, uncertain bond that the native might be used to, either; they’re worth the fight to find a sense of calm that might feel quite foreign to aries rising. not every conflict has to escalate, and not every peaceful moment has to be empty or dull. 
taurus on the ascendant brings an air of grace to the native; they are stoic, grounded and really quite charming. they aren’t the most social, despite being ruled by venus; taurus risings embody a different side of the planet of love. they are happiest at home, with their hands in the dirt or in dough. they love to pamper and be pampered, and love high-quality items that will last the test of time. they are romantic in an elegant, cool and nurturing way, and one of the most beautiful things a taurus rising does is hold space for their loved ones. it makes sense then, especially given that the natives have scorpio on the descendant, that in a partner they need to be able to share parts of themselves, and be shared with too. they can’t have a relationship where they give but don’t receive in return, it just doesn’t work that way for the native; there’s no intimacy without trust and exchange when it comes to taurus rising. in a sense, they are very similar to plutonians in relationships; trust, balance and intimacy are incredibly important to them, but they tend to be more reserved and calm than plutonians. taurus risings tend to be cool, whether that is through self-assuredness or stubbornness. 
with gemini on the ascendant, the native is impish, restless and cerebral. they are very curious, whose minds are always whirring away in the background, making for a seemingly-scatterbrained individual at times. they are clever and intellectual, but can lack focus and discipline, flitting from one interest to another without really gaining ground with any one topic. gemini risings can be quite nervous sometimes, and are prone to anxiety and insomnia. they really struggle to be mindful, to rest. that being said, their energy is infectious, and they have a playful nature that can lighten the hearts of those around them. a real thinker, and overthinker, gemini risings are funny as well as fun, with a good sense of humour and a way with words. they have a tendency, like aries risings, to speak before they think, which can lead to being misunderstood easily; but they are quick to try and make amends when they realise they’ve hurt feelings. as a gemini ascendant, the native has sagittarius on the descendant, and so we see that they need focus, wisdom, devotion. while gemini wants to know something about everything, sagittarius wants to know everything about something. gemini has the intelligence, the energy, the curiosity and passion, but they lack certain skills for “staying power”; prioritising, discipline, patience, focus. they need someone to anchor and ground them, to support them through their journey, wherever it may take them; someone who won’t drag them down, as the native is sensitive and easily hurt at times, but someone who will help the native learn to pace themselves better. they need a mentor, in a sense, to help them figure themselves and the world out, and their place in it. 
cancer on the ascendant makes for a guarded and sensitive individual. highly-attuned to the world around them, they are receptive and reflective. they aren't quick to act, despite being a cardinal sign; they are very protective of themselves and their loved ones, and so take their time more than their fellow cardinal signs. people gravitate towards the familiar, warm vibes they give off, often building intimacy much faster than the native. they are sensitive but not necessarily soft, owning razor-sharp tongues, a brilliant and almost-photographic memory, and a defensive nature. the native is maternal and compassionate, prone to melancholy and attacks of nostalgia. with their descendant being in capricorn, cancer risings seek out security, comfort and familiarity. they are happiest in a nurturing role, and look for more authoritarian types in partners. this isn't to say the native is a push over; in fact, they often grew up having to be a mother figure, and so they now just want a break from managing everything. they want a partner who will look after them and provide a safe and stable life. cancer risings, when they find their match, give selflessly and happily, and finally show their softer side.
leo on the ascendant brings power and grace to the native. they are often, ironically, a little clumsy with their words, being quite impulsive. but they mean well, and have an infectious enthusiasm for life that draws people to them like the sun in winter. leo risings are strong-willed, energetic, generous and creative. they can be hotheaded and a little jealous, especially when it comes to love. they can sometimes be quite dependant on external validation, but over time, they will learn to validate themselves and not rely on others to an unhealthy degree. there is a brightness to the native; they are often more intelligent than they first seem, they can apply themselves to almost anything, and are happiest when they feel great at something, and so are hardworking. when it comes to love, their aquarius descendant often won't settle for something dull or ordinary; they need a person who ignites the spark within, someone a little unconventional and a little intriguing. they love to feel part of something bigger than themselves, and their partner may introduce them to a community very different to their own. the native can be hot and cold in love, and crushes come and go, but true love is forever, and leo risings treat their lovers like royalty.
with virgo on the ascendant, the native is alert, sensitive and dedicated. they are highly-attuned to their environment and take stress very hard, in the form of somatic illness. virgo risings are often quite controlling of the people and things around them, which, at its best, makes for a good manager or leader; someone who can multitask and doesn’t neglect the details, someone caring yet professional. at its worst, this tendency to control can make virgo risings overly critical, tense, fatigued and irritable. they can lose the big picture for the details at times, and stepping back is a skill that takes time for them to learn. perfectionism runs deep with this placement, and they are highly self-conscious, veering into self-critical at times. with virgo on the ascendant, pisces is on the descendant, indicating that the native craves spontaneity and to be able to let go, to love without overthinking, essentially, to get out of their own heads and experience the world without worrying quite so much about what could go wrong without them there to fix it. virgo is a very loving placement, often being associated with ceres. but they aren’t really the romantic sort, and don’t go for big gestures. they will remember everything about their lover, will take care of them, will work their hands to the bone for them. they are highly dedicated, and really, devoted, though the native doesn’t always see it that way. deep down, virgo risings want to be taken care of the way they do the people in their life. 
libra on the ascendant makes for a dark horse of a native. they are reflective, disarming and elegant. they love romance, and appreciate beauty in all its forms, often being quite artistic and cultured. they are cerebral and witty, and make for great conversationalists. they are generous and giving, a little flirty, and can be quite spontaneous (depending on the rest of the chart). there's a sense of looking in the mirror when you're with them; they rarely show you their true selves, and tend to reflect you back at yourself instead. this makes them very attractive, with an air of mystery about them and a pull toward unveiling what's underneath. the native can struggle with their own identity at times, as their reflective nature isn't a deliberate thing; it's a natural defence of theirs, and they can get lost in all the versions of themselves. their worst nightmare is having to combine different groups of loved ones, as sometimes the masks they wear don't mesh. in a partner, their aries descendant puts its foot down and tells them enough! it's time to be appreciated for who they are, not the version of themselves their loved ones think they see. libra risings need a partner that grounds them, lets them explore themselves without judgement or containment, sees past themselves and really meets the native where they're at.
scorpio on the ascendant brings fire and water to the native. they are intense, moody and guarded, but equally, they are steady, tender and open-handed. they put on a stern front to protect themselves, being owners of water sign sensitivity. they take a long time to warm up to people, and keep their circle small, preferring to be alone than to spend their precious time with people who don't keep them interested. they can be quite intense, especially when hurting, and aren't the easiest people to get to know. the natives are acutely aware and connected to the darker side of life, and can be melancholic and brooding at times. what they need is someone to help them step back into the here and now, and this is where we can clearly see their taurus descendant. these natives need stability and intimacy, trust and a steadfast person. scorpio risings can be tumultuous and chaotic, get stuck in morbid thought patterns and feel trapped and alone; they need a partner who can help bring some lightness and security to their lives, someone they can share these darker sides of themselves with. scorpio risings thrive on intimacy and connection, on sharing and being vulnerable. and they need a person who can prove their worth, and who can handle the intensity of the native. someone who won't be scared away, someone who loves them regardless.
