#Dad Present Mic
alexiela73 · 1 year
Can I get some present mic stuff :^) yk, that good shit if u catch my drift 👀
 Part of me really wanted to write a fic, but I hope a headcanon was okay
Present Mic As A Dad
While there were always some thoughts about settling down and having a family, Mic never really expected...something like it to happen
Within a few months of each other, he suddenly became the father to a teenage carbon copy of his best friend(/possible husband) Shota Aizawa and a small, traumatized girl with no control of her powers or any idea what its like to be a normal kid
It was the scariest thing ever- Aizawa was overwhelmed between between his class, the villains, and now adopting two kids. Of course Mic said he’d go into this with him
Unfortunately, manuals on how to raise kids don’t include powers going out of control or how to stop your teenager from adopting every cat they come across like their father
Mic started going to parenting classes and honestly, he ended up in a moms yoga group. The moms love him so much, as he is sensitive, fun and clearly cares about his kids
He starts making lunches for both- since Shinsou is now his kid, Mic gets the fun of embarrassing him a bit at school, calling ‘I love you’ with his special volume, or dropping off lunches where everything is heart shaped
Mic and Aizawa take turns home-schooling Eri so that both can attend classes. Mic never tells Aizawa but half the day is actually going to the park to play, or making cookies together
Out of worry for their health, Mic starts watching cooking shows out of worry that they aren’t eating healthy enough, and goes through an experimental stage where everything tastes horrible except his grilled cheese
At night, Mic always reads Eri a story before bed under the glow of a sea lamp, usually until Eri is fast asleep
The first time Eri called him dad, Mic bawled like a baby and told everyone at school
Sometimes sneaks Eri out of school for father-daughter dates, usually to the movies, mcdonalds or to go get their hair done
When Shinsou starts to take interest in a classmate, its Mic that he goes to for advice, which honestly meant so much to him
Sometimes if Mic sleeps in late, he’ll just let the kids play hooky for the day, which Aizawa doesn’t usually know about till later
Tried the vacuum trick on Eri’s hair- they never did it again and he got the scolding of a lifetime from Aizawa
Hand-knitted stockings for them all before Christmas
For Shinsou and Eri, he threw them each huge birthday parties that were over the top, because he wanted them to experience a real birthday for once
Despises cats with a passion
Wears bracelets made by Eri to work and gives extra homework to anyone who makes fun of them
Shinsou calls him a granny driver because he’s always five km below the limit when Eri is in the car
Totally runs Eri’s dance class with a bunch of friends she meets from the park
Every night he whispers ‘I love you,’ outside their doors, because he worries not enough people have told them in their life times
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chyarui · 1 month
It could have been SO good
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I just feel like their dynamic could hold just as much if not more mutual understanding than even that between aizawa and shinsou
anyways dadmic and shinson forever 💜💛
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alien-slushie · 5 months
All For One: Okay Seriously, how many Heros do I have to fight?!
All Might: Oh I'm the only one that matters. You messed with my successor and now I'm going to f*ck you!
All For One: ...
Deku: ...
Eraserhead: ....
Endeavor: ...
Nezu: ....
Present Mic: 🤨
Midnight: Well this just got interesting!
Deku, quietly: Its "F*ck you up", All Might.
All Might: Wait, what did I say?