with sagittarius on the ascendant, the native is explorative, devoted and witty. they are often quite big characters, with the ability to befriend almost anyone. opinionated but not without reason, sagittarius risings aren’t as hotheaded as other fire ascendants; they are less impulsive and tend to have a longer fuse, in general. there’s an interesting juxtaposition with sagittarius risings; they are silly, energetic, social and fun loving, while also being reflective, wise, escapist and studious. seeing both rulers of sagittarius - jupiter and neptune - work in tandem like this is intriguing, and displays beautifully the multitudes this placement contains within. the native is often a seeker of some kind, going on their journey with some concept in mind. they can be idealistic and escapist, fantasising about something more; they often find that religion, spirituality, travel or even academia are a deeply meaningful and transformative part of life for them. the native has the descendant in gemini, which means that in a partner, they look for people who are able to keep up. they want a partner who can be spontaneous, who can carry on the banter, who can woo the native a little bit. they need people in their lives who they can learn from, and who will learn from the native. sagittarius risings aren't as innocent as their descendant, but sometimes they neglect their love lives until later in life, and so they want to experience the things they didn't do earlier, and have those firsts. their partner needs to be okay with the fact that the native may have gone about life in an unorthodox manner, and might have done things in the "wrong" order. they need to be loved unconditionally and can't be held down or back in any way.
capricorn on the ascendant makes for an individual on a mission. they are studious, determined, driven. they can come across as cold and calculating, are quite elegant, and tend to be serious and somewhat stern. capricorn risings often bear the weight of their early experiences on their shoulders, which is why they come across the way they do. they have a softer side that they keep neatly tucked away, even from themselves. they are focus and hard working, but can prone to depression when life gets frustrating, leaving them stagnant. an often-unappreciated aspect of the native is that they are very creative; whether in the traditional sense of the word, or in that they are brilliant problem solvers and can think unconventionally when needed. they are often managers or leaders in their household, and sometimes grew up this way too. this leads them, and their cancer descendants, to need a bit of tenderness from their loved ones. they don't advertise their vulnerabilities, even shying away from them themselves, but there is a sensitivity to capricorn rising, and they subconsciously protect this side of themselves. in love, they need a slow, steady approach, and a partner who loves gently and unconditionally. tenderheartedness, emotional stability and an almost maternal affection are traits that cancer descendant loves in a partner. they don't want to be alone, but find it hard to open up, and it takes time to find their perfect match. that being said, the wait is worth it when they find unconditional love.
aquarius on the ascendant brings ingenuity and intrigue to the native. they are determined, brilliant thinkers, and a little kooky. they can be quite eye-catching, as they like to express themselves through their personal style, and aren't generally shy. they love people, though their love is a cerebral and hands-off kind. they are often part of some sort of community, whether through choice or through traits they were assigned at birth, and they are passionate about their communities. these groups are their home, their family and an extension of themselves, after all. aquarius risings are often very clever, think creatively and express themselves well. they can be a bit outside-the-box and some people find their sureness of self disconcerting, whether that's from projection or just surprise. the native can sometimes forget about love, feeling it isn't important as long as they have the love of their communities and the people they meet in life. but they are often thinking of something that bores them, stifles and changes them, when they think of love. in reality, love looks different for everyone, and with leo on the descendant, it really is an important part of life for the native. they need to be adored, given space to flourish and thrive, and challenged a little bit. they are generous and kindhearted individuals, and they need a partner who will let them explore but always lead them back home again.
with pisces on the ascendant, the native is ephemeral, delicate and absorbent. they are creative thinkers, but not always the most logical of people. they are incredibly sensitive, and like their sister sign, they are prone to somatising stress and powerful emotions. speaking of emotions, pisces risings are emotional creatures, with a deep well of love within them, that they draw from often. they can be quite romantic, but it’s a different kind of romantic to that of taurus or libra; pisces risings are soft and usually somewhat shy, with a submissive side that means unrequited love is very common for them. pisces risings struggle to organise themselves and can lack motivation, relying instead on bouts of inspiration, that can be as fickle as the native themselves. discipline is a skill pisces rising doesn’t naturally possess, though some overcompensate. pisces on the ascendant means virgo is on the descendant, and so they really need, and often crave, stability and security. they can live very interesting lives, with a lot of ebb and flow, as water signs do, but interesting is often overwhelming and exhausting, and they want to be able to come home to safety, sameness, those quiet moments spent recovering. they are very devoted people, but can neglect themselves and their home life in favour of loving everyone and everything around them; they need someone that holds and grounds them, an anchor so they can return to themselves when the world becomes too much. 
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astrologged · 1 year
The Descendant represents how you interact with others in one-on-one relationships, especially in the context of partnerships and marriage.
Aries Descendant (Libra Ascendant): You seek assertive, dynamic partners who take the lead in your relationships. You're attracted to people who are independent and have a strong sense of self. You value fairness and can be diplomatic in conflicts.
Taurus Descendant (Scorpio Ascendant): You are drawn to stable, sensual, and loyal partners. Trust and security are essential to you in relationships. You're especially attracted to people who are passionate and have a mysterious aura.
Gemini Descendant (Sagittarius Ascendant): Communication and mental stimulation are crucial to you. You seek partners who are intellectually curious, adventurous, and open-minded. Variety and spontaneity in relationships are important to you.
Cancer Descendant (Capricorn Ascendant): You're attracted to nurturing, emotionally sensitive partners. Security, both emotional and financial, is a priority. You value tradition and are drawn to people who are responsible and dependable.
Leo Descendant (Aquarius Ascendant): You seek partners who are unique, creative, and open-minded. You are attracted to people who stand out and you have a strong sense of social justice. Friendship and intellectual connection matter to you.
Virgo Descendant (Pisces Ascendant): You value compassion and spirituality in your relationships. You're drawn to partners who are intuitive, empathetic, and artistic. You have a tendency to idealize your partners.
Libra Descendant (Aries Ascendant): You seek balance and harmony in your relationships. People who are confident, assertive, and independent attract you. You really value equality and have strong negotiating skills.
Scorpio Descendant (Taurus Ascendant): You're attracted to intense, passionate, down to earth partners. Trust is paramount for you, and you value loyalty. You're drawn to people who are financially stable and emotionally grounded.
Sagittarius Descendant (Gemini Ascendant): You seek partners who are open-minded, adventurous, and intellectually stimulating. Freedom and a sense of humor are essential to you in relationships.
Capricorn Descendant (Cancer Ascendant): You value stability, family, and tradition in your relationships. Partners who are nurturing, responsible, and emotionally supportive especially attract you.
Aquarius Descendant (Leo Ascendant): You're drawn to partners who are confident, creative, and unique. Intellectual connection and shared ideals are important to you.
Pisces Descendant (Virgo Ascendant): You seek partners who are compassionate, helpful, and practical. Emotional connection and spirituality matter to you. You may be attracted to individuals who are sensitive and detail-oriented. Don't be too critical! ;)
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔡𝔢 [19029]
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𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔡𝔢 19029 is mainly about the brides in a wlw relationship [and for a man's chart how their wife is going to be like] along for how the wedding is going to be like. could also speak about the type of wife you are.
and this is also for entertainment/knowledge purposes, do not complain under my comment section if something doesnt fit your desires. [this could work with synastry and composite].
how to find asteroids
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♇ asteroid briede 19029 in aries ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is authentic, passionate and competitive, but their bride could also be someone who is naive, selfish and reckless. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to be fun and uncomplicated or it can turn into something that is reckless and accident prone. your bride might also have aries/mars/1h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in taurus ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is productive, dependable and romantic, but their bride could also be someone who is frugal, superficial and someone who is adamant. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to be beautiful and stylish, or it can turn into something where people are stingy and lazy. your bride might also have taurus/venus/2h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in gemini ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is youthful, stimulation driven and clever, but their bride could also be someone who is two-faced, one that is nosy and devious. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to have a lot of people talking about it and have things that would have people bond with each other, or it can turn into something where people might steal and rudely gossip about it. your bride might also have gemini/mercury/3h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in cancer ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is sentimental, reflective and comfort seeking, but their bride could also be controlling, suspicious and irritable. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to have a lot of people there and it could have a lot of light coloured themes, or it could turn into something where a lot of people would be pessimistic about, along with having a wedding where you have to be very guarded about your surroundings. your bride might also have cancer/moon/4h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in leo ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is charismatic, full of life and romantic, however their bride could also be someone who is arrogant, prideful and attention seeking. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would likely be a big event, an event where people would want to show off their style and wealth. the wedding could also turn into something where people are insincere about their gifts or feelings, or it could turn into an event where people just turn up to be spiteful. your bride might also have leo/sun/5h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in virgo ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is health conscious, motivated and well educated, but their bride could also be someone who is irritable, judgemental and socially hesitant. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would likely be well thought out and have people that actually mean something to the spouses, or it could turn into an event where people are overly critical about it and no one is happy with how the outcome of the wedding turned out to be. your bride might also have virgo/prominent ceres/mercury/6h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in libra ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is romantic, diplomatic and graceful, but their bride could also be someone who is skittish, co-dependent and gullible. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would likely be very pretty and balletic, or it could turn into an event where people are flaky about turning up and it could turn into an event where much people argue in. your bride might also have libra/prominent juno/venus/7h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in scorpio ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is magnetic, sexual and mysterious, but their bride could also be someone who is manipulative, obsessive and controlling. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would probably have a lot of money spent on it and have a lot of people attend, or it could turn into an event where people are there just to stalk and critique the spouses, there could be a lot of people who are bitter that attend the wedding. your bride might also have scorpio/mars/pluto/8h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in sagittarius ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is energetic, religious/spiritual and a bride that is humorous, the bride could also be someone who is rude, impulsive and careless. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would probably be very big and might be somewhere foreign or far from the spouse's homes. the wedding could also be a moment where there could be reckless behaviour or where people turn up to show who's better than the other. your bride might also have sagittarius/jupiter/9h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in capricorn ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is down to earth, conventional and ambitious, the bride could also be someone who is cold, curt and hard to reach. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would probably be well-organised and successful. the wedding [if went wrong], could show that the budget was tight and could be a wedding where people barely show up. your bride might also have capricorn/saturn/10h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in aquarius ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is revolutionary, a bride that is complex and eccentric, the bride could also be someone who is judgemental, might think they are above other people and could be someone who lacks empathy. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding could be considered as very unique and might be posted on social media a lot, if the wedding went wrong, there could be a lot of chaotic behaviour and people instigating negative behaviour. your bride might also have aquarius/uranus/saturn/11h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in pisces ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is kindhearted, idealistic and intuitive, but the bride could also be someone who is delusional, one that is prone to victimising themselves and someone who likes to escape their problems. if a wedding were to happen, it could happen near a place where there's a lot of water and it could be seemed as a really magical/spiritual wedding, if the wedding went wrong, there could even be a runaway spouse or a situation where there could be people who bring a lot of addictive substances. your bride might also have pisces/neptune/jupiter/12h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the first house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is considered as very beautiful, a lot of people might consider them as wifey material, and this bride could be deemed as someone who is popular, the bride could also be someone who can be selfish, easily-tempered and might care about their popularity too often. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being a very popular wedding. your bride might also have 1h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the second house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is money-oriented or even rich, a beautiful bride and a bride that is very vocal, this bride could be perceived as someone who is too materialistic, a spouse that is shallow and might not get along with their family, depends on the aspects. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being a wedding where a lot of money was spent. your bride might also have 2h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the third house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is quite popular, one that is intelligent and is likely going to be close to their siblings/cousins. this bride could be perceived as someone who is very anxious, someone who might even steal people's things or ideas and might often perceive themselves as a guru. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being an event where there is a lot of quick energy and people sneaking in. could be posted on social media a lot as well. your bride might also have 3h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the fourth house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is family-oriented, a spouse that is protective and a wife that could own a lot of things. this bride could be perceived as someone who is greedy when it comes to possessions, someone who is manipulative and as someone who builds emotional walls around them. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being an event where there is just family involved or chosen family. your bride might have 4h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the fifth house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is popular, entertaining and a bride that is focused on their inner-child work. this bride could also be perceived as someone who is promiscuous, ego-centric and neglectful. if a wedding were to happen, it would likely be a popular wedding, there might be a lot of children there or it could be an event where a lot of drama happens and people having unfinished business. your bride might have 5h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the sixth house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is servicing, a bride that is skilful, and a spouse that is very focused on their skills. this bride could also be seen as someone who is lazy, mean and overly-competitive. if a wedding were to happen, it could be considered a small wedding or a wedding where people just get straight to the point, the event could also turn competitive and setting up the wedding might even be burdening. your bride might have 6h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the seventh house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is business oriented, a bride that is a romantic and popular, the bride could be seen as someone who is a people-pleaser, fake and very ditzy. if a wedding were to happen, it could be considered a very big and pretty wedding, people might give a lot of gifts. it could turn into a wedding that is perceived as very basic and shallow. your bride might have 7h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the eighth house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is rich, charismatic and a bride that is open to psychology, they might also help you dig deep into your trauma. however, you could also have a bride that is seen as someone who is money and power hungry, they might keep a lot of secrets as well. if a wedding were to happen, it might be a very private and secret marriage, or it could be a wedding where the theme is different to other weddings people have seen before. it could also be a wedding where money is the main focus of the bond, is