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fatkish · 1 month
Hiii Could you do a fluff head cannon with all the mha pro heroes (aizawa,present mic,all might,mirko, And midnight) like little moments with child reader
Pro Heroes x Child Reader:
Fluff Headcannons
Snuggles with the reader all the time
Probably bought a matching sleeping bag for the reader
Has secretly put up their drawings in his office at school
Lets the reader sleep with him when they can’t sleep or have a nightmare
Will go through the house and make sure no villains or monsters are hiding before bedtime
Reads story books at bedtime or tells the reader stories about uncle Mic or his students
Would definitely have pajama parties
Would help the reader build blanket and pillow forts in the living room and sleeps in them
Helps the reader as best he can with their homework
Most definitely has dance parties or plays music videos games
Bought the reader one of the children’s karaoke machines and cheers the reader on now matter how bad their singing is
Loves playing hide and seek with the reader
If the kid likes to dress up whenever they play then he’ll definitely help and tries to make the reader look like a mini him
Definitely bought the reader instruments like a toy keyboard or drums to let them explore music and see if they like it
Makes up the weirdest and silly stories for the reader’s bedtime
Helps the reader with their homework by making a game of it or making it entertaining
Has pictures and drawings from the reader all over his desk and office
All might:
Dad jokes 100%. Will tell all kinds of them no matter how lame or stupid they are
Plays pretend and has the reader be the hero who defeats the evil tickle monster
Tries to cook food with the reader like baking cookies or making their own homemade pizza. Has had to try to keep the reader from eating all the ingredients when they were younger
Carries the reader on his shoulders and will toss them in the air
Definitely tries to introduce foreign foods to the reader such as classic American dishes like an American hotdog or apple pie
Tells the reader stories of his hero days when he was younger or his experiences overseas as bedtime stories
Helps the reader understand their homework and shows them how to do it before letting them try if they’re struggling
Let’s the reader wear his shirts since they’re so big on reader and he thinks it’s cute
Proudly shows pictures and the reader’s drawings to his coworkers
Definitely cheers on the reader whenever they play Heroes and villains
Will definitely give actual advice on how to fight a villain
Has morning yoga sessions with the reader to help them increase their flexibility
Would most likely play wrestle with the child
Reader has a bunch or Mirko merch and has all the limited edition items thanks to Mirko
Recounts stories of the villains she fought that day as bedtime stories or makes some up
Tries to help the reader with their homework and will hire a tutor or ask another pro to help them if possible
Definitely has the reader’s drawings in her office and proudly displays them for all to see
Probably has a trampoline and teaches the reader how to do cool jumps
Loves going shopping for clothes with reader
Will definitely play heroes and villains with the child and be the villain
Would also pretend to be a civilian in need of saving
Helps reader design their ‘hero’ costume
If the child can’t sleep then she’ll use her quirk to help them sleep
Will read story books to the reader and tuck them in at bedtime
Helps the reader with their homework by referencing the problems to things they already know or that they like, for example: with math, Midnight will use visual references like pieces of candy to help the reader understand addition and subtraction
Has bought so many stuffed animals for the reader, their room is basically filled with them
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sassypantsjaxon · 17 days
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forestmossling · 3 months
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these mfs are driving me insane with their adopted parental figures energy, i can’t take it anymore
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corndog-patrol · 1 year
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they’re simply vibing
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scorpio-sarah · 1 year
Made this as an excuse to draw Shinsou's hair down flat.
Shinsou doesn't even know why Hizashi is being so emotional, but he's used to it, and doesn't question it anymore.
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ask-eraser-and-mic · 7 months
Who are your favourite students in 1-A and 1-B?
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Shouta: "It should be just as difficult to pick favourite students as it is to pick a favourite cat." Hizashi: "Pickles, easy." Shouta: "..."
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serxinns · 4 months
Teachers Kid pt 2: Meeting the class
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Requested by @tell-me-whyyyy-am-i-here
"Ua high.." you thought to yourself while standing in silence staring in wonder at the gate it was so much larger than on TV you kept staring blankly until your dad snapped you out of your thoughts "So are you just gonna keep standing there or are we gonna go in" he teased you did a playful glare at him he chuckled in Respond the two of you want to the gates at the entrance were waiting for a small mouse it had a big scar on his left eye wearing a suit smiling warmly and there was
"Greetings y/n l/n and welcome Ua" He held out his hand as you both shaked "I heard lots of things about you I'm sure you're gonna like it here and your classmates I heard they're eager to meet you" Nezu excitingly said
You smiled excited to be here Aizawa forming a small smile under his scarves glad that the 2 of you were getting along,
You arrived at the classroom you heard a mix of yelling chattering and talking when Aizawa and Nezu walked in 1st everyone stopped what they were doing and it became quiet "Class I would like your attention please we have a new student you'd like to meet" Aziawa motioned you to come here you took a deep breath and walked up to him and Aizawa placed his hand on your shoulder "Class this is y/n Aizawa my child"
"Hi everyone" you lazily smiled brightly waving some of the classmates were blushing most were smiling and waving back "My dad would tell me everything about you all lemme guess your izuku correct?" you pointed at the green haired freckled boy who blushed madly they noticed him?! "y-Yea that's me!" "And your jirou am I correct?" jirou was surprise and blushed as well "Uh yeah nice to meet you" your father was getting a little jealous "Well before they sat down do you have any questions you have 5 mi-"
"do you have sensei's quirk? Or your moms quirk or your dads quirk or both "
"where did you get your good looks from 😏"
"how did you survive being raised by him?!"
"is he your mean grandfather?"