an indicator of a gold-digger. your bride might have 8h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the ninth house ⟶ people with this placement are likely to have a bride that belongs to a different race/ethnicity/religion, could have a bride that likes to travel and likes to trade, on the other hand, their bride could be someone who is ignorant, careless and immoral. if a wedding were to happen it could be seen as very big and devout/orthodox, or it could turn into an event where it is too extravagant and people might not want to come because of how far it is. your bride might have 9h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the tenth house ⟶ people with this placement are likely to have a bride that is successful, popular and they might be older than you [maybe younger] or they could be seen as more mature, on the other hand, the bride could be seen as someone who is status-oriented, power hungry and a workaholic. if a wedding were to happen it could be seen as a very well thought out wedding, a wedding only a specific amount of people can come in and a good amount of money might've been spent on it. or it could turn into an event where money/budget was tight, it could've been considered as boring and there might be some family fallout because of inheritances. your bride might have 10h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the eleventh house ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is friendly, a bride that likes to party and one that has a lot of goals and aspirations for the future, on the other hand, the bride could be considered as someone who is hard to pin down, promiscuous and as someone who is emotionally distant. if a wedding were to happen it could be seen as a wedding where a lot of people were invited to, or as a wedding that has a specific fun theme and a wedding that has a lot of popular people in there, or it cold turn into an event where there's a lot of anarchic energy/people in there, people who dont listen to the rules and there might be some people who critique the event a lot. your bride might have 11h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the twelfth house ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is foreign, a bride that is humble and one that likes to help the people around them, on the other hand, the bride could be considered as someone who doesnt like to face their fears, they could run away from their problems and could have trouble with addiction. if a wedding were to happen, there might be a lot of alcohol, a lot of music being played and it could be in a different country or near the water. or it could turn into an event where people are very emotional, where people are very stressed and there could be some theft happening as well. your bride might have 12h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the ascendant ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sextiles your ascendant, this insinuates that you could be someone who thinks about having a spouse all the time, or you could be considered as wifey material or your spouse could be seen as that. your briede could be considered as someone who is really pretty. but if this aspects conjuncts/squares/oppositions, this insinuates that you could be obsessed with love, and the person you marry could be someone you won't expect.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the imum coeli ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sextiles the ic or imum coeli in your chart, this insinuates that your bride could be someone who wants to build a strong foundation and family. they're someone who wants to leave a will for the next generations, you could be someone who dreams about having a good future family and being able to express your emotional core. but if this aspect conjuncts/squares/opposition, this insinuates that your bride or you might've not come from a stable home and you project your desires in everyone you meet, romantically.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the descendant ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sextiles the descendant in your chart, this insinuates that your bride could be someone who is business oriented, or you might meet them through business or by someone you know. they could be someone who mirrors you or have similar traits to you. if this aspect conjuncts/squares/oppositions, it implies that your bride could be someone who doesnt know how to assert themselves in life and achieve what they want, they can be quite destructive and petty.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the midheaven ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sexties in your chart this insinuates that your bride could be someone who is popular, they could have a reputation of romance or looking attractive. they could do well in the industry they're in. you could meet them in a work place. if this aspect conjuncts/squares/oppositions, it implies that your bride could be someone who abuses their power, not necessarily abuse but they like to show they have power over people, they could be quite distant and rude.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting sun ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your sun could imply that your bride would have a very large impact in your life, even though spouses usually do, this person might help you find your soul path and can help you remind you who you are in times when you feel insecure. they could be someone with a big personality, and if a wedding were to happen it could be a very big or prestigious wedding. but if the aspect were to conjunct/square/opposition, they could have a struggle of finding themselves or even understanding what they have to do in this life time, they might have a poor ego.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting moon ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your moon could insinuate that your bride/spouse could be someone who likes to express their desires, they might be someone who dreams of their big day a lot. they could be someone who likes to speak about their point of view a lot and you would see them as someone who is nostalgic or nurturing. if the aspect were to conjunct/square/opposition, this person might've not had the best mother-figure around and the best view on love due to how they grew up.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting mercury ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your mercury could display the fact that your bride is likely going to be someone who has multiple talents, they could be someone who is really involved with your sibling's lives. they could be considered as someone who is very flirtatious and the wedding service could be very quick. if the aspect were. to conjunct/square/opposition, this spouse could be perceived as someone who doesnt know how to speak their thoughts, they could have internal blockages and anxiety.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting venus ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your mercury is a good indicator of this person being your spouse, they're someone who would likely understand your desire and life style and might even have a similar one. they're someone who would know how to dress up well and could be very girly, they're someone who values connections and money. moving to if the briede asteroid conjunct/opposition/squares your venus, you might think of them to be someone who is very materialistic, and they might only care about being someone and not going through the deeper themes of a romantic bond. they might be promiscuous or have a wandering eye.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting mars ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trines/sextile mars could have a fierce spouse, a spouse that is passionate and strong, they could have sharp features and a built body. if the aspect conjuncts/squares/oppositions, the spouse could be someone who doesnt take care of themselves, someone that is easily tempered and could be someone who is easily distracted or they get bored of things or people easily.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting jupiter ⟶ people who have their briede conjunct/trine/sextile jupiter are likely going to have a bride that brings an abundance of good things into your life, they might give you good luck, good business or you might find yourself getting more money, [check where jupiter is for you], you might feel happier around them and they could have the same out look of life or share similar philosophies. but if jupiter conjuncts/opposition/squares this asteroid, you might think of them to lack morals, could be someone who would want an open relationship or you might find it difficult trying to pin them down.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting saturn ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trine/sextile saturn are most likely going to have a bride/spouse younger than them or older than them, they would most likely going to be someone who brings in good lessons in your life and help you with maturity or perseverance with accomplishing something. they might also get along with the older people in your family, however, if saturn conjuncts/opposition/squares your briede asteroid, it is a beacon of it being a long relationship, or if they're not to marry they would definitely teach you life lessons which would still have an outcome of heartbreak.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting uranus ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trine/sextile uranus would likely have a spouse that likes to present themselves differently to the people around them, they're likely going to be a globally aware person and as someone who is gone with the wind. they could have a unique way of doing things [check where uranus is] and they could be someone who is deemed as very friendly, but if briede conjuncts/opposition/squares uranus they could be someone who finds it hard to follow simple rules, they might be gender fluid? or they dont like labels, they could be seen as someone who finds it hard to stay in one relationship. they might do a lot of questionable stuff as well.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting neptune ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trine/sextile neptune could have a bride that seems other-worldly, a spouse that is photogenic or they could be someone who doesnt want to put themselves out there a lot. you might perceive this person to be someone who is glamorous, creative and humble. but if the aspect conjuncts/oppositions/square neptune they could have the habit of running away from their issues, they might victimise themselves a lot and never know how to confront life obstacles. could be emotionally manipulative and two-faced.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting pluto ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trine/sextile pluto this could mean that your bride could have a heavy impact in your life, they might've been someone who have dealt with loses and trauma and they have helped that to aid them into a better stage in your life. they could be someone who has this appealing/sexy energy and they could be someone who is domineering and assertive in where they work, you might have strong sexual chemistry with this person as well, to have this aspect conjunct/opposition/square the briede asteroid people might make a lot of rumours of them out of envy, and they might be someone who struggles to have power over them. you might think of them to be someone who is very bratty and spoilt, they might like to play mind games as well.
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snailb0t · 1 year
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I have been afflicted by evangelion brainrot someone help me
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astrosky33 · 11 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐫
1) Check your 7th house sign
2) Check what house the planet is in that’s ruling that sign (do not check your 7th house planets those are different)
Ex) If your 7th house sign is Sagittarius then Jupiter is your 7th house ruler ⟶ how to find house rulers (if you’re confused)
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Beyonce - 7th house ruler in Leo
Her and Jay Z met at the MTV Spring Break Festival. Leo is ruled by the Sun which can represents festivals and public events
Blake Lively - 7th house ruler in the 5th house
She met Ryan Reynolds on the set of Green Lantern and Ryan is an actor. The 5th house represents acting
Marilyn Monroe - 7th house ruler in the 4th house
She met her first husband (James Dougherty) while living with a family friend in Los Angeles. The 4th house represents homes (she met him in a house)
Justin Bieber - 7th house ruler in the 5th house
He met Hailey when they were kids (15 and 12) at a fan event. The 5th house represents children (under 18) and also represents events
Ariana Grande - 7th house ruler is the Moon
She met her first husband (Dalton Gomez) while buying a getaway house. He was her realtor. The Moon represents homes and realty
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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413s · 11 months
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her lesbiness
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ilsolefiesta · 2 months
my "FS" persona charts
I've been exploring my persona charts today... Juno, Groom, DSC and Juno persona charts specifically. I have only one question.
just take a look, how the fuck should I, who has never even experienced traveling abroad, marry someone with this 9th/12th house/Sagittarius/Aquarius/Pisces madness?!
maybe I'll write a post about these PC later, but now the woman is too stunned to speak.
guess, I'm doomed...
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olrastrology · 21 days
Astrology / Seventh House / 7H
The Seventh House in astrology, often called the House of Partnerships, plays a crucial role in understanding how we relate to others in one-on-one relationships. It governs partnerships of all kinds, including marriage, business relationships, and close friendships. The Seventh House is also where we encounter our "shadow self," the qualities we project onto others, and the ways we seek balance and harmony in our interactions. This essay will explore the significance of the Seventh House, its influence on relationships, marriage, partnerships, and the broader themes of balance, justice, and self-awareness.
The Seventh House: An Overview
The Seventh House is traditionally associated with the sign of Libra and its ruling planet, Venus. These associations highlight the house's focus on harmony, balance, and the importance of relationships in our lives. While the First House represents the self and our identity, the Seventh House represents the "other" and how we connect with others to create meaningful, balanced relationships.
In a natal chart, the sign on the cusp of the Seventh House, along with any planets located within it, provides insights into how an individual approaches relationships and partnerships. For example, if the Seventh House is in Aries, the person might approach relationships with passion, assertiveness, and a strong desire for independence. Conversely, if the Seventh House is in Taurus, the individual might value stability, loyalty, and physical comfort in their relationships.
Relationships and Marriage
The Seventh House is most commonly associated with marriage and long-term partnerships. It reflects our attitudes toward committed relationships, what we seek in a partner, and how we navigate the dynamics of a close, intimate relationship. While the Fifth House governs romance and the early stages of love, the Seventh House is about partnership in its most serious form, where two individuals come together to build a life together.
The sign on the cusp of the Seventh House can provide insights into what an individual needs in a long-term relationship and what qualities they are attracted to in a partner. For example, someone with Libra on the Seventh House cusp might seek a partner who is charming, diplomatic, and values harmony in the relationship. They may also desire a relationship that feels equal and balanced. On the other hand, a person with Scorpio on the Seventh House cusp might seek a partner who is intense, passionate, and capable of deep emotional connection, valuing loyalty and depth in their relationships.
Planets in the Seventh House can also significantly influence relationships and marriage. For example, Venus in the Seventh House might indicate a person who is naturally inclined toward harmonious and loving relationships, possibly experiencing ease in attracting partners and creating balanced partnerships. Mars in the Seventh House, however, might suggest a more dynamic and sometimes challenging approach to relationships, where issues of power, assertiveness, or conflict may arise.
The Seventh House also represents legal partnerships, including marriage. It governs the formalization of relationships through marriage or legal contracts, reflecting how we approach the idea of commitment and partnership in a societal context. This house can provide insights into the types of partnerships that will be most fulfilling and what challenges might arise in these relationships.
Business Partnerships and Collaboration
Beyond romantic relationships, the Seventh House also governs business partnerships and other close collaborations. It reflects our ability to work with others in a way that is mutually beneficial and productive. The Seventh House can provide insights into how we approach teamwork, negotiation, and the balance of power in professional relationships.
The sign on the cusp of the Seventh House can indicate the type of business partners one might attract and how they navigate professional relationships. For example, someone with Capricorn on the Seventh House cusp might prefer business partners who are disciplined, ambitious, and focused on long-term success. They may approach business partnerships with a sense of responsibility and a desire for structure and stability. In contrast, an individual with Aquarius on the Seventh House cusp might seek partners who are innovative, forward-thinking, and open to unconventional ideas, valuing collaboration that leads to progressive and unique outcomes.
Planets in the Seventh House can also influence business partnerships. For example, Jupiter in the Seventh House might indicate a person who is lucky in partnerships, often attracting opportunities for growth and expansion through collaboration. They may experience success in partnerships that are based on shared values and a vision for the future. Saturn in the Seventh House, however, might suggest challenges in partnerships, possibly leading to relationships that require hard work, patience, and perseverance.
The Shadow Self and Projection
The Seventh House is also where we encounter our "shadow self," the qualities we project onto others. This concept, rooted in Jungian psychology, suggests that the traits we see in others, especially those we admire or dislike, are often reflections of qualities within ourselves that we may not fully acknowledge or embrace.
The sign on the cusp of the Seventh House can provide clues about the qualities we tend to project onto others. For example, someone with Aries on the Seventh House cusp might project assertiveness, independence, or aggression onto their partners, seeing these traits more clearly in others than in themselves. This projection can lead to a dynamic where the individual feels drawn to partners who embody these qualities or experiences conflict with partners who express these traits in ways that challenge them.
Planets in the Seventh House can also reveal aspects of the shadow self. For example, if the Sun is in the Seventh House, the individual might project qualities related to leadership, creativity, or ego onto their partners, often seeing these traits as more prominent in others than in themselves. Understanding these projections can lead to greater self-awareness and more balanced relationships, as the individual learns to integrate these qualities into their own identity.
Balance, Justice, and Harmony
The Seventh House, associated with Libra and Venus, emphasizes the themes of balance, justice, and harmony. This house reflects our desire to create equilibrium in our relationships and to engage with others in ways that are fair and just. It governs how we navigate issues of fairness, equality, and the balance of power in our partnerships.
The Seventh House also represents our approach to conflict resolution and negotiation. It shows how we strive to maintain harmony in our relationships, whether through compromise, diplomacy, or assertiveness. The sign on the cusp of the Seventh House can indicate our preferred methods of achieving balance in our interactions with others. For example, someone with Cancer on the Seventh House cusp might seek emotional security and nurturing in their relationships, often prioritizing the emotional well-being of both themselves and their partners. In contrast, someone with Libra on the Seventh House cusp might approach conflict with a desire for fairness and mutual understanding, often striving to find a middle ground that satisfies both parties.
Planets in the Seventh House can also influence our approach to balance and justice in relationships. For example, Mercury in the Seventh House might suggest a person who values communication and intellectual exchange in their partnerships, often seeking to resolve conflicts through discussion and negotiation. Pluto in the Seventh House, however, might indicate a person who experiences intense power struggles in relationships, where issues of control, transformation, and deep psychological exploration come to the forefront.
The Seventh House in Relation to the Rest of the Chart
The Seventh House interacts with other areas of the natal chart to provide a comprehensive understanding of how we approach relationships and partnerships. Aspects between the Seventh House and other houses or planets can highlight the connections between our partnerships and other aspects of our lives.