As you were getting bombarded by a bunch of questions by your classmates trying to answer one by one your dad was getting jealous and also mad at the old Questions he doesn't look that old right? (yes yes you do) "Alright class I think you asked enough questions kid go to your seat by the red haired kid right there" Kirishima exictidely raised his hand to signal where you were while the rest of them whined a bit wanting to sit right next to you
At hero training, you were doing stretches and getting ready for the sparing you tsuyu was gonna be ur training partner the two of you were having it out tsuyu managed to get a few hits on you but you were able to tackle and pin her down with ease
"sorry if I went to hard on you" you handed her your extra water bottle tsuyu and started at you what felt like forever admiring you beauty even if you were sweaty she snapped out of her thoughts and took the water bottle "T-Thank you *Kero*" "hey you're that frog girl tsuyu right? Ur quirk is so cool!" tsuyu was literally turning red you were so cute and you called her coll you were gonna kill her before the heat did the two of you began to talk about your favorite interest and hobbies etc the more you and her talked the more interested and obsessed tsuyu became wanting to know you more and more
At lunch, you were walking around to see if there was an empty seat nearby but a bit with a blackbird head motioned you to come sit with them "Wow thanks! You must be tokoyami, Shoji am I right?" the boy was shocked but nodded "Yes I am and this is Dark shadow" a bird-like shadow emerge from behind his back giving you a friendly wave "Heyo! Woah is that the teacher's kid you've been blushing about?" Tokoyami blushed telling Dark Shadow to shut it you chuckled
After that day forwards you met and formed a bond with each of your classmates and some teachers
Kirishima was your hype man he tries to act so tough and cool around you but inside he's a lovesick puppy who always admires you blushing when you're near he always encourages you to follow your dreams he even kept anyting you drop to be pit in his collection
Momo loves to spoil you even without mountains of expensive gifts she always wants to take you out somewhere weather be the mall or somewhere you like it doesn't matter she just wants to be the two of you and if anyone tries to join as well she'll decline at 1st but if you want them too then it's ok just don't expect her to be moody the whole time
Bakugo always tries to tease you and mess with you cause he doesn't know how to show positive feelings toward people so he often messes with you or insults you but not too hard as the other and if anyone even agrees with his insult then he'll threaten them to fuck of the always force you to sit near him whenever your hanging out with the bakusquad saying he doesn't want you to catch his group's "dumbass behavior"
Mina is always clinging onto you wanting to do various activities together whether be nail painting or gossiping she wants to do those with you she's kinda of okay with other class 1a girls wanting to join as well that means she could show off how your hers! (which the girls don't like) if your spending too much time with other students not in the class she'll try to make some excuse like she doesn't know this while pulling you away while glaring at the person
Tokoyami and you get along pretty well due to your laid back and calm deamor so the two of you would occasionally hang out at quiet places sometime will invite shoji as well and of 3 of you would either read book, talk about your interest, or study, tokoyami always have a habit of staring at you while your focusing on something your calm relax expression makes him blush
Sero and you would joke often be laid back and asking dumbass questions to each other while giggling at each other Sero may be a laid back prob the most normal but on the inside dude is possessive, obsessive, and clingy he always wants you to cuddle up onto him and would use the "eh it's fine friends do that" and once you're laying on a chest without a caring dude is just blushing breathing heavily thinking fantasizing all the things he can do to you not caring about the game but if you notice he gets a little too weird he apologies repeatedly embarrassed of himself
Heck even The principal likes you whenever you walk by him he always gives you a warm smile and a gentle wave always hugging you and whenever Aizawa talks about your achievements even if it was small he'll still give you little gifts of his own and praise you for your hard work he would invite you to eat with him in the teachers lougue and the other teachers never question it he even has a photo frame of you which says "Favorite child" he always stares at it so proudly
The present mic would be like a fun uncle making the two of you tease or prank your father one time the two of you swapped his hero suit with a cat onesie, the two of you spammed cat memes and gay memes on his phone endlessly, but the mic is always affection always giving you big hugs if you ever feel sad he's your therapist and tries to cheer you up and if anyone in the school hurts your feelings let's say they're gonna have stacks of homework and a harsh lecture until their ears bleed
The classmates would always argue about who will spend time with who turning it into a whole war war while you just laid back watching it your father would come in and punish them all they whined cause they failed but don't worry they'll impress their darling one day and and your gonna be theirs only theirs
While the class was fighting you ran away to sit and eat lunch with nezu which he was very happy
Taglist: @tell-me-whyyyy-am-i-here @stickystarfishmoon
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moxiepoxart · 2 years
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He pspsps’d the cat first, ref below
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thetreefairy · 1 year
how do platonic parents erasermic kidnap the reader?
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warning: kidnapping, being tied up, I didn't use the tag mature, but if thats perferred please do tell me.