For example, a harmonious aspect between the Seventh House and the Second House, which governs finances and personal values, might suggest that the individual finds success in partnerships that align with their financial goals or personal values. They may seek relationships that provide material security and align with their sense of self-worth. On the other hand, a challenging aspect between the Seventh House and the Twelfth House, which deals with the subconscious and hidden matters, might indicate difficulties in relationships due to unresolved psychological issues or a tendency to attract partners who bring out hidden fears or insecurities.
The Seventh House in astrology is a vital component of the natal chart, governing relationships, partnerships, and our approach to balance, justice, and self-awareness. It represents the area of life where we connect with others in meaningful, committed ways, whether through marriage, business partnerships, or close friendships.
Understanding the Seventh House can provide valuable insights into our approach to relationships, what we seek in a partner, and how we navigate the dynamics of partnership. Whether we are exploring romantic relationships, forming business collaborations, or seeking to understand our own shadow self, the Seventh House reminds us of the importance of balance, harmony, and self-awareness in creating fulfilling and successful partnerships.
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synastrical · 3 months
Romance in the Houses
Ascendant: New beginnings. How to approach first meetings/dates.
1st House: How to approach working on your self image. This is something you may feel you need to do before entering any commitments. It may be important to continue this work while you're in any relationship too.
2nd House: How important are shared morals/values? How important is it for you to be financially independent? What kind of gifts/items do you value?
3rd: How important is it to work on communication skills with someone? Or should it just flow effortlessly?
4th House: How to "settle down" in a way that feels positive. How to build a home with someone. Also shows the importance of cultural traditions within your relationships.
5th House: How to 'play' and create with someone in a way that's beneficial to you.
6th House: How to give and receive support, without feeling too selfish, or too used.
Descendant: Things you project onto other people. When you're attracted to someone as soon as you meet them (or hate them as soon as you meet them) the descendant basically shows what causes this reaction.
When people are in a miserable relationship, with lots of incompatibilities, they often use "opposites attract" as a way of reassuring themselves in some way. The descendant can show you what would make someone your "opposite" but in a good way.
7th House: Your main needs within partnerships generally, not just romantic ones. How your parents relationship may have affected your approach to relationships, and the dynamics your drawn to, or keep repeating. Highlights how important relationships are to you, for soul growth, and how easily they come to you.
8th House: How your teen romances, or first dating experiences, may have affected your approach to dating. How transformative/intense you need your relationships to be. How to keep a relationship going through big life changes.
9th House: How much space do you need to learn and grow? How to explore and travel with a partner in a way that beneficial to you, or if you need to do those things independently.
Midheaven: Applicable maybe if a romantic relationship is a main goal for you in life. How to approach this goal for optimum success.
10th House: How much do you need PDA? Potentially, how your reputation/career could affect your relationships and visa versa.
11th House: The importance of mutual friends or shared sense of community. Could help emphasize whether friendship or romance is most important.
12th: How much you appreciate/need time apart. How much you need your own space. How to say goodbye.
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the-fire-within0 · 3 months
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The Signs' Opposites - ASC & DSC (list):
Aries (ASC) / Libra (DSC)
Taurus (ASC) / Scorpio (DSC)
Gemini (ASC) / Sagittarius (DSC)
Cancer (ASC) / Capricorn (DSC)
Leo (ASC) / Aquarius (DSC)
Virgo (ASC) / Pisces (DSC)
What does it mean to look for your DSC / opposite sign? Typically, your opposite sign represents potential partnerships and relationships, the qualities you seek in others, your interactions in one-on-one relationships, and your approach to cooperation and conflict.
For instance, with my Ascendant in Capricorn, my Descendant would be in Cancer. Capricorn Ascendant reflects my outer persona and how I present myself daily. This suggests that I appear responsible, disciplined, and serious. Many have noted my down-to-earth demeanor and grounded nature. At times, others perceive me as aloof or seemingly in control, maintaining composure even in stressful situations.
It would also suggest that I view/approach life through a lens that values structure, order, stability, and prioritizing long-term goals and my career. My approach would be practical and pragmatic, avoiding a more indecisive or wishy-washy attitude. A no-bullshit approach to put it simply.
While with my DSC in Cancer, it can imply that I prefer or look for people with emotional depth and security. I would be drawn towards those who are nurturing, caring, and empathetic. My ideal would be someone who provides a sense of home and emotional support and someone who is sensitive and compassionate, as well as intuitive.
I've known a couple of Cancers or people who have a Cancer influence in my life and still have them in my life.
Of course, sometimes I find that whatever planets you have in your 1st House can impact other ways of how you project yourself or how you approach life. And whatever planet is within your 7th house (your DSC) would indicate a bit more what you're drawn to, the people you draw in, and what kind of bond you have with people.
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laadeplata · 6 months
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I have wanted to draw Adaman and Irida for a long time because of their appearance in the game Pokemon Masters EX. The desire increased with the implementation of Photomontages and their modern dancing clothes.
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Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/laadeplata/747924999471546368/
If you think about it: Adaman would be the ancestor of Perrin and Maxie. While Irida would be the ancestor of Archie. Paulo's thing is a crazy thought of mine because they look similar to me.
In the game Irida's alternative clothes are cyan and blue. While her alternative dancing clothes are lylac/violet like Paulo's clothes.
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In the game I have Adaman and Irida (with modern clothes). I still have to get Paulo and normal Irida from the Gacha. Gotta save enough Diamonds for that.
Photomontages i did from the game.
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Versiones en español: DeviantArt e Instagram
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pallastrology · 2 years
🌖 astro notes 🌖
🥀 the descendant (seventh house cusp) is commonly known to show us what we look for in a partner, but i find it often shows us something we lacked growing up. for example, a capricorn descendant may have had a really unstable childhood with lots of house moves or travel, a gemini descendant might have grown up very lonely, without friends or siblings their own age they could connect with
🥀 taureans are not always conventionally beautiful, but there is an inviting, almost familiar attractiveness to them. they’re like a summer evening
🥀 sagittarius moons are often supremely creative, though in my experience they often don’t explore this to its full potential in the physical world. they live in a different plane to the rest of us sometimes, stretching the limits of their imagination and understanding
🥀 virgo placements are often just as controlling as scorpio placements, though they tend to control through more palatable methods; it looks a lot prettier to the outside observer to see virgo’s perfectionism than to see scorpio’s guarding. they sort of mirror their glyphs in that sense, the pure virgin versus the intimidating scorpion
🥀 venus in cancer is the ultimate rose-tinted glasses wearer. they see everything through a lens of beautiful, treacherous nostalgia, and it can be really hard for them to clearly analyse and interpret their feelings about past situations once they’re out of them
🥀 aquarius suns often have a really “mismatched” group of friends. i think it’s lovely really, that they can connect with just about anyone and create a patchwork-quilt kind of network for themselves, it really illustrates their tolerance and appreciation for the uniqueness of every person they meet
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captorian · 10 months
ok desu ka
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔤𝔯𝔬𝔬𝔪 [5129]
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paid natal chart readings
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔤𝔯𝔬𝔬𝔪 5129 is mainly about the characteristics of your future groom.