Well there are two ways it can go down, so here are some small scenarios:
The adoption route
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As stated before, Reader doesn't have the best home life. So Aizawa and Hizashi adopt you by throwing your parents in jail.
Of course, this does cause Reader to be upset however.
"It will be alright, reader." Aizawa tried to comfort his new child together with Hizashi. But Reader couldn't be consoled. "Yeah, little listener, your parents did some bad things, but that doesn't mean you will do bad things! And you have a little sister and a big brother now!"
That made them cry more, and shinso just walk past the two heroes and rolled his eyes.When he saw Eri he whispered: "Eri, why don't you get a kitty and give it to Reader."
"Kay! Then you get some kitty snacks and snacks!"
While he knew what the pro-hero paur did to his parents, at least he was happier now. So why wouldn't Reader be happier as well? They just need to adapt. He thought while he grabbed the snacks.
"Kitty!" Eri shouted while holding up the newest cat addition to the family. "Kitty wants to hug Reader!" This caused Reader to take the cat over quickly. The cat started to purr immediately. "Here, give her these snacks." Hitoshi muttered, the two pro-heroes were stunned and just decided to watch. "The kitty still needs a name! Can you name the kitty?"
the kidnapping route
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You woke up in Aizawa's spare capture weapon, with Hitoshi sleeping in the bed next to you. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Reader shouted, this caused Hitoshi to jump awake. "reader, calm down, you're scaring the cats." He tried to comfort them.
"Hitoshi get me out of this!" Hitoshi stood up, ignoring Reader and walked out of the door. "That bastard." Reader muttered, trying to get out of the capture weapon. "Don't curse at your brother." Aizawa's voice reached Reader, which caused them to tense up. "Teach? Shinso isn't my brother."
"He is now." This caused Reader to simply struggle more. Hitoshi was adopted by Erasermic, so why are they tied up? Why aren't they in their home? "Your papa will help you eat, but for now you have to stay in the capture weapon." Aizawa told his new child, sitting next to them on the bed, petting their head, as an attempt to calm them. "It's either this or quirk-cancelling cuffs." He warned Reader.
"For how long do I have to stay like this?" Reader asked. 'it is better to play along' they thought. "until you understand that Mic and I are your new parents."
So these are the two routes, the couple perfer the adoption route as it leads to less fighting and conflict. But overall, shinso hitoshi and Eri will help the couple with getting Reader settled, since Hitoshi went through the same, and well Eri just wants another sibling to play with
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cinnamon-pincones · 3 months
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~ continuing my fanfic art dump here ~
Baby Izu takes his first steps into accidental vigilantism 💞 
If you aren't familiar with my fic, go read it! Conditions May Apply on A03 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/49005181/chapters/123633232)
It's good, I promise. It's a vigilante Izu fic and I go very in-depth on mental health issues and realistic trauma responses, but I also incorporate as much humor as I feasibly can, it's a good time.
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Aizawa waking in his and Yamadas room with all of class A and B in their room: What the fuck is going on here!?
Them: Sleepover ❤️
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killianthebee · 4 months
Izuku who keeps getting targeted by villains so Aizawa makes him write apology letters each time it happens. And it happens a lot.
Izuku eventually realizes that Aizawa really doesn't read them and Izuku just doesn't have time to be writing these letters so he just submits something else...
That something else is fanfiction. Specifically, All Might fanfiction. Why would he write an apology letter when he can write fanfiction??
And Aizawa doesn't realize. This continues for months.
One day, Present Mic is substituting for Aizawa. Izuku goes and submits his fanfiction like usual as soon as he comes in, not noticing the sub till he's sat down. By then, it's too late.
He's anxious the whole class, watching Present Mic like a hawk. When Present Mic finally sits down at the desk, Izuku watches as he types on his computer, shuffles through paper, write stuff down before he finally picks up the letter. He watches as Present Mic's face goes through a variety of emotions. Surprise, bewilderment... interest.
Present Mic looks up. They connect eyes.
"Meet me after class, Midoriya."
His classmates ooh at him. Izuku is about to die from embarrassment.
Izuku shuffles to the teacher's desk as everyone leaves. A few classmates clap him on the back and tell him it'll be fine. It doesn't feel like it.
"Yes, sir?" Izuku asks it timidly.
Present Mic stares and then, "Where can I get more of this?"
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sassypantsjaxon · 1 year
Reasons I'm a DadMic raising Shinson truther:
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There is no way Mr Double-Finger-Guns himself isn't somehow responsible for this
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