and this is also for entertainment/knowledge purposes, do not take it to heart if something doesnt fit your desires!
how to find asteroids
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♇ asteroid groom 5129 in aries ⟶ having asteroid groom in aries could imply that your groom would be someone who is enterprising, influential and adventurous. they could also have the characteristics of being rude, naive and aggressive. this groom might have very strong features, strong build and muscular body.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in taurus ⟶ having asteroid groom in taurus could imply that your groom would be someone who is patient, productive and loyal. they could have the characteristics of being greedy, ignorant and adamant. this groom might have very structured features, strong cheekbones, bushy eyebrows and strong neck.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in gemini ⟶ having asteroid groom in gemini could imply that your groom would be someone who is dual, might like to guide others or follow trends, they could be someone who is funny as well, they could also have the characteristics of being two-faced, mischievous or even have thief tendencies. this groom might have very youthful features, very red or pinkish lips that'll stand out. might have fluffy hair.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in cancer ⟶ having asteroid groom in cancer could imply that your groom would be someone who is very creative, sentimental and might like to make memories; they could have the characteristics of always having a motive, being bitter and could be someone who takes everything to offence. this groom might have very buoyant features, soft skin and there might be something pale/light about them, especially if they have darker skin, they could have a yellow-ish undertone.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in leo ⟶ to have this asteroid in leo shows that your groom would be a person who is a proud person, caring and talented, they might have the traits of being someone who is egotistical, selfish and obnoxious. they might have very glowy-skin, might be tanned or even have freckles, they could have strong hair, might be long or very mane-like, might stand tall too. might have a feline appearance.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in virgo ⟶ to have this asteroid in virgo shows that your groom would be someone who is observant, funny and very skillful. they might have the taits of being someone who is unnecessarily rude, stand-offish and fussy. might have very narrow features, distinct nose, could be long/pointy, could be a hooked nose, down-turned eyes as well. could have cat-like fatures.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in libra ⟶ to have this asteroid in libra shows that your groom would be someone who is charming, communicative and flirtatious. they might have the traits of being someone who is manipulative, flaky and not genuine. this person might have roundish features, round head-shape but sometimes it could be sharp, portruding lips and sometimes they might look like they're glowing.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in scorpio ⟶ to have this asteroid in scorpio shows that your groom would be someone who is charismatic, powerful and spiritual. they might have the traits of being someone who is selfish, self-destructive and unhealthily obsessive with things. they might be someone with intense eyes, strong eyebrows, if thin, very sharp if full sharp and bushy. might be tall, or have something slender about them, might look like a bird, specifically owl/eagle.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in sagittarius ⟶ individuals with this placement in sagittarius are likely to have a spouse that is philosophical, funny and outdoorsy, they might also have the negative traits of being outspoken, pretentious and arrogant. when it comes to their appearance there might be something big about them, it could be their eyes, lips, chest, butt etc. they might look like an elf too.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in capricorn ⟶ individuals with this placement in capricorn are likely to have a spouse that is hardworking, cool and productive, they might also have the negative traits of being curt, depressive and boring. when it comes to their appearance they could either look really young or they might look older than their age. they might be skinny/slender, and have a very strong jaw.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in aquarius ⟶ individuals with this placement in aquarius are likely to have a spouse that is friendly, eccentric and intuitive. they might have the negative traits of being extreme, to be rebellious for no reason and might feel like they are better than some people. when it comes to their appearance they could look distinctive, could either wear lots of colours or barely. might look other-worldly, like avatars, feature-wise.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in pisces ⟶ individuals with this placement in pisces are likely to have a spouse that is spiritual/religious, they could be feisty and in tune with their emotions, they might have the negative traits of being deceitful, delusional. and might get addicted to things easily. when it comes to their appearance they could look dreamy, their hair might have a dark tone to it; some of them might have a messy and scruffy appearance.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the first house ⟶ individuals with this placement in the first house are likely to have a spouse that is popular, people might see them as "husband/spouse" material, might've been in much relationships, their relationships might've been popular. the bond you'll have with them will most likely be popular. grandfather might be important in their life, and groom might always be looking for the "one."
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the second house ⟶ individuals with this placement in the second house are likely to have a spouse that is security driven, wealthy, likes to provide or likes to be provided. might like to spend lots of money on themselves or you, is most likely going to be someone who is big on reciprocation, doesnt like to feel like they're in a one-sided situation. marriage might impact your finances.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the third house ⟶ individuals with this placement in the third house are likely to have a spouse that finds their relatives important, they might like to travel, might meet through travelling or social media. husband might like to take night-walks together and do tasks together, they might be big on cars as well, along with communication, might be very flirtatious.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the fourth house ⟶ individuals with this placement in the fourth house are likely going to have a spouse that finds the theme of family very important. could be very close to their mother figure, be careful of pairing with spouses that want to see their mother in you. could have a spouse that could own buildings, especially if a parent or a authority figure dies. might be interested in politics.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the fifth house ⟶ to have this asteroid in the fifth house shows that your groom is likely to be a creative person, one that might adore children, they might even have a child of their own or their childhood might've impacted them heavily. they could be somewhat of a player but take pride of their relationships, your groom would be passionate and someone who would be a great parental figure. they might care about what their friends say about romance.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the sixth house ⟶ to have this asteroid in the sixth house shows that your groom is likely going to be a realistic person, if you're someone who likes to be delusional, they'll hit you with the facts all the time. they might have a pet, or animals might mean much to them, they might even be a vegan/vegeterian. you might find them very healing, maybe its because they might like to teach you the ways of life; they will likely be someone who is all about their money/career. you could have many options for spouses in the future.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the seventh house ⟶ to have this asteroid in the seventh house shows that your groom is likely going to be a business-oriented person, they're someone who cares about their connections and bonds. they might be someone who is very fashionable, stylish and cares about their appearance. they might know some people who dislike you or people would easily grow jealous of the romantic connection you'll have with this person.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the eighth house ⟶ to have this asteroid in the eighth house shows that you would most likely receive much money from this groom, you'll most likely end up in their family's will. depends how strong your connection is with them, dowries might be important between the two of you, they might be someone who is very secretive, might like to watch dark documentaries, could be interested in the supernatural. might work in a strange/dangerous place.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the ninth house ⟶ having asteroid groom in the ninth house could imply that your groom is foreign, they might be heavily adored and have many people wanting them as a husband, could be known on the internet or just somewhere. they could be into trading, and the opinions of their family could be important to them. they're likely someone who likes to party; someone who likes to travel and indulge in whatever they're interested in. could be religious; might meet them in college/university.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the tenth house ⟶ having asteroid groom in the tenth house could imply that your groom is someone who has a lot of responsibilies and burdens, might be close to their father figure, might like church aesthetic, victorian type. could be someone important in their career, might think of their legacy and what they have to leave before they die. could be closer to their father's side of the family, might be a popular person.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the eleventh house ⟶ having asteroid groom in the eleventh house could imply that your groom is someone who is popular/famous, specifically on the internet. could be an influencer, someone who is really liked. could be a selfless person, giving back to the community is big for them, you might be friends with them, or it'll be a friends to lovers trope. reputation will likely change when you involve yourself with them. will probably be a friendly and genuine person. might have a weird smile.
♇ asteroid groom 5129 in the twelfth house ⟶ having asteroid groom in the twelfth could imply that your groom is someone who is spiritual, artistic, glamorous, might like to take pictures or make films. they might have anxiety, might've seen them in dreams, could get addicted to things fast, might be a karmic connection [bad or good depends]. might do illegal stuff a lot, their energy might be confusing or hard to figure out. could be a foreign person as well, would likely live very far from you.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING THE ASCENDANT ⟶ having this aspect could mean that evidently groom will be very important in your life, your groom might be considered as very handsome, might wear suits/classic clothes a lot, if positively aspected, they're a patient person and value themselves highly, if negatively aspected they might just be looking to "settle" down, could be someone who is too arrogant and thinks everyone is interested in them.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING THE IC ⟶ having this aspect could mean that home-life had impacted the groom very much and has changed how they proceed with life. if positively aspected, they're someone who is willing to break bad cycles happening in their future family, you'll feel at home with them too. if negatively aspected, they're most likely going to unintentionally bring the same cycle, might be a stingy person as well.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING THE DESCENDANT ⟶ having this aspect could mean that you'll feel like your groom is similar to you, similar tastes, interests and perspective of life. if positively aspected, you can help each other change negative perspectives of life and help each other gain beneficial bonds career wise. if negatively aspected, groom could be considered as someone who likes to have many romantic connections, could be a playboy and might be someone who doesnt know how to handle life and consequences.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING THE MC ⟶ having this aspect could mean that you'll feel like your groom protects you, specifically if you're in the industry. they could be someone who gives great help, if positively aspected, they'll likely aid you in your legacy you'll leave in life, will be very helpful when it comes to your ambitions and the final career you want in life. if negatively aspected, groom might want everything to themselves, might abuse their status power on other people if not careful. might not get along with your family or father-figure.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING THE SUN - to have groom aspecting the sun could insinuate that your groom is someone who is someone who is confident, authoritative, creative and might have very recognisable energy to you. if you have groom conjunct/trine/sextile sun this could mean that this spouse will lift up your confidence and help you find yourself. they could even be your muse. if you have groom conjunct/oppostion/square sun your spouse could have overwhelming energy, could even be an energy-vampire or the two of you might have troubles balancing what you want in the marriage and the direction you want.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING THE MOON ⟶ to have groom aspecting the moon could insinuate that your groom is someone who is a good role model, someone who likes to keep memories and be family oriented and reflective. if you have groom conjunct/trine/sextile moon this could mean that this spouse will know you like the back of their hands, could be a very psychic connection. if you have groom conjunct/opposition/square moon your spouse might be someone who overlooks your emotions and can be quite forgetful.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING MERCURY ⟶ to have groom aspecting mercury could imply that your groom is someone who is very cheeky, perceptive and expressive. you'll most likely know what is always going on in their mind. if you have groom conjunct/trine/sextile mercury this could mean that this spouse is very skilled, rational and eloquent, a very speedy person might not always be able to stay in one spot for long. if you have groom conjunct/opposition/square mercury your spouse might be someone who doesnt necessarily think of "communication" being important, and might keep things to themselves, might be a gossiper too.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING VENUS ⟶ to have groom aspecting venus could entail that your groom is someone who is very romantic, fashionable and might like accessories, they're someone who is attractive along with being money-oriented. if you have groom conjunct/trine/sextile venus this could display the fact that your spouse is someone who is tactful, patient and likes to enjoy life. if you have groom conjunct/opposition/square venus your spouse might be someone who has many rivals, could be a heartbreaker and might be very childish.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING MARS ⟶ groom aspecting mars displays the information that your groom can be someone who is someone who active, someone who might be interested in gym/boxing and an individual who likes to protect the people they care about. they might smoke cigars. if positively aspected, the groom would always accept a challenge to better himself as a person, be someone who is daring and passionate. if negatively aspected, they might find themselves to be in disputes and could have an easily deflated ego.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING JUPITER ⟶ groom aspecting jupiter displays the information that your groom can be someone who is religious, they might sometimes be the black sheep of their family and could be someone who is foreign. if positively aspected, the groom would be someone who has good morals, a good business mind and is generous. if negatively aspected, the groom might be someone who exaggerates stuff, might be very selfish and dishonest.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING SATURN ⟶ groom aspecting saturn displays the information that your groom can be someone who is career-oriented, mature, or there can be something young about them. they might be a collector as well. if positively aspected, the groom would be someone who has patience, etiquette and persistent. if negatively aspected, you might consider them as boring, you might sometimes feel abandoned by them and they might have this annoying habit of not taking their responsibilities seriously. they could be very greedy as well.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING URANUS ⟶ groom aspecting uranus displays the information that your groom can be someone who is friendly, adaptable and revolutionary, if positively aspected, they could be someone who is original, inspiring and would be the type of groom to give you the freedom you need. if negatively aspected, you might find them to be extreme, controlling and self-righteous. aside from that they could be a popular person referring to where your uranus lies specifically in your natal chart.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING NEPTUNE ⟶ having this aspect could mean that your groom is someone who is dreamy, they might sometimes make you feel off-the-earth, and could be a very sacrificial person. when the two planets positively aspect each other, this could mean that you two would feel like each other soulmates, there could be something angelic about this groom as well, could be the way they look or do stuff. if negatively aspected, this groom might use you as a coping mechanism or you might use them as a coping mechanism and they could be someone who deceives a lot or has been betrayed by many people.
♇ GROOM ASPECTING PLUTO ⟶ having this aspect could mean that your groom is someone who is powerful, empowering and could be wise when it comes to themes of the cycle-of-life, partner of the groom would find them to be very understanding because of it. when the two planets positively aspect each other, partner of the groom will feel like their life changes for the greater good, would be a very sexually/mentally stimulating relationship, will aid each other to take part in challenges. if the two planets negatively aspect each other, they could even be quite creepy, or their energy could be off-putting, people might've slut-shamed them before, might be the type to not learn from their lessons.
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angerxdisgust · 3 months
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AnxietyXEmbarrassment 🧡💗. I can barely draw Embarrassment 😂 🧡💗💓. He hold their baby Guilt
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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The 7th house is the house that rules over marriage in both Tropical and Sidereal astrology
Many people try and claim it is the 8th or 9th house but this is false based on what I’ve learned from Kepler College. Here are some examples that prove this
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Celebrity Examples:
➠ Kim Kardashian’s 7th house sign is in Gemini. Her 2nd husband’s ascendant sign is Gemini and her 3rd husband Kanye West’s sun is in Gemini
➠ Ariana Grande’s 7th house sign is in Cancer and she met her 1st husband through realty (cancer is ruled by the moon and it represents homes). She also has her Sun in the 7th house and Dalton Gomez is a Leo (leo is ruled by the sun)
➠ Hailey Bieber’s 7th house sign is Gemini and she got married young at 21 (gemini is ruled by mercury which represents youth)
➠ Blake Lively’s 7th house sign is in Capricorn in Sidereal (ruled by saturn which represents old age) and she married Ryan Reynolds who is 11 years older than her. People with this placement often have over at least 5 year age gaps in their marriage
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